#im back from my little hiatus tho so everything should be back to normal
djxiao · 2 years
Thoughts on Chuu being kicked out of Loona + some 'kind' words for BBC?
my thoughts are that anyone who played a part in the decision to expel chuu for speaking up against mistreatment and not getting paid for her work can get hit by a truck :) ok my real thoughts on the matter are i kinda saw it coming that they would officially kick her out soon because she’s effectively been kicked out already with the way the company was excluding her from the tour and cb. but the fact that they tried to twist the narrative to make her seem like the villain is so pathetic and cowardly. i KNOW she will find success wherever she goes and do more than anything i hope she finds a company who will treat her with the respect and decency that she deserves. and i hope the other girls refuse to re-sign when the time comes
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scp230kinnie · 2 months
Like the monster side literally adores him and likes to annoy his monsters.
And also the monster side being a bad bitch in general cause we slay.
Again, feel free to ignore.
Back from my five hour long hiatus (nap) and now back to my day job
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Cha Hyun-Su x half monster clingy reader
Idk vro that’s the best title ur getting
Probably ooc but I don’t care
Starting with general if/when you turned hcs, and will gradually get into the main plot
Once he saw the signs of you turning into a monster he was extremely worried
He didn’t know if you’d be able to control it, like him, or if you’d turn fully into a monster like most of the people he’s seen before
And because he’s seen so many people turn and die painfully, he wants to make sure you don’t
Once he saw that you were able to control it, even at least a little bit, he was so relieved, and wanted to do everything he could to help you
He knows that since you’re a monster, (I’m not calling them special infectees fuck right off😭) you can’t really get hurt/die for the most part
But he still likes to keep you at a safe distance just to make sure his monster side doesn’t accidentally hurt you
(Not too far tho :3)
He always knew you were shy, so he knew that trying to teach you to control it would be a little bit difficult
That was, until you were in your monster form.
In your monster form, you were a lot more clingy towards him, which came as a stark contrast to your usual shy, closed off demeanour.
Not that he minds, he just finds it to be kind of a surprise
In his human form, he’s not scared of you accidentally hurting him or something as a monster
In his human form, he loves to let you cling to him
It reminds him that you’re still you despite the infection
This man can protect himself for sure. But let’s say you and him are doing whatever, maybe walking around, you’re both in human form and a (hostile) monster shows up.
His immediate thought is to protect you, because even though you can turn into a monster yourself, he forgets.
He goes to protect you, his monster side takes over (cause let’s say one of his desires is protecting you okay hear me out)
And then you, wanting to protect him, or show that you can defend yourself, or who know why , turn into your monster form and fend off the monster in some badass way
God damn. Maybe his human side is surprised but the monster side, if bro was out and saw that. You earned respect
The monster side of him has seen you before the transformation. All shy or whatever. He is also quite surprised when you turn and all of a sudden you’re all up on him
At first his monster side would probably push you away a little bit like “wtf is bro doing who are you”
Sometimes his monster side is a lil emo and has to be a lone wolf or something, but when you show up as a monster and follow him around and doing to him eventually he realizes you probably won’t stop until you turn back
His monster side pulls the whole “how pathetic and weak” thing when you cling to him, and you just go right ahead and let your monster self argue that
No matter how much you adore him as a monster, you can and will win a fight/argument against him
Maybe sometimes he lets you win. So what, a win is a win?
When your human side is out and you’re back to your shy self, both sides of him kind of miss your monster side
He likes feeling loved
Um so sorry if this sucks
Hyun-su is the definition of this tweet
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Tips on how to stop HEALING piercings from falling out r greatly appreciated thanks
Everyone should leave sweet home requests yes yes I do most if not all characters
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chmergess4ever · 7 years
Only Forever (Part 3)
Hi Guys!! The response to the second chapter made me so happy so I decided to make the third chapter extra long for you! Fourth part is almost done, hopefully posted tomorrow! Enjoy! Don’t forget to like/reblog and leave feedback so I know if you’re still enjoying the story! 
Their relationship had dwindled down rapidly. They went from never leaving each others sight to almost nothing as time passed. They had lost contact after the Dancing with the Stars was placed on a Hiatus. Something that they never thought, would happen-did. Val thought back to the Tour Bus Confessions Video that he filmed for the We Came to Dance Tour, when asked who he would keep in contact with in 30 years he said “Sharna”, and somehow after only three years they were no longer talking. They hadn’t had a falling out, everything was perfectly fine.
Now he was 34, Newly Divorced, with a 1 year old baby. He had married Jenna shortly after his Confidential Tour and the two had a baby almost instantly. As their marriage hit the two year mark it became more and more evident that they were not happy and weren’t going to get much happier, mutually they agreed it would be better for the both of them to part ways. He decided to not let the divorce get the best of him, he was going to raise his child as peaceful as possible and  He was going to  live his life the way he wanted to live it. Except he felt like something was missing-The love that once filled his heart, the love of the woman he loved in return for the love he gave her. It was the one thing that was missing.
Val walked through CVS trying to find the aisle for Men’s body spray. Once he found it, he turned down focusing his attention on the options and looking for the one he usually used. Out of the corner of his eye he thought he may have seen her. He turned his head looking to the right. He looked back to the spray. Sure that it was just his mind playing games on him and then he heard her chuckle. His heart stopped as he knew exactly who was in the next aisle. He turned and walked to the right slowly. He turned to his right and then peaked around the aisle to the right. He saw her and he could feel himself tense up. He took a deep breath and then turned walking into the aisle.
“Still loving those snacks, Huh Burgess?” He put his arms out as he smiled.
“Oh my god! Val!” Sharna dropped the bag of snap peas she was holding and ran to hug him. She pulled back resting her hands on either side of him. “How are you? Oh my god.” She pulled him back in for another hug.
He grasped her tightly, embracing in the moment. “I’m good. How are you?”
“Better now!” She released him and stepped back. “Look at you! It’s been a long time.”
“Too long.”
“How’s Jenna? And Jake?” Jenna and Sharna also grew apart when the show ended. They weren’t overly close but it still surprised her that someone she was once very close to, just went away.
He assumed she knew about the both of them from facebook and social media.
“Jenna and I actually split up.”
Sharna felt her heart thump and her stomach flutter when he said it.
“Oh I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok. We’re dealing and we’ve got a wonderful little boy who we adore. How about you? How’s everything going?”
“It’s going! Nothing too significant.” Sharna clicked her phone to check the time. “Listen, I actually have an appointment but I would really love to catch up with you. Are you free anytime for dinner?” “I’m free tonight.”
“Sounds perfect. Pick me up at 7?”
“Same place?” “You know it. Living the life!” Sharna laughed. The laugh he loved so much. He pulled her in for another hug before they separated.
After paying, he got into his car and smiled, taking a deep breath. He didn’t know what did, but something felt different and he loved it.
Later that night they were out at what used to be their favorite pub. They were 2 hours into their time together but it felt like they could sit there for ages.
“Yea, so that was a one and done thing.” She was in the middle of recounting a story of one of her past flings.”
“He really said that to you?”
“Yeah, he was a gigantic ass.” Sharna took a sip of her drink as she laughed.
“So you haven’t dated anyone?” He said in disbelief.
“Nope.” The awkward silence set upon them as they both knew it was because of what she told him that night at the bus. “Only Forever.” Repeated in her head. She cleared her throat and took a sip of water. “So tell me about you.”
“Well, Jenna and I became increasingly unhappy. I think it’s because we rushed into everything those years ago. It was just so intense, so fast.” Val fiddled around with his beer bottle.
“No, No. It’s good. I’m happy.”
“And Jake?”
“Jake’s great. He’s a little over two now so he talks a little bit. Best little guy ever tho! He can definitely make you laugh when you need it.”
“Maybe I can meet him sometime?”
“Of course you can.”
A moment of silence dawned on them and Sharna decided to break the ice, “Val?” “Mhm.” Val lifted his head to look at her.
“What happened to us?” “What do you mean?” “We used to be best friends. I used to be best friends with your sister-in-law and good friends with your wife. And then everything just fell apart. It just doesn’t make any sense.”
“Life got in the way.”
“Yeah it did.” Sharnas smile dropped.
“What matters though, is we’re back together now and we’re going to make the most of it.”
The next weeks flew by. Val worked at the studio, while Sharna continued to work on her website and clothing line. They had stayed in contact, talking everyday more than once a day. It was like they had never separated. A couple of nights ago, Val had taken Sharna to see Peta. The two screamed, and jumped up and down, and it seemed like everything was back to normal. Sharna had gone over to Val’s a couple of nights a week and they had eaten dinner and watched their favorite TV shows together. They also watched some of their favorite dances from dwts together.
It was now a month since they had reunited and Val decided it was the perfect time for Sharna to meet Jake. He had invited her over for dinner as he had Jake for the night before Jenna picked him up later on. Sharna arrived at 5, just as Val was finishing cooking dinner. He opened the door giving her a kiss on the cheek and threw the kitchen towel over his shoulder. “I’ll just go get him from his room.”
Sharna silently clapped. Val left and returned minutes after carrying the baby on his side. He had both his arms wrapped around Val’s neck and his head tucked into his shoulder. As they approached Sharna, he lifted his head.
“Jake, This is Daddy’s friend, Sharna. Can you say “Hi Sharna.”
The baby was silent.
“Say “Hi Sharna”
“Hi Sha”
Sharna laughed. “Close enough.” Sharna tickled his belly. “Your so cute. You know that? And you’re Daddy loves you very much.”
The baby reached his arms out for Sharna to take him.
“You want to hold him?”
“Are you sure?” “Of course.” Val carefully handed Jake to Sharna. Sharna bounced up and down as the baby smiled.
“He looks just like you.” Sharna called to Val, who was now in the kitchen.
“I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.” Val laughed.
“It’s a very good thing.”
Jake pointed to one of his toys on the floor. “Ball!”
“You want to play?” Sharna looked back at Val. “Is it ok if he plays?” “Sure.”
Sharna sat down with the baby in her lap and handed him the ball. Val walked over carrying two glasses of wine. He handed one to Sharna. “You’re great with him.” “I love kids. Always have.”
“I know who to call when I need a babysitter.” Val teased. “Ok, he should nap before his mom comes to get him. She’ll be upset if I give him back when he’s tired.”
Sharna rolled her eyes and handed Jake to Val. “He’s yours too.”
“I know. Just sometimes it doesn’t feel that way.” Val carried the baby back to the nursery and then returned a few minutes after. “Shall we eat?”
He grabbed Sharna’s hand pulling her up off the floor. They ate the dinner that Val had cooked engaging in pleasant conversation and then moved to the couch to continue talking as they drank their wine. Val had the baby monitor attached to his back pocket. “So does it all seem real?” Sharna asked him as she pointed to the baby monitor.
“What? Having a kid?” “Yeah.”
“It took some getting used to but im adjusted now. It’s great. It’s like if something in my life goes wrong, he makes it ok. Cause I know he’ll be there.”
“That’s sweet.” Sharna swallowed and then asked what was on her mind, “So you don’t miss the romance at all?”
“Everyday. I miss the feeling of loving someone like that. It’ll happen again. Just have to wait”
“I want that so bad. It just seems like it won’t happen.”
“Any guy would be crazy not to want you.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. We have been together, ya know.”
Sharna hit him playfully and then looked at him as he looked at her. They could both feel the atmosphere and what was about to happen. Val looked from her eyes to her lips and she did the same to him. He leaned into her and as their lips were less than a centimeter apart there was an abrupt knocking on the door. Val’s shoulders dropped and he sighed. Sharna scrunched her nose and cleared her throat.
“Come on Val, I know you’re in there.” There was knocking again.
Val got up and walked to the door. He opened it and saw Jenna. “Hi.”
“You look flustered.” Jenna walked in and saw Sharna. “Sharna?! Oh my God! Hi!” She walked over and have her a hug, but then quickly noticed the atmosphere, Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was interrupted a date.” You could tell she got uncomfortable.
“You weren’t.”
“You weren’t” Sharna said in unison with Val.
“Sharna wanted to meet Jake so I invited her over.” “I didn’t even realize you guys were still talking.”
“We lost touch but we recently reconnected.”
“Oh.” Jenna stopped talking. “Well,I guess I’ll just take Jake then.”
Val walked into the nursery and returned with Jake and a little napsack. “He ate already and I changed his diaper not too long ago.”
“Ok. We’ll, I’ll see you later then. It was nice seeing you Sharna. We should get lunch and catch up one time.”
Sharna smiled as Jenna left. Val looked at Sharna. “Well, that was awkward.”
“I can tell.”
SIlence filled the room and Sharna spoke. “I should go. I have to be somewhere early in the morning.”
“Oh. Ok. I’ll talk to you tomorrow then?”
“Of course you will.” Sharna gave him a kiss on the cheek and then left. Val moved to the kitchen to begin cleaning when he heard a knock on the door. He went to get it and saw her standing in the doorway. “I’m sorry. I’m not letting you get away with it.” Sharna spoke to him. “With what?”
“I waited for you, like I said I would. It’s the least you could do.”
“Kiss me, you ass!” Sharna yelled.
Val smiled and pulled her in his house. She stood on her tip toes and he craned his neck down to kiss her. The delicacy of the kiss made it all the more special. And for the first time in a long time, Val felt the missing piece of the puzzle fit perfectly into his heart.
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