#im exploring this concept in my own au but i would LOVE to see if anyone else has any interpretations on it
scover-va · 1 year
Hey does anyone know any like. Good security breach rewrites w/ Vanessa being the protagonist while keeping her and Vanny as the ‘same person’ (<- wants to see of anyone else has picked up on the missed potential that is the psychological horror of it all) (if not i can and will start going into depth on my rewrite sooner. Because i am deranged)
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poichanchan · 2 years
Hiii, someone relatively new to the phandom having just played through p5r, but can I ask how the swap au premise works? I'm curious what your own takes might be on how the situations for both joker and akechi happened to lead for them to be on opposite sides in comparison to the game! I tried to look it up a bit, but there's a lot of different headcanons, but I love your concepts so much I wanted to see if you had any particular thoughts on the setting :3
Hiiiii welcome to p5 brainrot jail haha! (genuinely though, welcome and im happy you enjoyed p5r!) Everyone has their take on swapAU, I specifically wanted to play with the idea of Goro and Akira swapping their ROLES ONLY.
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In my AU Goro Akechi is still the son of Shido who is largely out of his life. Goro's life is a mess, his moms in rehab, and he is sent to Tokyo on probation (to his mother's friend Muhen the owner of JazzJin). I've adjusted Goro's life just enough to have him keep his childish love for justice. He finds his found family in the PT. Goro is a Snarky, whole, intelligent, a little mean, energetic, gets flustered, but also is passive and observant when he needs to be. HIS ROUGH LIFE MADE HIM GRUFF AND HONEST BUT HE ISNT JADED. Akira hates how shallow and transactional his life is. He has his awakening, ends up on Shido's radar via the research group he has in place to explore and exploit the metaverse. Akira's parents probably work around the research team somewhere and didn't think too hard about what they were getting their son into... a mix of negligence and wanting to get more opportunities as a family/bootlick. From there he has his forced 2nd awakening and gets ensnared in Shido's conspiracy. There is a lot of resentment in his life because of this, and when he is faced with Goro's existence, the literal SON OF SHIDO WHO HAS THE SAME POWERS yet life turned out so different for him because their roles are swapped its terrible. Akira is also very good at adapting to who he talks to like in canon. He is good at socializing and charming, thus the detective prince facade becomes a thing to help him gain access to deeper levels of mementos blah blah blah
Akira is also rationalizing a lot, he is seeing himself weeding corrupt people out, a hero getting hands dirty and sacrificing self for greater good. The metaverse is his stage. And he is THE showman. Detective prince Akira is more sweeping/showy/charismatic/flirty, his joker vibe comes through more normally. APART from the resentment Akira has for seeing Goro live his life the way he does, the resounding ITS NOT FAIR he feels in his heart, he also reeeeeally want the stupid phantom thieves to 'cherish your normalcy. stop messing with my plan. how fucking naive do you have to be to think THIS is justice?' COLD SEETHING FOCUSED FURY FROM AKIRA Its such a mess lol But i think hit Akira in the places that would make him play out the detective prince and Black mask bits without losing too much of his own flavor. His rationalizing is important, otherwise i felt he would feel the moral conflict harder and withdraw instead of being showy and sweeping. Also for their social links i have thoughts, i think detective Akira's special place would not be... jazzjin. I think he would drop by like canon Akechi drops by Leblanc, but nothing more. I have in mind a place up high at a height, something like the Shibuya Sky observation deck as a place he personally visits often to reflect and stare at the massive view of the city from. It felt right to have him up there looking down alone but comforted by it. Plus eventually share the view with Goro who he sees as this actual fated rival for all the reasons above. Their outfits are the way they are because i did not want to change them too severely in colorpallette or essence but wanted to play up some parts of their personality and represent it in the outfits. AND BECAUSE THIS IS A SHUAKESHU BLOG I NEED TO STRESS THAT because they are less jaded, because Akira is bolder and flirtier and Goro is more stubbornly optimistic about this dark world akira sees, they get closer alot faster, which makes the whole black mask and interrogation room bit very messy/
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added pix to make post spicier THIS IS A MASSIVE POST BUT IM GLAD YOU ASKED BECAUSE I DUMPED MY THOUGHTS IN ONE PLACE FINALLY. there are some other things ive thought out a tiny bit, like hobbies etc but i put them down later when ive developed it more etc @ anyone reading, thank u for reading and these are my personal thoughts i am thingying to entertain myself!!!!! dont be mean to me thanks ;v;
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vasito-de-leche · 6 months
A short (or not) ramble of scenarios and questions for reverse: 1999 self aware. (sorry if this bothers you, I just don’t have enough confidence to post it on my own blog (plus I love your content))
- Okay so first of all, in the main page of the game, when you click on the upper left corner with your level and username, you go to a screen with Vertin looking fly as ever along with some user information.
So if Vertin can see the game’s ui, then she can see the year in which the player has joined the game (2023-2024). I haven’t dived deep into Vertin’s character so I can’t portray her reaction to much, but I feel like she would tell this info to someone close like Sonetto.
Also our motto: I put “When in a rush, say ‘runs in high heels cutely.’”. I’d be so embarrassed if anyone (even fictional sentient characters) saw that. Like im dead.
On that topic, when you mentioned in your Sonetto self aware post that she can sometimes see us, and honestly, I’d be even more embarrassed. Cause like, if any of the characters from games I played, were sentient and could see me, id pray they didn’t see my bad angle. Like imagine looking up to the sky to see, just for a second, the chin of a head as the hands go to scratch their nose. Like the first impressions I would make.
- P2p players. Imagine the player spending money on the game (at the risk of Vertin possibly seeing their credit card number) to help level up or get costumes for their fave characters.
(Some misc. questions)
-what would happen if player didn’t log in the game for a while (a week to a month as best) cause I would ditch some games to spend more time on others
- What does Vertin think of the mail messages that the player gets? Like the latest mail I got was the discord event invitation. Upon closer inspection and critical thinking, it would hint that there would be more players other than us because it says the winners get 60 clear drops (oh and money too)
- If I remember correctly, I think you mentioned about Vertin hearing the player sometimes. So imagine her hearing us trash talk certain character *cough* Constantine *cough*.
(Anyways, I love your content ❤️ especially your fmn headcanons, can’t wait to see more posts!!)
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;R1999 - Self-Aware AU (2)
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Answering some questions and discussing the Self-Aware AU. A follow up of this post.
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not a bother at all, you bring up really good questions and details that are fun to explore! I'm glad you like my stuff, have a nice day o7!
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On the subject of Vertin seeing the player's profile.
With the way I intended to portray Vertin within the AU, I don't think she would be affected by the date on the Player's profile!
This is the date you came into contact with her from your perspective, whatever time and space that flows within your world, not hers─the world behind the fourth barrier that she cannot see nor hear nor even fathom, let alone try to make sense of. In a way, it's like expecting ants to care about concepts we made up, such as time. They understand night and day, they do not understand 3PM nor 8AM.
Is it truly proof that time can go beyond 1999, when this is something that only she can see? When it doesn't affect a single thing within her universe by being part of a game menu meant for your eyes only? There's also the fact that she finds out the proper time of the world in the 1.4 update, in Chapter 05.
Her dynamic with the Player is something I like to keep vague, so that everyone can fill in the blanks, but ultimately it is something so complex and private for Vertin─who sees it as a one-sided relationship, since she cannot hear nor see you, unlike other arcanists who may reach the 100% bond─that I don't think she would talk about it with anyone, not even Sonetto! The name on your profile and whatever message you've written there are secrets she will take to her grave. The idea of Vertin being the eyes and hands of the Player, but having no way to truly see or hear them makes for a really fun concept to explore!
And on the subject of messages, let's be honest, if you've written something funny or some modern shitpost, chances are she won't understand it LMFAO so it's okay! I literally just have my socials and "men enjoyer" listed there.
Oh! But since you brought it up, the message section could be a fun, little way to communicate with Vertin, since she can read what's on there!
As for P2P players, Vertin wouldn't see any information from the Player's credit card since that's something that happens outside the app lolol. Like, to me, it directly opens to google play transaction stuff.
On the subject of the player dropping the game for long periods of time.
Hmm, in the first post I said that there might be characters ouside Vertin and her suitcase who may be self-aware, with their own goals and such. But nothing truly "matters" unless the Player is there to witness it. So to keep including these possibilities and details, I feel like there's two options, pick whichever you like the most!
One, time continues as usual within the game─but once it reaches an important date where the plot is meant to kick in with some important event, it simply resets back to where you left it. This is a world that exists outside of your perception, but cannot continue without you.
Two, time freezes entirely within the game─but only for those who are not self-aware. Keep in mind we're talking about long periods of time, this wouldn't happen if you log in every day, or every few days. This is what happens when your phone picks up the fact that Reverse: 1999 is one of the unused apps taking up space in your phone. This is a world that stops existing once you stop looking at it.
In both options, the Wilderness would remain unaffected as it seems to be entirely disconnected from the flow of time and space outside of it.
On the subject of the game's mail.
Since the messages auto-delete and all, I can't check but I'm pretty sure Vertin receives mail too? There were a few ones from a few characters a while back like Druvis III or An-an Lee, and I think the implication is that they were vaguely addressing Vertin?
If someone has screenshots and can confirm this, please let me know!
Either way, the easy answer is that yeah, she knows this is a game, so she could make the assumption that there's more players. She has access to your friend list, after all! And even if you don't have anyone added, the fact that it exists is enough for her to start connecting the dots.
I don't remember saying that Vertin can hear the Player, though! I think I was pretty consistent with her not being able to see nor hear you, to have the Player as some sort of eldritch, unknowable entity. But I also write so much stuff in this blog that it's hard to keep up sometimes lolol, if I've mentioned somewhere that Vertin can hear the player, it was a mistake!
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ecoterrorist-katara · 24 days
hello hello! can i just say, i love your takes so much. it feels like you’ve read my mind on how katara would actually react in certain situations. currently myself, im rewriting the structure of the show in a way that makes more sense (aka, getting rid of kataang altogether and focusing on actual growth for each character including aang!) and im struggling a bit on aang actually!
we know how brykke basically stunted aang’s growth because of their weirdness. but what if aang never had a crush on katara? what if he sees katara as the big sister he always wanted instead, making their relationship more wholesome than weird? i think he’s such a centralized character, but when i develop the others beyond the show, aang feels like he’s left behind.
maybe that’s part of it too! he is a boy out of time, and now more of a concept than a person as far as anyone else outside of his immediate group knows. in this au where i intend to age everyone up, i’m just curious to see what kind of man aang would grow up into if his motivations for katara was never there. i see him as trying to hold onto his lost childhood and then having to come to terms with the fact he can’t. but i’d love to hear your thoughts. who is aang outside of that? his journey has the opportunity to be so fascinating, but brykke kind of said hey! let’s not get into that! let’s make him a creepy god boy who gets whatever he wants!
(also to note, this version of aang is meant to be with azula and while i love the meta ive seen about taang i do personally hc her as a lesbian but i do like them but yeah!)
also sorry if this is too rambly i’m just very excited!
hi! This is such a nice message, and please never apologize for rambling! My blog is a safe space for all ramblers. Your fic sounds like a very exciting project!
I definitely agree with you that he’d try to hold onto his childhood & have a hard time with his grief; coming to terms with the depth of his loss would be an exceptionally interesting arc. His people were victims of genocide: his culture and his loved ones were brutally murdered. Nobody can replace that community, not even his chosen family of the Gaang, and certainly not a romantic partner.
But Aang certainly is somebody outside of all that tragedy too. I think his cheerfulness and optimism, his playfulness, his resilience, his reluctance to assume responsibility, and his prodigiousness are all important facets of his personality.
Here's my piping hot take: Aang is James Potter with a more tragic backstory and less of a cruel streak. Think about it: mischievous, funny, adventurous, brave, enjoys attention, popular, devoted to friends, prodigious, entitled when it comes to love interests, morally inflexible, dedicated to Good, can be too arrogant to recognize his own faults. We hear that James became a pretty decent guy, so there's plenty of potential for growth for Aang, especially if he doesn't get his forever girl at age twelve.
Aang has a big heart and stringent morals, but is still a bit of a trickster. Not in a malicious way, but in a “I have a zest for life way” that gives him a little bit of an edge beyond just being a sunshine boy. You can see this even in ep 1, when he sacrifices himself so that the village would be left alone, only to haul ass out of the Fire Nation ship as soon as they’re safe. You can also see it in The Great Divide, where he straight up just fabricates history lmao. Lying is not an issue for him at all, which indicates it’s not really part of his moral code.
On the other hand, he obviously feels very strongly about taking life, which indicates a black and white approach towards morality that is not uncommon in kids. I could see an older, more mature Aang being led to question his own approach to morality, particularly by someone like Zuko, who probably finds violence a lot more palatable than lying. I think there are very interesting cultural differences that can be explored here, which doesn’t necessarily mean that Aang will change his opinions, only that he’ll have greater respect for how other cultures see right and wrong, and that he can keep Air Nomad culture alive without taking on the burden of being the manifestation of that culture. He has the innate impulse to try to see the best in people, which is at odds with his black and white morals sometimes. Related to that, he really struggles with morally grey characteristics in his friends. I think that if he had a fleshed out opportunity to properly disagree with his friends, he may not necessarily change his own mind, but he might grow to value his friends' freedom of choice over imposing his own values on them, since one of the cornerstones of Air Nomad philosophy is apparently about freedom. I think his pacifist voice is an important contribution to their ragtag group of overpowered pre-teens and teens and I love it when that aspect is explored in fics.
I've seen some really good depictions of Aang-not-obsessed-with-Katara in fanfiction (Southern Lights has my favourite one; in fact it's my fave characterization of basically everyone except for Mai). I see most of his flaws as things he can grow out of, but only if he encounters difficult situations and learns to grow. Have fun with your fic, and please do share in any relevant tags once you start posting!
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armandposting · 1 month
that moment for daniel is also why (other than the fact that armand doesnt see his abuse this way and isn't really ready/doesn't want someone to do this for him) Daniel revenge fantasies don't really work for me except as the occasional AU treat for me personally. when IM feeling fragile about armand and want to read about this it's cathartic. but if I'm thinking from armands perspective it makes no sense unless a lot of time and character development has elapsed. and something I struggle with when writing armand is that I don't know if he'll ever really want to see marius in a negative way and I kind of think that's fine? I think it would be healthy if he stopped seeing marius and also if lestat made an effort to not idolize him all the time but I don't think armand necessarily needs or would be inclined to see him negatively in order to move on (at least, not until/if the benji and sybelle stuff happens). and I certainly don't think he has any reason to trust Daniel to facilitate that for him. this is all kind of why I landed the way I did on "I am a man." That fic is about armand explaining his amadeo period to Daniel (a Daniel who is several years and a stable relationship removed from s2, work I wasn't interested in doing on page in that particular fic) but never in that fic is armand like "oh yeah I've decided fuck marius now." he's like no actually these were, to me, the best and safest years of my life, and I cannot throw away marius's position in my mind without throwing all of that away too.
i really do love exploring armand being angry at marius and I think he dessrves to be if he wants, but I think it needs to be pretty hard-earned and rest on an overall development of a sense of self strong enough to a) recognize in the first place that marius's conception of armand as his own person has always been shaky and b) recognize that he doesn't deserve that. but its also understandable to me that he could recognize these things and still be I'm a space where marius did ultimately give him the best years of his early life by comparison. and I don't think daniel is really the best outlet for that in any event when, if Daniel does tear marius down, it'll be because daniel just enjoys tearing garbage men and hypocrites down for his own sake.
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kraviolis · 1 year
TOH Little Lamb AU Masterpost
"Little Lamb AU" is an alternate universe for the owl house that i designed that is heavily based off of/inspired by this Golden Siblings AU. if u like this one i suggest taking a gander over there bcus its very very good
the base concept is the classic "luz arrives to the demon realm way earlier" trope, but with the little lemon twist of it being belos that finds her first and instead of her becoming another golden guard or being treated poorly in any capacity, belos sees luz as A Pure And Holy Lamb Sent From God To Remind Him Of His Righteous Mission
now belos sees luz as His Lamb and himself as The Shepherd because he is actually insane and also highly religious in this AU (i know many ppl see him as nonreligious or even atheist but hes VERY puritan christian in this one) and sees her as his own child now.
belos keeps luz away from magic and witches for as long as he can bcus his puritan views infect how he treats her. she becomes the princess of the boiling isles, though her face & name arent shared after her coronation so she can grow up in relative anonymity. but because belos is trying to run a fucking country, he doesnt have time to raise a child.
hunter is given full responsibility over luz, despite only being 2 years older. belos's reasonings behind this at first are "eh. caleb did fine with me!" but quickly devolves into him living vicariously through a human child who has an older brother that dedicates his entire life to protecting and raising her and would never ever abandon her. because belos needs severe mental help.
luz calls belos "uncle" and actually loves him & loves hunter but wants nothing more than to be free and learn magic and be a witch despite her uncle constantly saying that she cannot because she's human.
after her 14th birthday, luz begins to sneak out of the castle to explore the isles. she comes back before anyone notices she's even gone, but then one day she meets eda the owl lady and the king of demons...
and now heres a list of posts. im trying 2 make it in chronological order but its difficult bcus i love to smash random sketches together
baby hunter meets baby luz
is camila still looking for luz?
misc. sketches 1
belos cares for both of his wards equally
misc. sketches 2
luz & darius first meet
hunter & luz's first interaction after she runs away
asks/meta posts:
vee's motives in the human world
philip's thought process irt how he "raises" luz
how hunter & belos's dynamic changed
explaining darius & hunter's relationship
how exactly do lilith & luz interact with eachother?
luz & eberwolf interacting
how do luz & amity first meet?
hunter's feelings after luz runs away
why isn't hunter happy for luz?
eda finding out about luz's past
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Fan-Fiction: Worried About Copycatting
Anonymous asked: A few months ago i stumbled upon a fanfic, from an author i never read before, and it was very similar to a concept i had in the same type of au all purely by coincidence. Since they posted their finished work first and had way better execution i decided to scrap mine to not seem disrespectful. However ive been bothered by all of this way more than what a sane person should, and now im paranoid about my own works and the inspirations feeding them, fearing to be seen like a bootleg or to be accused of copying. In this case my questions are: what is common fic and general writing etiquette regarding inspirations, tributes and similarities ? At which point should one ask for permission or give credits ? And, what recommendations do you have to get rid of that "copycat paranoia" ? Thanks a lot for your time btw c:
When it comes to writing fan-fiction, you've got hundreds of writers from one fandom all inspired by the same source material, so you are bound to see a lot of similar stories. This is especially true when it comes to stories seeking to fill gaps in canon, fix canon wrongs, or explore obvious premises. But similarities abound in fiction, even in original fiction.
If I told you I was reading a story about a human who meets someone special, learns they're a vampire, and discovers their small town has a supernatural underworld, I could be talking about The Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Glass Houses, Dead Until Dark, or any number of other vampire love stories. None of these authors "copied" any of the other authors. It's an obvious, basic concept, and anyone is free to write it. And since they all share a similar premise, there are bound to be other similar elements, too, such as a small town setting, other supernatural beings besides vampires, the human protagonist turning into a vampire or other supernatural being, ancient supernatural beings as villains... Again, this isn't "copying." These are tropes of the genre and elements that go hand-in-hand with the premise.
So, you really have to keep in mind the difference between basic elements that are fairly obvious given the premise/source material, and things that are actually unique to a specific story. So, the human finding out their best friend was secretly supernatural all along--a pretty obvious element given the premise. The human turning out to be the doppelganger of an ancient supernatural being, as is their vampire love interest--that's pretty unique to The Vampire Diaries, and the odds of coming up with that idea without being knowingly or unknowingly influenced by TVD is very, very slim. It would be an incredible coincidence. So, when you think something is similar, odds are it's not something unique but rather an element or trope that is obvious given the premise (and/or source material for fan-fiction.)
Hopefully, understanding the difference between basic / obvious elements and really specific/unique ones will help diminish any paranoia you might feel about being thought of as a copycat.
As far as etiquette with fan-fiction, you don't have to worry about apologizing for or asking permission for those kinds of obvious or minor similarities. They happen. All fan-fiction readers and writers know it. No one is going to accuse you of copying if you write a fan-fiction story where Bonnie and Damon get together even though there are 40 others exploring that same idea. But if someone else writes a story about Bonnie and Damon going on an Alaskan cruise together where they get involved with a dangerous coven of witches and have to fight their way out, and you also write a story about Bonnie and Damon going on an Alaskan cruise and getting involved with a dangerous coven of witches... that's a problem. Because you know and I know you probably didn't completely unknowingly come up with the exact same totally unique and unexpected premise as someone else.
And if you want to riff off someone else's story, write a fan-fic of their fan-fic, expand on it somehow, take it in a different direction, whatever, proper etiquette dictates that you must ask for permission. If they give you permission, they will probably ask you to credit them for the inspiration and link back to their story, which you absolutely should if they ask. If they say 'no,' don't answer, or you don't ask, don't write the story. Figure out something else to do.
Similarities vs Plagiarism Taking Inspiration from Another Story’s Premise Afraid of Plagiarism Accusation
I hope that reassures you. :)
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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sharpedgedfool · 5 months
oh and finally, i hope you would explore winter and cherry’s first chance meeting in the future..👉👈 or maybe just their meetups in general, i’d love to know more. it’s driving me insane how they BOTH seek each other out afterwards, even when winter is known for keeping to themselves… it’s sweet of cherry to make it his own goal to wake up early and bring flowers to winter asap. i know winter is strict and punctual on their own schedule, but i can’t stop imagining them subconsciously lingering around a little bit for cherry’s arrival. AND MAN, something about cherry knowing he’d die soon but still come to winter in his last moments FEELS really intimate, there’s trust layered in. then there’s winter who is used to seeing so many deaths and is in constant grief, i find it’s beautiful how they still find it in themselves to hurt after eons of such, it just means that winter is an extremely compassionate and caring individual :’) now they have to witness a friend’s passing every year AUUGHGH I HURT MYSELF THINKING ABOUT THIS—
OMG IM SO SORRY THIS ASK TURNED MASSIVE,, i have so many thoughts about this au… i wish i could yell about it more LMAO. thanks for sharing such an intriguing world! [2/2] (( BEGGING TUMBLR TO NOT EAT MY ASK.))
I've a comic vaguely planned out for Sonic and Shadow's first meeting! I'm working on enough other things atm though so might be a while before I get round to it haha, but I love the concept sm so I'm sure I'll get to it eventually. I love melancholy myth-type stories so it's been fun to dabble in!
Thank you for saying! I'm really happy other folks seem to find it interesting! :)
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builtintripping · 1 year
is timmy still so miserable? does cosmo and wanda know what happening with timmy at exact moment (not the whole no memory thing i know they knew that but i meant specifically what hes doing or anything generally)? HOW WILL SPONGEOBOB REACT??????? WILL HE CAUSE A TSUNAMI?????????????????????? will the gang meet timmy again after memory wipe?
im sorrry im asking too many questions if you dont want to answer them just ignore this :]
Disclaimer: While I may have uh spread the fire about the NU gang being involved in the forgor rule, there is no "canon" version of the AU since I encourage everyone to take the concept and shape it into their own versions. What you'll see below are my own takes and should not be considered what's in the bible. (Please keep this mind from now on should you have any more questions!!)
Is Timmy miserable? Yep. Ever since he turned 18, he would feel like there's a big gaping hole in his heart and he couldn't pinpoint why. The thing is this shouldn't even be a side effect of the memory wipe. The fairies theorize that an "outside" force, which Timmy has explored more during his time as a godchild, is preventing him from fully forgetting.
Does CosWan know how Timmy's doing? No one knows for sure where the fairies have gone since the memory wipe. Last they were seen was that they were giving up their wands for good.
How does Spongebob react? LMAOOOOO HIM CAUSING A TSUNAMI IS HILARIOUS but nah I don't think he'd react violently? Sure losing a dear friend may be some of the most heartbreaking experiences one can ever have, but I think out of the three he would be more accepting of Timmy's fate and would be the first to move on. But when given the opportunity to reverse the situation, he would eagerly take the chance to bring his best friend back.
Will they meet again? With the power of science, ghost kingliness, imagination, and friendship, that may be possible. ;)
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la-pheacienne · 9 months
so something that I've been chewing on is how the dynamics of the Dance would have changed of Rhaenyra had been a son. Rhaenyrion, if you will (rhaenys/Balerion) I kinda realized that this concept is sort of explored already, with Daeron and Daemon down the line with the Blackfyres.
The thing is is that Rhaenyrion would still have quite a bit of beef with Alicent, tho there probably would be way more issues with Viserys insisting on remarrying the one chick that wants her own son to sit on the throne, so this would probably end up with some similarities to harem dramas (wives of the father against other sons that aren't theirs.) I suspect that in this au, Rhaenyrion would be far more assertive due to being an assured crown prince, (except daeron was an assured crown prince and still had to fight for his position), except Alicent would probably still make this boys life as miserable as she can
I'm guessing that in this au Rhaenyrion is married to Laena Valaryon automatically, but what would really be insane (because realistically they would have true born kids, but I also personally want the bastard allegations to happen because grrm didn't put that there for free) is if Rhaenyrion straight up fucking adopts kids as he likes. I mean realistically he can also have his own bastards and keep them as his own, maybe Laena doesn't fucking like him cause she's gay or cuckholds him with Daemons twins Baela and Rhaena, which would really warp the hell out of the family blood tree.
I do like the adoption thing too much because one, Romans, two, adoption isnt something explored in asoiaf. To the point that it doesn't seem like an option. It's either let the kid live with you unofficially or legalize them as your heir if their your bastard. Also if they wore adopted this would throw a lot of fuel to the greens because how could Rhaenyrion adopt his sons of vague origins and make one Viserys's gods-damned heir to the throne? Against decency, this is.
( I am aware that that option is borderline too crazy. Realistically, if we ignore the most realistic option, Rhaenyrion would just bring his bastard sons home and say they're his and Laena's ignore the logistics fuck you Im the crown prince this is my son his name is Jacaerys Targaryen.)
Probably in this au that I am cooking all over your asks Aegon and Viserys would be Daemon's bastards, graciously fostered by Rhaenyrion and Laena on dragon stone. How the fuck does Daemon's sons get the throne after Aegon II, I have no idea, but as I pick through the mush of this au, the only justification i got is that grrm's "the laws of inheritance were vague at best and when push came to shove people dp what ever they fucking want regardless." (Misquoted but basically what he said). Unless Damon has two shotgun weddings that were scandalous but legit enough in the short term. Especially since Rhaenyrion would probably designate Aegon as his heir when All the other boys are gone.
Pretty much the major thing that Rhaenyrion and Rhaenyra would share is how they make their own family. It's just that Rhaenyrion would be seen as much more insane then Rhaenyra would be. Rhaenyrion be making "promise me, Rhae" level promises to Laena over protecting her daughters and the mother of his sons and Daemon's sons.
The major thing however, in this au is that the greens would be super major usurpers all the way, since they don't have the women can't ascend the iron throne argument, and their main argument is just, Rhaenyrion has done scandal after scandal jow can we have that guy as our king? And said scandals are just, guy loves his kids and gives the greens middle fingers every time he sees them. Which would just highlight the greed of the greens big time.
Unless we go so far as to make Rhaenyrion Bisexual and unapologetic about it. Which adds more fuel to the fire since the Greens are pro Faith of the Seven.
In the case of the war probably the greens would be significantly more on the offensive early on. Like you thought Aemond was bad in canon hed probably try to torch the Erie in addition to the RiverLands.
Actually I just realized that since Laena fucking dies (don't want her to but she dies) the Driftmark episode would be so much fucking worse. Especially because...yeah this is a Rhaenyrion/Laena/Deamon poly situation Vaemond would be downright suicidal to be making comments on her funeral speech when both her gods-damned lovers who are Princes are right fucking there. And then you also have the fact that Aemond claims Vhagar, who belonged to Rhaenyrion's Just Buried Wife, the Night After Said Wife's Funeral, and then proceeds to Insult the Crown Princes Sons and Attack Them To the Point Of Said sons Needing Self Defense...Aemond got some serious balls in this au.
Also Alicent demanding Lucerys's eye and then rushing to Attack Lucerys and Rhaenryion would be fucking more insane then in the show, (considering that the show doesn't fucking get into a fraction of the realistic implications of that). Just saying that realistically, someone is going to die in this au at this moment. And it can't be Laenor since he's cool and is also the current heir. Unless of course, Viserys forbids punshment for either Aemond or Alicent which furthers the divide.
I think that if Rhaenyra was male he would not have been experiencing quite the level of casual disrespect as an adult. that happens in canon tho I did just write out why people would find him distasteful, after all, people both like and were greatly annoyed by Roberts Baratheon's whoring and drinking and they still payed him respect.
In summary of the previous shit, which I made up as I went along, in an au where Rhaenyra was male, Viserys still married Alicent, Alicent bullies and tears down Rhaenyrion as much as possible before said prince comes to a banquet with an all black suit and starts living it up by developing a martial rivalry with Criston Cole which pisses him off and being mentored by Daemon and vibing with the common people via the taverns and brothels, and hanging out with Harwin Strong and is living his best bi life is a more chill prince of the city with his beloved dragon Syrax and ends up marrying Laena Valaryon except she really really likes Daemon too and Rhaenyrion is like, damn, did I ever mentioned that i have, a very, very close friend, and she kinda asked me to promise her a major promise, Like a Promise Me, Ned type promise. And Laena's like, who the fuck is Ned. Because she has twins and Rhaenyrion is like, I gave you two freebies can I have two freebies psyche it's three because Laenor loved the last one so much.
Obviously Corlys and Rhaenys hate this sht so much but at least Laenor is alive and Laenor and Laena both want Lucerys and Baela and and Rhaenys to stay and be recognized in the family and anyone of them can be Laenor's heir and Rhaenyrion is saying me and Laena talked about it and maybe (since Alicent would rather marry a sweet girl off to fucking Aegon than my beautiful boy Jaceaerys) perhaps, Baela will be queen? Anyway a major family discussion goes down behind closed doors and Corlys just lives the rest of his life wondering why the fuck his daughter and son like fucking Targaryens so fucking much (hypocrite)
And Rhaenyrion and Laena and Daemon have a pretty good polycule going down in dragonstone and when Daemon comes back with his own "legitimate" -wink wink nudge nudge cue Otto about to have an aneurysm and Alicent getting ready to spread bitch ass rumours again - sons Rhaenyrion is like Yay more babies let me cuddle them Daemon it's my castle let me cuddle them.
And then Laena dies and Driftmark goes down and someone was 2000% going to fucking die except Viserys decided to be a long at the worst possible moment and so the Blacks go back to Dragonstone and the Greens back to Kingslanding.
And then Vaemond decides to be a little bitch (I don't know if in this au he'd straight up murder Laenor who had already desingated Rhaena and Lucerys as his heirs anyway or if hed just whine to the iron throne that this whole choosing your own heir is fucking stupid and is going against traditional law but Daemon, or Rhaenyrion, kill his ass when he calls Rhaenryions sons bastards.
The last supper thing is significantly more fucking awkward because no way in fucking hell would Alicent imply that Rhaenyrion would follow Viserys.
The main question here is how Visenya fits in this, because one, men are also capable of feeling pain over miscarriages, and also, to really temper Rhaenyrions grief and rage over the usurpers. However the only way this would happen is if he had a paramour living on dragon stone, and if he heard the news, lashed out, and was the main reason said hypothetical paramour goes into labor and stillbirth. And in typical fashion, blames the greens for what is technically his fault. But it also keeps him focused of the loss of a child that he very clearly wanted, while Daemon is doing other things, like securing Dragonstone and checking the children and grieving. But yeah he blames the greens saying that they murdered his daughter.
I think I just constructed a guy that just, really really loves his children a bit more unabashedly then Rhaenyra does. He experiences more privileges than Rhaenyra does on canon but also is like, insanely progressive as fuck for his story because, the only thing that matters is the monarch choosing their heir and Rhaenyrion took that concept to eleven. Which pissed off a lot of people but still.
There would be just a touch, a smidge, of major ass tension because people wonder is Rhaenyrion or Daemon the new king before Rhaenyrion is like oh come off it and breaks the tension. Daemon crowns his nephew obviously.
Anyway the dance goes down as it does and Rhaenyrion is remembered as that insane prince that passed off his bastards as legitimate.
Okay realistically if Rhaenyrion was real he'd probably be way smarter and a bit more capable and probably would be a year king and the dance may have taken place earlier than it did. It would be debatable if he had children or not in this au since the conflict would take place sooner tho without a doubt he is being married to Laena and it is possible that he may live longer and that Aegon II is mostly remembered as Aegon the Usurper than II. Especially because Rhaenyrion is totally going to be somewhat of a warrior if he was a guy. So he would be on the battlefield . And he'd probably have more tension with Daemon (the measuring dicks posturing kind, not the sexy kind) but i think Daemon would stick by his nephew as he did with his niece.
Also there's a good chance that Rhaenyrion would have been mentored and supported by Daemon way more because no doubt that Alicent would still bully and antagonize the shit out of Rhaenyrion but at least Rhaenyrion would have more support and been further away from Alicent then Rhaenyra got to be.
The dance potentially not changing even if Rhaenyra was Rhaenyrion just proves that the greens and everyone who supported them did for self serving ends and for greed. Not because of some women can't rule it's just that the hightowers wanted one of their own on the throne and that was just fucking it and the only entire point.
Basically Rhaenyrion would be more charming and active fellow than his great great great igaf great son Rhaegar.
And people would still ask yo what if that guy had gotten to be king maybe it would've been nice.
Anyway you did not fucking ask for this ask and to be honest this is the equivalent of me scribbling out my brain nonsense on the nearest scrap of scrap paper except it turned out to be your ask box. I was rereading some of your posts because I like rereading your posts sometimes and my brain started cooking and we basically squatted on your front porch to grill this idea. I would say a bigger sorry but I had a little too much fun writing this.
Oh wow that was heavy. You should write a fic.
This is my totally civil take about an AU where Rhaenyra is a man.
For the record I don't believe there would be a dance if Rhaenyra was a man, but it's not impossible. If there was a dance, it would be a much more clear cut situation than this though, because Rhaenyra being a woman and having sex makes her a morally grey character in the eyes of a big part of the audience. The greens would have zero support in the fandom had Rhaenyra been a man.
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zorosdimples · 3 months
i really appreciate you holding on for the wild ride, it ended up being much more of a word vomit than i anticipated 😅 this is also gonna be long to explain it all but:
okay so my OC, calrik, is from an original fantasy fiction work i have tentatively called ‘homeward bound’; it’s been a passion project for like idk 10+ years and the characters in it are like the original 4 OCs for me lol. he (funnily enough) resembles laios physically (blonde, 6’4, a guard so Fit, brown eyes) but also has freckles and is a wolf shapeshifter (simply put, but it’s more complicated than that) (which is probably that’s why I love laios, your honor). premise of that WIP’s world is an empress (ilantha) of celestial blood and her three closest and highest ranked guards (saelihn, merric, and calrik) (none of which start out in those positions except the empress) up being divinely intertwined in changing the course of the empires’ history. fated love, fated loss, coronations and galas and sneaking away to not get caught, fae and wolf shapeshifters, personified celestial bodies and primordial / ancient spirits, heinous war crimes, children with trauma responsible for way too much, not a parent in sight lmfao. that being said, the kidnapping was happening from the Big Baddie™️ in that world and calrik busted in.
with the SW AU, it’s an AU of my own work (lmfao). calrik is an inquisitor, brother to merric (supreme leader); sae is a force sensitive rebel (not proper Jedi) and tasked with transporting / protecting ilantha (actual Jedi, Princess of Alderaan). the girls get captured, put on star killer base, and interrogated by the guys. of course they pair bc where else would the enemies to lovers come in. cal interrogates sae, and she’s restrained. since sabers turn on, they have an activation mechanism hums. so while he’s interrogating her, choking her, calling her pet and telling her to speak up, he traces the humming, vibrating end of the saber—while ignited—along her body until its against her thrumming cunt. hence: a lightsaber vibrator as means of an interrogation method.
now Laios…… holy shit yeah. that’s exactly what im thinking about!!!! an aphrodisiac that the longer the body doesn’t register you’re breeding (aka using it), the worse it gets. teaching him how to touch you, and he ends up being exactly the touch you’ve always imagined having. its so innocently perfect, and before he’s even had his turn, a glob of cum has stained his pants. he’s panting, pupils swollen; at one point you have to remind him to take the armor off because he’s so into you, enraptured. now imagine you’re the monster that hit him with the pollen……………….. like a fae dryad or somethin………. holy shit yeah.
thank you for indulging me 🙂‍↕️ im so sorry this is a damn novel lol
putting this under the cut since i rambled A LOT!
sav what the FUCK that world you’ve built sounds so incredible and well thought out; i LOVE fantasy but it’s daunting to write/create fantastical worlds because there are so many elements you must consider and balance. effective world building is a feat—and you have so many interesting characters that you’ve also created to boot! i’m obsessed with how similar cal is to laios ooohuuhgghhhhhh i will lose my mind (go insanely horny) over him.
AND THE STAR WARS AU???????? okay first of all: brilliant, show-stopping, incredible. putting your own ocs from an original story into a pre-existing fictional universe is so big brained of you i don’t even know what to say. and enemies to lovers…my favorite flavor, truly. can i just say i wanna be in sae’s place because oh my god? i’m seeing the vibrating lightsaber vision and i want to experience it so desperately it’s not even funny.
finally LAIOS, MY LOVE! i have a bit of a reputation on my blog for being a virgin killer because there’s nothing more sexy and delicious to me than teaching someone inexperienced how to touch you; molding their concept of sexuality, exploring their interests, and leaving a lasting impression on them (even if you don’t stay together because they will never, never forget their first). and laios is the perfect virgin in my mind because he’s eager to please and he’s utterly shameless. he will lick your armpits and spit on your clit and suck on your tongue without a second thought because it feels and tastes so good; he has a one-track mind and it makes sex with him almost a religious experience. the sex pollen trope on top of that makes him feral for you…i don’t even know what to say about the idea of you being the monster—like…UGH. he gives you a run for your money!
anyway thank you for sharing with me; i’m kissing you and your gorgeous brain <3
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
(last anon= me, was a bit anxious it might not go over well for some reason- off now bc changing the capitalization was a pain)
i agree on the human aus! love their flexibility, the sorta "yeah, may as well happen" you get clicking on something (with love) completely ridiculous. it's also so much fun to see what people do with crowley's eyes and his relationship to the glasses.
i'm very very early in planning this, but i want a&c to be as close to theirshow characterizations as i can possibly get them (book boys are amazing but i want the drama). i don't know that i'll do a very good job at justifying it with their backstories, but i'm gonna try. (idk. people have different opinions on personality being nature vs nurture. i can claim majority nature if it's more convenient)
i'm thinking here that crowley, personally, would have had to kill somebody or a couple somebodies, in an absolute (it at least appeared so, still does), life or death, them or him scenario (only his life saved). said somebody or somebodies would have attacked first, and out of desperation-- not totally their choice either. i'm assuming for the sake of the fic that he'd be able to do it at all, and then survive a couple decades after, so there's... something.
i just can't figure out exactly how he'd have coped with it, and whether he'd, later, think of it as justified, like how much guilt there would be. don't know what's even plausible.
my biggest problem is that framing him as 100% Good and Pure (and weirdly helpless?) like ppl do sometimes is literally my biggest fear writing this (huge mischaracterization in general). i don't want to go for the exact same indifference as in the show, for reasons you mentioned (and also that level of apathy would fuck up the entire rest of the fic), but not too far in the opposite direction, either.
tysm for the first response and considering a second, this seems a whole lot more solvable- and sorry if it's a lot to ask to go over all this (although your ability to hold a shit ton of information at once and then respond eloquently is impressive asf, looking at like every chain with LWA), i just drew a bit of a blank. also my bad if it's got a little heavy for your blog, just realized looking at the tags 😭
oh @aq-uatic you silly goose!!!✨ im absolutely fine with asks like that, please feel free to sling them my way anytime!!! ultimately tho, that's what the tw was for; just in case it was a bit heavy for someone else, but for me, personally? there's not a lot of themes that i feel uncomfortable discussing, almost all topics are welcome and i'll soon say if they aren't!!!💕
ooooh okay, so a self-defence angle!!! i think that that could be interesting to explore, because - well, you could take it from the perspective that crowley is initially very righteous in defending himself, rightly thinking that he deserved to protect himself, and the use of force was proportionate. he could initially come across as quite dispassionate and apathetic about it, "me vs. them? well of course it was going to be me!", and ultimately not want to address the whole concept of having committed murder because, on face value, it was justified. and maybe he privately doesn't want to examine it bc he's apprehensive about what he'd find?
but then as plot (and character) develops, turns out that because the whole thing was so fast, fuelled by adrenaline and the instinct to survive, crowley ends up... not being able to remember much of it? and as details start to come back, i think that's where the cognitive dissonance element would play - that he then has to reconcile himself as being someone who he feels is morally sound, 'would never harm another human being', a good person... but then is starting to remember his fear in the situation, confronting his own mortality, and what it says about him to be able to take another life with little thought other than his own self-preservation? as well as remember the specific physical details of what happened? the sounds, the smells? looks in the mirror afterwards and sees a different person looking back?
obviously without knowing the full motive of the person attacking him, who they are, what their story is etc.,... i think crowley could end up dealing with it in a way that he accepts that he cannot control others' actions, only his own. that that person chose to put him in the position of having to defend himself, and whilst, yes, that person may have had a family, friends, potential... when he's in a position of ensuring his own survival, he may have actually made the best decision he could have at the time. idk if you're planning to explore the attacker's circumstances in any depth, but if - for example - they were trying to rob him out of their own desperation (e.g. homelessness/austerity, fund addiction, peer pressured/gang context, mental health), maybe crowley would deal with that by exploring charitable work, or good causes, that seek to alleviate that very desperation? and that's how he heals from the experience?
again, hoping this might be some food for thought!!!✨💕 please do link me your fic when you've posted anything, i really admire how you're exploring this concept and it sounds really interesting and promising!!! i'll reiterate that i love getting asks, especially when they explore topics like this; i feel the LWA ones are a little bit of an anomaly, for being really analysis-heavy (which i love, let me clear), but getting to be a bit creative is exciting for me too!!!✨
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horta-in-charge · 2 years
Things I’ve decided are Canon TM for the Andorian First Contact AU (afc!au):
From other people’s fics-
Per @theandorianimperialarchive ‘s fic series on AO3 (which I’ll link in a reblog because it disappeared from my tabs 😭) the P’Jem Commando Quad did meet in a Vulcan POW camp.
I also really love their Andorian-Orion interaction concepts… which is to say it has excellent world-building that has destroyed me. Would not recommend reading that part if you’re squeamish or if you couldn’t handle Soval in the chair. Let’s just say that I absolutely want to destroy the Orions after reading that more than the Xindi wanted to destroy Earth in ENT S3.
The main universe Andorian cultural exploration is high key a yes in this, but that’s the 3rd(?) part of their Mirror Tales series. It’s sad but also really cute.
Emigre is required reading for cultural things as well, not sure if the author has a tumblr but READ IT. It’s very well thought out it’s unfinished though. The Keth system is quite interesting, I’m not sure if it’s fully like the Bajoran d’jarras or not.
There was another fic inspired by Emigre which I will also link once I find it that had some cool cultural exchanges as well (it does involve questionable blood transfusions). Also unfinished. And I think they may have gotten Keval’s name wrong? Unless they created a new OC. Their interpretation on quads is interesting but I’m a fan of the 4 genders and I’m also keeping the bottleneck semi-canon (it just gets put off another century).
@toebeans-mcgee sent @deepspacedukat an ask a bit ago that I loved about Andorians being able to sense human pheromones and LIKING it, unlike Vulcans. The gist is that’s why Tholos thinks T’Pol smells good in P’Jem.
My brain-
The Andorians were just checking out Earth to make sure they weren’t going to be attacked (again). They had no intention of keeping us except we kind of won them over (the pheromones probably have something to do with it).
They’re more helpful with technology than the Vulcans are in the normal ST canon but still very secretive. We end up getting some rudimentary shields from them eventually for the NX project but we do have to make them ourselves. We do give them rudimentary transporter tech in exchange (only cleared for inanimate objects, not people).
Humans colonize the moon and Mars successfully before building the NX-01. Transporter technology becomes advanced enough that they can piggyback beams through several orbiting stations and ships to supply the colonies. Mars looks nicer than we see in Terra Prime (ST:ENT).
Transport ships (mostly) have Warp 3 capable engines by the time NX-01 construction begins. The Enterprise has a Warp 5 engine still until the Xindi arc when it gets upgraded to a Warp 6 engine (part of the 6 month layover is running tests).
The Andorians introduce us to the Betazoids because they think it’s funny we look so alike. They don’t expect us to make friends with them because humans are still a little squicked by telepathy. We surprise them.
Pre NX-01 engine tests end up with us meeting Vulcans. They’re ‘okay’ by human standards and help repair the ship’s warp field generators. The Vulcans end up introducing us to the Tellarites (not sure how yet, probably through the IME) and we get along after the adjustment period (after all, Tellarite manners are a 180 from most human cultures).
Part of the reason Andorians continue to help/trade with us is because Earth is Space Australia TM and has a lot of medicinal plants (for aliens). The IME does request human doctors once they find that out. Hereford/Herford Medical School (HCOM- Her(e)ford College of Osteopathic Medicine) is a popular IME selection pool. Because this is my own thing I can put my OC’s in it and I will, but you can also ignore it if you want. Totally down for anyone to borrow this au if they give me credit.
The Andorian Government is very upset with us being so friendly towards pretty much their two biggest Space Rivals that they nearly cut all contact with us (and they would if it wasn’t for those plants that they can’t synthesize compounds from).
By the time the NX-01 is flight cleared we’ve met Klingons (IME? Some ambassador accidentally getting into a duel? I don’t know). The first mission is still the same. T’Pol is still the science officer, Phlox is still the CMO, Earth tech is mostly the same but works a bit better. We still have hull plating along with the shields because humans do love a backup system.
Pretty much (so far at least, unless I have more thoughts) all the ENT episode canon is still canon except for the not knowing Andorians, Tellarites, and Klingons.
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eirian · 1 year
im gonna ramble about my old hetalia fandom experience and memories for a minute bc im feeling nostalgic. snip snip
so i got into hetalia in 2012 after seeing a screening with my friend @mephilesthegay at an anime con. i dont remember much about the process of me falling in love with it at the time, but i do remember tumblr was a huge influence on that--i discovered the ask blog community, which was SUPER huge in the hetalia fandom at the time, and i wanted in! so, i made askdeadpreussen, which was my first and most loved hetalia ask blog for an au of prussia where he was...dead. lol. b/c if u know hetalia u know that theres a whole thing about prussia being dead at some point
i think the ask blogs were what really drew me into the fandom part. i had multiple ask blogs--dead prussia to start, and then a BUNCH of 2ptalia blogs...even a 3p/4ptalia blog at one point! it was a fun way to interact with other fans and artists as well as work on my own art skills. i really do miss ask blog days ngl but my energy would not allow for that as much x'D
but ya like. i made so many friends from my hetalia days! i still have a couple :) we've all kind of moved on from it of course and gotten other interests, but we all still have that tying us together
its crazy how hetalia held so many different interest points for me. honestly the base hetalia concept wasnt necessarily what appealed to me (the whole humanized country thing); it was mostly the way the characters interacted with each other and their relationships as people rather than nations. that, and the whole au scene that came from them. oh my god the aus...even the canon ones! its crazy how many canon variants hetalia has. mochitalia, nyotalia, nekotalia, chibitalia (even tho chibitalia is just..them as children so its not rly an au per se)--i consider 2ptalia canon as well b/c the creator made it. but the fandom made so many cool aus themselves as well! demontalia and wingtalia and monstertalia were just a few that i remember and loved!
i think i was way more into 2ptalia than base hetalia anyway. 3p/4ptalia was a big interest by extension but not a lot of ppl really liked 3p/4ptalia. i was one of the weirdos that did x'D i just love "same but different" stuff !!!! i think thats where i got it from, was the 2p/3p/4ptalia stuff
hetalia really shaped a lot of who i am, at least in regards to interests and stuff. plus? the art style i had when i was big into hetalia is probably the best art style i ever had. it was definitely Me, and i still try to use it every now and then--you can see it in my "natural" art style that i try to use sometimes. hetalia really influenced my childhood for better or for worse, including my early art career lol
anyway. all of this to say despite its glaring flaws, i appreciate that hetalia was a part of my life at one point. for one reason or another it got me interested in learning new languages and learning about new cultures, which whether intentional or not, it happened, so theres also that. this isnt me praising it for being ~culturally explorative/appreciative~ or anything like that bc it obviously has its problems, but im just saying for me personally it did open up new worlds and ideas to me that i dont think i would have had if i hadnt been into it--friends, creative ideas, artistic expressions, fandom experiences...all of that was thanks to hetalia for me
so ya. end of ramble there lol
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tameila · 10 months
Was kindly tagged by @belphegor1982 to participate in this 20 questions for writers trend! thanks for the tag! 💕 tags for anyone who sees this and wants to take a whack at it. tag me in your responses, if you do!
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 10 works on ao3 with plenty of little one-shots posted here on tumblr and at least triple that many WIPs lmao
What's your total AO3 word count?
My current ao3 word count is 165,375 words. TSAR is responsible for, like, 70% of that word count.
What fandoms do you write for?
On ao3, I've only posted for Critical Role, and I do not foresee that changing, but who knows! Before Critical Role, I never really saw myself as a writer that posted on public forums, and it's not as if I haven't entertained and dabbled in other fandoms.
Overall, including collaborative writing/roleplaying, I have written for Warriors (yes, the cat books), Bleach, Naruto, Hetalia (im sorry you have to learn this about me), Glee, Dragon Age, and Digimon.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Sun Always Rises (550 kudos), multichaptered modern AU Pikelan
give my regards to soul and romance (186 kudos), one-shot based in @jabletown's rejoice AU, Pikelan with Dadlan and Pike & Kaylie bonding
le petit encore (145 kudos), my mediocre TSAR 'verse smut fic. every time it gets another kudos i am pushed closer and closer to continuing my smut WIPs because i swear!! i promise!! i can write better smut!...but i am rather proud of this piece because it was my first serious foray into the world of smut and i gotta recognize my own hustle lol
As Easy as Riding a Bicycle (113 kudos), modern AU/college-aged Pikelan, Pike's bike gets stolen and she turns to a dating app to try and find it and finds love instead. super love this piece. everyone should read it and give it more kudos so it can be my third most kudo'd piece teehee
TLC is a Two-Way Street (104 kudos), TSAR 'verse, Pikelan, Pike looks after Scanlan while he is sick
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, yes, yes! Even as I free myself from the shackles of needing that validation and feeling discouraged if I don't reach some arbitrary number of engagement, I cannot deny that comments are inspiration and writing fuel. So, when I get a comment, I think it's the least that I can do to respond, even if it's just to say thanks.
I am definitely guilty of sitting on comments that make me particularly happy for weeks on end before actually remembering to respond tho
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the things we know and the things we wish they knew, which was my first CR fanfic and written in response to ep 85 iykyk
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, it's gotta be The Sun Always Rises
Do you get hate on fics?
No, thankfully not!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
As mentioned previously, I only really have one serious smut fic, though I have written a couple other bits and bobs....and maybe I have a couple WIPs that may or may not see the light of day. I'm not sure what kinds of smut there are...but I guess I would describe my approach to smut as 'I am a sex-repulsed asexual and idk what's really going on here but I'm here to express closeness and intimacy and love in this strange new world' lol
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
If we're talking crossovers in the sense that characters from two separate fictional stories meet and interact, I have written in roleplays back in middle school like that but never explored the concept in fanfic.
If crossovers also includes taking the concept of one fictional media and inserting the characters of another into it (e.g., Hogwarts AU or HDM AU) then I've definitely written and have plans for various fanfics like that. I don't think that I have any that I would consider "crazy", but I do think my brief notes and writings for a OTGW-inspired Nygmobblepot/Riddlebird fic were v inspired.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of and hopefully not! Very little gets posted in the Pikelan fandom that I don't see, so I like to think I'd be hard to pull a fast one on
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet, but I would love to see The Sun Always Rises translated into other languages someday!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've entertained a couple co-written fics that have unfortunately never gotten off the ground much, but I'm not closed off to the idea. I see it as being quite similar to roleplaying!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oof. As a lifetime shipper, that's a tough question. I never truly let go of a ship, even after I've moved on from a fandom, but there are definitely some that are far more enduring in my heart than others.
Of course, if we're going off of writing alone than it's Pikelan. Writing TSAR got me through some of the hardest years of my life and, despite what's become of them and what I'm forced to endure by continuing to engage in the fandom space, they're special to me in a way that a lot of other ships can never be, no matter how much I love 'em.
Also, in the case of writing, FenHawke. selfishly, of course, Fenris with my Hawke. I love writing for them, and I consider the pieces that I've written for them to be amongst my best. They're the Dragon Age ship for me.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
.....[shamefully hangs head] A-Side and B-Side, the sequels to TSAR. I'm gonna keep writing them for as long as I am able but, if there ever comes a day that I post an update and get zero engagement, then I think I'll just have to move on. but! if even one person keeps coming along for the ride, then I'll stick to 'em. I just don't know if there's anyone who loves my writing enough to stick around for, like, another 5 years lol
The other big one is Vex's Delivery Service...which is exactly what it sounds like. A Kiki's Delivery Service inspired AU but it's about Vex. though truly, it's a thinly veiled excuse to write about domestic Pikelan is what it is. I have the whole thing planned out. I just can't ever seem to get it off the ground and, at this point, with the way I'm halfway out of the CR fandom, I don't think I ever will.
What are your writing strengths?
I have been extremely lucky to have been complimented on multiple facets of my writing over the years. However, I think what I pride in myself the most is my ability to let each scene breathe and take its time. It means that I take forever to write and nothing's ever short, but I don't think I would like writing quite as much if I wasn't allowed to let each moment have its breathing space.
What are your writing weaknesses?
It's a bit of an oddball pick maybe, but it's something that I feel like I have to own up to as a notorious modern AU writer:
People say that modern AUs are uninspired and boring, especially when you're taking characters out of a magical fictional world just to put them into our world and....the rumor's are true. I just don't get that into the lore of a fictional universe to ever feel comfortable writing in it. I do just find it easier to write everyone as humans in a modern-esque society. Now, I will stand by the fact that part of the fun of modern AUs is taking these magical characters and interpreting into a modern space (I often do the opposite with modern era characters into a fantasy world of my own design), but I just want to fully own up to the fact that...yes, I am too lazy to research the intricacies of canon in order to write a proper canon compliant/adjacent fic.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it has it's place.
For me, if it's a language that the POV character understands/that the reader should understand alongside the POV character, then there's no reason to write it in that language. Simply include a dialogue tag to explain what language the character was speaking in. and I say this mostly from a logistical/ease of reading standpoint. Having to scroll down to the bottom of a fic or switch to a separate tab with the translations interrupts the flow of reading.
If, however, the language is included, untranslated, to reflect the POV character's own lack of knowledge of the language then that makes more sense. because you, as the reader, are meant to keep reading at the same level of understanding as the POV character and there's no pressure to be rushing for a translation just to make sure you're not missing an important line of dialogue.
but of course, as with most things, it's writer's choice!
First fandom you wrote for?
Warriors, probably...maybe Hamtaro. I definitely read fanfic for it and had my little daydream musings, but I don't think I wrote anything down.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
Oooh, we talkin' fic fic? That's long gone, and it's up in the air which of those many early fandoms that it was for.
If we're talking that's readily available on ao3, then my first was the things we know and the things we wish they knew. though, I was writing and posting Dragon Age one-shots on tumblr before that one.
Coming back because, for some reason, I misread this question as what was the first fic I'd ever written lol. Obviously, the answer to favorite is The Sun Always Rises.
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canayams-art · 10 months
i also feel like the animation this season is different, more crisps or something, because it looks even better than season 1 already gorgeous one. fengqing taking hold of me again was unexpected, but im dealing with the onslaught of emotions! i think it's just been too long since ive seen them in new scenes :"))
LQQ IS THE MVP OF THE DONGHUA AT THIS POINT! i looooove his design so much, more than the manhua one personally, and every scene he was in was soo good, i would have hard time choosing the one favorite as well. i think lqq debut this season was absolutely on point, and honestly i love watching him on my screen. he's so precious and when i tell you every scenes he's in makes me love him more and more im not kidding.
KEJEJJRJRJ FY AND LQQ INTERACTION WOULD HAVE BEEN SOO GOOD! especially considering mq is much more open as fu yao and being touched by lqq's sincerity and concern for mq would be right there on his face. (dw they make me cry as well🥹) i think i would also like to explore lqq's reaction to qi rong insulting mq, or maybe even their interactions during the aftermath of the tong'lu. mq being canonically good with children and helping lqq with guzi would be soo cute 🥰🥺 their potential for a strong and genuine companionship has me squealing as i write this, no lie
im so with you on your view of quirong!! it's definitely not a ship for me, even if i do tend to give every ship i come across a chance. although i think a fandom as well plays a role in my dislike, the overall impression of the ship didn't really give me the right vibe to like it either. im not above liking a pretty fanart for them when i come across it, but overall i just don't care about them. however it is always nice when you come across someone who also isn't a fan of the popular ship, makes you feel less crazy for not liking them 😭
mhmm if only more people thought like that, the discourses in the fandom would not exist :") it's so silly thinking everyone would have the same taste about fiction and media they watch and choose to interact with, and if that were to be the case the fandoms would be such a dull place to be. everyday i feel like the fandoms have went from a fun place to find like-minded people who enjoy things you do and with whom you can gush over your silly little blorbos, to this draining chore where you're constantly afraid someone will be on your throat for whatever reason if you dare say something about any character whether you like them or don't. it's honestly becoming exhausting but that's exactly why curating your own fandom experience and environment is important to have fun.
im personally ready to drop a fic if i see a trope i don't like or interpretation i don't agree with, even if i was already invested into the story prior. im willing to look past the characterization issue when the fics are clearly meant to be crack, but otherwise it really is very important to me that characters be the closest to canon as possible, especially in canon universe. modern aus are tricky, but honestly with enough lore throw in to explain it, i can swallow slight mischaracterization. anything fanon related tho, yeah im dipping so fast 😭 gods i sure sound pretentious and nitpicky about this but it's true, i learned the hard way that the only way to enjoy a fandoms is to set standards for what you like and not and not really care about others opinions, it's so much more enjoyable and you will eventually find the like-minded people who will support your delusions
side characters are gold mine when it comes to fics and general fandom experience, and from what ive noticed, the less popular the better 😭😭 sure you will probably have to make your own fan work but it's soo worth it at the end of the day! also less discourses so it's definitely a win. i also feel like the side characters/pairings usually have more interesting concepts when it comes to fics/art 🤔 this is not the case in every fandom but from my experiences, fics and art about side characters somehow feel more satisfying? idk to me it always comes across how people make a thing without it being cut out and served for them by already established canon, so to me it always feels more enjoyable to interact with such works
I’m so sad we have to wait a little longer for the next episode to come out,,,,, I need to see fengqing more 😭 Also!!! Lqq really is the heart and soul of the season so far!!! I guess that makes sense considering we’re right in the middle of his arc but he really is such a joy to see in every scene— they really made him so baby and if last episode is anything to go by they’re about to make him so anguished (affectionate). I love this boy so much.
Also every time we bring up more and more different qianqing scenarios, I can’t help feeling that they’re actually so surprisingly complimentary to each other. Now I’m actually just disappointed that mxtx never really explored their dynamic. Lqq would’ve been a perfect ally in mq’s hardships and mq would’ve been a such an asset to have in the search for qr and the management of Guzi’s care (not sure if mq would be nurturing but he’d definitely come through with a lot of “Why aren’t you [insert form of care here] ?”). They could’ve benefited from being closer.
I think there’s something novel about side characters and rarepairs that makes them (personally) so appealing. We don’t see so much about them so we want to know more and from that want comes so much unique and interesting exploration. I just read an entire story about a pair of main guys— I wanna know more about the people who were a part of their story. It’s about the fun of redirecting the spotlight 🥹
(Also I think in a way everyone is a little pretentious with their personal preferences for what they enjoy and how they enjoy it. If the writing or the art isn’t doing anything for you or it loses you along the way then that’s just part of the subjective experience of the arts! It’s okay to admit to being picky or selective.)
Anyway—! As a lqq art peddler I am happy to keep peddling more lqq art in the future. Might even start drawing more donghua lqq (manhua lqq is very special to me but donghua lqq has charmed me so much 😭). I really gotta get back into the frenzied rate at which I used to draw him— now with a couple extra boyfriends LMAO.
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