#im good at spelling actually watch this: necessary
>'i can't spell'
>knows what psychography is
>spelled it perfectly
the problem isnt that i dont know intellectually how words are spelled, it is simply that my hands do as they choose at moments and i elect to leave their mistakes as signs from the aether
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orcelito · 3 days
Ok I'm thinking about kabuto backstory again and thinking about how unfair and fucked up it all is like
> be Danzo
> threaten local orphanage mother into returning to being a spy (by threatening the kids there)
> force them to send One Kid too because he "lost a man" while obtaining the intel he's threatening her to spy over (the kid is Kabuto, who volunteered bc he overheard them threatening the mother over this) (Danzo knows he overheard)
> train kabuto to be a spy while orphanage mother is off on her long spy job as well
> bait spy mom with the promise of keeping kabuto safe to keep her agreeing to work with you
> decide they both are too good at their jobs (????) Of being spies (that work for you?????)(they've been loyal this whole time????) So they're too dangerous and both need to die
> keep mom and kid away from each other as kid grows up
> literally DOCTOR FAKE PHOTOS of the kid growing up to make it seem like he looks totally different now???? So she won't recognize him?????
> give her the assassination assignment of killing the Real Kabuto (who she won't recognize) so they'll kill each other
> whoops, Kabuto survived and killed her instead, oh well at least Orochimaru's watching him now
I'm just like. How fucked up is it to threaten these people into working as spies for you "for the good of Konoha", and then decide that these people (who have given NO INDICATION of intending to betray Konoha) are too good at being spies and thus Too Dangerous and should be killed for it. But no he can't just kill them in a normal way. He had to manufacture an entire scenario so that they'd kill EACH OTHER while making the mom not recognize him (with the express purpose of breaking the kid's spirit) like BROOOOOO I know you ordered the whole Uchiha clan to be massacred (conducting genocide for the sake of 'peace') actually now that I think about it he ordered this of itachi. Ordered him to kill his own family. Of course Danzo would get off on making a mother and son kill each other "for the good of Konoha" he's almost fucking cartoon villain level of horrible past the point of logic EXCEPT there really are people this awful that have existed. Plenty of them. And they have also justified it as being "for the good of [nation]" like that's the Thing, he's a war hungry nationalist that has decided He Knows Best so he's going to fuck up SO many people's lives, up to and including his own damn citizens!!!! And this bitch thinks he deserves to be kage?!?!?! Fucking Hiruzen letting him run wild like this. He knew Danzo was stealing children and indoctrinating them into a murder cult (where, keep in mind, he purposefully raises kids in pairs so they view each other as family AND THEN ORDERS THEM TO KILL EACH OTHER)(AGAIN!!!! with the family killing, what is his PROBLEM) but Hiruzen just let it fucking happen. Spineless fucking piece of shit. He fucked Naruto up he fucked Orochimaru up he fucked up Royally with Danzo like come ONNNNNNNNNN
Rattling the bars of my cage rn at how awful Danzo is and how he was able to just. DO THIS???? I know the bitch is dead but he's not dead enough. Give me the glock.
#speculation nation#fanny watches naruto#sorry im just losing my mind over this. this changes EVERYTHING with kabuto#and you know i already hated danzo so much. but i just now realized his fucking obsession with making family members kill each other#it's probably for the sake of 'killing their emotions' which he sees as necessary to become a good ninja (*cough* a good tool for the state)#im kicking danzo's head in as we speak. the skull. or whatever was left after he exploded. probably nothing much actually.#it's not good enough I NEED TO KILL HIM SO BADDDDD HE NEEDS TO BE DOUBLE DEAD TRIPLE DEAD#QUADRUPLE OR PERHAPS EVEN INFINITY DEAD.#sets up an infinite time loop of me killing Danzo just to make sure hes super super super super dead#YELLING SCREAMING I HATE DANZO SO MUCHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!#honestly as much as i loved sasuke killing danzo i wish itd happened later.#bc danzo's stinky fingers were in so many pies. he was set up as this horrible mastermind#and then he dies... what... 2/5ths into shippuden?? and what do we have now. cringefail sadboy decided to kill the world for his fantasies?#weird alien goddess?? bc all the world's struggles were clearly bc of an alien instead of any human fault???? or something?????#idk i havent gotten that far yet. but thats what ive gathered from online.#for as wonderful of characters as kishimoto writes he really isnt that great at overall plot.#compelling world. fascinating interactions. cool fights and mechanics.#unfortunately he set up a guy to be a big bad and he died before even halfway through and now we have to watch several hundred episodes#of the most Ninjas One Upping Each Other In Make Believe plotlines ever#like the 'i hit you' 'well i have a shield that blocks hits' 'well i hit you with a sword that cuts through anything'#'well i cast a spell before you hit me that makes me invulnerable to attacks' etc etc COME ON MAN it gets so BORING.#i miss the good old days of sakura fighting sasori. now shes sidelined to the medic tents bc shes a poor vulnerable medic or w/e#idk some parts of this is cool. but so much of it is unsatisfying. like the bijuu battle??? come on.#naruto making friends with kurama was great. the fight with all the jinchuuriki was pretty boring.#like come on this is supposed to be a Big Deal. aaaand what do we have now? another fucking bijuu bomb.#oh wait theyre all casting the bijuu bomb together!!! no worries naruto is making a bijuu bomb of the same exact size#so they counteract and shoot into the stratosphere and theres a Big Boom! wow! so original!#yawn. yawn especially at the madara vs kages fight. at least im enjoying the uchiha bros vs kabuto fight.
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missmarveledsblog · 10 hours
Not just a flower child huh? ( logan howlett x reader ) part 7
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summary : stryker is getting more ready while y/n tries and fails to sneak bub into the school , she meets another and past student of the school while logan is sick of feeling like the butt of the jokes.
warning: not many slight angst but not really this is like a filler chapter some fluff pieces , grammatical errors and spelling mistakes
previous part
 Failure to  an ego that well was too big for the man it belonged to is always a recipe for disaster . especially when the ego was beaten and bruised in every way expected when it was though a different result would happen . a bigger reputation , more power  he wanted more than whatever was giving no matter what , no matter who was broken and beaten in the way , he was prepare to lie and manipulate to get what he wanted. By any means necessary it was going to happen . he watched over the tapes as it repurpose his drive to get her back . watched  her grow in a sequence of tapes that didn’t make him even flinch , not the way she cried and beg them to stop. He watched each power coming to light after the torture she would subsequently pass out from  , watching the wounds he and his men inflicted  slowly fading  but yet faster than the last time “ progress” it was put down to . Then  the tape of that day he watched Her scream , heard their screams the flash distorted in the lense Of the camera  the usual vine now glowing  , the way the flames took hold , he watched As she cut them like butter each man falling to an agonizing death and seemed as She wasn't stopping the sobs and harrowing Cries almost like a mother who lost her child . It was only when he seen Himself , holding gun to the cage she stopped it was almost Touching if she was human that when she was knocked Out .  The fight In her that day died  keeping to the cage like the animal she and rest Of mutant scum were . 
Amusement laced On his face logan watched Her hide the Little kitten In her top tip toe through the main entrance . 
“ y/n dear would you and your new friend come To my office please … i don't mean logan “ charles Passed bye  as she sighed. 
“ two minutes  impressive “ logan chuckled.
“ he is good” she rolled her eyes already thinking of arguments for Bub to stay . Walking Down the hall with the pitiful Fluff ball in her arms as jean And storm passed by giggling . 
“ only you would find someone In need” scott ruffled her hair making her glare. 
“ im not puppy” she Gruffed. 
“ come on sweetheart” logan led Her down the hall as she walked In Holding the little kitten closer to her chest almost pleading with logan to help her . 
“ my dear Please come in” charles Smiled. 
“ in my defense Is place For the forgotten no , the ones in need?”she blurted out instantly . 
“ mutants yes” he chuckled. 
“Who i to say bub isn't mutant , he could be very Special kitten” she stood a little taller . “ he Is baby that needs help to” She added. 
“ actually my dear i think it a good idea all the same but it not to be a habit” charles Smiled softly. 
“ he will die , you wouldn't want him to … wait i can keep him” she stood shocked. 
“ jean and storm are going to get what he needs , and scott is Going to get a vet friend that will help check him over , this is only time though” he added . 
“ you scared me , you hear that bub you have home” she lifted him up only for little mew to coming out as she headed out of the room ready to show the kids . 
“ your getting soft in your old age” logan smirked .
“ she been through too much , it would be good for her” he smiled . 
“ yep Definitely  soft” he laughed . 
“  i think in this case i am , somethings In humanity still have a way of shocking me the low of depravity That poor woman has Suffered an ounce of a soft moment is warranted” he explained , he didn't lie ,when he thought He'd  Seen it all and yet once more it all Was nothing Compared to the atrocities  he had seen her deal with on a daily basis . 
She sat watching a man well she thinks a man  the blue Fur covered him head to toe as she watched Him closely Checking over the kitten. 
“ you are a funny vet” she finally spoke. 
“ you must be Y/n , name is hank mccoy im not a vet  but i am able to check him over one beast To another” he chuckled holding his hand out . 
“what beasts” she asked looking around the room honestly curious  it was oddly  endearing , it wasn't a show  Or a facade she was genuinely curious . 
“ he means him and bub , his name is beast like mine is wolverine” logan explained. 
“ i've met beast he is not one” her head tilted. 
“ and you my new friend  are a breath of fresh air , lets dry him off now ” hank chuckled. 
“ i can do that” she nodded waiting for him to move to the side hold Her hand letting The air  not so heavy Cast over The kitten making him fluffier.
“ remarkable” hank whispered. 
“ she Like a box Of gifts” logan smirked . 
“ he only says that when i ice his beer” she rolled her eyes ready to take the kitten to show the kids . “ or fire up the pit or cigars ” she added. 
“ have they began your training ?” Hank asked . 
“ training? “ she turned brows furrowed. 
“ she not here for that furball , he thought you would be xmen” logan explained. 
“ im not hero material” she laughed understanding Walking out The lab . 
“ she humble huh?” He chuckled . 
“ no she just thinks she a monster think we all can relate to that feeling” Logan stood watching where she once Stood only moment before .
 “ i never though i would see this” hank stood . “ seen what” . 
“ the great wolverine in love”  he patted his Back . 
“ have i not Shown time and time again im not made of stone you know start sick of you all like im an emotionless Asshole” he huffed .  “ let me guess it was a joke huh?” He stormed off sick and tired. 
 yeah he was rough Around the edge not  a suck upike summers but hes proved time and time again he cares , he has feeling just like rest of em . sure he doesn’t show Them often but he's let himself get vulnerable enough to get message across or so he thought did they really Think So low of him. 
“ whats His Name” the little voice called only turn to see y/n crouched all kids not just her own standing around . 
“ bub , he named after good man , yes he grumpy but big heart “ she smiled . “ now i best get him to my room for nap but will bring him out Later ok” she stood cradling the kitten to her chest . 
“  seem she share Same sentiment we all do” charles  seemed to Always  had to appear . 
“ could of fooled me” he scoffed. 
“  you know we care deeply for you logan” . 
“ then why does feel like im the butt Of every joke” he asked  heading off once more .  Walking down the hall  already hearing her voice like his ear alway pick hers in a sea of noise .  he could of been in  the crowd  of a metal concert and he would hear her sweet melody filled voice  like she was talking directly in his ear  . he could tell she was singing , what he couldn’t tell but he had a feeling it was a song her grandmother sang to her . he walking more quietly watching she was singing to the kitten rubbing it’s head as it lay on her bed. Never in his life did logan ever find himself actually wishing he was a “ kitty” . the softness of the touch on the fur , the pure smile on her face as she watched bubs little eyes closing til she went to turn and see logan standing at the open door. 
“ how long were you standing there” she sat up properly. 
“ to hear you singing the lullaby to a cat” he smirked. 
“ he’s a baby cat or not , i sang it to the kids too used to get them to sleep maya really loved it” she smiled watching the kittens steady breathing. 
“ maya?” he asked confused .  
“ she was one of the children that did not make it “ she barely whispered . 
“ i’m sure bub loves it too although i’d say anyone would “ he came more into the room . 
“ maybe i should sing it to you , maybe you sleep” she blinked innocently at him . 
“ here's me thinking you liked my company at night” he arched his brow. 
“ i like your company all the time” she smiled , a genuinely honesty to her words . 
“ well least someone does” he sat at the desk looking down to see the books she had trying to learn to read english , she could speak it  almost fluently but reading it still seemed to be a challenge.  
“ i like your company too sweetheart , tomorrow we are continuing our walk around the park i’m sure we have lots ready to watch bub”. 
“ you know family is what they treat you , family teasing i say my brother is mainly the brawn and no brain , same way they tease you don’t think badly” she finally said. 
“ reading my thoughts ?” he asked hoping she didn’t   and see it all . 
“ i don’t need to read it , i heard you and as you call him hot wheels .. i was being nosey” she shrugged . 
“ yeah well nosey what else did you hear?” he asked almost nervously. 
“ just you giving out , but they do see you as family  , they joke but they care “ she smiled eyes turning to the kitten . 
“ you’re something you know that ,  how are you this nice after everything” . 
“ because i know what the other side is like” . 
“ well  i better get going sweetheart  i’ll see you later  i have to go to the simulation room” he stood feeling less upset and  more himself  which again she seem to bring out of him so easily out of him . it honestly at the start scared the shit out of him and yet in her true fashion she was able to quell that fear instantly she was even able to get him to sleep better after their midnight time together.  
“ simulation room ? how many rooms does this place have” she asked almost slightly shocked . 
“ i mean the professor added more each time it was blown up but hey it gives it character” he walked out the room . 
“ blown up  hey come back here .. what do you mean blown up” she called after only to hear a small laugh travel up the hall . 
Maybe he could run , get out of here and warn her then again it wasn’t just him at risk. If he left here well his family would suffer too , stryker made sure they had everything to lose that’s why his risk wasn’t just something he thought of on a whim it could of had dire consequences . but something told him how his family would see it all , his wife honestly he couldn’t tel her .yet he knew if she did know she would of told him do the same , she hated he worked for stryker , she hated how the whole anti-mutant agenda and it sickened him that why he took the job. He had his own reasons to hate them but even the mutant he hated most subjected to what he watched test subject 0224 or by her name y/n rasputin . no one knew she was a family of an xmen , stryker kept that information to himself til when she was in the cage first she told them all how her brother was a man of metal and steel who would come and save her , that they would all pay. More and more he slowly felt the guilt creep in , his views on mutants slowly changed this  little girl at the time showed him they weren’t all monsters , destructive murdering animals he thought they were . but he had a job to do and over time that job was becoming more meaningless especially when they brought more children he saw first hand how she protected them , how she made sure nothing could get close and yet in a way she made sure she never actually hurt anyone even the ones who hurt her.  DR. Thompson wasn’t there when the dreaded day happened but he seen how she was after it , nothing they could do to her physically made her look more in distress or in despair as when he saw her after it .  everything this woman was made to endure well it had it’s ending point and that risk to get her out well it was worth it all and for once he needed to do the right thing . now he was praying on strykers downfall watching as they  packed up the old lab ready to move to a more secure area  , one he seen no escape from if she was caught again . maybe another risk was needed  as he looked down at the plane ticket for new york .
taglist: @oscarissac2099 @ayamenimthiriel @mega-kittyglitter-1
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. For the next ' I'm in the mood for ' is there any yiling patriach arc where wwx accidentally lashes out and hurts lwj on accident? with happy endings though.
the shadow of a name in skin by iliacquer (E, 8k, WangXian, Sex Magic, YL WWX, Bottom LWJ, Dubious Consent, Praise Kink, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Dom/sub)
2. hello dear admins!! i hope you're doing well <3 do you perhaps know any mdzs fanfics where mdzs watches mdzs, preferably the past and the future watches together but it's not necessary :] i would love to see them reacts to wei wuxian's past ^^ thx in advance and i hope you have a lovely day <33
We actually have a Characters reading/watching the series compilation post~ but if anyone has a rec not on the Comp, please rec it for Anon ^^
3. Hi. I was hoping for the IITM for some great fics where Yuan's parents live and Wangxian are just the amazing gay uncles who love him and don't have to adopt him. @lizzybgood
in case of fire, break glass by Jenrose (T, 65k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Post-Canon, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, unless I hate them, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Genius Inventor WWX, NHS Finds His Calling, No Women Die) has a time travel do-over in which this happens, but they have been his parents? So 50% what you asked for
4. Hi!! Any recs on fics where jgy is treated badly in koi tower (physically or emotionally or mentally or anything) and his sworn brothers find out and do something about it and take care of him. Listen i just thought what that if ayao had a bruise he couldnt explain nmj would be all "who did this to you" and now im craving this
What Could Have Been by tucuxi (G, 27k, JGY & NMJ & LXC, JZX & JGY & JYL, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Kid Fic, Fix-It of Sorts, Fluff and Angst, Family FeelsDysfunctional Family, Dysfunctional Relationships, Scheming, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, mentions of difficult childbirth, JGS's A+ Parenting, Child Neglect, What Could Have Been [PODFIC] by Opalsong)
chancellor of the morning sun by stiltonbasket (G, 22k, WIP, NieLan, WangXian, Gender Changes, Family Dynamics, Good Uncle LQR, Arranged Marriage, Developing Relationship, Period-Typical Sexism, LXC is a boss, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Baby Wangxian, War, Political Alliances, Espionage) has lxc defending jgy.
5. Hello lovely lovely people! Has anyone ever written crossover fics between MDZS x 19Days? A chaotic, hillarious, shameless, crack fics? Hope I am lucky this time! Thank you all! @yellowridge
for #5 in the latest IITMF, do they mean 19天 - Old先 | 19 Days - Old Xian?
I couldn't find any works that crossed over with 19天 - Old先 | 19 Days - Old Xian (for any ship) on ao3 however maybe I'm not searching properly
6. Hello! I've recently read Karmiya's essay on WWX's position in the Jiang household, and I was wondering... do you know any fics that take a similar tone? e.g. where the text and wwx himself acknowledge that he is not the Jiangs' sibling and is not respected as their equal? it would be interesting to explore that idea more in-depth, and how it impacts his many different relationships once he pulls himself free.
spaces between words (hiding the truth skillfully) by PrismaticAvocado (G, 651, WangXian, Post-Canon, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Truth Spells, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, the hurt/angst is very minimal tbh it's just a few hard truths, Married WangXian, POV WWX)
The Debts of a Child by Hauntcats (G, 3k, WWX & Jiang Family, Not Jiang Family Friendly, WWX realizes there is more in life, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s), Dark, Be prepared to suffer)
AITA for not contacting my family for 10 years after running away from home? by weiyus (T, 2k, WangXian, aita wwx edition, References to Past Child Abuse, references to verbal abuse, wwx sharing his life story in a long post, Happy Ending, Jiāng Family Bashing, Canon Jiang family characteristics)
for #6, the person who asked for those fics could maybe try to jiang family critical/jiang family bashing tag
7. Hey! Can you please suggest me a fic where Lan Wangji's love remains unrequited, Wei Wuxian is married to someone else...and still the fic makes your heart warm ( and obviously you wholesome cry for lwj) Have a good day! ❤️🐰
happy and beautiful by nienie (T, 1k, LQY/WWX, one-sided wangxian, modern, angst, jealousy, hurt no comfort, weddings) pls have tissues ready 😭
8. hi!! I'm in the mood for fics in which lwj or the lan clan hold madam yu accountable for her abuse of wwx. canon verse would be ideal but modern aus work too!! Thank you so much!
💖 in payment, a hand series by justdoityoufucker (M, 10k, wangxian, not jiang friendly, amputation, injury recovery, self reflection, abusive YZY, families of choice)
9. Hiiiii im in need of some good lqr and wwx bonding, platonic relationship, some good feels, etc any recs???
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, fix-it, LQR finds out about WWXs core, fluff, WWX goes to Gusu)
but his smile never dimmed by Stratisphyre (G, 9k, LQR & WWX, modern w/ magic, college/university au, panic attacks, parenthood, JFMs A+ parenting)
Variations on WWX & LQR in Assorted Keys series by nirejseki (T, 68k, LQR & WWX, wangxian, teaching, pregrudging friendship, post-canon, de-aging, time travel, pre-canon, bonding)
No Strings Attached by stiltonbasket (G, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, LQR is a good uncle, and he also knows a thing or two about politics, Smitten LWJ, Golden Core Reveal)
Seasons of Falling Flowers by merakily (G, 40k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Character Study, Introspection, In-Laws, Golden Core, Emotional Baggage, Family Bonding, Protective LWJ, Good Parent LQR, LQR has feelings, LQR and WWX become friends, [PODFIC] Seasons of Falling Flowers, by merakily by Spinifex)
CSI: Gusu Edition Series by Stratisphyre (M, 39k, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Golden Core Reveal, Single parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Hospitalization, Allusions to violence and murder)
When we were small by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 7k, LXC & WWX & LWJ, LQR & WWX, LQR & JFM, Implied WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, Good Uncle LQR, Neurodivergent LWJ, Baby LWJ, Baby WWX, Parenthood, Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, POV LQR, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
Deeper Seasons by piecrust (G, 8k, LQR & WWX, WangXian, basically LQR being nice to WWX)
I'm For You Now by phnelt (T, 5k, wangxian, sick fic, caretaking, bathing/washing, good uncle LQR, domestic fluff) LQR applies his experience in caring for LSZ and knowledge of Chinese Traditional Medicine (including a *sweet* medicinal soup!) to treating a feverish WWX.
Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not YZY Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing)
10. hello!!! thank you so much for gathering the ITMF posts, it makes it so much easier finding good fics, so I can't thank you enough. I'd like to request fic recs in which jc adopted sz (bonus if lwj find out and gets really angry about it) @youkidding-me
Would You Come Home? by s6115 (Not Rated, 46k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Family Feels, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Journey of self discovery, Good uncle JC, Junior Quartet Centric, Time Travel) there's "Would You Come Home?" by s6115, it's not exactly what anon asks, but it has jc ALMOST keeping bby ayuan until lwj shows up and takes him with him
none lives forever, brother, and nothing lasts for long by eena (M, 38k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LSZ raised at Lotus Pier, JC found him first, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation) JC adopts LS, and LWJ bullies his way into their lives
11. helloo i could you help me find any fic abt wei wuxian coming back as mo xuanyu but lan zhan doesn’t find out about his identity as fast or as soon, like i wish it took him much longer to find out. if you could recommend me some would be superrrrr amaaaaaazing :D
💖 By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 31k, Wangxian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Misunderstandings, Identity Porn, Identity reveal, [PODFIC] By Any Other Name by sakizar) 
Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo (T, 237k, WangXian, Amnesia, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, agressively mixing and matching novel and cql canon, No Homophobia, Mentions of Starvation, Parental WWX)
12. Hi!!! I'm in the mood for fanfics where WWX takes up the offer of going to Gusu during or after the Sunshot Campaign.
❤️ Trojan Kiss by malkinmalkout (E, 33k, wangxian, misunderstanding, public sex, smut, fluff, humor, hurt/comfort, dub con)
these colours fade for you only by doodlebutt (T, 36k, wangxian, fix-it, fluff, angst w/ happy ending, everyone lives au, golden core transfer fix-it, hurt/comfort, pining, slow burn)
💖 Minding series by WithBroomBefore (G, 85k, wangxian, canon divergence, what if WWX got therapy and recovery post-sunshot, trans LWJ)
Red Flower With One Hundred Petals; Smoke Carried on the Blue Dusk Air by carolyncaves (T, 32k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Post-Sunshot Campaign, the working title of this was 'wwx goes to gusu', Alcohol, Mental Health Issues, Angst, Tenderness, Golden Core Reveal, Hurt/Comfort, thoughts of death/dying, Rabbits, Caretaking, Marriage Proposal, Wedding Fluff, Family Feels, Literal Sleeping Together, Shotgun Wedding, angry wedding planner JC, Yunmeng sibling drama and fluff, physical affection, Terrible Parties, Happy Ending)
13. Hi hi! Thank you for all that you do and for introducing me to so many lovely works. I would like to ask for an “in the mood for” fanfics where Lan Sizhui calls Wei Wuxian “mom” or other similar titles like mother, mama, a-niang, if possible. Thanks again!! :)
Baby Of Mine by pupeez4eva (Not Rated,3k, WangXian, Time Travel, Humor, Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, A-Yuan comes from a much happier version of the future, Where WWX and LWJ are married and everyone is alive, Gusu School Days, Family)
Green-gege Saves a lot of Lives by Eternal_writes (T, 11k, WangXian, YL WWX, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Burial Mounds Ensemble as Family, Wēn Remnants Live, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It, Soft NMJ, POV NMJ, POV WWX, Supportive NMJ, Protective NMJ, NHS & WWX Friendship, Sworn Brothers NHS & WWX & WN, Golden Core Reveal, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Good Sibling JC, Soft JC, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, WWX Lives, Featuring WWX's inventions)
Chaotic Demonic Cultivator Shirks Gender Roles by misbehavingvigilante (T, 4k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Gender Roles, Gender Non-Conforming WWX)
Mother Knows Best by misbehavingvigilante (M, 12k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Food Issues, Gender Identity, Gender Nonconforming, Trans WWX, Poverty)
#13 was where someone is asking for fics where LSZ calls wei ying mom, that was a previous IITMF post, however I am not sure how to search for it on the blog, but i remember there were a good amount of recs
14. Hi hi mods, I hope life's treating you good <3 I really love this blog, is one of my reasons to keep going <3 on that aspect, may I ask for some A) soft wangxian for the next itmf? like LWJ calling WY A-Ying or something sweet and cute like that (i could really use the comfort uwu)
Also if you have any B) nhs-wwx friendship fics that would be great, I need that as reference for my own fic ^^
Thank you Mods, you are the bests <3
a life in your shape by lanzhan (gothguk) (M, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sexual Content, tenderness is stored in the wangxian, so much yearning, Fluff)
They are Practically Married Your Honour by Asmayi (G, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, Dorks in Love, Oblivious WWX, Oblivious LWJ, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Domestic Fluff, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, LWJ is So Whipped, Public Display of Affection, 5+1 Things, Soft WangXian, Tooth-Rotting Fluff)
Playing Nice by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 11k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Mildly Dubious Consent, Drunk LWJ, Phoenix Mountain, The wens are fine, Public Display of Affection, Soft WangXian, Fluff and Crack, POV Alternating)
your problem as a mountain. by cupofwater (E, 31k, wangxian, NHS & WWX, canon divergence, no sunshot, epistolary, getting together, misunderstandings, pen pals, sexual fantasy)
Friends, Sabers, and Other Essentials for Solving a Conspiracy by MeridianGrimm for Lisa_Telramor ( T, 50k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mystery, Smart NHS, WWX doesn’t stay dead, LWJ gets a new friend, Happy Ending, Fix-It, To be clear the WangXian is mostly background, This fic is about friendship)
while covered in mud by merthurlin (T, 12k, NHS & WWX, NHS & NMJ, NHS & Wen remnants, mentioned wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, NHS goes farming and Hates It)
Story-Shaped by lingering_song (T, 13k, wangxian, NHS & WWX, post-canon, chief cultivator LWJ, inventor WWX, found family, alcohol, protective NHS, not JC friendly)
if you can't beat them, recruit them by moeblobmegane (T, 216k, Time Travel Fix-It, Conspiracy, Spies & Secret Agents, Team as Family, Found Family, WIP)
a grain of millet drifting by RoseThorne (T, 7k, NHS & WWX, Assassination Attempt(s), Introspection, Regret, Travel, Post-Canon, POV Third Person, POV WWX, Ghosts, Reconciliation, Exhaustion, Pining, Pre-WangXian)
15 Hi!! I really love this blog and I always look forward to reading more fics being posted here!! Anyways, for the next itmf, may I request for fics where everyone (or at least other than LWJ) wants a piece of WWX? Be it them wanting to have them in their sects or romantically? Thank you always!!
Worth of a Good Man by Vrishchika (G, 6k, WangXian, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Not Jiang Sect Friendly, Not JC Friendly, Tumblr Prompt)
16. Hi! Do you have any fic recs for sassy or savage LWJ, or maybe where he is a gremlin with a straight face? Thank you. 🥺💕
caught in the sugar by occultings (microcomets) (E, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fake/Pretend Relationship, fake FWB, Workplace Retreats, Drinking Games, Humor, Barebacking, First Time)
Turn the Other Cheek by Minyoongiisacatuwu (E, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Oblivious WWX, Panties, LWJ flirting very hard, Rabbits, Rimming, Mutual Pining, LWJ is a top in a Thong, LWJ in heels, Fashionista LWJ, Friends to Lovers, Aftercare, Porn with Feelings)
So I love you because I know no other way than this by Trueredhearts (E, 20k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, CSR and WCZ Live, Tattoos, Nipple Piercings, Genital Piercing, Law Student!LWJ, Engineering Student!WWX, Childhood Friends, Explicit Sexual Content, mentions of SS, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, Graduate School)
At the End of the Road by trickybonmot (E, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Practice Edging, Straight Boy WWX vs Fuck Around and Find Out LWJ, Pining but like Angry, Mildly Dubious Consent, A little Spit, Porn with Feelings, comphet is a hell of a drug, [PODFIC] At the End of the Road, by trickybonmot by Spinifex)
17. Hiii!! Thank you mods for all your hardwork! For the the next in the mood post, may I request fics where post canon lz forget that wy is alive bc its the day of his death? He and wy could alrdy be together but theres MOURNING and stuff like that. Hope this makes sense! Thank you againnnn! <3 @losing-victor
hello my old heart, how have you been by ravenditefairylights (M, 10k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Temporary Amnesia, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Trauma, Unreliable Narrator, Pining, Hair Washing, Hair Brushing, Hair Braiding, Soft WangXian, A lot of prose, wangxian are MARRIED and they have a SON, LWJ Needs a Hug, Sleepy Cuddles)
the gift of sincerity by lariyats (T, 40k, WangXian, Fluff and Angst, Post-Canon, Amnesia, or more specifically, the lwj amnesia au, where he regresses back to the 13 year period, but actually, Surprise!!, Established Relationship, very mild angst, Implied Sexual Content, ok maybe it’s not as mild as i said it was but it’s still v fluffy, Hurt/Comfort)
All My Life I Walked in the Cold by Milk_Tea_Fantasy (E, 8k, wangxian, ABO, omega LWJ, sub LWJ, alpha WWX, dom WWX, smut)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
152 notes · View notes
whateven333 · 7 months
A mature bonkai reunion how would you approach it after or during legacies?
In regards to mature BK during legacies I'm unsure, I've never watched legacies but I know that Bonnie never appears in that show but Kai appears on it and the general opinion seems to be that he was ooc in it
I think something that would have avoided him being ooc in that show, might have been to have him paired in scenes with Bonnie, (but just to clarify I would never actually want Bonnie/ Kat to be anywhere near any of those writers, this is just hypothetically speaking)
I feel that he seemed most true to his character and he had more interesting reactions/ interactions when his character was paired with Bonnie.
I tried looking up Kai's storyline on legacies...but I just didn't really know what any of that was or who other characters were meant to really be except for like Jo's grown up twins and Alaric ? - freakin Alaric man ...anyways
I was so confused, I thought Kai was left chained up in Karaoke Hell prison world or whatever but for some reason in legacies theres all these other random people that were students? Being punished? Alaric sent them there? I think I'm misremembering what I read 😭
I'm sorry for the legacies rant, but since I didn't even watch anywhere close to all of TVD I'm even more confused about what's supposed to be going on with Legacies 😭😭
So im gonna have to leave legacies stuff out of this but for mature BK -after the events of TVD but ignoring the part where they randomly sent Bonnie off to Africa:
I'm thinking we have Kai in his Karaoke prison world, he's all bitter and angry and half-dessicated.
We have Bonnie, who on the outside seems to be doing good, maybe she's found some distant Bennett relatives, so she moves to where they are, it's a quiet town, there's a local witch community who her relatives introduced her to, she keeps in touch with the gang from Mystic Falls from time to time, all seems to be going well, but maybe too well ?
Maybe she's a little bored ? For the majority of her life she's been in the centre of so much mayhem, whether she wanted to be or not. She knows she deserves peace, she deserves to rest. It just seems like she doesn't know how though. She probably wouldn't describe herself as a thrill-seeker, yet she finds herself drawn to other people's problems -the witchy kind of problems that require witchy solutions... and maybe siphon solutions.
She doesn't know many siphoners, to her annoyance, they seem pretty rare and she wouldn't feel right forcing just any of them to do her bidding. Except, she knows one siphoner who she wouldn't feel guilty about ensnaring to join her cause.
And so, she gets him out (we all got that one prisoner we keep locked away in an alternate dimension, guys chill).
And our boy Kai is as vengeful as ever, he will obviously not make this easy for her and Bonnie knows this, so she takes some necessary precautions -a spell to ensure that he is bound to her in some way, but he is still a pretty powerful coven leader (nvm the fact that coven's population is very small now) so the spell comes with some stipulations -she is in turn bound to him.
The spell ensures they're not able to hurt each other past a certain degree, so cue a ton of psychological warfare on both sides as they both try and out-manipulate the other (it turns into a power play sort of situation *wink wink*).
Kinky shenanigans.
I'm done.
(Hi Anon ! I feel there's a chance I may have misunderstood the ask 😖 I'm sorry <3, also I probably went off topic but when do I not lol, Uni has me stressed asf so my brains a little...ugh, so I'm sorry for the delay in response, also this was probs vague as hell -I wanted to come up with something more but this was all I could produce I'm afraid 😭 I hope you don't mind, thank you so much for the ask 💖)
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kissinvampires · 4 months
Oh they showed an add for the show it actually looks good, i loooovvveeee a lot of those people so I'll probably watch that as well....
Gonna be a gap in this cuz im eatin a snack...
Do Harkanons just float like that? I know in the of movie that man was just flaotin around.... oh they fall well dont they... very nice.
Worm snack!
The Femen place is so pretty!!! All sand carved and like.... geometircal. I love it.
I love this man... what is it... Stilgar? He's amazing. Growling at Paul and then "but seriously, they're demons dont listen to them. Okay have fun byyyeeee!"
Like a drunk lizard, i love her.
He's a lil desert mouse.
Oohh she's a prophecy kid too cool cool cool
I do like when he yells. Also jessica.... that voice was fuckin weird dont do that.
Now okay... how the fuck did they get her and her little tent up there....c'mon
The harkonnens make me so uncomfortable... like.... i love Mr Bautista but his shouty tantrums...ya know what maybe its just the shouty tantrums making uncomfortable.... 🤣🤣
Fuckin bene geserits. (I know thats not spelled right i dont care) "he's psychotic" "tjat doesn't matter. All that matters is can we control him" honey no, you can't, because he's psychotic. I haven't even met him yet and i know this....
Okay no its all the Harkonnens. I dont like em. Are none of them just.... normal people? Like... just chill the fuck out my god.
HE'S ALIVE!?!?!?!
They know their stupid square hats look so dumb right???
oh literally nobody else we know... ok
Okay those fireworks are fuckin cool as hell
Do they just not like color? Or is it like... ikd they like being in black and white? For thee aesthetic
Atomic war heads... really.... ugh
BABY WORM!!!! oh.... oh.... it... is it venom??? Or blood??? Or something else??? Its a very pretty shade of blue for sure.
I feel like a lot of people in this movie have weird mouths....
Boy drank the koolaid here we go.
"What did you do to him?" GET HER ASS CHANI
Hey Jessica??? Has anyone ever told you.... that you're a huuuugggeeee bitch????? 🙃🙃🙃🙃
Poor Chani. Oh that was great slap. Fuck yeah.
Oh for fucks sake. The fucking drama of it all.
Oh good he's in his Anakin phase
Ooohhh he just yells now. Okay.
Home boy brought his whole fucking army and had .... like 15 guys in the throne room. Okay sir. Maybe wanna talk to your head of security on that one...
Ooohhh shiiiiiittt get his ass Gurney!!! Fuck his little tantrum throwing ass upppppp
Oh shit that happened faster than i expected. Gurney don't fuck around. Okay okay.
Was the shot of bugs necessary oh my god blleegg
Nice fight. Very fast.
Fuckin.... poor chani. Like... i knew that was gonna happen. But thats still fucked up. Can't wait to see the twins tho... that Paul and the shiny girl make. The children of dune kids. That'll be fun.
I liked it!!!! I maybe don't understand allll the hype. But i do enjoy the movies. They're very very pretty. Super glad i didn't see it in theaters though cuz i think it would have overwhelmed me with all the loudness and such.
0 notes
jypbae7 · 4 years
Im Changkyun - Natal Chart
- requested by @jookyunz
Can’t remember if you wanted the 18+ section so I included it at the bottom and marked it incase you wanna skip it ❤️
(Not claiming to be an expert this is just for fun please don’t take anything too seriously!) Hope this is helpful and that you enjoy it 🥰❤️
Personality: Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon, Capricorn Mercury, Aquarius Mars
Aquarius Sun comes with lots of intrigue and lots of complexity - like the other air signs Aquarius is very adaptable and tends to prefer an “exciting life” (though earth signs tend to see this lifestyle as pure chaos lmao)
Aquarians tend to be intrigued by mystical things due to their very logical view of the world, this logical side can often lend to them coming off as cold or aloof but it’s less about that and more about their need to rule with the head and not the heart in order to avoid being thrown off the balance that they like (Aqua is a fixed sign) also they do NOT want to be hurt by people so the guard they have up towards the world is basically an iron curtain till they develop enough trust with you
Aries Moon is equally as spontaneous and adaptable but for a different motivation - Aries is bold and wants the most out of life and you can bet your bottom dollars they’ll do WHATEVER necessary to gain the lifestyle and goals they set for themselves.
But since they are naturally social butterflies and genuinely just want to have fun and encourage the people they love to reach for their dreams and have fun doing it, they tend to succeed rather easily since people are drawn to them. - All about confidence, bold styles, working hard because they NEED to be the best at whatever they do, but they definitely play hard too (as does every fire sign lmao)
As much as Aries and Aquarius like change and excitement - Capricorn Mercury does NOT. This adds a LOT of grounding and “tradition” to quick moving Aries and unconventional Asquarius.
Capricorn Mercurys are known to speak slow, quite monotonous and precise which I definitely have always felt about Changkyun. You’re not getting too much fluff or extra words from them because Capricorn finds it a waste of energy. They say what they mean when they mean it and not much else more. But this means they are good listeners and are very comfortable and unreliant on “attention” or “being in the spotlight” giving them added levels of independence. I also feel that this is why they are sooooo unbothered by other people’s opinions and friendship.
Aquarians straight up rather be alone than around fake people. They don’t care if they “fit in” with general norms because they don’t want to be like anyone else anyway lmao and they are interesting enough to keep themselves entertained. While Capricorn and Aries have places to go, people to see, and goals to crush so why the hell be worried about others???
Mixed with the other 2 placements it’s likely that his home is a serious sanctuary for him that he takes seriously. When he’s out in the world doing his busy schedules and chaotic traveling and work he’s happy and really feeding into the air and fire energy. But when he gets home it’s his Capricorn Mercury that is being nurtured and stimulated. He’s going to wanna hibernate there for a while without leaving especially if he’s been gone a long time. Could be either unbelievably messy or unbelievably neat but likely no inbetween with these placements lmao.
Aquarius Mars.... reminder that Aquarius is a fixed sign so this in Mars could mean one HELL of a temper or at least rage once he’s set off. But thankfully the Airy nature of Aqua means you’d really have to mess with him to get that kind of reaction because they generally really dislike being upset. They prefer staying content and neutral rather than having extreme feelings of any kind or it makes them veryyyyy edgy. If you can disagree with respect and if you provide logic instead of ego as your argument you’re likely to get a much better reaction from Aquarius
Non-Romantic Relationships & overall communication style: Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon, Capricorn Mercury, Aquarius Mars
Boy oh boyyyyyy he takes a LONG time to open up to people - 2 Aquarius placements and a Capricorn placement screamssssss trust issues and vulnerability issues
Capricorn doesn’t wanna sulk and talk about their problems so IF they trust you enough to come to you with an issue they want solutions and practical help and support
Is really cheered up by acts of service and quality time - watching a great movie even in complete silence just near each other on the couch in sweats tucked under cozy blankets or getting surprised with their favorite dinner can boost their mood instantly
Aries Moon as I said before is a natural in social situations and tends to draw attention even when they aren’t trying so he’s bound to come off a lot more open and friendly than he actually is. The deep stuff won’t come out till he REALLY knows and trusts you and even then… in SMALL increments
That said he’s a super fun friend to have - down for adventures, actually thinks about and puts effort into doing cool stuff with friends and loved ones
When it comes to friendships he shows care through quality time and acts of service
When he buys gifts for people he cares about they are BOMB - cool as fuck and either one or a combination of the following: one of a kind, meaningful as fuck, and/ or super expensive - most likely fashion, jewelry, something music related, or super cool stuff from his travels
Romantic relationships and preferences : Pisces Venus, Aquarius Mars, Aquarius Juno, Aries Eros
Lmao even MORE Aquarius and Aries energy
Ok into the main meat - these four placements are particularly interesting combo: 2 fixed air (Aqua), 1 mutable water (Pisces) and 1 Cardinal Fire (Aries)
Aqua Juno - generally hints at a pretty unconventional relationship and this can come in manyyyyy forms for the very unique and varied Aquarians (partnership without legal marriage, mixed race/culture couple, could even mean choosing a bachelor lifestyle over any normal type of relationship, etc.) - given that Changkyun seems quite close with his parents and his interest in kids I’d say he’s unlikely to choose the bachelor route.
For a lot of Aquarians unconventional can also come in the form of a very stimulating partner, they enjoy learning and expanding their minds and experiences which is why they tend to run towards challenges that others would run from. I think someone who shares similar passions but varied skills and/or background would fulfil that for him. Aquarius, Pisces and Aries like to be stimulated A LOT.
Pisces in Venus is a tricky placement - can be pretty hot and cold, lots of mixed signals, you should be ready to be stood up or flaked on atleast once in the beginning🙄) BUT if you actually manage to earn their trust and dedication they make very caring partners.
Pisces in Venus is art gallery and museum dates, binge watching documentaries especially murder mystery, and spending most of the summer near the closest body of water.
Aries Eros fantasizes about being in a partnership that others look at as a power couple but they’ll never admit it - they dream of a partner who is in awe of them and their accomplishments but has their own big goals and successes to cater to as well. They like people they can grow with as individuals and as a couple. Push and pull works really well with Aries (and the other two fire signs too honestly) they like the cat and mouse thing and they like to have time to miss & yearn for their partner especially the men - absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Love languages in order from most to least: quality time, physical touch, acts of service, gift giving
Aries is a strong sign and they want and need a real partner who respects and supports their independence and boss energy but also can nurture their softer more vulnerable side and be the strong one for them when they need it
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***** 18+ Preferences ****
Ooof this should honestly come as a surprise to NO ONE but damn placements do NOT lie...Im Changkyun is one freaky ass boy
I mean ARIES EROS???? Let me spell that out for y’all: fucks you like he absolutely fucking hates you or ties you up like a present and edges you for hours till you’re crying
LOVES, let me repeat LOVES jealousy sex - whether it’s you being jealous of all the screaming thirsting fans he has or him being jealous of guys getting too close too you for his comfort - he is allllllllll about taking that energy directly into the bedroom ASAP (or a bathroom or even closet if it locks 🤐)
Could and WOULD makeout for hours on end - especially if he’s been drinking
The more you switch it up the more excited he is - with all them Aquarius placements it should be pretttyyyyyy often
Different positions, lingerie, role play - any and all of it excite him
With a partner he actually trusts and has feelings for I can see him being extremely open minded to trying things (though obviously EVERYONE has limits and boundaries)
Toys, blindfolds, handcuffs, whip cream, hot wax, spanking - all a STRONG yes
Get the strong feeling he has strong preference to use his mouth often - lots of kissing (passionate, needy, messy - sometimes more aggressive) , likes to give and receive hickeys, wants to kiss all over his partner’s body and LOVES oral both receiving and giving (and I get the feeling he’s TOO good at that 👀)
More willing to let his partner take control than you might think - he’s not a switch but he just doesn’t think you initiating or “being in control” makes him any less dominant. In fact it’s probably the opposite; you showing your desire to that point actually makes him feel MORE dominant and masculine
Literally could find anyone and everyone beautiful - is more attracted to people’s minds, spirit and energy than physical looks (BIG Pisces and Aquarian thing)
Gets turned on every single time he sees you in the crowd at one of his shows - makes him feel like you are the only two people in the world (drives his Aries Eros INSANE - gets a kick out of the slight power play of being on stage in front of so many people, as well as the secrecy and raw passionate energy of it all)
Tattoos, piercings, colorful wigs, or even just interesting jewelry paired with the right lingerie or outfit will have him 🤯- think short black see-through lace robe with nothing on underneath except a sparkling body chain dripping from your body....yep he’ll eat you like a main dish in .00000000023 seconds
Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Spilled Pearls
- Chapter 5 - ao3 -
The Nightless City was like nothing Lan Qiren had ever seen before in his life.
It was grand and glorious, everything writ large on a massive scale – the number of people, the number of buildings, the size of the buildings…it was said that Lanling City was more crowded and full of people, but that was because it had a smaller scope, shoving all those people into a small area, while the Nightless City never ran out of space because any time it did it would just expand its borders further.
For someone like Lan Qiren, who longed to travel to the strange parts of the world and see all sorts of things for the first time, it was a dream come true –
Or rather, it would be, if only he had the ability to give it the attention it deserved. Which he didn’t.
The issue had initially arisen in the week leading up to their departure from the Cloud Recesses. Like all the other disciples, especially those nominated for their musical talents, Lan Qiren had spent a great deal of time in the library pavilion, perusing score after score in search of the one that they would present as their own individual selection.
He’d found one he rather liked: an exceedingly complicated piece, composed for the guqin, meant to signify the orderly chaos of nature and winning mastery over the internal chaos within. It had been a challenge to master the complex finger work, not to mention the necessary qi fluctuations required to properly showcase the song even if he had no plans to wield it as a spell – no one actually needed roots to leap up from the earth to try to trap his enemies in the middle of a musical demonstration – but he’d accomplished it, meeting even his own stringent standards for excellence. He’d been very proud, and eager to display it at the discussion conference.
His brother, in conjunction with the teacher that would be accompanying them, had rejected it.
They hadn’t even let him demonstrate that he’d adequately mastered it – their teacher, the swordfighting master that his brother liked so much, had taken a cursory look at the score and deemed it too eccentric; his brother had judged it too flashy, and thus too risky. They had recommended he perform one of the more traditional Lan sect songs that they knew he had mastered perfectly: Inquiry, perhaps, or Evocation.
Lan Qiren had decided to ignore them.
He hadn’t told them that, of course. He’d kept his decision hugged close to his chest, buried beneath a façade of calm that was easy enough to keep in place since most people couldn’t tell his stressed expression from his regular one, and his tone never really got that far from a monotone anyway.
He’d kept that secret, turning it over and over in his head, unable to think of anything else, unable to enjoy the distant travel (well, unable to enjoy it as much as he should), unable to really appreciate the grandiose opening ceremonies, the sect leaders of the Great Sects seated together on their platform, the smaller sects beneath them…
Luckily, the music competition was scheduled for the very first day of the conference, right after the opening ceremony. First there was the technical challenge, in which they all played together – that made it especially difficult, because a single wrong note by your neighbor could knock off your own playing if you weren’t focused, while the judges were all cultivators powerful enough to sharpen their hearing and pick out any discordant sounds even out of the large crowd of them all going at it together – and then the individual performances.
Lan Qiren had the honor of going fourth.
He went out there, saluted the judges, saluted the audience of sect leaders, sat down on the platform and played the song he wanted to play. If perhaps he had his heart in his throat because of a mixture of nervousness and anticipation, if perhaps his gut churned, feeling unusually full of spite and rebelliousness – he put it all aside in favor of the music.
Nothing mattered when he played but the music. Nothing.
When it was done, he stood and saluted again – the judges, then the audience – and retreated back to the area where the Lan sect was standing. As he’d expected, his teacher was waiting for him, hands behind his back and apparently calm on the surface; a small jerk of his head, and Lan Qiren knew to obediently follow him.
They couldn’t leave, of course, since that would be rude, but they went a little ways off to the side to a more secluded corner of the field where they could be safely ignored - everyone’s attention was on the performances.
“Do not tell lies,” the teacher said, a censure, and Lan Qiren dropped into a deep salute.
“I did not lie, honored teacher,” he said, eyes fixed firmly on the ground. “According to the guidelines set out when the event was announced, each disciple has the right to select his own music for the independent portion of the competition, provided that they can perform their selected composition to an adequate degree of mastery. Although you and my brother recommended that I select Inquiry as my performance piece instead, I did not accept your recommendation, and have never said that I would.”
His teacher’s frown deepened. “I would have expected better of you,” he said, and Lan Qiren’s shoulders curled inwards a little, the words cutting as deeply as any knife. “Quibbling over such a technicality with your elders – do not forget, arrogance is forbidden.”
Lan Qiren held the salute in place. “I understand, honored teacher.”
“Have you anything more to say to yourself?”
Lan Qiren thought about simply accepting the punishment that his teacher’s tone warned was inevitable, but – he really, truly did not believe he deserved it. And so, even though it might only make it worse, he opened his mouth and stumbled clumsily through the argument he had written out in advance, citing the rules and prior interpretations of the rules that he believed supported his actions. He was very confident of his grasp on the rules, but less sure of his persuasive powers and altogether despairing of any oratory skill, and yet...he had to try.
His teacher listened in stony silence. When Lan Qiren was done, he said, “I had never supposed you to be born with a lawyer’s tongue,” which was an insult – the Lan sect, like most cultivation sects, were gentry and thus had no need to seek employment in the magistrates’ courts. “Do you intend to continue on this rebellious path?”
“No, honored teacher,” Lan Qiren said emphatically. “In all other respects, I will listen to your orders, and my brother’s, as if they were carved on the Wall of Discipline.”
His teacher huffed disbelievingly, but he flicked his sleeves and went back to the crowd of Lan sect disciples currently spectating the next player in sequence without imposing any immediate punishment. That was an implicit concession to Lan Qiren’s argument: if he had failed to be convincing, a punishment would have been imposed at once.
Lan Qiren straightened himself out of his salute – his teacher had not granted him permission to rise throughout his recitation, and he hadn’t wanted to make his rebelliousness worse by presuming – and allowed himself a brilliant smile.
His teacher’s departure did not mean that he would escape all censure; his brother, sitting up at the sect leader’s pavilion, would undoubtedly have his own views on the subject, and of course simply disrespecting age and authority in public was reason enough for discipline. But Lan Qiren had done it. He had maintained his own position despite adversity and remained true to himself; he had not yielded, even if only in such a small matter, and he had persevered. Truly, it was as the rules said: have a strong will and anything can be achieved.
He looked around to check to make sure that no one had noticed their little interchange, mindful of his promise and his brother’s instruction that he not lose face, but it didn’t seem to be that way. Even on the sect leader’s pavilion, the sect leaders were all watching the performance – Wen Ruohan even had his head tilted to the side as if sharpening his hearing so as to listen more intently, which Lan Qiren supposed was further evidence that he wasn’t as disinterested in musical matters as others had speculated, and also that whoever was playing (he wasn’t paying attention) must be quite good.
It didn’t matter. Lan Qiren hadn’t played his selection because he’d been obsessively determined to win; he had only wanted to display some part of himself sincerely, and he had done so. Whatever else happened, that was sufficient.
He took a moment to find his calm once again, allowing his face to return to an expression of neutrality – gloating was unseemly, and forbidden by the rules, if other lose to you, don’t look down on them, even if the victory here was minor – and then at last returned to his place among the other Lan sect disciples.
He watched the remaining performances calmly, and without incident.
After the competition was done, the judges began to debate their rankings. Musical competitions were generally not favored at discussion conferences because of the need for careful consideration before victory or defeat could be determined – unlike in a contest of martial strength, when the contestants were near to each other in strength there was no immediate understanding of who had won – but Wen Ruohan had apparently planned ahead for that.
He announced that the contestants and audience would be dismissed while the judges’ deliberations were ongoing – in order to allow them to begin enjoying the wonders of the Nightless City, he explained with a supercilious smirk – and that the results of the competition would be announced shortly before the banquet planned for dinner.
Lan Qiren was not surprised when the sect leaders largely stayed behind, at least initially, to continue conversations; he was only relieved that he had a small reprieve before his brother came to scold him. Similarly, he was unsurprised when his fellow disciples immediately split into groups to go out to explore the Nightless City, and when those groups did not include him – even the ones that he would have otherwise expected to invite him, the ones he was more friendly with, cast fearful glances at their stone-faced teacher and apologetic ones at him; no one wanted to be associated with a troublemaker lest they be dragged into the mire alongside them.
It was fine.
Lan Qiren nodded at them, indicating that he understood, to their evident relief, and turned to look at his teacher in silent question. It was not unthinkable that he could go out alone…
“Perhaps you should stay behind,” his teacher said icily. “You can use the time for contemplation.”
Lan Qiren had promised himself: one rebellion, and nothing more. He raised his hands into a salute.
“As you say, honored teacher.”
Instead of following the others out, as he might have otherwise wanted to do, he turned his feet instead to one of the internal gardens in the Nightless City, brightly lit and shining, with a bench for him to sit and observe the designs, seeking calmness and clarity.
Maybe he could meditate a little. At least that would help pass the time -
“Congratulations on your victory.”
Lan Qiren raised his head, surprised out of the trance he’d settled info.
He had not expected anyone to find him in the garden where he was lurking, least of all Lao Nie.
“What victory?” he asked, and the older man grinned at him.
“Your imminent one, of course,” he said, gesturing for Lan Qiren to move over on the bench and settling down next to him once he complied. “That was a fantastic performance you gave earlier, and it wasn’t like we weren’t all expecting the Lan sect to win the music competition anyway.”
“Expecting the Lan sect to win doesn’t mean that I would be the one to win,” Lan Qiren mumbled, feeling his cheeks and ears go hot. “Arrogance –”
“Forbidden? Big surprise,” Lao Nie teased, and Lan Qiren ducked his head.
Technically, as a junior, he shouldn’t be acting overly familiar with sect leaders from other sects, but Lao Nie – no one ever called him Sect Leader Nie, and it wasn’t disrespect but fondness that drove them – was an exception to most rules. His Nie sect was longstanding allies of the Lan sect, and he himself was effortlessly charismatic, charming and gregarious. Even Lan Qiren’s brother admired him.
Lan Qiren also admired him.
It had been Lao Nie’s occasional intervention that had convinced his brother to take Lan Qiren along on some night-hunts when he’d been younger, and while they weren’t especially close by any means – Lan Qiren suspected he was currently simply too young to interest Lao Nie as an equal, as opposed to a junior in need of mentoring, and he longed to get old enough that that to no longer be an issue – Lao Nie was one of the few people Lan Qiren knew that had never minded indulging his eccentricities.
“I’m surprised to see you here,” Lao Nie remarked. “With all your talk of travel, I would’ve thought you’d be out exploring the city.”
Lan Qiren’s mood, which had been starting to improve, plummeted.
“Hmm. Sore spot?”
Lan Qiren’s shoulders were up by his shoulders. “I shouldn’t complain.”
“That just means you want to,” Lao Nie said wisely, and nudged him a little with his shoulder. “Did you get ordered to stay behind? You? You never break the rules.”
“I didn’t break the rules! My teacher made a strong recommendation that I reconsider my selection for the independent performance portion of the competition…”
“And you didn’t take the suggestion?” Lao Nie was smiling. “What a show of rebellion.”
Lan Qiren flushed red again. He was being teased, he knew.
“Since you’ve already had one rebellion, why not another?”
Lan Qiren frowned, not understanding.
“Go out,” Lao Nie clarified, still smiling. “There’s still at least half a shichen before dinner; you could see some of the city, apologize later – no? Why not?”
Lan Qiren was shaking his head. “I promised I would listen to my brother,” he said simply. “He instructed me to listen to the teacher, and the teacher said to stay, so I’ll stay. Perhaps tomorrow he will yield and allow me to explore by myself.”
“By yourself?”
“It would trouble the other disciples to be associated with me until there’s been an appropriate opportunity to review my behavior and determine if punishment is required –”
Lao Nie shook his head. Presumably things were different in his Nie sect, as they often were.
“Well, if you really need some company to go out, let me know,” he said.
“I couldn’t presume –”
“I’m offering,” Lao Nie said firmly, and this was why he was Lan Qiren’s favorite sect leader other than his father. Sometimes, secretly, even more than his father. “Really, I don’t understand your sect sometimes. What’s the point of keeping you so restricted? You’re already an adolescent, you’re old enough to join your own night-hunts…you can go night-hunting, right?”
“I can,” Lan Qiren confirmed, because he really was old enough to have gone on his own - old enough to night-hunt and swear oaths, that first formal stage of adulthood - but then conceded, “With company, and permission from the sect. Otherwise, disciples are only permitted to leave the Cloud Recesses to visit family.”
“…your family is the Cloud Recesses, Qiren.”
Lan Qiren shrugged.
“Don’t you feel stifled by it?”
Most of the time, he didn’t. Lan Qiren truly loved his home: he loved the routine of it, the rules; the peacefulness, the predictability, and all the familiar people; he loved the comfort of knowing where everything was and why. There was no place in the world he would rather call home, not even if he had the rest of it placed at his feet.
Still, sometimes…
He shifted a little in his seat, and decided to be a little daring. It was only Lao Nie, after all. “Well, knowing I’ll be able to leave one day helps.”
Lao Nie laughed and reached out to pat Lan Qiren’s head. His hand was large and warm.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t consider a little adventure, earlier on…?” he asked, trailing off.
“No, Sect Leader,” Lan Qiren said, and he wasn’t even that regretful. “I promised my brother. It’s important to him, you know, that I not lose face for him and the sect, and that means it’s important to me. So I won’t. I wouldn’t do that to him.”
Someone cleared their throat.
Lan Qiren looked at the doorway even as Lao Nie pulled back his hand: it was Wen Ruohan, standing there with his hands behind his back, a false smile on his lips and his eyes glittering with some strange and inexplicable emotion. “Several of the other sect leaders are demanding that you come and settle a dispute,” he said to Lao Nie. “Assuming you’re not too busy.”
Lao Nie chuckled. “For my fellow sect leaders? Never. I’ll be along momentarily.”
Wen Ruohan nodded, surveying them both briefly – Lan Qiren felt strangely vulnerable beneath his gaze, and he didn’t know why – before turning away in a swirl of robes.
“He seemed angry,” Lan Qiren observed, wondering why, but Lao Nie was already shaking his head.
“Oh, Hanhan’s more bark than bite,” he said confidently, and Lan Qiren nearly choked. Hanhan? Who would call Wen Ruohan by a diminutive? And anyway, since when did Lao Nie do that – had their relationship changed since the Lan sect conference or something? “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him. Enjoy your upcoming triumph, Qiren!”
Lan Qiren didn’t bother to remind him once again that he was not sure to win, watching him go after Wen Ruohan with long, loping strides that Lan Qiren could only envy, his own frame gawky and still uncoordinated.
He sighed.
“ – such a fuss!” He could still hear Lao Nie in the distance, the older man’s voice carrying a little too far as always. “Really, Hanhan, haven’t you done enough already, with all those rumors that are always going around since last time…?”
A brief pause, murmurs in lower voices.
“ – more honored in the breach. Even in the Lan sect!”
And then there was laughter.
Lan Qiren wondered what Lao Nie meant by that. Was he talking about Lan Qiren? To Wen Ruohan?
Surely not.
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Headcanons for diasomnia with reader who has insomnia/has troubles with falling asleep?
living for the concept
half of diasomnia doesn’t even sleep, change my mind
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,,I haven’t slept for three days and my body will soon collapse. Could you perhaps put me under sleeping curse?” “Absolutely not”
🐲 Malleus is extremely worried about your lack of sleeping schedule and he’s even more worried and concerned that you actually bombard him with questions to put you under a sleeping curse. He politely refuses each of them,
🐲 Malleus doesn’t really sleep, but he is aware of the importance of it to humans. He tells you to come to his room, whenever you are having troubles falling asleep. So you often accidentally scare Sebek when you appear out of nowhere on Diasomnia corridor in the middle of the night, waking up half of the dorm, 
🐲 sometimes just Malleus’ presence helps you fall asleep faster. He lays down beside you, as you wrap your arms around his chest, pulling yourself closer. His fingers gently trace circles on your skin, alleviating any tension from your muscles. His body temperature is lower than yours and you often find it comforting,
🐲 yet sometimes his presence alone isn’t enough,
,,How about sle-“ “iM nOt pUtTiNg yOu uNdEr a sLeePiNg cUrSe” “gee, chill”
🐲 at first he was reluctant to use any sort of temporary spell to make you fall asleep. Malleus don’t really want to use any kind of magic on you, yet you’re pestering him about this spinning wheel. All the time, 
🐲 and that’s when self-proclaimed father of Diasomnia also known as Lilia enters into action,
🐲 whenever Malleus’ presence doesn’t make you fall asleep, this old man will do it in the span of maximum three minutes (never fails, Lilia’s services are top notch). His magical lullaby is guaranteed to help you fall into slumber in Malleus’ arms
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🦇 you can’t fall asleep? Don’t worry, that ancient bat has your back. He probably doesn’t sleep himself, but he is more than willing to help you out,
🦇 Lilia has four strategies and depending on how you’re feeling or how hard it is for you to fall asleep, he will use one of them, 
🦇 sometimes you fall asleep just with his soothing presence alone. He will tuck you in the bed, laying beside you, as his arms wraps around you. Lilia may bury his head in the crook of your neck, leaving small kisses on your skin, 
🦇 if that doesn’t work, he will lull you to sleep with various stories from Malleus’ and Silver’s childhood, whispering them softly in your ear, while his fingers gently run through your hair,
🦇 if you still can’t get a decent rest, Lilia will sing you a lullaby (normal at first), a good one, which may I add, should make you slowly drift away to dreamland. His voice is soothing and calming, instantly calming down your whole body. Lilia also knows a magical lullaby, as Silver often calls it. It never fails, since magic is involved, but he will use it on you, only if you really can’t fall asleep,
🦇 Lilia actually likes watching your sleeping form, his hands gently brusing your hair or tracing your jawline. He finds you absolutely ethereal and stunning,
🦇 and yes, you will never catch him watching you sleep. He’s way too sneaki,
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 ⚔️ what an irony. How he wishes he was the one who can’t fall asleep, while you would give up almost everything to finally get a decent rest. Truly ironic,
⚔️ Lilia is always teasing you, saying what a perfect match the two of you are. You are laying on the bed with wide open eyes, staring blankly at the ceiling, while Silver is peacefully sleeping beside you. Truly, an exquisite sight
“Ufufufu~~~~what a perfect yet ironic match, don’t you think so Little One?”
⚔️ you and Silver tried a lot of things. A lot. Starting with lowering the temperature in the room, practicing yoga or meditation, blankets, exercising before going to bed to tire you out and even trying aromatherapy. Yet, any of the attempts proved to be successful,
⚔️ at this point you were on brink of insanity and were heavily debating whether to politely ask Malleus to let you prick your finger on his spinning wheel, yet Silver absolutely forbade you,
⚔️ you decided to try one more thing, before going to Lilia for help,
⚔️ Silver laid on the bed beside you, as you gave him the questioning look. Soon you felt his arms wrap around you waist, pulling you closer. You buried your head in his chest, listening to his even heart beat which was soothing you. His hand gently run through your hair, as his warm breath gently tickled your skin,
⚔️ yes, you finally managed to fall asleep, 
⚔️ for one night, then you two went to Lilia, 
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,,Could you at least try to stop screaming? Like, maybe that’s why I can’t fall asleep” “I’m pretty sure not, cause according to this book….”
⚡ you were surprised he didn’t yell at you. No, he listened to your frustrated rant about not getting decent amount of sleep, giving you his full attention. Sebek was going to take any necessary steps to grant your wish, 
⚡ Sebek may not show it, yet he’s worried. Extremely worried. He may not put it in the words, yet his actions will tell you everything, 
⚡ after your umpteenth sleepless night and another day of you dragging your exhausted body around the school, he is more than determined to solve your problem,
⚡ Sebek head straight to the library (after his daily duty is finished of course) and begins his research, scanning through multiple books. Honestly, your heart warms and melts at the mere sight of Sebek deeply engrossed in reading one, ancient volume, while hundred of other books are scattered over his bedroom, 
⚡ Lilia finds it extremely cute and won’t shut up about this, 
⚡ Sebek will try literally every method with you. Literally every. Strating with natural ones, ending on magical spells and asking Lilia, you both will spend few days experimenting, 
⚡ you’re both very fond of aromatherapy. You absolutely adore slowly falling asleep to the faint scent of damask rose diffusing in your room, encouraging you to sleep. Sebek always pulls you closer to his chest, while you both inhale gentle fragrances, putting you to sleep, 
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sarcasticace · 3 years
TLovm reaction/thought dump, ep 7, 8, 9 let’s go!!!
- i like the flashback at the beginning of ep7. it really develops these character who were really... not much more than names previously. even if ander’s motivation is a bit on-the-nose. but he doesn’t really need to be deep. he’s just a regular guy who did a horrible thing because he’s a horrible person
- which is also why i still don’t like that stonefell was made into... the wiki says duergar. presumed of course. but they’re still considered an “evil” fantasy race and tlovm plays into that. idk why the change was necessary. just make them a regular human, elf, elc etc. 
- i know where vax’s anger is coming from, but that “i will not hesitate. I WILL kill you” sounds forced.
- ohhhhh the backstory behind the pepperbox is SO COOL in animation.
-”who’s the sixth barrel for” and the fucking shadow!!!!
- not that i dislike the thing vex, vax, and keyleth have going on, but can we also give grog and scanlan some more serious moments that aren’t comic relief.
 - i find it interesting how tlovm and the original campagin have two different takes on scanlan’s solo raid on the mansion. because originally scanlan is a badass bard who is disrespected by the likes of vex. he has moments of seriousness and strategy. his raid of the mansion is all panic and improv. tlovm kinda depicts him a bit of a clown. but also an underdog trying for respect. and his teammates do respect him to a degree, but only behind his back and in moments of hardship. both versions have the same endresult, but they are also kinda different characters. like tlovm’s scanlan seems like a younger version of C1 scanlan.
- im not the biggest fan of how much of a leader vex is depicted as. i mean, if it’s anyone, it should be her atm. but vox machina has one brain cell and she does not have custody of it that often. girl wanted to storm whitestone originally. 
- “never listen to me again” stop talking then.
- “let’s not be rash, percy” she says after assuming the worst of scanlan five seconds ago.
- im tired... of constant comic relief grog. pls i just want my goliath barbarian back. the scene with him turning on his friends is good and dramatic. i just wish they made him more serious more often. because i feel like... if i watched this having known nothing about critical role, it loses something. he’s only serious moment has been with pike (and that one short moment with vax). the rest of the time he’s just the big dumb idiot who wants to kill things played for laughs.
- i love everything about keyleth trying to heal cass. from her spell components, the mutterings under her breath, her surprise and excitement then rushing in to help her friends. marisha is really bringing her A game too. and then cass just passes out. 
-”you’re the face i saw when murder entered my heart.” holy shit taliesin. oh and the eye during the gunshot flash. there are so many screenshot worthy moments of percy. id love some background wallpaper of some of these scenes.
- you know, i wasn’t sold on cass’ design originally, but it’s grown on me. especially that single streak of white. and i love her VA. the deliver is really good. her soft voice, the sadness behind her words. it just really adds something that makes me love her more.
- i absolutely love pike’s arc. love how delilah’s attack was sort of the excuse for her mind to bring her issues forward. it’s not explicit, but i got the feeling this doubt was always there in the back of her mind. the broken holy symbol was just when it started coming forward.
- god it’s like... every other scene they gotta pause to give us more vax|eth moments. pls, im begging you, give us some bonding time with any couple involving keyleth that’s not vax. 
- archie’s death actually kinda hit me. i wasn’t expecting that. i mean, i knew he was gonna get killed off for character development, but idk just the... brutal way what’s-his-name just bisects him. it was effective.
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The Mall - ✨ Part I ✨
this is based off of their relationship from Monsta X in Quarantine Chat Messages
Pairing: Monsta X and Reader
warnings: none, just crack and bad writing
sorry for any wrong spellings i didn’t proof read
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Within seconds the front door opened and all seven men came out of the house almost at once. You would have thought they just came to be part of a photo shooting of one of the most and greatest magazines in the world. The flashing of paparazzi were truly missing right now at the way they walked out of that door.
Their style was emasculate, a little too much if you thought that you were all actually just wanting to go to the mall but either way you just loved it. That’s one of the reasons you just love this pack of weirdos. They just knew how to dress and how to dress well.
It’s them all knowing when to wear what and this is, of course you’re also known for your pretty cool style, but still something to just look forward to.
A little support while shopping wouldn’t hurt anyone. Despite you just wanted to go out and bring clothes back that didn’t fit you to some shops that were nearby. Either way now you’re in the mood to go shopping. And having seven trendsetter with you were just perfect.
“Im driving with Shownu.” you said seeing him getting into the car. You walked towards it and opened the door and took your seat.
“Come drive with me” Wonho looked at Minhyuk and Kihyun as they nodded. Hyungwon sat in his car and waited for Jooheon and Changkyun decided to join you and Shownu in the car.
Driving in a car with Shownu and Changkyun was always a calm ride. Both men were very quite and just talked when necessary. Music was playing in a very normal volume and both men were either occupied because of the road or on the phone.
The ride was very quite. It was a great opportunity to take your time and google your shops and make your list of things to buy now that you decided to go shopping. You for sure wouldn’t have the chance to make your list if you were in a car with Minhyuk or Jooheon or Hyungwon.
They would probably totally confuse you or would even give you a chance to write things down. They constantly look over your shoulder, distract you and talk without a stop.
“Changkyun, do you have to do things in the mall?”you turned in your seat to look at him.
“Nope I thought i’ll just accompany you” he looked up from his phone and smiled.
“I have to get some things. Maybe we can go in pairs and meet at the end for food?” Shownu suggested and Changkyun and you just nodded.
After creating your shopping list and ten minutes later of the clock your phone rang.
“Hola?” you answered. You placed your phone between your ear and your shoulder, fiddling with your fingers.
“Where do you need to go first?” Wonhos voice sounded out of the speaker of your phone.
You looked out the window in front of you and watched the car from where Wonho was calling driving right in front of you.
“I have to bring some tops back to H&M and-“
“Did they not fit you?” Minhyuk asked loudly into the speaker.
“No Minhyuk I just didn’t like them”
“Leave me alone” you answered again and watched Minhyuk turn around in the car in front of you. You lifted your middle finger, clear for him to see as you heard him laughing.
“Ok wow. So H&M at first?” Wonho said.
“Yup, please.”
“Okay, can you call Hyungwon? We would drive there at first and from there we can see where were going?”
“Yup, bye” you hung up and immediately dialled in Jooheons number.
“Were going to H&M first, Shownu ok?” you saw him nodding as you listened to the beeping of your phone.
“Hello dear” Jooheon answered sweetly.
“Hi Jooheon, just wanted to let you know we’re driving to H&M first and from there we can see where were going then ok?”
“Alright thank you” a little pause was heart.
“oki bye” you hung up on Jooheon and placed your phone back into your back.
“What a real organizer you are” Changkyun said tapping you on your shoulder and you just snorted.
“Pfff, can you give me the plastic bag next to you?” Changkyun grabbed the bag next to him and threw it on your lap. You checked the inside again and checked if everything is still where you put it. Looking up you saw that you finally arrived as the car came to a stop.
You watched Minhyuk getting out of the car and looked down the minute he got out. A loud screeching sound was heard when you watched him pick up his phone from the ground. His phone must have been on his lap and when he forgot that it was and stood up it must have had a very hard landing on the concrete.
You opened the car door and started to laugh as you watched him inspecting his phone.
“Poor phone” you laughed as you walked past him. Hyungwon behind you as he started to smirk.
“Fuck you” Minhyuk glanced at you and put his phone back into his jeans pockets. Must have not been that bad, you thought.
Now inside the mall all eight of you walked towards H&M in smaller groups of 2 or 3 next to each but still was it an experience you haven’t had in a very very long time.
When you were a little younger you used to always go out with all of them. Meeting them in the mall and spending your whole day as a big group, walking around and having your friends beside you was your favorite thing to do.
“I’m going inside” you said as you all stood right in front of H&M and looking around and chatting away for a bit.
“Mhmm alright, we are going this way, see you later” Minhyuk shimed and walked away with Jooheon.
“We are meeting here again right?” you yelled after them and they just showed you a thumbs up.
“Do you remember that fuck people shirt? i know where that is” Wonho said to Hyungwon who just approached him.
“Ah the one we talked about?”
“Yes you want it?” Wonho nodded questioning.
“Yes let’s go” and with that, both men disappeared into the distance.
“Bye, we see us later” and off they were.
“I wanted to see if there are nice clothes so I am going in with you” Kihyun said and you smiled at him.
“Yeah me too, I will just walk after you I don’t need anything” Changkyun nodded and walked towards you.
“Same, Kihyun I will join you”. Kihyun and Shownu walked inside with you and Changkyun behind as you all started to look at the clothes hanging in the store.
“Let me bring these tops back and then we can walk around” You walked away from him as he walked faster next to you.
“Ill come with you” he insisted again.
You blinked a few times, staring at him. You wouldn’t mind him coming with you but right now this isn’t a good idea.
Well, being honest you were actually lying about bringing back tops. It wasn’t tops that didn’t fit you, it was underwear. Well, a few (a lot of) bikini tops and panties.
“Alright then” you nodded.
Walking with him towards the cashier you stood at the line and waited for your turn. Changkyun turned to the sides and looked at the jewelry that was hanging on both sides of you.
Looking back, you saw a young girl, maybe 14 years old, stare at Changkyun. Her eyes popped almost out of her head when he turned to her, smiling friendly at her and turning back to you.
“What do you need then?” you watched her as she turned to you, looking you up and down and back to Changkyun, almost throwing her eyes at him.
“We can look after Kihyun and Shownu and then i need some chapsticks and nail polish” you said and turned your back at her. Kids these days..
“Alright” he said, as he placed his forearm on your shoulder.
It was now your turn. Walking towards the cashier, you placed the plastic bag on the counter turned it upside down and all clothe pieces fell out.
“I would like to return all this” you handed the receipt to the now super annoyed looking cashier in front of you. Looking over to Changkyun who watched the lady scan the panties.
“You said you have to return tops” he whispered towards you.
“Yeah, i lied.”
“Weren’t these not good enough for your boyfriend?” the cashier said to you, winking and grinning at Changkyun.
“No they looked ugly on her” he chimed in, earning a slap to his arm.
“He’s not my boyfriend” you answered and the lady widened her eyes.
“Oh ups i’m sorry” with that you just smiled at her as she continued.
It was quite for a moment, as Changkyun leaned in to you.
“But I could be” you heard him whisper in your ear.
“Ew, you’re disgusting” and he laughed.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
So, how far do you think Jasons booktastes goes? Is he like a hard-core classic fan or does it variate between his moods?
Absolutely the latter, IMO. I know there’s a tendency to lean hard into the idea that Jason’s just all about the classics, but I think overall we have a rather finite and white European and American skewed 'definition’ of what constitutes a classic in the first place, and you know me and my classist rantings.....unless you don’t but whatever, now you do, I’m personally leery of over-emphasizing Jason’s sophisticated reading palette or whatever as like, some kind of pushback against his otherwise lower-class origin because I don’t think its necessary. I mean who knows if that’s how its intended in any given specific situation, but I definitely feel like there’s a general undercurrent of that threaded through a lot of Jason’s depictions overall that I’m like ‘no thanks’ to.
I think Jason’s all over the place as a reader. His only defining characteristic as a reader IMO is that he’s a voracious one, and he reads anything and everything he can get his hands on, and finds something appealing and in new and different ways in every genre. I think as his skills develop as Robin and a detective, he hungrily reads mystery novels to see how quickly he can figure out who did it. I think he reads true crime to try and solve it ahead of the book’s conclusions the same way we’ve seen Dick solve cases watching America’s Most Wanted. 
I think before traveling was an option for Jason, living with Bruce, he enjoyed travel guides/pieces and nonfiction, to get a sense of places far away from Gotham. I think once he was living with Bruce and encountering colleagues of his dad’s who were literally from other planets and had advanced technology and magic, he had a growing personal collection of fantasy and sci-fi books just so when he did get a chance to join Bruce when he was around other heroes he could be like “okay I read in this one book where they did this spell are there any real spells like that huh huh?” or “so in this one series they had a spaceship that could do this do you know of any spaceships that are like that like could that be real?” I think he loves mythology because a) he’s gay duh and b) Diana is an actual Amazon, like why wouldn’t you love mythology when you could fact-check Edith Hamilton against an actual Amazon it just makes sense.
I think he’s got shelves full of old-school dimestore pulp fiction novels, the long-running series kinds, because he doesn’t think cheap equals bad and also they’re just fun. And also also, he loves the serialized nature of a lot of works because one of the biggest evidences of stability in his young life, before ADITF, like, one of the things that finally got him thinking like wow this is like how I live now huh, was the realization that when before, the unpredictable nature of his life meant he kinda just had to read things in one go and not count on ever being able to follow up on them, like......when living with Bruce, he suddenly just realized one day that like, all those series that have so many more books in them than I could ever read in one go, the kind of things you’re meant to RETURN to, to follow along over periods of months and years.....I can do that now, here. 
And even after his return as the Red Hood, once he slowly started settling into his new life and put his focus not just towards reacting to his trauma but trying to build beyond that again and have actual hobbies, interests, etc.....one of the biggest evidences to him that he could do that, be more than JUST the Red Hood, was literally no different from when he first had that epiphany living with Bruce. When he looked into all those series that he perhaps never got to finish, or that were still ongoing when he was killed, and found an unexpected continuity in the reminder and awareness that they were still out there, waiting for him to finish them, that they were still being published, available for him to catch up......that his life had ended, but then he came back so maybe it was more just interrupted. That so many things are different now from how they were before, but some things are still the same, that he’s so different now but in some ways he IS still the same.
Like yeah, sure, I do think he’s got plenty of Jane Austen on his shelves, but he’s also got Octavia Butler and Ursula K. LeGuin and Mary Shelley not once but twice....nah let’s go wild and make it five times....cuz I think he’s got very specific SYSTEMS for how his books are arranged, one of those particular things that arose from the awareness that he actually COULD be particular about his books, that it was entirely up to him......and once he found out that Frankenstein’s Monster existed he was like okay but is the book based on that or was that based on the book, did art imitate life or did life imitate art I HAVE TO KNOW IF IT GOES IN FICTION OR NON-FICTION! And so Alfred and Bruce and Dick and Barbara all had the same idea of like, why not both, both is good, and gave him an extra copy and so he ended up with like five copies of Frankenstein.
Also, literally every time he ends up with a case or aware of a case where vampires or werewolves or aliens or gods are involved, you can find a whole new section of fiction and nonfiction on the related subject in his room, and he’s scribbled all throughout the margins like LOL WELL THIS ISNT RIGHT and NOPE GOT THIS WRONG and IF THIS AUTHOR WAS ALIVE TODAY I WOULD TELL THEM RIGHT TO THEIR STUPID FACE ABOUT HOW NOT ACCURATE THEIR SAFETY PROTOCOLS FOR DEALING WITH VAMPIRES ARE LIKE THATS THE LAST TIME I BRING GARLIC TO A VAMPIRE FIGHT AND THINK IM DOING ANYTHING BUT SMELLING LIKE A TASTY PASTA FLAVORED TREAT, LIKE THANKS FOR NOTHING YOU ABSOLUTE HACK.
(Also I think Jason thinks Poe’s a pretentious boor, mostly because I find it funny to script scenes in my head where Jason just goes OFF about various authors and his Opinions on them, but he still likes his stuff for the mood and is like DONT @ ME, IM COMPLICATED, but this is entirely because of an old personal headcanon of mine where like, the frequent references to the gothic nature of Gotham tied to Jason’s very Gothammite nature resulted in my brain doing a What If where Jason either post-Robin-where-he-didn’t-die or even post-Red Hood picks a raven themed ensemble and calls himself something like Nevermore, and is like, Caw Caw, Im Gotham, Bitch).
In summation, I think Jason is eclectic as hell, and like, if its a book, and he’s got the time, he’s gotta read it because duh, that’s just the law of the jungle, he’s like lololol what there’s a book and I’m just what, just not going to read it? That’s what you think? LMAO that makes no sense you sound so dumb right now.
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verymuchimmortalcat · 3 years
Maribat March Day 9: Teen Titans and Day 10: Creatures and Cryptids
Marinette and the others were at the tower celebrating Tim's return. They had been overjoyed to hear of his return and by the time they had left for their rooms it had been fairly late. She was checking her phone when Adrien messaged her. Her sleep addled brain was confused for a moment until she remembered that London was eight hours ahead of San Francisco and Adrien had probably just woken up.
Kitty: Marinette!!!!
Kitty: I googled the meaning of cryptid and look what I found!!!!
Kitty: cryptid/ˈkrɪptɪd/Noun
1.an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the yeti.
Kitty: That would make the Kwamis cryptids, there existence isn’t really substantiated.
She stared at the phone; it was too late to deal with this but she responded anyway.
Bug: I’m pretty sure they’re just normal creatures Adrien
Bug: I’d tell you to go to bed but its morning there so…
Bug: however im sleeping now. Good night.
Sighing she fell asleep, she’d ask Tikki about it tomorrow.
Marinette returned from Breakfast with cookies for Tikki and cheese (that’s not camembert) for Plagg and some food for if any of the others decided to come out. The two of them spent the most time out of the miraculous box, Tikki obviously staying with Marinette and Plagg joining them nearly every other day. The Kwamis preferred to stay in her room, some of them had wanted to explore the tower, but she had told them not to, she didn’t want to scare her team mates. Though, she doubted Raven would get scared.
Handing the food to the Kwamis, she lets Trixx out and waits for a bit before asking them about Adrien’s findings. Tikki hummed thoughtfully while Plagg remained absorbed in his cheese. “Well, technically I guess both could apply. While there are ancient scriptures and such that show our existence none of them provide concrete evidence. The only people who are usually aware are the Guardians and the users. In current times that would just be you and Adrien, given that Master Fu removed Gabriel and Nathalie’s memories on the functioning of the Miraculous before he lost his when he passed over guardianship.”
“What Sugar cube’s trying to say is technically to everyone other than you and the kid, we are cryptids.”
Trixx who had been silent up till this point, piped up, “ooooh, your team mates don’t know about us. Can we please go around pranking them? Spreading some necessary chaos? Pleaaaase?”
Plagg had gotten a look in his eyes that spelled mischief. Tikki just sighed. Marinette was torn. On one hand she knew it wasn’t exactly right but on the other hand Plagg and Trixx might just carry out some convoluted plan without her permission. It would make more sense to know what exactly they were doing, also it would definitely be fun to watch them freak out hr team mates. Grinning at Plagg and Trixx, Marinette agrees. Tikki just sighs and shakes her head, Marinette thinks Wayzz would probably have the same reaction, but she can’t bring herself to care. They’re going to wreak havoc on the rest of the team.
They went with Victor first. His one mechanical eye meaning that he would only be able to see the Kwamis through one eye and he would probably just brush it off and wouldn’t alert the others. Marinette and the Kwamis hid while Kaalki talked his ear off. Making sure to stay out of sight other than a few glimpses. Leaving him confused at why he couldn’t see anything. Eventually they heard foot steps and hurried out, Kaalki calling out a bye.
Gar was next. The other Kwamis had managed to talk Wayzz into taking part in their elaborate prank. So, when Gar was eating alone, Wayzz went in and started commenting on the most random things. Garfield had responded completely casually the first time and then had turned to look at Wayzz and freaked out. He ran out of the room calling for Raven and screaming about spirits and that she had to make sure they weren’t being haunted or anything of that sort. Marinette and the Kwamis just snickered as the others in the tower started yelling at Gar.
They had unanimously agreed that they were not going to try anything on Raven.
Kon and Bart had been the next on the list. They were easy enough, they spent enough time around each other that it wasn’t hard to catch them together. They were playing video games when Xuppu and Nooroo, the both of them having been extremely eager to join, showed up next to Bart and Kon and started making a mess and calling out insults every time they made a mistake and floating out of sight when they turned to look. Eventually the two of them got worked up enough for Kon to use his X-ray vision. The two of them had phased through the floor and returned to her room not wanting to test whether or not they would show up on his x-ray vision.
Unsurprisingly the news got to Tim, which she knew would get him worked up and more paranoid then usual but she was going to have to tell them about the Kwamis soon enough. She’d put a stop to it if it was affecting his physical health.
Bart had decided that Gar had been right about the haunted spirits and had gotten Raven to check the whole tower. Raven had done so, and in front of the whole team had declared there was nothing to worry about, there were no spirits the only magical prescence in the tower was positive and whatever had happened was probably harmless. She had then proceeded to tell them it would probably end soon while giving Marinette a pointed look, to which she just guiltily smiled back. Raven the sighed and returned to her room.
None of them had actually seen the Kwamis, Marinette realised when the Kwamis went to Cassie. While she knew the others thought something was going on, she wasn’t too worried about it. This unfortunately had its disadvantages. Sass had gone to Cassie and had gravely started, “Cassandra Sandsmark-“
“Tell Ares he can go fuck himself,” she snapped and then walked out of her room to the training room leaving the Kwamis and Marinette in confusion.
Mentally noting to check up on Cassie later, they decided to move in onto their next victim.
They couldn’t get to Tim. They had been called for a fight and Marinette had to transform. In the end she had to use more than one Miraculous, revealing to the others that it had just been her and the Kwamis messing with them the whole time.
“I thought the tower was haunted,” Gar complained.
“I was there,” Marinette repeated, “It was incredibly funny.”
He just groaned in response. They had returned to the tower not long back and had not moved away from their current topic since then. Bart had calmed down in about five minutes of nonstop talking and Sass had decided he was going to explain things to Bart himself. Victor had just frowned in exasperation and walked out. Raven having already known had left for her room as soon as they returned to the tower. Kon was laughing at Gar’s misery and Tim had started talking to Wayzz about the Kwamis and such. Marinette had pulled Cassie aside and told her that she was there when Cassie spoke to the Kwamis and that she was there if Cassie wanted to talk. Cassie had given her a nod told her that she’d think about it and had left.
She was explaining everything to Gar now, she had finally gotten around to when Xuppu and Nooroo had gone to Bart and Kon. Kon had stopped laughing at Gar immediately at that point. When she mentioned what happened with Raven, Gar shrieked, “she knew?” At which everyone still in the room burst out laughing.
Hawkmoth's defeat in this was before Miracle Queen. Master Fu then modifies Gabriel and Nathalie's memories and hands over guardianship to Marinette and loses his memories and then joins Marianne. The temporary holders dont get the miraculous.
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cryptenby · 4 years
an abundance of green
so i’ve been watching critical role over quarantine and apparently it’s impossible for me to half ass anything so i’m obsessed, and obviously my love of rarepairs has gone nowhere, so im basically contractually obligated to write about Fjord and Caduceus. this has no plot, is completely indulgent and i really hope that whoever reads it enjoys it anyway lmao it’s also on ao3!!
They’re at the Xhorhaus at Caduceus’s own insistence. He told everyone he wanted to check on the tree and their makeshift temple, and Caduceus never asks for anything so the Mighty Nein is packing up before he’s finished the question. It almost makes him feel a little guilty, considering he really just wants to get his hands on Caleb and Essek. They need a good pot of tea and a solid talking to. Realistically, he thinks he could have just said that but Caleb is skittish about matters of the heart, especially when he didn’t initiate them on his own.
Beau knows though. She corners him before they leave, out of earshot of most everyone. “Duce. This about Essek?”
He laughs a little to himself, an airy thing. “Kind of. I would like to check on him, I'm hoping he’ll come see us. Or let us see him.”
“I don’t trust him.”
“You probably shouldn’t,” Caduceus grins.
“How is it possible that I know that you mean that but I still feel a little guilty?” she says, a little sheepish as Caduceus laughs. “How can you trust him so easily?”
“I have faith that you guys will ask the right questions. If he doesn’t care for us, or have our best interests at heart, I’m very confident the more suspicious of us will be on top of it. But I trust Mr. Caleb, and he didn't condemn him,” Caduceus says with a shrug. “Neither will I.”
Beau just looks at him for a moment before sniffing harshly and blowing out a loud breath. “Fucking fine. I won’t tear him a new one but don’t think I didn’t notice that you gave me permission to pull every possible piece of information out of him.”
“Of course,” Caduceus says, barely containing his smile. “I know who you are, Ms. Beau, and I expect you to be yourself.”
Beau blushes, for some reason, and clears her throat. “Right. Thanks, Duce.”
He gives a mock, half salute that he’s seen her give to their captain, and it makes her laugh before she strolls off. It doesn’t take them much longer before they’re off, Caleb finishing off the teleportation circle with a dramatic flourish that makes Jester giggle, the whole point of it, Caduceus is sure.
The familiar trek to the Xhorhaus seems to take no time at all, the tree he’s grown so fond of twinkling with a soft light the closer they get, a beacon, of sorts, welcoming them home. He’s a little surprised by how much he loves their place here; he’s not like the rest of the Nein, he already has a place that he considers home, so the new one was not so significant for him as for the others. In fact, it took him a while to even accept the place as theirs and not expect some ulterior motives to come to light. The feelings were unfamiliar territory for him at the time, suspicion and a lack of appreciation for a gift so grand, and the planting of the tree was a way for him to apologize and make peace in the space. It definitely seemed to work, if the happy flutter in his heart at the sound of the chimes when they enter is anything to go by.
Everyone goes to their respective rooms to store their things, chatting genially before they go their separate ways.
Everyone other than Fjord. 
He does a loop around the common room, getting familiar again with his steps before he centers himself in the room, inhaling, and mumbling something under his breath with the exhale. The gentle reverb that follows confirms what Caduceus assumed he would do; the blade glows blue and Fjord glows with it, his See Invisibility spell activated.
The bunch in his muscles draw his attention first as he holds the greatsword aloft, inhaling again and opening his eyes on the exhale, their blue glow matching the runes on his blade. They highlight the depth of his cheekbones and strength of his jaw, his already handsome features softly accentuated. Fjord starts to walk the room with a more keen gaze, his steps strong and sure in a way Caduceus has only noticed since he accepted their Mother’s grace. He decides to turn tail and head up the stairs before Fjord has a chance to ask questions about his lingering that he isn’t prepared to answer.
The smell of dirt greets him as he ascends the stairs and he takes a deep breath, entering the roof with a grin. Everything is as he left it, the twinkling lights from their tree painting the room a soft yellow with their glow. Every bit of life to be seen seems to reach toward him as he enters and he greets them brightly, apologizing for being gone so long and asking each that he passes how they’re getting along.
A breeze warms him a little while later and it carries a friendly warning as it leaves him, explained when he hears the footsteps of someone approaching.
Too large to be Veth or Jester, too loud to be Beau or Yasha, too heavy to be Caleb, leaving only—
Fjord knocks gently twice before he lifts the hatch.
“Hey, Ducey,” he says with a smile. “Can I come up?”
“You know you’re always welcome, Mr. Fjord.”
Caduceus turns to greet him happily and sees some of the plants turn towards Fjord in his peripheral; he chuckles a bit at Fjord’s look of awe that he catches at a glance and shuffles over to grab the kettle and start a pot of tea. He turns back to ask Fjord if he wants any and stops, blinking slowly.
Fjord is saying something but Caduceus is barely paying attention, distracted as he is by the fitted, soft linen Fjord is adorned in. It’s not as though he’s never seen him in underclothes before, they’ve shared a space too many times for that to be the case, but those clothes all bore the wear and tear of the life the half-orc led, and politeness ensured Caduceus never let his eyes linger too long, for obvious and other reasons.
Never before had Caduceus seen Fjord looking so dressed down, so comfortable, cozy, safe. It fills him up inside, butterflies with wings stronger than any he’d encountered in Melora’s fields fighting for purchase in his belly. He wants to touch him: his face to memorize the laugh lines there, his chest to feel the steady beat of his heart, his back to guard it and ensure no one ever catches him unaware again.
He wants to protect him. He wants to tell him. He wants to keep looking and never say anything else ever again.
And that’s. Well, it’s weird.
Caduceus Clay, infatuated? Enamored? With one of his own party? How could it have happened without his notice?
“Uh, Caduceus?” Fjord calls, and he sounds closer than before.
Caduceus blinks slowly and looks down at his concerned friend now standing close enough to touch, and he takes advantage, grabbing him around the elbow, his dark green skin and black claws clashing prettily with Caduceus’s pale sleeves and light grey fur.
“Alright?” Fjord asks, sounding a little more concerned this time.
Caduceus blinks at him and clears his throat around a little white lie. “Yes, sorry. Sometimes I fall deep into my conversations with the Wildmother. Um, tea?”
Fjord looks closely at him before nodding and releasing him, and Caduceus takes the first chance to hide his face, cheeks blushing with his new revelation as he walks over to the little fire pit he’d dug out just for the kettle. He can hear Fjord walking closer, slowly, probably taking in the roof like he does every time he’s here, even though he’s seen it many times over. It’s endearing, and those butterflies from before seem to have made themselves at home in his belly, fluttering madly. He takes a couple deep breaths that don’t help at all and curses his luck.
“Man, I never get tired of that,” Fjord says, having finally made his way over and sitting down close by.
Caduceus looks at his smile and thinks, yeah, me either. 
“It never really gets old.” He says instead. “Is that what you came up for? Not that I ever mind, just curious.”
“Oh, no, I wanted to thank you actually.” Fjord says. He’s looking at Caduceus with such earnest sincerity that Caduceus’s heart swoops in his chest. “I’m loath to admit it but I think I needed a break and I know I would never have bothered to ask, even once I figured out I needed it.
I know you don’t do it on purpose, but just having you around makes everything easier, better. And I feel like we don’t tell you that enough, or tell you thank you often enough. So, thank you.”
Fjord squeezes his hand, smiling softly at him, his lips finally used to the tusks that are growing in proud and strong. Caduceus grips him back and hopes that the answering squeeze and tears in his eyes are enough to express his gratitude.
“And also. I’m not around all the time obviously, so forgive me if I’m wrong, but you’ve never really talked about, you know, anything, really. You’ve gone through some pretty fucked shit like the rest of us and you deserve the care you keep trying to give everyone else. So, if you ever need to talk to anyone,” Fjord says softly, cupping one of Caduceus’s hands in both of his and smiling a self-deprecating grin. “I’m here. I’m a mess, but I’m a good listener.”
“Okay,” Caduceus says, around the lump in his throat. “Thank you, Mr. Fjord.”
“Okay,” Fjord says back, cheeky grin turning into a relieved smile. “Thank you, Mr. Clay.”
Caduceus nods and looks at him for longer than strictly necessary, and it doesn't escape his notice that Fjord lets him, stealing in some glances of his own. Caduceus’s heart swoops again and he finds himself wishing he could ask Melora for a bit of guidance, knowing her answer would be vague and leave him feeling more confused than ever. The frustration barely has time to take hold before he feels a warm breeze like fingers caressing his cheek and Fjord must soon follow, if his gentle chuckle is anything to go by.
He feels selfish for his frustration, fleeting as it was.
He looks at Fjord, and he wants.
He takes a deep breath.
He makes tea.
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teruthecreator · 4 years
Hey... let’s play in the chaos Fitz space... I’m so curious how magic lessons with Festo would go now Fitz is aware of Chaos in relation to his magic...
anon idk what u were expecting when u sent this, but im sure it wasn’t a 1.7k drabble of fitzroy and festo having a lil chit-chat. that being said, though, this was incredibly fun to do so thanks for the suggestion!!! 
“I don’t want magic lessons anymore,” 
The question makes the fairy halt in their fluttering, staring at their pupil with a curious stare. Fitzroy hasn’t been the same since the centaur assignment, they knew that already. Word has made its way through the faculty about the barbarian’s outburst on the field; hushed whispers of concern that never seem to make it to either headmaster’s ears. Althea Song even came in to discuss with Festo about the future of Fitzroy’s lessons; what might be the safest approach to controlling his wild magic. 
Festo is well aware, though, that “control” and “wild magic” tend to not mesh well. 
This is the first time they’ve managed to get Fitzroy to come to a lesson since his return over a week ago. Usually they meet three to four times a week, practicing simple spells and focusing on how to channel the energy for larger ones. He used to be adamant on his distaste for magic, but after a while he began to warm up to the idea of understanding the arcane abilities he was granted. Snippers seemed to help with that warming, becoming less of a familiar and more of an emotional support crab when Fitzroy’s feelings would go haywire and seep into his magic. But, after the centaur assignment, they were advised to postpone a few of their lessons to give Fitzroy the space to recoup after being cursed (and whatever triggered his outburst). 
After that grace period, though, Fitzroy just became a no-show. No matter how many cheerfully threatening letters Festo would send, Fitzroy never came to a lesson. 
That is, until today, when they came into their class to find Fitzroy already seated in his usual spot; twiddling his thumbs anxiously as he looked down to the floor. Festo was hoping this meant Fitzroy was finally ready to get to work, but...it would seem that’s not the case. 
“...Is this why you’ve been hiding from Festo?” The fairy asks, seating themselves atop a stack of books so they can face the half-elf properly. Fitzroy refuses to meet their gaze, nervously scratching his neck as he nods. “Ah...I see…You do not believe in Festo’s teachings.” Fitzroy perks up at that, turning to them and vehemently shaking his head. 
“I-It’s not that, Festo, really! It’s just…” Fitzroy trails off, looking frustrated and caught between words. “I just...When I came to you first, Festo, it was because I didn’t know why I had been given my magics and, therefore, was unable to control the outbursts. O-Or, that’s why I felt these lessons were good--I know they’re required, given my schooling track, but--” 
“--Festo gets your point.” Festo finishes, not wanting Fitzroy to get lost in the semantics before getting out what needs to be said. He nods his head bashfully and continues. 
“Right, yes. B-But now that I...I feel like now--or, I know now why I have magic. When...When I got cursed? I-I, uh...I met someone…” 
“You met Chaos, yes?” Festo asks, simply. Fitzroy buffers for a moment, mouth sputtering as he attempts to grapple with the knowledge, and Festo snickers. “Fitzroy, did you think Festo did not understand where your powers came from upon first meeting you?” Fitzroy’s cheeks are tinged red as he opens and closes his mouth to try and retort. “Festo knew your magic was wild from before Festo even saw you! There are not many schools of magic that manifest in catfish transformation.” 
“I...suppose so. B-But Festo, if you knew where my magic came from this whole time, why did you never tell me anything?” 
“Because you never asked!” Festo answers cheerfully. Their response makes Fitzroy’s shoulders sag as he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Also, it would not have been wise of Festo to give you such an answer when you were first learning your magic. Knowledge is not always key to understanding.” 
“I’d say it is!” Fitzroy bites back, his hand dropping from his face. “These powers were imparted on me to do evil, Festo! A deity has been watching over my every move, cheering me on whenever I goofed up severely and got people hurt!” The air begins to crackle with static electricity as Fitzroy gets riled up, anxiously running both hands through his hair and lodging them there. 
“I ripped a man’s hand off, Festo! That’s fucked!! I struck fear into innocent bystanders! A-And the worst part of it is th-that...I didn’t feel bad for doing it! The hand part, at least--I felt awful once I noticed how everyone was...was looking at me like some sort of monster. It’s terrible! I can’t sleep because of it, I don’t have an appetite anymore because anything I look at just becomes a hand or a shitty magic apple, a-and I can’t...I won’t do magic anymore.” He looks to Festo pleadingly, hoping they see his anguish and understand. “I-I can’t even summon Snippers anymore because I’m paranoid about him being a direct line for Chaos to watch me mess up! I-I don’t--I don’t want my magic anymore, Festo.”  
Festo sits there, watching as Fitzroy huffs and puffs on the verge of a meltdown. Then, after Fitzroy seems to have regained a little bit of his compuse, they get up and fly over to him, grabbing his right hand with both of theirs and flipping it over so it’s palm-side up. 
“Make a flame for Festo,” they command, not even bothering to look up and see the utter confusion and hurt on their student’s face. “Just do it, it will be fine. Have faith in Festo.” Fitzroy sighs, deep and long, before shutting his eyes and concentrating. In a few short moments, a small blue flame appears in his hand. Festo makes an affirmative noise as they study the flame. “How did that feel for you to do?” 
“Um...Fine? I guess?” Fitzroy replies, sounding unsure. 
“It did not hurt?” 
“Did not feel forced out of you?” 
“You feel confident that it was by your will that this flame came to your hand?” 
“Y-Yes, Festo, what does that--” 
“Then you are fine!” Festo states matter-of-factly. They push Fitzroy’s palm closed, thus extinguishing the flame. “You should not feel worried about Chaos’s influence!” They look up in time to see Fitzroy’s eyebrows furrowing. “You said yourself that the magic felt natural to you--it was not forced out of your hand or influenced by a force that was not your own brain, yes?” 
“R-Right…” Fitzroy responds. Festo flies up to his face and pokes their forehead with maybe a bit too much force than necessary. “Ow! What the heck, Festo!?” 
“Your magic may have been bestowed upon you by a being of influence, but it is you who controls how that manifests.” Festo explains, suddenly sounding wiser than normal. “Chaos can only influence your magic if you let them; other than that, they cannot control how you choose to use the gift they gave you. From Festo’s experience, they actually hate doing that, so you should not worry about being ‘controlled’!” Fitzroy’s eyes widen and he guffaws for a moment. 
“W-Wait, Festo, you’ve had experiences with Chaos?” Festo twirls around in a circle and giggles mischievously. 
“Not in that way, silly! Fairies are creatures of unpredictability; Chaos is one of our patron deities! Festo has had quite a few communes with them in Festo’s lifetime!” Fitzroy’s face scrunches up in disgust at the implication of their first sentence, making Festo laugh again. “You were the one who said ‘experiences’, not Festo!” 
“Right, but I was not implying you had sexual experiences with a deity, Festo. I really don’t want to be thinking about...really anything like that ever, thank you very much.” 
“You brought up sexual! Not Festo!” 
“Ahhh! I am covering my ears until this conversation ends!” Fitzroy screams as he slaps his hands over his ears. Festo rolls their eyes and kicks Fitzroy in the nose. “OW! Are you even allowed to hit a student?!”
“Festo has tenure, remember?” Festo chides, letting out a snarky “teehee” before flying a little further back so Fitzroy can look at them properly. “Now, do you still want to stop your lessons? Festo won’t make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with.” Fitzroy stares for a long moment, brows furrowing once more as he thinks. He doesn’t think for too long before squaring his shoulders and sitting a little more confidently in his chair. 
“Y’know what, Festo? I think...I think I’m going to keep at this magic thing! Show that Chaos who’s boss!” Fitzroy announces, his usual bravado back. Festo claps their hands as a shower of sparkles rains around them. 
“Hooray! Festo is proud of you for conquering your fears!” Festo cheers, making Fitzroy flush a little with the praise. “Now, to make up for your missed lessons, Festo wants you to come here every day for the next two weeks after your classes! This is non-negotiable!” At this, Fitzroy deflates, just as Festo expected. 
“Alright, I suppose I...deserve that for ghosting you for so long…” Fitzroy groans. 
“Correct!” Festo chirps, causing Fitzroy to roll his eyes. “Now, to pick up where we left off, show Festo how you’re doing with Mage Hand…” 
It’s later that night, when the school has settled and all the students have gone to bed, that Festo returns to their office. They pull a set of small candles from one of the drawers in their desk and lay them out in a pattern on the desk’s surface. With a flick of their wrists, the candles are lit in an iridescent flame, and they close their eyes to pray. 
Coming to, they find themselves in a familiar woodland clearing, looking unimpressed at the figure seated across from them. The figure, on the other hand, looks positively delighted to see them. 
“Festo does not want you meddling with Fitzroy anymore,” Festo says, their voice uncharacteristically serious. Chaos smiles and shakes their head. 
You, of all the beings in my court, should know I cannot do that. They reply. I have a special mission in mind for him, and I do intend on seeing it through to the end~
Then, the wind blows, and Festo wakes up back in their office in a circle of smoking candles. With a sigh, they put the extinguished candles away and leave. 
Futile as it seems, Festo is determined to give Fitzroy control over his powers, Chaos be damned. 
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pinkfurygiver · 4 years
Rafe Cameron x Reader
This my first attempt, I’m foreign so excuse me if there are some spelling or/and grammar errors. Have fun (Y/N)!
Summary: Rafe and (Y/N) are really close friends (or maybe more?), and he usually sneaks in her room at night but this time something is different: he is covered in blood. (Y/N) is aware about his drug addiction, and even if she is still mad at him she decides to help him.
Tw: mention of drugs, underage drinking, blood. (Let me know if more)
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“It’s three in the morning” (Y/N) said, feeling guilty that she left her room without telling her parents a thing. She wasn’t like that, not before him, she was the good daughter. The girl never went skinny dipping in the night, never talked back or neither did something to unplease the other. But since Rafe came in her life she become a trouble maker, always jumping out of her window to meet him and not caring about other opinions anymore. With him she felt so free, so free to be her true self. Always on the edge of time. Rafe made her stomach hurt, especially when he’s gentle touch met hers; she always felt like a dose of serotonin was injected in her vein.
But this time was different: she didn’t want to jump. Actually, she didn’t even considered doing so. It wasn’t strange for Rafe to call her that late in the night to meet her, but since the last time (Y/N) decided that she was fed up with his little game. If he wanted to spent some time with her then he could do it in the day time, maybe at the beach or somewhere else. She started to belive he was ashamed of being seen with her, and that hurted like a bitch.
“It’s home time, dumbass” She said, getting up of her bad with her blanket on her shoulders, because even if it was still summer, that night was pretty cold.
She looked out of her window, looking outside, with her phone still pressed against her cheeck.
Rafe was right next her gazebo, with his back on the wood of the construction looking right at her direction. She couldn’t see him properly because of the darkness, but she felt like something was about to go wrong.
His body language told her that something was wrong. He didn’t call her for some cuddles, he needed her. Even if she was still mad as hell with him now she decided to help him, ready to jump out of the window.
“This couldn’t wait until the morning?” She asked, trying to brake the tension between then with a fake smile on her face and a giggle. She opened her window and proceeded to jump on the green wet grass of her garden. Her window was on the first floor, so it wasn’t that hard to do this action and of course she had become a professional then. Her ankle hurted a bit, but she didn’t care: the goals was to figure out what was going on.
“I left you multiple missed calls” He mumbles, still not meeting her eyes. He was looking at the ground, messing with his own hair.
“Yeah, sorry I was sleeping” (Y/N) said, a little sarcastic. What else was she supposed to do? “Can you at least look me in the face?” She snapped, wanting his full attention.
And when he did face her, her heart almost stop. The beautiful face she always looked up in her mind when she missed him was now replaced with this now image: his mouth was full of blood, and the red stains cover his face arriving even on his cheecks. He didn’t even bothered cleaning him self or covering the blood, maybe thinking that wasn’t necessary. (Y/N) mind wondered if that was his blood or if he had fought someone.
The anger become to grow inside her chest, looking at the boy’s eyes with rage. What the hell had happened to him? (Y/N) knew that if he wasn’t at the police station to report the aggression was because that aggression was either his foult or was caused by illegal factors. And (Y/N) started to belive that the drugs was part of the equipment.
“Tell me this- She started, pointing with her chin to the mess his face was- has nothing to do with that Pugue-drug dealer” She begged, trying to hold his cheeck on the palm of her hand. He flitched, taking a few steps away. He didn’t denied the accusations, so (Y/N) figured out that was exactly what she feared. “Look, I dont need a lecture right now. I just need a place to stay for the night, if I go home looking like this my father will kill me”.
“I’m not helping you if you don’t explain yourself, Rafe” (Y/N) screamed with rage in her eyes. She hated what he was becoming, and she hated more the fact that she couldn’t save him form himself. His drug addiction was going to kill him, in some sort of way. And the first effects of his illness where showing with big red stains on his face. What was he thinking?
“What?” He exploded, not believing that (Y/N) was being such a bitch towards him. She was supposed to be his friend, and friends help each other.
“You heard me. You need to fucking stop getting high” She snapped back, waving a hand right in his face “Can you understand me or the crack burned all your neurons?”.
He left a little laugh leave his mouth. She was becoming really annoying at this point, and he started to regret calling her for help. Why didn’t he call Topper? God damn it, even JJ Maybank would have been more helpful.
“No, You don’t get to tell me what to do. Your not my father!” He fumed, rising his voce while his red eyes opened even wider. (Y/N) wasn’t scared of him (she was scared of anything), and she knew she could top him anytime she wanted with the perfect line.
She knew where it hurted, and wasn’t playing around at all.
“You’re right, I’m not. I actually give a shit about you” She said, lowing her voice enough to make the sentance even colder. His face muted from anger to hurt, showing his most fragile side: Rafe hated feeling vulnerabile, and (Y/N) knew it.
She always liked looking inside peoples head, trying to figure out why they behaved like they did. She wanted to become a profiler or psychiatrist, and Rafe was her favorite subject. (Y/N) knew about his bad relationship with his father, the drug issues, anger issues and had seen that if moved in the correct way Rafe would crumble completely.
“Fuck you, (Y/N). You don’t know what your talking about”
“Then tell me why you called me?” She asked, nodding her head in a sarcastic way waiting for him to explain the reason. “Tell me why’d you only call me when your high?”.
Rafe couldn’t say anything to calm her at this point: (Y/N) had every right to be mad at him.
“Look, I promise I will get better” He tried, looking as the girl in front of him took a huge breath “Yeah, I’m sure you will... do you thing I’m that fucking dumb?”
(Y/N) felt so sorry for him. She knew it wasn’t her job to drag him out of his messy life but she couldn’t leave him like that. Not him feeling like he wasn’t good enough and alone in that cold summer night.
“Im trying to change your mind” She said again, more softly. Begging him to listen to her without actually telling him to. Rafe looked at her with a confused sight, not understanding the suddenly change of her behavior. Was she still mad at him or not?
“What? You want to help me now?” He asked with hope in his voice, taking a step forward. “When you look at me like that, what else I’m supposed to do? Your face looks like shit” (Y/N) tried to say, while looking behind her back. They had screamed like two gorillas before, and now she was afraid someone was going to catch them with their hand in the cookie jar.
(Y/N) took her car’s key from the pocket, waking in her pajamas towards the spot she usually parked it. And Rafe followed her silently, watching every moviment of the girl. She walked slowly and well aware that if they get caught she will never be able to see him again.
Rafe couldn’t help but think how much her skin seemed to glow under the moon’s light, making her seem like an angel. He didn’t know if it was because of the drugs, in fact he still had a great dose inside his body, but, while she was looking behind her shoulder for him, he caught the desire to kiss her.
“Why the fuck are you looking at me like that? Move your stupid ass inside” She snapped, pushing him inside the car while she took the driver side, putting his belt on as soon as she sit down.
“I’m not a child, (Y/N). Stop treating me like one” He declared, looking outside putting the car’s window down “Well, you sure act like one”
“Where are we going?” Rafe asked, still pretty confused “Are you taking me home? (Y/N) you said you wouldn’t!”.
“I know what I said” she snapped, topping him once more “I’m taking you somewhere safe. It’s a mansion my dad bought last summer, we go there almost every Christmas. So for tonight no one is going to disturb your beautysleep, princess” She said, making fun of him just a bit “Damn, you’re so mean” He commented, making her eyes roll with nuisance.
“Mean?” (Y/N) mocked him, looking at the guy with a little smile on her mouth. How funny. She was the mean one now. “Don’t act so bossy with me, I’m not your stupid boyfriend” Rafe continued, showing once again his jealousy towards her. Since he saw (Y/N) and Pope talk in front of school, last weekend, Rafe was dying to beat his ass.
“Shut up, you don’t even know what a relationship is. All you know is smoke weed and drink alcohol with your stupid friends. Too afraid of being seen with me, apparently” She broke out, not even looking him right in the face. Her eyes now glued on the road. Why the hell did she said that out loud? He wasn’t supposed to know how much his behavior metter to her.
“Nonsense” He responded slowly, as if someone else was listening their conversation. He was so tired he couldn’t even keep his eyes open, lying his head on the passenger seat “I’m in love with you” He continued “I just don’t want anyone to know I have feeling” Then explained, feeling his cheeck burning for embarrassment “I’m too messed up, my problems would effect you and I dont want that”
“Seems like it already does” She noticed, not wanting to belive he just told her he was in love with her.
“(Y/N). Do you like me like that?”
“Your high Rafe, I can’t have this conversation with you”.
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