#im exhausted now xD
Alright, notes on 1.1.10 for Les Mis Letters:
"a former member of the Convention"
The Convention here refers to the National Convention which governed France through the first years of the First Republic (from September 1792 to November 1795). This was an eventful period which involved some massive progressive reforms for the time, various interesting experiments such as coming up with a new calendar, a new form of religion and the metric system, as well as the trial and execution of the former king and queen, and of course the famous Reign of Terror.
The Convention did some genuinely good things like abolished slavery (until Napoleon RE-ESTABLISHED IT BECAUSE HE SUCKS) but obviously also some extremely questionable things.
The Convention was abolished in 1795 and replaced by the much more conservative Directory.
"when people called each other thou"
The Hapgood translation tends to use the very archaic thou to translate the French pronoun tu. French (like most languages) has two words for "you": tu in singular and vous in plural. Vous is also used in place of tu as a form of polite address. In this era tu was actually used in very limited circumstances.
I won't get deeper into this topic because I would need to do more research into the specifics but generally speaking, in this era, the general use of tu for everybody in all contexts was seen as ideological and radical. I don't actually know how common it actually was among the radicals, I'm not a FRev expert.
The "citizen" thing definitely was a thing though.
"How did it happen that such a man had not been brought before a provost’s court, on the return of the legitimate princes?"
This indicates that we must be at least as far as the year 1814 now. The words of the Conventionist seem to confirm this date, although it's a bit ambiguous; it could also be later. I would assume that it wouldn't be later than 1815, but apparently the law that exiled the "regicides" wasn't passed until 1816, so idk, maybe this does take place later actually! In that case this episode would come chronologically after The Fall, which is the next book.
"The legitimate princes" would mean Louis XVIII and Charles the Count of Artois, the younger brothers of the overthrown Louis XVI. Louis XVIII was put on the throne by the Allies after Napoleon's defeat in 1814. (The reason why Louis XVIII is called the "eighteenth" rather than the "seventeenth" will be explained soon.)
The Bourbon Restoration, as this return of the royal family to the throne is called, was not a complete return to the pre-revolution system; there was a new constitution (the Charter of 1814) which at least in theory limited the king's power, and the Napoleonic Code was kept as the basis of the legal system.
The reception of Louis XVIII varied, and a lot of people obviously weren't happy that he was placed on the throne by foreigners who France had only just been at war with, but this is the South which was generally more royalist. (This reminds me, I should relisten to the 1814-1815 episodes of the Siècle podcast...)
I already talked about the year 1793 earlier so I won't repeat all that now
“Louis XVII.?”
(CW: child abuse)
As a royalist Myriel refers to the son of the former king as "Louis XVII". According to the royalists, at the moment of Louis XVI's death his son automatically became Louis XVII, despite never being crowned king. This is why the actual next king, Louis XVIII, is called the eighteenth. (As a recap: Louis XVIII was "Louis XVII's" uncle)
Little Louis died in captivity in 1795, at the age of ten. In the autopsy it was discovered that his body was horrifically scarred due to physical abuse.
"the brother of Cartouche"
Cartouche (1693-1721) was a famous highwayman and a folk hero, eventually caught and executed in 1721. I don't know much about him but now I kinda want to look more into it. His little brother Louis AKA Louison was hanged two years later as an accomplice despite being only about 15 (meaning he would have been only about 13 at most when he was supposedly being an accomplice to his brother.)
"fleur de lys"
⚜ The heraldic symbol of the French monarchy:
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Supposedly representing a lily but apparently it might actually be an iris, idk.
"Bossuet chanting the Te Deum over the dragonnades?"
Bossuet was the bishop of Meaux 1681-1704, and a famous orator. He will come up again later in Les Mis.
The Dragonnades were part of Louis XIV (the Sun King)'s persecution campaign against the Huguenots.
Te Deum laudamus is a hymn and the title means "we praise thee, God".
"Carrier is a bandit; but what name do you give to Montrevel? Fouquier-Tainville is a rascal; but what is your opinion as to Lamoignon-Bâville? Maillard is terrible; but Saulx-Tavannes, if you please? Duchêne senior is ferocious; but what epithet will you allow me for the elder Letellier? Jourdan-Coupe-Tetê is a monster; but not so great a one as M. the Marquis de Louvois."
.... Okay I'm not gonna bother with all of these. Skip!
"the Abbey of Sainte Claire en Beaulieu, which I saved in 1793"
Several religious buildings were torn down during the Revolution, apparently the Conventionist spoke in favour of preserving this one? I don't actually know which abbey this is though or if this is a more specific reference. I can't be bothered to do any more research either tbh
According to an annotation on my edition of the novel, this might be an allusion to Hugo's father saving convents in Italy.
"those who despise it in a cap revere it in a hat.”
The red cap they're talking about is the Phrygian cap, which was worn by emancipated slaves in ancient Rome and which thus became a symbol of the Revolution (as it was a symbol of liberty). The cap is famously still worn by Marianne, the anthropomorphic personification of France.
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The red hat Myriel alludes to, I assume means the galero, a wide-brimmed hat worn by cardinals. I could be wrong though, let me know if you have a better idea!
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coladaminx · 2 years
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nalidreams · 1 year
If you don't mind me asking, why don't you ship cassunzel/Unknighted dream? I don't ship it either but I'm curious about your reasoning
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After the finale of the series I tried to get into unknighted before quickly seeing how blatantly anti-eugene it was back then. It just was so overt, and was very weird as it seemed to go under the radar. Just personally very telling. <_< I never got the vibe of neutralism but forced interaction. It just seemed like an excuse to make Eugene look incompetent, the target of every joke yadayada– just all along that line of not being taken serious. When I occasionally see it now I just kinda simmer because he seems out of character with what coming from a past of already having very little and never getting anything/one to himself, but I have nothing against it.
For cassunzel I just never saw the chemistry. Again with the forced interaction and season three only intensified that feeling for me. Heavily. As well as some not so nice things I heard and witnessed from the community, again, not welcoming. It’s not my thing.
You also shouldn't be putting down any particular pairing(s) or characters to justify why you ship something either, which at least imo makes unknighted more bearable to come across in this current state of the fandom.
>> x | x for more context <<
I have, however, been into Tangled way longer than I’ve been invested in the series, starting back in 2012 despite the fact that I wasn’t active online much then. New Dream has always been my favorite pairing!! The movie had a universe much different aesthetically than the series did and is much more likable. It's just overall a great comfort movie for me personally and I’ve made so many great connections from other fans of it too! It’s nice to finally have a space I feel comfortable in to share my tangled obsessions n' stuff. :D
tl;dr: With Eugene’s characterization I feel he’s stripped of his likeness when put in unknighted a lot of times, and never took a liking to cassunzel. I got into Tangled (2010) years before the series was even a thought and have been obsessed ever since. Guys. Ship wtv you want.
see more about eugene | >>next
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paintedbutton · 3 months
Two weekends, two festivals, and a lot of work stuff later, and I am caught between being very happy and also wanting to shrivel up and die a bit. ;) Vacation time soon, and god do I need it.
I'll probably be a little quiet for the moment, simply because I need time to just relax. The big work stuff is done, but there's still some events I need to handle before I can say it's truly summer holiday time. But I'm feeling good. :)
If you tagged me in any tag games, I am not ignoring you! I'm planning on doing them all after I've started on the new project, so it may be a bit longer, but thank you for tagging me!
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scottishoctopus · 1 year
Just wanted to say that I adore your blog, it brings a smile to my face whenever I see your posts! You seem like a really cool person and so I was wondering - would you be interested in becoming mutuals? <3 Asking as a seagull because I'm shy. *flies away*
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Thank you and for your lovely words! I'm very happy to know that you enjoy my posts so much, that brings a smile onto my face! :D
Sure thing we could become mutuals! Just send a message my way, don't worry I'm not intimidating or grumpy like Davy Jones!
*insert scene of Davy grumbling bitterly in the background*
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earthtooz · 19 days
earth i need to catch up on ur ratio fics (i read some of flower one and i ate that shit up omg) because now the thought of seething annoying veritas being all angry whenever you even look at someone else infests my mind like an annoying worm. i hope you know this is what those fics do to me
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in which: ratio navigates through the perplexities of pining after you.
warnings: fluff, 1.6k words, intelligentsia guild!gn!reader is kind of a social butterfly and talkative, ratio is so pathetic i love him T^T, alcohol, aventurine feature! my writing isn't the best for this one i apologise :,D
a/n: thank u for the ask mhie!! i wanted to say that you enabled me perfectly because ever since his release, i've only ever thought about this one scenario where he's staring at reader from afar and absolutely seething because he's not the one talking to them xD sorry for taking so long omfg and im sorry for turning this into a fic, i just saw my opportunity and lunged at it like an animal rawr
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Jealousy and envy are not familiar concepts to Dr. Ratio.
He knows of them, understands the inner workings and philosophical aptitude of both, knowing that they lead man down irrational paths. Yet, for all his years, he has not felt the bitterness of jealousy and envy squeeze him, cannot fathom why one cannot control their feelings and maintain modesty. 
Perhaps, the root of it was whatever Ratio wanted, he received. The only thing he has ever craved is knowledge, and it is available for him with the flick of a page, absorbing even the most complex of theories with ease. Conceptual, mathematical, scientific- not a single school of thought has hidden itself from his vast mind, proven by the many PhDs he has with his name.
Everything fickle that anyone could ever crave has long been his. 
Envious over someone else’s wealth? Money comes and goes, and merely serves as a medium of exchange. As long as he has enough to live comfortably, then he is content. Having too much of one thing can often result in a bottomless pit of wanting more, and material good was perhaps the most evil of all.
Jealous over someone else’s beauty? Compliments and adoration are not an unfamiliar concept to him; one glance at what’s under that stone mask will have others fawning over him instantly. He claims the mask is to protect him from idiots, but perhaps it also serves to shield others from the walking sculpture that is the Veritas Ratio, sharp features and toned body, there is nothing undesirable about him.
In conclusion, jealousy and envy are not familiar concepts to Dr. Ratio. Until he met you.
A fellow member of the Intelligentsia Guild but in another department, you too are a favoured delegate of the IPC, frequently attending the same events and trips as him. Thus, it was only natural that you’d become acquainted and that he’d grow to respect you, hearing about your achievements and dedications as an academic. What was unnatural, however, was the palpitations of his heart, weakness in his knees, paired with an overwhelming excitement to see you.
He’s no fool. These sensations were all symptoms of romantic attraction, but you were a variable uncounted for in the distribution of his life, and he was not ready for an outlier so powerful that it completely ‘skewed’ him over.  
Now, he laments in the corner of champagne parties meant for socialites. He is no lover of mundane interaction but as his contract with the IPC, he comes as a representative of the Intelligentsia Guild. 
These formal events always drained the life out of him, needing him to discard his everyday, flowey, carefree attire for a constraining suit, conforming him into the regular majority. 
He raises the glass of champagne to his lips and takes a small sip, the liquor serves as lubricant to the throat. The smooth finish of the drink is exactly what he needs; talking about the same subject again and again becomes exhausting, and even though it is in his role criteria, Ratio cannot wait to leave.
But he won’t, because he hasn’t seen you yet. 
Glancing around the room for the upteemth time this evening, you still have not entered his line of sight, and he leans against the bar in disappointment.
“Oh, why the long face, Ratio?” A mischievous voice coos from beside him. “It’s not a good look on you.”
“Spare me your sentiments, gambler,” Ratio spits back.
“As you wish. Not enjoying the party?”
“If you have something you wish to say then please, spare me the pleasantries.”
Aventurine laughs, all boisterous and extravagant, gold jewelry clicking against each other, as if coming alive to match his jovialness. He really is a personified headache. “You’re looking for someone, aren’t you?”
The scholar tenses, muscles tugging at the stiff fabric of his blazer, but that micro action was enough of an answer for Aventurine.
A gloved hand points up to the mezzanine of the grand hall. Ratio spots you, leaning against the railing whilst conversing with another man, one briefly talked to earlier. If he didn’t like him before, then he certainly didn’t now.
Handsome face turning into a small scowl, it’s almost as if you feel the intensity of a certain, golden stare, causing you to turn around and find the source, eyes eventually landing on the figures of a coworker or two. A brief smile graces your face before you turn around again, turning your back on the two onlookers.
Ratio loathes what he sees, and something within him yearns to be the only man you look at, causing an ugly, green sensation to brew within him; a concoction that can only be labelled as ‘jealousy’.
He just cannot figure out what other men have that he doesn’t; what is making him secondary in your heart? Why do you give these... idiots the time of day when you could be with him- talking to him?
It's all too perplexing, you make him perplexed.
“Well, go on, doctor,” Aventurine prompts. “Place your bets before it’s too late.” 
The purple-haired sighs, pushing himself off the bar. His feet take him to you, up the velvet-carpeted stairs. His gaze never strays from you, ensuring you stay within his line of sight and eventually, he stops right behind you, acting as a looming shadow.
His gaze is cold, hoping to pierce through your conversation partner so he can finally cower away and make room for Ratio.
“Doctor!” You exclaim, surprised by his sudden appearance. “When did you get here?”
Taking a hint, the stranger finally begins to peel himself away. “It was lovely talking to you, Y/n. I hope this won’t be our last conversation.”
“Likewise, have a lovely evening,” you farewell him with a small smile as the other party turns and eventually disappears from sight.
Finally. Triumph and victory settles in Ratio’s chest when your attention is directed solely at him, but you look up at him with arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.
“I swore I saw you downstairs moments ago, how did you get up here so fast?”
“I simply walked a normal pace, is that so abnormal?”
“I suppose not,” you huff, rolling your eyes. Veritas allows himself a glance over of your outfit, admiring you. “Have you talked to anyone interesting?”
You are by far the most interesting part of the evening, he thinks.
“Hardly,” he murmurs. 
“My guess is that you’d prefer to be grading student papers?” You muse, leaning in closer.
His heartbeat spikes. “Well, that is hard to say. Which would you prefer?”
“As much as I love my students, I need a break from the same thesis statements regurgitated in different formats. I’d rather be here.”
“Then that is my answer too.”
You give him a look that says ‘really?’, clearly not believing his aloof statement. Truthfully, he would rather be here because here is where you are, and he’d like a few moments with you before returning to the gloominess of his office. The hour hand is only at 11, what’s the rush?
Then, your eyes flicker to his neckline and they widen briefly, as if finding an issue with his tuxedo. “Hold still,” you command, hands coming up to rest on his sturdy chest.
You’re fixing his tie, he realises, feeling the fabric tighten ever so slightly as you adjust it. When you’re done, you flatten out the material with a satisfied smile, running your hands casually over his chest, and he hopes you cannot feel his heart jump. How do you touch him so easily, as if it means nothing?
“It was crooked,” you explain, “now you are looking as sharp as ever, Doc.”
“Thank you,” is the best thing he can sputter out.
“No problem, we need to have our genius looking proper at all times!”
Ratio is too stunned to speak, he fears that if he tried, whatever leaves his mouth will result in a various garbles and attempts at sentences.
Thankfully, you haven’t run out of words to say. “Oh, I have yet to get a drink! Will you accompany me? I could go for some refreshments right now.”
He nods and extends an arm for you to hold, and you happily accept it, holding onto his bicep as you ramble on about a conversation exchanged earlier in the night. If you were anyone else, he would not have cared in the slightest, but instead, he listens intently, taking slow and measured steps downstairs so you are comfortable.
In this bubble, the esteemed scholar is content. With you so close, it feels as if everything has clicked into place, like the scales of fate have finally balanced and equilibrium has been achieved. He could listen to you forever.
Unfortunately, all good things don’t last, because a face Ratio doesn’t recognise approaches you, hand resting on your shoulder. Judging from the manner of which they address and talk to you, you are close, and you don’t shrug them off. Next thing he knows, you’re ripped away from him, dragged into the sea of people.
You spare him a glance over your shoulder, as if apologising for the sudden disruption.
Still, he sighs, left behind with nothing but fervent symptoms of love clinging to his being, squeezing him for all he is.
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© EARTHTOOZ 2024, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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snail-studios · 22 days
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
Umm ok!!! 🥺🥺
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I really like this picture of mipha specifically!! I feel like the emotion is shown really well and even tho there are a lot of things I can't do with her to make crying more realistic (nose to go red and run, ect) I think I've shown it as best as I can ^^ I also love the way her top showed up and am proud of the little star <3
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I really like this sketch. My first miphlink kiss I've drawn :D the hands look better than usual and I like the green/pink gradient. I like the looseness of the lines, too. I was really just having fun with it and not putting too much pressure on myself
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Even if this didn't turn out as I'd hoped it would in colour I like how mipha turned out :'^) still disappointed with the overall outcome so won't be sharing unless prompted, sorry T.T
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This animation still impresses me when I look at it XD I did that????? What???
Mipha dropped her bag onto the table with a thud. Her hands trembled on the sink as she poured herself a glass of water. She bit her lip hard, choking down a sob as she lifted the glass to her lips. She wiped her mouth, her hand coming back red with a spot of blood, mixed with lipstick. Her eyes burned with tears and she let them fall, shoulders shaking with each quiet cry. Oh, she’d messed everything up, she’d let everything fall apart and now everyone was in danger.
In the dim light of the empty safehouse it was hard to see. The window above the sink stared out at a concrete wall, a cruel mockery of what she could be looking at instead. Even from deep underground she could hear the hail thundering onto them, a constant pitter-patter with the occasional thud as a particularly large ball of ice fell.
She faintly heard the door upstairs open, multiple pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs until Gaddison, Bazz and Rivan burst into the kitchen, rosy cheeked and smiling fin-to-fin. They chatted amongst each other for less than a minute, before seeming to realise Mipha was standing at the sink and turning to her.
“Oh, Mipha. Hey.” A gentler smile curved Bazz's lips, and he picked the bandage on his cheek. Her heart rate picked up. He was, like Gaddison and Rivan, absolutely covered in bandages. A thick one was wrapped around his bicep, a blood soaked gauze was taped on Gaddison's knee, and Rivan was covered in small, shark patterned band-aids. 
“What…” She gulped, reaching backwards to steady herself on the kitchen bench. She was used to the sight of blood, but that, coupled with her exhaustion and the way they had messily covered their wounds sent a wave of light headedness to her head. “What happened…?”
Im proud of how quickly I wrote this Fisheye Lense snippet :> I really enjoy writing Mipha with a lot of people who love her and am excited to show that more in the fic 😌
Thank you so much for this! I really needed it and it made me realise how much stuff I've created recently that I'm proud of!!!
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samson-the-whale · 21 days
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So ... I made a self insert fore WIR ....ya
Name: Scrapper/scrap
Gender: male (this mf bisexual)
Age: in his game like 20s to 30s if we go with his game age like 30s or 40s 
Game: Scrapper's scrape up
(its like punch out game mechanics game play wies)
Character interactions:
 Hc he gets pumped up easily and likes to push people in the shoulder lightly but really fast when he needs to let out that excitement (t can be like a charging up a special move in his game) and might accidentally leave a bruise 
When he does it to Ralph it tickles 
When he punches Felix he says ow but then hammers his arm and it heals
When he did it to Calhoun for the first time she hit him across the room because she thought he was picking fights and fucking K.Od him with that bitch slap
Then was kind of apologetic after Felix explained and yelled "oh shoot sorry" then Scrap still laying in the floor gives a thumbs up and a strained "I'm ok...it's ok"
 Also if he did the punching thing with Vanelopie she would just pixilate a bit and his punches would almost go through her shoulder kinda I think much like Ralph it would also just tickle 
Before the whole plot of the movie I like to think Ralph liked him but was kind of bitter "he has huge fists and smashes stuff why am "I" the villain?" XD
Ok ok 
So he and Ralph actually get along surprisingly well for you know one being the main character of his game and supposed "heroes" of the game  and the other is well the bad guy. They both like punching stuff and hav a give each other a high five or fist bump while walking by each other so like buddys
Him and Felix are more like 
Felix: look at this cool thin-
Like literally one of the doodle sketches was Scrapper leapfrogging over felix to look at a new plugged in game 
So he kinda is an annoying brat towards felix but always makes it in good fun like he's messing around with him with never an intent to hurt his feelings (even when he goes too far and accidentally does)
So now we got Vanelopie
There's actually this running joke sorta where scrapper really likes bright colors becus how I imagine his game has a very limited color palette except him for aesthetically pleasing reasons
So he'd actually stay away from brightly colored areas out of comfort before becoming more enthralled in other colors hens his fixation with casualty visiting sugar rush when he's bored 
You may think oh then he must have met Vanellope while visiting 
Well actually no he bye dumb luck he never met her until after the events of the first movie 
So there knowing each other isn't really that strong yet 
But because of him and ralph eventually becoming friends he grew a liking to the spunky little girl calling her shortstack all the time (despite him being a similar height) and or squirt
In response Vanellope calls him oled man
 Calhoun thinks he's like 12
He is not he's like 30-40 Like lectures him on his fighting form Thinks he's like inexperienced Finds him endearing if a little overbearing Finds his high energy useful in certain situations but exhausting at other times Is unsure...which fighting game he originates from Then bonding through duty or honor or avenging a loved one.
Sour bill (because I want more interactions and im hiperfixsaiting):
Scraper:Yoooooo a fellow rubber ball
Sour bill:what?
 Ima say this shit now they would drink tea together because yes Scrapper doesn't like coffee he drinks tea
Sonic (because I can):
Mf cameos in scrappers game in later levels for no reason just because funny
It's like the meme
Scrapper: sonic? What are you doing here?
Sonic in scrapper's game: waiting for them to play Gangdemstyle 
Ok so I forgot to put this in I was ryly hoped to post this but thanks to my friend @im-not-important fore spell correcting and helping come up with ideas(also did some of the Blu doodles in the Wight board drawings)
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rayjeff · 9 months
btw sorry i haven't been as active recently, life's rough
(if you want to hear me vent and talk about life you can read it below hihi, anyway i wish you good night/day/whatever ;>)
okay so i was assigned to this 'art competition' at my school called "makro" around 3 months ago. What the hell's makro you may ask, it's a silly thing teachers assign you to in 4th grade of art school high school and give you extra classes in drawing, painting and sculpture for as long as you're not kicked out.. kicked out? well, yeah, there are 'preliminaries' so they can pick """the best students""". When there are 3 to 5 students left, they send you even further to the state competition(? country competition?? i dont know how to translate that lol). So yeah, pretty serious stuff i guess. If you win, you can receive a scholarship (and have almost perfect art portfolio)
so what am i doing there? I HAVE NO IDEA GOD DAMN IT
they fricking put me there without my knowledge and now im in the last 9 students?? help???
i honestly hate being there, i probably should be more greatful but i just can't enjoy something im forced to do. I've been drawing the same god damn stuff for several months now and i feel so washed out and exhausted that i don't like drawing anymore and im questioning my life choices xD
yes, i posted some sonic sketches ealier in the day but this is literally the first thing i've drawn for myself in a month or 2
i could have said that i don't want to participate in this beforehand, but they said that it was beneficial, relaxing and i could develop my skills, so i agreed. Now it's too late to say no. I'm too deeply involved in this to back out. And at this point i'm not sure if i would be more sad if they kicked me out (which would mean that i'm not good enough) or if i was moved to the next stage (more suffering)
I stopped texting to anyone too besides my 2 close friends, im just too tired to do anything honestly and i just want me and my mattress to become one
I'm holding on for now but ohhh it's hard sometimes
anyway.. sorry for whining and wasting your time lol, hope you guys doing okay :] wish you funky, silly, fun weekend
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
28 Asks! Wahoo! :DDD
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(Post in question)
XD I'm glad you like him! This makes me want to make some lore for the little critter. Some of the other imps and cats have lore, so Armpit should too!.... Starting with giving him a proper name <XDD
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(Video in ask)
Oooo pretty song! Though I'm not sure what they'd think.. :0 They might just enjoy it in general and not have much thought afterwards <XD
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Google seems to say that that's a scary game, I'm sure they'd be too scared to play <XD
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I feel like what it would take for Bonnie to yell at someone is if they were yelling at him. But even so.. I just don't know if that's how Bonnie is..
Like if say, Monty was really barking at Bonnie for how he's behaving and just shoving everything in his face. I'd like to think that Bonnie would eventually blow and yell back something like "I DON'T CARE" or "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM GOING THROUGH".. Buuuutt at the same time.. Bonnie is mellow and kind by nature.
Seeing Monty yelling.. he might just shut down even more. He's so tired. He's tired of everything. And now Monty's yelling about something and its all just.. so exhausting. It might be easier for Bonnie to just stand there and not say anything and wait for Monty to get it all out of his system and then leave. Fighting back is just gonna make Monty yell more and cause more drama. Bonnie would give up in an argument pretty quickly and just stand there until the other person is done yelling.
And what's Monty gonna do? Push Bonnie around? Bonnie is way heavier and stronger than him. Pushing him/encouraging Bonnie to get physical is just gonna result in Monty flailing about and Bonnie standing stiff as brick.
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I've never seen that movie(..?) before so I cant really say.. But judging by Google images, it looks really cool! And it has a lot of cats in it XD
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I remember them! What a whacky cast of characters :00 My favorite is probably the Monkey XDD
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I've never watched any of the Ghibli movies although I really should 💔
Now considering all the stuff I've heard/seen about those movies.. the food looks delicious, and the lands seem peaceful..?? They all might camp out for a while in one of those worlds and just bask in the peace and quiet.. 😌
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XDD Hey I see that digital circus reference!
Although they didn't have any rides like that fortunately, and STAFF bots didn't exist when Foxy was still in service. If a kid had an accident of some kind, whether it be an injury or a uh. "Spill".. It was probably Foxy's job to alert an employee and they'd come in and clean up the mess and/or whisk the injured child away so Foxy could go back to work.
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If you go to my blogs post search and type in "super mario bros", you should find 99% of all my Mario artwork!
If you have any trouble finding it don't be afraid to send another ask- idk if ur on mobile or PC it might be different <XD
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Seam could have known how to do that perhaps..? But his powers were never meant to hurt people. Seam was the court Magician. He would just use his powers to put on these beautiful displays and show off these bizarre tricks and shows. (Usually along side Jevil to add extra flare and humor to his performances)
Although... technically you could say that he did use his magic to harm once. I don't know if it counts as a hex.? But he did lock Jevil away in a magical cell made of his own magic... does that count? :0
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Yeah that was the intention. Seam, that Older imp and the two cat ladies worked under the King directly. So they wore these beautiful robes and headdress things to show their status. Jevil was the court jester so he just wore a jester outfit.
If Jevil had any other role he'd probably be dressed all fancy just like them. :0
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Yeah <:( for a lot of reasons.
For many years talking has hurt Seams mouth and face, obviously- So he's resorted to mumbling and talking very quietly. After years and years of doing that his voice cant be great. When the stiches were removed I can imagine him raising his voice and it just sends him into a horrible coughing fit. Plus those holes in his mouth are still there, and they cant feel great to be stretched around..
I can see him struggling to make certain sounds. Like the word "cheese". He'd probably cut off half way cuz the holes were stretched and it felt like a punch to the lip. :'(
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That's a good question... I think at least for now, Seam just wants to cover it up.
Underneath that wrap.. his face is pretty messed up. Its not just his eye.. I imagine that the eye hole also didn't heal great so I don't know if they could even put in an artificial eye. It might hurt Seam or make his face really sore.. Plus after the eye was in, he'd just want to cover it up with a bandage anyways..
So for now, he just covers his face and doesn't touch the wound. And I don't think he'll have the courage to mess with it anytime soon... :((
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I have not :/ But I have seen ads for it EVERYWHERE. So I am aware of its existence. XDD
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I've never heard of that game no.. but Googling it, I can say that I love the art style! :D
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Awe,, Thank you so much!! :DD
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Possibly! :000
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Aww.... nah that would destroy anybody.
I mean if they absolutely had to for some reason, like they could never return to the surface because if they did they would die.. They would survive underwater for a while. But then eventually they'd run out of supplies and they'd starve or the octopod would stop functioning after a while..
Also MAN they would all be ruined mentally. Never being able to see their families again. Never being able to feel the sun on your skin or breathe in fresh air. Being stuck underwater for the rest of their lives would destroy all of the Octonauts. Save for possibly Inkling, but even then being trapped down there and all your friends are miserable would wear on Inkling too..
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Maybe not the whole playground. But I can easily see Christmas/holiday themed decorations being hung up around the Daycare :)
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Hmm.. I hadn't planned/thought about something like that... But that's a really cool idea! Perhaps at one point they were pursued through dimensions :0 Terrifying!
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Which "Wapeach" are you referring to? If you're talking about the ship of them, Mmmm nahh,, I don't think they'll ever be a thing..
Are you referring to "Wapeach" as in the peach wearing that purple outfit with the long purple boots? If so I don't know what to make of that <XD
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Judging by Google images.. they'd see the desert wasteland, turn right around and jump through another mirror. <XD They need to find food man!
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(Post in question)
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Bad Endogeny! No! Don't stab people's legs! >:(
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Never heard the song before, but I'm sure Jangles would be up for it! XD
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XDD 1 Jangles is powerful enough, the world cant handle 2-
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Jangles would be in awe of his idols. Sans and Papyrus would probably be wondering why this 3ft(??) tall plastic Halloween skeleton decoration is alive and talking XDD
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@octonauts16 (Post in question)
Oh! No no, Cici is Bibi's little sister. I don't think I'll be making him a girlfriend any time soon <XD
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I'm cautiously excited. I always love to see more FNAF but I'm worried that they might twist the lore even further and make things even more confusing... <XDD
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i just came (haha funny word) home from the beach and im hella exhausted but :3 it's been a while since i last posted smth "real" on here so there i go 🕺🏻
(apologies to @ukranianacearo im working on your request i promise my computer keeps dying and the heat make it hell to finish BUT we 🆙️ 🫡)
SO content :3 // headcanons only, miguel, hobie, both miles and peter b parker are included :D and indeed gender neutral reader,, enjoy 🕺🏻🫶🏼
also idk if that makes sense but reader is in a separate relationship with all the characters and slightly ooc everyone 🫡
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☆ hobie is the one who proposed going to the beach and you'd be the only one who hyped him up. the hardest spidersociety's member to convince obviously being miguel, you ran to lyla to do so. (since he has a soft spot for her he said yes, not for fun but to watch on you and the others. (but he actually ends up having fun)
"come on, it'll be fun!plus, it would be a shame to not come since it's like 35 degrees outside, and it'd give you a well-deserved vacation"
+ he's the kind to throw you in the freezing water because he'd find it funny how you're mad at him afterwards (but you never stay mad at him for a long time because look at that man. he is a slut. (in a pretty way) + he's also the kind of boyfriend to carry you on his shoulders to like. idk what's that's called but like he'd have on his shoulders and fight another person on another's shoulders. (you would lose bc you didn't stop moving)
☆ miguel would be the grumpy kind for sure. he came there because he knew that'd make him happy and you know he can't help it when it comes to his sunshine <3 (guess lyla isn't his only soft spot X)) he would definitely hold you like a princess in the water and teach you how to swim if you don't know how to,, he'd even find it cute
(in a soft tone) "why do you want to go to the beach? to learn how to swim? OK i'll gladly teach you :D"
and then he'd just turn into the softest teacher ever bc it'd remind him of teaching his daughter. eventually you didn't succeed at learning how to swim, but at least you spent a very wholesome moment together :D
☆peter would be the crackhead dad XD i js feel like you'd be the one watching him and mayday and even help him teach mayday to swim :3 + he'd be like super hyper because going to the beach isn't something he does often bc of his spiderman job and stuff so :3
"what did you say?? you want to go to the beach with me and mayday?? YES PLEASE. ITS BEEN YEARS SINCE I HAD ANY FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT."
☆ 1610 miles would be so hype bc he never went to the beach before, so going with his partner for the first time? he sure is happy :D
"wait?!?!?! is this a kind of date? this is so cool!!!"
but then the heat would just make you too tired to actually swim so you'd just chill, like cuddles and stuff
☆earth 42 miles wouldn't be hyped at first because he's more of an indoors person, like to him going outside when it's already hot us unuseful
"don't you want to stay inside? not gonna lie, im a bit lazy to go out right now."
but he accepts, and he had more fun than he would ever admit
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the two last ones seem hurried im sorry 😭😭😭
but :> hope you enjoyed!
please reblog it helps a lot with reach, please, and thank you!
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melkyt · 2 months
This of what you said about white lead being contagious like an std. so im thinking of like it being spread through fluids (including spit) and law unknowingly being still contagious.
Luffy getting infected due to repeated exposure and how bad law would feel about it even if he can immediately cure luffy with his df.
Even better if its while their crew are separated pretty far apart so it takes a long time for law to get there and luffy gets pretty sick in that time.
Yees, yesss!
Let's say it happens like this XD:
Law not even hearing about it until one of the crew calls the polar tang, maybe Usopp, which is weird all in itself, since it's usually Nami, or Robin or Luffy calling for one thing or another. Then Luffy takes the receiver, but he sounds horrible.
Luffy telling Law that he has the same cool patches. Law's heart just drops. Sure he hasn't been as careful as usual with Luffy, and he always worried about it being contagious, but that never turned out to be true until now. Law drops everything, he is the only one who has the cure. They are more then a few islands apart, and having to sail without the help of a logpose until they get to an island that Nami points to. It's safer in the submarine but when they get there, they all look rough on barely any sleep.
Law practically collapses by Luffy's side. Luffy who can barely move, the vitiligo spreading over his skin. Law having flashbacks to Lami dying right in front of his eyes. What if he tries to use room, but he is to exhausted to do so, and knows that he should have taken the time to rest but logic flew out the window as he heard it was Luffy, he cant quite think straight when someone he loves is in danger. Law taking caring of him the old fashioned way until his power recovers. Luffy sometimes wakes up, and is lucid enough to talk. He pouts that Law looks worse then he does, and thats its gonna be okay.
Law blaming himself for this, because it is his fault, he wasnt careful enough. Luffy grumbles and calls him dumb, its the dumb disease and he'll fight and it will be okay just as with everything. Law as soon as his power is strong enough to work, helps Luffy recover, leaves without even saying goodbye. He decides that it will be safer to just stay as far away as possible. Luffy chasing after him, because nuh-uh, sure it hurt, but being without Traffy hurts more, and nothing is gonna beat him twice! Luffy would become immune just by that statement alone, but Law gets very paranoid about using protection and no kisses for awhile, which makes Luffy pout XD
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
saw a post and now im thinking: hey what if nightwing and talia al ghul were friends.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 now I need to see the post because this idea is hilarious!
It's not a bad one just Dick and Talia's dynamic is so funny because they hate each other so much. If they were to become friends they would be the type to constantly one up each other. They'd be the most competitive rivals/friends ever!
Pardon the manga reference but they would be like this (read right to left):
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Haikyuu chapter 401
They would totally keep a tally of who's winning and brag about it to the other XD
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #145
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Batman (1940) Issue #332
To be fair, she loves to torment him too!
They’re the bane of each other's existences so much they probably lay awake at night thinking about how much they hate each other 🤣
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They highly respect each other and that fact aggravates the both of them.
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Azrael Deaths Dark Knight Issue #3
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #139
But one of the greatest types of frienships possibly
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #144
They would constantly be getting better because they're always trying to outcompete each other. It would be exhausting to everyone else looking in but secretly they're just having too much fun.
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 3 months
im so sorry youre receiving backlash from these people. why is it that every time someone calls out racism they take it as personal? why arent they ready to have these discussions to improve a fandom space to make it more inclusive? thats not too much to ask. the reason u, @/demonqueenart @/lesbianphan and others are talking about this is to bring these issues to the forefront when in places like this racism has high chances of running rampant. is that so hard to understand? esp when we have had quite frequently seen that dnp, adults with quite good critical thinking, have never stopped to acknowledge their microaggressions, present or past? we as poc have no obligation to be understanding about that, but we are. because in a community, you try to make things better. THATS what a community is. you look at flaws and instead of burning bridges you try to make it accommodating for everyone. and by that I mean EVERYONE. if the people pouring hate into others inboxes do not understand that, then they have a LOT of self reflection to do.
as an indian, i got so fucking uncomfortable when i heard dan talk about his frequent vacations in the country. because when you live there and know all of the colonial implications and the other party doesnt, you arent in a position to do anything about it. so you let it go.
there is no need to stay quiet about this. because clearly the moment you stay quiet people are starting to try to bury the hatchet.
ps: you dont have to answer or even reply to this. i know these conversations are fucking exhausting and i dont want to burden you more than you already are.
Thanks for the message ❤️ yeah idek what more to say here for every few minutes of feeling hopeful from people being receptive there's another hour of feeling absolutely invisible, like woah sorry this was hard for y'all to hear XD sorry I'm making your feel awkward or dirty or whatever, but it's frankly your responsibility to learn and grow you're grown adults now jfc
Gonna reblog my post about the indian colonial thingy too since many people don't know how very Obvious these things are to us, but if you guys don't engage with us when we try to teach you you'll never learn will you? What more can we do?
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ghostlyvoidshark · 1 year
hi shark hiii!!! how about something with the reader taking care of shane(stardew valley) or really any character you might prefer. no pressure, just have fun!! :>
Hi friend hiiii!!! Thank you so much for the request! Im happy you could be the first to ask <3 as a Shane lover i appreciate the choice XD I wrote it, edited it, rewrote it then hoped it was good enough. it’s just a short little story but again i hope its a decent start!
not proof read we die like lazy rats.
tw: awkward comfort for depression, talk of depression, Shane stuff
A quiet autumn day. The trees have even painted an array of reds and yellows, the air crisp and fulfilling. You had woken up early on this day, fixing your breakfast and a nice drink to get you started. you put on your work clothes and greeted your pet with a loving pat, opening up the door to greet the rising sun. That first breath of the fresh air sent a pleasant wave through your system, waking you up from what lingering grogginess there was. The chickens just began to crow inside their coop, greeting the morning like you. And so, stepping onto then off the porch, you started your day.
It took you till about mid-day for you to take a break. You liked to get all the important things done first and then move on to the less pressing tasks like running errands and cleaning up around the farm. You started with running errands first to give yourself a small break from the same surroundings, and to have a chance to greet everyone. Almost everyone likes to be out around now.
You headed off to Marnie’s first, saying goodbye for now to your chickens and telling them to behave as you passed them on your way. It didn’t take you long, nothing you could forage catching your eye on the way. Marnie had greeted you with a warm smile when you walked in the door. “Good morning, dear. How are you this afternoon?” She set her book down to give you her full attention. She was sitting in a chair behind the counter. “I’m doing good, how have y’all been?” You returned the smile, walking up to the counter after wiping your shoes on the mat. “I’ve been good and so has Jas, but I cant say the same for Shane.” Your smile fell at that. “Oh dear, Is he okay? Can I do anything to help?” You wanted to do what you could for your friend, already used to running errands for others. Marnie smiled and shook her head with a chuckle. “You’re always caring for others. You’re a good kid, you know that?” You gave her a confused look before hufffing a small laugh and smiling. “Uh, thank you. I take that as hopefully not bad?” She nodded her head, “Yes, he’s just been very exhausted lately. He hasn’t been feeling very well so I fussed at him till he took a break from work for a day.” She threw a warning look towards the hall that led to his room, as if to make sure he really got the message. “I see, well - would you mind if I go see him? I just want to check up on him..” You fiddled nervously with the hem of your clothing. “Of course I don't mind. I’m sure he’d be glad to see you.” She nodded, picking up her book again. “Thank you.” you headed down the hall.
You knocked softly on the door, hoping it was loud enough to be heard without bothering him. There was some grumbling from the other side before a muffled “yeah?” You perked up and leaned towards the door. “Hey, it's me. Can I come in?” There was shuffling and quiet noises you couldn’t pick out before another confirmation. You opened the door carefully and stepped inside. His room was as messy as usual, he understandably struggled with his cleaning habits. You stepped around the things strewn across the floor and made your way over to his bed where you stood over him who looked up at you with misty eyes. “Hey..” You started softly. “Hey…” he replied hoarsely. his voice sounded like it’d break any minute - likely from crying, knowing him.
“I heard you weren’t feeling well so I wanted to visit you. I was worried you had been pushing yourself too hard and gotten sick.” You smiled at him, your brows slightly knit together with worry in a way that made an expression that tugged on his heart strings to make him feel guilty. “That’s not far from the truth, honestly.” He looked away from you and towards the ceiling. “At least,I know that's what you would tell me if I explained myself.”he huffed. “At least you’re becoming self aware.” You chuckle. He rolled his eyes at that. “But I'm glad you were convinced to take a break. Even if you just hold yourself away in a dark room again. Whatever you need to do to feel better.”you reached a hand out, silently asking if you could rest a hand on his arm. He shot you a glance before looking away, not moving to avoid it. So you rest your hand on his arm and gently rub your thumb across the fabric of his jacket. “Do you want to talk about it?”
He thought for a moment, thinking over all that he felt and how he could possibly explain it. He let out a sigh and continued to stare at the ceiling. He started, “I'm so overwhelmed..” He looked off to the side. “I’m feeling so much but am so … so empty. I try so hard to do the bare minimum each day I’m tired of having to do so much and get so little done just to get worse again.” He did his best to explain. You nod along with a Solemn expression, taking his words in carefully. " I've just been feeling awful.." He finally looked towards you, he felt a little calmer when looking at you. "The past few days have just seemed to be going in a downward slope. I thought ... I was getting better but It's like I hit an invisible wall and I’m sliding backwards as soon as I have hope that I'm going to make it somewhere. What did I do wrong?” He sounded so tired and hopeless. As if he had exhausted every method to get out of his situation. When it was apparent he was done you spoke up. “What can I do for you? Like do you want me to just be here and listen or try to help solve the problem? I’m not the best at it but I can try encouragement.” He thought for a moment, a little surprised by your forward news but not really bothered since he had begun to get used to you a little while ago. “I mean … if you feel like it; some encouragement couldn’t hurt..” He shrugged tiredly.”
You took a pause to choose your words carefully, not wanting to give him some spiel he’s likely heard too many times. You wanted to say something genuine and helpful. “Okay, what im going to say is going to be cheezy but give me a chance, okay?” He gave you a hesitant look but nodded. “Just because you're on a downward slide doesn't mean you aren't making progress." he sighed, looking away dramatically. “Yes, yes, I know - how dare i go for a cliche, but like I said - give me a moment to explain.” You pat his shoulder and he looked back at you with a deadpan stare - just so you knew he didn’t approve of this tactic. Unbothered, you continued, "Whether you're up or you're down you're still moving forward. You're not sliding backwards, time just doesn't work that way. You're always learning, always trying, always adding one more day to your victory board. You're not failing, just making progress.you don’t have to do something amazing or supposedly ‘worthwhile’ to say you’re doing good.You don’t have to prove yourself worthy of continuing or being here." You smiled down at him. He had a thoughtful scowl.
Taking that as a sign to continue, you did. "I was told once that depression is like that optical illusion of the triangular stairs. It’s s .. it’s not going to completely go away, you're going to have down days - you're just going to be more prepared for them and able to bounce back better. Like little kids do. One moment you're like 'this is the most horrible thing' and then come back from it just as quickly because you're prepared and have the tools for it. And, hopefully, you'll have the proper stuff you need to fix whatever imbalance you have. Like medication." He didn’t respond during your pause. He felt a bit better that they were being honest with him - being realistic about the future. But one thing bothered him. "I don't want any medicine." He grumbled. "Medicine doesn't make you weak." You snapped at him. Startled, he loo,ed at you bewildered expression. You had never been so quick to genuinely snap at him. "Medicine is a tool not an easy fix. Is a mountain climber weak for having a safety rope? Or a firefighter for having a suit or ax? It's not a quick fix, you're still going to have to put in effort. It just makes the job less of a hassle. And sometimes you can't do anything about your situation because chemicals are messing with you and you need medicine to fight it. Think of it as your sword and shield, you’re still going to have to learn how to wield them - but they make your fight easier to do than if you were bare handed." You took a moment to catch your breath from how much emotion you put into the rant. “Besides… I know you and I know you are not weak. You’re still fighting, aren’t you?”
He looked up at you for a long moment, searching your face for something. Once he got what he was looking for he looked at the ceiling again, unable to hold eye contact without crumbling. But against his wishes his eyes misted over anyways. he felt his throat tighten and his breathing shake. ‘You’re not weak’ echoed in his head. “Thank you.” he muttered. “I know it can't be easy to be my friend. To put up with my low moods.” he voiced his thoughts but you just shook your head with a smile. “It’s not a burden. You’re not a burden to me. I am here because I want to be by your side. Through this and anything else.”
He took in a sharp breath of air and looked at you with a struck, pained look of surprise. Finally, the tears began to stream down his face and he let the dam inside him fall. He put a hand over his mouth to muffle his cries. You carefully sat yourself on the edge of his bed and reached out to him. When he didn’t pull away you held him in a gentle embrace, guiding him ever so carefully to lean against you as you rubbed soothing circles into his shoulder.
“Can you please stay with me?” He choked out through muffled sobs.
“Of course.” you replied
“What about your farm?”
“You’re more important than some chores, but if it makes you rest easy everything is done,”
“thank you..”
“like I said, il’ll be by your side through this.”
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randoluker293883 · 6 months
QPR Buddie you say? Hmmm you, talk, I would like to hear more about your wares! (Tho not if you dont want to LOL)
xD sure!
So to keep it simple, Iv always loved buddie but as much as I love it, sometimes the nearly compulsatory need to always have the most popular ship be in pretty much most fandom works in very ship-heavy fandoms like this can be kinda exhausting? (Teen Wolf's fandom is another example of this)
Plus I'm someone on the aro-ace spectrum who swung very widely between being romance repulsed, neutral, and positive so sometimes it was just kinda not for me but often id have to "settle" for other ships in fandom works I dont like just to get a break from Buddie and their romance fandom wise
I love buddie and would love it to be canon but I think it would also be cool if we had just a very platonic male friendship with two people who obviously care about each other without it having to romantic
So one day I was just like.... what if they were in a QPR? And boom my brain has not been the same since.
Just to dudes realizing they care about each other very much to the point where its obvious its more then just a friendship, but it doesn't HAVE to be romantic or sexual, and slowly going "huh." and changing their lives to fit around that slowly as they navigate a QPR relationship and what that means for them and the people in their lives.
Plus with personal hc's about Eddie and Buck's sexualities, it just meshed really well and now I just love the idea of it. Plus lowkey Buck is Chris' second father figure so that just fuels my fire lol
I tend to flip-flop between what kind of relationship I like Buddie having depending if im in the mood for romance or nah still but either way I love both version of buddie and wish QPR!buddie was explored more
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!
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