#im not sure if it's just the company im working at now tho. i am in the interview process at a new place maybe they wont be so tedious hfnf
wizardcowpoke · 1 year
bad news wanna quit my job to go work at a local bakery again
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fave-fight · 1 year
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Utatane Piko:
“Wow a vocaloid with an actual last name what a shocker *AHEM* Was made by Sony (yes morbius-releasing Sony made a vocaloid), was unfortunately released RIGHT NEXT TO two other way more popular vocaloids, ended up becoming half-obscure and more people know about him now that he's been discontinued. Yippee 💥”
“literally the most pathetic a boy can get discontinued (he is literally already losing) stuck in v2 forever and has no eng voicebank still assigned meme by fandom silly another vocaloid was meant to be his counterpart but they got split due to their original company going bankrupt sony hates him (yes hes owned by sony) sony please revive our baby boy :[”
“Imagine if a discontinued computer program won, just imagine, that would b cool”
“He deserves to win because he sadly probably won't ever get a voice update, and the little babyman deserves at least something good to happen to him.”
“Discontinued robot man. Let him kill.”
“ROBOT SWAG!! very skrunkly, looks really fucking tired in his official v2 art, dicontinued please give them some justice he has a beautiful voice :(”
Jonathan Sims:
“It would be really funny if he and Jonah Magnus both got in so John could literally strange his boss to death. That would be so much fun. He should lose to everyone else tho bc he is doomed by the narrative to always take the L”
“Listen. Listen this is a fistfight, im not sure if his all knowing fear god bullshit powers will work here. If he can’t smite people. If he can’t Know things about them and scare them to death. If it’s just a fistfight of pure ability. He is going to get beat up so badly but I think he’ll live. Jon’s sturdy. He had a rib taken out. Was kidnapped and forcibly moisturised by an evil ringmaster puppet. He is… the fandom interpretation is that he’s skinny. Thin. His boyfriend is the strong one. Jonathan Sims would probably lose in a fistfight -he’s Just A Guy without the antichrist shit- but it would be so fucking funny. He might win. He might lose. It’s 2:18 AM here and I cannot sleep.”
“He has an endless supply of disdain and is so willing to use it Especially if there's Martin He HATES Martin Martin can do no good Let me tell you, that Martin... Wait, where'd you go?”
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maxverstepponme · 5 months
Now that the GP is over, the reason why I went MIA this week wasn’t because of school, it was because I was -still am- in Miami 🥰 I had the chance to meet Max, George, Carlos, Yuki, Kelly -ew- and saw Patrick Mahomes 💀///
Tell us everything, spill all the tea, how was it, who did you meet and what were they like????
IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU STEPPY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I won’t say much, but long story short, my friend’s dad got tickets because of the company he works at so she invited me and some friends. The experience was amazing and I still can’t believe I witnessed the vibe after Lando’s win.
Max: I don’t care what they say or how stupid he is, but this man is so sweet 😭 He is so soft spoken and kind, it made my heart melt. I’m pretty sure he noticed I was kind of nervous but thankfully I didn’t embarrass myself.
George: I NEVER thought this man could be THAT nice 😭 I saw him walking on the paddock so I had to say hi. I almost called him waxy LMAO but I got a picture with him. He’s also really tall and smells amazing. Also, he isn’t as skinny as he looks in pics. Guess I’m in love 🤡
Carlos and Yuki: I said hi to both of them but only managed to take a picture with Carlos 😭 He’s really nice as well and also smells really good. Wished him good luck in Spanish and he said “muchísimas gracias”. By the looks of it, I’m taller than Yuki so slay me 💀
Patrick Mahomes: LMFAO I just saw him and he’s taller than I thought. Thank god I didn’t meet Brittany tho 💀
I also saw Alex, Rebecca, and Carmen from afar. Ngl but they looked stunning.
(Bonus, I guess?) Kelly: I didn’t really meet meet her, but I saw her there. While me and my friends were meeting Max at the hospitality, she was sitting in one of the tables that were a bit far from where we were with Max. She kept looking at us from head to toe for what felt like forever so I waved at her 💀 she waved back in the fakest way possible but it was so funny. I know she’ll die when she sees this because she wasted an opportunity to come at me 😭
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mayakern · 1 year
i'm so excited to see the concept art for the sweaters!! they look so cute! i know as a chubby girl i often have trouble fitting into sweaters because my forearms are too thick, so im curious to see how the sizes will work in regards to that. i also wanted to just say thank you for continuing to make plus size clothing! it seems like the smaller sizes tend to sell out quicker, and i'm sure alot of other companies would use that as a reason to stop carrying plus sizes. but you never do that, and i just wanted you to know how thankful i am for that. your designs are some of the only clothes that make me feel happy with my body, and i'm sure many others feel the same. so thank you, i really appreciate the work you and your team do, i look forward to supporting your business even more~
thank you! this is really sweet 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
we’re doing our best to grade the sweaters in a way that will properly fit as many bodies as we can. this doesn’t mean we can give a perfect fit to everyone (you’d have to get custom tailoring for that) but we are doing our best using the sizing data we collected from y’all as well as our own personal experience.
i think part of why the smallest sizes sold out so quickly this time is due to the new sizing. unfortunately the A and B sizes ran larger than we had hoped so we have reworked the sizing somewhat for future skirt batches. in particular, the A size will give a better fit to folks in the XS and S sizes and will essentially serve as our “straight size” selection. the reworked sizing will also have less overlap between sizes, because it was a bit excessive. i think after these changes, we may see more sales in the B and C sizes but i’m not 100%.
regardless, we always expected the D size to move slowly, in a major part because we just do not have a D size model on our crew and haven’t had the time/means to look into finding/hiring one. right now it’s just me and ariel modeling and she’s an XL on top and a 3X on bottom and i’m a 2-3X in general. and even tho compared to most companies, esp indie brands, that is more fat rep/size inclusivity than often shown, it doesn’t account for the 4-8X that the D size can fit. people need to see themselves represented to have trust that a garment will fit them and so far we just can’t provide that due to lack of resources. i’m hoping to change this someday tho.
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expiationist · 4 days
Hello there 💖
So I have a few questions for your videos :
Ho long have you been studying Japanese ? What made you want to do it ?
Congratulations for going to Nagoya ! The city is really pretty ! How did you manage to get to go to school there ?
Do you want to get a job in Japan or in another country (related to Japan in a way or another) ?
How do you film your YouTube videos ? What do you use to edit them ?
Sorry if it’s a lot of questions, I really like your account and your videos
Lots of love 💖
im so sorry i never got around to making a video from this! i really planned on it, but life got in the way…
(/// ̄  ̄///)
i have been studying japanese since i was 16, during covid, and i just turned 21 last week! soooo,,, 5 years? holy fuck. ive only been studying in actual classes since i was 18 tho, so about 3 years of actual studying. and i still know essentially nothing <3 i think it was a combination of meeting japanese people online, watching anime, and reading manga. i was super into all that shit from a young age and i initally started learning japanese as a hobby with no intention of ever living in japan or anything, and it just evolved from there. no regerts tho (๑˘︶˘๑)
i got to study abroad at chukyo university in nagoya through my university! they partner w chukyo, so i did an exchange program. i fucking LOVED nagoya and would recommend it to everyone. nagoya gets a lot of hate i think, but i think it is a really great place to live. city vibes, i think there is a decent amount to do, but its not rlly overcrowded or overpopulated like tokyo osaka or kyoto. and the more rural areas of gifu/aichi surrounding it are beautiful. overall loved my experience and met some amazing people there.
the ultimate goal is to live in japan later on down the line, but until then, im not really sure what my plans are! i think japan is a beautiful country with a super rich culture and i can definitely see myself settling down/raising kids there, but i am also super career-oriented so i would like to focus on that first. ideally, id like to work for a japanese company with american branches, or work for an american company with branches in japan. something wherre i can go back and forth ! but im also leaving room for any unexpected opportunities when planning my future
i film my youtube videos with my iphone 12 pro max! tho the most recent vid is filmed on Z****** camera, as well as one im editing now. i used FCP and capcut to edit! though recently i prefer capcut cuz i hate FCPs new user interface
thank you for all the compliments and interest in my life!! u are the best mwah mwah
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01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
03: Do you regret anything?
06: How do you want to die?
11: Do you like someone?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
51: Favourite food?
54: Is cheating ever okay?
59: Do you like the snow?
62: What makes you happy?
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
A lot of questions, answer as many or as few as you like :3
1: it used to be good but in recent years it got so bad compared to when i was a kid oh my god
3: a LOT. i will not go into detail because i am not in the headspace to do so rn.
6: stabbed in the throat
11: yes i do
13: i have a WHOLE LIST blegh. all of them are in my grade and at school lmao
17: nope. havent even had my first kiss yet haha. had a dream i did tho (..huh.)
24: science and math definetly
29: nope. never had any.
32: blue
33: if it counts, i trust a lil easily. working on it tho
35: not exactly in front of, but just some time ago while i was talking to @/im-an-anthusiast
37: forgive. i do that too easily too, and if i just try to forget something, it haunts me for so long.
51: those crappy microwaveable mac n cheeses that come with the powdered cheese
54: relationships? no. assessments? still no.
59: used to love it. i hate it now for some unexplainable reason.
62: being in the company my loved ones, through a screen or in person.
65: im not completely sure what i would do.
68: last night i was sitting with my irl friend in her balcony, we had a playlist playing on speaker and opened up to each other about a lot. we exchanged advice, admitted a lot, and we even found out we had some vaguely similar experiences. we grew a lot closer last night, and i could not be more grateful to have her around.
70: all of my tumblr mutuals, love yall so much. and my irl friends, the friend from 68, @/heheshruberycollector, @/brozonesbiggestfan, and @/mookiepookiepoo.
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webslingingslasher · 1 month
ok so background: i just joined the senior company at my local volunteer fire station (so i can respond to calls) im not technically an emt yet but im going on calls to observe. the boy (who im gonna refer to as 🩺 because why not, and he’s always wearing his fancy stethoscope around his neck) is an emt as well, a few months older than me.
so the first call i go on i’m observing, he’s treating the patient and we’re both in the back of the ambulance. we transport the patient to hospital, and on our way back he’s showing me the ipad and how we document patient care and stuff. and he’s sitting really close. as in our thighs and sides are TOUCHING. and not just like barely i mean our legs are pressed UP AGAINST each other. and then there’s a part about capillary refill (how fast blood returns to the fingernail and color is regained after pressing down on it) and i forgot what it was so i asked and instead of doing it on his hand he does it on MINE and like, multiple fingers too. and THEN i needed to clean something and need to wear gloves (ppe ‼️) and he asks what size i need and im loke “idk a small probably” and he HOLDS UP HIS HAND TO COMPARE MY HAND SIZE TO HIS.
moving on. next standby we’re both sitting at high tops facing the tv where he’s playing some video game. he starts stomping his foot and i look over and he sees my face and is like “there was a caterpillar” and im like “did you kill it” and he’s all confused and says yes (🚩) and we’re going back and forth for a few minutes bc i was like i would’ve taken it outside bro. later on im bored so i ask about the video game and he’s telling me about it and all that stuff.
up until this point i was like okay, maybe he’s trying to say smth or maybe he’s just clueless and is trying to be nice since we have to work together and we’ve known each other for a little while atp. after last night tho im convinced (and so are all my friends who have weighed in) that he’s into me.
OK NOW LAST NIGHT so a few days ago i had posted a tiktok w pink skies by zach bryan and it was just sky pictures i took bc i love taking sky pictures and i captioned it “yall don’t know zach bryan like i do” and he liked the video (he doesn’t follow me but we are contacts in each others phone so yeah) but last night we had engine room at the ems station (we have 2 stations, one for fire, one for ems, all this happened at the ems station, engine room is just cleaning the room with all the vehicles) and i get there (right at 6:30, literally exactly when it started) and he immediately starts teasing me for being late. THEN he comes up to me and is like referencing my caption being all “only *I* like zach bryan” and teasing me and shit and then we talk for a minute about both liking zach bryan and then i told him the caption was a dig at a girl i don’t like (half true) bc she likes zach bryan and i am a certified gate keeper ‼️ and he’s all interested like “who is it” (background info: he’s a grade older than me, just graduated from the public school i used to go to until freshman year when i switched to private school. the girl im referencing also went to this public school and switched to my private school at the same time as me, and is pretty “well known” in our area.) so i told him like im not telling you bc you might know her, he kept asking so i ended up just telling him and he says he doesn’t know her. so that was that last night.
TOMORROW NIGHTTT we’re going on a little field trip (i’m the only one calling it that because it’s funny) and he’s coming on it, it’s an hour drive away from the fire hall and i don’t know who is driving with who but it’ll be interesting for sure. i’ll give you an update tomorrow if you wish, but that’s everything for now. so yeah, this was long but i hope you enjoyed :D
the full body pressing had me leaning in...
the HAND COMPARISON finished it.
like, the man is slutting himself out for you!!!!!!
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sarasometimes · 2 months
my message was too harsh, im sorry. as an artist i am just really exhausted by ai. i can tell your lyrics are original— honestly they’re really good. which is part of what made me feel so frustrated off the bat cus i was like “damn. shawty is spitting. but i’m pretty sure this is a robot being fed a really talented humans writing.” the voice filters do make it sound like ai though. assuming you’re being honest about them being filters, there’s no issue with that. do ur thing. but i would look into what ur distro is doing in terms of mastering the tracks with ai. could be something up with this but i’m ngl i havent heard of ai being used for this purpose yet so idk how they train the AI for mastering tracks or what that entails. again, i’m sorry for coming at u so aggro, that was not deserved and sometimes i need to learn when to take a chill pill and be less accusatory. that’s on me. btw, i think u have a nice voice :)
hey dawg its ok its a hot button issue n i understand bein frustrated. tbh i was kinda waiting for the 'are u ao' question to come eventually lol
'my name isnt sara' is an expirmental album of me exploring different techniques to try to produce a sound that lives on the line between human and inhuman. it doesnt quite work on its own yet but its a work in progress. i dont think im quite there yet in terms of what i want my sound to be so theres variation and inconsistency there. i know there's also some dubious sound editing going on thats a symptom of me fuckin around with different software. im a techie before a musical artist n shit like theory n composition is a bit beyond me atm but im tryin to learn by doing how to make a cool n unique sound.
beyond that tho, i do rely a lot on things like filters and adjustment tools n the like to bridge the gaps where im just not confident yet. i hope the more i practice the more confident ill get vocally.
eventually I wanna write a stage show n what im doing now is practice on my way to that goal. ill definitely be doing more research into distrokid n what its doing with mastering. I'll be honest that i really don't know that much abt that. But a for profit company jumping on the ai bandwagon with shady new tech is what tech companies do lmao
sorry if my reply was harsh too I got defensive real fast. i think at the end of the day i just dont want anyone to think im tryna run a grift or scam or anything. like im just a person with a soulless job i hate that discovered making weird music abt eating people n being bugs makes me happy.
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lgcyubin · 1 year
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here to present (bad trumpet playing noises) the illustrious kim yubin whooohoooo (crickets chirping) please like this post if you're down to plot and i'll mosey over to your tumblr ims. i have a discord if that's easier (tho i am slower on it) - just lmk and we can swap usernames :) also clearly bandwagon-ing so i may be even slower here, but i made a twitter since it's come up a few times! i'm also still (slowly) reading through event stuff but to the extent anyone's still looking for event partners please hmu!
better known as jamie (not james) kim, kim yubin's a california boy who's found his way to seoul with lukewarm dreams(?) of becoming a kpop idol.
quick tl;dr of his relevant journey: joined lgc in july 2021 by sheer happenstance. it's been two long years and he's still not sure if this is what he's allowed(?) to do, but for now he's trying to dabble in a little bit of everything to figure out what he likes, and works his ass off regardless of what he does bc it's in his nature. he doesn't have a self-declared focus, but his (current) penchant is for rap.
vs. what he'd put on his hinge profile: fluent in english and korean, the proud owner of two on-and-off dimples that may as well be a craters, and his t-shirt's made of boyfriend materi—
family bg: born to an affluent family of doctors. literally. all doctors, all successful, all brilliant. he's the youngest of four (three older sisters) and the black sheep of the family because he's... well, not exactly studying for the mcat right now. he's smart and hard-working, but certainly doesn't think he is - growing up in the shadows of steep expectations will do that to ya.
for as critical of himself as he is, however, he likes to keep most of his neuroses strictly to himself. you will not get him to be vulnerable without an ample amount of kicking and screaming.
self-inflicted mental saw traps aside, yubin comes across as remarkably... well, unconcerned on the outside. he's a flippant person who has zero issues making small talk with complete strangers. he's candid, straightforward, and he's got a wicked sharp wit and a penchant for dramatics. he's a funny guy! sarcasm is his crutch! and he'd much rather you laugh at or with him than see him cry.
in desperate need of: friends. and specifically: friends who will put up with him whipping his head around dramatically every time you whisper "look at the hot person behind you but don't make it obvious" (he would be such a good wingman fyi)
best friends! but just a couple, max. he's a closed off person so if he did have any best friends that might have a better grasp of the inner workings of kim yubin, it's a limited number, and you've probably known him since he joined lgc (or longer—he's not a seoul native, but he was in town most summers). fair warning that he will be calling you his work wife/husband (it's a show of affection).
at the back of my mind, he is very loudly like "i would rather die than have feelings for someone" so naturally i feel inclined to write out a terrible ex plot. or a crush plot. or both. any breakup with him was probably messy and might be accompanied by some resentment (at least from his end), and any crush he could possibly have will be saddled with internal conflict. let's give it up for being unlovable!
no one's seen him cry except maybe a close friend or his sisters but you happen to catch him at the worst possible time and he is now avoiding you like his life depends on it. even if it means hiding behind a potted plant the second he sees you down the hall.
someone go on a perilous hike with him where you end up terribly lost and start to think you may have to spend the last moments of your life in each other's company so you might as well dish out all of your regrets and dashed hopes, right? it's not like you're just meters away from the path you were supposed to be on, right? good thing neither of you are drama queens, right???
if you would like to entertain the idea of having an inconsequential crush on the most charmless guy alive, please do so because he'd be so so uncomfortable with the concept of it and it'd be funny.
familial connection — he joined lgc back in july 2021 with his cousin (female), and she is 100% the reason why he's here. he's all about tough love and being mister sass pants so no one figures out just how much he cares about them, but he would do just about anything for his family and he's especially close to her.
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reynanghugot · 1 year
[10:51PM] kanina magkausap kami ni Nikko and out of nowhere after ko maligo nainis ako sa sarili ko, kasi ready na nga yung resignation letter ko. sobrang rough ng araw na 'to, i feel like once naisubmit ko na 'to there's no turning back since immediate siya and due to health issues ang ang reason ko. sabi ko talaga sa kanya na parang i feel like not having a stable job makes me less of a person pero as usual may sagot siya don na totoo naman and i realize din after na tama siya kasi i am still finding ways to earn at least and nag-aaral naman ako. baka kasi yung sakit ko din yung naging way for me to get out of the industry. dont get me wrong, malaki naitulong sakin ng BPO for almost six years and lalo na yung company kung san ako nag wowork ngayon, it's just that hindi na talaga kaya ng katawan ko yung work na yon and i don't want to abuse myself in the next years because na abuso na siya ng inom, puyat, yosi for three consecutive years and kahit itinigil mo na siya, it's not enough pa din para bayaran mo yung inabuso mo. totoo nga din sabi nila, there are lessons in life that you will learn in a hard way and baka eto yung sakin.
this maybe the reason din siguro why i am having a hard time na makipagusap lately kay Cath, kasi nahihiya ako dahil feeling ko ilang weeks na naka tengga yung to-do's ko, and yung progress sobrang liit and bagal [tho it's still a progress for me as a newbie] pakiramdam ko im lacking of something pa din at may parang mali sa ginagawa ko talaga. anw, for sure mafifigure out ko din siya soon.
i have a lot on my plates right now like acads, freelancing, small business pero yung energy ko nasa 10% lang talaga everyday. maybe because i promised myself nung time na naka isolate ako sa hospital na i will not force myself na gawin yung mga bagay ng minamadali gusto ko i-take yung time in slow phase yun bang isipin ko muna yung short term goals before the long term para di ako mahirapan baka ganon nalang din progress ko mabagal at maliit pa.
im hoping for a productive thursday sana kayanin ko at hindi puro pag bebreak down at monopoly ang inaatupag ko eme. nga pala if wala nagsabi sayo, proud ako sayo dahil matatapos mo na uli yung araw at deserve mo ang pahinga ngayong gabi, laban uli bukas ha? happy mid-week and good night!
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E8 "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
"High Ranking Vulcan". heh. This intro though - it jkust makes me wonder the sheer potential of what couldve been for Trek. Bryan Fuller made a masterpiece called Hannibal. Not too sure on his hand in Trek - imho, it doesnt compare. ANYways. ugh i love seeing hte discovery warp downwards like that Owosekun - love her name such nice colours. consistenty good colours in this show for sure. i like how goldy inside the bridge is oh interesting. what an odd source of warp power its insanely cool though. that CANT be good for stamets. is that foreshadowing did you call her what she will become damn stamets can you be like idk a bit likeable tho please. like plenty of characters who are catty af but likeable in some way if even 1%. ugh. hi tribble. keep tribblin OO SO BLUEEEE SO PRETTYYY This is so weird to me in how this show literally comes out 2 years AFTER AOS3 in terms of production quality.
very pretty landscapes though Saru. aint no way you walkin this terrain with them feets of yours love the trees. saru is so scrawnyyy Saru literally looks amazing in any lighting no joke damn classic trek mist creature living rorschach blot Kol is so cool looking those red accents work beautifully on his face
such lovely colour grading everyones GLOWINGGG there are certainly some wonderful visuals in this show ughhhh Saru, the dust speaker is that a klingon archery set what is that HAHA i wish nah its a torture kit sorry cornwell yelling like that was kind of cringe lolll this pretty blue dust dome that ash and burnham are in is so pretty ugh something im gonna just never take seriously, "Ash x Burnham" nah get out yeah yeah however, Kirk delivered this line beyond any other human's capacity what an empty ass kiss god its so forced. another huge problem with this show is they treat these characters like we know them already but bruh everyone feels so much the stranger to me, even though we are past the halfway point of season 1. is just so weird. i am not invested in like any character, even ones i really thought i would/wanted to be but its liek the show takes them away from me i like how the klingons have a definite accent when they speak terran now L'Rell is so striking looking i love her eyes such a piercing look
see like i WANT to like this away party but like i kind of dont have any real reason to like any of these characters especially with the utter animosity stuff that never got really properly resolved. like between saru and burnham. it feels almost uncomfortable. to me the viewer watching from outside ofc. thats a really pretty flower i dont like this film style it feels too tacky so many stupid zooms so cheap feeling it feels like star trek, Teen Wolf edition. literally feels like its filmed int he same way as things like Teen Wolf that were almost 10 years earlier. its so janky. zero patience and sense to appreciate the scene itself without all this ridiculous cinematic embellishment. its so unnecessary. if even this show did this less, this show would legitimately be 7x better. saru looks so beautiful with that warm white rear light this is such a gorgeous instance of practical effects and they got the PERFECT actor to don saru Ash looks like someone ive literally known in my own life 😭 i love these red jewels on L'Rell's armour/clothing costume and design department did a great great job in this show's production - i have no beef with them.
i like saru's mouth shape its so odd. idk why i feel so detached from this show. oh dang angry saru. ferocious oml yo these are such pretty crystals] saru running in THOSE? HAAHAHAH damn had to CG him hahah that one camera shot was funny though it almost looked like the show said "yes. he can run in these". lol oh damn convincing gore i like how we continue seeing blood in trek with DISCO when i t really started in Enterprise. oh shit ANGRY SARU BRUH HE BACKKICKED HER LIKE A HORSE this stick man being so strong the way hes breaking that device literally looks like classic trek style bundle two hands together and bash DBZ style XD
really pretty tree thing though oooo the transporter circles at the bottom look SOO nice dude look at his detail up close its fucking amazing oh my god such masterfully done painting speckling im genuinely impressed damn, im sorry saru. though i think, who DOES live without fear. man costume design is wonderful. these red markings are really good they compliment their faces really well This is so odd. I have NEVER had this kind of feeling of "detachment" from a Trek production before. The fuck is happening. Ugh.
Not liking Bryan Fuller x Alex Kurtzman directing style in this show, like, at all.
I am just waiting for when this show gets better.
Cuz it's lost a lot of my anticipation.
We'll see. Hopefully.
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jentlemahae · 7 months
omg it's so crazy that the more time passes the more genuinely baffled I am at YG. I just read through the Jisoo self-portrait press releases and the founder basically said that they have lowkey worked with Jisoo since debut but are making it an official partnership now that she is with Blissoo which basically means 'we kept trying to work with her but YG kept saying no'. I can't believe YG spent 7 years rejecting offers from people. they are so stupid.
also 'Jisoo is currently quite busy: she's working on new music of her own' EXCUSE ME?!!!!??!? highsnobiety better not be lying to me... she's working on a movie, a drama AND music? what the fuck? YG really didn't let them do anything. they really were in the dungeons. I'm just so proud of bp for knowing their worth and leaving that dumb company. it's been like 6 months and they are already working on so much stuff behind the scenes. I'm so excited for this next chapter!
a movie and a drama and fashion gigs AND music…..she’s the definition of booked and busy !!!!! tho yg turning away good opportunities for the pinks… cant say that im surprised 😐 the more things the pinks do with their newfound freedom the more enraged i get at yg bcs SEE what we could have had for years if only that company wasn’t run by MORONS !!!!!!!!! i am sure the pinks will be all kinds of successful but i *need* them to be really really successful to show that company all they have missed out on
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mackjlee9 · 10 months
Mh i dont know if its a german thing but you can instead of study get trained in a company (example my parents started working in a lab and got trained for lab work) and then just gather work experience. Now my mum works in a lab that creates medication for cancer and my dad is head manager in the laboratory of the sewage plantation. Yes im higher middle class, i am rather privileged hehe.
Of course its your choice what your Mum knows, im pretty sure tho my Mum (Mum earns way more so my dad isnt paying really for much for me) would pay for some smaller stuff if we ever need it. She is quite okay when i say i have a friend i wanna meet.
Putting in the work so hard *i say while falling asleep snuggled in a blanket, im still a bit lazy*. Also studying should be way easier here for you if you wanted that, or working in general then i guess. (Feeling like im forcing to work on you, i dont know if i sound mean, hm overthinking overthinking (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
That's def not something that happens here, it's rather absurd how this country works, while also adding that foreigners get more benefits when it comes to work, study and health, or that show buenos aires works
I would love to tell, but she's very... Judgmental? She doesn't trust anyone just because they wanna something good and get nothing in return, she's always wary of scams and stuff like that, which I good explanation of why I am so socially reclusive and I never tell her anything because I know how she's gonna react. She made bad decisions throughout her life and I guess she's just being cautious
I would love to get my studies done tbh so either one sounds good to me, I'll just have to know enough German to get by hehe
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shwarmii · 1 year
i just moved three boxes (two light and one heavy-for-me) to my car to take to the storage unit after a break and i AM SO BRAVE
context: i am still in the process of moving (un-moving? i am here, in a new residence, but i am surrounded by boxes and shit ugh) and i was very kindly gifted a storage unit by my parents since i down-sized so much (and my dad is a hoarder so he was very "YOU CAN'T GET RID OF YOUR BREAKFAST ISLAND CHAIRS JUST BC YOU NO LONGER HAVE A BREAKFAST ISLAND" even tho i got the three plush chairs for a total of $20 bc thrifting yay). but i couldnt supervise the movers (bc i was so wiped i was gonna throw up or faint if i didnt lay down and let them do whatever) and they apparently read like.. 2 or 3 of my labels and none of the rest. so they ignored so many that instructed them to put things in the storage unit. and i dont feel comfy calling them for a discount bc they had to deal with so much regarding me and my disability already (mainly: that i didnt finish packing before they got there. yeah. i did 2 or 3 all-nighters in a row just before they came, worked for weeks, and still couldnt do it all. best i could do was make them piles of the remaining stuff and go "please help")
but yeah, im quite disabled and sickly and i have muscle weakness, and i am spent FOR A DAY after a carrying a single case of Arrowhead water from my car to my personal cart to my apartment, so you can imagine the havoc a medium-to-large Costco Box of board games is apparently causing me
(read more is just more of me complaining about boxes, ft. me breaking down how my internalized ableism skews my pov of how difficultly heavy things are by using my little sister for comparison)
i was so shaky after, it sucked so bad. im so glad my storage unit has carriers by the door so i dont gotta haul that shit long-distance anymore. my body is so disregulated, jfc, that box felt like it might as well have been 50 lbs but i know for a fact it was on the heavier side of "light". bc my little sister helped me out with the worst of my heavy boxes a week or so ago (aka: my book boxes. bastards were the heaviest thing by far bc i have a concept art book collection and those books are weirdly shaped and hardcover and even just five of them is heavy enough for me to struggle. though, in my defense, i had a physical therapist test my muscle strength and she openly said "Oh, god, that's not good" lmao rip) and like.. my lil sister is an athlete, sure (and built like a model jfc she is so tall and dainty, hOW?? shes got muscle mass but its so stretched out that she looks like she doesnt have much. but bitch works out for fun, runs at least a mile every morning before college classes, and does sports and dance for shits and giggles. and also she's STEM. beauty and brains. jfc, i love her, her future partner better worship the ground she walks on, i swear. but yeah, her favorite way to show love is acts of service and she likes doing physical labor, so when i asked for help all hesitantly and ready to bribe, she was like "Okay!!✨️" before i even finished and rejected any form of payment that was more than a starbucks frap. she's back in college on the other side of California now anD I MISS HER COMPANY.. AND ALSO HER MUSCLES...) but she truly carried all my book-boxes like they weighed as much as a handheld-basket of laundry
and i even asked her "Is that an okay weight? I can grab another cart, we can take as many breaks as you need, would you like a water, thank you so much for doing this, are you okay??" and she just laughed like a mix of Santa Claus and the blonde girl from Utena (/positive)
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she was so fine with what she was carrying. the only reason she agreed to a cart was to make shit faster with less trips, but she didnt care about the weight of the boxes themselves. she even said "These aren't nearly as bad as you made them out to be!" (as bad = me telling her I couldn't lift them. i had to make the boxes and tower then ontop of one another and put a book in individually at a time. after they were filled, i could not lift those boxes at all). she openly found these boxes easy to deal with. they were about Office Depot File Cabinet size bc i worried using a BIG box for books would be truly unliftable. but yeah no she was fine. my sister was very open about it even and did a couple of tricks for the comedy of making me go "EY EY EY, BE CAREFUL, DONT HURT YOURSELF" and fuss over her
so. like. i know she'd be able to carry this board-game box i am currently struggling with, probably even one-handed if it wasnt for its awkward size of it which would necessitate she use two hands. and you might go "shwarmi, your sister is probably not an accurate representation of a person's strength, im sure those boxes were heavy, books are heavy, so are board games" and im like:
the book-boxes were likely heavy but mangeable for most people. the board game box was definitely heavy-end-of-the-"light" weight-spectrum. also, my sister is a great barometer for me because i am in F-tier, maybe D-tier on a good day, and she is A-tier. she is likely not S-tier, she isnt a body-builder, doesnt have obvious muscle definition, no a six-pack, no evident biceps or calfs, nothing. so most people are B- or C-tier. so she is actually a good litmus test for me, personally, because i see the strain on a B-/C-tier person and i spiral into thinking they feel like me when they DONT. so seeing my sister have no problems or strain beyond "this cart that your storage unit supplied sucks to steer!" makes my dumbass go "...ahhh, i see how different me struggling versus a B-/C-tier person struggling is now that i see my sister's limits and think of her proverbial Strength Stat as ridiculously high". i have a few other friends (and a brother, who teagically lives far away from me boo) who pride themselves on their strength that similarly make me do a double-take of "OOOOOOH.. oh, okay, my frame of reference has been righted, okay"
really brings to light a reminder that i still have a SHIT TON of internalized ableism. it is very hard rn to not kick myself for only doing three boxes in one trip today. my dumbass really wants to go "DO A NORMAL PERSON AMOUNT OF STORAGE MOVING" but, my comrade, i am not normal. i am disabled. i very physically weak. there is a reason why my loved ones and i make frequent jokes comparing me to "sickly Victorian ghost children" (hence why my @/playbychoices account had that John Mulaney quote as its blog-title for so long). i can do these three boxes today. hopefully, i can do the equivalent or more tomorrow, but i also could have another week-plus long flare-up like i did this past period before today. so. today. just three. very sadge. but alas, the way things do be
praise me for this stupid fucking board-games box. the other two were easy, even for me. one was even the same awkwardly medium-large Costco box but just had lighter shit inside. but the board game box??
shit sucked. im sitting next to an a/c with an ice-cold drink and my feet up, trying to get my likely-POTS-raddled body regulated back to a mangable level
but still
shit sucked
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jadeneppy · 2 years
I did get ur ask but i will not answer it directly since people dont follow me for my personal affairs. If you wanna see my response its gonna be under the readmore
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They gave their side of the story and i gave mine. I constantly asked for consent and now that its years later they are taking it away. Dunno how that works but while we were together i did ask before doing anything irl. If they felt really uncomfortable they could have asked me to stop at any time and i would have. As for being smug what else would i be? Its been years gabe!!! Talk to me like a normal person!!
Im not gonna be able to change your mind and of course i still feel bad but just because i feel bad doesn't mean im guilty of what they accuse me of doin! When they asked about top surgery or goin on T i always said I'd help support them, i dont know where they got that i wouldn't when its in our dms!
Im not sure what else you guys are upset about since they didn't feel the need to bring it up but i honest to god felt like me and sigs last goodbye was gonna be the end of this whole drama tho i dont wanna call it drama. We had our talk and you both blocked me without giving your reasoning, like when u first block evaded after i gave my piece, you were the one who didn't want to continue the conversation when i was willing to explain my reasoning or my side. I cant believe it took the ramblings of a high me to get u to finally send an ask tho, like i was sooo out of it and didn't even remember what i typed. Did u completely miss all my posts where i said i missed their company? I never saw sig in a bad light up until this whole thing started getting bad. Why? Cuz they always feared I'd hate them, they had multiple dreams about it and would cry.
I even now dont hold a lot of malice towards them just kinda in disbelief that they'd say these things to others before me. Before we could ever talk about it so i could at least have give them my own response. They didn't wanna give me closure but in the end i still found my own version of closure and that was to believe in the TWO people that stood by me, when everyone else turned their backs on me. Literally all of our mutual friends left me behind except for Charles and Curt!!! I am so thankful to them and my new friends for sticking with me even after you tried to take them away from me.
If stalking me is a way of coping for you then i think you should look for some healthier alternatives. It took me a while to get over them and that whole situation like for gods sake they gave me ptsd! Just up and dropping me after 7 years and with no explanation! I had to wonder for weeks/months before i got an answer and even that wasn't clear enough since everyone was withholding information from me!
You should just be happy to be with sig at this point and forget about me all together? Its what you both wanted right? After what happened with kuro and windy i didn't wanna be that type of person for sig. But just as they said i should have been the person to protect them not the one who hurt them. That chapter is done but im still allowed to remember those times and be glad that i met them.
I sure as hell know they didn't throw away any of the gifts i gave em like the figures, shirts, games and the sonic hat. You coming to tell me that i was terrible for not buying them a 300 dollar console for their birthday?? What the fuck was that. That isn't a part of being a boyfriend, was i a bad boyfriend for not getting them that? I bought them so many things so many games just because i loved them and thought they deserved to have some type of gifts, it was my love language after all. All i asked for was their love in return. The only thing i did expect them to throw away were the pictures we took together cuz i sure as hell threw em away.
I had a feeling things weren't working out and before i could say or bring up anything i got blocked. But anyways either unblock me and talk like a normal person or leave me and my friends alone. If you saw the stalker post you should have seen Charles reply too. We don't know what your motive is and honestly you aren't scaring me at all. You're an annoyance at this point go back to your lover and fuck off
I was actually thinking of getting them the console for their birthday when they first brought it up but as soon as they started saying it was the least i could do after them having to deal with me. Thats when i started getting mad, if they wanted to break up earlier they could have said so we could have just parted ways instead of them dumping me while i was sleeping and not give me a chance to speak.
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stormyoceans · 9 months
Have a nice day, Monica! 🌸 Merry Christmas! Regardless of age or status, this time will always seem fabulous. On these lines I will be your personal Kevin McAllister, mentally protecting not only your home, but also your health, sophisticatedly dealing with insomnia that is trying to steal your sleep. I set a wide variety of traps, set snares and keep cans of paint ready if the insomniac wants to cross the threshold of your house. Thank you for the little joys of reading all your posts written with love, for the emotions that I experienced while reading them. This is definitely better for mental health than a browser window with world news. Peace and happiness to you and your home! Take care of yourself!🌸
And by tradition, a question for you: the top 5 of your favorite Christmas cartoons and films?
the idea of you taking a page out of kevin's book and setting up all kind of traps to keep insomnia away from me is both so hilarious and incredibly sweet that i don't quite know what to say except thank you. thank you for always being so lovely, for sending me the kindest messages and for caring about my health. if i was able to give you back even just a little of the happiness that you gave me, then im really glad!!!!!!
as for your question, im actually not very big on christmas movies, but here are some that are very dear to me and that i end up watching every year:
home alone and home alone 2. THEE CHRISTMAS MOVIES OF ALL TIME. A HOLIDAY STAPLE. maybe im cheating by putting both of them together, but when i was a kid (and here im gonna show how truly old am i) we had them on video tape and we would always watch them on christmas day one right after the other. if i had to choose tho, i think i'd pick home alone 2. i know it's not as good as the first one, but for some reason it's always been very comforting to me (and i always dearly loved pigeon lady).
tokyo godfathers. i stumbled upon this movie completely by accident in my late teens when i was very into animanga and it immediately became one of my favorites. it's about 3 homeless people (a former drag queen, a runaway teen, and a grumpy alcoholic) who find a baby in a dumpster and try to reunite it with its family. it’s got humor, it’s got heart, it's about chosen and blood family, and most of all it's both very human and very magical.
klaus. it's the most recent movie in this list and consequently the one that has less sentimental value, but in such a short time it has become very important to me. it's hilarious, heartwarming and one of the most comforting movies i've ever seen. to quote klaus, "one true, selfless act always sparks another." that's the true spirit of the holidays to me and how i strive to live my life.
trading places. so fun fact.. here in italy our national television has been airing this movie on christmas eve every single year without fail since - i kid you not - 1997. i was 6 years old at the time. i am now 32. i spent 26 years of my life watching trading places on christmas eve. what i was doing yesterday evening? watching trading places. and just like me, so was every single italian out there. it doesn't even matter if we like it or not, that's not the point, it's just become tradition like setting up the christmas tree and it's the only certainty we have left in this country: on christmas eve we watch trading places (hashtag just italian things).
the santa clause. this is another movie that used to air a lot around the holidays when i was a kid. i've never particularly cared about it, but my mom ADORED this movie and she always put it on while cooking for christmas. once i got older enough to help her in the kitchen, it still kept us company in the background as we worked, so i inevitably ended up growing fond of it and it's one of those movies that to this day i make sure to find the time to watch with my mom every year.
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