#im good at reading tamil ! i just need to be better at keeping up the flow. which can only come the more i read
dreamerslovechaos · 1 year
gonna go to watch ponniyin selvan 2 in theatres this weekend so . i am struggling my way through the first novel. why am i so bad at reading tamil it hurts my pride.
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k0o0be · 3 years
Bikepacking trip
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My bike trip:
so i and my bro made a plan to cycle from ooty to banglore.i was super excited for the triip.but the sad part was that i and my bro had a fight he day prior to leavingg.it was beacause he changed the plan without my conset and now we were headed to a hillstation with no prospects of ccycling.you know it felt really weird fighting with him because we were in this together.. Ive read many travel joouornals where this seemed to have happend.anywayonce we got on the train with our bikes packed i decided to let it go.i didnt want that to spoil the mood of the trip.anyway so we went to kodaikanal whch is a beautiful hill station towerin above the clouds.we did take our cycles there  but it wasnt a cyclable terrain,with all its ups and downs(infact my bro did try cycling there but his derailer broke and that brought an end to his cycling ),so we figured since we were already there we’d do some hiking and hiking we did.there were lots of places to go by walk and i enjoyed it alot.btw all along the trip i was listening to music by Queen and i had freddie mercury to keep me company,and im so thankful for hm.it was super fun too,we also came across some waterfalls where the water was super chill.the weather up there was really good.we lived upthere in a hostel where we made real nice friends.they were good company.all of them were an artistic bunch.they were either writers or musicians .anyway ,so we spent like three days in kodaikanal.but i was starting to feel bad  about my cycle.we had carried them all the wayupthere but we werent using them at all.so we decided to part ways. I would be doing a smaller version of my orginal plan.and i would meet him at banglore.(hed be taking a direct bus all the to banglore) even he wanted to join but his cycle now was unrepairable,the only problem for him was that he had to carry it all the way to banglore.
So i took a bus from kodaikanal to tiruppur with my cycle disassembled and from tirupur id cycle to banglore which is  approx 350 km.i had taken the bus at evening so i reached tirrupur at midnght.also i was doing a super low budget trip so no hotels for me.i had my tent.so as i reached at midnight i didnt know what to do .the bus stopped outside tirupur on the highway.i got down with all my cycle disassembled.i had no clue where i was and had to assemble my cycle up.for a minute or so i just froze not knwing what exactly to do. I was just realising how different everything was.btw tthis in  place is tamil nadu where they speak tamil and i didnt know tamil.i wasnt sure what i was gonna do for the night.i was hungry and tired and knowhere to sleep. Also no enrgy to set up the tent. So if figured ill just fix up the cycle and just start ridin.i needed some time to process what exacty was happening.so i rode in the dark slowly thinking about what would be next step.i decided ill just  sleep on the road infront of a shop,and ill j wakeup super early and leave before dawn.i used the rain cover of the tent as mat and slept on it .it was the worst sleep i ever had,so many mosquitoes and constant fear of being attacked by the street dogs.that morning i started off super early(well,since i barely slept) and i was FINALLY getting into that cyclng mood.also another local cyclist joined me .we rode togethr and chayyed away while at it.he was the owner of a small clothing line and had a very tedious job.he said he had to work everyday including sundays that too from morning right up until midnight.he barely had any time for anything .he said he had diabetes and therefore recenty had started cycling.that was his only way to relax and unwind.he was really impressed to see me cycling such a distance.he said he also wanted to do something like that but there was no way  he could.he said he came from a really poor family and had worked really hard to get where he was right now and had to work hard hours to keep up with his business.we spoke for a long time ,and i was happy to have company.he was surprised i was doing the trip with such little money.so despite me refusing ,he gave me money and a ton of fruits.like lot of fruits.i didnt want thaat much ,i couldnt carry stuff on my cycle,but he was adamant and i couldnt refuse.so i in return gave him a  box of chocalates i had bought up in kodaikanal.i had so many bananas i decided to have that as both my breakfat and lucnh.which turned out to be a horrible decision because by evning i had  zero enrgy to cycle.also it suddenly started raining .i was soo upset because i was not close to completing my daily qouta of kms.and i had no more energy and it was RAINING.i stopped under some shade and just lying down on the floor on the verge of tears. Spent maybe an half hour there,waiting for the rain to stop .once it stopped i got myself some real food. I ate until i was full.and im so thankful that i did. Then i was back on my bike ready to finsh them miles.the rest of the trip was great .i had met many people and all of them were really nice to me.many offered me food and bananas.(tamil nadu is famous for its bananas).i was goingthrough many villages and i used to stop at a village and ask a local if i could use their bathroom and id take a wonderful bath.btw all i had was a single pair of dress.so id taken bath.wash my clothes and and wear the washed clothes and conitnue driving. theyed dry up in a matter of thirty mintues and it ws actually nice wearing wet clothes it cools  down your body and hhelps against the heat.also had some great food along the way they were really inexpensive and therefore i got to try various different kinds of foods.btw i hadnt used my tent atall.my night time i didnt have energy to set up a tent so id just sleep wherever i felt safe and started off early in the morning before anyone could spot me.and during day time id take long naps during noon time when it was the hottest .id find nice trees with a good scenery and spend noon out there.on the third day i had cycled alot in the morning so during noon i found a nice flower plantation and decided to stay ther for a nap.but the place was so beautiful so i decided to stay there until evening.the farm had lots of trees.and i started climbing them. it was really peaceful out there. I was having the time of my liife
it took me 4 nights and three days to reach banglore. And by the end i was super proud of myself .i had been waiting to do a trip like this since a very long time and i finally did.
I met back upwith mybro in banglore,Btw i had another two days stay at banglore before we caught a train back home.so we stayed with one of my sisters collegemate.he is a really nice guy and took us all around banglore.banglore is a much bigger city than hyderabad(my home).so its  got better rock climbin gyms.i went there for indoor cliimbng and it was really fun.im quite enjoying climbin though im no good at it,it seems really fun.mybro is more into it than i am.i.
I cant wait to get back on the road like that again.i feel the best part about the trip was meeting all the people,everyone were really nice to me.
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