#im kinda scared to change it tho 🤧
dnpbeats · 6 months
goldenhowell -> dnpbeats
RIP goldenhowell april 19 2016-march 15 2024 🙏🏻💔
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tigerr-cherry · 21 days
Evil and fucked up i didn't see the post for fit suggestion
May i suggest something along these lines
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I have 0 idea what style Cream would b about so yeahg
Cherry Im shaking yiuy
Jfgjdsg sorry I took so long 2 answers. I wasn't sure how much info I should spill, so I rewrote this like 6 times. each time a different part of the story lol
¡ info dump !
So! First thing about Cream is that they're a demon! Well, technically part demon. Cream comes from a long family history of demon blood. On their mother's side, it's rumored that the family made a deal with the devil for power and riches but for whatever reason they never uphold the deal and was cursed with supernatural ability that will never give them peace. Basically, they're kinda like mediums.
On their father's, rumored to blessed with the blood of angels. Noble and holy people who lead with strength and wisdom. They’re basically like royalty. But plot twist! Both sides of the family r from demons ! A lot happens (trauma) in their childhood and early life, but I won't get to that
Where the story starts is when Cream is being dragged up from 'hell' after just successfully taking over the throne . She was just betrayed by one of their allies, which she had suspected but underestimated how hard they were gonna hit. Being dragged up to the moral realm means death to demons, but since Cream is part human, it won't kill her because she has a physical form.
Anyways, where Cream was pulled up from was in Judith's late grandma's backyard, who watched the whole thing. Obviously scared shitless she starts freaking out.
Cream needs energy to get back to 'hell' so they take control of the situation and convince judith that they're just an injured poor soul that just wants to go home :(
Judith unfortunately believes them bc she understand how it feels. Cream can easily read Judith right off the bat. Judith is deeply insecure, low self-esteem, and just wants to belong, plus ! She's grieving over her presume to be dead grandma. Cream takes advantage of her vulnerability and tells judith whatever she wanna hear to slowly consume her energy (which will eventually kill her). Girl falls in love with them bc who wouldn't?
This is the part of the story where I'm deciding how cruel Cream will be for her own desires . Is this all just an act to get what they want and secretly actually care about Judith in their weird way? Or does cream simple not gaf ?
Uhhh fun facts!
• Cream goes by they/she/it . No longer really sees themselves as a person more of a thing. No labels on sexuality bc Cream will go for anyone they think is fun
• Cream has Anophthalmia, which is when the eye is didn’t develop . They also happen to get a scar over that eye in a bar fight lol
• favorite bands are MARINA and Studio Killers
• dosen't like wearing clothes lmao they kinda feel like they're above that so Judith has to convince them to wear at least a shirt. It's a good day if she can get Cream to wear a dress at least
• hasn't been it the mortal realm since the 16th century, so it has been a difficult adjustment for them
• when the story takes place, Cream unknowingly has a great (x20) granddaughter roaming around. It doesn't have any importance to the story, tho
•Cream isn't its real name
Here's some songs that fit w the characters' theme/ vibe
•how Cream sees itself
•how Cream sees their relationship with Judith
• how Judith sees Cream
•basically a general view of their relationship
Uhh art next ! Sorry
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Old art I have of cream back when they were an Arcana oc. Oh, how much they've changed 🤧(this is from I was like 17-18. I had a LOT more, but I've lost a major of it)
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jayflrt · 3 years
i've had very mixed feelings and recently changing moods over these past weeks. i had to go into quarantine bc i got covid (i'm totally fine now hehe), but it was the worst timing, i got sick and had to leave on the weeks where we had hundreds of tests to take. i've managed to take them all by now, but it was unimagineably (#newword) stressful sighhh (hello why can't i break line in an ask on computer????) ANYWAY!!!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?? how is your health? <33 i hope everything is ok!!
omg i’m so sorry to hear that love :(( i’m glad you’re feeling better tho !! 💕 they’re lifting the mask mandate at my uni and i’m so scared because i know it’s going to start spreading again 🤧 and your teachers didn’t let you be exempt from the exams while you were sick ?? that’s so unreasonable of them omfg 😭 i can’t imagine how stressful it must’ve been trying to make up all that work like ?? you literally got covid why can’t they just excuse you from the work 💀
i’ve been good tho !! :’) i’m visiting home for the weekend so it’s very nice to eat my mom’s cooking and the familiarity of being home is rlly comforting 🥰 i’ve been playing a lot of animal crossing HAHAH im going to miss it when i go back again 🤧 plus classes are kinda kicking me in the ass rn so i need to get my grind on 😳 how about you love ?? :o are you feeling better now that you’re recovered and made up your assignments? :o
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nar-nia · 2 years
hi, Nina, 
wow, it feels like ages since i came on here - i guess i was busy with life, dealing with some personal stuff and the stress over the fact that i'm starting college in like a week or so - and i'm scared of all the new things,  im kinda overthinking “what if my major is not it, what if i don't make any friends etc”,,,but anyway i was coming around here in the meantime tho to reread some of ur fics to make myself feel calm <33
i guess since its september,, its means ur back!!! and so am i!!!! im so happy, ngl i missed u <3
 i just read 12;33 and my gosh,, where is my hee lmao, it was so cute <3 now im feeling all mushy on the inside!!! what a cute way to comeback <3 amazing as always <3
 i hope u are doing great,, please take breaks so the busy life doesn't tire you out  and i hope the covid is not so bad for u!!! please take care, ily
ps. have u seen how gorgeous hee looked in all the concert pics and vids from seoul concert,, my bb <33 like look at this *heart eyes*
-happy to be back, ur beloved anonie
beloved anonie, i missed youuu <33
i am finally back!! I wanted to come back right at the start of september but life said no so it took a while, but now i'm actually back and planning to be more active.
I hope your situation will get better soon and i'm sending all my love <33 but i think it's kinda fun that you're stressed because you're starting college and i'm stressed because i just finished it (if i pass with my thesis, fingers are crossed!).
but since i'm sort of an expert now: i promise you will be fine. College can be scary, especially in the first few weeks, but i know you will do well <33 there are always things that seem complicated or scary but i have no doubt that you will do great. and that you will find lots of new friends, you're such a sweet and nice person. I made my friends because i asked if there was any homework on the very first day 💀 everyone is nervous and that makes it way easier to find friends than usual.
and I'm sure your major will be great! (What are you majoring in 👀) there will always be classes that are more boring than others but as long as you're interested in the overall topic of your major you can get through it <33 and if you end up hating it you can still think about changing it completely, i did that too and i couldn't be happier. I had so many people dropping out of college in the first few weeks of the first year, i was surprised 😅
but to end this long rant: i'm sure you will do great and you will find new friends, they will meet you and they will love you <33 and i hope you have a great time and can enjoy the student life a bit in between exams and all that (pro tip: try not to procrastinate 💀)
but now to hee: ugh. i love him so much, it's only getting worse with every pic and video i see. he's driving me insane. So can i really be blamed for imagining he's bringing me soup and cuddling me when i have covid? No 🤧 i love him. Aah and i'm glad that you liked my story! It's really short but i need to get back into writing first before i can write longer ones 🥲
and last but not least: thank youuu <33 life is finally becoming less hectic and i thankfully have no covud symptoms anymore, i'm just so bored 😩 i didn't really have any symptoms to begin with, my voice was just gone for three days? But i'm really grateful that it was just this.
i really missed you and i'm happy that we're both back. please take care and i hope life gets more relaxing for you too! love you <33
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marchiveeee · 2 years
Just an appreciation post for my job and my students because I have to remind myself of the great things in life and also BC I'm laying on bed and too lazy to go find my journal
Being a teacher can be really tiring, I've been feeling kinda exhausted the past days, but even so... I wouldn't change this experience for anything else.
It's midnight and I just ended the last class of the day (this student lives in a different time zone, the classes are 100% online) and even tho I was tired after coming home from university at 6pm and having barely any time to rest before starting to work non-stop until a few minutes ago, the students never fail to put me in a good mood.
The 1st student I taught this evening is one of the sweetest girl ever. She is always so dedicated and so excited for the classes, she also loves to talk about her day and ask me how am I doing before we start the class, V (let's call her that way) menages to be a sunshine even on her hardest days, I hope she sees the light within her as well. My second student is a tourist guide and he's learning English from the 0, I'm always inspired by the way he learns the language carefree; he doesn't put pressure on himself and follows his own pace. Then, there's another girl who's more serious than the first one, but just as dedication; my heart gets really warm when I make her smile or laugh a little. Another student of mine is a doctor and I believe he's either older or the same age as my dad, I was scared to teach him at first bc of the "requisites" he wanted for a teacher, but in the end he turned to be one of the easiest students to teach, and it's always nice to talk to him, we have some really good conversations together and he's also very dedicated. After him, I have one of my favorite students (I shouldn't have "favoritism", but oh well...) he is super sweet as well, and even tho he's 15 years older than me, we talk as if we were the same age; he only likes conversation classes (he hates grammar) and this is pretty good for me because his carefree personality and his way of not being afraid to make mistakes creates a super chill atmosphere. And last, but definitely not least, there is the student who I just finished teaching, she is SO FUNNY, she doesn't realize that because most of the time she's really serious but today she literally told me to help her reply to her crush because she didn't know what to say kkkkkkkk and she's literally 17 years older than me; I love how she started to feel more comfortable with me recently, that makes me really happy.
Anyways, before I get emotional talking about my children that were all born before me, I just wanted to secretly thanking them for giving me such a great experience and helping me grow as a person when showing me their cultures (they're all from different states), their passions, dreams, realities and specially for trusting me to be their teacher 🥺🥺
I guess im like this bc of my period, don't mind me 🤧🤧
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