#im pulling this out of the ether as we speak
v-albion · 5 months
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Dad I’m home!
Next: Part 2
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xprakzif · 2 months
puppy love
chris sturniolo
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pairings: chris x fem!reader (unestablished)
warnings: fluff/angst, cursing, none really
summary: chris doesn’t know how to express his feelings and now she thinks he hates her.
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chris always seemed to have that narcissistic persona. any girl who came across him knew better than to try it, even if they attempted to get at him, he was quick to let it known he was uninterested. so why was he acting like this with her?
he didn’t even know. nick was great at making new friends, and she just happened to be at the same beach at the time they were. the triplets, along with nate, traveled to a smaller town that was typically quiet but had beautiful views and landmarks.
they were driving around until they spotted the rather empty beach. they walked along the tide talking for what felt like hours. they honestly lost track of time, and direction.
walking their way was a girl, she looked majestic in the sunset that made her skin glow. she wore a light pink bikini underneath a crocheted sweater that only covered her top half. in her right hand was a baby pink retractable leash, leading down to a small, harnessed, yorkie puppy that started to run up to the boys. she was ethereal, to chris atleast.
“look- maybe we can ask her how to get back to the car?” nate pointed to her, she was busy enjoying the sunset and didn’t notice them, until the dog began to bark.
“shhh, kiwi-“ she finally saw the group of boys coming up to her, gaining anxiety. usually people wanted to meet kiwi, she hoped that’s why they approached her.
“hi- oh!” nick started to speak until kiwi interrupted, barking in a high pitch while she struggled to get closer being pulled back by the pink harness.
“sorry, she’s friendly- she just wants you to pet her,”
matt wasted no time in bending down to greet the giddy puppy wagging her tail at the attention. he cooed and scratched at her fluffy ears.
“cute.. um this is gonna sound crazy, but we kinda lost our car-” nick explained.
“we aren’t from around here, my names nate” he interrupted nick, deepening his voice. chris was only watching, he’d never been so quiet before. even he realized.
“..okay, im y/n. where’d you guys park?”
“it was small lot in front of the surf shop building, when you get off the main road?” replied nate.
“oh- i parked there too! i can show you guys, we were just heading back home.” chris was surprised she had walked all this way, he was unaware that they were only walking for 40 minutes.
she was set in between matt and nick, walking ahead a bit to lead them. matt was eyeing kiwi the entire time. she noticed him walking close to her paying attention to everytime kiwi sniffed the sand or tried to drink the slow tide that came by.
“here,” she handed off the leash to him, gaining a huge smile in return. “don’t lose my baby, please.”
within the 40 minute walk back to the lot, nick made most the conversation, getting to know the girl. once again, chris realized how quiet he’d been. so did everyone else.
“here we are, this your van?” she pointed to the empty parking lot with only her car and theirs.
“yea, thank you so much. we honestly would’ve been deserted if it wasn’t for you- can i get your number? i’d love to hang out sometime!” the boys filled the car while nick stood outside with his new friend.
“of course!” she waited for him to pull up a new contact and verbalized her information. “i’ll see you, drive safely!” and with that she patted the drivers seat of her black toyota signaling kiwi to hop in, and went home with more than she came for.
meanwhile, the van was chaotic. matt and nate up front singing a song that came on, while nick interrogated chris.
“whats up with you? you haven’t said a word since we met y/n.”
he knew it too. he didn’t understand it thought. “i don’t know.. i’m fine.” nick could usually tell if he was lying, but this time it was unreadable. he let him off easily and went on his phone to text her about hanging out soon.
flashing forward to present day, chris had his mind made up. it all made sense why he acted that way. it was like his soul attached to her. he must stay focused though, so he denied, denied, denied.
she was at the triplets home. madi and nate were there too.
“we should make trevor and kiwi meet!” she suggested to matt who was laying next to her on the couch. his eyes lit up with kiwi cuddled to his chest.
“y’all are so obsessed with these dogs.” chris took a seat next to her listening in and placing his can of pepsi on the coffee table. his heart raced a bit when she looked him in the eyes. his remarks always came out defensive and ignorant. he couldn’t help it, he wasn’t used to this feeling and couldn’t make it obvious.
her on the other hand, thought he hated her. she grew aware of his personality but hers was naturally flirty and extroverted. he knew this as well. she was friendly with everyone. how was he supposed to know if she felt the same way?
“are you jealous that i like kiwi and trevor more than you?” she smirked. those eyes were the ones that made him nervous. the ones that drew him in every time.
his breathing caught in his throat, “nah..” he shook his head and reached for his drink to hide the smile plastered on his face.
she had an effect on him she had no idea about.
“so trevor’s going back to your parents during the tour..” she started indicating an idea that made matt excited and chris irritated. her and matt had a bond that was different from the others. they had a lot in common, something chris grew jealous of and tried to prevent in anyway possible.
it was his own fault though. he decided to stay quiet and let his fear of rejection control him. that could’ve been him in that position.
“absolutely not. we’re not bringing the dogs on tour, y/ n.” he assured sternly.
she shifted in her seat to face him, “chris! come on, i’ll be there to take care of them while you guys work, madi will be there too! right madi?” she motioned to the girl who was sat at the table with nick.
“don’t even try!” chris stated before madi could even speak.
“what’s wrong with that, i love kiwi and trevor!” madi disagreed with chris from the table.
“see its two against one!”
“three!” matt mumbled with kiwi licking at his face.
“don’t you want me to be happy?” she pouted and widen her eyes to tease him. he did want her to be happy, he was just being an asshole.
he looked into her eyes, the ones that made him fall too hard for her. almost stunned and lost for words he looked away, “whatever, fine.”
she squealed and hugged him tightly, shocking him in the process.
this was going to be a very long tour.
“okay- wait what if they fight?” she was holding kiwi tightly in her arms covered by a comfy sweater. they were currently loading the tour bus, situating their bunks, and trying to introduce the dogs.
matt was sitting on the floor with trevor in his lap.
“you said she was friendly with other dogs,”
“she is.. i just don’t want them to fight!” she gave in and sat on the floor with kiwi. chris came onto the bus to see what was going on. they had disappeared into the bus moments ago without telling anyone.
he stopped in his tracks and observed the scene.
she finally let kiwi down, sniffing the floor of the new area and approaching the other small dog. trevor did the same, eventually they began to smell each other to get familiar.
she spared a glance at matt who smiled in return. chris noticed this, his heart sank a bit. did she like him? he thought.
soon enough, kiwi and trevor were playing together after kiwi licked his nose.
“aww they love eachother!” she cheered and scooted forward to hug matt. a grunt was heard by the two, chris didn’t know he did that out loud.
“oh- chris, look!” pointing at the puppies, “let’s have them married.” she was playing around, he wasn’t having any of it.
“yea, we’re about to start moving so can you guys move?” once again, he didn’t mean for it to come off so abruptly. she frowned and picked up kiwi, pushing past him to get to the seats, trevor trailing behind her.
“dude, why you being so rude to her?” matt was genuinely curious, but it came off defensive. he loved her, but only as a friend. not like chris did.
“i’m not..” matt was about to just walk away, but he spoke again, “i just- matt?”
“yeah?” they stared at eachother.
“i think i’m in love with her.”
matt cheesed widely in excitement, chris took it the wrong way.
“no- you can’t tell her!”
that wasn’t even on his list, “i won’t. i’m just happy you can admit your feelings for once.” patting his brother on the shoulder and going to sit with the others.
in the bus, she sat next to madi. they were giggling at trevor chasing kiwi in a circle. nick was across from them scrolling through tiktok.
chris walked in, seeing the beautiful smile on her face light up the room. everyone noticed he walked in, he was more focused on her.
she glanced at him, the smile fading a bit.
“we’re moving, everyone sit! we don’t want any accidents.” a voice called out from the front of the bus, most likely the driver.
chris sat next to her on instinct. there was obvious tension.
“madi, look at this” nick motioned for her to sit next to him which she did. leaving the two to sit alone.
chris wasn’t one for apologizing, he wasn’t sure how. he had to say something though.
“you glad we brought the dogs?” that was his way of apologizing?
she was very forgiving to say the least. there’s been worse things he’d say to her. some of which made her go cry in the bathroom.
silence. besides nick and madi scream-laughing across them.
“so- um, which state you most excited to see?” he was trying anything to start a conversation.
“oh- probably florida, i loved visiting there when i was younger,”
he didn’t know that though, he never took the time to get to know her for real. not like matt or nick did.
he was starting to hate himself for it. why couldn’t he just express himself correctly? it was a struggle for sure.
the bus made it to their first stop. everyone got out to stretch, matt and y/n letting the dogs use the bathroom.
they were away from the group, far enough for no one to hear their conversation.
“i’m so happy we brought them,” she started
“me too, not happy about this part though” he cringed at the sight of trevor using the bathroom that he would have to clean up.
“um.. can i ask you something?” she was comfortable enough with matt to have deeper talks, this was something she couldn’t get out of her mind.
“of course,”
she took a deep breath, “is chris like, mad at me.. or something? ever since we met he acts as if he hates me, do you see it too?”
after what chris told him earlier, it made sense. “no, no he doesn’t hate you,” he wasn’t sure how to word it in a way that wouldn’t out his brother. “that’s just how he is, but trust me he doesn’t hate you. we love you, y/n”
“i love you guys too.” his words were comforting, she felt some sense of relief. matt was always sweet to her, it was easy to get close with him. her mind still wandered to chris, there had to be more, right?
the rest of the ride was relaxed, for most of them atleast. madi and matt were asleep in the bunks, nick was sitting on a seat using his laptop.
chris was in a bunk, trying his best to sleep but his brain was wide awake. he didn’t know how he would manage going on tour with her, spending everyday with her, all with her being oblivious to his feelings that he couldn’t even let out correctly.
she was in the same room as nick, her head on his shoulder watching his skills as he edited a video for his business.
“hmm, i think i’m gonna go lay down before i go insane. you coming?” he shut the computer.
“i will in a minute..” she wasn’t going to get a wink of sleep this entire trip.
nick nodded and slid the door to the bunks open. she sat for a second, looking out the window to the starry sky blurring past. the lights were off leaving the only light casting from the window to dimly shine in the bus. the door slid open behind her, it was probably nick forgetting his phone before he left.
“y/n?” she turned to see the silhouette of chris.
she gulped unable to speak. “what you doing up?”
“i could ask you the same thing,” she said while he sunk into the spot next to her.
“can’t sleep..”
“me neither, are you nervous about performing?”
“why would i be?” he barked. there it was again.
“chris, am i supposed to read your fucking mind?” she even shocked herself, she was fed up with his attitude.
“i wish you could, maybe then you’ll understand how stupid you are!”
“seriously what’s wrong with you? why do you act like you hate me?!” she was a little too loud.
“what the hell is going on?” nick came from the sliding door, he hadn’t went to sleep yet and heard her shouting.
“nothing- mind your business!” nick looked like he was ready to tear chris apart.
she felt her face heat up, her eyes began to water. she got up and stormed to the back of the bus letting the tears flow. she couldn’t hold back.
“you better go apologize to her chris! i swear i’ll ruin this whole tour for you! if you have a problem with her than say that, she’s our best friend, even if she’s not to you.” he lectured him knowing how he treated her. everyone knew, they just didn’t see why.
chris sat there silently while nick went off. he didn’t even bite back. nick just stood there with his arms crossed waiting for chris to speak, move, anything.
“your right..” he whispered.
“what was that?”
“i said your right, damn.”
“that’s what i thought. now get to moving, i wanna go to bed, in peace!” nick emphasized. he waited for chris to get up and head to the back, following behind to go back in his bunk.
chris hesitated before sliding open the door to the back area of the bus. he heard sniffles from the other side, it felt like nick punched him in the chest before going to bed. he wasn’t aware he made her cry.
stepping into the small room, he saw her barley lit up from the moonlight and occasional passing car.
she looked up to see him, worried and a bit embarrassed. worried he would yell at her again. she didn’t like that he could make her crumble with such ease.
“y/n..” she hated when he said her name.
he sat next to her on the leather seat that was less spacious than the ones up front.
“don’t cry.. i-i’m sorry, okay?” he shocked himself making his body heat up. she wiped her nose with the soft sleeve of her sweater and turned to him.
“i don’t hate you, i don’t. i’m sorry for treating you wrong, i promise i’ll stop, okay?”
she nodded, feeling a smile creep on her puffy lips.
even in the dark, her smile lit up the room. he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and she embraced him tightly around his torso.
he loved the feeling. it was this easy? he thought. the flame grew with every second they touched, he wished it could last forever. but she pulled away and he craved it all over again.
“cmon, you need to sleep.” she got up indicating she was going to sleep before stopping. “goodnight, i love you.”
that. that almost broke him.
he knew it was platonic, she said it to all of them.
“goodnight.. i love you too.” but he meant it differently. she wouldn’t know that though.
“rise and shine, campers!”
kiwi and trevor were having a barking match trying to get to each other being too scared to jump off the bunk and waking everyone up.
“too early for you to be this energetic” madi groaned to nick while hopping down from her bunk.
“girl it’s 10am! we have a few hours till our first show!” nick exclaimed making his way off the bus. madi followed him.
the crew stopped to get breakfast before heading to the venue of the day.
“matt,” she poked at the sleeping boy in his bunk. “matt! wake up!”
he groaned, “what? where are we?” shuffling in the sheets.
“get up, we’re getting food. and you have to let trevor out!”
“it’s fine, i got it” chris came almost out of nowhere and picked up the small dog with the leash already in his hand.
her and matt both glanced at eachother confused before matt layed back down. she rolled her eyes playfully, her attention going back to chris who struggled with putting on the harness.
“trevor- stay still!”
she giggled and helped him after finishing with kiwi. maybe he was going to change after all.
“it’s time boys!” the triplets were at the venue backstage. they waited for the opening act to finish performing so they could go on.
“5 minutes till show time.” the crew member advised them to get ready to go on stage.
madi and y/n were backstage hyping them up. “you got this, you’ll do great! love you, have fun!” she hugged matt and nick as they left the stage room with madi, leaving her and chris alone.
“are you ready?”
he nodded and fixed his hair under his cap. “how do i look?”
“ugh, you never change, do you? you look fine!” she joked, smacking him on his chest. “okay, now go! they’re waiting for you!”
“alright, i’m definitely not stalling..”
“chris, you’ll do great! i love you so much, i’m so proud of you!” she was referring to all of them, but he took it personal. she embraced him in a hug- he was stunned. why couldn’t he move? something took over him, he just stared at her.
“i love you.” he whispered.
“good luck, chris.” she turned to grab kiwi from the floor, did she hear him?
“i love you, y/n.” he said it louder this time.
“i heard you, hun..”
he grasped her hand lightly before she could bend down to pick up her dog, making her face him. looking him in the eye.
“no, i don’t think you did- i love you.”
her expression was lost. “..what?
he couldn’t stop saying it. “i love you, y/n,” but he finally said the right one.
“i’m in love with you.”
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can y’all tell i love animals yet or no
idk but tell him part three should be out soon stay tunedddd xoxo
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luvyeni · 1 year
heeseung smut + super shy reader 🤭🤭??
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pairings. basketballplayer!heeseung x shy!reader
wc. 2.1k+
warnings. oral (f. receiving) , protected sex (wow crazy) , dirty talk, kinda pervy heeseung,
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i hope you like it <3 !
heeseung loves seeing you in his jersey.
"you hate basketball." you maneuvered your way to your seats , your friend right in front of you. "i do , but i like jake sim more." she pointed to the boy who was currently on the court floor. "way way more." you shook your head , your friend had been obsessed with the basketball player since freshmen year , and when he finally started to show interest in her , she did everything she could to please him , including coming to his basketball games.
"i have to support him , you know how happy he gets when i come to his game." you didn't have a have a problem with jake , in fact he was actually really nice to her — you just hated basketball. "well heeseung is playing tonight , see." your face heated up just at the mention of the boys name. "i see that smile , im not blind , you should talk to him." you rolled your eyes. "like hell , i wouldn't even be able to talk to someone like him." you watched the boy pass the ball to the other player. "well jake told me that he talked about you." she said. "he wondered why you never talked." it wasn't that you never talked — you just couldn't talk to him , everytime you tried to nothing came out.
you ignored your friend , focusing on the game — well more so heeseung. he was ethereal , you've never been a fan of sweat , but he was just so sexy , and the way he played basketball. your heart damn near dropped to your ass when he made direct eye contact with you , quickly turning away , you didn't notice his smile before he turned back to the game.
all throughout the game , he'd constantly look your way , smiling at you before making a basket , smiling when you'd shy away , trying not to smile to yourself. soon the game was over , and your bestfriend was dragging you towards the court. "god it's like he can't make a basket without looking to you first." your friend said , you shook your head , waving her off. "stop saying nonsense." you scoffed. "and where are we going?" she pointed to the two boys walking towards you. "jake!" your friend jumped into the boys arms. "good game , im so proud of you." she kissed his cheek. "thank you baby." the boy said. "hey y/n." you waved. "hi jake."
"you know heeseung right?" he looked better up close , his body towering over yours , looking down at you , smiling. you nodded , unable to speak properly. "she's in a few of my classes , she sits way in the back." your face heated up. "she's a bit shy." your friend slapped your arm. "say something." you wanted to curse her out. "h-hi." you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. "nice y/n , nice." your friend sighed.
"we're gonna head back to our apartment , you girls down?" jake held on to the girls waist. "of course." you turned to your friend — who was too excited for your liking. "we are?" you said. "yes , we are." she gave you her best puppy dog eyes , she knew you couldn't resist it. "i-i guess , sure." she clapped excitedly , pulling jake away to the car. "you coming?" heeseung waited for you. "o-oh yeah." you followed behind him , he still made sure to walk slow so you wouldn't get left behind.
you climbed into the back seat of jakes car , heeseung climbed in the back, sitting down right next to you , his thigh touching yours sitting his gym bag on the side. "i hope you don't mind , but she looked like she was ready to fight me over the front seat so." your giggle , made him smile. "i finally got you to laugh." your heart was about to beat out of your chest , you turned to look out the window.
heeseung watched you out the corner of his eye , the way you fidgeted with your fingers , he thought you were so cute , he'd notice the way you'd always run away whenever he was in the vicinity , keeping your head down , smiling to yourself whenever he'd look at you , you did nothing to hide your crush on him , even though he didn't mind.
he could feel your leg shake with nerves. your skirt riding up just a bit , he wanted to so desperately squeeze your thigh , he wondered if you'd make a noise , he would love to hear it. "we're here." jake parked the car , knocking both of you out your thoughts. he let you get out first , taking a peek of your ass , before climbing out of the car , gym bag in his hand. you guys made it to their shared apartment , making your ways to the livingroom.
"you guys want drinks we have beer?" jake said. "y/n doesn't drink beer." your friend answered for you. "oh well there's sodas , but those are heeseung's and he doesn't like- she can have one." heeseung quickly spoke up. "you never let anyone drink your sodas." jake said , your friend sneakily wiggled your eyebrows , that made your little heart jump. "it's fine , she can have one." he sat down couch , next to the chair you were sitting in. "you must be really special." jake handed you the soda , sitting down next to your friend , heeseung's face turned red.
you guys ordered some food , turning on a random movie while you ate , and you listened to them talk , occasionally nodding when they talked to you. it eventually slowed down , and it became silent while you guys watched the movie. "hey." heeseung whispered , leaning into you. "hi." you said. "this movie is boring , did they even check to see what they were putting on?" you turned to the couple , they weren't even paying attention to the movie , they were two wrapped up into each other.
"i don't even think they recognize that we're still here." he laughed. "how about we go watch one in my room." was he serious ? in his room? alone? you could barely stand it when his leg simply touched yours , you don't know how you were gonna survive being alone in his room. "s-sure." you managed to get out. "okay , let's go." he held his hand out , helping you up. "t-thanks." you went to tell your friend , but she was already looking urging you to go.
he held your hand , guiding you to his room. "here it is." he opened the door , letting you in. "i cleaned it this morning so." you walked in , sitting down on the edge of his bed. "your room is nice." you don't even know why you said that , his room was pretty basic. "really?" he laughed , sitting next to you. "it seems pretty plain." he was so close , you could smell his scent. you looked around , your eyes coming into contact to most interesting thing in his room, his basketball jersey.
"try it on." he said , your eyes went wide. "it-it's fine." he stood up , picking up the shirt. "come on , i want to see you in it." he handed it to you. "i bet you would look really nice." you hesitantly stood up , taking the shirt from his hand. "go on." you put the shirt on , it fell past your legs , covering your skirt. his brain short circuited for a minute , you looked so cute in his shirt , it looked like you were wearing his shirt and nothing else. it made his mind wonder to a dirty place , how you'd look if he fucked you in his jersey , his cock stirring in his sweats. "d-does it look okay?" god you looked so cute , he just want to pounce on you , and ravish you.
"you look really good." the change in his voice made you feel something in your stomach. "so good actually." he stalked you , you stepped back as reflex , falling on to his bed. "i'm trying my best , i really am." he said. "but you look so cute , i can't stand it." your heart was racing , you swore he could hear it , he leaned down , grabbing your face , pulling you into a kiss — it was your first kiss , but it was surely the best kiss. he pulled away , his thumb tracing your bottom lip.
"did you like that?" he smirked , you nodded. "you want another?" you nodded , he sucked his teeth. "sorry babygirl , but you gotta sure your words this time." he watched you open and shut your mouth , trying to get your words out. "come on , you got it princess , you want another kiss right" he encouraged you. "y-yes , please." he smiled , his cock hardening even more. "good girl." he leaned in , kissing you again , this time much longer.
he tapped your thighs , signaling you to move further up the bed , climbing on top of you. you couldn't believe this was happening , you felt like you were in a dream , there was no way you were making out with lee heeseung in his bedroom. "so cute , been wanting to touch you ever since we were in the car." he kissed your neck , leaving little marks. "those cute legs , wondered how the felt wrapped around my head." you whimpered. "you sound so pretty , would you like that , for me to eat your pretty pussy?" his dirty words making your panties soaked.
"words baby." he unbuttoned your skirt , pulling it down slowly. "say it , tell me you want me to eat your pussy." he hovered above your clothed heat. "p-please." was all you could get out. "please what ? gotta tell me what you want." he was messing with you. "w-wan y-you to e-eat me out." you were so shocked hearing those words come out of your mouth. "good girl." he kissed your cunt , pulling your pants down. "fuck , you're so wet." he groaned , kissing your thighs. "pl-please heeseung." you whimpered.
"you gotta keep quiet for me , don't want them to hear those pretty noises." he licked a strip up your clit. "so sweet , like candy baby." he licked and slurped up your juices. "hee-heeseung." you bit your lip , trying to hide your moans. his nose bumped against your clit , sticking his tongue into your hole. "fe-feels so good." you soft moans and whimpers were music to his ears , he tried his best not to grind against his bed , but you were making it so hard. "hee-heeseung , im gonna-" you could barely get the words outs , before you were wrapping your legs around his head , your heels digging into his back as you came on his tongue.
he lapped up the mess you made , finally coming up for air , his lips wet from your essence , hair messy and his eyes blown out. "you made such a mess." he wiped his mouth , getting up untying the string from his sweatpants , his cock bulging against his underwear. "i want you to keep the shirt on." he grinded his budgle against your cunt. "wanna make you cum on my cock in it." he pulled his cock out , reaching over to pull out a condom , stroking his cock , putting the condom on.
"you ready?" he grabbed the base of his cock , pushing his tip at your entrance. "y-yes." you whimpered. "good girl , using your words." sliding into your hole. "oh f-fuck you're so tight." his eyes closed , your cunt was gripping his cock like vice. "fuck baby , you squeezing my dick." he pulled out slowly , pushing back in , his cock stretching you out once again , before he began to slowly rock his hips into you.
"taking my fat cock like such a good girl." you covered your face in embarrassment , he chuckled , grabbing your wrists , holding them down as he fucked into you. "no don't hide your pretty face , let me see how fucked out you are." he speed up his movements. "hee-heeseung." you clenched around his cock. "sh-shit baby , you feel so fucking good." he grunted.
"heeseung m'gonna cum." he rubbed your clit , hitting your spot over and over. "you're so vocal now -shit-" he said. "where'd my shy baby go , you're gonna cum , cum for me pretty." you wrapped your legs around his waist , clenching tightly around him , your thighs shaking as you came. "fu-fuck , fuck im cumming." he moaned , his thrust getting sloppier as he came into the condom. "shit." he pressed his forehead against yours , heavily breathing.
"you okay? i'm gonna pull out now." you nodded , he slowly pulled out , discarding the condom. "keep my jersey on , you look so good." hey layed down next to you. "want you to wear it all the time , even to my games." he pulled you close tucking you under his arm. "your games?" you questioned. "of course , you won't come support me?" he pouted , you smiled. "s-sure." you said. "good i look forward to seeing you in my jersey in the crowd." he kissed your forehead.
"and fucking you in the gym showers afterwards."
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strnsvt · 8 months
joshua hong — unwritten constellations: love beyond royalty.
joshua leaned casually against the polished car, a gentle smile gracing his features as you stormed out of the grand doors, your eyes flashing with frustration, "take me far away from this royal chaos," he nodded silently, opening the car door for you.
the car sped through the winding city streets as joshua glanced at you. a subtle smile played on his lips as you stared out of the window, letting a tear roll down your cheek which didn't go unnoticed by joshua.
wordlessly — he reached into the compartment, giving you a delicate handkerchief, knowing not to speak unless spoken to.
"i hate this, joshua," you say, dabbing away the tear. joshua's gaze remained steady on the road ahead, "i understand, princess," he replied in a soothing tone.
"don't call me that," you sniffled.
despite your plea, joshua couldn't help but push back with a teasing tone, "alright, princess. even in the chaos, there's a certain elegance to your rebellion."
"stop calling— oh my god," more tears streamed down your face and joshua only chuckles.
"so, where are we headed, princess?"
"where are we headed, y/n?" joshua asked again, the anticipation hanging in the air.
you sighed, gazing out the window at the passing city lights. "i don't know, joshua. just drive,"
"won't your parents—"
"no. don't talk about them,"
"i might get fired if—"
"just drive," you interrupt, refusing to let him finish his sentences, "for an hour or two or three,"
"a three-hour long drive. noted," joshua says, adjusting the rearview mirror. "but before that, we have to visit the gas station," you simply hum.
the car pulled into a dimly lit gas station, the soft glow of fluorescent lights casting an otherworldly ambiance. joshua parked — as you both stepped out into the crisp night air.
as he began refueling the car, you leaned against the side, deep in thought. "it's strange, finding sanctuary in a place like this,"
joshua chuckled, his hands still busy with the pump. "sometimes, unexpected stops lead to unexpected revelations,"
you glanced around at the flickering neon signs and the distant hum of the highway. "i never imagined a gas station could be a refuge,"
he finished refueling and joined you, a playful glint in his eyes. "life is full of surprises. now, shall we continue our journey into the unknown?"
"joshua, my parents...they've already started arranging suitors for my marriage," you admitted, the weight of their expectations heavy in your voice.
a subtle change crossed joshua's expression, a fleeting emotion surfacing in his eyes when the topic of suitors arose, "oh," is all he exhaled out.
"...lets go?"
he simply nods, with a shared understanding hanging in the air, you both climbed back into the car, leaving the gas station's ethereal glow behind. the engine hummed to life as joshua merged onto the open road, the city lights fading into the distance.
"three hours of silent drive. am i right, princess?"
you turn your head to look at him, "no, not silent,"
"do you wish to play some music then?"
"no. i want to talk to you. and i want you to talk to me. like a friend. we're hardly two years apart, joshua,"
"im afraid, i can't do that," he says, changing the gear.
"why not?" you asked, the quiet urgency in your voice breaking the serene atmosphere.
"because, y/n, every stolen glance, every shared silence, they echo with something more profound. i can't simply be a friend when my heart whispers a different story,"
"...what do you mean?"
joshua simply takes your hand in his, holding it so delicately, his lips brushing against your skin in a tender kiss.
joshua, sensing the need for a moment of solitude, steers the car toward a isolated place.
"why here, joshua?"
"because, i need to do this," he replied, undoing the seatbelt and leaning towards you. in that secluded haven, he captured your lips with his in a chaste kiss, a gentle exchange of emotions that spoke louder than words.
the night enveloped you both in its quiet embrace, the car now parked in solitude. joshua's kiss lingered, a silent promise between the flickering stars above.
"unexpected turns," he murmured, his voice a soft echo in the stillness. you met his gaze, finding solace in the unspoken connection.
"what now, joshua?" you whispered, the vulnerability in your words hanging in the air, "what about the suitors?"
"let them chase shadows," he replied, intertwining his fingers with yours. "our story, princess, is written in the stars, not in the scripts they pen."
and so, the road unfolded, weaving a narrative of love, rebellion, and the quiet strength found in the spaces between whispered confessions and stolen kisses.
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withonly-sweetheart · 18 days
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He took you with him to his haven in the woods, against your will, but you've grown used to him. Betrayal falls from your fingertips, the glinting blade you've always held.
read part one here !! (wont make sense until you have)
a/n: mint anon ilysm i really appreciate the support and ill always love you !! i hope you enjoy this final part, ik its a bit rushed but im working on a lot of other things rn ! requests always come first tho ! <3 lysm would love ur feedback and take on this!
tw: angst, major character death <- thats literally me bro, non explicit nsfw? i think? idk anymore mentions of war and stuff
wc: 2.5k
They arrive the morning after, when you’re still numb with grief, forced to face the people that have Leon’s mystical sheen, the ethereal, otherworldly glow that you grew so used to seeing only on him. It looks strange, unnatural on the duo standing in front of you.
“It has come to our attention that my son,” the man, hands cupped in a somewhat whimsical manner, grits out, “is being held prisoner in your dingy dungeon.”
“More than what he deserves, the beast,” your mother scoffs into your ear, leaning back at a sharp glance from your king. His Highness turns back to your visitors, standing precariously at the edge of the drawbridge, as if entering is declaring things you should not speak of.
“He impersonated us,” he says, eerily calm. “You, of all, should understand how insulting that is.”
“And we formally apologize on his behalf,” he retorts. You can see Leon pass in shadows, in the way his mouth tightens when he’s irritated, in the fringe that covers his eyes, far older and wiser than the man you thought you knew.
“How would you like to apologize for the death of this maiden’s father?” The king nudges you forward with his scepter, and you stumble towards them. Their gazes are uncaring as they scan you, eyebrows raised as if to mock your expression.
"We know nothing of this," the man answers sternly.
"Our son would never harm an innocent," the woman clinging to his side, who you assume to be his wife, adds.
"And yet your boy wore our faces to deceive the people," your king reminds them coolly.
"If what you claim is true, justice must be served,” Leon’s father says slowly. "We wish only to see our son. If you accuse him of crimes, let him defend himself before you in a court of law."
“We are far past the court of law,” one of the knights bursts out, stepping forward. You recognize him as one of the men always surrounding the king, perhaps a member of his personal guard. His eyes are crazed as an identically dressed man pulls him back. “Your son deserves nothing but-”
“Child,” the king interrupts, turning to you and nodding thoughtfully, stroking the slight stubble growing on his chin. “You were there. You know him best. Tell us what you think.”
Leon’s mother sneers at you. “The nerve of your tyrant king, keeping innocents locked away under some false pretense no doubt. Mark my words, he will pay if any harm has come to my boy,” she hisses angrily. “Watch what you say around us, mortal.”
You shift uncomfortably, glancing at your mother. “Your son is not what he says. It is true, he killed my father in the woods. But… I do not believe him to be a bad man.”
You wince at the collective gasp that comes from your people. Your king steps away from you, as if you have suddenly caught a strange disease with your words.
“Nevertheless,” he remarks, as if you had never spoken. “If you want your son, you will have to fight for him.”
Whenever something like this has been declared, you have always seen anger flare to life in the opponent’s eyes, making them seem insignificant, not truly something to consider. But it is unsettling, the level looks on their faces.
Leon’s father cocks his head to the side, and you swear that it’s not him anymore, but his son, standing there in front of you, a taunting smile tugging his lips in the opposite directions.
“If that is what you wish.”
They didn’t look back.
Dinner that night is served with an awkward silence, as your mother’s eyes bore into you across the table, asking the silent question that you don’t wish to answer. Eventually she outright expresses her outrage, slamming her hands down onto the table.
You solemnly watch a blueberry roll down the tablecloth, plopping onto the floor with a sad squishing sound. “Ma, yes, I know. But you told me to be honest!”
“Because I thought I changed your mind,” she seethes, cold heartedly, fingers clenching into fists. You get the feeling she’s itching to mess up your face. “But evidently, I was wrong.”
“You’re the only one who'll never understand,” you mumble, reaching for the glass of juice near you. It seems strangely dark for apple juice, but you must’ve requested something else. Things seem to slip from your thoughts more and more often now, especially when your mom stares at you, looking down at you like you’re just a small child, confused, like it’s all your fault.
“There will be a war,” she calls out as you excuse yourself, storming as quietly as you can away from her, away from the sense of agony that floats around your mother, threatening to infect you as well. “I hope you realize you are the cause.”
Her words echo through your head, thoughts that swirl in a hazy mess, refusing to settle. Your head feels fuzzier than usual, dark shapes dancing at the edges of your vision even with eyes closed tight.
You toss and turn, kicking off sweat-soaked sheets as you abandon your futile attempts at rest, bolting upright, gasping, staring wild-eyed into the inky blackness that fills an area that you can’t see yet.
Dawn’s rosy fingers stretch across the sky, chasing the cotton clouds. Blinking your gummy eyes open, panic sets in when unfamiliar surroundings come into focus.
Rough wooden walls greet your bleary vision, the low ceiling beams dotted with bunches of drying herbs, their aroma lingering in the narrow bars of pale morning light that filter through a small window, doing little to illuminate the single sparse room.
Your frantic mind races to piece together how you've come to be in this place instead of your bedchamber. The last thing you recall is fitful dreams amidst the calm night.
A creak of floorboards causes you to start, snapping your head toward the noise. An old woman stands in the open doorway, regarding you with keen interest.
"Awake at last, are you?" she rasps, hobbling closer. "We’ve been waiting quite a while. Our prince must not know you as well as he thinks, hm?” She winks, the sunkissed skin around her eyes wrinkling. 
Alarm courses through you at her words. “Sorry, what prince?”
She laughs, a loud, booming sound you don’t even begin to expect from such a fragile looking woman. “Why, dearie, you know him quite well!”
Dread replaces the alarm, throbbing in time with your heartbeat as you shakily stand up, feeling faint, sunlight warming your skin quickly. “Are we in the forest?"
“Of course,” the old woman croaks. "The prince entrusted me with overseeing your recovery!” 
Shivering, you clutch your head, images from tortured dreams flickering at the edges of memory. "Recovery? Did he drug me?"
The crone cackles again. "Always straight to the point, that’s our prince! Yes, I've a potion or two up my sleeve. But fear not, it was for your own protection. Forces stir in these woods that seek to threaten the royal line, dear."
Unease coils in your gut like a serpent. "Then I must return at once. My kingdom needs its ruler in these troubled times." You stride for the door on unsteady legs.
”Not the human kingdom, dearie,” she chastises, tugging at your sleeve to maneuver you back to the simple bed. “Our kingdom.”
You pause, confused by her strange words. “Pardon?”
She beams, and for the first time, you feel fear. Her outwardly innocent appearance masks a mad woman, you realize.
“You aren’t too bright, are you? No matter, the princess requires little to no intelligence, yes?”
“Princess?” You frown. “Who’s the princess?”
Her grin grows, revealing crooked, uneven teeth sparkling in the gray dawn. She steps to the side, showing the open door, and the figure leaning against the wall.
They have started a war. Fools upon fools sent into the forest, like they’ll find you from mere scouting. The forest is a dangerous place, but how would they know? Locked up behind their walls, deeming it safe, never truly understanding the beauty of nature without seeing it.
Nor its dangers.
“I demand to be sent home,” you say definitively, as if they would ever listen, scuffing your foot on the dirt, smearing it on the gnarled roots of the tree.
“You know I cannot allow that,” Leon murmurs, reaching up into his hair to scruff his already tousled locks, letting them fall back, shadowing his eyes. “I cannot let you go.”
“Can you not hear?”
"Why do you persist in asking when you know my answer must remain the same?" Leon replies, frustration creeping into his tone. "We've had this discussion many times."
"And I will keep having it until you see reason!" you retort. "I don't belong here against my will, lest be your bride." 
Leon sighs heavily. "If it could be different, I swear I would change everything. But fate is cruel, no?" A lopsided smile curves his lips.
"So I'm to be your prisoner forever?" Heat rises in your cheeks at the indignity of belonging to him for eternity. "Keep me locked up here while the rest of the world passes me by?"
"It's not like that and you know it," Leon says, worry lines creasing his brow. He paces a few steps before turning back to you. "I'm responsible for keeping our secrets safe. Forgive me for prioritizing that over your temporary discomfort."  
You bite back a retort, longing to wipe that sadly sympathetic look from his face. Carnations could not hold a melting candle to the flush that dusts his cheeks as he entwines his hands with yours, linking your fingers together.
“I promise I will make your life as perfect as I can,” he vows, sounding as sincere as you’ve ever heard him. Then again, how would you know? You believed him like a fool when he charmed his way through your carefully built fortresses, prodding at your heart like a madman, wanting to love you.
“I will hold you to that,” you mumble, biting your lip. He rests a hand on your chin, and tugs at the bottom of your mouth, gazing down at you with so much adoration it wells up in his peacock feathered eyes, irises the most vibrant shade of rainbow gold.
“You are fated to me,” he whispers against your ear, cupping your neck, hands dipping further down your back. “I should hope that brings you joy. I am still the same man you fell in love with.”
“Was the deception necessary?” you ask quietly. “Why could you not have told me, about my father, or of your true identity?”
“I am no fool,” he sighs against your skin. “I would’ve lost you. How you were when you had to leave me, I assume.”
“Heartbroken,” you admit, leaning back into him, melting into the whole of him, feeling separate from the world while the forest watches you, alone and not all at once.
“Well, it is good you have me to help mend it.”
His grin is the crescent moon that shines so brightly, reflecting off the sheen of sweat coating your skin, eyes the twin stars that sparkle around it.
And if his lips are the moon, and his eyes are the stars, then his mouth…
Oh, his mouth is the vast sky.
You would always recognize those amber eyes, any day, any place, any time because they are the mirror to your own, depths of tar, emotions slowly dragging across the orange liquid, a fossil preserved in time.
And those eyes peer back at you on another nightly stroll, mere hours until the wedding at dawn, irises hidden in the bushes, and Leon doesn’t notice the soft rustling. You wonder how his keen ears have missed it, but perhaps your breathy whispers in them have muted it.
You grit your teeth when he tenses against you, sensing that you are not alone. He keeps an arm barred against your waist, pinning you against the chipped tree trunk as he twists over his shoulder to scan the clearing.
A flower waves goodbye to you, disappearing between the leaves, and some part of you hopes Leon notices it, grabs your hand and rushes away, vanishing into the thick, mysterious forest.
But he doesn’t. His eyes stay fixed on the bushes, trying to make anything out, and you wonder what’s got him so preoccupied, what’s got his mind racing.
The knife, your mother’s voice whispers in your ear, and you can hear it, truly, but Leon doesn’t, so you wonder whether it's true. The leather handle glints in the moonlight, shadowed by his broad frame. 
Your fingers snake around it, and for a few moments you aren’t even aware of your actions until the blade is buried deep into his skin. Warm liquid seeps from the intrusion as you freeze, dragging your eyes up, meeting Leon’s thunder lit eyes.
A broken sigh escapes his lips, through his parted teeth a torrent of ruby cuts off his air supply, sending him stumbling back from you. Instinctively you rub the area he had pressed against so roughly, already losing him.
He reaches out for you, fingers grasping at the air as he falls, however graceful as a little feathered fiend down on the dead foliage, where you had both tread mere hours ago, the bitterness you once felt towards him completely gone as he discussed your future.
Children. A boy, maybe two girls?
An empire. Anything you want, my princess.
Perfectly fine, in your eyes. You love him, don’t you?
But now here he is, lying on decaying foliage, strawberry-blonde locks spread out in a widening splash of red, a crown on his peaceful face. He doesn’t stir.
The air is thick with the earthy scent of damp soil and decaying leaves, mingling with the sweet, faint aroma of blooming honeysuckle nearby, sweet like your mother’s scent as she gathers you in her arms, a caring gesture, but the knife slips from your trembling fingers.
“You’re safe now, don’t worry, you’re with me now,” she coos, a gentle breeze whispered through the trees and past the shell of your too red ears, making the branches sway as if they were dancing at your demise.
And you’ve wished for this so many times over the weeks.
Wished to be back in her arms.
But in some cruel twist of fate, you don’t anymore.
Your eyes are stuck on Leon’s limp body, as it dissolves into feathers, paintbrushes coated in the crimson of his blood, that, just like you, are gathered between the wind’s caring fingers and swept away, just like that.
Your father was killed by his hand.
He was killed by your hand.
So it seems that there has always been a monster in you, too.
How would your mother put it?
A shaky smile spreads across your face as you tug her in further, imaging her voice in your head, just as you had with the knife.
A beast.
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booiiee · 3 months
Deep blue, but you painted me golden
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the first time you realise you're in love with yeonjun
Pairing: female reader + choi yeonjun
Tags: realisation of love, date in the park, fluff, tooth rotting fluff, LOTS of kissing (self indulgent)
the first time you realise you love yeonjun you're in central park for a last minute picnic (that you were not dressed appropriately for- a pair of jeans and a tshirt that you had borrowed from jun). you're setting down your art supplies as you look over to yeonjun who's already begun taking pictures on his film camera ( that you had given him as a present).
Maybe it's the way the sunlight falls on his face or the way he smiles as the breeze touches his hair, maybe it's the way he's always treated you, or the way he is always so gentle when he speaks, to everyone around him- his gentle soul is an all access feature that seldom makes you jealous for he makes you feel special in a million other ways.
He had asked you out twice before you agreed to go on a date with him, too scared to mess up the friendship and lose him if it didn't work out, and he missed no chance to let you know it was the best day ever for him.
Making sure to not overwhelm you (you were, his aura is overwhelming in itself) he prepared a dinner at your shared apartment and laughed wholeheartedly when you accused him of using his fabulous cooking skills to get more than one date outta you, "well my charm has worked once, I'm sure you'll agree for another date if i asked nicely" he had said, silly him didn't know it wouldn't even take asking you twice, you've wanted this for a long long time.
He got himself another date and then one more and a third impromptu one you were currently at. In the 10 days you guys had been going out (in your head anyway) holding his hand and resting your head on his chest is the most physical contact you had initiated. On the second date you had anticipated him to kiss you, with the way he pulled you by your waist but he stopped at a forehead kiss instead, somehow that had you blush like crazy.
Lost in your thoughts you did not notice when yeonjun has already walked towards you and had squatted down near you waving his hands, "earth to y/n. where are you lost?"
"nothing just thinking what to draw" you lied.
"well you can always draw me, but if you wanna draw me like one od your french girl, we'll have to go back to our apartment" he teased.
"you're so annoying" you say shoving him onto the blanket you were currently sitting on.
he laughs as he falls and you stop in your tracks to feel how his laugh rang in your ear like a song.
"and yet you're on a third date with me!" he says cheekily laying on his side.
good god he looks ethereal.
"hello!! why are you getting distracted when im hereee, do you not wanna be here? we can always leave" he says sitting up, trying his best to hide his disappointment and his pout. god he's adorable.
"sorry for getting distracted juniee i was just thinking, we don't have to leave i like it here, love it actually! thank you for bringing me here" you almost have to control the urge to just lean in and squish his face.
you spend the next few minutes drawing the scenery as jun lays on his back with his eyes closed. comfortable silence, you've realised is one of your favourite things that come so naturally with him. You put down your pens to look over at jun and feel your whole body shiver with the way his face glimmers under the sunlight, the shadow of the leaves on his face making up for the perfect shot for a picture.
you grab his camera and click a picture and then another and put it down only to continue staring at him. your hands, with a mind of their own, reach over to his face to move his hair from near his eyes; your body following your hand leans over as your lips take the final call and place a soft kiss on his temple.
yeonjun opens his eyes in surprise with a pink hue covering his pale cheeks. embarassment takes over you as you try to move but get pulled by yeonjun landing on his chest. "my turn" he says, leaning towards you and kissing your forehead, he spends good few seconds staring at your flushed cheeks before leaning again and this time planting a kiss on your temple, and again on the other side and as your heartbeat grows, he caresses your cheek with his thumb as he plants a kiss on the other and continues to stare at you.
"you're staring" you say, body still half on top of him.
"i am" he says, as he continues to stare
"don't" you say
"and why not" he says, putting his finger under your chin making you look into his eyes.
"am i making you uncomfortable?" he asks, ever so gently
"no, I'm just....im just feeling too shy. we've been friends for so long and now suddenly we're going out and we're so close and i feel like i" you ramble on until you realise you might let out words that you shouldn't say so casually.
"hey, hey, breathe. you're getting overwhelmed, that's okay we can, we can take a step back, not go on dates for a while" he says sitting upright and holding both your hands.
"infact we don't have to go on dates at all, I'll never do something you're not comfortable with, it doesn't matter how i feel, you're more important to me than what relationship we share" he continued. you could feel his genuine concern but also the hidden hurt at the possibility of never going on another date again.
you couldn't wait for a perfect moment anymore, not when he was ready to scrap the whole idea just so you wouldn't feel overwhelmed or upset.
"i think..."
"i think i fell in love with you"
"no im sure, im in love with you, I've been in love with you...for a while now"
you confess, looking at his soft eyes, which looked like they would jump out with how shocked he looked
"you WHAT NOW?" he says, almost too loudly for others in the park.
"you love me? you LOVE ME??? so more dates?? You'll go on dates with me?? YOU'RE GONNA BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!" one thing about yeonjun, he cannot hide his excitement.
"well not if you don't ask me first" you say in a matter of fact tone, as if you didn't have a whole zoo in your belly.
"oh my god wait wait" he says running to the car, 5 minutes later he's coming back with what looks like a bouquet made from some flowers he picked from the park and wait- boba?!
"the boba's not as cold as you like it but i asked them for a lot of tiny ice for you, anywayy, y/n, you've been my bestfriend for years, my favourite person in the whole world, best gaming partner cause you always lose, and the girl i love for 4 years now, would you please make me the happiest guy in the world by being my girlfriend? I promise I'll get you a better bouquet at our date tonight, if you say yes that is, and i promise I'll never be too possessive and ask you not to hangout with other men, although that dude from uni might catch these hands, BUT anyway, I'll be a good boyfriend to you for as long as you'll have me and a good husb-, a good boyfriend yes" he looks up to see tears streaming down your face and gets worries before you leap into his arms and say 'yes' and repeat it until he hugs you back.
"This is the best thing that has happened to me since meeting you, yes I'll be your girlfriend, i love you so much choi yeonjun" you say taking the bouquet and boba from him, smiling through your tears.
"can i.." yeonjun says and then stops in between
"please kiss me" you say throwing your arms over his shoulders.
"god you make me crazy" he says, in a tone you didn't quite recognise, and which made your legs feel like jelly.
He kisses you softly and then gives you a few pecks as your two break the kiss but he pulls you back and kisses you again, this time more passionately, almost as if you weren't in a park filled with people, almost as if you were adorned in a sundress and not his tshirt. He breaks the kiss and sinks his head on your shoulder as he calms his breathing, making you breathless, he was so close, and yet not close enough.
"wait you said you've loved me for 4 years, that's almost as long as we've known each other!" you ask in astonishment.
he smiles shyly and replies "yeah i kinda fell in loce with you as soon as we became friends, i think it was the moment i saw you at rhat cafe, you were drawing the scenery outside the cafe's window, you looked so bright almost as if no one in that cafe knew the way to light and only you took autonomy of it"
"jesus christ dude you're such a sap!" you laugh trying to hide the loud thumping in your chest, he REALLY had you swooned.
"don't 'dude' me after you just made out with me in a public park!!" yeonjun says loudly his pout too noticeable for you to take his words seriously.
the newly received status of being his girlfriend must've messed up some wires in your brain cause before you realise, you had grabbed his face with both your hands and kissed his pout, "you're adorable!" you squealed.
"oh my god! give a guy a warning!" he exclaims trying to hide how his face had turned red.
the first time you realise you're in love with yeonjun, he tells you he's been in love with you for years.
this was born out of my friend sending me her fab zzn posts and how the pictures above seemed to her like the realisation of love.
i had fun writing it now (at 2 am) but i will be groaning and whining when i read it later and miss him like crazy.
not my first time using a lyrics for the story title but i hope you guys know i associate all bright things with him, he's my sun, my moon,.my everything, literally my daylight.
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hi lovely! could we have a morpheus x reader fic where he’s just really petty and jealous of the guys around her even though she’s assured him many times that there’s nothing going awnnn. she gets so fed up one day she pretends to flirt with one of the guys just to spite him 🫢🫢
Baked Brie (With Extra Jelly)
Dream of the Endless x Reader
Summary: The family that owned the bakeshop by the end of your block was just as sweet and warm as the goods they sold. The children of the owners had a soft spot for you, and Dream was so wholly hard on them.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, jealous!dream, dream vs 2 kids & their older brother, fluffity fluff fluff fluff, dream petty AF, typos, etc.
A/N: HAHAHA THIS IS SO ME IM PETTY AF CHEERS NONNIE YOU AND I SHARE THE SAME BRAINCELL omg i realized i ended up writing something far different than your req RIP IM SO SORRY T_T Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 it's here @sloanexx !! it's HERE HAHHHA lol i hope everyone enjoys good night [dead]
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Niki, Nina, Nix, eldest to youngest, were the kids of Noelle and Nora, who owned the bakeshop, just a few buildings down from where I lived. They were a a happy family. They were so endearing, even in their arguments, they made me long to have a family like theirs in the future.
"And it's so cute actually," I say as I swing Dream's hand as we walk hand in hand, "they're all nicknamed N!"
He hums, lips curved into a small smile as he watches me skip beside him, "and what are the Moretti family's real names?"
I cease my hopping. I walk in thought beside him. He chuckles as he watches, pulling me close to him, linking our arms together, pressing a kiss at the back of my hand.
"I think Noelle is short for Emmanuelle and Nora is for Andrea," I place a hand on my chin, "Niki for Dominico, Nina for Adrienne, and Nix, is the only one named N, which is short for Nicolas."
"Niccolo," Dream corrects, "Niccolo Rafael Abreo-Moretti, named after Andrea's paternal grandfather Stephano Niccolo Moretti, and maternal grandfather, Rafaelo Constanzi."
I give him a look, stopping in my tracks, releasing a sigh. My lips curve into a pout, "I totally forgot you know everyone, ever."
The Prince of Stories chuckles, leaning towards me as he did.
I feel a bit wronged, in all honesty. There is a sourness in my voice when I speak, "why did you even ask when you know better than me?"
"I like to listen to your voice-- your stories."
I roll my eyes, "oh please."
I begin to continue our trail, but Dream holds me back. He pulls me towards him. I recoil and collide with his chest. He looks down at me with questioning blue eyes and pouty lips, "I would not lie to my beloved."
I suck in my cheeks, holding back the smile threatening to spill onto my lips. I snort, pushing myself off his chest, straightening myself up. I turn to the street to distract from the butterflies in my stomach and clear my throat, "yeah, yeah, let's keep walking. Don't want to be a nuisance. I remember how annoying it was to see couple pda-ing in the middle of the street."
"How critical of you," he mutters, the softness of his smile beginning to intensify.
I grab onto his arm and force lead him back on track, grunting as I did so, "well, couples are annoying if you're not the couple."
He finally chuckles, "well, I am glad I am not annoying, beloved."
I chew on my lips as I sink my face into his arm, trying to hide from the sensation of blood rising up my neck. I release a sigh as I reach out for his torso. He rids his arm between us and opts to prop it on my shoulders. I brush my face into his chest, breathe in his scent, deep and ethereal, and allow myself to calm down from the high his new pet names I have been earning as of late.
Dream pulls me close into him, awfully pleased with himself for garnering the reaction he did.
I pull away when I see the orangey light from the bakery. I perk, grabbing his hand again, "there it is!"
Dream smiles as he nods, "indeed."
"Oh," I grip his hand tightly in both of mine, "I hope they have baked brie!"
The moment we enter the establishment, I am welcomed with a cheer of greetings from the Moretti family. There is a chorus of 'finally,' 'you're here,' 'we have something freshly baked,' and other words that I could not all make out in time.
"Hello, my child," Noelle smiles from behind the counter just as she finishes clipping her blonde-grey hair back, "I see you brought someone with you today."
"Is he your boyfriend?!" Nina excitedly squeals, sharp, dyed-black bangs moving with her dyed-pink bob, beside her mother. Noelle shushes her teenaged daughter as she wipes he hands on her soft belly, telling her to go back to wrapping the cookies.
Nina makes a face but follows nonetheless, pointy, manicured nails, ribboning up some packaging.
I pull away from Dream, ready to introduce him. I am beat to the punchline.
"He looks weird," Nix blurts, mop of light blonde hair turning from his sister to the said being, blatantly giving him side eye as he walks with a tray of dishes back to the kitchen.
There is a loud, collective, "NIX!" thrown into the air.
"What?" the 7-year-old grumbles... or did he already turn 8? "he's worse than Nina."
Nina mutters angrily under her breath as her younger brother passes. She attempts to kick him, but Nix is too quick, too ready and used to it.
I turn to Dream, who was unfazed by everything, just as Noelle apologizes for her son.
He shakes his head, "I am unbothered by such remarks," he offers a polite smile, "you can call me Dream."
"My! Dream," Noelle turns to me, smiling as she mutters, "a patient man, and so pretty!"
I snort, covering my mouth with the side of my fist. I let myself calm down before replying, "he is."
Dream smiles to himself.
"Oh," Noelle calls, "you've been looking for baked brie, right?"
I nod excitedly.
"Papa is pulling it out of the oven," Noelle says, throwing her thumb behind her shoulder, "it'll only be a few minutes. Go ahead and look around or take a seat while waiting."
I nod once more and turn to Dream, taking his hand. I then lead him off to the goods on display, pointing out the ones I enjoyed the most.
"Oh, this one," I motion to some chocolate pastries, "for some reason always gets sold out on Thursdays."
Nina, who came out of nowhere, restocks the said item, "that's because there's an office nearby and I think their cult requires it as an offering."
I knew better than to listen to her fantastical musings, so I only offer her a snort.
Dream however, does the mistake of noting on it, albeit well-intentioned and concerned, "you are acquainted to this cult?"
Nina's face twists in the special, eerie way she is capable of. She finishes placing the things on her tray onto the shelf then presses the the tray in between her arm, reaching for my shoulder, "yes I am," she moves close to my neck, "and I am taking my beloved as captive."
She's pretending that she was going to bite me. Well, okay, she has bitten me once before.
"Your beloved?" Dream quips, moving towards me and Nina.
I pull away from the mischievous teen before 1) she actually bite me, 2) Dream could push himself between us.
Nina throws her head back at our reactions, laughing, "ohemgee, your boyfriend's a total grandpa."
"Well," I start, just as Dream grabs both my shoulders and looks down at his opponent, "he is, like, a bazillion years old."
"No kidding," Nina says, turning to Dream with a challenging look, "hey, you ever hear of a joke?"
"Do not make it a habit to joke about things not yours to joke about."
Nina makes a face, turning to me, "yeah," she turns back to him, "ok."
Just as Nina walks away, Dream eyes her intently. Then, from the other side, Nix comes up to me, grabbing my hand, pulling me off, "look, look, I finished my design!"
I part from Dream as I am redirected to a table by the boy holding his sketchbook in hand, "you're gonna love this one!"
I release a breath as I am pushed down on the chair. Nix circles around and places the book on the table. Before he can sit across me however, he starts and reels back, seeing Dream was already seated there, arms crossed, expression grave.
"What the fuck!" he squeaks in shock.
"Nix! Language!" I reprimand.
Nix turns to me in shock and slight fear, "how is he there?!"
"I hold dominion over every seat across my person," Dream purses his lips tightly, eyeing Nix like he was a criminal.
I turn to Dream, calling out his name under my breath as I shoot him a similarly reprimanding look. His blue eyes dart to me, his posture deflates.
I turn back to the boy as I sigh, bringing his sketch pad near me, "what was it you wanted to know me, Nix?"
Nix huffs, eyeing Dream dirtily one last time, before leaning over the table, coming close to me as he showed me his design, "I call it, Zombie Pizza!"
Nix begins to explain that is was a sweet, deep-dish with smushed chocolate and red velvet cake and fondant zombie fists. He finishes it by saying, "papa says that we can only sell it on halloween and on my birthday."
I chuckle at the little pout he gives me. I jolt when I hear Dream snarl. Nix turns to Dream just as I do, however the boy scowls much harsher than I do.
"Dream," I call out.
"I would like to finish our errand," he quips coldly, "and leave immediately."
Nix closes his sketchbook, raising a brow at Dream, "you are aware you can't leave until Niki comes, right?"
Dream narrows his eyes at the boy, "and why can't we?"
"Because he's going to throw a tantrum if he doesn't see-"
Nix is cut off by the loud call of my name from across the room.
The next moment, the tall, muscular man comes running towards me with open arms. I barely have time to stand before I get squished into a tight hug by the eldest Moretti sibling.
He exclaims something in Italian, I choke as I make an attempt to wrap my arms around him. My feet are barely on the floor as I am hoisted up. Nix rolls his eyes at his brother as he walks away, "show off..." he grumbles, "so what I'm bad at Italian..."
"Niki," I struggle, "I- can't breathe."
"Oh," he gasps as he pulls away. I catch my breath and receive two kisses on both my cheeks. Niki's large hands are on my neck, "it's been so-"
"Release your grip this instant!" a voice cuts as a hand comes onto Niki's wrists.
Niki and I turn to Dream, who is absolutely livid. The lights begin to flicker.
I open my mouth, but before I could speak, Niki shoots Dream a glare and pulls away from him, bringing me along as he did.
Dream's nostrils flare, his eyes widen in anger.
"Niki please," I look up to the man who pulled me back protectively. I move away from his side and come up to Dream's. He seems stunned by my actions. His jaw clenches when Dream pulls me into his chest as his hand darts to my waist.
I place a hand on Dream's chest for balance, giving Niki, who was growing just as agitated as Dream, a soft look, "this is my boyfriend."
Niki's expression falls. He blinks, casting his gaze to me, "your what?"
"Boyfriend, lover, partner, whatever you want to call it," Dream retorts for me, stepping forward in the process.
"Dream," I call, keeping him back, "enough of you."
Dream turns to me, brows knit, lips pursed, eyes glassy. He retreats.
Niki shakes his head. His shoulders relax, "oh... wow," he breaks into a smile, "I didn't know you had a boyfriend." He then crosses his arms, his muscles bulge in his tight shirt, "I didn't think you'd be the type to get into a relationship," he points a finger, "considering you complain about couples to me, like," he counts on his fingers, "everyday."
I release a breath, "Niki."
Niki turns to Dream, brushing his longish dirty-blonde hair back, "you know she said PDA should be banned," he motions at us, "and yet look at you now."
Dream narrows his eyes at Niki. I begin to feel blood rise up my neck.
Thank the goodness of the earth, Nora called out my order the next moment. I turn to the man with a brown mustache and wide shoulders like his eldest child, holding a blue box in his hand that looks small only in comparison to him. I drag Dream along with me when I claim my order.
I hurriedly fish for my wallet as Dream stands rigidly beside me.
"So," Nora starts, giving Dream a once over, "you're the boyfriend huh?"
"Isn't he pretty, Nora," his wife says before she goes into the back kitchen.
Nora's face is stiff. Dream's is just the same.
"So," the man starts again, "what do you do for a living?"
I pull out a bill and slam it onto the counter, sliding it over to Nina, who was now manning the register. I answer for Dream, "freelance."
Nina raises her dark, sharp brow. Nora knits his bushy ones, "doesn't sound very stable."
Oh, nothing about it is stable. "Trust me," I sigh, "it's a full time job."
"That makes literally no sense," Nina points, making her father agree.
Nix comes up to my right, eyeing Dream darkly.
I make up a lame excuse, "it's a Gen-Z thing."
"That man," Nix scoffs, "is not a gen-z."
I look down at the boy, "I didn't say he was, kid."
Nix pouts.
Niki comes behind Dream, placing his beefy arm on his shoulders, "what kind of freelance do you do?"
I swear, in that moment, Dream's smaller form (compared to Niki) slowly begins to grow. My eyes widen as I pull him away, "quit it!"
Niki, thinking it was he I was talking to, deflates, frowning, "I'm... I'm sorry. I just wanted to know."
Dream gives him a dirty look. I notice him grow and bulk a few inches. I grab his pale face, quickly turning to Niki as I say, "not you baby."
"Baby?" Dream growls, face contorting in offence.
"Here's your change," Nina says apprehensively.
"Keep it," I say, turning around only to get my box. I offer a quick smile to everyone and begin to push the I-was-sure-was-still-growing Dream out of the establishment.
The Moretti family looks at me as I wheel my boyfriend out of their bakery. I give them a strangled look as I shove Dream out toward the glass door, "I'm sorry, it's just- we're very late for an appointment."
"Are you sick?" Niki calls out in concern, "I can drive-"
"NO!" I call a bit too loudly. I pull back from Dream, turning to the five people, sighing, "I'll see you guys tomorrow."
I do not wait for their response and the bell rings, indicating the exit of the two of us.
We walk in a rush down the street in silence.
Dream, now towering over me like an insane person with a muscular build and extremely long legs, looks upon me with an unamused look.
I look up at him with a vengeance, completely annoyed by his antics, "what the heck is wrong with you?!"
Dream's face tenses. He looks away like an angry child.
"Lord Morpheus?!" I call out rather loudly and mockingly.
Dream turns to me, muttering, "do not regard me like that."
I grunt, stopping in my tracks, holding the box by my chest as I grind my teeth at him.
Dream turns to me, lips parting as he huffs.
I raise my brows and shake my head, "well?"
"They were too familiar with you."
I roll my eyes, continuing to walk, not at all waiting for him.
He scowls, walking after me, "do not disregard me."
"I'm not disregarding you!" I exclaim, "I'm just not allowing myself to blow up in the middle of the street, because I will."
"They were touching you! And regarding you as if you belonged to them!"
"And do I belong to you?" I snap, turning my heel, looking up to him.
Dream knits his brows, leaning down quickly towards my face. His hot breath hits me as he whispers, "everything that you are belongs to me," he steps forward, pressing into the box in between us, "every breath, every heartbeat, every thought of your is mine," he captures my face into his hand, "just as everything that I am is at the mercy of your fingertips."
A shiver runs down my spine, "Dream-"
"Make no more room for your heart, if not for me, my dear."
I raise my brows at his sentiment, "that's messed up."
"I don't care."
He grabs the box in between us and presses his forehead onto mine, "let us continue this discussion when we are not in the middle of the street," he takes my hand, "lest I blow up."
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writtenontheport · 1 year
The Haunted Boy and His Ghostly Girlfriend
Pt. 1: Finding Common Ground in Communication!!
(Prologue) (pt. 2)
Anthony Lockwood x fem Reader
Warnings/Tags: A bit of a story-building instalment, Slow (?) burn, Meet cute, Reader is literally a ghost 💀, Whenever Reader’s mute basically story wise because it’s from Lockwood’s POV, No use of (y/n), Vague descriptions of reader being a jewel and a gem, this part is plot relevant I promise 😭, pulling some of this out of my ass IM SORRYYYY, I had to make it work somehow…, not much rom or com in this one, more plot and lore and scheming
Notes: I’ll have you know I literally was cross referencing stuff from the wiki, the books, and then the show to try and figure out how tf to write this 😭 There are FOUR drafts of what this scene could have looked like and this is what I had to settle on 😭 Please suspend your disbelief!!
Summary: Lockwood and co. make an astounding discovery about their newest friend, and they are all happy about this for completely different reasons. Lockwood’s reason? Well, he just heard the voice of the most beautiful person he’s ever seen.
Word Count: 1.4k+
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“Lucy? George? I think I found her,” Lockwood calls down the hatch, leaning on the pushed up door with a wrist resting on the hilt of his rapier. He sends you a charming smile, and revels in the small one you return. Underneath you both, you hear Lucy and George scramble up the ladder.
Lockwood found you in the house’s attic surrounded by haphazard stacks of sideways furniture, old mirrors, and dated portraits. There was the odd box or few sprawled about; big and small and gigantic, but just about everything was covered in cobwebs except for the window. Moonlight filters in and passes through you from the drawn curtains, framing you a sparkling jewel amongst the mess and clutter of the attic. Lockwood found it hard to tear his eyes away from you, but not out of fear, no.
Like a jewel glimmering in the darkness, you were beautiful and ethereal in all the ways Lockwood hadn’t imagined people could be; dead or alive. Sat on the windowsill with a weariness gleaming in your eyes, you didn’t quite scare Lockwood as much as you enchanted him.
“Lockwood? Did you—“ Lucy says, popping her head up through the open hatch. Her breath catches when she sees you, and you send her a wary smile as she climbs into the attic.
“Is she there, Lucy?” George calls from the ladder, a supply bag on his shoulder. Your eyes drop to the open hatch, but focus back on Lockwood when he leans down to take the bag from George and help him up.
“Yeah, she’s… right here.” Lucy whispers, sounding like she just ran a marathon. Lockwood resonates with that feeling. He looks back up at you and wills his heart to quiet down where it’s beating against his ribcage and slamming into the bones.
George turns around slowly, eyes finding you where you’re laying along the windowsill. You look tired and defeated, a deepness about your eyes that screams of exhaustion. It makes Lockwood’s heart seize as George whispers to him and Lucy, “Have you found her source yet?”
Before anyone can answer, your mouth opens and you soundlessly begin to speak; Lucy perks up and her eyes light. “Where is it?”
Your ghostly hand points to a corner near the window, mimicking a small box as you soundlessly explain to Lucy where and what it was. She nods, determined, as she steps over a few relics and cobwebs along the floor.
“A necklace in an ornate box,” She says aloud, using her rapier to cut away some of the cobwebs. “Definitely over here, but it’s been a few years since you’ve seen it?”
You nod and say something only Lucy can hear, but George follows along and begins helping her dig about. Lockwood steps forward to face you, feeling more and more breathless with every step. He honestly doesn’t know what he’s doing, so he instead says the first thing that comes to mind when you peer at him curiously.
“When we find it, we’ll have to secure it for a bit while we bring you home. You won’t be able to do anything while we have your source contained, but it won’t be long, I promise,” He tries to say reassuringly.
You give him a wary frown with your brows furrowed and lips pursed thin. You open your mouth to say something, but pause to think about it further. From here, Lockwood can see even stray strands of your hair and the bat of your lashes, so lifelike even in the blur of ectoplasm. Weakly, you shrug, not meeting his eyes.
“I promise you, we won’t keep you there forever. We just need to transfer your source.”
From behind him, Lockwood can hear George and Lucy whispering before Lucy comes up beside him. She’s got her hand on the hilt of her rapier out of instinct, but it’s rested and loose.
“We just want to keep you company while Pepper’s away,” Lucy explains, eyes flitting between you, Lockwood, and George. “She asked us to keep you company, and it’s easier to take you home with your source contained.”
You seem to say something in argument, but Lucy’s smile doesn’t falter so Lockwood takes it as a good sign. Somehow even with your face scrunched up, you looked absolutely enchanting in the moonlight. Lockwood was starting to wonder if this was a type three ability.
“If we were caught out in the night with you, someone else might try to take your source. They might hide you away or destroy it if they catch you,” Lucy says gently, nodding out to the street visible from the window. Somewhere along the sidewalk, a ghostlamp is flickering in the distance. In the light of it, a stray agent or two was walking along the street. You seemed to think it over, frown ever present.
“You have my word as agency head; we won’t just keep you locked away.” Lockwood steps closer to the window as you squeeze yourself into one side far from them. He felt touched a bit at how you avoided them; likely you knew it was dangerous and didn’t want them hurt. Your eyes search his face for any hint of a lie, before you slump back into the window and look down onto the street.
Lucy seems to light up at whatever you say next, and gives Lockwood a discreet thumbs-up and impressed smirk. She turns to you, even though you aren’t looking at her, and says, “You won’t regret it.”
A silence settles between you as Lucy steps back to help George look for your source, sending Lockwood a significant look before she too disappears behind a few stacks of antiques. The room is filled with their whispering and bickering, as Lockwood tries not to let his eyes linger on you for too long.
You turn to him, and his heart stops when your lips upturn into a tiny smile. It’s terribly heartwarming how cozy you look in this cold air, and he almost wants to peel off his coat to give to you before realising you were what made it cold. You catch the aborted action with a grateful nod, tucking your lips in to hold a laugh. Not like he would have heard it (a damn shame it was) but he still found himself grinning.
“Almost forgot you probably don’t mind the cold,” He says cooly, watching you shrug. Your hand motions something in the air, before you give up and instead mime pulling a rapier from your hip.
“This old thing?” Lockwood asks, standing up to unsheathe it away from you. You nod and gesture to it again, miming a stab before a thumbs-up and a thumbs-down with (this is important to Lockwood) playful expressions that make his chest warm.
“I’m quite good, if that’s what you’re asking.” He makes a quick, but precise swing at a nearby cobweb and revels in the amusement shining on your face. “I have some newspaper clippings you can see once we bring you home.”
If you giggled there, he’s truly sad he couldn’t hear it. He goes to voice this befote George steps out from the corner with what looked to be a necklace in his hand. His jaw was slack in surprise, and he looked frozen to the spot with his eyes as wide as saucers. Behind him, Lucy was softly calling his name in concern with a hand on his shoulder.
Before Lockwood could ask him what was wrong, George says to you, “I think I heard you just now.”
Your eyes widen, as you sit straight up on the window and ask him a question Lockwood can’t hear. George’s eyes widen, and Lockwood feels his blood pounding in his ears in the silence.
“Lucy, did you hear them ask that?” George doesn’t turn around to face her, but she nods and gives a murmured reply. A glimmering jewel and chain shine in the same moonlight framing you— a gem in every which way.
The next thing that happens comes as a blur to Lockwood, who asks, as if in a trance, to borrow the necklace to hold. Your eyes follow the jewel as George passes it to him, everyone still bewildered and the air tense and cold.
“I don’t think it’ll work for you, Lockwood. You don’t have the talent to listen,” Lucy murmurs to him with a scrunched frown. Still, George passes it over.
“I have to at least try.” Lockwood gently wraps his fingers around the necklace, a bit of chain loose as he turns to you with a soft smile.
He fumbles for words like they’re caught on his tongue, before he simply settles on, “Hi.”
Even without being able to hear you, somewhere in his bones he can feel your words like a kind and fuzzy thought reply to him. It’s enough to have him grinning ear to ear, even if it doesn’t exactly help him understand what you’re saying. Your gaze grows a bit fond at that, and you say something Lucy catches that causes her to smile wide.
On the sidelines, George murmurs, “I can run so many tests.” Lucy smacks his shoulder at his tactlessness, but her smile is unfaltering. She pulls a small, glass case out and pops it open.
“Any last questions, Lockwood? I won’t ask you George because we’ll be here all night otherwise,” She hums, holding out the box.
Anthony’s grin widens and he asks elatedly, “What’s your name?”
Like all the things you will share with him in the future, your name etches itself into his memory, right beside where he will always hold dear your glittering smile.
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A/N: I DON’T LIKE THIS PARTTT 😭 It had to be written though… I needed this piece to focus on the plot so I up the romcom in the next part UGH I JUST,,, I just wanna write the slice of life ok,,,, LIKE,,, Lockwood taking his ghost gf out on a mission and she has to save his self-destructive ass like… HELLO. I NEED THAT. My brain though is like “Nooooo… set up plot first bae 🥰☝️” LIKE THIS IS SO MEAN AND NECESSARY BUT SO MEANNNNN
ALSO!! I already posted this, but I went back, read the ending, and was like “No… :((( It no good fo me…” and retconned it AFTER I already posted it…. Yes I am silly, Yes I am incredibly nit-picky with my own writing 😞
Taglist 🏷️
@naive-daydreamer (thank you for the ideas!! and the original request!!)
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winterchimez · 6 months
things/aesthetic you associate with your moots please!
hi anonie!! it’s been a while since i’ve done tag games like this so LETS GAUR 🤩
im doing for the ones that i talk to most often ✨
@from-izzy my soulmate 🤞🏻(who clearly SHOULD be living in my city instead), sunricyeon!!, ✌🏻level-headed and ☝🏻dum-dum, purple 💜, bunnies 🐰, raccoons 🦝, in constant denial of her love life 😒, long calls & video calls, SAUR, music 🎶, “ALLY HELP ME 🥺”, fellow believer in God, concerts, has 19374848 plans to meet up but our studies/job preventing us to do so 😞 (but we will beat them and meet irl someday SOON BCS I MANIFEST)
@sungbeam my precious lil 妹妹 🫶🏻, blue 🩵, “hear me out….but another changmin potential wip/plot 🤡”, photocards, that wet tree rat pc, if talent was a person its her, care packages 📦, fellow introverts ✌🏻, the one who convinced me to purchase my sony headphones while we were videocalling in the store 🥹, my sleep paralysis demon, “ALLY JIEJIE”, my cutie wookie little sis 😔💗, but also goes 😐 whenever i talk abt sangyeon 🙄
@aimeecarreros the unhinged and wild one in the b*****, 1/4 of sangyeon’s whores, twerking ✨, the best gif maker ever 😤, “so elena…pretty pwease can you gif this for moi 🥺”, BBANGJU 👅, “CORREQUE ✌🏻”, insanely hilarious and unhinged memes and text messages 24/7, the moodmaker of the group, “haysss *inserts stripping meme*”, teasing me 24/7 🙄, pinterest, fashion 😍, bridal dresses 🤍
@snowflakewhispers the SAVAGE, maknae and the demon (lovingly) in the b*****, teasing me is her everyday job atp 🙄🙄🙄, mrs jacob bae, 1/4 of sangyeon’s whores, spitting fire 24/7 🔥, matching sony headphones 🤍, matching macbook colours 🩶, psych & kids 💗, the sunwoo to my eric, apparently is in a messed up relationship/situationship with someone who shall not be named 🦝, the moot who lives the closest to where i am 🥹 (so faster get your ass back here after uni ends)
@daisyvisions the unnie of the b*****, NAUR, that iconic zoom selfie 😌✨, constantly being distracted at work bcs of ✨unholy thoughts✨, podcast 🎧, 1/4 of sangyeon’s whores, also joined in on the fun with elena & ophelia on teasing moi 😔, jerry lee 🤤, doggo 🐶, newnudeshot 😏📸, photoism 🎞️, spongebob memes, BIG SEXC BRAIN 🧠, late night talks while working, always judging me for some reason 🙃
@justalildumpling my dongsaeng 👧🏻, sunricyeon!!, black 🖤, ptsd from windows turning from black to bright blue, “pull a j” aka doing and leaving assignments till the very last minute 😁, “guys…..”, “yall…..”, a simp 🤓, attracted to red flags men (but not anymore 😚), FOODIE CHINGUS, malatang, “guys….can we just call for like 20 mins max…i promise it won’t take long” = a 6-7hours call, late night (or early mornings) video calls, SHE IS A BEAUTY AN ICON AND SHE IS THE MOMENT 😍
@ethereal-engene my long-lost best friend 🥹, JU HAKNYEON 🍊, anime!!, men in glasses 🔛🔝, fellow chinese friend ❤️, cny 🧧, lion dances 🦁, WOOZI (ESP IN LONG HAIR 😩😩😩), matching hakkie pottery pcs 🤍, wips brainstorming ✍️, another cutie lil 妹妹 🥺, arms….and pecs 🤓, editing 👩‍💻, convos abt our studies/work life 💗
@kimsohn kim sunwoo, pinterest, “maya….i had a dream abt sangyeon….”, “oh!”, anime!!, that smiling and then speechless meme, sangyeon drenching himself in water 😀, “so when are you gonna write this”, sunric sluts, tbosas, coriolanus snow, always talking abt being on writers block with one another but eventually gets things done (and sometimes its long af), being caring 🥺, food!!
@quaissants 1/2 of my gremlins 👹, sends me lip gloss sangyeon 24/7, my twinnie 🤞🏻, same birthday & mbti 💗, speaks in such a soft manner like hello 🥺, genshin impact!!, ragnvindr bros ❤️💙, childe 🤓, angsty angst ❤️‍🩹, constantly looking out for me 🥹, men 😃, “i have selective reading”
@sanaxo-o another 1/2 of my gremlins 👹, unhinged as a person, sabrina carpenter 💗, flirty af but then i dont return the favour 😄, sends me sangyeon content 24/7, a great listener and gives me comfort, always checking up on others, ✌🏻level-headed and ☝🏻dum-dum, “LET ME BETA YOUR FICS”, pinterest, “Als”
@stealanity my unnie 🥺💗, always looking out for everyone, the big sister of the net, amazing as a person (i admire you loads), moodboards 😍, aesthetics ✨, a field of flowers 🌹🪻🌸🌺, brave (never afraid to speak up!!), i miss you sm unnie always 🫶🏻, calls me a cutie 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
@cloverdaisies CLO MY LOVE 💚, great britian 🇬🇧, fish & chips, “you have no rights ally ive revoked them”, “you dont love me anymore 🥺” aka clo’s way of making me feel guilty that i couldn’t visit her when i was back in EU (IT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY I SWEAR I WILL BE BACK 😤😤😤), writing fics for one another 💗, STRONG ASS WOMAN 💪 (who juggles between work and uni all on her own 🥹🫂), “there’s a rat in my apartment”, phone & video calls (which we havent done in a while and we should again!!)
@juyeonszn my fawnie my bubba 🥹, coffee ☕️, zeneration livestream 🙌🏻, crying tgt, unboxing albums ✨, pcs collection, puppies 🐶, anime!!, big sexc brain 🧠, sunric sluts, INSANE MAKEUP LOOKS 😩, delulu is the solulu ✨, education 📚, never-ending talks on dc (which we haven’t done in a while i miss you loads 🥺), my fellow dancer 💃, if cutie was a person its fawnie 💗
@itsbeeble my pookie 🫶🏻, kim sunwoo, another big sexc brain 🧠, taylor swift 💛, eras tour ✨, “ALLY GO TO SLEEP”, eric sohn, ateez & svt!!, memes 24/7, exposing each other’s asses 😄, biker sunwoo 😩, delulu is the solulu ✨, another coffee buddy ☕️, talks abt uni/work life, always bouncing off ideas with one another
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missuswalker · 1 year
MEOW MEOW HELLO ITS ME AGAIN THE ANON WHO ASKED FOR THE NOTES PT 2 & 3 anyways.. can you please do a pt 2 of cheer you on 😼😼😼 -anon 😻 p.s. i love ur writing so sorry if im annoying you with this lol
HI I LOVE YOU OMG, and nonono you're not annoying me, it feels so good when people want me to continue writing, it's like 🤭🤭 you're my cat emoji anon now 😼😻
cheer you on, pt. two || kyle broflovski x fem reader
✮ summary: red helps you get ready for your date with kyle + he takes you out to eat (pt. 1 can be found here ✮ warnings: none
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"If I walk out of this house with a dick on my face, I'm giving Wendy the login to your snap."
I was currently sitting on my floor, Red doing my eye makeup for my date with Kyle. She had been begging me to let her do it since Tuesday, the day he asked me out. I see her slowly pull her hand away, moving to grab a makeup wipe.
"Did you seriously draw a dick on my face?" I scoff, watching her begin to wipe something away from above my eyebrow. "It was small, I swear," Red laughs, dropping the wipe and picking up her makeup brush.
"Why is this taking so long, I told you to not do anything extravagant." She rolls her eyes, holding my face in place. "It's not anything extravagant, I'm just trying to help you get some jeweiner," Red jokes. "Are you serious? Jeweiner? No, actually, that's pretty funny," I say, biting back a laugh.
"Hey, you never know, he could be freaky deaky," Red defends, letting go of my face. "Done." I look in the mirror, nodding. "He could be, but he's too much of a gentleman to even suggest it on the first date," I counter, smoothing out my top.
"No thank you? No Red, you sexy woman, this looks great?" Red says, putting all of her shit back in its bag. "Red, you sexy woman, this looks great," I exclaim, my tone dramatically excited. "You're ungrateful, I hope Kyle poisons your food."
Not even five minutes later, there was knocking at my front door. "My little girl is all grown up. Go get your honeybun," Red teases, pushing me out of my room. "Ew, I wish you'd stop talking. Go home."
Red rolls her eyes for the millionth time, walking me down the stairs. "I can't go home until you and Kyle leave, it'll look weird if I'm still here when he picks you up. Just go," She groans, sitting at the bottom of the stairs.
"Whatever," I sigh, walking to my front door. I open it to find Kyle holding up a bouquet of pink tulips. "Hi. You look ethereal." He breathes out, seemingly nervous. Ethereal? Damn. "Thank you, that's really sweet. You look nice, too." I respond, not being able to think of a better compliment.
He hands me the flowers, a goofy grin on his face. "I thought of you when I saw those. I was gonna get roses, but... I thought these were nice." This boy was gonna be the death of me. He's such a dork. "Thank you, I'll put these inside and we can go," I say, reaching out to hand them to Red.
He leads me out to his mom van, which honestly didn't come as much of a surprise. He opens the passenger side door for me before walking to his side, a nervous silence filling the air.
"I heard Stan talked to you," He speaks up, glancing at me as he puts his car in drive as pulling away from the curb. "Yeah, he scared the shit out of me, it was like he just appeared," I snort, shaking my head. "It's like he teleports," Kyle agrees.
We hold a light conversation all the way to Olive Garden (which I had suggested as a joke, but it turned out he loved Olive Garden, which also didn't surprise me). After parking, he sits back for a moment, looking over at me. "You really do look beautiful tonight, you know."
"Thank you. You look very pretty. Handsome, you look handsome," I compliment, letting out an awkward laugh. "Thanks, I try," He jokes, opening his car door. I copy his action, stepping out into the fresh, Olive Garden parking lot air. Romantic.
Eventually, we're seated, but we were sat directly behind an angry old couple. We couldn't help but listen to their conversation, trying to bite back our laughter. We look at each other with red faces, almost breaking. His lips are pressed together in a straight line while my hand covered my mouth.
"I wish I could divorce you, but you'll probably die before you can sign the papers," The old lady snaps, pointing a finger at her husband. That was it. I choke on my water, Kyle letting out a loud laugh. The couple seemingly didn't notice, both of us trying to recollect ourselves.
"Oh my god," He whispers, taking a moment to breathe. "This is so bad, I'm sorry," he adds, trying to keep his laughter in. I shake my head, a wide grin on my face. "No, this is great, it's possibly the best date I've ever been on."
"So you'll let me take you on another one?"
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not proofread
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ghost-bard · 11 months
based on the info we got so far on the suckening what clans u think each character is from n why
Emizel (Condi):
I think the most likely clans for him are Brujah and Gangrel.
Based of the official character design we've received for him, along with the audio teasers we can tell that he's a bit rough around the edges, and overall probably not the nicest of guys, and the clans that are most stereotypically like that are Brujah and Gangrel (im coping),
He seems like he doesn't care about whats in his way as long as he can get rid of them, and tripping someone just because they looked at him (aka having a bit of a temper) is another point to Brujah.
For Gangrel I'm really just hoping tbh. Its the copium speaking LMAO.
Shilo (Bizly):
Toreador, Lasombra, Malkavian
Shilo, based off his art, is a very extravagant person, wearing very elaborate clothing, and I think older Toreador and Ventrue (tho ive completely ruled out venture bc he sounds so pathetic lmao) are the most likely to have a personal servant of some sort, which in the audio teaser we can tell that Shilo does.
Lasombra is based off something Bizly said on twt, that "[Shilo's] eye's became inky blackness/shadows" or something similar, which is something that can be a side affect of an ability that Lasombra use, but it's something that happens to them when they use an ability, not what happens to someone else when they use it, and Lasombra themselves are very tied to the shadows.
Malkavian is simply bc I think Bizly could pull off playing one I'm gonna be honest, I have no real proof or reason I just think he could pull it off.
??? (Grizzly):
Nosferatu, Tremere, Lasombra, Gangrel (pure copium), Ventrue
Here's the thing. We don't know shit about Grizzly's character other than the fact that he wants them to be a complete mystery, so I don't have a lot to work off of lmao.
My thoughts would be he's either playing a clan that no one would think he'd play (Nos, Gangrel), a clan not available in the base ver of VtM 5e (Lasombra) or a clan that is mysterious (Tremere).
I didn't mention Ventrue in there bc my reasoning for why his character is Ventrue is simply bc his character was in the middle of the group, similar to that of a leader, in the Suckening trailer.
Also if he is playing a Nosferatu i'll be so happy ESPECIALLY since I really don't think anyone would expect that of him given that he plays these like. Beautiful and/or ethereal character's. So playing a character that by default can't be that would be really interesting.
That reasoning is also why I don't think he'd play a Toreador bc it would be so like. Obvious. LMAO. Toreador I think fits exactly what he usually plays almost too well, so I think he'd play something out of left field or something that is similar to what he'd go for without being too obvious yknow.
Edit: ALSO id like to point out that we can assume that theyre Anarchs (one of the 2 main factions in vtm, the other is the Camarilla) bc of the anarchy symbol in the trailer <3
also point to gangrel (im coping) grizzlys pc has a cat so. i can hope.
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poppy-metal · 3 years
okay so.
cw: daddy eren getting put in his place, forced vouerysim, reader being a little shit and armin having balls, smut smut smut.
I've said this already but eren is crazy possessive. Its hot but its also a problem, armin only gets to fuck you when eren is there, how eren wants, and under his control. but eren can fuck you both whenever he wants, with or without the other person present. its weird because he loves you both, he really does. he just can't stop the jealous feeling in his gut, the possessiveness over you both. your pussy is his, seeing armin fuck it always drives him crazy. armins cock is his, seeing it sink between your lips makes him want to bite you.
and a dynamic like that can only work for so long because you and armin are as in love with eachother as you are with eren. you know its his insecurity, his fear that one or both of you will leave him, realize he's no good and it breaks your hearts to know he thinks that, but you also shouldn't need to ask permission, not all the time anyway, to fuck your other boyfriend.
so it all comes down to one night. you tell eren you both wanna please daddy and to let you both take care of him tonight, you're trying something new. eren is suspicious, but he lets his hands be tied up. he starts getting worried when you gag him with your panties, straddling his hips as armin sidles up behind you, reaching his hands up your shirt to cup your tits. "you've been a bad daddy" you tell him, working your hips in small circles over his hardening cock. "not letting your boyfriend and girlfriend play together. s'mean of you"
you smile a little smugly when his eyes blaze with fire, catching on, words muffled by your panties. "oh no" you giggle and crawl off him, flopping beside him as you spread your legs for armin. "see daddy, armin and i-" you break off as armin comes down over you to kiss you, moaning into his mouth when you feel his cock tease your slick entrance. you break apart with a string of spit, turning to look at eren coyly. "-belong to eachother. not just you"
erens fists clench so hard, his gaze promising murder. but his dick twitches traitorously when he flicks his eyes down, sees your folds part around armins cock as he slowly guides it inside. you both moan like whores, armin whimpering, "so tight, angel"
"mm" you moan, lifting your hips, encouraging him deeper. "your cock feels so good-" your eyes flick to meet erens "-sir"
eren is going to murder you both, he swears it. helpless to watch you both rock against eachother, make love to eachother like he's not even there....it makes his gut clench, because you're both so fucking beautiful. armin looks like a fucking ethereal being, with his soft hair mussed up from your fingers running through it, his red bitten lips curling around moans as he fills you over and over, the flush to his skin, the sweet praise he tells you. ",so good, so good, such a good little pussy baby. for me"
and you look so fucking beautiful taking his cock, pussy fluttering and spreading around his girth, sticky lips clinging to him everytime he drags out like you need him back inside. your moans, your cries, the sheen to your skin, the lift to your hips.
its torture but its so fucking hot and he's so fucking hard. he doesn't think he's ever been more turned on watching the two people he loves most in the world make eachother feel good. he starts unintentionally rutting his own hips to match armins pace into you, he wants to demand armin go faster but he can't, forced to take in the slow pace you both have set.
It feels like fucking eons with his dick aching and balls throbbing, when you finally gasp and cling to armins shoulders, "min- min- m'coming!"
"yeah, baby" and armin looks at eren for the first time since he slid inside your warm cunt. "come on daddy's cock"
oh, you fuck. eren fumes. almost creams his boxers when you cry out and cum, armins eyes fluttering shut as he whimpers and fucks his hips hard into yours, stilling as he hunches over you and pumps you full.
the afterglow is silent, you and armin taking your sweet time while eren feels like he's dying. he doesn't know if he wants to kill you both, rip your throats out or hold you and kiss you and pound you and punish you for acting on your own and reward you for being so fucking good together and making him almost jizz himself just by looking at you.
he's still conflicted when you detangle from armin, sweaty and flushed from good sex and squeeze yourself to his side. he's practically pouting when armin crawls to his other side. you take your panties out of his mouth and kiss him before he can speak.
tracing his jaw you tell him. "we don't belong to you, daddy"
armins lips trace the shell of his ear. "you belong to us"
eren gulps. because, in this moment. yeah, that fits.
and really he's still mad, but he can deal with that another time. he is still that needy insecure guy after all, but you take care of him and he lets you.
for the first time in a long time he bites down on your shoulder as armin sinks his cock into him from behind. groaning when he feels your pussy clench around him from where you're pinned under his weight. he's too turned on to worry about the vulnerability of it all, how he's clearly not in control when armin grinds his dick into him, moans into his shoulder "daddy, daddy, you feel so good. you're mine. mine"
"mine too" you whimper, leaning up and begging for a kiss which eren gives you, moaning into your mouth as armins pace rocks his cock into your slick walls. "my daddy"
armin reaches around him to interlock his fingers with yours, "my baby" and you squeeze his fingers. "my minmin"
"fuck" eren groans, because he refuses to catalog it as a whimper as armin hits that spot. he eats your lips, "m'yours. all yours. whatever you want just- make me cum, let daddy cum please"
you clench around him. "say your cock belongs to us"
"it does. fuck- i-its yours"
armin nips at his neck, fucking him harder, making eren rock you up the bed. "say you like watching us fuck. say we belong to eachother"
erens is so close to coming his eyes are rolling back. "you- you belong to eachother. oh my god. baby, you're gonna make daddy cum, fuck-" he drops his head into your neck as warm spurts of cum empty inside of you, making you whine happily.
he's so fucked out, he doesn't even react when armin pulls out of him. flops back onto the bed and just moans when you straddle his face, lazily lapping at your oversensitive clit, his own cum dripping onto his tongue as you and armin kiss sloppily, your hand jerking him off, your cunt grinding into his face. armin spills into your palm and you cream all over erens tongue.
the three of you pass out in minutes.
when you wake up, you're cuddled next to armin. you blink blearily as you sit up, armin huffing sleepily as he cuddles close.
eren is leaning against the door frame, and he walks towards you when he sees you're awake. you blink at him when he reaches down and traces your cheek. "so, you and armin had fun last night" he says calmly. his dominance is back, you can tell, and you gulp.
"s-so did you" because you won't let him forget that.
he just smirks, crouching down so he's at eye level with you. "mm" he agrees. "I guess i did"
you start to smile "so-"
but his eyes go dark, and he grips your chin meanly "you played a mean game last night, baby. and you were the mastermind, huh? can't imagine armin would have the balls to stand up to me, know matter how much he wants your pussy. but you...." he taps your chin mockingly, "you're a scheming little brat"
you swallow as he stands back up. "what- what're you gonna do..."
he brushes a strand of your hair back from your face, glancing behind you at armin still asleep. he leans forward and pecks you. "go back to sleep" he starts to walk away, stopping at the door and turning to look at you. "you're gonna need alot of rest for the shit im gonna do. gotta show my dear girlfriend and boyfriend what happens when you piss daddy off"
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hunterofthemist · 3 years
Strength of the Meek
Carrying a paper bag Dave walks into the cafeteria. He looks around the room and sees Kotzal waving him over. He walks over to him and sits down with Kotzal at a noticeably empty table.
"Hey Dave, how are you?" Kotzal asks with a grin. "You dont have to rub it in, I had no idea you were a natural," Dave grumbles.
"It's just that when you showed me the rules I realized how similar they were to a game I used to play on Geon. Thrum If I remember correctly." Kotzal and dave talk for some time, the topic changes quickly from poker to physical ability.
"How strong are humans anyway? I've seen your movies but you said they aren't a good representation of human strength." Kotzal asks intrigued.
"Were strong enough. Enough to take down something bigger than us, at least with some planning that is." Dave answers. "I mean back when humans still dwelled in caves we took down wooly mammoths, which were beasts around three times the size of a human."
"Oh, I didn't know that. It's pretty impressive to hear." Kotzal says more than intrigued at this point.
"What about when a human has to do something impossible, just to keep the ones they care about alive. What do you do then?" He asks, his face getting a bit more solemn.
"We push on, do whatever it takes, even if it means we tear ourselves apart doing so," Dave says with a look of sincerity. He then breaks the look and smiles warmly. "What's got you asking a question like that?"
Kotzal laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head. "I dont know, I just heard stories over the Ether."
The conversation ends as the buzzer goes off on everyone's watch. "Shit thought we had more time for lunch break. That blows." Dave sighs.
Dave and Kotzal start walking down a hallway towards their respective stations. Halfway towards Dave's station, the alarm sounds, as well as an explosion in a nearby hallway.
"What was that!" Kotzal panics, immediately hiding behind dave and shaking. Dave reacts accordingly, not to the explosion but to Kotzal hiding behind him. "Woah dude, you good?"
"Oh sorry, my species is a prey species on my home planet. We get jumpy when stuff like this happens."
Dave chuckles at the thought, "you know if you did this around the others im pretty sure they wouldn't be able to see you." His attention focuses back on the sound. " We should go check out what happened, we're engineers after all."
Kotzal steps out from behind dave nervously and agrees. They walk down the hallway towards the commotion. Smoke billows out of the walls, embers pour out of the holes as well.
A hulking beast pulls its way out of the hole, it had to be around 8 and a half feet tall. Just as dave gets a look at it, several more come out of the walls. Kotzal grabs dave and pulls him around the corner, away from the beasts.
"Get down! Those are Tarvok pirates. We need to go, we do Not want to pick a fight with those." Kotzal is freaking out, likely having a panic attack. He tries to pull Dave with him. Dave doesn't budge, instead, he stares at the wall and puts his hand on it. "I cant."
Kotzal gets more anxious and frenzied, pulling harder on Dave. "No We have to go, David dont do this." In response, Dave grins and puts his head on the cold metal wall. "I said I cant, This station is my baby. I've fixed her more than anyone else. I can't leave her."
Dave turns to Kotzal and continues. "Not to mention the number of people these guys could hurt. You know how far the nearest guard post is, and how understaffed it is. If I turn tail and run countless people will die. But If I distract them, buy us some time. Maybe I can save a few lives."
"But you'll die! You'll get killed, I can't have you do that. I can't lose you, You're the only one who even respects me, let alone is nice to me." He says as tears start to form in his four eyes.
Daves grin breaks and he pulls Kotzal into a hug, Kotzal's small stature causing him to look like a small child not wanting their parent to leave. "That's not happening. I ain't gonna die." Dave thinks for a moment and goes on. "How about you help me, I dont buy this scared child Schtick. There's something there, something strong. I can see that."
Dave breaks the hug and pulls a knife from his belt, and hands it over to him. Kotzal stares at the blade for a second and takes the knife and nods in agreement. "Use your speed and stature to your advantage. there's a lot of smoke, try to use that."
Dave and total talk for a minute discussing plans and strategies after they're done he grabs a pipe on the wall and rips it off, but not before speaking to the station itself. "Sorry about this."
Walking around the corner Dave bangs the pipe on the wall, getting the army of Tarvok's attention. "Hey you brutes, eyes on me." He says, resting the pipe on his shoulder.
One of the Tarvok's starts walking over to Dave with a look of hunger and anger. Dave grins, this being a part of his plan, and stomps on a jagged and sharp piece of metal, launching it into the air. To which Kotzal leaves cover from behind Dave and grabs the piece of metal and throws it into the eye of the Tarvok.
"See, I told you no one would be able to see you back there." Dave jokes. He takes a step forward and inspects the now corpse of the Tarvok. "Oh damn, straight into the eye." Kotzal meekly responds to the compliment. "Thanks, it was heavier than Im used to so I didn't think it hit where I wanted to."
"You're a good shot, keep it up." Dave compliments. For a split second, Dave swore he could see Kotzal's cheeks turn blue.
Dave starts walking forward towards the rest of the army, beckoning them to come to fight him. One soldier takes a step forward to fight. The hulking beast throws a punch towards Dave but he sides steps it and slams his weapon into a pipe next to the Tarvok.
The soldier notices this and started to laugh but a second later the pipe bursts and hot steam starts to burn the soldier and causing it to fall to the floor.
The next one rushes Dave and throws a punch at him, he absorbs the blow into his shoulder and uses the force to spin himself around and slam the pipe into the soldier's skull.
At the display of force, the rest of the Tarvok's take a step back from the carnage. "Hey Kotzal, I think I fucked my shoulder up. It's your turn. " Dave says quietly so the brutes in front of them won't hear. "Yeah, let's do it." He responds, trying to hide the fear in his voice.
Dave starts to run towards the group of Tarvok's with Kotzal following. Before he gets too close he ducks down and arches his back and Kotzal jumps off his back and launches himself toward the enemy.
With one hand he throws a sharp piece of metal in the neck of one of the soldiers and with the other he stabs another with the knife Dave gave him.
The last one is in front of them, he's bigger than the rest. Probably the leader. "Let me handle this one," Dave says as he blocks Kotzal from moving forward with the pipe.
Looking at the pipe in his hand, Dave realizes that the pipe is way too damaged to continue to be useful. He takes a step forward and throws the thing as hard as he can. The pipe flies through the air and when it's about to hit, the leader catches it.
As soon as he threw the pipe Dave started running towards the beast but only noticed that he caught the pipe when he was too close to do anything. The Leader propels his knee into Daves's gut, the spike on it spearing into dave.
"Oh fuck!" He screams as the spike goes through him. He falls back and tries to stop the bleeding. Another scream is heard, not of pain but rage. "You Fucker!" It's Kotzal, with the look of pure rage in his eyes.
"I'll kill you!" He screams as he starts running towards him. As he reaches him he jumps at the leader to get a clear shot at him. In retaliation, the Tarvok grabs him by the neck and holds him in the air. Kotzal doesn't seem to notice, the anger blinding him. He starts slashing wildly at the beast in front of him, a good majority hitting their targets.
Kotzal gets a good stab into the arm of the beast holding him, causing him to be dropped.
While on the ground he stabs the blade into the back of the knee of the Tarvok leader making him fall to his knees, lining him up for a stab to the side of his head, killing him.
He keeps stabbing the now dead Tarvok, more out of rage than him being unsure he's dead. After a few dozen stabs he stops and takes a second to breathe and remembers Dave. He turns around and sprints towards Dave.
He starts trying to help him staunch the bleeding and stabilize him. "No, no-no-no. Dont do this, you cant." He starts tearing up trying to help him.
"It's okay, you did well. Didn't expect the fucker to catch the pipe. I think this is it" Dave says as he rests on the wall, trying to do whatever he can to stop the bleeding.
"Dont say that! You'll be fine, I know what im doing. I can help you." Kotzal says frantically.
Dave looks at him and puts his bloodied hand on his shoulder. "You can't save me, an injury like this is impossible to fix up."
"Shut up!" Kotzals shouts as he slaps dave. "We aren't in the medical dark ages, You know how strong modern medicine is." a grin forms on Daves face as he shrugs. "Whatever you say," he says as his vision fades to black and passes out.
Daves eyes open and the bright light blinds him, "hey your awake." a familiar voice says. His eyes adjust to the light and he sees that Kotzal is sitting on the chair next to his bed.
Dave groans in pain as he tries to sit up. Kotzal puts a hand on his shoulder and stops him. "Dumbass, you can adjust the bed." He laughs, handing him the switch.
"How long was I out?" He asks as he raises the head of his bed. "About two days. You had us worried for a little while." Kotzal responds with a smile.
"You can't kill me that easily, its gonna take a lot more than that, I still have work to do here." He smiles back.
"Oh yeah, like what?" Kotzal asks. "The engines been making a thunking noise for the past week, I still figure out what the hell the problem is." They both start laughing for a minute and after they stop a silence is formed between them, which is promptly broken ten seconds later by dave. "Hey after they discharge me, do you wanna go to the bar and get a few drinks? I'll buy."
"Sure thing, I'd love to."
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gojoslutoru · 3 years
Too close.
Geto Suguru x fem!reader
I’m having the absolute worst writers block so I’m trying to overcome it by forcing myself to write.
Warnings: Smut, bit of angst, a mess honestly, established relationship, quite literally i don’t know what the fuck this is, enjoy.
Wc: 1727
He promised he’d stop, but I guess a promise is just that in the end, a promise. The rain patters on the window as you turn in your bed again, the street light illuminating the wooden floor. You sigh while turning to sit up on the side of the bed, the fur carpet under your feet somewhat soothing the ache in your chest. You grab your phone before sliding off he bed onto the carpet, the soft material easing your slight thud to the ground.
You tap your phone, the time reads 3:41am with your eyes still scanning the screen, searching for Suguru’s name, but to no luck. You unlock your phone going straight to messages and scrolling to Suguru, typing a quick “where are you?” before you lock your phone and place it back to it’s place. Your heart jumps at the ping immediately, your phone lights up the space around it as you strain your neck to read the message: “kitchen”. He’s home. You shift a little as you push yourself up on your legs, your feet patting on the wooden floor as you make your way towards the bedroom door.
You push it open, the faint warm white light slowly flooding into the bedroom. You make your way down the corridor then the stairs as your eyes scan for the source, you open the door to the kitchen hearing a faint creek and immediately smelling the smoke from Sugurus cigarette. It’s placed in the glass ashtray near him as he leans on the kitchen island that centres the space. The plants around the kitchen have grown over time, now almost giving the corner a green backdrop, it’s beautiful, but it’s now just a reminder of all the times you’ve taken care of them, watering them everyday while they grew, while Suguru wasn’t there.
He looks up at you with a faint smile but the same glint of adoration in his eyes as always, he extends his arm offering you his cigarette which you happily take. Your hands brush as you take it from him, pulling a barstool next to his so you can lean over the island. You take a drag while looking at him, your eyes never leaving each other “i didn’t expect you to be home” you blow out the smoke as Suguru does the same “I got home early, but you were already asleep, then the rain woke me up” he explained “you not being there woke me up” the response was too quick for the both of you as you kept looking at each other, all that could be heard was the rain and a faint ‘i’m sorry’ from Suguru.
The sky was clouded, the city lights reflecting off them creating the effect that the world is in a bubble. You looked at Suguru, cautiously reaching your hand out to touch the side of his face his skin was heated as he leaned into your palm while closing his eyes, so ethereal you thought as you looked at him. Slowly you moved your hand up, combing your fingers through his long hair as you caressed his head. It would be a lie to say he didn’t miss you and you knew that. “I love you” he murmurs, his voice vibrating around you. You set your cigarette down into the ashtray before you move your other hand to his head as well, slowly bringing his face close to you “i love you too” a whisper, as if it’s a dirty secret that you love him too. Suguru keeps his hands down as he lets you lead into the kiss, his lips soft against yours, the kiss is slow no desire to rush now that he’s finally here again.
Suguru’s hand reaches up moving the hair away from your face, his hand sliding to the back of your head to push you closer, the movement and placement all too familiar to you and him, evident in the soft sigh you both let out. There’s no going back from here, your body instantly moving closer to him while his other hand pulls you closer by your waist. The kitchen is too open for your liking the panorama windows in the living room exposing the entire main area, luckily up on the 10th floor not a lot of people pass by the window you think to yourself as Suguru’s hands wander under your ass to lift you up onto the counter, your arms immediately dropping around his neck to keep him close despite the kiss being broken.
He looks at you in silence and you know what he’s trying to say, you’ve known it for a while, so before he can say anything you wrap your legs around him, pulling him impossibly close. The kiss is much more demanding this time, the both of you trying to desperately get the words out of your head that are weighing down the space around you, his hand wraps around your neck, his pointer finger pressing just under your jaw and you sigh into him letting his tongue push at yours. Your hand reaches down tucking itself in the band of his sweats as you pull him closer while grinding your hip softly against him “you’re gonna be the death of me” he moans slowly reaching his hand under your shirt to caress your waist “we both know that’s not true” you breathe back as he growls, obviously not pleased with your response.
His head dips to your neck marking it gently, little purple and red bruises appearing under his lips. His hand on your neck now slowly sliding down your torso, getting caught on your erect nipple but not stopping until it’s under your navel, you feel yourself contract at his hand being so close to where you need him. “Su- please” your head falling forward against the back of his as his hand travels further down stopping just above your clit. His other hand possessively grabbing your waist, purposely making you roll your hips so that his hand brushes your clit. Your hand travels lower in his sweats, starting to slowly caress his length as he breathes a little louder than expected “you’re really impatient today” he whispers in your ear sending a shiver down your spine “it doesn’t seem to me like you’ll be able to wait much longer either” evidence to your response clear in the way his hips are now grinding into your hand with his head bowed to your chest.
He gives in, hand moving over your clit to draw small circles on it making you let out soft sighs, your hand falters at the feeling slightly shaking as you move your delicate fingers towards the head of his erection he lets out a grunt “don’t do that or this really will be quick” you chuckle, continuing your movements as he groans into your chest. His hand on your waist finds it’s way between your thighs, prying them apart before dipping his hand in. His fingers brushing your entrance “need you inside” you whisper, your hand stopping as he finally begins to push a finger inside you, making you drop your head and moan next to his ear, your other hand grabbing onto his back. “You’re right i can’t wait” he says as he stands up tall pulling his finger out of you, your hands tremble as you pull his sweats down.
You shift towards the edge of the marble island giving him an easier access, his hand hooks around your back grabbing your hair as you do the same, an action that was now engraved into the both of you. Your other hand is on his waist as you pull him close, chest to chest. His hand positions his length at your entrance before slowly pushing in and he notices the way your body trembles at the contact, slowly grinding into him as he bottoms out now flush against you. You let out the breath you were holding, feeling impossibly full. Adjusting the grip on his hair as he slowly starts to move out of you then slam back in making you moan out against his ear, he does that a couple times, each time a faint slapping noise echoes through the kitchen along with his groans and your muffled moans against his neck. He finds a rhythm after, his length dragging in and out of your walls as your legs shake while closing tighter around him. His hand in your hair tightens as his other hand grabs your waist to steady your hips, the newly gained control making him hit your g-spot repeatedly and your hips twitch each time, your moans getting louder until they’re uncontrollable “fuck su- righ-right there” you moan breathless.
His speed increases but his head always brushes against your sweet spot, you’re shaking against him, body going limp over his shoulder as you feel him shake underneath you. His hand moves down to rub your clit, your stomach tightens at the act making you clench around him which earns you a sweet moan from his lips “i’m cumming” is all you can manage to say before you clench even more around him, the sensation making your legs shake uncontrollably around his waist then going limp, your head is thrown back as high pitched sighs leave your lips. Too busy basking in your orgasm to notice Suguru twitching inside you, you’re pulled out of your trance feeling the overstimulation by Suguru speaking “baby where?” his hand desperately grabbing onto you “inside” you whisper in his ear. All that can be heard is Sugurus desperate grunts as you feel him cumming inside you, his pace speeding up making you whine before slowing down his pace as he stays inside you.
The silence is deafening as you both think of what to say, Suguru is first to break the silence “i never wanted it to be like this, to build a home and then destroy it” his warmth around you keeping you safe from the words he speaks, you know what you’re about to say will change everything, but it’s too late, you love him “i said i’ll stay by your side and that’s what im going to do” Suguru pulls away to look at you, his eyes thankful but deep down he knows, you both know.
This will only end in death.
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beomglocks · 4 years
what yeonjun is like as a boyfriend
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warnings & other: no warnings except for falling in love with yeonjun, but is that so bad?, side note: no body asked for this but between college stress aka finals and daily life struggles this is the only thing i could manage to come up with so plz enjoy.
w/c: 2 more words and its 1K
jesus take the wheel
when you first meet him he’s flirting
biting his lips and licking them
raising his eyebrows and all like
calm down i don’t even know your name yet
very bold
so shameless when you first meet him
“you look like someone”
“oh really who?”
“my future partner ;)”
ngl you would be so put off by his confidence
but he knows when to tone it down and you’re like
“oh you’re actually tolerable!”
if youre shy then rip you
always trying to get you out of your comfort zone
probably does extra shit in public and you just have to laugh along nervously
then when yall are alone you scold him for embarrasing you and he’s like
“ok ok im sorry” *hug*
if youre confident like him youre both annoying
just kidding but thats real couple goals
everyone is jealous of yall
he’s so cocky
always showing you off
“hi everyone this is my partner!”
“yeonjun...we know...we’ve known ever since you introduced them 5 months ago”
thinks you’re the most beautiful human to ever grace the earth and it’s not even close
“seriously how did i end up with someone like you”
seems like the type of boyfriend to kiss the ground you walk on
*not to be confused with a simp*
yeonjun does not simp
he has morals
so you know how he tends to say “baby” a lot
thats his fav nickname for you and vise versa
omg he loves that nickname forreal
like i know i said beomgyu and skinship was a huge thing
but my god
yeonjun is on a whole other level
just comes up to you and annoys you with wanting to be close
hes so clingy
but will probrably pout and whine when youre clingy with him
“ahhh y/n you like me sooo much look at you clinging to me like this, leave me aloooooone”
obviously he doesnt mean it like cmon youre each others batteries
kissing you in public
im talking full on makeout sessions
“we’re in public...”
“ok and?”
literally just always all up on you
if youre someone who needs their space yall will CLASH
might even get into arguments because of this
serious arguments where you call him annoying
i feel like he will take it to heart if you call him that
nobody likes being called annoying :(
wont touch or talk to you for days
thats dog years in your relationship
you have to apologize and really mean it
he’ll accept it if you kiss him
omg he’s so jealous
doesn’t want people looking at you too long
dont try to make him jealous he will fight the other person
ok maybe just giving them the stank eye then he’ll pull up like
“hey im standing right here have some damn respect”
you guys definitely fight
sometimes over petty shit but sometimes it gets serious
always threatning to break up but never doing it 
you both know you’re bluffing but it still hurts everytime
but your relationship is strong
i feel like yeonjun wouldnt get into a relationship if he knew he wouldnt have a strong connection with the person
he values communication
tell him how you feel
he’ll always listen
if he’s feeling down you better buy him his favorite foods and run your hands through his hair ok!
speaking of food
best food runs
like will just randomly be like 
“hey wanna go to this one place with me?”
and it’s like 2am 
but he insists the food is worth it
best dates too
either a restaurant date
(doesnt have to be expensive, just gotta have good food)
or he cooks for the both of you
he cooks surprisingly good????
you’re like there’s no way you made this
he’s like damn you hate me that much
but no like actually can cook but he’s clumsy you know
you gotta be monitering him
which he doesnt mind, he likes having your presence in the kitchen with him
PLEASE i feel like he doesn’t like being alone when he’s doing everyday tasks idk
like if he’s brushing his teeth or if you’re brushing your teeth
he’s right there back hugging you ugh
the type to walk on the side of the sidewalk where cars are closer to <3
if you’re younger than him he kinda has a superiority complex
not in a condescending way
he just tends to baby you more
if you’re older he still tries to act older in some ways
“yeonjun im going to the grocery store!”
“actually i made that exact same grocery list and went 3 days ago”
“the only thing on the list was rice?”
but he likes being babied
coo at him and he’ll get shy and tell you to stop
meeting the other members isn’t too bad
“this is my significant other! arent they just so etheral?”
everyone nods because if they dont yeonjun will probably give them some choice words later
you gotta compliment him a lot
he thrives off compliments honestly
you: “you looked good in that one scene”
him: “yeah but i looked good in all the scenes though right?”
you CANNOT C A N N O T compliment anyone else
you: “soobi-”
him: glaring at you “what about him?”
just to mess with him youre like “soobin killed this scene too”
pouts and whines
“nooooo what do you mean he killed this scene?? i’m the scene too pay attention to me!”
studio sessions with him are a vibe
he likes rnb so yall would just be chilling on days where he doesnt have schedules. 
plays his rnb playlist and yall just vibe out 
youre both laying down on the studio couch with his head in your neck and he’s dozing off *broken heart emoji”
wait ok i know i’ve said this before but
he’s the type to tease you during arguments
“you wanna kiss me so bad”
and when you do he’s all smug about it
“my baby just can’t stay mad at me for long huh”
your friends think he’s hot
they probably think he’s way too good looking to be dating you
so you doubt yourself
but he’s like nah our looks are on par that’s why we’re perfect together fuck them
always wants you to watch him dance
during practice or not, he wants you there
after hours at the practice room is just him playing some random song and freestyling
but you love it because he looks so happy and free
probably does some cheesy shit like ask you to dance with him
or if you’re sitting down on your phone he’ll come up to you dancing just to bother you then just laugh
he’s the best boyfriend
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miioouu · 3 years
you should do a supernatural au with whoever you want !
It's only after I've written all of that that I realized you maybe meant it as the supernatrual show? If not then great (although im not sure this counts as super natrual, and if you did mean the series sjensjdb sorry i never watched) Anyway, that's a mess, so if you meant smth else please let me know, I'll write you smth else! Thank you for requesting!! ❤️💜❤️
Sero Hanta
      It's getting hot lately, it's the middle of June and you're dying of heat, typical summer weather. Which is totally normal, you're not really complaining, you're a summer lover. Since you were kid, you loved the bright sun, the hot air, sweating off and enjoying the clear sky. You enjoyed summer and it's multiple activities, from ice cream cooling you off, to hiking up to a fresher environment. But your favorite of them all has to be going to the beach. The sand under your toes and the waves controlling over your body, letting go. It all felt so nice. A bit too nice.
Enjoying yourself way too much, you didn't realize that the waves are getting you further and further away from the shore. The sun is setting and the water cooling off more, your eyes closed for a second enjoying the breeze, and that was your mistake. You didn't see the big wave coming, no one around you was there to warn you either, it came crashing over you. Turning you over, making you reach the bottom of the ocean, and pushing your body left and right, the impact leaving you blacked out.
It's a miracle you opened your eyes. Though you were met with darkness, with nothing but a few... Purple lights? That's weird. Looking around you, you find yourself in what seems like a cavern, dark, humid, jellyfishes were the source of light. You laid in the back, on a rock, a big one and you wondered what brought you here. Who brought you here. And your question was soon to be answered. A man, black haired and even blacker eyes making his way towards you. Agile and smooth in his movements, the ethereal light accentuating what you can see of his body. His torso smooth, his abs showing slightly, and what were that on his elbows? The closer he got the more obvious it looked, but not really. Are those scales? And is that... Is that a tail behind him? A mermaid! Merman! That can't be it. You must be dreaming, you really knocked your head really hard. Maybe if you just turn away, and close your eyes, this timr you'll wake up in reality. But that was in vain. A wet hand found it self in your shoulder shaking you, while the other still behind his back. His abyss eyes looked into yours, he looked so handsome, he looked so real, maybe if you.... As you reached out, your fingers shaking as they made their way to his cheeks, but as soon as he felt the contact he backed away. "I... I didn't mean to hurt you.... Are you ok?" Giving you a questioning look, head tilt to the side and an obvious confusion in his eyes, it's when you realized, he can't understand you, and finding a way out of here, might be more difficult than you expected it.
As much as you'd love to stay with the new found creature, you have a family that might be worried to death about you right now. So standing to your feet, you tried to make your way out of the cavern, though you were stopped. A webbed hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you backwards "Where do you think you're going?" Huh? So now he can speak?! "Why- why didn't you answer me before?" You wanted to sound more confident, more serious, but you voice came out as shaky and trembling. "Because you asked me a stupid question! I should be the one wondering if you're ok. Anyway, you can't go back now. The waves are still too strong, and it's so dark out, you'll only get lost. So why don't you stay for a bit more, and in the morning I'll lead you out! Here I even got you some games we can play so you don't get bored!" Finally the hand that was behind his back was revealed, stretching it before you, opening his palm, small fish bones, some pearls and shells shone in his palm, but what really attracted you was the big shell with something engraved on it. Four letters symbolizing who this man- euh merman before you was, in an intersting typography, the name "Sero" made your heart beat a bit faster....
Kozume Kenma
Living far from the city is fun. Every morning you opened your window, the fresh air carrying the smell of baked good from the small bakery accross your small house and the lavender growing infront of your porch door. You liked living like that. And you liked roaming around the village, petting every animal you see, from the elderly couple's cows, to the young boy's dogs, it's an amazing life you're living.
The pet that you liked the most, but unfortunately you don't think it reciprocate your feelings, is the nocturnal cat that's always meowing outside your window. It was a stray cat, only showing up at night, you'd throw it some food before it snatched it and left. Though as more time passed by, this cat seemed to like you more and more. It would stay out a little longer, eating in front of you instead of leaving to eat in it's secret hidden place. And on cold nights, it would rub its head on your leg, relishing in the pets you'd give them. This cat, white with spoltches of black and gold decorating its furr, seemed like it was abandoned, for a collar was still wrapped around its neck, and a name shining under the light on the medal "Kenma". And you loved that name, you don't know why, but it fits the cat, and everytime you think of this five letter name, you can't help but smile and your heart get warmer.
Cold winter night, you were worried; where's your precious Kenma. You were about to go look for him until you heard whines and scratched on your door, indicating it's your beloved street cat. Quickly letting him in, running to grab a towel and drying him, holding him close to your chest to keep him warm "Awww baby, you're cold yeah? I was worried about you all day long, why didn't you come earlier?" and of course you didn't get a reply, only a purr and a scooting closer to you, burying himself in the warmth of your body. So warm and peaceful, the cat drifted to sleep. And it could be because of the weather, or because you're so happy with the kitty next to you, it's still early but your eyelids are growing heavy, you fell into dreamland with your arms holding the pet close to you.
It's just so warm here, so comfortable, your mattress and your sheets are so soft, your heartbeat lulling him into an even deeper slumber, keeping him in your bed even well after the sun had risen. It's only when a sudden push made him fall of the bed, a high scream making his ear ring and the warmth of you once close body left him cold and shivering tat he finally opened your eyes. "Who are you?! How did you get here?! You know don't say anything, keep it for when the police comes!" That's when it all clicked in his head, eyes widening, moving fast as a cat to take your phone away from your hand. "Y/n, listen, calm down, calm down! I can explain, I swear!" Y/n? How does this stranger know your name? When he finally stood to his feet, you had a proper look at him. Long hair that stops right before his shoulder, dyed blonde but you could see the black roots. Eyes sly as a feline, golden, a bit strange. And it's when your eyes raked down, stoped to his neck you noticed something familiar, the collar of your beloved cat. "Y/n, it's me Kenma!" You always knew this village was bit strange...
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