#im drawing other things though i promise
kiwibongos · 4 months
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(eye twitches violently) hey
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lunarharp · 1 year
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witch sketchbook
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plulp · 11 months
youve asked this at such a good time because i had just had a harper design explanation idea and i wasnt sure if i should make it or not:
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Me looking through all the reblogs/comments from people genuinely concerned about my wellbeing:
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voidzphere · 2 months
i desperately need to update my intro that mf is NOT my sona who the hell 😭🙏🙏🙏
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fredgar · 7 months
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redraw of an older fredgar piece 😊
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feral-mouse · 2 years
My art pen was supposed to come in the mail today but it turned out they didn't even deliver it yet so I'm gonna have to draw later ig 😭
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 2
Summary: Reader is still a little sick and staying hidden while Wanda and Natasha look after her.
TW: Sickness, asthma
Words: 2.8K
A/n: Part two!!!
It must have been a couple of hours sleep before you woke up again. Somebody was knocking on the door and for a second you panicked, still feeling awful and sleepy your mind was working though a dense fog to catch up.
When you finally managed to recall the events of earlier that morning, you felt a slight bit of relief.
“Come in.” You called, your throat scratchy and sounding like sandpaper on glass.
The door handle turned, and you prayed the girls had kept their promise to not tell the others yet.
Wanda’s face peered into the room, and she glanced around until her eyes fell on you, still holed up in bed under the sheets.
“How are you feeling?” Wanda asked as she came inside, holding a tray. She gently closed the door after her and came to sit on the bed beside you.
“A bit better than I was. But not great.” You mumbled.
“Well, if you don’t mind, Nat and I are happy to look after you until you get better. Peter’s been telling us stories about you, now he can.” She begun and you groaned. Drawing a smile from her. “All good don’t worry. He’s a good kid and it sounds like you’re a good sister. And spider-man at that.” She said with a wink, and you buried your flaming face in your hands.
Wanda carefully pried your fingers away from your blazing cheeks and smiled softly at you.
“Now, I made you some soup and Nat’s gone to steal some of Peter’s enhanced-super cold and flu medicine out of Bruce’s lab for you.” Wanda said as she set the tray down on your bedside table. “Put this under your tongue.” She said handing you a thermometer.
“I’m fine.” You said not taking from her. She raised an eyebrow in challenge. “Really. Im all good now.” You argued and she still wasn’t having it.
Using her magic wanda floated the thermometer up to hover in front of your lips. You gave her a look and opened your mouth.
She beamed at you and the thermometer positioned itself under your tongue.
“Now what?” You mumbled from behind the stick.
“Now we wait for that to beep and go from there.” Wanda said catching the drooping thermometer with her finger before it could fall from your mouth while you spoke.
After a few more seconds of Wanda fussing with the things on the tray and messaging who you assumed must be Nat on her phone, the stick beeped.
Before you had a chance to remove it yourself wanda had stolen from your lips and was closely observing the numbers on the small screen.
She hummed a low note and sent another text to Nat before placing it down on the bedside table.
“Well?” You asked trying not to pout about feeling left out.
“102.3 still a fever.” Wanda said before standing and heading to the door to open it.
Natasha stepped into the room with three bottles of medicine in her arms.
She came over and took a seat next to wanda who had sat back on the bed like before.
She handed the bottles to wanda who looked at the labels and began taking out pills from two of the bottles and measuring out a red liquid from the other.
“Oh, hell nah.” You said. “I am not drinking that.”
Nat raised an eyebrow. “You will be.” She said and you frowned, slouching down and glaring at her which only seemed to make her smirk grow larger.
Wanda finished measuring it all out and handed you the two pills and a glass of water.
“What is this?” You asked.
“Fever reducers and cold and flu meds that were made for peter.” Wanda said and you nodded and took them.
Then wanda held out the small medicine cup of red liquid.
“Nope.” You said pursing your lips. “Not happening.”
“If you don’t take this, I’ll force feed you it myself.” Wanda said and you glared at each other for a second before swiping it out of her hands.
“Fine.” You grumbled and wanda beamed at you.
“Good girl.” She said and you defiantly did not feel your stomach flip at those two words.
However, Natasha seemed to smirk to herself about something while wanda busied herself with the soup.
You took the medicine like a shot and scrunched up your nose after.
“Why is it sweet?” You asked smacking your lips together.
“Peter’s a baby when it comes to gross cough syrup, so he requested it taste like cotton candy.” Nat said and you rolled your eyes.
“Of course he did.” You mumbled.
Before you could find further reason to complain Nat plucked the cup from your hands and wanda set the tray on your lap, fussing over the pillows behind you that were keeping you propped up against the bedhead.
You eyed the tray closely. There was a bowl of thick orange soup with a blob of white sprinkle with small green herbs. Along with a soup spoon and napkin.
“Um? What kind of soup is it?” You asked.
“Pumpkin soup with sour cream and chives.” Wanda said. “It’s an old family recipe from my childhood.” She said seeming to lose her smile for a fraction of a second before it came back.
You nodded. “Thank you. You really didn’t have to go to all the effort wanda.”
She just shrugged. “Its kind of what we do around here.”
“Look after each other, she means.” Nat clarified and you nodded and brought a spoonful of soup to your lips.
It was warm and tasted amazing. You hummed in delight at the taste and Wanda beamed.
“This is really good.” You said taking another spoonful of it.
“I’m glad you like it.” Wanda said.
“So, where’s peter?” You asked, striking up conversation.
“May took him home. Nat managed to convince her that you were fine staying here with us. We are happy to have you and if you like that could be a more permanent offer depending on what the team has to say.” Wanda said and you choked on your soup.
Coughing, you felt Natasha’s strong hands pound your back to help you breathe.
Once the fit had subsided you blinked at wanda who was looking at you with concern in her eyes. You waved her off.
“I’m all good.” You begun but she handed you the glass of water anyways.
“Small sips.” She instructed and you nodded and drank some of it slowly.
“Sorry.” You apologised. “I just wasn’t expecting that.” You mumbled, cheeks warm.
“No need to apologise I probably should have waited until you weren’t eating.” Wanda said and you laughed.
“But in all seriousness… you guys want me here? Like … on the team?” You asked and Nat looked at Wanda before nodding.
“We would need to have Fury sign off. Steve and Tony will have to agree as well, but theres not denying you would be a valuable asset to the team.” Nat begun. “I’m planning on holding a meeting with the team when your up to it. But until then I want you to rest and get better. It’s important you put your best foot forward when starting off with the team.” Nat said and Wanda nodded.
“You’ll do great. The team will love you.��� Wanda agreed, throwing in her own two cents to Nat’s speech.
“So, Nat how did you manage to sneak in and out of Bruce’s lab and find peters meds?” Wanda asked with the grin that Natasha returned.
As Nat launched into her story, which included a cabinet of medicine labelled spider-baby, a banner-stark debate over what atom is the best and lastly her spy skills.
By now everyone had gotten themselves comfortable on the bed. You were sat against the headboard with wanda on your left and Natasha on your right.
The king bed managed to squeeze all of you in and left ample room for more space.
As Nat continued her story you found yourself listing to one side. Your eyes drifting half shut as the exhaustion rolled over you.
Blinking harshly, you tried to stay awake until a soft hand guided your head to something soft that smelt like strawberries and vanilla.
You decided to forgo fighting sleep for any longer and left yourself drift off.
Natasha grinned at Wanda who was stroking your hair as you laid on her shoulder asleep.
It was an adorable sight and Nat may or may not have taken a photo of all three of you together with you asleep in the middle.
After the two listened to your slightly wheezy breathing and elected to let you sleep for now and to monitor your breathing, Wanda put on a sit-com on the Tv on a low volume as her and Nat settled in.
Over the course of the afternoon Wanda and Nat kept a close eye on you as you slept. Listening to the wheeze in your exhale and making sure it didn’t get worse or require your asthma inhaler.
Once or twice when Wanda checked your temperature with her hand against your forehead you nuzzled into her palm, still sleeping which warmed the witch's heart
You were adorable in her eyes and the glint in Natasha’s said she felt the same way.
At one point your powers began acting up as Wanda wanted to get up for some water and she found herself stuck to you.
She had looked lost and slightly bewildered while Nat giggled and helped her pry you off her.
“Tony says peter does the same thing when he’s sick. They can’t control it.” Nat had explained to Wanda in a hushed and slightly amused whisper so as not to wake you.
Finally at around five in the evening Wanda decided she needed to get up and cook dinner.
As she slid out of bed you began to wiggle a bit, seeking the warmth that had been there moments ago as you had been tucked into her side.
Wanda watched like a deer in headlights to see if you would wake up.
Instead, you simply rolled over and latched onto Natasha leg. Clinging to it like a baby sloth cuddling its mama.
Natasha had looked surprised almost shocked at the turn of events and Wanda hid a giggle behind her hand at Nat’s comical expression before she schooled her features.
It took a lot to surprise Natasha, but you had managed to do it within only knowing her for two days.
Wanda silently slipped out the door as Natasha looked down at you with a peaceful smile.
No longer paying attention to the Tv she was gazing down at you as she gently traced a pattern on your arm.
Despite having only known you for two days, Wanda and Natasha had found themselves almost entranced by you. From the way your nose scrunched up when you smiled to the way it twitched like a bunny before you sneezed.
Peter had kept telling them stories about you and your escapades as spider-man that had often landed him in trouble with Tony.
Wanda and Natasha had found all the walls they had spent years building over their scarred hearts to have melted in the presence of your sunny disposition, even if it was buried under a little sickness at the moment.
Wanda wanted to learn more about you, she always loved stories as a child, but you seemed like the best novel she may ever get the chance to read. And she wanted nothing more than to write the rest of your chapters together. She would be willing to bleed the ink from her own body to write your happily ever after together on the same page. To exist in a world of you and her. To add to the ecosystem that fed her soul. Because she always felt she had room for more un her heart. She had felt love like this before, once before, and it was double as she had laid in the bed with the both of you.
Natasha dreamed of finding someone that felt like home. After so long running from false families and a broken childhood, she wanted nothing more than to curl up and relax with someone that made her feel safe. Someone that made her feel the same way you do when you drink hot chocolate while watching the snow drift down on a winter wonderland. You were the home she was looking for. The way your heart touched hers, reached for her like a magnet was something she rarely felt. Something she had only ever felt once before. With another redhead who lived in the tower.
Wanda finished making dinner at around six. Before calling the team, she plated up three dishes of food and left the kitchen.
Only once she was safely clear and, in the lift, did she tell Jarvis to alert the team for dinner.
When Wanda stepped back into your room the first thing, she noticed was the concern on Natashas face.
Many may see the black widow as a cold heartless woman, yet that was just her persona in front of the cameras.
Sure, she was hard to crack open at first, but it seems she had taken a liking to you almost immediately.
Behind closed doors Natasha was quite a sweet and caring person for those she loved, showing her affection in indirect manners such as little gifts and cracking jokes at just the right time.
As wanda approached the bed she begun to realise why Nat was worried.
Your breathing which they had been monitoring had grown more wheezy.
Nat looked up from where she had been studying your face to look at wanda.
“I wasn’t sure if I should let her sleep or wake her to use her inhaler.” Nat said.
“No, you did the right thing. We have to wake her up for dinner now anyway, so we’ll have her use it now.” Wanda said with a small smile.
“We should also check her temperature and give her some more medicine.” Nat added and wanda agreed with a nod as she placed the dishes down on the desk.
Natasha gently began to rub your arm. “Y/n/n. Y/n/n wake up.” Nat said softly and after a second you batted her hand away drawing a chuckle from Wanda.
“Noooo let me sleep.” You said but Nat wasn’t having it.
You tried to pull the covers over your head but Nat held them down in place on the bed with her foot.
“Would you get up if I told you wanda made dinner?” Nat asked and wanda stifled a chuckle behind her hand as you cracked one eye open.
“Maybe.” You said and wriggled so you were sat against the headboard.
“Good. But before you get dinner its medicine time.” Nat said and you groaned in protest.
“There’s always a catch.” You grumbled and Wanda winked at you.
“For you? Always.” Wanda grinned and you gave her a half-hearted glare.
Natasha pressed your inhaler into your hand, and you simply blinked at her. “I don’t need it.” You said.
“I’m not asking again.” Nat smiled sweetly.
“Technically you didn’t ask the first time.” You said and looked at wanda for backup where she was leaning against the desk with an amused smile.
“Nope.” She said popping the p. “I can hear you wheezing from here bubs. Take it and breath like the rest of us.” She said smugly.
“Whatever.” You pouted and took the inhaler, ignoring them both and looking at a spot on the wall.
When you were done wanda patted your cheek.
“Good.” She said handing you a thermometer you took and dutifully placed under your tongue.
When it beeped Nat’s quick hands beat you to it and stole the device from your lips.
“99.8 it’s gone down.” Nat said with a smile.
“Yay.” You drawled sarcastically.
Before you could even get another word or remark in Wanda placed two tablets into your hand. “Swallow these.” She instructed and pressed a glass of water into your other hand.
You sighed and did as you were told, making both women smile at each other.
As the three of you ate you complemented Wanda’s cooking and savoured the food.
The two women chatted to you about the avengers asking any questions you had. When dinner was done, they could see you fighting to stay awake.
When do I get to meet the team?” You asked over a yawn you directed into your fist.
“Well, we’ll see how you feel in the morning and go from there.” Wanda smiled as she messed around with the pillows. “Get some sleep Y/n.” She smiled and you nodded, too tired to argue.
Settling down you were asleep before they two had left the room.
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greenflowerceo · 21 days
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hii im suuper late to my own week ik (i'll post the rest of the days from time to time, college applications were a pain </3 but i've got most of it down
This piece is a redraw of my very first post ! This has been a wip since the start of the year so my art style unsurprisingly changed a bunch as i tweaked the lines and colors. it's not the best but it's looking as good as it can be!
as for the zine, people are free to draw up pieces for the week up until the end of september and we can compile it all together! it's not really the usual zine format but who knows.. we can maybe try to figure out a way to formally start a more structured zine project for these two
Anyway! I've decided to dedicate my greenflower week posts to my headcanons I've made up for them from the past 4 years.. I figured you guys could take a peek into my brain since I haven't really been good at that unless you catch me in a vc :") there's a buncha hcs and old ass art i never posted finally unearthing under the cut if you wanna take a peek
So, first thing: Body headcanons..
i took super long getting what i want with this waay back when I started posting cause I was still figuring out a lot with my art. i couldn't get in good details/features that would properly differentiate them or make them fun to draw. I wasn't striving to be really innovative with the designs or anything, I just wanted them to feel like characters I like looking at and thinking about
finally, i'm somewhat able to settle on these as of right now! It will most likely update as the time passes and my art changes, but this is what I got!
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basically the main idea is that i wanted Lloyd to be bulkier but sharper. grew up fast and has all these edges, but then you get to know him and he's just a big ol dork. Mostly wears loose-fitting clothes that hides his figure, but he's quite built underneath
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Brad's a lil taller and pretty lanky. my art style may not be able to show that properly but lloyd can snap him in half <3 he also seems hella chill but that's probably cause he got balls of steel after living through a million ninjago invasions
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This thing below is an old outfit concept I have for a project that I've been working on. does not reflect my current headcanons with his physical appearance but i do like his clothes
I think he loves his role as the green ninja, saving the world and such. it came with lots of baggage and reflection but i do promise that he enjoys it for the most part. I think him wearing green is kind of like wearing work clothes so he tends to avoid it on days when he's free to keep from being too ready to jump into ninja mode
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i do tend to keep him in green though cause the fandom sure does love their color-coded ninja
anyway .. that's about most of what i've got for this that looks good enough to post, so here's a bunch of other doodles/sketches, both old and new ToT
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oh and a quick comic too cause why not
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one more: bonus greenflower yuri
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thanks for coming to read this far :) there'll be more soon
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 2 months
❥‧ not a word
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in which: all the warnings were true. and he was the one guy you should've told no.
genre: angst. pairing: fuckboy!hyunjin x fem!reader. rating: mature mdni. masterlist
warnings: mentions of virginity loss, toxic situationship, reader is a simp, a whole lotta yap, not proofread, rough sex
a/n: im getting back into writing finally... no promises though. a lot has been gong on recently so sorry I havent posted. new style >.> someone tell me if you liked the other one better
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There was two things you learned going through your sophomore year of college. The first was pay attention to the lectures and the second was list to the rumors. Maybe if you had listened to the rumors you wouldn't be stuck like this, stuck in this stupid cycle because the other girls had warned you. Warned you about his pretty full lips and infectious smile, his dark eyes and enticing voice.
Yet you fell.
And you fell hard.
And you let yourself be used. Apology after apology, and you forgave him every time. because he "could change".
You still remember that night, drunk after a party and he convinced you. "You're the only one for me, you're the only one I want."
You remembered how it felt clawing at his shoulders as he bucked into you, shattering your innocence in a cloud of what you thought was love. How he held you down and made you take very inch. You could still hear his whispered praises and soft moans, telling you how good you were for him, how you were made for him.
Only you.
Yet it wasn't only you.
And even when you heard he was running around with so many other girls, you still forgave him when he came to your apartment with your favorite flowers and got on his knees before you. Begging you to forgive him like you were a god and he were a sinner plagued by deceit.
You still let him guide you to the couch and worship your body, his lips and mouth moving over your skin with such purpose and passion. Treating you like a princess the entirety of the day, showering you with his "love".
And he was walking with someone else not even two day later.
So what gave him the right to stop you from going around with someone new. Let that someone new into your apartment, let him flex that he'd made it between your legs.
Nothing gave him the right to stop you, or beg you. Yet he did. And you let him.
You let him get into your bed, legs hiked over his shoulders as he pounded into you, hand moving from your tit to your throat and applyingjust enough pressure to remind you. You were his.
Whatever it was you had going on, no matter how many times he'd hurt you, you still fell back into him.
It bothered you that he'd be with someone else. And it bothered him even more that you'd run to some other guy. But Hyunjin couldn't stop himself from wanting more. No matter how many times you whispered those words in the dark in his arms and he never spoke them back. Because he couldn't. Because he didn't.
You stared up into his eyes, dull ache in your chest as it weighed on you, this was fun and nothing more. He rubbed your nub furiously, drawing your orgasm out of you, fucking you through it as it hit you like a freight train. Right as his high built and his thrusts grew deerp, deep and sloppy, bruising your cervix from the force as if he wanted you to feel more than just his cock bullying into you. As if he wanted you to know even if he had all the girl he wanted in his bed, you were the only one he'd come back to every time.
"Fuck Y/n!" He groaned, throwing his head back, "I..." He shoved his cock in completely and groaned as he released his load into you.
He never spoke it once, but you felt it right as you started to fall asleep, the gentle kiss he left on your forehead before gathering his things.
You really should've listened to the rumors. Maybe you would've heard that Hyunjin would tell you a million things and more without uttering a word to you.
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© 2024 xxkissesforchanniexx. DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE MY WORK !
➤ taglist ↳ @asahisimpnation @seolarsonlyloveisyou @leeknowsnot @oddracha @palindrome969
@armystay89 @bubblespop @bubblerizz @igetcarriedawaywithyou @seungminindabuilding
@ot8 @rylea08 @todorokiskitten @stay-tiny-things @lara
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laikascomet · 5 months
also some clarity for the askbox
1) questions that will be answered by the comic but have yet to be will be deleted. this is the rule im calling 'let me cook' because all will be revealed if you wait patiently for your delicious meal
2) questions that dont serve any interest to other readers will (typically) be answered privately. i do really appreciate all the kind words - i try my best to answer these kinds of asks when they come in, but if i dont get to them right away i promise i still appreciate them!
3) questions are meant to be directed to the characters to answer! while idm answering some questions about my process or art, the ask box is meant to go to the laikas characters so i can draw responses. its actually been so long since ive gotten one like that i dont know if people realize that. (which is okay! thats why im clarifying)
4) though it has been very sparse, any asks that are innapropriate will result in being blocked from the comic's blog and my main and art account as well. innapropriate truly just means any violent or explicitly sexual content (saying 'i think laika is cute/pretty/hot/etc!' or 'i want yues hand in marriage' [all things i have recieved already] are A Okay 🫡)
all i ask is that people keep in mind, while laikas does deal with more serious subject matter this is still an all ages comic. additionally, im just one person writing this comic myself. some of the things people send me can be rather distressing sometimes... all im asking is people please remember i am a person too, and i want to keep writing my comic for you all! i cannot offer much more than that.
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
hows is it obvious that daenerys was the prince who was promised?
im not saying she is not i just havent read the books and im curious
I mean, I read the books a long time ago, so I'll tell you what I remember after a bit of research.
There are two figures, The Prince That Was Promised, which is a prophecy hero, and Azor Ahai, a legendary hero from thousands of years ago who'd be reborn. They have been used interchangeably, which implies that they're believed to be the same person.
There are several characters who are believed by others to be —or who believed themselves to be— Azor Ahai reborn/TPTWP. Melisandre thought it was Stannis, then if I recall she thought it was Jon Snow. Rhaegar, who was obsessed with the prophecy, thought it was him, and then he thought it was his son Aegon (the son of Elia Martell, not Jon; Jon is not really confirmed to be R + L's son in the books yet if I recall, and we don't know if his name would actually be Aegon... probably not tbh because who names his two sons Aegon). Maester Aemon first thought it was Rhaegar, and then he became convinced it was Dany.
After looking back, I remember that a witch told Jaehaerys II (Dany's grandpa) that TPTWP came from his children Aerys and Rhaella's line, which is why he arranged the marriage with each other. If we assume that that is true, then actually there would have been six possible TPTWP: Rhaegar, Aegon VI, Rhaenys, Viserys, Daenerys and Jon Snow. Rhaegar, Viserys and Rhaenys are all dead, so I guess whe could scratch them. Aegon VI (Young Griff) is supposedly still alive in the books and he fits one part of the prophecy —and so did Rhaegar in a way. But lots of people are not really sure that Aegon is actually who he says he is and that he might be a fake.
Melisandre believed it could be Jon. If I recall, there's a part where she said something like 'I ask the lord to show me Azor Ahai and all I see is snow' or something like that (again, it's been a while since I read the books, sorry?).
Now, Daenerys? She fits the prophecy to a T.
Born of Aerys and Rhaella's line? She is their daughter. Check.
Born amidst salt and smoke? Well, she was born in Dragonstone, a volcanic island, so literally born amidst salt (from the sea) and smoke (from the volcano). Metaphorically speaking though, she was also reborn amidst the salt of her tears and smoke from Drogo's funeral pyre. So... Check. Twice, I guess.
A 'bleeding star' would be a herald for the arrival of the prince. There was a Red Comet when Daenerys went into the funeral pyre, where she was reborn. So-- Check.
It was also said that TPTWP would 'awake dragons from stones'. While there are other characters that fit other requirements, Daenerys is the only one who fits this one, unless someone else manages to make three petrified dragon eggs hatch like she did. So-- Check.
Now, the whole thing: Lightbringer. Lightbringer was Azor Ahai's legendary sword. He tried making it three times, but the first two times the sword broke when he tried tempering; he finished the sword by stabbing his wife in the heart. It was said that Azor Ahai would be reborn when stars bleed and cold comes or something like that, and that that warrior would draw Lightbringer as a flaming sword from a fire.
Does Daenerys have Lightbringer? As an actual, physical sword, no. Metaphorically-- yeah. It's Drogon.
She tried to make her dragons hatch (create her weapon) twice and fails-- until she kills her husband and places the eggs in his funeral pyre: she places Drogon's egg beside Drogo's heart, just like Azor Ahai stabbed his wife there and that's where Lightbringer came to be. Then she emerged from the pyre with dragons while there was a red comet (again, bleeding star; the 'cold' would be The Others —White Walkers in the show— and the Winter that comes). Dragons, well-- are fire made flesh. So-- yeah. While she doesn't have a literal sword, Daenerys has her Lightbringer, and it's Drogon.
So, yeah. While people have a lot of theories about who TPTWP/Azor Ahai reborn would be, and there are other characters who fit some requirements, Daenerys is the only one who fully fits the prophecy. That's why a lot of people aren't shocked that it's her in HOTD. It is kind of obvious in the books lmao
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tales-from-elysivm · 6 months
Jinx x f!reader and their first kiss, date, time, fight, all that couple stuff short little pieces of girlies being cute
★。/ get jinxed \。★
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pairing: jinx x f!reader
fandom: arcane
word count: 1,612
tw: canon typical swearing/slang, some light spoiler warnings, and some suggestive/NSFW content! MDNI!
notes: this is a fic i am really excited for! Thank you again for the request anon! It was really fun to write, and i got through it pretty quickly to be perfectly honest because of that haha. Not proofread because im tired, and i have no shame :D enjoy!
! be sure to like and reblog if you enjoyed !
➼ first date with jinx 
You worked under Silco delivering shimmer across Zaun. Of course, you knew you shouldn’t have been doing this, it could get you arrested without question and you’d find yourself in Stillwater. But it paid well, and working so closely with the Eye of Zaun meant you didn’t have to worry as much about danger in Zaun. People saw you as a god-send, you gave them their weekly hit, if anything, the danger made them respect you. 
It was during this time that you met Jinx, while picking up your next delivery of shimmer from Silco’s warehouse. She had been there to speak with him privately about some arson issue that happened in Piltover. You had heard briefly about a lanky, blue-haired girl that would build bombs in the open space beneath the warehouse, but it was rare that anyone had ever seen her. But you managed. Somehow.
She intercepts you on your trade route, setting bombs off in the street just across from one of your clients. Jinx claims to recognise you from skulking around the warehouse. And at some point her chaotic energy and her strange inability to sit still seems to lull you into some sense of security. She’s just the perfect idea of unpredictability that you needed in your otherwise boring Zaunite lifestyle. (Though you were very lucky, all things considered.)
Your first date is a simple diner one. At first, you didn’t even know it was a date, just that she wanted to do something fun with you. She takes you in to meet her favourite bartender Chuck, who seems to almost slink beneath the counter when she drags you in. I feel like Jinx would give you a little monkey bomb as a gift for your first date - though it isn’t set, it’s pretty harmless. Other than that she bombards you with strange bursts of Jinx-aligned humour, and rambles at length about her various inventions, promising to take you down to her workshop to show you everything, while tightly gripping your fingers with chipped blue nails. 
And something in those bright, blue eyes makes you think that maybe this unpredictability could be quite fun. 
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‘Don’t ya get bored frownin’ like that?’ jinx drums her nails on her glass, the clinking echoing throughout the empty bar. It was quite odd, you reckon, for it to be this quiet, but maybe its just jinx. 
In her own way of trying to get a smile out of you she starts spouting some random jokes. Tries telling her own funny stories. They all mostly revolve around bombs or explosive presentations she’s organised at piltover events. Mainly the absurdity of it all gets a laugh out of you, or you just smile at the giddy, child-like happiness you see in her eyes. Something that seems so pure (ignoring the fact that she’s probably an arsonist and on several watchlists)
‘There ya go!’ she cheers, grabbing onto your hands and interlacing your fingers. You think maybe you should paint your nails too to match her, see if it makes her happy. ‘You look so much prettier with a smile, trinket’
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➼ first kiss with jinx 
It was after your third or fourth date that you ended up spending your free time in the warehouse. Jinx begins showing you all the new inventions she’s making, and all her designs for cartoony monkey bombs, you even help her draw out a few, including a cutesy little cat one that she isn’t as fond of, but she still makes one for you. 
Most of your relationship consists of Jinx making you little trinkets, like keychains, safe bombs, little bracelets and rings, and strange, misshapen sculptures made of leftover metal pieces. 
She loves you, in a very Jinx-way. She’s touchy but never very pushy. Long hugs, cuddles on a couch that she has balancing on a metal propellor in her warehouse, letting you braid her hair when she’s tired (please brush her hair, she will melt, and she needs some softness), holding hands in Zaun or dragging you to her private meetings with Silco. Whether you like it or not, you have the Eye of Zaun as an adopted father figure now. He isn’t quite sure what to think about it either. 
It is one of those cuddle sessions, after she is plagued by the voices that taunt her, that you end up just holding her face into your neck and sitting with her. These are the most important to her, like she can feel safe for once. 
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‘Thank ya toots,’ she curls around you, straddling your lap and looking down on you with an innocent pout on her face. You don’t have to ask what she’s thanking you for, this has become a pretty regular occurrence. 
In her moment of calmed silence, you untie one of her braids and begin to brush through her long, blue locks with your fingers. She immediately melts into your hands, leaning forward to lean into your chest, gazing up at you. 
‘I feel like ya deserve somethin,’ she says absently, tapping her chin with one nail. Then a mischievous smile crosses her lips. ‘C’mere!’
She eagerly grabs your cheeks, barely giving you a second to register what’s happening before she smushes your faces together. Her lips are chapped, but her kiss is so enthusiastic that you have to take a moment before returning it. Your hand grips her hair in between tight fingers. 
The rest of your cuddle sesh is spent with soft, hurried kisses.
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➼ first fight with jinx 
You don’t often fight with Jinx, you don’t like to yell at her or be upset, and watch her usually gleeful expression drop into that of a kicked puppy. But you were worried about her this time. 
She had gone up to piltover against Silco’s wishes again, most likely to stir up trouble, so he decided to send you after her to drag her back to Zaun. When you had gotten there however, you found only the debris of her explosions, the spraypaint she loved, clouds of coloured smoke, and guards everywhere. 
And no Jinx.
No sign of her or where she could be, you had no choice but to return to Zaun before you got dragged into the oncoming investigation, empty-handed. You spend the rest of the day worrying over where she might be in her workshop, sitting with your head in your hands on the couch. Is she hurt? Captured? She could be dead for all you know.
So when she shows up again, seemingly ignorant to how long she has been gone or the stress she has caused, you can’t help but raise your voice, crying about how you had expected the worst. You scream back and forth for a bit before she leaves you to burn off her energy.
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‘Hey trinket,’ the door to her warehouse screeches open, and she stands in the entrance, looking at you as you sit on the couch, barely even looking at her. ‘Ya still mad at me?’
She sighs when she doesn’t get a response, coming close to wipe at the dried tear-stains on your cheeks, setting down her tools and her guns to favour your face between her hands. Jinx makes sure you can see only her.
‘I’m sorry i vanished, i didnt mean to scare ya, honest.’ she pulls you down to lean into her shoulder, still stroking your cheeks with her fingers. ‘Can ya forgive me, trinket? I’ll make it up to ya, i promise.’
Jinx cuddles with you on the couch for the rest of the day, showering you in kisses at your request. Safe to say, you can’t stay mad at her for very long at all.
|| ! mdni content below ! ||
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➼ first time with jinx 
Jinx has always loved touching you, whether it’s a hand on your knee, an arm around your shoulder, or a hug from behind. She just loves to be close to you. But when you begin talking about the idea of sex with her she immediately jumps on the idea (and probably jumps on you as soon as you bring it up, you only barely manage to drag her somewhere private)
She’s an enthusiastic lover in all things, of course. Fucking you isn’t going to be any different. But she’s gentle the first time, despite it all, she doesn’t really know what she’s doing, i don’t think Silco really prepared her for intimate relationships. 
But still, having sex with Jinx is amusing, its not serious, always cracking little jokes or tickling each other and finding little ways to be comfortable with the process. You can’t really find it in you to be nervous. 
She’d start slowly with you though, if you wanted, just to make you comfortable <3 
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‘God trinket, ya look s’ pretty like this for me,’ she’s already slightly breathless, skirting her hands and dragging her chipped nails over your ribs. She lays you down on the couch in her warehouse, sitting between your thighs, looking up at you with half-lidded eyes.
‘Ya feel alright?’ she checks in occasionally, just to be sure. 
But she lets her hands wander at the same time, she can tell you aren’t going to say no just by the look in your eyes, urging her to continue. She lets her hands travel over your stomach and down in between your thighs, but she doesn’t hurry where you need her. No, she prefers to tease you. Just a little bit to get you squirming. 
When she does finally reach your core, dipping her fingers in between your folds, does she finally let up and give you what you want.
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dustykneed · 7 months
Got any advice on drawing McCoy? I hear people all the time saying how hard Jim is to draw (and he 100% is almost impossible i don’t deny) but McCoy T-T that wrinkley old bastard just completely eludes me for some reason lmao
ANON hiiiii!! i gotcha buddy. hope this helps!
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obv this is just how i interpret them in my style. there's no right way to go about this and another thing that helps is to, aside from referencing the source material, look at how other artists (off the top of my head, toboldlymuppet's trek art on tumblr definitely had some influence in how i drew them when i'd freshly gotten into trek!)
also forgot to mention but mcspirk definitely has really distinct silhouettes!! so don't be afraid to mess around with stylisation and emphasize the features that characterize each of em :]]
for this references are your good friend! (i'm a hypocrite bc i only use refs when im completely stuck LMAO it's a bad habit. use those refs liberally. don't be like me 💀💀)
learning to stylise blorbos always takes some work but i promise you'll get there<33 here's a side by side comparison of one of my earliest bones scribbles and one of the most recent-- you can really see the evolution of how i was able to get more comfortable with characterization (even though I used refs for neither of these LOL).
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you got this!!!
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kittykattropicanna · 9 months
my brain is absolute mush i am in love with him!!!! he tries to get you to send him more photos — and you more than happily oblige — and he guards them like his life depends on it. slowly starts to ask more personal questions, mostly trying to figure out if you have a partner and when he finds out you don’t? the game is on. starts using pet names in his letters here and there, drawing you in deeper and you’re so helpless against him. and then the calls start and he hears your voice and then it’s all he can think about. tries to get you to say certain things — especially his name — for him to tuck away for later when he’s alone with your photo and his hand on his cock and wishing more than anything to have you instead of his fist ):
he thinks himself a good person, all things considered. but knowing you, and knowing you’re out there? no protection, such a sweet and soft thing — it worries him. maybe he asks johnny to try and find you. doesn’t necessarily disclose his true intentions, mostly out of curiosity. but then he starts thinking of when he gets out, how he can meet you, bring you back to his place, knowing he’s the best one to keep you safe and so he uses his time to get a head start so when he’s out he can finally keep you ):
hyperventilating, screaming, projectile vomiting, this, this, this, THISSSSS,
The reason im soooo obsessed with your ask is because 1, you’re a fucking incredible writer and 2, you dived so deep into PrisonPenPal!Simon’s psyche, his such a smart dude and unbelievably manipulative when he needs to be…..
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Sorry everyones!! asks are taking so long to get out!! I just want to go into the most detail possible and give everyones ideas justice!! if you're waiting, I promise you its in the works rn &lt;3
TW: mentions of murder, jail, corruption kink, masterbation (Reader & Simon), public masterbation (kinda), phone sex, smut, manipulative!Simon and kinda stalker vibes I guess (not yandere)
PrisonPenPal!Simon masterlist
Regular masterlist
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If you think about his sentencing, he purposely played his cards in away that made him the victim without him actually having to act like the victim if that kinda makes sense? 
The second he punched that kid he knew he fucked up bad, and then when he saw the blood seeping out of the kids skull and covering the floor, he knew he fucked up really bad. 
A normal person would either run, go into hiding, try and resist the arrest, break down and have a panic attack. But he knew this wasn’t time for an emotional response, he needed to start planning what his next step was going to be and how he was going to execute it in a way that favoured him. 
His not a psychopath, his 100% capable of feeling and experiencing human emotion and is very emotionally intelligent, but when he needs to be, his actions can be extremely calculated to the point its almost scary. 
When he sees your picture though, something definitely clicks in his brain, he just wants more.
If that means more pictures or letters or even a phone call, he just needs it. 
I think maybe its something primal as well… his a man at the end of the day, and being locked up for years in an all male prison with all male guards means he hasn’t even seen a women that isn’t a playboy model for fucking agessss 
His not dumb either, he knows you put effort into taking that photo for him, he knows you put on a red bra because he told you his favourite colour was red. So the idea that maybe, just maybe you feel the same way, or are at least starting to, really erupts something in him.
But you’re completely right. He wouldn’t show a soul the photo you sent him. He’d go to drastic measures to hide everything :( you sent them to him, you’re writing to him, not anybody else,and he knows that if any of the other inmates found out about you, or god forbid, saw a photo of you, they would have an absolute field day. 
He sees how the men his jailed with act when wives, sisters or girlfriends come to visit their loved ones. 
He hears their disgusting comments about the women’s bodies, the detailed answers of what they would do if they ever got their hands on them. It always made his throat fill with bile and stomach twist.
Si may not be a perfect man, but talking like that about another mans women? His above that.  
Thinking about how they would say the same things about you, how’d they’d all pass the photo around with a dirty smirk on their face and snicker? He wasn’t having that, over his dead fucking body. 
He writes back to you keeping it relatively normal, lighthearted and friendly, but he sneaks in a little 
“Ya’ boyfriend probably isn’t over the moon ya’ writtin’ someone like me, aye? I mean, if my missus was writin’ to a felon I’d blow my fuckin’ top love, theres gotta’ be somthin’ out there better for ya’ to been doin’, readin’ a book or somthin’ like that. It was lovely puttin’ a face to a name, just seein’ someone so happy makes me smile”
Receiving his letter makes your heart sore, you made him smile. 
Obviously you had to send him more photos right? You just wanted to make him smile…. right? :( 
You definitely didn’t want to send more because your pussy clenched when he called you “love”
Its definitely not because he was so protective over you, knowing he was so worried about your well-being, always asking if you're doing okay, asking if you’re safe…
“I worry bout’ you out there lovie, ya' gotta keep safe, look after ya’ self”
Getting your friends to help you take more photos for him!!! 
Maybe you force them to go on a hike with you… you wear those leggings that make your arse look fantastic, posing in front of a nice view and purposely sticking out your cute little bum, subtly showing it off to the camera…. Showing it off to him :((((
But its just to show him the view!!!!! He hasn’t seen a nice landscape in years!! He deserves it!!
You’re not a dirty girl :( you’re a good girl!! You would never do something so disgusting for a man who’s locked in jail, your daddy would be so disappointed if he knew you were sticking out your arse for a man like Si >:( 
Calling over your ex-situationships so they can fuck you, your dildo wasn’t enough anymore, you needed the real thing….you needed Si, but obviously you can’t have him, right? There’s no possible way you could ever experience your biggest fantasy….right?
So other men will just have to do :(((
Having them hold you down and fuck your pussy mediocrely, closing your eyes trying to imagine Si :( maybe even moaning his name accidentally…..
Its never really that enjoyable though, all you can think about is how Si would fill you so much better…technically, you have no evidence to prove that, but his such a gentlemen!! He knows how to speak to a women…he must know how to fuck one as well!!! 
It only makes sense….
It makes you so sad… he’d never think about you the same way you think about him >:( 
He’d never fantasies about your sloppy cunt the way you fantasies about licking up his fat cock, teasing his tip and ruining your throat as he shoves his meaty dick down it :(((
Rubbing your swollen clit on your pillow as you moan for him, maybe even looking at the grainy photo of his face while you pleasure yourself :(( you’re so disgusting for him, so needy, he would never want a girl as yucky as you….
When Si receives your next letter informing him that you don’t have a boyfriend as well as a photo of you posing for him, that’s when the obsession really begins :3
His not obsessed on a yandere level but his definitely deep into it :)
He never really thought about what he would do after he got out, he always kinda just guessed that he would go back to his old ways, but now he has you very obviously showing some type of interest in him, his mind is fucking racing!!!
Maybe he can get your number and use his monthly call to talk to you, maybe you can come visit him while his still locked up, maybe you’ll be willing to have him when his out, maybe you can move in together, maybe he’ll marry you, maybe he’ll finally get to fuck that sweet little pussy that his been fantasising about, maybe…maybe…..maybe..Ahhhhh!!! 
Stealing sponges and a rubber glove when his on cleaning duty :((((
Bargaining with his prison mates for hair ties and an empty Pringles can so he can make his own makeshift fleshlight :((( 
Fucking his fat dick with it while his eyes focus on your arse, imagining his got you in doggy and fucking you stupid:((( Maybe even putting his pillow in front of him and pretending its your arse, squeezing and spanking it >:(((
His corruption kink is feral…he knows his a lowlife with nothing good ahead of him, his more then aware that for the rest of his life his going to be labeled as a murderer, but the idea of him taking a pretty little thing like you and pulling you down with him makes him cum so hard his thick juicy thighs shake, fleshlight filling up with his cum and quite moans falling from his mouth >: (((
He doesn’t know were it came from, he just wants you to be with him and he knows he’ll never be able to live the white collar lifestyle you so obviously enjoy. 
The idea of taking you out of that world and reeling you into his consumes him. Shitty one bedroom apartment, cardboard boxes as bed side tables, stained carpet and a flickering kitchen lightbulb. Its almost feeds his cocky superiority complex. Being able to pull a beautiful doll like you, get you so obsessed and needy for him that you’d follow him to the shit hole he calls home. 
Being so obedient, so willing, that you give up everything you’ve worked for just to submit to him…..
Receiving that sweet little letter excites the fuck out of him, don’t get me wrong, but it also scares him a little, his protective instincts kick in a bit. 
If you’re one thing, its a little naive.
You’re so willing to give up sensitive information about yourself without a second thought, you’re very obviously extremely vulnerable and trusting…. 
As much as he wants to protect you, he also sees these personality traits to be extremely beneficial to him. 
You’re very easy to reel in after the line is crossed from polite and friendly to more flirtatious and maybe even a little bit sexual.
He addresses you differently in his letters now, no longer just using your name and actively being more outwardly affectionate towards you
“Hello my sweet girl :)”
“been on my mind lot’ lately, been thinkin’ about you, thinkin’ all sorts of things I know I shouldn’t ;)”
Once that barriers broken and your letters are just as enthusiastic, he knows his got you. 
His got you to a point that he knows asking for a phone call isn’t a risky move anymore :3
He plans it though, he knows exactly what his going to do on that phone call and he knows nobody can be around while his doing it. 
Like I mentioned in the first fic, his sentence was reduced because of his good behaviour, this obviously means his on good terms with the guards and most of the other inmates. They all owe him a favour in one way or another. He hadn’t asked for his good deeds to be returned, not needing them to be……until now. 
He writes to you deciding on a date and time, Thursday at 3am. 
He wanted to be alone when he talked to you, have some privacy and not be bothered. 
His on really good terms with the night guard who works Thursdays, with just a little bit of bribing, he could be let out and have his phone call with you alone. 
“Listen mate, ya’ want to know who’s movin’ drugs in and out of this joint? I can tell ya’ with no worries, but I need ya’ to do me a solid favour” 
The guard his reluctant of course, but like I mentioned, Simon can be calculated when he wants to be 
“Magin’ the raise you’d get if ya’ could give ya’ bosses that information? I saw ya had a photo of a little girl on ya car keys, think bout all the toys n’ shit you could buy er’ with some extra cash”
And obviously, he got what he wanted, it was light work really ;)
As 3am slowly got closer, you were shitting yourself, lets be real. It was hard to wrap your head around Si being an actual person, you know? Like of course his real, but it was all becoming a reality now….
You were three large glasses of wine in when it was time to call. 
When your phone started to ring from an unknown number,  you swore your heart dropped :((
The call almost rang out before you got the courage to answer it :(
When you did a very deep, rough voice with a heavy Manchester accent answered, you could hear the smirk through the phone, a confident “hello sweetheart” to match :(
His voice had your breath catch for a minute….of course you’d come up with your own idea of what he would sound like, but never in a million years did you think he would sound so charming, so confident, filled with anticipation, like he had been waiting for this moment for weeks…like he had thought of you the same way you thought about him :(((
It made your tummy swirl, that all too familiar hot ache feeling buzz in your clit :3333
On the other end of the line Si gently stroked his throbbing cock as you said your hellos :(( 
Your voice was even more memorising then he imagined, sweet little nervous giggles as you spoke to him, quietly letting him know that you weren’t quite sure what to say, that you were a little on edge, maybe a little excited. 
You could hear his laboured breath through the phone, a distant wet sound that you couldn’t describe, so quite that you didn’t know if it was real or just your preverted mind playing tricks on you, making you hear things that aren’t really there :(
Just the sound of your voice was driving Si crazy :( you’re just as sweet as he imagined you, maybe even sweeter 
He knew it was wrong of him :(
He knew that asking you to join his little game was evil. He had you right were he wanted you, and asking you to play with your pussy for him on the other end of the phone while directing you on how to finger yourself as he fucks his girthy cock with his hand wasn’t what you deserved…..
But he couldn’t help himself, not when you were talking to him like that, so innocent and sweet :(((
“Sweetheart, I need ya’ to do me a favour darlin’, okay? His cock was so hard it hurt, voice out of breath and sweat dripping down his brow. You were within arms reach, so close but yet so far away. 
“Slide ya’ hand into your panties baby, start playin’ with yourself, come on, tell me what you're doin, describe it to me”
You so easily obliged, so willing to please him :( agreeing nervously with a stutter and shaky breath as you tell him what your doing 
Describing to him what you’re wearing, an oversized t-shirt with nothing underneath :( telling him you didn’t put panties on just for him :(
You let out a quite moan as you play with your tits, telling him how hard your nipples are, squeezing the pebbles and whining as he eggs you on 
“That’s it baby, play with those tits for me, yeah?, that’s my girl, squeeze em’ for me, there ya’ go” Si had to lean himself against the phone box as his tip leaked with pre cum :(((( 
Using it to lubricate his vainy cock making the wet sounds louder through the phone, you whine louder at the thought of his cock, closing your eyes you trail your hand down to your panties and slowly slip underneath the fabric to play with your wet cunt, just like Si asked:(((
“Rub ya’ clit for me baby, tell me how good I make you feel, say ma’ name, say it” he wanted so badly to commit it to memory, lock it away for later >:(
You moan his name as you circle your clit, eyes shut as you imagine Si doing it for you instead. You chant his name while your back arches a little, pleasure building at the sound of his rough grunts and wet cock being pumped through the phone >:((((
“I know, I know sweetheart’ just hold on a little longer for me, yeah? That’s ma’ good girl, ya’ not cumin’ yet” his hand fisted his cock, squeezing himself as tight as possible and screwing his eyes shut trying to imagine he was fucking your wet pussy, not his callused hand rough and dirty from the weights he was lifting early that day :(
“Finger ya’ cunt baby, finger ya’ cunt and scream ma’ name” 
You were dangerously close to the edge, the knot in your tummy tightening by the second, your once nervous moans now turned unashamed. 
Taking your other hand and slipping it into your pussy, you let out a desperate whine, muling your hips as you pumped yourself, squelching noises matching Si’s as you abused your wet pussy :((((
“That’s ma’ perfect girl, that’s it. Come on, let go for me, let me hear those gorgeous moans” 
Finally letting the coil snap your back arched like a cat, legs shaking as you moan his name, desperate whimpers as tears of pleasure roll down your cheeks 
Si gritted his teeth as he pumped himself, ropes of his sperm painting the concrete wall in front of him as his heavy cock twitched in his hands, animalistic grunts falling from his lips as that feral pleasure he’d been chasing washed over him. :((
He’d never cum that hard in his life, vision blurry from the white hot pleasure with your heavy breaths in the background :3
Just as he was about to open his mouth, speak to you again, the phone cut out, he had used up all his time with you :(
Harsh beeps filling his ear as his cock slowly softened, tip bright red from the attention…
He needed you more then ever now, protective instinct going through the roof :( 
Knowing you’re out there all alone with nobody to keep you safe made his blood boil…..
He needed to have a set of eyes on you, the constant letters weren’t enough anymore :((((
Maybe there was a bit of jealously as well, the thought that there may be someone else….
It drove him up the wall, made him feel rage he had only felt very few times in his life 
If he couldn’t have his eyes on you, then he’d 100% send Johnny out to do the work for him.
Looking through your letters and highlighting when you mentioned the name of the cafe you went to every morning, the name of the bar you and your co-workers went to every Friday to celebrate the end of the week. 
Of course he wouldn’t tell Johnny the truth, simply asking him to keep an eye on an “old friend that’s going through a rough time” while his locked up for the rest of his sentence :(
And Johnny obliged, happy that Simon was in contact with people that weren’t just 141.
Reporting back to him every week, always with a positive review :)
A soft thing like you cant be left to fend for yourself sweetheart, not in a world like this. But don’t worry, his got your back, even behind bars ;)
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RAHHHHHHHH, him, my mind is filled with HIM
PrisonPenPal!Simon is open for requests so feel free to send them throughhhhh, add to the AU, ask me expand on certain topics, whatever floats your boat >:)
!Disclaimer! - Above is NSFW content - MDNI - If you follow my blog without your age in your bio, you will be blocked - If you are under the age of 18, you are not welcome here, otherwise, enjoy :)
Cat divider sourced by @positively-mine from Pinterest - Pink line divider by @eloquentreverie - MDNI divider by @cafekitsune
Basic blog housekeeping -  fic requests guidelines, boundaries and my rules for minors
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carmenberzattosgf · 7 months
hi it’s 💫 again so sorry for flooding your inbox i just have too much time on my hands so let’s chat about needy carmen :)
he’s definitely a little shy about it at the beginning of the relationship. long, lingering stares and fidgeting with his hands. would probably try playing it cool until he knows you’re in the mood too.
once he’s more confident and comfortable, his hands would be on your waist and hips. giving you ‘please fuck me’ eyes. if he’s not THAT needy he’d be a little silly i think saying shit like “baby please, you just look too good!” “giving me blue balls—im kidding, im kidding! yeesh☺️”
if he is super needy though…he’s cuddled up into your side like he’s trying to melt into you, lips curled into a little frown. “can i have you?” “need you…missed you so much today” “baby just need you so bad”
I told you never apologize for flooding my ask box! Your stuff makes my brain go brrr like AH. ilysm and I love how you think about Carmy!
needy Carmen. Yes. Now that he’s in a relationship he just wants you so bad. Like all the time. He’s had so few romantic relationships he’s still learning how to balance it all.
But! He’s so shy at first he doesn’t know if you are feeling up to it right now and he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. That leads to him not so subtly staring you down while you sit on the couch in his apartment, scrolling through your phone while a show plays in the background.
The first thing you notice is his knee bouncing up and down rapidly. Next his staring becomes more apparent, and the way he’s fighting with his fingertips.
“Something wrong, Carm?” He blinks at your words. Almost like he’s caught off guard himself.
“W-what? No. I’m fine.”
“You sure about that?” You lean closer to him, letting your hand rest on his knee, soothing its shaking. “What is it, baby?”
“Fuck—“ A strangled groan leaves his throat. Your eyes dart down to the bulge growing in his sweatpants. You crawl over him, letting your knees part so you can straddle his hips. Carmy’s hands settle on your waist, holding on tight.
“You want me? Is that why you’re all tense? You gotta tell me before you get like this, sweetheart.”
“W-want you. Please.”
The longer you and Carmen date though, the more confident he becomes. He’s completely unashamed of how much he loves you… and your cunt. Carmy gets sooooo pussy drunk it’s not even funny.
When he catches you all dressed up for a work event, he can’t keep his hands off of you. “Fucking hell— you’re so pretty,” he mumbles into the skin of your neck, pressing you into the bathroom counter where you were getting ready.
“Carm— I need to go I’m going to be late.”
“C’mon, baby. I’ll be fast. I can make you cum in five minutes. I won’t let anything get on your clothes. I promise. Please.” His hand slips underneath your dress, pressing against your soaked underwear. “You’re already soaked for me. Let me make you feel good. Please, baby.”
Carmen is indeed fast. He bends you over the bathroom counter and pounds onto you like there’s no tomorrow. His fingers work fast on your bud, drawing fast circles. He also doesn’t let anything get in your clothes because as soon as he cums inside of you, he falls to his knees to clean you up with his tongue.
Now while his confidence grows in your relationship, he also becomes more okay with just how needy he actually is. He just loves your touch. He loves how your skin feels against his. How you two fit together perfectly.
On this particular day, Carmen has the day off, while you don’t. You get home late to Carmen already in bed. Thinking he’s asleep, you walk over to the other side of the bed and slip under the covers, ready to go to sleep.
However, that’s when Carmen rolls over and wraps his arms around you, nuzzling his face into your skin. “Missed you today.” He’s basically melting into you, desperate to be touching as much of you as possible. “Don’t like it when you’re not here.”
“I know, baby. I couldn’t get anyone to cover for me.”
“C-can I have you?” The desperation in his words draws your attention to the hardness poking into your ass. Little whimpers leave his mouth as his hips naturally rock into you. “Need you so bad, please. Missed you so much.”
“Carm, have you been like this all day?” He nods his head against your shoulder blade.
“I—uh. I had a dream about you, but when I woke up you had already left. I didn’t want to get off without you. Wanted you— wanted your cunt.”
“You have me, baby. Go ahead.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love you so much.” His hands shake as he pulls down your underwear and then his own. Carmy doesn’t waste time to take off your shirt, he just needs to be inside you.
Carmy fucks you slow. His pace isn’t hurried, focusing more on deep thrusts. The entire time he’s flooding your ear with praise. “F-fuck, baby. So fucking good. You’re so good to me. I-it��s like I’m made for you—“ He whines when you press on the small of his back, forcing his cock even deeper inside of you. He hits a spot that makes stars explode across your vision.
“Carmy— shit! Please, right there. Just like that, fuck—“ you weave your fingers in his hair, tugging at the roots. Carmy’s slow messy pace continues, but it’s perfect. His thumb begins to circle your clit as his cock keeps hitting deep inside you.
“I-I’m getting close baby— love you. Fuck. I love you so much. Going to fill you up till you’re dripping. You’re mine, my beautiful girl.”
“Y-yours, Carm. Always yours.”
And yes he cums inside of you and you cockwarm him to sleep. Ain’t no way he’s going to pull out of you now. You couldn’t care less. With Carmen on top of you like this, you’ve never felt more safe. Clean up can wait till the morning
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