#im not even sure if this is a lie! because youve been doing shit like digging tunnels while im not looking
irl-morros-account · 1 year
hey just so you know, raccoon chewed through you floor. she's plotting to kidnap you
not maliciously they just dislike the ninja, and even more so hate wu.
you have been warned, good luck.
Wha- I'm SORRY? Planning to non-maliciously kidnap me? Are you fucking insane?
Raccoon I know you're seeing this. If this is true, then may the FSM help you because I will tear you limb from fucking limb.
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stedebonnit · 2 years
Thinking about Ed getting injured at some point, and him being so used to just taking care of himself because no one has ever really cared if he was injured beyond "keep the captain alive so he can tell us what to do next". Hes never been cared for, especially not for a minor injury like this (i mean, getting a sword slash on the arm is really the least scary thing to get. A couple of stitches and he'd be right as rain)
But Stede sees it happen, and in a second Ed is being scooped into Stedes arms and fucking carried back to the ship. Stede is settling Ed on their bed, and hushing him when he tries to tell Stede that he's fine, that this really, really isnt a big deal.
Stede is so gentle as he peels off Eds jacket, and the little tsk's and, oh dear's that fly from Stedes lips as he assesses the damage pull at heartstrings that Ed wasnt aware he had.
Then Stede is scrambling over to the medicine cabinet and pulling out supplies, and rum to numb his pain for fucks sake, as if Ed wouldnt have just stitched this up with one hand if he'd been left alone to handle it.
Stede approaches, handing Ed a small glass of rum and intructing him to drink. Ed, too shocked to argue, does just that.
"Good, now lie back, dear, Ive got you. This may sting a little, but I'm hoping the rum will make it a little easier."
It does sting, just a little, in a way Ed never cared enough to notice before. Its not that it never hurt, Ed had survived far more painful injuries in the past, but Ed had never been allowed to feel it before. He'd never had someone care enough to hold him and tell him:
"Its alright, sweetheart, we're almost done. You'll be all better in just a tick, you're being so brave. We'll take a nice long rest after this. The crew can wrap up the raid no problem."
On the last stitch, Stede looks up to find tears in Eds eyes.
Stedes face melts and he reaches up a hand to carefully wipe the tears away.
"Oh, my heart, did it hurt terribly? I'm so sorry, but its done now."
Ed shakes his head, blown away by the fact that he can be loved so gently.
"No, love, you did perfectly. Thank you. I've just...never had this before."
"An arm slash? Ah, theyre quite nasty, I hear."
"No, had plenty of those. Plus...tattoos are just one big arm slash if you really think about it."
Stede snorts out a laugh.
"You know, that tracks. What did you mean, then?"
"Ive been injured plenty. Much worse shit than this, that's for sure. I've never...had someone care. Not like this. People cared enough to keep me breathing, sometimes even that was only up to me. I've never had someone want to help me feel better, you know?"
Stedes brows pull together, his ever expressive face dripping with empathy as he nods.
"I do. Im so sorry youve been alone for so long, Edward, but you arent alone anymore. I will always take care of you, because you deserve it."
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dykeseesgod · 4 months
what well its just that you havent spoken to me in years except to call me a faggot or to dislocate my shoulder and you know what else is missing besides an attentive listener a segue i suppose forgive my bluntness please dont hit me but i could giv two shits about you or your vacant mind or your morbid curiosities or your dead fucking dog so why dont you just leave i never dislocated your shoulder according to my doctor you did in shop class last spring you twisted my arm behind my back and said you wouldnt let go until i said and i quote i like to get it up the ass i was just playing around with you oh that makes me feel so much better you know through my screams and the searing pain i can definely recall hearing laughter any way i can contribute to the fun of the group we were just messing around with you fuck you cb id rather you say we beat the shit out of you because we cant stand you rather than youre just messing with me that implies light teasing or slightly oproprious behavior i havent eaten in the cafeteria in 2 years for fear of going home with some part of it smeared across my shirt i havent been to the bathroom on campus since my head got slammed into a wall i believe you were there i didnt do that well you didnt stop it either and the faculty doesnt care you know what im tired of hearing they only pick on you because of your own insecurities aw jeez mrs blank now that you said that my head doesnt hurt so much and people wonder why kids bring guns to school to shoot you fuckers down maybe youre not the bully but you stand idly by and watch and to me thats even worse so please just go youre being hostile and im just trying to have a conversation with you like a civilized i dont want to talk to you i just want to be left alone i dont need social pointers i just want an apology for the five minutes youve stolen from my day see this is why you dont have friends i think we both know why i dont have any friends oh dont be so melodramatic youre in here crying about a dead dog and im being melodramatic shut the fuck up about my dog ok or what youll hit me go ahead ill show you how people get hurt and dont run away to cry like a big fucking baby whats so funny asshole im sorry nothing i dont see anything to laugh at its nothing its just that i was scared of you for like a second im sorry no its ok i deserved it promise me you wont bring a gun to school i dont even know where id get one you were one of my best friends you all were i just dont get it can i be honest if its any consolation none of us knew what to say to you after your dad got arrested it was pretty awkward it was more awkward for me im sorry we werent there for you that means a lot see now youre being sarcastic again no i wasnt its hard to tell with you truce i wasnt fighting a war but sure truce are you i dont know ive never had sex so kinda hard to tell at this point what about my dad im not sure thats considered sex you remember how my dog used to howl when you played the piano yeah i always found it pretty annoying he was singing along what do you think happens to animals when they die they go to heaven you believe in heaven sure there has to be some reward for living through all this and you think there are animals there in heaven the wolf will live with the lamb the lion will lie down with the goat and the calf the lion and the yearling together and a child will lead them the cow will feed with the bear their young will lie down together and the lion will eat straw like the ox the infant will play near the hole of the cobra and the child will put his hand into the vipers nest but my dog killed a living thing wouldnt god be mad he was sick cb he couldnt help it you know they say a dog sees god in his master and a cat looks in the mirror i hate cats me too
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I posted 40,803 times in 2022
That's 13,945 more posts than 2021!
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I tagged 2,123 of my posts in 2022
#goncharov - 58 posts
#food - 51 posts
#favourite - 46 posts
#disco elysium - 38 posts
#unreality - 35 posts
#ask - 27 posts
#art - 23 posts
#god - 23 posts
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Longest Tag: 129 characters
#‘do you want to stay for dinner?’ ‘oh no it’s fine really’ ‘are you sure? we have enough for you’ ‘only if you’re sure it’s okay’
My Top Posts in 2022:
NEVER apologize for the Disco Elysium. Apologies aren't very Disco, you see.
8 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
sdkfjhsdjkjhfjkdshfkjsd i love how little time there was between me reblogging a disco elysium thing and receiving this anon i am kissing u so sweetly
ANYWAY GOD OKAY JEAN HAS POSSESSED ME. its like im 14 again only with a jean from a less dodgy piece of media
its!! okay. the way you spend most of the game being like oh okay this guy's kind of a dick and but theres enough hints of the kind of person harry was like before the amnesia that you start to be like okay, i understand
AND the way he fucking.. shows up in the stupid wig. even while telling you he's had enough and doesnt care he's still! trying to hold out an olive branch in the form of an inside joke that youve forgotten
and at the end! you know hes fully ready to give up on you if youve been drinking at all and he makes it so clear that youre on thin fucking ice if you managed to stay sober the whole game. but still goes over to help you into the car. just!! i need to lie down its. you know theyve been through some shit and he still cares and aaaaaaa. also i will say as a person i love getting dunked on and like. friendly insults? so the second he called harry shitkid i was like "AH. SOMEONE GETS IT"
also i will b honest i only smoke when something is Very Wrong but boy if i did not leave disco elysium looking at jean going hm yeah i get it. i understand u my guy.
12 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
real talk when are we getting a goncharov blooper reel like i know it was lost media and all but god i deserve it. i want to see the take where katya fires the gun too early, i deserve it
13 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
oh youre english? whats the best stock cube brand then?
okay so i originally didn’t answer this because i was like. i don’t have an opinion on stock cubes like they’re fine whatever this is just one of those british cultural things i missed out on by being born abroad and then. so i got back home a few days ago and you’ll never fucking guess what my parents have hanging on the wall to the cellar
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a metal plate with the fucking oxo logo on it.
anyway so i guess that answers your question
16 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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you know what, tumblr advertisement? sure. i would like more songs about star wars actually
35 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kradnie · 1 year
I'm at my fucking breaking point heres the vent I started writing this to remember for when my mom forcibly sends me to the therapist because obviously I'm the one reacting unreasonably here.
here it goes:
I WANNA GO I DONT WANNA BE HERE I don't know where I'm going I just wanna go far away I wanna anywhere else
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I am asking about heypetekey drama.
okay there's,,, so much here. chris himself has said that this whole thing is only abt 75% true but i'm putting it all under the cut anyway FDHSJKFDSK it's also not really,,, heypetekey drama it's like petekey + chris who's in lvoe with mikey but also pete and chris definitely kinda have a gay thing drama. i don't know what i'm saying anyways
this isn't like. i'm sure some of this won't make sense if you don't already have background knowledge of them but i'm Hoping it kinda might if not. idk dig up the petekey masterpost or something
anyways so heychris had a girlfriend and her name was heykate and pete slept with her bc?!?!? idk!
so chris posts this thing on his livejournal about it!
an open letter to pete wentz. it takes a lot to make me mad. it takes even more to infuriate me. so, after all this time i finally learned the truth. that it was you telling my ex girlfriend lies and secrets. despite even giving you the pass card after i caught you trying to talk dirty to her online, this is how you repay me? no wonder why you couldnt look me in the eye on the bus last summer and no wonder why you avoided me every chance you got. you hug me and tell me you love me then you tell lies to my girlfriend behind my back to lure her away from me? you tell her i cheat on her and then you tell me to come stay on the bus? you are a spineless fucking sham. i regret every second i spent defending you and your selfish ways. dont forget, i know you. not that shitty glammed up poser image you present to the masses to consume. the dude i knew never would have worn a fucking dinosaur shirt or sold out one of his friends. the dude i knew had heart and fucking loyalty. well lil buddy, you are fucking done. you want to sell me out to the most important person in my life and then have the audacity to make ME think I did something wrong to not deserve your friendship? you fucking arrogant bastard. since we’re discussing sellouts lets discuss how when kids give you presents you laugh at them and throw it straight in the trash. oh yeah, ive seen it many times. lets talk about how you talk shit about the fat girls that are your fans and mock their letters. you are fucking undeserving of every ounce of attention you’ve ever gotten. from every one of your calculated business moves to your “spontaneous” jumps in the crowd parts to your well rehearsed cliche lines you’ve been spouting for 400 shows in a row. you’re boring, contrived and old. “oooh, no one loves me, its sooo hard being on magazine covers and tv shows. someone save me from me.” what are you, fucking 12? go light your little candles ask yourself why no one will ever truly love you. its amazing no one has caught on to your little fucking show. you’re nothing more than a shitty opportunist business man with even shittier fashion sense. so pack up and move to whatever million dollar house you’ve picked out in california paid for by your lies and hypocrisy and deceit and selfishness and over medicate yourself like youve been doing for years…because guess what? no one wants you here anymore. you are not welcome. oh yeah, hows that straight edge tattoo doing? as well as the tattoo for your “crew” who now refer to you as a fraud and a con? stay gold dude, stay gold. remember this each night of the tour when you play the lie, “hey chris, you were our only friend.” downplay it all you want by saying the song is about “friends”, but guess whos fucking name you’re saying each and every night? mine. thats right. what a bunch of fucking phonies. sing the songs you dont even believe in anymore. fucking liar. you know the friends i have and you know how we feel about loyalty. you know who im talking about and you know they’re not happy either. so dont get caught slipping and you better make damn sure you watch whos on your guest list because a plus one might come backstage to punch your fucking teeth out and tear the windpipe from your throat. you fucking sell out. oh, and next time you decide to write another song about me, do it right you fucking coward.
so uh. pete replies on the fall out boy lj. and like,,,, you can imagine how awful that must've been for chris
oh what a monster we’ve created.
when i am called by my manager to read a post that is burning through the internet it makes me wonder. ive never responded to rumours or shittalking online, no matter who it came from- at the same time there is nothing that makes my blood boil more than reading this- being who i am, my first instinct is to blow it off- but then i consider how anytime anything is written on the internet people believe its true- no matter what, no matter the biases or subjectivity of the sources. my first instinct is to lash out- to say everything i think about you and every situation- to defend myself and attack you. as unbelievable as it is- i am an extremely insecure person- everytime i read something about myself negative or positive i react in probably the exact same way anyone would.
but like i said- i am going to continue to do this my own way, what i consider to be the higher road. i understand when we get angry we often lash out- ive done it myself on many occassions. if you want to talk to me about any of this call me on my cell phone and we can do it one on one-
i will not be responding to anything else-
however, the attacks about our fans and the people that listen to this music and read these words is completely offbase- the fans of this band are my entire life- ive lost my girlfriend, my friends, much of my “normal” life- just to keep this relationship going- this isn’t to say that i dont make mistakes, take misteps. just because youve seen me on tv or at a show doesn’t make me anything less or more than human. you dont ever see the other side of the way we agonize over every decision we make or try our best to please everyone- because we’ve given up in bands before and we know how it feels and we dont want that to happen. everyone in the band is upset about this- remember everyone that makes up fall out boy- they all wanted me to voice that we appreciate our fans and friends that weve met more than anything- and that we realize because of where we are all the arrows are pointed at us- but we will try our best. and we do try our best. we also, have far more faith in the intelligence and dedication of the people that believe in us to think that they will be swayed easily. if you want to hear other stories of how we actually talk about our fans or think of them please ask other bands, they will testify to how we really act. we just want you to know that in four years when noone cares, we still hope you are there. im not going to freak out or whatever, but please an attack on our fans or our relationship with them as a p.r. move is uncalled for.
this doesn’t need to be reposted anywhere- i am sure that fob fans know where to find it.
chris if you want to talk the phone line is there.
i wrote this pretty fast so i apologize for the typos and run-ons.
until then, thank you to everyone who reserves judgment and has my back until the end of time. - petey
(idk why that bit formatted weird sorry)
so chris replies again on a different journal i think?
heterolifemates. i wont lie. i hate being this dude. i wish it wouldnt have come to this but goddamn, hes right. no one knows how to break a heart like he does.
which comes across as weirdly gay but shrug. and around now is peengate. chris denies doing it but the timing lines up Really nicely. and like. i don't know getting publicly humiliated by a band that's BLOWING UP? when you weren't even in the wrong? also i'm fairly sure that pete sending chris nudes was like,,, a thing since i think he offered them for help fixing his printer once?! yeah idk
and nowww mikeyway gets involved! hoping you've got like background knowledge on petekey and what went on summer 2005 if not,, i mean you could ask me too o.o FDSHJFDS sorry if i get tinhatty around here too
chris said he "went to california and fell for a boy who had a girlfriend" and then literally RIGHT AFTER. posted these
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and then pete does this
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so pete and chris weren't friends but they were still friends with each other's friends and i'm fairly sure they're like,, on good terms again but definitely not best friends or anything
in 2013 chris said "But I still do have a crush on Mikey."
this year. 2022. chokes and dies.
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do you know how normal i have to be about these images anon.
also earlier this year or maybe last year? idk but chris commented on one of mikey's posts i think getting mad he never came to the catcade (chris's cat cafe!) when he went to chicago (fic potential just sayin)
um the end probably for now :thumbsup: i left some bits out but ! ehhgjgndnj
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tommytranselo · 2 years
im so sorry to bother you with this but i just. cannot get behind the thought process that Sam 100% willingly betrayed Paulie and Tommy for Salieri like the game tried to make it out to be.
like theres no way Sam didnt contemplate and weigh his options and only chose Salieri bc he saw a side of him he had never seen before. he saw an outburst Salieri had when talking about Tommy/Paulie and didnt want to be on the receiving end of it. and of course this ties into him killing Paulie/trying to kill Tommy.
if he didnt kill them, Salieri would have had something worse in store for Sam. if he did kill them then. thats literally that but youve lost your best friends and the people youve had a heart for. your brothers, as Tommy put it.
Sam killing Paulie but being killed by Tommy is so bittersweet but i feel like that was the best for many reasons. Tommy practically avenging Paulie was built on nothing but pure emotion. Tommy actually talking to a wounded Sam, Sam trying to give Tommy a way out by saying he can leave. Felt like Tommy vonsidered it for a second and was gonna spare Sam and just leave him there, but hearing Sam reminiscing on the good times they had and brought up Paulie, Tommy remembered why this went down like it did and killed him.
either way Sam new he wanted to die and had Tommy do it bc he was literally backed into a corner at that point. and im sure he preffered Tommy to do it than Salier.
im so sorry if my thoughts arent clear but i just have a LOT of feelimgs abt Sam betraying Tommy/Paulie for Salieri. like i get that Sam is practically playdoh when it comes to manipulation but aint no way you thought Salieri ACTUALLY cared about you more than Tommy and Paulie, hell he didnt care about you at ALL.
Sam knew what he was doing and he hated he had to take Paulie’s life for it to work out
you’re not bothering me at all!  i love hearing other people’s thoughts/analyses
i definitely agree that sam only did it to save his own ass, and he clearly feels guilty as hell about it too.  he tries to distance himself from paulie’s death (“no, paulie got himself killed”), blames tommy for making him choose “again” (when the hell was the first time?) between his loyalties, and throws out all these wild accusations about how tommy would do the same in his position even though the proof otherwise is literally right in front of him.  half the shit he says in the art gallery makes no sense–he’s just talking out of his ass to keep the crushing guilt at bay (i have a looong post about the last chapter alone, somewhere).  he even says pretty clearly that it’s a position he was forced into, not one he wants.
hell, he even says he won’t tell salieri about paulie’s plan (even if he actually robs the bank) when it first comes up.  additionally, paulie claims they’ll cut the don in afterwards and they’ll be safe if they pay him off, to which sam (after tommy says “i don’t know...”) very tellingly replies: “yeah, i fucking know. you do what you want, i won’t say nothin’. i owe you that much. but salieri, he founds out you’re goin’ behind his back, you’ll be planted in the ground right next to morello. you ask me, there ain’t no haul worth that.”  he sounds genuinely frightened when he says it.  he also sounds stressed when he says “salieri is the goddamn difference, you nitwit!” when it’s first brought up, and when they unload the goods, he’s first afraid of salieri being pissed if any cigars are ruined, then sounds strangely resigned to the real score being drugs (whereas paulie and tommy are pissed at the lie, sam is upset but not very surprised), then frantically warns them not to say anything about finding it because “if he wanted us to know, he would’ve told us.”  he sounds scared as shit. sam knows something they don’t.  it’s obvious from the beginning of the chapter that salieri has been deliberately isolating sam from the other two, and it’s obvious long before that he’s a manipulative piece of shit–and you’re right, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about sam.  tommy was the golden boy (remember his crack about tommy getting a break from “paulie and his cockamie schemes” in the chapter bon apetit? trying to pry them apart) until it started becoming clear he was potentially getting tired of the life, so he picks sam as his new bright star purely because he’s easy to manipulate.  he briefs him about the alleged cigars before the other two, and then instructs sam specifically to give him a ride back to the bar (without inviting tommy & paulie, it’s sam who does that; i assume this is when he was told about the dope).  it’s a deeply fucked up relationship, and sam clearly has reason to be so obviously terrified of him.  i agree with you that he witnessed an outburst over the bank job, but there was something going on before that.  he’s scared and feels trapped and is terrified of anything rocking the boat.  he sees no other options.
i think he puts a lot of faith in salieri, and not in a good way.  sam views him, almost, as all-powerful; he’s a force of nature, absolutely fatal to cross (given that he does eventually get tommy, it’s fair to say he has reason to be afraid).  i know a lot of people headcanon that sam had a bad childhood and i’m inclined to agree.  in any case he’s clearly traumatized by his work and struggles to open up to people, and his loyalty seems based on a fear of being left behind.  the salieri family is all he has.  when tommy tells him “you’re not loyal, you’re just scared,” he doesn’t even deny it.  and hell, he was the one who at the beginning urged tommy to come back if he needed work and seemed to genuinely like him too...except then tommy turns out to be much better equipped to be the kind of friend paulie needs, he starts to feel left out, and salieri takes advantage of that to isolate him even further and make him dependent on him.  his prospects are grim.
in the end i don’t think he did tell salieri about the bank.  i think the getaway car in his club was found, and he was accused of involvement and ordered to kill them as atonement and as a test of loyalty.  if he’d had more time/hadn’t been suspected, i genuinely think he might’ve warned them to skip town or at least contemplated it–he seems like he’s afraid for their safety too–but he doesn’t get that chance, so he panics and says yes.  when tommy hesitates, sam (who was bracing for the shot with his eyes closed seconds before) goads him into pulling the trigger, because even if he doesn’t bleed out in the middle of the gallery, what salieri will do as a punishment for failure will be much worse.  hell, he had no real guarantee salieri would keep him alive even if he succeeded.
sam never stood a chance.
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bakugoulvr420 · 4 years
sleeping over at bakugou’s place and vice versa
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this is so creative! thank u for the request
[ sleeping over at his house ]
you better get comfortable because mitsuki will treat you like her own child
she’ll make sure that youre doing alright and check up on you two every few hours
“let me know if you want anything!”
bakugou on the other hand wont be too happy about all that unnecessary attention
if youre looking awkward/nervous, he’ll straight up tell you to relax
“what are you doing with that moronic expression on your face? come here already damn it!”
there isnt much to do at his house. you two could play some video games, watch something or just lie around
if youve been over to his house lots of times, theyd probably give you the guests room and even put a bed in it
his family treats you like youre also related by blood with them
if youre bakugou’s s/o, he’ll sneak you into his room once everybody is sleeping
“you wanna sleep alone?”
“then what are you waiting for?”
be quiet or else mitsuki will catch you (she already knows that you guys sleep together tho)
bakugou doesnt care if his mom knows that you sleep with him, he only agreed to being discreet about it because you weren’t too comfortable yet about her knowing this because who knows if she’d be quick to judge
“bakugou! shut up before your mom finds me here!”
“do you think that i give two shits about that old woman!?”
[ bakugou sleeping over at your house ]
he is super respectful about everything so he wont go around entering random rooms without permission
you literally have to explicitly give him permission to do something or else he wont even sit down
if your guardian cooks dinner and it suits his palate, he will ask them for the recipe
if he is offered another plate, he will accept instead of being like “no! its ok im already full” because he thinks its disrespectful to reject something thats already being offered to him, and also because he wants your guardian to see how great he is at everything
he’d be fine with sleeping on the floor but you wont let him
he’s so awkward once you two are lying down on your bed
he’ll stiffen up so hard to make sure that you have enough space
bonus: bakugou eating food at your house
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tastyykpop · 4 years
nct dating headcannons!
I only did 127 because there's so many but ill do the others if anyone requests it :)
ɴᴄᴛ ʙғ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ
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Mr. Moon Taeil is the definition of a cuddly boyfriend
Hes always holding your hand or kissing your cheek
Definitely gets shy when the members are around but in public youre all his
Hes super sincere about anything too but also knows how to joke around
I mean have you seen him with nct
Hes funny❗❗
Like he's gonna make you laugh no matter what
And those deep convos yall would have at night while cuddling>>>
"What if we were put on earth by aliens as an experiment to see if we would live and everytime we see ufos its just our cousins checking up on us"
Eyes wide open, "bro"
Taeils either the big or small spoon too
There's no in between
Also the biggest baby when yall are chilling
"I call small spoon!"
"But you were the small spoon last night"
"K and what about it"
10/10 would complain if you didn't want to sit with him and watch a movie or show
Would probably guilt trip you by saying you never watch something with him
Hes a sweet manipulator...
But he could easily replace you with one of the members
Like sicheng
Taeil will always ask if you've eaten
If you haven't eaten he gets big sad
Don't make him sad
Plus hes always checking on your health
And he'll know if your lying if you say you're doing fine when you're not
Also don't lie in general cuz he doesn't like that
That would make him trust you a bit less and he definitely wants trust in the relationship
Trust is a huge key or hes out
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This man 🥲
Boyfriend Material™
So gentle and loving
Loves making you feel special and will hype the shit out of you when you don't feel confident doing something
Will always make sure you're doing okay
Johnny puts in so much effort to make this relationship work and expects you to put the same amount of effort into it too
Like taeil, hes really big on trust
Add honesty to that list
Plus he expects you to be mature when needed
If you're the type of person who depends on someone else for everything and I'm mean everything he will actually leave
Hes not your babysitter❤
But he will take care of you to some extent
Like basic things for instance
He'll make you food if you're sick, get you water if your dehydrated, will get your feminine products when you need it
Very sweet😌
Okay and he spoils you but wbk
"Why are you getting me so much things?"
"Because I love you."
"But why did you get me a kitten costume???"
He has some kinks to work out 😐
Johnny will go to shop after shop even if you say you don't want something (you do but you just don't want him to pay) he'll get it without batting an eye
"Youve been staring at these shoes for 5 minutes imma buy them for you"
"Huh? No! I-"
"Too late"
will take you out to dinner all the time just to be romantic
Hes actually really good at romantic stuff
I say Johnny you say whipped
His free time is always you time
So don't bother saying your busy cuz now hes busy with you
"Johnny i got a test coming up can you come later? I need to study
"Thats cute im coming over to help"
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Judging taeyong on his looks, some say he would be cold to his girlfriend
Like a tsundere
But the man is quite the opposite
Though he can be stern if need be
He has 22 children what do you expect
Will literally treat you like his members and always taking care of you
But there will be times when you have to take care of him because hes so tired from work
He turns into a baby when he's tired or lazy too
So wrap him in a burrito blanket and hes all set for the day
Makes weird noises but thats normal
You're just watching tv and hes just making some old video game sounds with his mouth
No one questions it
If he didnt make sounds you'd probably question it
Talks in pout if he doesn't get his way with you
"Why don't you wanna play games with me~"
"Bruh I'm tired"
Or just gives you those big puppy eyes without even trying
Complete other person when you're not listening
He just kinda stares at you all intimidating like until you listen
Taeyong won't do anything too bad if you kept ignoring him, but you don't know that
Omg bro he'd literally bring you on vlive with him to chat
Even if the company is like '???Shes not an idol???'
But its taeyong so SM doesn't care🧍‍♂️
"We have special guest again! Its y/n-ah!!"
You'd be just chilling on his bed giving him a wtf look until you realize there's a camera and smile
"Shes cute. Isn't she cute guys?"
Don't try to escape the vlive, he'll just get up and sit you on his lap
Makes everyone watching jelly🥲
Bro he would make fun of you the same way he makes fun of doyoung
you'd be sitting with doyoung or sumn and taeyong just comes up to the both of you and decides
'Its time to end these two'
You and doyoung are just like 'tf did we do'
Somehow some other members are making fun of yall
Of course they aren't mean
Its all fun and games and gives you a good laugh after
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Hes literally a mom
But its ok
You love it
He also nags a lot
And if you don't listen he gets mad
You wouldn't tell him this but you find it funny
And cute🤐
"Youre almost as bad as dream" 
"what are u talking about im an angel"
"Kay then put the knife down we kinda need haechan to live"
Hes beaten you with a pillow once
In front of taeyong
Taeyong was watching like 👁👄👁
I dont think he cares much for pda tbh
But he doesn't hate it
He'll hug you a lot
And doyoung will probably kiss you here and there
But thats depending on his mood
If he's tired he'd probably just hold you in his arms
Either way he still makes you smile even with the smallest of touches
When you guys go out in public doyoung always holds your hand
I mean always
Remember when I said he doesn't seem like the type to be into pda
I lied
Doyoung wants everyone to know youre his
He won't kiss you but he will pull you into random hugs and hold your hand like he's gonna lose you any second
Doyoung also can't go anywhere without dressing his best
Like even if he's just practicing he's gotta look cute
And he always does because he's fucking kim doyoung
Doyoung also has a habit to make up names for you
Like one day he'll call you babe/baby
The next day could be angel or princess
Then there's you who just calls him bunny because he hates (loves) it
Expect some random gifts from him
Cuz like Johnny, he likes to spoil you
he just loves the smile thats plastered on your face
Pinches your cheeks evey time you smile too
When you guys are just chilling in the dorms you are always doing something to make doyoung get "angry"
"Angry" doyoung is a fun doyoung
Says you and taeyong 🤭
Literally will chase you around the dorm until he gets you and "scolds you"
Hell also scold taeyong
Sometimes you prank him with the other members
But doyoung knows youre just being playful
So he kinda laughs at you
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Hes a devil
He can go from calling you the cutest lil thang to saying the most inappropriate stuff
"U have such a pretty mouth" 
"no stop" 
"how about u use it on my-"
Besides that he's actually very nice
Although he doesn't really show his affection like how most couples would
At first hes kinda like a "cold boyfriend" but not?
Gives off a tsundere kinda vibe
He lives for pda
Especially if you initiate it
His favorite is kissing your neck
Not in a sexual way or trying to give you hickeys tho
He just comes over and kisses it
Probably has a neck kink 😳
Same 😌
When you guys are out in public his arm is always around your waist or shoulders
He gets easily jealous when you give anyone any attention
Especially if you have a pet
He will be pouty for God knows how long until you notice
"I'll make it up to you"
"ok then prove it *pats his lap*"
"...I can and will replace you with this animal"
Will not let a dude flirt with you
If he sees a dude flirt with you he just gives them ㄒ卄乇 ㄥㄖㄖҜ
Lowkey hot
But sometimes gives you that look if u aren't listening to him
Its an advantage
Freaks you out tho
When your sitting on the couch minding your own damn business yuta always pulls you onto his lap or sits you between his legs
He really likes to be close to you
So when you guys are sitting he keeps his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you gently rocking you both
Omg im making myself feel single
If you are sad yuta will always be the first person you lean on
Even if its not serious
"Who do I need to fuck up?"
"Im literally just on my period..."
The members sometimes tease him because they'd never seen him so in love
He looks at you like ur his everything
Because you are
He'll tell you that too
If you say something bad about urself he gives you a whole ass lecture about how u should love yourself the way he loves you
He'd be talking for 25 minutes but you stopped listening 30 minutes ago
Literally scolds you for not listening
Loves how well you get along with the members
But also hates how well you get along with specific members because of how similar you are with them
What I'm trying to say is that you are a bit too similar to mark🚶‍♂️
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Frat boy boyfriend
Lowkey wants to fuck everyday
Idk he gives off that vibe
But jaehyuns just chill half the time
Hes like an American boyfriend like bitch you're Korean 👁👄👁
Hes super cuddly and warm
Thats weird wait
Like when you're cold just snuggle into him because body heat <3
Always loosely has his arms around your waist when just laying down
Whole different story if you're sitting on his lap and just standing around
Back hugs😫😫
Dead ass the first thing he does if he sees you is give you a back hug
It works for a lot of things
Surprise? Back hug
You're cooking? Back hug
Horny? Back hug
Solves his life problems basically
Hes a freak omg
Very flirtatious too
Hes just that bitch
Either he makes you blush or roll your eyes
"Y/n you're ass is fat"
Def an ass guy😑
Hes the type of guy to put his hands in your jeans back pocket
Wait no im feeling jaehyun too much rn
Or when yall hug his hand doesn't rest on your back but your ass
If you're wearing some shorts or something that makes your but pop
Hes gonna smack it and pretend like nothing happened
Yo someone pls save me im in my jae feels
Nah I've been talking about his ass kink for too long
Okay for real though jaes actually really nice and kind of careless when it comes to you
Fuck everyone else, if you've fallen and scraped your knee hes gonna be that soccer mom and rip a band aid out of nowhere
But if one of his members scraped their knee he'd just look the other way and smile like nothing happened
Earlier I said he was chill but hes also loud too
You walk into the dorms and the first thing you hear is "Y/N!!" Wyd?
You swear he doesn't realize how loud he is half the time because of that deep voice
This bitch always makes sure youre healthy and tries to take you to the gym with him
It dont work cuz this bitch just stares at your ass
Nah I need to do the next member
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hes literally the cutest especially around you
When he greets you its basically a whole ass bear hug
Whole lots a kissing
Literally doesn't care where you guys are
He will kiss you anywhere
Loves to kiss your forehead because he doesn't have to bend down as much🤭
doesnt care if the members are there
Nobody ever questions it either
"youre my baby right?"
He does aegyo if he doesn't get his way
It works every time don't lie
Will probably sit on your lap for some reason
Hes not light
But if you can do it so can he
you guys never get into fights
Even if you do its never anything serious
"you fucking pushed me so u could win"
"false I accidentally bumped my arm into urs"
"whats accidental is the murder im going to commit"
Smh young love
Going shopping with jungwoo is like shopping with a kid
Will beg for any food he lays his eyes on
"Omg can we get cookies?🥺"
"only if your paying"
“*gently places cookie dough back* lmao cookies? Never heard of her"
No matter how tired the boy is he will always find time for you
Hell take you too your favorite restaurants and even if you insist on paying he wont let you
If you don't marry him I will
When you guys are walking in public he will always be holding your hand
Says its because he doesn't want you to get lost
But you know damn well its actually him who doesn't want to get lost😳
Jk you just know he wants to be close to you
If you make any suggestive joke he always knows how to counterpart it
Leaving you speechless like the members
When you guys are going to bed he has his arms wrapped around your waist
first thing jungwoo does before sleeping is giving you a kiss
Doesn't care if your asleep or awake
Then a quiet 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢
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i dont even know how to explain this relationship bruh
like its mark lee its gonna be a weird time
ok so marks actually hella nice
kinda bro or dude zones you but you do it back
theres a bunch of yo’s too
as someone who says yo a lot im happy i can relate to him
“yo youre doing that wrong though”
“dude im literally reading the directions, it said 3 cups of water”
“bro it says 3/4 oh my god”
yall cant cook 
taeyong wont even allow even you to help him cook
anyway marks special
but seriously marks actually a very gentle person with you
like legit is super nice to you even if you sometimes piss him off
marks probablys only been mad at you once then was like ‘its okay’
go to his practices cuz he loves that shit
he really likes when you are social with the members too
cuz then you guys are all friends and he can just bring you to places with them :D
this kid will literally not to pda in front of any member so you have to basically force him to just hug you
johnnys always making fun of you two and mark panics everytime while youre just like ‘yeah what about it’
compliment mark and hes blushing and squealing like an anime girl
inch resting concept 
“mark you look cute today”
“o-oh um..yeah thanks”
and this man can take compliments but with you its a whole new story
aight lemme get serious
marks mad sensitive 
so dont actually purposely make him mad, jealous, or upset
it would crush him
and he doesnt want someone like that in a relationship
cuz if he doesnt purposely do it to you, dont do it to him
take notes 
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hes a brat bye
would actually fight you just to get his way
makes fun of you on a regular
thinks hes cute 
hes not wrong
but actually he knows how to act mature when he needs to
like if youre genuinly getting upset with him, he will straighten up and quicky apologize, even give you a phat kiss and hug
might take you to get ice cream after if he really upset you
he can be nice
nah jk hes very nice and is a really energetic boyfriend
haechan always wants to do something with you liek go to the amusement park, go out to eat, or go shopping
sometimes makes everything seem like a hassle to leave and go somewhere with you cuz hes either lazy or playing video games
“cant you just go by yourself?”
“but what if i get lost”
“the ice cream place is literally five miles away”
“actually its seven so im gonna get lost”
hed groan the whole time just to be annoying but you dont care cuz you got your ice cream
if you go to any concert or practice, haechan always has to make things more sexy than they should be
like ‘fool’ became hella sexual and for what
its probably one of his favorites to make you blush
he loves your reactions
keeps him alive
hyucks always got something to say even at the most awful times
youre literally choking on water and he goes “ill give you something to choke on later”
and you have to cancel your dying session to smack his head
my guy has no filter
and he wont even hide that around the members
theres always that smirk on his cute ass face if he succeeds too
i have the sudden urge to fight him
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zu-zup · 4 years
You know what im tired of ice cold haida takes appearing in the aggretsuko s3 tag so my thots episode 10 are as follows:
1. We really dont know how long its been since the INCIDENT, but i think for retsuko to be at risk of losing her damn job i think shed have to take quite the leave. And think about it, it makes sense that shed spend days if not months, holed up in her parents house with her overbearing mother and completely isolating herself from her friends for them to try to get her out with teeth and nails. Its not like them to be insensitive of the trauma she went through and drag her straight back to work after AN ATTEMPTED MURDER HOLY SHIT
2. Is haida an idiot if hes clinging on to the hope of them being together even after being rejected? Yes! Retsuko says it herself basically! But this isnt what the karaoke scene was really about in my opinion. Retsuko has pushed away her work friends away for long enough, treating them like acquaintances and bottling up her secrets for years and she genuinely doesnt seem to realize how much both fenneko and haida care for her. She rejects haida especially because of his romantic interest but really she rejected his friendship just as well. And haida is fed up, the feelings he talks about - its his care for retsuko above all else. Despite what retsuko thinks, hes not trying to be her knight in shining armor. Hes just trying to help a friend in need - in a rash, spontaneous, maybe stupid kinda way, but its his way.
3. If not for that matchmaking result hed never have worked up the courage to see retsuko at all. It gave him hope that maybe if he cant be retsukos boyfriend, he can at least still care for her, and if those results are anything to go off on - that the two of them could get slong as really good friends. Not just acquaintances or coworkers - it gave him hope that he can actually do something for her instead of passively watching her suffer from the sidelines as she lies to his face that everything is fine. That was his breaking point! And really when retsuko tells haida not to impose his feelings on her and mind his business (which is a totally reasonable thing for her to say) i can see why he gets so agitated. Just because youve been rejected doesnt mean you stop caring about said person, when theyre suffering, it pains you to know theres nothing you can do. It pains you for your help to be rejected the same way. This isnt some twisted way haida's trying to get retsuko to like him, his intentions lie in helping her get back on her feet with the support of a friend (i.e. himself). True, the whole ordeal mightve not looked the best onscreen, (with how suddenly haida acted) but i really think this was the intention behind it.
3. Retsuko can be too passive for her own good, and if she wasnt gloated to stand her ground, scream out her emotions, and face her fears again, shed have never gotten out of her funk. Despite haidas strange methods, it turned out to be exactly what she needed yall. That much can be certain! I doubt the two of them are together now, but i think this episode was crucial in retsukos journey of opening up to people and not being scared of asking people for help. And in a similar way, a step to trusting haida.
Haida talks a lot of how he doesnt really know retsuko all that well - but he surely knows her better than she does him. Maybe this is the moment where retsuko finally realizes that shes been misunderstanding his good intentions all this time and makes an effort to get to know him, and fenneko just as well, which doesnt have to be romantic anyway.
Haida made the right choice bringing retsuko to the karaoke bar and helping her not lose her job, suck my dick
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minminnie-shii · 3 years
Giving SF9 Cuddles
Hai hai!! I know i’ve been gone for a while
lets just act like that never happened
Buttt, I’m back and recently I’ve been watching the new series of Kingdom and I am so hype to see my babies sf9 
currently sobbing
also my mom was very upset when they came in last place
anyways they’re all working so hard and I’m so proud of them so I decided to write this for all the Fantasy and new Fantasy who are getting into my babies.
so here is sf9 wanting cuddles, enjoy
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~Kim Youngbin~
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this man
i love him so much i might cry
moving on
being a father of eight children is hard work
but my best baby does everything he can and is the best leader he can be for those boys
being a little is hard work and he needs to be taken care of as much as they do
insert the love of his life
thats you
youre good at telling when hes stressed and do everything you can to help him
so when he looks at you with doe eyes asking for cuddles you don’t hesitate to say yes
so now your laying on your bed youngbins head on your chest
youre running your hand through his hair softly and humming to him
he lets out a peaceful sigh and lifts hiss head looking up at you
“i love you so much” 
he looks so sleepy and you couldn’t stop yourself from cooing at him
he eventually falls asleep and you just lay there quietly admiring him
he’s the love of your life and you’ll never understand how you got so lucky to have someone like him in your life
~Kim Inseong~
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this man
he will ask for cuddles in the most dramatic way
you’re at the dorm visiting him before he starts filming for his new show
you know that you wont be able to see him for a while and youre a little sad
inseong of course knows this
so he wants to make today extra special
he surprised you with flowers and your favorite snacks 
he even bought you a penguin plushie that was almost the size of you
so now youre sitting on the couch waiting for him to come back so you could start the movie you wanted to watch
inseong was watching you from the kitchen
you were playing with the sleeves of his sweater that you were wearing staring blankly at the screen in front of you
he smiled softly to himself before skipping into the livingroom
“____, dont look so sad, cuddle me instead!”
his loud voice nearly made you jump out of your skin
he plopped onto the couch next to you and wrapped his arms tightly around you
he pulled you into his chest and slowly rocked you back and forth
a smile came to your face as you rested your head on his chest
“it wont be long, i promise ill call you everyday, okay?” 
he assured you that he’ll come see you as soon as filming was over
you knew that he would and you were more than willing to wait for him
because you love him and there was nothing that would ever change your mind
even if he is a major dork that makes you cringe more often than not
~Lee Jaeyoon~
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bias wrecker number 1
did you guys see how hard he practiced for the jealous stage on kingdom
i might cry
i hope he got enough time to rest after hurting his knee
you were at your apartment when youngbin called you letting you know that jaeyoon was on his way to the hospital
of course you were worried but he assured you that he was okay he just hurt his knee
of course you told him that you would meet him there and quickly got dressed
once you finally reached the hospital your boyfriend was staying at you found youngbin who was waiting for your outside
“is he okay? hes not too hurt is he?” 
“he’ll be okay, he just has to rest for a while, i told him you were coming”
as quickly as he could he led you into the room where jaeyoon was lying restlessly
when he heard the door open his head shot over to you and he smiled sadly
you quickly composed yourself and smiled, walking over to him
you sat in the chair next to him and the two of you talked for a while
he told you about coming in last place, feeling like he didn’t work hard enough
it hurt you to see him like that and you did everything you could to reassure him that you were proud of him and he did the best that he could
he began to grow sleepy while talking to you and you could tell
“can you spend the night here with me?” 
you almost squealed out loud as he sleepy state but you just nodded and agreed
he scooted as far as he could to the side of the bed to make room for you
you laid down next to him and he immediately wrapped his body around yours hugging you as closely as he could
he easily fell asleep to you petting his hair and whispering sweet nothings to him
i squealed
~Lee Sanghyuk~
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hes so adorable i cant handle it
he also may be my moms favorite she doesnt know yet
although he is a dork he is very serious when it comes to his relationship with you
you are the light of his life and he will treat you as such
but youre still not safe from his pranks and constant jokes
he came to your apartment in his next attempt to bug you 
but when he noticed that you weren’t your normal bubbly self he placed himself next to you on the couch
you immediately reacted and rested your body against his
he leaned back into the cushions and pulled you into his lap
he would occasionally kiss your forehead letting out small hums
he would listen intensely as you tell him about you day
you explained why you were sad and he acted as if it happened to him
giving you advice on how to deal with the situation
it was rare for you to see him so serious but you loved that he was willing to help you with whatever problem that you had
even if it was something small a small trivial matter that didnt have any meaning
once he was sure that you were okay and they two of you would joke around
being the little shit that he is he would pin you down on the couch and began to tickle you
“yah, knock it off!” 
you tried your best to push him off of you
but our man is swole and was not letting you off that easy
once he finally decides youve had enough flops down and lays on top of you
“youre lucky youre cute”
you couldn’t stop the growing smile on your face as the two of you continued to joke around
~Baek Ju Ho~
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bias wrecker number 2
hes so precious and i cant handle the cuteness
excuse me ill calm myself
the boy
whether he admits it or not
he will drop anything and run the minute you call his name
and if youre sad or if you pout
lord you better believe hes right there plotting the death of whoever made you sad
one day you and zuho are out walking around doing couple things
you know, being adorable
when all of a sudden you see a group of girls pointing and laughing
you werent sure what they found funny but you began to grow self concious
it didnt even have to be you that they were laughing at, but your mind got the best of you
zuho noticed the sudden change in behavior and immediately took your hand
he pulled you into a hug and rocked you back and forth slightly
he caressed the back of your head and whispered to you about how much he loves you and how beautiful you are
you looked up at him and smiled softly 
he chuckled to himself before placing a soft kiss to your lips
he continued to press light kisses all over your face as he hugged you tighter
you giggled and hid your face in his chest
the people that surrounded you couldn’t help but smile as they watched the two of you
even the girls who you thought were laughing at you they had large smiles on their faces as they all talked about wishing to have a boyfriend like him
~Kim Seok Woo~
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i swear i feel like he would be the best boyfriend ever
i know im not the only one who sees it
he won’t be able to live if he doesnt touch you at least once every ten minutes
ten seconds
he loves your touches 
lets be honest he loves everything about you
i am not kidding
after a stressful day of filming schedules and whatever other plans he has
his favorite thing is to come home and have you waiting for him
there were a lit of times where you would fall asleep waiting for him
he knew that it was late and you wouldnt be awake so he didnt bother to call you
he walked into his dorm tired from the long day that he had
after getting a bottle of water he walked into his room and a large smile came to his face
you were lying on his bed bundled up in his blankets sleeping peacefully
he got ready for bed as fast as he could wanted to lie next to you as fast as he could
once he was ready he carefully and quietly lifted up the blanket covering up your body
he laid down next to you and slipped one arm underneath your body
he slowly rolled you over so your body was lying on top of his
once the two of you were cozy he covered your body back up with the blanket
letting out a peaceful sigh he relaxed his body against yours closing his eyes and letting your quiet breathing quickly lulling him to sleep
you woke up a little later noticing that you werent lying in the same position you fell asleep in
your eyes fluttered open and a smile came to your face as you stared at your sleeping boyfriend
you placed a small kiss on his nose before settling back down and once again falling into your slumber
~Yoo Taeyang~
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i love him so much
literally no words can explain it
his favorite thing to do outside of his idol life
so when he FINALLY gets a day off
guess what hes doing
hanging out with the love of his life of course
he spent the night at your apartment the day before and now the two of you are lying in bed 
youre both lying on your sides just staring at each other with cute smiles on your faces
the aura around the two of you is peaceful, quiet, and intimate
to anyone looking in you could see the love pouring off of the two of you just by looking
you lifted your hand and brought it closer to taeyangs face, trailing your fingers up his jaw
you brought your hand up to his hairline and gently caressed his hair
“i love you”
a red hue came to taeyangs cheeks as he buried his face in your neck
“yah, you cant say stuff like that out of no where”
you giggle as his breath tickled your neck
you draped your arms loosely around his neck as he shifted to hover above you
“but its true”
“i love you” 
he buried his face in your neck again and attacked you with kisses
you squealed loudly and the two of you spent the rest of your day just like this
and neither of you would have it any other way
~Kim Youngkyun~
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this dood
seriously please help him
no one really knows how the two of you got together
youre both so awkward that people dont understand your relationship
but lets be honest the two of you are perfect for each other
hwiyoung is a sensitive lil gentleman and he totally understands you
buttt sometimes it doesnt come out how he wants it to
you know, him being awkward and all
he does love your affection but he just has a hard time showing it
so a lot of the time youre the one that has to initiate it
“youngie come here”
his head shot over to look at you the minute that he heard you whine
he stood on his feet and walked over to his bed where you were sitting
“are you okay? whats wrong?” 
you just smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him onto the bed
he let out an exclaim of surprise as he landed with an oof on the bed
you acted quickly and wrapped your arms around his waist
you laid half of your body on top of his and stared down at him
his face was red as he stared up at you
“i hate it when you do that”
you laughed again as you rested your chin on his chest
“you love it and you know it”
he just rolled his eyes and the two of you continued to talk to each other while lying like that
hwiyoung locked his hands around your waist while you talked about your idea of getting a new puppy
“will you name it after me?” 
you gushed at his pout and squished his cheeks together
“youre too cute”
you loved how adorable he was and you hoped that he stayed this adorable forever
~Kang Chanhee~
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fluffy fluff boy
deserves all the love in the world
supes awk
but tries to act confident around you because well
the boys make fun of him about you
our lil actor boy will be super chill about it as long as youre in the room
but the minute you leave
will whine and complain to his members
so one day when you randomly walked into the dorm and they were all there
you didnt hesitate to walk over to chani on the couch and plop down next to him 
you wrapped one arm around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder
you let out a small sigh and relaxed yourself into his body
the boys didnt say anything but they all had smiles on their faces as the two of you were in your own little world
chani slipped his hand into yours as the two of you continued to talk about your days
“when are you going to teach me your new routine?”
chani laughed and kissed the top of your head
“whenever youre ready”
he smiled when you let out a little yawn
“come on, lets go to bed”
you sat up and stood on your feet following him into his room
you plopped onto his bed and he laid down next to you
“will you sing for me?” 
he let out a tiny giggle before nodding
once the two of you were comfortable he began to sing quietly until your head lulled to the side 
once he knew you were sleeping he hugged you closer loving the fact that you were so close to him
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Tom Holland x black reader getting caught fucking in his childhood bed and his parents making reader and Tom talk about it in a family meeting 💀💀
Summary: que?
Warnings: smut and an awkward situation. Cringy smut of course, yelling ar new borns- LaNgUaGe
T.H| I’m Sorry You Said What?
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You and tom rode in the car, bumping to something random on the radio as you both made your way back to his old home. Youve been there before but it was nice to come back after a while.
“Y/n?” “What?” You asked looking at him. “I love you” “ewwwww” you stuck out your tongue, he rolled his eyes and smacked his lips while you giggled.
“Im sorryyyyyy” “no your rude” tom shook his head unbuckling himself. “It was a simple joke! Its not my fault you couldnt take it!” He glared at you “you suck” “you swallow” “you choke” “i- i do” you admit making him laugh “ i wont lie” you shrugged and hopped out the car, closing the door behind you.
You both walked to the door and he held on your waist pressing a kiss to your forehead. He knocked and was met immediately with his father with a bib on. “Whats the bib for?” “Im trying to online teach kids how to eat neatly” “they must be newborns for that-“ you bud in.
“Exactly- its to mad in there” “they dont even know theyre moving how do you expect them to know how to raise a fork” nikki asked making you all laugh as dom shrugged but opened the door more inviting you both in. Tom stepped in after you both and you shared hugs before he pulled you into his room. “Thomas is this your room?” “Yes” “why is there a one direction poster?” “I love Niall Horan” he shrugged and shut the door.
Your eyebrows furrowed at him in confusion “I would take you as more of a zayn fan” “well there goes something new, and I know about your obsession with Harry styles already, do NOT rub it in” he demanded making you giggle, you took off your shoes and laid in his bed, which was comfy, not firm like yours used to be, but as long as you had a roof over your head everything was goddamn fine🙄.
Thomas decided to lay down next to you and you still looked around “I’m supprised you don’t have twilight in here” you giggled “shut up” he chuckled and laid his head in your breast, you played with his hair and tugged it a bit making him let out a small groan “Thomas don’t-“ “you tugged my hair!” “This is your childhood room for heaven sakes” “let’s make more memories then!” He suggested. “You get on my nerves’ you smacked your lips as he reached up to kiss your neck and slowly make his way to your sweet spot. “I want youuuu” he sung.
“But I dontttt” “yes you doooo” “okay maybeeee” “I’m gonna take off your clothessss” “go aheadddd”you moaned a little bit from his nibble on your sweet spot as he trailed his hands down your stomach giving you goosebumps. Your turned your head to meet his lips, “did I ever tell you how amazing you look today?” “No”
“Well-“ he cut himself off, you just love to ruin the mood all the time. “Ay don’t blame me if anything you did because were in your childhood bed right now” “I’m gonna fuck you and that’ll make you be quiet, won’t it?” You just sighed at his words, but letting the blood flow south.
“Actually it won’t, I’d make you scream and let everyone hear- (this is your family for heaven sakes😭)” he mumbled, playing with the hem of your underwear and you let out a low moan. “Yeah i know youd like that, naughty girl (😭😭 i cant)”
He gently rubbed your pearl over your paintes while you unbuckled his pants, palming him through his jeans feeling his hard. He let out a groan and pressed harder on your clit making you whine and buck your hips onto his hands.
Tom groaned by the buzzkill of his father, but let out laughs in your neck. “Just make it quick tom” you whispered against his forehead kissing it, he nodded and got up, walking to the door and you stood to, taking off your pants while he made sure it was locked, when he looked back he saw you struggling and tripping over your shoes making him chucke before walking over and making yiu stand straight, right before pinning you to the wall.
He took your hands and yanked them over your head making you clench your legs together. “Open up” he demaned softly, putting his knee in between your legs and opening them before looking at you. “Your so beautiful baby girl” he kissed you, biting your lip. “Dont move your hands? Hear me?”
“But it will start to hurt” you pleaded but he only tsked at you and told you to follow his orders before pulling down his pants and boxers a bit to pull himself out, you both still had clothes on, well you didnt have your jeans on (which is so fuckin unfair) and your shoes but he kept his on.
He took his hands and pressed his chest against your to keep you in place before he lifted your legs around his hips and used a single hand to pull your panties to the side. He spit in the tip of his fingers before runnjng them through your folds “oh- your already soaked” he said before coning cocky “i didnt even do anything yet” “please fuck me already” you begged and he smiled, watching as he slipped himself in, a moan leaving both of your lips.
He started to fill himself in you while you struggled to keep your hands in place. He groaned pumping in you, fucking you against the wall, he hooked his hands under your knees and pushed them closer to the walls to open you up. “Fuck tommy” you gasped, your head leaning back against the wall and he took the chance to lick and suck on your sweet spot, to hot in the moment to remember where he is.
“Fuck y/n your so tight- shit-“ he felt you clench, he started to harder but slow, the sound bouncing off the wall as you swallowed your moans. “Shit- tommy” your back arched off the wall, your arms to tired and heavy so they went around his shoulders and your head in his neck. “You tired baby?“
“UMMMMM” nikki said, both of your heads whipping around. “MOM-“ she slammed the door closed before anything else could happen.
“Dinner is in 15 minutes- uhhhh dont be late. Make sure to clean up” she said leaning up against the door “and please dont ya know-“ she nervously chuckled “finish” “IT WASNT LIKE THAT I SWEAR”
“Thomas it’s obvious” you glared at him, when he pulled out of you a sigh left your lips. “I swear i locked the door” he said putting himself back, watching you as you got yourself together. “Does it really matter now?” He only shrugged in response.
Toms cheeks were scarlet while you tried to get yourself to stop shaking so much. “It cant be that bad, right?” You held onto his arm for strength. “I mean it should all be fine cuz like- they did it to have me!” “Yeahyeahyeah” you nodded, kinda getting confident. “Lets just go” you pulled his arm to the dinning room, meeting a pair of 2 eyes starring at you both.
You all just sat there in silence, all of your movements halt as you made eye contact with nikki and tom made eye contact with his dad. “Dont be shy now, its only dinner” nikki said, placing the plates infront of the seat.
You looked at tom and he did a small nod walking right behind you to sit in the seats right next to each other.
“If you couldnt already tell we are having- erm spaghetti” she smiled trying to ease the tension but it was to thick.
After everyone took a couple bites you sipped the water. “Would you care to explain what happened-“ you choked on the water at doms words, the water shooting out of your nose while everyone looked at you. “I drank it to fast- haha” you faked a laugh, cleaning yourself up with the napkin.
“I didnt know you could do that....” tom said before looking at his dad. “We uhhh had ya know” tom looked away, feeling his ears start to burn up. “Ya know???” Nikki comments.
“You knowwwww like uhmmm” “clearly child” dom said glarring at him. “Who had the idea?” “I think we both know who”
You lifted your arms up in defense “it wasnt me” tom smaced his lips at you and you looked at him shrugging “it wasnt!” “You told me to make it quick!-“
“THOMAS” “whaaaat?! Its true!” “You still started it!”
Nikki and don watched the fued between as you to continued to complain and fight. “You were clearly being to loud thats why we got caught!-“
“Actually i heard thuds against the wall soooo” nikki spaced off as you glarred at him. “Who was making to much noise?” You lifted an eyebrow before he rolled his eyes and turned his chair a bit to not look at you.
“Did you use protection?” Dom asked. “Uhhh no” tom said. “Why not?” Nikki butted in. He only shrugged. “You need to use protection” “no we dont”
Nikki tapped behind her ear “what did you say?” “We will use protection” tom changed his mind. “Aha and how did you get that mark on your neck” nikki turned to you.
“I-uh burned my neck with the curling iron!” “Your hair isnt in curls” you bit your lip at her words “yeah welp i gave up after and dumped my hair in water” dom tried to read toms face and body language “it looks like a bruise, how high was the temperature?” Nikki asked, slightly concerned. “I have no idea”
“Just- why here?” Tom starred at nikki “i dont know i was just caught in the moment~” “dont you only say that when your a virgin doing it-“ “y/n we are supposed to be a team!” “Im just saying!”
“Before you both argue again.....” nikki said stopping the pot from boiling. “I just want to say that i hope your both happy and no longer sexually aroused”
“Nikki!” “What?! I have to say that Dominic!” “No you didnt, but if you dont mind i have to be leaving now, i have to teach the babies how to read” dom stood and took his plate to the kitchen, soon everyone done with their meal as you sat in silence washing dishes with nikki.
“Are you planning on making me a grandma?” She whispered, handing you the wet dish. “No not really” you sighef, drying the dish. “That sucks” “yep”
“But like why not!” “Toms busy with work and all do i dont want him to feel to responsible” “i have to agree on that one, barely wants to wipe his ass” “nikki!” You whisper yelled as she giggled, passing you anothet plate as you put the old one back.
“I know how it feels- dom cant keep his hands off of me” she winked as your eyes widened at her. “What! Im old not dead y/n” “you are not old nikki and plus i dont wanna know that!” “Hey im just letting you know” she shrugged.
“Dad she isnt pregnant and wont be anytime soon” “just bring me the babies! I will teach them how to cook, clean, eat-“ “thats our job dad”
“Well its better then these babies- WHO WONT STOP CHEWING ON THE BOOK-“
“OH GOD PLEASE STOP CRYINGGG BLOODY HELL” dom said, snatching the ipad. “But please dont have sex in my house, thomas” dom glared at him while tom aggressively nodded his head.
“THATS A NO NO WORD- STOP SAYING THAT” dom yelled again, stressing himself out. “WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?” Nikki yelled from the kitchen, walking infront of you into the livingroom.
“Dont you even” he pointed at the new born through the ipad.
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i’ve been aching to commentate spirit phone’s commentary for ages. glad i finally got around to it, this was an ejoyable experience. liveblog below the cut
-i'm like half certain i've heard this commentary before. maybe not the whole way through & it was probably actual years ago
-nice hearing stuff like this. in-depth personal view of the album-making process. makes it seem like more of a real thing i could do myself someday
-neil cicierega real person momence
-i could probably go real in depth about neil cicierega/tally hall parallels specifically concerning like. the arc of their musical careers. but i won't, here
-wild how i legitimately don't care much about micheal jackson
-didnt we get a bunch of spirit phone stems from the needlejuice release/his patreon? we could probably hear the funny track he speaks of here in that
-i love hearing musical artists, especially neil cicierega, talking about the meanings of their songs. like, not only has this song been claimed to hell & back by the tumblr gays, but with later ones i just can't see where he gets these ideas from. also, claiming there's any one meaning or plot to a song just seems silly to me
-shoutout to neil reusing a midi from like, 1998, that he made at 12 years old, whose entire melody was reused for the main verses of everybody loves raymond. loved finding that out on my own 2 years ago. now it's common trivia in this fandom. not bad times
-it'd be neat if neil did individual trans tracks here like he did with view monstel, those things are half of why i consider it my favorite album
-it's a lot easier to ignore the creator's intended meaning behind a song when he can't even remember it. thanks neil
-seesaw effect
-and there's my joke all but 1 of my followers wont get. moving on
-what kinds of movie theater lobbies has neil been to where there are arcade machines. i mean im not one to talk but that does sound rather strange
-why do songs' titles even need to be taken from the lyrics. ive never seen that as any sort of requisite. it's like titling any form of prose you can just give it whatever name ya like
-"this part sounds pretty cool right"
-is neil's vocal range only mildly better than mine? with training i could change that
-oh i haven't processed any of the last 25 seconds hold on
-god. a shit ton of vocal modification in this song. it's like neil returned to his roots but with quality this time
-i, as an ace/aro, have never related more to an allohet guy in my life. what is the point of eyes!
-professional humming/whistling takes skill. it's different from the recreational or casual stuff. i'd know
-there's a name for the way sound (especially music) gets distorted when moving past you and i can't remember it but it's probably what neil's referring to here in the way he recorded the intro
(- update: it's the doppler effect no need to tell me cas already did)
-as someone who hasnt seen the rugrats or take me there by blackstreet i'll just say it sounded like a bouncy music box melody. nice to hear a song that messes with the typical scales though. lydian & diatonic.
-that's a rather specific thing to be glad about, but given what he talked about in his last full audio commentary about the jew harp i suppose i'm not surprised
-i know that tmbg song now. listened to it & saw the music video too. yep they're different alright
-where the hell does neil get all these instrumence from anyway
-huh. hadnt heard this part of the commentary before making my oc concerning this song but i like to hear neil's approval concerning part of my interpretation
-i love how ive heard a billion different tellings of this mellified man story from lem dem fans talking about this song and neil's is by far the wildest
-good god that does only make it worse neil
-i love making liveblogs of lemon demon albums. with the fullerenes or tally hall i cant name a specific dude to take out my woes on generally but with lemon demon i can just say neil all the time. i like being on a casual first name basis with this dude ive never interacted with once ever
-is sweet bod the one other than cabinet man with a demo in the bonus tracks? i forget
-holy shit the boston molasses disaster someone call up soapy if it doesnt already know, it'd love this
-two thousand nine. god i miss the fiddle solo. the ver with it is truly the best one
-he pronounces it jeff? i've always read it as gef with a hard g. that's what i get for knowing words that are never spoken aloud
-that's a fun meta interpretation of this ghost story that's over a century old. i like that
-i've noticed neil generally does the same synths across a whole album. it's especially more clear in the earlier ones, and does mean i occasionally mix up songs between clown circus & live from the haunted candle shop
-ah! ancient aliens! my least favorite track on this album. i cant even claim to have the least interest in a popular one i've just generally not liked this one much from the beginning. so im curious to see what neil's got to say, i think ive been in ~new commentary zone for a while now
-anyway. newest update on the loolin not realizing a song's funky time signature front: i think this one's in 6/4. or at least switches a lot between time signatures. granted i dont listen to it very often for the reasons stated above
-see the way neil describes it. eldritch horror upon being visited by the unknown at a time when humanity'd hadn't even yet had a chance to imagine such a thing occurring. should be right up my alley. but the sound itself & many of the lyrics simply turn me away.
-must i specify i don't dislike it? spirit phone is neil's best album it not being my favorite doesn't mean i think it's bad yadda yadda nobody should be surprised by this it's not like anyone in these fandoms reads my liveblogs <3
-granted i think this is. the first bit of spirit phone content i've made on my blog ever. so who knows things can change <3
-the transitions in spirit phone are much less view-monster transition tracks & more extended outros. view-monster's were a bit more intro than outro sure but they also seemed directed upon making a 2-way rather than 1-way bridge between tracks. or something like that
-.............soft fuzzy man is an incredible nickname for a cat. i'd steal that if i werent afraid of introducing my relatives to lemon demon
-an underlying metaphor is good enough. the literal side of the lyrics are fun. nothing but agreement here neil my good man
-the transition into as your father i expressly forbid it from soft fuzzy man is the best one in this album
-buddy you ask if a musical idea has been used before odds are the answer is yes in this day & age the question is has it been used in the way you're using it. like sure this soul jazz record from the 60s that was sold out in kansas stores for a week used this bassline that youve found yourself copying. but seeing as youre using it in some angsty garage rock ballad type tune does anybody actually care
-doesn't everybody like to say things in an unhinged manner from time to time
-imagine having a guitar dad, i say, with my dad being a folk accordion/fiddle dad, which is infinitely worse in every way
-i think he was in an actual folk band at some point. idk the 90s were weird
-iron my life?
-m-more intimate? there are a lot of ways i'd describe this song but intimate isn't one of them. granted as your father is negatively intimate so from there i guess you've got nowhere to go but up
-...still glad to see his interpretation kinda supports my oc at least
-the way he says characters in songs shouldn't worry about death really strongly makes me think this is some sort of. thematic continuation of stuck from dinosaurchestra, even if there's no real death in there. interesting. would also mean that the dad from these past 2 songs is named carlos betty (no last name)
-i literally never assumed this was a flute solo. piccolo at best. it's pretty clearly a recorder
-my mom plays the recorder. i wonder if she can play recorder better than neil cicierega
-we can throw a party in honor of the crushing weight of responsibility! i simply won't be the one throwing it because i have enough on my plate already <3
-what the hell does "a sense of intent" mean
-i've never heard rush before however i disagree with neil's understanding of 6/4. 6/4 is meant to have emphasis (onbeat or another term i can't remember) on the 1st & 4th beat of every measure, which is greatly different from a measure of 4/4 then a measure of 2/4. it's why his 5/4 always sounds weird, because while it's recognizable in sequences of 10/4, it's more 2 measures of 4/4 with one of 2/4 tacked on the end. that's also how it's different from 3/4. i don't know much music theory but what i do understand i will fight to the death about
-"canonized" that's. a very interesting term to use when referring to a former president
-from now on i will interpret every love song directed at some unseen "you" to be inviting me to marry them for tax purposes. thanks neil for being an aromantic icon
-ah hell yes hell yes man-made object is my favorite goddam song on this album
-short & sweet & good damn vibes. neil's thoughts on it all are only making it better
-wild how he uses very few vocal effects for a song that he clearly is straining his vocal range for. go off neil
-the qualifier of man-made is a wonderful thing. oldest or biggest thing? oldest or biggest man-made thing? what a incredibly important specification. a world of possibilities lie between the two. oh i love it
-just gets me thinking yknow! what we consider weird/impressive in another species, in our own species- what kind of equivalent to that would there be from an outsider looking in? are there alien versions of the significances we place upon things, that we could never imagine? the limits of the human imagination mean we could never conceive of something else in the world that isn't, in some way great or small, just like us- and are we wrong for thinking that? such a juicy topic i wish there were a name for it because it's kinda hard to explain concisely
-spiral of ants. my second favorite song from this album, in fact. a good one to experience
-the vocals are just another instrument. they really truly are. i wasn't going into this commentary expecting to feel solidarity for neil cicierega in this chili's tonight on more than one occasion but here i am.
-like, his whole stance on interpreting songs is something i agree with almost entirely. you can take it at face value, you can dig to their very depths, you can listen to songs without caring what the lyrics mean whatsoever, and those are all fun. & yeah while any of these people can be annoying as one of the types who enjoys gliding on the surface more than anything i find those who dedicate themselves to figuring out the whole meaning of a song over anything else to be both slightly scary & slightly annoying <3 keep up the good work
-i want to make songs for my siblings the way neil makes songs for his sibling(s)
-neil really shouldn't be allowed to be this funny like this whole album youre thinking golly! he's just a normal man this neil cicierega! and then he starts listing the cat hacks jokes & you remember he's had ridiculously consistent viral success with all his humorous endeavors and holy shit it's neil cicierega in action talking about his music. god bless you neil
-you're welcome, no problem, my pleasure. good eveternoon, radio audience!
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Ocean Eyes - Part 4
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I sat across from Chris at the small kitchen table in an awkward silence, picking at the label on the ketchup bottle.
"How could you keep this from me? Did you hate me that much?" Chris suddenly asked making me look up at him.
"It wasn't like that Chris, you broke my heart but i.... i never stopped loving you"
"If you loved me you would have told me!"
"I tried to tell you! My god i tried for months to contact you but you would never take my calls! I left you voicemails begging you to call me back....." i told him feeling my eyes start to tear up "i even tried to see you...." i shrugged remembering back to the day i decided to go back to the apartment i shared with him briefly "do you remember that day? I begged you to hear me out.... do you remember what you said to me?"
Chris's head dropped as he shook it, he actually looked ashamed of himself.
"You remember??"
"You told me i needed to stop being so desperate, that i needed to accept the fact we were over.... you told me our relationship was a mistake"
"I was an asshole i know that! But i was gonna be a dad and you kept that from me for nearly... what, 7 years??"
"Okay answer me this, would the you back then have given a shit?? Because i honestly don't think it would have changed a god damn thing because you were a selfish prick!" I whisper yelled at him so Mason wouldn't hear "you say you've changed now and that your not that guy anymore and i pray to god thats true, but....."
"I swear to god i've changed Y/N, i grew up. I realised that the fame didn't mean as much to me as my family"
"Good for you"
"You dont believe a word im saying do you?" He shook his head "i know that look you can't lie to me" he mumbled rubbing his hands over his face.
"Its not that i dont believe youve changed Chris, its that even then you never once reached out to me. Even before i was your wife, as brief as it was.... i was your best friend. It was so easy for you to cut me out of your life"
"I missed you everyday Y/N.... i just, i couldn't face you after what i did"
"Until you needed those divorce papers signed huh? Then you faced me".
Chris just looked down avoiding eye contact, he didn't know what to say.
"Look, if you wanna get to know Mason i won't try and stop you" i said quickly before i lost my nerve.
"Of course i do!"
"if you do this you need to be in 100%, i wont have you breaking his heart when you get bored of playing daddy. Because i swear to god Chris, if you hurt my son i will fucking kill you"
"I promise, i'm in 110%"
"Okay....." i nodded taking a deep breath "we've got pizza coming, did you wanna stay for dinner.... meet your son?"
"Id love that" he smiled wiping a tear quickly from his face "did you ever tell him about me? I mean does he know who i am at all?"
"His seen old photo's of you before your Captain America days, knows your name... thats it"
"Where does he think i've been? He must have asked where i was?"
"Its only been the last year his really asked about it, when he started preschool and the other kids had dads picking them up..... guess he wanted to know why he didn't have one. I told him he did have one but you were away working"
"He must hate me"
"Chris his 5 and a half he doesn't know how to hate".
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We were all sat around the coffee table in the living room, the two pizza boxes spread out between us. I had just finished explaining to Mason that Chris was the same man in the photo he had in his bedroom, that Chris was his dad. Mason stared at Chris for a while before taking a bite of his pizza.
"You look funny...." Mason casually said and i nearly choked on my mouthful of pizza.
"I guess i do look a little different" Chris smiled at him "what photo do you have?"
"I'll go get it!" He jumped up and run upstairs excitedly.
"Its just a photo of us when we were younger" i said casually looking at my slice of pizza like it was the most fascinating thing in the world "it was the only one i had...."
"What do you mean? You had loads of photos...."
"I did until i burnt them all"
"You burnt them?!" He asked wide eyed.
"I was mad at you" i shrugged "i didn't want to look at them anymore".
I was so full of shit, i had kept them all, stored away in the back of my closet where i tried to forget them. The only reason i gave Mason the older photo was because it was from a time when Chris and I were happy, before he left me.
Mason came running back in and gave Chris the photo, a smile spread across his face when he saw it was a photo of us taken at Disney on one of our trips to Florida.
"God i remember this day, it was a good day" he looked up and smiled.
"It was " i nodded wiping off my hands before getting up and going to the kitchen, i needed some space. As much as i tried to convince myself that i hated Chris, part of me couldn't help but love him and being in the same room with him after all this time was tough. I was getting a glass of water when i heard Mason ask Chris a question that broke me.
"Dad? Can you read me a story before bed? Mama always reads to me but you never have"
"Sure bud, if thats okay with your mom?" I heard him reply happily.
I couldn't help but cry silently.... my hand over my mouth to muffle any sound, i just couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Mom?" Mason was suddenly standing behind me "can dad stay to read me a story?"
I quickly wiped my eyes and turned to face him with a forced smile.
"Sure baby"
"Yes!" He shouted happily running back out "she said yes!".
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I stood outside Mason's room listening to Chris read 'If You Give A Dog A Donut', Mason giggling along and making little comments here and there which would then make Chris laugh before carrying on. After a couple of minutes i left them to it and went downstairs to tidy up.
10 minutes or so passed before Chris reappeared, it felt awkward between us again now Mason wasn't here.
"Thank you for letting me do that Y/N"
"Mason wanted you to read to him, i find it hard to say no to that kid" i shrugged.
"I bet. His a great kid, you've done a good job with him"
"Thank you"
"I can't believe i've missed so much of his life..... you have no idea how much i hate myself"
Probably not as much as i've hated you! I said to myself but at the same time deciding there was something i could give him.
"Wait here a minute, i need to go get something" i mumbled passing him and going up to my room. I went to my closet and dug around in the back until i found the black leather storage box i was looking for.
When i got back downstairs i handed the box to Chris who looked confused.
"Its a thing i used to do when i found out i was pregnant, letters, photos and stuff" i said feeling my cheeks burn from embarrassment of how stupid i had been....I just couldn't really let him go.
"Its only stuff from during the pregnancy and maybe the first 1/2 years but you might wanna see" i shrugged folding my arms to stop them shaking.
"Thank you Y/N....."
"Sure, well its getting late you should probably be going...."
"Of course" he nodded quickly "can i give you a hug?...."
"No. We're not at the hugging stage Chris"
"Okay" he said sadly as we made our way to the front door "when can i see Mason again?"
"Whenever you want i just need a heads up"
"Why don't you see if Scott wants to come too?? I need to talk to that brother of yours"
"Don't be mad at him, he didn't tell me Mason was my son... just that you had a kid"
"Your telling me he wasn't the one to tell you to come see me again??"
He was silent and looking around nervously.... Scott told him to come see me!
"You forget i know you two too well"
"I wanted to see you again i did, i just.... i was being a fucking chicken shit. I knew you hated me"
"Can you blame me?"
"Not for a second"
"Okay.... im gonna go inside, we'll see you tomorrow?"
"I'll be here. Goodnight Y/N"
"Goodnight Chris" i said quietly before shutting the door and taking a deep breath to try and control my emotions, i was so sick of crying over fucking Chris Evans! I thought those days were over.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @katiew1973 @denisemarieangelina @mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax
Taglist is open, drop me an ask or DM if you’d like to be added 💕
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curious-menace · 4 years
Any riddler u want x depressed male SO with bad ptsd (help i need serotonin and ur content is So Good)
aww bb. im sorry youre not doin so good rn. you know im always here for u <3
i think i will do arkham riddler and maybe blacklight riddler since they also canonically have PTSD, i feel like they would be able to empathise. 
read more for mentions of mental illness and abuse 
Arkham Riddler
He could write a 5 page essay on how trauma has fucked him up, without actually admitting he’s been fucked up . He’s pissy no one seems to take PTSD in men seriously unless its from combat. You both have been told to “man up” and get over it. Cheers neurotypical, thats helpful.
riddler has never been diagnosed with PTSD but even if he had, he’s not going to admit he’s got it. then you roll around and he’s like “oh shit it me.” when he sees you struggle. He’s still not even trying to get help but you help him understand so much more. 
Riddler has an eidetic memory. Everything seems like a flashback to him at times. he understands you cant always control it. for his sake and yours he tries his best to keep his hideouts 
he has a lot of stuff around to help with dissociation lying around. heavy blankets, tangle toys textured surfaces, sometimes lil sweets , snacks or food just to have one of your senses engaged  and hopefully ground you. 
he really struggles to control his fits of anger at times. but, he knows how triggering this is for you so he’s doing his best to just take himself away when he feels it coming on. You seem to have a 6th sense for his tantrums and depending on your headspace, can either remove yourself from the situation or try and comfort him through it. 
he hates to see you lie under your depression. in his narcissism riddled mind, he really thinks he can help cure you. but seeing you just lie there in bed not wanting to exist mostly discourages him from taking up chemistry and pharmacy to make you any experimental mood drugs. He’ll probably just bring you some coco and sit with you while it passes. 
he cant help, not really, he doesnt have the capacity. but at least if youre in a pit of misery you dont have to be alone.
Blacklight riddler
i guess you could call him a little more proactive in his approach to your ailments. He knew you were suffering when you two got together so right from the get go he had things in place to try and make you a little more comfortable. 
He’s got trauma but he’s done his stint in therapy. he takes his meds and his problems are mostly managed. Because of this he knows what you're going through, what you will have to go through to get to the other side of this. he wont dare compare traumas or recovery, that's not fair on anyone, but at the very least he’s going to empathise with what happened to you. 
now, Edward is not an angry man. Perhaps when he was younger, less in control of himself sure, he was prone to being easily angered. but if there’s one thing in life thats still going to make him see red its when people minimise male childhood abuse survivors. do they not realise that LITERALLY kills people??? how many men have suffered and even died because they were shamed or discouraged from seeking help?! he doesnt like murder, he doesnt want to upset or traumatise you further but like....just say the word and he’ll seal a bitch in an oubliette. 
his apartment his a sort of safe zone. like theres no noise, no smells  comfort foods and easy access to therapists and doctors. the building itself is basically a fortress with a deadbolt door that would make batman jealous. good for someone trying to avoid triggers , feel safe and as a bunker for the zombie apocalypse. 
listen, he gets recovery isnt linear. if you wana lie spend a day in a depression pit he’ll leave you be, maybe come lie besides you if you want him to so you dont have to suffer alone. but please dont mistake this for him trying to push you too hard. he’s just doing what he wishes someone would do for him, he had to climb out of the hole with no one to give him a hand and he wouldn't wish that on anyone. 
but that being said he’s not going to just let you waste away. he will cook for you if you cant, brush your hair and your teeth if you don't have the energy. he’ll even give you a bath if you haven't showered in a while. of course, he wont force this on you, he knows to respect your boundaries.  but he wants you to know the option is there, he’ll do anything for you to make you feel even a little better. you’re in this together 
i hope this sparks the joy, love. its rough all over and i wish i could give you a proper hug. maybe when this is all over we will. i know things are tough right now but it will get better. dont forget how far youve come, even only in the time we’ve been friends. im always proud of you 💙
got something you wana talk about? send me an ask or a dm! im aways game to talk about our favorite curious menace 💚💜
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jamesvanriemsdyk · 4 years
happy new year yall
i have a lot to say, not gonna lie. im not sure im going to get to say it all, but here goes.
ive met a ton of people on this site this year, and I love you all so much. if i forget someone, which i probably will, i'm sorry. i love you all the same. this might get stupid long because there have been a lot of days where i genuinely didnt think i would make it through this year, but i did! im proud of myself, and i love my friends so much for the support theyve given me, and so thats what this is, i guess.
@catboygretzky : alex, i love you so much. so, so much. i dont know how to put it into words. it seems impossible we havent been friends all our lives; it seems impossible that you live across an ocean. i love love love you.
@butchtysonbarrie @steadyfreddie : hi im so sorry im grouping you together but yall are associated with each other in my mind so do with that what u will. become friends, youd love each other. but what i really wanted to say to you both is that being your friend has made me feel so much more myself. youve both followed me for fucking ever, and you know me really fucking well (unfortunately to follow my tumblr is to submit urselves to the mortifying ordeal of knowing me, oops) and youve both just accepted me for who i am, no matter my name or pronouns or hyperfixation of the month, and i cant put into words how loved that makes me feel. i love you both so much, and im so glad this year gave us the gift of becoming friends.
@mathewtkachuk @winnipegpatty : hi. i fucking love the hbg, and i love talking to you guys. we’re all living very different lives, which youd think would be weird but it isnt. i love you both, and i feel so so lucky to have met you.
@couturriere : im still honestly kind of floored that you talk to me. youre intelligent and resourceful and kind and such a strong person and mother, and every time i talk to you, im more and more glad for your presence in my life. i absolutely adore you and your daughter, and i cant wait to have lunch with you :)
@wejusthangingouthere : my lovely jb anon. ur still my favorite anon ever, maybe, even though i know who you are. i absolutely fucking adore you, and i love watching you get into hockey, and i love your questions and your curiosity and the way you love this stupid sport. im so glad you sent me those asks and im so glad for the messages we’ve exchanged since.
@pencilhoarders : another lovely friend ive made through anon!! i love you so much. even when you feel like youve made a mistake, know that i still love you. you work so hard and i am so in awe of the talent you have because of it, and more than that, for your absolutely genius mind. youre incredible. i hope you always know that.
@akutaguwa : getting to know you in the back half of this year has been an absolute treat. you always make me laugh, and youre another person that just stuns me with how smart you are. i love and admire your strength, and i love your voice, too. we should read soon lmao
@girouxes : my lovely beautiful wife. i love you so much, yknow? im so proud of who you are, and im so excited to get to know more versions of you as time passes. i cant wait to marry you, honestly. its gonna be a fuckin blast.
@fuzzyeldritchhorror : it was really hard for me to write this, because i got really choked up and couldnt actually see the keyboard for a few minutes, because i love you so goddamn much. im home when im with you, and i never ever want to stop feeling that. its been a while because of this goddamn pandemic, but ill see you soon, yknow? i love you to the moon.
@pattersonluke : i dont know what to say. i never know what to say. itll probably come to me if i keep typing, but every time ive tried so far ive just like. cried. so here it is: i love you beyond words, beyond poems, beyond everything ive tried to write down and it just never seems to come out right. we lose our shit a lot over the fact that love is a choice, and it is, and ill keep choosing you every fucking day, even when i want to stop breathing, because the friendship and love and trust we have is just. so worth it to me. i feel so lucky to have had this year with you, and even luckier to know ill have the next one with you, too, and tons more after that. i love you to the moon and to saturn.
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