#im guessing i was at most bmi 23.
boatemboys · 4 months
little fucked up actually that a few years ago when trying to get my back problems diagnosed. a doctor told me that my back was never going to get better and to fix it i (14 years old, average weight) needed to lose weight
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pyojihoonmoved · 7 years
0-44 owo
wow, this is payback isn’t it. okay let’s do it.
0: Height
1: Age
21, 22 in a month i cry.
2: Shoe size
like… 9? 9.5??
3: Do you smoke?
no thanks.
4: Do you drink?
very rarely tbh.
5: Do you take drugs?
no thank u again
6: Age you get mistaken for
I don’t know? I usually am guessed to be my age or maybe a little older?
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
yes please.
9: Got any piercings?
yes, just 2 in each lobe.
10: Want any piercings?
cartilage and maybe more, but i’ve tried my cartilage twice and they failed each time so idk.
11: Best friend?
you can’t make me name just a single one.
12: Relationship status
technically single but unavailable as hecc.
13: Biggest turn ons
yeah you’d like to know that wouldn’t you, ya nastea .
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
I don’t really have one??
16: I’ll love you if…
you feed me .
17: Someone you miss
no one, atm. well there is someone that comes to mind, a friend I had from middle school to high school
18: Most traumatic experience
I honestly can’t really… think of anything like outright… traumatic ? ? ? so lucky me.
19: A fact about your personality
i’m a pretty resilient person, ig?? i mean if smth gets me down or whatever i’m able to move on from it fairly quickly. there are better things to do than to sit and stress over some shit that happened that you can’t change.
20: What I hate most about myself
a n x i e t y.
21: What I love most about myself
I’m funny? ? ? at least I think so.. 
22: What I want to be when I get older
uhhh… still working on it lmao !
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
better than it used to be, since we’ve gotten older. then again, it was never really bad to begin with, but you know how siblings are with each other when they’re kids. like one time i threw my heavy ass binder at my brother when we got onto the school bus and it hit him in the back bc he was talking shit bout my best friend at the time LMFAO. i was like 10?? at the time?? maybe 11? and he was 12/13?? good times lmao.
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
it’s neither here nor there? so i guess its a good one? I don’t really feel comfortable talking to them about anything but we don’t fight anymore so it’s cool.
25: My idea of a perfect date
you know in all my 21 years of life this is something i’ve never sat down and actually thought about and visualized? i think just being with the person I like and spending time together and enjoying each other’s company is enough to make the date perfect. 
26: My biggest pet peeves
when people smack their food/gum loudly!!! holy shit!! or when people wanna leave ur door open when they leave. being late as a result of other people like i can’t stand being late . people who ask you what y’all should get for a meal then say ew when you pitch ideas, even though they hadn’t contributed in any other way besides “hey what do y’all want” and “ew”. anw i’ll end that there i could go on all day LMAO.
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
WOW where to even. pushing aside like obvious things about how cute/hot she is bc like she’s all of those things (((im very gay))), she’s makes me laugh, makes me feel better when I’m feeling bad mostly over stupid shit, and idk, i feel comfortable with her, to where i can talk to her freely and discuss how i’m feeling without being made out to be the bad guy or anything like that. i could spend literally 24/8 talking to her without getting tired of it, which is saying something because there are very few people I can just not only consistently talk to but like look forward to talking to them on the daily. 12312/10 do not regret liking. she’s a very important person to me and even if things don’t go further than where they are now, I’d be okay with that as long as I still have her in my life. and i hope she knows how much i love her and one day believes she’s every bit of important as i think and make her out to be because she is, maybe even moreso. 
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
honestly there isn’t anyone that I like… severely dislike?? people do shit that annoys me and what not but idk there’s no deep seated hatred, only annoyance. ig if I had to answer then the description would be someone that needs to grow the fuck up lmao anw. 
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
I don’t think i’ve ever lied over something serious. like the only time I ever lie is when i make up excuses for why I can’t hang out or whatever, and thats only if they’re not a close friend. if they’re a close friend I usually just tell them straight up lmao hey nah im not feeling it.
30: What I hate the most about work/school
school since I’m in it right now, uhhh. everything lmfao. but specifically that’d be the fact that my class starts at 8am. and the textbooks are boring af.
31: What my last text message says
tbh idk bc i delete mine daily and sometimes several times daily so whatever I said last or someone said to me last it isn’t there.
32: What words upset me the most
“card declined” :(((
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
honestly any compliment makes me like c: but when people tell me i’m funny/have a good sense of humor i’m like extra cccccc:
34: What I find attractive in women
everything . i’m gay. i fucking love girls.
35: What I find attractive in men
are they pyo jihoon? if not then nothing lmao .
36: Where I would like to live
I mean?? I don’t know?? I’m good with anywhere as long as I’m allowed to have pets and it’s like, you know. a decent place.
37: One of my insecurities
tbh I’ve been feeling a little insecure about my weight again these days. and it’s not like I’m really overweight or anything, like not at all. I’m pretty sure I’ve got a normal BMI or whatever for my age but. i got a lot of shit when i was younger for being overweight, mostly from my brother and his friends and even the rest of my family and so on, so i’m a bit ehhh about it. 
38: My childhood career choice
I don’t remember?? I think I wanted to either work with the police or be a lawyer or something, I don’t know.
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
cookie two step by my love blue bell. aka cookies and cream combined with chocolate chip cookie dough
40: Who I wish I could be
uhhhhhh. i don’t know?? I’m alright w/being myself, idk.
41: Where I want to be right now
at home, with blu.
42: The last thing I ate
chick-fil-a. which was several hours ago so i should probabaly make myself food.
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
@pushzeen ;)))))
44: A random fact about anything.
UHHHH. UHMMMM. i.... used to want to learn how to sew?? my grandma even bought me a sewing machine when i was in like 5th grade so i could learn, and we started off by making barbie clothes but then family drama happened so i didn’t see her for years. and then a few years back everyone started talking again and so she gave me that sewing machine to take home with me but??? a bitch still can’t sew cause she has no idea what she’s doing on her own lmao. so it’s just chilling in my closet. 
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