#im so gullible idc I love them
stevesharrlngtons · 1 year
“My girl on the inside”
“My boy on the outside”
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heartkaji · 27 days
HIIII FIRSTLY I WANNA SAY love ur writing and to take care of yourself MWAH okay here we go
She/her pronouns but I don’t mind they/them,,, female and straight🫶🏼🫶🏼 f/o character will be Togame Jo from windbreaker (HEHE IM GEEKED)
1. Who fell first and who fell harder?
2. At what moment did they fall in love?
3. How was your first kiss like?
I’m 5’3 girlie but I will not hesitate to confront someone who hurt people I care abt. Can’t throw hands but I’ll throw insults🫵🏼 idc who u are mess with the people I care about I’m after you. MOVING ON LOL Strengths is being understanding, friendly, respectful, and having a lot of empathy,,, I WILL cry if I see someone else crying/upset (even if it’s not directed toward me). I’m serious abt boundaries too. Cross it once,, a warning but twice?? Yeah no get out of here💀I love to joke around and tease my friends. I love seeing their reactions😭Weakness: stubborn, getting rather loud at times(when I’m really excited), snaps easily when patient is thin, a little gullible. I consider myself an introvert that has a high social battery. Once it gets low enough,, u won’t hear from me for like a 2 days💀💀 need to recharge yk.
I carry more on my lower half bc I have thick thighs/calfs. I have a mole right above the right corner of my mouth. I’m sure I have other moles on my body too. Hair is thick and semi curly… still trying to figure it out ngl—🥲 my hair is so thick I actually have an undercut. Summer is my enemy BOOO
Ok my perception of togame🫡🫡🫡 I first thought of him as… rather intimidating and scary. First of all, he’s a man.(I’m a man-hater from what my friends say🤨) Secondly, he’s tall as heck. But once I saw his backstory I was literally so sad like :((bro just wanted his best friend to be looked up to. Now all I see from togame is that he’s a big softie😭 I believe in soft!togame agenda GRRRR. He’s a big guy with a big heart, and does his best to love (even if his decisions aren’t the greatest but that’s OKAY I CAN TEACH HIM I SWEAR—*gets shoved off the stage*) scary to everyone but the ppl he cares about.
…that was a lot of word vomit I apologize😭😭 lemme know if I did anything wrong💔
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[ ★ ⸻ @munchieschomp ]
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MUNCHIES OMG HI MY LOVE !! i always love seeing you in my notifs doll 💓💓 ALSO UR SO FUNNY I LAUGHED READING THIS 😭😭 anyways, you and togame scream feisty gf x calm bf. you’re giving the stereotypical short girl with short temper (not to say you have anger issues, but you definitely take no bs) and togame is the more level headed, mature person between the both of you.
you fell first !! omg so this is how i imagine it : you and togame are friends & one day you get into an argument. it’s more of a one sided argument though, you’re hella upset at him but togame is calm as fuck. it confuses you sm because you’re SO used to people matching your energy in arguments — you yell, they yell. you hurl an insult, they hurl one too. but togame doesn’t do that. he’s apologizing and trying to explain himself but you keep talking over him </3 either way after the confrontation ends you’re left feeling bad about how you spoke to him, but also really warm and fuzzy—he didn’t raise his voice at you, not even once ? you find his self control intriguing & soon you’re beginning to notice him more & more. more sooner than later you realize his kind heart & soft smile has you falling in love 💘
the moment you called his nose cute :( LMFAOO okay so this is how it began : togame’s over at your house late at night for a biology project but your textbooks are long forgotten. instead the two of you are watching scamilton (an illegal remake of the play hamilton) and trying not to laugh. you’re lazily feeding him popcorn & your thighs touch more than they should, the denim of his jeans brushing against your bare skin. you rest your head against the headboard while togame is focused on the movie, corner of his lips tugged into a grin. you let your head turn to take a glimpse at him: his face bears a mix of focus & suppressed laughter, lips pressed & nostrils flaring with every hushed chuckle. you’d never seen the curve of its shape this close, & so you talk without thinking: “your nose is so pretty, jo.” you catch him by surprise, he turns to you with raised eyebrows. he’s not sure where that came from but the room is dim & the light from the laptop illuminates half of your face. fuck, you’re so pretty. but you don’t say anything further & neither does togame. your eyes flit from his eyes to his nose & down to his lips & god his chest is heaving but you’re both startled by a sudden shout—you and togame’s attention turns back to the play on your laptop. damn, better luck next time lovebirds </3
AHKKKHH GIGGLING because i can see you and jo being the type who are always ALMOST KISSING !! the moment is always right BUT IT NEVER. SEEMS. TO HAPPEN. you had your first kiss in a very unconventional way. being the very terrible girl you are (tsk tsk) you insulted a senior because he made one of your girl friends cry. now he’s hunting you down along with his clique. running down the halls your first thought is to hide away in one of the lockers—fortunately for you you’ve stopped right outside togame’s. you know his combination so you fit your small body in & close the door in hopes you can avoid the impending doom. the door cracks open & you think your fate is sealed, but lucky for you it’s just jo—he greets you with a confused look & you respond with a finger over your lips, a silent plea for him to shush. you can hear hurried footsteps down the hall & your eyes widen in fear— they’re already here ?? togame’s about to part his lips to speak & potentially blow your cover so you pull him by the collar—you weren’t sure what you were doing, in fact you were really hoping you could shut him up & make it look like he was just using his locker, but you tug a little too hard & now his lips are on yours 💔 he tastes like raspberry chapstick & artificial sweetener :( you hear your hunters run past but jo doesn’t pull away at all🤞
[ O1 ⸻ complete ]
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© ─ heartkaji ; do not steal, copy, edit, translate or reupload
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haram-jaan · 4 years
Hi, I’m not here to judge u in any way or whatever. I dont really care what u do wid yourlife tbh. But in Islam theres supposed to be a balance. The “muslims” attacking you might not even be muslim. They might just want to get you further away from Islam. But what im saying is is that Allah does lean more towards the love and forgiveness side. But we do need to realise that Allah punishes too if we dont repent sincerely. And those anons sending hate have issues of their own. If they arent sincere then who knows they might not even believe in the kalimah during death. I hope you can ignore those people who are giving you this hate i think its shit. Ive been in that position before. Do not give someone the satisfaction of turning you away from Islam because think of it as “you’re not gullible” so you wont listen to other peoples negative “advice”. Like I said idc what youve done it doesnt concern me, I’ve sinned too, hard. But it didn’t stop me from coming back to Allah. But yh, a word of advice, if you do wanna become better. Just try finding that balance of loving and fearing Allah.
it honestly feels like some of u think I’m a child that doesn’t know any better? lmao I know what’s right and wrong and how to repent etc. also if i left islam that would not be me ‘giving them the satisfaction’ it would be a result of years of religious abuse and hate from strangers lmao but regardless. I’m not going to stop believing in God bc of tumblr anons that doesn’t even make sense. my faith is mine alone and I am tired of hearing strangers ‘advice’. none of it is sincere and I do not want to take Islamic knowledge from tumblr. that’s the end of that
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vivicavira · 7 years
Tag Game
sooo i was tagged by some thicc bich @your-taxidermy :0
tag people you want to know better!!
Appearance: hm i’m real short like i’m 5’0 and a half. i have tiny hands and tiny feets. i’m hispanic (puerto rican and cuban) so i’m a little tan but still light skinned. i have a lil beauty mark on my right cheek. i have brown eyes and long eyelashes that instead of fuckin sticking up they stick out so you would never know my eyelashes are so long -_-. i have like brown…reddish…blackish..hair??? but then there’s some blonde?? idk it’s weird i dyed it red last year but my mama wanted me to go back to my original hair and go black soo now i’m stuck with whatever this is?? my hair is medium length AND WONT FUCKIN GROW FOR SHIT. it’s like wavy but straight?? idk man. i have tiny tits and my body is mostly legs which makes me want to cut them off :). i’m like skinny…but not?? it’s weird. my back has this weird natural arch (which i hate). my nose is like a rats from the side but isn’t that bad from the front?? my eyebrows are naturally thin and arched and let’s just say i always look angry… i have braces and…yeah. there’s nothing else really to me.
Personality: i’m gullible, easy to please with certain things, i’m a really deep thinker, i worry too much, i’m shy around people i think are cooler than me, i’m an open book but slowly i’m closing up more and more, i’m bipolar, i fall in love too easily, i’m actually rlly funny, i’m nice when i want to be, i’m constantly going between what i need and what i want, i like when ppl listen to what i say and take it in. i’m good at giving advice for some things. i’m super emotional and a lot of things get to me. it’s so hard for me to stick to one thing for a long amount of time. like i could be in love with someone but then one day my brain tells me “let’s stop loving this person for the little reasons that will mean nothing in a week. idc if they’re the only person that truly loves you. sounds like a you problem” like i ruin things for myself. it’s like my heart and my brain are two separate beings. i’m indecisive. i’m gentle and warm and soft with others and i’m aggressive, cold, and harsh with myself. i have extremely high expectations for myself and for (some) others which when i’m brought back to reality, i’m then disappointed always. i have trust issues when it comes to my heart.
Ability: i can sing (im self taught and never had any classes but i’m actually kinda good), i can draw sorta, i can dance (also self taught never had classes), i’m good at acting (this is my first year being in theatre but i’ve been acting my whole life with my sister. we used to do skits and stuff together but not like funny ones. like straight drama and tragedy. i’m good at making things make sense and wording things a certain way that just makes things click.
Hobbies: o god uh watching youtube, drawing, singing, acting, dancing, crying, being confused, and…tumblr
Experiences: i went to my first youth convention this year and it was rlly amazing. ummm wow i love how can’t remember any thing i’ve ever done?? trust me i’ve done a lot more o god. um oh!! we drove from florida all the way to new york and on the way we almost fell in a corn field in pennsylvania, we were about to sleep in a gross motel but there were roaches in the mattress so we somehow found a much better hotel and when we got to new york my mom pissed herself. i went to china town and the city and it was just such a good time. one time our car broke down on our way to north carolina and it was horrible. also hurricane irma was terrifying. i live in florida so where i live got hit hard. i’ve been through a lot of other shite but this is all that’s coming to mind rn for some reason.
My Life: for some reason my life is so depressing. my mom is always miserable and crying and sick and in pain. my sister is always sick and she’s rlly ill and has a lot of physical issues, my dad works like a dog but still doesn’t make enough money, my mom hates her job too. we’ve never owned a house, always rented. i go through my own problems mentally and emotionally. but my sister and parents are always fighting which makes me shake and scared and it’s hard to sleep. my parents aren’t very understanding (at all) and it’s just rlly hard. but other ppl have gone through and STILL go through much much worse. i have a more than sturdy roof over my head, good quality clothes, a warm bed to sleep in, a surplus of good food to eat, and for the most part love.
Random Stuff: i was in swim this year for my school and i fucking hated it but hey i got my varsity letter so whatever.
i’m horrible at math but i have honors english and i’ve always been on top when it comes to english and language arts but at the bottom with math of any kind. the only math i can kinda do is algebra 1 math.
i like every genre of music. like yes i even like this one country song. don’t judge. i mean i never listen to it but i like it. if you were to shuffle my songs 10 times you’d get 10 different genres. i just love music so much and i have a very strong passion for it. well i have a strong passion for the arts in general.
i’m a freshman but im supposed to be a sophomore but because my birthday is in november florida decided to hold me back in pre-k for an extra year just cuz of that??? it’s rlly dumb i hate florida.
i secretly would love to do cosplay in the future and go to those cosplay con thingies with some other friends of mine (none that i have rn would be interested in doing that in the future so i mean hopefully i’ll make friends like that and we’ll be able to ya know...do that stuff??
i like ensemble stars which i never post about for some reason idk
this is becoming wayyyyyy too long wow
i tag: @itsadarkparadize @hanaejun @lunar-intoxication @jjkboo @fictional-serial-killer @enaaaaaam @anonsx2 @sangweewoo @noodlesforlyfe @mangomud
i mean if you…if you want to of course…heh
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