#im so sorry for the first bit of flavor text LMAO
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infamous-if · 11 months ago
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So sorry for the delay! ! My VS Code program wasn't calibrated with CSIDE and in the indentions basically messed up. The prologue coding is so wonky that honestly if I do anything I end up fucking up 2839393 lines of code. If you've been following a while, you're probably well aware of much hatred for the prologue's coding lmao but we live and we learn.
Storyline wise, not much has changed. Scenes are largely the same, since I'm pretty happy with what I wrote a year ago. For this rewrite, I focused mainly on the big things like choices that will impact the rest of the story and O's gender selection. Some new things include:
you can now play with Orion or Oriana Quinn
you can now express if the band went through a musical rebrand after seven and what the old genre was (which will come up later).
you can now choose whether mc "changed" after seven and what change that was (there's 4, technically 2, options and a "default" vague option, im open to more options since I wanted to do this but couldn't really think of any believable ones beyond the four).
new mc personality: attached vs detached. your mc can have an extra attachment to the band for obvious reasons, or can feel the opposite.
coordinating outfits can now be exclusive to the band members. your mc can be the unique unicorn of the group since they're the lead singer (this is definitely not gonna bite them in the ass later)
adding to that, your mc's reason for fame can be due to wanting to keep the band together.
a new flavor text feeling about seven is now added which is basically "idk how I feel" instead of hating or loving them, you can just make it that MC's feelings for them is just a big question mark. REALISM!
stat changes: stern/playful -- same thing as humorous/serious I just wanted words that encompassed a wider range of behavior Leader/follower - whether mc takes on the leader role or not camaraderie - a band stat that measures the trust/morale/closeness of the band
u can probably see where im going with the stats huh....
smaller changes include:
more choices and options
prose changes + dialogue additions and expanded/ added scenes
The beta testers have not touched this yet, as I wanted to bring it out to collect some last suggestions, ideas from Patrons. Of course, as always, if you do catch errors, please let me know.
My main concern for errors: O's pronouns. It was a long process but I may have missed a few pronouns here and there. Please let me know if you catch any <3
PROLOGUE: 93K WORDS (for context, the old prologue and chapter 1 were 92k together. The prologue is a tiny bit inflated but :))) 
I will make a post about beta testers soon. I've been quiet on that front because I've been just prioritizing getting this out first.
Now available for Band tier! (6$)
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lost-in-the-lullaby · 3 years ago
Nope. Not running.
Aight bet.
It still isn't approaching but does seem to be trying to find you. What's your plan, anon?
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northern-passage · 4 years ago
I just finnished playing the game and I love it! My MCs name is Mal so i was so suprised and confused when I realised there was a character with that same name lmao. The story is super interesting and I love all the ROs. I would like to know if after picking a few romance options if we dont choose the next romance option we get locked out of that romance or not. Also are you planing any poly routes? Sorry if any of this jas already been asked before!
hii thank you!!!! also your hunter and mal and also that one anon that named their horse mal
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LOL as for your questions, there's no lock in for romances yet so you can still flirt (or not flirt) with ROs, it will just change the pace at which the romance unfolds. i'm still figuring it out myself because i'm really bad at numbers and i like to confuse myself with too many variables but basically my intention is that romances will lock in around chapter 3 & it will be made obvious.
i will also say some variations of scenes may not have flirts, but just flavor text that comes up depending on if you've flirted with that character. that's simply just...for the sake of flow and not breaking the story to force in flirts, so there is a chance some hunters may just naturally have more flirt points than others, but that's not a bad thing. basically you're guaranteed to get at least one option to lock in with and it will be whoever you've flirted with the most (as long as you're on good terms, of course)
the amount of times you've flirted with them will, again, just change the pace of the romance.
ok i also wrote a whole bunch here but i deleted it lmao it was just too chaotic. just know i'm working on it and im doing my best to accommodate every variation, but i will say after everything reconvenes in ch1 you're going to probably want to focus in on one RO. i wanted people to have a chance to roleplay a bit so if they had an mc that was more comfortable staying with lea or interested in befriending noel or merry, or watching out for clem, while in blackwater you could do those things, and not miss out on still romancing someone else.
sorry this is a lot of words i hope it makes sense...
as for your other question, for now there isn't a poly route planned, but it is something i'm keeping in mind. it would be lea/merry/mc, and it probably wouldn't be written in until after the first draft of the game and merry's and lea's separate romance routes are finished.
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vlogsquadssquad · 5 years ago
Secure 2
summary: Charlie confesses his feelings and reader has to decide if that's what she wants, or if another guy has her *attention*
a/n: i’m honestly BLOWN away at part 1′s feedback. y'all really loved it so Ive been working on this all day, I hope its everything youve been waiting for! thank you to my new followers, ive been writing for a bit for fun and no one was reading my stories but after the reaction for the last story I was so motivated to write. I have A LOT more ideas and even an idea for a part 3 with smut and maybe even reader having to tell the boy she didn't choose the bad news, who knooowwsss. send me in suggestions! 
warnings: language, alluding to smut at the end.
mood board:
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my life has been the most fun lately. ive been hanging out with David and he really gets me to let loose. he's always trying to top his last video which is so fun to be a part of. even if we wait around the house all day. tonight im alone though. I told him I needed to get some writing down for the last song of my album. I want it to be about being happy with yourself and secure with who you are. that you don't need another person to define who you are. but im having trouble putting that into words that rhyme. maybe I should just see what David is up to.
- daveyy (:
hey, I know I said I was busy but my mind is too cluttered and im curious what the vlog squad is up to ��� >
< hahaa nothing actually. im by myself at the house tonight. really boring. watching movies ive seen dozens of times.
oh no! your friends realize they were too cool for you? >
< probably lmao. what are you up to?
trying to finish this last song but I can't think straight >
hey would you wanna come over? its ok if you're too busy being alone watching 50 first dates lol >
< how'd you know? 😅 id love to. chipotle?
- end texts -
“hey, loser” I say as he walks in with our food and... is that ice cream? “wait, did you get ice cream?” 
“yeah, I got your favorite flavor!” he says with a smile. my heart aches at the kind gesture. “wow your house is so nice” he sets the food on my counter as he glances around. 
“thank you, im really into interior design... and nice houses” i joke as i examine the ice cream David got for me. he chuckles as he gets my food out of the bag and sets it up in my living room. I put on a movie to watch but we end up muting it and just talking instead. our conversations just seem to flow. “what's a memory that stands out to you from your childhood?” I ask him. “there's so many things,” he puts his arm around the back of my couch as we sit sideways to face each other. we finished eating forever ago. “probably just all of high school. I learned so much, from my friends and my teachers. nothing academically, obviously.” he laughs. I smile to him and run my fingers through my hair. he watches my movements and for a moment its quiet.
“I think you're really smart.” I say finally. “I love how you push me, you're always there for me, and you just come up with the best ideas. you're so creative.” 
“wow. what did I do to deserve your kindness?” he asks with a slight laugh.
“I can think of a few things.” our conversation became much lighter after that. after a while we went into my home studio and he helped me write. the night was filled with jokes and endless laughing but also had serious moments too. I shared very personal details about my life. but the best thing of all was that there was no camera in sight. it was just friends being friends. no clickbait. no underlying purpose for the long stay. it was perfect.
-- next day
“hey y/n could I come over and talk?” Charlie asked over the phone.
“sure, I don't have anything planned till tonight.”
“ok be there in 20.”
“what's the sudden emergency?” I ask as he walks in the door.
“there's just something I've been wanting to confess for a really long time and i’m not sure-”
“its ok Charlie, what is it?”
“I think I'm in love with you.”
my heart dropped. Im frozen in time. I don't need a relationship right now and I sure as hell can't lose my friendship with Charlie.
“I don't know what to say...”
“say you love me too!” he moves closer to me “I know you do! you always want to be around me, have me close to you, we talk all night. I know you feel it.”
I look at him with a blank expression.
“I honestly don't. I've never thought of you that way, and I'm really enjoying being single. for once in my life I'm not letting the pressure of having someone on my arm get to me, I don't need this right now, I-”
“what..? y/n. don't do this.”
“I'm not doing anything it's just the truth.” I look to the ground as his eyes fill with tears. “I think you should go.” I say.
-- DAVIDS POV, that night
- y/n/n 😋
you're still coming to my party tonight right? >
< I wouldn't miss it! so proud of you! ❤️
tonight was my party to celebrate my new show. I haven't told the fans yet but this vlog will be my announcement. we start filming for it on Monday and I've never been more excited. its exactly what I've been dreaming of all my life.
the party started to kick off and all my friends slowly started showing up. Charlie was going to perform his unreleased song tonight and everyone was already talking about it. 
“hey have you heard anything from y/n and Charlie? are they dating?” Ilya comes up and whispers to me.
“no man, I haven't heard anything. I was with y/n all night last night and I wasn't exactly begging her to give me details but we did talk for hours about random stuff and she never brought him up or texted anyone. I don't know they might not be.” I say with hope shining through the cracks of my voice.
“I can just ask Charlie?” Ilya offers. he's such a good friend when it matters.
I nod and then head to get something to drink. y/n still wasn't here and I was getting antsy.
just then I hear Natalie let someone in. I peak around the corner and see y/n. she looks drop dead gorgeous. i’ve never seen her dressed up like that. I think she saw right through me and asked if she had something on her face. 
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“no, no, I just have never seen you dressed like that. you look great.” I look to the floor. no way she and Charlie aren't an item. they both love music and they're both flawless people. they're a match made in heaven. 
“well, thank you, cowboy.” she says in a funny southern accent. she was so weird. she came in for a hug and she smelled exactly like when I first met her. I put my hand on the small of her back and for a split second I felt her push more into me. 
“so where can I get a drink?” she asked as we pulled apart.
“a drink?” I ask
“yes, i’ve had a bizarre day and I need a drink.”
Im about to ask her what she means when I hear Charlie from behind me 
“hey, babe, you're late.” he says to y/n as he pulls her into a hug. she almost looks uncomfortable. “hey Charles, how are you?” 
“i’m great, i’ve had several drinks and im thinking much clearly-er now”
“I can smell that” she chuckles
I hand her her favorite drink and ask her if she finished the song. after a short conversation Charlie pulls her to the couch where some other friends are doing karaoke. she's basically sitting on his lap and laughing. I grab my camera and record a little outside trying to not think about it.
I honestly think drunk Charlie has forgotten about our conversation from earlier. which i’m relieved because sometimes I just need good ol Charlie and not this new one that was in love with me. sure he's a little touchy but we were always close like that. 
“alright I promised David I would perform an unreleased song tonight. come on I want you to hear it.” he grabs my hand pulls me up. I have a gut feeling I don't want to be here for it.
David set up the mic outside and everyone found a seat. David sat next to me with camera in hand. 
“alright alright” Charlie starts. “hopefully I don't forget the lyrics since i’m a little buzzed.” the audience laughed. “but this song means a lot to me, and I wrote it with someone in mind. someone who has changed my life for the better and made me a better man.”
oh god, please don't say my name 
“y/n. you are everything to me. I wouldn't be able to be who I am today without you.”
everyone looks to me as the music starts. a love song. i place my head in my hands and David nudges me. “you ok?” he whispers.
“can you please get me out of here?” he nods his head and stands up. Charlie is looking down at his guitar lost in his music. I feel bad leaving but how could he not take no as an answer? I follow David out the door and my head is down in shame. he closes the patio door and turns to me. “what is going on? I thought you guys were dating?” 
“oh god, not you too.” I groan. “just please I need to be anywhere but here right now. fast.”
“okay. let’s go.”
we go to his garage and he looks at me. 
“you said fast!” he shrugs as he opens the passenger Ferrari door for me. I laugh with my head thrown back “true. but im going to need a jacket or blanket.”
“here, use mine.” he took off his hoodie and handed it to me. I hopped in the car and we were off.
“anywhere in mind?” he asks as we pull out of the neighborhood.
“nope,” I smile. “im kinda hungry though”
“alright,” he turns the car at the light. “then we’re gonna make this worth our while. I know an overly expensive place with great burgers.” 
I laugh at him as my hair blows in the wind “yes! lets spend all your money!” I lift my arms and scream. David just laughs at me. we speed down the highways. ive never felt so free. 
we finally arrive to the place and get seated.
“so do you wanna tell me why we left my party now?”
“i’m sorry by the way. I didn't mean to drag you from your party but...” I look down and pick at my napkin “Charlie confessed his feelings for me this afternoon.” David looked at me confused. 
“isn't that a good thing?” he asked.
“not if I don't feel the same way.” I sigh and David looks surprised. “I was very clear about my feelings- or lack of. but he had been hitting on me all night and then the song. I know he was drunk but im really worried for my friendship with him.” 
“I can't believe my ears.” he said almost laughing. “you, y/f/n, don't like the guy who seems like he was sent down from the heavens for you?” 
“nope. he just isn't my type I guess, I don't know. I never really thought of him that way and I don't want to.”
“wow, no one will be up to your standards will they?” David laughs as he takes a drink.
“the right guy will be.”
perfect timing. the waitress comes over with our food. we thank her and get eating. he was right. best. burgers. ever! 
I moan as I take another bite.
David looks me up and down with his cheeks full of burger and chuckles. “okay, y/n, calm down. it isn't no Charlie puth.”
I gasp and throw a fry at him playfully, laughing. “no... no it is not!” we both laugh harder. as we finish up David pays despite my best efforts and we head to my house so he can drop me off. the car ride was fun, we listened to all the hits and sang our hearts out. we got tons of funny looks, but nothing mattered. I grabbed his vlog camera he threw to the side and recorded him singing and then popped myself into frame and had the camera aimed at both of us. our hair was crazy and the night was wearing down on us but it didn't matter. we were just happy to be alive. 
as we pulled into my driveway and David put the car in park, I looked to him. “you wanna walk me to my door?” 
“already on it.”
he came around and opened the car door for me and walked me up to my door. 
“thank you for tonight. it was like out of a movie. I really needed it.” I was talking softly now since it was the dead of the night and the only thing heard was the crickets. 
“anytime, y/n.” David also said softly. he kept looking to my lips which made my heart beat faster every time. I know I said I didn't need a guy, but he just looks too good. 
“and congrats on your show, I'm really proud of you.” I step closer. 
“thank you, congrats on staying single another night.” he joked but had his hands gently placed on my forearm. 
“its still early.” I whisper closer to his face now. I can feel his breath and he can feel mine. my heart is going a million beats a minute and the butterflies in my stomach are in a tornado.
“I can't write a song about you, but I can buy you more expensive burgers.”
I laugh leaning my head on his shoulder. “that's all a girl needs anyways.”
he laughs too but gently. I look up at him and his eyes are locked on mine. he places a hand on my cheek and then lower to my neck. I take a sharp breath in and connect our lips. his lips are soft, sweet, and gentle. I pull my arms up around his neck and deepen the kiss. I feel his hands slide down my back to just above my ass. I move my head to the side and open my mouth gently. he knows what to do and opens his mouth too. I feel his tongue dominate my mouth. he retracts and I close my mouth only to bite his bottom lip and then pull away. I let go and we put our foreheads together breathing heavily. 
“I could do that again.” he says.
“wanna come inside?” I whisper, my hands now playing with his hairs at the end of his neck.
“best party ever.” he laughs and I pull him inside. I don't know what im supposed to tell Charlie. the heart wants what it wants?
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captainillogical · 5 years ago
Devil’s Ballroom Ch.7
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A year after the events from the earth’s final attack, Little Homeworld is finally complete, and there’s a new jazz bar where gems and humans mingle and drink. - As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now.
collab with my lovely wife @firstofficertightpants​
ya’ll im sorry lmao
You spend the rest of your evening doing exactly none of the errands that you needed to deal with today. Instead, you're laying on your couch and texting your friends.
         Y/N: I'm so tornnnn.
     Y/N: Do I say something about the cheek smooch?
     Y/N: Should I leave it be?
     Y/N: Because she's texting like nothing happened.
     Y/N: What if I'm reading too much into it??
     Y/N: What if that's just how she shows friendship affection???
     Y/N: I might make it so fucking awkward if I assume something!
     Y/N: This entire ordeal is mortifying!!!
     Y/N: I want nothing more than to dig a big hole and lie in it forever.
     Y/N: I might be low-key having a panic attack about this rn but what's new.
     Harper: Y/N. chill. you're way overreacting to this.
     Harper: even if it meant nothing, she still likes you as a friend right?
     Harper: i think it would take a lot for her to like.. not wanna stay friends lol.
     Alex: im just saying you could probably kiss her and she'd be ok with it
     Alex: cheek kisses are pretty forward
     Harper: don't listen to him. all of his relationships ended in failure.
     Alex: wow
     Alex: im seriously hurt
     Harper: am I wrong?
     Alex: no..
     Harper: my point exactly.
     Harper: i’m not saying you have nothing to lose or anything.
     Harper: because i myself had to tread very carefully with leah..
     Harper: but i think you should just see where it goes and not like
     Harper: put too much emphasis on this incase it was nothing.
     Y/N: Yeah see now you have me worried it WAS nothing!!
     Alex: oh my goooooooddddddddddddddd
     Alex: the both of you approach women so.. pathetically
     Alex: take a risk
     Alex: live a little
     Alex: what is seriously the worst that could happen
     Alex: she kills you??
     Alex: lmao
     Alex: its funny cuz of.. you know
     Harper: i can’t wait to be home and smothering him with a pillow instead of affection.
     Y/N: You and me both.
     Y/N: Try being the only one available to play games with him.
     Alex: both of you fucking love me okay
     Alex: alsooooooo i get to be home the day after tomorrow
     Alex: the alex is back, babieeeeee
     Y/N: Harper please come home I’m BEGGING you.
     Harper: sorry you gotta deal with him alone for another month lmao.
     Y/N: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
     Alex: can i get a fucking crumb of love here please
         You swipe over to the couple of messages Spinel has left you in the past couple of minutes while you were talking to your friends.
         Spinel: It’s another stupid ball, I just found out.
     Spinel: I told her that I’m sitting this one out this time.
     Spinel: She has so many others that would absolutely love to help her, and yet, still absolutely insists that I must be there.
     Spinel: I don’t want to go back to homeworld right now, and not for this.
     Y/N: And you put your foot down? Hell yeah, dude.
     Y/N: Planning a ball for a bunch of gems sounds like a chore anyway.
     Spinel: oh, it is, believe me.
     Spinel: And they need everything to be PERFECT.
     Spinel: Which isn’t realistic anymore now that they don’t expect any of the gems to stay in line with their gem class nowadays.
     Spinel: The last ball they threw almost 4 months ago was utterly chaotic.
     Y/N: For thousands of years y'all as a race never pushed to deviate from the norm, and now that you guys are allowed to? I’d go batshit with it too.
     Y/N: Being stifled in everyday life, and finally you’re free?
     Y/N: Fuck, I’d go around fusing with anyone!
     Spinel: That is precisely what too many of them did.
     Y/N: Lmao. I wish I could’ve seen that.
         You tab back over to your group chat for a moment to see what they’re talking about.
         Harper: see? they’re everywhere.
     Harper: i wasn’t expecting the campsite to have so many.
     Alex: you could have built an army and instead you took pictures
     Alex: do you know how easy it is to lure chipmunks?
     Alex: oh that lil guy on the bottom right is so fucking chunky i love him
     Harper: that’s the one that got the closest when i fed them. :3
     Alex: oh i fuckin BET
     Alex: you dont get that chubby in the wild without takin a few risks
     Alex: if u know what i mean ;)
     Harper: i hate whatever you just implied.
     Y/N: It’s not a conversation with Alex unless you roll your eyes at least 3 times.
     Alex: hey i thought it was 4 times
     Alex: dont insult me
     Alex: anyway, y/n
     Alex: are you workin the day i come back
     Y/N: Yeah I’m actually scheduled a double.
     Alex: scheduled
     Y/N: Yes.
     Alex: a double
     Y/N: Yes.
     Alex: he can’t SCHEDULE you a DOUBLE
     Y/N: He can if he asks me ahead of time as a favor.
     Alex: that fuckin bastard
     Alex: always ruining my plans
     Harper: you’re still mad at him for firing you last summer, huh.
     Alex: OF COURSE I AM
     Y/N: Bro you stole like $300 of cotton candy sugar that summer.
     Y/N: It’s only fair.
     Y/N: Besides, I’m only doing this because he said he’d give me a long weekend for it.
     Alex: kay well
     Alex: i guess i’ll just go bug you at work and wait for you to get off that day :'(
     Y/N: Get me written up again, I swear to god.
         Your phone chimes several times, and you swipe down to see messages from both Spinel and Steven. You check Spinel's first.
         Spinel: Do me a favor and ignore any messages Steven has sent you.
     Y/N: What are you, my boss?
     Spinel: I MEAN IT
         You quickly switch over to Steven's texts.
         Steven: I was going to ask you if your date with Spinel went okay, but I'm assuming it went fine considering she hasn't really stopped talking about you.
         Ohhhh my god, this is wild. You reply to him.
         Y/N: It wasn't a date as far as I know.
     Y/N: I had fun.
     Y/N: She's telling me to not read your messages, lmao.
     Y/N: Also what do you mean she hasn't stopped talking about me??
     Steven: She’s been lying on my floor for the last hour basically gushing about you.
     Steven: But you didn’t hear that from me!
     Steven: :D
     Y/N: Haha thanks, kid.
         You switch back over to text Spinel, and get up off the couch to make yourself some tea. Pulling out your kettle, you turn the stove on and grab some raspberry flavored abomination tea bag that your dad loves more than any of the other good tea flavors.
         Y/N: Sooooo.
     Spinel: You talked to him, didn’t you.
     Y/N: Hahaha noooo. :)
     Spinel: The fuck did he say?
     Y/N: Absolutely nothing.
     Spinel: Seriously? I was sure he’d reveal something embarrassing.
     Y/N: Nope! You should probably get off his floor eventually, though.
         Your kettle goes off and you grab a clean mug, and pour the boiling water into it along with the tea packet. You look down at your phone, and grin.
         Spinel: goddammit.
         You let the bag steep for a little bit, and add in a small amount of sugar. Walking up to your bedroom you take a snap of Jellybean half lounging, half falling off the stairs and send it to Spinel. She replies with a couple heart emojis, and you wonder if Steven was the one to show her the proper use of them. You set your cup of tea down on your desk, and turn your computer on. It’s evening now, and it’s much too late to do anything left with the rest of your day productivity-wise, so you settle in on playing more minecraft. Your thoughts wander quite a bit, and you find yourself stuck on thinking about Spinel. Naturally. You wonder about a lot of things she’s learned while staying on earth, from things like - does she pay rent? Does she have a job? Does she know what taxes are? Does she know what a relationship with a human looks like? She said she watched a movie, but didn’t exactly elaborate. You don’t know what human-norms she’s been exposed to. You can’t even concentrate enough to mine any of this redstone for Alex, and you nearly die in-game when the thought of ‘does she know what sex is?’ pops into your mind. You grab your phone and shoot Spinel another message.
         Y/N: Quick question.
     Y/N: If you don’t mind me asking.
         It takes her a few minutes to reply.
         Spinel: Sure?
     Y/N: Do you know how humans are made?
     Spinel: w
     Spinel: Yes?
     Spinel: Steven told me about it a few weeks ago actually.
     Spinel: Why are you asking?
     Y/N: No reason! Just curious is all.
     Spinel: Hm.
         Yeah you’re not too confident that she actually knows, and you’re too chickenshit to elaborate right now. You’ll enlighten her later. You spend the rest of the night browsing memes on your phone, and texting your friends and Spinel on occasion. Before you know it, your eyes drift close with your phone in hand.
     You wake up when your alarm goes off for your morning shift, and curse at yourself for not charging it last night. It’s at a solid 32%, which isn’t really enough to go about your day, but you’ll have to make do. You get ready for a hopefully not shitty day, lock up the house, and head in to work.
     It’s a complete shitshow when you come in, and you turn your phone off to save battery and concentrate on dealing with more than an average amount of tourists. You find Mr. Smiley sleeping in the breakroom/office/supply closet, and have half a mind to lock him in there from the outside for the rest of your shift. It’s pretty busy, and messy, and it isn’t until you’re there for several exhausting hours that you finally have enough time for a break. You turn your phone on, and instantly you’re flooded with messages from several different people. Ugh.
           A couple from your dad - just checking in, really. Group chat too as usual, but none of it seems overly important. One from Spinel, and several from Steven. You open up Spinel’s message first.
         Spinel: Do you think we could talk about a couple of things later?
         Vague, and a little concerning. You text back an apology for getting back to her so late, and open the messages from Steven.
         Steven: Hey are you busy?
     Steven: I’m dealing with a bit of a situation right now, and could use your help.
     Steven: Spinel locked herself in my bathroom, and she won’t come out.
     Steven: She refuses to answer to anyone, and several of us have tried.
     Steven: I’m just really worried about her, and you guys seemed to bond, so I was hoping..
     Steven: That maybe you could come over?
     Steven: Thanks regardless.
         You check the timestamp, and that was over an hour ago. Jesus christ.
         Y/N: Steven I’m so sorry, my phone was off and I’m at work, give me a few and I’ll be right over, okay?
     Y/N: I’ll be quick.
         He replies almost immediately with a “please” and you pocket your phone. You try not to worry too hard about Spinel as you rush over to grab your things, and knock on Mr. Smiley’s office/broom closet door. He opens it groggily, clearly just waking up.
     “Yeah?” he slowly blinks at you.
     “I gotta leave early. Emergency.” You stare at him, trying to not be pissed at his lack of work ethic.
     “Are you for real? You’ve got another 3 hours left.” He says and crosses his arms, and you glare at him.
     “I’ve been working my ass off while you’ve been sleeping this whole time, AND I’m covering your ass tomorrow so you can go meet your old friend! So the LEAST you can do is let me go early when I have an emergency!!!” You almost yell out at him, and he holds his hands up in defense.
     “Okay, okay! Fine. Only because you’re a good worker.” He says, and has the gall to look at least a little ashamed of himself.
     “Damn right I am.” You spin around and head out of the building, practically running.
     You almost trip and bite it several times on the way over to Steven’s place, but you’re more worried about Spinel. You’ve only been to his place twice, but once you’re there you run up the stairs and open the door without knocking. You’re greeted by the only two people in the living room, Pearl, and Steven.
         “Oh, she’s here!” Pearl says and nudges Steven, who looks up from typing on his phone.
     “Y/N! Thank god you’re here.” He says with furrowed eyebrows.
     “What happened?” You say and shut the door, and cross the room over to him.
     “I’m not sure! We were just working on something together for Amethyst, and she got a call from Blue and Yellow. She’s been ignoring them lately, and they’ve been bothering me in turn because of that, so I asked her to take the call just see what they want.” He runs his hand through his brown curls, and just for a moment, you see that 12 year old him in again. The obvious stress masks just how young he really is, and you feel bad that he can’t live life like a normal kid. “She went outside to take the call, and was out there for quite a while. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but I did hear some yelling. And just when I was going over to make sure they were alright, she comes back in tears, eyes spiraling like months ago, and nearly knocks Pearl over rushing into the bathroom.”
     “And nothing since?” You inquire, fidgeting with your hands.
     “No,” He says, frustratedly. “I’ve been trying to reach the diamonds to see what this is all about, but I’ve only been getting the pearls. I don’t know what to do. She hasn’t been like this in months. What were they talking about to make her this upset?”
     “Maybe I can find out. You said she’s in your bathroom?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
     “Yeah, the one right over here.” He says and points to it.
     “Is it locked?” You ask.
     “No,” Pearl glances towards the bathroom door and crosses her arms. “The lock has been broken on it for a while, since Peridot joined us actually. Both Garnet and I tried opening it, but I think once Spinel hears someone trying to come in she blocks the door.”
     “I’m gonna try something, but you guys are gonna wanna stay away.” You say to the two of them. “I don’t want to overwhelm her with more than one person.”
     “Let us know if we can do anything?” Steven makes to pass by you and gives your arm a light squeeze. “And thanks for coming to help.”
     “Anytime, dude.” You give him a half smile, and walk over to his bathroom. You turn to take a look back at the other two, and they’re already in the kitchen discussing something in soft tones. You move to knock at the door, make two light taps against the frame, and wait for an answer.
     A couple seconds pass, and nothing. Not even any movement. Nervously, you knock again, a little louder this time, and wait for a good ten seconds.
     Still nothing.
     You take a deep breath, reach out to grab the door handle, and very slowly and quietly open the bathroom door. You see nothing but absolute darkness, and step in. You feel around the wall to your right and flip a switch just as you close the door behind you with an audible click. The room instantly floods with the dark red light of the heat lamp, and before you can even think about finding another light source, you find yourself slammed up against the wall and let out a surprised yelp. You open your eyes to see Spinel’s face inches from yours, pupils wild, her hands splayed against your shoulders.
     “U-um,” Your voice cracks a little. “Hey.”
     You watch her eyes take a second to find yours, and almost instantly, she lets you go, arms trembling.
     “W.. what are YOU DOING HERE!?” She cries, large tears pouring down her face, eyebrows raised in confusion, mouth trembling. Her hair is in loose pigtails, strands untamed around her face, cheeks stained with tear tracks. She looks like a mess, and your heart breaks, just a little. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt y-”
     “I’m fine.” You cut her off. “I should have said who it was outside the door, I’m sorry. And um.. Steven texted me while I was at work, and told me what was going on so I rushed over..” You trail off as you watch Spinel’s entire body shake, and she covers her face with both of her hands.
     “I can’t believe I just did that.” You hear her wavering voice, muffled behind her fists, and she lets out a choked sob. “Maybe they were right. M-maybe I’m not meant to-” She quickly moves her hands down to look at the floor with wide, vulnerable eyes, and struggles to form the rest of her words. You hear her breathing pick up pace, and you’re starting to realize she’s hyperventilating.
     “Spinel, look at me.” Her eyes shoot up to yours, lips trembling. “I need you to breathe.” You do what your friends have always done with you, and gently grab both of her hands and hold them with yours, thumbs stroking her palms in slow circles. She freezes up instantly, and you’re about to panic, because while a familiar touch helps ground you, you register that maybe it’ll make it worse for her. But before you can pull your hands away, her hands relax ever so slightly, and she lets out a shaky breath. “Good. Just like that.” You motion for her to follow your breathing inverals, and she copies you, hands still shaking in yours.
     It’s been a while since you’ve had to deal with something like this, but you’re thankful for having similar life experiences. After a solid minute or two of this her breathing is back to a normal pace, but she’s still crying, and now not meeting your eyes. Almost like she’s avoiding them.
     “Look, I.. I don’t know what happened with you and the diamonds, but you can talk to me about it if you’d like. No pressure, though.” You give her hands a small squeeze, and she whimpers, looking up to meet your gaze. Tears are still actively streaming down her face, and you have no idea how to make any of this better. It physically hurts you to see her like this.
     “C-can I not talk about it? I don’t think I’m ready..” She pulls a hand from yours, and wipes at her face. She just kind of smeared half of her face with wetness, and she looks miserable.
     “You don’t have to talk about anything, Spinel.” You look at her, making sure she sees it in your eyes. You slowly let go of her other hand, and hold your arms out in a silent question instead. Her mouth opens slightly, the red glow of the light around her making her look extremely vulnerable and soft, and she looks at your open arms with a blank face for a moment before understanding. Almost instantaneously, she throws herself against you and wraps her arms around your shoulders, shoving her face into the cradle of your neck. You envelop your arms around her tightly, giving her sides a squeeze, and you feel her start to shake again.
     She lets out an unsteady sigh, and hiccups out another small sob. You pull her to lean fully against you as you stand there, bracing your back against the bathroom door. She lets you maneuver her, and you rest the side of your face against her temple while she cries. You resign yourself to letting her cry on you until she’s done, if she needs to.
       You feel her sniffle against your neck, and try not to mind that she’s getting your shirt soaked. You give her back a few gentle rubs, feeling her body quiver against yours as she’s trying to control her choked breathing. You’re not really counting the minutes, as right now you’re currently having way too many rampant thoughts about what the fuck the diamonds could’ve said to her. You’re mad as hell, honestly, and if you could say shit to them, you would in a heartbeat. You don’t want to make anything worse for her though, as much as you want to steal her phone and video call them to curse them out. It takes a few more minutes, but eventually her crying dies down, and you feel her breathing even out. Slowly, she dislodges her arms from twisting around you two, and you feel a sigh, her breath hot against your neck. You do your best to school your facial expression as you’re realize just how close you are to her, and she pulls her face from its resting position to look at you. She looks awful.
       “U-um,” She lifts up her hand to attempt to wipe her face, failing to rub half the tears away. “I don’t really want to go out there yet..”
       “You don’t have to.” You say, quietly. “I can leave if you’d like some quiet to yourself.” Her face looks panicked for a second, and she grabs your wrist.
       “Please don’t leave me.” She says, voice wavering again. You try not to let your heart shatter at her tone.
     “I won’t if you want me here.” You say, and sigh softly. “Here, hold on a second.”
     She lets your wrist go as you move slightly over to the sink, turn the hot water on, and grab a clean hand towel from the counter. You soak it in water, and squeeze out all the excess. Towel in hand, you turn back to her, and she’s looking at you cautiously. You lift the towel slightly, motioning to her face.
     “May I?” You ask, and she nods slightly.
     Tenderly, you brush a couple strands of hair away from her face, grasp her chin with your left hand and pull her forward, gently pressing the towel to her cheek. She closes her eyes, and her shoulders sag a little as she lets you dab at her face, cleaning her of any tear stain marks. She sighs into your touch, and it strikes you that it would be so easy to just.. lean in and kiss her.
       Your brain almost short circuits and you snap your thoughts back to reality. There’s a time and place for everything. This is not the time, nor the place.
       Once you’re satisfied that she looks a lot better than before, you pull your hands away to toss the rag in the sink, and Spinel, for a brief moment, looks disappointed that you had stopped. Which.. kind of gives you an idea.
       “Can I try something? Harper used to do this thing with me when I.. had similar breakdowns.” You ask her. She raises her eyebrow in response, clearly exhausted from crying so much. “Here.” You say, and take her hand and lead her over to the rim of the bathtub. You sit down on the edge, and motion for her to sit in front of you on the floor. She takes a seat in front of you, still confused, but obeys nonetheless. “Can I touch you?” You ask her, watching her face to make sure she’s alright.
       She looks up at you, the red light in the room flooding the entirety of her face, making her hair darker, and the whites of her eyes a bit more dramatic.
     “Yeah.” She says in reply, voice tired.
     You reach out to her hair, and stop for a moment.
     “Can I have you face the other direction, actually? Come over here.” You move to open your knees, making enough room for Spinel to turn around and lean against the bathtub. She’s close to you again.
     “What are you..” She trails off as you start to take the hair ties out of her pigtails, one after the other. It takes a second, as it’s a bit tangled, but you manage to get both out, and let her hair fall down. You comb out her hair with your fingers, gently, and she sighs audibly while leaning into your touch. You run your short nails along her scalp, scratching and massaging as you smooth out her hair, attempting to pull all the tangles out.
     “Touch used to calm me down, and Harper was really good at it, honestly.” You say while pulling out a particularly difficult tangle without hurting her. Her hair is long like this, and you like it. You wish you could grow your hair this long, but it’s kind of a pain to deal with, and the longest you’ve ever had yours wasn’t even to your mid back, you think to yourself. “Sometimes she’d give me shoulder and neck massages, but I preferred that she’d just play with my hair. There’s just something different about another person touching your hair.”
     “I kind of get what you mean.” She says, tiredly.
     “Can I braid your hair?” You lean closer to look at her face.
     “Do what you want.” She says, looking fairly relaxed.
     “Cool. Anyway, while Harper was good at that, Alex, on the other hand, was just terrible at any kind of physical comfort. He’s genuine, and he tries, but he’s an idiot. He’s a lot better at distractions, for the most part.” You run your fingers through her hair one more time, before starting to separate her hair into three parts for a french braid. “He’s funny, and comes from a large family, so he always has stories and jokes. Whenever I’d have a panic attack, those two were always so good about being there for me. I don’t know what I’d do without them.”
     You notice that Spinel‘s shoulders have lost most of the tension in them, and you’re secretly relieved. You keep talking to fill the quietness around you two, because you’ve always hated the quiet during moments like these. Your friends aren’t here, so it’s up to you to make up for it.
     “It was kind of hard, at first though,” You say, and start looping the chunks of hair around your fingers, starting at the top of her head. “Because for a while there, back when I was 16 and dealing with the worst of my abandonment issues, I clung onto Harper like a baby koala. I had this super weird crush on her even though we had been friends since we were practically babies. I think I idolized her because she was just.. good to me.” You accidentally tug a little too hard on a strand of hair, wince and utter an apology while massaging the spot on her scalp. “I’m glad that didn’t ruin our friendship, but for a while there I really pushed my feelings onto her, which was kinda fucked up on my part.”
     “Hm..” Spinel mumbles. “I kind of had a thing for Pink, I think. Which ended up screwing with me even more after what she did.” You stare at the back of her head and pause your hands for a second. Huh. Yeah, you had a hunch.
     “If she were still alive, I’d punch her in the face for you, I hope you know.” You state, in full seriousness. This gets the first chuckle that you’ve heard from her today, and you’re secretly overjoyed.
     “I’d pay to watch that.” She says, and you laugh out loud. You see her smile, just barely.
     “So,” You continue, with both your hands and conversation. “A week or so after my 17th birthday, right after Harper talked to me about this guy at school that she liked, I confess to her. And not like a, ‘oh hey, you’re my best friend and I really like you’ kind of way, either. It was more like a, ‘have a mental breakdown over your best friend liking someone else and make them feel like shit about it on your walk home from school’ kind of confession.” Your hands reach the nape of her neck now, braid mostly done on her head, but you’ve got around another 20 inches of length before being finished.
     “Harper avoided me for nearly a week after that. I was absolutely pathetic, and inconsolable. Alex was fed up with my shit after a few days, and nearly slapped me over it. He would’ve been in the right, doing so, honestly. I was a selfish asshole who only thought about her own feelings, and not about her best friends.” Your eyes drift to Spinel’s face, and her eyes are closed, eyebrows unfurrowed.
     “Anyway,” You’re nearly done with the entire braid now. “She did end up forgiving me. Thankfully. I don’t know what I’d do if it were my fault that I’d split up our friend group.” You pick up the discarded hair tie from earlier, and tie it around the end of the braid.
     “I’m all done, by the way.” You say to her. She opens her eyes tentatively, and she looks sleepy. You stand up, and stretch your back. She also gets up on wobbly legs, and turns to look at you.
     “Um.” She’s avoiding your eyes. “Thank you. For this.” She’s twisting her hands together, nervously. You lean your face closer to get at eye-level with her.
     “Anytime.. and for the record, you look really cute in a braid.” You say and smile, giving her a cheeky wink. You watch her entire face from the neck up turn bright red, and think that you could probably do this forever, and never get tired. She gives you a noncommittal grunt, halfheartedly smacks your arm and you grin at her.
     You hear a quiet knock at the door, and look over to Spinel. She shrugs, so I guess it’s okay now.
     “You can come in!” You say to the door. It opens slowly, and you see Steven peek his head in.
     “Um.. are we okay?” He asks, clearly very worried about her.
     “I’ll be okay.” She says, and you think that maybe she should lay down and sleep. You verbalize this immediately.
     “Spinel. I think you should go take a nap.” You look at her, and she blinks at you. “I’m serious.”
     “She’s kind of right.” Steven says in agreement with you. Spinel gives the both of you a shrug, and even that seems like it’s taking a lot out of her.
     “Okay.” She says, and turns to walk out of the bathroom. Steven opens the door wider, and you can see Pearl in the kitchen leaning against the counter, trying to not seem like she’s intently watching all of you.
     Spinel makes her way over to the couch and takes a seat, sitting up rigidly. You walk over to her to make sure she’s okay before you leave for home.
     “You know you can text me, right? And if you need me, I’ll be available. I’ll leave my volume turned on.” She gives you a nod. “Oh, and.. take this,” You say, and pull off the pullover hoodie you’re wearing right now, and hand it over to her. “Alex used to let me wear his oversized sweaters, and they used to help me sleep, so..”
     She tentatively reaches out, and takes it from your hands.
     “Thanks.” She says, and gives you a small smile. With her hair pulled back like this she almost looks human, for a fleeting moment. You sometimes forget she’s a gem. You return the smile back at her, and turn around to leave.
     After grabbing your bag that you set down earlier from beside the couch, you head over to the front door and open it. Shouldering the bag, you start to shut the door and see Steven behind you. He closes the door behind him, his face searching yours for something you don’t quite know.
     “I don’t know what you did, but thank you.” He says, completely genuine.
     “You don’t have to thank me. I’d do it for you, too, you know.” You say to him, and he smiles.
     “That’s why I like you, Y/N. You’re sweet.”
     “Yeahhhh, don’t tell anyone, though. You’ll ruin my reputation.” You smirk, giving him the side-eye. He laughs and pats your back.
     “Ohhhhhh no! Whatever will you do!?” He rolls his eyes in jest. “Get home safe, okay?”
     “No promises.” You reply, and jump down his steps, two at a time.  
     It doesn’t take you long to get home, and you’re pretty tired yourself. You make yourself busy by preparing dinner, cleaning the kitchen a little, and calling your dad for another check-in. Before you know it, it’s nearly 11, and you need to sleep for your double shift tomorrow that you almost forgot about. You’re laying in bed browsing social media before drifting off, and you receive a text from Spinel. You swipe down and open the message.
         Spinel: Thanks again for today.
     Spinel: I baked some new cookies with Steven, and would like to give you some tomorrow if that’s okay?
         You smile to yourself. Ughhhhhhhh, you’re catching the feelings disease, and you swat the air around you like it somehow physically manifested around you.
         Y/N: I work literally all day, but feel free to stop by and give them to me.
     Y/N: Then I get to see a pretty familiar face to break up all the lame tourists.
     Y/N: Cuz that sounds super nice. ;)
     Spinel: I’ll see you tomorrow, then.
         She didn’t react to your obvious teasing, but you won’t let that discourage you. You fall asleep thinking of the many different ways you can poke fun at her, and this time, you charge your phone.
     You wake up the next morning feeling well-rested for once, and get ready for work. Alex has sent you a couple texts about when his flight will arrive, and when he’ll roughly come to meet you. Sometime around 4pm, apparently. You shoot Spinel a good morning text, and she replies almost instantly with the same, which makes you smile.
     You head to work, texting your group chat about what happened yesterday with Spinel, and give them basically all the details. Alex makes fun of you for a bit, so you curse him out and pocket your phone as you clock in. Today’s going to suck, but you’ve got a few things to look forward to.
     You make it a couple hours into your shift before you finally get a break, and Spinel texts you that she’ll drop by sometime in the afternoon once she’s done helping Bismuth with something. God you hope it’s not when Alex gets here, because you are so not fucking ready for that interaction. You eat your lunch and pray to any god out there that you could have one more day of peace.
     You’re outside the main building repairing a couple parts on the carousel, ignoring the bulk of the tourists to focus on work. You don’t realize that quite a while has passed by, because someone walks up to you as you’ve got your head in a small door, and kicks you slightly on your ass. You jolt and bump your head against the opening, and you hear Alex burst out into laughter as you groan in pain.
     God fucking dammit, this guy. You pull your head out to glare at him, screwdriver pointing at him threateningly.
     “Do you want this up your ass? Because I can do that.” You say to him, and he laughs even harder. You roll your eyes at him.
     “Don’t promise me with a good time, Y/N.” He says, and you stand up to smack him.
     “I don’t think the pointy end would be a good time, idiot.” You deadpan stare at him. He grins.
     “You don’t know what I’m into.” He shrugs, and flips his hair dramatically. You hate that he’s stupid and charming, and you love him so much.
     “I know I haven’t seen you in 2 months, but like, I feel like you’ve grown taller?” You stare at him, a little mournfully. You’re the shortest one out of your friends, and you’re of average height. He also seems.. handsomer. You think he definitely got a lot more tan. He’s definitely grown into his looks, his dark curly hair and recently shaved face making him look older than you’re used to.
     “I don’t think I did, but I think you’ve grown shorter.” He laughs obnoxiously, and you smack his arm again, which makes him laugh harder.
     “You’re so mean to me, like all the time. Why do I love you?” You cross your arms and pout, because you know it gets a rise out of him.
     “Youuuuuuu knowww, because I’m just so loveable and gorgeous and the smartest one in the group??” He flutters his eyelashes at you like he thinks he’s cute.
     “Wow, you are none of these things.” You reply, smirking at him. He puts his hand over his heart in mock offense.
     “Y/N, I’m offended. I’ve been here for like, five minutes, and I’ve received absolutely no affection from you. If I don’t get love, I will wilt and die. Do you want to be responsible for my death?” He opens his arms wide, and you roll your eyes dramatically, and stand there.
     “We’re not doing this in public.” You say, standing your ground.
     “Ohhh, YES we are, Y/N.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “Prepare yourself for the onslaught.”
     You take a couple steps back, prepared to run. He grabs your arms, wraps his around your torso, and picks you up, swinging you around.
     “Nooooooooooooooooo!!” You cry. “Put me down you oaf!”
     “No! I want love!” He all but shouts, and spins you around. He grabs your cheek with one hand and starts giving you big ‘ol smooches all over your face, and you’re giggling and trying to push him away, when you hear something drop and spill on the pavement a good twenty feet from you. You look up.
     It’s Spinel.
       Her face is twisted with heartbreak, and before you can even speak up, she bolts.
       You look down, and see the cookies she made you scattered on the ground.
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kinkymagnus · 5 years ago
20, 21, 25!!! for the ask game, please 💖 [also, hiii!!!]
thank you!!!! (also hii!!) i fuckign love video gaem im nerd
20 and 21. Book that would make a good game + Show/movie that would make a good game?
FUCK uhhhh first some reason my first thought was Artemis Fowl but I.... don’t think that would actually work. 
Okay, what’s really interesting is storytelling in different mediums, and one problem with taking a story that is written for a book or a show or a movie, is that it is written for that format. There are some that would make the transition pretty well, even though it might sacrifice parts of the story. Like, it’s harder to get thoughts or feelings a character has without awkward narration, and usually impossible to get good facial expressions or subtle body language cues and that kind of thing. 
I’m mostly talking written/screen to video game, but there are also notable differences between books and tv/movies that are probably why most adaptations are so infamously bad. Things like the amount of information that can be compressed for consumers of the media, the type of information such as inner thoughts/feelings and random worldbuilding details, and pacing. Both mediums have their strengths and weaknesses--the screen can be more immersive, and show you really cool ways of looking at things, and also allow for certain silent dialogue like body language or just more subtle implications (such as background characters behaving a certain way or expressions gone unmentioned) but also they can’t really do things that books can.
Video games have their own strengths and weaknesses, too. The interactive medium allows for all sorts of cool things you just absolutely cannot do in the same way in these other mediums. My favorite is probably environmental storytelling and the ways you can get stories across both purely from the setting around you (like in the Fallout game I forget the name of with the underwater city, or in Breath of the Wild with the ruins scattered around Hyrule, or basically all of Hollow Knight’s storytelling) and from little bits of scattered lore that you have to piece together into your own interpretation of what happened. (Again, Hollow Knight does this amazingly.)
So like, some stories can benefit from that, particularly either stories with a strong setting with good worldbuilding to base that on, or stories that would benefit from adding that yourself (although people might argue on whether it counts as canon or not). 
So the question is to really think about what kind of books, tv shows, and movies can benefit from being directly interacted with and even changed by the player, what ideas can play out through simple environments a player can move around or in small boxes of flavor text to be pieced together, what stories can be conveyed that can benefit from being actively sought out rather than directly fed to the person consuming them. Something like Artemis Fowl doesn’t work, because there’s a set linear narrative and the choices that are made rightfully should be set. While a game completely separate from the Artemis Fowl stories with its own characters simply set in Haven City could be really interesting (such as the life of a LEP officer who isn’t famous and tangling with humans constantly, or even the life of a dwarf or a goblin or whatever, perhaps even with multiple choices of class and species--?) it wouldn’t really be an Artemis Fowl adaption so much as a spin off or addition to the universe. It could be really interesting, as for a cool as fuck city of fairies Haven City isn’t really discussed or explored all that much, but it wouldn’t be a true adaptation. It’d be inspired by, if anything.
I honestly can’t think of any books/movies/tv shows off the top of my head that necessarily would make a good game. 
There are a few I could see being mildly fun--perhaps a sci fi survival game based on The Martian, a Mission: Impossible spy game, or (and I think this would be fun, tbh) a fantasy/mystery retrieval game based on The Librarians or Warehouse 13. I wouldn’t even mind seeing what a skilled game designer could do with A Series of Unfortunate Events, although I’d have no idea where to start. 
The problem is mostly those stories being kind of linear and set. The player can’t really affect them, so to be effective it’d be better if it was a new story entirely merely in that universe, rather than just an adaptation of the original canon. For example, playing Lord of the Rings simply would not be the same as watching it or reading it. There’s no way to really make it organic or have that same amount of emotion.
While it’s not impossible to have a linear set story for a player to follow (See The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, which has issues, but is definitely playable and enjoyable) it’s not really the same if you not only know the whole story but feel like you’re not actually part of it. You can have quick time events to see if Bilbo really got the the ring, or a sequence where you play as Legolas mowing down orcs, but it won’t really be the same. 
Sorry for the long and unnecessarily pretentious answer, this is just something I’ve been really interested in lately so I overthought it like hell.
25. What power-up or ability would you want irl?
Real answer: shapeshifting. This is cheating as it’s more superpower than actually video game related, but like, still.
But answering more properly to the spirit of the question... The things that come to mind for me are Revali’s Gale (just fucking whooshes into the air lmao), Shape of Unn charm (turns into snail and wiggle lol), and Shade Cloak (nyooms through things by becoming a shadow).
Wait, actually, forget all that. I want to be Link from Link Between Worlds, turning into a painting and shit for fun. That sounds rad as hell. Look at me, I’m a cool funky little crayon drawing. Sike! I’m 3D now! 
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lesbianbruabba · 6 years ago
Answer all the qs! Unless theres any you don’t want to do
Mobile so these are ugly sowwy
1:Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
Well I just spent my night watching exurb1a that p much explains it
2:Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?
3:If your significant other smoked pot, would you care?
I’m pro legalization but if it’s an addiction obviously I’d try and prevent further damage. If it’s well controlled i don’t mind.
4:Do you find it easy to trust others?
I trust too easily so yeah
5:What were you doing at 11PM last night?
Watching exurb1a, or wanking, or looking at takeouts on Deliveroo
6:You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?
Probably my brother or one of my best friends
7:What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
8:Are you close with your dad?
Fairly close imo. But we have a lot of opposing views and I have to try and overlook those.
9:I bet you kissed someone last night, right?
10:What are you listening to?
Magic by Coldplay @samrull can suck my dick
11:You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?
Cum fanta lemon
12:Do you like hickeys?
YES unless they’re on my boobs then NO bc I used to have like massive ones and I couldn’t sleep on my back
13:What time do you go to bed?
Hahahhahahahaaha you must be new here
14:Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
My mother
15:Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both?
16:Do you always answer your texts?
Most of the time unless I’m tired
17:Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?
18:When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
Like a few minutes ago with Iza bc I pester her a lot
19:Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
My little brother and all my best friends
20:What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I went to bed yesterday morning but my last thought was ‘I love Tom Holland’
21:Is anyone else in the room with you?
No. I don’t think so
22:Do you believe what goes around comes around?
23:Were you happier four months ago than you are now?
Yes. On the 30th December I was probably hanging out with my brother.
24:Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
A few. Some are beyond repair, others are just lost chances.
25:In the past week, have you cried?
Lmao. Yeah. A lot.
26:What colour is the shirt you are wearing?
White with pink and blue argyle patterns
27:Do people ever call you by your last name?
No. I would hate that
28:Is anyone ignoring you right now?
Probably? Idk
29:Do you have a best friend?
I have 7 bitch
30:Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
31:Who was your last call/text message from?
32:Are you mad at anyone?
Yeah. Pro lifers.
33:Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
34:How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?
23? Idk I don’t remember
35:How many more days until your birthday?
Like 3 months minus a bit.
36:Do you have any summer plans yet?
Yeah! I’m going to Poland with my mum. Then I’m going home and going to suffer in the HK heat.
37:Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?
Yes. Two, one is my brother.
38:Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?
No. I’m an open book lol
39:Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?
I don’t think so??
40:Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
41:Do you think age matters in relationships?
Depends on the age gap and the ages of the parties involved
42:Are you available?
43:How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended?
1 or 2
44:If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?
Nose ring but not septum. On the side of my nose
45:Do you believe exes can be friends?
Yes if they put effort into it
46:Do you regret anything?
A lot.
47:Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?
Turbulent is such a good song also I want thanos to raw me
48:Did you ever lose a best friend?
I’ve ghosted a best friend if that counts bc she’s toxic as fuck
49:Was your last kiss a mistake?
50:Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?
Bc they don’t like me back lmao and also ‘pursuing’ sounds kind of predatory??
51:Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?
52:Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?
Not really
53:What was the last thing you ate?
A weird cake that was sweet but I couldn’t pinpoint the flavor
54:Did you get any compliments today?
55:Where are you going on your next vacation?
June to Poland
56:Do you own anything from other countries?
Yeah I have dolls from Belgium and Poland and Japan and also some trinkets from other places
57:Are most of your friend guys or girls?
The majority are girls
58:Where have you lived most of your life?
Tseung kwan o
59:When was the last time you took a long drive?
I don’t drive :D
60:Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
61:Have you ever TPd someone’s house?
No! I’m a good girl uwu
62:Who do you text the most?
Probably Iza
63:What was the last movie you saw?
Endgame but it’s a bad stream of it
64:What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?
Don’t have one
65:How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?
66:Is the last person you kissed younger than you?
No. You asked this question earlier
67:Do you curse around your parents?
Hell nah they’d ground me even though I’m nineteen
68:Are you happy with where you live?
Not really but it’s okay
69:Picture of yourself?
Tumblr media
70:Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?
Personally I’m monogamous
71:Have you ever been dumped?
72:What do you most like about making out?
It’s hot
73:Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?
74:When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?
75:What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?
76:Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?
Iza or my brother’s gf
77:Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?
78:Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?
79:What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?
80:Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?
81:Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?
No lol have you seen what I look like
82:Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?
Depends on who the crush is and who I tell. Usually I tell my brother and maaaaaybe some of my more sensible friends
83:Do you miss your last sweetie?
84:Last time you slow danced with someone?
Uhh never. I wish I did though that sounds cool
85:Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?
86:How can I win your heart?
Make me a playlist and be honest with me. Also be funny
87:What is your astrological sign?
Leo but I’m more of a cancer
88:What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
Eating my takeout and watching exurb1a
89:Do you cook?
I make a good risotto and also potato dauphinois. But otherwise no
90:Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?
Don’t got one
91:If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?
Hells yeah @wlw hit me up
92:Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?
The latter
93:What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?
A nice face. I like older blondes when it comes to women and less muscley men. Generally for everyone, the more feminine the better.
94:Name four things that you wish you had!
Bigger eyes, a boney figure, fluency in all languages, more brain cells
95:Are you a player?
I play the ukulele
96:Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?
97:Are you a tease?
I plead the fifth
98:Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?
Yeah a few and they were all v sweet gals
99:Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?
I don’t know
100:Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?
101:Hugs or Kisses?
102:Are you too shy to ask someone out?
I don’t think so
103:The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
104:Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
Yes!! And I call everyone that except my brother he’s dickhead
105:If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?
106:Do you flirt a lot?
Depends on who you are and how well you know me
107:Your last kiss?
Last year
108:Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?
109:Have you kissed anyone in the past month?
Lmao no
110:If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
One of the people I’m crushing on probably. Or Zach Grace
111:Do you know who you’ll kiss next?
No, that’s an interesting question though.
112:Does someone like you currently?
Probably not. Again, refer to picture of me
113:Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
Yeah I always fuckin do
114:Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
Serious relationships
115:Ever made out with just a friend?
116:Are you happier single or in a relationship?
Well I’ve only experienced the former so
Thanks for the questions sorry they’re ugly im also ugly but I’m sure u arent
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jasonblossomsghost · 7 years ago
0-44 please :)
0: Heighti’m 5′3 :)
1: Age182: Shoe sizeUS men’s 5, US women’s 6-7 (if anyone wants to buy me some new adidas i like the white and black classics)3: Do you smoke?my asthmatic ass? i think not4: Do you drink?nope5: Do you take drugs?i’ve considered it but nah6: Age you get mistaken fordepends but usually 13-15 7: Have tattoos?ya i got a temporary one on my shoulder its lit8: Want any tattoos?in the future probably but idk i dont like the idea of permanence
9: Got any piercings?not even my ears10: Want any piercings?not really. im not a fan of jewelry11: Best friend?her name is mady and i love her12: Relationship statussingle but with a toxic pissbaby clinging to my leg13: Biggest turn onspassion, talent, thermodynamic equilibrium/always warm (im a cold hoe), funny, smart, honest, loyal, etc etc14: Biggest turn offsexcessive jealousy (like a lil jealousy can be cute but if ur up my ass constantly i feel like u dont trust me ygm?), dishonesty, codependency, infidelity15: Favorite movieScott Pilgrim vs. The World16: I’ll love you if...you’re nice to me and hold my hand17: Someone you missnot to be gay but i havent seen mady in like a week so i miss her a lil bit18: Most traumatic experiencemy first memory is a grown man almost suffocating me so probably that lmao19: A fact about your personalityi’m a fucking disaster but at peace with it20: What I hate most about myselfi don’t value my own needs as much as i should21: What I love most about myselfmy sense of humor tbh. multiple people have told me theyve gotten funnier just being around me and it makes me feel good22: What I want to be when I get olderi plan on being a lawyer but i just wanna be financially stable, in love, and happy23: My relationship with my sibling(s)i’ve got 7 lmao. my relationship with my oldest sister is nonexistent, with the second oldest sister its just awkward, my older brother is a nazi so i fkn hate him, i constantly fight with my sister whos a year older, i parent my little sister while she calls me a bitch/cunt/twat, and i dont have a relationship with my two younger brothers24: My relationship with my parent(s)dont have one with my dad. my mom and i have a Not So Good relationship where she yells at me for no reason then feels guilty but instead of saying sorry just lets me leave the house25: My idea of a perfect datei havent been on a date in so long honestly someone take me out but anyway, breakfast at my favorite restaurant (its a vegan/gluten free place and ya boi has a lot of food intolerances but it also has really beautiful art and a garden) then going to a museum or my favorite bookstore. also maybe a park at some point?? idk if i love the person they could take me grocery shopping and id be happy26: My biggest pet peeveslying, cheating (on partners, not tests), and people who dont understand personal space27: A description of the girl/boy I likei could describe the person i unfortunately like but ill discuss him in 28 so have a description of the boy i have a small crush on instead. his name is Sam and hes super nice??? and smart??? and really funny??? but also so talented at music like the second i heard him sing i was in Love. i made him a present (it was just a dumb joke not like an actual present) on the last day of the semester and he decided to skip that day. i texted him and he deadass showed up to school just for me??? i was honestly dazed for the rest of the day28: A description of the person I dislike the mostlike i said, i unfortunately like him. hes at least borderline emotionally abusive and generally makes me feel shitty. hes hot tho /:29: A reason I’ve lied to a friendi’ve been trying to be really honest but ?? maybe so they wont worry about me?? idk30: What I hate the most about work/schooljust the stress tbh31: What my last text message says“be busy during that time” (from Mady about avoiding the guy from 28)32: What words upset me the mosthonestly just anything thats needlessly negative??? like idk life is too short to be an asshole the whole time33: What words make me feel the best about myselfwhen anyone compliments me tbh like if youve ever complimented me i love you34: What I find attractive in womentheir smiles and eyes and just how nice they are??? they always look cute?? and its fucking magical?? fuck dude girls are amazing. also like physically i appreciate nice thighs tbh like,,, damn35: What I find attractive in menwith guys tbh if they can make me laugh and are genuinely nice people im !! if they give nice hugs its a bonus. also its stereotypical af but tall boys are So Nice (like everyones tall to me tho so im not talking strictly 6 ft+)
36: Where I would like to liveCali maybe?? idk just a place where i feel safe being who i am37: One of my insecuritiesuntil July i was overweight like my whole life and recently ive been gaining and losing weight like crazy so just how much i weigh i guess?? idk like i Know it doesnt matter but it Does38: My childhood career choicei wanted to be a teacher or psychologist39: My favorite ice cream flavorprobably birthday cake tbh40: Who I wish I could behonestly i just wanna be me but happy41: Where I want to be right nowat a park maybe with a nice human42: The last thing I atefruit snacks43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediatelyLaverne Cox44: A random fact about anythinguh i keep a poetry journal that i write in almost daily
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guksuu · 7 years ago
a giant post about tag games that im gonna finish right now [pt. 1]
skjfhsdkf i’ve been tagged for games and i’ve been neglecting to do them so here’s a giant post with all of them! not gonna tag anyone cause there are so many BUT feel free to do them :’) im warning u, this is gonna be super long!
kpop q’s!
tysm to @yugy for tagging me!!
1. who was your first female bias?
2. who was your first male bias?
cheondung from mblaq!
3. who are your current biases? other than the above:
no biases..im an OT stan (lmao am i the only OT stan for all groups?)
4. in the entire kpop indrustry, who is the closest to your ideal type?
jkshdfksd hmmmm...i dont really have an ideal type..
5. have you ever attended any kpop concert/fan meet/fan sign?
6. if yes, which group/artist? how was your experience?
my first concert (which is the only concert i’ve been to so far), was club eskimo (dean, offonoff, miso, saay). it was amazing! the performances were a1 n meeting them was so cool. i also saw monsta x! it was such a great night n the boys were so sweet!
7. which group(s) would you like to see live?
got7, seventeen, block b, b.a.p, day6, nu’est, winner...a lot of groups lmao
8. how did you get into kpop?
my brother actually showed me suju’s sorry sorry like in 2009 n i got really interested, so i started looking around n finding more groups.
9. who are your otps?
i haven’t really gotten into otps yet, but some i do know are: yugbam, verkwan, jinyoon, sope
10. when did you start shipping?
jkshfksd im still figuring out ships
11. what was your favorite fanfic genre?
anything thats fluff n angst dkhkdfg
12. what is your favorite music genre?
i listen to a lot of genres 
top 10 bias tag
thank u tracy, @eggciao, for tagging me!!
sdfkhsdf im ot so this is gonna be hard but o well (i already did this but imma do it again lmao)
1. junhui (svt)
2. yongguk (b.a.p)
3. chunjin (myteen)
4. ten (nct)
5. johnny (nct)
6. yoochan (a.c.e)
7. dowoon (day6)
8. hyungwon (monsta x)
9. dongho (nu’est)
10. jisung (wanna one)
song tag
thank u @otteryj n @kawaiikpopofsatan n @calemiel for the tag :-)
rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and tag 10 people!
1.  짜장면 - myteen
2. cant see the end - seventeen
3. cry - mblaq
4. stop it - b.a.p
5. moon, 12:04am - offonoff
6. 다시 앞으로 (ft. sumin) - loco
7. 밀착 - taek
8. hey - got7 
9. rollercoaster - monsta x
10. good bye bye  - nu’est
five things tag
thank u to the lovely @smilingvernon n @whaaattheflower for tagging me!
rules: write the five things in the situation, and then tag 15 people~
five things you’ll find in my bag:
tons of pens
color pencils 
tons of random papers that I need to throw out
five things you’ll find in my bedroom:
art supplies scattered everywhere
all of my ceramic and sculpture works
lots of club supplies
binders that are super old, which I need to get rid of
five things I’ve always wanted to do:
learn a new language
go to a festival
sell art
volunteer in a different country
five things that make me feel happy:
my family n friends
food (so cliche but honestly..)
my lovely mutuals
my favorites loving themselves
five things I’m currently into:
skin care
old school rnb/hip hop/soul/rap
crime shows
five things on my to-do list:
possibly dye my hair bc senior portraits are coming up 
explore n go outside
buy more vinyls even though im broke shfksdsdf
stop being a pushover ://///
fix my sleeping schedule before school starts but we all know it’s not going to happen
get to know me tag
thank u to @cngkyns n @urmomstax n @sleepyw0ns n @nyaaaaaw for tagging me! 
rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
the last: 1. drink: boba 2. phone call: my mom 3. text message: “50% sweet and light ice” (i was texting my sister my drink order lmao)  4. the song you listened to: diamond 4 ya - b.a.p 5. the time you cried: ahh i don’t remember
have you: 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
list three favorite colors: 12-14: black, yellow, green (that muted green color though lmao)
in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: yes 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: yes 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no
general: 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: a majority of them 23. do you have any pets: used to have fishes, turtles, and birds 24. do you want to change your name: not anymore 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went out to go eat with the family  26. what time did you wake up: 11am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching one fine day 28. name something you can’t wait for: la trip in october
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday night 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: im tired of being a pushover :///
31. what are you listening right now: yoongi’s mixtape 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes?  33. something that is getting on your nerves: people who love calling others rude names over minor mistakes, ANYONE THAT SEXUALIZES MINORS, passive aggressive people. i have more but that would be a long list.     34. most visited website: tumblr
lost questions aka random info about me 35. mole(s): one on my thigh (if i remember correctly) 36. mark(s): on my elbow from falling, one between my brows when i slipped on the stairs n fell during tag 37. childhood dream: i had so many like being a dentist, firefighter, cop, etc. 38. hair color: dark brown 39. long or short hair: i like both!
40. do you have a crush on someone: nope 41. what do you like about yourself: my ceramic and sculpture skills!  42. piercings: nope 43. bloodtype: i dunno 44. nickname: lili (that’s what my cousins calls me)
45. relationship status: single
46. zodiac: aries 47. pronouns: she/her 48. favorite TV Show: all the old nick, cartoon network, and disney shows, law & order svu, ridiculousness, wild n out, mr. robot, etc. 49. tattoos: nope 50. right or left hand: right 51. surgery: yes but when i was younger  52. hair dyed in different color: i have done like an ombre before 53. sports: i like basketball, swimming, and baseball 55. vacation: i wanna go back to hawai’i, visit korea, thailand, philippines, etc. 56. pair of trainers: 2
more general: 57. eating: lots of viet and chinese 58. drinking: water, and boba 59. i’m about to: watch some shows, make gfx n gifs 61. waiting for: the day i graduate highschool 62. want: lots of food n rest 63. get married: yes, but maybe after i get settled a bit w my career 64. career: sculptures&ceramics/graphic designer, or psychology/criminal justice
which is better?: 65. hugs or kisses: hugs
66. lips or eyes: eyes!
67. shorter or taller: either
68. older or younger: either, but not by a lot
70. nice arms or stomach: either lmao
71. sensitive or loud: both!
72. hookups or relationships: relationships
73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever: 74. kissed a stranger: no 75. drank hard liquor: yes 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes  77. turned someone down: yes 78. sex on the first date: no 79. broken someone’s heart: yes 80. had your heart broken: yes 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: yes 83. fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in: 84. yourself: not really :/ 85. miracles: yes, but where are they in my life lmao 86. love at first sight: depends 87. santa Claus: no 88. kiss on the first date: no 89. angels: yes
other: 90. current best friends name: hannah, jane, kim, christina, and jhkdfs all of my network pals :-)) 91. eyecolor: dark brown 92. favorite movie: any studio ghibli film i’ve seen, kill bill 1 & 2, forrest gump, wonder woman, beetle juice, boyz n the hood, etc.
question tag
tagged by @wooziology!!! tysm :-))
i don’t remember
i like it. it’s super small.
beef or chicken
no thank u
cookie crunch, cinnamon toast, or regular cheerios
their personalities
my forhead lmao
black jeans n black/white vans
pizza n pasta
OYEAH by olnl (he’s a really nice rapper, check him out!!)
my mom 
dark brown
dark brown
noodles, especially noodle soups
the belko experiment (one of the most wild films i have watched)
tan wih orange stripes
winter forever
none but i wanna read the divine comedy, the lathe of heaven, and demian
my brother n cousins n parents
i dont have a mouse pad
seventeen’s one fine day
the rain or waves. they’re honestly so soothing
im more familiar with the beatles, so beatles
do my ceramic n sculpture skills count or?
30 questions tag!
tagged by the cuties, @lastnamesuh n @eatnamjin n @princesssjoy n max. thank you so much!
nickname: hmmm...my monbebe pals often call me baeiley...i think someone also has me as baeleaf too lmao. other nicknames beside that are lili, which is what my cousins call me.
gender: female
star sign: aries
height: 5′3
time: 6:20pm
birthday: april 1st
favorite bands: nu’est, b.a.p., got7, seventeen, monsta x, myteen, a.c.e, winner, nct (lmao all of three),  block b, btob, day6, theboyz, victon, vixx...n a lot of other groups. 
favorite solo artist(s): im such a big khh/krnb fan so brave, saero, crucial star, samuel seo, jeebanoff, dean, dpr, punchnello, bewhy, crush, g.nine, loco, bloo, dumbfoundead, olnl, sik k, n a lot more. others are taek, paul kim, iu, jung jin woo, ra.D, grizzly, moonmoon, sam kim, miso, suran, etc. for american music, its sza, kehlani, sob rbe, childish gambino, made in tyo, amine, isaiah rashad, kendrick lamar, etc.
song stuck in my head: overcome - nu’est & crush - yuna 
last movie i watched: hmmmm...men in black. its one of my favorites!
last show i watched: law & order svu
when did i create my blog: i created this blog...like 2014? this blog was originally my personal but i moved it so it can be my primary. i would say i changed into a kmusic blog this year in january!
what do i post: lmao im multifandom so a lot of groups, also some aes n social stuff.
last thing i googled: the word “blithely” for my english class
do u have other blogs: i have my personal which is @medasins n another blog but i aint gonna tell u the other one bc that one is still being edited. i also run monbebe net as an admin with four of my other mutuals. 
do u get asks: super rare lmao. i dont mind people sending asks though!
why did u choose this blog name: i wanted a general username n i just love noodles so much jksgfddfhggj
following: tons of talented/adorable mutuals that i love so much! also others that make a lot of beautiful content! 
followers: 517 
favorite colors: literally the color scheme i have for my blog rn (black, mustard/golden yellow, n this blueish-grey). i also rlly like grey, or any other muted tones. 
average hours of sleep: during school...3-7 hours. during the summer/weekends...8-10 hours.
lucky number: i do not have a lucky number but 0? 
instruments: i played brass/lower brass instruments (trumpet, cornet, baritone, n french horn) from like 5th-8th grade. right now i play/am learning a bit of ukulele!
what am i wearing: black running shorts n a grey tee
how many blankets i sleep with: one but two for winter
dream job: i dunno...still figuring it out
dream trip: traveling!
favorite food: 
favorite food: literally noodles, any noodles. i also love homemade viet n chinese food. O INDIAN N THAI TOO.
nationality: chinese!
favorite song now: ummm...lately i by saero, but also 짜장면 by myteen
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thatchoiboy · 7 years ago
@theawesomeprussia ANA YOU’RE THE BEST I LUV U *hearts everywhere! thank you for tagging me!
[1]drink: caprisun.. fruit punch flavor.. lmao
[2]phone call: ahhh, my sister
[3]text message: my dad
[4]song you listened to: Chen’s Best Luck
[5]time you cried: just an hour ago :(
[6]dated someone twice: nOpe. why would I cheat on youngjae?
[7]been cheated on: …. idk, i dont think so
[8]kissed someone and regretted it: nOpe
[9]lost someone special: …. yeah my friend.. she triggers me now tho
[10]been depressed: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA im always depressed
[11]gotten drunk and thrown up: nope, im a good child
list 3 favorite colors:
[12] black
[13] red
[14] white
in the last year have you…
[15] made new friends: YES and I wuvv them very much! (i would insert all people from the net i joined but its too much soo hehe sorry) BUT these 2 people were the last ones I talked to last week!~~ @theawesomeprussia ana, you’re so sweet im v thankful for u ily
@redgyeomie katy! i wwould like to get to know you more, you’re really cool and v sweet
[16] fallen out of love: if you are talking about got7 then N O
[17] laughed until you cried: OFC
[18] found out someone was talking about you: Hell yeah, karma can do the work
[19] met someone who changed you: maybe, i think, idk
[20] found out who your true friends are: honestly, my life is so confusing but i think so yeah.. :(
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: No
[22] how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: yeah, i hate all of them tho
[23] Do you have any pets: yeppppppppppp
[24] Do you want to change your name: well i did contemplate my life because of my name… but ig..
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: went to disneyland- BUT if you are talking about the actual one, then i just went to school XD
[26] what time did you wake up: 6:25AM (i hate school)
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: uhh, reading.. scrolling through my feed
[28] name something you cannot wait for: THE YOUNGJAE AND 2JAE DOLLS I ORDERED WHERE ARE THEY
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: last sunday
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i wasnt such a fatass and a complete disappointment :( [oh wait that’s 2 but oh well]
[31] what are you listening to right now: EXO’s Promise (can you see these tears, no? okkk)
[32] have you ever talked to a person named Tom: well, his full name was Thomas,, does that count? XD lmao
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: people asking repetitive questions
[34] most visited website: tumblr, twitter, fb, instagram, youtube, snapchat, aff, ao3, etc
[35] Elementary: ahhh too much drama
[36] high school: too much stress
[37] college: not there yet haha but i bet its too much stress too
[38] hair colour: black
[39] long or short hair: long
[40] Do you have a crush on someone: no, again, why would i cheat on youngjae >____>
[41] what do you like about yourself: ..pft..HAHAHAHA that’s a funny question
[42] piercings: ears
[43] blood type: O
[44] Nickname: …. i dont have one ; come up with one for me thank u
[45] relationship status: in a secret relationship with biases
[46] zodiac sign: sagittarius
[47] pronouns: she/her
[48] fav tv show: i dont really watch and i dont have one, i like a lot
[49] tattoos: no
[50] right or left hand: right 👍🏼
[51] surgery: no
[52] piercing: 6th grade (i had to do them again since it closed)
[53] best friend: A L E X 😂 @geeitsjinyoung
[54] sport: ………….. badminton??
[55] vacation: uhhhh.. how should i know 😂
[56] a pair of trainers: i forgot
right now…
[57] eating: air lmao 😂
[58] drinking: my saliva lmao 😂
[59] I’m about to: do nothing
[60] listening to: kpop songs
[61] waiting for: my kpop merch
[62] want: money
[63] get married: too young
[64] career: idk tbh
[65] hugs or kisses: both (mostly hugs)
[66] lips or eyes: eyes
[67] Shorter or taller: wait- this question doesnt make any sense. im short but i like someone taller
[68] older or younger: same age or a bit older
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms
[71] Sensitive or loud: kinda both
[72] hook up or relationship: relationship
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: kinda both
have you ever…
[74] kissed a stranger? ofc not
[75] drank hard liquor? nope
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? i dont wear glasses or lens
[77] turned someone down? with this face there is no one to turn down
[78] sex on the first date? dfnkvs NO
[79] broken someone’s, heart? ig?? he was a jerk tho
[80] Had your own heart broken? many times
[81] been arrested? no, again, im a good child
[82] cried when someone died? yeP, how could you not :(
[83] fallen for a friend? hmmm yep.
do you believe in…
[84] yourself? sure
[85] miracles? sure
[86] love at first sight? ig….
[87] Santa clause? no, where’s my kpop merch??? mhm that’s what I thought..
[88] kiss on the first date? dude i havent even been on a first date, im too ugly and im too young for that shit
[89] angels? uhh yes! have you seen choi youngjae??? AMAZING
[90] current best friend’s name: “aLeX” @geeitsjinyoung
[91] eye colour: brownish
[92] favourite movie: dont have one but.. though i havent watched it yet or it hasnt been released.. its VIP (a korean movie)
WOW i’ll be surprised if you wasted your time reading this! AS you can see, Im not a very interesting person
not tagging anyone because tumblr hates me and wont let me tag :/
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77live · 8 years ago
i got ttagged by @homosexualhufflepuff thänks u
1. LAST TEXT SENT: "yeah” to my mom 2. LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: black white and uhhhh like crimson maybe? 3. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY: at about noon 4.WHAT WERE YOU DOING LAST NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT: probably sleeping lmao 5. NAME SOMETHING YOU CANT WAIT FOR: summer, its may but its like still snowing sometimes  6. LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOTHER: last night before she went to bed 7. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE: i wish i wasnt so fucking anxious in social situations 8. WHATS GETTING ON YOUR NERVS RN: i dont think ive eaten since yesterday morning so im feeling a bit shitty because of that 9. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: uhhhhhh i dont even know lmao 10. FAVORITE TV SHOW: twin peaks definitely but i dont really have the energy for tv shows 11. FIRST BEST FRIEND: this one guy who i bonded with over zelda when we were like 11, i miss him 12. LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: slowdive - souvlaki 13. 3 FEARS: deep water, social situations, situations in general lmao 14. 4 TURN ON’S: a music taste that matches mine, c o l l a r b o n e s, glasses, being artistic 15. 4 TURN OFF’S: closed mindedness, being an asshole in general? idk 16. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: sex or gender doesnt really matter a whole lot to me 17. MY SENIOR QUOTE IN MY YEARBOOK: this is like an american thing and im not american 18. FIRST THING I NOTICE IN A NEW PERSON: uuuuuuuhhhhhhh no idea sorry 19. SHOE SIZE: 42 20. EYE COLOR: no idea like dark greyish maybe 21. HAIR COLOR: dirty blond/brown 22. FAVORITE CLOTHING ITEM: no idea  23. WHAT COLOR UNDERWEAR I’M WEARING RIGHT NOW: black 24. ULTIMATE BIAS: idk what this means  25. ULTIMATE BIAS GROUP: or this im sorry aaaaaa 26. FAVORITE SEASON: summer 27. HOW MUCH TIME I SPENT ON DESIGNING MY BLOG PAGE: no fucking clue i dont even know what it looks like tbh 28. THE REASON I JOINED TUMBLR: i dont remember at all 29. LAST BOOK I READ: peter hooks memoir about joy division  30. DO I EVER GET “GOOD MORNING” OR “GOODNIGHT” TEXTS?: yeah kind of 31. WHEN DID I LAST HOLD HANDS?: yesterday morning i think :))) 32. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE ME TO GET READY IN THE MORNING?: 20 or so minutes, i want to sleep for as long as possible so ive gotten pretty good at getting ready fast 33. HAVE I SHAVED MY LEGS IN THE PAST 3 DAYS?: no but maybe i should, they look pretty bad 34. WHERE AM I RIGHT NOW?: my bed  35. DO I LIKE MUSIC LOUD OR LOW: idk relatively low i think 36. 3 THINGS I LOVE: art, sleeping, my friends 37. HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW: hungry and im a bit shaky  38. SOMETHING I REALLY, REALLY WANT: just happiness i guess whatever thats gonna take 39. 3 THINGS THAT UPSET ME: the state the world is in, idk what else im really bad at this sorry 40. WHAT I FIND ATTRACTIVE IN OTHER PEOPLE: i already answered this in the question about turn ons pretty much but collarbones and hands are hot 41. 3 HABITS I HAVE: checking my phone way too often, procrastinating a lot, being way too shy 42. SOMETHING I FANTASIZE ABOUT: like the future and stuff? life in general 43. MY OTPs: never been into that stuff so none 44. SOMETHING IM TALENTED AT: lmao i have no fucking clue 45. THE BLOG I GIVE MOST NOTES TO: idk 46. THE LAST PERSON THAT RE-BLOGGED FROM ME: idk 47. DO I SMOKE/DRINK?: very occasionally 48. MY FAVORITE FOOD: idk i really like eating but i dont really have a favorite food 49. MY FAVORITE DESSERT: same here i really like desserts but i dont have a favorite 50. WHAT I DID YESTERDAY: nothing too special 51. NUMBER OF KIDS I WANT: idk i would have to learn to take care of myself first lmao 52. NUMBER OF SIBLINGS I HAVE: just one 53. SOMETHING THATS CONSTANTLY ON MY MIND: school and other things that are stressing me out 54. LAST PERSON I MESSAGED ON TUMBLR: @homosexualhufflepuff 55. CAN I DRIVE: no cars are scary 56. WHAT STATE OR PART OF THE WORLD DO I LIVE IN: sweden but im finnish  57. AM I IN SCHOOL?: yeAH 58. DO I GET GROSSED OUT EASILY?: yeah i think so 59. SOMEWHERE I WOULD LIKE TO VISIT FOR A WEEK: maybe like japan or some country in europe 60. I’LL LOVE YOU IF…: if u listen to the same music as me 61. LAST SHOW I BINGE-WATCHED: stranger things probably 62. WHAT WORDS UPSET ME THE MOST: i dont really get annoyed by specific words but i dont like when people use really big words for no reason other than trying to seem like theyre better than everyone else 63. WHAT WORDS MAKE ME FEEL THE BEST ABOUT MYSELF: jsut compliments in general 64. A WISH THAT I’VE WISHED FOR REPEATEDLY ON 11:11: dont think ive done that more than like once and i dont remember what i wished for 65. WHO I WOULD SWITCH LIVES WITH FOR A DAY: i dont think i would want to do that 66. MY FAVORITE ICE CREAM: maybe mint or lemon flavor?? idk i like most ice creams 67. ALLERGIES: cats and pollen 68. SEXIEST PERSON TO COME TO YOUR MIND IMMEDIATELY: david bowie lol 69. MY CHILDHOOD CAREER CHOICE: i dont remember  70. ONE OF MY INSECURITIES: lol theres way too many to pick just one 71. HOW MANY BLOGS AM I FOLLOWING: 69 lmao 72. HOW MANY TABS/DIFFERENT WINDOWS ATM: just 4 rn 73. COKE OR PEPSI: i rarely drink soda so i dont even remember what pepsi tastes like so maybe pepsi to see what its like 74. TEA OR COFFEE: coffee, baby 75. MOVIE OR BOOK: if this is between a book and its movie adaptation then the book any day of the week, otherwise it really depends  76. A SENSE I WOULD BE WILLING TO LOSE: none of them?? i feel like this question was worded a bit poorly 77. QUOTE I LIVE BY: idk im just winging it 78. TYPE OF ACCESSORIES I WEAR THE MOST: i dont really wear any accessories ever 79. LAST AWKWARD SITUATION I FOUND MYSELF IN: uhhhh it wasnt that awkward but a couple days ago i just didnt really know waht to do or say bc i was meeting a lot of new people and im very bad at that kind of stuff 80. WHAT TIME IS IT RIGHT NOW: 1 pm 81. A SONG THAT’S MADE ME CRY: theres so many but the last song that made me cry would b 4th of july by sufjan stevens 82: FIRST SONG I EVER SANG AT KARAOKE: idk sorry 
this was honestly a bit of a chore so im not gonna tag anyone but if u see this and think it looks fun do it!!!!!
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feral-kiba · 8 years ago
Hi, for the unusual asks, everything except the one that make you uncomfortable ^^ (I'm sorry ^^)
HHHH OKAY THIS WILL BE LONG(I'm going to exclude the ones I already did too)1) Spotify, SoundCloud, or pandora?-I used to use pandora but I quit that a while ago. I mostly use google play2) is your room messy or clean?-the only clean spot is in the middle so that I can lay out my yoga mat 🙃3) what color are your eyes?-blue-green w/ those gold specks? Idk they're from my mom. I just write "blue" on all my paperwork4) done previously!5) what is your relationship status?-boi I'm single af6) describe your personality in 3 words or less-Gryffindor, ENFJ, lawful-good ;)7) what hair color do you have?-brown. At one point I wanted to dye it, but cadets aren't allowed to so8) what kind of car do you drive? What color?-a really old dark red ford truck9) where do you shop?-lmao hot topic and tractor supply, there is no in between10) how would you describe your style?-it entirely depends on what I'm doing. I own allot of graphic tees and active/yoga wear but also jeans and FLANNEL. ALLOT OF THAT. I also have tactical pants? Idk man11) favorite social media account?-I hate to say it but it's this one. Instagram is the runner up. 12) what size bed do you have?-top bunk twin13) any siblings?-a younger one and an older half sister that I have no contact with14) if you could live anywhere in the would where would it be and why?-well, first I'd like to live in a town and finish my career, but after that I'd want to just. Move into a cabin in the woods and live off the land with allot of animals. I'd probably still want to be in California though, but I used to want Alaska15) favorite Snapchat filter?-probably the dog or flower crown cause I'm basic16) favorite makeup brand(s)?-what's a "make up"17) how many times a week do you shower?-usually every day. I love cleanliness and good skin18) favorite TV show?-...voltron, yeah. I also like walking dead and Gotham 19) shoe size?-around 7, give it take 1/220) how tall are you?-5'521) sandals or sneakers?-sneakers, always22) do you go to the gym?-nah, I do all my workouts at home23) describe your dream date. -the stars are out. The air is a bit chilly, but not too cold. We came out here to look at the land in its true nature, either on a truck or on horses. We've made a fire to warm us, and have blankets and cocoa. Maybe there's a dog with us. We've probably eaten pizza at some point. In the morning our backs are wet with dew and we make coffee24) how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?-idk like 20 bucks and gift cards to Starbucks, GameStop, and the local movie theatre25) already done!26) how many pillows do you sleep with?-like 6+27) do you have a job? What do you do?-art, school, and cadet stuff is my job28) how many friends do you have?-I have like 3 really close ones, but I know allot of others29) what's the worst thing you have ever done?-I've never broken laws or anything, but I've lied before and that feels really wrong30) what's your favorite candle scent?-anything with cinnamon 31) 3 favorite boy names-(I have tons but,,,) Nolan, Atticus, Leo or Marlow probably,,, Wren??32) 3 favorite girl names-(same here) ANYTHING THAT RELATES TO BIRDS PROBABLY 33) favorite actor?-hdjslw criss pratt 34) favorite actress?-I LOVE THEM ALL35) who is your celebrity crush?-I had a really big crush on Lee Pace for a long ass time36) favorite movie?-I can't choose,,, I can't (the entire planet of the apes series)37) do you read allot? What's your favorite book?-I used to read 24/7, but school has stopped me from that. My favorite series is the 7 realms series or animorphs!38) money or brains?-why not both? Jk, totally brains39) do you have a nickname? What is it?-I am known as meggo the ego, megatron, pookie, and more 🙃40) how many times have you been in the hospital?-for myself? Just a couple41) top 10 songs-I refuse to choose. I love far too many. 42) do you take any medications daily?-nah43) what is your skin type?-tans easy, scars easy, rarely burns. It used to be really dry but I've started taking care of myself. 44) biggest fear?-moths. I hate them. Or something deep and personal like all those that I love suffering and dying, but I don't think about that. Nah45) how many kids do you want?-between 1 and 3. I might foster more than that. 46) what's your go to hairstyle?-I wash it. And then comb it. That's it. (Long live short hair)47) what kind of house do you live in?-a small one with a big yard48) who is your role model?-I have a few, but my mom is first. Then it's other adults I know like a couple local officers and my uncle. After that? Io Tillet Wright 49) already done!50) what was he last text you sent?-it was texting a guy about doing art for his band 51) how old were you when you found out Santa wasn't real?-I have no idea. I think past 8 tho52) what is your dream car?-big. Sturdy. Can drive through any weather and bullets can't penetrate it. Vroom vroom. It's basically the presidents car53) opinion on smoking?-it is nasty and will kill you do not do it54) do you go to college?-I'm still in high school but I take a psych class over at my community college 55) what is your dream job?-CHP officer, possibly a K9 or equestrian unit. That or an air force pilot and then something in space 56) would you rather live in a rural area or the suburbs?-rural. But if I have kids that might be different57) do you take shampoo and conditioner bottle from hotels?-no but I use it when I'm there58) already done!59) do you smile for pictures?-Ye60) how many pictures do your have on your phone?-2,35361) already done!62) do you still watch cartoons?-they're what I prefer63) do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy's or McDonald's?-I,,, don't like chicken nuggets64) favorite dipping sauce?-the butter garlic stuff from little caesars 65) what do you wear to bed?-large shirts give or take a pair of sweatpants. Sometimes just underwear66) have you ever won a spelling bee?-I don't think I've ever participated in one67) what are your hobbies?-riding horses, art, cadet stuff68) can you draw?-yeah. I actually do it allot. 69) do you play an instrument?-the only thing I ever learned to play was the xylophone 70) what was the last concert you saw?-wheezer and panic! At the disco71) tea or coffee?-I am sustained by coffee (but I like tea too)72) Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts?-Starbucks 73) do you want to get married?-I do! It's not my main focus tho74) what is your crushes trust and last initial?-YALL THINK UR SLICK NAH MAN. I HAVE PEOPLE THAT FOLLOW ME THAT WILL KNOW. 75) are you going to change your last name when you get married?-maybe. It just depends. 76) what color looks best one you?-what is,,, fashion?77) do you miss anyone right now?-yeah :/78) do you sleep with your door opened or closed?-IT IS CLOSED AND WILL STAY CLOSED. 79) do you believe in ghosts?-yes. Yes, yes, yes. 80) what is your biggest pet peeve?-people who eat noisily 81) last person you called?-...my mom82) favorite ice cream flavor?-variations of chocolate 83) regular Oreos or golden Oreos?-regular, of course 84) chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?-rainbow ❤️💛💚💙💜85) what shirt are you wearing?-a cal fire shirt that my mom had when she was a firefighter86) what is your phone background?-... the starship enterprise 87) are you outgoing or shy?-mostly outgoing but I'm p laid back 88) already done!89) do you like your neighbors?-the only neighbor I have is my cousin. He's my least favorite cousin. 90) do you wash your face?-yeah, but just with water unless I'm in the shower. I usually wash it in the morning if I'm tired and at night before I go to bed91) have you ever been high?-no sir I am a law-abiding minor 92) have you ever been drunk?-no sir I am a law-abiding minor93) sat thing you ate?-soup. I have a cold. 94) favorite lyrics right now? -uhh,,, you know around 2 minutes into rolling stone by falling in reverse? Yeah. Or all of either closer or sing me to sleep95) summer or winter?-summer has more free time!96) day or night?-I like both for different reasons! In summer I definitely like night more though. 97) dark, milk, or white chocolate?-I love milk chocolate and also like dark chocolate but white chocolate rose from hell in order to be eaten98) favorite month?-uh,, I,, don't know99) what is your zodiac sign? -Leo!100) who was the last person you cried in front of?-I cry in front of no one (my mom probably)THERE I FINISHED IM SO SORRY TO WHOEVER READS THROUGH THIS
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nardaviel · 8 years ago
tell us about kinatsuen
:DDD ty anon! sorry for the delay
1. Who texts more often?
en but they’re usually just weird things he’s thinking about at the time. atsushi texts most often with information or questions that are relevant to their lives. kin-chan rarely initiates texting although he’ll respond if someone else texts him
2. Who is better with kids?
atsushi!! en likes them but they’re exhausting and kin-chan often doesn’t know how to deal with them
3. Who tops/bottoms?
en tops. kin-chan bottoms. atsushi is a switch. sometimes en or kinshirou will do the opposite role but tbh not often
4. How do they eat ice cream? What’s their favorite flavors?
they all get ice cream in a cup. atsushi thinks cones are nice but more trouble than they’re worth, en just thinks they’re a pain especially if you eat slowly, and kin-chan thinks it’s gross how sometimes the ice cream melts over your hand. i think atsushi would adore ice cream with chili in it but i don’t think they have things like that in japan (am i wrong though????? idk) so instead he gets chocolate, or any unusual flavors if they sound interesting. en likes vanilla ice cream with weird toppings, especially manjuu if thats an option like in the game :D kinchan likes green tea ice cream. it doesnt taste like green tea but he still thinks it tastes good
5. Do they go on dates? What are they like?
i dont think they go out on specially designated dates very often. for special occasions maybe like kinchans birthday. he probably wants to go to a fancy restaurant for his birthday dates so those are full of en feeling kind of uncomfortable and out of place, until kinchan catches on and starts getting them private rooms so en doesnt feel judged. … they go out sometimes to do stuff i think? and those are de facto dates even though they werent planned that way, like.. they act cute and in love bc theyre too in love to do otherwise
6. Do they stargaze? Expand.
yes, they go stargazing. but en falls asleep quickly tbh and sometimes he cba to go at all so often its just kinatsu. when its kinatsu, it is sickeningly sweet. i still think that atsushi is the one whos really into astronomy and kinchan just enjoys spending time with atsushi in a romantic setting. there is lots of cuddling. …when en is there, though, he like .. makes up new constellations and speculates about the mysteries of space, &c &c. so its not as tooth-rotting but everyone still has a good time
7. Who’s the laziest?
8. Who complains more?
en tbh but kinchan has his moments as well
9. Who wakes up earlier?
kinchan! atsushi wakes up early too but not kinchan-level early. en .. yeah
10. What do they smell when they smell amortentia?
en: fresh laundry (= clean sheets), the smell of something sweet baking, kin-chan’s soap lololatsushi: curry, green tea bc he associates it with kin-chan, that kind of autumny smell u know when the leaves are falling and its starting to get coolkin-chan: the smell of tea ceremony which may or may not include more smells than just green tea idk, the sweet curry atchan makes him, a faint hint of paint bc en is an artist but too much paint smell is unpleasant
11. Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
LMAO if anyone would do this, en would, but i’m not convinced. possibly kin-chan sets the alarm on en’s phone to something unbearable on a day when en has to get up early
12. Who uses chopsticks/Can either of them use chopsticks?
they’re all japanese so
13. When they can’t sleep what do they do?
kinchan tries to lie there in silence with his eyes closed the way u r meant to do. sometimes that gets results. if it doesn’t, he probably gets up and reads in a different room. atsushi does the same, except when he lies there quietly he’s less likely than kinchan to cuddle up to whoever’s next to him bc he doesn’t want to wake them up. en … ????????????????????? ??????? if he couldn’t sleep he wouldn’t know what to do with himself so he’d just lie there until it happened
14. Who’s clumsier?
probably atsushi. none of them really strike me as super clumsy but i think kinchan is graceful. whereas atsushi can be kind of awkward sometimes im sorry bby
15. Who would hold the umbrella in the rain?
en is the tallest. he’d try to make atsushi do it but atsushi would be like “just hold the umbralla en-chan omg” so he’d do it. he’d whine about it tho. also it’d have to be a big umbrella to fit all of them under it
16. What do they argue about most?
making en do the chores. kin-chan being a snob. those can be kind of rough bc kin-chan is a bit of a classist dick u know so sometimes he unintentionally hurts en’s feelings and then the resultant argument gets kind of messy. kinshirou and en also have frequent arguments about art but they aren’t as emotionally charged
17. Which one is a secret snuggler?
kin-chan. en is an open snuggler. and out and proud snuggler
18. Which one offers their jacket to the other when they complain they feel cold?
atsushi, but kin-chan won’t take it. u keep urself warm, atchan!! en often says the same thing but if he’s really cold he’ll accept it a;ljsdf
19. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
atsushi. en remembers their favorites &c but not every single thing at every restaurant. kin-chan also remembers i think but he doesn’t let on, he just enjoys the feeling he gets when he’s right. it’s warm and fuzzy and also slightly triumphant lmao
20. Who reaches for the other one’s hand while driving?
en … tbh … kin-chan and atsushi are more conscious of road safety!!!! ..but sometimes if the road is straight they take en’s hand when he reaches out lmao
21. Who gets the window seat?
en. he wants to zzz. a couple of times early on kin-chan said no i want the window seat i want to watch the scenery but en was so annoying about not being able to zzz as easily that he just let him take it after that
22. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it say?)
ok this meme really is just like a bunch of questions from other memes all stitched together. this question confirms it. atsushi leaves the notes. they’re cute little cheerful things for kin-chan but they are an extra way for him to nag en-chan. also occasionally en leaves obnoxious things in kin-chan’s lunch if they’ve been arguing or he’s been teasing kin-chan and then kin-chan is mad all afternoon :D
23. Who wakes up first?
24. Who falls asleep while watching a movie?
all these questions about sleeping and waking up like are they even necessary here
25. Who’s prone to wearing socks indoors (or to sleep)?
my first thought was that maybe kin-chan has bad circulation, but he’s an archer… idk if that would help the circulation in his feet, but in any case i’ve changed my mind about that hc altogether. so probably atsushi if anyone
26. Who has bigger cravings?
…. en and kin-chan. possibly kin-chan feels it the most if he goes without tea but like en needs his manjuu ;;
27. Who reminds the other to put on sunscreen before going to the beach (or pool)?
atchan. kin-chan might tell en but he has faith in atsushi’s ability to remember for himself. (atsushi reminds everyone tho including kin-chan)
28. Who carries all the important documents while traveling?
29. Who sneaks in cookies in the shopping cart?
en a;sljkdf
30. Who cooks at 2 in the morning?
n .. o one. i was going to say this sounds like smth en would do but then i was like… why tf would en be awake at 2am…
31. Who gets extremely competitive playing Mario Kart?
…ok so here’s an image for u. en and atsushi are getting intense over mario kart and kin-chan comes in and kind of shakes his head at them but then en invites him to join in and won’t take no for an answer so kin-chan is like ugh fine. but he doesn’t really put any effort into it at first except then he comes in 12th place in the first race whereas en and atsushi come in 1st and 2nd and it is an insult to his pride so he’s like… ok. let’s do this. and en and atsushi are startled! but in the other races he makes it up to like ……….8th place maybe. …which still isn’t good enough for him but he chooses to be disgusted w/ the game rather than w/ himself
32. Who takes longer getting ready?
probably kin-chan? idk i don’t think en or atsushi put unusual effort into getting dressed/getting dressed up. kin-chan might take a little extra time to make sure he looks 100% classy and put together but even he’s not gonna spend an hour or even half an hour getting ready
33. Who likes doing the dishes?
???????????????? none of them. atsushi ends up doing them most often but that doesn’t mean he enjoys it
34. Who points at a dog when they see it?
… no one, but en is the one who says “ah a dog”. but! kin-chan is the one whose face quietly lights up the brightest at the sight of the cute animal. ..as long as it doesn’t get to close bc dogs are slobbery and undignified
35. Who’s prone to road rage?
…kin-chan. why can’t all these imbeciles follow basic traffic laws D
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sabakunoo · 8 years ago
New year thingy late af as usual
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SO. I KNOW IM LATE. NEW YEAR WAS 3 DAYS AGO. but you’ll forgive me because you all love me ( right ?? ) anyway!! I’ve been in this fandom (on tumblr) for approximately 4 months and while I’ve got ups and downs getting into that whole tumblr business, you all have been incredible! Both my followers and my roleplay partners and anyone who ever interacted with me! I would do a follow forever list but it would be hypocritical of me since I have a toc that makes me unfollow people who are inactive after 2+ weeks (unless my biased little ass waits a month because they’re a doflamingo or another muse I REALLY enjoy) so, instead of lying and pretending I’ll never unfollow anyone, I’m gonna make a small thingy for the people I’ve met and who (bless their ass) have made my days so incredible since I joined!
@thesealovesme​ / @shukkou​ / @that one law blog I don’t remember the url of : I wish we interacted more mang. I love how you write your Luffy so much and the dynamic between him and Crocodile cracks me up! I also adored our interactions between Maverick and Noya :’) All in all you’re a great roleplayer and you brightened up my day so many times I can’t even count them anymore. <3
@despairforme​ / @autotoxins​ / @hisashtrayheart​ : T O B Y I love you. Your characterization ( for ALL of your muses ) is incredibly spot on and I love them all to bits. You even made me consider joining the Bleach fandom (but I’m a shy nugget and haven’t watched/ read it in years) because I love interacting with you so much. Even if we don’t do the crossover thing (because I have no idea how an encounter between Nnoi and Croc would end up in something else than a fight) I still love reading your threads on Nnoi and am on the edge of my seat waiting on your Roci and lil clown <3 I love you a lot, thanks for interacting with me <3
@ask-earlobes​ / @burger-face​ / @notarealflamingo​ / @idiothandle​ : Frankyyyyyyy I wish you had more time online but I understand rl is a bitch and we can’t just roleplay every hours of the day. Because trust me I would interact with you every hour of any day any time. You are amazing, I love your muses and your crack stuff. Enel is hilarious and so is your portrayal of Doflamingo, interacting with you is always a delight because of how humorous and lighthearted it is. Thank you and I wish you the best for 2017 <3
@nobedsidemanners​ : I know we’ve just started to interact but ever since I started following evils-champion, I’ve been reading your threads with them and I just --- can I just say that your portrayal of Law is scarily accurate? To be completely honest, Law isn’t even a character I enjoy that much in the One Piece universe, I felt like I was let down post-war and my tiny gay heart still wishes he tampered with Luffy’s body and reveal himself a villain later on ---- but that’s just me. In any case, any time I read you on my dash, my mind is blown with how in character you are. All your threads are amazing and even the one we have started I really love! If anything, you might have rekindled my interest in his character because of how great you are ( I see your Law as even better than the canon one, if that makes sense ). The insights you give about your muse are so detailed and heartfelt I cannot possibly not like your portrayal. I know we didn’t talk ooc but as far as I’m concerned, someone who writes such a « real » muse cannot be anything but awesome. Bless you, I hope you have a great year <3
@magnetiicus​ / @sadiestic​ : I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuu I could write forever about how much I love your Sadie-chan but the first things that comes to mind is a loud, heavy moan because I fucking miss you on my dash. I hope life is treating you well and I can’t wait for us to interact again <3
@ask-sir-crocodile​ and all your other blogs I’m following, which I won’t list here because heavy nsfw. (okay I lied, yall should follow @jiryoku​ and @shichibukkake​ for Crocodile naked goodness. 18+ only) : Laura! I know we haven’t interacted a lot (well IC we never-) but every time we talked I was always on the edge of my seat because you are the FIRST Sir Crocodile I really enjoy (outside of mine because I’m a biased asshole) Your many blogs about him are the highlights of my days all too often and I just want to thank you for all the amazing content you provide to this fandom. Talking about theories with you is a blast and just like some others of my followers who I discuss theories with, you sometimes made me reconsider / tweak my stuff and it’s just so great? In any case, you might not be a rp blog but you totally deserve a spot on my bias list because you’re just really amazing, both IC and OOC. I look up to you a lot and I’m always MIND BLOWN with how handsome you draw that shitty character who took over my life 16 years ago. Bless you and I wish you nothing but the best. Like at least a million dollars and all the love for next year. <3
@evils-champion​ : First of all, How dare you. Your portrayal is just incredible and any time I see you replied to me I’m literally blushing like a DORK and squealing like a god damn schoolgirl who’s crush just told her she had nice braces. YOU ARE SO AMAZING hahahasdlfkjasd;lkfj. Doflamingo is my second favorite character in the serie and you characterize him so well I’m always holding my breath when I read you and then I fangirl for like 2-3 minutes before WALLS OF TEXTS appear in my mind. I always try to tone it down because I could literally write you 4 pages worth of replies with how much I love your Doflamingo.  Thank you for roleplaying with me, thank you for going with my headcanons, thank you for ??? just anything tbh. I love you so dang much okay? I hope you have nothing but the best in 2017. <3
@gravitou​ / @boneavant​ / @hellstrings​ : You have an amazing way around words and I just love to see your writing on my dash. I think you have a real talent with all of your muses too, which adds even more to your appeal as a roleplayer :) I wish we interacted more but I really enjoy seeing you on my dash and reading your stuff, on any of your blogs. Hope you have a great year <3
@shiapolux​ : I know we don’t interact a lot but I find Shia and your art to be absolutely adorable. Croc also thinks that much ;D You’re a gem in this fandom and I’m glad we talk here and there and roleplay as well. I wish you all of what you want in 2017 and then some <3
@scarlethaki​ : IM BIASED FOR UUUUUUUU. I LOVE AKANE SO MUUUUUUUUCH. That sassy piece of shiiiiiit I can’t believe how -- I mean Croc likes her????? even if he pretends not to? I told you many times, I’m not fan of characters who are related to canon but in Akane’s case I just??? completely forget about it lmao. Because her personality is so rich, so flavorful I cannot  do anything but express my love for her. Your OC is, in my opinion, one of the realest , most heartfelt original character in this fandom. Sorry, I don’t mean to depreciate anyone but I just really really really really love Akane. I love a LOT of other OCS but the dynamic between Akane and my muses is just too good for me to ignore. Even with Noya jfc. She’s the kind of character that can pretty much interact with anyone, she would be a very canon One Piece character too, in my opinion. I hope no one feels left out because I said that, my love for your muses is strong and Akane just has a special place in my heart <3
@beastyhound​ :  V A L. Val, I feel you and I are way similar in roleplays. We both have an undying love for darker themes and we both are as masochistic as sadistic with our muses. You are me, I swear. I just love to interact with you both on Croc and Noya, and I’ll probably enjoy it too when I finally get my Blackbeard blog’s going. You are an amazing writer, oh so self-indulgent but tbh there’s nothing I dislike about that. We’re both greedy for what we love and we reap what we sow and I just?? Really love you. Michi is an amazing muse and I want to applaud you for keeping him consistent. I’ve seen many « crazy » ocs in my time who were just crazy for the sake of being crazy but your portrayal is always consistent. God knows how hard it is to have a volatile muse and keep it for long but you do it with such ease ( or so it appears ! ) in your roleplays that I am literally awestruck when I read your replies. I love you so much, I hope you spend 2017 doing all the things you like <3
@missprissyperona / @ask-perona / @peronasnegativehollow​ / @sableofmany​ : PAULA im a terrible friend and I know it. I love your Perona, I love you so much but I have a hard time coming up with replies between Croc and Perona in our threads lately. Croc is just snobbing them and I hate it but I don’t want to give you half assed replies so they’re just sitting in my drafts :C Either way!!!! YOU ARE STILL, TO THIS DAY, THE MOST WELCOMING PERSON IN THIS COMMUNITY. You made me open up to the rest of everyone here because of how social and positively persistent you were in communicating with me. ( for lack of better word, persistent, because I’m terrible at keeping in touch with people but you always come talk to me, which I REALLY appreciate ) I love you a whole damn lot as well as your many blogs and muses <3
@tenaxmiles​ : I don’t have a lot to say here because we only have one thread but I really love Katey on my dash :’) Especially her interactions with Michi and Loni. Rip. Sorry Katey, you’re good angst fodder. 
@worldsmostdangerous​ : - Careless whisper plays in the distance - Ayy gurl ;D . Ah, Helena. I could ramble about how much I love your Dragon for hours. I love the way you portray this obscure character so much. There’s little about him known in canon but I’ll be really disappointed in Oda if he doesn’t base his portrayal on yours.  You gave him life and made me love him and get even more interested in the revolutionary army than I already was because of my headcanons. Bless you and I hope you get everything you want in 2017 and then some <3
@7hits​ / @salamandcr​ : SQUINTS LOUDLY AT U. Gimme the Salamandcr I love her so much. Giant girls who antagonize Crocodile are a+ in my books. LOVE ME. ( I love you ). Wish you an amazing new year <3
@chillin-at-partys-bar​ : I miss Shanks and I miss you! I hope life is treating you well and I hope we get to interact again <3 Our exchanges are either hilarious or angsty af and I love the dichotomy between the two and how the dynamic is evolving. Bless you and I wish you nothing but the best in 2017! <3
@menagerie-rp​ : May I just reiterate my love for your Rocinante? He was a character I didn’t love all that much and didn’t care for, to be honest, but your portrayal made me love him. I love the interactions we had and hope we can rp again in the near future! I know I don’t talk much OOC but just like you I’m a bit of a shy nugget. Either way, I just want to tell you that you are always welcome to interact with me and I will keep sending you memes when I see you pop on my dash because I really love your characterization and you in general <3
@alabasti​ : TRUST ME. BEST VIVI. I’ve been roleplaying Croc for over 11 years and you wouldn’t believe the number of terribly ooc vivi I’ve met in that time. ( Going to celebrate 12 years in february, with Croc as a muse ! ) ANYWAY. I’ve always been turned off to rp with Vivi in general because of all those self-inserting mary sues I’ve met and I was reluctant at first to interact with you because of that but you BRING HER TO LIFE instead of bringing your life into her, which I cannot thank you enough for. I’ve never met such a dedicated roleplayer for Vivi that aimed for something else than getting herself captured and f*cked by Croc :’) And though we have a rp that is similar to that theme, Vivi is still in character and I really, really, really appreciate that. I am interacting with a VIVI, finally, after nearly 12 years. It’s so good I want to sob. Thank you so much and I hope we can have a lot more roleplays in the future. I wish you an amazing new year <3
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