#im planning to make a separate one for venom
astarionbae · 1 year
hiii!! apologies for not being familiar with your ocs, but are Rhyan Parker, Rian Parker, and Ryan Parker the multiverse variants of the same character?? asking since i noticed that they all have the same last name as well as similar first ones <33 also if you could give me some information on all three of them that would be awesome aksdkas (im sorry for asking but i wasn't sure from toggling their character tags :((
Yes, they're the same variant of each other!
Rhyan is in the Sam Raimi universe with Tobey's Spider Man as her twin brother. She gets bit by the same spider and becomes Spinnerett. Her costume is white and blue. She dates Harry Osborn (who I recast as Hayden Christensen) and is good friends with Mary Jane. In the third movie, where they fight against Venom and Harry's Green Goblin, She ends up dying from a pumpkin bomb blast on her own terms. Peter accepts this, but it still hurts him incredibly because it was her choice to save the day.
Rian is in Webb's universe with Andrew's Spider Man as her twin brother and is the ex girlfriend of Harry Osborn. She is just a normal girl who has a dream of being a fashion designer and she even made up concept art of what her brothers suit should look like and she actually makes his suit for the second movie. During the second movie, she befriends Max Dillion since she helps out at Oscorp with Gwen. She meets up with Harry who still isn't over the fact that they broke up because she always chose her brother over him and has a small resentment against Peter for that but still loves him as a friend. At the end of the movie, Gwen goes to Europe as planned and its up to Rian and Peter to stop Electro who knocked out the power grid. But then Harry comes in, mutated from the serum that turned him into the Green Goblin. With a pumpkin bomb, Rian falls from the platform on the clock tower and Peter catches her with a web. But Harry attacks Peter and the clock tower gears break, clipping the web that held Rian and she dies in the same manner that Gwen does in the movie.
Ryan is in the MCU with Tom's Spider Man and is a human who created her own rocket boots and got the Stark Internship. In Infinity War, she receives her own suit that's purple and black with a white Spider on the front and back. She gets separated from Peter when they enter space on the ship when trying to save Doctor Strange and the Guardians and Thor find her. She then meets up with Peter, Tony, and Strange on Titan, where they face down Thanos. During the fight, she jumps on the gauntlet to try and remove the Power stone as he uses it on Tony to bring down the moon to crush him. Using the stone created a blast and it shoots her back, with tendrils lingering around her body. Her body absorbed the blast and granted her with abilities such as creating force fields and being able to replicate powers from those around her. In No Way Home, she meets Peter's variants, who are all flabbergasted, especially Andrew's Peter, because before them, their sister alive and well. Then on the Statue of Liberty, she uses her powers to protect MJ from the pumpkin bomb blast and she ends up falling which calls for Andrew's Peter to save her.
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igzsatelier · 4 years
A Goofball & A Gooball
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• It took some time for Eddie and Venom to get use to each other's habits, there were complaints here and there, but they eventually made it work. It was like a finished puzzle! Except some pieces that're connected were ripped off and destroyed to make it look like it was meant to be there, even though it clearly wasn't because it's obviously wrong.
• Anyway
• Catching bad guys, eating bad guys, call them out to the news for their ugly acts was a routine. Get some juicy info about the bad guy, and then follow them into their lair before Venom eats all their brains. Then looting some money from them before reporting it to the police.
• Everyone knows about this mysterious beastly figure that always lurks in the shadows. It has a huge terrifying grin with lots of fangs and pale white eyes. Its skin as black as the night and has a long tongue and is extremely dangerous, proceed with caution! A demon, a beast, a monster! One that eats drug dealers and thieves, but it never mentioned killing innocent people. Venom was quite infamous.
• You almost refused to believe it. If it wasn't for the blurred beheaded bodies they showed on the news and on the newspaper, you had to swallow that truth down to your uneasy stomach. As long as you're not one of those who works for dirty money, you'll be fine.
• You either met Eddie first or you met Venom first. If you met Eddie first, the sight of him talking to somebody who wasn't there would probably weird you out. And when asked he would bluff his way out of there, or fail miserably and ends up embarrassing himself. If you met Venom first, you would definitely be creeped out by this tall hulking mass of dark monstrousity. Venom's aware of the effect he has on the others so he's not too bothered by it. He might mess with you a bit though, he thinks it's hilarious.
• Or maybe you met them in other circumstances. Did you saved and helped them, especially Venom? He'll be surprised and amused, but grateful nonetheless. Same goes to Eddie, and he might take you out to eat with him as thanks. Are you a hero? A vigilante? Okay cool, but Venom will get annoyed at you scolding him about eating people alive. They'll be dumbfounded yet excited to know if you were a mutant, that means you won't freak out once you knew about his bond with the symbiote.
• If you met Eddie first, he's very careful when it comes to friendships. He doesn't want you to run away because he's a monster after all. If you met Venom first, and didn't report him and calmed down after that, it'll make things a lot more easier for Eddie. If you're completely fine with it, then they would like to be friends with you, no worries.
• He doesn't have many friends, which was good because he doesn't want to explain why his earpiece looks oily and fluid. He's friends with Dan and Annie, but he didn't tell them that Venom lived. Apparently that backfired when they both heard the news about Venom and got angry at him, much to Eddie's embarrassment. So you knowing about Venom, he would appear occasionally whenever you hang out with Eddie, and Eddie would sometimes tell you what's he talking about his symbiote.
• They would crash by your place if they're too injured to go further anymore. You didn't mind and let them stay in your home for the night. Sometimes would invite you to his apartment, whatever it is, you could be helping with his reports. Sometimes Eddie would invite you to his apartment, whatever it is, you could be helping him with his reports or workout with him or just hang out with him and tell each other your days.
• His realisation when it comes to liking you more than just a friend would be a lot slower if Venom wasn't involved. He's like that schoolgirl who always admire her crush from far away with a dopey smile + a little devil encouraging her infatuation. Since he's bonded to an alien, he'll be hesitant. He's worried that you'll think of him differently because of Venom.
• For Venom, if you genuinely like him and his host, and care about them, he will have great interest in you. He's eager to reciprocate that likeness... by making you his. Venom's a pretty simple symbiote, if he likes you-- he likes you. Venom will tell Eddie how he thinks of you, and sometimes bug him to go see you again. If Eddie denies, then he'll take over his body and visit you anyway.
• Eddie's smile and laughter would be a lot happier, and Venom will come out more.Venom will encourage Eddie to touch you more so Venom could wrap his slimy tendrils around you, your body covered with some of his scent. Venom will have his turn to hang out with you, which means you'll be seeing his full body instead of just his floating head.
• Eddie will be suggestive from time to time, but it mostly comes off as him bluffing and being playful. On the other hand, Venom will flat out tell you that he wants you and being a cheeky shit. It doesn't help Eddie when Venom started to tell him his fantasies of you, making the reporter guilty and nervous the next time he meets you.
• They will stalk you, in a good way! They wanted to make sure you're not in trouble and that you return home safely. You may be bothered by it, and told them to quit it. They did, but only if you let them be there beside you!
• Venom will lick you. He wants to know how sweet and delicious you taste. He won't bite your head off so you don't have to worry, but you should probably wipe the drool off your face. Whether you like it or not, he will lick you. He'll trail the tip of his tongue close to your lips and nip at your shoulder teasingly, tell you he wants you but won't kiss you. Venom doesn't want to make you uncomfortable or scared of him, says the alien who keeps licking at you almost everytime he meets you.
• Venom's so very touchy that you can sense it from a mile away. Touch your hair, nuzzle his face into your shoulder, pulling you into a bear hug and he's not ashamed of it. He takes every chances to be as close to you as possible, and if you don't like it, he'll stay away. The least he could do was coil a tendril around your wrist.
• Eddie and Venom would be upset if you're not interested in them, but they're persistent. They'll keep trying to convince you that you want them too, with careful words and hesitant touches, before realising that it's no point when you didn't show any interest in them at all. It would take time before it's back to being platonic buddies again, without any tongue action.
• Venom's sensitive with senses. Which means he'll be able to tell when you're sad, when you're mad, and when you're... excited. Once he figures out that it was because of him that you're excited, boundaries are out of the question! He still has some manners, so he won't go too far. But will use it against you to coax out how you really feel about him and Eddie.
• They'll be very happy if you like them too, and they won't hesitate to kiss you, with your permission of course. Eddie's kiss would be sweet and caring. Venom's kiss would be just him tasting you as much as he can before you needed air to breathe. Now that they know you like them, prepare for a lot canoodling!
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fruitycircus · 2 years
ok quick rundown of my take of that laserblast & venomous are brothers au i drew earlier. ill probably revise this later with images & junk but im just gonna go through it now and update later.
it also might be nice to mention that this was based on my own speculation of the connection between lb & pv back in 2019, all pre-big reveal & lets get shadowy
soo laserblast and later venomous were born between two heroes in neo riot city (im not sure if id get into the parents but id say one was human and the other some type of lizard/snake mutant) laser got his folk's powers and good looks, and venomous didn't, tho he did recieve some mutant traits including always being ourple.
fast forward a couple years to when POINT has been a solid team for a while now with laserblast himself, foxtail, and dr. greyman, and also silverspark, el bow, and rippy roo a bit later. venomous had been offered to enroll in POINT prep so he could join the team by his big brother, but as of right now venomous holds it off and says he's busy with his own personal studies, all of which are based on glorbs (like what theyre made of, if they can be modified wink wink nudge nudge, etc) but he is able to take on the offer. he currently studies in a separate building disguised as a common shop winkity wink wink. tho he admits its a tad bit suspicious, ven claims that he means no harm and just uses the building as a controlled work zone for his projects. only he and laser know about this location, and ven says he doesnt trust POINT with this information but plans to tell them when he can confirm his tests are stable and safe to use. he also recently aquired a test rat from a science program that "re-inhabits" lost critters for the sake of science. although ven just didnt have the heart to use her for his projects, thus she treats her more like a pet / friend / child and names her fink
now would also be a good time to mention laser & ven's own issues; laser's is unchanged from canon (abt him feeling that his powers are mid compared to his team and how he felt like he couldnt be himself even with his girlfriend carol and what he was capable for doing compared to her.) ven, although content with his complete lack of powers, struggles with being seen. his brother is the laserblast for crying out loud, he often feels overshadowed and/or just known as laserblast's sibling. he wants to make a name for himself with his own passion. yeah, being offered to possibly join POINT is an amazing opportunity, but ven isnt sure if huge superhero teams are his calling. all he knows that science is something he likes but is unsure if his current experiments are something he'll do forever. he wants a life that he doesnt have and an opportunity that doesnt exist...yet!
anyways, ven and fink goes out into the city to get more supplies for his experiments, but while he was gone greyman enters the "donut shop" and then its all downhill from here: greyman alerts the team of a possibly villain living there (again, laser was the only one who knew that ven was doing this), foxtails sends laser, silverspark, and el bow to investigate, laser offers to "check the perimeter" and tries to cover up his brother's work, which all leads up to the sandwich incident where laserblast is presummed to be shrunk or teleported or whatever. POINT recieves the news and his heartbroken about the loss of their beloved hero... but we all know he survived by escaping into a sewer pipe and left the scene.
the next morning, laser tries to go back to the surface and explain everything to the team but is confronted by ven. he doesnt know how to feel knowing his life work was destroyed, why laser almost abandoned his team / girlfriend in the moment, or just really what laserblast was thinking. laser and ven squabble for a moment until laser straight up tells ven to confirm that he is dead and isnt coming back, and then leave. ven assumes hes bluffing and waits...and waits...and...uh oh.
a few weeks pass and POINT is nearly in shambles. el bow was fired since he was blamed for laser's disappearance, rippy roo starts looking into atomic physics, greyman starts building chip damage, and carol is confirmed to be pregnant with laser's baby. during all of this, ven tries to contact POINT about the truth about the sandwich incident, but no one is able to give him the time of day to listen. this breaks him to bits, he knew POINT didnt know him that well, but they were just straight up ignoring him now. he felt so powerless knowing that his brother was alive and probably wouldnt bother coming up after what he (and carol) said. what was ven supposed to do without his big brother in the w-
wait a minute!
ven has an epiphany: with his brother no longer a thing, he's no longer in laser's shadow and could do whatever he wanted to now!! sure its grim, but its true. POINT never gave a second thought about him so its not like they'd reach out now! and soon enough venomous started studying bioengineering and making various projects and weapons and even begins working with glorbs again, although rather than just studying them he dives deeper into their effects and how they can be used a power supplies, both as actual energy and powerups for heroes. he also invents what would be the turbo collar, to which he gives to his daughter / now (maybe-self-proclaimed?) minion fink!! however, a problem did arise: no hero was willing to buy his projects feeling as if they were made with ill intent. some villains did reach out to purchase and although ven was skeptical they sure did pay a pretty peny for it, not to mention he did realize that he had some sharing ideals with them, and before everyone knew in ven broke into the villain market and became who we know today as professor venomous. sometimes he missies his brother, but he now considers it a lost cause and not much we can do about it today. from here on out everything about him lines up to the show's events (we're captured, villains night out/in, etc)
on a more somber note, laser stayed under the city weeping about being far weaker than he was before. he begins physically deteriorating into something he could even reconinze. but even at his lowest point, he refused to give up. he needed his powers back and then sum. he wants his old life back to the way everything was. he remebered some of his bro's studies about glorbs, but only the results of each experiment. he had to learn how to reverse engineer it all by himself, and thats what he set himself to do. but how was he supposed to get glorbs? steal them? well, yeah, i guess. and thus changed lase- no, shadowy figure's trajectory and goal. he travels though the city system to steal glorbs from various hideouts, stores, etc. and once the city ran dry, he jumped to the next town over and rinse and repeat until he went to lakewood plaza turbo, home of the elusive glorb tree which would of gave shadowy an almost lifetime supply of glorbs for him. when we wasn't stalking to plaza and being a creep, he was working with the glorbs he stole to make them regain his original powers and more permanently.
the thing is, he actually did have a power that survived. y'know that purple depower bubble TKO can make?? yeah, shadowy is completely immune to that. you cant mess with something that isnt there. it might seem usless considering not many heroes possess that type of power, but it sure can come in handy when your son, specifically his evil alter ego, tries to attack.
aaaand thats it!! ill probably have to look back at this later but for know here it is in all of its angst-fueled glory. moral of the story? you can both be the evil twin. ty and goodnight!!!!
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gaysonlyocean · 2 years
What are the villains so far in it? What're your takes on the classic villains of Spider-Man?
apologies for the delay i went apeshit over recieving a ask at last jhgfghj
im still working out whos in it and whos left on the cutting room floor cause kjhgfgh theres so many different villains yknow but i currently have seven villains, and all but two of them are solid and have actual stuff i can share
those 7 are doctor octopus, kraven the hunter, venom, green goblin, norman osborn whos separate to gobby in this cause i saw that idea and was inspired, the rhino and sandman
gonna put my details on them under the cut cause i have Things To Say
ok so doc ock in this universe is as per usual otto octavius and hes a man in his late 40s who wears hawaiian shirts all the time
i love raimiverse so rosie is here too and married to him and shes trying her best
so his backstory is he made the arms to make a safer and more direct form of manipulating control rods in nuclear reactors, but he didnt believe 1. it would fail or 2. anyone but him would be up for doing the test run, instead he opted for a "if you want something done right do it yourself" approach
and taking a moment to say the plant he picked out for the demostration is where pearl foggers, our spiderperson here, dad and stepmum work
thats a surprise tool that will help no one later
so the demostration happens and everything seems to work as planned but during the whole immediate celebration the power started rising uncontrollably and caused a explosion, of the people in the room with him otto was the only survivor due to the fact he wasnt able to move from where he was standing and had the arms to shield him
he ends up really fucked up from this cause of both shrapnel and burns but also radiation exposure cause while the rest of the plant were able to shut down the reactor so there was only about a minute or so of it being open thats still a lot of radiation and also of course the bog standard getting fused to the arms
and furthermore it takes a good few hours for rescuers to get to him so he was just stuck pinned down and surrounded by dead bodies for a bit which isnt very good for your mental health yknow
anyway he finally gets rescued and then has to spend three months in a isolation ward to recover which is incredibly painful considering the amount of damage and is made worse cause everything he was wearing that could be removed had to be destroyed including his wedding ring
only to find once hes given the clear that he can go home that hes being painted as villain for the accident even through he tried everything he could to stop the power rise and has no idea what caused it
and his reaction to this is "if theyre going to call me a villain, a villain i shall be"
moving on to kraven who is in the art ive posted, we have miss evpratsiya olesya kravinoff, whos built like rhea ripley
shes this 6'7 woman who is just as insane as any other kraven out there and its great, like she will start mauling you and also due to the fact ill have to remake her ref she is going around tits out while doing all of this too
she hasnt even got like a fuckign kjhgfghj reason to be this way shes just insane and went to serbia to get mutated to be even more insane and THEN she shows up in the plot she didnt have to do that she just did
and then THEN she arrives in new york and sees spider-fire and is just "that is a child" and openly says "hey im not going to fight a child leave now or else"
and pearl, being 1. a spiderperson and 2. a 13 year old says no!! im goign to stop you from doing crime!! and evpratsiya just shrugs and starts throwing blades at spider-fire WHO SHE INSTANTLY CLOCKS AS BEING A 13 YEAR OLD MAAM CALM DOWN
and like,,, she also stalks pearl for a bit to find out the perfect time to strike and the one redeeming part of this behaviour is she refuses to go after flick if flickers not doing spidey stuff cause thats not honourable while actively stalking this CHILD
she wont stop being this way, shes jsut insane and running around with her titties just out to try to violently kill a child
oh also shes engaged to calypso, we stan a insane lesbian
that whole,,, thing aside we are moving onto venom!! instead of a human disaster we have another 13 year old!!
so pearls best friend is this kid called daisy peachley and theyve both been friends for years bonding over being nonbinary and not neurotypical cause pearls autistic and daisy has adhd
but the problem is daisy has a MASSIVE crush on pearl but pearl doesnt feel the same way cause ones aroace but hasnt jhgfgh had that realisation yet
and cause theyre close daisy knows pearl hasnt ever had a crush on anyone and rationalises how pens feelings wont be returned so instead shes just agonising over it and pining aggressively
some infomation about daisy is pen is fostered but isnt exactly in the best situation aka the apartment is full of other foster kids who are all being basically neglected so daisy spends pens time out of the house
this all leads to one day at like 4am daisys out and about as per usual but instead of just messing around shes having a bad time and is doign some arson cause as kids pen and pearl used to spend a lot of time in this lil tiny shack they made for funsies and daisy has been maintaining it ever since while pining over the feelings and pens had enough and burns it to the ground
as this is happening pen sees something fall from the sky and as a 13 year old who is going through it she decides to check it out
and if youve seen the blob then we have the scene were dan the can man picks up the blob with a stick and it falls onto his hand but its daisy seeing the symbiote
obviously this is very scary to a child but whats more scary? the sound of people approaching!! so daisy makes a break for it
and then doesnt show up to school for a week to get used to this situation
now kjhgfghj the problem comes with a angry traumatised 13 year old being combined with venom so pens foster parents get cronched and then the two of them are just doing the worst way to cope with all these feelings by taking it out on everyone
in lighter news we have my green goblin!!! its fucking terrifying
so pov: you are norman osborn, you make the serum and your trying to find out the uses for it all, you sign papers allowing all kinds of experimentation not really caring for what your funding
and you get more than you bargained for
gobby here is a 9 foot tall embodiment of destruction and chaos and that knows who is responsible for its being here
it was "born" in january of 2017, and it escaped in october and oh how it had a plan
but in more kjhgfghj light news the first thing that experienced was the joy of trick or treaters thinking its cool and all thats clothes came from a halloween store and a weird lil girl who gave it her witch hat
after that it wasnt seen for several more months aside from some glances such as being seen on cctv and so on until that found where norman osborn lives and made itself at home
now norman canonly dies in this universe and thats important to gobbys arc cause that doesnt let the world know its out there until norman is no more as that was spending all its time terrorising him for fun and well, that enrichment is gone now, and that wants to play
speaking of norman in this universe is a fuck! :)
pearl already didnt like him prior to the bite cause he owns the building flick lives in and keeps bringing the rent up so everyones struggling and when you see how that effects your family yoru gonna form some strong opinions
i will admit i dont have a lot for him but i do have he has his whole terrorism thing going on by calling himself the green terror and doign that shit after work which leads to his death and thats kjhgfghj all i have but its more than what i have for flint
moving on!! rhino is very heavily inspired by tssm cause i love it so much
his full name is aleksei o'hirn-sytsevich but everyone whos not his mothers side of the family call him alex and hes a trans man!! his mums a first generation russian immigrant and his dads a third generation irish immigrant but he doesnt feel like he belongs to either culture
hes got giganticism! hes pretty good at not causing problems for himself or others by being big but when he was younger he was like a bull in a china shop
his backstory here is he was just a petty thief but then he ended up seeing somethings he shouldnt have and even though he wasnt gonna tell he was still grabbed for it to be safe and then just sorta gaslit and manipulated to getting the suit on so he couldnt tell people
as fucked up as that is hes jsut going along with it jhfdghj like it could be worse hes not dead yknow
and lastly sandman!! i really dont have a lot im afraid
i do have hes a amab enby and is in a relationship with alex cause once again i love tssm and hes got a death hawk that he never properly styles cause he cant be bothered to kjhgfghj
what little i have of a origin for him is just oscorp is involved and its all started cause of alexs disappearence cause he Knows he wouldnt just skip town without telling like 12 people first
so welcome to this essay im so normal
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domthedevil · 3 years
could you do asmo for the be gentle series but also add in a little bit of overstimulation because it's asmo and it feels fitting
It’s so fitting it hurts haha. I know he’d probably hold back a little for your first time, but that doesn’t mean he won’t have his own fun with you. Fuck I love Asmo. Mammon is next!
Be Gentle pt 5
Warnings: Asmo x AFAB!MC, loss of virginity
The discussion took an unexpected turn when Asmo mentioned how you felt about sex, your experience, and what you wanted to do. He definitely didn’t intend for it end in a bet over you. His brothers were so insensitive. And the fact that the relationship between all of you had worked until now was still a mystery to him.
“I’m sure when they’re ready it’ll be me they come too, but could we move on?” Asmo was hoping for a semi serious discussion.
Even his usual quip didn’t break up the brothers arguing. And when it seemed to be futile to try again, he excused himself and made his way to his room. He may be an expert in lust, but that also gave him experience as a lover. It’s a lot more important than just sex when it’s with someone you love. Maybe a little hot steam on his pores would make him feel better...
A knock at his door later that night surprised him, but when he saw it was you he was more happy than anything else. It wasn’t unusual to see you before you went to bed. A little face mask or talk with Asmo always eased your anxieties and sleeping came easier when you weren’t stressed out.
“Oh? Did you need some stress relief?” His usual flirty tone made your heart flutter a moment.
“S-something like that...”
You didn’t know how to discuss things exactly. So you were straightforward. Even Asmo couldn’t help the redness on his cheeks, it almost felt like confessing again. Asmo’s soft smile, the genuine smile only he showed you, made your heart pound.
“MC...You’re so adorable, the way you came to me.” The giddiness he’d been holding back came out a moment before growing serious again. “I promise I’ll be gentle. Let me love you.”
With his arms wrapped around you, you followed him to the bed. Your own arms hugged him tightly as he hovered over you. You kissed him roughly, eager and excited to be in his hands. Asmo’s chuckle was muffled against your lips, he thought this side of you was so cute. So tempting.
“It’s good to start slow...” Asmo whispered before pulling at your clothes. Lifting your shirt above your head, Asmo left kisses behind every spot his fingers touched. “There are lots of ways to feel good. And I want to show you all of them.”
You swallowed hard. Growing warm from his words alone. Your hands rubbed at his shoulders, wanting to rip his clothing off as well. You wanted to see the body you had always wished was pressed against yours. But the kisses and nibbles he planted were keeping you from moving. Each one a sweet paralysis; the sweet venom from the Avatar of Lust.
“Asmo...” it was a short but effective whine. He felt his member twitch at the sound.
His nibbles grew harder as he made work of the rest of your clothing. Asmo took a deep breath as he admired your bare body. Using his hands to memorize every dip and curve as he lowered himself to keep kissing your body. Long fingers traced X’s and O’s down your thighs toward the warmth between your legs.
You felt a little guilty receiving all this attention without returning, but Asmo assured you he was getting just what he needed this way. Emphasizing his words by stroking the obvious bulge between his own legs. Dipping his face lower, Asmo teasingly licked at your folds, tasting you like sweet honey. Your hips shook as he indulged himself. Using a skilled tongue to burrow inside you.
“As-Asmo.” Your moans left as a sigh. Sweet sensations of warmth and electricity shot through your body as he suckled on your delicate pearl. Your fingers buried themselves in his beautiful and soft hair. Needing to hold on to something. His own fingers found refuge inside your dripping entrance. Your walls were stretched against his soft fingers. The tips of his digits graced a soft spot inside you that made your hips jerk.
“You must be enjoying yourself. You’re expression is so lewd. Think I can make you come from this?”
“Mmn-! I’m really close already Asmo...”
“You’re so cute MC...” his voice trailed off as your thighs pressed against his face. He was back to teasing your most sensitive spots. It didn’t take much more of his magic fingers to build the warmth between your legs to its peak. Squeezing the fingers inside you roughly, your moan cracked in your throat as you shook. Licking his lips, Asmo watched your body twist and relax as you came down from your first high. He used this moment to remove his own clothing. He loved the way you watched him, how you eyed his cock. Taking your hand in his, he guided your hand to his twitching length.
“Touch me, MC. Please?”
Of course you obliged, eagerly moving your hand up and down as he took your breath away. Asmo’s kisses were fierce, deep, and mind blowing. He somehow knew all the things you loved. The little nibbles and long breaths he teased you with made you forget where you were a moment.
Pressing his body against yours, Asmo moved his hands to lift your hips. Aligning them with his own. You could feel his cock rub up and down your slick covered walls. He was so tempted to dive right in, but he wanted to take it slower. However the tip of his cock continuously hit your over sensitive clit. Making the heat from your core almost burst as you came again.
“A-Asmo! It feels so good.” Your whimper made Asmo’s heart almost stop. You looked so erotic, and you were saying all the things he’d always wanted to hear from you. Of course treating you how you deserved came naturally for the love struck demon.
“Touching me made you that excited hm?” His teasing whisper was hot against your ear as he lifted your hips again. “I can feel how wet you’ve become...I want to make you feel good.” Stealing your lips again, you moaned against his. “Tell me if you need me to stop. I love you.” Your face was on fire already, but now it burned even hotter. You nodded shyly, letting him ease himself inside you.
A sudden pain shot through you a moment. Hearing a sharp hiss, Asmo halted to see if you were okay. When you kissed him again he moved. Feeling stretched and full like you’ve never felt before, the pain dulled to a slow ache. Asmo’s hips had stopped moving about half way inside you. Your hand cupped his cheek as you looked into his rose and gold eyes.
“I love you too....I’m ready for more.”
Humming affectionately, Asmo pressed further inside you. His curving length touching the soft spot he had fingered before, making your back arch off the mattress. You were more sensitive than ever, you could almost feel every ridge and vein on his beautiful cock. Asmo’s hips moved in slow fluid motions. Whispering encouraging and loving words. He loved showering you in affection.
“MC...you feel so good. So tight. How is it?”
“G-good! It feels so good having you inside me.”
His hips moved faster as he listened to you describe it. How good his dick felt. And he shared how good your walls sucking him in, like you didn’t want him to pull out, felt in return. The previous orgasms had your blood screaming. Every movement, even just the feel of his breath against your neck, made the heated coil in your core build. It felt different from the ones before. Somehow stronger.
Asmo chanted your name against your neck, moist with a sheen of sweat. Your arms wrapped around him as he continued to pick up his pace.
“I’m so happy you’re here MC. I’ve always wanted to make you feel this good. To hear your sweet voice crack and whine for me.” His words tickled your ear and made your clit twitch. “And I can show you so much more. Tell me what you want MC...”
“Come...I want to come so badly Asmo. I feel so hot, like I’m on fire.”
“Good MC...me too. Im burning up for you.”
Kissing without thinking, untrained and messy, you both locked lips as if you would run out of air otherwise. Your grip around him tightened as his thrusts angled deeper into you. The grip on your hips tighten as well, you were convinced you’d be bruised after. Cursing between gritted teeth you felt Asmo release deep in you, adding to the unbearable heat inside you. The feeling of being stretched even more brought you tumbling over the edge with him. Asmo gasped lowly as your walls squeezed around him once more. Filling you to the brim, Asmo almost couldn’t hold himself up anymore. Everything about this experience was better than he could have ever planned.
Separating slowly, Asmo sat on his knees to look down at you again. Your afterglow was stunning, he only wished he had more mirrors to show you how you looked. Kissing you sweetly on the cheek, he asked you if you were okay.
“More than okay...that was amazing.”
“I’m so happy to hear you say that. There’s a lot more Id love to show you.”
“I can’t wait. For now...could we...do it again?”
Asmo’s face hurt from how wide his grin grew.
“Of course, my love.”
This is a continuation of a requests, read the rest here:
Be Gentle (Levi x AFAB!MC)
Be Gentle (Belphegore x AFAB!MC)
Be Gentle (Satan x AFAB!MC)
Be Gentle (Beelzelbub x AFAB!MC)
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cynic-weaver · 3 years
Izaya Orihara feared nothing
His twin sisters! He laughs
Shizu-chan the beast of delinquents! He mocks him with no fear to be smelt in the air.
Denis! Izaya might of giggled at the thought.
But all Gods have weakness Izaya found that out the hard way, as two lifeless black as ink eyes stared into his red ones. Fear falling onto him like a wave, the raven cursed Denis with every fibre of his being hearing the Russians snickers in his mind
As those fish fell infront of him. Shaking his head fastly wishing the fish to just leave but sadly not all wishes come true. 5 minutes has past and Izaya felt like a werido staring at the fish with a shaking knife in his pale slim fingers. The ravens ruby eyes glanced around the shop too spot Shizu-chan, the blonde seemed to not notice the ravens distress, but Izaya can imagine the mocking/teasing from the idot if he told him... But then a scary thought pasted Izaya's mind, he would be disappointing Simon if he didn't.
The thought of Simon sad at him made Izaya feel werid like a messy ugly slim feeling in his gut. So Izaya decided to swallow his massive pride.
With somewhat confident strides the raven moved towards the taller blonde taping his bulky shoulder, wishing to die right there and then.
Shizou turned to see the smaller man not looking at him "What know flea-kun!" he asked rather quickly until he noticed Izaya's usually smirking porcelain face that would leave him feeling werid. Now with a red tint across his cheeks pouting and his eyes looking everywhere other than the blonde.
"... Im in need of a certain type of assistant its of certain distress."... Was that Izaya's way of asking for help it made Shizou grin slightly.
"Sorry as you say Im an idot so please.. Dumb it down for me. " Shizoou could see Izaya trying to will him away with his mind the blush getting bigger.
"... I n-need your... He..."
"Sorry what was that"
"I need your... help" the 'help' was barely hear able.
"I didnt quite catch that."
The little stomp of Izaya's foot only made Shizou's grin larger 'I need your help"
"You only had to ask." Shizou said his grin still presence, Izaya kept reminding himself this was for Simon.
Shizou stopped a bit confused to why? A pile of dead fish were before him. And why Izaya was practically hiding behind him.
"Cut!" Izaya demanded placing a small knife in the blondes large hands. This is where Shizou learned handling a knife as easy as Izaya and Denis make it look, he couldnt cut a straight line, the blondes temper was slipping as the knife slipped out of his grasp for the third time. But his thoughts where torn as he felt a sudden weight on his back and small fragile hands slipping under his rough large once and the knife being taken from his harsh grip.
"What the hell Iza-"
The blonde waiters annoyed growl stopped as he saw an adorable sight before him if he thought Izaya was red before then he was wrong. The raven face was the same colour as his pretty eyes, with his cheeks puffed out clearly huffy and narrow eyes in a concentrated glare. That held non of the venom nor smugness, when Izaya saw Shizou staring at him he hide his more in the blondes back.
Shizou decided to draw his attention to just how small Izaya's hands where compared to his. How perfectly they fell into place and cut the fish with enough professionalism it made you think he was doing this since birth. A little in awe the blonde just stared a 'wow' coming out of his mouth. Once the job was done and the two men separated Shizou felt a little werid like he wanted that too continue the moment.
"You have big hands Shizu-chan" Izaya mumbled in awe the blush still on his face as the raven traced his hands.
"You know what they say about big hands!" both men jumped at the sudden voice and whipped there head around too see a girl with a hat sitting on a stool. Smiling at them, both men didn't even hear her come in.
But she pressed on "Hey Im Erika! Who does it feel to be the definition of love!"
Denis sat there his mouth gaping like a fish, his plan to get back at his little protege for scaring him with the twins had just blew up in his face. As Simon said like an idot. Almost reading Denis's thoughts.
" Summer love, Denis"
"Its March man shut up" Denis snapped
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
The Fire In Your Eyes: Chapter Thirty
Characters: Arthur Morgan x Original Female Character
Rating: The whole series will be E, 18+ ONLY for violence, gore, character deaths, animal deaths, parent deaths, swearing, grief, sexual themes and unprotected sex, mentions of miscarriage, hanging.
Summary: Saved by Arthur Morgan when her town is attacked, a young woman’s past comes back to haunt her when she has no choice but to join the Van der Linde Gang.
Some scenes and dialogue have been taken from the game!
Read on AO3
The Fire In Your Eyes Masterlist
Please don’t copy, steal or re-post my work; credit does not count.
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The sky was beautiful, a light blue and a dusky pink in some areas, orange in others.
Ada gazed at the colours, watching the sun slowly set behind the hills far away. All around her, crickets trilled gently and birds whistled softly. It was so still, so peaceful. 
Folding her arms, she rubbed at one of them lightly, looking towards the faint outline of the mountains beyond the hills, Mount Hagen somewhere amongst them.
She hadn’t wanted to die. The moment the bullet had passed through Dutch to her, the numbness had fallen away, crumbled, and she knew she wanted to live. So fiercely she wanted to live, and it was all that had gone round and round in her mind as Arthur had taken her down to Valentine. Coming in and out of consciousness, she’d felt terrifying waves of fear, anger, grief, denial, and, in one moment, she truly thought she had died as finally peace had suddenly washed over her.
A corner of her mouth lifted a little. Morphine would do that.
Somehow, deep in her mind, she’d always known that the final moments on the mountain was what it would come down to; her or Dutch, one way or another. And, once upon a time, she wouldn’t have known what decision he’d have made.
They hadn’t spoken about what had happened since the night before they’d returned home. There seemed to be an unspoken agreement that they wouldn’t, not yet... though she’d had to with Thom, barely an hour after they’d arrived, in fact.
That had been a week ago, and he and Charlotte had left the next day, the former still cold towards her, the latter reluctant and apologetic.
“He just needs time,” her sister-in-law had murmured to her as they’d embraced, her lovely features full of concern for both of the O’Driscoll siblings.
“I know.”
Ada wasn’t angry at him, though, and she certainly didn’t blame him for being so, either.
Mercifully, they’d managed to prevent Millie from catching on to anything that had happened, despite the heated argument. She just thought her mother had caught a cold and bruised her stomach so “gentle hugs for a little while, angel.”
While she couldn’t help but dwell on her brother and his hissed words to her, full of a venom of a former self, there had been some bright moments since then, and not just from Millie making her laugh every day. John had written, telling them he’d wasted no time in asking Abigail to marry him... and she’d said yes. Ada had cried into her morning cup of tea while Arthur had grinned and grinned, reading the words over and over.
The wedding was due to be in a week’s time, and, as a result of her now strained relationship with her brother, Millie would be going with them, something the little girl was very excited about. Ada and Arthur didn’t think they could ever be separated from her again, anyway. Sadie and Charles would be there, too, naturally, and it was nice, having something to look forward to.
She should feel well enough to ride by herself, then, too, even though they’d take the wagon for Millie’s comfort. Her wound was healing, slowly, but healing. The first few days after they’d returned she’d just slept and eaten and drunk and slept, more exhausted than she had known, the argument with Thom having not exactly helped.
And, through it all, Arthur had been... well, Arthur. She’d never loved him more than she did right now. He’d tended to her, looked after Millie and kept her entertained, looked after the animals and had even started drawing up plans for the new stable. She’d catch the way he’d looked at her sometimes, though; sometimes grateful, other times like he was afraid, like he was reliving the days in Valentine, like he’d been reminded once again of how very much human they were.
They would just be brief moments, though, and then he would smile, fear turning to love. She knew he was waiting for a sign of melancholia, too, but none came. She’d learned to not just wait around for the spells or dwell on the possibility of them, knowing that, though they would come, they would also go, as surely as night turned to day, and life would continue on as it always did.
“Well, if that ain’t the prettiest sight in all the land. Sun ain’t bad either.”
Her lips twitched as Arthur pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his arms sliding around her. She leaned back against his chest with a quiet sigh, her hands settling over his.
“How long did it take you to think of that one?”
“‘bout thirty minutes. I’ve been stood by the window just starin’ at you.”
She laughed, the fingers on one hand lacing with his. “Wow, quicker than last time.”
“Yeah, I’m gettin’ there.”
Ada laughed again, and he smiled, pressing another kiss to the top of her head.
“You okay?” he murmured into her hair, and she nodded, tilting her head to lean it back against his shoulder.
“Yeah.” She traced light, absent-minded patterns on the back of his hand with a finger tip, the sky now turning from dusky pink to fiery red. “There’s gonna be good weather tomorrow.”
“Looks so. I was thinkin’ of goin’ out tomorrow, doin’ some huntin’ while Millie is havin’ her lessons with Martha.” His chin rested on her shoulder as he rocked her slightly. “Thought maybe you’d like to join me, if you feel up to it.”
He had to lift his head a little as she turned hers, smiling softly at him. “I’d love to.”
“All righ’. You can hold my coat while I shoot down that Grizzly that’s been spotted, I think I can get ‘im...”
Ada shook her head as she turned in his arms to face him, her lips twitching. “You’re a very funny man.”
His smile was wide, very much pleased with himself. “I know that by how much you laugh.”
“I should stop encouraging you.”
“Oh, you can try, sweetheart, but I see miserable failure...” he murmured, lowering his head towards hers.
And he was right. She couldn’t stop her smile as he captured her lips in a tender kiss, his fingers splaying across her back. Barely moments later, her arms slid up and draped around his neck, her lips moving slowly against his. He teased her for a few moments, his tongue gliding against her mouth, and just as a soft sound came from the back of her throat, he pulled away, one corner of his mouth higher than the other.
“C’mon, there’s still a God damn load of cake left that I am not lettin’ go to waste.”
“You and your insatiable appetite, Mr Morgan.”
He grinned at her as he took her hand, their fingers lacing together. “Oh, I’m insatiable all righ’, Mrs Morgan.”
And she failed again.
Her laugh was carried across their land by the gentle breeze, lifting it through the trees and into the air as she followed her husband into their home.
And life continued on.
The End
  I just wanted to take a few moments to thank each and every one of you for reading this story. I spent about a year planning it and writing the first half, then as lockdown here came in March, I thought why the heck don’t I just start posting it? And here we are, thirty chapters later!! I can’t quite believe I’ve done it, this is the first series I ever started writing and my longest to date.
I want to say a special, huge and just brimming with love thank you to those who have commented. You genuinely kept me going at times and I really can’t thank you enough, you all hold such a special place in my heart.
I’m sorry for making you all wait so long for the final two chapters! I wanted to make sure I was happy with them and that they were the best they could be. I’ve loved living in this world and thinking about Ada and Arthur and I really don’t want it to end... and I’m not quite done yet! I have a short story planned for Thom and Charlotte that will involve Ada and Arthur, their wedding and Millie, and so much more, and maybe some other stories in the future, too...
Thank you so, so much, everyone, I hope you’re all doing okay in these trying times, that you have a lovely day and end of the year, and 2021 brings you all that you hope for.
All the best x
Ghosts of Ourselves — 2021
Comments and reblogs make my day in a way I can’t describe.
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged or untagged in this series!
Tagged: @belfry-bat​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @sistasarah-sallysaidso​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @ntlmundy​​​​​​​​​​, @monster363​​​​​​​, @cowboisadness​
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pinkykitten · 4 years
promise me - part 3
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2845: EXILE
synopsis: It’s the year 2845. A year where Earth is in shambles and space is the new frontier. You are sent along with other cadets to a distress call about some type of unknown creature. You are new as an engineer on the ship Shiganshina and you have to work for your boss and leader of your group Levi Ackerman. But remember, in space no one can hear you scream.
pairing: levi ackerman x female! reader words: 3,068 genre:  violence, gore, romance, fluff, space au, series, future au
a/n: im actually rlly proud of this chapter. now its when the door starts opening up and new secrets are revealed and even more questions arise. ty all who have given support and love to my writing and this series. i work rlly hard on this so it makes so happy to see u guys love this. tysm. 
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The feeling of being useless was horrible. There laid Gunther’s lifeless body-leaning against the blood soaked wall. The hallway was once sparking with violence and fighting it felt so hollow to you and so quiet. 
“Oh my God.” You gasped, covering your mouth with your hand. “I can’t believe this happened.”
The tips of Gunter’s fingers were turning blue and his hands were as cold as ice as you held onto it tightly. 
“Y/N,” Levi coughed out raspy. “Y/N.”
You wiped your tears away and slid towards Levi. You looked at his face then saw his wound. There was a orange size burn-from the saliva of the alien-that was red and a rash. It was splayed across his ankle and was oozing.
“You’re going to be alright. How bad does it hurt?”
“Not that bad,” he winced. You could tell he was holding it in. He was trying to be strong for the mission. 
You rummaged through the first aid kit. In there was a bottle of pain pills, Band-Aids, and a cream to help with bacteria and burns. “Take some of these,” you popped the pills in his mouth. “This should help with the ache.” You splattered some cream onto your hand and evenly spread it on the burn. Levi barely moved a muscle. His strength was truly evident. You wrapped his ankle with some gauze and your gaze met his. Your heart became still. His features were handsome to his thick, black, long eyelashes to his soft looking lips. 
You shook your head, tearing the day dreams away from your mind. “You think you can stand?”
“I think so.” Levi gripped the wall as he pushed himself up. He stood up and took one step, leading him slipping to the ground. 
You caught him in your arms and guided his arm atop your shoulders. “I got you,” you smiled small. “Let’s try to get to shelter and take a breather.”
You didn’t know what was next. What the plan was. All you worried about was now but the thought of how you were going to survive replayed. You saw many outcomes of you dying and everything seemed impossible. To everyone you portrayed this know it all, knowing every step you took but in reality you were a lost soul. 
Turning a corner was a double bed room for the workers. “Sit here.” Levi laid back in the bottom bunk bed. Pain evident, slightly, on his features. In quick motions you gathered items around the room to place in front of the door, barricading it in case any monsters tried to get through. “I think we’re good.” Sweat dripped down your neck. 
You sat opposite from Levi on the other bottom bunk. You noticed Levi sweating as well, his face red. Touching his forehead, you realized he was burning up. “Not good,” you told yourself more than him. Grabbing a glass of water you led him to drink water, hoping that would help. “I’m in fear the venom is getting in through the skin to your blood.” You tapped your lip in thought.
“Great,” Levi scoffed. 
“What do you mean?”
Levi sat up. “I need you to promise me something Y/N. If I don’t make it, finish the mission and save those that need help.”
You sat in front of him and grabbed his cold hands. “You’re not dying. I’m not letting you.” The thought made your lips tremble as your e/c eyes became glassy.
“Just promise me,” Levi’s calloused hands rose to your cheeks, wiping your scared tears that escaped your captivity of your eyes. “Please Y/N. I need you to be okay?”
“...Okay,” you breathed out. 
“I know you’re scared but I don’t think you know how capable you are. You are made of greatness Y/N. You can do this, with or without me.” Levi laid back and tried to get some sleep. 
You walked to the window showing space. A vast area that sometimes is made up of unknown. Scared was an understatement. You didn’t know what that ‘thing’ was, where it had come from and why was it here? There were so many missing pieces to the puzzle. 
You couldn’t help but want to discover more to this mystery and you couldn’t just sit there and do nothing while your friend laid there dying. If this monster was on Marley and it was going to show its face more often you needed tools. You couldn’t bare being defenseless against that thing. “I’m coming back Levi,” you saluted to him. “I promise, just be patient.”
You checked the map of the ship and noticed the weapons room was far north away. It was on the opposite of the ship. “Are you kidding me?” 
As you raced to your destination you saw all the damage that was on Marley. So many wires were pulled and sparks exploded, scaring you. The thought came up of what if you hadn’t had taken this job? Would you still be in your garage being a mechanic? There was some sneaky stuff happening and some things didn’t feel right? Then you thought of Annie and the fear she must be feeling. What if she was dead? You had to know, you had to see if! 
Finally you had made it to the warehouse but the gate was locked. “Hmmm? Maybe there’s an issue with the power?” You checked the computer system nearby and saw all the power was made to keep the vents open. It was either the vents or this gate. “I’m going to close the vents.” You locked in the correct kep numbers. The gate opened wide and you stealthily walked in to not grab attention. 
You took a step and a loud bang was heard across the room. Your pulse quickened and your mouth became dry. You tore up boxes and compartments and they were empty except one at the very end. There was no cover there so if the alien was with you it would see you. ‘I have to be quick,’ you thought.
You rolled to that area and looked to find a motion detector, a flamethrower and items to make a molotov. Now you felt more confident. “Finally,” you got set on making the molotov. But you didn’t feel the presence behind of the alien growing tall and hovering behind you. It roared loud, baring its teeth. 
You turned back and screamed, dropping the weapons. You were going to crawl away when a shot ringed your ears. You looked up to see a wounded Levi shooting at the alien. 
“Levi?!? What are you doing?” 
“Just run! I got it!” Levi repeatedly shot at the monster, calling it to him. “Yeah, come this way.”
You quickly grabbed the weapons and ran to the vents to jump in it. “Cuss!” The latch was locked in order to get in the vents. You then remembered you closed the vents which means the alien was in here with you the whole time. “Levi the vents are closed! I gotta go back to the systems and open it up! You keep him distracted!”
“Isn’t that what I’m doing?!?” Levi was up against this huge creature. 
Running with all your might back to the computers you typed in that the gate would shut and the vents would open. Levi was still stuck in the warehouse. “Levi get out of there!” You had your hand out. 
Levi ran backwards shooting vigorously at the monster. “Close it! Close it!”
You punched in the numbers and Levi ran past the gate, it was a hair away from closing on him. It instead closed on the alien. The alien was caught in between. His hands were trying to bust the gate open. 
“Climb! Climb!” You ushered Levi to get up the ladder to get to the vent. Levi climbed up and offered his hand to you. You took it climbing and the alien grabbed onto your legs, pulling you. You tried and you tried with all your might. Veins protruding and teeth clenching. With a roar you and Levi pulled away from the alien and climbed in the vents. They were tiny and cramped. 
You both walked on your hands and knees to get through. 
“If we take two rights and 4 lefts then we should be at the room we were at.” You recalled from the map. 
“What the cuss was that?”
You shrugged, “I needed to get items.”
“Yeah, you could of died.”
“You just told me I could do this without you and now you don’t want me to. Which is it Levi? Because I’m getting very confused!”
Levi shook his head, “Yes, I remember what I said but you idiot but you don’t have any weapons. What would you have done if I wasn’t there?”
“Fought the best I could. I know I can do this. You don’t have to worry so much.”
Levi scoffed and led the way.
You sighed, “you’re right. I should of had some type of weapon, that was dumb. But I got a ton. Now we can defiantly use these against him.”
“What did you get?”
You showed him all that you had found. “Pretty neat huh. We get to use these bad boys on that son of a cuss.”
Levi couldn’t help but smile at how brave you were and ruffled your head, “just, please be careful next time. Okay?”
Finally, you and Levi made it to the end of the vent. Jumping out and now creating a new plan to exterminate the alien. 
The fuzziness of the voice on the intercom blared loudly. Who was still alive? It took a second for someone to speak. “Is that Annie?” Your ears were open. 
“Levi and Y/N, it’s Reiner... if you’re still alive please, meet up with me at the control base. I, I need to show you two something. ASAP!” Then it shut off like it never was turned on in the first place. 
“What if- what if something is wrong? Maybe he found Annie?”
“Or killed that thing,” Levi suggested. 
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Making to the control base wasn’t easy. You had to be on the look out for the alien. Any sound you made came with gut wrenching fear. At one point you were even certain that your heart pounding would be too loud and it would hear you. Every moment spent alive was a miracle. 
There was a large wall of glass separating you both from Reiner. Unknowing you were present, he was facing the glass, sitting on a chair, focusing on the computers. He seemed not stressed at all. You would think because his friend and fellow ship mate was taken or dead that he would be more on his toes but he seemed not worried about a thing. Maybe he didn’t really like to show emotion. It was true that being emotional at the moment there was no time. Your eyes traveled up to see his back was facing a huge vent. 
“He’s really stupid isn’t he?” Levi knocked on the glass to get Reiner’s attention. 
Reiner ushered you both over. 
“Any news?” Reiner and you said in unison. 
“You first,” Reiner said. 
“Well,” you threw all your weapons on the counter top near the computers set up. “We went to the weapon base and contained all these! We didn’t realize the moment we stepped on Marley that we were gonna need such heavy equipment.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” Reiner stood up and faced away from the two of you, as if he was disappointed in himself. “I know you all have many questions.”
“That’s an understatement,” Levi sat, annoyed. “Why did you bring us here Reiner? It seems like you want to get something off your chest.”
Reiner turned around, seeming so stoic. “I want to tell you two how this thing got on here.”
It was the question you were thinking about the whole time you were here.“Yeah, what did you mean that it started with Ymir? Who’s Ymir?”
“Ymir was one of our ship mates. See when we first were dispatched on this mission we were told that we were going to different planets to find life. We went to what we named planet 13. Me, Annie, my friend Bertholdt and Ymir went and it seemed fine at first but then we found some...eggs.”
“Eggs?” Levi questioned. 
“Eggs. I was taking some samples when I heard a scream and Ymir had touch one of the eggs. It was on her face and we took her to the medical bay to get her back to her health. But we didn’t know that she would never get better and as I was running tests on her the thing came out of her chest. It was, so confusing. We didn’t know what to do. It escaped and that’s where we’re at now.”
You were shocked. “Now I have more questions than answers.”
“Cuss,” Levi muttered under his breath, not knowing what other move to make. 
“We need to learn more about this creature, do you happen to know Reiner if this is the only one or are there more on here?”
“The one-” Reiner was starting but then the computers started beeping. 
“What’s that?” Levi pointed to the map on the screen. “What are those ripples and dots?”
Reiner sprinted to the chair and checked the monitor, “cuss. It’s another shower, it’s gonna be longer and much stronger than the last one.”
“What do we do?” Your balance is thrown off when one or a few meteorites hits Marley. The ship starts beeping, alarming guests. “What happened?”
“It’s made a huge hole.”
“Where?” Levi looked at the model on the computer screen. 
Reiner pointed to the head of ship. “We need to fix it quick or else it will ruin the whole ship.”
“I got this.” Levi grabbed a few of the weapons and was about to exit but fell due to his injuries. 
“Levi!” You ran to his aid and lifted his trousers. It was starting to look infected and you could tell it was affecting him because his lips were turning white and he had more bags under his eyes. “You’re not well.”
“I’m fine,” Levi tried getting up but fell in your arms. 
“You’re not going anywhere. You will stay here and wait for me. I’ll patch up the hole.” You took the weapons away from Levi. 
“No Y/N!”
“Are you sure Y/N? It could be dangerous.” Reiner said. 
You rolled your eyes, “Just watch the cussed thing.” You grabbed a walkie-talkie and threw one at Reiner. “Keep me updated please.”
“The same to you.”
You ran to the head of the ship, using your motion detector to make sure the alien wasn’t near you. It was odd how it wasn’t busy like it usually was. Something was wrong. 
‘Is this thing broken?’ You asked yourself as you smacked the machine. “Ok, Reiner, where is the hole?”
“You’re near it. You have to make 3 lefts and it’s by the electric pad made for that area.”
“Alright,” you whispered and all of a sudden a loud bang was heard nearby. You quickly built a molotov and held your flamethrower in front of your chest, pointing it forward. You hated this playing game. If it was going to hunt you down, you were ready to face it. But nonetheless you moved on stealthily. The wooshing of the air leaving and space pulling everything out notified you that the hole was there. “I see the hole!”
Reiner continued talking while your motion detector started to beep rapidly. Your face turned into horror and something pulled you towards them. You screamed loud and could hear Reiner and Levi on the other end. 
“Y/N? Y/N!”
You looked behind and saw it was the alien dragging you towards the hole. You kicked it in the eye and went to get your flamethrower but you realized it had fallen when you were dragged and it was on the floor far away. 
“Come on!” You were in survival mode as you kept kicking with all your might. You got a good blow as you kicked it in the throat. You crawled to the flamethrower and as the alien was about to pounce on you, you produced flames, almost killing it. 
“Yeah, get back!”
It was now trapped. You held the trigger of the flamethrower as long as you could, backing it up more and more to the hole. You were going to kick it out. 
The space was pulling and you had to hold onto a medal bar attached the wall. Because of the strength the bar was slipping and almost detached. The alien tried to hold onto that as well but instead held onto your leg. You pointed the flamethrower at it and it ended up losing fuel. The alien smiled wide and crawled up your leg, now face to face with you. 
The alien tried to stab you with its claws but you punched its hands away, getting bruised. It brought it’s tail up and was about to stab your stomach, when you pulled, with all your strength, the metal bar that was attached to the wall, that you were holding onto. Nothing was holding you back from being sucked out into space. You were willing to risk your life to kill this thing. You lifted the bar high in the air and struck it repeatedly on his face. You both were falling, almost reaching the blackness and stars. When you pulled from your pocket a made molotov and threw it at it. It shrieked and exploded as it got sucked out. 
You were almost getting sucked out when you held onto a corner of the wall and grabbed a piece of metal and shucked it to the hole, covering it. You fell to the floor and went to screw that piece of metal to that hole. You smiled, proud of yourself. You killed the alien and patched up the hole. 
“I did it guys! I’m alright!”
There was no answer from them, just only static. 
Your lips quivered as you didn’t think of nobody else except Levi. 
As you walked upon the control base, it looked like a disaster. All the computers were thrown off and everything was moved, misplaced, and just thrashed every where. What’s worse there was no signs of Reiner or Levi anywhere.
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a/n: no levi!!! hehehe im so bad lol. i feel so bad w levi in the manga as of recently with everything that has happened to him he just has no emotions like even less now and he just doesn’t care. its like everything has been ripped away from him so poor levi, ive rlly given up on every other character as well lol in the manga except levi. i also am not a fan i know shoot me lol of annie and armin idk not rlly into it. 
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Okay so I had a real wack idea and that is: Jekyll and Hyde but in Danny Phantom AU. Basically it would be like an episode where Dr. Henry Jekyll becomes a new teacher at Casper High and right after he arrives a new ghostly menace (Hyde) shows up to terrorize Amity Park. I’ll put more info under this if you’re interested in my ramblings. 
Okay so basically, when Henry Jekyll was in college he got in an accident that  involved a homemade/really shitty ghost portal that he and (Hastie? Robert? Maybe something else?) Lanyon built. Lanyon and him had a fight over it and after Lanyon leaves the room to calm down Jekyll says “fuck it yolo” and decides to start up the machine himself. It blows up in his face giving him a scar on his right cheek and turns him into a half ghost. His halfa form appears younger than Henry and seems to have a bit of a mind of its own (due to the shoddy construction of the ghost portal). He calls himself Hyde because his first instinct was “HIDE” when security, medical personnel, and other assorted people on campus run to the wrecked lab. The name Edward comes later mostly as a personal “Ooo I like that name” kinda thing (if anyone has a better idea for this please share because im a dummy and can’t think of anything). Jekyll comes back and since he has the scar on his face Lanyon thinks he caused the explosion on purpose and whoop there goes their friendship. They end up both getting the blame but it’s less of a “you tried to blow up the school” thing and more of a “you really fucked up on your experiment and must have really miscalculated” thing. The school has their families pay for most of the damages (which is a-okay because they both come from wealthy families) and it just ends up becoming sort of an on campus joke. 
Years go by and Hyde ends up getting more and more of his own personality. At first he was almost completely influenced by Jekyll but now it’s become more like Hyde is a separate ghost possessing Jekyll. This becomes a problem when, as Jekyll is working in his lab, Hyde decides he’s bored and takes over. Jekyll ends up developing a chemical to control the transformations (HJ7) and put him back in charge of the situation. It works for a while but then Henry starts seeming black out for times, and what he hears about his actions as he’s blacked out makes him realize that Hyde is taking control/possessing his human form (basically green eyed Jekyll type scenario). This freaks Henry out, so he decides he’s going to find professional help. Low and behold, Amity Park, the town where some of the most famous ghost hunters live in, has a job opening for a new chemistry teacher at the local high school. Jekyll easily gets the job and starts working immediately. 
Henry soon becomes the teacher everyone either totally loves or totally hates. He’s very passionate about chemistry but knows a lot about other scientific fields and will talk to students about their favorite studies. Because of his passion for chemistry though, he grades very harshly and does not tolerate disruptions such as talking during lectures and arriving tardy (without a good excuse). This is what causes the great divide on the students opinions of him. Everyone stands on one side or the other. Everyone except Danny Fenton. Danny is the child of scientists, the local ghost hunters Jack and Maddie Fenton, and is very passionate about astronomy and wants to work for NASA when he grows up. The problem is he’s always either missing, tardy to, or sleeping in class. He also doesn’t really seem to grasp the material. Dr. Jekyll is torn because he can tell that Danny loves science and he has had really great conversations with him about astronomy but he’s just upset at how Danny is in his class. He ends up deciding that he will take the boy under his wing and tutor him to help him pass. This will also get him closer to Danny’s parents who he thinks can help him with his Hyde problem. 
Danny goes after school for tutoring (surprisingly there were no rogue ghosts attacking today) and waits for Dr. Jekyll to show up. And waits. And waits. Then his ghost sense goes off and he just can’t wait anymore. Danny grabs his bag and runs into down the hall to the boys room where, with a quick “I’m going ghost!” he’s off to fight the ghostly menace of the day. When he spots the spirit, he sees this is one that he’s never fought before. He’s tall and quite lean with bluish skin, venomous green eyes, green hair pulled into a flaming ponytail, and a nasty scar across the right side of his face. The ghost takes notice that Danny’s there and a fight ensues. And then it ends when Danny gets yeeted through a wall and the ghost disappears. At least Danny was able to pick up that the new ghost’s name is Edward Hyde during the fight. He goes home to work on his homework go to sleep. He just crashes right into bed and sleeps till the next day. 
When he gets to school, Dr. Jekyll comes up to him and apologizes that he couldn’t make it to the tutoring session and that an emergency had come up that he had to attend to. Danny was like no biggie and continued on with the day. He talked with Sam and Tucker about this new ghost. They go over where he may have come from, if he’s working for Vlad, and all the other possibilities including that it could be that Dr. Jekyll may be a halfa like Danny and Vlad, but that got brushed off as wrong (”That ghost did not seem like the kind of guy who’d have a PHD. He’s a MR. Hyde at best, not a Dr. like Jekyll”). The school day ends and Danny’s off to learn the ways of chemistry. This time Dr. Jekyll is there and the lesson goes according to plan. At least right up until Danny’s lesson is about over. When the topic of talking to Danny’s parents about his tutoring (and the possibility of them helping out with Jekyll’s halfa problem) is brought up, all of a sudden a change comes over the good doctor. He starts saying nasty things and acting like real bitch. That’s when Danny notices that Dr. Jekyll’s eyes are a vibrant shade of green. Seeing this as a sign that Jekyll has been possessed (hopefully by that Edward Hyde ghost from yesterday, Danny wants a round two with him) Danny goes ghost (because it’s not like Dr. Jekyll will remember anyway he’s possessed. 
This freaks the shit out of Hyde because a. he thought he was the only halfa there was b. holy shit this little scrawny kid is that ghost that nearly kicked his ass yesterday c. he thinks he’s been found out and d. holy shit this little scrawny kid is that ghost that nearly kicked his ass yesterday. Since he’s so freaked out, he slips a little and Jekyll comes to for just long enough to be punched in the face by the kid he thought would be his favorite student. This “little” punch shakes up Jekyll but acts as a snap back to reality for Hyde who makes them go ghost. When Danny sees the rings go around Dr. Jekyll turning him into Edward Hyde, he realizes he fucked up. A fight ensues which ends with an agreement between the two (three???). Basically Danny will leave them alone and not tell his parents as long as a. Hyde doesn’t forcibly take over Jekyll and when he’s out he doesn’t cause problems and b. Jekyll doesn’t try to destroy Hyde.
(when Danny tells Sam and Tucker about all this Tucker yells “HAH! I told you!”)
I think Hyde still gets up to mischief but he’s not a real villain just more of a pest. The real villain is Jekyll who goes to Vlad Masters for a side job (cause teaching don’t pay nearly enough as it should) where he ends up helping to develop ghost weapons. I’d actually see him being able to get close enough to Vlad that he learns a lot of his little secrets, just not the one about Vlad being a halfa. (I think Jekyll might be brought in to help with cloning Danny.)
And that’s pretty much all I got. I might make a fic if anyone wants it but there’s no real guarantee on the quality since I haven’t taken a creative writing class in over 4 years.
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myownworldstayout · 5 years
New Friends Ch. 8
Ch. 1 / Ch. 7 / Ch.9
(Chapter 8 you guys! We’re getting there!)
Ladybug slipped into one of the- now vacant -classrooms, setting Felix down next to the teacher’s desk. 
“Hide here until it’s safe.” She instructed, grabbing her yo-yo and heading for the door. 
“Wait! Where’s Dupain-Cheng? You said she was safe.” He demanded, fixing her with a cold glare. You’d think he’d be more grateful after she saved his life. 
“She is safe.” Ladybug answered shortly. 
“How did you know she was the one I was looking for?” He asked next, repeating his question from earlier. 
“Uh, she~ she came and alerted me that there was an akuma and to make sure a blonde in a dress shirt got to safety too.” She lied, anxiously pushing her fingers together. 
Felix frowned and opened his mouth to ask more questions, but Ladybug was already out the door. She knew Felix was too smart for his own good, and after that minor mistake earlier, he was bound to figure out her identity if she stayed. 
Besides, her cat couldn’t hold off the akuma for long.
Chat Noir ducked and dodged Nocturne as much as he could. He managed to lure her outside, away from the school. From all the commotion they were making, though, Ladybug was sure to find them even if they were halfway across Paris. 
“It’s time for you to take a cat nap, ‘kitty’.” Nocturne growled, jabbing her staff at him for the tenth time. 
He jumped, causing her to hit his side instead of his head. 
Chat fell back, wincing as he grabbed onto his ribs. It vaguely reminded him of when they fought Hawkmoth on Heroes’ day. 
Nocturne grinned, lifting her staff to tap him on the head, when a yo-yo wrapped around the end of it to stop her.
“Not so fast.” Ladybug interjected, pulling on her yo-yo. 
The staff slipped from Nocturne’s grasp, easily gliding into Ladybug’s hands. 
“Haven’t you learned?” The akuma sang, holding out her hand.
Ladybug came flying forwards, but this time, she turned herself to kick Nocturne in the face. 
The akuma stumbled backwards, holding her face and groaning. 
“Yes, I have.” Ladybug breathed, shifting the staff in her hands to face Nocturne. 
“Good job, M’Lady.” Chat complimented. 
Ladybug nodded, carefully tapping Nocturne on the head with the golden staff. It was her source of power, but it most likely wasn’t where the akuma was hidden. She figured it would be easier to search Nocturne while she was asleep.
Nocturne, however, let out an eerie laugh when she was tapped on the head. “You think that’ll work on me?” 
She grabbed the staff, twisting it in Ladybug’s hands. 
“This is my staff! I control it!” 
She then ripped it from the heroine, swinging it at Ladybug’s head. 
Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped back, giving Nocturne the opportunity to swing at Ladybug’s legs and knock her over. 
Once the red clad heroine was on the ground, Nocturne rolled away from them and got to her feet. 
“Chat Noir!” Ladybug signaled, getting to her feet as well. 
He summoned his cataclysm as per the silent instruction, and lunged for the staff. Nocturne dodged the attack, using her staff to push his hand to the road. This caused the entire road beneath them to collapse. 
Ladybug and Chat Noir yelped as they fell, but Nocturne stayed in the air. There certainly were perks to flying.
Ladybug grunted as she hit the cement of the sewer. She heard Chat’s miraculous beep out a warning on the other side. 
The villain cackled overhead. 
They were cornered. 
In a moment of Panic, she called her Lucky Charm. Unfortunately, only a teacup landed in her hands. She knew exactly what it was, though. 
“M’lady?” Chat groaned, rubbing his head as he pulled himself off the ground. 
Ladybug jumped over to him and swung her yo-yo towards a building outside of the hole. 
“We need to fall back for now. I have an idea.” She informed, wrapping her arm around his waist and pulling them out with the yo-yo.
Nocturne attempted to stop them, but Chat used his feet to push her down.
Once they were hidden behind a chimney, the two split up. 
Chat ran to an alley to recharge, and Ladybug cautiously made her way to Master Fu’s.
“What can I do for you, Ladybug?” Master Fu greeted as Marinette entered the small dojo.
“Tikki led me here. I think I need another miraculous.” She informed, walking towards the ancient music box. 
“You should use the Bee miraculous! It will immobilize Nocturne so you can take the staff and the akumatized item.” Tikki suggested, pointing at the hair pin. 
Marinette thought it over, making sure to plan every possible outcome. Using more than one miraculous was dangerous.
“Who would I be able to give it to, though?”
Master Fu smiled reassuringly, handing her the hair pin. “I don’t doubt that you will find the right holder. Trust your instincts, Marinette.”
Marinette bit her lip, but nodded, taking the miraculous.
“I’ll make sure to bring it back as soon as I can.” She ensured, getting to her feet and rushing out of the exit.
Ladybug ran across the rooftops, furrowing her eyebrows with worry when she noticed the bodies littering the streets. She prayed they were just sleeping like Nocturne had claimed. 
She landed in front of the school, twirling the hair pin in her hand. Chloe wasn’t aloud to be Queen Bee anymore because of her identity, she didn’t feel comfortable giving a miraculous back to Alya or Nino anymore, and Ladybug doubted Felix would be eager to help her after his reaction to her earlier. 
Then it clicked for her. What about one of her other new friends? She knew another blonde that was definitely trustworthy and loyal.
With renewed determination, Ladybug steeled herself, and ran inside.
Aurore tisked as she glanced around the empty gym. She had tried to stay with her friends, but after the akuma- Nocturne, was it?- started making people fall asleep, the rest of the school panicked, and separated them. She ended up hiding behind the staircase. 
It was quiet now, but the chaos of the akuma could still be heard in the distance. 
I hope Ladybug and Chat Noir get rid of her soon. She thought to herself in light frustration. It made her aggravated that she couldn’t help in some way.
Aurore was contemplating if she should come out from under the staircase to look for Wayhem when she heard the front doors to the school. She stepped further behind the staircase, squinting through the gaps in the stairs to see the intruder. Then, she heard a familiar voice. 
“Aurore?” Ladybug whispered, looking around the gym. 
Aurore raised her eyebrows in surprise, stepping out into the open. 
“Ladybug! Is the akuma gone?” 
“Unfortunately, no. I need your help.” 
Anticipation swelled in the pit of her stomach. “You need my help? I mean, sure, but how can I help?” 
Ladybug smiled, holding out a small, black box with red inscriptions.
“Aurore Beaureal, I present to you the Bee miraculous of subjection. Will you help me take down the akuma?” 
Aurore stared at the box in awe. Was this really happening??
“O-of course!” She grinned, gently taking the box from Ladybug hands and opening it. 
A small, golden orb appeared over a silver hair pin. The orb flew around in circles for a moment, before forming into a small, bee-like creature. 
“Hello, My queen. My name is Pollen, your kwami, at your service.” The being introduced itself, swooping into a small bow. 
“Nice to meet you! I’m Aurore.” Aurore replied, fixing the hair pin to fit in her hair. “So, how does this work?” 
“Your power is “Venom”. Once you use it, you have five minutes before you transform back. Just say “Pollen, Buzz On” to transform.”  
“Remember, once this is over, I’m gonna need the miraculous back. And you can’t tell anyone that you’re.. What’s your hero name?” Ladybug jumped in, hiding her giddiness at being able to give Aurore a miraculous. She had no doubt they’d make a great team. 
Aurore tilted her head in thought. She then pulled a wry grin. 
“Call me Bumblebee! And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” She promised. 
Ladybug smiled, trusting her fully. “Alright. Let’s get going. Chat’s probably taking on Nocturne right now.” 
Tag List: @unabashedbookworm @bluerosette23 @minightrose @kuroko26@im-here-for-the-content @angstyrastuff @clumsy-owl-4178 @fanboy7794@choaticneturcl @bigcheeseyboi @burntnugget-tae @ayuchan07@honorisfortheweak @knightrose15 @mjisntme @rhub4rb @simplythebestbug@wilhelmares @zebrabaker@dargeon-lissa @kristycocopop @alumneia @kaydenth3gayden @thornangelic727 @flirtshobi @whatamessofwords
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Sabine: "If we legally adopt you both, son, that might make planning the wedding a bit tricky." Ladybug: "Ma--Madame Cheng!"
(Send me 2 sentences and I’ll continue them like they’re lines from a fanfic.)
look this was supposed to be a short drabble and nOPE WHOOPS IM BAD AT SHORT I GUESS
uh, desperada spoilers in this
ps i BARELY edited this sorry for any mistakes
EDIT: now with an AO3 link! because i know my track record with losing my own fics on tumblr
“Well,” Sabine says, much more thoughtfully than Ladybug had expected or been prepared for.  “If we legally adopt you both, son, that might make the wedding a bit tricky.“ 
“Ma-Madame Cheng!” Ladybug exclaims, feeling herself flush brightly.  “I’m- I’m flattered, really, thank you, but this- this should only be temporary, we don’t really need-” Marinette swallows, trying not to look at Chat Noir.  “Um, adoption.“ 
She shoots a quick glance over at her partner after all, but his sudden starstruck look is both the opposite of reassuring and sends some unidentifiable emotion shooting through her.  She knows he’s been enjoying this particular akuma fight more than she has- she has the really, deeply unsettling sense that Chat Noir didn’t have this kind of fun as a child before and he seems to be trying to make up for as much lost time as possible as fast as possible.
When she’s honest with herself about it, Marinette’s pretty sure that they both enjoy fighting villains more than they should. They still aren’t usually having this much fun unless it’s Max that’s been akumatised.  (They’re never thrilled to see anyone akumatised, but Max has given them opportunities to pilot a giant robot and leap into a video game- to say that fighting him hasn’t been fun would be such an obvious lie).
This time Marinette had missed both the akuma’s actual monologue and explanation, because even though Chat Noir had been as quick as ever to tackle her out of the way the akuma has such a ludicrously fast recharge time that she’d had no trouble firing again.
Chat Noir had still tried to throw himself over her again.  Marinette is relieved he wasn’t successful, because he already looks about five years old, and she doesn’t want to test whether the effect is cumulative- but that means that she’s currently in the body of a five year old, too.
She hadn’t noticed when it was just Chat who’d been hit, but the akuma’s youth ray seems to change more than just their bodies.  Her Lucky Charm had been her own cat pillow in red-spotted glory and Marinette had spent too long staring at and fretting over it, to the point where they’d both had to hide to retransform.
And the bakery had been close by.
And the Lucky Charm had seemed to indicate that was where they should go.
And there’s a tiny, terrified part of her that’s cropped up since first being hit that had been crying out for her mother.
They’d both retransformed crouched on either side of a bakery counter, barely out of each other’s sight, and then before Marinette could get past her disappointment that they were both still children Maman had appeared only to exclaim over them both.
Maman laughs now, which is also not terribly reassuring.  "Oh, sweethearts, I’m mostly kidding.  I know you’ll be back to your normal selves as soon as you defeat the akuma."  She eyes Chat Noir knowingly, though, and adds, "Although, I might remind you that it isn’t only young children who can be adopted.  There are teenage adoptions, you know.  It might raise some difficulties to adopt you both but I can’t see that anyone would want to separate you, any more than I would keep my own daughter from her best friend.”
Marinette viciously strangles any and all noise that tries to escape her throat at that.
Chat Noir does no such thing, letting out a sound that’s more cat than human in his delight, and this time Marinette turns to face him entirely.
He looks as happy as she’s ever seen him. His ears and tail are both giving happy constant twitches, and his purring isn’t the loudest she’s heard it but it’s getting close, and his eyes have dilated wider than she’s seen them since the time Venom Rose had conjured catnip all around them.
The longer Marinette looks at her partner, the more the sudden crack in her heart widens.  He looks- he looks so happy about the prospect of adoption.  He looks way too happy about it.
Marinette’s not even going to think about her mother’s offer to adopt her.  Ladybug is used to a certain level of identity shenanigans, because it’s already a struggle juggling Alya and Nino knowing about each other and everyone knowing about Chloe and Adrien knowing about Viperion while Chat Noir knows about Aspik, which she still hasn’t found a good way or time to explain to her partner-
“Kids,” Maman says gently, breaking through Marinette’s racing thoughts.  “Can you fight like this?  Do you need help?” She reaches behind her without looking and seems to let a broom handle hop into her hand.  “I may not be a superhero, but I do know how to fight.”
“You do?” Chat Noir breathes, finally breaking his silence.  He’s bouncing on the balls of his feet now, tail tip twitching rapidly. 
Maman laughs.  “Dear, I’m a mother.  Of course I do.  How else would I make sure my daughter knows how to fight, too?  Although I admit she has a much better handle on strategy than I do, even at her age!”
Ladybug finally, finally breaks herself out of her deepening worry over her partner’s enthusiasm to wrap an arm around his elbow and tug before her mother can say anything else embarrassing or potentially dangerous.  She does not need Chat Noir to think of Marinette as being a strategist.  “I’m really grateful, Ma- Madame Cheng, but it isn’t safe without our powers.  We’ll be alright if we stay together, but thank you so much for your generosity!”
“If you’re sure,” Maman says, looking honestly disappointed.  “But I want you both to know you can come back here anytime, okay? Any time at all , and if you need anything at all.”
Marinette thinks that’s the end of it, and she finally gets her partner to move in the direction of the door, only to stop when she hears her mother speak up one last time. 
“I meant it about the adoption,” Maman says gently.   “For both of you.  I don’t know your home lives, but you spend a lot more time fighting for all of us than you do at home- especially you, Chat Noir, we have all seen how you protect your partner.  And no matter your decision- really, you are welcome any time.  There is always space for one or two more at dinner.”
“T-thank you, Madame Cheng,” Marinette manages, desperately looking away from her partner because the hope and happiness suffusing his face at her mother’s offer is too much.  It’s way too much. 
It makes her already-cracking heart sink down to the soles of her feet, because she knew already that Chat Noir doesn’t have the happiest home life, but she didn’t think it was so bad that he would be this over the moon about being invited to share her home life. 
It would be so dangerous to start having him over for dinner regularly. 
But he looks so happy, the expression transforming his child’s face in a much more open way than she’s used to seeing on him at their real ages.  The mask does nothing to hide his delight. 
She’s going to have to invite him. 
She doesn’t know how she’s going to handle Ladybug not making it to family dinners they’ve both been invited to, not without either hurting his feelings (because her goofy partner is far more sensitive than almost anyone has realised) or risking too many dropped hints.  But she’s going to have to figure out some way around that.
“You’re sure you don’t need help, you two?” Maman asks worriedly as she opens the door for them.  “You should gather some of your allies, at least.”
Marinette immediately pictures a five year old Chloe and winces. Five year old Alya, while an intriguing thought, also doesn’t strike her as a good idea.
But she’s known Nino forever and she’s confident he can keep his head in battle even if he suffers the same age reversion as they both have, and she thinks Luka would have no trouble remaining calm and focused as well.  Plus, Second Chance means that Luka can stay an adult even when the rest of them are struggling.
“We’ll get our allies,” she assures her mother, even though she feels a little odd about it. “We’ll all be okay.”
“-just come back here if you still need help,” Maman says firmly. “Both of you! Partners should stick together.”
Chat Noir is practically vibrating with happiness as he exclaims, “We will!”
Maman smiles.  “Good luck then, Chat Noir, little bug.”
For the very first time Marinette takes Chat Noir with her to Master Fu’s.  Master Fu had given her a go-ahead on it after Desperada, after Marinette had spilled the day’s events to him out of a desperate need for reassurance only for her Master to gently point out that she knows very well who the most reassuring presence in her life is and it certainly isn’t him. 
And for the first time he’d said it was time to be more honest with her partner, time to begin to let Chat Noir in on more secrets.
As paranoid as it makes her, Marinette wants to involve him more.  She knows it hurts him not to know, that he feels like she doesn’t trust him when that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Master Fu doesn’t seem terribly surprised to see their child forms or that they’ve shown up together.  He slides the Turtle Miraculous off without being asked and hands it to Marinette, then raises a questioning eyebrow when she hesitates over the Snake Miraculous and looks at Chat Noir.
She looks between him and Master Fu, distraught and unsure how much of her upset is due to their forcibly changed ages.
“You know the wisdom of your choices better than I ever can, Ladybug,” Master Fu says gently.  “If you think it is wise, then let it be so.”
Marinette takes a deep breath, then turns to Chat Noir and says, “I can go and get Carapace.  Can you bring this to Luka Couffaine? He lives on the Seine, on a boat called the Liberty.  He shouldn’t be too hard to find.”
Chat Noir’s pupils dilate again, with happiness or shock or both, she isn’t sure.  “I-I’ll go straight there. Thank you for trusting me with this, my Lady!”
Marinette stares after him, her heart pounding in a way it does not have her permission to do, and realises that if he’s this happy and Maman is that determined then there is no way her parents aren’t about to adopt a stray Chat as thoroughly as they possibly can. 
It’s not necessarily a displeased realisation. 
He looked so happy.  She’s used to his light-hearted humour, but she’s never seen his whole being light up when it had when Maman had started teasing about adopting them both. 
The more Marinette thinks about it the more she starts to like the idea.  Chat Noir seems to waver between just fit enough and skinny enough to worry her, and knowing that he’s eating dinner with her would be a relief.  Knowing that he’s getting a little more of the affection he seems to crave so badly will be a relief.
Letting go of her worries and accepting that her family has maybe (definitely) gained a Chat by now, Marinette takes off herself to find Nino.  Navigating at this age and size is marginally more difficult but far more fun and she can live with that trade-off.
And the sooner they defeat this akuma the sooner she can make sure that no matter what Chat Noir’s real home life is like, he’ll have an escape to her own family.
(And if she tries really hard she can ignore the screaming revelation that her mother is apparently a Ladynoir shipper).
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youngkbf · 5 years
Better Than Me ↠ Yoon Dowoon
pairing: yoon dowoon x reader gender neutral
request by @mingiholic:  Better Than Me - Bohnes + Dowoon. Thank you. I love you💛
summary: dowoon knows you deserve better than him
inspired by ‘better than me’ by bohnes
genre: non idol!au, angst
warnings: cursing
wc: 2.3k
an: sam, you walked right into this one love. but thank you for changing the song, writing this fueled my angsty soul. i hope you like it :)
masterlist in bio
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gif credits to youngksnose
not proofread
Dowoon’s hand is gripping yours a bit too tight but you don’t mind. You’re telling him about something you saw a few minutes earlier as the two of you walk down the street but he’s only half-listening. The carnival entrance is nearby and there’s a knot forming in his throat with every step you take. But he still puts on a smile as he pays for the tickets for your first ride.
You’re dizzy when your feet touch the ground again but you’re laughing. Dowoon laughs too but it soon fades and he just stares at you. His eyes trail every inch of your face and he hopes he never forgets the look of happiness on your face. This is the memory of you he wants to keep. The lights are making your face glow in an almost angelic way, your eyes are closed and your head tilted back and even the loud music can’t drown out your laugh. Dowoon wished he could stop time so that he could just stay in this moment. It’s the peak of your happiness and the beginning of his misery. It only goes down from here so why not stop it now?
He memorizes everything. Your outfit, the rides you were on, the stuffed animals you’re carrying under your arms, the music that is playing at the end of the night when you’re leaving. Little does he know that this night will be engraved in his memory for months to come. It gets so bad, that he’ll think he’s being haunted by his own memories.
You notice that he’s acting weird. All night his stare has been on you for a second too long, that his hand is always on yours and that he doesn’t say no to anything you ask for. He seems off too. Like he’s there with you but he isn’t. There’s something on his mind but you hope that your night out can help him feel better. It doesn’t. In fact, it makes it worse. But you don’t know that and he doesn’t tell you.
He walks you back home and he’s silent the entire time. You think it’s because he’s tired which is not wrong, he’s exhausted. He picked up all the shifts he could at his job and he spends all his free time with you. The bags under his eyes seem permanent at this point of his life but it doesn’t bother him. Dowoon is happy to spend his time with you because he loves you.
When you get to your door, Dowoon’s feet come to a sudden stop. You turn to him confused but he’s not looking at you. Instead, his eyes are planted on his feet as he lets go of your hand.
“Dowoon, are you okay? You’ve been acting weird all night.” You finally ask.
“Listen…” He starts but he stops himself as he looks for the right words to say “I...We...I can’t keep seeing you anymore.”
He flinches at his own words and he hopes you don’t notice. When it takes you a bit to react, Dowoon dares to look up at you. Confusion is written all over your features but it’s not what stands out to him. It’s your trembling chin and the tears in your eyes. No matter how much you’re hurting, he’s hurting twice as hard. But he can’t let you know that. Not with your father’s words still fresh in his brain.
“You know what’s going to happen if (Y/N) stays with you don’t you?” The man in the expensive suit asks, hands crossed on top of the desk that separates him from Dowoon.
The resemblances between the two of you are clear but Dowoon thinks it’s not the time to notice that.
“I don’t understand, sir.” He furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
“(Y/N) comes from a good family. Our name is known and respected everywhere.” He pauses “What do you think it’s going to happen to their reputation once the word gets out that (Y/N) is dating...you?” The man glances over at a paper on his desk “Yoon Dowoon.”
Dowoon knows exactly what he’s implying and suddenly he’s angry. He’s angry at your father, he’s angry at your family for being wealthy and at his family for being poor. He’s angry at the world. But he keeps the anger inside him, he doesn’t let it out. He won’t win anything out of getting angry but he’ll lose. He has everything to lose in here.
“What are you implying then?” Dowoon asks, his tone lower and his voice harsher.
Your father leans back in his chair with a smile as he notices the change in Dowoon’s voice. He tilts his head and raises an eyebrow, eyes studying Dowoon attentively before he speaks.
“I want you to break up with (Y/N)”
Dowoon doesn’t think he can get angrier but he does. It’s like a storm forming in his chest and he needs to let it out. But he doesn’t, knowing that he’ll lose before he even opens his mouth.
“No.” It’s all he says.
There’s a flash of surprise in your father’s features but he’s quick to regain his composure. Dowoon asks himself if the man sitting across from him is really as stupid as he seems and apparently he is. Does he really think that he’s going to break up with you over reputation? He knows you, perhaps even better than the man who raised you, and he knows that it doesn’t matter if his family isn’t a known one or he’s not living off a trust fund. He lives off his hard work and he’s made mistakes. It’s not much, but it’s better than everything that your father has ever done.
“So you’re just going to let (Y/N)’s name be dragged through the mud like that?”
“I think that’s up to (Y/N) to decide.” Dowoon stops so that he doesn’t start yelling.
“(Y/N) is rebelling.” Your father explains “This…” He points at Dowoon as if he was pointing at a lower being “Is just a phase. Whatever plans you have, they won’t happen. People like you are nothing but a distraction for people like us.”
Dowoon clenches his fists. He’s beyond angry now, all he sees is red but he still manages to keep his composure somehow. He thinks it’s because of you, that he’s doing this for you and that keeps him from punching your father in the face.
“With all due respect, sir…” Dowoon stands up a bit too fast and grabs his jacket “You’re wasting my time.” He finishes, already walking towards the door.
His hand is already on the doorknob when your father’s voice sounds one last time.
“If you don’t stop seeing them, I’ll cut them off.”
Dowoon’s grip tightens around the cold metal but he doesn’t turn around.
“Think about it.” Your father tilts his head, an evil smile playing on his lips “Do you really want (Y/N) to live the same way you do? Long shifts, cheap food, rent overdue. Do you really want to be responsible for giving (Y/N) the same miserable life that you have?”
His shoulders tense up and he bites the inside of his cheek as he ponders your father’s words. Fuck, he has a point. You know nothing about the real world, always shielded by your family’s money and power. There’s a certain purity related to you because of that. It’s like a little piece of heaven in his arms and he’d hate to see that destroyed, especially if it is because of him. He doesn’t want to admit it, he doesn’t want to say it out loud but he knows that you deserve better. It’s a matter of pride but also because he knows that it means losing you. Dowoon doesn’t want you to live like him but he doesn’t want to let go of you either. But he has to.
“I’ll do it.” He hears himself say although he barely recognizes his own voice.
Dowoon doesn’t turn around to look at your father but he knows that he’s smiling. It all comes down to business after all. He hopes that after he lets you go, you don’t turn into something remotely similar to your father. He almost prays for that.
“Great! You’ll be rewarded for that, don’t worry about it.”
Dowoon clenches his jaw as he opens the door with a bit too much force.
“I don’t want your fucking money.” The door slams behind him, the silence that follows it is almost too much for him to bear.
“Why?” You ask.
He wants to tell you but he can’t. You’ll refuse to break up with him and you’ll suffer the consequences. You don’t care and Dowoon is happy that you don’t. But the consequences for you are too much for him to bear. So he tries to come up with something, something that will make you believe it.
“I-I’m not feeling it anymore, I guess.”
God, he wants to punch himself in the face. It’s so far from the truth that it almost makes him cringe. The words taste bitter in his mouth and he’s sure he’s about to throw up his soul as it rottens away inside him. But perhaps because of the way he said it, you believe it. His words aren’t gentle, they’re not harsh either. They’re just...empty. There’s no emotion behind them, all of them staying behind, filtered by his throat hoping you don’t catch on to what is really going on.
“You’re not feeling it anymore?” Your words are laced with venom and Dowoon wants nothing but to cry “How- I…I don’t even know what to say.” You shake your head, hands coming up to cover your face so that he doesn’t see you cry.
He takes a deep breath to calm himself down before gently calling out your name but you don’t move.
“Look at me.” He pleads.
You slowly look up and Dowoon immediately regrets asking you to look at him. The look on your face shatters his heart past the point of it being fixable. He knows that tonight is going down as the worst night of his life. But he hopes you can move on and find someone that deserves you. The words that he thought about saying, something to somehow provide you some closure, get caught up in his throat and he doesn’t know what to say. His mind is blank and it’s getting harder and harder to breathe as he tries not to breakdown in front of you.
You’re baffled at how unaffected he seems. It almost feels like he’s telling you about his day if you didn’t know what the words that are coming out of his mouth mean. There’s a flash of hurt across his eyes but it’s gone so quick that you think you just imagined it. You think he looks too calm to be hurt.
“Is there someone else?” You ask, voice trembling and scared of the answer.
He hesitates before he replies, a firm no coming out of his plump lips. You want to believe him but at this point, you don’t know what to believe in anymore. Up until a few minutes ago, you thought that he loved you, that everything was okay between the two of you. It seems like you don’t know Dowoon that well, at least not anymore. You cry, no longer caring if he sees or not. You insult him, you call him everything you can think of. You tell him you hate him for leading you on. And he stands there and takes it, he doesn’t deny anything but he doesn’t reach out to you either. He just stares at you and lets you ramble.
“I’m sorry.” That’s all he says.
“It’s not enough.” You shake your head.
I know, he wants to say but he stays quiet.
“Say something! Don’t just stand there like...an idiot.”
“I’m sorry.” Dowoon repeats.
You groan in frustration, one of your hands coming up to comb through your hair slightly tugging at its roots. You’re exhausted, your head hurts and you just want to disappear. Dowoon on the other hand feels like he’s already dead.
“I hate you.” You spit out, venom laced in every syllable before you turn your back on him and walk home.
He stands in the same spot, watching you leave, watching you walk out of his life just like that. His chest hurts, his hands are shaking and his eyes are filled with tears. He wants to reach out to you, tell you that it’s a lie. That he still loves you like he’s sure he’ll never love anyone else. His hand twitches but he clenches his fist to stop himself. He can’t. You’re gone now.
Out of the corner of his eye, Dowoon spots your father behind a window. The man gives him a small nod before disappearing back into the house and Dowoon feels sick. What holds him together is the fact that he’s doing this for you. It’s all for you, it’s what he repeats to himself. You deserve better and the only way he can ensure that you get it is by letting you go.
Perhaps, in another life, another place you can give it another try. He’s sure that he’ll always look for you whether it’s in your next life or the next twenty after that. But until then, Dowoon hopes you find someone better. Someone that isn’t him.
feedback is appreacited :)
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dolce-fritz · 5 years
So being the new evil girlfriend is fun
So recently my Partner has had some majorly stupid ass drama with their ex. Like this girl, she’s loopier then the Olympic oval, Like normally I’m nice and don’t slander people but like. She’s just, hoo boy. A mess.
And yeah this is from a completely biased stand point. And I’m about to tell you why that I feel the way that I do about this girl from my own experiences. This is going to be long winded, so I’m putting it under a read more. 
So I moved from the lovely state of Utah this year, my homelifes never been 100% great. I love my mom but our issues clash and we do better separate. Not to mention I really wanted to try it out in another state again and this time the right way and not just a spur of the moment decision while i visited like what happened with Florida.
Well, planned my vacation to See my at the time friend to see if I really liked it there.  I knew about their recent split with their Ex, and the two seemed pretty amicable about it. The other roommate was.... hoo, a mess to say the least. and My friend didn't want to be alone with her because they actually had been wanting to tell her to leave because of the issues that she'd brought into the home. anyways that in itself was a bit of drama.
So I was like OK. I'll come check it out and if I like it I'll be your new room mate.
Well. I plan my trip about four weeks out. and end up pretty excited about it. Come to find out with no real surprise that My friends Ex is going to move out before Octobers over.
My friend starts panicking. again doesn't wanna be alone with the other roommate that they're having hardships with. So I say ok... I'm going to do this vacation, then im just going to move on the 20th so I can get my stuff packed.
Shits already starting to go down hill.
I get there. everything seems fine. The ex seems nice, things seem ok. the other roommates.... already trying to cause shit with me and im not even physically in the house. I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor in an old office space. bought a bunch of furniture because at this point. I know I'm moving here. Its going to happen. This is where I'm going to live might as well help my friend end up getting it taken care of.
Well. Day three of my vacation hits. The ex drops that her dad wants her to move out that day. completely screws the pooch for my friend and the other roommate. And basically bails on them and leaves the house just with the things she wants and then just leaves all the rest of her junk here like its her own storage unit. claims she’ll be back for the rest [ Spoilers never happened]  so that... right there puts this sour taste in my mouth. Cause yeah, me and her ex at that point are sharing a bed. Because like theres only three beds in the house until she ends up leaving and so my friends like ill just sleep with you. me i’m very fine sharing my sleeping space with my friends. i’ve done it literally all my life. hell a its not a goodnight sleep unless your on your best friends bed snuggling the shit out of her kaneki ken body pillow listening to true crime documentaries on the TV but like seriously it was no big deal to me. which im begining to wonder if it was a big deal to her. Either way apparently instead of waiting till i officially moved. she bailed and forced my hand. So I had to stay, I couldn’t properly say goodbye to my mom. couldn’t properly get my shit packed. all cause I really didn’t want to leave my friend alone till I could officially move in. So already, I started getting a slight distaste in my mouth for her. but I let it slide. I know how overbearing parents are sometimes.  well, so i cancelled my flights. money spent that i was never going to end up getting back that I could’ve later used towards something for the house.  The girl left. and I was left, Cleaning up the mess that she walked out of and left behind.  Turns out my friend was the only one that was cleaning up around the house. and working a part time job, while trying to side hustle some art for extra money.  They were the one that was handling all the utilities, while their ex was buying everyone food. Separate it would’ve been an easier task if it was just the two of them. but you add in the extra roommate that was only paying her share of rent and none of the food and utilities and shit starts piling up. Well.  sat down and looked at all the finances. found out that while yeah the Ex was making the most money. She didn’t bother to help out with any of the chores. I mean, they split the dish duty. And i’m sitting here wondering how long this pan of fish oils been on the stove for. had to buy new pans cause they were growing cultures.  Hell half her chores and the other roomates were doing the cat boxes. dude it was shit mountain in there. it was so bad the cats were going in the corner. Yet it was like my friend was expected to pick up after them and pick up their slack because they didn’t work as many hours as the other two. Which I’m sorry. if you can’t balance cleaning up after yourself. and working how the hell are you going to live on your own.  Well in comes me, the living off disability. [ which is not a glorious life] I have a lot of time on my hands. so first few days we douche out the house. things start looking good.  in comes the ex to get something and brings this utter douchebag of a man that boasts about him being the whole reason that they broke up. Which like when we were moving out the ex. the ex’s dads...girlfriend??? was like dont let them take advantage of you. which like made me pull up a shit ton of questionmarks. cause yeah i wasn’t going to let the other roommate do that cause i was kinda aware what her game was and it wasn’t playable with me.  everyone had their part to play in this household, and I wasn’t going to play mother for anyone. Well in comes this guy. boast about how he wont let anyone take advantage of her again and im like sure w/e dude. but like i started like... questioning wtf she was actually telling people that my friend actually did to her.  see, what i was told was that it was an intimacy issue. my friends pretty Asexual so like there wasn’t alot of physical involvement. and that things just weren’t going the way that their ex wanted them to. Turns out it was SOOOO much more then that. so curious me, got digging about this girl cause shit just wasnt really adding up.  and I started finding out things. At this time, friend started turning to partner. and eventually we started dating which made shit a lot more uncomfortable with me and this girl. cause yanno, new girlfriend. ex girlfriend. two things dont usually mesh well in situations like this.  Well so, started finding out that while in a relationship she was leading on a bunch of other guys, and at work would like do this whole “im bi” thing if the guy was cute. like she was very male centered for a “lesbian”  She was super horny on main during DND which made EVERYONE uncomfortable. to top it all off she was a narcissist, that had a victim that she could toy with.  She tried to convince my partners parents while they were still together, to talk to their child when there were behaviours that she didnt like. She tried to have an intervention with their friends to force them into transitioning FtM when they were happy just being nonbinary.  they would gaslight them, manipulate them, and  abuse them. I watched this girl in the span of three weeks tear my partner down with her words in front of me. and be nothing but venomous to them. for no other reason then they were actually happy.   While spining all these stories of how she was the one that was wronged.  Well, I started having enough of her coming around just so she could be mean to my partner. She’d come over. immediately go to our fridge to drink some of the booze she left and then pick at my partner for small insignificant things only because she wanted to fight. When i had enough of that. I told my partner, we’re going to DnD early. she can find her own ride.  She came to a family party, invited unknowingly by my partners brother that’s been over seas and in the military. She thought she was going to get a hookup complained she wasn’t having fun because he wasn’t paying attention to her. Snapped at my partners nephews because they wanted to play and made one of them cry. and was just toxic to be around.  That was strike two.  Strike three was watching how she conducted herself around our dnD group. she’d had this guy, mister “ i saved you from your bad relationship” on speed dial, and would tell him things. and then sit and shit talk him when she was bored with him to everyone. We were all sick of it.  The ending straw with me, was when we finally wanted to be done with this drama. told her three months before hand to get off the car insurance. and it wasn’t done. ended up causing a big thing.  She started saying that she’d leave the DND group to make things easier. because Thats what my partner would want. At this point i couldnt stand it any longer. Three months talking to everyone that physically knows her. and see’s what she’s becoming lead everyone to say the same thing about her She was turning into her mother.  No i know fuck all about that. i dont know her mother, i dont know anything about her. I know she’s on a shot that fucks with your brain and ends up messing with your body. I also was on the DEPO shot for three years of my life and its caused so many problems after i was off it.  and thats what i tried to impart to her my wisdom on.  therapy, and a depo shot.  now how we got there is really long winded, and highly dramatic.  id admitted to her our dnd group wanted to chat. she was pushy, respected no ones boundaries, and left our friends house a complete mess. just like she left ours... and god, she ended up pissing me off cause the girl left slippers caked in cat puke in my tub after staining my bathroom doing her hair dye. she disrespected my home, she disrespected out friends, and our friends home. and she was needlessly mean and cruel to everyone around her that didnt serve some purpose to her.  So yeah she had to go.  Here i am thinking that this is the end of it. but i get updates about how I’m apparently the worst abuser in the world just cause I told some spoiled brat of a woman to get off a shot that messes with the brain, and to seek therapy cause this girl needs help. Funny thing is im not the only one that said it. apprently just the loudest voice to have said it.  and this bitch still thinks i dont like her cause she’s not ‘ providing for us financially” We may not have a high roller life. but damn we’re doing just fucking fine. 
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arthurs-wife · 6 years
hi, i love your writing! i was wondering if you could you please write something where arthur x f! reader are together but get into a huge fight, and maybe dont talk for a few days but arthur tries to make amends because he doesnt want another failed love? with a happy ending preferably! :’)
(i may not be good at smut, but i am good at being an overdramatic asshole)
“Are there more than four words in your lexicon?” you asked, keeping as much venom out of your voice as you could.
Arthur grunted at you, making things infinitely worse.
“Here, I’ll just have the whole conversation for us,” you sniped, standing up and throwing your hands on your hips and doing the worst impression of Arthur ever done, “‘just leave me alone woman, there ain’t nothin’ I want to say to you right now.’ Well, Arthur, there’s a ton of stuff I need to say to you because if you haven’t noticed, we’re not doing too well right now. ‘Probably because you won’t shut the hell up.’ Don’t tell me to shut up, Arthur.”
“Seems like you got it under control then,” he huffed, pulling his hat down and leaning further against the tree.
“I don’t know what I expected.”
“Well what do you want from me?”
“Tell me what’s bothering you, let me help you.”
“You really want to know what’s bothering me?” he asked, standing up and looking down at you.
“Please, tell me.”
“You are.”
“I don’t know why I try with you.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t anymore then.”
“I won’t.”
And you stomped off.
Maybe it was better if you two just went your separate ways. You could probably make it on your own in Valentine. You heard Strawberry was an up and coming town too. Hell, maybe he’d care more about you if you were more westward than here.
You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t see Charles and ran straight into him.
“Oh Charles,” you bumbled, steadying yourself as he caught your arms, “I’m so sorry.”
“What’s going on?”
“Just,” you struggled, throwing your hands up, “had it out with Arthur again.” You looked apologetic, dragging people in your business wasn’t your cup of tea.
“He can be a difficult nut to crack,” he smiled and you felt better. Charles seemed so genuine, you didn’t mind talking with him about your problems.
“Maybe I’m not cut out to be with you folk,” you said.
“Don’t say that, y/n,” he said gently, placing a hand on your shoulder, “you’ve fit in better than most stowaways we’ve brought on. We got lucky with you and Sadie.”
“I think I’m gonna go camping,” you said, looking out towards the trees.
“At this hour?”
“Can I borrow your percolator?”
Charles nodded and had the grace to not ask how long you’d be.
Waking up to an open sky was not something you’d done in a while and to be honest, you’d do it all the time if you could. There was a big, outcrop of rocks to the east of Horseshoe Overlook that you loved, so you had gone there. Unfortunately, it reminded you of the first time you and Arthur had kissed. He had been so shy and gentle with you, cupping your face with his broad hand and kissing your bottom lip so slightly he felt like a cloud. That was two months ago.
Charles’ percolator bubbled away and you looked at the sky around you, cloudless and crisp. It was strange, not having anywhere to be. You were a good hunter and were able to grab a rabbit every night, gamey as it may be. You tried to not worry about what Arthur was doing, if he cared about how long you were gone. To be fair, you had not told anyone where you were going and had taken care to cover your tracks.
Part of you just wanted to leave for good.
You did have all your things with you, it wouldn’t be hard to keep going west, maybe as far as New Austin. You couldn’t even remember what you and Arthur had been fighting about originally, just that he wouldn’t open up and tell you what was upsetting him. What the hell made you think you were special? What made you could stroll in and just unlock the secrets to this beautiful man? Stupid.
You angrily packed up your camp and mounted your horse. Valentine wasn’t far, you’d stop and load up on supplies before heading out. No one would miss you.
About halfway there you heard the sound of gunfire, coming just up the road. You hitched your horse on a tree and grabbed your rifle, cresting the hill carefully. There were three men with their backs to you, shooting at someone a ways up.
“Kill ‘im, lads!” you heard one of them say. Damn O’Driscolls.
With ease you dispatched them, one, two, three. When you were sure the coast was clear you stood up and waved to the figure down the road, who was walking towards you.
“You alright partner?” you called.
Oh shit. What divine intelligence placed the two of you together again?
“Arthur,” you greeted as the two of you approached. You stopped about ten feet apart.
What did you even say to each other.
“Where’s Rachel?” you ask. Rachel was his horse that he had stolen from the O’Driscolls just before moving to Horseshoe Overlook.
“They shot her,” he sighed, looking back to where she lay, “bastards ambushed me.”
“Arthur I’m so sorry,” you said, and you were. He smiled at you.
“S’alright,” he shrugged, “she weren’t no Bodacea.”
You hummed at him.
“What were you doin’ out here anyway?” you asked.
“Was helpin’ an old friend out,” he said sheepishly.
“Okay, that’s good,” you nodded. Could you stand to be more awkward?
“Her name’s Mary,” he offered, looking at you apologetically. The way he said it made you sad, even though you damn well you weren’t the first, and probably not the last.
“Alright, well,” you said, whistling for your horse, “you need some help, then? Can’t be too useful without a horse.”
“I wouldn’t want to burden you, y/n,” he said, mounting your horse behind you and putting his hands on your hips for support.
“Where we headed?” you asked, spurring your horse.
“Cumberland Forest.”
After riding for a few minutes, Arthur bends down to your ear.
“Where did you run off to, anyway?”
“I went camping.”
“For five days?”
“Why are you so interested?”
“I was worried,” he finally said, leaning back again like he hoped you wouldn’t hear it. You’d help him get the woman he wanted back and then leave camp for good.
The place you were going turned out to be full of loons and it came down to you to chase this poor fool down, Arthur bouncing around behind you as he tried to lasso him. The boy tried to off himself but Arthur was too quick, shooting the gun out of his hand and running to catch him as he fell.
Arthur could say whatever the hell he wanted, but he was a good man under it all.
“You still got your horse, boy?” he asked, holding the kid up.
“Yes, sir,” he replied.
“Good, get him and we’ll follow you back to town to make sure no one gets the drop on you.”
Arthur hopped up on the back of your horse again and told you to follow the boy to where Mary was staying. And you get to meet her, too? This was shaping up to be a great day.
“You weren’t planning on leaving us, were you?” he asked, “you know we have a code.”
“Is that a threat?” you shot back at him.
“No, I just meant-”
“I don’t care what you meant,” you cut him off, “I’ll speak with Dutch when we get back and let him know I’ll be leaving first thing.”
“Why did you help me then?” he asked. There was a hidden question in there, one you didn’t need him to elaborate on.
“Because you silly fool,” you were on the verge of tears, “I love you. And I don’t care who you’re true to or who you are, that’s not gonna change. I will always be there for you.” You stop and consider your actual position. “Which is why I’m stayin’, I guess. If y’all will have me.”
He didn’t say anything for the rest of the ride. When you arrived at Mary’s place, he hopped down and held out his arms for you. You reached out and he helped you down, keeping his hands on your waist and looking at you, finally looking at you.
“I don’t want you to leave, y/n,” he finally said, a smile creeping onto his face, “and I’m sorry for being an ass. You’ll have to teach me how to act in a union like this.”
“What makes you think that’s good enough?”
“It ain’t,” he said, “but stick around and let me be good enough for you.” 
You beamed as he swooped down and kissed you and you didn’t realize how much you had missed him.
“I won’t run off no more,” you said, walking with him up to the house.
“It seemed to work out in our favor this once,” he laughed and slipped his arm around your waist.
The look on Mary’s face would have been sad if you didn’t have the world’s most amazing man wrapped around you.
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blumenbunny · 7 years
Hello so this is a small part(hopefully) one-shot(maybe?) writing for @annadeef on the Raptoramaker ship. This is based off of some of the stream talk. I’m still a baby writer so I hope you like it ;-;. Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.  PS:I was the one named ShinigamiMask on the most recent stream.
“Fareeha? I don’t understand I saw you with my own eyes that day, I…” Angela stared at her previous lover through the glass window currently separating them. “It’s not like you would understand.” Pharah’s eyes shot daggers into Angela’s blue ones as she spoke with a venomous voice, rather than her old gentle one. 
A couple of hours ago, Talon was assigned to rescue Doomfist as he was being escorted to a new facility. Overwatch had helped with the escort. Talon managed to pull off much but in the end, Pharah had got caught. Someone had shot one of her Jetpack thrusters. 
“I tried to help you. I truly did Liebling!” Angela had a pained face as she tried to explain.
“I laid there. Waiting for you to do something to help, maybe even try and carry me to medical aid, but what is the first thing YOU do? RUN. YOU. RUN. You left me wounded! I was awake the whole time! My eyes followed you leaving me there to die! Hell I didn’t even have my arms!” Fareeha screeched, pounding her right prosthetic on the sturdy glass window. Her left one was currently severed and on the table outside of the cell she was in. Angela’s little rebound Genji managed to cut it off. She never really did get along with him. 
“I didn’t want to make the same mistake with you! I hoped….” Angela was desperate at this point. She couldn’t find the right words.
“Hoped what? That I would find peace with myself? That I would die quickly and painlessly? That you wouldn’t make the same mistake on me like you did Gabriel?” Fareeha gazed at Angela. She stood straight and tall despite the pain she was in. She got close to Gabriel much after he had saved her. 
“That was an accident.” Mercy tried her best to stay calm and collected. Tears threatened to escape.
Fareeha turned around and sat back down onto the bench inside of her cell. It wasn’t comfortable at all but she had dealt with worse back in the Egyptian Army. She scoffed with a grin on her face. As she looked down and said, 
“Speak to me when you truly have something to say.” She laid down and stared at the ceiling. 
Angela stopped and took a moment of realization that this wasn’t the same Fareeha. Talon had done something to the way Fareeha thinks. Something that she couldn’t undo. 
“What did they do to you Pharah…?” Angela felt as if she was choking on her words.
“My name is Raptor. Pharah is gone. Pharah is dead. They made me better.” Fareeha spat out.
Angela put a lone hand over her face as she walked out of the door, quietly whispering “I’m sorry.” 
As she the door closed behind her she looked up and saw Genji sitting aside. As if he was waiting for her to leave the room. 
“Angela…” (I need healing.JK) Genji started before he felt Angela’s arms envelope him in a hug. 
“What did I do Genji….?” Angela helplessly cried against his shoulder. 
“The best thing to do now I believe…is to wait for an opportunity.” Genji hugged back.
What they didn’t notice though, was the conversation happening inside of Fareeha’s cell. 
“I do hope you do not plan on leaving me here Ya Amar.” Raptor whispered out.
“Of course not cherie. I do not plan on letting you rot around those pathetic Overwatch agents.” Widowmaker’s voice flowed through her ears.
“Yea no worries hermana~” Sombra’s voice replaced widow’s.
“Im sure you and araña can go back to what you were doing once you’re out.” Fareeha knew Sombra had a smile on her face as she said that.
“Sombra I swear…” Both Widow and Raptor spoke at the same time.  -------------------------------------Please send any tips on writing to me. I would greatly appreciate that.
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dj-cacophony · 8 years
Black Lion Theory (S2 spoilers)
So imma try and keep this short. (I failed)
So, Shiro’s gone. we need a black paladin. The main contenders for it are: Keith Shiro returns Allura some new character and Lance. Keith, while being named by Shiro as his successor on two separate occasions, would not be a good leader. He’s impulsive, reckless and doesn’t think things through. This is what makes him perfect as the Red Paladin, and what makes his character. Plus, he’s had too much bonding with Red this season for her to let him pilot Black.
Shiro returning would be very cheap. I know it’s a kid’s show, but having something this huge happen and it’s just swept under the rug, that’d be a huge let down, not that it’s out of the realm of possibility.
Allura is needed on the castle to use the Teludav and provide support for the Lions and Voltron. She is too important in her current role for her to become the paladin of any lion, especially Black. She already has the weight of the universe and the legacy of her entire race on her shoulders. It would destroy her to burden her further.
A new character is feasible if done well, but there’s not much I can see about it.
Now, Lance. Lance has displayed subtle leadership skills over the course of both seasons, notably in the very first episode on the academy, when he emerged from a coma for the good of his team, in ‘return to the Balmera’, when he acts as a leader in the small group of himself and Keith, coming up with plans, preventing Keith from doing stupid things, and generally taking command. Finally (though I may have missed a couple) in “Crystal Venom” he acts as the voice of reason to Keith and Coran, and brings everyone together to figure out what’s going on. As well as this, he is shown as the glue of Voltron, having brought everyone together in the first episode. It’s also worth bringing up at this point that he is incredibly insecure in being the Blue Paladin, feeling as if “he doesnt have a thing”. It’s also stated on the website that the Blue Lion is the “friendliest and most accepting of new pilots”
So what does this mean? if Lance becomes the Black Paladin, not only will he need a wardrobe change, but we’ll need a new Blue Paladin. Well, here’s the thing. It’s been shown that (somehow) you only need one person to pilot the ship. Which established’s characters costume is already primarily blue? Who said their lifelong dream was to become a paladin? Who is incredibly friendly, funny, is quite like Lance really, and truly deserves more screentime?? WHO HAS AN INCREDIBLE MOUSTACHE AND IS ALREADY AN INCREDIBLE PILOT???
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