#im not on the verge of tears anymore im just tired and things hurt
puppysdog · 1 year
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drake-bois · 3 months
Omg, ur thing with gale kisses was so sweet, I can't stop reading and thinking about this 😭🥺❤️✨
But what about us giving him kisses maybe? 🥺👉👈 I luv my man, I wanna smooch him to death 😚✨
omgggg gale needs kisses so so bad i love him so much!! ty for the request!!
kisses served for gale🤍
a/n: tysm anon for this lovely request!!🫶🏻 g/n reader, mostly just talking about what i see happening and what you would do🤭 may be a bit spicy so just in case MDNI 18+! 💜
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you're enough for me kiss
we all know(at least before the orb is taken care of) that he is very unsure that he's enough for you. he always tells you that yourenough for him, but he doesn't believe that you love him for who he is. He doesn't think that would be even remotely possible. One particularly bad night, he's nearly in tears because of his self doubt (it hurts my heart so bad to see him doubt himself so much :( ) and you're just holding him and he's on the verge of tears and you keep kissing him on the cheek and the lips and the forehead and the nose, and telling him over and over again that he is more than enough for you, just the way he is. you don't need him any other way than just plain old Gale Dekarios. The most handsome wizard that is the most gentleman of all gentlemen. "you're enough for me gale. just the way you are. i'm never leaving your side. we'll figure this out." you say as he's calming down. "you promise?" he says, unsure still. "i promise, cross my heart and hope to marry you(because he can't fathom the thought of you dying so we'll keep it at that) he chuckles and kisses you. "thank you my love. even on my darkest of days, you are my light and the reason to keep living. to keep fighting." (ok i made myself cry im so sorry)
after a difficult fight kiss
after a particularly difficult fight, you guys run to each other, tears in each others eyes, and capture one another in the tightest of all embraces. the mere thought of losing you for him is utterly unfathomable, he couldn't bare it, and vice versa. you pull back, look him in the eyes with the desperation of a thousand suns and kiss him with the intent of never detaching. it is so passionate, but not because it's sensual, it's a need to know you still can, you can still kiss, embrace, and be with each other. after fights like these, you kiss gale all night long, never leaving each others embrace.
i need you now kiss
he's been eyeing you all night, and you can't take it anymore. you stand up with such purpose it nearly startles the whole camp, you grab gale and walk off to a secluded area, party members giving you and gale knowing glances. you don't let him talk, he knowingly conjures up a nice bed, and you push him down, and climb on top of him and kiss him with so much passion, it takes him by surprise, though pleasant. you grip his beautiful long hair with one hand and one hand on his cheek, he can't help but hope this isn't going to be a one time thing, (being a dom all the time can get tiring and he needs a break every once in a while 😏)
after a hard day kiss
y'all are married now and living in waterdeep, and gale is a professor. he comes home one night after a particularly hard lesson, drops his satchel on the ground and sulks into the living room where you are sitting. you notice his frustrated and sad look. you get up and rub his shoulders and he relaxes instantly under your touch and just melts into your arms. you have him talk about his day to get it out , and give him lots of soft kisses. once he's done explaining his day, you have the dinner you prepared for y'all, and you run him a lavender bath with rose petals and pamper him all night bc he deserves it!! (men (Gale) deserve romance too!!)
i hope you enjoyed it as much as i loved writing it!! tysm again anon for this beautiful request to write about our beloved wizard💜 if anyone would like a blurb, one shot, imagine, check out my pinned post to see who i write for!! (only bg3 at the moment!) and thank you for reading 🫶🏻💜
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renzieluvsvt · 1 year
fall in you
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pairing: bsf!joshua x reader
genre: angst, fluff
word count: 1K
summary: you have been falling for your childhood best friend!joshua. you are sure that your feelings wont be reciprocated so what turns will it take when you decide to completely avoid and forget him?
warnings: reader losing pet dog, kissing (is that even a warning? lol)
a/n: tysm anon for this request!! i enjoyed coming up with the plot for this;)) but so sorry as it took me so much time to post it.
anw, hope yall enjoy this one too!! will keep on posting as much as i can :))
"will you still not talk to me?", joshua asked you aka his best friend with whom he hadn't spoken to for several months because of some reason he wasn't aware of. the two of you had been friends since childhood, grew up knowing each other's secrets, grew up together even during the lowest points of lives but as of now, the both of you were standing in the living room of your dorm. you hadn't spoken to him for six months already. during the first month, he excused you by thinking that you were probably tired with the classes. during the second month, he was hurt that you didn't agree to meet him anywhere else whenever he tried to clear things out. it was the third month where you finally refused to even look at him in the uni. it hurt him to see you avoiding him.
whenever he tried approaching you, you always changed your path. it suprised him how his "best friend" started leaving him on delivered or sometimes on seen in the fourth month. his phone calls were totally ignored by you in the fifth month. and finally, in the sixth month you started treating him as a pure stranger.
he couldn't take this shit anymore. even if he spent hours in a day to reflect and look for some reasons that could have possibly got you upset— he still couldnt find one. that was when he eventually decided to go to your dorm and confront you. he had been refraining himself from visiting your dorm so that he wouldn't get in trouble for getting into a girl's dormitory but he was left with no choice afterall.
"can you fucking look at me atleast?", he said in anger as you tested his patience. you still continued folding your dried laundry. your actions hurt him. alot. being avoided by his bestfriend was already hurting him but the reason that hurt him the most was he couldn't have any sort of explanation about it.
"joshua, im asking you for the last time, can you please leave right now?", you spatted out with not much any emotions but one could surely hear the crack in your voice. you wanted to sink ten feet under the ground as you realised how your voice cracked. you wished that he didn't figure that out but you were wrong. he heard you and knew you were on the verge of breaking down. "please tell me y/n and i'll work on myself to not disappoint you anymore", he pulled you by your arms so that you could turn to his direction but you swatted away your arm from his grip. with anger.
as you finally faced him, he looked deeply into your eyes as if to find the answers you were hiding but all he could see was your tears welling up your eyes. he stared at you worriedly as a tear rolled down your face.
"why do you want me back in your life? just so you can hurt me again by telling me about your new flings?", you spoke out finally. yes, he heard that right. yes, he was understanding it right too. you saw him more than a friend. you wanted your relationship with him to be more than best friends. "yes! i go crazy everytime i hear you blabber about your crushes and dates", you said with tears in your eyes. you simply couldn't bottle it up today. "joshua, i fell for you even before i could know", you continued. "i dont know when it j-just happened. was it when you caressed my hair while appreciating me when i felt insecure about myself after i was cheated on by my boyfriend or was it when you didn't leave me alone when i was left heartbroken after i lost my dog? or was it when you spoke words you probably never meant with the eyes that seemed to be in love with me?", you managed to pour out your feelings in words finally.
"l-listen to m-me y/n....", joshua stuttered. he was speechless. not because of your sudden confession but because he finally knew that his feelings were reciprocated! "josh, im sorry but i cant stay friends with you. it hur-", before you could even complete your sentence he pulled you in for a kiss.
he cupped your cheeks and deepened the kiss with his eyes shut. you couldn't process what had just happened but when he bit your lower lip for a response, you gave in. it felt like heaven to kiss your best friend crush. he parted away from the kiss just to have you chase his lips. he chuckled. but soon he took a look at you as his big hands still kept your cheeks cupped.
"you have no idea how much i've loved you", you stare at him in disbelief. "y/n, i had already fallen for you since our middle school but never had the courage. i always ended up worrying about losing you if i ever got you as my lover. i was worried about not having you in my life if anything would go wrong", he continued. "you dont know how crazy you got me for yourself which had me to date a few times just to move on from you. but here you were, getting jealous of them", he said. "i wasn't jealous",you said as you hit him on his shoulders lightly in protest. the both of you laughed.
"y/n?", he called your name out with his sweet voice. "hmm", you responded while meeting his eyes. "will you be my girlfriend?", he asked you with your cheeks still cupped in his hands. as you heard those words, another tear rolled down your face but this time you had a smile on your face. "sure josh", you said with a smile and another tear rolling down your face in the same time. you were overjoyed.
he kissed you deeply to express the love that he had been hiding from you which had caused you so much pain. "i love you josh", you managed to say in between the kiss. "i love you more", he said while he pulled you closer to him by waist without breaking the kiss. the past six months were hard on you but all you could say was that it led to the best thing that could ever happen to you.
you felt lucky and so did joshua to have realise that you would always be by his side. forever. he promised to never let you go.
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lvxybby · 1 year
Our Messiah, Kai anderson x reader
3RD POV: you had recently given birth to your 2 week old baby girl, Jade. you were resting your eyes as your sleeping daughter was held in your arms. you tried so hard to sleep but it was either jade crying or paranoia keeping you awake. you heard the door open and voices fill the room before a loud shush quieted them. kai and everyone else stood before you, watching you hold your daughter. "you're dismissed" kai spoke in his regular plain voice. everyone exited the room except him. "hey" kai whispered as he approached the couch. you hummed as you held jade closer to your body. he knelt down and pet your head. he knows your completely drained from your mother duties. he honestly felt a bit of sorrow for you since you weren't sleeping at all anymore. it was really concerning to him. you and his daughter were his pride and joy. he would do anything to ensure your safety. "hey sweetheart" kai said focusing his attention to his sleeping daughter. he placed a small kiss on her forehead. "kai...?" you asked peeking open your eyes. "yeah?" he responded "is jade ok? is she still asleep?" you said with your eyes closed. "yeah...dont worry about her..." kai said with a smile. "how long are you going to keep doing this..." you said cuddling jade closer to you "what? keep doing what" kai asked. "y'know...the cult shit...im tired of constantly being put in danger" you said peeking open your eyes. "im doing this to keep you safe...to help us...are you not grateful for the work im putting in for you? the work im putting in to keep my family safe? the SHIT i do to make you happy!? HUH" he shouted. "kai please dont yell" you said waking up fully. "i never said that...its just im really scared cause...im worried about you too...i dont want you to get hurt or die doing some crazy shit! night of 100 tates? seriously kai! when you did that i was scared for my life too! i was scared you were going to kill me cause i was pregnant! i was scared you would get caught and go to prison! and im scared about the fact you talk to yourself! you scare me!" you cried out. your daughter woke up and began to look around. "oh really!? really?! i am perfectly fine! you are fine! i do this for you! for my daughter! for my job!" kai shouted. "KILLING PEOPLE ISNT A JOB KAI ANDERSON" you shouted. you stood up with jade and left the room. she was quietly crying now. you went upstairs to your shared room and grabbed the knife from under your mattress. kai kept it there for safety. you ran into the bathroom and slammed the door and locked it. you pressed your feet against the door as hard as you could. you heard kai chase you up the stairs and into the room. "open this door right fucking now" he said pulling on the door handle. you were scared. you cried with your daughter as you embraced her. you wrapped around her and sobbed. you were scared of your own husband. the man you trusted with every cell in your body to take care of your daughter and you, is banging on the door telling you to open it or he'll hurt you. "Y/N i'll bust this door down and fucking beat you! open it right now" he ordered. you pressed with your feet harder. you were shaking. you worried for you and your daughters lives at that point since kai was on the verge of insanity. you and jade were basically the only thing keeping him from going mad. you and jade were that tiny piece. next thing you know the door flew open and kai stood there. he was pissed off. but his expression changed when he saw you and your daughter sobbing. you were shaking like crazy and you had your daughter wrapped around you tighter than ever. you were hyperventilating like hell. you weren't able to breathe at all. you held the knife in your hands with a tight grip. "Y/N...oh..oh...god...i-" tears began to form in his eyes. his voice shook. "im so sorry..." he said. he reached out for you but you backed away. tears streamed down his face. "Y/N please im sorry" he cried. you gripped the knife tighter. you weren't going to risk your child getting hurt. kai sat on the floor across from you.
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meet-at-tycho · 4 months
sorryyy its late and i am filled with joy and whimsy. i love them so much, my sibling always gets annoyed with me cuz theyre all i talk about.. can you blame me? to have that vast boring nothingness shift into excitement and happiness and real true love? if you were me, youd talk about it too
its so funny cuz my life seems to move in cycles, familiar patterns that ive grown really sick of.. traumatizing and terrible, horrible bloody mess.... and then the most long drawn out boring slice of life youve ever witnessed. trauma! nothing! trauma! nothing! really tired of that.. i never thought that my nothing could be broken with joy, isnt that strange? for once, im not really hurting anymore. when i do hurt, i can handle it on my own and let go, and if its too much then i know im safe to express it
ive come such a long way, i dont tend to see myself positively, but.. its hard not to be proud. guys it turns out all you need to be happy is like. LOVE isnt that so corny isnt that so unbelievably predictable... APPARENTLY its true, i guess it feels different when yr actually experiencing it firsthand
im like on the verge of tears right now but. theres no sweeter joy than this, its so fucking BIZARRE. how did it happen this way? all the little bits and pieces that fell into place, delivered me angels and made me whole again.. cheesy, i know im being cheesy but i cant help it!! im sweet on them as often as i can be but theres still a lot of things i just.. dont have the strength to say directly. so i say them here, im sure only one of you will see this anyways. but i dont need either of you to see it, just speaking my feelings out into open air eases my mind a bit more
sometimes im like wow! theres no way this is healthy im . can i really experience true love? love that doesnt hurt? love thats REAL? as much as im tempted to deny it, im living it every day!!! i wake up and theyre both there to greet me, isnt that sweet? the first people i speak to when i wake up, the last people i say goodnight to when i go to sleep
i think i just need someone, i think im the kind of person that just.. ive been alone for a while, its OKAY its whatever, ive definitely grown used to it but. i thrive when im with them, its so? maybe all i need is someone else to keep me here.. ive got two!!!!!
maybe thats not clear enough
the way id get through that droning loneliness is escapism, nonstop daydreams and dissociation, i was barely here. only to eat and take care of my body a little bit, then its back to fantasy, because .. theres people who love me in my dreams! but.. im honestly finding it so hard to slip back into that habit now. its scary, because its whats kept me safe. hiding in fiction has kept me safe, kept me calm, happy.. but i cant shake it out of my head!!!! any time i try to fall back into those routines, the only thing i can think of is THEM.. like yeah this is great and all but.. i dont want to be trapped in my head anymore!!! theyre out there, i want to be out there..
if im honest? its terrifying. im forced to come to terms with ME as a person, who i am, something ive neglected to acknowledge for my entire life, but. im so completely wrapped up in my love for them that i hardly think about that!!!!! for once, it sorta almost feels like time is moving how it should be.. like every day that passes is different, every day that passes is SPECIAL. it hurts me to say this, but i think i love being alive? can you imagine that? how is it possible that two strangers could just.. fall into my life one day and before i even know it, im healing, im happy, im whole. MAKE ME SICKK its so foul. its almost pathetic!!! is that really all ive needed? this whole time, and i couldnt find ONE proper candidate throughout 20 years of life? its hard to really be upset about it, cuz.. ive got them now. thats all that matters
idk, i just. i think its really telling the kind of people they are, i know im only me, but.. for what its worth, theyve improved my life so drastically, i wouldve never thought id see myself happy like this. they do that for me, they do that and so much more. i love you 💞
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Why should i care anymore? Yes, u did and still r doing a lot for me..i appreciate that..bt im not gonna talk abt it anymore...imma go feral..i deserve to go feral...why did i have to involve dad and passively manipulate him to make u stop? Well ofc my tears weren't enough to make u understand that i was actually fucking hurt...stupidly hurt...insanely bleeding inside...i hate venting like this here..i hate it..it just reminds me how pathetic i have become..why did u stop instantly whenever dad was involved? Why wasn't me gagging while crying like a insane bitch enough for u to make u realize i was just hurt? Idc if all those things ain't as traumatic as other people..idc if other people have gone thro worse..ik i deserve empathy..ik i deserve it...all i wanna say is yes that hurt..every single shit hurt...it still hurts..i haven't moved on yet...im fragile and sensitive..no im not the strong bad bitch i try to appear to be..no im not strong enough...i cry..and i cry at every single shit..and god how tired and sick im of crying...i don't want to cry anymore over all of u...yes i did love..and yes i do regret it now..yes i want to move on...i just want to move on..and stop it..i don't want to remember anymore how u didn't come for once...i was on the verge of an attempt..im tired of hating on..im tired of all of it..yes it's not as bad as other people have it...i don't want to be hurting anymore..it's been enough..ik i need god..ik i don't deserve god...oh lord so much shame and humiliation and guilt to deal with...im skeptical of trusting my dad...i don't want any of it...i want to cut off everyone..i want to be alone..i want to die alone..i don't want to care anymore...i don't want...want to have any dream or desire...i just want to stop feeling altogether
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figure-out-problems · 2 years
It’s dark. Nightime falls again just like any other day. Inside dark four walls only the light shining through my face currently. It feels as if even in this darkness my soul exceeds its blackness.
I remember years ago, i used to walk around and live through this life with a heavy mind and heavy heart. It took me years and years forward to realize that it wasn’t there anymore. I remember clearly the moment when i realized i had been carrying such a big burden on my shoulders and took me just as much to realize that i got rid of it.
Now, i wonder when this heartaches will leave. When will this tightening in my chest just abandon me. When will it just get so tired of me to just get up on fucking leave me alone. Because i am so tired of it. Im exhausted of it.
Maybe it’s me who should leave it. Maybe I’m the one who should take it outside of my heart and expel it. But i have no idea on how to proceed. I get so angry sometimes. Im at a war with my head and my heart. Constantly fighting. Constantly disagreeing. Constantly hurting each other. Constantly at pain.
I feel sad out of nowhere. For no particular reason. I’m afraid I’m going down in depression. Because sometimes it feels more like it’s just my head. At times i want to cry. But i can’t shed any fucking tear. I hope i never lose faith in god. It’s the one reason i believe im alive to this day. I’m not suicidal. I just feel sad. All the time.
One day i was lying down and thinking of my life and contemplating how it all turned out so far. I have a job, pays good, i have my family healthy, i may not have a partner but i presume with time i will have that too. I currently already have everything i could wish for. But i questioned myself if i was happy. And I’m not. I am okay but that doesn’t necessarily mean i am happy. Today i tried to remember a time or a phase when i was truly happy. And it hurts and feel stupid and sad for myself because i can’t remember a time when i was happy in my 25 years in this dunya.
I don’t mean to be ungrateful because I’ve had my good times and great achievements in my career and the love and support i have from my family which make me feel really blessed. But not happy. I wonder how other people experience happiness. I wish at least others have it. I wonder if I’m depressed. I’ve felt low like this before too, but I’ve overcome it. But now that it’s more frequent I’m wondering maybe I’ve just been trying to convince myself that I’m not like that.
I feel it right now, the ache in my heart literally. My chest tightening. It’s weird because i had the energy today to clean and do lots of things, but my mind just makes me feel like I’m on the verge of crying.
I don’t know how to end this writing. I’ve got so much things going through my min i wish i could express, i wish i could write and explain to feel understood.
I really hope i donttlose faith in god.
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lilacveiledsea · 2 years
Unsung Truths
Matsukawa x fem!reader
Genre- hurt/comfort (mostly hurt)
Warnings- Lots of Cursing, very emotional (?)
Word count- 1k+
A/N- this is kinda self-indulgent, the ending was kind of rushed, sorry bout that, let me know if I’ve forgotten any warnings
Tired, frustrated and under appreciated, that’s how you’d describe how you feel at the moment. It was towards the end of your afternoon shift when you got the text. “Good morning my darling, sorry I just woke up,” that’s all he had said. Why pray tell was he barley fucking waking up at 2:30 in the afternoon??? Sighing you just continued on with what little time was left until you clocked out. You texted Mattsun back once you got out about 40 mins later, “hey baby, just got out of work.”
Pocketing your phone, you started your walk back home. The frustration just started to boil over the longer you were left to your own silence. Walking into your shared home, Issei greeted you with a small smile from his spot on the couch. “Hey, how was work today?” He has asked as you toed off your shoes by the door. “Fine” Turing away from him, you continued your way to the bedroom and slammed the door shut. Mattsun jumped at the sudden noise. Hearing rushing footsteps approach the bedroom you turned just in time to see Issei throw the door open. “What the hell was that?!? Why do you come home, answer me all short then slam the fucking door? HUH!” That was the breaking point. “Dont you fucking dare yell at me like that Matsukawa!” He took a step back in shock as you were never really like this. He opened his mouth to retaliate but you shut him up real quick as you continued, “I don’t think you understand what im feeling right now…” He slowly made his way towards you, trying to pull you into a hug.
As soon as he tried to put his arm around you, you stepped backwards out of his reach. “NO! I don’t want that right now. Just let me speak.” Looking up at him he nodded his head in agreement. Sighing you carded your fingers through your now unruly hair. “Im tired of this… it seems like im the only one putting any effort into our future.” Issei had a confused look on his face but kept quiet to let you carry on, “ Im the only one working, do you know how it makes me feel, to be up and busting my ass at both work and school. To come home to you not having done anything, or to get a message from you once my class is over or my shift is almost over, or in the middle of a shift?? ” you both were on the verge of tears at your sudden confession. “Babygirl… no.” the brown haired male shifted in his spot. He wanted to go to you so bad, wanted to comfort you however he could, but he also wanted to respect your wishes of not being touched, so he stood frozen by the door. You couldnt stand anymore so you sat down on the edge of your bed. Issei, finally back to his senses, made his way to the bed and kneeled in front of you. “Babygirl, can you please look at me?” He said as he rub your arms. Pulling your head up, he gasped slightly. Without your knowledge, you had started crying.
Wiping the stray tears from your cheeks Mattsun had pulled you into a loving hug along with a sweet kiss to your forehead. “Im sorry, I didn’t know you were feeling this way… I didn’t know that my actions were taking such a toll on you away from home.” He took a breathe, “Im trying… I really am but I just feel like im in a hole and not doing anything right, there are so many things that I want to do but I feel like I won’t be able to do them.” Now it was his turn to cry. Through all the frustration that you were feeling, you never stopped to think about how Matsukawa was feeling. In the 5 years you guys had been together, it was hard not to feel the way you did, you just wanted everything to be perfect for the two of you and the future you wanted to build together. He was still kneeling infront of you, clinging to you as if he was going to lose you, in response you slid off the bed and onto the floor with him. Practically tackling him. “Whoa, Y/n, don’t do that without warning princess.” He muttered as he steadied the both of you, with you straddling him. Burying your head in the crook of his neck, you whispered, “Im sorry baby, im so so sorry. I didn’t think about how you were feeling and I’m sorry Sei.” Shushing you, he started rubbing soothing circles into your back with one hand while the other moved to your hair. “Its ok, shh, dont cry baby, its ok.” Kissing your temple. “We both need to work on better communication. How about we get off the floor and move to the bed ok? We both could use some cuddles.” He felt the smile tug on your lips since You were so close to his skin. You didn’t respond verbally but nodded against his shoulder.
Mattsuns grip on you tighter as he slowly started to get up from his sitting position.He slowly tried to put you down on the bed, but to no avail. “Y/N we can’t get into bed like this, come on, loosen your grip a little bit babygirl.” Doing as he said, you let go of him, he then placed you in the middle of the bed. He moved to his side of the bed and grabbed the tv remote. “Here pick something to watch,” he said handing you the remote,” ill go to the kitchen and get some snacks, im sure your hungry after working all day.” Smiling at him you took the remote.
“Sei, this isn’t going to fix everything, but I hope this is a start to us working on our communication.” Stopping in the threshold, he turned around and smiled at you, “Of course my love, ill start looking around tomorrow for things to do.”
You did your absolute best to believe him, things didn’t t get fixed right away but Mattsun did start looking around for a job just like he said he would. You both supported one another through this hard place you were both in. After some time he had found an accelerated course in Funeral services and Mortuary. Things were starting to turn around for the two of you and hopefully they will continue to prosper.
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reblogs, likes, and comments are greatly appreciated!
© lilacveiledsea 2022 : Please do not claim, modify, copy or repost/translate any of my work on this site or any other site
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Henry finding his Little hiding in the master closet, crying her eyes out because she misunderstood him saying he wanted a new Little.
Oh sweet jesus! I have to admit this was good practice, im not one for angsty stuff but this turned out okay i think? I hope you like it
Warnings: DDLG, Angst, Fluff, Swearing, Tantrums
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You hid on the stairs, standing on them so your eye were level with the floor of the landing.
Things were different since you come back home.
You'd been visiting your parents for two weeks to help out, they had moved to France inspired by the chateau renovations so packed up and moved into a huge castle like home.
Renovating was harder then they expected and needed some extra hands so you decided to help them out.
Its the least you can do when they were going to let you and henry get married there for free.
But then another lockdown came and you had to return home four days early, but it couldn't be helped, your parents sent you packing not wanting you to be stranded in France for months on end.
Henry had been too busy to come, saying he needed to stay home and sort out a few important things.
You'd been home just over a day and had noticed the house was different.
Well not the whole house, but there was no trace of any of your little things anymore.
Henry was busy running about the place chasing up phone calls and deliveries, he said he was late and still had too much to do and that he was sorry then locked himself in the office.
With brings you to now, alone confused and upset. So you decided to go and cuddle up in your nursery and wait out what ever had your daddy occupied.
Slowly you tip toed past the office hearing henry raise his voice growling a little.
You would have stopped and asked him if he was okay, but he got mad when you eavesdropped, it usually landed you on the naughty step.
You passed the office's cracked open door with ease, it'd be best to ask later. Besides the office wasn't a nice place, it was boring and you only ended up in there if you were bad and about to be spanked real bad! Its where your cane lived.
You scrunched your nose as you got closer to the nursery, the smell of paint and sawdust filling your nose. It was an awful stink!
Still you pressed forward stepping into the room.
You froze and suddenly felt sick to your stomach.
The room was bare, your toys and stuffies all packed in boxes in the corner.
Your crib was gone, the blanket fort, changing table everything!
The walls were now a pale seafoam green with sea otter stickers on them, tall seaweed stickers dotted about the room.
This wasn't your room! This wasn't your nursey!
You gasped panicking looking around feeling your tummy drop and twist, a lump in your throat.
They pink princess blinds gone, your drawings no where to be found.
There was nothing of yours in here! Nothing at all.
You crumpled to the floor as you spied the wall that once held your name in cute cursive stickers on it. They too were gone, removed and the wall painted over.
You shook your head trembling, you hadn't come in here yesterday, you'd come home and gone straight to bed you were tired it'd been hell getting home.
You stepped backwards out of the forign room on the verge of tears.
You sniffled rubbing your eyes and padded down the hall again unsure what all this meant.
"Yes... Yes I know-No of course I haven't told her!.... Yes I know change is hard for littles but she'll be okay, once I explain things she will be fine, she's a tough cookie" henry huffed down the phone irritated. You crept closer to the door and listened closer, perhaps spying with once will help reassure you. Because this must be a misunderstanding.
"yes well I want to move on, everytime I go in there... Its not her room never has been they are two completely different littles both in age and personality, I didn't- I never changed it until now... Honestly I'm sick of the sight of it, we all need a fresh start once in a while" henry explained with a sharp bite to his words.
You froze on the spot, two different littles? He had two? You didn't know that.
Your heart pulled painfully in your chest as you got an image of a faceless yet beautiful 'proper little' who liked nappies and bottles!
You bit your lip and shifted trying to hear more clearly, because this didn't seem right, you couldn't belive
"I was hoping to have it done before she got back and sort of ease her into it on the way home but then the lockdown.... Yes well I just think of this as a new start- like having a brand new little... I'm excited to begin again! This time its for real and I'm pouring everything I can into it..."
"I really do love her, so so much and this is it for me. I've tried so hard to make this happen but now.. I don't want to upset her but we need this, its been a year now and.. I don't know maybe I'm selfish but I want this to be my littles room, my true little girls home you know? Not the other one"
"so do you think it'll be here today? I'll send y/n out with Kal when you bring it round, no point having a little misunderstanding before i can explain things properly, yes okay.. Okay i will see you this afternoon, bye"
You covered your mouth at the way his voice picked up, he was happy... And he was replacing you.
You jumped up running down the hall trying not to let him hear you crying.
You found yourself in the closet sobbing your heart out cursing him as you curled up in the corner shutting the door behind you with a loud slam.
Not that you cared, you were far to upset, slowly pawing at your clothes tugging them off the hangers.
You watched through blurry eyes as your hands tugged and bundled the clothes wiping your face on them as you tried to pull yourself together and pack your stuff knowing you would be sent on your way very soon.
You bawling was halted as the closet door was ripped open a panicked henry standing there panting, clearly he had been running.
"oh-god baby what's wrong?! What's happened princess-"
"NO! NO YOU DON'T- LE-LEAVE ME ALONE!" you shouted at him sobbing your heart out.
Henry frowned at your anger and despair. Then crouched down in front of you.
"baby what's wrong love? I got here as fast as I could- are you hurt? Why are you so upset babygirl?" he pleaded wide worried eyes looking you over trying to see what had made you cry so bad.
Henry frowned and tried you coax you out of the closet unsure what the hell had gotten into you, it wasn't like you to throw such a tantrum.
"hey nugget that's not very nice baby, here come here and lets talk-" he spoke hurt and upset as his hands moved to tug you out of the closet.
You growled and snapped your teeth at him and began smacking him aiming for his, hands face, legs anything you could reach wanting him to leave you alone.
"HEY! Whoa what the hell is wrong with you young lady? Now you get your butt out here now!" henry snapped managing to capture your wrists and tug you out of the closet as you screamed and thrashed.
"NOOO NO NO YOUR NOT MY DADDY! YOU-R NO'm-my daddy your not!" you shouting became a broken sobs as henry picked you up and laid on the bed with you tucking you into his body wrapping himself around you.
You stayed like that crying into the pillow tugging every so often trying to free yourself from him.
"now do you want to explain where all this is coming from?" he asked getting upset with you as you wouldn't explain what was going on instead you just cried harder.
After a few more minuets of henry shushing you and kissing your head you calmed enough to start explaining.
"y-you don't wan'me!" you muttered as you wept still unable to fully stop your crying.
"wh-what?! Oh baby what do you mean I don't want you? I love you!" he implored quickly unsure where this was
"liar, you said- to the man that your movin' on and stratin'gain an- an my room! Daddy my stuffs gone! And and-lemme go! Your not-your mean!" you whimpered before getting all worked up again choking on your own sobs and began fussing again trying to get away once more.
"alright alright now that's enough. You silly girl were you eavesdropping again little one? This is why daddy has told you not to eavesdrop! You only heard half of the conversation-" he began scolding quietly realising what had happened.
"i heard 'nouhg" you cut him off snidely
"you heard nothing, you silly girl. Daddy isn't getting rid of you, or your things- well not everything" he huffed having just about enough of this tantrum already.
"I'm redecorating your nursery for you. I'm ridding the house of my old little! Dumping all her furniture and getting you your own customised stuff" he said makeing you pause and rub your eyes craning your head to look back at him.
Henry sighed and gave you a pointed look.
"see you might think you heard enough but you didn't, daddy in making a cute little seaside nursery, that why their are sea otters on your wall, their your favourite animal aren't they?." he chided speaking slowly to be sure you were listening.
"w-well yeah b-but my names gone?" you blubbered quietly starting to feel silly for your out burst.
"because daddy was painting the walls poppet and your names on your new crib that's coming today, this was a surprize for when you come home from France... Your own brand new nursery for a toddling little, not a baby-baby..." he hummed softly kissing your shoulders.
You sniffled and mewled before quickly spinning around to face him and then began crying into him feeling guilty. He was doing something nice and you ruined it!
Henry chuckled but held you close hushing you sweetly pressing kisses to your head as he soothed you.
"here come with me" he urged standing picking you up taking you into the office.
You squirmed and clutched at him tightly worried he was gonna spank you for being naughty, eavesdropping, hitting, biting swearing and batting? That was quite a tally.
Instead henry sat on the chair and logged into the computer.
"here see? This it yours and coming today" he said motioning to the screen showing an incredibly beautiful lightwood crib your name carved into the head and foot board with tiny wave detailing and a small pattern of shells on the rim.
"see, your my true little and as such daddy wants to make it official by making you your very own sea side themed nursery, with new toys and furniture and blankie! Starting fresh this time with everything all centred around my perfect little one!" he hummed kissing your head as you sniffled and panted.
"s-so your not- gettin' rid of me?" you whimpered looking to your lap.
"god no! We're getting married! Your my babygirl and I'm your daddy! I'll always be your daddy... I'm sorry to have scared you poppet, i just wanted to surprize you but.. I should of warned you shouldn't I?" henry sighed twisting you in his lap and snuggling you.
"n-no i should've asked and not been bad daddy... Sorry... You can spank me for bein' bad"
"... Although you do deserve a spanking for spying and bratting... Daddy will make you a deal, you help me finish your nursery and I will ignore your naughtiness." he offered holding out a pinky to you.
"r-really i can help?" you asked quietly twiddling your fingers shyly feeling more and more guilty for your behaviour as the seconds ticked by.
"yes poppet, you can help"  he said rubbing your back with a little chuckle as you leant into him.
"and no spankin'?" you asked slowly
"not unless you want one to make you feel better" he agreed, but he knew sometimes you didn't want to be let off, sometimes you were to upset with yourself and wanted him to correct you.
"No.. I don't want a spankin daddy.." you said warily glancing at the small space behind the large money tree, the plant hiding your cane just out of view.
"okay then it's a deal, no spankings in return of some hard labour!" he teased and hooked his pinkie around yours making it a real deal then kissed you and squeezed you tight groaning.
"such a silly nugget, you should know by now daddy loves you too much to ever leave you, noone-absolutely no one can ever make me as happy as you!" he assured you feeling a lump form in his throat, he couldn't wait until you were married, then maybe you'd stop all your worrying, you seemed to have this strange idea that you wasn't good enough. Or little enough.
You liked cribs and sippy's and pacies occasionally bottles- when you were ill mostly but not nappies or that type of care. You were a three to four.
"i love you daddy, you are my daddy... I was mad" you anounced quietly nibbling your fingers shyly almost using them to hide behind.
"i know baby, but thank you it means the world to hear you say that, now lets go make some lunch then make a start- we have to stain the skirting board on the back wall before your crib gats here" he said standing up with you setting you on his hip and began moveing though the house.
You rested your face in his neck breathing him in, that had been the most terrifying moment you'd had in this relationship! The thought of him leaving you after you sharing so much with him was your worst nightmare.
All you could say was that from now on, you really wasn't going to eavesdrop anymore. If you had questions you would ask instead to avoid things like this in the future.
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6sakusa · 4 years
‘worth more’ part 3, oikawa tōru.
a/n: im dedicating this part to @humanitysvertigo for motivating me to write & inspiring this piece with your song suggestion ‘like you do’
warnings: implications of toxic relationship, mild swearing, anGST, me not proof reading.
“you’re an idiot.” iwaizumi grabbed the setter by the collar in a brash attempt to knock some sense into him. more often than not he’d been constantly named as too aggressive for his own good but the ace knew exactly what oikawa needed in order to be brought to attention and there was no way in hell that he was about to let him get away with this.
“i’m not in the mood for this right now.” oikawa scoffed shoving off his bestfriend as he picked up another ball from the pantry preparing himself for another serve.
“i don’t care what you’re in the mood for, this isn’t good for you, how many times have i told you to cut this shit out.” iwaizumi launched towards the male, he was now raising his voice as he made reach for the ball. it was insane how much he would get riled up when it came to oikawa’s safety even though he hated to admit it.
“why are you like this.. you’re all like this, why are you trying to stop me? i need to get better, i need to do better, i need to—“ his words were cut off by a swiff headbutt from iwaizumi causing him to go crashing towards the ground.
“don’t you ever get tired of saying selfish shit.” it was obvious that anger was building up within the ace, but if you didn’t know him well enough you would miss how it was interlaced with pain and sadness. the sight of his bestfriend hurting himself took a toll on him too regardless of if he showed it or not and he couldn’t bare the sight of oikawa mistreating both you and himself. growing up together iwa found himself as the boys sole protector, as if he was his responsibility and now as the days grew longer it seemed as if the burden was almost getting to heavy to carry. the last thing he wanted was to have to walk away from the friendship because it was becoming too stressful and draining, no, because part of iwaizumi was oikawa and he couldn’t imagine his life without the selfish boy.
“don’t you wanna win? why do you play iwa? are you content with the participation awards? because i’m not.” the setter grit his teeth as he reflected back on his recent loss. the way the ball had hit the ground just a hair out of his reach, the way the score was so close and the taste of victory was almost on his tongue, the fact that it was their last try at going to nationals, the way it was his own kouhai who had beat him, the way he had disappointed iwaizumi above all. he had to make up for it, he had to make up for all of it.
“i play because it’s fun.” the ace shouted shoving him further into the ground. “i play because.. i like it, i like volleyball, and i like playing with you and the rest of the team, it’s made me who i am today.” his voice softened and he finally let go of his bestfriends collar, inhaling a deep breath as oikawa watched with wide eyes. “what does volleyball mean to you now? do you just want to be the best at what you do for something you don’t even find fun? look around, think about all the people you’re hurting.” he referred back to you.
“i’m doing this for you guys as much as i’m doing it for me—“
“no you’re not, we’re in our third year now, it’s done oikawa, it’s over.. there is no next game, there is no next tournament, there is no next time, and that’s okay because these past three years have been the best of my life, there’s nothing else i could have asked for, you’re the best partner anyone could ever want, my bestfriend and the best setter.” iwaizumi sighed collapsing backwards, hitting his own head as the words just kept tumbling out.
“really?” there was a newfound light in oikawas eyes, one that the ace much preferred in comparison to his gloomy figure that would always pop out when he was being much too harsh on himself.
“yes really, you are the best setter—“
“no.” oikawa cut him off unexpectedly. “really? i’m your bestfriend?”
“are you shitting me? you’re an idiot, who else would it be? we’ve been friends since we were kids.. stupid crappykawa.” he mumbled off at the end noting how sappy the setter had turned him.
“you have a way with words iwa-chan, or maybe you’ve just gone soft on me hm?” he joked around lifting the tense atmosphere off the two of them.
“and now you’re all smiling and shit? you were just depressed two minutes ago” iwaizumi clicked his tongue at the sight of his friend, he wondered how he was always able to switch his mood up so easily. sometimes he was envious of his ability to do so, he wanted nothing more than to turn off the nagging voice at the back of his head sometimes that would tell him—
“what can i say? i’m suddenly feeling inspired.” he looked up to the ceiling as if he was in some soft of romcom and iwaizumi scoffed at the sight of it. sometimes he wondered how he’d ended up with a bestfriend who was so cheesy.
“well good because aoba johsai isn’t the whole world, there’s a volleyball career waiting for you anywhere on this planet, but nothing everything is replaceable like that.” iwa successfully recaptured the setters attention with his last words.
“what do you mean?”
“y/n... she’s not replaceable but you treated her like shit today didn’t you? i saw her sitting out in the rain so don’t even try to deny it.” he gritted his teeth at the thought of it, the way your fingertips were icy cold, your warm tears juxstaposing the freezing rain, your clothes absolutely drenched and your catatonic state of pure silence as he walked you home. there was only one person who could be the cause of such pain, and he was standing in front of him now.
“the rain?” oikawa jumped to alert now, he knew he wasn’t in his right mind when he had spoke to you, all that was going through his head is that he was a burden that you needed to rid yourself from, but that didn’t mean he didn’t love you or didn’t care about you or could live without you.
“what did you say to her?”
“i said i didn’t need her..” his heart clenched as he recalled the events, how could he be so foolish? and then to let you sit out there while he was ignorant to the entire situation as he stood there selfishly serving the ball over and over again.. “i scared her.” he swore he was on the verge of tears as he forced out those words, nothing hurt more then seeing your eyes wash over from love to fear in the matter of seconds as he towered over you. and for what? all you were doing was trying to help.
“well why are you still standing asshole? go to her, i’ll clean your mess up.” the ace sighed staring at the vast amount of balls sprawled over the court.
“no i can clean it up, don’t wo—“
“shut up, go.” he was interrupted by iwaizumi who had his best interests in mind as he always did.
“i owe you one.”
“you always do.”
finally changing out of your drenched clothes you could barely bring yourself to move, you’d already turned down food and avoided questions when your parents had ask why you were practically dripping onto the floor. it was too much to even speak, it felt like a part of you was gone, someone you had planned your entire future with just didnt need you anymore in the blink of an eye. you were even reconsidering your university options just to be closer to oikawa and now he had tossed you away like a tired ragdoll. you had been warned about oikawa before, plenty of people named him a playboy, even his own bestfriend had warned you to stay away but something had left you so drawn to the male that it was unexplainable. it was a feeling that only those who had experienced it would know, it was true love, if soulmates existed you were sure he was yours and never in your life had the thought of even breaking up crossed your mind.
the two of you had gotten into heated arguments before and many times it would end with you in tears or him storming out but he always came back. why hasn’t he come back? was it truly over? were you just not enough for him? you knew how important volleyball was and you always supported him but you hated seeing him overwork himself. did that make you a bad person? maybe you were, maybe he was right and you weren’t being the supportive girlfriend you were meant to be, it was your fault, you should be better right?
“y/n?” your thoughts were interrupted by a sickeningly familar voice and you turned to see the very boy that you were just thinking about. there was no doubt now that fate existed, otherwise why did things always end up like this?
“what are you doing here?” you narrowed your eyes at the setter, scrambling to wipe the tears off your face. you hated looking weak more than anything but you couldn’t help the dent that the entire situation had left in your heart.
“iwa-chan told me what happened and your parents let me in, were you crying?” he moved closer towards you, watching as you tried your best to stifle your tears as if nothing happened. you knew it was a pathetic attempt, you really did, but you couldn’t help how badly you wanted to be strong. you flinched backwards, causing him to halt his movement as he was making his way to cup your cheek.
the sadness that washed over his eyes in that moment was almost unbearable for you to witness. of course it would pain him that you would flinch away from his hands like that, it looked as if you were afraid.
“w-what? why are you flinching? i would never hit you, i love you.” you hated the way you knew exactly when he was telling the truth and when he was lying, and right now tōru oikawa was being the most genuine that he had in a long time. one part of you wanted to pull away so badly, to tell him that he treated you like absolute shit, that he didn’t deserve you and to scream and shout at him to get out. but the other part of you, the stronger part, wanted nothing more than to revel in his embrace, for him to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and promise how he was going to marry you one day while he played with your ring finger reminding you over and over again how much he loved you, because no one loved you like he did.
“please.. say something y/n.” he clenched his jaw as you stared at him with empty eyes, he couldn’t bare the thought of knowing that he was the one who had done this. it was always him who had caused you pain and suffering and now he was wondering if he had made the right choice by coming here.. if he hadn’t you would get over him one day wouldn’t you? you’d probably find someone who loved you without the grief that he always provided, someone who made you happy without requirement, someone who could give you a life that he couldn’t. what he didn’t know was how much you wanted to tell him how no one else mattered to you and how you had felt this way since the moment you’d met him but your mouth wouldn’t say the words you wanted them to so badly.
“why.. why do you always do this to me.” your voice cracked and you couldn’t hold it in any longer, your eyes glossed over before tears spilt out uncontrollably. you moved to clutch your own body, burying your head in your knees as you cried your heart out to your boyfriend who immediately moved to embarace you. what shocked him is how cold you were to the touch, you were sure to get sick tonight so he would stay by your side the entire time if he had to.
“i don’t know.. all i know is how sorry i am.” he pulled you closer so that you were not facing his chest as he brushed the hair out of your face and rubbed your back soothingly. “i cant explain it y/n-chan, i mess up really badly sometimes and i don’t know why, all i know is that life isn’t the same without you in it, since i met you everything just seems brighter, like it’s all worth it.. no matter what i say to you i will always love you.”
you cried harder as you came to the realisation of how weak you were for him.
“you’re the only person i can’t bear to lose y/n-chan, you’re the most selfless person i know, please don’t ever walk out of my life, i’ll do better i promise.” a tear rolled down his own eye as he imagined how empty things would feel without you, he wondered where he would get the willpower to wake up everyday.
“you promise?” you looked up at him with tear stained eyes through those beautiful eyelashes of yours, and how could he not love you when you still looked so pretty even when you were crying over him.
“i promise.” he hugged you a little tighter, wanting to memorise this moment for everything that it is.
“then i’ll stay by your side forever tōru.” you smiled softly at the thought of the rest of your life with the boy you always intended to spend it with.
“and i’ll marry you one day y/n-chan.” that day you fell asleep in your boyfriends arms as he stroked your hair and coddled you with promises that you’d remember for decades.
what the two of you didn’t know was how iwaizumi sat in the gym, motionless with a pained expression on his face and a slow tear rolling down his cheek as he led the boy he’d loved since childhood right back into your arms as he always had. he even stayed cleaning up for the rest of the night before practicing how he would face the two of you in school the next day with a smile on his face. as long as his bestfriend was happy he told himself.
because oikawa was wrong about one thing, there was someone more selfless than you.
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Chapter Two. Pt One
After two years in Azkaban for how he treated you he was finally free. The only thing keeping him going was you. Now finally reunited with his Rabbit he thinks things will go easier for him. But Draco is struggling mentally and refusing to ask for help.
W! Heavy Ptsd, mental freak outs. Hearing voices, blood, bruises, cuts. Draco trying to convince himself he’s fine. Refusing to ask for help. Mental instability. The voices are the Dementors
Tags. @khemz1312 @squeaky-ducky @goofygobber @dracoslittlesunflower @trashyvicks @rosiehufflepuff @dracmalf0y-dm
It was him.. He found your shop , hes out .. hes.. He looks so broken, hurt, tired.
“Draco!” you ran over wrapping your arms around him crying hard into his chest trying to talk but nothing was making any sense. He was really here, after so long you could finally feel him against you , hear his heartbeat and feel his breathing on your head… but.. His heartbeat was slower than it should be and his breathing seemed to be staggered, was he trying to hide it ? Draco pulled you in closing his eyes just taking it in. He made it, alive.
She doesn't love you
We love you Draco
Come baaack...
His breathing started to hitch.
Shes second guessing this whole thing.
“Draco?” you rubbed his chest so he would look at you. “You okay?”
The man shook his head getting rid of the voices and cupped your cheeks in his palms. “Is it really you, Rabbit?”
You giggled leaning into him. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”
“Can we sit down?” he asked you looking around the shop not seeing anyone.
“Yes, wait here just gotta close up” gently you let go of him to go flip the OPEN sign over.
She hates this
Draco leaned on the counter holding his head. “Sshhut up….” he whispered.
You are not welcome here…
“Yes i am….”
Biscuit hopped over to the mans shaking hand to lay its head on it and the voices started to fade away. The man looked down to see the brown rabbit staring at him wiggling its nose. “I..” he flipped his hand over to scratch at the rabbits chin. “I cant tell her...this happens.”
You returned with a big smile on your face. “Aw he likes you already ! “ you picked up the rabbit holding him with one hand.
“Where did .. you get him..” Draco took your other hand following you up the stairs of your shop.
“The twins, graduation gift.cheeky bastards” you giggled nuzzling your cheek on the rabbit. “I love him though, hes helped a lot.”
“Huh? Yes?” you sat Draco down in the living room and put Biscuit on his pillow.
Are you going to show her?
It might scare her.
He shook his head and started to unbutton his dress jacket. “I need to .. show you something.”
“Okay, whats wrong?” you joined Draco on the couch watching him pull his dress jacket off with shaky hands. “ Draco..?”
“Yes..?” his undershirt was pulled over his head .
“Your really shaky -..”
The bruises were a deep purple; they were all over his chest as if someone had been kicking him repeatedly in all the same spots. The middle of his chest, the lower half by his stomach and his arms around his shoulders.. All purple. Around his elbows had scratches from elbows to wrists that did not look good at all; they were sporadic red lines in all directions. His nails were short with red under them that seemed to not go away. His neck was full of cuts and his hands had cuts on them as well. You picked up one of Dracos hands to see his knuckles. Deep purple with fresh blood.
Told you the cuts would open…
Shes scared….
He wasn't looking at you, just breathing hard and whimpering. “M’fine..”
“Stay right here okay?” you got up hurrying off into your restroom.
She ran away from you
Your not the same person you once were
You cant fit in
Come back….
He shook his head but they just got louder.
Come back…
Come back…
Come back…
“Shut up…” Draco leaned on his knee holding his head up with his hand staring at the sleeping rabbit. “..b-b--biscuit…”
The rabbit opened an eye to see Draco on the verge of a breakdown. He got up hopping over cautiously so Draco could pick him up and set him on his lap.
He exhaled heavily once the voices left…
You had returned as well with some medicine and health potions. “Here, these will help, i made them” you held up the purple potion to him . “just drink this..”
Draco took the flask in a shaky hand drinking the sweet tasting liquid, he felt his body aches fade away and saw you wrapping up his knuckles. “I cant heal the bruises but.. “
“Do you still want me……”
His hand cupped your cheek after putting the flask down. “Even if i look like this..”
“Draco id want you no matter what.” you kissed him. “Promise.”
He leaned into you heaving heavily. “Of course you would rabbit.”
Your arms wrapped around him to rub his back, his breathing was still off to you.. “Draco..what happened in..”
“I dont want to talk about it… not yet.” he cut you off fast. Dropping the conversation.
“Alright alright.. Lets go to bed instead.” you got up taking hsi wrapped hands in yours leading him up to the bed, Biscuit had hopped off Dracos lap to go back to his pillow to sleep.
It was a small room but you liked it, Draco ditched his pants, socks realizing he would need clothes . He looked at the bed staring at it for a long time. This would be the first night not in a cell…. In two years..
Its not the same
Don't you miss the cell?
Draco dug his hands in his hair, closing his eyes. “Shut up.. Leave me alone.”
We are a part of you now Draco.
We will never leave..
You came over moving the blanket down for him and pulling him over , your eyes down.
“Rabbit? Whats wrong?” he tipped your chin up seeing your sad face staring at him.
“The-the last time we … shared.”
He pressed you to him squeezing very tight. That night, that awful night , he was his worst.
Even she remembers that��.
Draco shook his head and leaned down to press his forehead to yours looking in your eyes. “Rabbit, I promise. I will never do that again.”
You waved your hand around ”i know.. Im just.. I want to “ you could not help but laugh. “ i want to snuggle.”
Draco hitched out a chuckle and kissed your forehead. “Oh Rabbit, of course.” you followed Draco into the bed and he pulled the covers up and laid your head on his chest. Soft.. comfortable.. Warm. it had been so long for him.
“Draco.. The light”
“Oh.” reaching out he grabbed the long string , his arm around you squeezed your shoulder as he pulled it making the room very dark. You snuggled into Draco and he did the same, running his fingers up and down your shoulder staring into the pitch black ceiling. This was not like the first night.. You were so scared of him.. Would not even face him in bed or look at him. Hes still amazed you stayed all night.
A couple hours later. Draco was still awake holding your sleeping body.
Its dark isn't it ?
Draco shut his eyes, breathing slightly hard.
Remindssss us of the cell
Do you miss the dark..?
We miss the dark
“Leave me alone…”
But why? Dont you want to see us?
“ i want you to get out of my head..” his hands found his hair.
Do you think you can get rid of us on your own…?
His breathing was picking up, when he opened his eyes all he saw was darkness staring back at him, the room was starting to spin.
At least in the cell you had the moon…
The one light …
“Go … aa a- away…”
He got up in bed carefully laying you back down on his pillow.
She does not love you.
“Yes she does..” he got out of bed stumbling in the dark hitting the wall. “She does.. She loves me” he stammered out to the hallway feeling around for the light switch flipping it on. “Dammit Draco.. Your fine.. Pull it together…”
Are you sure…?
You can hardly walk..
“I just need some water… ignore them..” he shook his head, getting a small moment's peace. Draco found the kitchen slamming a cabinet open grabbing a glass. His wrist hit the sink turning on the water, he held the glass under getting the water more on his wrist then the cup.
You cant do things on your own anymore
The water was turned off and draco lifted the very shaky glass up to his lips while drinking .
Shes going to tell you to leave………
The glass shattered in Draco's hand waking you up to see the bed empty and the light on. “Draco?” quickly you got out of bed getting to the hallway just to stop when you heard him.
“I'm fine! Just needed some water…” his hands were bleeding . “go back to sleep Rabbit..”
“But.. I heard something.. Are you sure?” he heard your footsteps .
“Yes, Rabbit. Go to bed.” he tried to sound like he used to , when he had you under his finger in school. It must have worked because he heard you turn around and go back to bed. Draco leaned over the sink watching his tears hit the broken glass . “i … i cant tell her….”
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tobi-momo · 4 years
Because He’s Here
a/n: hi :)) i kinda felt bad for not posting as much im trying to post at least once everyday but bc school obvs things get held up- but - this is my first Midoriya fic!! so pls dont hate me if i did bad 😭
Pairing: Midoriya x GN!Reader
Genre: Hurt/Angst - Comfort
Warnings: REALLY depressive thoughts (kinda suicidal) pls lemme know if there are others im not good at warnings 💀 NOT PROOFREAD
Empty. That’s all you were. An empty shell on the verge of cracking and falling into pieces. A flower wilting and shattering into dust once you fall. You didn’t know how much more you could take. You were tired, exhausted. You didn’t care anymore, you just needed out. Out of this hell hole that you call life- no- hell was probably better than this. Handling everything at once was driving you crazy, draining the light out of you before you had a chance to shine.
The paper with geometrical shapes and algebraic functions looking like scribbles printed on a sheet just resting on the desk for you to figure out. ‘How lonely’. Knowing you weren’t going to even try to complete the assignment, you turn away and instead focus on the very plain, blank wall. The writing utensils that were once warm from your touch were now cold from your absence, dust wandering and gently landing on the wood surface, no longer moving. Everything just stopped moving. Frozen in a cycle that you couldn’t stop even if you tried.
Feeling like you didn’t belong was normal, coming natural to you everywhere you went. You became someone that meant nothing to anyone a long time ago, and you didn’t care anymore. You’ve been waiting for so long for someone to come around and help you up, to catch you when you fall, but you couldn’t help but lose that hope. 
Staring expressionless at the white walls of your dorm, you rest your head on your hands while you scan the texture, trying to find shapes and faces in the drywall, not paying attention to anything else but. Not paying attention to the hand that had dropped on your shoulder, or the man crouched behind you.
“Hey,” he whispers, cautious of your state. He knows what you’re thinking, and he knows not to explode on you. He rubs circles with his thumbs, just barely squeezing your shoulder. “Darling, i’m right here, it’ll be okay.”
Hearing his voice makes you stop rocking, your shaking figure calming at his touch subconsciously. Your ears recognize his soft voice, your eyes widening and head whipping up to see him.
You stared at him, shocked to see him next to you. Why was he here? Wasn’t he supposed to be training? You bothering him was the last thing you wanted, and now you just felt terrible for interrupting his time. Was he gonna yell at you? Was he gonna tell you that you were being over dramatic? ‘Oh no’.
“Look at me, okay? Hi,” he smiles, a smile you always grew fond of after some time. His hand comes to your face running his knuckles along your cheekbone, then resting with his thumb stroking the skin on your cheek; you leaning into his palm almost immediately, still keeping eye contact. His eyes- so genuine. Why did he want to help you? You were a lost cause, there was no point anymore. “Don’t worry, I got you,” he murmurs, tilting his head with yours while he sits on his knees, getting comfortable.
You shutter, your breath shaky, your cheeks heated up. Your throat ached, like it wanted to say something but didn’t at the same time, his eyes full of worry, concern, hope, and faith at the same time. How could this man even notice you?
“Hey, don’t cry,” cry? You haven’t cried in months, you couldn’t cry, so why was it happening now? You felt the stray tear crawl down your face before you felt the pad of his thumb wiping it to the side. And that was before his other hand came back up to wipe the tears coming from your other eye. You never left contact with him, watching his eyes turn glassy and sympathetic. “It’ll be okay, now,” he whimpers, before pulling you into his arms.
And then you knew. He made you feel like you belong. He always caught you when you fell. To him, you meant everything. With him, everything will be okay.
Because he’s here.
~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ hiya :) i really hope you guys are satisfied with it
taglist: @zerohawks @combat-wombatus @hitosushi @toosharkinternet @katsuhera 
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knullanon · 3 years
100 with yandad Steve please???
before writing- theres some mf cat fight and istg if its my cat im about to whoop his ass, but besides that this is kinda mellow. new idea.
after writing- turns out using your own trauma for fanfics is actually really good for the story, terrible for your sanity since you have to relive through everything.
warnings: yelling. like, i talk about that shit a lot. you get to feel what i felt 8 years ago pretty much.
no suprises - radiohead
you hadn’t meant for you dad to find out about where you went every friday night. or, at least, where you actually went. you were a teenager, and you were able to convince him that you were responsible to go out on your own and not cause shit. which was true. you were able to not start shit with other people. but that’s not gonna stop you from going to places where stupid shit was happening.
it started a few months ago. one of your close friends, dalia, had told you about a new group of “fighters” in your school. apparently, they would meet up every friday for fights. people could watch, people could have fun, but phones were a no go and while you could have them on you and text people, you couldn’t tell them about the group. 
you both decided to say fuck it and you both went. it was a blast. 
you has so much fun, and considering that most of the time you were just watching people get the shit beat out of them, it was fun. you met some new friends, new guys, new gals, new everything.
it was a break from your puritist dad who was a bitch about these things. he would always tell you to be careful with people who you didn’t know, or people who didn’t know you would try to hurt you. which, while yes, there were plenty of assholes who had tried to hurt you, you had learned what to look out for.
but steve never believed you. which is why being here, at the group, was a refresher. as the opponent got his ass beat into the ground, you laughed with dalia, holding a drink that you had brought for yourselves. 
it was the final night before a large football game, which was held on a weekend due to testing, and everyone on the fight team was on the football team excluding a few who were too much into fighting to be into football.
so, of course, they were roughing each other up so they wouldn’t have to deal with each other. 
“god, my man mike is getting his ass whooped!” dalia exclaimed, while mike was being punched in the face repeatedly. you laughed and said, “he isn’t even your man!”
“oh, fuck you _____!” she laughed with you as mike was dragged off the stage and the winner, a guy named jake, stood victoriously. 
you faintly remembered a rule your uncle bucky had told you, “never date a guy whose name starts with a J”. weird advice, but helpful, since jason was pending on a charge of domestic violence.
you and dalia laughed a little more, before dalia checked the time. “oh shit, isn’t your dad back by 2 these days?”
looking at your watch, he was indeed back by 2, and it was 1:20. it took you about 30 minutes to get home, and only 10 to get ready for bed. 
“yeah, lets just go.”
as you walked out, you were able to hear the crowd cheering from the inside of the warehouse. walking towards her car at the end of the car park, you said goodbye to her as she got in her own car, and sped off. you didn’t want to spend the night alone and cold in a car park, so you headed off to your own car. 
however, when you got to the place your car was, it wasn’t there. you looked around to make sure that it wasn’t anywhere else. thinking it was stolen, you were about to call dalia to come and pick you up, when a car honked from behind you.
you turned, and it was your car. wait, then who was driving it-
it was steve.
and he did not look happy.
“I can’t believe you would lie to me! I let you go out and this is the stuff you do?!”
you sat in the back seat of the car like a child, while your dad angrily drove you home. right now, he was talking about the “dangers” of the outside world.
“I told you, places like those are terrible for a young lady like you! do you realize what could’ve happened if someone went under you car? if someone came up behind you? and- are you even fucking listening to me, _______?!”
that got your attention. steve never cussed out loud, especially not in front of you. this must mean hes really pissed.
“I am not kidding around with you, _____! You aren’t someone big and imposing like me, and you can be easily grabbed! you want to know what they’ll do, ____? do you?!”
“i know what the fucking do, dad.” you were almost on the verge of crying and your voice was quiet. holding in your tears was hard, but you also wanted to weep so bad. it felt like you were being ridiculed like a child.
“did you just cuss at me? did you just cuss at me?!” your dad was getting more and more louder every minute. at this point you were wiping you tears away with your sleeves, trying to cover up the fact that you were crying.
“I don’t care what your friends told you, what you did was not safe, and the fact that you have the audacity to do that after I’ve told you otherwise, is fucking bullshit!”
you were crying silently at this point. you didn’t have anything to say. you wanted to cry.
suddenly, he grabbed his phone and started calling someone. 
“you know what- no, I’m done.”
confused, you were about to ask, when he said, “you’re not going to school anymore.”
“those kids are just putting shit into your mind that doesn’t need to be there, and I’m tired of it. It’s obviously working. I’m not having it.”
you were in shock. you tearfully asked, “but- but you can’t just-”
“I AM, AND I WILL _____. IF YOU WON’T LISTEN TO ME, THEN I WILL TAKE AWAY THE THINGS THAT ARE HARMING YOU.” he was yelling to you now. you were bawling your eyes out. you curled up so he wouldn’t be able to see you, not wanting him to see you acting like a child.
this really turned out to a shitty night, huh?
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taebear0801 · 4 years
Nct Dream Reaction to scaring you or you flinching during an argument.
May consider sensitive content for some people and Mark is in dream again because it’s become fixed.
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Mark lee
You were over at Mark’s room in the dorm after he invited you over last night. But today he was too stressed and crabby to deal with you.
“What do you want now?”
“I was wondering if you maybe wanted to chill out and spend some time in the park” you try to reason but you voice is wavering, scared that Mark will be mad at you.
“NO Y/N. You don’t understand what’s its like to work this hard or be an idol. You’re too naive to understand my stress, go yourself” this out burst had you looking down at your hands frustrated but you can’t let him treat you like this.
“WELL, I’m trying to put in effort unlike you. You always think everything in the relationship is about you.” And when he turned around you knew that you fucked up. But whaat you didn’t expect was for mark to stand up and walk towards you threatening you.
“Don’t Ever Talk To Me Like That Again” articulating every word.
Already being smaller than him, the disadvantage of sitting on a bed so you put up your arms in defence. When Mark sees this action he realises how he must of scared you and you just wanted to spend time with him despite your earlier comment.
“I’m sorry Jagi.” He said softly waiting for you to look up at him before he continued, “I didn’t mean to scare you like that.” He would ask if you were ok before he touches you and would engulf you in a hug whilst both of you apologise many times to each other.
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Hwang Renjun
Renjun has always been mouthy and sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop. But he’s got to the point of actually scaring you.
“I don’t have time to only play attention to you. The world doesn’t revolve around you sweetheart” he would say in an extremely sarcastic tone that really hurt you.
“Why would you say something like that. I’ve given up time for you” you would yell back, upset he talked to you like that.
He was trying to walk away but when he heard you, he stopped in his tracks and slams the door he just open while turning around. So when he sees you flinch initially he didn’t think much of it.
“You honestly think that you have given up anything in this relationship? I’m putting my career on the line, maybe you not worth it.” And with that you run out the door back into your apartment. You get some boba to chill you out but the whole time Renjun’s words ring in your ear. That night you put on one of his shirts and climb into bed all alone. You cry at the memory but unbeknownst to you, when you left the dorm, Jaemin heard the exchange and told Renjun that if he wanted to keep you, he would need to apologise.
So when he unlocks the door, he feels worse when he sees how alone you were on the shared bed you bought for both of you. He hears some stiffening and accidentally closes the door too loudly. This makes you flinch and he remembers how you flinched before. You guys would make up in the bed and he would apologise more for the words he said than his slamming the door.
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Lee Jeno
Jeno is known to be scary with the members but you never believed it. He was always so sweet to you and even when he got annoyed in an argument he would be more frustrated but never seem intimidating. But when he dragged you back into your apartment after the waiter at the cafe recognised you and started, in his eyes, flirt with you.
“How could you have that guy all over you like that? Did you enjoy it? Like a fucking slut enjoying other men’s attention?” His words hurt. Sure you used to like the guy but now you’re with Jeno, so this situation didn’t make any sense to you.
“Like I said before, I don’t like him anymore”
“BUT THAT PRICK RUBBED IT IN MY FACE. He kept stating your past an how you used to like him”
“But-“ and before you could respond, Jeno slammed his hand on the table and walked up to you after saying.
You raise your arms in defence and he could see your tears building up in your eyes.
“I’m sorry for scaring you baby.”
“I can’t believe you would accuse me and call me a slut” you say softly but shaking from the tears falling. He just engulfs you in a hug stroking you to calm you down. He feels bad at the way he spoke and would spoil you for the next few days. He doesn’t what you to think of him as a monster.
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Lee Donghyuck
It’s 3 am and you are in Donghyuck’s room whilst he plays video games. You kinda wished that he rested more but you also like the way he looks happy when playing.
“Go to bed with me donghyuck. Please”
“After this game. Go to bed first” He said for the 11th time.
“Why are you like this, you need to rest.” You start yelling.
“Just be quiet and don’t wake the others.” He said sharply.
You had enough and after he died in the game, you turn off the power button of the computer.
“What the-. WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM Y/N. Why did you do that?!” Donghyuck is turned around in disbelief.
“You died so I thought you were finished.”
This seemed to have triggered something and he walks toward you furiously, causing you to crawl up higher on the bed.
He yells, “What right do you have to turn off my computer despite if the game finished or not.”
But when he raises his hand, you shield your face and start crying, “please don’t hit me”.
With this, donghyuck is shattered. He doesn’t realise just how late or how tired you must of been to just want to cuddle with him.
“I just didn’t want to sleep alone” you cried as you continue to hid your face from him. “Im sorry if that’s selfish” and with that you roll off bed and run towards the door.
Donghyuck grabs you before you get the chance and gently back hugs you. “I’m not letting you out at 3am in the morning.”
“Why are you caring now suddenly” and you try to get to the door again. Donghyuck gets his opportunity to grab your wrist and pull you to him crying.
“Let’s sleep ok. I don’t what you to be scared of me.”
In bed he strokes your sleeping face thinking you are in deep sleep and says softly, “you know I would never harm you in that way. But I can’t believe we came to this.” But you heard every word.
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Na Jaemin
Jaemin doesn’t like to fight and even if you guys do there’s usually the silent treatment and then a very cute date to make up. But today was different, Jaemin hasn’t yelled at you like this. He hasn’t been this aggressive. He’s upset that when you come to the dorms, you only interact with the boys.
“Would you rather date Renjun over me?” He would ask, “do you want him to fuck you?” His comments didn’t help the fact that you were wearing a cute skirt you bought a couple days ago to impress Jaemin. But when came to the dorms, Jisung asked you to get a stain out of his shirt then Renjun ask you to help him cook, which Jaemin did not take a liking to.
“Are you calling me a slut?”
“I don’t know but you sure like other men’s attention.”
“You know I only love you, Jaemin.” You try to reassure him but when you walk towards him, he adjusts his fringe and this makes you flinch.
You aren’t sure how long you both stood there but Jaemin was mad. He was mad you thought of him like that.
“Did you really think that or are you trying to get a reaction out of me” he would growl.
“What- now it was my reflex”
“I don’t care, but you damn well know that I would never hit you. I can’t believe you thought that lowly of me” he would exclaim.
You’re not sure how to recover from this but you head for the door and the boys hitting outside on the couch would look at you fully aware of situation. This would make you feel even worse and you would run out the door. I would take half a day to find Jaemin outside your apartment door with some flowers. And probably a roast from Renjun about his insecurity.
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Zhong Chenle
Poor baby, you and Chenle would be the cutest couple and fights never really existed. But when you over hear Chenle talking to Jisung about how his mum found out about you and she doesn’t like you. His mum thought you were with him for the money and this breaks you. You have never benefited from Chenle’s income so none of this made sense to you.
“But why didn’t you come to me? Are you thinking about breaking up” you are on the verge of tears at the moment and Chenle would not know how exactly to handle this situation.
“No I just needed someone to ask, a guy in this situation.” the last thing he wanted was to break up. You were his rock and always there to listen to him at 2am.
“I only love you y/n really, I don’t care what my mum says.” He would get kinda frustrated that this wasn’t getting through.
So he goes to touch your face but he reaches too quickly and you flinch and clench your eyes before opening at the feeling of your soft fingertips grazing your chin.
“Why did you do that” he would be shaking.
“I don’t know your hand moved too fast.”
“Are you scared of me?” And this would be so upsetting but you had to reassure him that it wasn’t his fault. He would be more of a mess than you and you would need to comfort him instead.
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Park Jisung
You and jisung, like some of the others don’t fight much. But something about him really bothered you lately. When he was alone with you he was a clingy, like a koala bear always touching you. But when you went to a restaurant with the boys he would not touch you or talk to you for long periods of time. So when you touched his hand or attempted to feed him, he would tell you to stop rather loudly in front of the boys. Embarrassed, you retract and don’t attempt anymore clingy actions.
So you confront him about this but he gets snapping and wants to end the conversation. But when you continue to push the subject he gets really angry.
“It’s not that serious. I really don’t understand why you are pushing this y/n are you trying to be difficult?” You reach for him but he slaps your hand away and now you’re frozen.
“I already told you I love you and I show you that in our free time, it’s just I don’t want to be teased.” And now he is walking towards you. Jisung is tall so he looks quite intimidating from your perspective, especially how you’re now holding your hand in shock.
“How dumb can you be huh?” He continues as you lower your head and start to hug yourself in defence. Your cowering form would be surprising to Jisung.
“What are you doing” but when he sees you crying he would panic and not know how to calm you down. He would give you some space and call him taeyong to ask for advice because he realises he scared you but he didn’t know what to do. It really didn’t hit him until Taeyong explained how you scary he can look to you but you would get a text from jisung to meet him at the food market and trust me he would cling onto you in public and take you to the arcade for a cute date.
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🛐 here, I uhm accidentally corrected my dad for my pronouns (on accident cuz at school I have to correct people) and my mother slapped me again, the people at school hate me, I don't fit in anymore, my trust issues are getting worse my the minute, I literally get no support from anyone, I feel so alone again, but I'm fighting my urges to hurt myself, for you, I dont want you to worry about me, bruh, life sucks so much right now, I get made fun of for every small thing I do, and it sucks, and to think I was actually doing good for once, I'm so useless, my memory is getting worse (since last week my memory started getting bad) and my parents aren't too concerned, my memory is getting so bad that I'll say something and I'll forget it 5 minutes later, and the lack of sleep and my emotional issues and my "friends" going "oh, I'm not your therapist" like, the least you could do is listen, that's all I want, for someone to listen, and atleast comfort me for once! It sucks being the therapist friends, I'm always bottling up my emotions so I could help others with their emotions, but nobody ever does it for me, and its almost summer and I'm gonna end being yelled at for my math marks, I mean, im sorry im not good enough for you, im truly trying my best, and the fact that my mental health isn't getting better at all, and its sad, my parents were all like " what do you mean by your mental health? What about your math mark?" like, im not even being dramatic or anything, everything sucks so bad, and its even worse, my family, they're all starting to notice all the scars on my arms and they just ridicule me about them . ITS NOT FUNNY I LITERALLY HAVE MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS, IF YOU"RE NOT GONNA HELP WHAT IS THE POINT OF ME BEING HERE????????? I'm on the verge of tears writing this, im shaking and everything, im so cold here, even though everyone says its warm in here, I can't cry here, I'm at school so im not gonna risk getting made fun of again, not again, not after everything I've been through these past few days. I feel so empty, cold and tired, but I'm gonna hold on, until it gets better.
🛐 anon </3
( :( you deserve so much better than this, i understand what you’re going through, and i really hope things get better. i know it’s really hard but i think it’s going to be okay, it’ll get better eventually. and i’ll listen to you :))
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“i know i’ve said it before but your friends really suck. and so do your family!
they’re super mean in the way they treat you! it’s unfair! you don’t deserve that.
you deserve a support system, not to be judged over how you feel! and it’s so dumb that no ones helping you.
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sooo i’ll try to help!
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you have to understand how amazing you really are. it sounds like everyone around you just doesn’t get it for some stupid reason, so you have to be the one to remind yourself. or you can always ask me!
you’re seriously cool, in my supreme leader opinion! and i honestly like replying back to you! no lie at all!
and it’s not your fault that everyone keeps treating you like this, you’re trying your best! and that’s okay. it is good enough, i promise! even if everyone keeps treating you like it isn’t.
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just try to remember that, okay? i know you have problems with memory so you can write it down somewhere! orrrrrr you can always come back here if you need to.
i’m here for you, and me (and the person who made this account :)) will always be here for you. 
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and one day you’ll find a friend who actually cares about you too and they’ll help you out!
just like how I have D.I.C.E.!
and maybe one day you’ll be able to get help, and speak to a therapist and all that stuff.
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but for now...i want you to know it is going to get better.
yeah, it’s really tough right now but it always gets a little better at some point, you can trust me on that.
and im proud of you for making it this far, i really am, all you have to do now is just keep going.
and keep being your amazing self! i believe in you!”
-Kokichi Ouma <3
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
Hello! uh is it alright if I requested a lil something something?? um! The reader coming home really really drunk after a girls night out and they basically can’t function properly, so Dewey helps take off makeup and clothes and what not and getting them ready for bed??? If you don’t want to write it or is overwhelmed by asks, I completely understand dude, no pressure I just really love your writing a lot xxx
this was one of my favourite requests oh my gosh...
dewey finn x reader
Thank you for this lovely request and for your beautiful words💜 I wasn’t loving this one until I wrote the ending and it pulled it all together hehe and now I love it and i hope you do to @large-unit 💜💜
As always, @thewolfisapartofmysoul always amazes me with her beautiful aesthetics, thank u so much for this one my angel💜
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As usual, Friday nights out with the girls had been messy. This Friday had been messier than normal, and you knew your limits, but tonight you well and truly exceeded them. Normally you attempted to try and stick to one drink, be it wine or vodka, or rum, but tonight you thought you were clever and decided to mix everything. “Rookie mistake” you could practically hear Dewey’s condescending voice.
You tried to be as quiet as possible when you opened the door to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, Dewey Finn. Your sweet sweet Dewey Finn. In your drunken state you were mumbling to yourself “shh-hh, gotta be quiet shhh”. But your actions rejected these mutterings.
The door seemed to be louder than ever as you closed it, your hand bag hitting the tiled floor with a bang. “shhhh” you told it, holding your finger up to your mouth looking down at the door, then the bag.
Your mind was in a frenzy, with the world spinning faster than normal, your legs giving way as you slumped against the door.
“baby, is that you?” Dewey called from the living room, a little concerned. Dewey would never sleep until you were home when you went out. He was too worried about you and kept his phone next to him all night in case his girl needed him.
He wandered out into the kitchen to see if it was you. “babe?” he turned the corner and seen you sitting on the floor, leaning against he door. He couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at your punch-drunk and dazed being.
“shh-hh, Dewey’s slee-ping” you shushed him, your eyes closed and head against he door.
“well, someone’s had too much to drink.. again…” he plodded over to you snickering, plopping himself on the floor in front of your feet.
Dewey began to unlace your doc martens, but you pulled back before he could. “hey! I-I have a-a boyfriend” you slurred, pointing your finger, warning him.
“no shit” Dewey snorted, a smile brushed his lips as he grabbed your foot and held it tighter, managing to undo your laces.
You peeled open your eyes and frantically moved your sweaty hair out of your face, lighting up when you notice Dewey sitting in front of you, fighting with your boots. A smile quickly spread across your face as you flung your arms out “baaaa-aaabe! You’re here!” you bellowed, excited to see your boyfriend and his cute messy, tired face and hair.
“yeah I most certainly am.. now how did you get home this time my angel?” Dewey’s protective boyfriend side always came out when you stumbled through the door yourself, worried you had been left to walk home alone.
You twisted your mouth to the side, looking up for inspiration, confused. Everything was a bit fuzzy. Well, really fuzzy.
“uuuuuuh…..” you tried your best to remember.
Dewey pulled your first boot off and quickly got to work on the second. He sat with his legs open, at either side of your leg and pulled your foot towards him a little, making you slide along the floor, and down the door a bit. He briefly looked up at you trying to remember and smirked, before looking back down at your triple noted laces.
“was it maybe.. a car… maybe with Stacey… and Aimee?” he quizzed, eager to find out to settle his mind.
You knitted your eyebrows for a second before slightly remembering singing Galway Girl on the ride home with your friends. “oh! Yesyesyesyeys we were sing-ing uhhh Galloway Guy or something…”
Dewey nodded his head knowingly, “so it was Jason that picked you up... that’s fine.” Jason was Aimee’s boyfriend, and the one that normally picked you guys up on Fridays. It tended to alternate between Jason and Dewey.
After pulling off your second boot and tossing them to the side, Dewey pulled himself up, shaking his head and sniggering at the state you were in. Your hair was everywhere, one of your eyelashes was pretty much hanging off, not to mention the slight smudge of your lip gloss. His eyes wandered down and noticed the stain that tainted your red body suit. You had pretty much spilled an entire VBL down yourself and almost had a fight with the guy who knocked you and made you spill it.
He stood over you and grabbed your hands to pull you up.
“C’mon you..” he tried to pull but you resisted and slid further down the door. “nooooo” you whined, throwing your head back. Dewey rolled his eyes playfully, sighing at you. He pulled your arms up, but you went limp and let your head flop backwards. “leave me he-re I’m too tiiirreeed” you moaned.
“y/n, come on… you’re gonna hurt yourself!”. You pulled against him in protest “just leave me heeeerre”.
Eventually Dewey just picked you up, ignoring your drunken protests, and carried you to your bedroom, sitting you on the edge of the bed. He pointed his finger at you as you swayed a little, eyes half-lidded, smiling up at him.
“stay” he warned, smirking at you. He was trying not to laugh too much, because he knew that if he laughed and provoked you then he would have no hope in hell at settling you down for sleep.
You pointed your finger back at him, narrowing your eyes, still slightly swaying. “or what?”. You smirked.
Dewey turned around and searched for the baby wipes in the dimly lit bedroom. “you don’t… wanna find out…” he joked.
Dewey came and sat on the bed next to you, his hands finding your face and turning it to look at him softly. He smiled at your features. Your tired eyes and slumped form. He wouldn’t change any of this for the world.
“look at that face…” he squeezed your cheeks lightly, making you giggle. “I can tell you who won’t be laughing in the morning…” he raised one of his eyebrows, suppressing a laugh, knowing how moody you were gonna be in a matter of hours.
You continued to look at him in awe, he was the most beautiful man in the world to you. His sleepy eyes, and flushed face making you fall in love all over again. Dewey looked into your sparkling eyes and blushed a little at the way you looked at him. He kissed you quickly on your lips before taking a make up wipe out of the pack.
“first things first… lets get these contraptions off your beautiful face…” he gently took off your fake eyelashes one by one, setting them on your nightstand, knowing you would wear them again. He was so thoughtful, how did you get so lucky?
“mmmm I love you…” you hummed, leaning into kiss him, but you just fell against him instead. Dewey grinned, and shook his head, “ohhhh I can’t wait to see you in the morning”. “you- you’re just so beautiful” you continued humming into his chest. “and so cosy.. and you smell like cinnamon…” you trailed off as you started to slip into sleep.
Dewey put his hands under your arms and lifted you up. “make up and pyjamas and then you can sleep my darling”. You simply hummed in response, your eyes closed, slowly drifting.
Dewey ran the baby wipe across your face a few times, getting off as much as he could before he stood you up and started to get you undressed. All he could smell was whatever you had been drinking. H couldn’t quite put his finger on what the aroma was. “y/n what the hell were you drinking?” he muttered, unbuttoning your skirt.
“mmm lil bit of everything darling” you nonchalantly replied.
Dewey raised his eyebrows, his mouth moving to a shocked pose and looked up at you; he was crouching down, attempting to unbutton your body suit.
“uh, oh.. rookie mistake” he smirked. You simply rolled your eyes.
“im fi-“ you brought your hand up to your mouth, vomit threatening to spill. Dewey flinched a little. “if you’re gonna be sick you gotta tell me.”
You breathed in through your nose deeply and swallowed. “I’m- I’m fine.”
Finally he unbuttoned your body suit and started to lift it above your head. He had seen you like this too many times, nothing phased him anymore.
“Dewey Finn… don’t ya think you should take me to dinner first?” you flirted a little.
“oh ha ha, I’ve never heard that one before… only every freaking Friday night” he snorted.
As usual, Dewey already had your pyjamas sitting on your bed, waiting for you coming home, and he’d set up some pain killers and water on the bed side table just before you got home.
Eventually, he managed to get you pyjamas on and he had grabbed a bobble to tie your hair up. As he was softly pulling your hair into a low pony tail you sighed.. on the verge of tears.
“why am I such a mess” you sobbed a little.
Dewey shook his head and smiled, you always got like this at the end of the night; a little bit weepy and feeling sorry for yourself. You were fine really, just drunk.
“you’re not a mess baby.. you’re… a spicy disaster” he chuckled to himself. As he pulled back the bed sheets for you. You sobbed harder “why are you so mean to me”.
You got into bed, stepping over the bucket placed at your feet in case you woke up needing to puke.
Dewey continued to laugh under his breath, smirking. “I’m sorry my love…” he turned off the side light and climbed into bed next to you.
“I’m sorry, I’ll take you to McDonald’s tomorrow for chicken nuggets to make up for it… deal?” he scooted over to you, pulling you into him.
“mmm deal… I love chicken nuggets…” you managed before you drifted off to sleep in his arms.
“yeah I know you do..” he wiped the stray hairs from your face as he kissed your forehead.
“and I love you.. my spicy little chicken nugget”.
tags: @thewolfisapartofmysoul @paxenera​ @heknowshisherbs​ @missihart23​ @geminiacally​ @go-commander-kim​ @gegehaddock​ @baby-beej​ @sadpuppetshows​ @hoodoo12​ @large-unit​ @thats-specific​ @vicunaburger​ @stranger-strings​ @bugdrinkss​ @ssheinaa​ @demonwifey​ @beetle-herbs​
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