#im not gonna tag the fandoms or the ocs ok im too damn lazy
eggbagelz · 1 year
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Various "im not focusing on physics" doodles
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dustymatsu · 6 years
Tagged by: @kibi-lou !!!! asghfn thenk you for my life
Rules: Answer these questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: you can just call me dusty
Zodiac: gemini
Height: 5′1″ i'm so tiny
Time: like, 9:30 at the time im writing this
Favorite band/artist: i don't have one at the moment, i kind of just cruise from song to song and listen to a lot of loud music
Song stuck in my head: THE DUCKTALES THEMESONG...i just finished watching the whole season its really good
Last movie I saw: beverly hills chihuahua 3... looks its not what you think, a friend and i binged all three movies, passed out during the second one, and then couldn't handle the dogs standing upright in the first five minutes of the third one. i STILL haven't recovered
Last thing I googled: brony mate because i wanted to see if it was a real thing.... have you SEEN the commercial for it
Other blogs: @dustyhyena! it's my main account i kinda just reblog silly stuff there and occasionally some fandom stuff? i might post original art there every once in a blue moon if you squint
Do I get asks: not often, but that's because i'm bad at answering them! (plus dual enrollment where i actually have to be on campus is starting idk how that's gonna go) but i wanna get better at that!!! i wanna talk to more people!!!!! it's a personal goal of mine
Why did I choose this username: i go by dusty and i got lazy, and it seemed like it fit. its me dustymatsu san
Following: 835
Average amount of sleep: it really varies, from around 4 hours to 7 hours! and sometimes i go to bed early and wake up at 2 am because my body is Like That
Lucky number(s): 15? i dont know i just like the number 15. it's not even lucky. i just like it
What am I wearing: guardians of the galaxy t-shirt and some ripped jeans
Dream job: i REALLY want to do something in either animation, storyboarding, or character design! i just really want to draw and tell a story with my 50+ furry ocs someday
Dream trip: for some reason i've always just wanted to go to hawaii? or canada?? i'd say somewhere far like japan but being that far makes me nervous
Fave food: i really like pizza, and that's a really generic response but i just love me the shit outta some pizza
Play any instruments: i used to play the violin in the fifth grade i think! and then i tried to pick up the ukulele but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i couldn't focus on it for a minute
Eye color: brown babey!!
Hair color: dark brown babey!!!!
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: that sounds difficult uhhh but i can try that! an organized messy room, random posters and stuff on the walls, bright colorful lights in a dark room, sketchbooks upon sketchbooks of art from middle school, night walks on a boardwalk, looking out your window at the night sky, staying up at night to talk to your friends......the night
Languages you speak: english is the only language im proficient in!!! i took spanish for all of middle school and freshman year in hs but ive forgotten it all!!! like a fool!!! please forgive me
Most iconic song: caramelldansen uh ok that's a hard one bc there's a lot of songs i liked! but yall remember the butterfly song from ddr? and the ievan polkka? that shaped me.
Random fact: i used to have sonic generations, but one time at a friend's birthday party my friend's brother convinced me to trade it for sonic 06 because i didn't know how bad it was at the time now i dont talk to them anymore and i'm sure they probably moved so i just now have a copy of sonic 06. i cant even play it bc my rabbit chewed up an essential cord for the ps3. i got played like a damn fool
I tag: AHHH forgive me but i dont know who to tag here ;; i havent done too many tumblr memes and im too chicken to tag anyone but i do have mutuals i want to know more! i guess if you see this, you could count it as me tagging you
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