#im being fr like they ask that question or a variation EVERY DAY.
yenqa · 1 year
i need to sleep but im too angry to sleep so heres a little vent
ok so in my 5th period i sit with 3 of my friends right (friend 1 sits in front of me friend 2 sits across and im not mad at friend 3) basically friend 1 and 2 keep like not paying attention and literally wont shut the fuck up during class and are like "why does the teacher not like me" I WONDER WHY????? aalso they never do the work and expect ME AND FRIEND 3 TO GIVE THEM ANSWERS?????? like bitch kys (jk) but also friend 1 is so weird sometimes bc i usually let them drink from my waterbottle when they ask but lately they have just been drinking from it???? like HELLO THATS MY WATERBOTTLE YOURE PUTTING YOUR MOUTH ON??????????????
ok rant about friend 1 they're always like "yen are u mad at me" or "yen do you secretly hate me?" and they make like a sad face and its like supposed to look cute but its not (keep in mind im TIRED in 5th period) and so im like no?? im just tired... and they ask that question every single fucking day like i GET IT>???? you think i hate you??? AND ITS SO REPETITIVE LIKE SHUT THE FUCK UP WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO BE ANGRY SO BAD???????? and theyre so touchy and im obviously uncomfortable with it but THEY NEVER NOTICE??? like even my other friends notice but they dont?? like how are you going to not use your fucking brain and read body language thats right in front og you.....
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sgnyideun · 4 years
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wsup this is yideun and he’s ur resident 2 kewl 4 skool eboy thinking about dropping out bc he’s bored and restless and wants to fish for marlins off the coast of italy (sorry if u get this reference bc i for one cant stop thinking abt it). for more: the man, the gremlin, the legend / tragic backstory: unlocked / wanted connections. 
like to plot and i’ll im u! otherwise i’m available on discord (ask) and twitter, if either would be easier for u!! just pls tell me who u are or we’re going to be silent mutuals forever lol
a quick tl;dr (that isn’t quick bc of who i am as a person, sorry)
grew up in the deep country and he loved/loves it? he gets really fed up with seoul tbh the busyness of the city grates on him! but he moved to seoul (or, well, back to seoul) when he was thirteen and has been here, causing problems, wreaking havoc, since.
has a weird relationship w/ his immediate family. little contact w/ his parents (no real bad blood tho?) and his sisters are 10 yrs older than him and are like [rattling fence] LET US INNNNNNN 
anyway he’s an oriental painting major and specializes in sumukhwa (ink-wash painting!). learned from a young age from his grandma, who was an #anonymous artist :’) he really does/did love it but after starting at seongnam and having to be literally evaluated on it, he’s felt a lil burdened. and then after getting roasted by his parents at their ten yr reunion (jk haha) (im not jk) for majoring in smth like art, he was like haha.... but if i just dropped everything i know and took up an isolated life in the mountains? xo 
honestly? he’s blunt af, doesn’t like cutting corners in convo, and if u need an honest opinion he will give u one. he’s pretty meh about socializing for the sake of socializing, but the friends he does have! !! he’s ride or die supportive even if he probably calls u variations of asswipe and laaaaaaaaAAAAAaaaAme every day. 🤟😔
he really honestly thinks life is too short to be steepin in ragretz so he’s very yolo, will hold ur hand when u get tattoos and piercings, etc etc. if ur like “what if i fucked the system?” he’d be like on god? do it lol
yeah he’s just. chaos. starts fights on the internet just 2 see what happens... and generally has no filter. tho he is pretty private abt his family and some other more complex feelios but everything else is fair game. he’s not ashamed of himself!!!!! u cant embarrass him!!!!!
that being said, as terrible and insufferable as his personality is, as long as you can stomach it and aren’t exceeeeedingly sensitive or fake (sry he’s too lazy to wade thru ur fifty layers), he’s a good (questionable) friend. or well, he’s not hard to get along with. he’s pretty laidback and not a lot bothers him or gets on his nerves fr fr. he just likes seeing the world burn. 
likes/interests: sumukhwa duh, mountain hikes (but the only one accessible for early mornings is ansan which fukin sucks), starting fights on the internet, pronouncing rly famous things incorrectly to see when ppl lose it (gucci? more like Gucky), MAPLE STORY, and spitting in his roommate’s coffee (haha jk!!!!) (he’s not jk). he’s also a vegetarian and has been for three yrs but constantly feels like he’s being tested when he sees fried chicken so.
dislikes: feeling boxed in (literally and figuratively), seoul usually, small talk, ppl who wont say upfront wtf they want from him, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh talking about feelings beyond saying “yes i feel like shit”, and climate change ig? 
wonderful how this tl;dr was still too long and hardly enlightening. congrats on making it this far u are a trooper
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