#im so sorry that i dont use ao3 bro
menacetosocietyy · 1 year
dude you are literally one of my favorite blogs and your taste is fice is immaculate. PLEASE tell me any ao3 recs you have, i just made my account and i need more shit to read 😭
I'm so sorry to report that I don't use ao3 bc it scares me on mobile. Too many buttons and options. I only use tumblr :'))
But thank you so so much!! I'll continue with reblogging all the things I enjoy reading and am not too ashamed to share!
I'll rb this with my fav fiction writers in a min bc there's a few lol
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Online Matchup
Summery: Y/n thought it would be fun signing up on dating sites, just for shits and giggles. Who knew that was one of the best decisions they made, especially when they're having too much fun talking to a certain Jason Todd.
warning: swearing, unedited I think, mentions of cancer, fluff, lots of back and forth teasing
word count: 3072
a/n: I promised myself I'd post a fic today, though it's not the one I wanted, I hope you enjoy regardless.
Series master list
Inspired by this:
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September 19
You matched with Jason Todd, say hello!
Y/N So, when you say you're looking for a partner in crime Do you mean, like, rob a bank and fight batman? Or like, cozy up on the couch with the fireplace going while it's raining while we try to finish the books we bought? Cuz, I can do the second one I dont think i could fight batman or any of his kids Or even what to, you know? They’re kind of scary …. well maybe one of them i would fight I say fight but its wont be Oh man, I am so sorry about this. This is not how i wanted to tell you that i am a rambler I’m just gonna see myself out Goodday
Jason Ngl this made me laugh So who would you fight but not really?
Y/N You can’t honestly be interested in who I would fight? No way
Jason Way you seemed interesting and i want to get to know you
Y/N … okay but you need to answer my question first
Jason: Lol fair. And it would be the second one. I too wouldn’t fight batman but for different reasons
Y/N: So you're a fighter?
Jason Nope This isn’t how it works
y/n: Fine but remember, you asked for this
Jason: Okay but it’s not like you have a plan on fighting all the batmans kids so i think im safe
y/n: …….
Jason: Oh shit you do?!
y/n: I plead the fifth
Jason: You just got a little more interesting
y/n: I’m going home
Jason: Damn and here i thought i’d finally found the love of my life
y/n: No, nope Don’t say that The more you talk to me, you’ll find the real me and then want nothing to do with me
Jason: Let me be the judge of that We matched for a reason and i want to find out Don’t you?
Y/n: Aren’t you a charmer Okay fine. 20 questions?
Jason: Sure but after you tell what you would do in a fight with the batfam
y/n: I was hoping you would drop this, damn Alright, you get the honour of telling me who you want to know 
Jason: Nightwing
Y/N: Really? Okay. well first i was thinking of just flirting my way out, but he looks like he’d flirt back and i’m not the best at it to begin with, so I’d just get all flustered Bro’s an acrobat, i aint running from him. I aint running from all of them if i’m being honest. Nah for nightwing, he strikes me as a dork in some way. I’ll talk my way out of it. And if there’s something i’m good at, it’s talking.
Jason: So your plan is to talk circles around him?
Y/N: Yes Once i figure out what type of dork he is, imma talk until he gets confused and then i’ll run away Bro won’t see it coming
Jason: I should tell my brother He’s a huge nightwing fan
y/n: Nooooooooooo No one needs to know i don’t need other people to know how weird i am Especially your family I don't want my first meeting to be ‘hey, you’re that chick that’ll talk nightwing to confusion. Man that was a great laugh’
Jason: You think this will go that far?
Y/N: Honestly? No But i have hope You?
Jason: Ya Anyways, red robin?
Y/N: You skipped red hood
Jason: Saving him for last
Y/N: Fair Hes smart, can’t really talk myself out of that one nor would I flirt He is too young and not my type So i use his weakness
Jason: There’s no way you know that
Y/N: No but I know the dude doesn’t have a regular sleep schedule.
Jason: How do you know that?
Y/N: Back when I worked at a coffee shop, I took his order a few times and watched him down his coffee while it was still hot I asked him once, why? Dude said, and i kid you not ‘sleep is for the week and coffee is god’ Ngl, i laughed and gave him a free coffee just for making my day
Jason: Shit day?
Y/N: Ugh you had no idea. I had two tests that day and a term paper due but i couldn’t get it printed in time so that was late Didn’t help i woke up on the couch, and my body didn’t like that
Jason: You in school?
Y/n: Ya, only two years in but i want it to end
Jason: Not a fan?
Y/N: Eh When did we start playing 20 questions?
Jason: Right, we we suppose to play after you finished your hypotheticals
Y/N: Curses Me and my big mouth Who’s next?
Jason: We’re still on RR
Y/N: Blah right I’ll just bride him with coffee and make a run for it
Jason: The fact that that could actually work is scary Are you sure you’re not a villain?
Y/N: Nope just an engineering student who could fight god with enough coffee and no sleep Honestly, RR’s my spirit animal
Jason: Robin
Y/N: Are you nuts? I’d turn myself in and then some ain’t no way i’m coming up with a plan for him He scares me
Jason: Why?
Y/N: I watched him fight a few times The dude has enough skill and rage to fight the justice league if need be I bet he could kill too He looks like it
Jason: Okay you're not wrong But if you had to come up with a plan, what would it be?
Y/N: Cannot believe you’re making me do this Fine Little dude may have a hard exterior, but years of reading and knowing people like him, he has a soft spot and use that against him
Jason: Do you know what that is?
Y/N: … I am going to die If robin finds this, I am dying by either embarrassment or by his hands
Jason: Come on, you gotta tell me I’m at the edge of my seat here
Y/N: Fine, but if i’m going down I’m taking you with me
Jason: But we’ve only just met
Y/N: Maybe so, but I actually like you But i’m starting to doubt
Jason: Aw come on, little bird
Y/N: Damnit I happened to be walking home and watched him sit in an alley playing with cats Must have been a slow night, he was there for hours
Jason: It was the little bird wasn’t it?
Y/N: So who’s next? Spoiler? Batgirl? The signal? Red hood? Oracle? Well, I wouldn’t fight Oracle, I don’t know who they are but I know they would win so I’m going to stay clear of them No, you know what? I can tell you my answer for all three of them I’d bribe them with cookies or something. Idk if they would take it but that’s my plan. Just straight up bribery. Who could resist cookies?
Jason: That’s your answer to everything huh?
Y/n: Yup
Jason: Even with RH?
Y/n: … He’s different
Jason: How so?
Y/N: Mm, okay but your not allowed to judge Or laugh
Jason: Should I be scared?
Y/N: Depends Anyways, i have a crush on him So I would shoot my shot and if i get turned down then at least I tried
Jason: You have a crush on Red Hood? Out of everyone there is, why him?
Y/N: You’re judging! You said you wouldn’t
Jason: I didn’t say shit Now tell me why him?
Y/N: Hell if I know But have you seen him?
Jason: I have but you don’t even see his face
Y/N: That just adds to the mystic that is Red Hood I just know he’s got a good looking face underneath the mask
Jason: You really are something else
Y/N: Sorry I’m a big fan of RH And I guess I like the thought of a mystery So if you want to end this now, I understand
Jason: Who said anything about ending this?
Y/N: Don’t know, a lot of people who seem interested in me kind of leave after they find out Either they don’t want to compete with a crush that I know have zero chance at or they just don’t like red hood and being with a fan isn’t something they want
Jason: They’re stupid I ain’t leaving for that And who knows, maybe you can shoot your shot one day
Y/N: HA That’s not going to happen I freeze up when I’m near someone I like I’d probably stutter and say something embarrassing and run away No thank you
Jason: Thought it out huh
Y/N: You have no idea Anyways, 20 questions?
Jason: I did promise You can ask a couple?
Y/N: Favourite colour?
Jason: Really? After what I did to you, your going to ask something simple
Y/N: Answer the question Jason
Jason: Green
Y/N: Thank you Favourite food?
Jason: What’s with the easy questions? Give me some hard hitting personal ones
Y/N: I will in time Now, answers please
Jason: Chili dogs
Y/N: Those things are gross
Jason: Hey, they are the pinnacle of street food You just have to find the right places
Y/N: Mmkay, if you say so
Jason: Alright, gonna have to take you to one of my favourite places
Y/N: That right?
Jason: Only way to convince you Where do you go to school?
Y/N: Looking forward to it Gotham University, you?
Jason: Not yet, but trying to Kind of hard when you were declared dead for a while
Y/N: Fucking what?! Gonna need that story
Jason: Nope, gotta reach at least level 10 in friendship to unlock it
YN: Damnit
Jason: Sorry little bird
Y/N: You didn’t need to say it so casually tho Who just mentions, ‘yeah i’ve been declared dead but haven’t done anything’ into a conversation And not elaborate on it This is bullshit, sir
Jason: It has happened to people
Y/N: Yeah, but they tell people why You just Dropped a bomb like that and say, not yet Whatever, i’ll drop it
Jason: You sure? Sounds like it’ll bother you until you get the story
Y/N: Yes I’m sure Yes it will bother me But like I said, I like you and I don’t want to be pushy I’m not a pushy person
Jason: Awe does someone have a wittle crush
Y/N: No You got nothing on RH
Jason: Now that just hurts, little bird
Y/N: Don’t you have a question you need to ask?
Jason: Are you flustered? I feel like you’re flustered
Y/N: Amazing weather we’re having Despite the rain and all
Jason: Alright, I’ll stop with the teasing For now Born in Gotham?
Y/N: No I am from Metropolis, moved here for school
Jason: Any other reason?
Y/N: Yeah, Superman kept destroying my apartment building I’ve moved three times and somehow, he always finds the building I’m living in Minute I graduated high school, I moved
Jason: But why Gotham?
Y/N: Gotham intrigues me
Jason: You’re so weird
Y/N: Thank you Since you’re not in school, what do you do?
Jason: Mechanic Didn’t really want my dad’s help so I’m finding my way in life
Y/N: Not a great relationship?
Jason: You can say that So, engineering huh?
Y/N: Yup I love building and taking things apart Have since I was little
Jason: Gonna change the world?
Y/N: Imma try but can’t really do that while working at luthor corp
Jason: Please tell me your joking
Y/N: Ah, not a fan I see Can’t blame you but I am not It was one of the first places I’ve applied to and hear back right away I accepted before getting my other interviews
Jason: jumped the gun a bit 
Y/N: Yeah I did. I wished I didn’t but oh well I’ll find something better if this doesn’t work out
Jason: Why don’t you quit now?
Y/N: I am a broke college student who needs money If I quit now, I’m not sure if I find someone to take me Plus the hours working there are helping my schooling, so it’s kinda late to switch jobs
Jason: Can’t believe I’m saying this but try wanye enterprise I hear they’re good to work for
Y/n: I plan too eventually But at the moment, this is fine The hours I have now works with my school hours
Jason: How’s working there anyways?
Y/N: Not too bad I guess I’m allowed to work on my own projects as long as I work on the assigned ones The people are nice and all but it could be better
Jason: But you don’t like it there?
Y/N: I don’t like Lex Luthor and what he represents I guess
Jason: So you believe that he’s trying to take down superman?
Y/N: I’ve seen one of their fights Nothing to believe
Jason: Must of been some fight
Y/N: Mm So What did you mean, I can’t believe I’m saying this?
Jason: You can’t be weird about it
Y/N: Oh? I am intrigued
Jason: You’re making it weird
Y/N: I am not It’s not like I said you have a crush on Bruce Wayne or something That would have been weird
Jason: Is this how you felt when I teased you?
Y/N: Paybacks a bitch isn’t it?
Jason: I hate you
Y/N: Okay
Jason: I do
Y/N: You’re deflecting
Jason: Oh my god Fine He’s my dad, well adoptive dad
Y/N: Cool
Jason: That’s it? You’re not going to fawn over him being my dad? Ask me questions about what he’s like? Ask if the tabloids are true?
Y/N: Nope Tbh, I don’t care for Bruce Like, I applaud him for what he’s trying to do for Gotham and all But, seeing him on every magazine everywhere I go gets a bit tiring He’s just another dude that people are obsessed with Who cares if he’s rich Besides, I’m talking to you aren’t I? Who cares about Bruce Wayne I wanna know Jason Todd
Jason: You know? I think I may actually be in love 
Y/N: Stooooooop You can’t say things like that
Jason Why? Cuz you get flustered so easily?
Y/N And if I do?
Jason Gotta say it’s my favourite past time
Y/N So, the reason you don’t have a great relationship with Bruce Does it have anything to do with you being dead or something?
Jason Wow WOW I cannot believe you We go from what's your favourites to hard hitting questions huh? I see how it is
Y/N I told you they were coming
Jason I just didn’t think you’d use it as a deflection tactic
Y/N Yeah I want to say sorry But I’m not I’m sure you would use anything to get attention from yourself
Jason Can’t do positive attention
Y/N Eh
Jason I hear you And yes it is part of the reason why me and Bruce are not in good terms
Y/N Mm, I’m sure he’s trying
Jason In his own Bruce way yeah
Y/N Are you?
Jason I like to believe I am Why the interest?
Y/N I don’t know Maybe it’s the fact that my relationship with my dad isn’t the best
Jason You’re dad’s not Bruce Wayne’s too?
Y/N HA Then I would not be talking to you in this fashion
Jason That is true So then what?
Y/N My mom says we are too similar to each other Got the same attitude and all I believe it Growing up, it was all your useless and you’ll amount to nothing Or he’ll ignore me, and I’d prefer that over the degrading Only time he’d show his affection was if he was drunk
Jason Wow Sorry 
Y/N Yeah It’s gotten better since I moved out Now it’s there, and I’m still processing 
Jason Processing what?
Y/N Mm It’s a pretty heavy topic to get into with someone you just met
Jason Can’t be worse than me being dead for months
Y/N Months?! How many?
Jason Oh damn You are a lot easier to talk with then who I normally socialize with
Y/N I shall take that as a complement
Jason As you should And no, I will not be elaborating 
Y/N Alright fair But I will get the story
Jason Mm, I’m sure you will So? Gonna answer my question
Y/N Last year he was diagnosed with cancer Not sure what it is, but it already spread
Jason How long did the doctors give him?
Y/N He didn’t want to know Can’t blame him for 
Jason Sorry about that
Y/N Yeah
Jason You don’t sound to hurt about it
Y/N Like I said, still processing it so I don’t know how to feel With the childhood I had, I don’t know how too But I know when it comes down to it, my emotions will hit me like a truck when the day comes
Jason Well, soak up as much time as you can before you have any regrets
Y/N Trying to He is just making it impossible Whoo boy! That was a lot of emotion for one night I think I’m going to eat some ice cream and binge watch my favourite show
Jason Sounds fun, wish I could join but I promised my brothers with help
Y/N How many do you have?
Jason Do you read anything about the Wayne family?
Y/N Nope What I know about him is what is whispered between my classes and work and even then I don’t listen to them
Jason Really committed on not caring about him, huh Four brothers and three sisters
Y/N Big family
Jason Bruce likes to adopt
Y/N I can tell Anyways, have fun tonight
Jason I’ll try Would you be interested in talking some more?
Y/N I would love to
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skulls-soul · 1 year
Well that was unexpected
On Ao3
I 100% recommend reading it before reading the rest of this post because I’m gonna go off on how much I love it what I love about it and more specifically the auto filling that my brain did while reading it because I think it’s absolutely hilarious
Did you read it? read it. good, isn’t it great!
the relationship between Bowser and his family is so fucking adorable especially when all of the kids tackled Bowser into a group hug oh my goodness and when Kamek started being a cheeky little Old Man giving bowser a knowing grin because he’s like (this bitch gay good for him..good for him)
Bowser‘s over here getting really flustered because he knows Kamek is right
Also the things that Luigi says internally got me cackling each and every single time
Especially when he asked Bowser to step on him!!!! I’m DEAD literally RIP
Poor Bowser is even more of a flustered mess because he’s reading Luigi’s mind and he has to keep it all to himself because if not that would be a dead giveaway (also I’m pretty sure Mario would be furious to find out that Bowser was invading his brothers privacy like that even if it was kind of on accident)
I really love that there was a song recommendation to listen to while reading the racing scene it made my brain go brrrr
Also relatable as fuck because sometimes when I’m listening to music it helps me get into the mood for writing especially when it’s music that goes along with what I’m writing (if that makes sense)
But my favorite scene of all time has to be a tie between Luigi saving daisy or when Bowser asked Luigi officially out on a date.
Because Luigi saving Daisy was a real treat I love it when I get to see Luigi being an absolute badass that he is
But also when Bowser gave a kiss on Luigi’s hand I couldn’t NOT grin from ear to ear I think that would be physically impossible and if you were able to that’s a flex 
When Bowser asked Luigi on a date and Luigi was basically like “dead ass?” this is where my brain auto filled because I imagined Luigis internal thoughts just being
Speaking of Daisy absolutely love her in this and can totally see her and Luigi having a little sleepover squealing like teenage girls as Luigi tells Daisy everything that happens and also scold Daisy for being the one who gave away the fact that he was crushing
Even though it’s because Bowser had the ability to read Luigi‘s mind Daisy did say things that Luigi could definitely use as a (this is probably when he found out) moments “when you made a joke about the gym date or called us lovebirds!!! of course he would find out!!!”
Daisy would only cackle in response
I think the cherry on top though Has to be Luigi giving Bowser a little kiss on his cheek to only then have Mario’s reaction with him being like “Luigi what was that?!?!?”
Oh boy I can’t even begin to imagine the brother’s conversation that there going to have after luigi did that. although I do know one thing that it’s probably hilarious!!!
Also imagine with me, Kamek being an absolute fan girl in the background and giving Bowser a thumbs up 
There all dorks and I love them
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lostdrarryfics · 11 months
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THE BIG FIND 2023: Day 9
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s anniversary. Below is the Day 9 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
9.1 i’ve read this explicit fic once on ao3. honestly I barely remember anything except for draco saying “ah there’s my pretty cock” or something when he saw harry’s dick (im sorry for the words), they were about to have sex, and I think they’ve got an established relationship already.
9.2 Draco is sort of an assistant around Hogwarts, post-war, and Harry recently started teaching there. And Hagrid tells Harry about how Draco was really subdued because he was tortured and found in the forest or something, and Harry decides to try talk to him more. I think there’s a part where Harry goes to Draco’s class and he startles him and he dropped some potions, and panicked. It’s on ao3 I think, no more than 50k.
9.3 i was looking for a fic where they’re both Aurors and friends, working on a case. i read it 2-3 years ago and all i remember is one specific scene where they were at draco’s apartment on a couch and he was pining and thinks it would be easier to deal with his feelings if they were entirely physical, but they’re not because harry is in his pyjamas. harry also makes him tea in his house a lot. i think it was on the shorter side? probably not over 90k.
9.4 I’m looking for a fic where hp is finally gaining confidence in 4th yr and accidentally meets dm through the qddwrldcup as well as his younger sister he then meets him again in hogwarts as he is a very intelligent student who is recommended by the pres/headmistress. i dont recall anything else except Sirius and Remus were in hp’s life, hp and dm spent some time 2gther in the forest to heal his sis and himself. they liked eachother from that first meeting but more of a crush. I think dm’s younger sister was called Lyra, hp spoke to bill weasley and got a snake earring from him, I remember moonlight or something moon in the title. Fic is not double trouble by babythelady
9.5 im looking for a creature fic where draco is taken into a elf/veela village with severus as his mother and he has half-brother drake malfoy. harry is VERY interested in draco and he is a creature too but icr what. ik draco was very controlled of his emotions but harry always teased him to make him blush. there was also non-con with his step-bro drake and karkaroff i think and cissy was a bitch in this story.
9.6 Searching for a fic I read on ao3. I don’t recall if there was specific year they were in or if it was a multi year fic, but they were still in their Hogwarts years. Draco was fully helping them. I think Sirius and Remus were there and together, but I could be remembering wrong. A huge battle, I think the final one, went down on the ground of Malfoy Manor. Snape revealed himself as a spy to Voldemort in the battle, facing him himself.
9.7 So the fic I’m looking for is a multi chapter fic where Draco is pregnant and he stays with the golden trio and I think that they (H and D) redecorated the place. Harry and Draco have a fight Draco tries to put a newborn scorpius to bed but he keeps crying for harry so harry comforts Draco and Scorpius, and Draco says he’s a bad dad and harry reassures him. Harry wakes up to Scorpius calling him dada (I think) and finds out that Draco, Ron and Hermione have been teaching scorpius to say that.
9.8 pretty sure it was on fanfiction.net but it’s possible that it was transferred to wattpad. It is complete and I’m pretty sure it had chapters. It’s an au set at Hogwarts in fifth year (no umbridge) where Harry and Draco are mind linked because of a bad mix of spells on the train home at the end of fourth year. Draco’s been having dreams that he consistently dies in while Harry is there. They learn that they’re connected and start talking to each other in their dreams and in their minds during school. snape is his godfather and tries to find potions to help him but doesn’t not know that Harry is apart of it. I remember it being very specific about one potion tasting like raspberries. Draco gets into a few fights with an older bigoted Slytherin and it is a known fact in this fic that he does not respond well to magical healing. He also claims that Harry is stalking him and then is made fun of for being paranoid. It also gets found out that Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George cursed Draco and his friends on the train the pervious year and are brought to Dumbledores office with Snape and McGonagall. Draco’s parents are super protective and they as well as snape set up something called SASHA which is to help slytherins who don’t want to participate in the second wizard if war to safe harbors. They drug the food in the middle of the night and remove the students who signed up. Blaise stays behind to be with Draco but most other named Slytherins from the books leave. Draco and Harry have a falling out over this. Sirius and Remus are boyfriends in this but are very minor characters and I don’t think are listed as a pairing although it’s implied in the fic. Dumbledore is blatantly evil as is mad eye moody and is trying to find out where the missing kids are. Draco is kidnapped and is severely injured. Harry wants to help find him but is told that he’s done enough and is put back to sleep. Remus tries to advocate for dumbledore to help find him by saying that when Remus taught him he was a really bright kid and Dumbledore brushes him off and says something along the lines of ‘we can’t save every kid, if he comes back alive we welcome him with open arms, if not…’ and Remus and Sirius are dumbfounded. Remus and Sirius break in to the hospital wing after the malfoys show up and have Harry talk to Draco through their connection to find out where he is. Narcisa is wildly powerful and finds him somewhere out of the country (I think New York, it was something on a license plate). He gets brought back and everything’s alright. Then it’s revealed that Dumbledore planned the kidnapping.
9.9 Drarry adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” or “What You Will”. I’m not sure if the author actually mentions it but I remember thinking that when reading it. The Twins are Draco and Luna, but they aren’t actually twins in this fic, they are strangers that just met that looks alike. Even down to their butt because I remember a funny conversation about one being the model for a butt pad and the other wearing it. The plane or some kind of transportation they met on crashes. Harry is like Duke Orsini in which he is trying to woo someone (I can’t remember who) with the help of Draco who I think is amnesiac. It gets fuzzy from there, but cue lots of mistaken identity hijinks. I think Blaise is that old friend that keeps harassing Draco to get something back.
9.10 Harry is DADA Professor at Hogwarts. He goes by Evans instead of Potter. He also doesn’t look like Harry Potter. Most of the school doesn’t know he is really Harry Potter. McGonagall knows his true identity as well as Teddy. I don’t remember who else knows. Teddy is a first year and he becomes friends with Draco Malfoy’s son. I don’t remember if his name is Scorpius or if it was something else. I also don’t remember which house they were sorted into. I think it was Gryffindor. I do know they are in the same house. Harry is Scorpius father but he doesn’t know it at first. Scorpius doesn’t know who is other father is but he knows what he looks like because he has a picture of him that he got from Draco. I have been looking for this story for a couple of years. I worry it has been deleted. I read it on fanfiction.net or a03
9.11 Sirius rescues Harry from Dursleys as a toddler and raises him? Harry and Draco become best friends (so adorable) and James and Lily are ghosts in the fic (ig?) . Also there’s a scene where they play pretend house where Harry is dad Draco is mom and Ron their dog? I think Pansy is the daughter.
9.12 looking for a fic that had a young harry and a death draco. it had gentleman in the title (i think it was the death gentlemen something). gloves and hand holding play an important role in the story. i think death draco leaves harry for a bit and they meet up again later
9.13 just remembered this fic i read a long time ago. i can’t remember if it was in ao3 or wattpad. it was set post hogwarts. harry is at least partly raising teddy and is lonely. he ends up finding draco and draco runs a center for lgbtq+ witches and wizards. a few former teachers are in it. teddy is struggling and thinks he is trans but isn’t sure but one day at the park wants to wear i think a dress, if it wasn’t a dress it was feminine presenting and other parents and kids make fun of him so harry immediately brings him to the center and everybody makes him feel better. obviously drarry gets together. there is also a pride-esqe thing that happens.
9.14 It’s about after the war, Harry and Ginny split up so he lives in a house which is attached to one side of the forbidden forest. One day, he meets Draco in the forest, keeps going back to talk with him, and falls in love. Draco later takes Harry to a lake and reveals that he’s committed suicide and was not real (a ghost maybe). It then ended with Harry committing suicide to be with him by also drowning in the lake.
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that-starry-freak · 14 days
fictional crush list? X3
I dont know who you anons are but I love all of you (if its multiple people)
Okay, wooo... shit guys, I'm going to be outing myself here. And its gonna be a long one, strap in
Shadomilk cookie (cookie run) i know nothing about it but my friend showed me him and- woo bro
Angel Dust (hazbin hotel) i wanna treat him right and also he's kind of hot and also pathetic I want to squish his cheeks and swaddle him up and tell him he's alright
Eclipse (tsams) I'm sorry I love him, I can't not
Dark Sun (tsams) ... no comment
Nexus (tsams) Aahajsnshnsansn
Solar (tsams) sometimes? Idk I've been liking him less. Like I like him, I'm just not as obsessing over his character cause he was my favorite before any other so now I'm burnt out
Earth (tsams) nsisnsjsn tall woman
Sundrop and Moondrop (fnaf:sb) i love them thats all I have to say
Zuix (H.A.R.M. by @theindescribable1) I have feelings chat, I have feelings
Kc and Solar flare (but from Highly Unconventional but we make it work by XandreIsYes on ao3 [its good but rated explict!!!], @/alexandraisyes here) bro I'm so jealous of Sun I can't even
Etheretch (my friends character, not on here) God i want him
Sol (gitm) chat... chat listen- he's been growing on me oh my god-
Sunspot (gitm) I used to see him as a brotherly figure but bro... listen- chat- chhaat- hear me out-
Misuta (gitm) gah... moons
Fool (gitm) silly guy. Silly little guy- .... silly BIG guy
Moon (but from Dealer choice by Certified_handler) ... listen im so so fucking far behind i gave up on reading it becuase lack of motivation. Like get me wrong its really good I just- eh. Not eh to the story, eh to reading it. Idk it doesn't make sense. Anyway Moon from it is really fucking hot
Sun (but from Dealers choice) .... listen-
Fayrouz (Qualia Automata by team 6x111) i know nothing about her my friends have just showed me pictures and augh... women
Arlecchino (Genshin Impact) i know nothing about her my friends have just showed me pictures and augh... women x2
Those are all the ones I can remember. I used to have crushes on Vox from hazbin hotel, Jax from TADC, and old moon from tsams, but not anymore- vox still a little but eh
Also dont- there's no kind of type(s) here nope- no siree- heh-
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21ducky · 10 months
Suggestions for fan fics?
I can't directly link them which sucks but I can list them! :D Duplicate The Terror by Lord god: Nightmare gets the worst luck imaginable before things get better. I haven't finished it tho and I dont think it's completed. Edit: Read it read it read it. I'm shaking right now holy snickers SWAPPLATES SWAPPLATES SWAPPLATES SWAPPLATES SWAPPLATES I LOVE IT SM hvftgybhubuhctfvgyhj 2nd edit: AHHHHHHHHHHH crying crying crying crying crying noooooooooo :[ 3rd edit: Just finished and- READ IT!! bro it's so good DDDDD:
For The Forgotten Ones by Im Sorry Buddy: I stopped reading it but it was really good! A lot of Ink, quick warning for my bud, JB, p sure Ink gets a happy ending.
Corrupted Rebirth by SoothingEpione: Another Nightmare one! But he's now a smoll corrupted lil guy :] And Dream's the bad guy :0 Also really good imo
It's Just A Game by HTSan: Read this one if you're 1. A Classic Sans lover. Or 2. Like interactive stories where it acknowledges you as a player and only shows you what it wants you to see >:] (Use your imagination to fill in scenes it doesn't show you!!) Stupid Little Puppy by Psychochair: A hurt no comfort oneshot with Cross! Has made me cry twice. Have fun :)
How Nightmare Became Dadmare by TopazShadowwolf: Another Nightmare one?? Very good, Goat story, I love it SO much. Nightmare fluff. Very great.
Hey you, AU! by Spiffysiffy: The Bad Sanses! Except every Sans is extremely ticklish. Very fun regardless.
And also, Reapertale comic -> Reapertale
All of the other ones can be found on AO3, ✨enjoy✨
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fearowkenya · 1 year
Ocean Wave
"Listen, I know what it’s like, to be searching aimlessly, with no idea how to find what you’re looking for. Goin’ ‘round in circles and driving yourself nuts, over ‘n over ‘til you lose track of where you’ve been. Who you’ve met, ‘n… who you are." Dracmon wasn't always by Kaito's side. Which begs the question: part 1 - footprints in the sand Who was he, before the arrival of his other half? part 2 - a winding current And what was he doing, on that fateful day?
Part 1 has been posted! a friend informed me that tumblr dot shit apparently doesn't put your stuff in tags properly if there's an outgoing link in the body of the post, so the ao3 link is in the source!!
again yeah im not posting the fic on here , im not wrestling with format again etc etc etc
so this is a 2-part thing where im going over who dracmon was before kaito, and what he was up to the day they met, and how they eventually found each other.
after seeing all endings, one of the things that stuck out to me the most was that there's like... no rhyme or reason to how much the digimon know about themselves and their world. i LOVE that shit, because i love to go looking for meaning that may not even be there.
in my authors note at the end i talk about how i think its fascinating that agumon knows absolutely fuckall about the history of his world, but he knows SO many digimons names and their personalities. bro why!!! i dont know!!
and then by contrast, falcomon knows a HUGE amount about how kemonogami live and what sets them apart from one another. he doesn't know everything, and certainly not as much as jijimon, but when you look at like... agumon and lopmon, they seem just as clueless as the kids about who they are. theres a scene early on where falcomon's explaining how some digimon are capable of reasoning and others arent. i thought to myself, what makes it so?
that exact line of questioning is responsible for the first half of ocean wave. why do some digimon know more than others? why can't some talk? why do some seem to have such faulty memories? i took all these questions and used dracmon to walk myself through some possibilities.
in like, part 2 or 3 or something, dracmon mentions that he doesnt like how definitely-normal-human-woman-and-not-arukenimon is looking at the kids and says that she looks at them like a predator hunting prey. Bestie Why Do You Know What That Looks Like. so i made up why. stuff like that is soooo much fun!
the second half of ocean wave is entirely inspired by me being mad that everyone got a champion evo sequence except for kaito. like what do you MEAN. did he have a nice evo sequence, it just happened offscreen, or could it be something else? i took the something else route and im really looking forward to not shutting the fuck up about it when i post part 2. also sorry for putting this in the kaito tag when hes not even here yet. but i figure if you like kaito you probably also like dracmon?? anyway
thanks for reading!
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nightmare8-420 · 2 years
Call me J
Pronouns are he/him but they and it are fine too
I like screaming into the void known as this hellsite
somehow am still lonely while having friends
i draw and post it here sometimes
I call this an ed/sh blog but its relly just my shitty life™️ i wont ever post body checks of me or someone else. Everything that could potentially trigger someone should have a tw on it, if not lmk. I dont promote anything in my shitty life. probably not a safe space for ppl in recovery, love yall, just dont wanna trigger you
B0mblover is my writing/sometimes art blog
killmeplese34 (yes its spelled like that) is my sh blog bc worried abt being t worded
free Palestine🇵🇸
im a minor so please dont be too weird
i want to bash my head in in pavement
feel free to spam if youd like, it doesnt bother me /gen
as of feb 24 2024 im learning chinese (simplified) i might post in it, please correct me if i mess up
Dni list:
ablest “people”
pedos (does that need to be said?)
conservatives (american ones specifically bc ive heard its different in other places we will not get along)
pro “life” “people”
government in general (i will call a crack head next time bc YALL DIDNT FUCKIN SHOW UP)
Do not ask me about
•gun control (im too confused on it to have a proper stance)
•for help financially (sorry but i legit cant do jack shit about it besides reblog bro im broke af)
•real advice (i can try to help but i make things much worse)
•how i feel about Kunai Tadashi (i mean you can just it will be long)
•every illegal thing ive done (FUCK YOU FBI YOULL NEVER CATCH ME as i post my ip address)
Email3: (professional shitttt) [email protected]
Instagram: Insane_268_2
Discord: mocchi59
(ao3 will be hopefully added if i ever make an account)
Tags, if you need to block smth (or need an index)
•idiot ass drawing (drawing)
• j’s a bloody mess (selfharm/blood)
• j isnt suffering for once? (my infrequent high points)
• j’s crying and listening to music (music)
• j’s guchiry posting again (guchiry)
• j is down bad as fuck and doesnt know how or deal with it / really any variation of it (me being down bad for a certain someone and handing it poorly, i made the tag as a joke and just kept using it) (is private)
•cooking with j (me cooking gross shit seeing if it tastes good)
•j answers (new tag, “answering” asks)
•j watches alice in borderland tag ig (its what it sounds like.)
im mostly into
Guchiry /ぐちり
Hiiragi Kirai / 柊キライ
Alice in Borderland (only pirated dw)
And ¿?(wada shimon)
and i have severe trauma so i sometimes post about that 👍
I wish you luck
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likesaly · 1 year
!!The hackers(minus Tobari since you already did her) for the ask game
My favorite thing is definitely the design. I know I've been saying that alot w other characters but like can you blame me?? My least favorite thing (I dont't rlly have anything but if I had to say) but his personality kinda just being generally loud it kinda scares me /lh Favorite Line: "Giga-dull, man." brOTP - Hiyu; I think they get along pretty well they just put up w alot of banter kinda bashing each other affectionetly OTP - N/A nOTP - N/A I don't rlly ship Nomiya w anyone nor see anything but I don't have issues w anything as long as its healthy and legal. A random HC is Jin, Hiyu, Nomiya and Azusa hang out w/ each other. An unpopular opinion; I think he could use a little more fleshing out but its forgivable. A song I associate w him is We appreciate Power by Grimes (I just think of all of the hackers w this song so expect this to be copied and pasted!)
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My favorite thing is the fact he's a little shit. I love him for that; Hes my favorite 1bh kid (I cannot deal w the others /source /lh) My least favorite thing probably how he treats Kotora but it's comical but like poor Kotora /lh Favorite Line: "I'm the amaaazing Kirai Nasuga." brOTP - Sagara bc I feel like Sagara would take a liking to Kirai and get info abt Izuchi bc she thinks Kirai's willing to betray the organization /LH OTP - N/A nOTP - N/A A random HC I have is that Kirai has a habit of subconsiously mimicking his brother and everyone finds it endearing but him Unpopular Opinion: I think he's a sweet kid just too much influence from Izuchi And for song? We appreciate power by Grimes! (my hc theme for hackers fr)
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My favorite thing about him is his personality; Same reason for Toukai; Just a tired guy trying to get by. I don't really have a least favorite thing about him tbh Favorite Line(s): "Umm… She's a little scary, perhaps." "Wha?! She's with the police?" "T-That's still plenty qualified…" (IM SORRY I FIND IT FUNNY THAT KOTORA IS LIKE INTIMDATED BY LIKE BASICALLY MIKADO'S KID / SIBLING (Dude its okay I like you dw) ) brOTP - Chino and Haruya + The Nasuga brothers - I feel like he's a family friend of them and thats why they go to him to basically babysit since he's known the families for a good while and helped them out in the past. OTP - Kotora x Mikado I think they are a silly couple /source /pos nOTP - N/A (Dont rlly have a strong opinion on this considering he doesnt rlly have any to be against) My unpopular opinion; Why the fuck is Kotora so underrated like dude hes the fucking realest in the game?? He needs justice bro </3 And the song? We appreciate power by Grimes! (we all that coming at this point) Favorite Image:
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My favorite thing about him is he committed foreshadowing crimes throughout the whole game its so funny to replay bc of it /lh My least favorite thing (this is /lh and /t) The fact he fucking put a fucking temp tattoo on his pants; I am not letting him live that down Favorite Line: "Hm. We may not be direct siblings, but maybe we do have a connection." brOTP - Nanashi and Misane Aira + the Potetes; He pretty much willingly let them stay in the apartment so they are the roomates ever (I have a hc that aira and the potetes stay in bc mikado let them in due to being homeless and get along well w Misane and Nanashi) OTP - Mikado x Kotora (alr explained previously!) nOTP - ...Whatever the fuck was going on on ao3 (vaguing the same person from the last post). Iykyk and its just what the fuck. My unpopular opinion is why did the fandom pick him to be like the one everyone's down bad for bc like imo the girls r prettier (The fandom is fucking sleeping on Kirara, Tobari and Future Izuchi etc) - Sincerely a raging bisexual For song choice We appreciate power by Grimes and Kingslayer by Bring me The Horizion ft Babymetal (this mainly for Babymetal's part when translated which is why I linked the lyric video there)
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ambrose-d · 1 year
ohhhh this is hard. some of my opinions on rwby ships are #problematic but like. idc rosegarden - 9/10 if ozpin wasnt there it would be a 10/10. i just really think its cute. also the children forced into the war when theyre waaay too young? angst potential rich farmers - i dont have a ranking for this one but like. i think its interesting lol cloqwork orange - i read a fic (my own worst enemy by elektricangel on ao3 go check it out) and holyyyy shit. its roman/ozpin/qrow. i am literally frothing at the mouth thinking abt it arkos - angst <3 hummingbird - i am a qrow is rubys dad truther. also i like goth x prep fair game - holyyyy shit. this one is also angst but its ALSO so good nuts and dolts - i think i just like angst ships rosebird - they explored each others bodies
now onto the ships i dont like. i am not ashamed of my tastes in ships. im not including the weird ones like an adult x child or incest bc. yk. that is common sense
bumbleby - its overrated and it sucks im sorry. i just cant imagine a world where its cool gelato - they are SIBLINGS your honor. also roman was an adult when neo was still in school if i remember roman holiday correctly. its honestly kinda weird literally any neo ship i think - in my heart shes aro <3 silent knight - STOP SHIPPING HER WITH JAUNE white knight - STOP SHIPPING HER WITH JAUNE white rose - its SO bland bro why do people ship it lancaster - they arent romantic they are close friends why does everyone see two close friends and ship them dude
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distinguishablesong · 28 days
me!! intro!! huzzah!!!
hi guys. it is i, juni. here are key facts about me with my main interests.
dream smp:
i am a c!dream apologist. i am also not a c!dream apologist. i think he's neat. he is my favorite in dream smp. no chat i dont excuse his horrible actions. maybe. idk.
im sort of? c!tommy neg/critical but also i love that kid because who doesnt. so im tommyfannotfan.
i like technoblade. philza. maybe a punz or two. endersmile, rivals-duo, staged-duo, doomsday-trio, and (healthy, brotherly, non abusive) disc-duo/primeboys my beloved.
c!dreamnoblade shipper, dni if ur going to hate me for liking it. thanks
heathers (musical, going to watch the movie soon):
heather chandler apologist. i don't like veronica. at all. nor jason dean. sorry, guys.
polyheathers & chandlamara. dukesaw if i feel like it.
to add onto previous point - i am a very big chandlamara shipper. i love those two, man.
piggy (roblox):
willow defender and tio enthusiast. neutral-ish on the rest of the cast. favorite duo is probably willow and tigry after hidden ending where they talk it out like real bros
minitoon please i need the willow+tigry spinoff but i need them to be siblings and they find william and they live happily ever after.
camp camp (roosterteeth):
i LOVE max. maxanmxmamxmaxmmxam
masha (max and sasha) shipper. not nsfw because they're kids and i really don't like darkships (have i said darkshippers dni? maxvid shippers too.) neutral on most other ships
i dont like gwenvid, not gonna lie
im also a nurf liker. gaylord, i love you.
i am really awkward. i inwardly cry at social interactions. im sorry but prolonged social times make me want to sob
i use they/them. calling me "girl", "bro", "dude", etc is fine. unless you actually want me to be a girl or dude or something not they/them. then no
ao3 account
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lovphobic · 9 months
i kinda feel bad venting about this but i was shopping for books and i texted a friend asking for recs and they were like oh i read fanfic instead because i know what im getting and its free.. i felt my soul die inside
bro i am SO sorry lmfao 😭😭😭 thats such a.......... idek what word id use for this. hey im looking for new books to read. oh have you heard of to steal the stars its enemies to lovers yadda yadda. oh who's it by. oh its fanfic. its fanfic its on ao3. is that not what u asked for i gave u recs. why ar e u mad its literally free u dont have to spend money on it. why are u leaving
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kristiliqua · 1 year
i have been constantly thinking about the damn taz au recently im so ill man
i want to talk about it . so bad . like aaaaaaaa i have some specific bits that i really love but dont wanna spoil at all but RHRHRRRRHHGH FUCK !!!!! i just .,, taz!tallulah . thats it . thats all im saying . i love her :(
also i originally made scott smajor be leon the gachapon guy , but i am now making him be badboyhalo . because Fuck scott smajor ^_^ i am not having a weirdo like him in my au lmao (also bbh is just perf for leon)
also man oh man half the fun for this au for me is simply coming up with chapter titles . ive made it a thing where they have to be srs and rhyme with another bit (thatll go in the ch summary) and boyyy oh boy r they fun to hatch out :D i’ll give u all one just for fun — one that easily comes to mind is “trust or forsake, which will you take? (an eye, an ability, or a life at stake?)” :3 yippee (there are so many chapter titles on god . its a miracle that i actually enjoy coming up with them or else i’d be fucked LMFAO)
also taz!missa is a thing now too . a minor character , but he’s there . bc i said so :)) (taz!deathduo is real btw ur welcome)
man can you tell i really just wanna ramble and gush abt this au . bc i really just wanna ramble and gush abt this au ,,, i love it like it is my baby and i will cherish it forever
frowny face . i want to post Something for this au on ao3 already (i have so many snippets just written bc ,,, i had to let out the energy somehow) but i also dont wanna spoil shit before the actual fic so ????? i guess i’ll suffer . and or just rant abt it on here , el em ay oh
i havent even fully written anything thats for sure gonna be in the main fic (well maybe thats a lie . i have so many snippets that im sure one of them will be usable at some point) . i wrote chapter one (and two ?) a While back , but im def not using that lmfao
jusssst . sigh . i love this au sm and im So sorry to my qsmp followers who followed me for qsmp fanarts and ended up getting a ramble abt some au u dont know or care abt LMAOOO — just ignore this , smile .? or join/spectate my brainrot as i slowly lose my mind , idk
,, also . have i ever said that i made fantasy costco be ‘fantasy tescos’ instead ? bc i did , since in my eyes tescos is just the british version of costco ,,, even though i dont Really know what tescos is , or if its at all similar to costco (im american pls forgive me) but they sound similar so idc (,,, i havent even gone to costco either , actually . im just balling it out here fr)
oh yeah i was thinking abt making a pogtopia wilbur slash vilbur arc thing for taz!wilbur in a particularly long arc in the story (cough cough stolen century cough cough) too ,,,,, so that might be a thing . idk . maybe bro kinda loses it in those hundred years , bc fucking hell how r these mfs still sane after that /hj (its like he becomes apathetic as he sees all of it as meaningless and futile . bc these ppl and this world is gonna die anyway , so what purpose do morals or any kind of care serve ? theyll be gone in a year anyway , it rlly doesnt matter what happens to them before then [later , he Does snap out of it . maybe after a more emotional death hmm who knows] . plus paranoia with the whole impending doom thing el oh el couldnt be me) . methinks i’ll maybe write smth for this idea (smth that u all might never see lmao) . smiley face :))
anyways fuck it this is the end of this long ahh post . beeye
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Listening to Omori music during the climax was a BAD IDEA because it made my emotions x10 worse and im SUFFERING. I AM CRYING AND WEEPING AND SCREAMING AND MY MOM IS PROBABLY QUESTIONING MY SANITY BUT OH MY GOD, THIS CHAPTER WAS INCREDIBLE! I would be a lot more insightful if i could but this chapter has rendered my brain into a screaming blob of tears because AHHH THIS CHAPTER MADE ME CRY SO MUCH
FROM THE FLUFF TO THE ANGST TO THE DREAD I FELT AT THE END. I WAS SCREAMING THE ENTIRE TIME, ESPECIALLY AT Y/N TO NOT GO TO THE SAFEHOUSE but alas, ECLIPSE GOT TO THERE FIRST. The man is so scary and terrifying and i feel SO conflicted for liking him because hes the bad guy! BAD STUFF IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN TO HIM WHY DO I FEEL BAD- AND OH MY GOD, THE SCENE WHERE Y/N THREATENED ECLIPSE???? brO THAT WAS ONE OF THE BEST SCENES IVE READ! It really just gives me a peek into his noggin and seeing how his obsession works and GOD, IT WAS SUCH A FASCINATING THING TO SEE AND READ. AND WHEN HE LEAPT AFTER US BEFORE WE SHOT HIM IN THE FACE?? i felt so flattered- BUT DAMN THAT WAS SO SMART OF Y/N! (and very dumb of Eclipse because that man is a huge simp)
But the scene where the detectives try to chase after Y/N??? THAT SCENE TOOK THE CAKE, I ABSOLUTELY THRIVED IN IT. I dont know why i love the 'person chases after another' type trope, bUT BRO THAT SCENE WAS INCREDIBLE! From Moon almost pleading to Y/N to stop running, showing that he isnt angry and might even be a sign of vulnerability?? To Sun trying to grab Y/N by the shoulder which made me think he was trying to grab them affectionately yet still showing how desperate he is to catch them?? And Y/N running from all of this because of how scared they are of the truth?? And with the fact they just ran off without trying to conceal themselves really shows how much they werent thinking right. That scene has to be my favourite one in this entire chapter! Overall, this entire fic was AMAZING AND INCREDIBLE AND DOWNRIGHT PERFECTION!
Im sorry for ranting so much! I wouldve ranted on ao3 but i dont have an account, and im sorry if i misinterpreted or dissected certain things wrong (i am not a licensed surgeon unfortunately-) but i just wanted to show you all my love! Now if youll excuse me, ill go back into my grave since that last scene killed me
The good news is you don't have to be a licensed surgeon! Everything you dissected was a treat to read!! ♥ ♥ ♥
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tauremornalome · 4 years
jc/lwj? this had not occurred to me but i'm thinking about it now and i am Intrigued. it seems extremely sad, which i like about it.
disclaimer, i am Really Bad at talking about things i like in fiction because dhdgsjdhdj Words Difficult (and also its almost 2 am rn)
BUT aaaaa yes!! extremely sad and angry, both of them. excellent mixture. let them argue and also kiss about it.
imagine you are jiang cheng and you lost Everything and you have like 3 relatively calm years to get your shit together. your sect, kinda isolated from others by the fact that you are not sworn bros with 3zun. your nephew, who is a baby and then a toddler and whose existence reminds you about everything you've lost. your own emotions - haha, good luck getting that in order lmao. for the expected period of time (or maybe a lil longer) you wear mourning robes, ONLY for your SISTER of-FUCKING-course (and you will whip anyone who suggests that you might be also maybe grieving wei wuxian).
also you saved that spooky flute and you rlly don't know what to do with it so you Repress Emotions Even Harder. and maybe hope someones gonna come and collect it (someone whos NOT jin guangyao, that lil snake. fuck off jin guangyao you are NOT getting yiling patriarch's flute. Stop Breaking Into My Chambers And Trying To Steal It)
and then. and then lan FUCKING wangji leaves his seclusion in Dramatic and also Very Fashionable Mourning Robes and you are like, ohhh master lan did someone die at the cloud recesses?? but wangji shoots you The Glare and of course you know who he is mourning. and you try very hard not to lose ur patience, right, and you wait for him to like maybe Stop and Get Over It, come on. but he doesn't, and also looks at you like you should be ashamed for not doing the same as him.
(also wangjis got a kid now and you perhaps remember a toddler running around the burial mounds, and you listen to the lan clan go "oh yes its hanguang juns illegitimate son, mhm. his name is Lan Imissweiying" and you are like. HOW is anyone buying this dumb story)
Yeah now imagine you are lan zhan and There Is No More Joy In Your Life, Birth Is A Curse And Existence Is A Prison, and you leave your seclusion being still depressed as fuck, and theres that guy who basically kind of killed wei ying. and even if he didnt kill him he still, you know, attempted. so. and that guy is apparently now famous for hunting demonic cultivators for sport??? for who knows what purposes but rlly probably nothing good considering he's whipping them with sexy lightning whip. and you are like, hey, i am ALSO gonna hunt demonic cultivators. No I Dont Know What Imma Do With Them. maybe ill find wei ying, u kno, since i lost my purpose in life anyway.
for the record, jiang cheng is probably also not sure what for hes hunting demonic cultivators. he has NO idea what hes gonna do if he actually finds wei wuxian.
So they probably keep running into each other??? And being VERY pissed off about it. knowing jiang cheng hes gonna yell at lwj for everything Except nightless city, and knowing lan zhan hes gonna reply "mn. btw u killed wei ying" to every single sentence jc says to him.
Yeah look I AM WEAK and also i read way too much foe yay not to want this to turn into Angry Depressed Desperate Making Out, u kno.
so they are both angry, repressed and depressed and well dressed so they have sex about it instead of going to therapy and Somehow it helps. Not because of the Depression-Curing Dick trope which i hate but because they look at each other afterwards and go "uh, fuck, things have gotten REALLY bad if im sleeping with HIM to forget about it"
and then they probably have sex again and again because they are still fucking stupid
other thots i have about jc/lwj include:
- them begrudgingly working together to bring down some wwx impersonator while still hating each others guts
- jc confronting lwj about sizhui and the Dumbest Cover Story Ever
- idk yet im thinking bout this but i Really need a situation where its CRUCIAL that wangji uses musical cultivation but doesnt have his guqin bc some dumb reasons and jc is like, here, catch this and gives him freakin Chenqing and wangji wants to Murder him but plays the damn flute bc otherwise they are gonna die and as jc pointed out sizhui will be left alone in the world
- lwj IS DEFINITELY GONNA FIGURE OUT THE GOLDEN CORE THING come on. wangji is hurt or sth and jc uses spiritual energy to heal him and suddenly wangjiis like WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW THIS SPIRITUAL PATTERN WHATS GOING ON bonus points if hes like. Delirious and starts calling for wei ying and jiang cheng invents 23 new swearwords to let him know what he thinks about him
- jc at some point awkwardly tries to give chenqing to lan wajgji but lwj gives it back to him
yeah and at some point they Stop having sex about it, and they both kind of.... Calm Down, and wangji is still wearing the mourning robes but hes less obnoxious about it, and jiang cheng still whips ppl but now he has a better idea of what hes gonna do if he finds wei wuxian.
and they are... friends.... now? neither of them will say it out loud but like. They Are Friends Now.
and then when they are basically almost done with Unhealthy Grieving Mechanisms wei wuxian actually comes back to life and ????¿??¿??¿¿¿?? Fuck, thinks lan zhan. Fuck, thinks jiang cheng.
......ahem. SORRY, this has gotten slightly out of hand. Im Emotional about it.
theres one fic on ao3 that i really love and which expresses a lot of the things about this that i couldnt express; i will link it in the replies when i find it
TL;DR they are both too angry and have their brains Fucked Up by wwx's death, they are not willing to go to therapy so they should at least kiss about it; also go read the fic i linked in the replies because its excellent
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novamir · 4 years
understanding the inner mechanisms of kiraboss (bare with me on this one folks)
now i know you’re thinking what in the actual fuck are you on about NOW? but listen what the fuck is this shit about bro? which is why ive decided i will find out so YOU dont have to! you better thank me! keep in mind i dont ship this shit and i never will :pog: for me. stay tuned for the end on my kira diavolo friendship theory
WHAT I KNOW BEFORE MY INVESTIGATION: i have seen part 4 and 5. i have read dead mans questions. in dead mans questions kiras basically a ghost hitman who doesn’t remember his past life. we know diavolo is in an infinite death loop or whatever.
MY INITIAL THOUGHTS: kiras killed diavolo before because, well, hitman and infinite death loop. ok. wheres the appeal. can you just say you’ll ship anything that moves and quit wasting my damn time
WHY. JUST FUCKING WHY: did you know that on ao3 (i know.), if you go into the official kira tag that the top relationship is kiraboss?
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(out of 838 works at the time im writing this. in the diavolo tag, it ranks 5th)
OKAY, I’LL BITE. WHAT’S THE APPEAL: i dont know! i really dont. people are just weird and have to ship anything <3 a road that should be taken is that kira actively seeks out diavolo to kill everytime and hes like why are you so hell bent on killing me each fucking time you fucking freak and kiras like cant help being a gemini! [stabs diavolo] anyway,
WHAT I’M ABOUT TO PUT MYSELF THROUGH: not only am i going to go into the evil kiraboss tag, but im going to read some of these ao3 fics to see whats up. i’ll give a general consensus of what i’ve learned so you and a loved one can also be informed about the wonders (ACK) of kiraboss.
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ok well guess what. my deep dive gave me nothing but one conclusion and thats everyone is just horny and will ship ANYTHING. you all fucking suck.
WELL, WHAT WAS KIRABOSS TUMBLR LIKE: more palatable than ao3. but still. horny. theres quite a few posts where people dont ship it but ship killer queen and king crimson, which. i am no fan of. 
WHY? THEY’RE STANDS: i tote around killer queen/the world like its my child. thats the stand ship. king crimson is like a brother to ms queen. read all about kq/tw here.
TUMBLR CONCLUSION: there are some funny posts. i like funny things and can appreciate it. however. it doesnt help me figure out the weirdness of all this. and im sorry but this is some weird ass shit. i saw one kira/doppio and i think i should be able to sue for emotional damages. whatever i got nothing from this stupid site. lets move on
OKAY, AO3 WON’T BE ANY BETTER, WILL IT: it sure fucking wont. ao3 is a cesspool of disgusting ass shit. we have 111 kiraboss fics, 61 in english. ok. we can do this, right?
WRONG: as i sorted everything, the most recent fic was a horny one. im not reading your p0rn shit wackos
SORT IT BY KUDOS, THEN: well the top rated fic in the kiraboss tag is ALSO horny. scrolling is just p0rn. ive found valentine/kira/diavolo as well. maybe we shouldnt do that
WELL. SHIT: i found ONE that was decent and it made sense. like, kind of. im using it so loosely. im grasping at straws. and i didnt even read it all the way. i skimmed it. whatever.
fujoshis. thats it. listen listen listen. ive thought about this. not romantically. thats stupid and unrealistic. however let me open your third eye. i was talking about it earlier.
kira’s a ghost. hes employed by a monk. its hard for him to enter places due to ghost rules. ok. one day kiras on the clock about to kill someone when he spots a man drowning in a local pool. no one is around. there is no ladder. he cant get out. sims physics. hes standing there like wooooow. woooow this is kind of funny and diavolo can see kira because my rules and hes like BITCHES HELP and kiras like huh he isnt talking to me he cant see me and of course hes thinking out loud and diavolos like I SEE YOU BITCH
and then he drowns and kiras like well that was interesting but i really cant be bothered. hes dead anyway lol whose he gonna tell. and goes back to work
in truth he forgets completely about this weird drowning now dead man until his monk employer is like go kill this guy you just have to he wasnt in the agenda but boss man says hes gotta go. thanks. and then he shows up to a park where diavolos like FINALLY I CAN FUCKING LIVE and kiras like oh shit what the fuck i thought you died and diavolos like HEY WHAT THE FUCK you let me DIE? and kiras like uh yea and now you’re alive? okay whatever im killing you now and before he can say anything else hes dead again. kira goes back to his boss and  is like yeah this is weird and shes like yeah i dont really care </3 
anyway they have many more run ins spaced out over years and years and one day diavolo really truly does have an upper hand over kira and gets away, and just as he pauses in his running away, a piano falls on him like a cartoon. cue laugh track
the next time kiras sent to kill him, kiras like hey could you explain why you keep dying like whats up with that and diavolo explains it reluctantly and it takes like 5 times to get the story out because outside factors keep killing him in comically hilarious ways and hes like damn that actually sucks :/ i dont remember anything about my life and diavolos like wow you really made it about you i fucking hate you i hope you die and then kira kills him. yawn. anyway. hes searched his own name up before and all thats there is a freak accident where he get squashed by an ambulance, so next time he tells diavolo that and hes like yeah no im willing to bet theres something more to that. can you please just kill me i dont want to talk to you right now.
anyway that makes kira think. he goes down a spiral and remembers diavolo saying something about egyptian arrows and mentioning stands so it takes him a while but he stumbles upon a weird internet thread talking about consiperies and some guy named dio and i like to think theres like a list of people who were given arrows and boom he sees his dads name like hmm i recognize that from my obituary... so when he sees diavolo again hes like i think my dad had an arrow? and i feel like i had a stand?
diavolo really doesnt care. he just nods and waits for death.
kira takes a while and manages to piece it together-- based on the fact hes a hitman in the afterlife, that has to reflect something about him while he was alive, yeah? there were a series of murders in morioh ending around the time of his death.
diavolo is killed by mugging, and kira continues to talk long after diavolo is dead.
kira lurks around morioh listening in, and i like to think that josuke and co. would eventually name drop kira  and he would hear it by fate and you know those cheesy movies where everyone's memories come back to them at once by some small event? yeah thats it.
diavolo gets murdered the fuck out of next time kira sees him and diavolos like well! good for him i fucking guess
diavolo does listen to kiras fucked up backstory and is like wow okay youre just as fucked up as me which i probably couldve guessed but hey. 
in a fucked up way kira and diavolo are kind of friends whatever. anyway keep in mind this happens over years and one day giorno and co. show up to morioh and kiras like holy shit what is this about
and then he meets up with josuke and kiras like HOLY SHIT NO FUCKING WAY
diavolos like well fucking kill GIORNO!!! RELEASE ME FROM THIS INFINITE PRISION and kiras like absolutely fucking not
at the end of they day they hate each other but have to be friends but if they are no they aren’t. yes they are ❤️ not yes❤️
anyway that’s my theory. bye I spent way too long on this fuck kiraboss but kira killing diavolo sometimes in the loop is funny oh yeah it would be funny if:
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yea that’s it ok bye bye now
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