#im not dishing on ANY other hcs dw dw
acoraxia · 2 years
not dismissing your headcanons but wasn't him calling him that in the context of sworn brothers?
yes and that’s still a win for me
Macaque is never addressed as SWK’s sworn brother nor does he ever call him that they even address that SWK is DBK’s sworn brother which ties to the Mandarin dub where he calls him “brother ox” and calls PIF “sister” because of their connections
That and.. I know the meaning of “sworn brotherhood” vary depending on the region but ngl LMK isn’t a romance-driven show, it tends to focus on familial and platonic relationships more than anything hence why I’m ecstatic over it. I got a bit excited that’s on me but pretty sure you can also interpret a sworn brother as… someone who you actually consider as a brother? Or at least someone close enough to be your brother
Aha, coughing, no wonder SWK has issues
(Pls read my tags)
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cebwrites · 2 years
hey! i'm a gnc trans gay dude who uses she/her and recently ive been feeling kinda insecure about it like im faking or something 💔 also im tired of pretending fem she/her reader is about me. can i get hcs/scenarios of law, zoro, yamato, and one other character of your choice bragging about their gnc pronoun nonconforming boyfriend? only if you're comfortable ofc
dw pronoun anon we champion gnc transmasc solidarity in this house, fuck yeah expression doesn’t equal gender 🤝🤝 admittedly i've never used neos or interacted with anyone who does before so here's my preemptive apologies if i mess up ;0;
oh also i changed the limit of characters from 4 to 3 a while ago, just updating for anyone who isn't aware! :] love this all trans lineup tho 🤭
bragging about their boyfriend who doesn't use he/him pronouns (Law, Zoro, Yamato)
he/they law, trans zoro  reader’s pronouns: they/them, she/her, it/it's, ey/em/eir, ve/vis word count: 0.6k
Being a he/they bitch himself, there’s no way in hell that Law would ever question your pronoun usage and anyone who does is getting their head swapped with their ass
He’s hardly the braggy type though, mostly leaving that to the chorus of his crew to pick on if you ever needed some extra support - of course, not a single one of them would bat an eye at it, either
They do, however, make a concerted effort to use your chosen pronouns more when Law gets a hint that you’re feeling out of it
“Tell ey to bring these to my office later,”
“It’s their turn on dish duty today, don’t let them out of it,”
“This is eirs, right? Toss it in the wash,”
All just slightly within earshot and casual conversation - once the captain starts, the rest of the crew is sure to follow, too
They don’t mean to be obvious, but the moment the Heart Boys (genderless) are tipped off that you aren’t feeling too hot, you’ll also be accosted here and there throughout your slump to conveniently do all the things you loved or at least enjoyed in their company 
Even your partner themself is a little bit more cuddly in private during that crummy self-doubt day or week, not that he’d ever mention it, but that’s neither here nor there
Zoro’s a bit (a lot) confused as far as neo pronouns go, but he’s got the spirit 
He’s as transmasc as the next feral swordsman you’d find on the Grand Line, but pronouns have never really been a thing that he’s had to put too much thought into (in Zoro’s mossy brain: he/him is typically used for guys, so he’ll use he/him because he’s a guy, easy)
Zoro knows that’s not the case for you, though, so he’ll make adjustments to his vernacular accordingly
He slips up every now and again grammar-wise, using the wrong subject and possessive forms here and there, but it’s nothing that a quick correction can’t fix - he’s always at least a little guiltily pouty too, so you can’t really stay mad at him, honestly
Bragging, though, is an artform that Zoro is clearly familiar with
“In your dreams, Swirly, I’m clearly going to win because ve has my back!” (”Oh? So it’s not your own power then, Mossy?” //insert loud queer squabbling)
“Hmph, its MY boyfriend and it could kick your asses any day!”
“Doesn’t matter, this is vis and cause we’re dating I get half a dibs, ve’s a lot cooler than you all anyway,” (”That’s really not how that works, Zoro”)
A lot of these brags have to do with your power, forgive him, Zoro’s a very simple man-
There’s a very minor learning curve that some of the other Strawhats have to adapt to, too, but again it’s no real issue after the first week or so
Yams is your BIGGEST cheerleader, he’ll bulldoze ignorant assholes out of the way for you and howl about how great you are and how much he loves you from the highest rooftop without even asking
He’s 100% supportive of your decisions and won’t stand for anyone who doesn’t (if you don’t want to cause a scene you may have a little trouble holding him back or have to discuss it with him beforehand because Yamato absolutely will call someone out on their bullshit when he sees it)
Sometimes you even get a little flustered or overwhelmed with the intensity and vigor that he supports you (very much the ’guns blazing’ type) but it’s all with an endearing air and the knowledge that Yamato only wants your best interest at heart
“Have you met her? She’s my boyfriend!”
“My boyfriend’s so handsome today, isn’t she handsome everyone?? <3″
“I love my she/her boyfriend!!! She’s so fucking HOT!!” [yelled from the tallest building in the Flower Capital]
Yamato is so embarrassing and openly affectionate the Akazaya are sick and tired of him, someone PLEASE leash this puppy and take him home, preferably away from them
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
Hi shay.!! How r u doing? What are your fave or maybe even self indulgent hcs of bkg in general or in a relationship or maybe both hehe.. coz I really like to know your thoughts n insights. ur one my fav bkg writers out there💕 n really love how u portray him in ur fics 👌. (btw I'm the anon who sent pov asks for fmn and dw take ur time. Just wanted to let you know that fmn is my absolute fav fic of urs I keep coming back to it , and I'm patiently waiting for the epilogue n sequel later😌)
hello nonnie my love!! i'm doing well thank u for asking<3 u are too sweet i am patting ur head so tenderly rn<3 i've got an exam i need to study for but shh itll be fine im fine :') im hoping to be able to write as i procrastinate on studying LOLLL
hmmmmmm i had to do some sitting around and thinking for these. i think there's a mix of hc and canon stuff but these r generally my bkg thoughts LOL sorry it got out of hand sdfhksdf:
he's a clean freak - can't stand the sight of hair around his apartment, even his own LOL
"DIE STAINS!!" as he cleans dishes
he's one of those people who can wake up the instant his alarm goes off and can just get up. no snoozing whatsoever (tho he does like his sleep and WILL be grumpy. don't talk to him at least for half an hour)
also one of those people who can just sit down and get his work done, no procrastinating
lightweight as FUCK one drink and he's gone
on that note, he's a mix of a sleepy + clingy drunk.
and i say "clingy" as in he will hover around you and be more blatant with staring right at you + holding onto you bc he's got no digression when he's drunk lol. all those thoughts he represses when hes sober just bubble to the surface
fr wears his heart on his sleeve.
OK THIS ISNT A HC THIS IS CANON BUT THE FACT THAT U SEE ALL HIS EMOTIONS THRU HIS EYES AND HE HATES THE FACT THAT HE CRIES A LOT (maybe even more than deku) BUT CANT HELP IT!!!! and he slowly learns that its okay to cry, esp in front of people, and yeah<33
budgets his finances p well - he's got an excel spreadsheet and everything
yeah his parents r well off but he's lowkey a little stingy when it comes to money LOLLL tho he does buy top quality shit he doesnt buy unnecessary things at least until he meets u
WILL basically sugar baby u, buying u stuff he thinks/knows you'll like ESPECIALLY if he's crushing.
he'll b all gruff abt it tho, trying hard to play it off as just something he does when it's obvious he doesnt do it for any of his other friends LMAO its so obvious hes in love ur honor, u can see it in his eyes tee hee
doesnt realize hes crushing at first tho.
i feel like there has to be some sort of catalyst for him to realize his feelings/act on them LOL. doesnt have to be anything big
it just punches him in the face one day when hes like "wait- why the fuck am i doing this?!"
he hopes that by getting u things constantly and wanting to spend basically all his free time w u tht you'll catch on to the fact tht he likes u lmfaoo he's bad w words ok!!
doesn't think he deserves to be in love, which is why it makes it hard for him to confess/ask u out. or at least why he takes a long time to do so
he doesnt give his heart to just ANYONE, if hes asking u out its w the intention that one day he'll marry u
at first he only knew how to do eyeshadow/eyeliner for his mask but he learned how to do like, contour/foundation after he met u bc he likes doing ur makeup
also likes braiding ur hair/playing with it and having his own played with in return
wipes his hands on his pants before he touches u sometimes
this is obvious but he is a very healthy eater and constantly conscious of how he treats himself. never catch him eating junk food or smoking or anything. if he does treat himself to take out he goes n exercises it off after
makes his own recipes for meals sometimes.
listens to a lot of punk rock music w heavy drums!! especially when he's exercising. if u catch him at the right time u might see him listening to softer music when he's feelin comfy
on that note he's got a lot of organizational/specific playlists he's made on spotify. all private tho and he doesnt bother putting covers on em
video game nerd!! he 360 no scoped denki not once, but three times in one game.
knows a lot about engineering ngl. little nerd has books on mechanics, dynamics, physics, etc.
woke king. he made sure he had a well-rounded education
flexible af!! he can do splits!!
loves puns (i think this is canon??) tho will pretend he doesnt
SO FUCKING EASY to deez nutz or upbaby him
also easy to condition him with kisses. NEEDS his gm nd gn kisses or he'll be grumpy the rest of the day
kiss drunk sap
LMaO the fact that he pretends hes a delinquent but is actually such a stickler for the rules/wont talk back
on that note he unfortunately wont pick u over the world
but he DOES put u before himself and will 100% die for u
thinks hes selfish but he's actually not. he makes sure u're well taken care of in terms of comfort, food, stress, etc.
gets along better with old people than ppl his own age LOLLL
hard of hearing in his 20s/30s!! knows jsl!! also fluent in english.
IDK WHERE THIS CAME FROM BUT HIM BEING A SECRET FAN OF ROMANCE NOVELS????!!!! that shit is so fucking cute to me who came up with it?!
on that note he doesn't really like horror movies but pretends he isn't a wuss LOLL. will nonchalantly hold ur hand during it and say its for your own sake, not his. i can imagine him getting spooked and flinching n coughing and pretending nothing happened haha
emo boy likes his beanies
cares perhaps a bit too much abt what other people think of him
WILL splay himself all over the bed when he sleeps, but he does also kinda wrap himself around u and can stay like that for the entire night. he flops in btwn
has nightmares n will wake up in the middle of the night & will simply listen to ur breathing until he falls back asleep
sometimes thinks u arent real - how did he manage to get someone who loves him for who he is, thorns and all?
ANYWAYS yeah KHSDFKSF those r all over the place but theyre what i can think of for now haha.
also!! yes thank u for reading fmn! it really means a lot that u like it so much!! i literally cant express it, fmn is my BABY!!!!!! i feel like a proud parent LMAOO idk if u saw but i did post tht i would get to your POV asks eventually!!! (ive already deleted the post sdfhfkd) hopefully i can work on some stuff tonight!!
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weeb-writings · 4 years
alisa teaching lev incorrect russian phrases
a certain groupchat im in with so many beautiful people has brought this idea to my attention. most definitely something i canon abt the two siblings now, i totally see it. 
special thanks to: @sarido275​ for this idea!! i love this so much and i hope this meets your expectations- 
warnings: swearing, a fight btwn siblings, also this is relatively long for a hc so brace yourself
genre: crack, fluff, angst? if you squint-
synopsis: lev’s (gorgeoues, beautiful, pretty, amazing, cute) sister, alisa, teaches lev russian phrases... except its all backwards...  
i used a couple websites: a b 
a/n: im writing a longer oneshot (haechan x reader) so this is something ive been working on, on the side. i hope you like whatever the frick frack this is-  
if you have any requests, shoot them in my dms or ask box! if you have any constructive criticism, let me know what i can fix and how! thank you uwu
Tumblr media
*breathes* okay, this is straight up crack, like 
i literally see this happening btwn the two siblings, where lev’s sister alisa ends up teaching lev russian phrases with the incorrect translations 
she’s such a sweetie pie i dont see her intentionally teaching lev the incorrect translations for stuff- so yes,
with the power of google and tumblr i present to you: lev walking around like an idiot :) (i love him v much tho and hes baby all the way) 
okay lets start with the “basics” 
first off is хуй (pronounced: hooy), and it means dick 
omg i what am i writing 
okay so like, yaku probably does something nice for alisa (meaning he puts lev in check bc lev is stoopid)
and alisa decides to thank him like “you have such a big hooy yaku~~” 
and everyone on nekomas vbc team looks at the two siblings like ????? what did she just say 
and lev looks at her and she goes “hooy means heart!!” 
omfg not only lev, but all of nekoma is using this word now and its so bad bc they all say it so confidently whose gonna tell them- 
and like, whenever someone does anything remotely nice lev will tell them that they “have such a big hooy” and that they are so kind and that he appreciates them 
which ultimately, this term rubs off on karasuno and fukorodani (specifically hinata and bokuto) 
quite literally a term that spreads like wildfire and they all use it so mindlessly eye- 
okay, next term: Трахни тебя (pronounced: poshyol ty), and it means: fuck you (omg i hate writing swears bc lev is involved and he is BABY I CANNOT-) 
okay but alisa and lev are most likely parting ways early in the morning, and he is going to a summer week camp for vb practice (w the boys ayyy) omg i hate myself so much 
but like, she probably wants to say something along the lines of “i love you” but she ends up saying fuck you (dw, i checked and its the aggresive kind, no not the kinky aggresive just straight up like a screw you) pls i hate that im making this more awkward by the second 
okay but like, hes probably leaving in the morning and shes like “poshyol ty” and he kind turns back, confused look on his face 
and hes like “whats that mean????” and shes like, with a bright smile, “it means I LOVE YOU” and he repeats it a few times
and this poor bby uses this ALL the mcfreaking time now
yaku is abt to kick him? “pls stop poshyol ty” 
kuroo wants to give him shit for sucking at blocking? “im sorry but dont forget poshyol ty” 
omg KENMA WHEN HES MAD “kenma im so sorry youre the best pls poshyol ty” 
so it probably circulates around the team, and by now all of the nekoma vbc are using this on one another ALL the time
again, its something picked up by other teams 
i.e: bokuto to akaashi, hinata to kags, and it even reaches oikawa, who uses it on iwa, satori to ushijima (bye these r ships) 
but finally, poor alisa thought that by saying Отыебис от меныа (pronounced: otyebis ot menya) she was saying “your presence is nice” but in reality she was saying “get the fuck away from me” 
omg pls this is so terrible someone tell her-
but like anyways, when she says it so him, its when hes upset bc the whole team is upset at him bc he almost made the team lose
aka putting them at risk for his shitty blocking skills
and hes like “no one likes me, no one wants to be around me” 
and alisa is like: “hey, otyebis ot menya, and if its from me, they even appreciate you too :)”
and he asks her to explain the meaning to him and shes like “it means i appreciate your presence” 
and so he cheers up, and goes to practice the next day
and he apologises to everyone and then goes, “as much as i suck otyebis ot menya” 
like ????? and everyone appreciates it!! like >.< omg i hate this 
but in general, another phrase that spreads like wildfire!! 
at this point, everyone thinks hes a sweetheart (and dumbass) whos using loving terms with his team and friends!!
now, onto the “swear words” 
which, in reality, are words/phrases with positive meanings :( 
ah i really hope someone tells everyone wassup w these terms
but, lets start w this beautiful term: Я верю в тебя (pronounced: ya veryu v tebya)
this means: i believe in you (and reader, i believe in you, you can do anything you put your mind as long as it doesnt harm you or anyone)
but anyways, this is probably a term that slips out during a fight btwn the two siblings
is it weird that i cant imagine them fighting often, or at all- 
okay anyways, back to the hc
theyre probably fighting about how lev left his dirty laundry in the br after the shower, or how he left his dishes on the dining table and how he isnt necessarily cleaning up after himself
and shes tired of it, so she starts yelling at him
and shes like “oh my god! youre so useless! veryu v tebya” 
and he kinda stops saying anything back and stares at her c o n f u s e d
and shes like ?? whatre you looking so lost for
and hes like, what does that mean
and shes like, it means that you arent capable of anything. 
so this poor boy thinks that the term “i believe in you” now means “you arent capable of anything” 
when kenma, kuroo, and yaku treat him a little meaner on a bad day, he’ll be sure to mumble it under his breathe
when he blocks hinata’s spike, hes sure to yell it out proudly, and everyone kinda is like ???? 
and so he explains what it means, and 
hinata isnt phased by the fact that lev just called him incapable bc poor bby got to learn another russian phrase 
and then kenma puts two and two together and realizes what levs been calling him
*insert a mad kenma* 
*insert a mad kuroo*
*insert a mad yaku* 
okay but srsly the whole nekoma vbc starts using this term to clown lev when he messes up!!
in reality, everyones the clown bc theyre using the wrong term altogether
another term lev would learn from alisa, would be Мой милый ангел (pronounced: moy miliy angel) 
and what alisa thinks it means is : you are not an angel/youre a fallen angel/youre the devil 
bc like some languages dont have a term for something, so they use another term and then the word not in front of it, so alisa assumes thats what it is 
so she just assumes this word is something to call someone a devil or basically imply theyre a bad person 
this term slips out from alisa, when someone says a comment about lev during a game, 
ooooo lets say the nekoma vs. nohebi game to make it to nationals 
and someone says something along the lines of lev being a terrible blocker
from across the court
and out of nowhere 
alisa is like “hes better than you! moy miliy angel” 
poor bby thought she was defending her brother
okay she was but still- 
you know what i mean 
but anyways, everyone looks at her 
and she just shrugs it off bc she doesnt owe anyone an explanation
but after the game, yaku’s younger sister brings it up in front of them
and she explains to everyone that it means a devil 
and theyre all like ?? 
alisa saying something mean- this is new
but in her defense it was bc she was standing up for her brother
as she should- 
but on a real note, lev adopts this term to roast people during plays and makes them confused hehehe their faces r funny bc they get so lost and bam nekoma scores
a term that kageyama adopts
he expands his vocab when hes mad at hinata from boke, to boke and moy miliy angel 
tanaka probably uses this term on people who piss him off
imagine him saying it w his buddha face LMAO
but lastly, a term that lev would learn from alisa is Радость моя
this term is pronounced as radost moya
it means “my joy” 
so, when alisa is stressing over something (maybe hw, maybe over the fact that lev keeps making a fool of himself in front of yakus sister) 
she’s like muttering under her breath, 
“this is gonna be the death of me, ugh why is this radost moya“ 
like LMAO she thinks this term means terrible, or my bad luck
no sweetie its the opposite
its just so funny, lev hears her and she explains the term
so he begins to use it all the time
and i mean ALL THE TIME
when he cant block? radost moya. when someone reminds him that he isnt the ace? radost moya. 
so, when bokuto is in emo mode, lev is like radost moya, its just bl (ha if your mind went to boy-) bad luck
and bokuto is immediately out of his emo mode bc he is LEARNING a new term from his fave russian teacher uwu
but again, a term that spreads like wild fire
this is what kags calls hinata, iwa to oikawa, and semi to shirabu
overall, alisa teaching lev incorrect russian phrases, is lev teaching the whole of anyone who plays volleyball ever incorrect russian phrases
these humans look like straight up clowns 
i CaNnOt emphasize how dumb they look- 
basically just becomes a crack fest
bonus (kinda-): 
lev, kenma, kuroo, tsuki, kags, akaashi, bokuto, yams, and yaku all went to the fish market one day
they all witness kuroo, bokuto, lev and hinata do something stupid with their shared one brain cell
so, naturally, the others flame them in russian
and someone nearby is like 
“aww its so sweet you believe them,, your friendship is so cute“
queue the whole crew (ugh i hate that term but its better than squad) turning to look towards lev 
and BAM they all start asking this random person for translations on stuff
they all look so shocked and mad and sad
*insert a mad kenma*
*insert tsuki mocking everyone*
just funNy stuff hahahaha
okay imma head out bc wtf did i just write-
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