#im applying to cosmic constant later of course
apprentice-s · 5 months
thinking ab doing more kl collabs .........
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abhimannue · 5 years
Calling out the bullshit cop-out tactics used by nihilists, to justify their own intellectual laziness in order to absolve themselves of any personal responsibilities of actually living in a dignified and meaningful life.
Oops. the title is a tad bit long. I guess i’m trying im trying to attract some trouble with this one. 
It’s very likely that since the time that cavemen were capable of thinking beyond where they can hunt down their next big buffalo, there was one lazy limping fool who just went “this is bullshit. How long are we going to hunt like this. Whats the point. we’re going to die anyway”. If the whole tribe thought that way we wouldn’t be here today like, 100,000 years or whatever later. That line of thought should have died with that damn fool - but that’s the problem with ideas. Even the bad ones outlive the brain that thought it, and it spreads faster than fucking ebola because words are disembodied vermin and ideas are non biological meme pathogens.  That idea of “whats the point, no one cares, it’s all made up, it doesn’t matter” has made it through to this day and age - made utterly poetic with Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot monologue by making the Human Endeavor sound banal and insignificant in the larger scale of things. Here’s the fundamental flaw in the assumptions on which Nihilistic, Moral relativistic (i’m going to call this group NRs for the ease) world view rest - that we are the end product, and that history ends with us, and life is going to confine itself to earth. It doesn’t consider the possibility that the human race has the potential to actually conquer the whole universe. It ignores everything about humanity that makes it light years ahead of our distant relatives. We have literally bent the laws of physics to use it to our advantage. In the cosmic scale we may be insignificant today. But look what we started as, what’s to say that we won’t one day be on every planetary system? Imagine if the first single celled organism on earth said, “fuck it, whats the point”. Using the same damn cosmic scale, our time has just begun. It’s just seconds that we’ve been here. Who knows where we can end up. To think we’re not significant speaks to the highest abstraction of Low Self Esteem issues. We’re going to go intergalactic one day. The whole “It doesnt matter because we’re going to die” is another way of admitting that significance can only assigned to an individual life starting at birth and ending at death. Bullshit. Individual life is a single unit in a continuous spectrum called Life with a big L and what we do has a ripple effect going into the future and around us. It speaks to the utter selfishness and self centered-ness and myopic vision of individual life if we assume that we are no more than our assigned 80 years. Afterlife or no afterlife. rebirth or no rebirth, what we do has butterfly effects. Our actions can resonate through time in ways we can’t even predict or imagine. Therefore the onus to live valiantly, to live big, to choose right (and to strive to be as aware as we can so that we can make the right choice) falls squarely on our shoulders. Nihilism, is a  convenient cop out that absolves you from doing the hard work of living well in an unpredictable and harsh world instead of being bold enough to face this son-of-a-bitch head on. The moral relativistic stand that follows from nihilism, that since “it doesn't matter, values don’t matter, so i can do what i want and you can do what you want who are we to judge is also Bullshit. Values have hierarchies. Some values are better than others. Our need to respect diversity has been pushed ahead so far that we are just afraid to challenge ethical standpoints obviously morally reprehensible. Philosophies and Religions are the amalgamation of values transmitted through stories in order to inform humanity about transcendent ideals that will maximize human prosperity for the longest possible extent. The ideas have evolved and will continue to evolve until we learn to how implement the most suitable ones for stages of development of the human civilization. The quest to identify the right code of moral living has not ended yet. “Anything goes as long as we’re chill” is just the refusal to do the hard work of examining the merit of a moral stand point over another and battling it out, out of fear of confrontation and disharmony. Political correctness has made us intellectually weak. I have to call out the bullshit of atheists here because their understanding of religion is too juvenile and they choose to debate/fight/attack bigots who actually are incapable of articulating the rationale behind their beliefs. Religion in its most benign for takes the most complex philosophies and turns them into codes of conduct and articulates them in story structures so that they are easy to transmit and imbibe. To dismiss religion is to throw the baby out with the bath water. The call of the hour is to tell the old stories with the words of today. The perennial truths will always be constant. 
Big Question – whats the point of saying this? What is the call to action? What are we to do with these facts?
1) Either nothing matters, or everything matters. We must live as if we are responsible for our lives and making it better instead of just getting by.
2) We must rediscover our value systems by wrestling with it everyday until we have re-established our own ethical standards we can apply to navigate our lives.
3) Use our imaginations to create new cultural artifacts that communicate the transcendent ideals to live by and strive to live up those ideals.
What will help achieve? A new humanity. A better humanity. Yes, of course it matters.  
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