#im not gonna tag bobby as much due to...
SEMIFINALS (for real this time)
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S6E13 -- Ill-Boding Patterns
Link to Rewatch Review and Ranking archive
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Can you say STARVED FOR CONTENT?????
I have some issues with this episode, which I will discuss under the cut (most of them have to do with characters that have nothing to do with the two people pictured above) but overall it was fairly decent.  And as I said before -- the bar is LOW at this point, so anything that doesn’t make me scream and want to stab things already gets bonus points.  In this case, literally.  
So this is a Rumple centric -- when was the last one we had?  I think it was Devil’s Due which was a YEAR AGO in real time viewing.  This effing show, I swear . . . . . . . 
Anyhow, as far as Rumple centrics go, this was decent.  
I know that A LOT of people -- including Rumbellers and Dearies -- screamed “RETCON!!!” at this episode.
I was not one of those people.  As much as I bitch about the chronology and timeline of this series, trust me, if I saw a retcon I’d be yelling it from the rooftops here.
I did NOT see a retcon.  Based on the chronology, I can totally see, in the early days of Rumple’s Dark One life, Bae trying to protect his dad and Rumple erasing his memory to protect his kid.  NO it doesn’t damage the character of Baelfire, GTFO.  He had NO MEMORY of this, how could it damage him?  The only nit I have to pick regarding the flashbacks is I don’t think Rumple would be THAT sparkly at this point.  
Also I recall several people (again -- RUMBELLERS AND DEARIES!!!) disparaging this actor, this young man playing Baelfire.  
I’d kindly like to ask those people to please sit down and STFU.  This is a CHILD.  No it’s not the same as Dylan, but Dylan has aged out of the role at this point.  This young boy did a decent job of playing Baelfire.  That had to be a difficult thing as a KID to come into an established role 6 years after the fact.  Bobby praised him.  Anyone who said nasty things about him needs to look at their life choices.  And if you resemble that remark, yes I mean YOU.  
2017 me agrees with today me:
So there’s that.  Let’s get more nits out of the way . . . . 
First, there’s Kitsis who wanted to remind us in an interview before this episode aired that Rumple is a good dad.  Hey shithead, we KNOW THIS!  2017 me:
This episode hit a ratings low.  Which is sad because it was a decent episode.  But here’s 2017 me explaining this:
Also, why was Hook in this episode?  No seriously, WHY?  I mean, he served no purpose.  Not that this is new, he NEVER serves a purpose, but his whole thing this episode was moping around cause he killed his girlfriend’s granddad and doesn’t want her to find out.  And then he goes to Archie -- ARCHIE -- who sits there coddling him and telling him how amazing he is.  
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That guy.  The one being tortured.  BY HOOK.
Did we ever see Hook apologize for this?  Cause I’m gonna be like the CS fans who had little snits every time anyone not in their Hook bubble commented on something negative about Hook that Colin said at a con:
So . . . links?
No pun intended.  
Speaking of CS fans . . . . 
Also remember the ABC Hook Advisory Board that banned me?  Heh.
The Gideon and Rumple scenes were wonderful.  But should Belle -- you know -- be INVOLVED in this, since it was HER ACTION that started it all in motion?
Yup, me, a “Belle hater,” complaining that Belle is being shunted by the show.  Again.  Just saying . . . . . 
Also . . . . regarding Belle and the hug scene -- it would have been nice had it not been for THIS BULLSHIT RIGHT HERE:
Do we have a running tally of how many times Belle said “For the first time” to Rumple?  Because if the number is more than ONE (it is), this is some shitty writing, AND it also implies that these two had no real relationship at ALL because they didn’t have any real conversations.  THIS is why I hate these fucking writers. 
Lastly, I want to comment on Snowing.  Namely, they weren’t IN this episode.
Eddy Kitsis (its ALWAYS him) stated early in the season that S6 was going to be the “year of Snowing” and . . . . . for about 8 episodes, one of them is in a sleeping curse so they can’t even be in scenes together, and now they’ve just flat out been taken out of an episode.  In the YEAR OF SNOWING.  So yeah.  These writers suck.  
Here have some fun flashback posts on Kitsowitz fuckery and why their show is TANKING at this point:
Points tally:
40 points to start
15 points for Rumple centric
10 points for Rumbelle hug
10 points for Papafire
10 points deducted for Zelena and Hook
5 points for in character Rumple
25 bonus points for this one just because I think it is deserved and not even deducting for the Hook shit because we have 3 episodes of Hook shit to look forward to that I will have PLENTY to deduct from.
Total points:  95
Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
some Original Content by yours truly eeee
I had to write this for school, its like a send off speech cause were seniors and stuff and I thought you guys might appreciate it cause it talks about memes and stuff
As a member of Generation Z, my mom often complains that I seem to speak in “code.” There have been countless occasions where I have had to explain the meaning of words such as  “same,” “mood,” and “me,” what a vine is, the notion that yeet is in fact a verb and not a noun, and, of course, memes.
As you are all aware, there are memes for virtually anything and everything you could possibly experience on a daily basis. From being stuck in traffic to stealing other peoples food, the internet and, by default, our brilliant minds, have created relatable images that oftentimes distract us from doing, say, our math homework. Obviously, we all want to pass our math classes, but when the homework consists of 48 problems saying “if Bobby has 16 apples and Susan owns a car that runs on vegetable oil, how many ice cubes will it take to cover the surface area of Norway” you can probably see why I procrastinate it until the last possible second.
It seems that schools teach us unnecessary things most of the time. If I were to ask something useful, for example: “What are taxes and how do I pay them?” it is almost certain that the school system would respond with: “Worry not. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
What do we need school for anyway? We already know everything, just ask our parents. We cram study for all of our tests and promptly forget the information right after, just look at our midterm and final grades. We write all of our essays and speeches mere hours before they are due, just check our turnitin receipts. Add in sleep deprivation, an unhealthy dose of anxiety, three cups of coffee, a slightly dark sense of humor and you’ve got an average high school senior. From our perspective, we have every reason to wish graduation were tomorrow. And yet, some of us are still apprehensive about leaving, even if we don't want to admit it.
Why have we grown so attached to the place that has been the cause of our self proclaimed demise? It is because shoved in here, in this massive cell, we have all become mitochondria. Whether we like it or not, we have all become accustomed to being around each other everyday, and now that must change. Cells are constantly renewing themselves, and now it is time for this cell to let us go so that it can begin training the next batch of brains. We must now become the mitochondria of our own cell, wherever that may take us.
Now, this is the part of the speech where I tell you all the sappy stuff like “just be yourself,” “you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take,” and “don't let anyone dull your sparkle.” I’m also sure there are many motivational memes you could look at that would probably do a much better job motivating you than I can.
But if you haven’t tuned me out by now, remember this: above anything else, high school taught us how to survive on a daily basis in a place full of lunatics and still get decent grades. So, if you survived this, you can take whatever the world throws at you, using your own mitochondria worthy brain. That is what high school was meant to teach us.
And if you still wanna know how to pay taxes, just youtube it. I’m pretty sure some bored millennial made a how-to.
idk everyone laughed in class when I read it today and the teacher died when I started talking about the mitochondria so
also gonna tag list cause why the heck not
hmu to be added
tag list @fairly-awkward-trashcan @well-the-kids-do-too @racetrackcook @bouncyscreamingnewsboys @ughwaitwhat @aw-jus-let-em-try @ben-cook-can-cook @the-woild-is-my-what-now @tommy-s-s0cks @voice-foundshoe-lost @galaxy-trees13
@stopthe-presses @ridin-in-style @pinecovewoods @i-got-no-clue-what-im-doing @bencookisagod @be-more-chill-evan-hansen @hellasoulless @stellar-alpaca @saxoph-ella @smolcanadiankid @disney-princess-sized @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @insane-tomato @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @have-we-got-news-for-you @thatfancyclam @myidkwhatmynameisblog @legoflambwrites @that-one-newskid @not-a-scab @albertdasillva-deactivated20181
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drkcnry67 · 3 years
Cinderella: A Twisted Supernatural Fairytale
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A/N: i know the gif doesnt scream the proper thing but its self explanitory... yes it will be a bit different. i have already done sleeping beauty and that one will be linked in the masterlist below, but here is another twisted fairytale. this is the next in a long list. all fairytales all tied with supernatural. i am so excited for this. 
title: Cinderella: A Twisted Supernatural Fairytale
pairing: Jensen x reader
fluff: fairytale au
tags: none that i can think of at this moment 
rating: pg-13
summery: not telling
twisted list    fluff list
author: we all know the story of the little cinder girl who dreamed of a life outside of her indentured servitude to her wicked step-mother and cruel step-sisters. but what we don't know is there is a darker version of this tale, one which if your not scared right now you should be... 
now what is the phrase that's used... ah yes Once Upon A Time, there lived a young girl who loved her father very much... 
you were running around the room, all excited and all not only was your father due back from his trip abroad but he was bringing new members to your family with him.
YN: oh Ellen its just like christmas i get a mother and sisters all in one day
Ellen: yes its gonna be very exciting what with the baroness and all, oh child hold still your father arrives any moment. now please we need to have you ready for his arrival.
you stand there with a slight smile on your face as you think about how exciting this is.
YN: i hope she likes me
jodi turns to you and smiles as she touches your chin in happy high spirits
jodi: she will love you, just be the little angel i knows in there somewhere. 
Ellen: and don't go chewing on the bones at dinner and give yourself away
you look out the window at the sound of something being thrown at the window. you see garth standing there with a stupid smug look on his face. garth is your best friend in the entire world, you grew up side by side and he made you feel normal.
YN: garth i told you not today, my father is due to arrive home any time now
Garth: oh ya i forgot, hey, you look like a girl
YN: no duh, that's what i am half wit 
Garth: ya but today you look it
YN: boy or girl i can still whip you, i can have you eating dirt again before his arrival.
you ran out the room down into the grounds to chase after your best friend. 
little did you know that something worse was about to happen. your father arrived on the home ground and got off his horse. he was greeted by Bobby, his loyal and trusted man servant but he helped run your fathers household. 
Bobby: welcome back master, i see you have brought us a baroness.
Rufus: i have brought you an entire household bobby, but i seem to be missing a daughter.
the carriage that had followed Rufus all the way home was now being unloaded. first stepped out of the carriage was Jo one of your new step sisters, the next one who stepped out of the carriage was Claire.
the person who helps people out of the carriage now at the door to help Rowena out of the carriage.
rowena: oh... rufus... its absolutely charming really...
you came bounding up the path a few moments later...
YN: papa!
Rufus turns to embrace you with open arms, he lifts you up kissing your cheek...
rufus: oh, ho, ho.. oooh look at you, just as i left you. i reckon your friend Garth is around here somewhere...
YN: no sir i slaughtered him.
you lead your papas gaze behind him and both of you watch and laugh at your best friend garth covered in mud walking up.
rufus: well so you did... i had hoped to present a little lady but i guess you will have to do...
rufus placed you back on your feet before turning you toward the carriage
Rufus: Yn may i present baroness rowena and her daughters claire and Jo
rowena steps forward and speaks now looking at you. you got a good look at her eyes, the light must have reflected on them or something because you could have sworn that they changed color. but you dismissed that and continued to smille.
rowena: hello YN, at last we meet your father has spoken of nothing else. ladies say hello to your new step sister.
claire and jo: mademoiselle
the day passed very quickly after that what with the unloading and the tour of the grounds and the routine that your new step mother and step sisters had... now we come quick to night fall for a short but sweet conversation to your father as he tucks you into bed.
yn: utopia
rufus: means paradise. might be a bit thick for an 8 year old but i thought we could add it to our library.
yn: will you read some
rufus: its been a very long day
yn: and your a husband now
rufus: yes a husband, but a father first and foremost. we've been two peas and a pod for a long time now you and i. i suppose this will just take some getting used to.. come..
He tucked you into bed and told you that he would then be leaving that next morning. You and he argued about how long he would be gone. In the end you won the argument.
*time skip: the next day was when your father was supposed to leave, well he didn't leave the property before his body gave out and he passed on the scene but not before placing his hand on his daughters cheek. the mourning period lasted but that was also when your new step family became less loving and friendly, more cruel and harsh, treating you less like family more like a servant. this was your new life, but your step mother sold some of the servants, and was not kind at all about it, she only did it however to pay her taxes... what a selfish spoiled bitch. anyway our story begins one morning that will start the journey of a lifetime for you... but elsewhere a prince was making his escape from the palace fleeing from an arranged marriage he did not want, he doesnt want a crown, he doesnt want a stuck up princess as his bride, he wants to marry for love... and destiny was set in her ways that both of you wuld happily meet...*
you woke by the fireplace, with the last book your father brought home. you went and started your chores, but while in the orchard picking apples you saw someone trying to steal your fathers horse.
you threw apples at the person, till he revealed himself... thats when you fell to your knees, thats when you felt a spark, not of fear but of adrenaline.
YN: your highness, please excuse my manners for i didn't see you.
Jensen: clearly, your aim would suggest otherwise. which your aim is quite good by the way...
YN: and for that i know i must pay a penalty of death. but wait from whom do you flee...
Jensen: well speak of this to no one and all will be forgiven, and you shall not die. i flee from a life worse than death that of an arranged marriage...
YN: we have younger much faster steeds your highness, ones who will help you in your escape faster.
you were still on the ground at this point but had looked up slightly to lock eyes with the prince. but only for a moment before he got back on the horse and trotted in front of you.
Jensen: i hope that you find your strength to stay quiet bout what you have seen this morn...
jensen dropped a bunch of coins in front of you then he spoke once more.
Jensen: for your silence and hope for a better world.
thats when he rode away, you couldn't fathom what happened to you, you met the prince... he seemed a bit array, almost confused or well quite possibly a tad bit arrogant, but damn did you find him attractive...
but you picked up the coins and put them in your pocket and went to pick more fresh apples. ones you hadn't dropped or thrown. and went into the manor. into the kitchen, and now rushing around doing what you normally do, waiting on your step mom and step sisters.
your actual family were the servants who served your steps along side you. they were excited and shocked at the amount of coins told you to make haste and take care that they were in a fowl mood in the other room.
you brought out their breakfast, they scolded you for being late and sleeping by the fire and and and... well it was a normal day for you. except while you were out of the manor you were going to rescue and bring back the husband of a lady who works along side you serving your steps
meanwhile, the prince who had bothered you earlier that morn, now was helping some simple folk against his better judgement when he was trying to flee the palace guards.
it turned out when he returned to them after chasing down what had been taken now revealed himself to be Leonardo Da Vinci.
the prince now talking to him decided he would return to the palace with da vinci and keep him out of harms way.
meanwhile in town, you and garth were in a small loft near by getting you ready to walk amongst the nobles and to "purchase back your servant" or at least that's how it would look to the jailer/slaver.
You were putting on the dress, and when you came out garth gave you a kind of compliment. Then he sit you down and did your hair.
You were out the door in disguise, fearing what might be fall you if you ever got caught. you were the one thing that would save your family manor from ruin, you hoped getting this particular friend back would bring joy back to the only true family you still had in the servants.
you marched right up to the man the cargo master you assumed that he was, with the "slaves" in a cage the man was on horseback and very very very rude.
YN: i would like to bargain the release of this man... he is my servant and i wish to pay the debt against him.
cargo master: too late he has already been paid for..
You grabbed the reigns of his horse and held up a bag...
YN: i can give you 20 gold franks...
Cargo master: lady you can have me for 20 gold franks, now get out of the way...
yn: i demand you release him immediately or i shall take this matter to the king...
the cargo master begisns to chuckle..
Cargo master: the king is the one who sold him... he belongs now to chuck...
That of course is when Jensen and da Vinci arrived in town with the guard.
Jensen approached off his horse and spoke immediately.
Jensen: you there dock master, what gives you the right to speak with such hostility to this lady
cargo master: oh your highness, of course i meant no disrespect. i was merely taking these slaves to the boats so they can go to chuck.
Jensen: what gives the rights of this man for you to decide good sir.. If the lady wants you to release this man and is willing to pay for him then you should listen to her.
you pause for a moment and then you speak.
YN: If you, suffer your people to be ill-educated and their manners corrupted from infancy and then punish them for those crimes to which their 1st education disposed to them. What else is to be concluded, sire, but that you first make thieves and then punish them.
jensen very demandingly now insisted to the cargo master that he release the servant. after jensen had raised his voice slightly at the cargo master, he released Bobby...
bobby approaching you, told you he thought you looked like your mother... you whispered to him for him to meet you at the end of the bridge...
you then told him outloud to prepare the horses that you would be leaving at once. on the way to the end of the bridge where bobby was.
you were about quarter way there when Jensen was suddenly trying to come up beside you.. you made your way to the edge of the bridge away from all the people walking.
Jensen: have we met?
YN: i do not believe we have had that pleasure your highness.
Jensen: i could have sworn i knew every courtier in the province.
YN: well i am visiting my cousin.
Jensen: who
YN: my cousin
jensen: yes of couse you said that already which one
YN: well i only have one cousin sire, if you must know i dont have much family to look up to these days.
jensen: are you always this coy or just honestly refusing to tell me your name...
you stop movng for a moment to speak quickly..
YN: well no i assure you it is not my intent to be... and yes its for your own good sire....
Jensen was persistent you had to give him that...
Jensen: well then tell me your cousins name so that i may approach her to discover your identity. surely anyone who can quote Thomas Moore is well worth the effort...
YN: the prince has read Utopia... very impressive your highness.
after a few more sentences spoken you left him with your mothers name and then you were interupted by his mother the queen walking up... and then you and Bobby head back to the manor along the way you change clothes, leaving the other ones with garth...
arriving back at the manor, you are greeted by ellen and jodi both of whom are also very happy to have bobby home. rowena however questioned why he was back...
you then are back to your chores, but before that you are caught off guard when you are confronted by rowena as well about Jensen returning the horse you let him borrow that morning. she scolded you for being harsh and such...
she sent you off to do your chores and the day went on... but while that was happening, Jensen was having another very very heavy argument with his father...
John: in a few days boy you come of age to take the crown. by any right you cant refuse...
Jensen: i believe i have the right to refuse... as i am my own person and i can make my won decisions.
John: really how bout this either you present a girl of your choice to marry or you will marry princess Jo by the end of the week. so help me if you deny the crown i shall simply become immortal and live forever..
mary: really john, look my boy i know its hard, but please try to get along for me... i havent seen you happy in a long time i saw that smile on your face with the young girl you were talking too on the bridge today.
Jensen: have you ever heard of Marie-Louise Cochet?
Mary: no, why is that who you were talking too...
Jensen: no thats the name of her cousin, but no one seems to recognize the name... ive asked many of the nobles around the palace grounds and on my ride through town today and no one could tell me who she is... its very very very annoying...
mary: well whoever she is im sure she is thinking about you as much as you are her... and whereever she may be at this moment, you are all she is thinking about... the look in both of your eyes today was clear she feels about you the way you do about her...
Jensen was slightly intrigued by what his mother said, but when he thought about it he knew she was right... But he kept chit chatting with his mother as they walked through the garden.
Meanwhile back at the manor, ellen and you were collecting honey from the hives... having a small but quaint conversation..
Yn: personally I think the prince and Claire deserve eachother..
Ellen: bite your tongue girl, the only throne that I want her sitting on is the one I have to clean everyday...
Yn: well see if Claire married the prince then I could stay here with the manor and every one else would move to the palace and I would never have to see them again.
Ellen: oh poppy cock, the only reason that wicked vile person wants her spoiled brat of a daughter on the throne is because she is afraid of the poor person's life style.
Yn: well if thats the case maybe they should try to get along without us "servants" for the day and see how that goes.
Ellen: well now that would certainly be humorous, I would pay good coin to see that...
You and Ellen just laughed all the way from the hive back to the house. You were still thinking about the prince though.
*time skip: a week goes by and yet still you have not figured out the proper way to explain to the prince who you actually were... But doing so while walking with him through the forest, was a little bit more difficult. But this is your third meet with the prince. He had come to your manor in search of you... After his mother the queen had met with Claire and rowena... That's when the secret had been blown to your steps. You had not gotten lashings yet. For you were not there you were with the prince lost in the woods.*
Jensen: I can't believe I don't know the way to my own castle.
Yn: well it was your idea to come walking through the woods to get there.
Jensen sighs then turns his head toward the rock surface that you had climbed and to your dress which lay on the ground.
Jensen: and I can't believe that im down here whilst you are up in that tree...
Yn: well we wouldn't want you to climb and break your royal neck... Then we wouldn't know we were going in the right way...
Jensen: right then, well something is clearly wrong with my sense of direction.
Yn: well hey you said it not me... Now please turn around so I can climb back down...
Needless to say you and the prince ended up making friends with some gypsies. And ended up at a bonfire with them to stay the night...
Yn: did you ever want to just run away from the crown.
Jensen: many times, but my father, the guards no where is safe... They Want me to marry some Spanish princess... I don't Want that, I want to be free.
Yn: and one day soon I hope you can be, I hope we both can be... Free to make our own choices. Free to do what we want, free to love who we want to love.
Jensen: I don't understand what could you have to be freed from.
Yn: my step family isn't the most understanding... They have certain expectations and I don't agree with them…
Jensen: i think you have made me feel more free these last few days than ive felt in my entire life.
Jensen leaned forward to keep you quieter but he also went with the mood… he cupped your cheeks and kissed you… this lasted 2 minutes before the gypsies saw and startled you both…
A few hours later you and Jensen arriving on the side of your manor in the middle of the night… Jensen gets off the horse after you have stated quietly that you don't want to wake everyone up…
Jensen: you know those ruins in the woods by the edge of the forest…
Yn: course my lord who doesn't.
Jensen: meet me there tomorrow afternoon…
Yn: I'm not sure I can
Jensen: then I shall wait all day
Yn: I shall try
Jensen kisses you one more time before he takes off into the night and you go into the barn to sleep by the fireplace hiding your garments from the view of your evil step family.
You went to sleep with a smile on your face not knowing that the morning when you wake would be the beginning of the worst days ahead.
You were woken up the next morning by a bunch of faces staring at you and a broom being poked into your side.
Rowena: are you I'll?
Yn: no and yes…
Rowena: well there are important matters to attend to…
Yn: well why don't you tell me what they are so I can get back to sleep…
Rowena and Claire were both looking at you with scorn and not nice faces… Jo was looking at you while you are being grilled and yelled at.
Claire: what about our breakfast…
You rolled over and put your arm over your eyes…
Yn: you have 2 hands make it yourself.
Both Claire and Rowena were not happy with your outburst… all three of them left the room, you stayed where you were for another hour or so before getting up and starting your chores. When you went to rowena’s room to put the fresh linens, in there you saw her, claire and jo in the room, rowena had the dress held up to claire like she was the one who was gonna be the one wearing it to the mask, not you.
Like was originally stated but then an accident happened, claire said some nasty things about your mother, you chased her with anger in your facials, till she came to a stop as you stood holding your mothers shoes, she held your fathers book over the fireplace.
An ultimatum was issued to you by rowena, but her eyes slowly changed, darkening once more as she spoke the following words:
Rowena: listen to me carefully YN, your father’s book or your mothers shoes though neither will save you from sound lashing.
Although you were hesitant, you surrendered your mothers shoes, but had angered your step sister too much she threw your fathers book into the fire. Held back from saving it by your step mother you began to cry…
Within the next 5 minutes you were against the wall and getting lashings for acting out, for misbehaving, for basically doing nothing that pleased your step mother and step sister… it was jo that was to patch you up after your lashings.
Jo: you really brought this upon yourself you know.. First with breakfast then with that horrid display downstairs… though it was quite amusing to see claire like that, i shall never forget the way her feet went up over her head like that. She should not have said what she did about your mother.
You were thinking about what happened, you were just grateful that not every one of your steps hated your guts. But then your mind reverted back to Jensen… you had to tell him the truth, you had no choice.
Yn: thank you…
Meanwhile jensen had awoken his parents that very morning when he got home and announced to his parents that he wants to build a university where anyone can study no matter their station, and that he was inviting the gypsies to the ball…
His father questioned his sanity for a while, but he went to do a few things before he would head to the ruins to await the moment you and he would be face to face once more. You on the other hand were not even sure if you should go to meet the prince…
But you knew you should, and plus you wanted to tell him the truth. So now was as good a moment as any… but you couldnt stay long… for soon your steps would notice your disappearance.
Jensen: you came…
Yn: i cant stay long but i had to see you…
Jensen: come there is something i want to show you…
You took his hand and followed him to a hidden corridor, place looked beautiful… by this point though the tears were already threatening to spill from your eyes. But jensen hadnt noticed he just thought you were marveling the architecture..
Jensen: i feel as though you are trying to tell me something and ive been completely missing it…
Yn: you’ve been so wonderful, but im afraid i cant meet you again…
Jensen: cant meet again… what are you talking about.
Your tears were now flowing freely, nothing was of comfort, though jensen’s arms felt amazing his kiss to your lips longing, but when his hands tried to wrap cross your back you screeched in pain for the lashes you had received earlier that day were still healing.
*time skip not too long or far but for this to end quicker this needs to be said… so after you broke the kiss with jensen, you ran back to the manor… you went ahead to the stable and got out of what you were wearing, but you walked into the Manor through the front door and watched as your step family came round the corner, you were reprimanded and taken to be locked in the cellar.. while Jensen was being told by his mother that you left him in the ruins cause you were heading off to be married… Garth was told by Bobby to go talk to Leonardo da Vinci… and about a few hours later senor da Vinci walked into the Manor with Garth to rescue you… that's where we go now….*
Garth: yn
Yn: Garth you came for me…
Garth: the queen told the prince you were engaged to be married…
You shook your head and spoke once more.
Yn: yes well, he has been misinformed…
You turned to da Vinci and told the truth
Yn: senor my name is yn and I am not who the prince thinks I am.
Da Vinci: yes and I am the bastard son of a peasant what is that to do with anything. If that boy cant see you and love you for who you really are then he isnt the one for you…
Garth stood beside you as you hugged da vinci…
Garth: now come on i have the perfect thing for you to wear to the masquerade… the prince needs to know the truth
You all went upstairs and you were heading off to the masquerade in a matter of moments after leaving the cellar… well minus the time that it took to do your hair, makeup, get dressed… etc…
But you were just hoping that you would get to tell Jensen the truth before the masquerade gets too out of hand… its better if he hears the truth from your own lips instead of someone elses. You walked into the masquerade and all eyes turned to you, the talking stopped, the king, queen and jensen all had their eyes on you now… your steps particularly claire and rowena were not particularly pleased with your arrival…
Jensen ran to you… you both had a small chat during which you tried to get the prince to speak with you alone… but he just dismissed it as a joyous frenzy in which he started to bring you up to meet his parents but you both were stopped mid room by rowena and claire, rowena pulled off one of the wings you were wearing.
Rowena: you miserable little ingrate, you dress above your station and betray your sister and embarrass this family… its an outrage, a scandal… you should have stayed in the cellar…
You meanwhile had started to cry…
Jensen: you shall not speak to her like that madam… watch your tones…
Rowena: my lord, this woman is a pretender and has been lying to you from day one… she is a servant in my household and i intend to rectify the misinformation that she has brought upon you…
Jensen turns to face you and now asks you the questions you had been dreading… but your step mother had that dark look you always saw when she yelled or screamed at you which was almost everyday sometimes multiple times a day. Where her eyes would be black as night, and her voice going deep and scary…
Jensen: contese tell them, tell them who you really are.. Marie?
You were full on crying now, your voice was cracking but you answered anyway…
YN: Marie-Louise Cochet was my mother i am what she says… i can explain everything…
After that little incident you ended up running out of there full on crying but you ended up loosing a shoe on the way out… you were not proud of lying, you were not proud of deceiving the prince but you now had to face the music..
Your step sister jo however heard one of the most wealthy benefactors for your farm talking with rowena, she heard them talking about you being sold to this wicked being… that it would happen after the masquerade…
But a conversation between Leonardo Da Vinci and Jensen would soon bring light to the dark situation… and it goes like this…
Leonardo: what have you done
Jensen: i have been born to privilege and with that comes responsibilities which sometimes include having to make a hasty retreat from a party i didnt even want to happen.
Leonardo: Horse shit! Do you know what happened, what that girl has been through over the time she spent with you…
Jensen: You are out of line, old man. Do not test my patience however little of it i have left. I saw something in her step mother tonight something dark… but that doesnt change what happened.
Leonardo: No, my boy, you are out of line. you don’t have any god forsaken clue as to what that girl went through to get here tonight?
Jensen: She lied to me. She failed to tell me the truth, of course i would have had more compassion and less anger if she had just come out with the truth in the first place.
Leonardo: She risked everything, she risked life and limb to come here tonight in order to tell you the truth and you fed her to the wolves!
Jensen: What do you know? You build flying machines and you walk on water, and yet you know nothing about life! What could you possibly offer me as advice.
Leonardo: I know that a life without love is no life at all. I also know that girl loves you more than you or i could ever know…
Jensen: And love without trust? What of that? What would the world not know the pain she has caused my heart this night...
Leonardo: and you fail to see it still, how blind must you be to fail to see that She's your match, Jensen.
Jensen: I have no need for love, i have no use for something that will only cause me and my heart pain… further more, i am but a servant to my crown and I have made my decision. I will not yield!
Leonardo just sighs running his fingers over your slipper...
Leonardo: Then as unfortunate as it is, you don't deserve her.
Jensen watches as da vinci places the slipper on the ledge above his own head and walks away… jensen continues to stand on the path and wait for the day to come…
*time skip again… probably for the final time… you are doing your chores in the garden, rowena comes over to talk to you, you mostly try to ignore her, but your ignorance of her made her more persistant to speak with you. Ellen yells that the stuff has been returned, you and rowena run up to see the stuff that was missing from the manor being unloaded. Then there it was, the very moment your step sister jo had over heard, you being sold to mr Jean-Paul Lemery.. You were being dragged away while Jensen was waiting in the church for the spanish princess to finish her approach to the aisle… this is where we go to now…*
Standing at the alter, jensen and this spanish princess were both standing there before the bishop to do something that wouldnt benefit what they both really wanted. All the princess could do was cry obnoxiously and loudly, all jensen could do was think about you, all he wanted was you… it wasnt till after the first prayer was spoken that Jensen realized what he had figured all along, he began laughing where the princess was crying… he simply lifted her veil and told her to be with the one she loved…
Not precisely said like that but still jensen was determined now to get to you by any means necessary. Jensen exited the church leaving thousands in question of what just happened.
Jensen went over to the carriage that rowena, claire and jo arrived in and talked to bobby…
Jensen: where is mar…
He had to correct himself, for he now knew your real name…
Jensen: yn, where is yn?
Bobby: you didnt hear…
Jensen now was confused and very very nervous. For the tones in bobby’s voice made him scared…
Jensen: didnt hear what… what dont i know…
Bobby: why she has been sold sire…
Jensen could not believe what he had heard, sold, you had been sold.. He was gonna reign down hell on whoever had you in their grasp, making you do whatever the hell they wanted…
Jensen: sold, what do you mean sold… to who… whats their name.
Thats when jo came running out the church to stand beside jensens servant/page/footman…
Jo: Jean-Paul Lemery, your highness… just after the masq… my awful mother arranged it… but YN doesnt deserve it… she has done nothing wrong, nothing that would deserve to be sold to such an awful man… but there was something off, about his eyes… they were dark, black and empty, no life to his words or his eyes at all… it was like he isnt human…
Jensen: i have a very very bad feeling about this, how did he seem when he collected her from your manor?
Jo: he didnt show any emotion at all, like none, like no emotional facials shown at all… it was like he wasnt alive at all…. I am worried for the lively hood of my dear step sister. I do so pray that you find her and fast...
Jensen now standing closer to them, speaks once more…
Jensen: that is not good, not good at all, there have been reports of people saying that their loved ones or other folk have had their eyes darkening when angry or upset… jo, please tell no one we have spoken about this, no one is gonna be alright till all this reveals itself in due course. Not to worry your step sister will come out of this safe, come Morray, there is much to accomplish and not alot of time to do so…
Over the next few hours, jensen went to many a person and talked to so many people. Finally a location was told to him of where he could find the person who now held you captive, for lack of any better word anyway.
meanwhile , you were cleaning Jean’s swords as he sat on his ass eating an apple. You were not aware of the looming danger that yet surrounded you, but yet still made your skin crawl.
Jean however was hiding something something very very dark… it was a very difficult for him to keep his darkside in check… little did you know that things were about to get much worse for you…
Jean: it pains me so to see you in irons
Yn: do not patronize me, do not be ignorant you are not going to release me nor treat me better than what i was back home…
Jean comes walking up to you, stalking and menacing. you were not sure how to react so you kept at your work… feeling him coming up to you from behind, finding he couldnt help but smell your hair, you shuddered ever so slightly at this fact…
But he spun you round to have you look into his eyes, they were black as midnight… they had no life to them at all, his skin was cold as ice. He was not alive.. But how, that was something you didnt understand…
Jean: i can see it in your eyes, you know im not human… thats good…
You tried to move, but felt his hand grasp tighter to your forearm, you had no idea that things were to get much worse than that nor that you were about to have a rescue party that un be known to you, things were not to end well for anyone.
YN: you will keep your distance sir, i dont care if you are or are not human. You will maintain your distance or else why not just kill me..
Jean spun you round forcefully and unnaturally, he pressed you against the table, and spoke with an un-natural tone to his voice.
Jean: i would rather take you and breed you with my darkness so you can house my dark spawn, so more like me can live in this miserable world, so we can have world domination… now shut your mouth and take it like the good little bitch i know you should be…
You were scared, shivering under the touch of his hands to your skin, no matter what your body was saying it wasnt responding to your mental commands. But at that moment he stopped a bit, his hands just inches from having your skirt fully lifted.
But noise from outside the manor, spooked him, but gave you some hope as to someone coming to your rescue. A voice rang through the halls one voice you never ever thought you would ever hear again.
Jensen: search the entire manor, grounds, barns everywhere i want YN found and i want her found now… morray come with me, you 2 guards with us as well, we need to search this room down here, there is light from it… swords drawn, we need to be prepared for whatever we may find in there.
Approaching closer to the door, Jensen heard you scream… for Jean or whatever he was calling himself, now was almost all the way up your leg, with your skirt inching closer to your ruin, but jensen’s busting the door down made jean stop in his tracks.
Jean: whats this then…
Jensen spots your gaze…
Jensen: YN, ive come to save you… your step sister jo told me where i could…
Jean: nah nah nah, his royal highness shouldnt have come here, not for some lonely peasant girl… one who deceived him, one who didnt have just cause for what she did… one who deserves what i have for her.
Jensen: a life with you is no life at all… especially with your slimy grotesque ways… now let her go…
Jean: or you will do what… without your lackys or help you and this girl will die here in this house… no one will ever find your bodies and no one else will ever know what happened to you guys….
Jean turned around to admire you for one moment, but his gaze averted from jensen for a single moment before jensen took one of the candelabras and hit Jean over the head. Jean collapsed to the ground, this allowed you to get off the table and go out the door with jensen, running through the corridors into a corner
Jensen: there will be plenty of time to talk about what happened later, right now we need to figure out a way out of here… or to get rid of him.
Yn: what about we figure out what he is first then figure out how to destroy him…
Jensen held you close as you both heard footsteps coming in echoes.
Jensen: i am grateful that you are alright…
Yn: that im alright, you actually came for me… i cant believe you would do something like that after what i did.. I lied to you about my true identity and yet still you came for me…
Jensen: of course i did, i left my own wedding, upon realizing that love is more important than what station you are or what family you were raised in… i asked your servant, or uncle or whoever drove your steps to my wedding, and he said you had been sold. It was your step sister jo that told me who you had been sold too…
You just stood in his embrace but a chilling voice now echoed closer to you and jensen.
Jean: now now no hiding, this not a childs game of hide and seek, no one is getting out of here alive. Now come out we need to finish what was started in the main hall. Dont make me force you both out of hiding… cause… that… wont… be…. Very… pleasant…
That last word was when he found you cowering in the safety of jensen’s arms. He had his body guards put irons on both you and jensen dragging you both to the main hall. He had his body guards throw jensen into the corner, as for you he brought you over to sit on his lap in front of the fire place as he forced you to watch as jensen was beat up.
Jean: guards wait, dont kill the boy… he needs to stay alive long enough for me to turn his young pretty play thing here against him. Not to worry though it will only hurt for a moment… then you will be enjoying yourself…
Jean tried to kiss you but you had a different idea… a bit of wording that you picked up from one of the books your father had in his vast library. A latin phrasebook, your father prided himself on having such things in the library for such times as they might be needed.
YN: I. res in senatu sententiam dicere, quid agis? (i address the entity within, what are you?)
Jean tossed you on the ground, you stared at him as he became puzzled… he had no idea what was happening.
Jean: i am from the deepest darkest depths of the underworld, i am a servant of the dark powers that flood your world every day, i sought a host body so i may survive in this world so that i may carry out my dark lords wishes. I am a demon, and you child knowing that language is not gonna stop me… not without the proper instruction.
Thats when you remembered the passage after what you previously stated, you had no idea how to approach this but you were gonna try anyway.
Yn: hey demon, you are picking on the wrong people i now use this passage to bind you and send you back to where you came from.
You stood up, and held your head high.
Yn: nomine Dei Exorcizo te in profundis inferni unde nunquam venit in nomine Domini et exiturum esto (in the name of god, i exorcise thee back to the depths of hell from where you came leave now and never return in the name of christ let it be so)
Thats when jensen pushed him into the flames of the fire and he disappeared. You and jensen were approached quickly by the guards, jensen held onto your hands as you were shaking..
Jensen: burn the place down, put up a sign that says that he was a traitor to the crown, that he tried to harm me, that he was executed by fire on the spot. His possessions and money are to be given to those who actually need them, and are to be divided equally. As for YN and i we are heading to take care of some business at the castle. There are things and people who need our attention.
You and jensen get on his horse and head to the castle, where you both have a conversation with the king and queen, they agree to your marriage to Jensen. This made you both so happy.
Jensen: i am very happy to have you by my side now and always.
YN: and we will be as happy as can be but there is now something we must do, we must rid my sister jo of her sister and mother.
Jensen: your right, morray go to her manor, and bring the 3 ladies here, to appear before the court, and so they can receive their punishment. No one mistreats my bride even if it was from before i knew her and lives to tell the tale.
Yn: your bride am i, i thought that changed and now im your wife… i still cant believe im married, and a princess no less… this feels like a dream.
Jensen: its no dream you are a princess, my princess and this kingdom is ours, but we can still work on the manor, it is still your home, i will not keep that from you.
Yn: you are the best, how did i get so lucky?
Jensen: all with the luck of you being in the right place at the right time… now lets greet your former step mom and former step sister in a way that will most shock them…
By the time you and Jensen had made ready for the arrival of your steps, you were absolutely thrilled that this was your new life. In your heart of hearts, you knew that your step mother and step sister claire deserved, at the same time you were so nice and gentle that you didnt want to see them executed and burnt for their crimes.
Before your steps were announced, you had a brief meet with the queen.
Mary: you know i always dreamed of having a daughter whose as adventurous as my son. I just dreamed of how i would be able to take her with me on strolls to the shops and we would get new dresses for every single occasion. Point is i am most grateful to have you in my life and grateful that you are the person my son choose to spend his life with.
YN: thank you your majesty, my honor is in knowing that i have done my father proud by marrying your son. God rest my fathers soul that he may smile forever upon me… i wish he could have known Jensen he would have adored him.
Mary comes up to you and takes one of your hands in her own.
Mary: if your father were still alive im sure he would have loved the wedding, the journey you and jensen were on wasnt easy at first but now i think you both will be just fine. Now what would you and jensen like for dinner tonight.
You didnt have to think about your response for you were among family.
Yn: something fit for the future of our great country.
Thats when trumpets echoed through the castle. You and Mary were alerted to the arrival of your steps. Putting this in action, you went to stand amongst the people in a crowd this vast you would not be seen by 2 people in particular. For as much as your step mother and step sister had wronged and angered you, you were not supposed to stray from the plan. But watching now as your husband, father and mother in law addressed your steps in full form in front of the entire court.
John: baroness rowena de guise did you or did you not lie to her majesty the queen of france…
Mary: choose your next words carefully
Rowena began by stammering, now she knew she was in trouble.
Rowena: well i mean what a woman wouldnt do her child right..
Mary: that doesnt fully answer the question ma’am. Did you lie to me?
Rowena: perhaps i did get a little carried away.
John: baroness you are hereby stripped of your title and your lands, your fortune shall go to the poor to those less fortunate who have been wronged by your misdeeds, you and your horrible daughter are to be shipped to the americas. Unless someone here is willing to speak for you.
Rowena looked around and saw that everyone was shunning her, thats when your sister jo had been spotted in her view.
Rowena: Jo dear, i would hate to think you would have had anything to do with this…
Jo: of course not mother im only here for the food… but i am no longer your daughter, you were cruel and horrible to YN and for this i know you are to get what you deserve, same thing with claire i hope you both can live with what you did. Cause i no longer have to.
Rowena tried to advance on jo but was stopped by the many people blocking her advance that was when she turned back to the crown and kinda half laughed.
Rowena: there seem to be quite a few poeple out of town.
Thats when your voice rang through the court.
YN: ill speak for her.
This made rowena freeze in place or she had thought you had died in that fire on lemery’s property. But she turned round and bowed to her knees before you.
Jensen: rowena, i believe you already know my wife
Rowena: wife… i dont suppose its not to late to ask for mercy.
The crown looked to you for what you had to say.
Yn: all i ask your majesties is that rowena and claire be shown the same curtesy that they bestowed upon me for all the many years. And that jo be promoted to be my lady in waiting, she is after all still my sister.
Thats when you looked down on claire and rowena spoke once more.
Yn: i want you to know that you both will never be thought of by me again after this moment, but that im very certain you will think of me for the rest of your lives, however long they may be. Enjoy the torture you put me through all those years, and know that if you ever come back to this castle and try that stunt again, i will send you tot he same fate as lemery.
John: well said my daughter well said, the princess has spoken the verdict let it be so, these 2 are stripped of lands, titles and wealth and to be sent to work as slaves for the rest of their lives.
Jensen and you were now standing along side the king, queen, jo and morray watching as rowena and claire were dragged off to the far reaches of the kingdom, to begin the lifetime of servitude that awaited them.
a few days later, you and Jensen were visited by garth and leonardo, both of whom brought you both a belated wedding present a painting of you...
a sweet moment shared between you and jensen by the window is where we end our story, the moral is that darkness lives within each of us, its whether or not we let it take hold that defines the rest of our lives.
and now they lived happily ever after.
~the end~
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