#im just to lazy to use my actual drawing tablet
raccoonstickses · 1 year
The board doesn't like me and is not wanting to work so I'm posting the Sun I hatch shaded on the @pillowspace whiteboard out of boredom/ hope it will let me join and finish my moon version.
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(Flat color ver kinda)
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Please just let me finish the things i want to finish🥲
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Edit: AAAHAHAHHHAH!!!! My Boi!! I can't believe people love the skrugly. I genuinely don't know how to respond. ❤️💕⭐️🥺
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whalechief · 9 months
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so its no secret that i've been struggling mentally for a bit and this year really pushed me too far
i drew at most 2 drawings per month it seemed...and that was on the months i DID draw
there are a lot of factors that lead to my drop off in art, but 2024 i really want to make a come back if i can
thank you to everyone who's stuck around and was just THERE, even if it was just on my timeline, it still felt like i wasnt alone and that people would be understanding when i was ready to come back
fr thank you, i hope to have lots of fun and make many memories with everyone on my favorite hellsite, tumblr dot com :) see you in 2024 <3
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ibunyang · 1 month
hi, I wanted to ask where do you draw? or rather, what program are you using?
Hello ! I decided to give a full run down since i figured that this would be helpful as guide if you're looking to experiment on things, so just in case anyone wanted to know what i use for my process and such, its here !! For starters, I use Clip Studio Paint ! And a 17(?) year old Cintiq that's not in production anymore as my main tablet (Cintiq 12wx) My main brushes are the following
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i prefer a textured look to my illustrations which is why these are my main brushes TT SU Cream Pencil - The brush i use most for rendering. SOL - (versatile) The brush i use for sketches/doodles/forms sometimes lineart/shading Caspar Pen - My main line art pen ! The difference between SOL and Caspar Pen can be illustrated here.
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SOL - more clean, not as opaque with less pressure it grows fainter. Caspar - Dense, kind of fuzzy. Can be quite faint if you use less pressure with the pen. For texture brushes when rendering, I use quite a few but they should be available at the clip store if you look them up ! I use a lot so here are the main ones?
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Whenever I need new material or I feel as if the brush I'm using doesn't work I usually download new ones, but these are the ones I use the most. For my work actual work process I've explained it before on twitter, so ill attach it here and elaborate more.
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Sketch line art- the usual final and first pass works for me, and im lazy so I dont like to draw over and over again. Base- Is straight forward, sometimes I add in other shadows and render a little bit if I feel like it. Over Paint and Pray- this is where I do most of the fixing/rendering/ changes to the whole illustration, I find it easier to see how the whole thing looks before making any changes that I see fit. Effects - Gradient Map/ Multiply / Overlay etc. This is how my layers usually look like. To me this is the most important part of the illustration because its where I find out where I fucked up, what I need to change to make it feel more like what I want it to portray. (etc.) So I add more over paint if that happens, add more multiply/overlay if I need it and so forth
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The gradient map I use; ( I use the rainbow one the most )
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I post my speed paints and process sometimes if I remember to record it, and that's the basic summary of what I usually do. So sorry if this post is long ! TT But I like to share my process in case anyone needs it to start off on drawing digitally, I hope this explains things well anon ! Thank you
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aego-philautia · 24 days
Stranded -Bamby(Bambelle x Anby) fic
Words: 5.5k
Barely proofread(I got lazy)
An: This goes with the art posted on my main, I got the idea after i was halfway through it which is why its the scene of Bambelle crying in fear LMAO. Im thinking of drawing another piece of this tho so hopefully I can draw her w a smile next time 😭😭
Eyebrows scrunched in concentration, fingers aching, sweat dripped down the woman's brow as she put her full focus on the task in front of her. Her heart beat out of her chest, as her bright pink hair started to frizz up from the humidity around the group. A white-haired woman stood nearby, watching the action with bright-eyed interest despite seeing clearly the results that were coming.
Suddenly, the cyborg next to the pink haired woman let out a loud whoop as the screen on the arcade cabinet flashed a large ‘WINNER’ screen with the name ‘KID’ underneath. The woman next to him let out a huff of annoyance at his celebration, pouting as he did a victory dance,
“And as always, Billy Kid reigns victorious over his adversaries!” The AI was currently moonwalking around the woman mockingly.
“Ugh, Whatever, you’re an AI maybe you plotted the best paths to use or something to get the highest points.” She scoffed at him, pulling out her phone in mock disinterest as Billy gasped at the accusation.
“Me? THE Billy Kid, CHEATING?? A true Starlight Knight NEVER takes shortcuts!” He crosses his arms, annoyed, “You’re just mad because you lost for the third time in a row, Nicole.”
Nicole rolled her eyes, sharp nails tapping through recent messages on her phone, “Actually, we BOTH agreed that I should’ve won the first round since you killed my snake the second before the round ended.”
Billy let out a short huff, display changed to mimic a pouty expression, “Humility is one of the more important qualities in a hero! Even so, I won that round fair and squa-“
“Hold on a second,” she raised a manicured finger to Billy’s face before he could finish his retort, her eyes widened as a specific message popped up on her screen, “It seems our ‘co-worker’ has contacted us. So I guess I’ll let you have the win this time.”
“Nicole,” the white haired woman spoke up finally, pushing herself off the wall she was leaning against, “Even if you did win the first round, wouldn’t the ‘rule of three’ state that-“
“Shh Anby, not now!” Nicole hushed her as she gathered her stuff with sudden haste, “Everyone, let’s go rent some movies!”
Within the hour, the group arrived at Random Play, meeting the ever tired Wise, who offered them a dreary smile nonetheless before quietly ushering them into the back room of the store. After waving a short greeting to the Bangboo worker 18 and shutting the door tight, the other twin, Belle beamed at the hollow raiders.
“That was quick, Nicole. Had nothing better to do?” she teased the taller woman as she pulled up the commission details on her phone.
“Of course I did, my schedule is always busy, as you know-“
“Busy with being a sore loser~.” A staticy voice crackled from the couch behind her.
“A-hem, but I always have time for my favorite proxy!” Nicole said, ‘bright’ smile barely concealing her otherwise annoyed expression.
With a sigh, Wise jumped into the explanation, fiddling with his jacket sleeve, “We got an urgent commission from Belobog Heavy Industries.” He stepped over with a large tablet in his hands as the entire group gathered around to scan the information presented. Wise continued,
“A companion hollow suddenly formed around a team sent to do work for the day at one of the construction zones owned by Belobog. A majority of the workers and civillians managed to escape or be rescued, but a few that happened to be deeper in the zone are still left inside. Among those left is a particular employee that both Ben and Koleda stressed the importance of.”
Wise paused to let the group take in the information of the employee whose name and picture was displayed along with other general information. Billy cocked his head, reading the name carefully.
“’Bambelle?’ I feel like I’ve heard that name before…” he wondered idly, cupping his chin in thought, before Anby immediately spoke up.
“It’s that goat woman you almost killed in the video store the other day.”
Nicole quickly whipped her head toward him, “What!?”
“I-it’s not like that I swear-!”
“It actually isn’t.” Belle chimed in, getting Nicole’s attention before she gave the poor cyborg an earful.
“Billy and Anby were in the video store not too long ago looking for a movie. Bambelle happened to be there, and she…doesn’t have the best spatial awareness.” The short girl finished with a slightly nervous smile.
“Billy startled her when he came up from behind to ask what movie she was so focused on and she…” Wise continued before trailing off, not sure how to properly explain the next part.
“Died. And then, reanimated.” Anby finished without a hint of humor.
“She fainted.” Belle quickly corrected her.
Nicole blinked, clearly confused but relieved nontheless, “Im…getting different stories…”
“Bambelle suffers from a condition called myotonia congenita.” Anby continued, “It’s a condition that causes the patients’ limbs to lock up whenever they experience sudden surprise or excitement, thus causing them to go limp for up to several minutes. Almost like that zombie movie where the zombies only ‘die’ for a few moments, before coming back to life.”
Belle let out an exhausted sigh at the ending of the explanation, “The general idea is correct. Basically, Billy scared her and her limbs locked up, she fell over for a few seconds. She was perfectly fine, if not a bit annoyed…”
Finally, Nicole let out a relieved sigh, “Great, we can’t go around paying for wrongful death lawsuits.” She let out a shudder at the thought.
Wise cleared his throat, trying to get the group back on topic.
“Koleda and Ben personally asked us to take the commission as soon as they got the news, they’ll be busy taking care of the surviving workers and assessing damages so this is up to us. They’ve showcased a high level of trust in our abilities. So we decided to pick the team we had the most trust in.” The taller sibling finished with a slight smirk toward Nicole.
“Especially since they give us such a generous commission fee~!” Belle tacked on flashing her best winning smile at Nicole, who simply rolled her eyes at the display.
“Yes, yes, I get it,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand, “Of course I have to give my most loyal clients the best price on our services! As long as they’re willing to return the favor- “
“We cannot forgive any of your debt Nicole, you have a bit too much you owe for that.” Wise states bluntly.
The woman muttered a curse, “Ok ok, consider the commission fee lowered then! H-how about that?”
“But Nicole, what about grocery expenses for the month?” Anby questioned. Nicole smiled back at her, knowing the obvious answer already.
“Billy was so kind as to offer to cover it this month from his paycheck~.” A sputter and crash could be heard from the couch as Billy fell off of it from shock.
Later, Inside the hollow…
Anby handed the shaking woman in front of her a small pack filled with supplies,
“Take this and follow the route out of the Hollow. The ethereals have been taken care of, don’t worry.”
“Oh, bless you ma’am!” The woman replied, excitedly taking the supplies before booking it in the direction Anby specified. Billy scoffed, rubbing at a scratch he got in the fight they got into before finding the woman.
“Seriously? No blessings for the hero who fought to defeat those monsters in the first place?” While he was pouting, Nicole smugly grinned at him, “A great hero once said, ‘Humility is one of the more important qualities in a hero’.”
“Well, yeah! Of course! But…a little recognition doesn’t hurt…” His screen turned to a hurt expression.
“Come on you guys,” The proxy, through Eous, scolded, “We managed to rescue most of the survivors, but it seems like Bambelle fled further into the hollow. Im getting a signal from that building further ahead.” The Bangboo gestured it’s tiny arms toward a large building in the distance, it appeared to be a sort of warehouse judging from the shipping crates and boxes surrounding it.
“Just be careful, im also getting some activity from outside and inside of it, including a rather large ethereal energy signal inside.”
Nicole tapped a finger on her chin, thinking up a plan of action to deal with the situation. Finally, she turned toward the rest of the group,
“Got it. Me and Billy will stay out here and clear out the ethereals to keep them from interrupting the rescue. Anby, you go in and locate Bambelle, try to steer clear of that dangerous ethereal and if you run into it, contact us immediately.”
Anby responded with a militaristic salute, “Instructions received, proxy, can you lead me to Bambelle while avoiding the ethereal?”
Eous looked at the small device in it’s stubs quizzically, “I can try. The ethereal keeps moving, almost like it’s searching for something…” The little guy shook it’s head before putting the device away. “Follow me, Anby!”
While Nicole and Billy headed toward a group of nearby ethereals, Anby and Eous snuck past the fighting to enter into the warehouse. With Anby quickly defeating the monsters as they encountered them, they were able to get pretty far into the building around where Bambelle’s energy signal was last pinged. Eous took out the device again, moving it around to try to get a better signal.
“Being inside makes it a bit harder to find any signals, but her last ping was a bit ahead, so she couldn’t have gone far. I wonder why she came here in the first place instead of trying to leave…”
Anby pondered the question for a moment, “Maybe, her zombie disease has started progressing to the next stage. In File Z, besides sudden limb locking, those affected would shamble to random locations with no recollection of how they get there or why. It was the virus slowly taking over their mental faculties- “
Eous let out a sigh, “Maybe we should bar you from renting any more zombie movies…wait!” The Bangboo stared wide-eyed at the display in front of it, “The dangerous ethereal, I just got a ping from it, it’s coming closer!”
Anby quickly grabbed Eous and hid behind some nearby boxes. Seconds later, animalistic growling and grunting accompanied with the clacking of nails on the concrete flooring could be heard. Wanting to take note of what the ethereal was, Anby peeked out from the hiding spot, thankful at the fact that the monster was looking away from her.
A large, humanoid frame covered in dark, black antimatter interrupted by shards of rock and metal jutting out from its shoulders and arms greeted her. The monster must have been one of the workers before it transformed, because it also had a power tool, specifically a power saw, attached to the end of one of it’s arms like a mock replacement for a hand. The ball of matter that acted as it’s head controlling it’s body looking around, searching for signs of life. The monster groaned lowly as it took a few steps around the area, clearly aware of Anby and Eous’ presence. Anby barely managed to duck back behind the box as it looked her way. But it seemed it was a second too late, as the pair could hear the monster as it started coming toward them, growling growing louder, a sharp whirring sound as the power saw, apparently still fully functional, started up. It seemed the monster planned on cutting the metal boxes apart to see whatever had just left it’s line of vision.
As Anby grabbed her sword, ready for a fight, a clinking sound nearby caught both her and the ethereals attention. She looked down as a small cylinder rolled over. A moment passed just before a loud bang. Suddenly, she couldn’t see as the entire area was covered in smoke. She coughed out as the unexpected gas entered her nose and mouth, barely registering when her arm was grabbed.
“Go! Run!”
Anby grabbed the confused Eous before following the voice, vision still blurred and senses dulled as she followed the person pulling her in the direction they chose to flee in. A loud roar was heard as the ethereal tried to pursue, but it still hadn’t recovered from the smoke bomb fast enough, thus quickly losing them as they ran deeper into the warehouse and took cover inside of a semi empty metal shipping container. After Anby rubbed at her eyes and took a few breaths, she finally looked toward the person who saved her, letting out breath.
The goat therian woman was still recovering from running, clearly exhausted. The trinket attached to one of her horns shaking wildly as she huffed out breath after breath with her hands resting on her knees. She raised a tired hand to Anby,
“J-just a second. Whew… Thats… the third or fourth time ive…hah…had to run from that guy…” She stretched her arms up, placing her shoulder bag on the ground to stretch her shoulder. Finally, she looked toward Anby with sudden shock.
“You remember my name?” Her eyes lit up in excitement at the notion.
“Of course,” Anby replied, “You were highlighted as one of the workers we had to rescue for this commission.”
Visibly deflating, Bambelle let out a small sigh, “Oh. Right, naturally. That…makes sense.”
Eous tapped it’s small arm against Anby’s leg, “She also remembered your condition! Anby filled her teammates in on your myotonia congenita, all from memory!” The little Bangboo winked up at Anby, hoping she got the hint.
“I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a zombie vi-“
“SHE WANTED to learn more about you, to help out possibly!” The proxy loudly interrupted.
“Oh!” Bambelle said with a slight smile, “That’s pretty thoughtful! Unfortunately, it’s just something I have to deal with. I remembered to take my medication to help with it this morning though, so it isn’t as bad as it was that day!”
“Medication?” Anby questioned.
“Yeah, I’m a bit forgetful so I didn’t take them that day, under regular circumstances I could walk off a scare that small.” Bambelle explained with a bashful expression, tapping her fingers together. “My medication is special made for people with my condition, it helps keep my limbs from locking so I can function day to day. It has it’s limits of course, but It’s been really helpful for me to be able to outrun that ethereal, as long as I don’t focus on it too much.”
Eous bounced a bit, “Speaking of, that must be why you’re in this warehouse in the first place? To outrun that ethereal?”
The goat woman nodded, “Yep. I was helping some of the workers and civilians get out and I got in the middle of that thing trying to hurt a kid. I guess it held a grudge or something, it hasn’t given up chasing me for awhile now.” The short therian hefted herself up onto one of the boxes to sit on it, absentmindedly kicking her legs as she continued, “Grace gave me a bunch of her shock bombs to modify for a project we were both working on, so I’ve been luring ethereals into puddles and stuff and detonating the bombs to damage them before finishing them off. But that…thing has taken three shocks already and its still going. Im exhausted… And unfortunately, I used the last smoke bomb getting us out of there so, those are gone.”
While Bambelle was explaining, Eous had taken the liberty of digging out the last few shock bombs from Bambelles bag, letting out a hum as the proxy thought up a plan.
“Grace’s bombs are pretty powerful by themselves…that ethereal must have some kind of resistance.”
“Resistance can only work so much, esecially if the explosion is big enough…” Anby offered, following the line of logic the Proxy set out. Bambelle cocked her head, not understanding.
Eous held up two of the five bombs left, “Maybe we can fuse these all together and create a sort of ‘mega-bomb’ to set off on that ethereal. A bigger explosion might be able to take out a bigger monster, after all.”
Bambelle anxiously hummed, “I don’t know, what if we need them to deal with other ethereals?”
“You won’t need those bombs.” Anby swiftly replied, making eye contact with Bambelle, “As long as I’m here, I’ll keep you safe from any ethereals, that’s a promise.” She said with sincerity in her voice. Bambelle’s eyes widened, momentarily stunned, before she recovered, clearing her throat.
“W-well…ok then. I trust you guys!” A warm smile came onto her face as she hopped off the box and gathered the bombs together, new energy coursing through her. “Leave the bomb fusing to me! Just fill me in on the plan details once you get it all worked out.”
Anby couldn’t help the slight smile on her face at the sight of Bambelle’s excitement, but she brushed it away and turned to Eous, “Call Nicole and Billy, we have to start getting ready.”
The ethereal let out a low rumble as it scanned the area. It had been lured through the warehouse by strange clacking sounds and the occasional sight of the goat woman it had been chasing after, tirelessly dragging itself closer and closer to it’s quarry. It was now at the very end of the warehouse, surely there's nowhere else for her to run. It wandered until it reached a sort of makeshift hallway in a maze of boxes and shipping containers, ambling along the path single-mindedly. A sudden yell had caught its attention down one path it almost passed, turning and locking eyes with the very goat woman it had been chasing all this time at the dead-end of the path, surrounded on all sides by tall shipping containers as she stood defiantly with her eyes locked on it.
“HEY STUPID!” Bambelle yelled toward it, poking out her tongue, “Come and get some!”
The ethereal roared, power saw whirring to life as it barreled down the path full speed toward her. The danger of the situation fully sunk in, causing her anxiety to spike as Bambelle felt her limbs unable to move an inch. Dammit, her limbs locked up. Silently praying for the plan to work as the monster came closer and closer, relief flooded her as Anby dashed up from behind her at just the right moment to knock the power saw away with her sword. The monster stumbled back, caught off guard as Anby was launched backward by the same force, recovering effortlessly.
“Take this, you disgusting freak!” Nicole launched out from the open shipping container that the ethereal was next to, the monster too focused on it’s target to see the opening housing both Nicole and Billy as well as the container far opposite them that housed the fused together bomb. With a yell, Nicole lodged the barrel of her gun case into the ethereals side before triggering it, launching the monster straight into the opposite container right on top of the bomb.
“And now,” Billy piped up, aiming toward the bomb with his pistol, “for the finishing touch!”
Firing a high-caliber round straight into the bomb set it off, causing a loud explosion that shook the ground around the team. While the shipping container contained most of the explosion, debris from the boxes inside the container had flown out and scattered around the outside along with smoke and dust that had been aggravated into the air, somewhat clouding the area. As the team let out coughs and sputters, The proxy quickly spoke up through Eous.
“Is everyone alright?”
Bambelle, who was almost knocked over by the force of the explosion before being held up by Anby, sneezed a bit. Rubbing the dust out of her eyes, she responded, “I-I’m f-f-fine. Sorry Im…im still kinda…sh-shaken up…”
Nicole let out breath, fixing one of her ponytails, “It’s a good thing that crate was as far away as it was, otherwise me and Billy would’ve been hit by some of the debris.”
“THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!” The cyborg in question yelled out followed by a whoop of victory as he did a celebratory dance, “Did’ya see that?! That shot was perfect! AND and the epic line before, ‘and now, for the finishing touch.’” He repeated the line, spinning one of his pistols before mock aiming it at the air, then punching his fist up in excitement. Nicole giggled, endeared by his childlike attitude.
“Awwww man I was SO cool back there! But ya know, it’s all in a day’s work for a he-“
Billy was cut off by a loud roar coming from the container the ethereal was supposed to be dead in. As the smoke and dust in the container still covered it, a hand shot out grabbing onto the ground in front. Anby immediately got in front of Bambelle as Billy let out a groan.
“Ah, I jinxed it, didn’t I?”
“You don’t say.” Nicole retorted, “Everyone, let's get outta here!”
Before they could fully turn, the ethereal emerged from the container. While it’s lower half was blow clean off, it still maintained the power saw and seemingly grew some extra limbs from where it’s body was damaged. And while none of the new limbs seemed to help it’s mobility issue, the extra hands grabbing and dragging it did still give it some speed as it started desperately crawling toward the group, digging the sharp teeth of the saw into the ground to give itself some minuscule leverage. The monster growled and roared as it scrambled toward them, clearly not giving up its pursuit even with its lack of legs.
Bambelle stood completely frozen, staring at the ethereal in horror as her limbs once again locked up completely. She barely registered Anby picking her up in her anxious state, arms only managing to lock themselves around Anby before becoming as useless as the rest of her body.
The team ran full speed away from the ethereal, who tried it’s hardest to chase after them using every limb it had to grab on to boxes and the ground to propel itself forward. Thankfully, it wasn’t quite used to the new mode of travel as it quickly lost sight of the group, letting out one last, long roar as everyone made it outside of the warehouse. The commotion had attracted other ethereals, which Billy and Nicole took care of with Anby helping out as much as possible while still holding a shaking and crying Bambelle close to her. Once the last ethereal was defeated and the area was secure, Eous gestured everyone close so it could activate the Carrot to get everyone out of the hollow.
Finally outside of the hollow, Billy collapsed on the ground and spread out, face toward the sky as he let out an exhausted sigh. Nicole sat down on her gun-case to catch her breath while Anby set Bambelle down, who immediately curled up and started sobbing.
“I-hic-im so sorry guys!” she wailed out between sobs, face cradled in her arms. “Im such a coward! I should’ve been helping fight but…but…my stupid limbs…” her words trailed off into cries as she continued breaking down. Nicole rubbed the back of her neck, clearly uncomfortable as Billy quickly chimed in,
“Aww come on! You were totally brave! There’s a certain bravery in knowing your weaknesses after all!” He cheerfully chimed, thinking that he was actually helping.
“Billy!” Nicole scolded, before clearing her throat and trying herself, “You were very helpful to the plan, Bambelle! I mean, we did need someone to be bait after all, you were perfect!”
Billy glanced over at her, annoyed, “And that was better than what I said??”
“Bambelle,” Anby piped up, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder, “You were the one who managed to fuse the bombs together and lured the ethereal into place. If you ask me, that’s very brave of you.”
The small goat woman finally looked toward Anby, face still partially concealed, “I…I guess…”
“I know. You helped get me to safety earlier, and you were brave enough to face that monster down till the end. You don’t need to fight to be strong.” Anby finished with a small smile, the sight managing to cheer Bambelle up enough to smile a bit herself.
“Thanks, you guys…” Bambelle sniffles, wiping her tears away. “You’re all so nice to me despite this whole mess and me getting you into a fight with that dangerous ethereal.”
“Ah,” Nicole says with a dismissive wave, “We’ve faced ethereals that could eat that thing for breakfast, it’s just that our job was to get you out safely, not to fight.”
“I mean it.” Bambelle emphasized, shakily managing to get to her feet with Anby's help, “The first chance I get, I’m gonna make it up to you guys, I promise.”
Hearing this, Nicole got up on her feet and immediately jumped at the chance, “Weeeellll, If you’re really serious about it, we do happen to take tips and bonuses for our top-notch services~!”
“AHEM, the commission fee from Belobog is quite generous already, there’s no need to ask for more, Nicole.” The proxy jutted in as Eous jumped up in front of Bambelle to redirect Nicoles attention from haggling the poor woman. Nicole let out a huff as she pouted. “Fine. It’s our pleasure to simply do a job well done or whatever…”
Bambelle hummed thoughtfully, before an idea came to her, “Oh, my paycheck should be coming in soon! I can treat you guys to dinner sometime next week, you can pick the place!”
Billy tried to gesture for Bambelle not to do that, but Nicole piped up, “OH that's so generous of you! I know some great restaurants that I can only go to once in a blue moon, they’re a bit ah…pricey but I won’t leave the full bill to you of course, Billy and Anby can donate some money from their paychecks to it!”
“BOSS come oonnnn!” Billy whined as Anby simply sighed and shook her head.
“What? If it makes you feel better, I’ll take care of the grocery bill, alright? Besides, it’s only fair after you gave our client here quite the scare last time.”
“How was I supposed to know about her condition?! Besides, you still owe me a bowl of ramen since I won our round of games earlier!”
“As we both agreed, I should’ve won the first round! And I bet you cheated last round too!”
“Guys,” Eous bounced up to the pair to try to calm them down, “Maybe we should talk this out after we turn in the commission!”
While the trio were busy arguing, Bambelle went up to Anby, an embarrassed expression prominent on her face as she looked toward the ground. “H-hi.”
“Is something wrong? Are you hurt?” Anby immediately asked, mistaking her behavior for signs of discomfort. Bambelle shook her head.
“No no, Im fine, don’t worry! I just…wanted to apologize…I guess…”
When Anby simply blinked in response, Bambelle continued, “For, y’know, crying into your ear earlier when you were holding me. A-and for holding you so tightly when you were running, I was probably hurting you.”
“Oh.” Anby said simply, holding her chin in thought, “My noise-cancelling headphones were active, so I wasn’t too bothered by your screaming. As for the holding, you aren’t difficult to carry, and besides I was okay with you holding me tightly.”
Bambelles eyes widened as her cheeks got hotter, “Really?”
“Yep. It made it much easier to carry you.” She finished.
Trying not to let her disappointment show through, Bambelle gave Anby a somewhat forced smile, “Great. Im glad I could make things easier on your end!”
Anby studied her for a second, brushing away the thought she just had, “Let’s get you back to Belobog, Im sure they’ll be glad to see you safe.”
Bambelle nodded, “Let’s head out then!”
A giant bear therian nervously looked over some records next to a much shorter, red-haired woman. He let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his head at the large estimation in front of them, “This might cut into expenses much more than we planned for the month, President Koleda.”
The woman shook her head dismissively as she crossed her arms in front of her. Her shoulder hurt slightly from how tensed they were, but as always she simply ignored the feeling, “As long as everyone is safe and healthy, we can pay however much it takes. Besides Ben, incidents like these are covered under our employment contract, not to mention the meetings we have every day, our employees are well aware of the risks. Im more worried about the poor civilians caught in the crossfire, and about the safety of-“
“Bamby!!” Ben shouted as he stopped looking over the records and went toward the group who finally made it to the Belobog Heavy Industries temporary headquarters. Bambelle smiled widely, almost forgetting what Ben just called her. At least until Nicole spoke up with a snicker.
“Bamby?” the leader glanced at Bambelle after repeating the nickname, who looked away nervously, quickly regaining her composure to look calmer than she was at finally seeing her closest companion.
“B-Ben! Don’t call me that in front of others!” Bambelle quietly scolded the giant bear, who sulked a bit. Seeing his reaction, a wave of guilt and relief immediately crashed over her as she realized how much she missed him over the past few hours of this nightmare, and she swept her embarrassment aside to wrap her arms as much as possible around Ben in a big hug, who reciprocated immediately. “Who am I kidding, I missed you so much Ben!” She exclaimed, on the verge of tears again already.
Koleda cleared her throat, previously tensed shoulders now visibly relaxing at the sight of Bambelle safe and sound in the arms of Ben. “Glad to see that your back, Bamby- er, Bambelle.” She turned toward the group which now included Belle instead of Eous, Wise never really like being in the spotlight.
“And as for you guys,” Koleda continued with a grateful smile, “We managed to get the rest of the civilians out of the hollow safe and sound thanks to you! The payment will be wired to you as soon as we sort out the damages, expect it around two days from now.”
Belle cheerfully clapped her hands together, “As always, it was a pleasure working with you guys, thank you so much for trusting us with this mission, Koleda.”
Koleda nodded and went toward Ben and Bambelle, who were still close to each other as Ben bombarded her with questions about her wellbeing. Bambelle scolded him once again, gesturing toward the group who were about to leave and turning toward them to give them a wave.
“Thank you guys so much, for everything!” She called toward them, a wide, bright smile on her face as Ben also bowed and waved to them. The group gave their own goodbyes as they turned and went toward the van to leave.
As they were walking, Billy, who had his hands clasped behind his head, let out a yawn, “Man, all that saving really gets a guy tired. And hungry…”
“I agree, I say we get burgers for dinner tonight.” Anby said, looking toward Nicole with a slight spark of hope in her eye. Nicole rolled her eyes.
“I guess we did do a great job back there…fine, my treat I suppose.” She relented. Anby and Billy let out exclaims as Belle once again pulled out her winning smile.
“Hopefully that includes your favorite proxies as well?” She said giving the leader a puppy dog expression.
“Ugh don’t look at me like that! Yes, yes of course that includes you two. If only we could’ve invited Bambelle, Im sure she would’ve loved having the chance to talk to Anby some more~” her tone took on a teasing lilt toward the end of her sentence as she glanced over to Anby, who looked slightly confused. “What do you mean?”
Nicole scoffed at how dense her friend was, she really didn’t catch on?
“Come on, you saw how excited she was talking to you back there! She was smiling and everything, she has a crush on you, dummy!”
Anby simply shook her head, “She was in the middle of a high stress situation, her nerves were most likely acting up.”
“Yeah! Plus,” Billy chimed in, unable to read the conversation, “If I were in the presence of someone who saved my life, I’d be pretty excited too, y’know.”
Nicole, frustrated, crossed her arms and pouted at the both of them teaming up against her, “Whatever, it’ll smack you in the face sooner or later.” With that, she suddenly gained newfound speed and made it to the van quickly, with Belle and Billy rushing to catch up. Anby strayed behind a bit, thinking on Nicoles words in addition to her interactions with Bambelle. She was pretty excited. And the way she always smiled at Anby…
Anby cleared the thoughts from her head. Nicole was most likely just messing with her. Brushing the thoughts aside once again, she caught up to the van.
End! ^.^
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sxthee · 6 months
Dear Princess Celestia,
I learned nothing. 🤡
(hah, okay back to using non-real people as reference, temporarily at least, i think,,, hopefully,,,,)
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was testing if i could turn my phone into a drawing tablet. turns out you could, but it's a learning curve to which i think i could master if i do force myself to actually learn it. BUT since im lazy, i just stuck to using a mouse as drawing (which funnily enough, i used to struggle drawing with it,,,, guess using it for so long trained me-)
if youre also wondering what app i was using, it's called virtual tablet on both pc/laptop and mobile phones. i watched a tutorial andddd they said connecting to the internet thru the app is recommeded, but am skeptical of giving away some certain infos that i just decided to use bluetooth (which works fine too, but idk if its as effective and the one affecting my performs WKAEFSLGDS)
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kaufmo-is-alive · 9 months
guess who hasnt had access to their drawing tablet all day!!! sorry i cant promise a christmas drawing or anything today because BLEGHHH being dragged everywhere for christmassssss
also sorry i havent answered all the questions in my inbox yet, ill probably end up having to get to those tomorrow. but rest assured this blog still rotates in my brain 24/7!
i may not have had time (or foresight) for a christmas special, but im starting to plan a new years one, so i hope everyones ready for that!
ill be honest, when i started this blog, i didnt really put much thought into how the characters should act, seeing as we literally only have a pilot to go off of for deeper personality. buuuut i realized i can just make all that up!!! so if you notice a bit of a change in how the characters act, just pretend its normal lolll
and finally, you may have noticed a tag ive been putting on every post, {the tag i use for the funny chrono link} as the name suggests, its so i can post a link for people to read the blog in chronological order. problem: my lazy ass keeps forgetting to update the rule post and actually add the dang link! ill rework that whole post eventually (i am not getting rid of the joke about jax’s cock), but if you want the link now, here it is
again, happy holidays everyone! thank you for the lovely asks youve all been sending (except for you, mario x luigi guy)! feel free to send more, i may be a bit slow updating sometimes, and my art may not be the best, but i adore reading them and figuring out how to respond to them!!!
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yans-scratches · 1 year
im too lazy to make an about page right now so....
about me:
hi! my real name is madeline, but you can call me maddy or yan if you want. as the bio says, i use she/it pronouns and am transgender and bisexual.
im primarily an artist, scratching whatever bullshit comes to mind on my decade old tablet between my terrible job and my less than stellar mental state. im also a fursuiter and am trying to learn how to make my own suits.
if you talk to me and i come off as cold and aloof, dont take it personally. im neurodivergent and usually have a million things i need to think about, so it makes me sound uncaring when i actually do care. this is tumblr so im sure most of you understand.
a quick note about the content i post here
its all furry art, i dont like drawing humans.
this specific blog is SFW, but i do draw dirty and graphic stuff on the side and some of my posts here will refer to my cannabis use. i dont have a NSFW blog and im debating whether or not i even want one. that being said, i am not good at talking to minors and would appreciate that if you are under 18, you enjoy my SFW art at a distance and not message me. oh, and my other blogs are NOT for minors at all.
about my characters:
yan or yanny (she/it) is my main fursona. she is just me but an anthro fox.
koko (she/her) is my raccoon dog character. she is a kleptomaniac with a good heart who finds herself getting into trouble often.
aya (she/her) is a former dragonborn dnd character of mine. shes serious, smart, and shy, focusing the majority of her energy improving her spellcasting.
about sharing my art
please do! with credit of course. i also dont mind if you use it as a profile picture. also, do not use my art in any projects without my express consent. i dont know why you would though.
i dont consider my art to be exceptionally original or even of enough quality to warrant a defensive attitude. i just want to share it.
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comicparty · 2 years
i wish my house and room were better. i have no moneg almosf constantly. i will only be drinking water/coke/milk and only drinking through straws (stained teeth) and eating sandwiches so i can save money. get dat schmoney up. i want to try and draw more but i need to replace my mattress and then also rearrange my room again possibly so i can chill at my bed drawing on my bigass tablet instead of like sitting in this jncomfychair on uneven flooring that rolls me around
i started the dragon wuest remake and im so happy its one of thise games u can have over 1000+ coins cuz alot of those old ones wouldnt
i want to use my computer more again and play games with friends once again and finish more games myself and also MAKE more games (i love game dev stuff just need to figure out the best way for me to do so)
i want to start posting more of a diary on here so whenever i get around to fixing my actual desktop theme i can have 2 tabs only be looked at which r my art tags and my diary tag (for myself so i can just see my thoughts and memories)
i also want to try and do one doodle a day, and in that same note do one pixel each week, one water color, one acrylic, one gouache and one scribble/ink
i will also be wanting to save my money alot more and actually put money into my savings account (truthfully it is very hard for me to deal with biweekly paychecks which i have another story to talk abt later that deals with that)
ive tried doing the math for it and when i had to pay my parents $200 each month along with my other bills i would be owing people money but thats because id eat out alot bc our house is just gross and ee have rats AND ants ifs fuckin crazy… my roommate matt overworks himself and he gets paid alot but he doesnt have time to do the things he wants to do on our house, erin and i can help but like we cab only do so much without him u kno? i always call him lazy which sometimes he is but he’s simulated the most kind hearted man and hard working man i know, im glad erin is marrying him. i just wish hed realize that erin and i and even himself get so stressed out being in a house like this thats breaking down
thats why i push my pixel stickers so much (i still have lots of ideas i havent been able to do yet due to med problems) so i can help pay for things cuz i get shit pay lolol i need to remember to work on a bullet point list of what all i do for the wellness review also when do we get taxes back? i forget
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vyibunni · 3 years
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i just got procreate and heres my first time experimenting with it! ft. levi looking smug, for my friend ;)
#original character#vb ocs#gaaaaah im so??? so many thoughts#this was just the first time i tried this program so obv it wasnt gonna be perfect#like i could not figure out what is a good brush to paint like nothing blends well#so theres the muddy look of the air brush and smudge tool here#i might have to actually get a custom brush pack 😩#but the experience of drawing straight on a screen and without computer is so good#and when i tell you that when i opened this on my phone and saw that the colors#looked exactly the same as on the tablet i almost cried#FINALLY#anyway im gonna have to watch more videos on the best brushes now#and try to get used to the way you have to control this pen#so that i can do actual poses soon#and now that i finally have a good device its time to start doing the ref sheets for my characters#that could also be good easy practice bc it has to be easy poses to function as a good ref#also lastly abt this drawing hsjfkdknd you can see i didnt do the shirt i only suggested it#bc i got lazy after the face and hair soooooo the neck and shirt suffered lol#and JFKSJDKDKDKD is so strange to see him in such high quality LMAO#ive only drawn him in EXTREMELY messy ways#uuhhhhhh hopefully you like him and think he is attractive#WHAT A WEIRD THING TO SAY RIGHT but lmao im constantly worried hes not#hot enough to be the mini celebrity/heartthrob he is supposed to be#just know that he also has approximately 25 tattoos soooooooo#and hes 202 cm tall so just combine everything together
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dykethang · 3 years
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i have seen horrors you cannot comprehend
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
im getting really off-track here and am sorry to disturb from the main storyline but im very curious what fate ralsei holds in your universe because i think? this is one of the most unique endings i saw him getting? not that ive seen much besides all of the fountains closing or rals being a villain/someone from ut partially i just wanna know how he's doing. he seemed so disappointed when leaving
oh! i can actually show it. i WANT to clean up and make the drawn comic panels i did on the dark world stream publicly available but i just never find the time for it KLFLSf it'd be a bit of an effort because i didn't know to use the webtoon feature so everything is by a LARGE folder instead of separate canvases... wild i used to work that way. hell on earth.
ok so. I WILL transcribe this comic when i do the above ^ so apologies to those who need it for now. under the cut is Ralsei's ending, minus most of the context. i want to emphasizes, THIS IS A TEMPORARY POSTING LMAO. it will be accessible and fully contextualized later
Uh. Spoilers for Darkworld Arc (the Sam's Biggest Mistake in AFR History Arc). Does it count as a spoiler if i'm a lazy ass who hasn't gotten around to cleaning this story up?
again transcript will be added in the actual release. alongside the unfinished "music" video (the audio was never composed as the vid wasn't finshed.) it has SOME merit tho.
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After the Big Battle with Gaster the knight returns (is anyone surprised? no) and posseses Lancer to help give an epilogue to the kids.
(skipping ahead a little because i DO want this scene to mostly be unspoiled, even after all this time)
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...apparently this is where either my tablet died again or i was burnt out after drawing for like, idk, 12 hours on stream SKFJSLDF. this is the last panel.
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mwuah. a master piece.
ANYWAY. Ralsie (at this point he's been reunited with the kids at the end of the battle. i DO have art for that but i'm just going to show the aftermath)
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anyway with Tazetta being crowned princess and given a fresh new life, (again, details vauge cause it's a cute scene that works best with full context) she and ralsei are set up to be new siblings -a brother and a sister!
Kris and Susie got the chance to be proper heroes to defeat Gaster (saving Ralsie in the process) so everyone's on good terms -Susie feels redeemed for attacking Feylow and Knight-Kris (Knis???), Kris got a big Hero Moment and feels validated in their ability to choose their destiny, Ralsei gets to feel the prophecy wasn't a total lie, and he's been given a full chance to live his own life now without the Knight being a turd about it
anyway with the Knight
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(AGAIN trying my best not to spoil the scene (fine with talking story beats but not in detail) so deal with being out of context as possible) the knight literally ends the fight by putting gaster in a time out and deciding to become a better person for the darkner's benefit.
yeah. jeeze. really wild how chapter 2 completely recontextualized things huh.
Also, since it's been a year :grimace emoji: i can saftely say the knight is WAY out of character and way to nice and "forgivable" in this dark world. back then I was thinking: "hm, maybe the Knight can be more redeemed and once in Darkworld, they could have a change of heart :)"
yeah thats. that's WAY off the table for Angel's Lullaby as it is now. the "will they or won't they redeem themself" is still on the table but its a WAY bigger fight to accomplish (or fail) than what was depicted here, sharing Kris' SOUL or not.
I think i was just toying with the idea of the Knight's redemption to foreshadow Asriel being flowey and not believing their SOUL was real. I felt this would help justify/foreshadow why Asriel was wrong ahead of time. or something. now i just think it hurts the story by having the knight involved, it undermines that story's intentional confusion if Asriel was right or not a ton!
yeah a big reason why the DW arc was Bad was because 1) outdated for both Angel's AND deltarune LMAO 2) bad in context of Asriel's arc 3) Feylow is kinda a big mess and overly ambitious of a writing metaphor for my skill level at the time 4) litearllyyyy hate the narrative i built for frisk and ralsei and i couldn't really salvage that x-x
ANYWAY sorry for the mean tangent. hopefully this gave you some insight to Ralsei's story arc even if I didn't show the full extent of it
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1hellofacookie · 3 years
how do you do your anatomy? would you show us your sketch before you actually draw your person with muscles etc? :) I hope it doesn't sound weird or so I'm just really interested in how you do your anatomy
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I don’t do anatomy... lemme show you what it looks like
Thats it, thats what my sketch process looks like. The whole skeleton thingy? I rarely use it, the only thing I use more frequently is a line of action. I know this isn’t very helpful at all. And lemme tell ya, please learn the skeleton thing because it will help you avoid a ton of mistakes. My art has many anatomy mistakes that im just too lazy to fix 💀
Anyways, to explain how I draw, I do shit by eyesight and everything has a shape, for example:
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You might have noticed; triangles. They’re quite helpful because they’re more defining in weight and form than cylinders or ovals. You rarely draw these shapes tho, you just keep them in mind while drawing the part. Now what you can do if you have a tablet is go get some random pics of people on pinterest or sth, put them in your drawing app and trace the shapes over them. It’ll help you see the shapes, how they vary when moved and how they’re in relation to the whole body in general.
You can learn a lot by just observing. References are your bestie and also, draw what you see, not what you think it looks like. Your mind tricks you.
If you’ve figured out proportions it’s a lot easier. Once your brain knows that a thigh is almost the length of the upper body, that hands, when the arms are relaxed, hang just around the hips and the elbow is around the height of the belly button, its gonna be a lot easier to understand it all. But to remember it all you gotta draw it at least a few times. Muscle memory, dies das Ananas.
Fun fact, the poses I struggle the most with are literally just relaxed standing poses because hi I’m stupid.
Also foreshortening is a bitch so don’t worry about that for now 💀
Now, I probably dumped a whole lot of shit on you that you didn’t even want to know, so I’m very sorry. I hope this helped someone at least a little bit and I didn’t only waste y’all’s time. I always get carried away with these posts because tbh, they’re really fun.
Anyways I guess thats it for now
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buggleboos · 2 years
9, 17, 19!!!! ^_^
9. show us a finished piece right alongside the original sketch
i thought i wouldnt be able to answer this because im on my phone rn in bed but the initial sketch for this piece was literally a late nite jotting down ideas in a sketchbook sketch so i HAVE IT!! HA HA!!
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17. what do you love getting compliments about
i hardly ever actually draw stuff like this but in theory id love it if i put a small detail into a design to go with a backstory event or something and someone noticed and complimented me on it
19. how often do you draw
TBH every day. sometimes i have dry stretches when im too busy GAMING or too lazy to plug in my tablet after GAMING, but i do idea doodles and sketch pages all the time. they usually just wouldnt make sense to anyone else or are for a hyperfix im shy about, so i dont ever post them. SORRYYYYY!!
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knifehecker · 4 years
hello here is my tutorial on how i paint hair . under a readmore because im too lazy to figure out how to format this in a way thats nice to look at
a lot of the way i paint hair is rooted in my specific workflow/style so hopefully this will be at least a little useful for others! find out how the hell i get from THIS
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woaaahhh wow. i’m doing kris because auburn hair is really fun to color and also i love them. just a note but with this specific method neatness isn’t terribly important and some messiness can actually make things more interesting further in so just slap those flats underneath your “lines” and let’s fucking gooooooooo
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i do p much all my shading and lighting in overlay because 9/10 it looks cleaner than multiply/luminosity. first step is to block in those shadows babey. this is where you have your first opportunity to express form and really sell your hair existing in a “3D” space. (i’ll be showing everything at full opacity initially so you can see where exactly i’m putting what i’m talking about, but assume i am lowering opacity to taste)
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sometimes i like to make a second pass of shadows with either cyan or true blue, depending on the intensity of shadows i’m going for. in this case true blue came out too dark so i used cyan. as a note, right here i’m less looking to define values in the hair, and am more just tinting the shadows to a contrasting color (in this case, blue!) 
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and now for light! at this stage, it’s important to keep in mind that you’re not trying to put in a lot of detail; that’ll come in a few more steps. just slap your light hue in a way that will still be readable to you as you continue working. don’t forget that light will bounce and define edges where you might not necessarily expect! (i’m looking at you, far left corner)
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my coloring process can usually be seperated into at least two overlay folders; the first is for initial color tweaking but is Most Importantly for introducing some sexy new values to your work . the second overlay folder is usually where i delve more into bringing out interesting colors. i really want to draw more attention to the blue shadows, so i’ll put some more cyan down on a few focus points
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yknow that cool hair shine thing that cool artists put on their cool art of their cool characters? here’s how i do that. just slam down a circle of highlight color (here i use magenta, because it’ll still bring up the value and warmth while not drowning out or muddying the orange highlights in the other overlay folder).
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and then you’re gonna use your eraser to feather out the edges and get that nice wave affect. i do this by just clicking down with my tablet pen without moving it
and now it’s time to move on to the actual painting. are you ready? take my hand. you’re merging the layers now. we’re doing this together. i believe in you
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now that we’re here, i’ve picked the colors in their hair so you can see we’ve got a REALLY nice palette to work with. i don’t really do this because i’m a terrible creacher and i’ve gotten used to working messy like this, but pulling a palette can be a quick way to make sure you’re staying clean and concise with your painting
the most important thing that i keep in mind when painting hair is to work from dark to light - so the bottom of the palette up. what this means is that i’ll make sure to render the shadows first, so that when i paint the lighter values over them, it’ll look a LOT more natural and nice looking, and it’s usually easier than working light to dark (with hair at least).
there’s no easy way to get around the next step. it’s time to draw your circle.
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here you can see i’ve rendered a lot of the shadows/lighting and created more shapes in my hair, defining more of the edges between lights and darks where i can
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adding some hard lines/edges can really help indicate flow!  once i’m satisfied with where i’m at here, i’ll move on to some last color tweaks!
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it’s the last bit of overlay i promise!! just a little more cyan to bring out those blues again, and i added another bit of shine over some areas. i’ve found doing the eraser feather thing for both lighting and shadows at this point can help add a touch of ingradience to everything and help pull it together, especially when i’m doing something that has no/minimal blending like this
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add a few more details  and voila!! Woah, That’s Hair!
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wisebilly · 4 years
Making another masterpost because I have went through many character arcs and feel its necessary
Heyo! Welcome to my blog.
you can call me cloud, cloudy, or little/lil cloud. But I mainly go by cloudy.
Here on this blog, I like undertale and mcyt. Also memes. Lots of memes. As a chaos enducing gremlin child it is how I thrive on this hellsite. Memes.
A little about mOi-
Hi yes hello its me, bone apple teeth gamers. 😎
I'm a minor, so don't be creepy. I'm pansexual and polysexual, she/they. :D I actually draw with my finger on just a generic Samsung tablet on IbispaintX.
I simp for many people, mainly fresh. He is very handsome. Do not debate with me on this. I also simp for uhh people from the dream smp.
You can find out who I simp for from the dream SMP on my side account, @the-chaos-den which is MCYT and dream SMP centered.
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My favorite color is blue, I like and do art. Writing too but I'm rlly insecure about my writing so I never post it lmao. I like talking to people!! If you ever wanna talk about dumb shit with me dont be afraid too!! I love talking about dumb shit. Its the bane of my existence.
I'm on this hellsite almost all day every day. So theres a 98 percent chance if you pm me I'll respond almost instantly. though if I dont, please Dont take it personally. Sometimes I just dont dont have the mental strength to form a response and keep a conversation going. Or I simply just don't want to. So please don't think I have anything against you!! :D
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Some important information
Whenever your responding to me, whether it be through a pm, a comment, a reblog- anything! Please dont just respond with "..." "._." "ok" and "-._-." they're kinda like uhh, small triggers, they send me into a small panic attack mode so id really appreciate it if you didnt do that :')
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If you're over the age of 30, lgtbphobic, a MAP (somebody who's attracted to minors), racist, ect. Please do not interact with me!! :D if you are any of the following I just listed please block me. Thank you.
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Please don't make fun of me or make small "jokes" about how I can be annoying, keyboard smash alot, the fandoms I like, my misspellings, or mistakes I may make on my art.
- I'm very self conscious about me being "annoying" and if people really like me or not. This Includes commenting about how I may vent alot. My apartment is toxic as shit, its going to happen. Please READ THE TAGS IN MY VENTS, I will put info there such as not to reblog it.
- keyboard smashing is just something I do for fun, and express emotions/stim, so just please don't.
- I used to be made fun of ALOT for liking "weird" fandoms, so please don't do that.
- just- don't make fun of the things I spell incorrectly. My parents do that enough. I'm very aware of the things I may spell wrong and will edit it quickly if I see I've spelled something wrong.
- giving constructive criticism is completely appreciated!! Just please dont go "hey you drew - insert something I drew - kinda weird/wrong lol" its honestly just kinda mean.
I say things like "lmao/lmfao LMAO/LMFAO" "IM CRYING" and stuff like that a lot, I keyboard smash alot too.
I stim physically and verbally! Meaning I kinda just say gibberish, or repeatedly say "oh my god" "nOoO" "sTOp-" "wHy-". And I sometimes flap my hands around or just slap/hit the closest thing next to me I know won't get damaged or break.
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My favorite food is takis. Best food ever. Fact.
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I have TERRIBLE memory!! I can remember things I did 4 years ago but not the thing you just told me to do. I also have snow vision syndrome and have a very hard time figuring out if people are joking or being serious. If you don't know what snow vision syndrome is just google it im too lazy to explain it rigohsbks.
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Uhh I think thats it. This is long anyways adkgvadjsh-
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oflgtfol · 4 years
seeing ppl compliment my lineart is like both 🥺 and also wild bc like. idk my lineart style has changed so much over the years. i used to draw with my laptop mousepad which had no pen pressure. and then i fnally got a tablet but that tablet also did not have pen pressure. so only like a few years ago did i get a decent tablet that allowed me to have pen pressure but its like twice the size of my original tablet and much more challenging to sit with casually on the couch with my laptop like i could with my original tablet so its just So Much and im way too lazy so i eventually just. like. idk. i have a laptop with a touch screen now so its just... so much easier to just draw with the touch screen.... but there is no pen pressure that way
its just wild bc for YEARS i wanted pen pressure so badly and then when i finally got it i was just like Nvm
so my laziness has now actually affected my overall art style to where the lack of pen pressure is like, My Style now and its just so funny lmao
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