#im gonna punch someone
fiddleabout · 1 year
what is it about boomer-age white men that they feel the need to not only invite themselves into other people's conversations at random places like, say, physical therapy, but also to do so just to try and play a gotcha on me about, of all things, a paul simon song. i grew up listening to graceland i promise you i don't need you to tell me that the person who wrote you call me al was part of simon and garfunkel, howard, maybe pay attention to your own physical therapist
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flunkett · 7 months
Jinx character bingo :)
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tobisiksi · 8 months
I'm tired of me and my lack of serious headcannons
like some people can talk hours and hours about a deep analysis that they did on saiki and the constant height that he has over his shoulders and idk angsty things or really detailed specifications of a personality trait of him
but my only headcanons are that kusuo would have one of this in his bedroom
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makorragal-312 · 1 month
With the way Ryan keeps on hiding his hand in the B-T-S videos, I'm starting to think that Eddie is going really fuck up his hand from fucking someone up.
What if he snaps on Gerrard and instead of a singular sucker punch, he delivers a few hard blows and actually has to be pulled off of him.?And then we don't see Gerrard ever again after that because he's that fucked up.
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horce-divorce · 6 months
I said this the other day but i was right and I should say it again, and so should everyone else whos been saying it:
"transandrophobia truthers aren't oppressed for being men because being a man isn't an oppressed identity, you inherently have male privilege and are therefore Men Invading Women's Spaces" is THE SAME ""argument"" from a few years back about "ace people can't be oppressed for sexual orientation because you can't be oppressed for something you dont have, you are Cishet Ppl With Cishet Privilege Invading Queer Spaces." It's the same fucking picture.
A lot of you are picking up on the concept of "transandrophobia truthers are the new MRAs so let's mock them" without actually knowing ANY of the context for what we're talking about in transmasc circles. You're literally just gossiping about secondhand misinformation and you look stupid as hell.
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centurieslove · 11 months
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Arthur to Merlin The Merlin Trilogy - Mary Stewart
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arsenicflame · 24 days
or: 11 songs about divorce & 1 song about having a glove kink (while your marriage is falling apart)
(lyric snippets & audios below the cut)
5 Years Into Marriage - Matt Owens & Hannah White
5 years into marriage And it's looking like we're almost done. I love you, I'm just not in love with you any more (no, no, no) Both floated down the aisle, Started taking each other for granted somewhere between- The pulpit and those church doors. Confetti kissed your face, And I trod it right into the floor. We can stick it out another ten years, and we probably will.
Barricade - Stars
I found you on a Saturday, and that was where I lost you You had to finally walk away because of what it cost you Years later on, I saw your face In line to catch the morning train You looked like you'd been softened Like you never really loved the pain
I Don't Want Love - The Antlers
If I leave before you, And I walk out alone, Keep your hands to yourself When you follow me home.
If You Love Me, You Will Lie - Out lines
And shouting through the bathroom door You said that I was keeping score Why can't we accept that there's no more We never say goodbye
It's Beginning To Get To Me - Snow Patrol
I tried to tell you before I left But I was screamin' under my breath You are the only thing that makes sense Just ignore all this present tense
Midnight Love - Girl In Red
I hope that the right time one day arrives So, I'll be willing to let this die Able to look you right in the eyes Say I'm not your consolation prize
Mothers - Daughter
You will grow all you need to grow inside my spine And then take what you need to take, what's yours is mine And then just give all you want of it to some new thing I'll stay here, the provider of that constant sting they call love
Nothing New - Rio Romeo
So, won't you please spare me indignity? And won't you please give me some decency? And won't you please call it if our time is through? 'Cause I know that we fall apart when nothing's new
Sometimes I Still Feel the Bruise - The Mountain Goats
Making contact gets harder As the silence grows longer Why would you think of me? When you were not the one in love When you were not the dreamer When you were just the dream I'm under no illusion As to what I meant to you But you made an impression And sometimes I still feel the bruise
Splinter - Scott Hutchison & James Graham
‘Cause I always took the cutting, And you only missed my heart Although it amounts to nothing, The nothing’s left it’s mark
The Modern Leper - Frightened Rabbit
Well, I crippled your heart a hundred times And still can't work out why You see, I've got this disease I can't shake and I'm just rattling through life Well, this is how we do things now Yeah, this is how the modern stay scared So I cut out all the good stuff Yeah, I cut off my foot to spite my leg
Wedding Gloves - Frightened Rabbit FT. Aiden Moffat
Do you even remember What we said in the vows? God was watching on Saturday But He is not with us now, with us now
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slimeciclecock · 5 months
I'm... glad, I'm glad Richas, Chayanne and Tallulah can give their own proper goodbyes instead of quietly leaving. Still hurts to see them leave. I had this same feeling when ccJaiden said qJaiden died in the explosion during purg.
Missa never got to see Chayanne and Tallulah when they woke up, did he? He never got to see Tallulah walking around with her new look, looking just like her apa Missa ...
I'm grateful for the eggs being able to tell their story and making so many people smile 🩷 it still hurts greatly whenever someone leaves but. Yeah
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oklotea · 9 months
I wish I never made eye contact with you.
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daydadahlias · 1 month
i really deeply wish people would stop using social media as a way to fuel their understanding of neurodivergence and how appropriate it is to label someone else as such. projecting autism or any other kind of neurodivergence on random people (or celebrities) is Not okay. you should not be doing it. if you wanna headcanon a fictional character as neurodivergent, by all fucking means!! that's your headcanon!! but you cannot headcanon REAL PEOPLE as being neurodivergent without their consent?? It is entirely inappropriate and undermines their personal identity. you are not allowed to choose it for them.
I appreciate that tiktok/twitter/tumblr/etc have opened up spaces to normalize conversations around neurodivergence bc that is so important but it has also created this sense of entitlement to someone else's identity that should not be normalized. you do Not get to diagnose people. You do not get to use things you learned on tiktok to look at someone and go "oh, yeah, you're autistic," especially if they did not ask for that kind of perception
as someone who is very eccentric irl, I am constantly having people who have just met me call me autistic or tell me I need to get a diagnosis. and the truth of the matter is 1) that is entirely my fucking business and 2) i am just not fucking autistic so by you assuming that, you're devaluing autism to the "quirky" traits you see it described as on social media which just isn't what autism is
people meet a person who diverges from any social norm whatsoever and immediately go "oh this must be a neurodivergent person." but no, that's not how it works; there is just variety to the human experience. just because you have a hyper fixation or deviate from some cultural norms does not mean you are neurodivergent.
stop letting tiktok diagnose you and please stop trying to diagnose others
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thesunoficarus1 · 2 months
attempting to write my first fanfic and I'm already throwing myself into the deep end by making it both involve law and medical issues I know nothing about. google is about to be very tired of me.
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hopkei · 7 months
crazy how so many of them had the opportunity and yet no one did what was called for and punched the shit out of Daichi's dad
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riacte · 11 months
honestly i doubted that false and ren would team tgt in mcc again considering they both know other people better compared to when they started out, but i get the feeling that if ren doesn't put her name down, false is gonna log on and punch ren's sad lil minecraft guy off a cliff 🤡 she's HAD IT with being left alone. my forever mcc teammate leaves me??? jail!! jail for ONE THOUSAND YEARS!!!!!!
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1punch · 4 months
" Now that I think about it... I have the sensation I never had that happening. Could say I never paid it any mind either. It's not like I don't especially like it, not a complex either. However, is it really ok? No... can't be ok. Can't help but think it's something I lost in the daily battles towards becoming a hero. Am I supposed to have this issue more in mind? Come to think of it, I didn't really have time to unpack it... if it was a normal guy then... "
" That’s not the point... I have the feeling that things like a heart to heart interaction, sharing an umbrella, warmth, are all things broken away in my life. Other people can have things like big events and circumstances happening, romances and such bringing happiness in their daily lives. I have the feeling something broke, and that sweet-like fluffy, nice stuff just fell right off from me. That's what I meant. "
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whiskingskin · 8 months
Something I've heard over and over and over again from my genderqueer friends about testosterone is that they're terrified to start, cause it'll make their anger?? Worse?? Maybe it was me finding myself In a body more comfortable, or me already being in therapy and conscious of my emotions and their impact but. Being on testosterone made a lot of my emotions feel more manageable.
Testosterone doesn't make you angrier. Testosterone doesn't transform you into this man-beast that yells at everybody and is suddenly horny all the time. Testosterone doesn't affect your problem solving skills, your people management, or your lack of foresight into your own anger like?
If you're routinely blowing up at the people in your life then yeah. Yeah, testosterone might make that action feel a bit easier and wilder. But if you, you know, acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself to experience them without taking them out on other people... then that. Won't. Happen.
You will never be able to control your emotions. Never ever ever. But you CAN and WILL control your reactions to these emotions.
Idk where my rambles were supposed to go but. Testosterone doesn't make you an angry person. You might BE an angry person, just on your own, and that's fine. What's not fine is taking that anger out on others and blaming it on testosterone. You're not the victim, you're just a dick.
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