#im a very inconsistent writer and thats my charm
elfyris · 2 years
a wip wednesday actually on wednesday! tagged by partner in crime @dumpsterhipster bc i think you just like to see me suffer but honestly mood. again i wont officially tag anyone but at the same time @choilacanth my beloved if you wrote anything more please do share it with me so i can scream to the heavens anyways this wip is kinda long and i dont wanna clog dashes as its once again not fanfic but og writing so i’ve put it under the cut thank you love you bye   also tumblr ruined my format i cry
A strong grip on Lula’s arm stops her from going forward, magic crackles across her fingers as she spins her body around, ready to send untameable magic through the assailant’s face only to instantly fizzle out when Ekkor’s kind eyes meet her furious ones. Her arm drops as a heavy breath escapes her lips.
“Don’t do this.” His face pleading, he picks up her hand that she let fall and places her palm over the left side on his chest. Lula feels the erratic pulse of his heart, she looks at him in confusion, raising an eyebrow quizzically. “This isn’t you, this isn’t the Lula I’ve grown to know, and like.” He smiles shyly as he signs, if it were any other moment she would’ve relished in the confession. But it’s all wrong, the timing, his words - angrily, Lula places her other hand on his chest and shoves Ekkor roughly, not to hurt but enough to make him take a step back away from her.
“You don’t know that! You don’t know what Lula you have grown to know,” She hisses, her own hands furiously signing back. “I can’t just do nothing, Ekkor. I have to help them.” Her voice drops. 
“You’ll only make it worse, this war-” “This isn’t war, I’ve seen war! This is genocide and I will not stand idly by whilst people like you murder my people.”She regrets what she said almost immediately when Ekkor’s face crumples, his head turning away from hers. Lula reaches out for his hand but he flinches as if her touch burns. He isn’t like them at all, she doesn’t know why she said that, all this time he’s been the only one to show her kindness whilst the rest of his family left her to starve. “I’m sorry, you’re not like them-” She stops as his hands cup the tips of his ears, in another life they would’ve had sharp tips like hers had it not been for the mutilation. She is wrong. The war wasn’t because of people like him, but he was a product of an age old war just like she was. They just happened to be born on different sides.
 “Come with me.”He wasn’t looking at her hands so he didn’t see what she said. Lula reaches out for him once again, cupping his face and turning his head to look at her so he couldn’t look away. Tears spill across his lashes like stars in the night sky, and they make her feel just as small. “Come with me.” She gulps nervously, relying on his lip reading as her hands cup his face to keep him focused on her. His eyes widen at her words.
“You’re right, this isn’t me but it isn’t you either, I’ve seen the real you.” One of her hands slide down his face to rest on his chest, in the same spot he placed her hand just moments before.
“So come with me, I can’t do this alone.”
The silence between them is louder than it ever has been, he doesn’t sign and she has nothing left to say that wouldn’t just be words vomiting from her heart. The silence is almost painful.
“Ekkor-” He presses his lips to hers, his head leaning into her palm and her body goes flush against his, their bodies fitting together as if they were each made for this moment. Her mind goes blank, simultaneously forgetting everything about what was going on but her mind reeling with Ekkor, the softness of his lips, the underlining taste of wine and how his hands held her with so much gentleness. As if she was going to break. Or run away. Which is exactly what she was planning on doing, so reluctantly, she pulls her lips from his and his eyes snap open. Uncertainty flashes across his face, panic, doubt, regret all showing their ugly faces.
“I’m sorry-” She clasps her hands over his as he begins to frantically gesture, and she squeezes them softly, reassuringly. “I forgive you, but I am okay with the kiss, so please don’t continue to apologise about that.” She smiles warmly, she brushes her lips against his knuckle tops and takes a step back, clicking her fingers nervously before signing, “Are you coming with me?” 
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cartoonemotion · 3 years
hmmm. ill pull one out of my ass. what about ben or kevin for the character thing
favorite thing about them: from the original i think even to omniverse (though. Aough yknow) i do think ben really does encapsulate a somewhat relatable portrayal of what would happen if a 10-16 yr old was given super powers, for better or for worse. i think a lot of ben's charm comes from both his sincere desire to help people and do what he thinks is right and also his complete goofball fuckin' around 'i really should have thought about this for more than 2 seconds damn it' hijinks
least favorite thing about them: this i feel is more of a gripe with his inconsistent writing ? it feels like they want to keep ben was a moral center bc obviously ben 10 is at its core a superhero cartoon and ben is our hero, but the writers often flipflop between what/what they like... want ben to be or how to fulfill that, so you get a lot of instances where hes supposed to have "learned" something but he obviously hasnt/slips back into old habits bc its easy to either a) flip it into a new "lesson" or something to give the writers some sort of credibility or illusion of thought or b) painfully unfunny """comedy""". hes allowed to be annoying though cuz hes a teenager thats fine i like that ben is annoying
favorite line: the problem with ben 10 being so fucking long is that its hard to retain a lot of actual lines and who said them imo but to be honest i did really like that time an alien dignitary or something showed up to give ben a medal and he just burped at them
OTP: UHH ben's love life is a mess tbh but its also hard for me to get too invested just cuz im not a teenager anymore so i dont relate to teenage love plots very strongly gghfdkjgh.. i thought it was sad how him and julie went from being really cute actually to just a complete mess. i did really like ben/kevin in high school though like i cant lie
nOTP: him and attea like that shit with him and looma was objectively bad but aging up attea from like 8 to a teenager was truly demonic
random headcanon: i think hes hamster sized. no sorry. i Know he is the size of a hamster. any average adult or just barely in shape teen could throw him like a tennis ball easily
unpopular opinion: UM ig ppl assume hes selfish cuz of the characterization especially in ov but i dont think hes anymore selfish than an average teenager ? i suppose when you consider his self-sacrificial tendencies you could argue hes kind of forced himself to be less selfish than kids are often allowed to be but again a lot of this kind of stems from me wishing they explored ben putting up the selfish, self-assured, annoying Hero Guy front as like a bad and strange coping mechanism to kind of convince himself of it to an extent in any like. actual earnest capacity. cuz outside of one episode in ultimate alien maybe i think it was just totally dropped x_x
song i associate with them: SPEAKING OF THE ABOVE LMAO imposter syndrome by sidney gish...
favorite picture of them:
at first i was gonna pick a screenshot of him i thought was cute but actually fuck you
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ben in the mocap suit.
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