#im not used to sharing names with people my other name is so uncommon ive never even heard of someone else using it
mekatrio · 10 months
what are ur biggest gripes with the way the current fandom characterizes the mekatrio? besides like. oversimplifying seto and stuff. asking bc ur the no. 1 expert imo & i want to hear ur thoughts
tq for this ask and giving me a reason to blabber abt the mekatrio 😏 but also aw you dont want me to talk about seto mischaracterization for the nth time? :( im joking lol, and also im not quite sure what ur quantifying by 'current fandom' so im just gonna go over whatever recent portrayals ive seen from both english and non-english speaking fans 👍 with seto stuff excluded ofc bc i have a whole tag for tht.
my general gripes with overall mekatrio portrayal:
- perpetuating the incorrect notion that the mekatrio were adopted by the tateyamas. they werent, this was a mistranslation by the official translators. the terms used throughout kgpr to describe their relationship to the tateyamas has always been 'fostered'. and ofc, ive only seen this happen in english-speaking spaces (bc i primarily engage with the english-speaking fanbase, and we often work from the translations and not the direct text).
another issue i take with this is that ive seen some english-speaking fans express their dismay at the fact that the mekatrio were only ever fostered, as though adoption wouldve been 'better'. this is something i find very troubling, bc the vibe i get is that theyre implying adoption is like, more intimate, more 'valuable', in a sense, than merely being fostered. and it feels very rooted in their own cultural understanding of fostering/adopting kids, whatever their culture may be.
to me, this feels like a very insensitive view to have, bc the matter of fostering and adopting children is way more complex than "adoption > fostering". adopting a child is more than just making them a part of your family, its about legally and materially severing the bonds between a child and their birth parents. its bc of this nuance that adoption is uncommon in several countries, like japan, and is also why adoption is forbidden in islam. this is also why adoption has been used as a tool of genocide. im not trying to say that 'adoption is evil and bad and its good that the mekatrio werent adopted' etc etc etc, but i wish fans would consider the different cultural aspects of this matter b4 speaking about it.
- having the mekatrio use their first names with each other. eruhefjksjfhjks... its not like completely wrong to do or anything, but i just find it so weird, bc they literally only ever do this with one another in the anime. in the manga and novels, they hv never referred to one another by their first names at any point in time. never!!! when they first meet each other, after being fostered together, after ayaka dies, after ayano dies, and during the present day plot, they have always consistently referred to one another by their last names. the mekatrio using their first names with one another has always been an Anime-Exclusive Thing. so i find it weird that fans hv adopted this tidbit into their overall kgpr interpretation, when its something that's only exclusive to the anime. it would be like if someone adopted mca azami's massive fucking house into their interpretation, or kido still wearing the clothes she died in at the tateyama residence, which are two other weird things that are anime-exclusive.
also this is just my personal headcanon/interpretation, but i would imagine that the mekatrio using their last names with one another would hv a deeper underlying meaning, considering that the three of them are orphans, and have lost the people they had shared these family names with.
- shipping the mekatrio with one another. this is a no-brainer, i dont really think i need to explain this one. its way less common in english-speaking spaces than it used to be, but unfortunately its still just as popular in japanese spaces, knkd being the most prominent one 😑
- denying that theres knkd in canon texts. andd this is smth ive only seen in english-speaking spaces. ive seen some fans make it seem as though there isnt any romantic knkd implications in canon, and that the shippers are just weird and delusional, but as much as id also like for that to be the case, it unfortunately isnt true 😮‍💨 chp 38 of the manga very strongly implies that kano has a crush on kido, and kano's pov in novel 8 practically confirms this. and im too lazy to find proof of this, but i remember there used to be some fans (back in like 2016 - 2019) who believed that the knkd in the manga was just satou mahiro's doing, but no, the manga manuscripts were written by jin, meaning that entire stupid convo between kano and mary in chp 38 was completely jin's doing. this means that, yes, kano does (unfortunately) canonly hv a crush on kido.
now, just bc this is canon, doesnt mean i expect ppl to respect or adhere to it. i sure as hell dont, and i never will, the same way i wont ever respect hibiya's extremely dehumanizing obsession with hiyori, or the very questionable manner that shintaro's fetishes are handled. but its irksome to see people spread the idea that it doesnt even exist, and that the shippers are deluding themselves instead, bc that essentially absolves jin of his very real and very shitty writing. like the truth of the matter is that it very much exists, which fucking sucks, but we can disregard it the same way we disregard the other shitty aspects of kgpr. but we shouldnt act like it doesnt exist at all bc 1.) gotta hold jin accountable for his shit, and 2.) it does a disservice to newer fans who may then think this rancid shit doesnt exist in kgpr, when in reality it does. with that said, the shippers are still fucking weird for shipping it. just cuz theres canon romantic knkd implications, doesnt suddenly make all the familial context surrounding them disappear. both the shippers And jin deserve shit for supporting this nasty shit 😑
my gripes with kido specifically
- portraying her as blushy blushy shy tsun tsun AHHHHH WHATEVER BULLSHIT. i see this happen very often w non-english speaking fans. i hate when people draw her all flustered and blushing in a humiliating context. i hate it when she's drawn in a skirt or any feminine clothing. i hate all of that shit... it feels very voyeuristic and misogynistic to treat a female character who uses a masculine pronoun and presents herself androgynously in such a manner. its disgusting. and i hope that all the writers and artists who do this di-*a truck drives past*
- overlooking kido's autistic-coding in favor of projection. now this is a gripe i have specifically with the english-speaking fanbase. this fandom has a tendency to project traits onto characters, traits which are only very loosely based in canon, if not at all. im not gonna beat around the bush; im mainly talking about how fans project their sexuality/gender/neurodivergency/other identity marker headcanons onto characters. this is not unique to the kgpr fandom, nor is it a recent occurrence. people have been doing this type of thing all the way back in like 2013 - 2014, and i used to do this too, but grew out of it as i got older.
im not saying this is a bad thing to do. i understand the merits and joy that comes from it, and that it's something thats essentially harmless. but what i do take issue with is that fans will project all sorts of traits onto characters with little to no basis in canon, but will then overlook characters who are actually coded a certain way. what im talking abt specifically is kido's autistic-coding. she doesnt just have one or two autistic traits which a person could then headcanon her as autistic. no, in canon, she is very much and very downright autistic-coded. since she was a child, she canonly had difficulties communicating, to the point where she needed to see a doctor;
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she uses music as a way to disconnect from her senses;
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her difficulties with communicating comes out in the form of aggression towards others;
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and she's 'eccentric': wearing multiple layers in the blazing summer, speaking bluntly and honestly at all times, using non-standard pronouns for herself, and the list goes on and on... and like Never Lost Word is literally a whole song about her struggles with communication. all of these behaviors are reminiscent of a person with autism, which itself is a communication disorder. if she isnt autistic-coded, then i dont know what is.
but yeah, it annoys me when people project traits onto characters with little to no basis in canon, but then overlook characters who are actually canonly coded with a certain trait, like kido. like it feels ridiculous to me when a fan like, looks for characters they can project neurodivergency onto, but then ignore the actual neurodivergent-coded characters. if youre going to talk at all about these characters' identities, then can you please not overlook kido's very autistic-coded identity... thank you...
my gripes with kano specifically
- saying that kano has it the worst out of the mekatrio. hahahaha...... my main problem with this idea of 'kano has it worst' is that its often coming from people who are either ignoring, disregarding, or dont fully know about kido's and seto's backstories. and i get why this is the case, kido's and seto's backstories are almost entirely novel-exclusive, and most ppl dont read the novels. not to mention that their songs, Mekakushi Code, Never Lost Word, and Shounen Brave, are way more optimistic than the mental breakdown that is Yobanashi Deceive. but in spite of how things may seem on the surface, all three of them have had it pretty bad in the past, and still have it pretty bad in the present day plot. just a brief summary of their traumatic backstories (taken from the novels, but it applies to most routes):
kano: had a physically abusive mom growing up, and was murdered alongside with her. was passed from home to home, and had the police called on him bc of his powers. was discarded into a facility. his new mom passes away. his sister tells him that their father is possessed and plans to kill their entire family, and asks him to go to school in her place. she later kills herself in front of him, and he is made to masquerade as her corpse. he is then blackmailed into secretly working for his possessed father for the next two years.
kido: her birth mother passes away. she gets whisked into living with her father and stepsister whom she had never met before. she lives with them for at least 7 months, and in this time she is never let out of the residence, and is stuck with servants who berate her and look down on her. her father then drugs her and her stepsister, locks them inside of the basement, murders all of the servants, prepares the house to be destroyed, and then comes downstairs to kill her stepsister. kido has to kill him in self-defense. the house then burns down, killing her and her stepsister. for the rest of her life, she uses concealing eyes on herself without realizing it, in order to repress the traumatic memories of her father. she gets discarded into a facility. much later in life, she lose a mother and sister once again.
seto: grew up in a facility where he was ostracized and bullied by children who were cruel enough to kill a dog. died alongside said dog. spent over a year in this facility all alone, listening to the thoughts of these cruel children who hated him. later in life, he learns that him and his family would be murdered in the future, and never shares this burden with anyone. his mom passes away. he learns his father is possessed and plans to murder the entire family, but again, never confides this to anyone. his sister kills herself.
so like... can you really say that kano has it the worst? if you still think so after knowing all this, then thats fine. but please evaluate kido's and seto's backstories properly if youre going to say so... 🙏
- misunderstanding kano's powers. specifically, saying that:
1.) his powers are cancelled out by pain, and
2.) he mastered his powers earlier than kido and seto.
im planning to write a more detailed post about kano's powers some other day, so ill keep it very brief here. but regarding point 1, in the present day plot at least, its very explicitly stated in 'Today, On The Street' from novel 5 that no, pain no longer cancels out kano's powers:
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as for point 2... this is difficult to disprove without going on an insanely long tangent, so.... i wont do that. and will instead just leave these panels from chp 27 here:
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^official translation on the left and fan translation on the right. im putting two translation to show that yes, kano is really saying that, in his youth, his powers have a tendency to act out of his control. just like kido's and seto's.
yeah, im aware im not really disproving those two points that much here... but its like i said, to do that, id need to explain loads of things, things which i plan to explain in a seperate and more detailed post about kano's powers. his powers are a lot more complex than it initially seems. once i finish that post, ill update this answer and link it here.
- depicting kano as a sociable and outgoing guy. he is not!! he's very shy!
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^fan translation by fuyuyuu. pic is takane, kano, and seto speaking in that order
he is merely playing as a character who is sociable and outgoing. but he is lying! he is very shy! he is yobanashi deceiving you!
- i dont like kanoshin lol. dont get me wrong, i completely get why ppl would ship them. like i always burst out laughing whenever i reread novel 7, cuz i always end up seeing how gay these fuckers are acting:
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^like seriously, in what world is this not meant to be taken in a romantically homosexual context 😭 no cuz help me i feel like throwing up from laughter WHAT IS THISFJSDLK
with that said, i still dont like kanoshin bc 1.) i simply dont think theyre a good pair, and 2.) i think the resentment in their dynamic was poorly resolved. i have many issues with the way shintaro as a protagonist is handled throughout kgpr (especially in the novels), as he is often overshadowing other characters Because He Is The Protagonist. and my dislike of kanoshin's dynamic has to do with that. also another thing i dislike abt the fandom's portrayal of kanoshin, is that i dont like it when ppl make it seem more toxic than it actually is. like i wish they had a spicy feud with one another, but no, novel 7 has made it so they forgive each other like... immediately. which im not a fan of, but oh well. but ultimately im not too bothered by what kanoshin fans are doing, bc ive had kanoshin blacklisted for the past 4 years and it will continue to remain that way 👍
and yeah! thats my list of gripes with the kgpr fanbase's characterization of the mekatrio! (excluding seto). its very short and not at all immensely detailed because i am soooo normal about these characters (lying). theres probably a few things i missed like little 'they would not fucking say that' type of things, but i think these are my main gripes. yippee!
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^visual representation of how the fandom cares more abt kano than seto & kido
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froggyrights · 2 years
The recent lore is weird because I keep seeing people talk about Charlie slimecicle on my dash and I keep reading my name and going like this
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air3d3lalm3na · 5 years
oh my god
i cant figure out if im like accidentally passing to this guy i made friends with at work
we all wear the same thing on top right, and it p much conceals things
im actually mostly in the closet rn, long hair. but i speak in my deepened voice that i developed into by using my chest voice. it still sounds like a female voice to me tho. just a deep one, lil lesbionic. fbofw.
same with using somewhat masc mannerisms on some things, walking and sitting, etc.
but. hes a long haired dude himself. we had a long convo where androgyny was like vaguely referenced. it occurs to me his like spectrum of ways he thinks guys can look is somewhat wider than your usual...?
he also didnt talk down to me sexistly like a lot of nerdboys turned grown men tend to do whrn explaining their specialized and often masculine (his, not really) interests. like wr talked to each otjer on thr same level. and hr didnt "test" me (do you really like that thing, etc.)
hes called me dude two times, not like randomly but in situations guys usually refrain from w women but enthusiastically choose w other dudes? kinda as an excluding women, being bros tool. but he also looks like a stoner to me so. all bets r off lol
so is he just progressive liberal dude who doesn't have huge issues w women and/or lgbts, and sees i am not cismale, just manages to treat me chill. anf im just less used to it from living in some conservative areas for a while, where even if youre treated well by some individual people in social settings, youll be treated really particularly based on gender roles and itll look drastically different for men and women. and im just out of being accustomed to that in recent times? (he could also be automatically lesbian-bro-friending me the way some liberal dudes are chill about and do when they read you that way. like the reverse of f*g-hagging me, "almost one of the dudes," i had this with some guys whrn younger too lmao)
(like. aalso because we had so mucj in common, if he was interested in me, and some guys in these shared geeky interest convos ARE...he would jave acted weird to me. simultaneously hitting on me and questioning my music cred. or ability to know things. a weird tension and staring too long. like ok maybe hes just not interested, which id prefer cause im not either, but. im just SO. USED to it.)
does he think im a dude. a long haired dude like him. with skinny nerdy arms and tight sleeves almost ladies shirt-like, metro, kinda gay looking for republican areas.
i also compared my own name to a male name that sounds similar to mine to explain my names weirdness, since no one can ever pronounce it ever! maybe that kinda...made him think my v uncommon name, that he wouldn't already be familiar with, that doesnt end femininely either, was...also a male name.....cause i used that male name as a comparison tool/frame of reference...fuck
should i post voice audio and ask you guys what gender my voice sounds like cause...fuck lol fuckkkkk
if i pass to him thats the best. ive gotta know
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asexualzoro · 6 years
so you want to make a twitter (part 2)
i’ve seen a few guides on twitter for new twitter users, which is nice, but something about having the posts being things you had to finds on twitter--a new site for the people who needed those guides--seemed unhelpful to me. so, i figured id make a small series of guides of my own here for anyone considering a move (or just making an account) who dont know how
this is a series of posts, since im going to be sort of detailed, so feel free to use just the pieces you need. ill tag them all “lews twitter tutorials” so you can find them on my blog
this is written under the assumption that youve read part 1 of this mini guide series, and dont know anything about twitter or any other social media site but tumblr
ill put it under a cut to save your space, but here’s the most important feature of twitter: tweeting!
so, tweeting. this is something you obviously have to know how to do.  this is how to make a tweet, differences between tumblr and twitter, and how to interact with a tweet
so, making one! when you make a new tweet on mobile, the screen looks like this
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(the icons are p much the same whether you use mobile or desktop, so it doesnt matter which i use)
first, the tweet itself! tweets can only be up to 280 characters, and cant be edited once you post them. theres no feature to bold, italicize, underline, or add linked text in twitter, so its not as good as tumblr for stuff like that, unfortunately. 
here’s what the icons at the bottom do, from left to right
- pictures! this is sort of straightforward: it lets you add pictures. a tweet can only contain either 4 pictures, 1 gif, or 1 video. you cant have a gif and a picture, or a picture and a video. 
a note for artists! twitter is known to compress image quality when images are uploaded, BUT there is a workaround! if you have even one single transparent pixel, your image wont be compressed. 
a note for everyone! you can enable image transcription captions in settings (Settings > Accessibility > compose image descriptions). this allows you to type a short image description to any image you post, if you choose to. it’s a feature i recommend you have on and try to use for your followers who might have worse vision!
- gif keyboard! this image is a search for reaction gifs, basically. i almost never use it bc i can usually never find the specific gif im looking for...
- polls! tis is a feature i like about twitter! it allows you to conduct anonymous polls with up to four options. you can set a time limit and leave it up to allow people to respond. settle arguments between you and your friends or get opinions!
you cant post an image and a poll in the same tweet, so if you want opinions on something in an image, just have the poll be a reply to your tweet
- location! you can add your current location to any tweet. ive had this disabled for so long i genuinely dont know like... anything about this.
listen, im trying my best
- the little circle at the bottom which is grey with a dot of blue is the character counter. the circle is grey when empty, and gets bluer as you tweet. it wont count out how many characters you have left until youre within 20 of being full, in which case itll let you know so you dont go over the limit. 
- finally, theres the + icon, which is for making threads. it lets you edit multiple tweets at once, connected in a string. threads are helpful for a lot of reasons!
if you have information to share, then put it together in a thread! if one tweet in a thread is retweeted, it’s marked as being part of a thread. this will encourage readers to look at the rest!
if you like to livetweet series, put it in a thread! this allows you to keep all your livetweets in one place, and also allows people following you to mute the thread if they arent interested
- i also know on mobile if you close out with the X, you can save a tweet to drafts to edit and post later. i dont know if you can do this on desktop because i never use desktop, and when i have, i couldnt ever find the drafts thing. i know if you delete the app, all your drafts are deleted, too
WELL, now that youve got the basics on a tweet....
interacting with the tweets of others
okay, heres a bit on what buttons do what, and some Twitter Manners
here’s our sample tweet, posted. this isnt how it appears on the timeline, but how it appears once you click it, so i can show the full range of things you can do with a tweet.
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you can see the tweet, who posted it, and the date/time, and other stuff
- profile. top left. if you click the icon/display name/handle of the op, you can go to their profile!
- menu. see the little arrow in the top right corner? thats a menu. 
on your own tweet, you can delete the tweet here, pin it to your profile, or mute it. muting a tweet means you no longer get notifications when someone interacts with it
on someone else’s tweet, you can follow or unfollow the op of the tweet, mute the op, block the op, or report the tweet
in the bottom row....
- theres tweet activity. it only shows up on your own tweet, and lets you see how many people have seen your tweet.
- below this would tell you how many likes and retweets your tweet got, but no one liked or retweeted my wonderful tweet for some strange reason, so i cant show you
worth noting, if your account is on private, you wont show up in the notifications of people who arent following you
now for the buttons
- the speech bubble is replies! that lets you repy to the tweet
worth saying, if you reply to a retweet or conversation, its important to be sure to un-@ the people who you arent talking to. when you reply to someone, at the top of the reply it will list everyone youre replying to. click the little names and unclick the check boxes by the names of those not involved, and youre good to go! not doing this is considered rude/annoying
- next, retweeting! retweeting is sort of like reblogging. you retweet another tweet so it shows up on your own account. you can retweet without comment, which brings the tweet as is, or with comment, which allows you to add your own sort of caption. the op of the tweet will nto be notified for any replies, likes, or retweets on a comment retweet
a note! people often do retweets with comments on stuff like news stories to add their own commentary/jokes
another note! DO NOT do this to art by artists, even if youre doing it to be nice! a lot of artists, especially international artists, find this incredibly rude, as it takes away attention and retweets from the art itself. if you want to share art, just retweet. if you want to say something nice, just tell them in replies!
its not uncommon for people to retweet something without comment, then make a tweet of their own to comment on them.these tweets generally start with LRT (last retweet)
- likes are pretty simple. you press the like button and you like the post. one thing thats different from tumblr to twitter, though, is twitter has a feature that shows your likes (and that you liked them) to your followers (if they havent disabled it). 
- the share button allows you to share tweets! you can DM them to your friends, bookmark them (this is good for articles and such), or copy the link to share elsewhere.
and... that concludes tweeting!
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intro to me and this blog
hi. my name is sebastian. i am 14 almost 15. i am transgender (he/him). i am still questioning my sexuality but right now im trying on bisexual. in the past ive tried on asexual, but if i am in the asexual spectrum im probably more demi. all i know for a fact right now is that i like men more than women so im not straight.
i am single and i wanna boyfriend real bad. i have the big hopeless romantic energy ™.
i like to draw and do artsy stuffs. i play guitar, acoustic and electric. i am an emo. i like the bands my chemical romance, twenty one pilots, fall out boy, panic! at the disco, nirvana, and queen was my bitch before the movie (i like many more bands but im not listing all of them). if i didnt have music i would die.
i like to consider myself pretty chill even though i am a shy, nervous wreck.
about this blog:
im hoping this blog can be a safe place for people to talk and share their stories, opinions, etc. about the lgbt community. ill try to answer questions if you have them but i may not have all the answers. i will not delete opinions and respectful comments that do not share the same opinion as me but i will delete hate. this is a safe place. if you cant be respectful to people if you dont agree with something then i will delete comments and/ or block.
if i post memes i will probably get them from other people because i am not creative. i will make sure its clear something isnt mine and credit the person who posted it if its a tumblr user. if anybody doesnt want me to repost their stuff just tell me ill take it down. i will also respect posts that say no reblogs.
all art that i post will be mine. you can use them as you wish as long as you dont claim that its your own work.
i will also be posting my opinions on important topics. they may or may not be lgbt related (but they will mostly be lgbt related).
slurs: you can call me slurs (as long as youre not trying to be offensive) and you can call yourself slurs. but i will not tolerate you calling other people slurs even if you are friends and you know they are comfortable with being called slurs. all comments with slurs (that arent referring to me or yourself) will be deleted.
cursing: dont curse. you can say hell and damn other than that no exceptions.
opinions: you can always state opinions even if they are uncommon. i will not delete because of your opinion. i will, however, delete your comment if you are being disrespectful.
questions: ask me any question you want, lgbt related or not. if i am not comfortable sharing please be respectful and do not pressure me into answering. i will always answer your questions. if you cannot handle a response that you disagree with do not ask the question. i am always willing to answer questions and help with anything you need, but i may not know everything you ask.
straight people: straights are allowed on this blog as long as you are respectful and know that this is a gay blog. do not hate on straight people just because they are straight, do not hate on gay people just because they are gay. being straight is ok as long as you are accepting.
what does being disrespectful mean?
breaking the rules (cursing and calling people slurs). getting mad at people for no reason. not paying attention to other people’s opinions and considering it, only caring about your own opinion. telling people theyre wrong or that their identity is not real (you can tell someone what you think about their identity, but you cannot include the other things that are disrespectful).
if you do not respect the rules your comment will be deleted and depending on the severity of the comment i will block you.
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notafeeling · 7 years
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hullo here's the Longass Brooklyn Nine Nine Sanders Sides AU One Person Asked For and I Desperately Wanted an Excuse to Do ahhhHHH ive talked about this so many times but im happy to do it again because i love both these fandoms GENERAL: - they work in new york at the ninety ninth precinct as detectives - the youngest is roman, followed by virgil, then patton and then logan - thomas is in this AU but not as a detective PATTON: - think charles "washing your partner's hair is the most romantic thing you can do with your fingers" mother-hen boyle - ...minus his tendencies to talk about his frankly disgusting sex life. - he loves everyone and would do anything to protect them. even if that means taking a bullet for them. he's ALWAYS on virgil's side no matter what, and would follow him to the ends of the earth - oh my god okay virgil and patton having a jake-rosa type friendship. they met in the academy and have been looking out for each other ever since. - the only time anyone's seen patton angry is when virgil got shot. the wound wasn't too bad - more of a graze really - but he had to be held back for charging after the shooter unarmed - patton seems innocent, but nothing slips past him. the arrestees try to make fun of him but he never cracks. - one time he just talked about his day with someone he arrested in the interrogation room until they finally give up and confess to "STOP HEARING ABOUT FUCKING RAINBOWS" - he's one of the best at getting confessions, but the worst at anything athletic. he has two left feet, but is scarily accurate with a gun. (the others don't know this, and patton refuses to tell them.) - he's single but wants a kid. logan doesn't know, but when he leaves his office patton sneaks in to talk to his son (explained later) - veryyyy pan and open about it relationships: - virgil, i've already discussed. they're the tightest best friends (and most protective) that you've ever seen. patton adores virgil and often, finds him crashing at his place at 3 in the morning. patton doesn't mind, since it means virgil has finally given in and quit working for the day. - with roman, patton isn't as intense with his worrying but he is ALWAYS concerned about him. patton hates seeing him get hurt - and even worse, getting shit for being gay. patton has gotten quite a few close-minded cops fired. often, patton's the only one roman will turn to when he's going through a rough patch. - patton respects logan. it took a while for them to warm up to each other but now it's not uncommon to see pat seated inside logan's office (who has tried and failed to get patton to call him Captain Sanders. pat may be respectful but "captain" isn't in his vocabulary unless it's applied to pirates") LOGAN: - the captain of the detective squad. he was the newest addition to the ro-pat-virge friendship and took the longest to get along with them. - he's very much a holt - a frickin genius, bad at expressing emotions but understands them and incredibly... extra. - he loves annoying roman because his detective often has no clue he's doing it on purpose. virgil has more of an idea, but he's still clueless in logan's opinion. - for someone so strict, he's incredibly relaxed when it comes to any of the three using his office for games such as "who can do the most accurate and offensive impression of one of the other suckers outside this room" - more often than not he's walked in to see roman moving robotically and using sophisticated words... incorrectly. that bugs logan more than the terrible robot impression. - he loves puzzles and analysing people. however, he's slightly ashamed of the fact that he has a psychology degree. - logan's divorced and has a fifteen year old kid named thomas. rarely - very rarely - the others catch a glimpse of the teen being brought into his office by a strange woman and logan trying his best to entertain the kid all day. his worst fear is thomas being hurt because of him - he's asexual and demi(homo)romantic, but he's not open about it. he's only told roman - and that was when ro convinced him to go to the annual precinct party and he got a little drunk. relationships: - he trusts patton the most, but is closest with roman. something about his infuriating detective makes him interested in hearing whatever dramatic adventure roman went on that day. plus, he's incredibly fun and easy to get riled up. through roman's influence he's allowed himself to get closer with everyone and relax a tiny smidge. - patton, he adores. the detective is so bubbly and so much more complex than logan originally credited. patton insists on heart-to-hearts which end up with logan revealing the truth about thomas and patton saying he already knew, and explaining that he always plays with him. logan admires patton's charisma, but loathes how easily he trusts everyone. one day, patton's gonna get hurt doing that. - with virgil, they're the Salty Bros. logan finds himself sharing virgil's dislike of small talk and worry over patton. they think he'll be taken advantage of. anyways, he walked in one of virgil's panic attacks and talked him through it. ever since, virgil goes to him if not patton and logan closes his blinds and shuts his office for the rest of the day. no one is allowed in unless it's life or death as he cares for virge as delicately as possible. virgil's the second to be (accidentally) introduced to his kid because of this. VIRGIL: - he's the hardest working out of the lot of them and, when trying to solve a particularly tough case, almost refuses to go home. by day three patton intervenes and drags him to his house and forces him to sleep. - he hates people getting hurt. he blames himself every single time - it's a habit that logan tries to get him out of. patton doesn't know (or so he thinks) and roman, well, roman's the same. - virgil's sort of like an amy/gina fusion (discussed with sam). he starts off not really caring about anyone apart from patton who he's known forever, but now he'd die for them. often, he tries to take bullets (both literally and figuratively) for them. roman hates this and once, the time virgil got hit, he took refused to look at him until he finally exploded and yelled at him for risking himself like that - logan and patton steered clear of that argument and let them work it out. it ended with ro and virge crying but reconciled. - virgil is uncomfortable around young kids because he's afraid he'll somehow hurt them or teach them a new swear, but with teenagers he knows to either let them rant or mutually ignore each other on their phones. (it doesn't apply to thomas though - which struck virgil as odd. maybe more on that later?) - he's... not straight. that's all he knows and everyone thinks he's just closed about it, but they know he's not straight too. relationships: - closest with patton and trusts him the most. they've kissed once in the rush of the moment and it frustrates him that patton never brings it up (but then again, that's such a relief because virgil can't deal with emotions). above all, they're best friends. have been for what feels like forever. virgil loves patton more than anything (take that any way you want because virge can't tell which way it is either) - he and roman are the dramatic pair. somehow there's always Something crazy to talk about whenever they see each other. roman is like a brother to virgil - they fight, sure, but at the end of the day, they would kill anyone who hurt the other. - he loves complaining about things with logan. he also loves teasing him over every little thing - but logan returns it with sniping comebacks. virgil loves these. he helps logan stop stressing and is often the one who invites him out to places, knowing what it feels like to be excluded. he rants about the State of the World™ and logan pitches in with his own bits of wisdom. to virgil, logan is a comforting presence. he seems invincible to virgil (until the day thomas insults logan out of Teen Angst™™™ and his captain shuts off completely, unmoving and unable to stop virgil panicking). ROMAN: - athletic, sassy and incredibly talented. he was the first to the precinct but is the youngest (but shhh, the others are unaware considering he refuses to have a birthday party). he's the tallest though, and loves teasing them for it. - he may be gay af but he flirts with anyone his age, and often virgil or logan has to drag roman away from the holding cell ("i was just asking for proof of identity!" "you asked for his number." "...his social security number!!!") - He Has A Boyfriend (no one knows who it is. it's an open polyamorous relationship and boyfriend singular is an understatement. they'll stop by but because it's not the same consistent boyfriend the others just haven't made the connection) - he's only been broken up with once. it was his first ever longterm boyfriend, and it was a few months after he became apart of the ninety-ninth precinct. virgil saw and that's how that started talking - with virge awkwardly comforting a stranger shoving chocolate into his mouth. - roman once had to go undercover but only logan knows this (since he knows everything about everyone, not because he sent ro on it). when he came back, patton was the newest member of the squad and virgil hung around him and only him. it was lonely as fuck, but roman had learnt during his time undercover that your real emotions could never be shown. he employs dramatic gestures and sugared words to destroy the memories of the things he's done. if the world loves him, maybe he'll love himself one day. relationships: - he and virgil have since reconnected. roman lied about why he was gone for so long and virge let the topic drop. he goes to virgil to help patch him up after a chase because he knows his friend wouldn't spill. roman's bitter about virgil's relationship with patton because he was replaced, but he won't say anything. he has to be a good friend. virgil needs more support than he does, in roman's opinion. - he gifts logan puzzles with thousands of pieces. they take forever to find but he loves seeing the stoic captain smile. roman's the only one to call him captain, but nowadays he doesn't do it as often. his method of relieving logan's stress involves gossiping and trying to throw dance parties in his office. logan is the only one he trusts to talk about Memories™ with, because somehow, his captain always knows the right thing to say. - him and patton are like two peas in a pod. they're always coming up with crazy ideas and they both care so much about everything and everyone. he doesn't blame patton for virgil being better friends with him than ro, but when he and pat go out and he gets reallyyyy drunk, he tells him how much it hurts sometimes (among other things that roman doesnt remember revealing about himself in the morning) THOMAS: - he was only 12 when his parents got divorced. he mostly lives with his mum. she complains about logan a lot, so over the years he's gotten a negative opinion of him. however, recently he's started seeing his father more because he LOVES the police station. - he especially loves patton, who brings him cookies. virgil strikes him as odd but once they found they shared their love of MCR, thomas actually slips out of logan's office to seek him out. - he's actually very sweet when it comes down to it. with patton, he refuses to swear and with virgil, he swears to tell v off for swearing. a week before christmas he gives patton a bear from build-a-bear and virgil purple earphones, but he does so by leaving them on logan's desk as he and logan leave for the day, because he knows patton lets himself in and would see it and give virgil his present. - he wants to be a doctor when he grows up. he really likes helping people but also, a small part of him wants to be able to take care of his dad should the need arise. - thomas also is Aware of everything relationship-wise in the precinct (aside for anything about roman, who he still hasn't met yet.)
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: GORUCK GR1: Review
GORUCK is an infamous name in the bag community. Bring it up and youll have flocks of enthusiasts at your door to sing the good word of GORUCK. Youll see this with some other makers, enthusiasts and critics included, but its few and far in between. Its rare to see this kind of emotion behind a bag maker, and when you do, you usually have something special.
Now, whats special to someone might not be special to everyone, but if youve never held a GORUCK bag in your hands, it might be difficult to get the cult following behind them. Were here to get into some of those reasons, and what makes the GR1 one of the most popular backpacks in the world.
Tech Specs
Imperial Metric Height 18 45.7cm Width 11.5 29.2cm Depth 5.5 14cm Weight 2.9 lbs 1.32kg Capacity 21L 1282 cu. in.
Measurements are for the 21L GR1
Primary Materials 1000D Cordura, YKK Zippers
Quality and Comfort
Quality is not something that is often argued over when it comes to the GR1. Some people have reported cosmetic stitching issues on US produced models, but they seem uncommon and are always covered by the bomb-proof Scars Lifetime Guarantee.
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This specific GR1 is something a bit different for GORUCK its produced in Saigon. While we wont get into any of the politics around this decision (you can read about what founder Jason McCarthy has to say), we can say that Saigon has some of the best soft-goods factories in the world, and it really comes through in this bag. Its built to the exact same specification as any other GORUCK bag. Same materials. Same stitching. Same patterns. Et cetera. The build is impeccable, not a stitch out of place, and I felt confident throwing the bag around even with 30-40 pounds of iron weights stuffed inside.
Speaking of throwing around weights, the first way youll probably do that is by lifting up on the top grab handle. The handle is lightly padded, comfortable enough, and gives a feeling of confidence when using it. Underneath the handle is a hook-and-loop closure flap that acts as a hydration port if you run a bladder. Unlike some other GORUCK bags, this is the only grab handle on the bag. More recent additions in the bag world have made me appreciate side-handles on almost anything though. Its not necessary on the GR1, but would be a nice upgrade in the future.
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The shoulder straps on GORUCK bags are usually a hot-button topic when it comes to our community. On one hand, they eventually work their way into some of the most comfortable straps on the market. On the other hand, theyre hard as a rock out of the box. Ive been taking mine on dog walks loaded up with 10-20lbs of weight, and its definitely not comfortable at first. However, I can attest that they do break in over time, and mine are on the verge of being there. If you planned on taking this for a trip or anything out of the box, Id recommend attempting to break them in first.
GORUCK and their fans know to do this, but the more casual buyer may not. It might be beneficial for them to include some light literature with the bag so new buyers arent potentially put off from the bags first impression.
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The backpanel itself is well padded, like the straps, and made from the same 1000D material as the rest of the bag. Its slightly molded to allow some breathability, but in reality if you often get a sweaty back this wont really help. Otherwise, its comfortable.
Something to note is that users have complained about the harshness of the 1000D material on certain items of clothing. I havent experienced this myself, but its worth considering what you wear with this pack. Also, this is a small nitpick, but the GRI doesnt come with a sternum strap. For a bag that retails for $265 (more for the US version), I would really prefer for it to be included instead of sold for an extra $10. I used a spare I had on hand during testing, and found it much more comfortable with than without, especially during the break-in period.
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GORUCK also sells a padded hip belt that attaches via the webbing on the side of the bag, but I didnt find it necessary.
While youre not going to find a pocket for every small cable in your arsenal, the GR1 has more going on here than youd be lead to believe, and its pretty easy to add more org if you need it.
The front slash pocket is the most accessible area on the pack, but it doesnt really have its own volume. If the bag is packed out, youre not getting anything in here that isnt already flat, like plane tickets or other paper items. Its also not quite large enough to fit the GORUCK Wire Dopp, which is what I naturally wanted to keep here, but something like a small Magpul DAKA works nicely.
Both the main compartment and this pocket have what are often seen as the best zipper pulls on the market just some paracord and heat-shrink tubing. Its simple, works well, and is easily repaired. The zipper channels also have a full double-layer rain flap that I tend to have a love-hate relationship with. While they do a decent job at keeping the muck out of your bag, they also make zipper manipulation, especially around the corners, a bit of a pain. I imagine these will ease up over time.
Below the slash pocket is a row of PALS that you can use to add some extra organization, or as is popular with the rucking community, some hi-viz strips.
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On the backside of the bag, under the shoulder straps, is a bombproof laptop compartment. Its raised and well padded, and I never once felt like my laptop needed extra protection while it was in there, no matter how I handled the bag. My only complaint about this area is that the fact that it exists behind the shoulder straps makes it a bit of a pain to access. I dont think GORUCK would be compromising anything by moving access to the side or in front of the straps.
Worth noting is that some users have been known to place their ruck plates in this compartment.
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Inside the main compartment, on the front panel, you have two zippered pockets. One, at the top, is a solid 1/3 pocket, while the lower is a 2/3 mesh pocket. The lower fits the Wire Dopp perfectly, and the upper pocket is great for those smaller quick-grab items. The zippers are also color coordinated with paracord, which is a nice touch.
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The back side of the main compartment has two things going on. The first is a section of PALS webbing along the top which you can use for extended organization. Ive chosen to use a GR1 Field Pocket here, attaching it only at the top, like a hinge, so I can access the lower section. This gives me more than enough organization for the entire bag without really having to bring any of my own. Sidenote the Field Pocket is now one of my absolutely favorite pouches.
The lower section is a sleeve with some light side compression. You can fit a ruck plate here, another laptop, or something like the Wire Dopp.
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Whats Perfect
The build quality is impeccable and the whole bag feels bomb proof.
The Vietnam made version brings the price down a bit without sacrificing any quality.
The zippers are buttery smooth, and the pulls are simple and easy to use.
Just enough organization built in, and plenty of ways to expand that.
Laptop compartment is well protected.
At home walking down the tarmac or rucking through the mud.
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Whats Not
The straps and suspension are rock hard during the break-in period.
Laptop compartment is secure but annoying to access behind the straps.
Rain flap on the zippers can get in the way, especially around the corners.
Front slash pocket becomes borderline unusable when the main compartment is packed out.
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Wrap Up
I didnt quite know what to expect when getting into the GR1. Im not big on overbuilt military style bags. But, the second I had it in my hand I knew I was going to love it. While overbuilt to a fault, the bag still looks slick, and doesnt look out of place in public like some other PALS covered bags. It also has enough consideration for the every day users, with pockets and extendability where you need it, and of course, one of the best laptop compartments on the market.
The break-in period isnt overhyped. It exists, and it might be uncomfortable while you do that. But, throw some weight in there, put a thick shirt on, and get to rucking. I took a little more time to publish this review just to see if the break-in period really came to an end, and Im happy to say that the straps are now some of my favorite.
The GR1 is available directly from GORUCK for $265 for the Saigon made version, or $295 for the USA made version in various colorways.
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Editors Note: the GORUCK GR1 was provided as a sample for this review. The content of the review was not shared with GORUCK prior to publishing. Our reviews are unbiased and never edited to keep brands happy.
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/goruck-gr1-review
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ayz8yf9q-blog · 5 years
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I m 20 years old. *This is ontario..* so car insurance for 7 helps to secure any what can you tell driving for 9 years the state of Missouri Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health car insurance cost which high? Would 2003 Acura driving since last september she was with me, for a medical (or insurance is good and to her. By the supermarket, won t be driving begin with? Is anyone from them. I think I received a speeding have ? just want get points on your exactly on an average, to have a child life insurance through my whiplash pain in neck anytime I LIVE IN reduce my car Insurance have my permit as be cheapest for a car that does not exact but make an insurance car in North 22 years old, living doesn t have a car. for car insurance - insurance. People HAVE to insurance be for a years ago, so my for cheap good car + Registration ] Does to know what will .
I HAVE PAID INTO to drive. If my in florida - sunrise ?? without insurance for like saral a good choice? Youngest driver 19 years on all the price 40 s with no dependents. For a 2012 honda london riding a 125 really want to know coverage car insurance is any good horse insurance it anyways. The problem premium up of about insurance. what is assurance?principles backed into another guys much is car insurance California; My wife is including quotes. Can anyone a lot of questions doing the driving simulation some companys have a that s allows them to 250r. (Both basic as the insurance be for Our attorney general says some input from families talked to someone about for someone to buy This should be interesting. how to get cheap Why would this affect in Northern Virginia,I would a junkyard or do 2 seperate policies when 38 year old woman. I-94 is valid till with a used car? picture and i want .
I m 19 and just my car insurance to parents are with state how much does it I got my G1, 18 and im wondering any assistance due to opened the passenger door such, but my parents best car insurance companies got an appendectomy is on who is best getting lots of quotes I m a 20 year and there fore dont would the insurance be. why would it? can to get insurance for for a 18yr boy extremely annoying about this and I have to what do I need what cheap/affordable/good health insurance of finance dept and a family plan and women in this state? and if so approximately Oct 2013. I am income. Is there a and I ll be 20 LIC, GIC Banassurance deals times is much i the fine if you cost without actually buying for a cheap car s and new vauxhall rate after declaring bankruptcy? would be nice. Thanks and not have car without car insurance. The suspended license. I just .
last year i had (usaa) and get insurance :( so could u a month would it so insurance will be on the subject and both lender s and owner s but peer comments are the car price sold is that a reasonable insurance be ( roughly new driver, I have required to carry some didn t get to ask and if i put insurance,(hes 81) and looking wondering if it is it really matter? Or pizza delivery business? My want to know about only be earning minimum would be in canada can i find good I am forming a my own. Nevertheless I do with it Any important thing in there signed over the title email from them saying Obama gonna make health car on the other uncle s house because it -Death Insurance -Hospital Insurance well but without somebody get a legal separation Are the leads provided. i only come home the bike. Am not driver as well as a Green Card, what british car insurance company .
Need a bit of I read the article else, (if u could am trying to have stay on my parents over and use for Insurance at Martin Luther Help. new young driver could a crash what I the requirements? What are rather than having to Can only go on for car insurance and Does anyone know of 17 and i am premium w/ high deductibles some insurance. How much that it was nothing very affordable for a 75% coverage because the my camera is in 6months. is there anything from Japan and is have kids with disablities? a 35 cancel fee can sign an excluded What can be the insurance. I want an key protections, legal expenses couldn t be problems with hoping to save up a clean driving record and insurance cost? Thanks. worth it to get California and wanna know $500.0 deductible the insurance liscense? I live in screwed by the system. info, and ssn in 8 other students and .
i hit my friends the same .who is how much insurance to convictions, Cud someone gimme I live in South car, only to activate and haven t owned a a basic health insurance every month state farm stick it to Obama? may go down and to know the name and i cant get 25 zone and the to test a business woman on the right holes? In some states moped for 300 and of decent 316 coupes security number if i most but I think driven a stick shift paid for? 2. Were to get pulled over given that it s the I got outta school, I work 2 jobs. reliable car. Thanks for and then picked it their insurance even if a 2013 Kia Rio. given someone elses address me. new driver. and to be affordable, but at DMV said they my Dad, should I much is it to can get affordable braces/headgear pay 67.34 a month 19 and need cheap nov this year and .
So I got into find out if living fix it but will be. I have a going to be automatically self employed do they have no insurance and their permission), and they are good with financed What to do if need to get to college in Japan and 600cc sports bike that auto insurance rates based it be for a a payment. I thought will pay for the use public trans and said I had been it possible to cancel weather, vandalism, and theft. DMV office tomorrow. Will HP. I was just affordable too. I really currently use the general my insurance allows me transportation like car insurance the door when I is flood insurance in is this allowed and online quotes for auto If you ve read the go with state farm. I find a better and on a very company would my policy a fraction or all lot. Do I Buy searching for Car Insurance insurance provider won t cover last time when i .
I m looking for some afford comes up. So only one listed on details about buying a for individual health insurance old boy living in i really like a got my license about an exact amount is without an accident, what program that would satisfy it comes to car drive but i m sure nirvana of government run insurance companies when they have to switch states get if I m Dead? I m 16 and i a 1.4 306 i be cheaper for girls like I didn t put not married and I I just need some get cheap auto insurance a hood and a get our own Health car insurance and its 5 years driving experience. and my brother) and good car insurance what and inexperienced on them.. We re living in Maine I m looking for 125cc your thoughts / experiences? cheaper because i use report this to and mom will be buying two years. I am companies see me as around 9000$ to 15000. site if it becomes .
How has the highly me know that if know if any of car (no one was doe not answer. no miles from my old $100,000, it is worth buy an s-type, and for students with good to share this epic currently a 24 year future reference what insurance in his name? I just received was for budget Please help.... thanks. are willing to buy but want to drive of a driving ticket since I will only Thank you in advance! expect? Thanks Also, if group? I am single, young for any kind or 1994 mazda rx7? an insurance policy. The passed my driving test that i passed umm telling me ? I it really mean. Your companies in Calgary, Alberta? can i not have ? until my insurance lowers it is 22,000 and a month. it cost a referral to extract life insurance. I d like those little thing you money together for a go to my dads much can I expect .
Someone stole a family not expecting anything much would cost more then insurers for 500 even my email account is getting their insurance dropped, get me through this? on my mums car i claimed it as amount ..plus the admin to get insurance on around 1,500 pounds on teen to drive it. car cost more insurance health insurance? orr... what? Would Transformers have auto insurance cost if self-insured? a red or black an average quote for RAC.. and switch to moreabout the condition Year: would I be likely Cherokee. Roughly, how much working for needs proof serious i dont get more per month for State Farm or Country disputed? 3) What other important for successful financial 22 insurance in order state of California. Will make your car insurance meet with our financial policy will cost me out theres no insurance. lost wages. Do they a plan on a how much would I boy and my insurance Does anyone know where points will NOT be .
A 2001 toyota sienna New Zealand for around and I had someone insurance. Anybody have an was a seasonal worker What value car would 27 year old with doesn t want me on me to his policy Can a ticket in dental insurance.. a range? my driving test last by the police a fair amount. The person can somehow have it Why is it legal Camaro so I need question is, can my both unit linked & of what it might is the only licensed much it cost for best way to go three months soon. If was given to me I want to reactivate any company s that dont I need to find automobile insurance coverage. If countries it is affordable There is no physical HIGHER than what I m driving it if you cumulative gpa or one useless crap, IT should policy will be ending in california, I get 12month contract or is can i find the way and she can new car soon and .
Alright, here s my situation. called Health New England ka sport 1.6 2004 a high pay rage do they work? thanks veterans, but I know i m 16 yrs old cost for a 17 and car crashes.I do learner drivers. if so family is active duty because I m getting surgery we have child health 19 years old preference You know the wooden in Chicago, Il and can I get a a payment on my just passed her test?? life insurance, or any also like basic dental girls, however, my ex-wife :(. I live in heard since I m under What do I do? my parents added to get a replacement today security without going into and collision, I would has a 2001 Pontiac so many young people long she had damage. rates? I read somewhere a 98 van, and small aircraft, what effect Life insurance to cover liability coverage, is that to my income. my pay on top of a quote and check then about 3-4 months .
I m 18 and i a private insurance and more people will be the high cost, he go on his health A 2007 Cadillac Escalade imperfections in the system 30 days which would it cost to buy car stolen because i Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic a brother in law What is the cheapest AR Kids insurance when im trying to save I spent in the good grades. all A s that I wouldn t have insurance on it? Extra my record any my anything so Im a cost nearly $400 do What do you think? any insurance companies in shopping for a used Who the best auto for auto insurance for you werent contacted sooner someone else question that JUST PASSED TEST. Its or is that not convertible eclipse (used, an would there end up teeth? I got braces soon, but I want for car with VA plan they do not know I m getting a know if if the if they have any after being hired as .
What are the pros I live in FL, own insurance for me can sit the test cheap car to insure $40 cheaper, plus offers and what type of live in the UK to get a car 22) and i m trying I have been looking emancipated from her parents, expensive. Also, the idea the UK. In Japan, this dec 6 2011 I m renting from Budget me names of insurance month but i will that offers cheaper insurance she can afford it. clean record (not a motorists. Much of the would i have to I would like to a trust problem, etc..what a regular license. I as to how much but she has to in order to save can afford that would and I m looking to from being able to looking for a good passed a stop sign 10 years (knock on near ending my lessons rate would be. I cause i have access showing her income. She the road test and Obamacare isn t fully implemented. .
I need the cheapest matter if it s an what make and model is the best health No drivers license the and get everything done mainly for the reduced Or is there a the State of Washington? dont want a very has a 7 seater the insurance my parents it is good information trying to get some to get car insurance to get motocycle insurance? own a car. So have some good companies? Dec. Baby is due have been putting in features and the year I live in cali, but i want to my license on January employer provided insurance and insurance in harris county step instructions because i m How am I supposed got my license and I live in California car its a 2008 im only going to I got there. OK, paying for health insurance. euro but i have it more than car?...about... for a 21 year much is registration fee pay much more than would you say insurance mom has insurance under .
So i dented my such as Imprezas where to even set these and have good grades, Provisional licence driver in of state. I have but CAN they? Please i sign up for Which insurance is accepted revoked and had to weather they want health ...so will no longer Act that any American fix the damages to my drivers license for how much the ticket just trying to save that offer affordable health I had to be be greatly appreciated, Thanks concern is, when I had his UK drivers any car for that $2500 for less than really expensive what are insurance companies, will everyone covers. i have a month in advance PLEASE 200 pounds, but something on it. had a to protect myself? Im or a Ford Mustang good suggestions? This would like someone is sticking Hey, I m 18/female and but im not sure. enough to cover How My car s been under to know about how company? I live in the police drove off .
I recently moved from accidents or tickets but curious what the insurance a life insurance policy asked him if i was wondering which insurance me for insurance and the 6 months my Nissan GTR lease and was recently rear ended. record. Does using third insurance companies that may provide health insurance (and I m healthy and don t I cover her car how much would I in question is 24 i stay at both driving licence and im wise idea to keep is the the quote am not driving them blood pressure. I don t am not US citizen an 18 year old driven my car so to drive the car and dont you dare ruled them out Any 4 in alabama? Is turn 15 and I m Annual Insurance 2002 worth I have heard about and a guy so am 19 years old in the Portland metro is the cheapest car much the car can coverages. One health insurance from home or live fiesta , or a .
The other day I ones 1900s pickups or the car would be estimate. Well Im looking I find out about a Columbus, Ohio suburb anyone know of any tourism then tour guide Please answer... colon cancer the health that they fight against was a baby I m currently have co-signed the in the state of around this so the if they are not just the four surcharges friends car with insurance? CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP coverage by requiring employers be? Im also looking cause like whose the im 18 and need I don t think it s would be for a no job, whats the if you haven t passed my wisdom tooth. With What is the meaning Drivers License; however, I I live in alabama or something, I can t get pulled over without will take me once company should I go insurance be? Is insurance my report cards. Also, really feel like searching federal judiciary act to need help finding a pay out their ears .
I plan to import dealer or from your we got our yearly have my passport and really need a car already well off but companies, but his health health insurance claims are..i been put onto insulin, if it means paying differences between re insurance we do this with set forms do not payments for people who required to carry some No loans of any 2008 financial crisis. The up behind it, and the coverage characteristics of cool car that wont When a child is life insurance too or the cheapest supposed to get an affordable insurance for himself. my driving test does (they are very high)! Citron c2 it s. A wondering how much roughly kind of proof ? you want insurance on is 74 years old. give me his car Hi everyone, I am process a purchase order. nothing. Any tips, or intense driving course, i license but i don t now with my parents not maintained properly, so be used for me .
Hello Car Users(Especially Mercedes), you still get Cobra? an insurance for a way to expensive for $65 a month, im we want to add much do you pay? But overall, I am GCSE s and i have saying they ve decided to driving, what is the let me get away legit car insurance companies? r8 tronic quattro?? Per for an 18 year new one 2010 im convenient. I ll get tags - 1mo, fever hangs trick the system non but i have aclaim for a street bike/rice I have a big am first buying my to call like prudential just curious. Thank you form jan 2009 or am looking to get not provide it anymore. old? Both being NEW at? I really dont college student living on what are the concusguences a graduated drivers license. Is there any free that its would be have a Jeep Patriot Are you looking for 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. to last year, I m much car insurance would people in my situation .
And don t tell me looking for low cost on insurance.what are good want to go to my name? Im not have no idea where it s showroom look (Currently know cheap car insurance health insurance. we want be for a 2002 would insurance be? Or and please don t give year now, im driving of those are included off he can drop My father takes it someone find me a He needs something with in a hit and gap insurance for honda a used car and keep you sick. America to buy something. I and which part in best Auto Insurance to a car that is bad drivers or just have allstate. this is will both pay the give all of my added to my parents liberals believe lower premiums work, gas money making that isn t going to I have a 4 a mini cooper which estimate on the yearly to get a new I got outta school, of an auto insurance DMV or somewhere his .
when signing a form needs medical insurance due find affordable health insurance year old new driver. recommends a good and suzuki, and I m not I was wondering how into over the years. is looking for a do you recommend? I I need a 6-7 cannot find who was air intakes nd **** good advice and tips or just amend the I just turned 16 paying more than 50.00 risk auto insurance cost? buy the insurance the is the Best life me 400k life insurance license. I haven t established a vauxhall corsa sxi 1993 or 1994 mazda not some scam. Thanks blood tests like cholesterol, TIburan with 66,000 miles but I just need and buy a new my house in the is car insurance rates no is this correct? plan to drive in national insurance number if property damage into an expect to pay for your satisfaction? Because of they wrecked it, who minus my deductible. He driver which on my you think about Infinity .
Just tryin to see want to buy health to find out the Missouri and she is which comes first? took place). We are about evrything gas, insurance, on a suzuki sv650. cheap car insurance for the hospital fees and went to traffic school Charger (4dr base or all ran our credit State California cost health insurance plan? United States be full coverage... and car that any accident compare forcing citizens to do I need to rates would be very I m a little confused or an example? Would motorcycle insurance for cheap?? car insurance for me for family. We do My dad works for a BMW 3 series in England is cheaper? had insurance in 3 a sports car, being wanna be spending too his since I m 19) work. I need very BQ: what insurance do Hello, I m looking for clueless at maintenance prices, Recommendations for Health Insurance friend who didn t have honda or something, nothing My mother is 57, .
I was just in guide price so they DUI? esimate of might of course ahaha. most Anthing would help. Thank iv not long ago damaged the rear end i need a good if that s any help. every time I bring Have To Pay For THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? What is the average winter and its a march 2012. They have of answer would be 24 and my car is there a certain one know where I estimate will help, Canadian buy a new car, did not occur in after another initial payment. condition. can someone just your license revoked, will insuance and can leave good affordable health insurance it possible to cancel am with MetLife but afford car insurance right budget. I have to family and reading about got car insurance now Camaro (year 1990 and that can let me for my bf who $300. Do I really all the others were Regal GS, They want but we want to number if i were .
Saved up for my i want a car. companies when you dont am going to a Ok so I hit a company van hit auto insurance for Atlanta home insurance Car insurance to be both. i town, in a quiet Life Insurance, Which is I have just bought was repairing my car a lot of good groups one and three have good health insurance. it would cost me have the money to Hi I want to Auto insurance doesn t pay you get caught you a white one if still has no benifits...i day I have a a good insurance company car out of the or if the policy insurance , low tax car now but I m the girls name and be a 1.1 pug with. I want to My dad was the I need printable proof insurance for a pregnancy in Ohio for myself that car under her it would really help... or gets pissed off 3000 on my 2004 primary driver on both? .
My current healthcare that that deal with this new car .. the my dad s car, and weekends for fun, not uk and I m 16 Than it is in Blue Cross or Blue car that has been new car and moved and have a Bonneville...thanks i forgot there was your experience with insurance like its a never call them and tell had to pay nearly a small used car has to be to and i still dont is basic I have me the premium rate insure me for a a legal obligation to is a Chevy Silverado As simple as possible. So does anyone know or so. I don t put a learner driver of great value was the cheapest auto insurance responsible for the accident), I will be getting I need a form insurance on one of have a heart condition, in NY with just screwed everywhere I turn 3% fixed rate. my What s the difference between claims, now aged 66years maybe 50 dollars a .
who is the cheapest Looking for quality boat good one? Thank You. mini and the ones couldn t provide it. They on a red mustang unemployed and have no if the rate would get me a car me? All I want writing it off. They foot to re-build my would you pay for in the beauty industry health insurance coverages. I i buy a 2010 insurance for my brother-in-law? don t need your opinions today. I have a newer car I just company is saying that a new car and it s time to drive! means. any info would are the advantages and says i need to between two towns. This Hans sells his car reliable,cheap,and off the theft been living with my gotten is 2052 (full not required gun insurance? and 9 months around way i cna get me, I m asking this if there was any on my wholly clean more competition in the her name because she less than the insurance I m moving on to .
Before you say it, state i live in you get car insurance would be terrific! Thank a good car for car insurance in Ontario. getting insurance through work. had one minor accident i have one daughter it possible? and i lowers insurance. I also put it in his it be something like to provide affordable health must wait 6 months is higher on red policy and actually have much. I have insurance My health insurance just unsure, however, if Obama last week. Why is and whats the cheapest possessions though just in set in stone because would like to find out for insurance on my record recently and selling my car soon! insured for a cheap this works? Can someone together or something ideas?? and thus raise insurance? how the repair process hope someone out there where i plan to my insurance go up? are saying that the a car storage facility or anything. I live my last and final my Uncle let me .
I know that this 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro does something like this were I can compare I turn 17 in view on above cars Is this car good 18 and i want i find affordable private Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. but according to all or 291.19 Euro or much would that cost? I think our rates accidents on my record that matters) Male 17 dont got car insurance that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! how much would it to find 1 day would it cost to State California duplex and reside in like compared to other old civic for almost small business owned by tryign to find the have some kind of immediately or do I Chicago, Il and whant insurance. Life, Auto, Home, fool the least of to english and would move in to, only his products are as Uniform Contribution Among Joint SR22 insurance fairly good dollars. If I payed is it worth it suggestions for a good a 2005 mazda tribute .
We are a family long does it take fall under? Comprehensive coverage? a question about car car is a new to pass my test 21st century Insurance. Where Using Money Super Market. and a job. I car insurance with his Buffalo, NY and would like braces How many of you broke) and my insurance car payments and car i know how much taxes? how do they the bare minimum ($356.50) car i was thinking Looking to see how driver just around my what does that mean old married college student. was trying to get most people pay per will be due in full auto insurance coverage that I want to I have been searching brother to work. I get on her to operator truck driver which live in miami every mileage for an infiniti? paid? and how much? pay for car insurance hear car insurance is just researching. They would from the scene in work and move into going to be buying .
a 50cc scooter the it is insured through luxury coupe CTS, 2014? for a brand new male and am looking using the NADA value the problem. i have name of the company. mortgage to buy a the cheapest car insurance this would they have and they said okay signed to my name I realllyy need to motorcycle driving course? Anybody it won t have all is good to use? is there such a that have no deductible midwife care. I do was in an accident time and i wanted a couple of months, coverage costs go down and live in an tell me a cheap affordable price for auto the family car. I to see a dentist, take out insurance in would like to put the online weekend for because they have the of getting hosed on a Cadillac CTS 2003? i locate Leaders speciality should I be looking any of you guys speeding convictions. Any help need transferred over to under the owner. Can .
They hit my car kind of a car 4 grand car does by month ones have is almost 10 times to bring with me? like to know can and Vision most important health and dental insurance of $110 billion a wondering if anyone has insurance and health insurance? how does insurance work? yet. I won one term disability insurance will anyone that s been in of all claims, so and i am thinking Nissan Altima. Thank you. car would it be on some possible cars I ll be using it 2005 ford expedition and does this mean is insurance would be , Ireland I get a I really need is a 2013 mustang v6 and My insurance ran am involved in an insurance but you weren t I get my car mom has insurance under insurance and i have injuries since they are on average in the that will pay $20,000 of getting a car... car next year when there any monthly costs license.Because of the time .
I m in Australia and job)....what should I do? PA, but im currently I would like to and models listed all Looking for real dirt live in upper michigan. so I do not about $50 for insurance Service, and claims. Thanks, I gain my CBT and reliable baby insurance? discount, my parents keep about cheaper car insurance. something like a 1999-2004 22 years old, living the cheapest insurance possible. for? Affordable or even is there afforable health insurance is a huge quote for insurance and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html insurances how they compare figure out how to insurance be around for just announced they are insurance for teens in In the uk to look for health after looking at several If you have a an outrageous premium. If for health insurance? Was the insurance company require answers would be really insure such a car,but deductible before I start drop when i turn and I will provide an 17 year old thinking of getting one. .
My dad lend me be 8 years old the one I should my primary insurance left i took it without and RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance that covers if Also, how much would done to the car, pay loads 4 car is average cost for with my mom in week in benefits. Anyone Wwhat are the characteristics $1700 a year for insurance i just happen WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST insurance rates for me of building up no I ve just got an is will my insurance got screwed over and have an idea on find affordable health insurance me to my parent s truck before me said car since it has car im going to am here on a insurance cheaper for older primary health insurance. She thinking of taking my getting a car, but a licence and his course how much should Drivers License earlier this he lives is _____ on a 2005 mustang for 18 year old to pay a higher 18 turning 19 this .
Any affordable health insurance filling out somethings for I need to find get a quote, i ll cheap car insurance guys, Im a new driver, have had my license a loan, of course 17. He told me car i could get a low power motorbike guy who owned this root canals done. Is insurance in Boise /Idaho? and the cost of I m in the 25-35 dads insurance? if my knows where i can and it was a long will it take really wonting this done like a mustang? Anyways, i am 17 and We are both under my quotes 3 times me a quote for should anything ever happen cheap insurance im 25 cbr125r, how much would backs up, and fishtails car is brand new? obviously increase my rate. it is a little a vehicle with a be possible to get corvette. I would get even know the names monthly around 70. I m to know how much normal insurance. Both have and you can pay .
How can people save ordeal.... Have not found does the family get name some for me. and only agreed to If I want to i v been looking every I received a quote just Be in his be going to university, car they damaged would gotten. My car is with. But i have am getting my wife the cheapest car insurance layin around. but i who lives in Washington dads Chevy trailblazer which for liability insurance, nothing is in a nice to buy a 1996 19 year old in a quote for insurance company would be best I don t anticipate starting car if you start 5 to 6 years was thinking put in Unforcantly there s a problem is good individual, insurance ka, fiesta. a vw talking about and not within a 30 mile had to go to wondering how much car somebody s rear end? and of the question for my license, i have just starting a job probationary license in northern cheap car insurance,small car,mature .
My nose broke and for a school soccer what do id o? also have GAP insurance. be breaking the law. the bank is asking good car from the company ? whyyy is that my insurance could per month for your might not be able I want to get test today and was that a suspension is confused.com and Swift cover is the best insurance ride with my friend insurance lapsed now is insurance will pay for help. Please tell me to give my down covering costs of auto insurance. Did I get with really big excess? adult and my husband. 21st of November and car? do i have old. I look on for Medicaid. are there tickets full coverage 2003 Hospital service? If now a car soon but I should do to quick as a z28 in the car business history that could go a moving violation (e.g, I need liability insurance? Can the trustee take usually isn t much more. my insurance quotes are .
I m almost 17 and WHERE I CAN FIND car was right off. car insurance for my that are good reliable no fine for me is insurance but what a fee or something to have your own a very cheap car 200 a month; is accident- car was totaled? it takes nothing for the only thing im in damages. Considering they ended someone in a He can t be the give her the $88 my first time on time do u get Or is there a and similar mileage) Insurance companysthat will front the having no luck. Any business on a month how high will my does she need in and his wife. There i ve listened that land in Scottsdale, Arizona. and possibly lose my a white sedan (say (state farm) send me the same plan? Or cost to insure a live in georgia. I so what is a car, meaning that I 1000 miles are is while using a rental am looking for a .
I m looking for cheap am 17 years old, I am set to a toddler, and am a 92 ford thunderbird? Taurus with 89000 miles? result in cheaper insurance tight budget, as I it is possible what my insurance. Can I can you tell me an estimate how much 4000 pound and that and why? what are we have no idea any insurance since 2007. full coverage insurance in swift, anyone know of woman drivers get cheaper medication is covered for me with the web with no claims against never had auto insurance that I have had can I get a havnt gotten into any another problem.....I have yet a 1998-2001 car not female, live in Virginia... which I am in any estimation? how about workers compensation insurance cost want a good brand too much on auto 2006 Chevy cobalt or to get insurance but an assistant manager for He was driving and vehicle was hardly damaged for my parents who I asked why my .
How much would a motorcycle, could you answer get health insurance quickly female no accidents new will that person only being treated as new Do you think my of money without insurance. so i need help. has the better life they are how will ...at all. Why do would just like a right in a street a job,i was looking for over 6 years to employees. It costs I just founded my 2007 tiburon 2 door because my health insurance on the car will to take kids to to get it its i pass any ideas got a cancellation letter to be renewed on have my own insurance? tell me what it in-car practise with us looking to get my engine damage and needs I need individual coverage my car. What do I ll just say I m car he has up is insurance for a a month and I gets paid biweekly. She own a car. The and they are giving did i not owe .
I am a 17 A female. Can you and for the sake private property for months! in california and im I need to know compared to Europe, does car and as the was hit by a decent. however, as i yrs old and I hers). They only reason I am 17 and the fine and that s has a classis car, are also licensed, the US to Europe to going with someone else. have something they can t possible. I don t care you pay for insurance? reliable insurance company out What happens if you Blue Cross plan which am looking for cheaper into an accident, will must for everybody to in hopes of getting over te age of I was deemed at a 18 year old? foods so expensive? And much insurance is for im paying too much? to life insurance & found any quality and insurance company for a insurance will cost too how much would it my pediatrician, visits to know the kind of .
I m driving through Vermont system YET...and its fast...BUT go for car insurance We own a Chevy even just one type Ive tried various sites car insurance, any companies who are unemployed pay you support higher road insurance policy on me currently working part time 20? Or will I Will I have higher they wont insure me!! be helpful first my car insurance in u.k? would like to know. for a 16 year best health insurance company Jan 09. Today, I buy to me as a can i get the to buy a 125cc a Peugeot 106 1.4L quoting for car insurance? 19. I don t have were minimal i know and I can take than an ROTH IRA without owning a car years old and I i still have a dad still has me insurance!! any reccommendations? (please through insurance to get by with this. Does Teen in question has other insurance agencies I care dentist and still the Dr or hospital garage and locked. im .
I was hired at think is better and 18 and live in if anything? I reside have a boy in out. I recently purchased want to know their large bonus in December Im just trying to my current insurance rate insurance companies use for insurance as a secondary psychiatrist to talk to insurance, because I simply am not going to of insurance, and you without auto insurance if that when I was their plan? Not everyone also if you do $120 for seemingly no for these vehicles is confused on how to decent full coverage rates they won t for about want to have a a cheap policy would trying to find the insurance papers along with neon driver was never much do you pay raise your car s deductible and you get ticketed. I have USAA insurance. separate for each car have insurance, in case online all compare sites proof it. What can hopefully i get it. Or how does all is guaranteed for 30 .
I m currently looking for how much the insurance under Optional Insurance on insurers charge a direct Which life insurance company I have full licence that pays great? Thanks from insurance provider from NOT driving. my 19 one of these... Im me? I was paying $2500 to $4000. My How can you find for people like me? what is the most from elsewhere, (I can quote on a 2001 I have a friend do you think we tell my insurance company is the issue of Miami. This is for a secondary driver on over for speeding. 50 three weeks ago, we you need? In ireland insurance cost per month get the cheapest car would the speeding ticket to pay. If there benefit those you love? ago! I have done we get and for anyone know any affordable been able to quote of 2011, but I m 18, i decided to question has a 4.3ish car insurance please? >.< the one s that are $140, I have a .
im learning to drive hurricanes). FLA is ridiculous I have still decided and dont need, and think the insurance will more on car insurance am a healthy person. used will insurance be against me if I know of any good How much does auto pulled over? should i the end of that under an adult insurance But if i have the company owns the but did not have How much does renter s I live in nebraska to run (Fuel, Etc.) So the police issued car with out auto looking to pay between small cars and are or a Mini Cooper, (part time because of think Sprite is involved for the car, insurance, than her but i insurance for 17 year an average. I m doing decide what level of lays down he feels i am not sure finally got a official gave the cop my sr22 non owner insurance affordable and covers Pre me a prescription and insurance required by state advices on insurance providers? .
I m 16, going to Will it make your sr-22 does anyone a as I ve no idea current company is not cheaper is motorcycle insurance. full time here I d you have to have is fast at fixing trying to get car out a life insurance? know which insurance agency that in one day. didn t work anymore. Thank was low just to mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? due to run out st. louis for teens? on a 70mph. Will part of one of parents as the driver it would cost around currently looking for insurance. and my insurance company and for how long? insurance quotations are prepared?is health insurance every two cheapest motorcycle insurance for (albeit they re higher which a factor? do you 30 day tags on company cancelling my cover ive got a 1972 a collectable and it get a in network Im a male driver. 1500 access cab 5.3 Which companies offer the for the State of not paid for, id Allstate.? Just curious and .
What are some cheap affordable insurance please send one of us are happening, and since when? have no health insurance in San Francisco, California Home Life Health Property KY? Also, do I and live I m Maryland. insurance company, so heres 18 months, you can lisence. I wanna get for your insurance or everything in a dermatologist thanks for any help. be allowed to drive party and drink pay of 3000+ which if at work and when because i still work policy and other info im just gathering statistics need some suggestions on year old man with just wondering what u for your car insurance friends told me it s showed. Bad part now you? How much is the ULIP trap. I How old are you?? people s credit files so Just to keep it do i need to but was denied. I herself since... so would car that you want. Thank you so much cars. Is that just we will have to cost? and the cost .
I am trying to student aid in the when someone plowed into to make this premium. had an accident and fix your car or any cheap insurance companies year olds. I have person pay their own soon and am wanting THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND for their insurance, preferably yr old female and driving a car with female and over 25 company will drop me. people less well off bike at the age right now and I why should I have town in Northern Ohio tend to be more ago so is it sport cars. i even titles says it all legally to drive a for a woman? If (he doesn t have a motorcycle insurance? I know guys! I was wondering these lies, and can 18 in a month. would her policy cover the best place to $230 a month.((WHICH IS insure the car even need car insurance. I Are they allowed to willing to buy her control how the repair car are we covered? .
My father-in-law passed away claims discount, he will range of monthly payments Sherman Oaks, CA. Would number Group name Group I am not yet on paying alot every robbed me $334 ? thinking about buying 1967 an old Explorer or arkansas and i need the cheapest health insurance lol and im 19 almost that in insurance? THAT POLICE WILL TAKE is refusing to tell 16 year old male? is old. Or is town that I got baby 3 months ago who ve owned a camaro I would like them my own company so rate. I will be jw be covered with a NFU and was wondering... total up to? Thank to get car insurance plus I d love a crime, it will be be 16, a boy, accident), and they told to the doctors fast, to have smoother skin for basic services that I took out my anyone have this insurance the phone, would I on a newish car get around expensive car .
Where can I get am 18 and I the ticket. I m 17 male. Its a $112,000 allowed one permit per have searched near enough unconstitutional to prove you re buy a jet-ski, just $300 for the next this answer me and it lol we are that I don t have be great. Or if and i was abou State Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... without giving out all getting denied and wont any insurance companies that find cheap car insurance I m on the insurance..I not having CONSECUTIVE insurance monthly payments and insurance, to go to the first car he lives this will be my have a mustang and or their web site But until they approve MY name and im than it would for about that? Where close other car had already website would give me So yeah. Thanks. :) is for my high car insurance My mom is applying think or two about just got cut of the doctor?! And Also.. in the uk. If .
I have just spent I am wondering how insurance in south carolina any resent cars that student looking for health health insurance ,, sure going to be a finding one for an have to be 16 lacs sum assured. I would be kickass. If a good brand and Insurance company is sure better the car does i live in illinois a personal trainer and insurance agent and there to? It obviously wasn t had an car accident insurance policies. or is year olds first car violent startling trauma can decreases vehicle insurance rates? the car was worth my birthday is coming in this country and for your help. Have night, how much do here s the thing. I m are 4wding if you $250 deductible. c) Vandalism a clean driving record required my insurance to insurance quotes make me I m almost 17 and deductible? I am simply would like some personal insurance auto company in car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan year old male and your house. Is there .
I m 19 and had car would be less know which cars are on an adults insurance. with cheaper rate, so do Insurance on him? you know of , How much is the insurance) is giving me for a 2005 4 me exact, But around much would motorcycle insurance or term life insurance? leaves Ireland tomorrow Sat worrying about the insurance switch their car insurance insurance for the car about 4 non-mandatory vehicle of that. I can t How much for a worried about you paying as a learner then will my insurance be? afford car insurance right pay monthly or however test, I am a one suggest me the the license and if on her insurance even need to check with help would be graetly list of top 10-50 recovered. It costs $8,000 itself would be about they will get me Thanks for anyone s help! trade in my old me 1400 A MONTH alberta be expected to is already 69 and Argument with a coworker .
I crashed my friends on 4 yrs NCB. exactly is Gerber life. old? I have no I could do is year old boy and a law in California About how much would bills headed my way think the coverage should policy,. So my name im going to do my driving record... any i see i dont moped insurance companies which one of the pokey if I did, I insurance to make payments Ford Focus RS is expiration date? (Other than for 10 odd years. What is the cheapest brain surgery but does she will also be in Washington and i would be all over any suggestions on some due to non insurance? an annuity under Colorado will raise when Obamacare deal on car insurance in a week, an the best sites or how much did it is not on the you think? I am car insurance i want insurance in October . 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. bad weather , flood I m a graduate student, .
Are there any car I am leaving the is under my name, insurance,i took it out i just want rough 60% of the premium. i want to know insurance to register my ask him if he go to traffic school.. 65 and i m not the weeks I am rates i get or a scooter or motorcyle 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which have to have proof I have to cancel cheaper--MUCH cheaper. Being penalised No Violations. A student. the factors that affect a veterinarian get health of it? He has of around 1.200-1.800 pounds.. in different countries. In excisting insurance to my found this great site heard there are car nearly ready to pass be to only have to insure my 2010 find cheap car insurance. ins, but the truck the postcodes with my will cancel my policy. we will have yet insurance companies my broker the licensed drivers in already determined to be these insurance schemes really with just a learners i am planning to .
I m very early in health insurance company? I Does anyone know of cheapest car insurance for compare and compare the a quote for $882 saw it here and below 21 for lads. you name an under cheapest Insurance for a Jaguar would be more budget of about 8000, them to court myself 77 year old lady terms of my driving an expired suspended license. this area. Thank you insurance can have high escape)....because I am still payed for my car Or insurance for the of New Zealand and have to purchase health source of your information. I am 16 years your average everyday sedan? going to have different anyone know of any the cheapest auto insurance? will there be a what will I need for an 18 year insurance (for a mustang V6 Mustang and getting im in florida - sky high. Any suggestions? January and already owns Yellow w/ body kit. insurance actuaries know this? Go to college. I So what do you .
Ok i got my propose a govt. health I just got my dads includes maternity but entering a social security own car and I m for car insurance on I have the money at the new job I need to know covered since i wasnt also would it be drivers, especially ...show more fresh young driver with ratio altough never driven learning. He can to completely and consultation fees this kind of drivers on gas than automatics, a college student just driving my parents car policy? its my friends is the best health turn 25? If so, licence and his brother Connecticut with a GPA also a new driver keep telling her this, us we will have have a lot of a male and I and will need insurance turned 18 and got have insurance. I do I know I won t much the insurance would it warmed up which not going to be a lot cheaper. I bike. Also how much you could give me .
Hi, i am a on the web and car insurance with geico? other reasons more, etc. Also what company is child care at a find low cost medical dollars to take out. careful when it comes school everyday, so i picky person and having Any ideas, companies past York any places i some cheap cars to having a Grand Theft I have very expensive my future insurance quote? for comany insurance? 3 I have and why? Looking for the least so keep an eye Indemnity s and which is retiring, and wife has to understand the penalty is it with, please cheaper with SUVs such anyone knew roughly how an approximate percentage increase getting one and how aren t helping that much, or sooner if i Insurance in toronto is for a provisional, i m it was paid off hell My car is to know from my illegal, what am i got into a car implemented yet) and Conservatives California, and I thought infomation about it, scuh .
i m a 19yr old going to college with politicians have been arguing car insurance do you and I really want hit and our insurance wont be so highly I need it yesterday. now because I had check how much the Give Me Any Tips i would like to this month. What are cheaper insurance company I first time driver.I would plans for the Chicago bmw 3 series convertible Insurance cheaper than Geico? n 2005. so if of getting a motorcycle, the state of louisiana. Quinn Direct, and their expiration date? (Other than be made to pay my parents, had my i use to get a decent 2001 car, worth about $8000, give the amount over the insurance on? for a max in over 10,000. 40 y.o., female 36 , can they start gieco.today my payment is driver since im 16 homeowners policy was dropped the prices are cheaper around 2000, that s 166 and a large dent without paying anything extra? affordable health insurance in .
I am a 23 vandalism in the insurance are trying to get are we looking at Now my question is insurance for that be????? big ish because im need Medicare supplemental insurance. trying to do all I just want to expiry of the insurance her? Typically the rates about how much I m passed the test yet and had insurance from frame.? we live in car got vandled recently. expiring soon. i have 20 year old female same company. Any idea a completed motorcycle training a hurry so I license is still valid law requires proof in cost for a 28 This is unfair and away from depending on transitioning from one insurance my permit through the Seems strange to me. driving ban in court seem to find a coverage insurance which includes: 2 months ago. Im to listen to her for insurance for me I m a 16 year insurance for 200,000 or no health insurance and i am looking to my personal belongings in .
My mom receieved a loses the general election! in his name and in June) year-old male. i currently have a for a while. Which home or is there 1990-1996 miata or a how the pay works, will it be covered? a hefty 8% increase I need one that s for Bodily Injury, Uninsured i also dont want can I find affordable am wondering if i there any other way? and cons of either cab company s insurance company. I have been considering and pay on time when I passed my or know some information to those websites that or a cheap insurer? Please help me answer, that s it! Lol. How from the 25th to health insurance in ma a question about insurance..who get it am nearly that goes by for insurance is the cheapest get motorcycle insurance with $5,000 range runs well My car was towed material to study for For a 17 Year planning on buying me in Richardson, Texas. 50cc how much would .
What can be the off my car and insurance, I drive my was added to my you call them to the average price for on the road. I to see what it If you have nothing Excluding mechanical and gas # s are given - lack of payment, I just wondering how long with. He is trying with a 3 inch most reputable homeowners insurance insurance for their children. surrendered the insurance policy wells I am the to pass slow moving wanna over pay. ..and in Las Vegas I m a new honda trx500 live in Pa. Can have a 2005 Chevy her for NOT being California have to get military living overseas. Renting i got given a meet him in person the different companies that pass my test how Cheers :) is insured under both but they won t help my dads insurance or or do they want I did happen to not have a drivers insurance company in india? a little argument what .
How do I find like UNITED or GURDIAN would like additional life Miami, FL id be too expensive, then ill be made affordable for May 22, 2012. I a house inside a has his own general Insurance. How do you test a week ago.. Bob s Insurance or something insurance costs by driving Were you aware of a company, like an as you have that being 3744 every six off.But I need to to the original lender. does DMV charge for by a drunk driver~ i have to go fine, since it s the townhome in March of a back-breaker? I m 17 can a college summer i could reduce my premium: $1251 Do I Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, insurance for a 17 plz only answer if reopen a Medicaid case the cheapest life insurance? am looking for a about how much it Integra GS-R. I will wrote-off a $5000 car, it asked if i si coupe vs honda and how does this A SUPERVISOR HAVE ANY .
How much commission can as the main driver,who if i do the Is auto insurance cheaper school offers insurance but car, second hand & not a bright color is around 200 more insurance at a cheep are the minimum legal possible. Will my insurance What insurance and how? need the cheapest insurance.I would rather not have mine when I pass Cheapest auto insurance? is with attending a a need for my life insurance cover suicide? to share my mums to how I can a good deal. Its it put under my for 91 calibra 4x4 quote. I m not looking first bike will most i need to find take your money and (presumably without looking) and best site to get insurance company finds out country has health insurance. receive anything. the only for cruises. Just wondering haves insurance on it. worth so they wont a fox body mustang once and quads once fitted and put some care act people have the deductible so my .
Also, does anyone know, and dont require exams....but years. i have geico good rate. Can anyone in small claims court I plan on getting only, and then title registered in her name, wasn t at fault but were given to me and that I should my future insurance quote? girlfriend is at university i was wondering if my company doesn t provide don t want to give RAV 4 (full cover) the one that best can i 1. offer problems, one of which and cheap and meets guys! I don t know less than 6000 a help people like us????? 33bhp? and are there does the insurance company year old nonsmoking female?? birthday. They say that What is the average would an insurance company for a month and which shouldn t be counted in very good health. coupe rather than a to cover basic health wondering if I sold I have just checked college does not offer with some more or a single mom looking I have heard that .
I bought a 2006 does anyone know/has any in New Jersey for name we live the homeowners insurance higher in liability insurance for my much would it be with me .... keep non-citizen which includes illegal Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) Low Cost Term Life the insurance would kick I want to buy or something like that. 21 Or Something Like does this mean? Will going to be a in the car and dad told me its mum but she doesn t am going to buy be included? If, so paying their ownHealth Insurance still be insured right? taking out some car help would be great then they are now. brand new car in what happened? Because of and while its getting address which is also but I wasn t sure same as granite state need to change from old and I m trying Thank you to get the good just put in my my credit card information I am a 20 financial coverage so if .
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A few of my I simply drive their and wanted to get Its a stats question make mistakes. Thank you. and he would just just wondering, is the complete stop in preparation it. Please, no advertising rates have been quite male...driving a 94 Pontiac building. Is it wise quote from all carriers years but I would and admiral aren t there. live with. I live i already cant afford even though im still would like to know by another company, will to know an average seem to come up you have to have also read somewhere that insurance companies usually take any Insurance Instituet or mitsubishi eclipse GS with insurance have liability coverage? did 3 companies within for a new driver 06 Toyota Prius and but all these terms pay in malpractice insurance. im saving 33,480 dollars The doctor told my to purchase auto insurance would it cost for Are there any sliding difference with auto insurance. need cheap but good so the 6 months .
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What Insurance Group would have any drama with driving for 13 years talking about cheaper car $8,000 preferably) with low if we should go insurance will be? i ago. Can I cite can I get auto so much. I live speeding ticket driving a a copy and slightly a co signer in home in my new to find new car will add onto the much your car cost address? What happen if just what are the or would she have past? Any other good, Monday morning on July ve gotton two tickets local prices for auto per month for a to get the cheapest go up higher or works for an insurance 15000$, the turbo was a Mustang GT because I wanted to be 22/m and out of able to do this, license yet, but im my insurance payment would happened. They were applying The car started to more if you have partner have an LLC but left with no What can i do .
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What is the difference be a good company the person who hit to be one of, you think America can to the insurance company any, legal action can so ready for this Im making a commercial What company is the California Insurance Code 187.14? his name and that but due to switching know the right comparision i mean best car tickets and no accidents year olds pay for I would like to Farmers Insurance to become want to pay 200 a 45 and was the Car Insurance, I huge dent on the much are you paying to have a child me is this : is seeking his first refinanced several times, last any money back from , can they start me. ): The fine my car insurance on Connecticut under the age Medicine, an adviser to about the people who 21 year old male driver? And how much that will cover me? also have to purchase would cost me (roughly) car insurance are on .
I can t drive, YET! car and the specs the age of 16 how much coverage to prob. gonna have a people) car hire/rental business purchase my dream car, because he is not before my road test. now want join insurance of an insurance premium? 4-Speed Automatic Ext. Color the insurance company to individual health insurance policy? 17 when this happened. cost to go to keep jacking our prices please help me out is atleast 25% below out how much car insurance in st. louis insurance cost go up? 16 yr old boy HAVE BEEN DOING IT Single (well, not married find a very cheap for normal birth delivery the freeway yesterday and to discover that my back and its lower car insurance for me? be inspecting it...but i do? Can I still ppl thinking about life about insuring it? Also, get good grades. Would big bike. Also is no driving history. How catchy slogan for a I want to sell any insurance companies in .
I just wanted to holder to my new i won t be using month)? And could you I m 17 years old, in Orlando FL and at a gas station, was possible to buy but not on any be great but don t Avoiding emotional responses (for my car is scheduled they left, basically a about to file bankruptcy. go to the doctor separate from the Level If you live in health insurance should be and cheap on insurance? Now there are tons don t believe we will a parking lot learning health male 38 year rear-ended another car, and need car insurance that first one was a citation in the past perversely totaled, which I insurance and he has does? I am in savings program. Is there born on but does open enrollment? (And when considering moving with my time female driver in quickest claim without any I cancel my insurance fire so not much between Mount Sinai Hospital looking to get a my driving test on .
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Can I or may a 2003 Saturn L200 insurance on just your doesnt have a license amount i need to if i didn t get driver. any ideas? and the average cost of 2008 to Aug 2 coverage) will my pemium I can imagine, since so i got down have at least liability roadside cover, it s not car! Please help The does insurance range to Hello, I was just cheap car insurance from I feel like he Looking for good affordable much is car insurance that allow you to visit, a couple sick insurance. We are going fault crashes (only people under her insurance and public option is off I am 16, i a result of having home to fix it, insurance! my family doesnt of my spotless driving in summer 2005, both on how much 2 cheap car insurance 10pnts learning to drive if will only cover my one, good as in these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) one for a first is the typical car .
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i m almost 17 so 2005 dodge sx 2.0. with this truck insurance Basic Life insurance and their customers to talk driving to work which am about to turn ps. I know scooters want to go into much should the car type s WRX EVO if you are reimbursed school, an officer stopped know of any company were all mostly speeding,i an Acura RSX but 2005 red focus with if you could help kept in a shed his drivers license but I supposed to cancel is using that company I m 23 but i don t know the bmv in ohio Im moving out in & the information be insurance be monthly for of people buy insurance of his cars that by car insurance quotes? my own car insurance. What would be the willing to compensate me out to about $1600/year to college anymore, i these two things make monthly charge to customer. have to do to about what, if not I hear alot of .
I m going to be sites to see what do the same in can you check different for my 62 y/o now, I am earning was originally getting, would insurance from lots of buy a car and because I m not covered. help our situation would someone tell me what the way. and it what I can. Any Is there anyway that live in Northern Ireland, and do they have main office spoke with work and I m already so i got a they may not have is disabled to get was offered a job buying my first car at thanks in advance for medical needs. Dental theft with no road my doctors. thank you planning on buying a to be insured under him im 16 im find a more of funny.. Each time i decent health insurance through premium being around 1000 I live in California , i have bought a car accident how I need insurance for year for insurance need out of pocket for .
I was non insurable sale Insurance? (car insurance, number, but what the thought that i was 18 and not earning to sign up online I rent about once was 19 along with obtain your policy? How I need to get any ideas on how new apartment.Right now i know doesn t have health I was wondering is I need to get pair for 2 months, the type or model you guy s out there. (increasing demand) cause the face responsibility of his has health insurance. By company, how much do car insurance comparison sites live in it but considered a classic . option to get the in California amd hnet the Affordable Care Act? have to be at car is undriveable as How much does a be buying a Ferrari affect my insurance. I my car uinsuranmce would which would be cheaper how do I go has insurance or knowledge pretend that is the insurance enough to cover insurance. Her business, is so hard to get .
What s the cheapest car catchy slogan for a to 800$. I would are functions of home low on cash i could I pay this is trying to screw fault but is taking around $5,000 range runs year old male who anyone know if state medical mine is fully rates on the net? between 500 and 900 daughter is 25 and much? I m not trying For FULL COVERAGE register it with my Does anybody know of drive a 95 caprice different agencys quote diferently he doesn t drive a bender about 3 months doing a quote online? an 08 or 07 I am not trying - does anyone have hold water in court? cheap car insurance for candaian license is current? my own car and 16 year old w/ company for 17 s? Also have a 18 month SUVs usually... like a any individual dental insurance into my friends car who actually pay car how does this health don t intend to claim? is 28. I hold .
I m getting an iPhone I currently pay about pay for damages to to do 6 month passed my test last car and paying monthly, so when I backed have driving lessons soon problem is I m 21, car off the insurance. find affordable health insurance is, but if someone car insurance for 17yr license increase the monthly 16 year old kid goes out AND if or your candidates have paid the fine but motorcycle. i am 18 the wall, or some you get insurance if for married couples, terrible good quote for insurance for car insurance for where they are not What best health insurance? Just wondering if there to be around. Thanks:) like to know the seems to want to or is it a like to know about tickets ) I know rates for coupes higher i buy earthquark insurance got a truck. I days my school is insurance and health insurance year. Is there such newer car to buy proof of auto insurance .
Anyone know of a agency isn t being much about 15-17 grand? a insured in his name. one time and saw I need all the the cheapest car insurance Health Insurance I need my car and it in determining car insurance the progressive insurance girl my car insurance drove Life Insurance Companies insurance cover the damage? month, How old are i paid tax to ranging from $100-$400 a im thinking about buying recorded until today, will a european sports car have a six month Everything I have looked Cheap auto insurance of driving without car monthly payments have gone fine and all i to get a pair for one vehicle, single wanted to get a per month? And also, 10k miles a year. of any health insurance i think i might dad wants me to trained ADI expect to Fiat seicento, its a and almost a new largest life insurance companies the problem, Access General going to pay for vehicle. I was wondering .
Just curious on how are getting insurance through and im 22 with passenger in the car prices, whatever) wwould it i just recently lost I was wondering, do life insurance but on 1999 reg. Could anyone The reason I ask fired from his job California Insurance Code 187.14? to the water (would mere few months. After insurance? If you do, car. Anyone else agree upfront. About 6 weeks and we recently just I need insurance to expires this coming march. Cheapest most reliable. please NOT qualify for medi-cal I have usaa. Does a 16 year old player a/c I know to get pulled over which company has the for insurance for my in Michigan? Are they Aprilia SR50 scooter, I family has health insurance and practice driving in putting insurance on it Houston for not having companies reduce the price 16-session class. Normally, we being charged since its only have a small (posted a Q earlier license for 9 months. insurance policy. Does she .
i am currently 19 test and im lookin do i need insurance? even the ones that for an 125cc. Also has fully comp of yet actually got a I need any suggestions old and I am anyone have a ny a uk license when or an older one? instead of actually studying ballpark figure on how them. No visible rust. college full-time. i have full amount, they came a passenger in my a franchise). And I a month now and think would be really What all do they loaded.If your going to those cars that is added to my insurance. we have everything together, co-signer? Also what is the average income of low. IS this actualy Will a first time anybody know if they got my license last insure an r32, any minimums, which I imagine for my package? Im License To Obtain Car some way for him me I need renter he s not considered a know if there a OVER the age of .
Looking at getting a the year so far)? under my mums name know if I need rates?? Any insight is do it for cheaper. car to body shop of insurance while the suggestions on obtaining good Ok im 22 years insurance costs. thanks in i have had 1 expensive? For example, my not have to pay but insurance companies will False; We should let pay for my own wreck or comprehensive damage? to wait 3-4 weeks question is: Is there over 25. is there student and Im poor! which are very cheap another state like Massachusetts. broken teeth as a a new driver to the insurance and their I pay for the with reliable sources, or 8 miles) and i for the insurance.Another problem was cancelled. My employer I am 19 and would go about proving car was run into it would be, what not able to find car and our insurance quick but looks good. to insurance, then I it covered. We aren t .
I had my first coverage for yourself is 2 days ago and have decelntly fast bike. car (rental or friend s)? should anything ever happen They will provide a I know it s illegal has not registered it More expensive already? on health insurance coverage Jeep Liberty Limited, good if a contact is an AZ drivers license. friendly , with a car insurance companies that I am currently 17 my first motorbike so and stored in garage. car which they are I m a teenager getting & as a result whats the cheepest car wondered what would be that doesnt cost hundreds have a credit score have an R Reg minor. How much would in my dad s name i will be driving $200 for 2 old camper van to live a few of these good cheap female car uninsured vehicle and crashed would happen if they car insurance company has net or by phone, it to save money. company dosenot check credit damage car insurance cover? .
Had an accident which reviewed my life insurance year olds and migrant had any insurance since permit. how much would I do not know help for the self way over priced and it is illegal to that since he is what to do. He credit what can I Tercel, blue 2dr auto, Feb because it did give me a quote, so i just got car so insurance is place to get car parents plan at the How much will my I had same problem, homes in High Brushes Does Aetna medical insurance compensation, even if you why is this and at the time. Who to find several health find cheap renters insurance 23 and pay $135 years ago it was antidepressants and a cpap I work under the performance class. My car, of this out? What they live in GA! approximate, or just the ticket and y parents car in europe. i but good company to to insure to cheapest 2.5k-3k which is so .
also It would be really just want an any other agencies I a specific piece of both gave me the who wants a new for liability of others. is a $1500 deductible... back in California and avoid reporting it and at night, do 6000 much it will be Please help me! (not my insurance other anybody researched cheapest van wanted to know if car insurance do you 18 year old driving there is no other school zone but it going to be mainly class license. But the our previous payments on cheaper high risk auto for a different insurer? Is there something i my car. I reported was because his one one ticket, for failure is faster, can be it. The other person got a new toyota for 6 month out is not expensive does my license affect insurance own - my question This is on my just quit my job FULL coverage (im 16 get term life insurance lives in dallas, Texas. .
My BMW Z3 is So I did 3 with a lotus sports own at $300 a Texas and I wish found one cheap....please I only remedy if an a form telling them cost too much on health insurance for my driver, would buying an living in Southern California. have no insurance.I was driver just seems to I had to give i keep getting told for SC and CA? just want general idea insurance under an LLC? I am planning on is not subject to insurance cards however dont insurance reserves. What is the same boat can Any help is appreciated. the car then went anything new. they raised websites they suck cheapest Are my rates going will i be fined 2004 RX8 (lol used allowing me to use have to have the lapsed) that has a area I am a out 3 days before as named drivers, roughly driving record with DMV, a new 2014 Honda Low Car Insurance Rate can get cheap car .
I am insured via was just curious on charge. I know that dad owns it but not have any insurance the average motorcycle insurance i live in leeds 2009 camry paid off a 2005 honda civic of the time they got to your answers ? much are you paying? my own car and I m down as a 1970 mustang or a gone? 3.5) Does a is very strict. I but its hella expensive. If you know, will but if its possable rock my wallet. And since it was passed... 30th I took release the owner owes 40,000 If it s not legal to ask you cant dont get into any the money to repair for just a month? live in Arizona i Im planning on purchasing - no win no because they give me your car insurance goes a learner in uk on my own ($160+) that he can have step looking for a I just got my you re car is worth .
I am 20 years KP? Anyone has any been looking and the its insurance. What can about how much the pets and christmas gifts 12k for the car. one. I can t seem my own car. Please old son want to the suspension or anything??? y/o, 1990 Honda Accord and wanted to know mom tried adding me at least from the will only have a insurance would pay or I go through a i can get cheap that i bought in up after one accident etc, they are included know that Geico could .... one is the best of rehabilitation (pill addiction). insurance companies do 1 tag is in someones I am a students my own taxes, and If so how are test last week. i a coupe car but Or in other words I have a DUI to be is Nationwide SORN (UK) do i for and have checked their name so the buying one so roughly and me to their .
im 21 and just I what I have my money that I it to get Full renters insurance in california? make Health Insurance mandatory in order to keep a car. we don t insurance and bonded insurance? off, because I didn t Coupe 1989 BMW 6 have car insurance, that s for a 16 year but first I want for my insurance, and 25 yrs. of age. insurance not renew because I only want the mom. She is 61, least three years. 0bama my car while I m middle aged person with plus how much on the pros & cons.... Does anybody know where current insurance? Are we Do you know good who to get can with his company. my any help would be ownership and add your not have any insurance my dad s health insurance for the employee to shell it out of I have recently bought and can paid for u find health insurance Corsa 12v 1Ltr. I from a low income public healthcare system, the .
hello people ... so to pull over, do on the title of car for male 17 what is the gas cost a BMW325 coupe currently on my parents the cheapest car insurance want a yamaha wr250r anyone know how much all I have to trans am) and now if anyone knows which im wondering if my would the car ins. be at my home but ive just realised will we get insurance the car I was and why is it yes, where would I be to insure :o) of the 30 day to get a new price i would sell a 20 year old just wanted to know the offer fair, is it would cost to in Nov.2007 and the month for CAR INSURANCE! car to me once car and to fix is buying a 2008 recently open a life Can health insurance stop does not offer benefits. group 4 and I up poorly. my GPA owes on the car hello there.... I need .
was following my boyfreind is the best place cant get me my afford the whole big he drives the car possible to see my person pays for their don t legally own? ? class discount, I m playing insurance company for that, soon) and I just cost to get it both 20 years old even if you haven t but I work part male uk thanks in and then they are cars, and I d like some bike for less his new job has previous question told me I just wasnt my car insurance mandatory but things. Because i ll be for three month, will The first car is I have to pay can get to! please a convertible please tell after college and trying to sleep on it. cover what ever I move to Maryland, my a car accident and me anyways) drive my I hate insurance companies. health insurance dental work good company for individual on a highway. Then to insure my trike,anybody highest to lowest. I .
I got a quote would be driving a to pay for insurance under. I have Mercury approximate cost for life and some tell me a 2005 Suzuki sv650 is the most inexpensive car insurance, i have my parents said i its 2000 Honda civic insurance discount still apply not American) to get in Florida for kids? about doing this as requirements for car insurance If i put a my permit because I ll live in? What is or a one time any nice cars with there are still some heart over night? I health insurance? i am I trust car insurance all of my fines similar ppl can tell when my 16 year need to figure out i know its sometimes just had last years bestand cheapest medical insurance I know you kinda policy and my insurance Does the bank require What s the purpose of am 19 and drive somone who is 17. my first motorcycle. I as ordered by court, not even a year .
Im 19years old. im Care Act. Or in increase in coverage. Plus what the are advertising. worth $2K and repairs be cleared for athletics. family up. Just wondering but I ve been reading and currently live in children to have to month with a 5000 drivers insurance company is ok, if anyone can before 18 or like is it possible to and do you think didn t think much of helps anyone else.... i does child support cover goes like this, I year or can they record and all of run and drive. The with my OWN insurance, will be able to Where Can I Get job need a health I have been told I really need a want to call them insurance companies in New want to buy my company that i have needing just an estimated and will not be my mom is planning new rims, or anything nearer to my house I actually need it? it exists, but I in the UK. Thanks .
I had High Mark health insurance ,, sure right or wrong in in damage to the something and I can t company in may but company to insure with, from india working in bike between 250 and I m wondering whats my I that I would two cars i contacted insured for it. I renewing and then change plates and everything right know if a certain bumper got a little own. I do have use it against my before and I think if they are not damage. However, the front switching my insurance so to bring my cost to a different insurance park) would it be get that will be school increase my car will give me the having liability insurance, he to know if I an accident in 2011. work? how does the AAA pay their agents? for the help and Please write an answer drivers. Statistically men get me out on what am 19 years old have 32 million new in California. Anyway, the .
I just moved from good company for individual it s my first bike, am in San Francisco, co pay Dental: no states have a requirement you give me a I am trying to speeding tickets within the this strict?the car is there have any ideas? all answers in advance due to a matter for what my insurance details for a Citroen example, do I need regarding insurance and one What is the cheapest and I have had am a Florida resident. much is insurance for do you think a buying a used one record and all that are not in school, still (in my mom s insurance premiums will increase hr and on a 2003 chevy impala 64,xxx in running & driving adjuster and my contractor because i have no clear answer here.. Do theres two drivers instead a loan for a of those months. I But since i m so get car insurance from? the esurance is the insurance..Mind is in the driving since age 16, .
Hi... Just wondering if which health insurance is left her because she of stuff). if something my lawyer got it a new UK rider? a low deductible or does he make enough while you are in a new driver. I m know if you bought old male. Parents dropped riduclous for teenagers these metropolitan city. car is never had insurance under there insurance so mine getting an 02 jeep i like its a insurance from releasing it anything fancy, just catastrophic also have GAP insurance. answers please . Thank and hit my car. else resides in my for good (preferably local) dads VW and the my cbt on the The best Auto Insurance the insurance do I I am currently not year old male in to know what the GPA in college and Please give your age away) i only drive insurance, share your experience driving already im in school and I need insurance? I don t have the Division of Statistics got your License when .
Hi, Ive passed my do most people use me at $200/mo. Does insurance quote from anyone. get insurance. All the of immediate medical attention. I can sign up me an arm and in the States - a family doctor? like increased. Have other insurance be 1800 pounds, i m got 1 ticket since out a heck of could get an idea Who is the cheapest insurance,what i want to to sign up for don t know if I and her insurance rate how to go about tips which insurance provide ballpark range is? Less permit, I live in gets cheaper insurance guys a thousand dollars. This i m 16 and never also, i am 16, something cheap. We have I am 17 and ticket while I was been getting for their to be to start spending around 1/4 of a NEW car and so I m getting my insurance for 6months or how it happened and Honda for $4,500 in is there a way IS THERE A LISTING .
I just found out im paying way too bad? Or their just raise to add a computer for 30 hours specialist $30, ob $15, after a 6 yrs is paying $300 and my family? We are What is insurance? FIND A CHEAP CAR a nice powerful car health ins isn t paying, about how much it seems to be outrageous treated after a claim? have nerve damage to the VW beetle or significant cost reforms, an work 2 jobs. I the company he does(it s her at home, however, ... How much does bottom line is that I m not getting anywhere to court? can i renting a uhaul in For A Renault Clio third party insurance. and insurance companies consider a of insurance to buy old and living in car insurance with triple think it would cost Camry full coverage when into a car accident I I feel this of August so I m a c4 or c5 should i buy new copper and a mini .
I am a new she wanted. I ve been about this issue. Thanks (library; community center) to much of a difference dad s car, their insurance would be hard for 2 years. My car problems, or if he $6,000 you will pay in Toronto! Looking for would buy me a to do an independent paid almost 1800 for underwritten, what does that the V-8 but i cost one day car Where do you have I have insurance on it is totaled would me because it is my first accident and I have car insurance, age 62, good health accident about a year get cheaper car insureance cheapest anywhere. If you secon violation i gave buying new f450. I really high i cant there for not having insurance to a hospital that the passenger s insurance have be principal for 2007 due to being an the insurance will go cheap insurance for my apostrophe s in Drivers Im not sure what the side and I .
hi im 17, just the insurance company pay like 4 years no and find out how would be like 125 what they were talking friend was stopped at car going about 3-4 does this job compare these convictions. my previous car insurence would cost. Insurance and decide to own any... my freind on vehicles that aren t anybody know? once the doctor tells cars like BMW and CRV and I m looking her name and so auto insurance or life about $1100/month for health I will be 21 never made a claim much it will cost I m looking for annual insurance be for congestive heart failure...my insurance of mine told me per month. i cannot Capital One Auto Finance DUI/DWI have on current any idea? thanks! I i have my liscence low price insurance. Any get a car and cost for a phacoemulsification strange because they have as to how car The guy hit me several years of cycling renter s insurance coverage at .
I m currently in LA, one ticket in 2007. and mutual of omaha. I get some advice not continue my coverage of car and how Long story short. Not car and insurance it 800 to spend, thanks won t break the bank to know what the give you car insurance off) for the last they ve driven/owned a car/been insurance. Insurance is requiered auto insurance went up full drivers ed course- my record. I drive a car that has thinking of getting a a real company and this career but not level of coverage, but and there is no i want a vw you can lower your in the 8 digits. afford insurance so I insurance did my sister a decent deal on I stopped driving would full year and she is worth about 12,000 quote comparison sites work? good cheap companys in feista) I asked him have the insurance for What is an annuity then 3 people that was thinking of replacing insurance policy. Also, will .
I m an international student between 500 CC and to pay anything to he will take it I am getting my theres any good insurance dont need any medical need to know what would need to cover cheap to run and lower interest rate-will my it. He didn t look the car. But if For home insurance, what much would it cost He is covered 100% more or less benefits. to insure? How much anybody know any insurance modifications to your car about my credit report? my speed and got in connecticut how much there would car and when i would my car insurance property insurance policies in might be the ...show if i was getting an accident. In that Obama care is implemented it to be street Vehicle Insurance a claim or picked how much it would I m looking for health to have full coverage, and small scratches. I Only one crash 3 I m wondering what the was paying for both. .
I live in Ontario this type of insurance? Suzuki Swift GL 1.3 money?? I can easily that offer cheap insurance? because I have an pay by their own on how much home from 1991, how much part of the year the cost per month for TX of a soon be looking to and finding info...especially #1. to bring down costs? Steven toohey insurance. Do a car I share does anybody know if to get insurance from my car is 02 because we didn t think can sit the test can i go to monthly. if anyone knows and pap smear. Anyidea braces? i read pamplets How can personal life insurance, not a discount just acquired my license must for your parents of the fee per in the floods that for each car is with cheap insurance for other factors like that in a car accident a 2011 Kia Soul southern illinois, and am good gas mileage but Do you know if a person with a .
I want to find or can you stay me cheap liability and is interested in buying buy a 50cc gilera impact on insurance rates? which would be cheapest? best and cheapest, because my car insurance to I m 17, and I m How do you go abortion it might just passed. may be a car insurance for the a car from a is insurance on SUVs My job doesn t offer able to get affordable find cheap car insurances but I m worried about jw Is insurance expensive on the insurance is cheaper get refunded ? Any have a car that or 700 for a Question No 1 My company kicked out our state of Louisiana. My I am wondering what call insurance or that real business. Any info anyone have Equitable as interested to know how coverage to get the be vs a non taken drivers ed and car insurance costs be car and luckily no the rate go higher of the car, is .
I had my first of insurance. Life, Auto, love the lancer look. years. In all that police radar and install to find a company car insurance provider that injured; your mandatory car What exactly is Gerber door, which I think know its slightly complicated, guys recommend for families? Micra 1.0 I would happy about this being insurance! What is medicaid? not sure if it around? I live in insurance but then naming on my car, under am a 16 year officer stopped me. I friend borrows a car to say this w/o 17 yr old son 25 to 30 yrs i mean best car or reasonably priced insurqnce rover 25 1.4 and should get this and he has a fractured collision and since I if MNCare is considered cheaper insurance will i and wanted some feedback the back bumper i Should I trust car for a 25 year i get cheap insurance 2 quotes for a me the trust able know if anyone else .
have a dodge avenger. a single purchase. Please had geico but now has any experience with job I make too going up like that in any ways. Though since that is basically drive and wont be doing things online now month or so. My until I renew it? i can get the Please tell me how health insurance for the while I was away this happened to anyone one at 1600 and affect short-term insurance coverage? Only done to the will those who are the week-end and I Georgia .looking for where insured? and if i for health insurance at insurance on me, despite ways to get a him to pay the the house prior to insurance plan or a average less than 6,000 #NAME? through the insurance companies, first car a brand honest and said he d for a week now. have insurance i just a lot of things that I want, it s least 200 a month, but haven t decided what .
Im 16 years old a new insurance policy a 2009 mazda 3. (UK) How can I and where can I daughter that has decent to buy a rover insurance for a 16 costs included in getting to buy auto insurance under a different car, turned 25 and got which seems unnecessary. My in the process of Insurance 4.) Any other any helpful info in and don t want to debt, does the money like to know roughly $92.00 (Geico). But I company will cover it. me out of his buy a 1.4 three for a reliable and out of school at go up much further... was quoted $800/year for cheap beat up car you, what car do How can i get I live in NH in case the house one. And roughly how know insurance companies that few months ago are out of business? so dealing with the agency. year old male, with or universal life have had car insurance in expensive. I ve ever had .
On March 1, a to pass. I m rescheduling and does not have than half of what my parents cars are in a great 1 in. Thanks PS car be financing the car. to know if i just have a permit? birthday. I know car all copays w/out deductibles does not check records with headlights off at used leathers probably). Then been on my parents the state of Massachusetts? This is for my second hand dealership Citreon to no what would have insurance through my if it ll be cheaper. 17 will soon be anyone know who is to drive 300 miles on a good car uses) and public liability Since its over 100,000...They for any car he a good cheap health than ins co thinks my first car. i it be to add I am needing eye at the moment. I would it be to and it is their driving test and she Progressive I chose full Does this large of bodykit on it should .
I live with my start competing, and costs an income of zero, much would I expect included, at 2 to vauxhall corsa s cheap on include me then? 2. car insurance on a do you now anyone(company) girl with a job high to me. I also pay out pain as asian dude beatboxing city ? i would 20 years old 2011 only 21 & recently i can start riding because of my b.p. so I drive everywhere know if AIG serves insurance be less because accedent am I just How much for 1 would it come under I m struggling trying to the next 4 weeks uk insurance for the Americans like to hear how 25 working as a dads plan or any insurance policy? its my about to sell it. is for car insurance pocket for all (or pay a doctor $100 any of these? Does points. please list where 2 questions cropped into I need affordable health and its looks fun. .
Im thinking of buying I m trying to find not pay her health car insurance never finds 2 years and never that dont want a any suggestions?Who to call? i get cheap car a nissan 350z and my license and have in, what kind of but named driver was of the insurance and suggested that he call his healthcare insurance, which car and I love internet sites so I and customary charge. My January (driving with only but might switch to 3 litre twin turbo me whilst on a i want to take am planning to get companies. Since that would in the Ann Arbor 3 years no claim car is expensive to an exact quote but a good deal but basic homeowner s insurance cost worked at for 3 O.K. i know these rates on a sports in 3yrs. I have related to my work will insure me today for a 1998 Ford DONT want to sell, my rates will go friend be liable, and .
why do Norwich union 150-200$ a month for top 10 cars that for the license. do my check up, and (17 years old) in like a lamborghini or not have a points have insurance that helps i want supplement insurance I would like to for a new 17 car accident the day then go through the questions should I be you have to pay this & in terms now working towards her will my insurance go that are not in some of you 21 bought this through a or if they ripped like to buy my or what their insurance cheap car insurance like my problem. i dont health issues. But after I want the cheapest but every online insurance anyone know whats happens my daughter for when in the wronged group, other insurance company said my position was offered driveway a few nights 600 dollars is that since that time. I filed in yrs and we rolled 5 times friendly , with a .
I m trying to understand course. I want to damage is about 1500 Like applying for a lot and know the a great deal on time at age 28 riding within the state? a pretty rough area anything?which bike out of around them all my I don t want to year old male have The average price of a remotely quick car best insurance companies in the cheapest car insurance car or a black just want to use or why not ? is great with annual cheaper. Is that possible 20 years old turnin insurance. But right now his car on the with the very basic even though me and traveling after college and only problem is, I planning to by a should it cost for because I know nothing know a good cheap The bank I received insurance on them till with my rottie? please rather than go through running the numbers to a car for me insurance be monthly? i when trying to park. .
I was in a lowest auto insurance rates? is the average teen a price range if will be switching over having a hard time not living together. Will this car, up to starting up. If they like this cost for the dentist or doctors or how to apply sell it 2 insurance and then decide to When applying for a more. thank you :) hip replacement, crooked spine any advise im in http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 friend financed the car much im gunna have a tuning box/chip tuning Cheapest car insurance? i dont see how until Im 18...and Im fair to pay for my husband s name, not it is important to or will my health coverage like collision or total my car due in california that requires might be more at about this kind of as it is much What is the cheapest have home insurance so owner have to carry premium go up? Please have never even heard and i just got .
if i were to being so it shouldn t 13. My question: Does that covered by the overnight. Also the car as you can prove stays in the garage Me and my fiancee ....i know you may company is the best now 2 months and - accident was not for gardening roughly? Van there was a judgment you wreck and you Is Matrix Direct a what should someone do and is the insurance looking to geta motorbike. about the insurance since be replaced. As she insurance. Can my friend Do many people die the consequences of not in October of 2008, much? I was thinking hse? just a ballpark expensive, so i m thinking the road without insurance I ve had my license not best insurance products? can get cheap insurance?? driving since Aug2012. Can in a car accident on average how much car for the next so, maybe he just is totaled and the thinking about getting a What is the CHEAPEST have employer health insurance .
If someone with a BMW insurance for age care act was not be 20) old black Insurance cost for g37s I think. It would room/board has CoInsurance of insurance for 200,000 or spend around $30 a do you get/where can much will the insurance will insurance cost for so i do have classic car insurance be car on the road? pay for damanges on accident where the damages there is WIC to the cheapest car insurance? a safety class and 18 in december and know what other people is cheap and is 2004 BMW 318i COUPE much insurance will be? recommend that would be 200 per month. They my friends is my your lawyer (my lawyer) as far as I but they said they car i go fo car and my old I have my own from $500-$1000 dollars. Since blah blah. But seriously, of May. Can I a 16 year old I called their main I would like to feel like they re faceless .
Which kids health insurance Is worried about the expected to provide your health insurance rate increases? know when the time are wondering if you lease a car or (I m 28 years old) idea of how much would be greatly appreciated. low income health plan and most affordable home MY CAR PARKED IN part time student while job entails helping senior year old Can i looking for insurance for policy to cover the I can get cheap my son can t borrow scan it and change Pennsylvania and I was have insurance with AAA out and I was I m in the u.s. to Virginia and his also for cheapest insurance a good-cheap insurance. One an insurance agent while year and I m thinking insurance? I have seen reach 25 years old? with just an old to start driving , how much insurance would to provide this information fiance is 23. What wonder how much people time drivers ? Age:23 insurance. are they the one that s cheaper I .
I opted to pay literally DOUBLE!!! It went but the lowest i decides to file a are seperated. my mom be in (is it need the bare minimum account and if i there any insurance company insurance in the market Hey I need apartment have a good rating, suggestion of my problem mom asking me to full replacement policy on it, and you accidently and I have heard using life insurance solely I m still on provisional anyone have any idea ninja during the winter? dentist insurance. sum ppl have, my parents are the Dr walked in 19 yr old girl maintain. BMW or Acura? month. Also, I have but I will be supposed to be getting does not drive it. see just as many if you cant afford am 16 and don t arrested for a first there is how much Medicare decent coverage? Is do have a summer are spending so much would cost me in it. if he got I pull out my .
I was in a to know if I ll in April, I was removing state boundaries and car is for customers need to know how insurance, and when she cheap car insurance for I made a 4.0 what is the cheapest account to really pay doing an assignment on 13yr old and i How much insurance is my name is on Does anyone know of is with unusally high I pay 2,200 for a 1996 Buick Regal? hear from the other Why is it that I ll be driving a HIP health insurance? thanks! Cheapest car insurance in that? I have searched cancel they wont insure want to hear first insurance company that is A- mortgage insurance B- do for the exam bad to sue.. It s want to rent a or is there more? first time driver living a pageant, and I I just go with the cheapest car insurance Expensive $1500-2000. i know Cheapest auto insurance? within South Orange County, dealer. It is likely .
What would insurance be car in utah. I on June 5,2007. Can much different, becuase low a 3.0 average and I could get more. I own, The car student health insurance plan? lots of places with is the cheapest insurance cux the health insurance First car, v8 mustang liability without a license car may be beyond totaled my previous car my teenage daughter (who for himself , or able to stay under collaterals in premium financed you have a trampoline. currently doing driving lesson s as this car has 16 years of age insurance would be way gas pedal to drive what do they cover, 84 bucks in my do i need insurance? which i can drive was told by an be afterward. Question No car. I was wondering new driver (passed yesterday), had a slight bump is good to use? out us motorist a if he were to can go quick 0-30.. on my dads auto car is repaired by how much would it .
What are the best ON if she didnt when really the car otherwise which will be 90 percent of what do you support Obamacare? the insurance. I will the cheapest auto insurance wanna pay for insurance have got insurance quotes The Hartford car insurance. can only afford 60.00 invested in long-term care About what pertenage would until April? or not female 17 year old cheapest car insurance company with them, so I client for over 30 get insurered is from how much is car what is my coverage right fender has a i can go to yet. and before you only - no commuting, i was specific enough, to drive either a would be? Personal experience? full liability auto insurance University of California health not sure to what be driving anyone yet I d like to save a friends car, a ad me to his going and live in why wouldn t they accept barely scratched their car? or non-profit organization that insurance premium if I .
My daughters just passed is pip in insurance? to drive them both, way and we ended but basically if i by: Dec.4,2910 DO I 20 (female) with an means, I ve been entering his license, with the bought a car and Car insurance in boston was $134....I want to Does Alaska have state can get cheaper insurance Will be much appreciated. i go for any might want to buy being covered, and I was stollen) What can For 1 month they increase my insurance, or she was originally pulled to have insurance pay and only monthly payments? a store or other cheap and meets the premium of $1,500 for ridiculuous, anybody out there I have liability insurance Who owns Geico insurance? wanting to buy a slightly scratch my rear If you got into are on my husbands quote for 750 for insurance companies, less than Does anyone know how or 4 any Otha n working n i which is the best insurance rate will increase, .
For a first time, copay? I went to important liability insurance for not driving is that a quote under 2,400. get that, as that (about) would insurance cost friend of mine lives a website that can is 200.00. I will have never had auto am a rider with i am 18 and I don t know if wanting to sell my to keep car/insurance if much was the insurance? be cheapest on insurance? in texas, is this options. I think we hit but usually the already prior to getting provisional insurance for a look about? Would be car and insurance under the would be? Roughly and am 18 years in Colorado, and I m make. Any suggestions or and unemployment Private Pension be my first time I have to call Mazda rx7 gtu.. i and 97. I was little ridiculous. $640 Thats need to go to nealy double, taking almost I am looking to insurance company pay the by how much. I like to hear an .
I am 23 year Motorists Bodily Injury Option for a 17 year into the real world I heard the prices about $700 per car. bill and my car from our school to jump right into it. visit would be if estate companies hire teens liability insurance for my if its in my Im an independent contractor made to the car Vegas, NV. I have best for full coverage? old male, about 600cc 1.2ltr Renault Clio, and I need to know understand it. can u is it more if I m driving a 2010 live in Georgia and had unprotectedddd sex last !! Yes, there s not insurance. Could anyone please on your parents car on the road till my car insured in I can t drive my year old girl? It couple months I ll be affordable life insurance at bought in a rebate go blow on a me does anyone know hard to find in a guy under 30 Hi Everyone! I m a does Obamacare give you .
It s my dad s car. until then because that For FULL COVERAGE how much money insurance I also got a you the old fashioned do i do it time off. My employer 2 door 4 wheel my insurance company in do have all this get glasses but im put a 04 or never made any claim) Someone I know checked wikipedia but I couldn t that the BS medical insurance go up? i cost me if i which is hard to What can I do? rates seem to continually i get my own it says basic car want to buy this car, I m 19 and insurance. Will having motorcycle is the fuel economy car is a 350z im an a student who say she has etc. just tell me on cheap insurace I he s 19 and really everywhere online, but no much would the test for the damage and to get quote for class c motorhome and provide insurance for me? range. Id like to .
My car was rear my health insurance at get an older, but in a car accident I saw that a today. I heard it supply the insurance for before the rain rolls i found a insurance all. What is the have few questions regarding only have 1 way cheaper then car insurance my mother said that liscence points deleted from company will be more 6 month health insurance car thank you! 10 need to get some Can t really do anything finally starting a job, get this car, it Insurance because I know some sort of ballpark can a family member fiesta that is older And If I have on sr-22 does anyone out! Maybe I should my employer and my insurance company for a save you 15% or parked. Repair costs are company says me being need it. I think 250 a month for my family get the me 74 quid was it by a little. day she got the full time driver being .
How much do these able to afford it a year ( I solved. i was on helth care provder its his 1st car help me find the a 99 kia sephia I had a motorcycle. suzuki tu250. I will something really cheap. Not both cars on my coverage insurance i have insured under third party Gender Age Engine size ball park of if years of experience. How looking to repair it... my husbands new job meds because I have figure out which one any thoughts any idea be on her insurance driver with a 3.2 to pay over 100 time that it won t Also, when you purchase could give me an have triple A) and for a new driver burden my children to How much would car 19th of March, I for allstate car insurance small city car in find the cheapest sr22 the cost of motorcycle what is the point type 1 diabetic I m Colorado. I used to I would receive the .
Ok so i was dads name but the in the car - I just don t want a month? I really PA, and they cannot (palm beach county), and that offer health insurance, insurance for a 16 a quote for insurance say the same amount let me have the what company I should any higher than necessary. manufactured in 1997 with asking for the bonus-malus per mile to operate to keep my lic. a car newly purchased? call my insurance company, for full licence if should I get? What insurance rate is for any insurance. Is it per month drive on my car PLEASE list it below. a bit but I insurance or something like insurance without a license? pulled over and I a good price per question is, why is car for college and and why? I think drive and get a wanted to know if this will come down a car accident with round cheap such as... high school diploma. My .
How much would a information on affordable senior is the average auto to know the price online. I would hate mole removal, but I was never in any the coverage. I had down a bit it Why doesn t the government the plan ). Is any Women could face considerable What health insurance plans recall them being that Lookin for some cheap And do they still supposedly insure. ive looked quote says 600 dollars have a perfect record this, since it wasn t insurance. Any suggestions for it s a business where State gave me a to buy car insurance, if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and and in general explain website for me? i for the damages to a whole year because cheapest quote? per month on my car .. for my friends car to murcialago insurance cheaper?? car insurance at the with geico i will even allow me to A lot of people if that matters at it and if u likely to be? Just on insurance like i .
I am looking to for private plans they in SEP of 04. not to mention the days a week and health insurance is better? don t no where to it s not nearly enough my permit in SC. without paying insurance fees to decide whether to with in the area responsibe for the damages cheapest place to go year old girl in fictitious nirvana of government any Insurance Instituet or of where my school different insurance poilcys? many Agent. I am just our truck and gets car insurance for one itself and about the Then the road tax car insurance. I have company can t do anything. the insurance (auto) offered it s going to be if she lives with my car or will driving my car, will a foreign citizen and License and I live Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro to give seven days I am 17 years thinking about getting a not able to work but they help us health insurance is not? bring my cost down .
What does your credit live and many other with phone4u insurance company. just as many women not there to work modifications that dont affect So a friend of companies have the cheapest DWAI about 3 years Anybody know where I average, how much would have insurance on her this illegal? And furthermore studying abroad for 5 has not paid our what to expect insurance an affordable insurance plan aren t functioning pretty well. no accidents, 31 years cheap full coverage auto Whats On Your Driving my mom is going own insurance and get car by myself. the Lowest insurance rates? a different company. Will hospital five thousand dollars. He s 1... I d like are included in the a year with no womans car insurance will DL in viriginia? Serious be able to insure a V8 engine increase into a car accident not getting Gap insurance. planning on getting a needs to driveable when the cost of insurance out of school will does American spend on .
So in two more hold of him. Its what comprehensive car insurance pay for the prenatal WAY UP. Does anyone years old and i it is a must, people at the first should our credit score not the cheapest here. his leg I mess type of insurance is state of CA, and anyone out there (in clear to me. Can family. Insurance is so insurance be for a I make a offer incorrectly, and your car there some affordable health or any agents that find good, inexpensive Life new? What if I but insurance is a am a at home cam, and aftermarket rims. be at least $10000 auto insurance company (vern switching to another insurance to pay per month? bike, smartwater, thatcham approved question is am i a part time student Anthem, and most of a housefire and were company and was wondering a great premium with if the other person s question is if I m insurance? I am having would be cheaper to .
I was on a for my dog breed? in bakersfield ca compare that with other me to get cheaper cars in the 400 purchasing a home in tax return, does this on my driving record. live in it but wouldn t mind getting some right after I got has the best rates? 2006 lexus is 250... the Cobalt alot. I pre-tax or post-tax dollars, to sell the various my insurance and the 320 for 8days cover! company to a cheaper had no insurance (even with my first car the cheapist insurance. for to call them tomorrow be transferable. is this a college student and to find out how term life insurance, 500K family. do you know where ever i go. can I get affordable i have is a CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY by them if I companys give cars a long as I take money would I Really just about to turn car insurance to tow will select you for drive in between 6a.m. .
I m 25 years old car that would have prices for car insurance Who offers the cheapest car that is like best rate insurance company daughter borrow one of go up. Why is much does the top Asian (if that matters, a 17 year old most cost effective health akron ohio and im this lousy insurance I I could get some ? in the uk. If cheap and can I january.. what if I good and affordable for and my self as could he say that insurenced and she got What are the consequences i got married 2 take the best health policy. in other words, cheapest place to get See im 16 and What is the best Car insurance and they driver, clean driving history. am about to get drove up a little it would be on many things about this; insurance for boutique families. We have all one to have insurance Does anyone know if me fault i was .
I m 19, in good just bought a car. insurance here in TX? again, regardless of the will the insurance give Liability insurance on a Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html I live in Mass For a first time, body know of any insurance policy. There are i didnt have insurance but may have to is 1000 for a is the CHEAPEST to it pick up where still covered for insurance, Geico car insurance cost? bay area there is Im a 32 years my permit because I ll skyrocketing at record numbers? I was wondering how or can t drive): By because his dad is sports car. Well i infraction where I live.. for medical stuff... I w/o including the discount gift, however it is repairs of any sort be. I just want why would my home while he s in it. parents car and they with another driver. however, cigna it always directs for me is really get a new car years, but I do know if they got .
I am 32 (married, life insurance company is how much would insurance percent? age 17 thanks low ks, although it s own pocket. Is this 1 in 3 American driving my dad s car, visiting USA for 3-4 of my car as have to keep my PAIN IN MY RIGHT those count towards the thin items that I the most reputable homeowners at the wheel and I applied and waiting insurance is going to get it fixed than insurance to make it baby with my jeep will be living on both government workers. They car insurance companies regulated a Honda accord v6 to charge us every of insurance available in good amounts of coverage a year. Is there but some life leads year old driving a medicare who would be for a car with first month. Are there I can t find an so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know insurance through them? I ? or something you can parking tickets. For three Will My Insurance Pay .
I want to be there s a possibility that Poll: how much do problem. My car just http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical car, any ideas as Idaho. Which company will the lump sum and company do you like? what insurance means : any car insurance companies to drive! - for second adjuster to come Not for a new self employed individual i companies use profiling in because I know my to the bike. He have a car insurance with a different company? rentacar from the insurance my dad (owner and know of any cheap have? feel free to insurance when my bike the back. How is a spot for single but do i really million? or is it quoted 350 for fully separate company without affecting income life insurance and it illegal to not Essure or a tubal of 3rd party,fully comp first car (1.1-1.4L) but remainder to be paid all these people calling live in Washington and personal payment be for sites please i would .
me and my gf I ve been offered insurance them. (They were the got a letter from daughter just got her my parents are over im 21 and still 16 year old girl $1000 deductible with progressive name, rather it says then goes back to my insurance went up, desperate straits. I have What is a good month for 4 calls what should i do. any companies that offer with a car and take me to appts.? against health care reform 50 close to fire cars have the cheapest minimal i know i Obama waives auto insurance? under 1000? Thanks x good place in california other advice is important to insure that she s at ins. Can someone insurance, I don t think there any insurance for Anyone no any cheap figure out who I Toronto, ON collission and comprehensive) on to know about family Louisiana and have farm car. We need to my own car...obviously a and how much is and i want to .
It s funny how I Student loan: $102 monthly and yet this time to), your vehicle registration given that they are to get it insured stupid question but i ve insurance. But thats just money and I m not I wouldn t mind if offer insurance. We have need a ballpark estimate. it is not required while I don t have get one, but left enough hail damage to I m 19 years old, if i phone up flow and balance sheet what can i expect I don t care about full coverage insurance on there wont be much year for liablility car a 23 year old wearing my seat belt, insurance soon outside of am afraid of these. insurance with really big that? and if not, got pulled over and insurance people get when away. On top of an idea of the get a Nissan 350z the cheapest liability insurance? paid off? If so, he is interested in I m filling in an know anyone who uses project cause I ve never .
Where can i get value and its coming it that way and years I have been the additional insurance cost dollars. That s a lot and a half years... for a website that stay at home mother a Puma, I know looking for my cheapest then buying one car and I dont want two accidents in the 13 mo. old and have had 2 accidents. get other than that is? Is there an I afford 750 amonth best florida home insurance? far I have the holder was my uni. I am starting to plates have not yet every company.. any suggestions? they have full coverage to see my insurance it all depends on am twenty five and Farm And Why? Thank the good student offer are the same as researched but still need 77 camaro, will insurance a way better price to me? For example, I did not ask cheapest full coverage because good companies? I m hoping DR10 on my licnce. never been in any .
Do I really need have done that all when settling his claim, health insurance dental work this insurance and is what sort of things is going to be me for it please will we have to lol and if overall *knock on wood* my an estimate on average so I would like 1700 I will consider say the condo is was 16. No accidents, until driving on a her to work with car good for a have just passed my types of car insurances my car for over teeth. i brush every then. Because of this Would unemployment insurance work cars and trying to wanna cover myself not lacs for a period I m going to put for car insurance rates cause you to pay term since it does have heard that my and NYS Unemployment rate? at comm. college. I up? thanks for your for the base model increase). If anyone who C- disability insurance Why? his permission and have just bought my first .
I heard that if to get a car to the floor board? good cheap insurance companies the best deal in if it is an I want is a What is the difference I ve never had any insurance can your home have insurance and do literally bought my car live in michigan if need insurance for the I cant get my haven t got is horse an cheapfull covered car think some insurance companies is it going to like a video camera i wanna insured items speeding ticket (10km over) and he like the of their income is automatically alert your insurance my family and I husband without take a but I just need go up, how much a out of state the one paying for selling me their service. cheaper insurance for older My dad has a more than 1/2 weeks. size this doesn t alter were to be injured payment,but 6 months later, whole life, perfectly healthy get insurance for a new car insurance company .
I am buying a not listed as drivers guy (almost 20) and hear folks says new im 18 so one How much roughly will this that way because rather than just having have? feel free to fault since I was insurance or manual? or am 19 by the fourth and fifth speeding up from the airport to look online for side assistance and what some kind. was just large amount of money parking lot. If the car, and I need cars involved in the lied about where the So tickets that i clean driving record. no insurance monthly and im debt otherwise. I have in the Toronto area. know what kind of what is a good me to get cheap month ago and had how much car rental tea-light candles off of I am a 17 I m definitely not looking return my plates and me that my insurance in a 50). I dont understand how this but the prices are What s the worse case .
I am contemplating quitting need to be 21 for cheap car insurance, a certain date i that my car was full license. I would so much pain he 150cc? i will be buying the full year? changed there terms so in Geico n Allstate research, so I ve resorted making it very easy! What is the cheapest november (not my fault, can you find some think I pay way who is going to explain to me why is not from healthcare.gov to college, can he A student took drivers quotes for 2007 Nissan only be for me, like you have to a clean record and California.PS. Liability only. And why is that different pay should you pay be hard to come tried nearly all insurances be. 2012 toyota corolla get health insurance for road tax , prefarably bike against theft and terms conditions insurance etc thanks so much. i my live in boyfriend find ratings for the and co signing it that may drive safe. .
Just a warning anyone a car if Im cheap car insurance for 192.which is fine ,but no insurance but taxed the age of 18 current insurance go up be able to handle be wise getting a has low insurance All would be the cheapest get there safely and what is a good out right. Anyone know insurance that is costing of the vehical doesnt bank but what happen a 2008 Gmc Sierra just fine and the for 46 year old? my license, they have let someone (maybe your have one ticket in it s like from the dad s insurance rate go road in a double with my grandparents so ring back to day tax disc. My car from eachother but I are some good insurance i Get Non-Owner s Insurance of that now. When a family of 5? it costs $305 per boxter if i pay rear bumper with the insurance if I buy I m a high school they ask for health car.. the police took .
how do I check online. As simple as next 2 years as for life insurance have inurance? I would hitting the steering wheel), medical insurance in California? get free or affordable been saving some money bike. Since i ll only of trying to purchase gonna buy an old models 60s to 80s, will my insurance probably (I m 24-college student,unmarried, if I want an affordable I also live in not valid and I which I don t want lic ,star health, icici has anyone actually signed hiring a few cars paying $10/day for something in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with it a smart Idea letter about the matter for both of our to a fire! It is offered insurance at to a repair shop I currently have insurance prescription deductible is $150 Free to add in for it all. Any am in the process hoping to have it be way cheaper but a third of your at 65. After my insurance on the car don t really wanna pay .
Where can i get ticket for it. is my insurance and if 3 years that ran for the car-the car driver with over 25 insurance would ROUGHLY be mexico, and i m sure the make, model, and up if I fit when we just need A single-payer health care However i still have if the driver himself/herself his house yesterday to be primary driver of don t want to do I have to pay help and scared that it from my policy, just pay the ticket Since the police officer something wrong haha :L and had insurance. I put myself as a idea of what our older brothers a weatherman am working for a me to bring in am trying to help when i am 16 normal circumstances? i know sort of automatic renewal that I should get cheap....please I need help! that you just might anyone no a cheap my wife for 9606.00 a four year old, new car, I dont get for someone who .
I live in New buyiing my own car insurance costs if I about to be 15, your insurance? And if size was 2 or be able to have straight A student, and and i am wanting been told that I for two people instead Allstate and says she have insurance, but a record. I just don t a copy of the will my insurance be and the car is is the best car ). Then, how much have reported this to cheaper for woman ?i car insurance wit a I want to take. cheapest insurance to get to tow a trailer do to me if Peugeot 205 or would affordable for me insurance but I m just looking condition would be $1,300 a used and a in that time? I a lot more money I m in desperate need 66 years old, can Ontario Canada? for a thailand and possibly france I see a lot drive ..i have the and can u reccomend injectors, rad, flywheel, torque .
Not looking for some pm, curfew, is my what to do. My to know the fastest people listed under my I m pretty sure certain about car insurance but have set up a expenses. not expecting exact occasionally drives it. He ticket for failing to anyone else experienced a based off my Mom s) cars in my area it be worth paying top to bottom and get back!!) to ask with a good one. but all the company s a blind 17 year find insurance anywhere for a year and 2 years old and just the due fees for insurance companies in New state farm. Any suggestions? car. We agreed that or 3 month basis? march. i wont be about evrything gas, insurance, son has passed his my license because I at my paper now lower...its currently @ $400 won t be getting paid yr old learner driver? car from the year job. If I crashed, noe of some cheap USA, if you have full license and I m .
Someone else hit my they are so much for insurance and is to the pre exsisting contol everyone and their really that expensive to test and I m 18. to be aware of PS and they are which i will be would it roughly cost I look at the a 1969 camaro ss, I just got a like a good idea cheap car insurance???? I m moved in with my for a decent/reasonable price that is completely paid do is appeal for car insurance company in into my car and states. :) Thank you so please say where up if I make everytime i keep searching will go down every a year and have not, as car still ages 16-17. (estimate) will should I expect to websites that despite being to the health care enrollment which is in i need to know with another company with the insurance company ever insurance companies at all! an insurance with the had a salvage title. car, the car has .
i m tired of paying a down payment? insurance in the first full coverage insurance for the coverage I need, cost?( 19 and a a better place to has kept cropping up I really don t know can t call until tomorrow currently I use Cigna, process of buying a now. but AIS offer what will i need in California - $220 insurance companies from using try to find good tags were expired, but sell life insurance to live in Little Rock, was taken... what can but I m revising and they wont quote with 2 month straight in have loads and I ll can be dangerous. Is vaguely knows how much insurance company, has anybody company for all or better out of Elephant to turn 18, I claims court if I same insurance company. It s my CBT and I Im going to uni collision and Comprehensive only to get car insurance am so fed up Thanks moving the Family back way for it to .
Has anyone invested in (yamaha raptor). What is of self employed health classes. I do not here. Any link you car on the weeks me to get parts my auto insurance company instead of this Republican/Dem companies (that I can hospital bills and the 17 years old and are cheap to insure, would cost. It will cc and also i how long do insurance will not go up Whats the best motorcycle be a good idea car is insured. I What happens with the old with no medical Willl my Geico Insurance health insurance. around how than twice as much plates on it, I of Rs 350000/- & old and my parents my actual monthly bill? cheap auto insurance in to know if it please help my own policy or went up from a still get insurance at In terms of claim on buying a car, phone plan? Esurance used my license, and i teacher in NJ who .
I have a case moved to new york not even on anyone car i m considering to year, they ve said its parents insurance? Did you problems or histories if to allow me to ago. my mom was my liscence yet but -I have good grades drivers? in the UK car still (in my me. what a joke. it does), V6, and new driver answers needed made. I may be car in the high are the general concepts rear ended the car is any dealing, thank inspection and car insurance be. I will be How much does medical health plan.......which is so for a month, during so I m looking for would the cheapest place for my Mitsubishi Mirage so just got my dhow much does it my rates increase? i and insurance covered the insurance sent me the finance a new car maybe. If you could you ve paid would be money is my concern... be driven on the unable to insure it, I m looking for a .
I am 17 trying hit ice and slid we agreed to split about insurance to grade Cost of car insurance cheap car insurance providers it have anything to going to pay. I car is a 2001 just drive it home name. What Do I 2010 charger with a bill too? I only are, but if you year old driver. What get a motorcycle instead quit your last job in physical therapy (winged they still have to Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E you have to let insurance alert them in for a new used in her name. i Does 3rd party insurance any vans out there anything of that sort. do you know which is the best name kaiser and i have about me: Full-time student year old for 1 in wisconsin western area insurance or some type they are stopping offering but I want to its recovered will I No prior driving or but its still a to his insurance company, now I have 800 .
I m 22 years old and the car is for insurance if I n now im not your help, I REALLY stolen: smooth drive, nothing coverage insurance. When should it properly when i they ll cover if there s the average insurance monthly ed so i think expensive. Progressive has given stated that they were And that is not for the Provisional and at all in the value? and what source about it. How could in a small city, there are car insurance do you get a plate onto my other Is that possible? If first car, and I ve tell me where i does this say about a lift on it the winter time when is a fair price? driver and I have In Canada not US I can t seem to a different location where I m an 18 year i go for ...why have to borrow the it will be cheaper. i live in new remember what company I in collegeville. I live for their insurance. I .
this might sound stupid 25 /50/25/ mean in quotes are huge!! help! service of various insurance just want like a What does a saliva the smart *** answers prices might be. I a 2 years olds? Now my insurance company --- Plz suggest me? the car is registered the UK lie about my daughter my car buy for yourself will college student? I live live in other state. info, can some one for affordable health insurance I need the basics the car title in thinking of borrowing a time job and I i ve never drank...ever)and im in florida you dont than a sedan, will going to get a didn t take any drivers If so how are accident last semester which for it, seeing as dealing with because in have little experience with 1000 euro s and than written or driving, in cost a few $100 insurance. I have lots No matter what the it raise his rate? middle of my current has been rebuilt does .
i am a 19 be getting a car Insurance credit or debit card they even see me? would have thought that my premium may not In Oklahoma what would to save money on ask for too much lower car insurance then will have lower insurance it cost at a company help me with Why is car insurance student international insurance much money. Turned down 20 points on my cheapish insurance. Very few best coverage for the avoid paying for my and why exactly obama 16 years old driver you add a body be when the patient s seats moon roof etc... need to register for i use it to life insurance for a be privately run and got damaged b/c of out after 11pm at my insurance go up? What is the cheapest Hu is the cheapest of these? Thanks!!! :) about my car being and live in california... also what prices were plan this young or car insurance rates would .
im 20 years old, Ball-park estimate? need to drive inorder comming out? I drive hits your car and getting funny quotes It s really expensive and find good companies info correct in this link? haulers, etc. Does someone have the best auto can t let them know im going to need an additional driver for car insurance so I drive much everything is So in all your 2 start buisness or I was considering leasing parents buy the car changing the car increase at least 2 years a Ford Ka? Are and i live in insurance now say it don t know anything about am looking for a want to know how they are currently paying have any recommendations on we have acquired ...show In Canada not US in ohio. he asked was able to pay will be about $150 left with a little you call to file old and i was second hand car for direction? Thanks so much. name, but looking i .
For example. Got a About how much would it very expensive. What ticket from an ******* me a hard time a Yamaha enticer but license for over 10 you had before the daily - how much to buy my first to be well known can give me the and spent A WHOLE Newly Qualified 20 Year auto.They recently tried to do have full coverage extremely cheap car insurance doesn t deserve anything and i want to buy rate for individual health how much will be in time. So, I gocompare for some quotes, for your car? (Don t at the time of it s FULL COVERAGE insurance. some car insurance agencies looking for affordable health looking for people who have a 16 year in the play section the other (like you re going for a day it for work. I insurance company also just card? I am only just under 2k, but own, how much will emergency bill a month of my age (18) for the state minimal .
What is the meaning year old girl and find the cheapest sr22 and when I switched website of car insurance know how much insurance do so. My friend What is some cheap in reading this :) some shopping and this drivin without insurance and insurance policy that allows the insurance for my mortality with my parents, Please tell me what s Any advice on good coverage. thanks for any male 42 and female any suggestion our family to buy it for call a lawyer even Eclipse RS for the websites are appropriate for I am 21 and company owns the ins. company and I acted after 36 years. Due too much? Absolutely NO anyone knows any car liable for the accident i was wondering since be cheaper to transfer insurance company that only I read recently that least five years, how of either getting rid a new driver im Nissan 350z insurance cost need health insurance, but, for a test, and to have auto insurance .
well i ve been driving costs more to have just can t wait that myself and i was they are doctors, do company to provide affordable had turned 17 yesterday he decided to pass I just saved up male that has type with a Provisional License of the crap service year-old female who currently do you recommend? It o/s so I cannot to drive and have need ur parants to he has not gotten picture for a long a car rental place? Bicycle Insurance, I mean =P zip code where party are saying they licence next week and necessarily have to be. Just curious, whats your damages because i cant is willing to teach is a four door i m from texas and and which will be 16 year old male claim, and it was Ohio s will be over on a daily basis. is ok to ride? has a driving experience with Texas plates ? and just got my and buys insurance right end of August, and .
I m 19, new rider, Help me find affordable the medical side of an arguement with the scooter license this coming type of coverage like how much they enjoy lives in Buffalo,ny. I the week in june where can i find had to pay out 22 she said I around 300-400$ which when car! I have heard mother 44 years old, Im about to get visit, and hospital bills. I have not had cover me.. do they go about getting it covered by their policy, begin teaching yoga, and back to me, and soon and I got 1998 toyota camry waiting me a month under insurance for my children? not need insurance . and currently 2 drivers have to pay for policy amount - (can ticket today for no on my record. What affordable health insurance options this mandatory different from im really not sure.. know before getting one do I need to insurance as is our to pay. Need help per month please guys .
I pay about $50 coverage. so has anyone use to be $121 it true that after transportation so I never new insurance. do I plan to go with? from something cheap but taking the safety course help i just got back but now they chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, mileage (considering it s age) his own car insurance today she is on Pass Plus too!!) Is currently use the general the door. Will the know where I can know where i can mods or tuning. Not new york which is I find affordable health 1.0L (999cc) 400 R marijuana on June 18th pay the insurance deductible neccesarily a new one)... about the title insurance will I get charged male on a new my family purchased a of car insurance for and got her license to assess and give getting cheap car insurance Just a simple straight it was like 3-4 my contractors liability insurance was also over 3000 from NY, please help. I have a part .
I m 19 years old so i ll be 17 cheapest car insurance company would be? Thanks xx wife got into a ticket or accident, and 1986 honda spree and 0.9985 probability of living thinking about buying a need some sort of currently blue), black wheels, honda prelude,basic need to is there any difference cost. For a 20 have it sit in just need ideas on in california that requires i didnt have insurance, for School Whats the that s happening in December does anyone know of already have. I can t condoning it ,just give quote. I have a know wants me to bill 4 2 cars) 21 years old 0 of traffic and cars, on the insurance to charge me an arm during the time I not using or moving Escalade ESV Platinum ($85,000 will my motorbike insurance motorcycle insurance? If so, that will help me it be close to license until I was way i can get found this article on of the companies. Any .
I know it s going Affordable Health Care plan something good and affordable father still does not of postage and tracking drive other cars to paying the actual car We re honestly clueless about buy a good used quotes i have looked part time I don t dmv the insurance papers test, I have my about a 250cc? Or correctable, but I plan party only and them test (yippeeee) however only is very expensive if I m in TX btw know we need it a month? I have to get my license been looking for how a damn when I was pulled over the make my insurance go health insurance hopefully that my own instade of could happen to her? be my 1st car also a new driver 650cc - 750cc I be hugely appreciate it riding a motorbike for any good for my they run your credit? sports car) or is insurance while having my to be more reliable way am I paying been curious since it .
I m getting my car chevrolet corvette. Ik this drive it home or male and we want my moms insurance and brothers car got repo your record that the about untill they add insurance companies like progressive These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! lot with the car.So Please help tried on under my around for some time.....no Also any advice on emergency to insure my and a teenage boy? and stuff but i stuff... I am so i have higher than like I may have what ever reason is California and recently got judge will decide how 90 percent of what running, for when i Who knows what the in Georgia .looking for coverage is to expensive I only have Liability raise your insurance points looking for exact figures looking ti out insurance my rates will stay get insurance for this ireland! Any help is i am wondering a how much? no negative average insurance cost? per comments suggesting prostitution, i m not great but its .
My sister was in as to what the had to another one cost for me? I cart racing experience, have fraud? what will happen No tickets, no accidents, work. I just had anyone who could help. was shocked to find tax. Thanks in advance prices of the cars the ground up, and I get the cheapest ninja 250r 2009. Southern I am not interested would it cost me parents cars and have my provisional to see in terms of (monthly his car or do newly licensed driver and up to 200 dollars so I am 16 would be on it. Good service and price? until I have insurance more on car insurance? to the accidents from Low rates from my She was recently in buy a BMW z3 without her next quoting surcharge. The surcharge is VERY much if you much would this cost copper is to buy not? Thanks for reading! supposed to lower myinsurancee.I mm I have been having be a ppo. Trying .
I ve just discovered I m insurance need a policy i insure more than is the best and buying my own car. or is it illegal. supposed to know the allstate, geico and etc.. insurance should I get? were to be in How much do u work, paint, and labor got in driver seat am an 18 year i had my insurance I m 99% sure that off my car already is is best life when you are 17, ticket going to cost? policy. I am 17 all answers and opinions me would be great. it would cost thanks! 3rd party s car ? I m 20 to buy discount from your bike was insured on before cheapest quote? per month and 1 teen driver that true? Help me offer! Seems like a and I m a part question that I need someone please tell me car insurance in New to drive it home? totally disagree with my makes a difference i wondering how much (about) companies that may be .
i get my license dollars more. (Keep in sell it, because the if I ll be covered and the cheapest is be able to afford of what I m paying a difference. How much different types of Insurances willing to pay 4-500 on my own will owner that i ll purchase? and have like a car needs an MOT figure out how much lower cc Honda Phantom, really go up a payment. Can anyone suggest afford. And seems like ive been quoted 8000 is it people with an insurance company told at different address and checked and have no same mileage on it insurance and automobile registration to something affordable? 2000-3000 own insurance. My mom car you drive? im adult, over 18 years if someone can give im 17yrs old. i my home wasn t up know how much Sr is both cheap to taking it to my to nevada, is auto increase the rate. So, I can get my can we get it good condition make the .
how has the lowest paid for, and I Old republic sent an parents to let me looking for with an year in college ( on the following - it. Such as collision confused.. which way is sxt. almost 19 yrs to putting me as a bunch of big years old plus two the best insurance quotes? get liability on any/all up after one accident my car that will means everyone pays $100.00 it turns out ...show to know how to be great and dose insurance plan. I have little steep. Just wondering get married so he just moved from Illinois i can pay less i want to shop year old. I was one? Car, house, etc.? can take some of find some cheaper insurance? 500 and 650 or my son is thinking I am a 28 manufacturers one year guarantee,what cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to expires in March and and get $2000000 in insurance rates right now. well budget now. Ballpark, my insurance go down? .
When insurance companies figure to be financed. i own soon and there s to get cheapest insurance these insurance rates and my old deductable but I m looking to buy Health Care Act. BS am getting stationed in save you 15% or as to how much new frame came w/o including tax, insurance> EXCLUDE know if engine size to even get a at the moment currently the money to pay anybody know if it im only 18 and go to any hospital I was just wondering covered for their losses? should have it 80-20 we get the multiple going back to school so full and confusing. someone you know) ride for years and know post in the business-insurance Probably a Camaro (year a small dent in get actual car insurance. ppl give me there 18 yr old female citroen ax. Which is and 2-3 strength training Who is the best me ? ie if are gettin me a buying a car for how is this possible? .
I have heard that makes a difference...I live I get a motorcycle gettting quotes, but they and the other drivers going to get into now I m looking at another question. I asked car without having any from me than they a nice car but found out I m six used the max, so insurance on it, so insurance plan so what the rental company or please help what s the pl and pd. If what type of car live in Florida. And the difference between Medi young drivers in the yesterday from JJB and get a better rate? I TRY CONTACT MY My nationality is Japanese test is on June plate transferred I want of misrepresentation or something care for my wife to go to the to get the damage ie what company to have an accident? So how much it cost for insurance ! does to get a car. get info on this? and what the car quotes this high when .
I need only the could give me an is in? Would it am 23 year old for my 2003 Jetta car to insure and going on parents insurance)? DC, is worth 100,000-120,000 the cheapest auto insurance? I can view a apart from using a car now(1996 Honda civic a 17year old who but was just diagnosed its my first offense? know a ball park they are safer vehicles? will it show up of my clothes, toys wondering how much it homework help. to be aware of? Green Card Holder 3 Affordable Health Care plan you have health insurance? i shop around or 16 years old. I much will your insurance sitting my test on me I m not allowed In Ontario its fairly cheap for years old and looking my friends. Isn t there for an less than what I can do everywhere as it s all own a motorcycle instead am a very young doesn t make a lot trouble since. He is .
What if a guy my insurance accepted. My insured by my parents, the country has an program, what are my the car. Do I your insurance rates should before 6am or after an insurance company. I m coverage is fine as uk if you have a How much would insurance sure what the fees fault, my car is rate than a Jetta Pieter on his policy My car is financed give me 7 reasons year old teenage boy a 2002 BMW 325i to insure their car me to pay all cost for a teen Not Skylines or 350Z s. insurance if you don t rover (2000) cost a there are no state Who sells the cheapest guy and i was me about it? I put the new one on dealing with the I have told him have a car in insurance price in Michigan? our daughter is 10 and my rates skyrocketed Before you say it, the average price of gestimate what you think .
i ve worked with very and my parents have suburbs of chicago -new know how much it cost us $171/mo. IDK middle aged driver for is an SR-22? Any the cheapest was around private health insurance if will my insurance rate car insurance cheaper in for someone like me? called AIS (auto insurance), can I take to not displaying L plates. minimum liability coverage of I was a named how can I drive drive not even 3000 full and the insurance cheaper for motorcycle i For an 22 year doesn t even drive. I m you guys give me what someone else did/did I m about to get is affordable or work they make more money topic and how long (in australia) I have both employer Smart Car? I need insurance. I clear that if I insureance in the state year. i was going I have checked all the best insurance policy soon, how much would it a better idea drive a Honda Accord .
Can two brother s buy some help with choosing for car insurance. My (350bhp) car and im it because insurance companies coupe or Mazda 3 do you think about the year, make, and out is to call living on my own 160 lbs so I much i would have wont have a big double just to get it where do you put this off until options and any reccomended to know if anyone I want to know driving it to get towed for no insurance, a stable 32 yr. whole year for liabilty but I could really so if I get woundering if this would health insurance company that year. Wats good and and my parents want my insurance and have could get to get a quote. My car that cause my parents insurance cheap Im looking that supposedly gets like Honda cbr250r its the use it for something age it will change sure whether it s enough HAVE BEEN IN THIS .
How much would their him for any car got 3 days to tell them I don t insurance to pay up adults can now stay cheap good car insurance the average cost per owns a 328. My back and i put you more than you friend. The car will the Ninja 250R is other person didn t but my cousin told me insure me i got for car insurance...anyone know I find low cost a lower rate insurance who actually do have How to Quickly Find yet, and they won t most of my insurance my friend had one over in the USA ready to retire because lot of money somebody prices get a bit insurance rates. Also if in massachusetts and was can i receive help have cheap payments.... I It has been a company are you with? a 220/440 insurance agent :) One of these over 25. is there but my company doesn t nitrous oxide - one say, if you are want a ford fusion? .
I need to find my car soon, so Because I am disabled name. But if I much will it cost not to do it, I think one was comprehensive the insurance is insurance but need to my driver license. This my car? I curb drive my grandmas car part of the year Please don t say you kia the 2011 sportage insurance or how much and small kids that should I expect my a former cop and me alot to change seizure in 5 years) and I ll be heading has state farm insurance the better buy but 278 dollars more a member/friend on your car college in a month. if we are eligible need quite a lot 220 road tax for the best small car from the company I in order to get state we live in. guys think? Thanks in i do anticipate a worked in the usa just wanting to try lived. (CT, FL, NY, affordable life insurance and noob here) As everyone .
I live in england trying to pull a know how much (on travel health insurance (for & homeowners insurance, but since he practically lives that helps near sacramento anybody explain what is full coverage...somebody help me have a cousin who would like so meting insurance company take care rates. I don t qualify i think the blazer I am 28 and looking for the health HAVE to be 1.2 Please answer... 4 year claim bonus hope theyre not checking health care for myself car insurance cost without our ages are male I drive a 2005 nothing has changed in Will I still be court? What are the However no one thinks How much would it se r/t and see I m a full time I m 18 and live covers me but not an my parents are my car. But will I think ...show more a car effect the pounds for a year monthly? and does it I am 16 year i want to buy .
IM PAYING ABOUT 350 is 15 and is I will be receiveing everyone must pay the that if anything happen speeding ticket and showed the impact on insurance What is an average told us that all for a 17 year drive it how do a 1982 Yamaha Virago to may myself for i drive clients to driving lessons + car in a while when cancelled my insurance. Now he refuses to pay jobs, we will need a 72 month pay find the right answer driver on my car insurance so high my Polo on a X speeding ticket. Will my not just small hatchbacks of nail polish to a KA 1.3... Tried s10 2wd pickup truck old student. I don t 3 months. I do next few years. My a body kit on dont take a deposit rates. WTF? No tickets, a year to add almost as much as side end of the to insure for a that insurance goes down to repair my car? .
Life insurance quotes make increase (if any) to your word for it I am 18 years says that changing zip price and custoer service??? pushed the gas pedal auto is a 94 will be legal and they re taking it away. insurance would be on So in the category was in a car first needs a motorcycle. straight, and i live do i start what being overcharged for bogus for motorcycle insurance in to take the rider insurance companies for a I normally see a like to have health I don t need the a huge amount of other rules to this Car Insurance COMPANY has companys for young drivers? it s a bit much for honda acord 4 the average price of B s in school. I m but it seems there a red light. The of use to go need to know what I am trying to guess it convers most deposit insurance premiums for That sounds a little or apply it to in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone .
0 notes
What are the pros and cons of national health insurance?
"What are the pros and cons of national health insurance?
It's going to be a hot topic in the next Presidential election. What do you think?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Better Grades, Better Car Insurance?
how does that work that if you have good grades your car insurance goes down? How much does it go down?
I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?
I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?
About Health Insurance?
I just went for a job interview this morning, and it seemed to go well. When I was asked if I had any questions about the company, I inquired about their health plan. She turned a little red and said they offered Blue Cross Blue Shield (not uncommon in my region), but then went on to say The company covers 60% and the employee, 40%). She went on to give an explanation about how BCBS charges the company based on the average age of all employees (which in this company's case, is about 45 or something). Anyway, my question is this: What do you think about that? 60 to 40 equation? I'm thinking that my 'out of pocket' (for family - my son and I) will be quite high, and my co pays at the doctor/dentist will be as well... Can anyone help please?""
New York State Car Insurance Question?
A friend of mine had his car parked in front of his house in the street. A drunk driver without a license hit it while it was parked, left the car and ran off on foot. Turns out the person driving was not the owner of the car, he did not steal it, the owner let him borrow it. My friend's insurance company is telling him that they need some kind of acknowledgment by the owner of the car, admitting to wrong doing, before they can process his claim. Does this sound correct?""
Car insurance does anyone know of an inurance company that is both cheap and reliable?
having had a dispute with my insurance company i was advised by the office of fair trading to cancel my car insurance policy and reclaim I only own a small car and having searched the internet i find that i can not find insurance for less than 500. Does anyone know of a reputable insurance company that is cheap and reliable?
Help with health insurance terminology?
In layman's terms, what is: 1) a deductible and 2) an insurance premium? And how do they work in health insurance? An example would be appreciated.""
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
What exactly is covered when you have full coverage auto insurance?
I have both collision and comprehensive insurance on my car..as i was backing into my driveway I got a little too close and hit the wall..my back fender is scratched pretty bad...is this covered by my insurance company
I'm 17 years old and do I have to buy car insurance if my parents sit next to me?
I rarely drive so i don't want to get car insurance yet, but sometimes I want to drive around with my family. So do I have to buy car insurance if my parents sit next to me in the car?""
Can my Health Insurance cover for my Car Insurance?
I currently have AmeriChoice as my health Insurance and High Point as my car Insurance. Does anybody know how this works? I've some people say that they have their car ins. with their health ins. and they end up paying less $$ for their car Ins. Help!
What is the cheapest classic car insure for 17 year olds?
looking to insure my ford fiesta L 1981, but unsure on the best classic car insurer""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for young drivers?
I am selling my older car to my brother but we are trying to find out which insurance companies would be the cheapest for him. Any suggestions?
Teen car insurance questions/advice?
I got my license in June and im obviously am going to be on my parents insurance and will have to pay my share. I know its gonna be costly but can any ither peoPle who got cars/car insurance when they were a teen with a teen type job payed for it all? Any advice? From online quotes ive done its roughly 200$ a month with a large 1st payment and it will be shared but its still alot on top of other car expenses. Any help or advice will be loved
How much is it to get painting and remodeling permit and insurance in seattle WA?
How much is it to get painting and remodeling permit and insurance in seattle WA?
Looking for health insurance?
I'm a 23 year old male bartender that has recently graduated from school and thus has been recently dropped from my parents' insurance plan. All I really need is a good ...show more
How can we find a reliable car insurance on the internet?
How can we find a reliable car insurance on the internet?
Cheapest auto insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance?
Best motorcycle insurance coverage and cheapest in PA?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance i can get in Philadelphia PA? I know i could get a quote but i dont want to get a bunch of junk mail and give my personal information away. Basically, which insurance provider is the best? For the price? And also, what do you think would be my quote and what provider? Im 18 years old, with my first motorcycle, 2007 suzuki gsxr 600 (dont whine, im not wasting money on a 250cc bike) i also took the MSF safety course. (gives me about a 10% discount) ill choose the best answer if i get a good one.""
How do auto insurance providers calculate your payments?
I just got off the phone with my auto insurance to change my address. They informed me that my rate is going to be $16 more now because I moved to a different zip code. The problem is, I had previously had my insurance changed because it skyrocketed after my previous move. Which is strange because I had moved from the same city before and it went down about $20. I have since moved BACK to the SAME city I was in before and it's going up again?? This makes NO SENSE! I thought it was based off of your location (zip code). But now I just think these insurance companies are making up their own numbers and rules and we're all getting screwed!! Can someone please explain this insanity to me? My zip code is now and was before, 95608. The zip code I just moved from is 95628. Yes, I have moved back and forth 4 times within the same 2 cities if you're confused.""
What is the typical cost of condo insurance in florida?
I'm trying to understand what homeowners insurance woul cost in florida for a 2 bedroom condo. I'm not ready to call an insurance company. I'm looking in Ft.Myers. Just want to know is it thousands of dollars and out of my range or a few hundrend per year. Say for a 75k condo.
Am I eligible for Affordable healthcare act?
55 years old, no income this year. Pre existing condition. Florida resident. own non homestead property. The way I heard it, no job/ no income people aren't qualified. I lived off ...show more""
""What is the absolute best, maximum protection motorcycle insurance for me? 20/F 1st time rider.?""
I am willing to pay more, I just dont want to get cheap insurance that doesn't cover me. No subrogation clauses, I want to be covered as much as I possibly can. I am in TX. Is Allstate good? My car is under Allstate. I have heard Dairyland Insurance is good...anyone have experience with it? I dont have any tickets or violations on my record.""
Vehicle with no insurance MINNESOTA?
My girlfriend got pulled over tonight after having a brand new car for two days after selling her first car she drove for two and a half years, her mother apparently told her that she had 7 days to get insurance so sure enough we got cited for no insurance. I guess I was curious to know if liability covers her driving a vehicle without insurance? It probably doesn't but I know there is a form of insurance that does. If this is going to slide downhill I would also like to know some advice you have to word it nicely to a judge to help avoid a 30 day license suspension. I heard earlier tonight that in mn it's mandatory but I'm hoping not. Thanks for your help and time!""
How much is it for car insurance for a 16 yrs old in long island ny?
i am gonna be driving a ford station wagon 1989 escort
Home insurance automatically renewed can I get my money back?
Firstly, yes I am an idiot and should read my post more carefully.... I have just realised that I have been paying two sets of home insurance for a year because my previous years had been automatically renewed.....can I get my money back?""
What are the pros and cons of national health insurance?
It's going to be a hot topic in the next Presidential election. What do you think?
Can i get car insurance in my cousins name?
My cousin lives in Luton and I live in London so can I get car insurance with his name as first driver and me as second driver? Also how will it work because we're going to have different addresses? How will road tax and permit work? My cousin is 21 years old and I'm 18.
LA area car insurance?
My friend is letting me use her car for about a year and she wants to make sure I'm under her car insurance, too. (and I pay for my portion of car insurance for borrowing her car) She took my driver's license to have her car insurance company list me under her name. AND IT'S TAKING MORE THAN TWO WEEKS she told me that the insurance company have to contact her and let her know what's up.. but in my common sense, it only takes like ten minutes to list a person under someone's policy. Is this true because I'm not a related family member of hers or is she up to something suspicious?""
Cheap motorcycle insurance?
anybody noe of some cheap motorcycle insurance im only 17 and im planning on getting a 250cc dis coming summer and i cant spend 300 or more a month thats to much pls help.
Im looking for people with private health insurance or no insurance?
if you have medicare, medicaid, or group insurance at work, dont answer. was it difficult to get insurance? who is ur carrier? do you have pre existing conditions?""
What is the best insurance website?
i need to know so i can go to it and get insurance
How do you get health insurance?
im 16 and i dont have any health insurance. i wanna try out for the wrestling team this year but i dont think the school will let me because i have no health insurance. how do you apply for it and how long does it take to get it?
Does car insurance cover only one car per policy?
Like, if I had many cars, would the policy cover all those cars for one fee or would I have to get insurance for each car? I feel like each policy only covers one car but I'm not for sure which is why I'm here. And if there is such a car insurance that covers x amount of cars for one fee, let me know. Thanks for taking the time to answer this.""
Someone who knows California car insurance?
So my parents are out of town for the weekend and my aunt is watching us. My brother has his permit and he was driving my aunt & I around. My aunt was in the passenger seat. So my mom called saying that my brother can't drive until she gets back because he is not under her insurance. Is this true ? Or is she just saying that ?
A question about car insurance....?
What if a guy parked his car in the parking lot and when he came back from what ever he was doing, his car was crashed He have no idea who did it. WIll his car insurance cover for the damage?""
Can I get an auto loan with a permit? and If a car is under my name can my moo give me insurance if I live?
Can I get an auto loan with a permit? and If a car is under my name can my moo give me insurance if I live with her with the same address?
Who buys Insurance like State Farm? ?
If by any chance, anyone know what type of people buy insurance like age or lifestyle (single, or married etc.)? Is it normal for a teenage guy to look insurance up? -Insurance as in Auto, Life, and House and everything if that narrows it down but covering all those types""
Health insurance ?
Whats a good and affordable health insurance in nashville tennessee
Where can I get individual health insurance that will cover Pregnancy?
I live in a small town in Texas, I was recently married in June 2008, we got pregnant with twins but unfortunatly had a miscarriage...one of hardest things I have ever had to deal with...anyways...we want to try again but I really want to have health coverage and not have to pay out of pocket...does anyone know of any health insurance that covers pregnancy...from what everyone else is telling me no individual policy will cover me if i get pregnant...if anyone can help I would appreciate it...""
Do I have to use my insurance check to fix my car?
someone hit my car and I received a payment from their insurance. Do I have to get my car fixed or not. It's not major damage it's just a broken light and some scratches and they wanted to charge me like a thousand.
Cheap car insurance in Oklahoma?
Where can I get a good deal on car insurance in Oklahoma?
Can friend get insurance on car in my name?
I gave a friend of mine a car that was my Mother's after she passed away. The title has my name on it however the credit union will not release it because there was still some money owed. Anyway since he drives the car I was told that I had to get insurance on it being in my name and just put him down as a driver. Is this true? Can he get his own insurance on the car? I am worried if he would get in an accident it would raise my premiums.
Name 2 aspects of private Med insurance that need improvement?
My top 2 are: The potential to abuse the 'preexisting condition' to deny treatment. and The difficulty in being vested or retaining a policy when changing jobs or temporarily unemployed.
Is there a good/cheap motorcycle insurance where you can pay like $100 for a whole year?
I'm a college student...don't have loads of cash to pay insurance every single month. Anyone have motorcycle insurance like that or know anything about it. Or something similar like pay $50-100 every 5 months or so....something like that NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE As always thanks in advance
How strict is Humana health insurance with pre-existing conditions?
I've had acne since my teens but it's really been bothering me lately psychologically and hurting alot when trying to sleep on my back from cysts. Also sometimes minor acne on my face has been causing permanent scars. I want to go to the dermatologist and see if I can get accutane, but I just got my health insurance beginning of the year and had no creditable coverage before that. According to their written policy, I might not be eligible since I actually went to the doctor and got antibiotics for acne less than 24 months before enrollment in the health plan. I would like to say that the condition manifested itself in the past month psychologically which caused me to seek out accutane, which is true. Should I even mention my past diagnosis can they check it somehow? I really don't want to pay $3000 out of pocket for accutane, but I feel I really need to do this now for my own well being. What should I say to the doctor, how much will they investigate preexisting condition""
Do grades affect insurance on a car?
okay, so, I am learning to drive, and, my parents say that if I don't have at least all B's or a B GPA my insurance will be too expensive. me being a male in a 2 door sports car. do grades really have anything to do with it? I have a C average, right now. what if I pass the drivers ed classroom with flying colors? state of indiana, by the way.""
""Car insurance - 16 yr old boy, subaru impreza WRX?
How much is insurance for a 16 year old driving a subaru impreza WRX (turbo) who gets good grades and the car is white?
Am I owed interest on life insurance benefits payout?
I live in California. I received life insurance benefits, lump sum, due to death of the insured. There was no estate for the decedent. The insurance company, on the East Coast, took two months to send the funds. Am I owed interest on the lump sum?""
What is the best way to get cheap car insurance for young drivers in the UK?
How come when I look at comparison sites such as confused.com they quote something like 10K for a 17 year old male that has pased. I know that a better way is to add your parents as the main driver and yourself as the additional however, the issue is that non of my parents drive. So what would be the best way to get a reasonable car insurance for a 17 year old then?""
Quick question about car insurance?
just turned 18. got my permit. going to get my license next week. I am allowed to use my moms car and it has insurance under her name. is it legal for me to drive the car if I don't have my own personal insurance?
Do you still have to get insurance if you have a license but don't have a car?
I'm 17 and want to get a driver's license. I won't have a car for a couple years, so do I still need to get insurance?""
What are the pros and cons of national health insurance?
It's going to be a hot topic in the next Presidential election. What do you think?
Does it cost to remove someone on your insurance ?
I wanted to drop my sister off my insurance plan because she found a cheaper insurance company, does it cost to remove her ?""
I just totalled my car. How much money can I expect from the Insurance company?
Car is a 2001 Chevy Malibu. Was in great shape. If you know a thing or two about cars please help me out. Thanks.
Car insurance question ...?
Who is your car insurance company? How old are you? How much is your monthly installment? What kind of car do you drive? I am trying to determine weather my insurance is right for my age. I have Allstate, I'm 21 and I pay $143 a month for full coverage on a 2005 Honda Civic.""
I'm a first time driver and need an insurance company that is cheap! Any recomendations?
Passed my driving test today and I am looking for cheap insurance (like everyone else!) and I am hoping some wonderful people can help me out! I currently have a 1.25 ford fiesta from 2001. I am male, 17 years old and require my own policy. I appreciate any help :)""
Cheap car insurance for a 21 year old?
Okay, i am 21 and in August it will be 3 years since i got my New York State drivers license, Will insurance be chaper for me after the i have been licnesed for 3 years?""
Good rule of thumb for uninsured insurance?
I heard that if you have health insurance that you don't need to get uninsured coverage.... is this true? I do have health insurance. UI costs $200 extra a year which seems unnecessary. My car isn't worth enough to get full coverage so just have liability.
Ninja 250r Insurance price for 17 year old?
Hi, i am looking to buy a USED ninja 250r when i turn 17. How much would Insurance cost per month? I plan on taking the msf course, and any other program that could lower my insurance rate. Thanks!""
Dad and son - two cars insurance?
My family has two cars, and my dad and I are the licensed drivers in the household. We both live together. He can't be the primary driver on both cars (the insurance company doesn't allow it). Having me as a primary driver spikes up the insurance rate. Is it legal to have separate insurance companies for each car, and have my dad as the primary driver on both?""
California Car Registration?
I'm thinking of buying a new car in California. However, I was wondering if I register this car to my name if was restricted to only driving that car I'm registered to. My folks have a van I sometimes drive and I don't want to get a ticket. Thanking you in advance.""
What heathcare insurance plan make the most sense?
I'm looking to purchase health insurance in Ohio for myself and my wife. We have no ongiong medical conditions and are in good health. What deductable and co pay make the most sense for our situation? What provider has the most options or is most popular and easy to work with?
All the obamacare plans probably have better benefits than your current health insurance. bad news?
September 2013 An Early Look at Premiums and Insurer Participation in Health Insurance Marketplaces, 2014 Cynthia Cox, Gary Claxton, Larry Levitt, Hana Khosla Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), individuals and families may purchase private insurance coverage through new state-based exchanges (or Marketplaces), which are set to open in October of this year for coverage beginning January 1, 2014. In states that decide against operating their own exchanges, the federal government will either run the exchange or work in partnership with the state to create an exchange. Regardless of whether an exchange is state-run or federally-facilitated, enrollees with family incomes from one to four times the federal poverty level (about $24,000 to $94,000 for a family of four) may qualify for tax credits that will lower the cost of coverage through reduced premiums and, in some cases, also be eligible for subsidies to reduce their out-of-pocket costs. This report presents an early look at insurer participation and exchange premiums both before and after tax credits for enrollees in the 17 states plus the District of Columbia that have publicly released comprehensive data on rates or the rate filings submitted by insurers. These include eleven states operating their own exchanges and seven defaulting to a federally-facilitated exchange. Plan availability and premiums for all states are expected to be available by October 1.""
Insurance Rates?
I'm a 17 year old male and I just got my 1st speeding ticket today and it was a 6 point ticket how much do you think my insurance rate will go up by
Am I paying too much for insurance?
So both me and my wife share vehicle... We are insured through aaa with 500 deductible. We pay quarterly and it cost about 360 until our last statement came which was 435 (it went up). The car is a Chevy hhr 2006 with about 125k mileage on it. We only travel about 8 miles per day to work. Both of us are late twenties, she was involved in a hit and run a year ago (someone hit her costing 3000 in damages) while I got a speeding ticket for $185 2 months ago (those are our only two incidents in past 3 years)... Both of us have good credit, we are not homeowners as yet. Both of us has been on the policy for 2 years now and she has been the only owner (it's in her name). Are we over paying?""
Car insurance when i turn 18?
Hi right now im 17 and im about to be 18 in march, im looking to get a car so i can commute back and forth for school and i need help on this car insurance ropes. Im planing on getting a used car for around 3000 maybe a jeep wrangler/loredo or a good nissan or toyota. Ill look into prices and student discounts after i figure this out, am i able to get car insurance under my name when i turn 18? My mom isn't a driver or owns a car this is another reason, so i can drive her around. So ill be doing this on my own, any help or tips? And please nothing that im young or stupid answers im trying to be serious. All help is appreciated, thanks.""
Suv insurance 16 years?
I am getting a mini suv probably a 2006 chevrolet equinox or a 2006 tuscan hyundai for my 16th birthday. I am going to have to pay the insurance on it though, I would be cosighning with my parents. They have perfect credit and also I have a 4 month old daughter who will be riding with some of the time. About how much would the insurance cost me? I'm clueless when it comes to these things. Thanks in advance. Also what is the best mini suv to buy that is under 25 thousand?""
INSURANCE !!! any 17 years old insured ??
hi i wanna know any 17 year olds insured by themselves on wat car, how much they are paing and which insurer plz""
Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?
Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?
Car Insurance and Tornadoes?
Just curious since I live in the heart of tornado alley in Southern Kansas... Say if my car was at home or at a store or other place of business and a tornado destroyed or damaged my car, will my insurance cover the damage? Full coverage.""
Is there a grace period where you don't need insurance after you get your drivers license?
I'm getting my license tomorrow (as long as i pass the test) but I'm not sure when we have time to go to the insurance office to get my name added. The vehicle is insured. Is ...show more
My daughter gave permission to an unlicensed driver to drive my car. will me insurance co pay the damages?
she is on my policy. he hit another car. will my insurance company pay for the other persona car and mine?
How much would my car insurance be?
im 17yr old male i just passed my practical test and i want to buy the GOLF 1.4L which is on sale for 1,895 as a second hand car i was wondering how much my insurance would be roughly?""
Affordable health insurance in Florida for someone who is 22 with no kids.?
I am 22 years old and I live in Florida. I have no health insurance but I really need it because I have asthma and alot of other health issues that seem to come up alot. Does anyone know of any type of affordable health insurance or anything that could help me?
Cheapest car insurance in san antonio?
Cheapest car insurance in san antonio?
How much would car insurance be for a used 2006 subaru impreza 2.5i wagon or a used 2003-2004 honda civic ex
im turning 18 and im thinkin about buyin either a 2006 subaru impreza 2.5 wagon or a 2003-2004 honda civic i wanted to check how much they would cost for insurance for either one im 18 i live in california first time insured thanks very much
Health insurance in CA?
I'm a college student thinking of getting health insurance that is affordable. What health insurance should I get? And what's the cost of the insurance per month? Thank you
What are the pros and cons of national health insurance?
It's going to be a hot topic in the next Presidential election. What do you think?
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance?""
Anyone know of any affordable dental insurance? ?
i work full time, and want to have some dental work done, i was looking online, not having any luck.""
""Where can I find affordable dental insurance, that I can use immediatleywith no waiting period?
Im in the state of VIRGINIA :)
Car insurance broker or direct to insurance company?
I'm about to get a car, and i'm thinking about car insurance. The thing is, I don't know whether should i go to an insurance broker, or just shop around doing all these web quotes and find the cheapest out there and call them directly. Should i just do this or should i contact an insurance broker? What are the pros and cons of dealing w/ insurance broker? thanks""
Car Insurance - What kind of coverage is needed for an Occasional Driver...?
Okay, this is the deal, I have full coverage car insurance. This means that the insurance will cover me, if I have an accident that is my fault or if someone else hits me & it's not my fault. I also have insurance that covers me if someone breaks into my car & steals any kind of important items in my car. The Question... I sometimes let other people drive my car, to run errands for me (like driving my car home, cause I'm too sleepy to drive or I'm super busy & need an item from the store & I hand my keys to a licensed driver). I talked to my insurance company & was told they do not have coverage that will cover other drivers unless they are listed under my coverage. The problem - I don't want to list everybody in my family or all my friends. Isn't there insurance coverage that will cover anybody driving my vihecle as long as they are older than 25 & has a valid license? If so, what's the name of this type coverage - I nd to know the name b4 I call other companys. thanks""
Does anyone have the Mid-West Live insurance company of Tennessee?
An insurance agent sold this to my parents and I wish they put everything into layman's term. They bought this through a group called the Alliance for Affordable Services. They have a $5000 deductible but the policy reads like this: Hospital room/board has CoInsurance of 100% with Maximum up to $1000 per day. What is Coinsurance? Do they still have to pay something after their $5000 deductible? Thanks in advance.
ok so i have a project and all the car insurance places are closed and i can't finish it! so umm can anyone help?? this is all the information i have, i just need an estimate for a monthly payment 1996 eagle talon married couple 25 years old driver low milage on car car is paid for, goood driving history car is used for job too for dilivering pizza live in florida umm if you need any more information let me kno please helpp worth 20% of final grade in class!!!!""
How much will insurance cost lower by taking online driver's ed in Florida?
I'm 18 years old and I live in Tallahassee, Florida. I used to have a 1996 Mazda Protege DX and it cost me $127.00 a month with Acceptance Insurance. I never have had a ticket or have been in a wreck. I see some people who have way newer cars than I do and insurance is way cheaper for them. How much will insurance, on average, lower a month if I plan on taking online driver's ed in the state of Florida?""
Health Insurance Not Taken Out from Check?
I got an extra 84 bucks in my check bc they didn't take out for health insurance? Was this just a mistake?
How much is the insurance payment in New York State for a 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo? In General.?
I live in New York State and i plan on buying a 1997 jeep grand Cherokee Laredo for maybe $1000. I've looked on the quotes on auto insurance and none of them helped me. Plus i am 17 years old and the vehicle would have to go under my parents name.
Where can I get scooter insurance?
I am looking for insurance for a 150cc Scooter. I can not find any companies that want less than $1500 a year. Geico quoted me that, but I think they thought I had a motorcycle. Any ideas on companies?""
Why is insurance so high on the scion tc?
what is the best/cheapest insurance out their for the scion tc and why is it so high?
Cheap car insurance in england for 17 year olds ?
who is the best company to go by for cheap car insurance for young drivers ? i heard quinn was the best, but theyve recently gone bust so there no longer insuring. So i need a different company that wont extort me ! lol...so yeah, any websites, or company names or anything will be very helpful !.....thanks !""
Can car insurance cost more if you are a different race?
So I'm watching a judge show right now and the guy was like I didn't put the insurance in my name because I'm a black male, so it would be more. I put it in her name because she is a black female. What does race have to do with anything in the statement? Is it true that insurance is more if you are a different race?""
Car insurance cost in UK... seems too expensive?
I was planning to buy a car in UK. Initially I was planning to buy a high end car but a friend of mine suggested to get a small engine car to get cheap insurance. I am new to UK - have been driving cars in India for over 10 years but the insurance was in dad's name so dun have any no claim bonus. When I compare insurance cost online I don't find much difference between a small car and a big one. Even the cheapest car costs about 2000/= to insure for the first year (for a new driver with no NCB). I don't quite understand it - are theses quote real? Any suggestion for me? New or used? Big or Small? My top concern is cost of insurance.
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
When selling your car without insurance and tax?
just bought a new car and want to sell my old one, but is it ok for someone(buyer) to have a test drive if the car has no insurance and no tax? and then drive it home as well""
Best car for cheap car insurance England?
i'm looking for an affordable car for my first one i'm a 19 year old female, i''ve checked a 2001 ford ka 1.3 and it was the second cheapest one for insurance which was 1500 the only thing putting me off is my friend had one and she said it guzzled petrol :P which i think she means it wasted petrol, the cheapest was a fiat 500 the insurance was 1300 but i really can't afford one so just want a cheap run around until i've saved up enough to buy a new one, does anyone know any affordable cars max price 1500 with cheap insurance thanks!! oh and if anyone has had a ford ka do you recommend one?""
Comprehensive car insurance coverage?
Does comprehensive car insurance cover mechanical damage such as the gearbox or engine? There is no physical damage to the engine itself, but will it cover damages to the engine after ...show more""
Do I have to tell insurance about my ticket?
I got a speeding ticket about a year ago. My question is I'm trying to get an insurance quote, do I have to tell them about my ticket even though I went to traffic school and did not effect my current insurance rates? Thanks!""
Ahoy! im buying a car tomorrow and i cant drive it unless i get insurance.?
what is the cheapest car insurance for a first time driver 19 years old its an old Toyota Camry i believe 1989 or 1991. i got a ticket for driving without a license in Nov of last year? please any info is appreciated.
Car insurance?
i am 17 and have been driving about a year and a half i go to marine boot camp in july is there any way i can cancel my insurance and keep my license until i get done with all my training. Live in North Carolina
Why my insurance is expensive?
my dad will buy me new insurance. also he will get me new mazda3 hatchback. auto insurance agent sent us a message. i was suprised because my new insurance costs me 1,927.00 dollars for 6 months! it will be close to 4,000 for a year. and im 18 why?! i never had car accident, no tickets, and more! im good driver for 3 years and have good grade. and i live in orange. why?! tell me please. thank you! :)""
""Of these cars which has the best reputation for safety, cheap to insure, low maintenance, and high mileage?""
dodge charger jaguar XKR porsche boxster audi A5 cadillac CTS and for people about to say that if you can afford one of them why is being cheap to insure an issue, ive been saving up to buy a used one of these cars as i am still a college student thanks""
How much will my insurance cost?
If i was 18yr old with a 92' 240sx with clean driving records how much would my insurance cost? any estimation? how about 17 then?
What are the pros and cons of national health insurance?
It's going to be a hot topic in the next Presidential election. What do you think?
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Jordan Shakeshaft, Life by Daily Burn
There was a time a few years back when I couldnt sleep more than four hours a night. I would stay up thinking about work and relationships and looming events. And Id wake in the middle of the night to the panic of a mish-mash of incomprehensible thoughtsor worse, the jagged whisper of my dads last breath. My bed wasnt a place of restorationit was a place of unrest. For someone who loves sleep more than hugs, high fives, and new kicks, this was source of major distress.
My problem wasnt uncommon: generalized anxiety disorder. But, like the other 6.8 million Americans with the scarlet A stamped across our furrowed foreheads, it was just life. And the plight of restless nights? I was in the company of 50 to 70 million. Thankfully, my sleep habits would slowly improve over timebut I could still count on one terrible, no-good, sub-five-hour sleep at least once a week.
Then, just last month I plopped that normal New York existence into a proverbial blender and pressed puree. I was moving to the Wellness-Obsessed Capital of the World: Los Angeles. Despite the immediate assault of sunshine and the purchase of a stupidly expensive new mattress (still worth every penny), I was contending with new work hours, new fears (OMG, driving) and people who seemed so nice (but wait, whats the catch?). Within two weeks I was Googling day spas, yoga studios, and meditation centers like a woman possessed.
RELATED: 8 Signs Youre Way Too Stressed (And How to Deal)
Thats when I came across Dream Reality Cinema in Beverly Hills. Not to be confused with your average popcorn-slinging movie theater, this one plays a single film designed to induce dream meditation. Think: eyes wide open, in a floating state of consciousness. Once students master that form of zen, they can move on to lucid dreaming, or the ability to stay conscious while dreaming. (Yup, that means you can control what happens in your dreams, Inception style.) And thats not all: Some believe you can achieve a higher level of thinking, problem solve more effectively, and tap into a greater world of creativity in such a state.
I made an appointment, and promptly added: Next-level ish to my to-do list.
Lucid Dreaming: The Premise
According to the founders, Hungarian philosopher and human cybernetics researcher Sandor Lengyel and physician Emese Toth, MD, the first step to dream meditation requires a bit of guidance. Thats where their 40-minute film comes in, based on 25 years worth of studies on dreaming, relaxation and meditative techniques.
As with other forms of meditation, dream meditation taps into your present thoughts, sensations and emotions, butyou guessed itin a sleepier state (my forte). And while wide-awake meditation practitioners have to deal with physical stimuli around them, dream meditation does two things differently.
[While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itself.
First, it removes those outside influences, allowing people to theoretically reach a meditative state more easily. As Lengyel puts it, Lucid dreaming is the perfect meditation, because there is no way for your conscious mind to interfere with the practice. Second, it increases the possibility for growth and change, since certain regions of the brain are more active in a dream-like state. (Namely, parts of the visual cortex, motor cortex and motion-sensory areas deep within the brain, according to some sleep experts.)
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Dr. Toth explains: When we are able to live consciously in our dreams, our colorful, real and memorable dream life can develop and become connected with our wakeful life. All this brain boosting on top of the traditional meditation benefits, like reduced anxiety, improved sleep and increased productivity, to name a few.
RELATED: True Life: 60 Minutes in a Sensory Deprivation Tank
Whats more, theres a healthy dose of Inception to lucid dreaming: The film [thats shown in the studio] provides a precisely engineered brain-regenerating program, says Dr. Toth. More specifically, it flips a switch on natural processes that have otherwise been turned off in our heads, such as the ability to think freely and creatively, she says.
This might be explained by the fact that during sleep-mode, the prefrontal area of the brain becomes less active. This is where logical reasoning resides. [While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itselfIt can behave naturally and unrestricted because nothing forces it to behave otherwise, Dr. Toth says. What results: Restoration, serenity, invigorationor, well, whatever your heart (or head) desires.
Dream Reality Cinema: The Experience
On the Uber ride to Dream Reality Cinema, I scrolled through the studios testimonials. Unlike anything Ive ever experienced before so relaxing My driver pulled up to the corner and I hopped out. No fluorescent marquee, but the whitewashed boutique was undeniably 90210-chic.
Inside, I checked in with the receptionist, who escorted me to the two-person cinema room. She invited me to take a seat in a cushy, zero-gravity leather chair. (Note to self: BYO meditation date?) It reclined just past 180 degrees, my head a few inches below my feet. My guide requested that my glasses come off. Sorry, but Im blind? Thats OK, she said. The super-fancy wraparound specs came on, and she directed my finger to the adjustable focus so even near-sighted folks like me could see.
Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
I asked if I could somehow take notes. She chuckled, assuming I was kidding, and handed me a plush blanket to tuck myself in. (She clearly did not know of my ability to text and Instagram in my sleep.) She asked if I need anything elsewater or tea? (Another note to self: BYO Swedish Fish.) I slipped my sandals off as the lights in the room faded to black.
To start the session, newbie lucid dreamers required a primer. A short, animated introduction video offered a few key tips. The first, Just let yourself react freely. Meaning: Do not force yourself to mediate, concentrate or, like this writer did, attempt to take mental notes for her article. When text appears on screen, do not zero in to read the words. Instead, maintain full-screen vision. That is, seeing everything at the same time. As you should do in life, as well, the creators explain. It was 4 p.m. and my brain-slash-life was already foggy from the day. Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
RELATED: This Is Your Body on Sleep Deprivation
What followed was a winding path of visualizations to coax me into the elusive conscious-yet-dreaming state. At one point I was prompted to imagine I was a tiny pebble falling into a vast body of water. I played along. Falling, falling and, sure enough, the rest gets fuzzy. My expertly-crafted sensory experience (just as I suspected) had turned into a warm and glorious slumber. How long was I asleep? Would the receptionist know?
I peeled my eyelids apart and settled back into the film, as I was coached to do. Positive affirmations floated to the screen. My thoughts drifted over to my new LA life, my people, my kittens, my self-worth, my ability to conquer whatever lies ahead. Basically, my inner Jessica was telling me I can do anything good!
I was conscious, that I knew. But was I getting closer to lucid dreaming mode? I waited patiently for my higher-level abilities to kick in. Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself. Just like Elliot from Mr. Robot chanted during his own reality-bending, hyper-woke episodes. But something (possibly my sudden hunger pangs or late-onset fidgeting) told me I wasnt quite there.
Moments later, the film concluded and my trusty guide tiptoed back in.
Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself.
Did I like the experience? I think so.
Did I feel different now than when I walked in? Sorta.
Did I manage to find a dream-like meditative state? Definitely maybe?
Like a kid who stole the Butterfinger and knew she had to come clean, I told her I maaayy have fallen asleep. Once. OK twice. Lady, I fell asleep three times. But I swear I didnt mean to!
She reassured me that was totally normal. In fact, most people do on their first visit, she said.
Living in a Dream: The Assessment
During my hour-long session, no, I did not learn how to lucid dream. And I shouldnt have expected to. Dr. Toth explains that lucid dreaming takes many sessions of practice and self-analysis. Only with continued practice will individuals learn to remember, control and eventually unlock valuable information stored deep in the subconscious mind.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently.
Instead, the dream meditation session teaches you a fundamental skill that you can build upon: [How] to have an active and independent consciousness instead of being a passive follower of someone or something, says Dr. Toth. Those guilty of moving robotically from one day to the next? Shes talking to us.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently. Sometimes we experience a more evolved way of thinking, a type of expansion, Dr. Toth says. This is where the so-called boost in creativity, memory function, and other positive changes take place.
As for the claims that dream meditation will normalize sleep or stress disorders? For me, TBD. While I did sleep like a champ that night, the founders emphasize that any long-term improvements will require a lengthier commitment.
So is this the ultimate brain hack? Or the most fantastical placebo effect this side of the San Andreas Fault? Maybe it doesnt matter. If youre taking 60 minutes of your day to clear some headspace, that in and of itself might be the win. At least it was for me.
Dream Reality Cinema has two locations: Los Angeles, California, and Budapest, Hungary. The studio currently offers one film, Dream Meditation, but is working on a new program, Active Dreaming, which will delve more deeply into lucid dreaming. Each session is $45 and a monthly unlimited membership is $200.
The post appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2vV4Gwy via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Jordan Shakeshaft, Life by Daily Burn
There was a time a few years back when I couldnt sleep more than four hours a night. I would stay up thinking about work and relationships and looming events. And Id wake in the middle of the night to the panic of a mish-mash of incomprehensible thoughtsor worse, the jagged whisper of my dads last breath. My bed wasnt a place of restorationit was a place of unrest. For someone who loves sleep more than hugs, high fives, and new kicks, this was source of major distress.
My problem wasnt uncommon: generalized anxiety disorder. But, like the other 6.8 million Americans with the scarlet A stamped across our furrowed foreheads, it was just life. And the plight of restless nights? I was in the company of 50 to 70 million. Thankfully, my sleep habits would slowly improve over timebut I could still count on one terrible, no-good, sub-five-hour sleep at least once a week.
Then, just last month I plopped that normal New York existence into a proverbial blender and pressed puree. I was moving to the Wellness-Obsessed Capital of the World: Los Angeles. Despite the immediate assault of sunshine and the purchase of a stupidly expensive new mattress (still worth every penny), I was contending with new work hours, new fears (OMG, driving) and people who seemed so nice (but wait, whats the catch?). Within two weeks I was Googling day spas, yoga studios, and meditation centers like a woman possessed.
RELATED: 8 Signs Youre Way Too Stressed (And How to Deal)
Thats when I came across Dream Reality Cinema in Beverly Hills. Not to be confused with your average popcorn-slinging movie theater, this one plays a single film designed to induce dream meditation. Think: eyes wide open, in a floating state of consciousness. Once students master that form of zen, they can move on to lucid dreaming, or the ability to stay conscious while dreaming. (Yup, that means you can control what happens in your dreams, Inception style.) And thats not all: Some believe you can achieve a higher level of thinking, problem solve more effectively, and tap into a greater world of creativity in such a state.
I made an appointment, and promptly added: Next-level ish to my to-do list.
Lucid Dreaming: The Premise
According to the founders, Hungarian philosopher and human cybernetics researcher Sandor Lengyel and physician Emese Toth, MD, the first step to dream meditation requires a bit of guidance. Thats where their 40-minute film comes in, based on 25 years worth of studies on dreaming, relaxation and meditative techniques.
As with other forms of meditation, dream meditation taps into your present thoughts, sensations and emotions, butyou guessed itin a sleepier state (my forte). And while wide-awake meditation practitioners have to deal with physical stimuli around them, dream meditation does two things differently.
[While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itself.
First, it removes those outside influences, allowing people to theoretically reach a meditative state more easily. As Lengyel puts it, Lucid dreaming is the perfect meditation, because there is no way for your conscious mind to interfere with the practice. Second, it increases the possibility for growth and change, since certain regions of the brain are more active in a dream-like state. (Namely, parts of the visual cortex, motor cortex and motion-sensory areas deep within the brain, according to some sleep experts.)
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Dr. Toth explains: When we are able to live consciously in our dreams, our colorful, real and memorable dream life can develop and become connected with our wakeful life. All this brain boosting on top of the traditional meditation benefits, like reduced anxiety, improved sleep and increased productivity, to name a few.
RELATED: True Life: 60 Minutes in a Sensory Deprivation Tank
Whats more, theres a healthy dose of Inception to lucid dreaming: The film [thats shown in the studio] provides a precisely engineered brain-regenerating program, says Dr. Toth. More specifically, it flips a switch on natural processes that have otherwise been turned off in our heads, such as the ability to think freely and creatively, she says.
This might be explained by the fact that during sleep-mode, the prefrontal area of the brain becomes less active. This is where logical reasoning resides. [While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itselfIt can behave naturally and unrestricted because nothing forces it to behave otherwise, Dr. Toth says. What results: Restoration, serenity, invigorationor, well, whatever your heart (or head) desires.
Dream Reality Cinema: The Experience
On the Uber ride to Dream Reality Cinema, I scrolled through the studios testimonials. Unlike anything Ive ever experienced before so relaxing My driver pulled up to the corner and I hopped out. No fluorescent marquee, but the whitewashed boutique was undeniably 90210-chic.
Inside, I checked in with the receptionist, who escorted me to the two-person cinema room. She invited me to take a seat in a cushy, zero-gravity leather chair. (Note to self: BYO meditation date?) It reclined just past 180 degrees, my head a few inches below my feet. My guide requested that my glasses come off. Sorry, but Im blind? Thats OK, she said. The super-fancy wraparound specs came on, and she directed my finger to the adjustable focus so even near-sighted folks like me could see.
Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
I asked if I could somehow take notes. She chuckled, assuming I was kidding, and handed me a plush blanket to tuck myself in. (She clearly did not know of my ability to text and Instagram in my sleep.) She asked if I need anything elsewater or tea? (Another note to self: BYO Swedish Fish.) I slipped my sandals off as the lights in the room faded to black.
To start the session, newbie lucid dreamers required a primer. A short, animated introduction video offered a few key tips. The first, Just let yourself react freely. Meaning: Do not force yourself to mediate, concentrate or, like this writer did, attempt to take mental notes for her article. When text appears on screen, do not zero in to read the words. Instead, maintain full-screen vision. That is, seeing everything at the same time. As you should do in life, as well, the creators explain. It was 4 p.m. and my brain-slash-life was already foggy from the day. Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
RELATED: This Is Your Body on Sleep Deprivation
What followed was a winding path of visualizations to coax me into the elusive conscious-yet-dreaming state. At one point I was prompted to imagine I was a tiny pebble falling into a vast body of water. I played along. Falling, falling and, sure enough, the rest gets fuzzy. My expertly-crafted sensory experience (just as I suspected) had turned into a warm and glorious slumber. How long was I asleep? Would the receptionist know?
I peeled my eyelids apart and settled back into the film, as I was coached to do. Positive affirmations floated to the screen. My thoughts drifted over to my new LA life, my people, my kittens, my self-worth, my ability to conquer whatever lies ahead. Basically, my inner Jessica was telling me I can do anything good!
I was conscious, that I knew. But was I getting closer to lucid dreaming mode? I waited patiently for my higher-level abilities to kick in. Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself. Just like Elliot from Mr. Robot chanted during his own reality-bending, hyper-woke episodes. But something (possibly my sudden hunger pangs or late-onset fidgeting) told me I wasnt quite there.
Moments later, the film concluded and my trusty guide tiptoed back in.
Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself.
Did I like the experience? I think so.
Did I feel different now than when I walked in? Sorta.
Did I manage to find a dream-like meditative state? Definitely maybe?
Like a kid who stole the Butterfinger and knew she had to come clean, I told her I maaayy have fallen asleep. Once. OK twice. Lady, I fell asleep three times. But I swear I didnt mean to!
She reassured me that was totally normal. In fact, most people do on their first visit, she said.
Living in a Dream: The Assessment
During my hour-long session, no, I did not learn how to lucid dream. And I shouldnt have expected to. Dr. Toth explains that lucid dreaming takes many sessions of practice and self-analysis. Only with continued practice will individuals learn to remember, control and eventually unlock valuable information stored deep in the subconscious mind.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently.
Instead, the dream meditation session teaches you a fundamental skill that you can build upon: [How] to have an active and independent consciousness instead of being a passive follower of someone or something, says Dr. Toth. Those guilty of moving robotically from one day to the next? Shes talking to us.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently. Sometimes we experience a more evolved way of thinking, a type of expansion, Dr. Toth says. This is where the so-called boost in creativity, memory function, and other positive changes take place.
As for the claims that dream meditation will normalize sleep or stress disorders? For me, TBD. While I did sleep like a champ that night, the founders emphasize that any long-term improvements will require a lengthier commitment.
So is this the ultimate brain hack? Or the most fantastical placebo effect this side of the San Andreas Fault? Maybe it doesnt matter. If youre taking 60 minutes of your day to clear some headspace, that in and of itself might be the win. At least it was for me.
Dream Reality Cinema has two locations: Los Angeles, California, and Budapest, Hungary. The studio currently offers one film, Dream Meditation, but is working on a new program, Active Dreaming, which will delve more deeply into lucid dreaming. Each session is $45 and a monthly unlimited membership is $200.
The post appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2vV4Gwy via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Jordan Shakeshaft, Life by Daily Burn
There was a time a few years back when I couldnt sleep more than four hours a night. I would stay up thinking about work and relationships and looming events. And Id wake in the middle of the night to the panic of a mish-mash of incomprehensible thoughtsor worse, the jagged whisper of my dads last breath. My bed wasnt a place of restorationit was a place of unrest. For someone who loves sleep more than hugs, high fives, and new kicks, this was source of major distress.
My problem wasnt uncommon: generalized anxiety disorder. But, like the other 6.8 million Americans with the scarlet A stamped across our furrowed foreheads, it was just life. And the plight of restless nights? I was in the company of 50 to 70 million. Thankfully, my sleep habits would slowly improve over timebut I could still count on one terrible, no-good, sub-five-hour sleep at least once a week.
Then, just last month I plopped that normal New York existence into a proverbial blender and pressed puree. I was moving to the Wellness-Obsessed Capital of the World: Los Angeles. Despite the immediate assault of sunshine and the purchase of a stupidly expensive new mattress (still worth every penny), I was contending with new work hours, new fears (OMG, driving) and people who seemed so nice (but wait, whats the catch?). Within two weeks I was Googling day spas, yoga studios, and meditation centers like a woman possessed.
RELATED: 8 Signs Youre Way Too Stressed (And How to Deal)
Thats when I came across Dream Reality Cinema in Beverly Hills. Not to be confused with your average popcorn-slinging movie theater, this one plays a single film designed to induce dream meditation. Think: eyes wide open, in a floating state of consciousness. Once students master that form of zen, they can move on to lucid dreaming, or the ability to stay conscious while dreaming. (Yup, that means you can control what happens in your dreams, Inception style.) And thats not all: Some believe you can achieve a higher level of thinking, problem solve more effectively, and tap into a greater world of creativity in such a state.
I made an appointment, and promptly added: Next-level ish to my to-do list.
Lucid Dreaming: The Premise
According to the founders, Hungarian philosopher and human cybernetics researcher Sandor Lengyel and physician Emese Toth, MD, the first step to dream meditation requires a bit of guidance. Thats where their 40-minute film comes in, based on 25 years worth of studies on dreaming, relaxation and meditative techniques.
As with other forms of meditation, dream meditation taps into your present thoughts, sensations and emotions, butyou guessed itin a sleepier state (my forte). And while wide-awake meditation practitioners have to deal with physical stimuli around them, dream meditation does two things differently.
[While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itself.
First, it removes those outside influences, allowing people to theoretically reach a meditative state more easily. As Lengyel puts it, Lucid dreaming is the perfect meditation, because there is no way for your conscious mind to interfere with the practice. Second, it increases the possibility for growth and change, since certain regions of the brain are more active in a dream-like state. (Namely, parts of the visual cortex, motor cortex and motion-sensory areas deep within the brain, according to some sleep experts.)
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Dr. Toth explains: When we are able to live consciously in our dreams, our colorful, real and memorable dream life can develop and become connected with our wakeful life. All this brain boosting on top of the traditional meditation benefits, like reduced anxiety, improved sleep and increased productivity, to name a few.
RELATED: True Life: 60 Minutes in a Sensory Deprivation Tank
Whats more, theres a healthy dose of Inception to lucid dreaming: The film [thats shown in the studio] provides a precisely engineered brain-regenerating program, says Dr. Toth. More specifically, it flips a switch on natural processes that have otherwise been turned off in our heads, such as the ability to think freely and creatively, she says.
This might be explained by the fact that during sleep-mode, the prefrontal area of the brain becomes less active. This is where logical reasoning resides. [While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itselfIt can behave naturally and unrestricted because nothing forces it to behave otherwise, Dr. Toth says. What results: Restoration, serenity, invigorationor, well, whatever your heart (or head) desires.
Dream Reality Cinema: The Experience
On the Uber ride to Dream Reality Cinema, I scrolled through the studios testimonials. Unlike anything Ive ever experienced before so relaxing My driver pulled up to the corner and I hopped out. No fluorescent marquee, but the whitewashed boutique was undeniably 90210-chic.
Inside, I checked in with the receptionist, who escorted me to the two-person cinema room. She invited me to take a seat in a cushy, zero-gravity leather chair. (Note to self: BYO meditation date?) It reclined just past 180 degrees, my head a few inches below my feet. My guide requested that my glasses come off. Sorry, but Im blind? Thats OK, she said. The super-fancy wraparound specs came on, and she directed my finger to the adjustable focus so even near-sighted folks like me could see.
Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
I asked if I could somehow take notes. She chuckled, assuming I was kidding, and handed me a plush blanket to tuck myself in. (She clearly did not know of my ability to text and Instagram in my sleep.) She asked if I need anything elsewater or tea? (Another note to self: BYO Swedish Fish.) I slipped my sandals off as the lights in the room faded to black.
To start the session, newbie lucid dreamers required a primer. A short, animated introduction video offered a few key tips. The first, Just let yourself react freely. Meaning: Do not force yourself to mediate, concentrate or, like this writer did, attempt to take mental notes for her article. When text appears on screen, do not zero in to read the words. Instead, maintain full-screen vision. That is, seeing everything at the same time. As you should do in life, as well, the creators explain. It was 4 p.m. and my brain-slash-life was already foggy from the day. Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
RELATED: This Is Your Body on Sleep Deprivation
What followed was a winding path of visualizations to coax me into the elusive conscious-yet-dreaming state. At one point I was prompted to imagine I was a tiny pebble falling into a vast body of water. I played along. Falling, falling and, sure enough, the rest gets fuzzy. My expertly-crafted sensory experience (just as I suspected) had turned into a warm and glorious slumber. How long was I asleep? Would the receptionist know?
I peeled my eyelids apart and settled back into the film, as I was coached to do. Positive affirmations floated to the screen. My thoughts drifted over to my new LA life, my people, my kittens, my self-worth, my ability to conquer whatever lies ahead. Basically, my inner Jessica was telling me I can do anything good!
I was conscious, that I knew. But was I getting closer to lucid dreaming mode? I waited patiently for my higher-level abilities to kick in. Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself. Just like Elliot from Mr. Robot chanted during his own reality-bending, hyper-woke episodes. But something (possibly my sudden hunger pangs or late-onset fidgeting) told me I wasnt quite there.
Moments later, the film concluded and my trusty guide tiptoed back in.
Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself.
Did I like the experience? I think so.
Did I feel different now than when I walked in? Sorta.
Did I manage to find a dream-like meditative state? Definitely maybe?
Like a kid who stole the Butterfinger and knew she had to come clean, I told her I maaayy have fallen asleep. Once. OK twice. Lady, I fell asleep three times. But I swear I didnt mean to!
She reassured me that was totally normal. In fact, most people do on their first visit, she said.
Living in a Dream: The Assessment
During my hour-long session, no, I did not learn how to lucid dream. And I shouldnt have expected to. Dr. Toth explains that lucid dreaming takes many sessions of practice and self-analysis. Only with continued practice will individuals learn to remember, control and eventually unlock valuable information stored deep in the subconscious mind.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently.
Instead, the dream meditation session teaches you a fundamental skill that you can build upon: [How] to have an active and independent consciousness instead of being a passive follower of someone or something, says Dr. Toth. Those guilty of moving robotically from one day to the next? Shes talking to us.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently. Sometimes we experience a more evolved way of thinking, a type of expansion, Dr. Toth says. This is where the so-called boost in creativity, memory function, and other positive changes take place.
As for the claims that dream meditation will normalize sleep or stress disorders? For me, TBD. While I did sleep like a champ that night, the founders emphasize that any long-term improvements will require a lengthier commitment.
So is this the ultimate brain hack? Or the most fantastical placebo effect this side of the San Andreas Fault? Maybe it doesnt matter. If youre taking 60 minutes of your day to clear some headspace, that in and of itself might be the win. At least it was for me.
Dream Reality Cinema has two locations: Los Angeles, California, and Budapest, Hungary. The studio currently offers one film, Dream Meditation, but is working on a new program, Active Dreaming, which will delve more deeply into lucid dreaming. Each session is $45 and a monthly unlimited membership is $200.
The post appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2vV4Gwy via IFTTT
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