#im so happy to be unapologetically queer
to the trans woman riding her bike through loring park
I love you
to the twink in short shorts and a mesh top at the grocery store
I love you
to the trans guy who rides the same bus as I do
I love you
to the butch lesbians I work with
I love you
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suenitos · 4 months
idk we talk about it less than the queerness aspect but im very happy dteam have made a space thats generally welcoming/decent towards being nd. obviously they're not the only ccs in recent memory to do so and minecraft/gaming as a space tends to attract neurodiverse people but it means a lot. dream being open about his adhd and struggles is so beautiful despite many people clowning on him for it, and its refreshing to see george and sapnap even be open to the idea of having adhd/being nd as it's something that even now is extremely stigmatized. i still think its rare to see people be so open and positive about it even in fandom and especially when thinking about how past and some present internet spaces treated/treat nd people in cruel fucked up ways (even with dream himself) its comforting to know this space is relatively safe and that people dont generally get shit on because of their autism adhd etc. as much as there's complicated feelings towards stuff like tone tags and social dynamics, it's so nice to see a space where neurodiversity is acknowledged and even embraced instead of brushed aside or treated with hostility as a topic. and related to that, a lot of the concept behind "being cringe" stems from nd behaviors and it's great that dteam and fandom past and present continue to push back against that in general and be unapologetic in our shared interests :3
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starrameee · 11 days
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Thought I’d forget to make somn for undertales anniversary??? Nahhhh hehehe happy anniversary to #undertale, the game that raised me and made me as a young queer kid, more comfortable in my own skin. The game that made me realize,me, was the best thing I could be:
To say undertale changed the expirences I had in my early life is an understatement. Im so glad to be back and be here. Thank you Toby Fox :). On behalf of me and all the young queer kids you inspired to live unapologetically as themselves, on September 15th, 2015. 💜💜💜
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sunnnfish · 11 months
Disclaimer this is truly genuinely just such a stream of random thought that likely has been talked about before but I’m craaazzyyyy and I love finding new ways to state the same old feelings
Thinking and Hirano and kagiura again like oooihhhhh queer youth and love and fucking ooiuuh they care about each other so so much it’s so over for me like
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OOUUUUHGH HIRANO WND KAGIURA IM GONNA THROW UP !!!!! They’re so so happy together and they care so much and they’re silly little high schoolers and they’re QUEER it’s so over!!!!! The way they still laugh and have fun and tease each other despite being in this weird half-relationship like. Do you understand. The “I love you” “I know” of it all. The slow Hirano. Not realization but like. Recontextualizing? The wanting to love someone the choosing to love someone. Little known fact I am a firm Demi/aspec Hirano believer it’s like. He’s not realizing he was always been in love he’s like. Developing love. It is something he has to tend to and nurture and he wants to nurture it because Kagi is his best friend……. And it’s also like. He does love his best friend and he knows it! He knows he’d do anything for Kagi. It’s just like. The romantic aspects don’t come naturally. He has to think about it. Like. Just. Different kinds of love babyyyyy…. This is the most Hirano can care about someone. You know. I feel like I’m not explaining this properly Anyways wanna see something I just realized
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The God I wish I could see him— slams window rethinks life. Flash forward to casually being able to just ask Can we meet up (I want to see you) IM SICK
Anywayyysssss I may be in weirdville recently but BOY do I love kagihira so so so much. They’re everything to me. Like. LOVE !!!! And the way Kagi is so unapologetically in love and the way Hirano is so thoughtful about love and cares about Kagi regardless and oouuughhh got myself right in the gut via remembering light novel scenes it’s so over. Liminality and country roads and fuzzy lights in the distance night and riding the bus together at one am and you’re not sure it’s just the gas station food that’s making you feel warm inside. Sparklers fizzling out that makes you yourself feel burnt out and warm to the tips of your fingers. Whateverrrrr man HIRANO AND KAGIURAAAAAA !!!!! I’m normal
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phinjeet · 1 month
* i dont think a character needz to be super complex n deep n nuanced to be worth caring about . i dont think “theyre so bland and underdeveloped” should stop ppl . i think somtimez characterz are just happy silly guyz and u should still like them but ig im just a happy silly guyz enjoyer
* i think winn IZ interesting and worth caring about . i like how theyre this super cool kid who everyonez obsessed with when they first meet them but theyre also just some lame normal child like everyone else , who likez chicken nuggetz n emuz n helicopterz n boardgamez n chocolate pudding . they got into skateboarding becauze of an animatronic mascot they really like . theyre super important reprezentation for ppl like me n i waz so excited about the idea of young queer kidz being able to see themselvez in a character like this but yk . ppl dont really talk about them . they wanna grow up to be a professional skateboarder slash politician , their slogan iz “you can win with winn” and they reuze that pun a couple timez cuz theyre so SILLY . i would do that too if my name waz winn tbh
* jazmine lovez to sing no matter how bad she iz at it and she doeznt care what ppl think of her , shez unapologetically passionate about her interestz in an honestly admirable way , shez a little fashion dizaster with all her clashing colorz n patternz n probably pickz her clothez out herself but they make her happy so who carez ! she uzed to be deathly afraid of swiss cheeze and being tickled and clownz but since hazel helped her overcome thoze fearz she keepz a jack-in-the-box toy in her locker which impliez shez grown to appreciate clownz rather than fear them , and she likez ghost storiez now ! also shez just fucking adorable every time i hear her voice im like I NEED TO SQUEEZE HER LIKE A STRESS BALL
* theze characterz are lovable !!! theyre worth caring about !!!!! could they be more fleshed out YES ABSOLUTELY but therez nothing straight up Wrong with them , there are small thingz to dig for and u can alwayz just make up ur own deep lore about them and if u hate them im looking at u so intensely . characterz dont need an excuse to exist and just be silly n unserious , especially in a kidz show . winn n jazmine dont need a justification to exist , or to be worth caring about , or to hav hazel care about them or spend her rule-free wish on them . IDK MAN . winn and jazmine haterz dni i love winn and jazmine so much and i cant wait to see what kinda hijinkz they can get into with hazel and the fairiez , hopefully . GAHHH
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(I am once again thinking about fallen hero (i never stopped))
Ya know, I feel like one of the reasons that fallen hero resonates so hard, at least for me, is how queer it is. Obviously, you can play as a cishet sidestep, but when you do play a queer sidestep? It *feels* queer.
Its rare that I come across a story that feels unapologetically queer. To me, there's a big difference between a story that features gay characters, a story that "is gay," and a Queer story. And even further, a story that is unapologetically queer.
With Fallen Hero, there's so many moments that are queer in a way I just, don't see often.
(I currently only have 1 sidestep who is a queer transman, so im comin at this from this perspective, but if anyone has played it other ways and would like to add, I would love to hear about your experiences with it)
When I play it, like I said, I currently have 1 sidestep who is a queer transman. So far, I've played it where he romances Ricardo, Wei, and Daniel (plus Ricardo and Wei, and Richard and Daniel). Each of them add something different to the story when they are romancing a transman that I can't help but adore.
The scene with Ricardo in his apartment, and sidestep is about to have the conversation about being trans, sidestep can panic because they don't know what exactly to say, how to do it, and what Ricardo's reaction is going to be. And you know what, yeah, that can be a very scary moment for someone who's trans. How do you tell someone you're trans when you don't know exactly what to say and how they'll react to it? And then, if Sidestep does tell him, Ricardo *cries.* He was so worried about Sidestep, and didn't know if he done something wrong, and he cries. There's also a point where he tries to make a joke or comment to lighten the mood and says something about being more familiar with those parts. And ya know what, ngl, that was a bit in poor taste but really funny. But I'm happy that it was included! Because sometimes people say things trying to lighten the mood and ya know what, sometimes it's a little bit like "why would you say it like that" and sometimes it's also funny. He's not perfect, he doesn't understand everything, but he's *trying.*
Either before or after that ( I can't quite remember, but ik it's within the same set of scenes), Sidestep can talk to him about being bisexual. Depending on the choice you pick, Ricardo can talk about growing up in Texas and that being gay or bisexual wasn't really okay. When he talks about his and Sidestep's past, there's a point where it's like, yeah, he would've been torn to shreds by the media if he was openly bisexual. And yeah, it isn't easy for everyone to come to terms with their sexuality, and it's easier to ignore it that try to deal with it, especially if you're going to experience public backlash on top of being raised in an area that was Not okay with queerness. It's scary!
One of the aspects I specifically love about Ricardo's romance, is that it's messy. You're playing a character that he knew in the past, thought was dead, and comes back into his life after so much has changed. Two people who have been broken down over the years of trauma they had to experience. There's so many ways you can play it that its hard to talk about all the ways in which the variations add their own mess to the situation too. So yeah, the romance can be so queer and so messy at the same time.
With Steel, if you're playing a trans sidestep, he already knows they're trans because of the pictures he got, but it doesn't change anything for him. He's a gay man who tells sidestep that who he sees is a man. It's that simple. He even tells sidestep that he was attracted to Sentinel, who was also trans.
With his romance, there is an age gap, but he didn't have attraction towards sidestep until after they came back, and they tried to become friends with each other. There's also some messiness with his romance if Ortega is a man because he had/has feelings for him.
With Herald, he's open about his attraction, isn't afraid to be who he is, and while at his apartment, he seems a bit nervous, he's also happy. When sidestep talks about being trans, there is a moment where he admits that he isn't sure what to say because he's gotten in trouble for it in the past, but he doesn't care, he happy either way.
For every romance in Fallen Hero, there's something messy about it. Every character has their own past with some kind of shadow looming over it. Everyone makes mistakes, eveyone has something that gives them sharp edges. None of them are perfect people. All of them are struggling with something.
Sidestep is also just an absolute dumpster fire of a person pretty much however you decide to play them. Sidestep, kinda sucks! Even if they're pretty good, by god, do they make dumb decisions!
And I do think its so important to note how much of a mess sidestep is, along with whoever they are with, if they are either a) with someone romantically, b) with someone sexually, or c) not with someone at all, because, imo, it differentiates itself from a story that has gay characters, a "gay" story, and a queer story.
When I think of a queer story, I think of the messy parts. The aspects that aren't "love at first sight" or two people who got it all figured out or "unproblematic" (sidenote: i do think we should remove the term problematic from people for a while), or two conventionally beautiful and young characters falling in love and having the most like. Heterosexual relationship you can have with 2 gay people.
Fallen hero doesn't really have conventional relationships. Even when discussing friendships, it's not conventional.
The story is Queer because of the unapologetically messy characters that exist within its setting. No one is perfect. No one has it all figured out. Sometimes a character doesn't know what to say or they stumble a little during those hard conversations about sexuality and gender. They're allowed to cry, or be confused, or understand. Not to mention that sidestep's morality can fluctuate between a good person who doesn't know what to do, to someone so unapologetically evil and proud. Allowing a character to be queer and their morals to be anywhere on that morality spectrum allows it to be a more queer story imo.
There's so much more that can be said, and could 100% be said by someone who's better at writing down those thoughts. But god, fallen hero is such a beautiful story. The conversations that can be had about it's themes of sexuality, gender, trauma, morality, neurodivergency, among other things is amazing. OUGHA, love this story.
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timecrayon · 2 years
just rewatched the empty child/the doctor dances and i'm having queer little thoughts so you have to hear about them:
captain jack being unapologetically bi right from the start (in 2005!!!)
the army guy is Smitten™
so is rose
"before this war started i was a father and a grandfather. now i am neither. but i'm still a doctor." - "i know the feeling" ... ok already bawling my eyes out
"oh that's easy, i'm just gonna scan for alien tech" rose clearly has never heard anything sexier in her life
the doctor trying so desperately to impress jack (or rose? unclear)
"take the banana!!!" - "why!?" - "good source of potassium!"
"why is it always the great looking ones who do that" - "im making an effort not to be insulted" - "i mean ... men" - "thanks, that really helped"
on one hand "you just assume i don't ... dance" but on the other hand "rose i'm trying to resonate concrete"
"most people notice when they're being teleported, you guys are so cute"
"we were talking about dancing" - "didn't look like talking" - "didn't feel like dancing"
nancy threatening to expose that horrid man's affair with the butcher showing four things: there are a lot more queer people around you than you think (there are three explicitly in just this episode!), some queer people are fucking assholes, being gay is still very illegal in the 40s, nancy is a fucking badass queen
"so many species, so little time!" - "that's what we do? we go out there and ..." - "dance!": doctor who said monster fucker rights
1940s teen mum
no you don't understand ... EVERYBODY LIVES ... i'm not crying, you're crying
"when i came to the hospital, i had one leg, now i have two" - "well, there is a war on. is it possible you might have miscounted?"
"look at you, beaming away like you're father christmas!" - "who says i'm not, red bicycle when you were ten?" - "what?" rose's face. priceless
rose teaching the doctor to dance ... the metaphor ... guys
SUDDENLY remembering how to dance as soon as rose wants to dance with jack
"doctor ... i think jack might like this dance" - "i'm sure he would rose, but who with?" and he's absolutely right
just look at jack watching them ... he's very in love and just happy to be there
EVERYBODY LIVES ... at a time where doctor who was still full of meaningful and meaningless deaths alike
after the doctor just came out of a war where everybody died ... this time EVERYBODY LIVED!!!
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slayter-kinney · 7 months
i've been trying to formulate how i feel about wad and this era of phandom since i finally got the chance to watch wad all the way through with my girlfriend last night and after sobbing violently following the smash mouth credits i think i have some semblance of a train of thought. long ramble incoming after the read more hehe
for context, i've been watching dnp for about 10 years, which for some of you is an extremely long time and for others is piddly. regardless, a decade of my life has been spent in varying amounts watching dan and phil and interacting with the phandom. and part of what i was trying to express to my gf after watching the show was that it really is a sense of pride to see the sad clown poster child for being, well, sad, to open up about his mental health struggles, to coming out, to making we're all doomed. i think this is a very similar reaction to the pride a lot of us feel for dan.
for me too, though, it's been the phandom (hi guys lol). I was really active in the phandom from like 2014ish-2017 (at which point i still watched videos as they were posted but i also just wasn't on tumblr as much and i had ~college~ to focus on), but that time was very formative teenage years for me during which i was going through similar mental health struggles, struggling with sexuality, regular ol' teenage demons, etc. and this sort of phandom revival has been making me feel this ridiculous nostalgia for those teenage years (even tho i was fighting for my life the whole time lol). i can sooo distinctly remember where i was when certain videos were uploaded, the feeling of being curled up in my bed at midnight in the summer with my iphone 5c catching up on the previous years' videos, making subpar edits on my phannie instagram while i was on a plane for my family's summer vacation.
having both the boys and the phandom (more) active again gives me that nostalgic feeling but with the feeling that everything feels So Much Better Now. i get the same excitement and rush watching new videos, sharing around edits and gifs, being insane with you all, but with the knowledge that i am older and i am better now. in a lot of personal ways i'm literally living the life i so desperately wanted when i was a teen and now i get to live it but with the same things that brought me joy when i was a sad 15 year old. despite the nostalgia, i dont think i would choose to go back to that time, but getting to look back on it now, and watch videos where dan and phil are unapologetically gay and happy and soulmate-y, see dan living his theatre kid dreams and is so so proud of his work, and to have this community of you all where we're all old(er) and queer and so proud of our dads (sorry). it's indescribable despite my best efforts to describe it. and yes i know i don't actually talk to a lot of you that's cause im awkward and bad at replying but if you've made it this far this is your open invite to start a convo with me in dms/ask box. anyways. i love you all. i love our boys. im grateful to be here with all of you.
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jacnaylor · 7 months
so i finished queer as folk
SO. look did i need to put off the ending for a month? no. did the last season have some weird fucking moments? yes. BUT THIS SHOW.
ok so basically like. s1 has some kind of magic where i HAD to watch it. it's been so long since i fell for a ship and a character the way i have for brian and justin. this show has been really important to me. i mostly identify as bisexual but kind of. just want to use the word queer but i'm still going to use both. which i was leaning toward anyway but this show helped me articulate it.
BRIAN KINNEY. you reminded me there is space for me. i'm queer. it doesn't matter if i never date anyone. i have a community. but it doesn't matter if it's not an outward aspect of my day to day life. it's there. i get to have it. it's mine. it's a part of me no matter what. he was unapologetic. he was himself. he was masculine. he was sexy. he was fucked up. he loved his family. he was so many things in one. he was a queer man on screen who got to be all those things. he wasn't a perfect watered down version of representation. he was so important for the time period but honestly even know in increasingly conservertive times. we got to have this character who said fuck them. fuck the straights. im queer. im going to live however i fucking want. CAN YOU JUST. LIKE HE REMINDED ME I CAN HAVE THAT LIFE TOO. brian kinney i love you. ALSO helped me think about sometimes switching up gender expression. i just can't explain to you how important he's been for me. i will love him forever.
and justin. my baby. i love him. love that everyone calls him sunshine because he's just radiant and beautiful but also you know what? he was a little shit sometimes. and i love that for him. i love that he always believed in his and brian's love and he wasn't ever afraid to say it. even when brian didn't say it back (until he did)
their relationship was honestly like. unconditional love. i'll love you if you leave me. i'll love you if you don't love me back. i love you enough to let you love someone else if that's what makes you happy. i love you enough to leave you. i saved your life over and over and you saved mine. you're the only person i've said i love you to in 20 years. like their growth.
and re: the ending. they definitely end up together. i mean i don't know how they wouldn't. i don't think anyone else would ever measure up. i think they would always just naturally gravitate back to each other and figure out a way to be together. once justin gets famous enough to paint from anywhere. it makes me sad that we didn't get to see it. but i know in my heart they're married somewhere. im sure i have more thoughts but this is just my incoherent initial thoughts.
ps. emmett honeycutt i adore you. ted you're ok. mel and linds, i wish these people knew how to write women better (mel you're a real one), ben, you are an angel on earth. debbie, daphne and jennifer, you're the true mvps of the show. michael, you can fucking choke.
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im-gonna-squeet · 3 months
It's not that platonic love is lesser. It's the fact that queer fans are constantly told to shut up about queer ships in favor of the power of friendship. Of course Charles and Edwin's friendship is wonderful. But it would be nice to have an on-screen unapologetically queer romance between two main characters for once. There are a ton of canonically platonic male friendships portrayed already (Sherlock and John, Dean and Castiel, and so on). Please don't begrudge us for wanting to see a canon gay couple on our screens. Especially for something that isn't catered specifically as a queer show (like Heartstopper or Red White and Royal Blue).
Thats not what im saying. Nowhere in that post did i say that people were wrong for wanting them to be together. I said that people are acting like the only way this can be 'true' or 'real' love is if it is romantic. Charles said he doesnt think he's romantically in love with edwin, but still loves him. Platonic and romantic love can coexist, but people are acting like romantic is superior and matters more than platonic. Charles clearly loves Edwin a lot and they are incredibly important to one another, and i think it is a disservice to their characters and relationship to say it can only be romance.
I agree that there should be more canon queer ships in media where it isnt the sole focus but id argue that queer people should be shown to be in happy, healthy platonic relationships witout romantic partners aswell. Queer people are often to be shown as queer through their romantic relationships, which puts unhealthy and unrealistic expectations into the minds of the teenagers who watch these shows and see themselves in the protagonists.
Its perfectly fine to ship the characters, but i want people to remember that platonic relationships can be just as deep, meaningful, and loving as romantic ones.
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neotrances · 1 year
anyways im genuinely so happy the renaissance tour is full of gay and trans dancers like the entire back up crew is queer and most of the songs r about loving ur self, ur partner, and standing in ur identity and with the current state in politics i think its beautiful that this being one of beyonces biggest tours has such large focus on lgbt people, like again i’ve been avoiding video as to not spoil bc im going in a few days but the clips i’ve seen where she just lets the crew have dance breaks and voguing and kissing each other is so good all the features on the songs being gay and trans ppl all the production queer made, bi flags being shown during songs, ikik rainbow capitalism could technically be applied but it means a lot to have an unapologetically queer performance
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my honestly probably autistic transmasc experience is not really understanding how to separate gender from overall identity as a person . i guess by grabbing my gender and holding it close to my heart i equated it in my brain with being unapologetically myself in general . and that includes other things for me like stimming more freely and not forcing myself to socialize no matter what that makes me look like to others . i think i gendered too close to the sun ....
the result of this is that i make my gender whatever i am obsessed with at the moment . bonus points if its the blorbo from my medias (an unwell queer looking dude with a dysfunctional family who i will inevitably kin sooner or later) . currently it is michael afton from fnaf . im sure that says nothing about me as a person (sarcasm)
i’m so happy for you that you feel comfortable with your gender and that it makes you more confident!
and i don’t really know much about michael afton or five nights at freddie’s, but i’ve hear about it before. if you can, could you explain it all to me?
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cyborgghost · 5 months
Im so sad over the movie cancelation, Yuri on Ice was really important to me. I have genuine tears in my eyes.
I remember being a closeted 12 year old when it aired, I was so ashame of who I was. It had such an impact on me... it was the first time I saw a homosexual couple represented in such a natural and good wholesome light in anime.
They even kissed on screen and got engaged!! Which was HUGE in 2016, back then unapologetic queer representation outside of nsfw content was so rare!
Each Thursday, if I remember correctly, I would stay up late until I could watch the new episode with Spanish subtibles. I LOVED the opening song and the fact that on each episode its animation got brighter colors to represent the characters newfound happiness!!
I got SO excited, knowing that I would go to school and talk about it with my bestfriend during recess.
I just wished I could replicate that feeling because the happiness I felt was truly unique. You just HAD to be there!!
Im so sad, I was hoping the movie would make me experience that feeling again, if only a fraction of it but now it won't happen :(
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blood-teeth · 1 year
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TMITAWH is 2 years old????!!!!
i cant believe i missed it that sounds so ridiculous to me! in my defense, i was driving for two weeks straight
i don't have anything planned for celebration; i'm so sorry! but i do have some updates!
for those that missed it, tmitawh is now a novel and will no longer be told in an interactive fiction format. this has upset a lot of people. i've lost a lot of followers over this announcement. and i can understand this to some extent, but largely i have to continue to be unapologetic about my choices.
this story is one that has, in every meaning of the phrase, saved my life. writing in this little world has gotten me through some of the darkest times and carried me through to the next day. at some point, IF stopped being a media that was capable of telling the story i wanted to tell.
i'm disheartened by a lot of the anons i've received. some are hateful and unkind. others are upset that they no longer will have the opportunity to pursue Cain or Ezio, and a few mention that they're not interested in reading a lesbian story and will not be reading the book if it ever makes it to publication. i've disregarded the first, but the second cuts the deepest i think.
i have never, ever been shy on this app that i'm a lesbian. i feel as though i've talked endlessly about it. being a lesbian is a huge facet of my identity and being told that, in so many words, a story written for myself, with other queer people in mind, is not for them seems like such a stupid thing to say. like, i didnt write it for you. i wrote it for me. i wrote it for the lesbians who love so violently that they have to hide it away under their clothes, in between their teeth. i wrote it for the lesbians who have been told their love is disgusting, or wrong, or sexy and for a male's pleasure only. i wrote it for the lesbians who are told their love is okay as long as they never show it- as long as they only hold hands at most but never kiss in public. i wrote it for the lesbian who sits in pews and breathes over their hands and wonders if God loves them still.
i'm not sorry to not have written a story catered for you when the whole world is for you. leave me out of your self-absorbed, hateful little orbit.
please know, this blog does not tolerate hatred, bigotry, or harassment in any shape or form. and if you're going to fuck around with me, you sure as hell are going to find out with me.
on a more positive note!
i want to thank you all who have been overwhelmingly positive and supportive of my endeavors!! it means the absolute world to me!! i sometimes hold myself at night and think of all the kind words y'all have sent over these past two years and just sob. never in my life before this could i have imagined sharing my work with people who give a shit and care. it warms me in ways i cannot begin to describe. i love you and i hope you are well as always. my inbox/dms are open ANYTIME if you just want to chat, catch up, rant to me, or tell me about your pet. actually, please tell me about your pet.
Some quick publishing updates:
I'm 20k words out of 90k into draft 2. and i think this is going to be the last draft before i query (?????) i'm really very happy with the muscles and bones of the manuscript. now it's just some meticulous line editing i have to work through.
after this, i'm off to the query trenches. (im scared) if anybody has gone through this process before and has any tips, i'd love to hear them!
here's a little excerpt:
"She grabs hard enough to make sure of her presence, not enough to bruise. Some sick part of the Traveler’s brain says, Yes. Please. More. Press deeper. Press harder. Bruise me. Hurt me. She delights in the heat that blossoms from where the Reverie digs her fingers into skin. Eyes earnest, stubborn disposition to her jaw as the thick muscle there flickers in an implication of anger. “I will find you,” she’s shaping her tongue into a dagger at the Traveler’s throat. “I will find you again, and that is a promise.” The Traveler gasps, tilting her head higher. She blinks and— The Reverie’s mouth is on hers, hot and aching, and the Traveler blinks— Want flavors the Traveler’s tongue, the Reverie’s hands pressed tightly against her collarbone, teeth at her jaw. She blinks and— Is this Before or After?"
i also, stupidly, have officially started a twitter that i want to start working with. i know twitter is dead, but it remains to be very useful for publishing. if you'd like to follow me, im there on @ morganhollow25. i dont know how to use it. im scared to use it. but if you have a twitter maybe follow me there too! i absolutely plan to be on tumblr primarily. i love it here and have grown a tiny home in these webs.
i'll have more updates coming soon regarding FTMTB and other works. thank you all again <3
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quinloki · 4 months
On a more serious note I want to thank you Quin, The last few years I have been really ashamed of being involved in any readings including 18+, I remember I would not like, reblog, comment and even delete history of my search when I read it because I din’t want anyone , i felt ashamed and i thought it made me an embarrassment to the ace community to feel this wat, to know but you have really made me feel more comfortable with myself. Thank you for that, you have made me realized that I shouldn’t be afraid of what im into and that it’s not something to be ashamed of.
Oh O_O
Oh wow, I'm glad I could help. Sincerely, and legitimately glad to be of assistance.
There's unfortunately a lot of social and cultural shame around kink and sex, and I'm not going to get into all the tangled bits of why, but it's certainly leaked into the queer community in the worst possible ways too.
I'm not out here on a personal crusade to try and fix all that - I couldn't even if I wanted to. The best I can do is share what I can, with who I can, I hope that this sort of thing happens enough on its own.
So, thank you for sharing this. It warms me up to know that I'm making a positive impact even if it's not my focus. We should all be able - and allowed - to be comfortable with not only who we are, but what we like.
So I'm glad. Even if it's only one or two peeps, I'm happy to bring comfort to someone just by being out here as an unapologetic smut writer 🥰
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pondphuwin · 4 months
hiii mint!!!! here for sleepover saturday :] im gonna ask you to name your top five queer drama characters!? 🥰❤️
AHHHH hi rin!!! this is honestly such a difficult question…..
1) palm (never let me go) - who saw this coming! i adore palm and how he is devotion incarnated. i love how much he loves and believes in the people around him, no matter how much he is betrayed or rejected. and pond did such an amazing job as palm, i'm always so so proud of how much he grew through that role.
2) sangwoo (semantic error) - MY OG BABYGIRL!!!!!!! semantic error is a show that i hold very near to my heart, it's my comfort show and it reminds me of a really happy time in my life. i love you chu sangwoo and your autism baddie slay and the courage it took for you to open yourself up and let love change you!!!!!
3) aylin (23.5) - watching aylin onscreen brought me so much joy every week. i dislike how the writers handled her storyline and how it concluded, but i think view's portrayal of her was everything i could have dreamed of. the perfection of an unapologetic weird girl who just wants to be loved but not at the cost of not being understood <3
4) pran (bad buddy) - character that i cry even at the thought of! pran's character and his storyline with his parents is just. so deeply personal to me. i think this is one of the shows that has perfectly captured the experience of being happy but not-quite-happy at home, and the struggles and guilt of hiding a part of yourself from the people you love the most. oh pran. bravery in gentleness and kindness forever. a character that reminds me it's okay to fight for your own happiness.
5) max (be my favorite) - character whose gender i need so badly i lay awake at night thinking about it. i loveee max so much, he is such a special character and it's amazing how unapologetically QUEER he is! and as much as i talk about my fantasies of possible ships for him, i do love that he is a queer character whose existence didn't revolve around romance. although i wish the writers had given him more to do outside of being kawi's friend, and i hate that they made him say randomly acephobic things (i choose to ignore this. this is not canon to me), i'm really grateful to have gotten to witness him and that it was aou who got to play him.
there are so many other characters that i adore, i could go on and on...... i feel slightly bad that 4/5 of these are gmmtv lmao pls know this is not a full representation of mint's blorbo collection.
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