#im also new to digital art but i think i did ok
rodoot-doodles · 5 months
first furry ive ever drawn. did i eat
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kwyoz · 11 days
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the arm still bothers me sm, but i refuse to continue trying to fix this.
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WIBTA for refusing to do any more art commissions for my mom's friends?
Ok so I (19nb) am a digital artist. If I had to honestly rate my skills I would put them somewhere in the "good enough to get a few commissions but not professional level" range and I wanted to do it professionally.
Keyword being wanted but I'll get to that
Now my mother has been showing off my art pieces to her friends (no problem with this) and it got one of my mom's friends to ask her if I could draw make icons for the website of her upcoming business back in late April (basically one big icon for the main page and five smaller ones, so six in total, all fully rendered) and paid 200 dollars for all of it (which thinking back was extremely low for the amount of time and effort that I put into that if I was going by living wage effort and time)
So I did that, got the money, spent it all and was happy.
And now yesterday (july 6th) my mom said that she asked one of her other friends (who is also her boss) if I could draw her a new logo for her side business.
Now I got a big commission (dont know how much money Im getting paid) dropped on me with no warning. And apparently my mom and her friend are coming with even MORE ideas for me to draw. (Mind you that commission would take at least a week to two weeks at the MINIMUM and now they're coming up with more)
But the thing is I dont want to to do digital art professionally anymore. I want it to stay as a hobby, something to do for fun and my own enjoyment. The reason why? A one year digital art course I did last year that burnt me out so unbelievably bad. I couldnt make ANY art for myself for an entire YEAR because I was constantly working on that stupid useless course (and I didnt even get the final drawing done and submitted before the one year deadline was up so that didnt help. And it was the one I was the most proud of too)
I am burned out and I want to make things for ME, things that absolutely cant go on a portfolio (extreme horror art, fan art, NSFW art, etc)
The amount of times in the past months I have talked myself out of drawing something that would make me happy because everything I make should be fit to go on a professional portfolio is extremely high.
I'm obviously gonna do the new commission and whatever else those two tell me to draw (but it better be more than 200 dollars, like at least 350 minimum) but I am so tired of this and I just wished my mom had asked me first before automatically telling her friend yes.
So would I be the asshole if I told her Im not doing any future commissions from her friends and that I want to just do art as a hobby and not as a career?
What are these acronyms?
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matoitech · 5 days
murder drones gives big like 'having the ability to do technically good animation and bigger production value than ur average web series, but not rly knowing what to do with that' vibes. a lot of artists and not a lot of writers. averi and i watched a couple episodes last night and we were so confused the whole time. i mean its Entertaining but u also have to be ok with just not knowing what the hell is going on the whole time bcuz they dont explain anything they just talk about it like you've already seen whatever the new thing is theyre introducing. we agreed the writing feels like middle school fanfiction, and one of my big thoughts was that its like if an anime was made by people who had just vaguely heard of anime but never actually watched it. big poorly choreographed confusing fights and stupid catchphrases. and a tendency towards trying to be self aware or break the 4th wall but in a way that just feels really unearned and annoying. im not into the art direction either but thats a personal preference and a feeling i share with digital circus so its just me not vibing w the studios stuff, its not really a critique
however while im not big on digital circus just Personally (technically speaking i think its a fine show) w that one u can tell they did learn from some of their mistakes on murder drones lol. i mean we'll see with the writing, i havent been very impressed yet (again: its also just not something that really vibes with me so thats not rly a critique bcuz thatd be unfair as a criticism, its just a statement) but they already Slowed Down a bit with digital circus and dont expect the audience to know everything they do, which is a really obvious problem in murder drones
edit: ok found out the shows have dif writers & teams which makes sense lol
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
The Pet Zoo AU:
Ok so what if Ik has a “bring your pet to school” day (which i dont think a british school would have but lets just say they do) and decided to choose one of the brothers to bring to school, who would she choose? Lucifer and Belphie are off the table due to the former being a peacock and the latter a fox but what about the others? Would the brothers be willing to play along or just hide from Ik so she wont bring them (probably Levi be the one hiding )
(Also ty for sharing your thoughts about the movie! Also also it wasnt hard to read what you wrote, so dont feel bad since i also did wrote my train of thought of it as well. Im still brimming of thoughts of the movie but that’s for another day. But i will add that the spinning razor mask might be used to extract remnant? Matpat theorized that in the movie universe, William Afton seems to be much farther along in his research of it and has a much better understanding of it than his game counterpart, which makes sense if you think about it..)
(Also also also, have you watched The Amazing Digital Circus? For some reason, i feel like Ik would like it)
- 🐧 Anon
P.s. im sorry for the way too many “also”
satan would probably be the most likely candidate, but beel's on the table as well! i feel like asmo would at first be interested, but then decide against it (doesn't want a bunch of sticky-fingered kids touching his beautiful fur). he'd rather stay at home and watch tv with levi
i think satan would enjoy getting to learn about new things, while beel would mainly just stick by ik's side like a bodyguard (the other students give him some bits from their lunchboxes, which he appreciates)
satan would be an orange tabby i think (since you don't really get blonde cats), with piercing green eyes, so it's very intimidating to ik's teachers to have this cat staring a hole through them for the entirety of their classes
i have this image in my head of ik carrying him around the school on a tour, pointing out the different display boards and classrooms, and satan purring every now and then when they find something he likes... tjhey're so cute <33
(also you're welcome!! and i haven't watched it unfortunately, but the art direction looks cool as hell - you're right, it looks like the kind of thing ik would enjoy)
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crescentfool · 9 months
5, 9 and 16 for that artist ask meme!
5. favorite little detail in a drawing you did
this one was kind of hard to answer because i lean so much more to simplification over 1:1 detail... that said, i really loved these ones!
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the bag from the top photo is from here, minato nui on left is from some con-related draws, the ballpoint splatling on right is from a vintage draws compilation!
i just really enjoy drawing little objects and props, and as much as i'm allergic to backgrounds, i hope to overcome that next year because my friends know i love getting obsessed over random objects for a few days...
9. any new art mediums youve tried (or overall styles if you havent tried new mediums)
i haven't gotten to do much mediums outside of digital art unfortunately.... but i would say this year was the year of chibification! i turned so many characters into little guys this year (shoutout to the nui tree!). which is really ironic because i also realized this year i find full illustrations more satisfying to work on throughout the process, despite the "simplicity" of chibis.
i did some limited color styles too! (blue, purple, and red + b/w). hopefully i can do more deliberate color palette stuffs though. i think it'd be a great exercise.
stylistically wise i think i could've tried more, but. its ok! thats what 2024 is for. yipee!
16. favorite piece of art from someone else (if you have one)
it feels like a cop out answer to say this but any gift art i got of my splatoon character... LOL... i didn't expect to get so attached to him (i changed my name in game to minatoast a JOKE!!!!). um. drops this gallery link here and scuttles away. im so very grateful. you're telling me people actually took time out of their day to draw my little guy? incredible!
ocs aside, i'd like to take the time to highlight some art from people on twitter (kitaro havers rise up!), since i do consider the things i reblog to be art i'm very fond of...
this art from tin of ryomina with flowers is so. oh my god. i was SO BEWILDERED AND HAPPY!!! i was minding my own business and then saw this rt'd on one of my friend's pages... i forget who lol but i was like "WAIT TIN Kick_TheeCan DREW RYOMINA??? I LOVE THEIR ART OF THE P3 PROTAG WHAT." i feel like i got pushed down a staircase in tartarus (positive)
and this art from chris (str3wberryy), my god, the composition fucks severely. i want to eat it. he also has an alt account on twitter (@/makotoyukilover) if you want to see more of their p3 protag arts :D
i also enjoyed seeing p3 arts from yamad_125, BSZZOWL, and elulit2. im so serious if you like ryominaigis you'll probably like taking a gander at these artist's media tabs! i find my way to see the twitter arts one way or another, nothing can stop me 👁👄👁
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ikoarts · 8 months
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October 2023 Art
for some reason i wrote a novel under the cut, for those of u actually reading, thank u for being so patient x
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1 - 03/10/2023 : another of my faves of last year, was trying to get better at drawing trainz, so just Edward and Toby hanging out, displaying the duality of old men x
2 - 04/10/2023 : got a new puter! one of the first things i set to doing after getting set up was to draw a Ru, of course, it was also just me trying to get used to the new MS paint..... it feels very odd
3, 4, 5 - 06/10/2023 : part 1 of redrawing random pics i have of Edward on my phone with my human version of him, this was really fun tbh, and the third here is one of my fave drawings of the year probs.. like sir.. those look heavy... what big uhh.. Glasses.. you have
6, 7, 8 - 07/10/2023 : part 2! i think i just like drawing his face... dare i say this train is cunty or will that get me exiled
9 - 08/10/2023 : something stupid i thought of and couldn't get out of my head for days so had to draw it..... little johnny from oingo boingo's only a lad, doing what he does best, fantasising about radios he wants oh so bad and running people down with a boyish craving for blood.. based on that 1 meme of the guy driving and thinking of a thing then making that insane face
10 - 09/10/2023 : based on that 1 silly vargskelethor song (that could not be less specific), had Shed 17 on the brain and was reminded of the milk song where the skeleton comes out.. thomarse dank 2 much milk and died..
11, 12 - 10/10/2023 : chooshada again :333 first a little doodle on my phone bc i was wondering about her livery, i do think she'd have originally been NER apple green but then painted NWR colours, butttt with a twist... coz i can do whatever i like... the twist is just that she's painted dark blue rather than a sky blue, coz its more her colour x
ALSO MS paint shada, wanted to draw her more uh, idk, detailed ig, idk i love this one, it also served as more train practice
13 - 13/10/2023 : previous one, but with COLOUR!! not much 2 say other than that shes very cute
14 - 18/10/2023 : saw a tweet abt old photos of engine crews posing with their crashed locos and how the NWR crews would do that, made me think of how, if Toni was (choo)shada's driver, she'd do that.. probably x .. very like her to slay in the midst of a terrible accident
15 - 22/10/2023 : predictably, i have some playlists for the ttte engines, one for Diesel which is notable here, so uhh, i have the scrapped song from the lorax "biggering" in there, bc i see it as like a Duck vs Diesel song, ik im surpassing several layers of cringe here but hear me out ok... i drew this at 2am coz i couldn't stop thinking of Duck lecturing Diesel
16, 17, 18 - 25/10/2023 : speaking of playlists, think i was listening to my Robin one here, and felt like drawing him, i have "the land of make believe" in there, which ive always found to be an oddly haunting song, so this is semi based on that, though that wouldn't be apparent if i hadn't just told u x .. this looks like vent art but tis not i was just having fun
also tiny chooshada, i was in the middle of writing something which i have literally Just remembered now and i was writing a scene where Ru is stuck between some characters who shes not looking forward to working with bc they're about to bicker the whole fuckin time and one of them thinks shes a dick, so i drew her being sad that shes forced to work with morons..... and speak of the devil, 3rd drawing is here with 2 of the aforementioned morons :D i think D+D take a liking to her, they're just a little obnoxious (love them for that)
19 - 27/10/2023 : a quick(ish) digital thing of Chooshada again that i did on the side of another project, more engine drawing practice he he, she'll be out of proportion and lacking detail but really it was just to not be too hard on myself about that, it did help i think to understand how to draw her more, plus just look at her lil face... also she has a number here, doesn't mean much other than 8 being her lucky number, other than 11, like those are just her numbers, suppose i could have it be 1188 to ref her bday, idfk x
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thekuraning · 6 months
Fic ask
4, 13, 20!
HELLO MY FAVORITE PROFESSOR ELM STAN THANK U FOR THE MEMES!!! hey actually these are all ones i havent thought about so made me put on my THINKIN CAP. and hey actually actually this got really long really fast so im PUTTING IT UNDER A READ MORE!!!
4. a story idea you haven't written yet
Ok so like. I've got these two ideas kicking around in my head from time to time that I'm like. Still kind of workshopping. One is a fanfic and one is an original fic. But basically I've had in my head since forever (10 years of Big Thinking) about a big Digimon sort of odyssey that originally started as a Pokemon x Digimon crossover where I took the Rocket executives and shoved them into the digital world. I have a whole world built for it already and a central sort of issue/theme revolving around a power struggle between the Demon Lords and the Royal Knights. The Royal Knights control HUB City, which is the major settlement in the continent, the Demon Lords control the Dark Lands, and kind of like usual they all want to wipe each other out. There's eventually a viral sort of glitch that starts to deteriorate the digital world and jumps to the real world.
Part of my problem is I've wanted to make it a comic or at the very least an illustrated fic and part of the problem is I'm trying to decide if I want to keep it as a crossover or just slap some new names onto the execs bc i gotta be real, the pokemon world and other pokemon characters. do not feature. at all.
its really just an excuse for me to give petrel a digimon.
anyways they all have full evolution lines planned, i've got a few major story beats, plot points, and the major final twist decided on. i also have 5 amvs that i play in my head on a loop when i drive to and from work.
also in this fic some digimon are gay (stingmon and flamedramon makeout sessions when) and trans (crusadermon, trans queen) ive decided
i think ive posted old art before extending the au to some characters and for my perfworld mutuals if youve seen my sycamore + dukemon art before that specific dukemon is also from this au. ive also got a fic i did publish where i workshopped a little bit of HUB city & a few side characters
i am now realizing i meant to also talk about the original fic i have planned and that one is a short story about a serial killer who murders hitchhikers picking up a hitchhiking serial killer and that one is less planned out but i know they sloppy kiss in the end
13. a fandom you're thinking about writing for
so like besides pokemon and tiger & bunny & digimon there's none i actively have fic ideas for, but some fandoms I think I'd like to revisit are Sonic and Zelda. Actually I had a Zelda fic I abandoned back on FFNet that I'd like to take another crack at one day where the premise was it was a modern setting based on the OOT/TP Hyrule (mostly OOT) where magic and fairies and such are regarded as superstition sort of the same way they are now, and the wondrous races (Goron, Zora, Kokiri/Korok, etc. even the Sheika to some extent) had all died out, leaving pretty much just the human races like Hylian, Terminian, Gerudo, etc. (In this case Termina is legitimately a neighboring kingdom/country and not limbo/purgatory ok??) And the kicker was Link was like. a hardcore atheist. but i think i remember people getting mad at me bc i made his legal name "Mahas" which I MUST IMPLORE YOU. THIS IS CANONICALLY HIS NAME AS OF SKYWARD SWORD. BELIEVE IT OR NOT THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT TO BUILD A PSEUDO LANGUAGE IN SKYWARD SWORD. WE KNOW HIS NAME IS MAHAS BECAUSE IN THE BEGINNING WHEN FI IS JUST CALLING HIM LINK AND NOT MASTER LINK HER VOICE LINES ARE EVER ONLY MAHAS. ONCE SHE BEGINS CALLING HIM MASTER LINK ANY TIME IT APPEARS ON SCREEN SHE SAYS "MAARI MAHAS." SO IM RIGHT OK FUCK OFF IM RIGHT. DIE MAD FFNET. DIE. MAD.
im normal now.
anyways yeah i'd like to write for elder scrolls again too i think but like. something more original than the supernatural/TESIV Oblivion retelling crossover i tried once.
You can find that one on my ao3 but im not linking it.
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
In the year of our lord 2005 (pensive emoji)(raised fist emoji) I published a... fic of some kind to FFNet.
You won't find it anymore, I deleted it a long time ago! I'm not sure if it was 'Rocket Road Trip' or 'The Rebellion,' but it was one of those. I used to write a ton of OC team rocket fics, and this was back in the day when the Rocket Executives had no name so you either thought there was 1 guy exec and 1 girl exec or you thought each exec encounter in GSC was a different person, and that was me. So I gave them all names and threw them into a truck together and i think in the very first chapter they were leaving the Team Rocket HQ and they ran over and left to die the OC who would later go on to be repurposed into Proton except his name was Steve then and he was a special classification of trainer class that I called a "Random Rocket," and the thing about Random Rockets was they all had very generic names (Steve, Bob, Juan, I think there was a Nancy once but she never got to show up in a fic or rp?) but the OTHER thing about Random Rockets was no one knew what they looked like because canonically their faces were all censored with a big ass mosaic effect (this was written, not draw.)
anyways farla cussed me out on 3 or 4 different fics back when she used to cuss out literal children so I deleted all my fics from 2005 - 2008 and then I deleted more of them when I went to college.
don't be like farla.
edit: self-plugging my old FFNet account for the lulz. yes it is i, the original author of Slowpoke Tails and Koffing Fumes.
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ruemxu · 1 year
HI sorry to not ask a silly question via here but i coukdnt find a non business email so sorry!!!recently got back into the newsprints world after i reread it for ghe first time since 6th grade a few days ago(i am now a junior☹️ and decided to purchase headlines but noticed that the quality on all the pages except for the first and last one isnt the best;;which sucked while trying to see the little notes and text next to concept art,,was wondering if there was any other way to view headlines in better quality??ive tried exporting it to google drive and files to no avail im so sorry to bother😭 but if not totally ok i understand!! i get that 1:1 fan issue stuff shoildnt be discussed on your Tumblr Page so if i have to be redirected to someone else my dms r open!!if youre not comfortable with that i completely get it either way thank you for making one of the defining books of my preteen years!!!!!<33
Hi there! I'm glad you like the NewsPrints series enough to support the little indie artbook I self-published over half a decade ago! I super appreciate it!
I don't think it's a silly question! This is actually kind of a semi-interesting story in book production, if you're interested in the backstory...
HeadLines was originally a limited print run (only 100 were sold), so it was easier to see the notes and art as spreads in a book you could flip through. After they sold out, I was asked to release it in digital, so I did. It sounds like the font size relative to the images is annoying in digital, though, which is a fair critique!
Unfortunately, 2015-16!Ru decided to use That font in That font size because it Looked Nice in print. I didn't even considered digital at the point, so this book is kind of a time capsule of my aesthetic decisions at that point of my life, the good ones and bad ones. x'D
(That reminds me, I remember the physical edition was $30 and personally signed and sealed. I'd be curious to see if any popped up on ebay over the years.)
The digital version is at screen resolution rather than print resolution to prevent someone from printing bootleg copies at the same quality as the official physical book after buying the PDF for $9. The best view size is around 100% in any PDF viewer, ideally on tablet or desktop. You might still have to zoom in a little to read it, though.
Sorry, let's keep the blame on past!Ru. I'm a new person. :'DDD
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(The reason that the covers look like they're 2x higher in resolution is that they're actually twice as wide as the interior pages. The covers are 2-page spreads, but I didn't split them like I did the interiors. When the PDF viewer shrinks them to half their size to fit the PDF viewer's format, it does make the resolution seem twice as high, if that makes sense.
I should have probably also halved them so they looked like the interior spreads. You live and learn!)
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TLDR: Sorry. The text-image layouts of the book were intentional for print reading, but they require some zooming in and out in digital resolution, but not too much past 100%.
Thank you again for the words of encouragement! I'm glad that Blue's world stuck with you for so long! Looking back at this project does evoke some ~Feelings~ and memories of growing pains. Next time I make another proper artbook like HeadLines, I'll use bigger fonts and/or get someone else to help me do the layouts!
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littlemissmanga · 10 months
I give thee...👀
Kan-ri Eliriim !
Kan-ri is a red-orange Torguta with grey montral/lekku, grey eyes and is in her mid-late 20s. Her Togruta markings make a "mask" around her eyes, large egg shapes on cheeks and small egg shapes on forehead.
She's a nomadic artist that lives on her ship with her R4-R5 astromech, BeepBop. Her ship and droid are decked in art of places they've been, that she's made.
Kan-ri is playful, go with the whim, doesnt like being restrained, dislikes killing but will shoot if she needs to. She goes where she wants, war wont stop her
Romantic or Platonic ship, your choice 😘💜
Here's a drawing I did of her
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Sorry for the lack of colour, I haven't digitally done this drawing yet 😅
OK first, your drawing is adorable!!! And can I say I'm jealous over how clean your linework is?
Moving on, I think she'd naturally be great friends with Corkscrew. Pilots appreciate pilots and he'd also love the expression and creativity of Kan-ri's artwork. He respects the heck out of Kan-ri's lifestyle and is a little jealous of the freedom and new opportunity her travels bring her. And he thinks she's incredibly brave for choosing such a life. He's also impressed by her independence and confidence.
Every so often, he'll want to plan adventures with her and just go exploring.
He appreciates her compassion and gentle heart and absolutely sees her as "close friend, must protect" so he can be heavy handed when warning her about pirates or other dangers in areas she's looking to travel to.
All Kan-ri has to do is comm him "Help, I need you" and he's there with whichever brothers he can rally. She'll never be truly alone because Corkscrew will never let her be.
Also ... I feel like they'd hook up. Maybe just once, or maybe a little longer FWB type thing, but I think Cor would eventually want something more structured/settled and they would call it quits (he doesn't love sex without feeling and he wouldn't be able to move on if they were still intimate) but they would still be supportive, solid friends after.
I hope you like these hcs!!
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fictionkinfessions · 11 months
heya the #boomingpizzapie jax here (btw ty for tagging it ik the ask is not out yet at this time for writing it but tyyy) this is going to be scattered but idgaf!! anyways. i think its fucking funny in the circus i cannot curse but now since im in a new body and stuff i can curse how ever tf i want. this is actually a first for me to kin someone who is mostly kinned in the fandom. (im seeing alot of other me's...im going to bonk yall with a mallet/silly) (im not gonna do that lmao but we should cause chaos later) going to be honest im scared to search myself up bc like..ik there is already that type of art bc im sortaaaa the fan favorite (i think- either that or the 2nd) and..when your the fan favorite there is going to be awful things made. any kins out there (doesnt actually have to be the amazing digital circus kin) who naturally pose like their source and notice it and freaks out about it. bc i did lmao the hand on the hip thing i do all the time rn and its funny i did that in canon too its..odd that i was the youngest in the circus (creator listed our ages i am the youngest at the time of this ask) bc tbh i thought gangle was going to be the youngest and zooble would be the oldest. i mean it makes sense kinger is the oldest but my brain was going way off lol. random other thing but like. i oddly cannot type like i sound like in my source. most of my sources im a jackass but i act nice in front of people/mental health issues are a bitch im destroying my issues with a mallet anyways to any the amazing digital circus kins..hey yall its weird (at least to me) that our bodys are now...yk normal human stuff..its odd lmao. anyways i miss yall losers i hope yall doing well. remember to take care of yourselfs. to any pomnis i hope yall are doing alright. i know im a jackass but like..im hoping your ok. to dollface i also hope ur doing well. hope ur not mad at the centipede thing. sorry bout that to other jax's.. we need to make a club so we can prank others or mess with others i think it be fun. to gangle..you get a big hug from me. i know you probably dont wanna hang. or anything but like..just wanna apologize for the shit i did to ya. just know i dont hate ya and im deeply sorry/gen kinger. ill admit it. even tho in canon you..lost ya mind pretty much..your a cool guy. ill admit it. i hope ur doing well as well. to everyone else (im too lazy to write everyone else) i hope yall doing ok too yall are neat in yall silly way. (even non canons <D <- thats a smiley face btw) -Jax from the digital circus (#boomingpizzapie) (dear god i wrote alot.)
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digiblueslush · 2 months
Hi yall here’s some more art lolz (not me forgetting that my name is Rory’s ART and stuff… and then only posting “stuff” lmao)
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This is another one I did with crayons, I went to the aquarium (that I used to volunteer at) with a friend, and if you didn’t know STINGRAYS ARE MY LIFE so I was just inspired by that, I used to draw stingrays all the time and it had been a while. I tried experimenting more with the textures in the background and I really like I it turned out :3
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And I did these ones yesterday! These are with oil pastels and they get a backstory yippee! So a while ago I was in this online IOP program (I left it after 2 weeks cuz it was awful and did nothing for me) and they have a 3 month and a 6 month discharge survey, so after 3 months I did the survey because it said if you did it you got a $10 gift card, and then I didn’t get a gift card -___- so when they sent me the 6 month one I was like well if I don’t get a gift card I don’t wanna do it lolz, but then they sent it again so I was like ok fine I don’t have anything better to do anyways and then I got the gift card! Apparently the gift card was for both surveys, not just the one. And since I had been messing around with crayons, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to look at oil pastels, and the ones we used in elementary school were only 6 dollars so I got them!! Very long way to say I have oil pastels but whatever.
These were both me just messing around re-learning the medium. The rat is based off of someone else’s art I saw on Pinterest (I wish I could credit but there wasn’t anybody credited on the picture T^T, if it was you THANK YOU FOR THE INSPO) and then the portrait is based off of a photo of a person. I initially didn’t like how it turned out since it didn’t look like the photo/realistic, but looking at it now I think the less realistic version I made looks cool, especially with the color scheme it’s got going on
I also started on a digital on that one “I’m not calling you good boy *insert name* this meeting was SHIT” with my OC’s Royal and Karla, but after I spent like 30 mins trying to get Karla’s side profile right I just gave up. I’d really like to get it done sometime cuz it’s SO funny but Im really unmotivated to do digital stuff for some reason. I think it’s just I have a more perfectionist mind when it comes to digital and it’s just not as fun sensory wise.
New art supplies always make me more motivated to ✨do the art stuff✨, so hopefully I’ll be more active in that sense, especially since I’m back to not being able to walk properly. Toodles :3
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
Yuki’s LN was actually a sob story omg THE DOG WAS SO CUTEEE omg I hope he adopts a dog someday in the future bro did NOT think that scuffle through but omg just shows how selfless he is…
LMAOO FR!! I mean if I really had to rank then yeah I TECHNICALLY have a fav but if you really asked me to choose between faves I probably wouldn’t be able to still even though some are technically ranked “higher” than others
No because Rin giving old vibes /hj in a different way than Aiku LMAOO wait I would pay to see Barou captain that’d be really funny “YOU DONKEYS GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!!!!!!”
Oh yeah I’ve not dipped my toes in AoT at all so that makes sense LOL
LMAOOOO OMG DO IT (imagine a double date but in the end y/n talks more to his sister and yuki than to him LMFAO)
No definitely as I went back and did the formal translation he was 6 and the sister should’ve been 9 by their description of her being 3 years older so?? Not even double digits (BRUH THE REO ONE IS DIABOLICAL??? WDYM A GROWN ASS ADULT WAS CONFESSING TO BASICALLY A LIKE 7 YEAR OLD HSHDSHSHSH)
GRAND AGE OF SIX AT 5K WORDS ok so if we do the math…. 2k at 4, 5k at 6, 3k word difference per 2 years, 1.5k words per year. Assuming this ends up at 20 year old Karasu that means we still have 14 years to go. 14 x 1.5k is 21k. Therefore, the new ballpark is now 21k /j (if this math is wrong um…no it isn’t!!! /j) im assuming we wouldn’t be seeing every single year in between so this is probably a bit overboard anyways LOL
No wait I love seeing childhood moments because they’re honestly so important for shaping who someone turns out to be?? OOHUU IM LOVING IT “I only see you as a child” angst progression
Nagi does NOT see the sun bro needs some vitamin d for his pasty ass…/j but FR I’m devouring these Karasu crumbs also I’ve noticed Otoya’s hair has been slightly more silver leaning! I’m pretty certain it’s still supposed to be relatively white, but typically in digital art using like pure white usually isn’t as great because it leaves less possibilities in terms of lighting and coloring so that might be why..? The version of him in the game also isn’t like pure white white so I’m wondering if that’s the case (also mixed with the sort of darker kinda color tone of s2) so I don’t think it’d be wrong to refer to it to white still! The (little) merch floating around of him also has his hair basically white so. No because not even a SLIVER of his hairline like yeah I know it’s my man’s chin but would it kill you to show his face?? No fr I was wondering why Otoya too….like I know that Karasu is more popular than him…and also Hiori too?? I’m hoping that just means we’re getting a cracked trailer with a full screen of Karasu’s face next time
The more I read the more I was like did they just craft the perfect man??? I loved the scene with the dog so much it was too cute like wdym his first practice buddy was a dog??? That was a rollercoaster and honestly probably one of my favorite LNs…I really like how they show the progression of his characters and actually kinda dig into his painful moments?? I think I need to reread everyone’s atp omg
-Karasu anon
I JUST FINISHED READING THE CHAPTERS YOU SENT IN OMG I’M BAWLING 😭 he’s so sweet fr…omg i hope he gets to retire and be happy one day with a dog and a family he truly deserves it
exactly like i have my top five but it’s always changing HAHAH there’s a couple mainstays but i’m so easily convinced to start liking new characters especially in shows like bllk which have such big casts that it’s inevitable you’ll be able to have a bunch of favs
aiku gives like uncle old vibes rin gives like cousin old vibes LMAOO that makes no sense but like aiku is just your weird uncle whereas rin is the cool cranky older cousin that you admire but all of the adult relatives hate because he has an attitude
aot is…something 😭 idk i was very very into it for a while and i really do appreciate and love the majority of it but i’m not a huge fan of how the ending was handled (not for the typical reasons people complain abt it i just think that some characters were let off too easily for what they did) and the fan base is INSANE. like peak no media literacy/critical thinking twelve year olds saying the craziest shit because they don’t realize that the actions of certain characters are meant to be condemned and not supported!! so i’ve drifted away from it now for the most part…a lot of the writing skills i have now i developed through trial and error with my aot fics though so i’ll always be grateful for that but i look back at it more as a fond memory/w nostalgia than anything
OKAYYY yayoyuki is now canon 🫡 (i named karasu’s sister yayoi hehe idk it just flowed well w tabito?? like yayoi and tabito sound like sibling names the same way seiko and eita do in my mind) actually lowkey i feel like that could kinda help the plot…the reader being like “wait why is your bf younger than you he’s literally your brother’s friend” and yayoi is like “bro it’s barely two years it’s not that deep” which makes reader be like “hmm…”
THE REO ONE IS INSANE. MY MAN IS A VICTIM AND NOBODY GAF?? ig it was supposed to show that people tend to value him for his money to the point that his teacher tried to get w him ostensibly because he’s a corporate heir…like narratively it makes sense but that should NOT have just been an egoist bible tidbit that was never expanded on?? iirc it’s not even mentioned in his light novel but that is so traumatic omg poor boy 😭
he’s still six and we’re at 6k words now if you want to adjust your estimate KDJISJ i am so scared of this fic i can just tell it’s going to be so long…we’re going to see karasu go from 4 to abt 20 and reader from 6 to abt 22 BYE why did i ever think i could fit all of that into “6-9k words” i’m not even going to bother w reestimating atp just going to go w the flow and see what happens…should i withhold the wc updates so you can be surprised when i finally post or do you want to be prepared going into it 🤔
pretty much all of the story is their “childhood” though ofc it progresses and they get older and older…icl i have no idea how to write kids so there’s going to have to be some suspension of disbelief going on 😭 YESS the angst and pining (from karasu naturally) are so real!! i think it makes sense on both ends because on the one hand yeah two years isn’t a huge deal esp once you’re older but on the other it’s like…karasu this girl has seen you throw tantrums because your sister wouldn’t play w you why WOULD she find you attractive 😩
ENOUGH LMAOOO no but that’s def the reason because he’s paler than every other character and for sure it’s because he doesn’t touch grass 😓 i think it’s definitely more silver compared to like nagi’s hair but still very light/almost white!! maybe more of a cool/gray toned white versus nagi’s which leans towards cream/straight up show white most of the time!! and yeah ik in animation pure black and pure white tend to fall flat which is why a lot of black haired characters end up having greenish hair when animated!!
YKW I WOULD’VE BEEN HAPPY W THE ICONIC SMIRK AHHH like it would’ve made him seem a little villainous if we only saw the lower half of his face and it’s just him smirking but those in the know realize it’s just the karasu signature 😔🙏🏻 sassy smirk + fuck ass hair WE NEEDED ONE OF THE TWO and wait omg i forgot abt hiori (and nanase) maybe they’re trying to keep the more relevant characters secret and just using characters anime-onlies would recognize in the trailer (so like igaguri’s irrelevant ass) still doesn’t explain why otoya and kurona made it instead of the bambi osaka boys but uh maybe they were just easier to animate?? or maybe they went w otoya because he’s very distinctive (aka doesn’t have dark hair and blue eyes) so he stood out more than karasu might (i bet some people would’ve been like “why did zantetsu take off his glasses” or smth abt karasu lowkey)
NO LITERALLY yukimiya invented being the ideal guy nobody in bllk can compare…actually let’s just go ahead and say nobody in shounen can compare 😫 he was truly meant to be a shoujo male lead more than any other bllk character 😭 i agree i think the ln did such a good job at showing his progress and why he is the way he is!! his backstory is also super realistic too 💔 like the whole medical trauma thing…i hope he and chigiri don’t get the boot from the main cast because of their health issues i love both of them sm 😓 i rlly liked this ln too!! especially compared to hiori’s and nagi’s which are the two i’ve reread the most for fic purposes the tone felt a bit more serious and mature (considering half of hiori’s is him stalking karasu and 99% of nagi’s is him slacking off in school this makes sense) i’m excited to see how barou’s is!! and also aryu’s lol maybe i’ll be more into him after reading his backstory or smth
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bottled-up · 4 months
So there is significantly less to cover and go over with Arulia than Em so we will be starting with her!
Arulia was originally designed to be a romanceable charcter for a scrapped project from around 2017. She was victorian-ish, Jane Austen vibey situation. Think Elizabeth Bennet at the end of the Pride and Prejudice (2005) in terms of hairstyle and mannerism.
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This is one of two sketches I have remaining of this Arulia design. Unfortunately, lots of moving and accidental throwing away of documents has nearly caused this version and design to be lost.
After the scrapping of the project she was originally designed for, I took full possession of her character and pretty much overhauled her design (with a few exceptions).
At the time of taking back control of Arulia, I may or may not have been carzy obsessed with the romance visual novel app The Arcana. So there were, and still are, heavy style influences. Not saying I have banished The Arcana from my life lol (Asra is still and will always be my favorite).
I'll do some comparing and contrasting of the personalities after I get through the designs.
I thought, at the time of Arulia's redesign, it would be fun to use her as the MC for the story. It was fun! But much later it didnt quite feel right.
Arulia's new design was COMPLETELY different from her original concepts. Im talking wildly long hair, harem pants, puffy snow white-like sleeves, a skirt AND a sash, and some hair accessories! Because WHY NOT.
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To be completely honest, at the time I was extremely proud of this. A lot of it doesn't make sense, the face shape was wrong, and she looked a lot younger than she actualy is. For some reason though, I still loved this design.
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Also I had been exploring new art sytles that really didn't work well with this character.
I mean... to me this was PERFECT. Intil it wasn't. I actually don't think this design lasted the year.
There was too much and not enough happening at the same time. Because of that, I took to reworking the outfit, keeping the things I like and though suited her quite well, went back to her original face shape and picked things from her original design that just made sense to keep.
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I think this is much more suited for my girl. It fits a little better with the character I created around her, and she fit pretty ok into the Arcana world.
My favorite parts of this outfit quickly grew Arulia to be my most drawn character. The shirt sleeves, the hair style, the massive earrings, and the simple patterns on her top.
This is the design that eventually got some offical color to it, but I was new to digital art and brand spaking new to procreate so a lot of mistakes were made.
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I still think she cute though. Also, yes I borrowed a pose to help visualize how clothing would sit on her body.
I did spend a couple of years just skatching and drawing Arulia on paper though. My art journal from last year and the year before have almost every page with atleast one Arulia on it.
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She consumed my every drawing hour. Not by force, because I begged her to.
I think a few months after I setteld on this outfit and look, I explored a couple other options too. What if she had these pants? What it her hair was different? What if she danced?
Had some really cute concepts of that! But nothing really stuck (look out for the pictures when they're found).
I settled on her more simple design because it was easy to draw repeatedly, easy for others draw, and kinda iconic. I had a few people telling me they haddn't see something like Arulia before and quite liked the concept.
That encouraged me to use her as the face of my streaming content until it didn't. More on that for a later time.
For now this is all I have to share, but Arulia, BY FAR, had the most doodles, drawings, and sketches, so look forawrd to seeing more of those.
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pesterloglog · 8 months
Jade Harley, Karkat Vantas, Dave Strider
Candy, page 5
JADE: did you hear that john left his house?
JADE: multiple days in a row even!
JADE: karkat....
JADE: im being serious dumpass
JADE: i was really worried about him!
JADE: well if you CARE so much then maybe dont respond with sarcasm when i tell you that hes getting better!
DAVE: guys its not a competition we were all worried about john
JADE: were we??
JADE: whens the last time either of you tried to hang out with him?
DAVE: yeah shut ins living in glass hives shouldnt throw uh
DAVE: actually if we lived in a glass hive way too much light would come in for karkats brutal photosensitivity issues
DAVE: so wed probably cover all the walls with like
DAVE: lots of curtains and sheets of thick fabric
DAVE: so i guess maybe we COULD throw stones?
DAVE: like kinda small ones so that the fabric could easily absorb the momentum
DAVE: also me and karkat would probably be too lazy to throw the stones that hard anyway
DAVE: so i think actually this scenario is pretty workable here
DAVE: it provides for a certain threshold of allowable minimum hypocrisy
JADE: dave this sucks
DAVE: no it doesnt
DAVE: im giving thoughtful and critical consideration to a cliche which is long past due
DAVE: a glass house with wall to wall curtains creates what im going to theorize as an incredibly important “self owning buffer”
DAVE: this is a huge breakthrough and also its fucking science
DAVE: you of all people should appreciate the work being done here
JADE: oh my GOD
JADE: i never thought id be thinking of you as my weird nerd friend by the time we were in our twenties
DAVE: yeah well i never thought youd be like the premiere woo girl on the planet
DAVE: what are you even doing here with us
DAVE: dont you usually spend your weekends at 48 hour interspecies raves or doing arctic expeditions with jake or whatever
JADE: those two things are not always mutually exclusive hehe
JADE: im just enjoying my youth
JADE: you could be enjoying it too hehehehe
JADE: but seriously.... what do you two even do holed up in here together all the time?
JADE: ok so thats what dave does
JADE: what do YOU do??
JADE: sit around and play video games all day?
DAVE: once or twice
DAVE: thats not a fucking figure of speech man
DAVE: you dont do the groceries you go out and buy them
DAVE: and even then you dont actually do that
DAVE: he means that he uses the alchemizer in the basement sometimes
DAVE: oh and when hes in a bad mood hell go yell at trolls on the internet
DAVE: not like trolls as in the troll species i mean
DAVE: literal trolls who talk shit online
DAVE: i dunno a bunch of them could be actual trolls i guess
DAVE: but not strictly
DAVE: why not dude i think its cute
DAVE: hes on all the major political sites of course but he spends most of his time going after people who leave abusive comments on my sweet bro and hella jeff posts
DAVE: like hes got a whole complex network of burner accounts and sockpuppets on my homepage set up for every possible scenario
JADE: jesus christ....
DAVE: its incredible hes driven at least ten people off the site by creating thinly veiled parody accounts of their usernames
DAVE: karkat shoosh
DAVE: im so proud of you
DAVE: couldnt have done better myself
DAVE: well i mean i definitely could have but i have better things to do with my time
JADE: actually karkat its more like youre the one defending HIS honor
JADE: thats sooooo cute.... a knight whiteknighting for another knight
JADE: dave its like karkats your adorable little house husband!!!
DAVE: uhhhh
DAVE: er
JADE: a husband....
JADE: a husband is a little like what you both do already
JADE: only with....... certain “benefits” :)
JADE: heheh dont play dumb karkat
DAVE: jade dude cmon
DAVE: leave him alone
JADE: if youre really that clueless.... i can show you....
JADE: OW!!!!
JADE: karkat what the HELL!
JADE: NO!!!!!!
JADE: i was FLIRTING you dummy!
JADE: oh my GOD you two really are hopeless!
JADE: why do i even WASTE my TIME???
DAVE: so apropos of nothing
DAVE: just a cool segue into a completely different topic for no reason
DAVE: did you guys hear that jane was gonna run for high office
JADE: oh wow
DAVE: yep
DAVE: the fucking presidency of earth c
JADE: i mean shes been positioning her megacorp and stocks in a way that looked SUPER suspicious the last year or so, so id wondered about it
JADE: but i didnt think shed actually do it!
DAVE: nah she was totally gonna pull the trigger on it after all these years but decided against it at the last minute for some reason
DAVE: i know right thats what i said when roxy told me
DAVE: especially for the economy
DAVE: oh yeah and the troll thing is bad too i guess
DAVE: ok wow
DAVE: lets like
DAVE: slow our roll here
DAVE: lets slow any roll that makes me seem more xenophobic than i am ok
DAVE: thats good
DAVE: lets keep using the phrase not xenophobic in sentences that contain my name
DAVE: look im not the bad guy here
DAVE: jane is
DAVE: or... was
DAVE: until she decided not to run for president
DAVE: lets all just thank whichever christ was responsible for making whatever decision resulted in her deciding not to do that
DAVE: no look
DAVE: ill be the first to say that jane is xenophobic as fuck
DAVE: im not
DAVE: like at ALL?
DAVE: but she is
DAVE: but i dont think shed go so far as to commit genocide
DAVE: thats really exaggerating her faults
DAVE: like wed have to get pretty far away from the people we were when we started all this for that to be a viable outcome
JADE: hmmm
JADE: well i hope she gets a better hobby
JADE: there are a lot of less ominous things she could do with her time
JADE: get fucked karkat
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gothicmilktea · 2 years
Den over 2 and a half/3 years
showing the interesting progress with art i had over the past 3years
It seriously surprised to see how much this character/my art has gone in just a year. I'm so proud to see how far I've gotten and learned through my art flaws.
And to see how she looks now in 2 and a half/3 years.
she is technically a ben 10 oc but I mostly think she's just pretty to draw. Other then that I don't know what to do with her.
You can actually see in the very beginning of her digital art story her personality is different from how it is now.
Before she had a more alert look to her eyes and she shows her more anxious personality traits but her serious undertones when it Hero time.
Then in stage 2 where still in 2020 but her nose changed i believe this is because as I've drawn her hair the view of her face began to morph.
Her face became less rounded and was stretched due to me now practicing human anatomy.
Stage 3/4 she's finally giving a ref not much other then her personality is still anxious mybe more then before. In other drawing after this she seems Irritable.
And I've decided for her 10 years old personality to stick with that shy fearful demeanor.
Stage 5/6
Again ref makes her look anxious But she's actually giving a new ref to show her New personality her eyes are sharp and have lead to her more grumpy looking face with relaxed eyes. Her freckle are more defined and are hand drawn. She has tones of battle scars
So basically she's grumpy, with a more serious undertones then before this will be her main personality traits Going forward
Stage 7
She's a bit chunkier. She looks calmer. I can tell that 14 year old me wanted her to have a more intimating look.
Her skin in 6 and 7 is way lighter then her first adoptions not sure why tho.
Stage 8
Ok here im really starting to figure out how to draw fat. her eyes are less boxy but her skin still looks grey. I had started drawing her with an upper lip.
But I had this thing back then where I was fussy about changing the color of her lip even though I knew it looked weird. Her nose is longer.
Then this is around the first time I started drawing her eye browse white but still drew her eye lashes black.
But as I drew her i added slightly pink gradient to her lips.
Stage 9
This is where my anatomy got funky guys And this is the only digital drawing of her of 2022
Idk it practically the same as stage 8.
Stage 10
My favorite i made her skin darker and more accurately fleshed toned her lips are a dark pink. Her scar actually decide to look more nasty in appearance and is based of some who lost there eye in the walking dead when they got stabed by glass. Ech freckle is individually hand drawn her eye lashes are white I'm glad I did this drawing from memory of what the character looked like instead of looking at her old references.
Finally I get to talk about her very very outdated back story
So how she got her scar was when she was 10 being bounty hunted and when a crystal shard flew her way she froze and it hit her in the eye.
Then i made an au within an oc au of her getting mutated by dr animo turning her into a half human half bear hybrid. Where she had a bears body and eyes but a human face. Also to add to this insanity she was Patient 0 because this was a mutation virus/ Disease that mutated the host into a twisted animal hybrid of them self. Because if you can't destroy/take over the human using animals then make the humans the animals.
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