#im going to sleep now then draw finally after a week of not doing jackshit if it goes well
skytroops · 7 years
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a’ight buddy here we go [full fucking pasta is here]
Okay, before we properly dive into this shitfest, I won’t be covering the stuff that can be dismissed because the show is a dang anime, so this includes why Ash never ages and why all Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys all look the same, nor will I go into coma talk because most of it just sounds like total horseshit.
Have you ever noticed that the pacing, tone, and story development of Pokémon changes after Ash is hit by lightning in the early episodes? How Ash and his world are relatively normal until after that incident?
Because you can totally get a complete understanding about how this fantasy world works within 10 minutes of a kid dicking around in the wilderness.
even though his journeys take him vast distances, he never usually travels by bike due to having developed a phobia of them.
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uhhhh he sure um looks terrified riding that bike, dude. (episode 036, the bridge bike gang)
Moving on to the characters closer to him…Ash’s traveling partners are aspects of himself he can enjoy but cannot associate with himself.
Team Rocket are the qualities of himself that Ash deems “negative” but is coming to terms with.
Time for the actual worst part of the whole thing. :)))
Brock is Ash’s repressed sexuality. Ash fell into the coma a virgin and, as such, needed an outlet for his growing sexual frustrations. However, since he can never experience sex, Brock must never succeed.
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Because 10 year old children can be sexually frustrated, I fucking guess. If Brock was a character added in at a later season, then I could see where this guy is trying to go, but Brock enters the show in Episode 5 and starts up his gag in Episode 7.
This means that it somehow took Ash 3-6 years in real world time to get up to that point in his journey in his dreams, but continue with the other 900+ episodes in a much shorter time. what the fuck, d00d
Further evidence of Brock being Ash’s sexuality is that he keeps returning the series after Ash meets a new female aspect of himself.
Misty is the first such aspect we encounter. Because she is the first and is merely an aspect of Ash are explanations as to why Misty plays such a prominent role in the show but is ultimately unattainable (since he never really knew her before the coma).
Since Misty is his initial love interest (if only subconsciously), he needed her to reach a certain level of womanhood. He felt that people could only have relationships after they’ve matured.
In practice, however, he finds he can’t cope with it, as he lacks real-world experience. He wants the normal, pushy, arrogant Misty he knew…thus, not letting her keep Togepi. We can see this arc in the constant berating of his sexuality, but her eventual mellowing until she had faded into the background.
Since Ash was quite attached to her, this was traumatizing. After this experience, anyone around him “threatening” to mature quickly ends up leaving only for another, more naive fill-in to enter his life.
Straight up just boils down all of the girls down to Ash’s straightness trying to kick him out of his coma so he can get himself fucking laid. Yeah. . ..we ain’t even on the worst, worst part, which is-
James is implied homosexuality (which does not necessarily make Ash homosexual) and gullibility,
Brock’s stay with Professor Ivy was an attempt by Ash’s mind to suppress his sexuality. 
You may notice that James got much more dialogue in this part of the series (after Brock leaves), as well as getting more touchy-feely with his Pokémon and exposing much of his backstory. Ash didn’t enjoy this much, which is why Brock returns, horrified, and refuses to speak about it.
Team Rocket cross dresses because Ash is exploring his gender, a different facet than what Brock represents (sexuality), and this was a method that allowed his gay/vain side to experiment freely.
> james is homosexuality > the TRio are considered Ash’s negative traits
I fucking hate this pasta, so fucking much. Why the fuck would Ash consider his possible gay feelings as negative? There’s no mention of him seeing homophobia or anything that would make him see that being gay is bad, so WHY?
And of course, we’re using the stereotypical James is gay trope because this author can’t think up some other thing James can be.
Why the fuck are they mentioning that James is getting “touchy-feely” with his Pokémon?? because that’s what gay people do?? feel up their pokémon??? what the fuck are they getting at here??
I’m totally fine with the idea of Ash experimenting with his gender and dropping it when he feels like it isn’t for him, but that fucking implication that gay people = vain and like to cross dress is getting on me fuckin’ tits.
I don’t get why the author is so fucking focused on Ash’s sexuality, but I legit think the author is highkey projecting their own sexuality problems. That, or they did it to be fucking edgy.
and of course ash being bi or ace is never brought up because he’s either straight or gay, there’s no in between and he must be sexually repressed because he’s a virgin at 10 years old
i’m done  fuck this. this whole thing is just convoluted and i can’t be arsed getting to the rest of this shit
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