#im sorry he replied so fast on your giant reply day he got very excited to see leon...
assimilatedhardship · 9 months
@unwaveringblade | continued
He blinked a couple times as he tried to remember the incident in question. "Monster...?" And his eyes lit up on cue of remembering. "Ohhhh, that one! Actually, he mostly just got into my hair... It hurt worse when I slipped on that wet floor at the last inn... But no, don't worry! I don't need to see a physician. It was more of one of those things when you think it's gonna hurt for days and it actually just hurts more in the moment. Like, you expect a huge bruise and it just never happens..."
Once they finally got to their room at the inn - the not slippery inn - Stahn unloaded his belongings beside the bed he'd selected, dropping them with a thud and pausing before dropping Dymlos, instead gently placing him against the bedside table. He could have sworn he heard a brief "whew" out of Dymlos after that...
"So like I was saying, lots of stuff feels really complicated and kinda off? I keep feeling like something's going on that I'm missing, but I can't pinpoint anything that's actually weird. It's mainly just a feeling though, so I was trying to think why I would feel like that. I thought about it the whole way here, but then I got to thinking about lots of other unrelated things. It made me lose my train of thought, but then I realized... you have enough brain power for both of us! If I ever have to think about something deep and important, I can just let you do the thinking, because if there's an actual answer, you'll find it! No point in me thinking about it when we'll just come up empty in mind and body! By which... I mean all that thinking made me really hungry, so there's nothing in my stomach either. Do you wanna go down to the stalls in a bit and find something to eat?"
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abloomntime · 3 years
A Bloom In Time Ch26 Nightmares And Shadows
(Warning: Death scene, Mentioning of past death, nightmares, and a light panic attack.)
Cold. Darkness. All of it came rushed over so suddenly. Just like the two heavily armored guards carrying her kicking and screaming self towards the dreaded summer house that housed the royals deep in the snowed up world. That winter suddenly came that year unexpectedly with the freezing winds suddenly whipping around her when she just closed up her stand for the day, pocketing the expensive bracelet she was given as payment and what coins she received as payment, ready to go home. She didn't make much from her flower stand she always wanted, but that was always fine and dandy. She loved the smiles on the children's faces when they'd buy single flowers for their parents, or if she'd sell them flowers in exchange for small things like food. It was one way to get to eat around here. But the chills filling the air that after noon followed by the loud thumping sounds coming towards her were new. Especially when all of a sudden two giant armored men stood over her and seized her without warning. So naturally she resisted and fought against her captors as they took her away.
The farther down the path they went the more horrified she became. There was ...snow. IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER!! Harsh white and cold wind glared all around her as she gawked around wildly....and then shrieked at the sight of a frozen person as they passed. Their feared expression forever frozen on their face. The poor girl went silent from the numb cold as those blue eyes widened in horror at all the suurounding frozen people as they walked past, never easing up on her grip, or giving any emotion to anything around them as the horrified woman went limp in their arms from shock as they approached the black gates and beyond that was the manor. Her blue eyes flicked up to it. It looked more menacing than it usually did as the entire house loomed over them the closer they got and a sudden feeling of dread filled her up to the very core of her soul as they were swallowed by the shadows and even more coldness bearing down on her. The guards didn't stop until they were going up the stairs and into the home. It was as dark and cold as the outside. Even more so if that was possible. She was still frozen and scared in the grip of the guards when the doors opened and they forced her inside. The inside of the manor was colder than the outside is that was even possible, and if she wasn't already in shock, she would've shrieked at what was awaiting them just a few feet away from the door.
In the darkness of cold and shadows, a hunched over monster made it's way over to them but dared not come further than five feet giving a hiss. Like she was a skunk and this red eyed thing was afraid of her. How strange, but that didn't stop her stop pointing a hand at her, and in possibly the most scariest, raspy voice Poppy had ever heard. Said:
"Take her to the room and lock her away. ...I can't look at her as my prince had done. Perhaps locking her away forever will teach her a lesson about gazing into another man's eyes who belong TO ME!!"
"...WAIT!! WHAT?!" She attempted to struggle again but their strength was too much.
Sadly be the fate of the innocent florist wasn't a pleasant one. As she was marched up the stairs to the very third floor of the manor, the coldness and shadows started to become too much to the point of her screaming and struggling body starting to be overcome by them all. the long hallway they were taking her down ended in a single pair of double doors, the doors surrounded by locks that haven't been locked yet.
The guards marched the poor woman now panicking in their grip flailing about, trying to get out of their grip like a fly in a cold spiderweb to no avail. The two giant guards marched noisily towards somewhere unknown as the third floor rooms and hallways passed them as they marched with seemingly no regard for the woman yelling and pulling between them. Eventually marching down one hallways in particular with a double door room at the end of it, heavy and thick with chains and locks fit for a dungeon instead of a bed room. The two guards went right up to it and before Poppy could even yell out peck again- She was tossed in rather hard. She landed with a giant thud sound and yelped out as her body landed with the freezing cold floor. As her weakly numbing body was pushed into the empty room, she looked up just in time to see the two heavily armored guards slam the doors behind her. She struggled to stand with the cold seeping through all her body but wobbled to the door, vision blurring with nothing but darkness. And it only began to get colder and COLDER!! Poppy groaned from the pain but those blue eyes snapped open at the sudden noise of doors slamming behind her. Panic and adrenaline pumping through her veins and she stumbled to her feet as fast as she could. The rattling of chains and clicking of heavy locks made her fear spike worse and she went to it as fast as she could grabbing the door knob and pushing. Even as all the clicks and locks of the locks were put into place and the floor jostling with the heavy footsteps of the guards stopping away, she fell to her knees against the door and banged her fist against it. Screaming to be let out as the coldness and blackness seeped more into the room and still overtook her form.
"HEY!! WHAT THE PECK!? LET ME OUT!!" The heavy doors creaked from her pushing and pulling and desperately turning the knob. The floor shaking lightly with the heavy footsteps of the guards walking away. The realization of them walking away made her more desperate to get out, and she now went to banging on the door. "H-HEY!! DO YOU LUGNUTS HEAR ME?! I SAID I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING OK?! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID BUT IM SORRY OK!! PLEASE!! LET ME GO!! I SWEAR TO YOU I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THAT CRAZY SHADOW LADY SAID!!"
She got no reply and could hear them getting and farther away, panicking she tore herself away from the door. Heart hammering in her ears and eyes scrambling around the dark room for any signs of escape to no avail. No windows. No other doors. Nothing. The coldness was starting to creep in now and the shadows of the room got closer....and closer...... Her panting became faster and in a moment of desperation, she backed all the way to the other side of the empty room and looked at the door. Bracing herself, she ran as fast as she could across the room and rammed her shoulder as hard as she could into the heavy duty door. A thud rang out but there wasn't even a dent in the thick would. Leaving her only falling to the ground and reaching up to rub her sore shoulder from the ramming. The cold slowly creeped closer and closer and the shadows swallowed her whole until her world fell into a black slumber for a thousand years.
Screeching that sounded like bloody murder echoed out through the closed attic and blue eyes opened in a sudden blurry black vision. Someone sat up and more screams were hollered out at two glowing yellow orbs that scattered away from the source of the sounds as whoever was cutting his ears with piercing screams moved back away from him. Blanket uncovering their body and a pillow tossed in the direction of the shadow monster of nightmares coming back for her. .....Well it most certainly WAS a shadow. But NOT the one she just had a nightmare about. This shadow yelped when his face was suddenly wacked by a pillow and as it fell to the floor he shook his head and watched as the panicked woman scattered back from him.
"I'M SORRY!! I'M SORRY!! DON'T PUT ME BACK IN THERE!! I HATE THE COLD!!", she desperately cried out pleading for her life.
"WHAT THE PECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!," A male voice demanded staring down at her with a scowl. "As if I would lock you up!"
"Your majesty?"
Snatcher floated there silently at the sudden title thrown at him from no where. Poppy could feel a rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins and she briefly wondered how fast she could make it to the ever moving platform- A jolt shook her body at the sudden snap noise and a second later blue flames appeared in the hand of the shadow creature who loomed over her, his scowling face softened up to pure confusion as he stared down at her and she stared up blinking at the giant creature. Anyone else would've screamed and ran away but-
"It's ME!," Snatcher said in a slightly grumpy tone but he stopped completely staring at the sudden state of the woman in front of him.
Shaking goosebumped flesh drenched in cold sweat. Raw fear circulating through her body, he could feel it. He could always feel the fear and auras radiating off one's soul and he took delight in someone's fear. It made him strong, powerful. HUNGRY AND EXCITED EVEN!! Yet now. Feeling the soul within her beat and radiate that same fear felt....wrong. Sick. Made him want to spit out ectoplasm. This fear was bad, made him get cold from just being near it so much. Made him want to dive through the floors below to escape the ooze of it until it completely went away when she calmed down. Yet...A force made him remain where he was, looming over her staring and not going anywhere. Fear was something he knew was a powerful motivator for someone like him but the fact remains that....She shouldn't be left alone in a state like this. Confused, lost, eyes small as her heart raced and fear pumped through her, afraid..Alone.
He didn't want to be alone-
".....Snatcher?" The soft voice snapped him out of his stupor and he stared right into those blue eyes registering this shadow as not an enemy.
The yellow eyes loomed closer and she still could barely see even with the light provided. But certainly felt the peach fuzzed like claws gently place themselves on her shoulders like she was a tiny child compared to this creature who needed comfort. "Yeah. Yeah it's me." He said as calmly and softly as possible and was rewarded with a shudder and sigh from Poppy in front of him. Also rewarding him was a choke coming from her throat and fresh tears coming from her eyes in the form of her crying. Making the ghost freeze and stare as a pang of panic shot through his shadowy form. Poppy was- Why was she-....Crying?! Real actual crying like a few times he'd seen her do before but this time it seemed more powerful than the time that stupid statue was chasing her or when the dumb noose 'flirted' with her. He still wanted nothing more than to burn it to ashes and crumble that stone menace to pebbles, but anger right now wasn't going to do him or her any good. And there was no way in peck he was about to leave her like this either. His other hand with the flames snapped letting the fire float in the air so both his hands could be free to help out and hovered above Poppy's shoulder stopping. "Are you.....Is it alright if I touched you?" She sniffed and made a couple more choke sounds from her state but managed to force something out that sounded like 'ok', and slowly a soft arm wrapped around her shoulders and she felt the presense sit down on the floor next to her. Not full on caging her in a hug, but offering her comfort with a arm around her anyways giving her enough space and closeness. Continuing to cry her eyes out, the woman reached her hands up to swipe at those stinging tears from her slightly pink face now. He cringed at the sight but kept his mouth shut, pulling a hankerchief out of no where and holding it out to her silently. It took Poppy a few moments to actually notice it was there but once she did it was yanked from him and held to her tear stained face. Blowing her nose loudly and wiping her tears away from her face. A small blunt 'thanks' was squeaked out from the lady and he still remained silent for a long while. Nothing but her crying and hiccupping and the silence of the attic. ".......Are you feeling better?"
.......She sniffed and nodded without looking at him. "Yeah..I t-t-think so...Thanks."
He hummed and continued to sit there and look at her trying to sniff and clear her face up now. By now he had a pretty good idea of what might've caused such a reaction out of her, but he didn't want to jump the gun and make the situation any more uncomfortable. "What happened?" is what he ended up asking after a few silent moments of thinking.
"Jus' a.....a bad dream." Still not meeting his gaze he saw. Hm.
"What about?" He gently pressed. His ghostly brow rising as he saw her completely still under his hold. Maybe that was too soon to ask. "Do...you want to talk about it? It's perfectly fine if you don't want to."
......She groaned and leaned back into his arm which was pretty sturdy enough for her to lean against and not fall through. Strange. You'd think she'd just pass through it since he can pass through walls but nope, with her head pointed up towards the ceiling eyes closed. "....I don't know anymore. It's just....." Her eyes opened to stare up at the dark ceiling above them. Faint shadows danced in what dim light the one blue flame provided and gold eyes blinked at her from her right. Snatcher's eyes. They looked so much like Jack-o-lanturn eyes. It was kinda funny on a peach feeling purple ghost king. Her heart beats have gone down back to normal by now and now her eyes were just a bit sore from all the crying and rubbing to make the tears go away. "I-....I think I just remembered how I died."
Snatcher couldn't snapped his head down to her faster than when he did eyes widening. "You what?"
Her death. That means-...Did she remember him?! Did she put the pieces together?! Did she know it was all his-...Vanessa's fault she was frozen for over a thousand years and blame HIM?! DID SHE BLAME HIM?! DID SHE EVEN THINK ABOUT HIM?! If he was still alive with a heart beat and lungs, his panic might've been given away by rapid heart beats and irregular breathing that comes with it. But all he managed was a panicked face and quick question. He still remained that way when she turned her head leaning against his arm towards him.
"I said I remembered how I got in that room. What Queen-....What she said. The cold that made me pass out. I remember all of it..including what she said."
What...DID Vanessa say to Poppy before her death- "What did she say?," came his raspy voice in a whisper, but not that Poppy noticed.
"She..W-Well." She sniffed again and wiped at her face. "She definately said to lock me in that room. But she also said something else. Something about gazing into another man's eyes and something else about a prince." Snatcher could feel himself becoming more uncomfortable by the minute as she looked him directly into his eyes with confusion and completely no understanding. "I don't understand any of this. I only knew one prince in my entire life and he was nothing but a friend. Why was I being accused of gazing into someone's eyes? ......it doesn't make any sense to me."
Guilt. That was the first feeling to twist in his misshapen form and give him that empty gut feeling despite not having a body for quite sometime now. Of course it didn't make any sense to Poppy, she didn't have the full story. Barely even a quarter of it. Only her own short encounter about the events that tragically took place over a thousand years ago that all suddenly smacked her back in her face now. And so soon, it was honestly worrying for himself and her. Oh peck. OHPECKOHPECKOHPECK- He was NOT ready for this. Not NOW. Not so soon. Especially not like this. All of a sudden there was Hazelle's annoying voice replaying back into his mind.
"Maybe you two WERE just friends. But thing's aren't the same as they were a thousand years ago, Snatchy. She doesn't know you are...well YOU. And she probably doesn't see you as a friend anymore because she doesn't know YOU you. She probably sees you as a 'boss' when you obviously see her as an old friend and like her more than that. You gotta get all this sorted out soon. Right now it sounds like a giant mess and you need to take a broom to it and sweep all the problematic dust away."
Thanks, Hazelle. She just had to put that thought in his head now. This would stick in his head and act on that guilt for a while-
Snatcher. FROZE. Any thoughts in his head haulting and fizzling into thin air as that one word left her mouth. Anything he was about to say dying on his tongue as those yellow glowing eyes continued to stare dead at the woman staring back at him with that same confused, indifferent expression. It was over. Done. He was absolutely finished. The end of the line for him after only a week. This was how he was going down in flames.
"That was his name. Prince Philip from the south, and he was.....engaged to Queen Vanessa." Her eyes widened as she leaned up and away from Snatcher's arm. Eyes widening with some new revolution flung into her brain and unconciously her hand went to clutch the gold bracelet strapped around her own wrist like it was a life saving device. "Prince Philip was engaged to Queen Vanessa!!" Her eyes snapped back to Snatcher bright with some kind of find as the ghost was still panicking eternally staring at her, not willing himself to move, but scooted back a foot or two and blinked when she quickly pointed at him. "THAT MUST'VE BEEN THE THING SHE WAS GOING ON ABOUT WITH THIS WHOLE TREASON THING!! It all makes a bit o' sense now." Her gaze went back to the bracelet wrapped around her wrist as it breifly reflected the blue fire. She had almost forgotten about it during this hectic weak now, but now...it felt like a HUGE piece of a missing puzzle had been placed down and she felt that empty hollow feeling being almost fully complete as it somewhat made sense now. "That's what she must've been referrin' too. But gazin' into his eyes? I don't get it. I never did such a thing and I definately never committed any kind of treason towards her or Prince Philip."
Well at least she was finally starting to get somewhere and get something. But there was still so so many questions needing answers. Why had the Queen been so insistant that Poppy committed some sort of action against her or the prince? It just made no sense. All she ever did was make small talk with him and sell flowers in the town square. She made sure to follow all the rules, and pay all her taxes. And she was never rude to anyone that didn't deserve a good talking back. If Queen Vanessa and that....thing with the red eyes were one in the same then how did she get that way? Why did she think of all people POPPY was responsible for some crazy bad thing that happened to her? She never even met or spoken to her before that day, not when out of talking to her fiance. And it's not like they were romatically involved or anything. Just spoke two or three times a week when he bought flowers for HER mind you. Was there something she was missing? Was there something that caused all of this she didn't know about? Thinking carefully about what Vanessa told her, she mentioned someone gazing into her man's eyes.......Did that mean that-....THE PRINCE WAS HAVING AN AFFAIR BEHIND HER MAJESTY'S BACK?! Unlikely. He seemed so genuinely kind and always went out of his way to help others, and even spent so much money on flowers just for her. There was NO way he could've fallen for anyone else. But-.....It seemed like the only thing she had to go on at the moment.
"He gave me this." She held up her wrist to him and his eyes slowly shifted to the bracelet he gifted her on that fateful day. "In exchange for just a small bouquet of flowers can you believe it?" She gave a small smile at it. "Heh. He was always a strange one. Always studyin' laws an' making sure he paid every pon owed. But he was also really kind and caring to everyone. I can't imagine him actually having any affairs behind her majesty's back-"
"HE DIDN'T!!," he blurted out in a spike of anger startling her and he once again froze.
"How do you know that?," she asked genuinely confused.
OH PECK!! OH PECK!! OH PECK!! What does he do?! What does he do!? He had stupidly blurted that out without thinking!! Well it WAS true. He never had an affair while he was with Vanessa, even if he did fall in love with someone else at the time too, and he made it clear to anyone he wasn't the bad one in that relationship while it lasted. But it seemed that blunt anger towards her got the best of him, and he wanted to smack himself so, SO bad at this moment. He was panicking. Staring at her silently as she was clearly confused and waiting for an answer. THINK YOU FOOL!!!! THINK!!
"UH....I- Um-....I-I-I was there when he was killed." It was the only thing he could think of in the short time he was panicking without arowsing suspicion.
Instead he might've made things a bit worse when she just stared at him suddenly blanking. Making him want to slink back into the shadows where he came. OH P E C K- Her eyes went wide with the suddenly thought bombarding her brain. Snatcher was-....There? Snatcher was there with Prince Philip when he was...SNATCHER WAS THERE!! Snatcher flinched when Poppy suddenly grabbed the front of his body by his chest fluff desperately and he let out a startled yep when she yanked him down eye level with her.
"CALM DOWN!!" He pulled himself away and shook his head staring down at her. "Calm down. You-...... *sigh*" He looked sideways away. "You wouldn't like what you hear- UH!?"
He paused when soft hands suddenly clasped onto his and he paused. Yellow eyes staring deep into those blue ones he loved to look at so much when he was alive with heart beat. A pleading look in them as begging fell from her lips, "Please. I-It's...It's important. I have to know what happened. I spent so much time confused over nothing and I HAVE to know......Snatcher, please. Help me."
A silence fell over the two as they just sat there staring at each other in mostly darkness and staring into each others' eyes. Poppy blinked at the feeling of something soft wrapping around her hands and when she looked he was gently holding her hands. Snatcher made a hissing noise, not like a cat hiss but like what it sounded like when someone sucked a breath through her teeth, before releasing it in a long drawn out groan sounding like 'HHHHHHhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa'.
"Are you sure you're ready and willing to hear such things?'' He gave her a narrowed look as if to say 'this is your last chance to back out'. "You won't like what you hear, Red. Might be better if you didn't know."
"I'm positive.," she answered back without any hesitation. She HAD to know what happened. This was connected to her and she was involved whether she liked it or not.
He still eyed her for a moment before looking to the floor unable to look her in the eyes anymore. ".......Vanessa killed him. Just like she did to everyone else....a-a-and y-y-you...."
Poppy couldn't stop her free hand from coming to cover her mouth as he looked down in...shame? Guilt? Regret? Fear?! Not that she noticed, more focused on his words. Well she shouldn't be so surprised as she was expecting an answer like this, but still didn't stop the shock that took over her body. It was like she was light and the floor was sinking. "....H-How...?"
"Just like you. She locked him away until everything froze over. Vane-.....That MONSTER!'', he spat hand slightly tightening as he scowled at the floor, "She was pecking crazy. Thought he was....cheating on her behind her back when he was nothing but patient with her. She didn't deserve anything."
"I-I....I don't understand.." Her breathing hyped a pitch and she could feel her blue eyes glancing back to the bracelet on her wrist. The gold gleaming back. The tremble of her lip came with her own pathetic question. "....why..?"
"Because she was nuts! Always have been and always WILL be! She would've snapped sooner or later with the way she was back then, always so paranoid and thinking I-.....I THINK he belonged to her."
".....She was there..."
He finally looked at her. "What?"
.....Another sniff came outta her. "She was t-t-there when I gave him the flowers. The day she gave me the bracelet." It all came rushing back in a sea of emotions and all she felt was cold gripping her heart as it all came rushing back. The day she was frozen. Before she closed up the stand and gave him the flowers, he said he saw her...Vanessa. Running away from them. Vanessa saw her giving him the flowers he bought. If....If she thought that Prince Philip was cheating on her and saw Poppy giving him flowers then-.....Oh gosh! Her hand pressed firmer against her mouth as the sudden reality hit her hard like a punch to the gut. She felt sick. Like a heavy iceberg was placed in her stomach and wanted out. Her blue eyes shown with rain drop tears flowing as she spaced out. ".....It's all my fault."
His other hand was quick to shoot out and grab her shoulders accidentally making her jolt at the sudden grab but it was enough to get her to look at him. "Now you listen to me and you listen good." A claw poked her chest as he pointed it at her crying face with a deep frown of his own. "I have dealt with too many years of pecking guilt over whether or not it was my fault or if I could've stopped it! And I'm sick of it all! You. Are. Not. At fault!! Do you hear me?! Vanessa was always going to snap and it was HER fault for being so batpecking crazy, she couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality! There was no reason in her! We should've expected nothing less of her for anything! But I'll be just as bad if I didn't it now, and I'm saying it's not your fault. Least of all people you. All you did was sell flowers. Big deal. It would've been the same if she saw m-....him buying a necklace from a jeweler or a ham from the butcher. BANG!!" She flinched at the loud yell he made at 'BANG'. Tears running down her face as he spoke. "Ice. Death. Lots of ghosts. You get the picture. The point is, it's ABSOLUTELY! NOBODY'S PECKING FAULT!! BUT VANESSA'S!! .......You and me didn't do anything wrong." .......She made some kind of whine noise before crying. Leaning her head over until it met the softness of his floof and she cried. Cut off guard for a moment, Snatcher paused glancing down at her before sighing and wrapping her arms around her. Comfortingly patting her back. "Hey, Red. It's gonna be ok. Just go ahead and let it out alright?"
He wasn't sure whether or not Poppy actually heard what he said, but the iron grip that suddenly latched onto him was enough for him to let her cry her eyes out into him without another word. Because...He was gone. Her only friend was just....GONE! Gone in the most worst way she could think of. What did he do to deserve that?! What did any of them do to deserve that?! He had his whole life ahead of him and it was taken from him in one day because of insanity, jealous, greedy woman disguised as a loving Queen. Had...Had she always been like this? According to Snatcher she was. And slowly things started to make sense to it all. Ridiculously banning bacon from the entire kingdom. That one time Philip showed up with half his hair chopped off and died a poor yellow. All the time he acted nervously about anything he had concerning her and waving them off like he was alright with every single thing he did. Deep down she KNEW something was wrong, if not wrong then strangely off. Definately gave her an off feeling, but she never pushed because 1. she never saw it as any of her business and 2. she didn't see the danger behind it until now. But..what if she had seen it? What if- Snatcher's hand came to lay on her head gently and she looked up from the fluffy chest of the ghost to look at him, Snatcher staring simpathetically at her tears before another hankerchief randomly appeared out of thin air and rubbed at her cheeks and eyes.
...She sniffed and leaned into the cloth wiping her face. "T-Thanks. I-.....I needed this more t-than ya know."
"Yeah. I bet." There was another pause as she slowly let go of him and reached up sniffing and grabbed the second cloth offered to her during the duration of the time she woke. He couldn't help but feel awkward and kinda guilty in this situation. This was kinda what he feared but the opposite. Instead of Poppy blaming him, she felt like it was hurt fault somehow when in reality it was none of their faults. ....Maybe it was better he shouldn't have come tonight. He made a move to leave but froze when her hand suddenly latched onto him again.
Her eyes desperate and pleading all of a sudden. "W-WAIT!! P-P-Please..D-Don't leave yet...I d-don't want to be alone."
He stared at her but sighed. "Alright. I'll stay put but only because I promised to help you, Red."
She sighed hald relieved. "T-Thank you."
He hummed and watched as she let go to sniff and fix her face. ".....How are you holding up there? Looks like I should've kept all of that til later."
Poppy shook her head. "N-No. I'm glad you t-told me. I-I needed to know what happened. I couldn't have gone on without knowin' anything. ...T-Thank you."
Sure you could've rang through his head but he decided not to say that part out loud. "So-...I take it this..'prince' friend of yours was a nice person? Not that I knew him, but it seems you two were close. Not that it's any of my business." He had an anxious feeling saying all of this as a stranger but he couldn't help but feel the need to get all this anxiety off himself by asking. "It just sounds like you cared about him a whole lot."
"Y-Yeah. I did actually." She gave a slightly trembling smile at him. "H-He was one of the only friend's I had. Honestly he was a really nice guy, super honest and polite too. He was always able to put a smile of everyone's face and didn't mind talking about anythin' really. It was like he wasn't a prince at all and just a normal, everyday regular person stoppin' by to get flowers. ...He was also the reason my stand had so much success as it did."
Snatcher looked to her in slight surprise. "He was?"
She nodded. "You see. When I first got to town I had a real hard time settlin' in. Not only did he save mah behind from falling on the ground like a babe learnin' how to walk, but he also started buying my precious flowers for ...You know who. Now a prince buyin' mah flowers all the time was sure to catch someone's attention and by golly did it! It was thanks ta him I had a decent business going for myself. ....But I kinda feel guilty over it now. I didn't mean ta piggyback ride off o' him or nothin'."
"I'm sure you didn't." She looked at him and for once Snatcher was genuinely smiling at her without the 'evil' or smug aura to it. "If you sold flowers good enough to catch his attention then you deserved to get what attention you got. You didn't hitch a ride from him, you were just getting what you always wanted with a little assistance."
"Hm...I reckon when you put it that way I guess you got a point."
"Yeah.....Hey. This might sound out of no where but do you blame him, your friend, for what happened between him and Vanessa?" There is was all out and awaiting an answer.
Poppy stared at him frozen for a second processing what he said but as soon as it sank in- "WHAT?! PECK NO!!" She scowled at him crossing her arms. "Why the PECK of all people would I blame Philip?! Maybe he didn't see the crazy but neither did I and I still didn't see it when she was starin' me straight in the face! You were there when it happened right?!"
"I- Uh-...Y-Yes."
"And even you said it wasn't his fault right?!"
Both pouted a bit with frowns but on the inside Snatcher felt an overwhelming state of relief and happiness fall over him. So Poppy didn't blame him, good. Not that it was ever his fault in the first place, but now a lot of dead weight was lifted from his shoulders. One less thing to worry over now it seemed. But Poppy paused in her movements to blank out and stare at him. Wait. Snatcher was there when Philip was-.....Then did that mean he saw what happened? Well obviously yes. He said so himself. Her curious side kicked in and she couldn't help but find her interests peeking through and a whole knew slew of questions arise, she couldn't help it. After all she knew nothing about this ghost tho he seemed good enough.
"How did you die?," she found herself blurting out before she could stop but she instantly regretted it.
"WHAT?!" Snatcher whipped his face to her wide eyed.
"S-Sorry." She held up her hands worriedly. "Is it rude to ask a dead person that? I d-didn't know honest. It's just that.....You're doin' an aweful lot for me and I don't know a lot about ya, since you already know alot 'bout me from my rambling. I figured ya would return the favor."
"Sorry. NO can do, Red. That's private information."
She scowled again. "OH come on! Purple onion. Your contract paper thingy said I could ask for anything I wanted in return for helping ya!"
"Within REASON!," Snatcher stressed, "Asking a ghost about their past is like asking a poor person how much money they spent on their shoes!"
"UUUUHHH!!! I swear sometimes you can be more childish than those girls!"
"So can you!"
"UGH!! Alright! Why don't we compramise?," she offered and that got Snatcher's attention. "I don't think it's fair you're still essentially a stranger to me. So how about you answer just a few questions 'bout ghosts an stuff, but you don't have to answer any ya don't like. Deal?"
".....Hmm....Deal." he crossed his arms and looked at her with a raised brow, "What do you want to know, Red?''
"Well my first question asked would be nice. You don't have to go into detail," She added seeing Snatcher's eyes narrow.
"Mmm." He REALLY didn't want to say anything. It was still too early for this even if he was more at ease now but since he didn't really have to go into detail- "Same as you. I died during the Great Subcon Freeze."
"Oh. Well you said you saw what happened when Philip....p-p-passed away, right? Does that mean you were employed by the Queen?"
OH PECK- HOW WAS HE GONNA ANSWER THAT!? He chose to shrug and as calmly as he could said. "Sorta. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time." Which wasn't really a lie. He couldn't have ever been in a more wrong place or time. "Another innocent bystander to a crazy curse."
"Oh. Well how are you a ghost?"
Another shrug. "Beats me. A lot of other people are ghosts, you've seen them. Most of them can't even remember who they were in life. Don't know how or why so don't ask. Just the way it is."
"Does that mean you remember who you were?"
"Obviously I do. Otherwise I couldn't tell you anything."
"Oh right. Dumb question. Then who wer-"
"Next question!," he answered fast which caught her off guard but she shrugged it off. Obviously he wasn't comfortable with that.
"Alright. Don't get your long tail in a knot." Looking over him she wonder how a soul such as thing could be so big...Souls? "That's another thing. Why did you want mah soul when I first met ya?" This time he actually paused. This question was one he hadn't been expecting and one he hadn't really thought of a cover for. "How WAS he supposed to explain that ghastly part of his afterlife to her without sounding like a heartless monster- "Do you really eat them?"......Wot? She made a grimace like she had bitten into a lemon. "That sounds so terrible and gross! Do all ghosts eat other ghosts?"
..........He blinked. Did she really think that he ate- "WHAT?! No! I don't really eat them! I can't eat anything! Im pecking dead for crying out loud! I just use that to intimidate intruding fools! I take souls as servants for tresspassing into people's burial grounds! At first you were no different, just another person intruding into my domain without permission-"
"Then why did you all of a sudden decide to help me?" She asked crossing her arms. "You could've just taken me as a servant then and there." ...Snatcher rose a brow. "Ok! Well ya technically did, but I mean what made ya decide to help me? I just don't get it."
Snatcher went oddly silent at her question. She didn't get it. Of course she didn't get it and she never would if he could help it. So he decided to play it safe for now and give her an honest answer. "Because I recognized you from the village." It's true, he did. But his answer took her by surprise as he carefully cherry picked his next words carefully with a sigh. "I-...Sometimes saw you selling flowers in the square, and-.....I guess I was simpathetic to someone else in a similar situation as I was." Which weren't lies either and safe enough to say without having his identity compramised.
He saw her in the village? Did that mean he was one of the villagers? Maybe someone who worked in the summer house and lived in the village. She met a couple of people who would brag about being employed at the Queen's summer home when she wasn't in her palace. If so, then it would all make sense about why he knew her and how he was able to see the prince's demise. Actually that would explain everything and how he knew her if she sold him flowers before. A little assurance and calm was delivered to her with that revolation and she smiled at him like she solved the entire puzzle and it was complete. And to her it was complete. Except for one tiny little thing.
"So....does that mean Philip is a g-ghost too?"
He figured she'd ask that by the way things were going. So he sounded like he took a giant breath even if he didn't have lungs and sighed. How was he suppose to answer? By telling the truth of course! Just not in the way one may think. "A ghost? Well that's not exactly easy to answer." Which was true it was hard for him to answer that when the answer was obviously yes and staring at her right here. In front of her, but also because he was. NOT. PECKING. READY. To tell her. "Any ghost I know if they even became ghosts would be in the forest .....or another plain of existance." Which again wasn't a lie. All the ghost he DID know lived in his territory except for Moonjumper who was bound to the horizon.....Huh. Speaking of which he hadn't seen him in a while now. Oh well. Less problem for him to worry about. "A-And like I said BARELY any of my minions remember who they were before they died." Which also wasn't a lie. So technically he NEVER lied to her and didn't compramise his identity. PERFECT!!
"Oh. I..see."
Poppy looked down to her hands laid in her lap and the gold shining from her wrist. So it would be almost impossible for her to see him again then huh? Considering if Prince Philip became a ghost at all there was still the part where even if she did find him neither would be able to tell according to Snatcher. And even if by SOME miracle he WAS a ghost and he COULD remember her, then he might even be on a different plain of being which was highly unlikely she'd be able to get to. So it'd be useless to persue that idea even if all of those factors were even possible. ....She looked back up when metal rattled against the floor and Snatcher stared at the very end of his tail. She guessed Snatcher could see perfectly in the dark compared to a human because he bluntly pointed at something she couldn't see on the floor and asked.
"Are those garden tools in a golf club bag?"
Garden to- OH!! She completely forgot about those she was so tired! Poppy rubbed her neck sheepishly. "Uh.....Y-Yeah. W-We went out earlier today an' I guess I forgot ta put them away before I fell asleep. Sorry bout that."
Snatcher turned to her with light surprise. "Wait a minute. You LEFT the ship and went somewhere by yourself without telling ME?!"
She frowned. "Hey! I was gettin' antsy just seeing nothin' but space all day! And if ya haven't noticed it's kinda cramped up here. I need space to walk around freely so I don't have to crawl, and last time I checked I was an adult who didn't need no supervision. 'Sides! I wasn't alone. Cookie 'n those girls of yours were with me the whole time."
Snatcher brought a hand up to rub his temples groaning. "And the LAST time you went somewhere 'not alone' with those two I had to save your sorry butt. I swear you'll only get in trouble if you run around in places you shouldn't."
.....She nervously laughed and looked away. "W-W-Well..about that..Uh-''
"What did you do?," he asked without room for arguement. Removing his hand to bare his eyes into her nervous smile.
"Nothing. Just some shoppin' with the girls. Got some new dresses......And maybe I destroyed some fancy whatcha-mah-call-it machine and in order to play for it I agreed to be in a Moon Penguin's play."
"I'm sorry! I didn't have enough pons, and Mr. Grooves was so nice. He even said I didn't have to pay a single pon if I worked for free! I panicked! I didn't want debt on mah name!!"
"OH! FOR THE LOVE OF- HOW DID YOU EVEN BREAK IT?!," he asked annoyed.
"I ......leaned my tools against it? hehe."
A loud smack filled the room making her jump and it took her a moment to realize Snatcher had facepalmed himself HARD groaning. "I leave for ONE WHOLE DAY and you end up being in trouble. Is there anything ELSE I should know about?"
"I yelled at a crazy yellow owl."
"What?," he looked up from his hand at her and she nodded.
"Yeah. At least I think it was an owl. He did have feathers. Biggest loud mouth I'd ever met! HUH!" She frowned recrossing her arms. "He said I had to work for 'em just because I accidentally knocked over the thingy. I told him where he could stick it if he ever wanted my help! HMPH!!"
There was a pause of silence as Poppy frowned at nothing in particular and Snatcher continued to stare at her with a blank expression-.......SNRK!! She glanced up from what sounded like a covered snort and too her surprise the spook was....Smiling?? No. Not just smiling. He was trembling lightly as he smiled down at her biting into his bottom lip...Before the flood gates opened and he full on laughed. His loud raspy voice echoing throughout the dark room leaving Poppy bamboozled. Why was he laughing? She didn't think she said anything funny. Was he laughing because she was in trouble again?
"AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!" A clawed hand grabbed her shoulder as he leaned over with the other hand holding his middle as he continued to laugh like no tomorrow. "W-WAIT! *wheeze* *COUGH COUGH COUGH*" She blinked surprised to hear a ghost somehow have the need to wheeze or cough to regain breath without lungs or a body...But she'd seen a lot of weird things now so who was she to be surprised? He still went back to laughing one eye open to look at her his voice happy sounding and trembling. "Y-Y-You mean a-...Ahahahaha!! D-Did he call every one a p-p-p-peckneck?! Haha!!"
....She blinked and frowned again. "Yes! A very RUDE man! Threw a tantrum like a little kid and I told him to find me once he learnt some respect and acted like an' adult!"
Now she smiled. "I take it you know him?" She had to wait for his laughing fit to die down and him to 'catch his breath' before he could look at her with a straight face and answer clearly. He nodded yes to answer her question at least.
"A few times. More of a peckneck than me!" He wiped at his face. "I wish I was there to see THAT! Worth more than gold!"
"Oh. What are you doing here anyways? It's the middle of the night."
He seemed to remember something as he sat up and reached behind him. "Right. I finished fixing your dress. Guess I lost track of time and didn't know you were resting. My apologies for that." He pulled out a blue dress from no where and besides the stains(which she couldn't see in the dark anyways) it looked brand new as he handed it over without a second thought. "Here. But don't expect me to become your personal tailor, Red. This was just a one time deal for you."
Poppy stared stunned at the dress as she took it and ran a hand over the mended parts. "It feels like it was never ripped!" She smiled wider at him. "Thank ya! I guess you do know what you're doin' after all."
His smile couldn't have been more smug as he examined his claws. "Well I never lie about my skills."
She smiled again before looking over the dress the best she could in the dark. "It was mighty kind of you. I kinda feel bad 'bout you going through the trouble of it now since I got me some more. That lil sweetheart of yours did too."
She smiled chuckling. "Poor thing got all drenched but I think that was my fault too. A couple of them silly ol' birds mistook me as her mo-....." Poppy suddenly paused...staring at her dress for a moment but the sudden cut of conversation didn't get past the spook who stopped smiling and stared at her more.
"Is something bothering you?"
"Well now that I think about it...How did those two come to be under your wing anyhow?" She looked at him with a raised brow. "An alien being raised by a ghost? It's the most strangest thing I've heard about. Where's their mothers? Where's their family?"
....Snatcher gave a frown not directed at her and stated, "I am their family. We have each other and that's all we need."
"Well, yes. I know family goes beyond blood...Or in your case flesh and blood I suppose. But I don't just get how they came in your care if you don't let anyone in that forest." Snatcher remained silent staring at the floor and for a moment Poppy thought she stepped over a line. DUMMY!! Who was she to ask someone who adopted two lil girls!? It was none of her business! "I-I'm sorry. That was rude of me ta ask. It won't happen a-"
"They're orphans."
She blinked and stared at him. "Uh.....What?"
"I said they're orphans. They have no one else." Yellow eyes looked to her again. "You want to know where they came from?" .....When she didn't answer he continued. "I don't know anything about Bow's past and neither does she. As far as I know she was raised in a crummy orphanage her whole life before she decided to run away and get tangled up in the mess Hattie made when she first arrived."
"Oh. Im so sorry...How did you come to adopt an alien if ya still don't mind me askin'?"
He huffed a chuckle and smiled bittersweet. "That little lady caused problems the moment she arrived on the planet with her time pieces. I won't go into detail, but let's just saw she almost caused the world to be destroyed and saved it too. She's a special something that I've never seen."
"If she arrived on this planet, doesn't that mean she has family back on her own planet?"
"You would think that at first." He shook his head grimly scowled. "But no. It's what I thought at first too when she originally left, but then she came back and refused to leave even after she got every single one of those cursed time pieces. Turns out she never had anything there to begin with."
Poppy's eyes widened. "W-W-What happened?"
"Long story short war."
"A war? Over what?"
"Over those...things. They're too dangerous for even her to use beyond a few simple things. Her family ..or what was left of it. Made those things to control people. As you would expect a lot of people with greedy intentions would want to get their hands on something like that, so in order to protect herself...She left."....He looked up out the attic windows for a moment with...pity on his face staring at the black void of stars. "I don't know how long she was out there and I don't know why she wanted to go back to where she came from or what happened to make her flee again. Never asked. But I also never questioned it when she came back and decided not to leave again. She's a smart kid. Here there's people who care about her and want her to be safe...Forever." He mumbled that last part to himself but she didn't hear. "I-......I couldn't just leave them vulnerable sitting there like dead ducks. They needed me...and..I-I-I guess in a w-way I r-really needed someone like them too."
He jumped when he felt someone grab his hand snapped back down to stare at sorrowful blue eyes gazing up at him. Poppy was gently squeezing his hand. ".....I-....I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you. And them. I really am. You seem like a really nice person even if you can come across as a stubborn purple onion. For what you did...There's really no other noble thing than a good father is there?"
He still stared at her.....then to where she was holding his hand, and a bright yellow hue flushed his cheeks as he coughed and looked away. "I-....Suppose you're right. Anyways, all this talking is distracting me from my work! You have your dress and feel better obviously-"
"Could you please stay? At least until I fall back asleep...I-...I'd appreciate it a lot if ya did."
He stared at her a moment before waving a hand still blushing yellow. "Fine. But don't expect me to do this again. Because guess what? Im not legally obligated too."
She smiled. "Sure, Snatcher."
She giggled and got up to presumably get back in her floor bed and he watched her go. .....She thought she was a good father huh? And she was mistaken as Bow's mother? His hand slowly closed itself as he watched her. Well. Every child deserves a mother didn't they? And who better deserved a mother than his little devils? She just needed some time to realize it.
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kokobop-fire · 4 years
Birth {Kim SeokJin}
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Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the gifts that I use, algo English is not my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes.
"I already have the results. Everything is fine; you only have what is known as Braxton hicks. It is your body preparing for the delivery" your gynecologist smiled at you. "Now you can go, try to relax and enjoy your last days as much as you can."
She left your room, leaving you alone with Jin; you sighed, relaxing a bit, you placed a hand on your belly, you were sure that you had gone into labor.
"Im really sorry, Jin," you apologized. Jin looked up from his phone, most likely telling the boys that it was a false alarm.
"Jagi, it's not your fault. It's something you can't control" he kissed you on the forehead. "At least it served us as practice."
You smiled slightly. Even so, the guilt did not leave your body. Everything happened fast. One moment you were singing at the top of your lungs and screaming in the middle of the boy's concert, and the next minute, you felt a stabbing pain in your lower belly.
You were as fast as you could backstage, ten minutes later, Jin found himself next to you on the way to the hospital, you felt bad because he left the concert, the fans paid to see the 7 of them.
"Jin ... Really sorry, this was your last concert without being a dad, you had to enjoy it to the fullest. Besides, we weren't ready, it's only two weeks until the baby arrives, and we don't have anything, we don't have a car seat, the nursery is not ready, and the hospital bag is not ... "Jin shut you up with a kiss."
"Honey, don't worry, we will have everything ready for when the baby arrives," He got at the height of your belly, "and you young lady enjoys your time in there, you got me exciting for nothing" she gave you a light kiss belly.
You smiled when Jin painted Jimin's shirt, causing him to start whine; seven days ago, you had begun to have your Braxton Hicks, no day passed that the contractions intensified the pain.
Today the boys were in charge of decorating your princess's room, and you were taking advantage of it to start preparing individual dishes for Jin's birthday, which was the next day.
You were also using it to take care of Jung Hwa and practice when your baby is here. You started to sing to him while you gave him some banana-flavored puff cereal; Jung Hwa started laughing. He had the same smile as his Dad.
"Jagi, the room is ready," you heard Jin's voice; you took Jung Hwa before heading to your baby's future room.
The room was beautiful. Everything was white with purple and pink. There were several butterflies and alpacas you entered your room and took the RJ teddy that was in the crib. "OMG, the room is beautiful, thank you very much, but someone can explain to me what  does this stuffed animal in the baby's crib."
"RJ is my first baby. Let her occupy the crib for a while until my princess arrives," Jin replied with a smile.
"Really, guys, thank you very much for helping me with the nursery; with this, I have almost everything ready for the baby's arrival."
"Anything for our future niece is no problem."
You groaned loudly when you were finally able to get out of bed without Jin's help. You looked at the 12:01 AM clock; it was officially your beautiful Boyfriend's birthday.
You heard how the water fell from the shower. An hour ago, since the boys have left, you entered the kitchen looking for the little cake you had prepared for him. You entered the room, finding Jin sitting on the bed, shirtless and only in his pajama bottoms. He was concentrating on looking at his phone.
Before you could start singing Happy Birthday, Jin looked up, smiling at you. "You remembered our tradition."
You agreed, lighting the candle again. "Of course, this tradition I could fulfill it this year, now make a wish"
The tradition of the little cake started on your first birthday of Jin being his girlfriend, you were just graduating from college, and you didn't have enough money to buy him an expensive gift, so you decided to make him a cake from scratch, something that he loved. And you kept doing it.
Jin closed his eyes for a moment before blowing out the candle. "I'm ready for the next tradition."
"Babe, there's no way I'm going to do it, I look like a whale, and I don't feel sexy." "For me, you are the sexiest woman in the world, and besides this year, you have fewer clothes than other years" Jin winked at you. "Tradition is tradition."
You lowered your gaze to your belly; you only had an old strappy sweater that now fit you like a crop top leaving your giant stomach exposed and some small pajama pants that Jin had to help you put on.
"Do it, babe. I want to see you doing the strip dance."
The other gift you gave Jin for her birthday was a strip dance that became a tradition for her birthday.
You closed your eyes, sighing heavily. "Ready for your eyes to bleed?"
"That will never happen."
You started humming a song while trying to dance "You like this Boy?" You rubbed your belly while trying to dance sexually. You began to move your sweater slightly, letting the hillock of your breasts look more pronounced.
Jin laughed when you tried to lower your pants, but you almost fell in the attempt. "Im going to gag you dead if you keep laughing."
Jin moved his hands over your non-existent waist before lowering them to your butt and spanking you. You moaned slightly for the feeling, "Happy 28th to you, I love you so much, but I can't anymore. My back hurts too much" you lay down on his side.
"Princess, do you have any idea how much I love you and your mother?" he started kissing your belly.
"She Knows, now shut up and lie down to sleep" run a hand through his soft hair.
"I'm sorry, darling, but tradition is tradition, so princess, close your eyes, that dad is going to do terrible things to your mother" you smiled slightly. You could feel the heaviness in your eyes.
"How is it possible that you want to have sex with me right now?"
"Do you know how sexy you are? I always want to have sex with you. I don't know what I did to have a beautiful girlfriend like you. "Jin murmured against your neck.
I was going to answer him when you felt like a liquid began to go down your legs. "Jin, I think my water broke."
You let out another cry when you felt another contraction again. Jin took your hand. "Breathe deeply, Love."
It was already seven in the morning, and the baby gave no signs that she would be out any time soon. "Shut the fuck up, Jin."
You couldn't take the pain anymore; Jin's mother and the boys had already visited you. The boys' visit was quick to avoid attracting attention. During the day, they would go out in public and try to entertain the paparazzi.
Something you were deeply grateful for, the last thing you needed to worry about was the fans and paparazzi.
"If you think about it, maybe the baby and I have the same birthday."
"I know."
Your gynecologist came into your room. "How are you?"
"For the moment, fine, I just can't stand the pain anymore" She nodded slightly before checking your vaginal dilation.
"Well, it's ready to push. You're 8 centimeters. It's enough for you to start pushing" the gynecologist left the room just as began another strong contraction.
"Breath Jagi, the pain will soon end" Jin retook your hand.
"Jin, I love you, so I apologize for anything I say to you for the next few minutes" you connected your lips with his
The gynecologist came back in accompanied by two nurses. "Ready?"
"Push, you are going to push for the next 5 seconds, keep going," your gynecologist told you before starting counting slightly.
"I Cant" you yelled, interrupting her. Your entire lower back hurt, and you were covered in sweat.
Jin was taking one of your legs to facilitate your birthing position "the next contraction should be in 30 seconds."
"I can't keep pushing," you whimpered. You could feel your whole face hot from the effort. You screamed again when you felt the contraction. You started to push harder.
"I know you can love" Jin lightly wiped the sweat from your forehead.
"The Head has already come out, (Y / N) I need you to push harder for the shoulders to come out" You started Push again.
"Oh my God," you shouted again before feeling the pain magically go away, little cries began to fill the room.
"She is so beautiful, Jagi" Jin had tears in his eyes. The nurse placed the baby on your chest after they cleaned her.
Jin took her in her arms. She looked extremely tiny against Jin's chest. You felt your eyes fill with tears. "Happy birthday. I hope you like my present."
"You are kidding me? I love it. I want another one like that for my next birthday" He leaned in, giving you another kiss on the forehead, before wiping the tears that were running down your face. "Thank you (Y / N). You make me the happiest man in the world.
You smiled at his words. If five years ago they had told you that you were going to go out with an idol and have his baby, you would have laughed in his face. You always imagined that you would end up with a lawyer, but life is full of surprises, and you were grateful that Jin was one of them.
The baby began to cry until they leaned her against your chest again. "I Love You, baby girl" you lightly kissed her little head.
Kim Soo Jin {김수진} Born on  (12/04)
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 27
Chapter title: Clocks Tick and Phones Still Ring
A/n: ....yall im so sorry for how long this took and the fact that not only did it take forever but it fucking sucks. I hate this I'm sorry I can't just here I'm so sorry
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words: 2155
summary: Through troubling times Logans mind run wilds trying his best
pairings: Eventual logicality, prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing abuse, graphic descriptions, alcohol, shooting, crying
Ao3 Link  
Twenty minutes later...
Do you know what you are supposed to do when the love of your life sits pale and barely breathing in a room?
No Im genuinely asking
Because running out of the room and collapsing to sobs on your knees does seem valid however Logan just stood there. He stood there frozen, Barbara knew what to do. She ran to Pattons side, taking his cold hand, silent tears as she examines his soft face. Virgil emerges moments later, the family rule disposed of as he takes Patton's other side.  Roman took the end, and soon the room felt tight, he couldn't breathe.
He wanted to yell
Or cry
Or do anything remarkably human
But he just stood, nurses and doctors rushed by him, his friends talked in whispers of concern.
Why didn't he care?
He could hear the rest of them talking, questions fired at the nurses and doctors, sweet words of encouragement for a speedy and safe recovery for Patton. Telling them how much they care for him, but not Logan. In what seemed like minutes, the rest had decided to give Logan a moment. A moment for what? That was lost on him but alas the room fell quiet.
“This is your own fault, you understand that right?” He finally sets on speaking, not that anything would respond. Unless you count the steady monitor and the wheezes from the machines. “I'm not sure how many times I must clarify this but I'm not Liam. You can tell me things, you can trust me”
He scoffs, his arms crossed over his heart.
“None of us are Liam. You know I don't say ‘I love you’ ok?” He pushes, he can feel his nostrils flare. Do something Patton, respond. “I've only said it to my mothers and you” He glares, why was he just laying there. How dare he? “You took that from me!” He takes a second, breathing deep. “You knew...you knew this was going to happen. You have a will...its reasonable. You have two kids, a sister and assets at your disposal. But they showed it to me, they brought it to me”
He took his copy out, the crumpled and tear stained document felt too heavy.
“I, Patton Hart, residing at 1823 Millow Lane, declare this to be my Will, and I revoke any and all wills and codicils I previously made.” Logan begins to read, his hands shake noticeably but he continues. “I leave minor children surviving me, my daughter Valerie and son Remus. I appoint as guardian of the person and property of my minor children my partner Logan Tolentino. He shall have custody of my minor children, and shall serve without bond. If he does not qualify or for any reason ceases to serve as guardian, I appoint as successor guardian my sister Barbara Hart.” He finishes, some small part of him almost hopes that Patton awakes. An explanation ready. “This was recent, you knew, you knew something was going on!” He shouts, he tries to recenter but he can't, everything is too much. How was he supposed to handle these things?
“Logan? Everything alright?” A knock allows him to remember he's here.
“M’fine” He lies, and soon it's just him once more. “You changed it, this was clearly recent because I know you. I know that it takes you forever to trust people...although looking back on this unfortunate event you don't trust me. How dare you do this? How dare you not tell me, how dare you turn away from and do this” He rips the paper, watching its remains crumple to the ground “It's not that I can't do it, or won't” He states “Its that I don't want to…” He approaches Patton, finding himself next to the pale faced man. “I don't want to do this without you” He breaks, the anger shatters as his hand meets Patton's cold touch. “Please Patton..” He barely whispers at this point, his heart feels too heavy to be his own. “You do not get to be the love of my life and then die, you do not get to do this to me. Do you understand?”
“Papa?” Logan turns and eyes in horror as the twins, so bubbly and sweet, lose everything about them. Emile bursts through, his eyes and breath apologetic. “What happened...to papa?” Remus cries, Valerie shakes her head.
“Logan I am so sorry, they ju-” Emile begins but Logan sighs.
“It's alright” He assures standing, Emile takes his cue and walks away, leaving the three of them in the room...well four of them, for now. He takes them both in his arms, a breath of relief knowing they exist, knowing they are there and ok. He leads them to the bed, sitting at the end as they fear their place. Valerie squirms first, crawling closer, but alas her hands recoil. Remus has no qualms, he jumps hugging his father.
“Papa wake up please” He begs, his voice so soft. His energy and excitement for the mystery of life is gone. He wanted certainty, he wanted his father. Soon his sad calm aura turned quick to confused anger. “Wake up! Wake up papa! Wake up!” he cries, Valerie's simple tears, as she watched in pity for her brother, were nothing compared to the waterfall. Logan takes the boy, embracing him gently in his arms, soothing him to breathe. Valerie adjusts herself under the blankets, hugging Patton as she tries to mimic his sleep pattern. Logan watches knowing his world is breaking, and he's only got a smidgen of knowledge of what to do.
“The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out” Valerie hums, Remus eyes her red and puffed. She continues her gentle tone, and Remus joins her on Patton's other side. Both cozying up to him, simple and sweet tunes until the pair tire themselves out. Sleeping away, Logan sits in the chair, he watches hoping to protect them for a moment before his own eyes fall prey to the idea of rest.
A week later…
“So we ended up going to the wrong store” Logan explains as he sets up the meal, the children giggle placing the sheet over the table. The hospital had granted them permission to use a table, and set up for meals in Patton's room. “Here you are” He hands plates to Valerie, she juggles them carefully setting them neatly upon the surface.
“Imma go get napkins!” Remus declares, he enjoys the sweet gushes the nurses give him so running through the halls was his favorite pastime.
“He's not gonna come back with napkins” Valerie sighs, continuing to help Logan. He sits by Patton, recalling their day. “Lollipops maybe, but not napkins” She finishes giving Logan his moment to set the food. He had been trying his hardest, help from Roman and Remy was required for cooking. He followed the recipe and tried for a simple mac and cheese today, with some salad and sweet desserts.
“Ready?” Logan asks as Remus emerges with a bundle of his own finds, none of which included his treasure he had set to get.
“Don't forget food for papa” Remus reminds, Valerie nods already chomping into her meal. The twins had insisted they set a place for him every time, serve him food and Logan would wait until he was alone to pack it back up. They knew he wasn't eating it but it was nice. “He's going to be so big and strong when he wakes up”
If he wakes up
“Absolutely” Logan agrees. So they eat and Emile comes to pick them up for a day away, Logan cleans and makes sure everything returns to normal. He can't say he doesn't enjoy the few moments alone, it takes time to go from a solitary routine, to adding a romantic partner and then children.
But he misses the second part more than he cares to admit. He sits at the end of the bed, stroking away Patton's loose hairs, the freezing touch scares him. He moves closer, somehow finding himself exhausted and wrapped around Patton. Its funny, he used to dream of the day's end when he could cuddle up in bed alone, the world was his own. But he hadn't realized how much he missed having someone, Patton, there with him until it was gone. Sleep had been awful, restless, but as soon as he had his protective arms around Patton, making sure he was ok...Logan fell fast.
“Careful Lo, hes just a baby” Patton smiles, swaddling the young child in Logan's arms. The man fears his own breath, the smallest of tears as he watches the young one snore so easily. Patton keeps his arms connected and in this moment they just are, they feel connected. A soft kiss to Logans cheek as footsteps shuffle behind him.
“This is Jamahl, Terrences brother” Cindy introduces, Patton flashes his award winning smile. The boy remains hesitant, keeping his eyes steady on the little child in Logan's arms, he has no choice he thinks. If he wants to keep his brother safe this is his option. So he goes with them.
“Where are we going?” He asks, as the neighborhood finds itself less familiar. Patton looked at him, he insisted on sitting in the back with the children. Keeping an eye on the baby.
“Home” He replies, Jamahl scoffs shaking his head. “My home, and Logans and if you would like it to be...your home” Patton corrects, Jamahl gets a choice? That's new. “Oh I should warn you-”
“Here it comes” The twelve year old sighs, Patton keeps a gentle grin.
“I have two twins at home, they're both five years old.” He pulls out his phone, swiping to show a shining photo of Patton and two young ecstatic children, “Thats Valerie and that's Remus” He points, beaming with pride. Jamahl nods, ok...not as bad. “They're wonderful and...five years old and very excitable so just be wary” He laughs, Logan could never get tired of the sweet sound.
They arrived at the house quickly, and Patton was not wrong to warn the child.
“Im Valerie!” A young girl smiles, shaking his hand vivaciously.
“Im Remus!” The boy greets, a giant hug. Jamahl freezes but allows it to happen, thanking whatever ethereal being let Patton pull the twins off him.
“Remember what I told you humbugs, no touching unless they are comfortable with it ok?” Patton reminds, they nod before waving their goodbyes. They run off and Logan disappears into the hall, coddling the baby. Jamahl looks worried and Patton assures him. “You wanna come see what's going on?”
“Yes please” He nods and finds himself allowing Patton to lead him into the baby room. A bed set up for him as well, he watches Logan be ever so careful with the baby and Patton respect his boundaries. He shrugs.
Maybe this won't be so bad.
A month later...
“Its your fucking fault!” Logan decides, Emile shushes him backing him up from Virgils heated face. “Everything that is happening is your fault!”
“Logan you're being a dick right now” Remy announces, a glare from Emile quiets him. Logan scoffs kicking the chair underneath him, scaring even Roman.
“And yours too” He points, his nasty finger threatening the detectives. “Why didn't you do anything, day after day he came to you! About Liam! And now because of your fucking negligence, he was too scared to come to you and tell you about these phone calls!”
“You know what Lo? I shouldn't have told you, as of now you have no legal bindings to Patton, so me telling you that we searched his phone and found the phone calls, that was a courtesy” Virgil spits, Logan goes to approach not sure what his next move is but thanks to Roman and James he has no time to figure it out. They command him to sit, calming both parties and get a soothing talk down.
“You know it's his fault Roman” Logan sighs exasperated, Roman nods unsure but doesn't want to to escalate.
“You know what, fuck you Logan!” Virgil screams, Logan stands.
“You're the reason those children are gonna lose their father!” Logan retorts, that catches something. Virgil pushes past Remy, almost landing one on Logan before Roman grabs him, both surprised by how well they fit together. Silly to think about at this moment.
“Maybe if you weren't so fucking cold they would see you as a father” Virgil replies once more, that hurt. Logan won't lie that his knees buckled and he might have fallen right then had Barbara and Marcy not taken him and cared for him. He wants to keep going but a chilling throat clears the room. Instantly they both look to the doctor who stands, judgmental but patient.
“Hes awake”
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diddlesanddoodles · 4 years
Dumpling ch 25
Three parts muddled meadowsweet, two parts crushed licorice root, one part muddled ginger, and seven parts vinegar. Steeped for a week and dilute with honey water before consuming to sooth the discomfort caused by heartburn.
“Probably the most widely used tincture here,” Farris told her. “We have plenty still in storage, so there’s time enough fer ya to learn it proper like.”
He gave her the already measured out ingredients and had her simply practice muddling them in the mortar, which was a hard enough task in and of itself. The stone pestle was heavy and she needed both hands to proper grasp it. She had only just been working at it a few minutes with Farris watching over her when his laugh broke her concentration. He was shaking his head and she furrowed her brows at him.
“This is hard!” she proclaimed defensively.
“Ah, thought it looked easy, did ye?”
“It’s really heavy...” she whined. “And you’re a lot stronger than I am...”
“Oi, yer not quitin’ on me are ye, gal?”
She frowned at him stubbornly. “No!”
He seemed pleased with her answer. “Good. Now keep at it,” he told her with a jerk of his head in an encouraging gesture. He left her then to her own work and with a stubborn determination, she pressed on. Once the flowers and ginger had been mashed to the consistency that Farris wanted, she scooped it out into bucket. After rinsing the bowl with some vinegar, she used the pestle to smash up the licorice root. It only needed to be broken open to proper steep later so it was not quite as arduousness. The jar of vinegar was as tall as she was and filled almost to the top. She had to climb onto an overturned ramekin to to be able to reach high enough to dump the ingredients. She watched the debris of the flowers and crushed ginger slowly float down while the licorice root dropped fairly fast and settled at the bottom. For something meant to make a person feel better, it sure smelled bad. The smell of ginger was not too awful, only that it was pungent and clung to her fingers, but she did not care at all for the smell of the licorice. When Farris returned to check on her, her held the jar up to the light and hummed approvingly. “Not terrible fer ya first go at it.”
He sealed the jar and put it away inside a chest with other similar jars. For the rest of the day, Farris had her working on more of the meadowseet tinctures until she was able to make it from start to finish on her own and only needed Farris to fill a jar with vinegar for her and seal it once it was done. Nenani found it oddly pleasant change of pace for Farris to actually be pleased by something she did rather than exasperated.
In the end, Farris declined to attend Gregis’s funeral, but sent his condolences and several gifts of foodstuffs with the attending Vhasshalan party as well as a message to the presumptive successor, Warrick.
“It’ll be a day or so before he sends any message back,” Farris was telling Bart. “I’m not sure how much Gregis shared with ‘im about the arrangements, so the sooner he’s up to speed the better.”
“When do you expect t’ be making another trip?”
“Next week at the earliest,” Farris answered. “Unless Keral hears anythin’ different, but he’s got a tick up ‘is arse about somethin’ else and hasn’t answered my last note.”
“Seems like they’ve been much quieter this year. Not as many. Might be a sign that they’re finally stoppin’.”
“Aye. Had ourselves a dozen or so this time last year. We’re only sittin’ on four or so now. Five if ya include the Dumplin’.”
Bart let out a breathy snort through his nose. “Wouldn’t count her in the lot. She came to us by basket, not the markets.”
“Not much difference,” Farris replied. “If they’d ‘a found her at any point during the journey, she wouldn’t be here right now. Could have very well ended up in that market.”
“Well, best be thankin’ whatever stars she was born under that it didn’t happen that way.”  
Farris nodded. “Believe me, Bart. I do.”
By the morning Jae arrived to drag her on a tunnel exploration, Nenani had all but forgotten about the entire conversation they had regarding that very thing. She had just finished her ninth successful tincture when he suddenly popped up on the table next to her. He wasn’t wearing his fine clothing and instead had opted for his preferred outfit of trousers and a tunic. She jumped when his head suddenly popped up from the table’s edge and he loudly greeter her. “MORNING!”
“Ah!” the empty bucket she had been holding went flying and bounced several times before rolling off the side of the table. From the next prep table over, Avery was loudly laughing.
“You scared me!” she whirled on Jae as he climbed up, breathlessly laughing.
“Oh boy,” he said, brushing off the front of his shirt. “I really got you good.”
She threw a piece of licorice root at him and he turned away just as it hit his upper shoulder. He was still giggling like an idiot as she walked over to the edge of the table and looked down to see her bucket in the grass far below.  
“Forget it,” Jae told her. “Besides, we got tunnels to explore today, remember?”
She bristled, having done just that. Forget, that is.
“Can’t,” she replied simply. “I’m making tinctures.”
Jae looked over at her set up and tiled his head at her curiously. “Uh...why?”
“Farris gave me a job,” she replied proudly, sitting down next to her mortar and pestle and began to break meadowsweet into manageable pieces and dropping them into the bowl. He watched her for a moment as she ground the blossoms.
“He’s having you make heartburn tonic?”
“Hm.” Jae didn’t say anything else and just quietly sat down. Propping his head up in his hands, he watched her work and was quiet for several long moments. She glanced at him periodically, viewing him with deep suspicion. But he simply sat there, placid and still. Behind him, Nenani noticed Kol walking over with a bucket of water to fill up one of the cauldrons. His eyes briefly glanced their way, but he continued on with his work.
“So, how long will it take?” Jae asked finally. “Until you’re done, I mean.”
She shrugged noncommittally. “Until he tells me to stop.”
Her eyes caught sudden movement and she turned to see Kol standing behind Jae, a wicked smirk playing on his lips while Jae remained ever unaware. Jae opened his mouth to say something just as Kol slammed both of his hands down on either side of the boy and shouted, “MORNIN’!”
“SON-OF-A-!” Jae jumped and scrambling to his feet, but slipped and just ended up face flat on the table. Above him, Kol doubled over as he belly laughed himself to the point of not being able to breathe.
“Fuck you, Kol,” Jae said, making a rude gesture in the cook’s direction. “Just...fuck you.”
“Sorry, lad,” Kol said once he was able to breathe. “I couldn’t not...”
Jae pushed himself up onto his elbows and sighed. “Get all our jollies out?”
Kol smirked and put his finger to his lips in mock consideration. “Hm...not sure yet. Might be - AH!”
Farris smacked a hand across the back of Kol’s head as he walked up behind him. “Get back to it, Kol. Ye can pester the humans after ye done yer fuckin’ job.”
Jae did nothing to mute the very satisfied grin as Kol walked away, nursing his sore head. And then winced when Farris tapped him on the head, just hard enough to smart.  
“As fer you, lad,” Farris continued. “Won’t Donal be missin’ ya? Or ya shirkin’ yer new job already?”
“I’m not shirking anything,” Jae replied. “It’s my day off.”
Farris grunted. “Must be nice.”
“Oh, don’t give me that. Not my fault you never actually take yours. And don’t say you don’t have them, because I’ve seen your contract,” Jae said, pushing himself to his feet. “In any case, I’m hear to steal your ward for the day.”
Farris raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh? And where might ya be stealin’ her off to?”
Jae grinned. “We’re gonna go look for dead people in the tunnels.”
The particular face that Farris made was one Nenani was not familiar with. He looked equal parts horrified, angry, and incredulous. “Yer fuckin’ what?”
Nenani buried her face in her hands, groaning. “Jae, it sounds bad when you say it like that.”
“And just what other fuckin’ ways are there fer ya to say that it don’t sound bad?” the giant demanded. “And what do ya mean by dead people in the tunnels?”
“That day she lost her marker?” Jae explained, sounding far too excited. “Yeah, she found some other tunnel and there was this room full of dead people. Like...graves. Old ones. Human. We’re gonna go find it.”
Farris pinned Nenani with a look. “And just when were ya gonna say anythin’ about this, hm?”
She squirmed under his gaze and when she didn’t answer him, he shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Gods piss on it...”
“So, can I borrow her for a bit?” Jae asked, his face pleading.
“So long as ya bring her back before sundown,” Farris replied gruffly and then pulled a slip of paper from his apron. He carefully rolled it up and then held it out to Jae. “And ya can be givin’ this to Maevis fer me while yer at it. Yer day off be damned.”
Jae eagerly reached out and grabbed the roll of parchment and tucked it under his arm, giving the spice master a lazy salute. “Can do, Farris.”
Nenani regretted not speaking out to say that she was in fact very uninterested in trying to find the catacombs again. She was sure Farris would have told Jae to bugger off or something if she had said so. She really needed to learn to speak up more.
“After I drop this with Maevis,” Jae was saying. “I figured we could start near the tapestry you described and try to find the door you left from.”
“Okay,” she said. “But, just...if is it alright with you if we do find it that...that I don’t go in?”
Jae looked at her. “Uh, yeah. I guess. Why?”
She frowned and stared at the floor pensively. “They...kind of...sort of...spoke to me.”
Jae did not say anything and she could feel his eyes on her and she was beginning to feel real unease until at last he spoke. “Huh. That’s kind of neat. What did they say?”
“Huh? Oh,” she said, taken aback by his lack of surprise. “The gold prophecy. The one about the King.”
“So...you think you might have a bit of foresight then?” he asked her and then laughed. “Well, I guess it wouldn’t be foresight since it’s already happened. What makes you able to talk to dead people? Necromancy?”
“Why is it funny?”
“It’s because the gold prophecy is a joke,” he told her. “You either believe it wholeheartedly or think it’s complete bunk. Most folks I know tend think it’s bunk.”  
“I don’t even understand what it’s even saying.”
“It stars with ‘The river runs uphill to the dying songs of the fall of fools and Kings that tear flesh from bone and the crown from the mountain.’ That’s suppose to be about the murder of Prince Thadeus and the Blood King declaring war on Silvaara. The next bit is ‘Water runs red with fire and shall rise when the old blood runs new.’ The interpretation I’ve heard most about is that it’s about the battle of Riftside where the Fire Mages set the Daehil river on fire to stop the Vhasshal advancement. One of Warren’s brothers died there. The last part is ‘The flesh taken will be paid in blood and the dead walls will rise with gold.’ This one everyone seems to agree is about the Blood King being usurped and Warren taking the throne. And that’s why everyone calls him the Gold King. But never call him that to his face. He really doesn’t like it.”
“Why does he hate it so much?” she asked.
“Lots of reasons,” Jae replieed. “But I think he hates it because it reminds him of what his father and brothers did. They committed genocide and reinstated the act of eating humans. He hates it because even though they did all that terrible stuff, they were still his family and he still loved them. Probably still misses them too.”
A heavy silence fell between them as Nenani mulled over Jae’s words. She supposed it would really hard on someone to still love a person who did terrible things. It was probably really hard to mourn them. But her thoughts were interrupted by their arrival at the library. Upon entering, Nenani was greeted by the distinct smell of parchment and ink.
“Hey Barnaby!” Jae called as they began to climb the human stairs carved into the table’s center support that led up onto Barnaby’s workspace. “I’ve got a message for Maevis from Farris. Can I leave it with you?”
“Absolutely, my boy. Come on up!” came the somewhat muffled response from the archivist. They stepped onto the table top and made their way to where Barnaby was sitting at a human sized table and drinking a cup of tea. Belatedly, they realized he wasn’t alone. Another human was sitting with their backs to them, also enjoying a cup of tea. Suddenly Jae stopped and Nenani bumped into him.
“Oof, ah. Sorry,” she said and looking at Jae’s face, she frowned. “Uh...Jae?”
He was staring wide eyed at the stranger and Nenani glanced their way just as they turned around in their chair.
“M...Maevis?!” Jae asked incredulously. Nenani starred uncomprehending. The man who sat in the chair did look like Maevis. He wore the same maroon robes and his hands were gloved and he had the same round amiable face and brown hair. But...he was tiny! Well, tiny for a Vhasshalan. He was as tall as a human and had they never met before, Nenani would have never known he was actually a giant. Still with the rolled up note tucked under his arm, Jae ran over to the table to stop by Maevis’s side. The magician was grinning at Jae’s slack jaws expression. “You...you’re...”
“...smaller?” Maevis finished with a knowing smile. “Amazing isn’t it? I’ve been working on my shrinking spells for years now, but I’ve finally found the proper methods to shrink myself. What do you think?”
Jae’s eye lit up with enthusiasm and excitement. “You look ridiculous!” Jae told him with a laugh. “I mean...wow. This is actually amazing. Not that you don’t do amazing spells already, but...this is so much more...wow.”
“Thank you, Jae,” Maevis replied with a bright smile and patting the boy on his arm. “I’m happy to know I have your approval.”
Jae suddenly recalled the note and held it out for Maevis with a smile of amused smugness. “This is for you. Sorry it’s a little more cumbersome than you’re use to.”
Maevis’s made a face as he took the rolled up note, it’s size awkward at his new height, and for several moments he floundered on what to do with it. Finally, he set it to lean against the table. “Oh. Thank you, Jae. I...I will read it later. I have a feeling I know what it is.”
Jae immediately slipped into one of the other spare seats and started in on Maevis with his questions. “So? How weird is it to be small?”
Maevis shook his head indulgently and spared his young companion a warm smile. “The first time I succeeded in shrinking myself it was horribly disorienting. That and the fact that the potion did the trick in shrinking my body, but...well, it does not work on clothing.”
Jae snorted into his hands.
“So I had to use the shrinking spell in line with the shrinking potion and get the ratios just right. Endlessly challenging, but such a triumph to have succeeded! And I must say how wonderful a feeling it is to be able to talk with you all on equal footing. I imagine craning your neck up at us all day long becomes quite tiresome.”
“Neck pain is just an inevitability,” Jae shrugged. “Why do you think I hang out on shelves so much? Oh, hey, Nenani, come over here. It’s just Maevis. He won’t bite. Plus he’s smaller so it wouldn’t be as bad even if he did.”
Nenani hadn’t realized that she had not moved at all and when Maevis turned to look at her over his shoulder, his face enigmatic, she had a brief moment where all she saw was not the sweet man before her, but the hard lined face of an angry Vhasshalan magician as he burned an attacking wyvern to cinders. A pain throbbed between her eyes and she winced, holding her head as an incomprehensible chant echoed in her head. She heard a chair squeal as it was pushed out from the table and rushed footsteps. Gentle hands gripped her shoulders and Maevis knelt down in front of her.
“Does it still pain you, little one?” he asked softly, his honey colored eyes soft and concerned. He gently ran his gloved hand across her forehead. “I have some tonic for the pain...”
“I’m okay,” she said, blinking rapidly as though to wave the lingering ache between her eyes away. “It’s gone now.”
He stared into her face as though trying to determine if she was lying, but then he closed his eyes with a resigned sigh. “Good.” he said. “I would hate to think you’re wandering around the castle if you should still be in your recovery bed.”
“I’m alright,” she said and when he raised an eyebrow at her she protested. “I am! Ask Sawyer!”
“No need,” Maevis chuckled. The sleeve of his maroon robe fell back and Nenani could see the bandages still wrapped around his arm. “I’m sure she took excellent care of you.”
  “Maevis?” She asked timidly, the evidence of his injury making her insides squirm. “I actually wanted to thank you. For saving me from the Wyvern.”
The magician looked startled for a moment and then smiled at her, but it seemed forced. Sad even. “Oh. Oh, my dear. You do not have to thank me.”
“Yes I do!” she insisted. “You were really brave and I’m sorry you got hurt because of me.”
Maevis cupped his hands around her face and laughed. “You’re terribly sweet, Nenani,” he told her and bristled when she wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug. “Ah-!”
“Thank you,” she said softer, her voice muffled by his robes. She felt his hands wrap around her to return the hug and his laugh shake her just a little.
“I believe this is the first time I’ve ever hugged a human. Properly at least.”
“OH MY GOD!” Jae suddenly yelled, startling them all badly. Poor Barnaby who had been silently drinking from his tea cup jumped and sent the cup flying through the air before gravity pulled it back down and it shattered on the floor.  
“What’s wrong?” Maevis asked standing up and pulling Nenani to his side protectively, his face full of worry. “Jae?”
“I just had the best idea!” Jae said with excitement and then looked over to see Barnaby kneeling on the floor and picking up the shattered cup. “Ah! Sorry Barnaby. Let me help.”
“My goodness young master Jae,” Barnaby said as the young man started cleaning up the spilled tea with a rag. “What was that hullabaloo all about?”
“Oh! Yeah, so my idea!” Jae turned to Maevis, his eyes bright with unbridled energy. “You should come explore the tunnels with us today. You never could because...well, you were too big. But now you’re small!”
“Explore the tunnels?” Maevis asked, confused but intrigued. “I would have thought you were the expert on the tunnels.”
“I am,” Jae replied with a prideful smirk and then pointed to Nenani. “But she found a corridor I didn’t know about...”
“Jae,” she whined, already knowing where he was going. “Please don’t...”
“...and there was a room full of dead people!”
Barnaby slowly stood with the broken tea cup in his hands, regarding Jae as though he were concerned that he had lost his mind. Maevis had an equally bewildered expression.
“Please find a better way of explaining it,” Nenani begged him. “It sounds so bad when you just say it like that.”
“Nah,” Jae replied with an impish grin. “The reactions are the best part.”
“Alrigtht,” Maevis said, his tone oddly serious. He placed his hand gently on Nenani’s shoulder and steered her to stand next to Jae so he could look at them both. “What exactly do you mean by ‘room full of dead people’?”
“There’s a catacomb,” Jae said. “A bunch of old graves and bones.”
“Vhassalan graves?”
“No,” Jae replied. “That’s the weird thing. She said they’re human graves.”
Maevis looked into Nenani’s face, his eyes seeking. “Is this true? You found a human catacomb in the tunnels?” Nenani squirmed under the scrutiny and wished she had never said anything at all.
“Nenani, dear?” he pressed.
“She’s just scared because they spoke to her,” Jae said. Maevis closed his eyes and sighed in restrained irritation.
“Jae, my boy. I appreciate that you are only trying to help,” he said sternly, but tried to keep his voice measured. “But I need to hear her speak. Please.”
The young man blushed and nodded, slipping into a chair. “Sorry.”
“Now,” Maevis said gently. “Nenani?”
She bit her lip nervously. “When Creag chased us that day and I got lost. I found an entrance to the tunnels, but when I went inside there weren’t any orbs or light at all.” Maevis did not say anything, but lightly inclined his head in clear encouragement to continue. “And I kind of walked around in the dark for a little bit and then this torch just...kind of lit up.”
The magician’s eyes narrowed as he considered her words. “A torch?”
She nodded. “But the fire was weird. It didn’t burn and wasn’t hot and didn’t...really look like fire.”
“How do you mean?”
“It was...kind of wavy, but...like this,” she moved her hand back and forth, trying to imitate the way she remembered the flames slowly danced. Maevis’s expression made her nervous. “And there were more of them and the when I got to the end, there was a big room with holes in the walls and...there were bones inside. People.”
Maevis rubbed his chin pensively as he contemplated what she had said. “And you say they...spoke to you?”
She bit her lip and nodded. “Yes.”
“What did they tell you?”
“...they just kept repeating the Gold Prophecy.”
Maevis’s serious and thoughtful composure slipped and he looked at her with an expression of incredulity. “What? That old thing again?”
She only shrugged, her brows furrowed. She looked down at her feet, her hands wringing. “It’s everywhere...”
“Nenani,” he said patiently, cupping her cheek and bending down to look her in the eye. “I know such things sound terribly frightening. And that is not to say they cannot be dangerous. But it is important to remember this about prophecies: they are often lies wrapped in a thin veil of truth.”
“But why did they speak to me?” she asked, feeling the prickle of tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
The magician’s eyes softened and he looked at her sadly. “Do you remember when you asked me to evaluate whether you had been cursed?”
“Yes,” she said. “I do.”
“Well, my dear child, I am afraid I was not completely honest with you at the time. It is true what I said; there isn’t a speck of malignant magic about you,” he was quick to explain, but then paused as though mulling something over in his head. He sighed deeply and told her, “...but you are touched by magic.”
“...touched?” she asked quietly, not understanding him.
“Yes. Those who are touched by magic often draw arcane forces to them under no fault of their own. Magic is attracted to magic by its very nature the same way two water droplets will pull towards one another as they fall down a pane of glass. And wild magic can be very damaging if proper protections are not put into place. I believe that may be why your village thought you were cursed.”
She opened her mouth to say something, but it died on her lips.
“Now, you have not done anything wrong, little one. I need to you understand and believe it. I do not know why these graves are there or who they use to be,” Maevis brushed his finger under her eye to wipe away a tear. “But you do not need to fear them. If these spirits had any ill will or intentions, I would know about it.” He paused and then said, “They may even be trying to help you.”
“It won’t go away,” she whispered, her throat feeling tight and it was hard to speak. “I hear it everywhere. In my dreams. All the time. And then the attack happened and….he came. In my dreams, they said he would come and he did. I don’t know what they want. Keral doesn’t think he’s after me, but I can’t help but think it. I’m scared, Maevis. The smoke mage...he scares me so much.”
Maevis pulled her into his arms and tucked her head into his shoulder as she shook with emotion and fear. “The Smoke Mage will never get close enough to harm anyone. And by the Gods, I most certainly won’t let him ever harm you.”
She could hear the distant clang of metal upon metal and her uncle screaming at the smoke mage as they battled on the boat. Her heart ached as she recalled the image of her dear uncle’s face as he bled out and his bright eyes fall dull and dark. His kindness and strength had felt immeasurable to her back then. But he died. Like so many others. Like her father... and mother...
“...I think he killed my uncle.” Her voice was so low that she wasn’t even certain she had said the words. But she felt Maevis’s arms around her stiffen. She started to weep into the maroon robes. “I don’t think Keral is right anymore. But I really wanted him to be right because I know he would do his best to find the Smoke Mage and stop him and I know you are too, but...”
“...he’s looking for me,” she sobbed. “He’s trying to find me. But I don’t know why!”
The arms round her shifted and she was unexpectedly swept up into the magician’s arms. He held her tightly and swayed back and forth, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and for a moment, she could almost pretend he was her uncle and not a temporarily shrunk Vhasshalan magician. “Shh. No tears, little one. Shh...oh, you poor child.”
“This Smoke Mage is a mad man,” Barnaby said, his face hard and pensive. He had been mostly silents, content to watch and observe, but there was pain in his eyes. “He has power yes. But he is still human and only one at that. He can be stopped.”
“The might of Vhasshal is behind us,” Maevis said to them all, still rocking Nenani. “He will not succeed in whatever his intentions are.” He spoke to Nenani then, voice quiet and reassuring. “My dear, think of all the people who love you; Farris, Yale, everyone in the Kitchens. Lolly, Barnaby and I. Jae here. We will not let him harm you.”
Maevis lowered her into one of the chairs and pulled a handkerchief from his breast pocket, wiping her face and petting her hair as she composed herself.
“I don’t want anyone to get hurt,” she told him, tears pouring out of her.  
“Nor will they.”
“How can you know?”
“It is my intention to uncover his machinations,” Maevis told her firmly, a flash of the hard faced man returning. “What purpose he has for you, I do not know. But Keral and I intend to find out. And perhaps we will start with these catacombs of yours. They may offer us some clues. Perhaps they may even lead us in the right direction, if the bones feel exceptionally chatty today.”
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psychobhyun · 6 years
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E R O T I C  T H O U G H T S
Foreword: Joining a book club may seem boring. But you’re not really bored when there’s an eye candy named Park Chanyeol to look at every afternoon. Who knows what your relationship would grow into?
Warnings: university!au, size kink, phone sex, daddy kink, squirting, degradation, semi-public sex, breathplay, spitting
Genre: fluff, smut
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On the first day of university, your eyes were fixated on a certain person standing all the way on the other side of the room. He was towering above everyone else, which is an interesting sight to see. He also had ruffled silver hair and a black hoodie on with a random band name written on the front. 
“He’s cute, you should talk to him,” your friend said with a playful nudge to your shoulder. You smirked at her. “When the time comes,” you replied. As much as you needed to pay attention to the first-day speech, you couldn’t take your eyes off of the tall guy. “When the time comes, you’ll be coming too,” she joked. 
You let out a heartful laugh that was loud enough to turn heads. Apparently loud enough to make the guy you’ve been eyeing on to look back at you. You jumped in your position and avoided his eyes, feeling so embarrassed your cheeks grew hot. “He’s laughing at you, idiot,” your friend pointed out. 
“Fuck, you serious?” you said with a nervous chuckle. Hiding your eyes behind your hand, you look at the silver-haired guy. The tiny eye contact you made with him caused you to squeak. You rolled your eyes when your friend poked you, telling you how adorable you looked all shy like this. 
After the speech ended, you made your way out of the big conference room. Since it was a tight squeeze, you couldn’t really see who was pushing you in every direction. God dammit these people, you thought. Being your height, you were barely noticeable in any crowd. Halfway through the entrance, you lost your friend. 
“She’s there,” a deep voice said from beside you. When you turned your head to the source, you realized it was the guy you have a tiny crush on. He must be a giant. You had to look up at him. You were barely the same height as his shoulder? If you looked straight ahead, you were as tall as his chest. 
“Y-yeah, thanks,” you mumbled quietly. Where the fuck did your voice go? This guy has done the bare minimum but he’s already messing your train of thought already. “See you around, cutie,” the stranger said to you one more time. You tripped over someone else’s shoe after he called you cutie. 
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Two months went by quite fast. You had a few more friends, you enjoyed your classes, and the lecturers were mostly nice (Maybe because it was only the first semester. They’d reveal their true colors soon enough). The only thing you haven’t done yet is joining a club. 
Your best friend joined a swimming club and as much as you loved being wet (get it?), you sucked at swimming. There is one activity you very much enjoy though. And it was reading. So you thought it was fitting to join a book club. There, you could share what you read or discuss a book with the other members. 
It’ll be fun. Totally fun.
And it was. The first thing you saw when you stepped in the room was the silver-haired guy. But his hair wasn’t silver anymore. It was red now. You didn’t even realize he was waving at you, patting the seat beside him. He seemed giddy to see you. You couldn’t hide the smile on your face. 
“Park Chanyeol,” he said as he offered you his hand. You took it and winced when you realized it was humid. “S-sorry, I’m nervous around cute girls.” You rolled your eyes and inhaled nervously. You introduced yourself and looked away because you were feeling shy yourself. You sat on the empty seat he gave you and focused on the person talking in the circle in front of you. 
The guy introduced himself as Kim Junmyeon, the one that started the club. He was two years ahead of you. He continues telling the new members how the club came to be, which bored the hell out of you. You glance at Chanyeol and saw him typing something on his phone.
What do I need to do to get your number, cutie it said. You held in a tiny giggle and take Chanyeol’s phone out of his hands. Tell the Junmyeon guy you need to fart outside, you typed underneath his message. He shot you a dirty look and stand up, doing exactly what you told him to do. 
You bite your lip as Chanyeol bows down and excused himself to fart outside to Junmyeon. You laugh at the way he runs outside. His flaming red hair bobs up and down as he scurried away. Reminds you of flaming hot Cheetos. You shake your head in disbelief when he sits down beside you again, a dumb look plastered on his face. 
He unlocks his phone and hands you the device. You typed your number in his contacts list and wrote it as ‘cutie’ with a heart emoji beside it. You winked at him cheekily as you give him his phone back. You can see him doing a fist pump when you really gave him your phone number.
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A couple of weeks later, you grew closer to Chanyeol. You texted with him almost every night and seeing the good night and good morning messages from him always warmed you up. It never fails to bring a smile to your face and you never forget to tell Chanyeol about it. 
However, not all of your texts with him are innocent. Sometimes he’d ask you what you’re wearing. Then he got bolder. He asked you if you’d ever let him kiss you, even though he knew the answer. A million times yes. The only time it got a bit more intimate was when you sent him a pic of your outfit before you went clubbing with your friends. 
Chanyeol hated the fact that he couldn’t protect you. He didn’t want anyone else’s hands touching you, cause he’d punch whoever tried to. But he couldn’t do anything about it. And it frustrated him a lot. 
You surprised him when you sent him a racy pic of yourself in the club’s toilet. You flaunted your obvious cleavage, bending over a bit to tease him. It sent blood straight to his dick. He palmed his growing bulge through his sweatpants and imagined his hands were yours instead. 
You called him later that night, still drunk, but sober enough to realize all the naughty stuff you’re saying to him. “I’m so wet right now,” you say with a deep sigh. You rubbed your clit slowly, enjoying the light touches of your hand. “You are? Who made you wet, cutie?” 
You gasped when you dipped a single finger into your pussy, your wetness immediately coating it. “You, Daddy,” you replied. Chanyeol tried not to react to what you called him. But it sent his ego through the roof. “But Daddy didn’t do anything, baby? How are you wet?”
You whined as you started to finger fuck yourself. “I grinded against a guy and imagined it was you, Daddy. I thought about taking your cock in front of everyone in the club,” you managed to say even though you were breathless. You put the phone on loudspeaker and played with your nipples, twisting and pulling with two of your fingers still deep inside you. 
“You want me to fuck you in public, baby?” Chanyeol rasps to the phone. “But you’re mine. I don’t like sharing what I own.” You moaned when Chanyeol said you were his. You loved the feeling of being owned by someone. It made your pussy clench in excitement. 
“Are you going to come, baby?” Chanyeol asks when he hears your moans getting higher in pitch. “Y-yeah, Daddy,” You purposely push your fingers against your g-spot while you rub your clit, trying to reach a euphoric orgasm with Chanyeol at the end of the line. 
“Come for Daddy, baby. You make me so proud,” Chanyeol says in his deep voice, encouraging an even harder orgasm for you. You loved the sound of his familiar voice. “Daddy!” You came with a scream, still rubbing circles on your clit as you squirt all over your mattress. 
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“Let’s discuss the poet I assigned everyone to read,” Junmyeon says, standing in the middle of the circle again. He picked the person next to you to start, going anti-clockwise. Which means you’re going to be the last person to talk about your poem. And you chose one that was far from innocent. 
As the others talked about the poems they’ve read, your eyes focused on Chanyeol. He was wearing a fitted black shirt. It made his muscles much more prominent than his usual outfit would. Your mouth watered at the sight of him, supporting his chin with his right hand as the other held his other thigh. He looks back at you, licking his lips slowly as you crossed your legs. Your skirt lifts up a bit, revealing more than what is decent skin. 
When it was Chanyeol’s turn, he stood up and cleared his throat. He looked at you for a bit, a teasing sparkle evident on his pupils. “The title of the poem I have chosen is Open Invitation,” he starts. “I’ll read it now, okay?” 
You have such a pretty mouth.
To feed it only with kisses
would be a wasted opportunity
Your jaw dropped. The whole time Chanyeol read his short poem, he was gazing deeply into your eyes. You didn’t even blink as he said each word. You were awestruck not only by the poem of his choice but also by the sincerity lingering in his voice. The depth of what the poem meant to him..... it made you quiver. 
“Any particular reason why you wanted to choose that one, Chanyeol?” Junmyeon asked with a slight blush on his cheeks. It made you giggle how easily affected Junmyeon is. You put your focus on Chanyeol back, waiting for his answer. “The piece had no bullshit. It was straightforward, like me. When I know what I want, I work hard until I get it.”
You quirk an eyebrow at Chanyeol’s reply to Junmyeon. He looked flustered, so he moved on to the next person as fast as he could. The time passes by quickly and it was your turn. You gulped as you prepared yourself. Yours was longer than Chanyeol, but it was not less erotic. In fact, it was the exact opposite. 
“Last but certainly not least,” Junmyeon says as his eyes lands on you. You shoot him a small smile and stand up, fixing the skirt that was only covering half of your thighs. Chanyeol squints at the thought of fucking you half-dressed. You give a lot for him to imagine, yet so little at the same time. 
“The title of the poem I have chosen is Bitter Sweet Love.” You notice the slight change in Chanyeol’s posture. It was a bit tenser than before. Maybe it’s because he knew what the poem was about. Which makes it easier for you to tease him. Use your voice and Chanyeol’s hard exterior would crack. It excited you. You wanted to see what Chanyeol would look like if he’s the one begging to touch you. 
To slap you, is to touch you.
Scream for mercy. Beg for more.
To bite you, is to kiss you.
Tied and tethered, on the floor.
To loath you, is to love you.
Pretty princess. Dirty whore. 
It was Junmyeon’s jaw’s turn to drop. You were known in the club for being an innocent angel. But Chanyeol knew you were far from that ever since you called him Daddy over the phone call a few nights ago. You bit the inside of your cheeks, scared yet anticipating the reaction from the others. Especially Chanyeol, your true target. 
“Any particular reason you wanted to-,” Junmyeon says but you immediately cut him off. You couldn’t handle it anymore. “I loved the sensuality of the poem. Like night and day, sex can be both dangerous, filled with primal desire, but sex can also be an intimate and full of warmth.” 
You were about to open your mouth to continue but Junmyeon took a glance at his watch and decided to dismiss today’s club a bit earlier. You huffed an annoyed sigh. You wanted to drive Chanyeol to the point of insanity. The intense sexual tension between the two of you was messing up your clear thoughts. 
“Make sure to lock the room,” Junmyeon says as he hands you the keys. Like he knows what’s about to happen once everyone leaves and the only people left are you and Chanyeol. The keychain’s chimes echoes in the now empty room. Chanyeol was still sitting on his chair and hasn’t moved an inch. 
“Chanyeol? Are you planning to stay the night?” You joked, sitting beside him. He ignores you. “Daddy?” You say this time. Chanyeol’s breath hitches. “Did you like the poem I read today?” Chanyeol side looks you. He balls his hands into fists. His self-control is close to nothing. 
“I read it and thought of you, Daddy.” Chanyeol fixes his eyes on you. He puts his thumb on your bottom lip, pulling it down before letting it snap back into its original place. You take it inside your mouth, sucking on it as if it was his cock. Chanyeol doesn’t break his gaze on you the whole time you do it. 
“Fuck me on this table, Daddy,” you said in a high-pitched voice, emphasizing the word Daddy. Chanyeol groans. He holds you by the throat and pushes all his belongings that were on the table. It falls down and makes loud noises, but the two of you could care less. You wanted him inside you and he wanted to be inside you. 
“Good girls beg to be fucked, dirty whore,” he barks. He presses on your throat a bit harder and your hands out of instinct held his arm. You could feel the protruding veins on his skin. Using his other hand, Chanyeol rips open the buttons on your shirt. He puts his unoccupied hand on your breast as soon as it was on display. 
“What were you thinking, slut? Did you get off thinking about Daddy fucking you tied up? Fucking that useless pussy of yours until you beg for mercy because of overstimulation? That’s what you want, isn’t? Pathetic slut. I am disappointed, you know? You talked about your lewd thoughts in front of everyone.”
You gasp and whine as you listened to all the nasty names Chanyeol calls you. He lets go of your neck and pushes your skirt up, hands already hitting your ass twice. “I wish you could see how red your ass is already, baby.” You whimpered when he hit you directly on your pussy. It made your clit pulse with need. 
“Wet already? You’re shameless.” Chanyeol unzips his jeans and pulls it all the way down, getting rid of his shirt as well. He bends you over the table and pulls apart your ass cheeks, spitting directly on your pussy and using his hand to spread it around. “No need for foreplay, baby. I’ll fuck you with your own wetness and my spit.” 
You screamed when the delicious burn from Chanyeol’s cock stretching you open. He pistons his cock in and out of you at a fast pace, making your tits bounce. He doesn’t forget to hit your ass in the middle of it all, knowing how much you loved the pain. 
“Can’t wait to make all your dirty fantasies a reality, baby. I’ll make you a whore for my cock and my cock only.” You look back at Chanyeol, holding his gaze. “Yes, Daddy. Show me whose holes are these!” Chanyeol smirks and wraps an arm around your neck, pulling your back so they press against your chest. “Show me what I’m good for, Daddy.” 
Chanyeol pulls out and tells you to kneel on the floor. Tugging on his cock, he watches the way you stick your tongue out, ready to take his semen inside your mouth. He comes in one long spurt, making a mess on your face because of his bad aim. Or did he do it on purpose? 
“I’ll make sure to come in your mouth next time, baby. But for now, enjoy my warm come covering your face. You love everything I give you, right?” 
You nod as a reply. Chanyeol chuckles deep in his throat. “Daddy knows you well.” 
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
In The Shadows - Part 4
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(okay so i feel like this is rlly long so im sorry lol my fics r like either super long or short no in between IM SORRY i hope u like it tho sksksks ily BYEEE oh also this pic gives me hot mysterious bf vibes so im using it)
Word Count: 2,750
You scarf down your warm meal within a minute. You stare at the now bare platter in front of you and smile. This is the fifteenth warm meal you’ve had in the last five days. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, breakfast lunch and dinner. Ben never misses a meal for you. You’re slowly getting healthier. The second day you were here was very challenging for you. You had broken out with a severely high fever. You couldn't control your shaking and could barely keep anything down. You had passed out three times in that day. What caused the fever? You two were still uncertain. You were so dehydrated and weak, it could've been triggered from anything. But you’re better now. Your skin is gradually getting its color back, the bags underneath your eyes are slightly less dark and now you can officially stand up without feeling like you’re going to tumble over. And that was a great feeling.
You continue to stare at your plate while lost deep in thought, when Ben knocks on your door.
"Come in!" you call out.
The door gently opens up and he peeks in. He grins and strolls over to retrieve your empty plates.
"Good?" he asks.
"Delicious." you reply back.
He smiles and walks to the window and pulls open the curtains. You gather your hair into a ponytail and hold it with a rubber band. Your hands feel your scalp and it's, of course, oily. You quickly become self conscious around Ben and look away. You don't want him to notice how scummy you must look. When you have no water to take showers with, it's kind of hard to maintain your hygiene. Ben looks over to you and you look down at your hands and your dirty nails. You try to quickly clean them.
"Hey," he says, trying to get your attention.
"Yeah?" you ask, still looking down.
"Follow me."
You look up fast, shocked. Ben walks to the door and stands there looking at you. You furrow your brows and shake your head not understanding.
"I want to show you something." he says, noticing your confused expression.
"You mean I can actually leave the room?" you ask, dramatically.
Ben fake laughs. You smile and slowly attempt to stand from the bed. Within seconds he's next to you and holding your arm. You gasp at his touch and freeze. He notices how tense you become and quickly lets go.
"I’m sorry,” he says quickly. “I was just gonna help."
"It's fine." you say back fast. "I'm fine."
You look up and half smile. Has this man housed you and fed you and kept you alive? Yes. Is the man still a vampire? Yes. Do you trust him?
He takes a step back and walks to the door. You grab a hold of the medal cart that holds your IV and steady yourself. You walk towards the door and wheel it next to yourself. This is the first time you’re leaving the room since you’ve been here. You walk into the hallway and look around. A door at the end of the hall is closed. Another door beside it is closed as well. Ben starts walking to the left of your room as you pass a set of stairs that leads downstairs. You pass them and walk to another closed door. Ben opens it up and it reveals a bathroom. You stare into it confused.
"Ta da!" he sings out.
You look to him and back to the bathroom.
"Wow, um, it's big!" you say, attempting fake excitement. "But I already have a tinier version of this in my room."
He laughs and walks even further into the giant bathroom. You walk in behind him and look around. White. Everything is white. A white bathtub, a white shower, white toilet, the floors and walls are white, the counters and sink are even white. You walk in even further and notice a large cardboard box sitting on the counter. You look at it and then to Ben.
"Okay, well, while I was out, I decided to go into a store and look around. I figured, you've had a hard week, and you're a girl, and you might, maybe, like these?" he says, dragging his sentence out.
You walk to the box and slowly open it. Inside is a variety of different things. Mascara, eye liner, foundation, blush, powder, eye shadow, a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, a razor, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and last but not least, tampons. You pick up the pink box and look over to him. He's blushing and shrugs.
"I had no idea what to get. I just figured you might need-"
You put up a hand to stop him.
"It's fine. Thank you. Honestly. I don't know the last time I've seen or even worn makeup. I use to all of the time before all of...this. So, seriously. Thank you."
He smiles widely and nods. Then his head perks up a little more as he holds up a finger.
"I almost forgot. Here," he says, walking to the shower.
He opens up the door and turns the handle to the right. Water pours down from the shower head and you stand there in amazement. You’re use to toilets working, but never showers. Steam fills the room as the water continues to rush down. Ben looks to you and smiles.
"Oh, here," he says.
He slowly reaches out for your arm and you jerk away, not thinking. He looks at you and lifts his brows. You smile apologetically and allow him to touch you. He peels away the tape of the IV and slowly pulls it out. You hiss at the slight sting, but it's over quickly. He grabs the IV cart and smiles.
"I'll leave you two alone." he says teasingly.
You laugh at him and smile. He exits the room and closes the door behind him. You walk to it and out of habit, lock it. You turn back to the shower and quickly undress. You lay your clothes on the counter and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You stare as you cock your head to the side at your reflection. You’re dirty and bruised. You close your eyes and take in a deep breath. You step into the shower and feel the warm water pour over your sore back. Your muscles ache as you lean your head back and allow the water to pour over your face. You grab the body wash and lather it all over your skin. All of the mud and dirt and blood that you have collected on yourself all washes away. The bottom of the shower turns into a brown mess as it all rinses down the drain. You finally wash and condition your hair. The oiliness is officially gone! You grab the razor and shave the tiny forest on your legs and under arms. Relief. You then stand under the water for several more minutes enjoying every last drop, then you finally turn it off.
You slowly open the shower door and step out. You grab a white towel hanging a hook and dry yourself off. You wrap it around your body and walk to the foggy mirror. You wipe some steam away and stare. You’re clean! You can't help but smile. You look to the counter and grab the deodorant. Something you’ve missed so terribly! After that, you brush your teeth. The strong minty flavor over takes your taste buds. You brush and brush and brush until you feel like they're clean. You spit and wipe your mouth. You look back up and smile in the mirror to view your teeth. As you’re examining your now pearly whites, there's a light knock at the door. You pause and listen.
"It's me," calls out Ben. "I have clean clothes for you. I'll just sit them here by the door."
Before he's done talking, you walk to the door and crack it open. He looks you up and down and then to your face. You suddenly remember all you have on is a towel. You fold your arms over your chest and blush.
"Uh, here you go. They were my sisters, if that's okay. They're clean, I promise. Oh, and the, uh, underwear… I got them from the store as well. They're not my sisters." he says as he laughs.
You reach out and take the clothes. You can’t help but laugh back at him.
"Thank you," you say.
He nods his head and awkwardly takes a step back.
"Okay, I'm just gonna..."
You quickly nod your head as well.
"Oh, yeah. Me too..."
You slowly shut the door and lock it again. You look at the folded clothes and sit them on the counter. You put on the undergarments and are happy that they fit. You then slip on a black tank top and grey sweats that are tight around your ankles. A large, long sleeved maroon colored cardigan is in the pile. You slip it on and then the black socks. You examine yourself in the mirror. First clean clothes you’ve had in months. Being here has given you a lot of firsts. You grab the towel and squeeze your damp hair. You bend over and shake your head. You stand back up and the room slightly spins. You grab the counter and steady yourself. It passes.
You then look to the makeup and think to yourself for a moment. Makeup or no makeup? You haven't worn it in months. You don't really need it anymore. I mean, when vampires take over the world, makeup doesn't seem like a big issue anymore. Then again, Ben did get it for you. And it wouldn't hurt to maybe look nice for once. Maybe just some foundation. He did get the perfect shade. You grab the tiny glass bottle and shake it. You open it and pour a little on your fingers. You spread the liquid all over your face and gently massage it. Your once red skin from the hot shower is now flawless. You look down to the mascara and pick it up. You shrug, open the tube and gently swipe it all over your lashes. In an instant, your eyes are brighter. You put the mascara back and grab the liner. You slowly put a thin line of black across your lid. You pull back and make sure it looks okay. You walk to the door and take a deep breath. You slowly open it and peer out.
You take a step forward and a movement catches your eye. You look forward and the room all the way at the end of the hallway is wide open. Inside is Ben. His back is turned to you as he lifts up his shirt over his head and tosses it to the ground. You feel almost guilty for watching, but you don't look away. You watch as the muscles in his back tense up with every move he makes. He grabs a shirt that was lying on the bed and puts his arms through it and then turns around. You realize that he's going to see you, so you freeze. He looks up to you and your eyes lock. Don't look at his abs, don't look at his abs. He slips his shirt over his head and walks towards you. He stares you up and down and shakes his head.
"Wow," he says. "You look-"
"Clean?" you interrupt.
He laughs and nods.
"Definitely clean."
You smile and turn to walk back to your room. You suddenly don't feel as insecure about yourself. You sit on the bed as Ben opens the drawer to get more supplies for the IV, when all of a sudden there's a knock at the door downstairs. You both pause and look at each other fast. Your heart races as you wonder who the hell that could be? Ben closes the drawer and stands up. He looks to the hall and then back to you. He slightly smiles.
"I'll be right back. Stay here." he says almost sternly
You nod quickly as he exits the room and walks down the stairs. You jump up from the bed and tiptoe to the hallway. You stop right by the stairs and listen. You hear a voice talk and then Ben. It's another man. You can only make out the words 'girl', 'healthy' and 'eat'. Eat!? Your heart races even faster. Eat what?! Eat me!?
"That wasn't the deal!" you hear the man shout.
A loud crash vibrates through the house. You jump at the noise and run back to your room. You look around frantically. You need to hide. You run to the closet and open it. Inside it's packed with giant, heavy cardboard boxes. You look through them, but they're all filled with either clothes or books. You turn around to run to the bathroom, but are stopped in your tracks. A brunette man wearing a long black trench coat is standing in the doorway, blocking it. He's smiling at you.
"Hi there." he says.
You say nothing. You continue to watch him as he steps closer. The man looked human, yet didn’t. His skin was unusually pale and his eyes were bright red. The bags under his eyes were almost black as every vein in his body bulged. His fingernails were disgustingly long and sharp and his overall features were distorted and terrifying. You knew exactly why he looked like this. This is what happens to a vamp when they live off of human blood.
"You must be (Y/N). Ben told us all about you."
You take a step back.
"He was right, you are pretty. And skinnier than I thought.” he says disappointed. “He was suppose to fatten you up. You know, the skinny ones always taste bland."
Your body begins trembling. Fatten me up?! Ben’s job was to get you healthy and what? Eat you? What happened to not hurting you? Nothing makes sense right now. He lied. He lied to you! And now you’re about to die, all because you actually thought you could trust him. A vampire! How stupid were you?  
"Oh well,” continues the man. “It doesn't matter. You'll still taste good."
And before you know it, the man lunges at you. You scream and run to your bed and jump on it. You attempt to run for the door, but he's too fast and blocks it. You stop and slowly back up. Tears flood your eyes, you can't stop them.
"Ben!" you scream out.
The man coldly laughs.
"Ben! Please!" he yells in a mocking tone. "It's no use." is all he says.
In a flash, he's in front of you with his hand tightly around your throat. You grasp his wrist and struggle to breathe. You try to fight out of his grip, but it's no use. He's too strong. The room starts to spin as you lose oxygen. You keep trying to scream for Ben, but can't.
"You know, it's a shame. He really liked you."
Just as the man reaches down to bite your neck, you hear a giant whack. The man tumbles forward as you slide to the ground. You take in a deep breath and cough. You hear another whack and look up. Ben is on top of the man, fighting him. A giant slash is on his forehead as thick black ooze pours down. Ben has a large frying pan and is slamming it into the man's head. You feel a sharp sting in your right arm and look down to it. Blood is oozing down from a long cut that you must have gotten when sliding down the wall. You look behind you and spot a sharp nail sticking out from the windowsill. You look back to Ben and you’re heart almost stops. They were both paused and glaring at you, their eyes pitch black. The man's face is snarling as he looks to your arm. A drop of blood drips down and splashes onto the hardwood floor. You look back up and in slow motion, Ben screams at you.
The man is under him, trying to claw his way to you, leaving scratch marks on the floor. His actions and snarling almost turn animalistic. You finally understand what's happening. You fly up and do exactly as he says.
You run.
Tag List: @secretsweetscollectionblog @killerxqween @hiddlepiddlediddlewiddle
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bannerswife · 7 years
A Well Deserved Holiday - Bucky x Reader
Title: A Well Deserved Holiday
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Well i wouldn't classify it smut but there is a make out session & language
Word Count: 2268
Requested by @headcannonqueen
a bucky  fic where the reader is a mermaid an only tony knows but she turns when she touches salt water. She bathes in salt water and refuses to eat seafood. She has water powers and sealife.  Tasha decides to make us all go on a trip to a beach in Hawaii and reader doesnt go in water. Until she goes in the sea late at night skinny dipping and bucky comes not knowing and he finds out shes a mermaid...
Authors Note: i’m so sorry its not exactly what you requested but i did try m best. Again sorry if bucky is out of character, as well as tony eek
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You pulled yourself into the large bathtub that was currently filled with warm salt water, it was something you had to do on a daily, being a mermaid and all. If you didnt you would begin to get migraines and nauseated, really something you avoided at all costs. For your whole life you had been gifted the ability to not only grow a tail when in contact with water, but to be able to control the sea life and the water itself. You knew you were special the moment you hit puberty, things started changing within yourself (and not the normal way) and you had found yourself constantly being drawn in such a way to the beach. Completely mesmerized by it.
You soon found out from your mother that in fact your deceased father was a merman, at the time you simply laughed off the idea telling her that there was no such thing and that she was crazy, but little did you know as soon as you stepped back into the ocean the next day your legs weren't in fact legs anymore but a long beautiful f/c scaly tail. It really was something you could never explain how you exactly felt in that moment.
As you slowly and softly sunk into the relaxing bath you felt every single tense muscle in your body simply fade away, and the tight feeling in your legs relaxing as it became a long tail. You were thankful that Tony had specifically designed a bath just for you,  it had everything you needed to help with your ability. Tony was indeed the only one (aside your mother) that knew what you were. He was your lifelong best friend after all. There wasn't one secret the two of you kept from each other. He was your rock, and you were his.
So of course as soon as he heard of the recent passing of your mother he was quick to action to help you out and let you stay with him, and so that meant living in the Avengers Tower. You honestly thought it was ridiculous, you didn't deserve the right to live amongst all the heroes. You weren't really anyone special, but everyone loved you and kept you under their wing. Considering you one of their own.
“Y/n? You in here?” Tony asked, as he strided on into your bathroom where you were currently topless.
“TONY!” You yelped, quick to cover your bare chest hopeful that he didn't catch a glance of any of it.
“Woah! Sorry! I should’ve knocked, JARVIS, please remind me next time so i don't do that again,” Tony asked bashfully, as he rubbed his hand over his face, through his hair.
Your cheeks flustered a deep red, god that was something you were hoping would never happen again. Even if you had known Tony your whole life, it was just… weird.
“What is it, Tony?” You squeaked, your cheeks still red hot.  
“The team is having a meeting, so get your scaly ass out of the bath-”
“But im not apart of the team?” You asked confusingly, since when were you an avenger? You hadn't even been on one mission, let alone even know how to fight.
“Yes you are, now come on. Let’s go,”
You raised your eyebrows, your mouth forming a giant toothy grin. Quickly you pushed a button that drained the water from the bath and with your powers evaporated the water right off of your body, your tail now gone to form two human legs.
“So do you know why we’re having this meeting? Is it for a mission? Cause you know i can't fight, i literally have no skills or experience in fighting. I’m hopeless on my feet-” You rambled on, the adrenaline kicking in like the first day you were in the tower.
“I don't know, Nat wanted us all to meet up, didn't say why but must be important,” Tony simply shrugged and smiled upon your form, as the two of you made your way down the halls.
“Is Bucky going to be at the meeting?” You asked, you weren’t going to be apart of anything if he wasn’t.
You had been dating him for nearly 6 months and honestly you didn’t think you deserved a man like him. He was everything you would expect in a man, but more. But of course, you hadn’t told him what you were. It was something you were planning to do, but you always chickened out on the last second. You couldn’t handle the feeling of him maybe breaking up with you or not being able to handle such news. Him dating a mermaid? How would you react to such news?
But you knew the time was nearing to tell him. And that scared you.
“Yes, your little boyfriend will be there too, don't worry,” He chuckled.
The meeting wasn’t exactly what any one had expected coming from Natasha but everyone had very much agreed to her plans. Humming at the ideas that everyone was proposing, fantasizing what everyone would do.
“I think we’re in need of a holiday, somewhere we can completely relax and not have to stress at all.” She had firstly stated.
The conversation had begun on where exactly the team should go, there was talk about Australia, Fiji, Thailand and more, but everyone had finally settled on the idea of Hawaii.
You smiled widely at the idea of actually coming along to such a significant thing, this was a time where the avengers could finally relax and not have to stress about anything in the world. And a time for you and Bucky to be together. You were only lucky enough to had been invited.
“Alright i'll book flights and accommodations now, we’ll be leaving first thing tomorrow so everyone get packing.” Tony said before walking off out of sight.
“Are you excited?” You asked when you jumped to your boyfriend side, holding his hands in yours.
“Yeah, Natasha is right, I think it will be good for the team, but most importantly. Finally a time just for us,” he stated, with a soft smile as he pulled you close as you made your way back to your flat of the facility.
The second the two of you entered Bucky was all over you in a second. His mouth on yours, not too roughly but enough to make you know he had been craving this moment. Every time you had kissed Bucky it was always like the first, as though sparks shot through and around your body, it really was exhilarting.
Bucky pulled you in with a strong tug so the two of you had no space left between, You could feel the heat of his body radiating onto you. You brought your hands to his long hair and raked through it while he ran his hands up and down your back and over your waist, exploring every curve of your body.
In a second Bucky had pulled you into bridal style, walking you to the bed you both shared. As he walked you over you moved your kisses to his jawline, cupping his cheeks into your hands. You couldn't help but leave marks behind.
He softly placed you onto the bed, his body hovering on top of yours, looking deeply into your bright hungry e/c eyes.
Slowly he took of his clothes, You enjoying every single bit of his body he was currently unclothing. God he was fucking perfect everywhere.
You hooked your legs around his now fully unclothed body and pulled him closer to you, your lips latching onto his once again.
“Maybe we should start packing,” You huffed, placing your hand on his bare chest.
“Fuck packing, I want you,” Bucky said, you softly chuckling.
“Alright, babe,” And with that Bucky tugged the clothes off of your body.
...this wasn’t the first time you and Bucky had fucked but god damn it was always a new experience, just like his kisses. Sometimes it’d be fast and rough or slow and passionate, it always varied. Today was a little bit of both, and you loved it.
There had definitely been a lot of moaning and you didn’t really care if anyone in the whole bloody building could hear it. You both were enjoying this moment and wanted to live it out as long as you could.
You loved Bucky with everything you had and honestly you didn’t know why you doubted him if he found out what you were. He loved you. And you knew you could trust him with your life and trust.
When morning came the two of you had to shove whatever your hands lied upon in your draws and cupboard. You didn’t pack yesterday afternoon like instructed so you had only little time before Tony left without you both.
“I told you we should of started packing yesterday,” Bucky sarcastical commented chuckling, knowing full well that he would of never even finished before he went back to you on the bed.
“I’m sure you would’ve wayyyy rathered that,” you smirked before grabbing your suitcase and walking out of the door.
“Bye, bye house,” Bucky said before closing the door behind him, ready for the holidays.
On the flight to Hawaii you mostly slept trying to limit the amount of jet lag you will experience once landed. You snuggled close into Bucky craving the warmth he radiated, while he rested his head upon yours.
“Aren’t they just the cutest,” Tony commented, smirking at the sight of you two.
At first Tony was a bit hesitant at the announcement of the two of you dating but he knew that if you loved someone it was for all the right reasons. And as long as Bucky treated you with enough love and respect, tony would be fine.
“Indeed they are,” Thor replied, before he found a comfortable position to get some sleep himself.
Swiftly Tony got out his phone, snapping a quick photo of the two of you, his smirk still playing on his face.
Hawaii was just beautiful. From the way the tall green palm trees blew in the winds to the crash of the crystal blue waters you could hear from your room in the night. This was exactly the whole team and been needing, a time to finally relax and think about nothing but themselves. Not a worry in the world.
It was late at night, Bucky sleeping soundly next to you, snoring ever so slightly. You hadn’t had your daily swim yet, and these past previous days you had been sneaking off to the beach at night where you would be alone.
So quietly you got up from bed and opened the screen door and walked down the hill to the moonlit beach. You pulled your clothes off and jumped in, thankful to be back into the salted water once again.
You never get the chance to go out into the beach anymore as it was too risky to get caught, so to be out in the open water was amazing and thrilling.
It finally gave you the chance to conjure sea life to interact with, you met so many different types of animals here and had even made a friend with a dolphin, Squeaky, you called her. Thinking it suited with the sounds she always made.
As you jumped in, you called out to your dolphin friend, she was quick to your side practically jumping into you.
“Awah, I missed you too, girl,” you giggled.
You knew it was a bad idea to get attached to an animal as you had to leave it once you left to go back home, but honestly you could not have. It was such an amazing experience and you wanted to take every chance of finally doing something you rarely get to do.
You swam around and about for a couple of minutes until you jumped out of the water to a rock on shore.
You puffed, smiling upon the dolphins head that stuck out from the water. Squeaky called out to you, wanting you back into the water to play but you shook your head.
“I’m sorry but I can’t be out for too long, just in case-“
“Y/n?” You heard an all too familiar voice call out from behind, your heart practically leaping out of your chest.
“Oh shit,”
And this was the moment you had feared.
Bucky walked over to you, you could hear the crunch of the sand get closer and closer until it stopped.
“Wow,” He marveled, his eyes growing wide.
“When were you going to tell me you were a- a-“ he stuttered as he took upon your form, you couldn’t really tell what was going on in his head. But you could see the gears turning all too quickly in his head, trying to understand.
“A freak? Uh well, I had been tossing up about it for a while now but I guess I’d been afraid of how you would think of me,”
“I would never stop loving you because of who you are y/n. You’re not a freak, not even close, you’re- you’re beautiful,” He said as he walked upon the rock.
He took a close look at your new form, taking in the way your beach wavy hair fell from your shoulders covering your breasts, and your long f/c tail.
Your cheeks flushed a warm red, when did you ever deserve a man like this?
“I love you so much Bucky Barnes,”
“And i love you, y/n l/n,”
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endclean · 7 years
Before || Mianite
idk if this counts as a fanfic
its about Kevin, Betsy, and Terry from Mianite and Jordan’s channel
Im sorry this is s u ch   s h i t but i wrote it in literally a day and its satire soooo...
So, here’s the epic adventure:
This was the night.
The night Betsy, Terry, and Kevin were going to break into Disneyworld. It seemed unusual, but the three have been planning this since high-school. It was the initiation into their very own club, “Tiem Reester”. They made it up to spite their nemesis friends, “Team Rooster”.
But why Disneyland? It’s simple. Each had a job to take care of that involved them not getting caught. Kevin was in charge of the maps and the cameras, Betsy was in charge of timing and activities, and Terry was in charge of the security team.  Everyone had to trust eachother and everyone had to do their job right. That was the test.
So, At 12:38 am, the trio reached the back of Disneyland. The only thing left to do was get over the gates. Kevin started to set up the rope.
Terry rubbed her wings around nervously. “I don’t know… What if we do get in trouble? What if you or I go to prison? I don’t want to be alone! Would you visit me, Betsy?” She said, looking at Betsy for comfort. All Betsy could do was smirk at her girlfriend.
“I know for a fact nothing will go wrong. We all can trust each other.” Betsy calms Terry down, before pressing their foreheads together in an intimate moment before briskly running off. Climbing up the rope Kevin set up, she shouts, “Now come on, we got some rides to climb!” This idea made Terry a bit more scared though. She was deathly scared of heights but would never tell Betsy.
The next person to climb the rope was Kevin. “We can never Leave Disneyland if we never enter Disneyland, so come on!” He tried his best at giving advice, but it pretty much sucked.
Once both Betsy and Kevin reached the top, They looked down to see Terry, the Terrified™. Betsy let out a slightly irritated but humorous sigh. Kevin shouts out some words on encouragement that eventually get Terry up the ladder.
Once every chicken was up on the wall, they stood, gaysing at the empty, dark park. Sure, there still were a few security guards walking around, so they were not completely alone. They couldn’t even see any while overlooking the whole park. Betsy had her eyes fixed on the giant Ferris wheel with the ladder on it, imagining herself standing on it, taking in the breeze. Kevin was looking at the drop down the wall. It was at least 15 feet on gentle falling, and he knew that would be the calmest moment of the night. All Terry could look at was the passion in Betsy’s eyes. The tip of her right wing moved around the promise ring that was located in the bottom of her bag. It had, “Loving forever” inscribed on the inside, and a ruby design on the outside.
“Wow. It sure is nice being on top.” Kevin says.
“You betcha.” Betsy, replies, smirking.
Kevin goes to playfully punch her in the arm, but she doges it by jumping down first. Without hesitation, Kevin grabs Terry by the elbow, and looks her in the eyes, making sure she is ready. With a nod, they jump off towards the concrete below.
After a few seconds of falling, they join Betsy at the bottom. “Home, sweet home” Kevin says, shamelessly. Betsy punches him in the arm.
The first thing on the list was to visit the spinning swing set. It wouldn’t be functional, but at least the three could spin around on it before making the trek to the Ferris wheel. And that is exactly what the three did. Betsy and Terry span Kevin around, and then Kevin span Betsy and Terry around on the same swing. By the end, the trio were laughing, and dizzy.
Betsy took a map out of the pack she brought. After studying it one last time, she points in one direction, down a road to the west. “This way, guys.” The other two follow silently, anticipating the fun games from atop the Ferris wheel.
But, once they arrived at the ride, all three were frightened by the massive height of the structure. Even Betsy quivered at the sight of it. Putting her wing on the first ladder step, she gulped. Terry felt comfort in knowing the others were scared too, so she went up before Kevin could.  They climbed up steadily and slowly.  Breathing heavy, it took a few minutes to reach halfway. This was when the unexpected happened.
When the couple heard Kevin shout, “Oh my god! We are so high” they both looked down. Below them was 80 feet of nothing. The sight was terrifying, even for a chicken.
A moment was all it took for Terry to lose her grip on the ladder. While falling, she panicked and flapped her wings. The flapping made her fall sideways. Instead of floating, she was falling. Falling fast. Betsy called out her name, unable to do anything. Betsy let out a terrified, “TERRY!” in fear of her own bestfriend and girlfriend dying. Kevin was frozen in fear.
Fortunately, Terry was able to grab back onto he ladder before she reached the ground. Gasping for breath, she was asked if she was okay by Betsy. Nodding slowly and refusing to look neither up nor down, she waved upwards at the other two chickens. Betsy shouted down, “Do you want to go back?” But all Terry could do was shake her head and start to climb up again.
Once all three were at the top, Betsy pulled Terry into a tight hug. The eventually went to the seat of the wheel, where Terry leaned on and hugged Betsy, while crying quietly.
Terry became of aware of how cold and tired she felt. Some feeling of dread and sadness overpowered her. She felt absolutely helpless as she sat there, selfishly gathering every bit of warmth from Betsy’s body. It wasn’t satisfying, though, so she just stayed there. Still. Tranquil, almost. As if she had actually died. Her eyes were stuck wide open, and no matter how dry, cold, irritated or teary they got she couldn’t bring herself to move enough to close them.
Kevin just stared onto the void that replaced the park, grateful that nothing permanent had happened. This was both false and true, because nothing is permanent. But the memories of that night would stay with Kevin forever. It is both fortunate and unfortunate.
After about fifteen minutes, Terry was able to recover enough from the stress to sit up and look more relaxed. With a deep sigh, “We should start heading down.” Broke the silence. Betsy and Kevin nodded and all three jumped off and floated down gracefully. They kept a watchful eye on each other to make sure everyone stayed upright and safe. Betsy pulled out her map, but before she could look at it, a bright light appeared behind them.
They turned around to see nothing but a security guard. He had gelled down feathers and a nametag that read “Guard Tom”.
“Alright, turn around, wings behind your necks.”
He called for backup. Two other guards came.
Everyone was being read their rights as they were escorted to the front gate. Betsy was speaking harshly to the guards and Terry was crying at a volume that was almost lukewarm, if you could compare the two. Kevin just looked up. He chose a star.
He said, “If there is anything out there, please do something. Take me somewhere where this never happened. Where I can be safe. Come on, Help me out, please!”
Selfish, almost.
I say it’s selfish because it was all about him. He really didn’t give a fuck about the other two, even if they were his best friends.
As he was getting pushed into the main office until the police would arrive, Kevin noticed that everything seemed damp. Quickly, the entire place was filled with water. Kevin couldn’t breathe. He eventually passed out.
He woke up on a beach, somewhere he had never seen before. After standing up and gaining some energy back, he tried to yell for help. All that could come out was clucks. He looked around for his friends. He made his way into the civilization, where he would spend his time spying on the humans and gods for entertainment. There was gods, love, hate, death, and life. There was even a relationship between a Goddess and a man. And other between a man and a man. It wasn’t satisfying.
Every night, he wished upon the stars that his friends would be reunited with him.
The End.
 ~7 years later~ (lmao chickens live forever in mc so suck it)
Kevin was making his way to his makeshift hut in the forest, when he chose to peek through a window of Urulu. Inside, he saw the young man that was dating a god. With his messy hair and pajamas, he was trying to get a small child to eat something. She looked like she was under 10 years old. She was too excited to go to school, so she insisted on skipping breakfast. The young man groaned.
“If you don’t eat anything, you won’t have a good time.” The girl was persistent in keeping her mouth shut, even though she was smiling and holding back giggles. The young man groaned.
“Please. For me?” He sounded irritated, but you could see a soft smile on his face. The girl sat down at the table and started eating her breakfast after agreeing that she would take 10 bites of food. This was when the young man let his grin grow cheek to cheek. Kevin forgot what it was like to have that kind of closeness with a person. He missed it, yes, but he thought he didn’t deserve it.
But that was before he met Waglington.
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ramune-raven · 7 years
So. Should I continue writing this?
PHOENIX ARC It was a warm ‪‪Monday morning‬‬ , students prepare for their first day of school , one of those students was named Elmer. It'd be his first time going to a boarding school. It was called Phoenix Arc academy of science , arts , and it featured special classes for people interested in Wizardry but you had to pay an extra fee. Which Elmer's parents did. ( Elmer was a large fan of wizarding worlds ). Elmer was a 13 year old brown Rabbit with glasses , spiked hair , a beanie , a sweater and blue jeans. Clearly not your average bunny rabbit. He was preparing to be driven by his parents ( Ronald Robins , Alice Robins ) to Phoenix arc. He grabbed his bags and his large sketchbook and ran out the door "Come on , hurry hurry! You'll be late on your first day!" Yelled his father sitting in the front seat of the car. Elmer threw his bags in the trunk and than hastily sat in the back seat. As they drove to the school , Elmer was sketching down Ideas of some of his characters. One of them was named Ricky. A little mouse who carried a needle pin as a sword , he fought monstrous felines and battle giant canines. As he sketched away his parents talked about how proud they are of Elmer. ("Oh can't wait to see him animate!" , "Oh , our sons art is amazing!!!") But in almost a flash , they arrived at Phoenix arc. It was a very large building , with large gold circular Roofs ( there were many buildings ) and lovely white bricks , one side had a balcony facing a deep dark forest ( for the artist's to sketch things ) and vines creeping up the walls. There Elmer was able to see one of his professors as they drove by , they were close enough for Elmer to see every detail. He was a grayish brown rat with one ear torn , and one blind eye. His buck teeth were yellow and sharp. He didn't seem like the professor you'd like to get in an argument with. "Oh the building is extraordinary!" Yelled Elmer's  mother , looking out the window. They than finally found a place to park. Elmer's mom and dad helped him unpack his things and take them to the front. Elmer looked around the lovely building as they entered. Elmer's mom than dropped his bags and sighed heavily "all right! Have fun dear!" She yelled out "wai-WAIT WHERE DO I GO-" His mother and father already left the building. He looked around , confused. "Maybe I should-.... Ask a teacher...." Elmer muttered to himself. "Or another student- but what if they're lost as well?...." He was talking to himself as he walked around the school. Than out of nowhere a blue goat with glasses as well , puffy brown hair , a red and white scarf , and a tan sweater walked into Elmer making him drop his sketchbook. "OH MY- I-IM SO S-SORRY!!!" The goat yelled. "No no , it's okay-" Elmer said picking up his sketch book and helping the goat up. He than remembered he needed to find the dormitory. "hey- do you know where we put our stuff? Im quite lost..." Elmer asked. "Oh! Yeah! Follow me." The goat began to lead the way "oh- by the way , my names Ghust." "Elmer." The walked to their dormitories and Elmer finally put his stuff away. "What's your schedule?" Ghust asked , looking at one of Elmer's sketches. "Uhhhh.... Don't know yet...." "WHAT?! That must be terrible! You don't know who's class your late for!" Ghust said fearfully. "Uhhh... What's the big deal? It's not like the teachers can hurt us" Elmer said , looking at Ghust with a kinda sarcastic look. Ghust was still freaking out. "We need to go to the office to get your schedule , now!" Ghust grabbed Elmer's arm and dragged him to the office. At the front desk and old shabby grey cat sat. She had small glasses and was slouching over her desk. "What shall I help you with boys?" She asked in an old dusty voice "Well , Elmer here doesn't have a schedule!" Ghust said kinda loudly "hmmm... What was his name?" The shabby cat asked. "Oh! Uhhh.... I'm Elmer Robins , son of Ronald and Alice Robins...." The shabby cat took a long look at him , than proceeded to check her computer. "Ah... Yes , Elmer. Give me a minute to print your schedule....." Elmer looked at Ghust , nervous about his first class. "I hope you don't have someone like Ratsworth or Crow.... But you only get Crow if you paid the fee for the wizarding classes." Elmer gave Ghust an uncomfortable glare " well- my parents actually signed me up for those classes....." Right as Elmer said that the cat came with a printed schedule. "Here you are my dear...." She handed him the schedule and walked off. Elmer began reading "Ratsworth.... Cavin.... Crow...... Sieth.... King..... And than Cooper...." Ghust looked at Elmer , clearly showing he felt bad for him. "Well.... We have at least four classes together.... Ratsworth , Cavin , Sieth , and Cooper... Who happens to be my dad...." Elmer stared at his schedule for a couple minutes until Ghust yelled "WE'RE THIRTY MINUTES LATE TO RATSWORTH'S CLASS!!!!" He again , grabbed Elmer and ran to Ratsworth's class. "Why are you boys late?" To Elmer's surprise , Ratsworth was that one rat from earlier. His cloudy eyes gazed upon Elmer. "Sorry sir! This is a new student and his parents came h-here late! I helped him find one of the dormitories!" Ghust replied to Ratsworth. He stared at the two boys for a minute or so. "Take , your seats." Ghust ran to his desk as fast as he could. Elmer just walked and sat next to him , supposing that's where he shall sit. "Okay class. Today we shall be going over the rules , of my class..... Number one! No side conversations! If I see you engaged in one , you shall earn three weeks detention!" Elmer stared , than started scribbling a note to Ghust. "Three weeks!? A bit excessive for simply chatting...." He passed the note to Ghust and as a reply to the note , Ghust gave Elmer a nervous look and nodded. "Passing notes in my class boy!?" Ratsworth was leaning over Elmer's desk , he gestured Ghust to give him the note. "Hmmm.... Detention , both of you." He walked off and began going over the rules again. "Oh! Also...." He grabbed Elmer and his things and moved him to the back of the class. Many kids giggled seeing this. Ghust sat in the front row nervously. "Alright class... Rule number four! I shall not tolerate any sexual jokes during the reproductive unit!" One orange cat giggle loud enough for Elmer to hear in the back of the class. "Number five! No note passing! As we just witnessed the consequences. I'm sure nobody will even think of passing a note." Elmer went bright red as a few kids including a white rabbit and a crocodile stared at him. "Focus kids!" Snapped Ratsworth. "We have limited time children!" At least half an hour passed and than the bell rang. "Finally! Mr Ratsworth's class smells like a skunk!" The one crocodile yelled out. Ghust and Elmer giggled. "Okay next we have Cavin. Say, what does he teach?" Elmer asked. "He is one of the art teachers. Kinda silly cause he's a bat." Ghust helped Elmer to Cavins class. It was a messy room , paintings hung everywhere and piles of sketch books were stacked in the back. "Wow!" Elmer looked around the place , until a large bat who had a turquoise necklace and a flannel patterned short sleeve shirt walked in the class. "Welcome students! I'm mr Cavin , the art teacher. I would like everyone to grab a sketchbook from the back and write their names on it!" Elmer raced to the back and grabbed a large sketchbook. He choose his seat next to Ghust and a white dog with low hanging ears and luxurious fur. "Alright students- the first thing I'd like you to do is to copy down the rules on the board in the first page of your sketchbooks" these sketchbooks were a lot nicer than the ones you'd find at a normal school. They looked very expensive. As the students copied down the rules mr Cavin was looking over the assignments that are for throughout the year. Ghust and Elmer were aloud to talk to each other as well. It was a wonderful class , that Elmer absolutely loved. He gets to draw , paint , and animate , he can talk with his classmates , and no assigned seats. "Alright kids! After you finish copying the rules down , I would like to give you an assignment for the following week-" most of the kids were looking at mr Cavin , while Elmer and some other students were sketching in their books already. "I would like you to sketch some trees- the best place to do so would be the balcony at the side of the school. I want to see the whole page filled with trees , and if you want you can add a couple animals if you wish" Elmer raised his hand. "Yes?" Cavin looked at Elmer. "If we wish can we add one of our own characters in the forest?" "I don't mind." Cavin smiled warmly at Elmer , he smiled back. The class ended to soon , the bell rang loudly as students filled the halls , it was break time. Ghust and Elmer decided to spend their twenty minutes doodling in the library. Wow Elmer.... Your art is just- amazing...." Ghust was looking through pages of Elmer's art. "Uhhh th-thank you!" Elmer was drawing another picture of Ricky until he was interrupted by another student peeking over him. "Your art can use improvement...." Said the same dog from the art class. "Oh! I know!" Elmer looked at the dog , smiling. "Ugh...." The dog walked off. The bell rang again , signaling that their break is over. "Okay gotta go to one of the wizard classes!" He was clearly very excited. "Okay! I got to go to professor Enoch! Bye!!!" The both split ways , Elmer ran as fast as he could up the stairs to his first class of wizardry. He burst through the door and- "your late- rabbit." Said a females voice. She stared at him , she wore a long dark blue coats with potions and bags tied around her waist. "Sit." Elmer looked at her. "Yes ma'am." He sat next to a tiny mouse with the same outfit as professor crow. "Now today we shall be going over our rules and expectations in this  class. Firstly to let you know , there is no wands , chocolate toads , or boys with messy hair and glasses." Elmer looked at his own hair and tried to flatten it to make it look straiter. "But we will be learning Jinxes and potions. But firstly , as I said , Rules! Rule number one! Don't ever , EVER , stick any part of your body in a full cauldron. Rule number two! Don't jinx anyone's books , we've had to many incidents last year. Rule number three! Don't turn your friend into a toad." Elmer began to think these rules were ridiculously specific. Some kids in the back even giggled , including that one orange cat from Ratsworth's class. After going over every single rule crow faced the class. "Our first unit shall be Jinxes. Bring out your books and begin to study page 13." Elmer reached in his bag and grabbed a large book. "Page 13...." He opens the book to page  13 and begins to study , the orange cat than randomly yells "SPECTON ALUS!" Of course nothing happens , but crow yells out "JACOB NO!!!! IF THAT JINX WAS TO WORK YOU WOULD'VE CURSED THE WHOLE CLASS!!!" Jacob was laughing to tears in the back. Elmer was fearful now , what if some kid actually did try and turn him into a toad? "Class , what Jacob did was an example of what NOT TO DO!" Crow was still yelling at Jacob , and throughout the class she gave him death stares. "Dang Jacob , that was idiotic...." Said a black fox. "Heh , I know!" They were still giggling about it. "Now , I want you all to say this , aminang parvata. It's a spell that will , if you do it right , call the creatures of light to serve you- it's a very important spell and you must know it. Due to the forest at the side of the school being filled with the creatures of shadows." Elmer felt a chill go down his spine. He raised his hand. "Ugghh.... What is it Elmer?...." He looked at her , fearfully as he said this. "C-creatures of the shadows? Wh-what are those?" Crow stared down at him. "You came here and you did not know about them?" She looked shocked. Elmer was confused. "Y-yeah?" Crow sighed loudly. "I guess I shall have to teach you all.... Ughhhhh...." She went to the front of the class and grabbed a large book. She opened it to what seemed like the middle. "Alright... The creatures of the shadows are like soul eaters, except not as violent. Their story is , the creatures lived a happy life , a cheerful life , until someone or something kills something or someone they love. Than kill the creature. Their spirits rise as shadowy figures , and they are very dangerous. We don't know much about them , or how the got a physical form , but what we do know is that they will kill." Elmer looked at her , shocked. Jacob yelled "WHATS A SOUL EATER!? IM SURE THATS AN ANIME-" Crow yelled at him again. Throughout the rest of the class , Jacob  was yelled at , and Elmer felt terrified. This was the longest class he has ever had. When the bell rang , Elmer was extremely happy knowing that he gets to see Ghust again. He ran up to the dormitory to grab some things. As he ran down the stairs he bumped into the white dog again. "Hey! Watch where ya going stupid!" The dog ran off again. Elmer continued to run down the stairs , he really was in no hurry , he had twenty minutes , but he wanted to have time to speak with Ghust about what happened in Crows class. He found him in the library , but with a female sheep. "Ooohhh... Who's she?" Elmer asked. Ghust jumped at Elmer's voice. "Uhhhhh...." "She your girlfriend?" "N-NO!" Ghust blushed deeply and Elmer giggled "just kidding , just kidding , so , hi I'm Elmer , you are?" He reached his paw out to the sheep. "Lydia!" She grabbed his hand and shook it violently. "I'm Ghust's girlfriend!!!" Ghust was trying hard to get her to shut up. While Ghust and Lydia were talking ( "he wasn't supposed to know that Lydia!" ) Elmer was looking through his book. It was like a biology book , but with magical creatures , he was studying the Jackalope page , he wished he had antlers , it'd make him a lot cooler than he actually is. The bell rang loudly and Lydia shot up and ran down the hall. "Well now we have Sieth.... He teaches like , animal things...." Said Ghust in a bored way. "But wait- Aren't we anima-" Elmer shuttered at the thought of a tiny version of him , without clothes or glasses. They both ran to Sieth's room , with huge Biology books at their sides. When they walked in , there was a Komodo dragon standing at a desk , he had a Warlock like outfit , and his eyes seemed closed. "He kinda looks like a snake...." Elmer whispered to Ghust. "Well- he is a reptile , I think he's dating Mrs Enoch. And she's a snake...." Ghust looked at Elmer giggling. "Alright class , take your seats!" Mr Sieth yelled loud enough for the other side of the hall to hear him. "Now , take out your books. And throw em' out the window." Everyone looked at Sieth. One of the kids hid their books so they can keep it. "Also , don't call me Mr Sieth. That gets on my nerves , just call me Ragnall." None of the kids actually threw their books through the window except for Jacob, he did so gladly. "Now , we'll be learning about the Phoenix! Best thing to do on the first day at Phoenix arc!" All the kids seemed interested immediately. "The Phoenix is a bird made of fire , when it dies it turns into ash and then is reborn from the ashes." Elmer was taking notes on this. "Sir?" "Yes Elmer?" "Why is the school called Phoenix arc?" All the kids around him laughed. "Well , our founder and principle , is a Phoenix." Ragnall seemed very surprised he did not know this. Elmer went red in the face , Ghust patted his back trying to comfort him. "Anyway , as I was saying , a Phoenix's tears can heal wounds , very beautiful and spiritual birds if I do say so myself." Just then Ragnall thought of a fun activity. "I would like you all to draw how you see a Phoenix! Not how I see a Phoenix , not how the person sitting next to you see's a Phoenix , how you see one." Elmer was very happy to hear that he can draw in a class like this , he got out his sketching pencil and started to draw. At least ten minutes late he raised his hand. "Yes Elmer?" Elmer held up his paper so Ragnall can see. "I finished!" Ragnall looked at the picture , admiring the art style. "Very nice Elmer! I like the flames in the background!" Elmer smiled brightly at this compliment. Ghust was still working on the feet. ( he never really draws , even though his dad is an art teacher. ) Jacob finished , but it looked like a three year old drew it. Elmer thought he did this on purpose. Then Elmer thought of something. "Sir , if we are finished with the Phoenix , can we maybe draw how we see.... The.... Ummm.... Creatures of the shadows?" Ragnall looked at him , his slit eyes opened enough for Elmer to see his Supernatural golden eyes. He looked mad for a second , Elmer thought he said something outrageous. "Sure!" Ragnall smiled warmly at Elmer. "Draw as you wish , we only have like , twenty minutes left." One kid stood up , she was a white and light brown rabbit with glasses as well. "What about the learning? We could be using this time to educate ourselves!" Ragnall looked at her. "I didn't say you had to sketch. You can study through your large book if you wish , that was my plan at first." She looked outraged. "Th-THAN WHY'D YOU ASK US TO THROW THEM OUT THE WINDOW?!" "It was a test of intelligence." Everyone laughed cause Jacob actually threw his book out the window. Ghust looked at Elmer and passed him a note. "Dude , she's like perfect for you , she even looks like you dude! " Elmer made a loud scoffing noise and went bright red. He whispered loudly to Ghust , "I don't like her!!!" Ghust just nodded his head with a smug look , Elmer knew he didn't believe him. Elmer turned back to his paper , and began sketching out an idea of what the creatures look like. He viewed them as large shadows that follow you through the forest , he could see one having sharp canine teeth and razor claws. Ragnall looked over his shoulder and chuckled. "I like it!" Elmer jumped , he was so involved in his drawing he had not noticed his professor looming over him. "O-oh.... Thanks...." Ragnall smiled. Elmers classes went smoothly besides Coopers , Elmer found out that Copper was Ghust dad and throughout the class he embarrassed Ghust. ( "Oh Ghust , remember the first time you "Fainted"?! I nearly laughed to tears!" "I remember the day Ghust brought back Lydia his... GIRLFRIEND" ) Ghust and Elmer went back to the dormitories with many kids following , Elmer followed Ghust , due to him not knowing where he sleeps. "Before you sleep , I suggest you study for Ragnalls class...." Said a young owl with very little feathers. "Study? For that looney?" The white rabbit from Ragnall's class was hanging out on a couch. Elmer was starring at her. "OoooooHHHHH , SOMEBODY'S IN LOOOOVE!!!!" Ghust was right next to Elmer. And apparently the other rabbit overheard. "What?" Before Ghust could answer Elmer covered his mouth. "N-nothing! L-lets go to the boys dormitory Ghust!!!!" He dragged Ghust away into their dormitories. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" Ghust seemed pretty mad. "You can't tell her I like her! She'll freak out! And if I tell her I might get rejected!" Ghust looked at him nastily , "at least write a note to her!" Elmer thought of it , maybe if he makes it anonymous.... "But-.... I don't even know her name!" Ghust smiled "Crystal Yang. But for now , you should go to sleep. You get top bunk. I'm afraid of height's." Ghust climbed in the bottom bunk and began to change into his pajamas. Elmer climbed in the top bunk after putting his glasses on a stand. "Goodnight Ghust...." "Goodnight Elmer....." They both doze of into a long sleep. CHAPTER TWO: That night Elmer had the most peculiar dream. He was in the woods , with someone else who he couldn't remember. A shadowy creature that appeared had a large completely pitch black body in the shape of a dog , and the only thing you could make out was its white glowing eyes and teeth. Elmer couldn't stop thinking of it. It seemed to real. He told Ghust about the dream. "Eh probably nothing." Ghust was eating a plate full of grass for breakfast. "Nothing?! It looked like one of the shadow creatures!!!" Elmer was eating lettuce , carrots , and a couple radishes. "Everyone has seen one at least once. The can't hurt you unless your like , right in their way. If your on a balcony and you see one your safe." Ghust coughed up a bug he found in his plate of grass. "Ew who prepared this plate?! UGH!!!!" Elmer giggled slightly as he began to eat a large radish. Ghust stopped freaking out over the bug and looked over his shoulder. "Oooohhhh!!!! Crystals gonna have to sit next to yoooouu!!!!" Elmer spat out a piece of the radish As he looked over his shoulder , crystal was talking to Ratsworth than began to walk towards them. "Ah!!! G-Ghust , how do I look?!" Ghust giggled "fine dude.... You look good! Stop freaking out!" Crystal sat next to Elmer with a plate similar to his. "O-oh hi Cr-Crystal!" Elmer smiled. "Hi....." That morning was pretty awkward for Elmer. Ghust kept throwing jokes on how Elmer has a crush on Crystal ( Elmer and Crystal sitting in a tree~ ) and Elmer was overwhelmed by all of Ratsworth's homework assignments. ( he announced them at the beginning of class ) "now students!!! Today , we'll be learning the anatomy of a goat!" Ghust looked at Elmer and mouthed "horns , beard , long ears. We're all basically the same." Elmer giggled "three weeks detention Elmer and Ghust." Ghust then screamed a curse word and got longer detention. "Now before we learn the anatomy. I must list different species of goats!" He went on listing them then stopped and looked at Ghust. "And finally , a fainting goat." Ghust was not paying attention , he was almost asleep in his chair. Ratsworth walked behind Ghust and grabbed his shoulder yelling "BOO!" Ghust screamed and fell to the floor as though he fainted. Every one in the classroom laughed. Elmer helped him up. "Yo dude... You alright?" Ghust simply giggled out of embarrassment. "Well... Yeah... I was just doing what comes natural.... You see , as Ratsworth said , I'm a fainting goat" the class stared and giggled loudly at Ghust. "PAY ATTENTION!!!!! Ghust , stay after class for distracting the whole class. "WHAT?!" "YOU HEARD ME!!!!" Ghust , again , fainted. The bell rang after a long class all about goats. Ghust stayed behind as Elmer made his way to Cavins room. He felt suspicious about Ratsworth , he didn't know why. It was , just the way he looked. He was talking to Lydia. "So.... Do you know how Ratsworth got his ear all jacked up?.." Lydia looked at Elmer and said enthusiastically "how would I know? He just a mean ol' grumpy pants!!! I don't care for him.... He's a meanie!" Elmer giggled at this as they were talking on their way to Cavins. "AHHH!" Lydia jumped as a large spider walked down the hall. "Not a fan of spiders?" Ragnall was behind them except he was accompanied by someone , a black cat in a martial arts outfit with a red bandana with teeth patterns. He had a brown belt tied around his waist , "I finally convinced Dean Lockwood to enroll Martial arts class!!!" Ragnall beamed in excitement. "Um , who's Dean Lockwood?" Elmer asked. Ragnall laughed , "He's a good friend of our founder Mr Flamecoover. He kinda chooses the classes." Lydia jumped up "COOL!" She than mimicked some martial arts moves and yelled "HOOOYAAAAHHH!!!" Each time she did them. The cat looked at them and than said quietly "I'm Neil , the martial arts teacher here. Well , at least assistant." Elmer thought about using some martial arts on Ratsworth. It was pleasing to think about. "Now get to class children!" Ragnall pointed to the clock and smiled "OH CRUD!!!!" Elmer got up and bolted toward his class , Lydia following. they made it to Cavins class , late , they both sat down and pulled out their sketchbooks. "Did any of you finish your assignment?" Elmers hand shot up. "Very.... Uhh.... Nice.... And do any of you have an explanation as to why yours are not done?" "Ratsworth!!!! It was him I swear!!" "To be honest , I don't care" "Sorry , forgot" "Homework" the list went on and on , Cavin gave everyone a second chance but took away points from everyone's grades. Otherwise the class went by smoothly. After class Elmer and Ghust were talking about the latest episode of their favorite show and heard something going on in Ratsworth's room. "Listen , Dean! You can't hide this forever!!!! I know your trying to help King Xavier!!! I know your trying to help him gain the crystal!!!" That was clearly crows voice. "Juliet , why does it matter to you? Why must you be peeking your tiny nose in every one of my conversations? If you don't stop , I'll be sure to have Xavier kill you first...." Elmer and Ghust heard enough. They were curious. They ran to the library. "I don't think they'd have a book on Xa-" "Shut it Ghust!!!" Ghust immediately stopped talking. They began to look through books. But no luck. "Told you" Ghust looked at Elmer "maybe we should ask , well.... I don't know... A teacher?" Elmer could read his sarcastic tone almost immediately. "Shut up" They eventually had to go to class. "Bye Ghust.... Good luck in Skulls class...." Elmer walked to Crows class. Desperately wanting to ask about this Xavier guy. Or what the "Crystal" is. So many questions filled his head as he entered the class. Today crow wasn't sitting at the desk. It was a young giraffe with a plaid jacket and glasses. Looked about in his twenties. "Alri.... Alright class... S-settle down...." The class was pretty occupied by something Jacob was doing. Elmer walked up to the new teacher "where's crow?" The teacher looked at him "she told me she has some errands..." "Alright , and you are , sir?" "Oh! Umm.... Just call me mister Daniels." Mr Daniels smiled as he directed Elmer to his seat "now , crow told me you will all be studying!" The entire class booed. He ignored them. The class ended with a huge lecture on how to study properly. Elmer walked out , not caring. He walked to Skulls class to wait for Ghust. Until a dark brown poodle Labrador mix walked past him. He was wearing a formal outfit , with what looked like a diamond pendant around his collar , he stops to look at Elmer. "What are you doing? Class doesn't end for like five more minutes." "My substitute was giving a lecture I didn't care for" "Oh... You can't just barge outta class like that young man!" Elmer looked at the dog , did he have any authority over him? No. "So? And don't call me you man , your the same age as I mister -?" "Alexander Sutcliff" "Alrighty , Alex , the names Elmer." "Don't call me Alex , rabbit." "Alright , don't call me Rabbit" they talked for the remainder of the time , until the classes began to flood out , Ghust walked up to Elmer and Alexander. "Um , who's this?" He clearly thought Elmer "replaced" him. "Alexander , Alexander Sutcliff." He bowed as he said this. "Okay , I'm Ghust...." He held out his hoof , Alexander looked at it. "Umm... Sir do you ever trim your hooves?" Ghust was obviously offended by this. The three of them walked to their next classes. Luckily Alexander had Ragnall as well. Elmer and Alexander sat down , Ghust sat in the other side of Elmer , away for Alexander. Ragnall walked in out of nowhere , and he took a seat. There was an awkward silence , until Jacob yelled "SO NOW WHAT?!" Ragnall gave Jacob a nasty look than turned back to the whole class. "Good Morning" "good morning mr Sieth" the class replied back. "I prefer to be called Ragnall , as I have said before." He stood up and he looked at Alexander. "New here?" "Y-yes mr s- I mean Ragnall." "Why is everyone so scared of me all the sudden? Are you people afraid of reptiles?" The entire class looked up , Alexander rose his hand in the air. "Yes?" "Jacob was talking about how all Komodo dragons, kill." "He's not wrong" the entire class gasped. "But , I'm vegan. I eat tofu. Like all of you kids do at this school. Only phsyco's kill." Some kids looked relived while others looked skeptical.
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Silver Silence Part 8
Pairing: Bucky x shy enhanced reader
Summary: Bucky finally finds himself able to live at the compound with the team, but finds it difficult to repress his feelings for his new very shy and gentle teammate.
Word count:  1,607
Warnings: Swearing as always
(it is so beyond hard to write normal lately. I’ve been reading a lot of A/B/O fics and honestly they are my favorite things ever, only problem is that they make it hard to write normal fics when you’re in the mindset that you’re a fucking omega
ps: if you know of any alphabucky reader inserts please tell me)
For the next couple of days Bucky kept a closer eye on you then normal, you where slowly getting your strength back to a normal humans capacity, and he was worried you would over exert yourself. To make him less paranoid you decided to stay clear of training until your body was at full strength, But that didn’t mean you couldn’t watch others train.
You where currently marveling over Steve and Bucky’s toned bodies as they lunged at one another, throwing punches and kicks.
It wasn’t the first time you had done this, but the first time you had been so open about it. In the past you would hide behind workout equipment and long to be able to actually fight. (and also maybe staring at the beautifully chiseled features of two of the hottest super soldiers in the world.)  
However currently, you where completely out in the open, not even bothering to act innocent as your eyes ran the length of Bucky’s body.
With one quick jab at Steve’s ribs, Bucky was able to knock him off balance enough to send a sweep of his feet to Steve’s legs.
Steve’s eyes traveled to you as he now lay on the matt in defeat, watching you sit cross legged near the wall.
You scribbled down a 0 on the small white board you stole from the medical wing, and held it up, giving him a thumbs down and laughing silently.
“I had ‘em on the ropes” he assured, but you just shook your head with a smile.
“(Y/N) do you want to try?” Steve asked, but was quickly shut down by Bucky.
“No, no she’s not ready yet”
You just smiled lightly, knowing Bucky just wanted you to be safe and healthy.
Before Steve could argue further, the door to the training room opened and tony strolled in, dressed in an over the top west wood suit.
“Fancy party?” Steve asked curiously.
“Hardly, no actually a meeting.” He replied, he took a couple of steps towards you and smiled gently, laying a careful hand on your shoulder.
“Miss your voice kid?” he asked softly.
You nodded sheepishly at him, looking over at Bucky who held a sort of jealous glint in his eyes.
Bucky was about to interject, probably some comment about Tony’s strange behavior, when tony began motioning towards the door.  “Come on then, I have something you’ll appreciate.”
You looked back at Bucky, quirking a brow and hoping that he takes the hint to ask tony what he means. Unfortunately he just shrugged, forcing you to suck it up and go with tony anyway.
“Alright kid, now I know surgeries are probably the least appealing thing to you, given the last couple of weeks, but its small and I’m almost certain the device will work.”
Tony sat you down on the same metal table you’ve felt the first time he explained your heart surgery. Only this time, it was some sort of brain and vocal cords type of surgery.
“It won’t take more than an hour, the healing is fast, and I promise you it won’t be like the last time.”
You looked up at him, thinking for a while but nodding your head. No pain no gain right?
He smiled and got up to inform his team of surgeons, leaving you to stare at the screen he had used to explain everything.
It was some sort of metal device that would be installed in place of your vocal cords and also connect to your brain, and by some complicated mechanics that you honestly zoned out while listening to, it would give you the ability to talk. You honestly felt kind of weird about it, thinking at first that it would be some kind of mechanical voice, but as tony explained he’s able to match to pitch and tone of your normal voice and actually make it sound like you.
You just really hoped it worked.
Bucky hadn’t seen (Y/n) since yesterday, and honestly it started to worry him. Where the hell did tony take you, and why hadn’t you come back.
Just as he angrily shut the refrigerator door you came practically skipping into the kitchen.
“Oh hey doll.” He greeted softly, his eyes fixed on your brightly lit smile.
You gave him a wave, looking around and grabbing an orange from the bowl on the counter.
“Want any real food? I could make us some pasta?” he asked.
You gave him a nod, sitting yourself on one of the stools that lined up with the counter, while Bucky began to get a pan out, and search for the wooden spoon he seemed to always use. He looked through a couple draws and cabinets, but came up empty.
“it’s in the sink” you said casually.
“Oh thanks.” He replied, grabbing the spoon from the sink and rinsing it off.
After a few moments you heard the sudden drop of the spoon as Bucky’s head whipped around, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
“Y-You- did- I mean…”
“Hey handsome.” You answered.
He shuffled across the kitchen, grabbing your face in his hands smiling widly, and looking into your eyes almost trying to read your soul.
“How?!” he asked in a giddy voice.
“Tony gave me some sort of strange device that he got from his so called ‘client’.”  You replied, motioning to the stitches that you had on the side of your neck.
“You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice.” He laughed softly, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss to your lips.
(two days later, finally full strength!)
You retracted your fist as far back as you could, and sent a roaring punch to the side of the black bag, feeling the pressure of your force connect with the object and sent it swinging back. Your other hand doing the same at a rhythmic beat, as a smile spread over face in triumph.
In your frenzies of punches you lifted your leg up, spun, and sent the back of your heal against the bag with so much force that it swung nearly a foot away from the blow. The action would have caused you a broken leg in the past, but today, in this moment, it did nothing but send that beautiful healthy burn coursing through your muscles.
You let your body rest for a few minutes, smiling from ear to ear and swinging your arms back and forth in excitement.
Next you decided to hop onto a tread mill, a thing you where familiar with walking on but never running. You pushed your normal speed of about 3 and let yourself slowly walk, breathing deeply and softly laughing at how little your energy had drained.
After about 2 or 3 minutes you pushed the incline up to 8 and adjusted the speed straight to 10. The light wind from the machines built in fan, made your hair gently caress your face, sticking to your open lips as your mouth was panting and huffing in a wide grin.
Light laughs escaped you as you bumped up the incline and felt the sweat beginning to form on your forehead and arms. In all your years of life, running had never been something you were capable of doing. Your body was like a crumbling piece of stale bread and any moving around that was to wild could send your body into a heap on the floor.
“Trying out the new bones I see?” you heard a voice call over the loud whirl of the machine and slowly glanced back to see Bucky standing in the doorway of the gym. Your smile only grew more as you looked down at your feet, seeing them fly through the air in fluid motions.
“Same bones I’ve always had, just aren’t blocked by a giant black tumor anymore!” you yelled back. He gave an airy laugh and then approached you, causing you to turn the machine back to walking speed.
“What did Helen say about your condition?” he asked, this time at normal talking levels.
“I no longer have brittle bone disease, asthma, kidney failure, or degenerative disc disease. Oh and my iron deficiency has improved.” You stated, smiling at his shocked expression.
“All of that was caused by your powers?”
“Yup! Nearly everything that has ever been wrong with me was caused by my powers excessive need for strength.” His mouth stood agape before he quickly shut it and looked you over. “There is one thing that sucks though.”
“Oh really what’s that?” Bucky’s eyebrows rose.
“I get periods now…” you mumbled.
He let out a barking laugh and shook his head. “You didn’t before?”
You sighed heavily, squirming slightly as you felt the slight presence of what you  body was doing down there.
“I was too skinny before, that stupid pocket kept all the nutrients and calories I got from any sort of food, so my period never really happened.”
He frowned slightly. “so you couldn’t have kids for two different reasons?”
You nodded. “Too frail and no periods, so yeah basically.”
“Hey.. I was wondering..” Bucky’s voice trailed off shyly.
“Go on.” You urged.
“Do you maybe want to go out to dinner tomorrow night?”
Your cheeks went red as you slowly lowered your head to hide it.
“i-I would love to.”
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Silver Silence tags:
@avengershavethetardis  @dingo-ate-my-baby-crazy666    @loveyourselfcreateyourself @marvel-is-my-life2099 @ipaintmelodies @killer-stiles @chipilerendi  @fab-notfat
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abloomntime · 4 years
A Bloom In Time Ch26
(Warning: Death scene, Mentioning of past death, nightmares, and a light panic attack.) Cold. Darkness. All of it came rushed over so suddenly. Just like the two heavily armored guards carrying her kicking and screaming self towards the dreaded summer house that housed the royals deep in the snowed up world. That winter suddenly came that year unexpectedly with the freezing winds suddenly whipping around her when she just closed up her stand for the day, pocketing the expensive bracelet she was given as payment and what coins she received as payment, ready to go home. She didn't make much from her flower stand she always wanted, but that was always fine and dandy. She loved the smiles on the children's faces when they'd buy single flowers for their parents, or if she'd sell them flowers in exchange for small things like food. It was one way to get to eat around here. But the chills filling the air that after noon followed by the loud thumping sounds coming towards her were new. Especially when all of a sudden two giant armored men stood over her and seized her without warning. So naturally she resisted and fought against her captors as they took her away.
The farther down the path they went the more horrified she became. There was ...snow. IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER!! Harsh white and cold wind glared all around her as she gawked around wildly....and then shrieked at the sight of a frozen person as they passed. Their feared expression forever frozen on their face. The poor girl went silent from the numb cold as those blue eyes widened in horror at all the suurounding frozen people as they walked past, never easing up on her grip, or giving any emotion to anything around them as the horrified woman went limp in their arms from shock as they approached the black gates and beyond that was the manor. Her blue eyes flicked up to it. It looked more menacing than it usually did as the entire house loomed over them the closer they got and a sudden feeling of dread filled her up to the very core of her soul as they were swallowed by the shadows and even more coldness bearing down on her. The guards didn't stop until they were going up the stairs and into the home. It was as dark and cold as the outside. Even more so if that was possible. She was still frozen and scared in the grip of the guards when the doors opened and they forced her inside. The inside of the manor was colder than the outside is that was even possible, and if she wasn't already in shock, she would've shrieked at what was awaiting them just a few feet away from the door.
In the darkness of cold and shadows, a hunched over monster made it's way over to them but dared not come further than five feet giving a hiss. Like she was a skunk and this red eyed thing was afraid of her. How strange, but that didn't stop her stop pointing a hand at her, and in possibly the most scariest, raspy voice Poppy had ever heard. Said:
"Take her to the room and lock her away. ...I can't look at her as my prince had done. Perhaps locking her away forever will teach her a lesson about gazing into another man's eyes who belong TO ME!!"
"...WAIT!! WHAT?!" She attempted to struggle again but their strength was too much.
Sadly be the fate of the innocent florist wasn't a pleasant one. As she was marched up the stairs to the very third floor of the manor, the coldness and shadows started to become too much to the point of her screaming and struggling body starting to be overcome by them all. the long hallway they were taking her down ended in a single pair of double doors, the doors surrounded by locks that haven't been locked yet.
The guards marched the poor woman now panicking in their grip flailing about, trying to get out of their grip like a fly in a cold spiderweb to no avail. The two giant guards marched noisily towards somewhere unknown as the third floor rooms and hallways passed them as they marched with seemingly no regard for the woman yelling and pulling between them. Eventually marching down one hallways in particular with a double door room at the end of it, heavy and thick with chains and locks fit for a dungeon instead of a bed room. The two guards went right up to it and before Poppy could even yell out peck again- She was tossed in rather hard. She landed with a giant thud sound and yelped out as her body landed with the freezing cold floor.  As her weakly numbing body was pushed into the empty room, she looked up just in time to see the two heavily armored guards slam the doors behind her. She struggled to stand with the cold seeping through all her body but wobbled to the door, vision blurring with nothing but darkness. And it only began to get colder and COLDER!! Poppy groaned from the pain but those blue eyes snapped open at the sudden noise of doors slamming behind her. Panic and adrenaline pumping through her veins and she stumbled to her feet as fast as she could. The rattling of chains and clicking of heavy locks made her fear spike worse and she went to it as fast as she could grabbing the door knob and pushing. Even as all the clicks and locks of the locks were put into place and the floor jostling with the heavy footsteps of the guards stopping away, she fell to her knees against the door and banged her fist against it. Screaming to be let out as the coldness and blackness seeped more into the room and still overtook her form.
"HEY!! WHAT THE PECK!? LET ME OUT!!" The heavy doors creaked from her pushing and pulling and desperately turning the knob. The floor shaking lightly with the heavy footsteps of the guards walking away. The realization of them walking away made her more desperate to get out, and she now went to banging on the door. "H-HEY!! DO YOU LUGNUTS HEAR ME?! I SAID I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING OK?! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID BUT IM SORRY OK!! PLEASE!! LET ME GO!! I SWEAR TO YOU I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THAT CRAZY SHADOW LADY SAID!!"
She got no reply and could hear them getting and farther away, panicking she tore herself away from the door. Heart hammering in her ears and eyes scrambling around the dark room for any signs of escape to no avail. No windows. No other doors. Nothing. The coldness was starting to creep in now and the shadows of the room got closer....and closer...... Her panting became faster and in a moment of desperation, she backed all the way to the other side of the empty room and looked at the door. Bracing herself, she ran as fast as she could across the room and rammed her shoulder as hard as she could into the heavy duty door. A thud rang out but there wasn't even a dent in the thick would. Leaving her only falling to the ground and reaching up to rub her sore shoulder from the ramming. The cold slowly creeped closer and closer and the shadows swallowed her whole until her world fell into a black slumber for a thousand years. Screeching that sounded like bloody murder echoed out through the closed attic and blue eyes opened in a sudden blurry black vision. Someone sat up and more screams were hollered out at two glowing yellow orbs that scattered away from the source of the sounds as whoever was cutting his ears with piercing screams moved back away from him. Blanket uncovering their body and a pillow tossed in the direction of the shadow monster of nightmares coming back for her. .....Well it most certainly WAS a shadow. But NOT the one she just had a nightmare about. This shadow yelped when his face was suddenly wacked by a pillow and as it fell to the floor he shook his head and watched as the panicked woman scattered back from him. "I'M SORRY!! I'M SORRY!! DON'T PUT ME BACK IN THERE!! I HATE THE COLD!!", she desperately cried out pleading for her life. "WHAT THE PECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!," A male voice demanded staring down at her with a scowl. "As if I would lock you up!" "Your majesty?" Snatcher floated there silently at the sudden title thrown at him from no where. Poppy could feel a rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins and she briefly wondered how fast she could make it to the ever moving platform- A jolt shook her body at the sudden snap noise and a second later blue flames appeared in the hand of the shadow creature who loomed over her, his scowling face softened up to pure confusion as he stared down at her and she stared up blinking at the giant creature. Anyone else would've screamed and ran away but- "It's ME!," Snatcher said in a slightly grumpy tone but he stopped completely staring at the sudden state of the woman in front of him. Shaking goosebumped flesh drenched in cold sweat. Raw fear circulating through her body, he could feel it. He could always feel the fear and auras radiating off one's soul and he took delight in someone's fear. It made him strong, powerful. HUNGRY AND EXCITED EVEN!! Yet now. Feeling the soul within her beat and radiate that same fear felt....wrong. Sick. Made him want to spit out ectoplasm. This fear was bad, made him get cold from just being near it so much. Made him want to dive through the floors below to escape the ooze of it until it completely went away when she calmed down. Yet...A force made him remain where he was, looming over her staring and not going anywhere. Fear was something he knew was a powerful motivator for someone like him but the fact remains that....She shouldn't be left alone in a state like this. Confused, lost, eyes small as her heart raced and fear pumped through her, afraid..Alone. He didn't want to be alone- ".....Snatcher?" The soft voice snapped him out of his stupor and he stared right into those blue eyes registering this shadow as not an enemy. The yellow eyes loomed closer and she still could barely see even with the light provided. But certainly felt the peach fuzzed like claws gently place themselves on her shoulders like she was a tiny child compared to this creature who needed comfort. "Yeah. Yeah it's me." He said as calmly and softly as possible and was rewarded with a shudder and sigh from Poppy in front of him. Also rewarding him was a choke coming from her throat and fresh tears coming from her eyes in the form of her crying. Making the ghost freeze and stare as a pang of panic shot through his shadowy form. Poppy was- Why was she-....Crying?! Real actual crying like a few times he'd seen her do before but this time it seemed more powerful than the time that stupid statue was chasing her or when the dumb noose 'flirted' with her. He still wanted nothing more than to burn it to ashes and crumble that stone menace to pebbles, but anger right now wasn't going to do him or her any good. And there was no way in peck he was about to leave her like this either. His other hand with the flames snapped letting the fire float in the air so both his hands could be free to help out and hovered above Poppy's shoulder stopping. "Are you.....Is it alright if I touched you?" She sniffed and made a couple more choke sounds from her state but managed to force something out that sounded like 'ok', and slowly a soft arm wrapped around her shoulders and she felt the presense sit down on the floor next to her. Not full on caging her in a hug, but offering her comfort with a arm around her anyways giving her enough space and closeness. Continuing to cry her eyes out, the woman reached her hands up to swipe at those stinging tears from her slightly pink face now. He cringed at the sight but kept his mouth shut, pulling a hankerchief out of no where and holding it out to her silently. It took Poppy a few moments to actually notice it was there but once she did it was yanked from him and held to her tear stained face. Blowing her nose loudly and wiping her tears away from her face. A small blunt 'thanks' was squeaked out from the lady and he still remained silent for a long while. Nothing but her crying and hiccupping and the silence of the attic. ".......Are you feeling better?" .......She sniffed and nodded without looking at him. "Yeah..I t-t-think so...Thanks." He hummed and continued to sit there and look at her trying to sniff and clear her face up now. By now he had a pretty good idea of what might've caused such a reaction out of her, but he didn't want to jump the gun and make the situation any more uncomfortable. "What happened?" is what he ended up asking after a few silent moments of thinking. "Jus' a.....a bad dream." Still not meeting his gaze he saw. Hm. "What about?" He gently pressed. His ghostly brow rising as he saw her completely still under his hold. Maybe that was too soon to ask. "Do...you want to talk about it? It's perfectly fine if you don't want to." ......She groaned and leaned back into his arm which was pretty sturdy enough for her to lean against and not fall through. Strange. You'd think she'd just pass through it since he can pass through walls but nope, with her head pointed up towards the ceiling eyes closed. "....I don't know anymore. It's just....." Her eyes opened to stare up at the dark ceiling above them. Faint shadows danced in what dim light the one blue flame provided and gold eyes blinked at her from her right. Snatcher's eyes. They looked so much like Jack-o-lanturn eyes. It was kinda funny on a peach feeling purple ghost king. Her heart beats have gone down back to normal by now and now her eyes were just a bit sore from all the crying and rubbing to make the tears go away. "I-....I think I just remembered how I died." Snatcher couldn't snapped his head down to her faster than when he did eyes widening. "You what?" Her death. That means-...Did she remember him?! Did she put the pieces together?! Did she know it was all his-...Vanessa's fault she was frozen for over a thousand years and blame HIM?! DID SHE BLAME HIM?! DID SHE EVEN THINK ABOUT HIM?! If he was still alive with a heart beat and lungs, his panic might've been given away by rapid heart beats and irregular breathing that comes with it. But all he managed was a panicked face and quick question. He still remained that way when she turned her head leaning against his arm towards him. "I said I remembered how I got in that room. What Queen-....What she said. The cold that made me pass out. I remember all of it..including what she said." What...DID Vanessa say to Poppy before her death- "What did she say?," came his raspy voice in a whisper, but not that Poppy noticed.
"She..W-Well." She sniffed again and wiped at her face. "She definately said to lock me in that room. But she also said something else. Something about gazing into another man's eyes and something else about a prince." Snatcher could feel himself becoming more uncomfortable by the minute as she looked him directly into his eyes with confusion and completely no understanding. "I don't understand any of this. I only knew one prince in my entire life and he was nothing but a friend. Why was I being accused of gazing into someone's eyes? ......it doesn't make any sense to me." Guilt. That was the first feeling to twist in his misshapen form and give him that empty gut feeling despite not having a body for quite sometime now. Of course it didn't make any sense to Poppy, she didn't have the full story. Barely even a quarter of it. Only her own short encounter about the events that tragically took place over a thousand years ago that all suddenly smacked her back in her face now. And so soon, it was honestly worrying for himself and her. Oh peck. OHPECKOHPECKOHPECK- He was NOT ready for this. Not NOW. Not so soon. Especially not like this. All of a sudden there was Hazelle's annoying voice replaying back into his mind.
"Maybe you two WERE just friends. But thing's aren't the same as they were a thousand years ago, Snatchy. She doesn't know you are...well YOU. And she probably doesn't see you as a friend anymore because she doesn't know YOU you. She probably sees you as a 'boss' when you obviously see her as an old friend and like her more than that. You gotta get all this sorted out soon. Right now it sounds like a giant mess and you need to take a broom to it and sweep all the problematic dust away."
Thanks, Hazelle. She just had to put that thought in his head now. This would stick in his head and act on that guilt for a while- "Philip." Snatcher. FROZE. Any thoughts in his head haulting and fizzling into thin air as that one word left her mouth. Anything he was about to say dying on his tongue as those yellow glowing eyes continued to stare dead at the woman staring back at him with that same confused, indifferent expression. It was over. Done. He was absolutely finished. The end of the line for him after only a week. This was how he was going down in flames. "That was his name. Prince Philip from the south, and he was.....engaged to Queen Vanessa." Her eyes widened as she leaned up and away from Snatcher's arm. Eyes widening with some new revolution flung into her brain and unconciously her hand went to clutch the gold bracelet strapped around her own wrist like it was a life saving device. "Prince Philip was engaged to Queen Vanessa!!" Her eyes snapped back to Snatcher bright with some kind of find as the ghost was still panicking eternally staring at her, not willing himself to move, but scooted back a foot or two and blinked when she quickly pointed at him. "THAT MUST'VE BEEN THE THING SHE WAS GOING ON ABOUT WITH THIS WHOLE TREASON THING!! It all makes a bit o' sense now." Her gaze went back to the bracelet wrapped around her wrist as it breifly reflected the blue fire. She had almost forgotten about it during this hectic weak now, but now...it felt like a HUGE piece of a missing puzzle had been placed down and she felt that empty hollow feeling being almost fully complete as it somewhat made sense now. "That's what she must've been referrin' too. But gazin' into his eyes? I don't get it. I never did such a thing and I definately never committed any kind of treason towards her or Prince Philip." Well at least she was finally starting to get somewhere and get something. But there was still so so many questions needing answers. Why had the Queen been so insistant that Poppy committed some sort of action against her or the prince? It just made no sense. All she ever did was make small talk with him and sell flowers in the town square. She made sure to follow all the rules, and pay all her taxes. And she was never rude to anyone that didn't deserve a good talking back. If Queen Vanessa and that....thing with the red eyes were one in the same then how did she get that way? Why did she think of all people POPPY was responsible for some crazy bad thing that happened to her? She never even met or spoken to her before that day, not when out of talking to her fiance. And it's not like they were romatically involved or anything. Just spoke two or three times a week when he bought flowers for HER mind you. Was there something she was missing? Was there something that caused all of this she didn't know about? Thinking carefully about what Vanessa told her, she mentioned someone gazing into her man's eyes.......Did that mean that-....THE PRINCE WAS HAVING AN AFFAIR BEHIND HER MAJESTY'S BACK?! Unlikely. He seemed so genuinely kind and always went out of his way to help others, and even spent so much money on flowers just for her. There was NO way he could've fallen for anyone else. But-.....It seemed like the only thing she had to go on at the moment. "He gave me this." She held up her wrist to him and his eyes slowly shifted to the bracelet he gifted her on that fateful day. "In exchange for just a small bouquet of flowers can you believe it?" She gave a small smile at it. "Heh. He was always a strange one. Always studyin' laws an' making sure he paid every pon owed. But he was also really kind and caring to everyone. I can't imagine him actually having any affairs behind her majesty's back-" "HE DIDN'T!!," he blurted out in a spike of anger startling her and he once again froze. "How do you know that?," she asked genuinely confused. OH PECK!! OH PECK!! OH PECK!! What does he do?! What does he do!? He had stupidly blurted that out without thinking!! Well it WAS true. He never had an affair while he was with Vanessa, even if he did fall in love with someone else at the time too, and he made it clear to anyone he wasn't the bad one in that relationship while it lasted. But it seemed that blunt anger towards her got the best of him, and he wanted to smack himself so, SO bad at this moment. He was panicking. Staring at her silently as she was clearly confused and waiting for an answer. THINK YOU FOOL!!!! THINK!! "UH....I- Um-....I-I-I was there when he was killed." It was the only thing he could think of in the short time he was panicking without arowsing suspicion. Instead he might've made things a bit worse when she just stared at him suddenly blanking. Making him want to slink back into the shadows where he came. OH P E C K- Her eyes went wide with the suddenly thought bombarding her brain. Snatcher was-....There? Snatcher was there with Prince Philip when he was...SNATCHER WAS THERE!! Snatcher flinched when Poppy suddenly grabbed the front of his body by his chest fluff desperately and he let out a startled yep when she yanked him down eye level with her. "YOU WERE THERE?! WHAT HAPPENED?! PLEASE!! YOU HAVE TO TELL ME!! WAS HE ALRIGHT!?" "CALM DOWN!!" He pulled himself away and shook his head staring down at her. "Calm down. You-...... *sigh*" He looked sideways away. "You wouldn't like what you hear- UH!?" He paused when soft hands suddenly clasped onto his and he paused. Yellow eyes staring deep into those blue ones he loved to look at so much when he was alive with heart beat. A pleading look in them as begging fell from her lips, "Please. I-It's...It's important. I have to know what happened. I spent so much time confused over nothing and I HAVE to know......Snatcher, please. Help me." A silence fell over the two as they just sat there staring at each other in mostly darkness and staring into each others' eyes. Poppy blinked at the feeling of something soft wrapping around her hands and when she looked he was gently holding her hands. Snatcher made a hissing noise, not like a cat hiss but like what it sounded like when someone sucked a breath through her teeth, before releasing it in a long drawn out groan sounding like 'HHHHHHhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa'. "Are you sure you're ready and willing to hear such things?'' He gave her a narrowed look as if to say 'this is your last chance to back out'. "You won't like what you hear, Red. Might be better if you didn't know." "I'm positive.," she answered back without any hesitation. She HAD to know what happened. This was connected to her and she was involved whether she liked it or not. He still eyed her for a moment before looking to the floor unable to look her in the eyes anymore. ".......Vanessa killed him. Just like she did to everyone else....a-a-and y-y-you...." Poppy couldn't stop her free hand from coming to cover her mouth as he looked down in...shame? Guilt? Regret? Fear?! Not that she noticed, more focused on his words. Well she shouldn't be so surprised as she was expecting an answer like this, but still didn't stop the shock that took over her body. It was like she was light and the floor was sinking. "....H-How...?" "Just like you. She locked him away until everything froze over. Vane-.....That MONSTER!'', he spat hand slightly tightening as he scowled at the floor, "She was pecking crazy. Thought he was....cheating on her behind her back when he was nothing but patient with her. She didn't deserve anything." "I-I....I don't understand.." Her breathing hyped a pitch and she could feel her blue eyes glancing back to the bracelet on her wrist. The gold gleaming back. The tremble of her lip came with her own pathetic question. "....why..?" "Because she was nuts! Always have been and always WILL be! She would've snapped sooner or later with the way she was back then, always so paranoid and thinking I-.....I THINK he belonged to her." ".....She was there..." He finally looked at her. "What?" .....Another sniff came outta her. "She was t-t-there when I gave him the flowers. The day she gave me the bracelet." It all came rushing back in a sea of emotions and all she felt was cold gripping her heart as it all came rushing back. The day she was frozen. Before she closed up the stand and gave him the flowers, he said he saw her...Vanessa. Running away from them. Vanessa saw her giving him the flowers he bought. If....If she thought that Prince Philip was cheating on her and saw Poppy giving him flowers then-.....Oh gosh! Her hand pressed firmer against her mouth as the sudden reality hit her hard like a punch to the gut. She felt sick. Like a heavy iceberg was placed in her stomach and wanted out. Her blue eyes shown with rain drop tears flowing as she spaced out. ".....It's all my fault." ........?! His other hand was quick to shoot out and grab her shoulders accidentally making her jolt at the sudden grab but it was enough to get her to look at him. "Now you listen to me and you listen good." A claw poked her chest as he pointed it at her crying face with a deep frown of his own. "I have dealt with too many years of pecking guilt over whether or not it was my fault or if I could've stopped it! And I'm sick of it all! You. Are. Not. At fault!! Do you hear me?! Vanessa was always going to snap and it was HER fault for being so batpecking crazy, she couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality! There was no reason in her! We should've expected nothing less of her for anything! But I'll be just as bad if I didn't it now, and I'm saying it's not your fault. Least of all people you. All you did was sell flowers. Big deal. It would've been the same if she saw m-....him buying a necklace from a jeweler or a ham from the butcher. BANG!!" She flinched at the loud yell he made at 'BANG'. Tears running down her face as he spoke. "Ice. Death. Lots of ghosts. You get the picture. The point is, it's ABSOLUTELY! NOBODY'S PECKING FAULT!! BUT VANESSA'S!! .......You and me didn't do anything wrong." .......She made some kind of whine noise before crying. Leaning her head over until it met the softness of his floof and she cried. Cut off guard for a moment, Snatcher paused glancing down at her before sighing and wrapping her arms around her. Comfortingly patting her back. "Hey, Red. It's gonna be ok. Just go ahead and let it out alright?" He wasn't sure whether or not Poppy actually heard what he said, but the iron grip that suddenly latched onto him was enough for him to let her cry her eyes out into him without another word. Because...He was gone. Her only friend was just....GONE! Gone in the most worst way she could think of. What did he do to deserve that?! What did any of them do to deserve that?! He had his whole life ahead of him and it was taken from him in one day because of insanity, jealous, greedy woman disguised as a loving Queen. Had...Had she always been like this? According to Snatcher she was. And slowly things started to make sense to it all. Ridiculously banning bacon from the entire kingdom. That one time Philip showed up with half his hair chopped off and died a poor yellow. All the time he acted nervously about anything he had concerning her and waving them off like he was alright with every single thing he did. Deep down she KNEW something was wrong, if not wrong then strangely off. Definately gave her an off feeling, but she never pushed because 1. she never saw it as any of her business and 2. she didn't see the danger behind it until now. But..what if she had seen it? What if- Snatcher's hand came to lay on her head gently and she looked up from the fluffy chest of the ghost to look at him, Snatcher staring simpathetically at her tears before another hankerchief randomly appeared out of thin air and rubbed at her cheeks and eyes. ...She sniffed and leaned into the cloth wiping her face. "T-Thanks. I-.....I needed this more t-than ya know." "Yeah. I bet." There was another pause as she slowly let go of him and reached up sniffing and grabbed the second cloth offered to her during the duration of the time she woke. He couldn't help but feel awkward and kinda guilty in this situation. This was kinda what he feared but the opposite. Instead of Poppy blaming him, she felt like it was hurt fault somehow when in reality it was none of their faults. ....Maybe it was better he shouldn't have come tonight. He made a move to leave but froze when her hand suddenly latched onto him again. Her eyes desperate and pleading all of a sudden. "W-WAIT!! P-P-Please..D-Don't leave yet...I d-don't want to be alone." He stared at her but sighed. "Alright. I'll stay put but only because I promised to help you, Red." She sighed hald relieved. "T-Thank you." He hummed and watched as she let go to sniff and fix her face. ".....How are you holding up there? Looks like I should've kept all of that til later." Poppy shook her head. "N-No. I'm glad you t-told me. I-I needed to know what happened. I couldn't have gone on without knowin' anything. ...T-Thank you." Sure you could've rang through his head but he decided not to say that part out loud. "So-...I take it this..'prince' friend of yours was a nice person? Not that I knew him, but it seems you two were close. Not that it's any of my business." He had an anxious feeling saying all of this as a stranger but he couldn't help but feel the need to get all this anxiety off himself by asking. "It just sounds like you cared about him a whole lot." "Y-Yeah. I did actually." She gave a slightly trembling smile at him. "H-He was one of the only friend's I had. Honestly he was a really nice guy, super honest and polite too. He was always able to put a smile of everyone's face and didn't mind talking about anythin' really. It was like he wasn't a prince at all and just a normal, everyday regular person stoppin' by to get flowers. ...He was also the reason my stand had so much success as it did." Snatcher looked to her in slight surprise. "He was?" She nodded. "You see. When I first got to town I had a real hard time settlin' in. Not only did he save mah behind from falling on the ground like a babe learnin' how to walk, but he also started buying my precious flowers for ...You know who. Now a prince buyin' mah flowers all the time was sure to catch someone's attention and by golly did it! It was thanks ta him I had a decent business going for myself. ....But I kinda feel guilty over it now. I didn't mean ta piggyback ride off o' him or nothin'." "I'm sure you didn't." She looked at him and for once Snatcher was genuinely smiling at her without the 'evil' or smug aura to it. "If you sold flowers good enough to catch his attention then you deserved to get what attention you got. You didn't hitch a ride from him, you were just getting what you always wanted with a little assistance." "Hm...I reckon when you put it that way I guess you got a point." "Yeah.....Hey. This might sound out of no where but do you blame him, your friend, for what happened between him and Vanessa?" There is was all out and awaiting an answer. Poppy stared at him frozen for a second processing what he said but as soon as it sank in- "WHAT?! PECK NO!!" She scowled at him crossing her arms. "Why the PECK of all people would I blame Philip?! Maybe he didn't see the crazy but neither did I and I still didn't see it when she was starin' me straight in the face! You were there when it happened right?!" "I- Uh-...Y-Yes." "And even you said it wasn't his fault right?!" "OF COURSE I DID!! I WAS JUST ASKING YOUR OPINION!!" "WELL MAH PECKIN' OPINION IS THAT HE WAS INNOCENT!!" "GOOD! IM GLAD!!" "FINE!!" "FINE!!" Both pouted a bit with frowns but on the inside Snatcher felt an overwhelming state of relief and happiness fall over him. So Poppy didn't blame him, good. Not that it was ever his fault in the first place, but now a lot of dead weight was lifted from his shoulders. One less thing to worry over now it seemed. But Poppy paused in her movements to blank out and stare at him. Wait. Snatcher was there when Philip was-.....Then did that mean he saw what happened? Well obviously yes. He said so himself. Her curious side kicked in and she couldn't help but find her interests peeking through and a whole knew slew of questions arise, she couldn't help it. After all she knew nothing about this ghost tho he seemed good enough. "How did you die?," she found herself blurting out before she could stop but she instantly regretted it. "WHAT?!" Snatcher whipped his face to her wide eyed. "S-Sorry." She held up her hands worriedly. "Is it rude to ask a dead person that? I d-didn't know honest. It's just that.....You're doin' an aweful lot for me and I don't know a lot about ya, since you already know alot 'bout me from my rambling. I figured ya would return the favor." "Sorry. NO can do, Red. That's private information." She scowled again. "OH come on! Purple onion. Your contract paper thingy said I could ask for anything I wanted in return for helping ya!" "Within REASON!," Snatcher stressed, "Asking a ghost about their past is like asking a poor person how much money they spent on their shoes!" "UUUUHHH!!! I swear sometimes you can be more childish than those girls!" "So can you!" "UGH!! Alright! Why don't we compramise?," she offered and that got Snatcher's attention. "I don't think it's fair you're still essentially a stranger to me. So how about you answer just a few questions 'bout ghosts an stuff, but you don't have to answer any ya don't like. Deal?" ".....Hmm....Deal." he crossed his arms and looked at her with a raised brow, "What do you want to know, Red?'' "Well my first question asked would be nice. You don't have to go into detail," She added seeing Snatcher's eyes narrow. "Mmm." He REALLY didn't want to say anything. It was still too early for this even if he was more at ease now but since he didn't really have to go into detail- "Same as you. I died during the Great Subcon Freeze." "Oh. Well you said you saw what happened when Philip....p-p-passed away, right? Does that mean you were employed by the Queen?" OH PECK- HOW WAS HE GONNA ANSWER THAT!? He chose to shrug and as calmly as he could said. "Sorta. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time." Which wasn't really a lie. He couldn't have ever been in a more wrong place or time. "Another innocent bystander to a crazy curse." "Oh. Well how are you a ghost?" Another shrug. "Beats me. A lot of other people are ghosts, you've seen them. Most of them can't even remember who they were in life. Don't know how or why so don't ask. Just the way it is." "Does that mean you remember who you were?" "Obviously I do. Otherwise I couldn't tell you anything." "Oh right. Dumb question. Then who wer-" "Next question!," he answered fast which caught her off guard but she shrugged it off. Obviously he wasn't comfortable with that. "Alright. Don't get your long tail in a knot." Looking over him she wonder how a soul such as thing could be so big...Souls? "That's another thing. Why did you want mah soul when I first met ya?" This time he actually paused. This question was one he hadn't been expecting and one he hadn't really thought of a cover for. "How WAS he supposed to explain that ghastly part of his afterlife to her without sounding like a heartless monster- "Do you really eat them?"......Wot? She made a grimace like she had bitten into a lemon. "That sounds so terrible and gross! Do all ghosts eat other ghosts?" ..........He blinked. Did she really think that he ate- "WHAT?! No! I don't really eat them! I can't eat anything! Im pecking dead for crying out loud! I just use that to intimidate intruding fools! I take souls as servants for tresspassing into people's burial grounds! At first you were no different, just another person intruding into my domain without permission-" "Then why did you all of a sudden decide to help me?" She asked crossing her arms. "You could've just taken me as a servant then and there." ...Snatcher rose a brow. "Ok! Well ya technically did, but I mean what made ya decide to help me? I just don't get it." Snatcher went oddly silent at her question. She didn't get it. Of course she didn't get it and she never would if he could help it. So he decided to play it safe for now and give her an honest answer. "Because I recognized you from the village." It's true, he did. But his answer took her by surprise as he carefully cherry picked his next words carefully with a sigh. "I-...Sometimes saw you selling flowers in the square, and-.....I guess I was simpathetic to someone else in a similar situation as I was." Which weren't lies either and safe enough to say without having his identity compramised. He saw her in the village? Did that mean he was one of the villagers? Maybe someone who worked in the summer house and lived in the village. She met a couple of people who would brag about being employed at the Queen's summer home when she wasn't in her palace. If so, then it would all make sense about why he knew her and how he was able to see the prince's demise. Actually that would explain everything and how he knew her if she sold him flowers before. A little assurance and calm was delivered to her with that revolation and she smiled at him like she solved the entire puzzle and it was complete. And to her it was complete. Except for one tiny little thing. "So....does that mean Philip is a g-ghost too?" He figured she'd ask that by the way things were going. So he sounded like he took a giant breath even if he didn't have lungs and sighed. How was he suppose to answer? By telling the truth of course! Just not in the way one may think. "A ghost? Well that's not exactly easy to answer." Which was true it was hard for him to answer that when the answer was obviously yes and staring at her right here. In front of her, but also because he was. NOT. PECKING. READY. To tell her. "Any ghost I know if they even became ghosts would be in the forest .....or another plain of existance." Which again wasn't a lie. All the ghost he DID know lived in his territory except for Moonjumper who was bound to the horizon.....Huh. Speaking of which he hadn't seen him in a while now. Oh well. Less problem for him to worry about. "A-And like I said BARELY any of my minions remember who they were before they died." Which also wasn't a lie. So technically he NEVER lied to her and didn't compramise his identity. PERFECT!! "Oh. I..see." Poppy looked down to her hands laid in her lap and the gold shining from her wrist. So it would be almost impossible for her to see him again then huh? Considering if Prince Philip became a ghost at all there was still the part where even if she did find him neither would be able to tell according to Snatcher. And even if by SOME miracle he WAS a ghost and he COULD remember her, then he might even be on a different plain of being which was highly unlikely she'd be able to get to. So it'd be useless to persue that idea even if all of those factors were even possible. ....She looked back up when metal rattled against the floor and Snatcher stared at the very end of his tail. She guessed Snatcher could see perfectly in the dark compared to a human because he bluntly pointed at something she couldn't see on the floor and asked. "Are those garden tools in a golf club bag?" Garden to- OH!! She completely forgot about those she was so tired! Poppy rubbed her neck sheepishly. "Uh.....Y-Yeah. W-We went out earlier today an' I guess I forgot ta put them away before I fell asleep. Sorry bout that." Snatcher turned to her with light surprise. "Wait a minute. You LEFT the ship and went somewhere by yourself without telling ME?!" She frowned. "Hey! I was gettin' antsy just seeing nothin' but space all day! And if ya haven't noticed it's kinda cramped up here. I need space to walk around freely so I don't have to crawl, and last time I checked I was an adult who didn't need no supervision. 'Sides! I wasn't alone. Cookie 'n those girls of yours were with me the whole time." Snatcher brought a hand up to rub his temples groaning. "And the LAST time you went somewhere 'not alone' with those two I had to save your sorry butt. I swear you'll only get in trouble if you run around in places you shouldn't." .....She nervously laughed and looked away. "W-W-Well..about that..Uh-'' "What did you do?," he asked without room for arguement. Removing his hand to bare his eyes into her nervous smile. "Nothing. Just some shoppin' with the girls. Got some new dresses......And maybe I destroyed some fancy whatcha-mah-call-it machine and in order to play for it I agreed to be in a Moon Penguin's play." "..............YOU BROKE WHAT AND REPAYING IT HOW?!" "I'm sorry! I didn't have enough pons, and Mr. Grooves was so nice. He even said I didn't have to pay a single pon if I worked for free! I panicked! I didn't want debt on mah name!!" "OH! FOR THE LOVE OF- HOW DID YOU EVEN BREAK IT?!," he asked annoyed. "I ......leaned my tools against it? hehe." A loud smack filled the room making her jump and it took her a moment to realize Snatcher had facepalmed himself HARD groaning. "I leave for ONE WHOLE DAY and you end up being in trouble. Is there anything ELSE I should know about?" "I yelled at a crazy yellow owl." "What?," he looked up from his hand at her and she nodded. "Yeah. At least I think it was an owl. He did have feathers. Biggest loud mouth I'd ever met! HUH!" She frowned recrossing her arms. "He said I had to work for 'em just because I accidentally knocked over the thingy. I told him where he could stick it if he ever wanted my help! HMPH!!" There was a pause of silence as Poppy frowned at nothing in particular and Snatcher continued to stare at her with a blank expression-.......SNRK!! She glanced up from what sounded like a covered snort and too her surprise the spook was....Smiling?? No. Not just smiling. He was trembling lightly as he smiled down at her biting into his bottom lip...Before the flood gates opened and he full on laughed. His loud raspy voice echoing throughout the dark room leaving Poppy bamboozled. Why was he laughing? She didn't think she said anything funny. Was he laughing because she was in trouble again? "AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!" A clawed hand grabbed her shoulder as he leaned over with the other hand holding his middle as he continued to laugh like no tomorrow. "W-WAIT! *wheeze* *COUGH COUGH COUGH*" She blinked surprised to hear a ghost somehow have the need to wheeze or cough to regain breath without lungs or a body...But she'd seen a lot of weird things now so who was she to be surprised? He still went back to laughing one eye open to look at her his voice happy sounding and trembling. "Y-Y-You mean a-...Ahahahaha!! D-Did he call every one a p-p-p-peckneck?! Haha!!" ....She blinked and frowned again. "Yes! A very RUDE man! Threw a tantrum like a little kid and I told him to find me once he learnt some respect and acted like an' adult!" "PPPPFFFFFTTTT!!" He fell back into another laughing fit much to her confusion. " AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! YOU SHOULD'VE D-D-DEFINATELY TOLD ME YOU WERE LEAVING! *wheeze* I-...I- OH P-P-P-PECK!! I WOULD'VE PAID TO SEE THAT OLD BIRDBRAIN'S FACE W-W-WHEN YOU TOLD THE FOOL OFF!!" Now she smiled. "I take it you know him?" She had to wait for his laughing fit to die down and him to 'catch his breath' before he could look at her with a straight face and answer clearly. He nodded yes to answer her question at least. "A few times. More of a peckneck than me!" He wiped at his face. "I wish I was there to see THAT! Worth more than gold!" "Oh. What are you doing here anyways? It's the middle of the night." He seemed to remember something as he sat up and reached behind him. "Right. I finished fixing your dress. Guess I lost track of time and didn't know you were resting. My apologies for that." He pulled out a blue dress from no where and besides the stains(which she couldn't see in the dark anyways) it looked brand new as he handed it over without a second thought. "Here. But don't expect me to become your personal tailor, Red. This was just a one time deal for you." Poppy stared stunned at the dress as she took it and ran a hand over the mended parts. "It feels like it was never ripped!" She smiled wider at him. "Thank ya! I guess you do know what you're doin' after all." His smile couldn't have been more smug as he examined his claws. "Well I never lie about my skills." She smiled again before looking over the dress the best she could in the dark. "It was mighty kind of you. I kinda feel bad 'bout you going through the trouble of it now since I got me some more. That lil sweetheart of yours did too." "Oh?" She smiled chuckling. "Poor thing got all drenched but I think that was my fault too. A couple of them silly ol' birds mistook me as her mo-....." Poppy suddenly paused...staring at her dress for a moment but the sudden cut of conversation didn't get past the spook who stopped smiling and stared at her more. "Is something bothering you?" "Well now that I think about it...How did those two come to be under your wing anyhow?" She looked at him with a raised brow. "An alien being raised by a ghost? It's the most strangest thing I've heard about. Where's their mothers? Where's their family?" ....Snatcher gave a frown not directed at her and stated, "I am their family. We have each other and that's all we need." "Well, yes. I know family goes beyond blood...Or in your case flesh and blood I suppose. But I don't just get how they came in your care if you don't let anyone in that forest." Snatcher remained silent staring at the floor and for a moment Poppy thought she stepped over a line. DUMMY!! Who was she to ask someone who adopted two lil girls!? It was none of her business! "I-I'm sorry. That was rude of me ta ask. It won't happen a-" "They're orphans." She blinked and stared at him. "Uh.....What?" "I said they're orphans. They have no one else." Yellow eyes looked to her again. "You want to know where they came from?" .....When she didn't answer he continued. "I don't know anything about Bow's past and neither does she. As far as I know she was raised in a crummy orphanage her whole life before she decided to run away and get tangled up in the mess Hattie made when she first arrived." "Oh. Im so sorry...How did you come to adopt an alien if ya still don't mind me askin'?" He huffed a chuckle and smiled bittersweet. "That little lady caused problems the moment she arrived on the planet with her time pieces. I won't go into detail, but let's just saw she almost caused the world to be destroyed and saved it too. She's a special something that I've never seen." "If she arrived on this planet, doesn't that mean she has family back on her own planet?" "You would think that at first." He shook his head grimly scowled. "But no. It's what I thought at first too when she originally left, but then she came back and refused to leave even after she got every single one of those cursed time pieces. Turns out she never had anything there to begin with." Poppy's eyes widened. "W-W-What happened?" "Long story short war." "A war? Over what?" "Over those...things. They're too dangerous for even her to use beyond a few simple things. Her family ..or what was left of it. Made those things to control people. As you would expect a lot of people with greedy intentions would want to get their hands on something like that, so in order to protect herself...She left."....He looked up out the attic windows for a moment with...pity on his face staring at the black void of stars. "I don't know how long she was out there and I don't know why she wanted to go back to where she came from or what happened to make her flee again. Never asked. But I also never questioned it when she came back and decided not to leave again. She's a smart kid. Here there's people who care about her and want her to be safe...Forever." He mumbled that last part to himself but she didn't hear. "I-......I couldn't just leave them vulnerable sitting there like dead ducks. They needed me...and..I-I-I guess in a w-way I r-really needed someone like them too." He jumped when he felt someone grab his hand snapped back down to stare at sorrowful blue eyes gazing up at him. Poppy was gently squeezing his hand. ".....I-....I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you. And them. I really am. You seem like a really nice person even if you can come across as a stubborn purple onion. For what you did...There's really no other noble thing than a good father is there?" He still stared at her.....then to where she was holding his hand, and a bright yellow hue flushed his cheeks as he coughed and looked away. "I-....Suppose you're right. Anyways, all this talking is distracting me from my work! You have your dress and feel better obviously-" "Could you please stay? At least until I fall back asleep...I-...I'd appreciate it a lot if ya did." He stared at her a moment before waving a hand still blushing yellow. "Fine. But don't expect me to do this again. Because guess what? Im not legally obligated too." She smiled. "Sure, Snatcher." She giggled and got up to presumably get back in her floor bed and he watched her go. .....She thought she was a good father huh? And she was mistaken as Bow's mother? His hand slowly closed itself as he watched her. Well. Every child deserves a mother didn't they? And who better deserved a mother than his little devils? She just needed some time to realize it.
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mistake-memessenger · 8 years
Hey,could you please write a HC about what the RFA+V+Saeran would do for MC'S birthday? I looooove your writing,thanks a lot :)
sorry i took so long!! hope u enjoy!!!! AND TO ANYONE WHO’S BIRTHDAY IT IS (or even isn’t) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
-he makes a Day of it-three bouquets throughout the day-one is straight up just red roses-the other two are a lovely bouquet of seasonal flowers depending on MC’s birth date and a bouquet of MC’s favorite flower(s)-each bouquet has the same amount of flowers, all depending on how old MC is turning!! (though he caps it at 30….. bc he knows what’s good for his health and his wallet haha)-tbh Zen has thought A LOT about this (and all the holidays etc, he’s wanted to do this kind of thing for his SO since before even meeting MC that first time in the chatroom……. like….. remember the Christmas DLC? yeah.. he wants this to be a very special occasion. he literally has fantasized about this)-he takes MC out for breakfast at a local family diner and the staff sings “Happy Birthday”/variant birthday song and it emBARRASSES MC to no end-y this hyun-and they go out for a movie after breakfast, whatever one MC wants to see-the movie theatre is mostly empty and it’s.. really nice…….-Zen and MC wander around town, window shopping (maybe actually shopping), and do food cart foods for lunch!!-he knows where all the best ones are and he’s so excited to show them to MC-it’s so cute he’s so cute!!-next up!!-motorcycle ride!!!!-he rly gets a kick out of MC clinging to him while they ride haha-Zen takes MC to a place with a great view, possibly his spot in the mountains if there’s time-they manage to stop on the way home to watch the sunset-it’s beautiful-selfies r taken and subsequently posted to the chatroom-Zen gets out some light snacks when they finally get home, and sets about making dinner (it’s curry, that’s his best dish)-he planned this whole day out-for MC-and has just…… been v affectionate all day, physically and vocally-he loves them-so, so much-more than he can truly express-and he’s so glad that he gets to spend their birthday with them-even if the day hadn’t gone to plan… he would have been happy just being near MC
-yo listen……. Yoosung throws a party. he invites the RFA..-but like. okay.-it’s not just like….. a party at home-nah-Yoosung springs for a party at a bowling alley with an arcade and open bar-things get drinky-Yoosung gets drinky-he’s been so nervous about this all day he just wants to impress and please MC omg so precious fuck-this boy can’t do shots though-so he’s had like two cocktails in the last 20 minutes he is tipsy-like….. cocktails have a p high alcohol content, my children……. but u can hardly taste it-Yoosung wants to down these like juice, ‘cause that’s what it tastes like “MC just lemme have one more please i promise im not even drunk MC”-“yoosung pls.”-he’s so clingy…. just wants to hold MC forever, even just their hand!!-and if MC isn’t in his immediate vicinity he is hanging off of one of the others (usually Zen)-there is definitely. 4 sure.-drunk bowling-Jumin Han, not nearly as tipsy as anyone else, requires gutter shields-Zen will neeeever let him live that down-Jaehee wins every round she plays-she brought her own bowling ball-after a couple games the group splits up and Yoosung, MC, and Seven go to the arcade, which is on its own floor of the building-there are plans to regroup back downstairs for junk food and cake later-but first.. arcade!!!-Seven heads straight for the racing games-while Yoosung and MC take their time wandering around trying different things while Yoosung is sobering back up-they play giant Connect Four-and a couple crane games-there’s a giant Fruit Ninja (Yoosung gets the new high score)-they get into one of the two player booth games and it’s a horror/suspense game-Yoosung is terrified.. and clingy-MC is maybe not……. as scared.. haha-Seven takes video-there’s a lot of screaming (some of it is Seven actually….)-all three go play skeeball together-they’ve been racking up tickets this whole time-maybe not enough for anything rly fancy like the PS4?????? that’s on display???-but….. Yoosung and MC pool their tickets and manage to get a dragon plushie (it’s beautiful, like opal colors and ice blue horns and shit)-they use the leftover tickets on candy-they name the dragon-it’s their child now-they introduce the dragon plush to everybody back downstairs as such-“This is our child, Iseul, and we love them dearly.”-“they’re scaly and breathe fire, but they’re beautiful and we love them. Our lovely Iseul~”-“I thought we agreed on ice powers??”-“fire is classic, tho!!”-“…….u have a point..”-“oh!! oh!!! both???”-“both!!!”
-they take a couple days off and go to the beach together-the hotel has an indoor pool and hot tub-so there can be swimming and chilling in the water no matter the time of year MC’s birthday is!!-they go out early in the morning at low tide to comb the beach for shells-so many sand dollars!!!-they saw some rly big starfish in the tide pools it was awesome!!!!-since they’re staying in a lil touristy beach town they have breakfast in a local café-one that’s got like lace curtains and all the tables are only big enough for two people-a cutesy cozy place!!-after breakfast MC gets a FaceTime call from Zen and he sings them Happy Birthday what a dork-MC and Jaehee are crying wth y is he so sweet???-Zen is flustered at the crying and promises to do this same thing for Jaehee for her birthday too!!-more crying-Zen is freaking out whY ARE U CRYING PLS DONT IM SORRY IM SOR—-aaaaand he accidentally hung up-cue both MC and Jaehee receiving frantic apology texts from Zen-they don’t reply fast enough??-Zen has already promised VIP tickets to his next show to apologize for making his two biggest fans cry-omg zen calm down they were happy tears-aaanyway MC and Jaehee do a bunch of wandering around the kitschy tourist shops and spots-holding hands and occasionally smooching-they take a bunch of photos and selfies to document the trip-they go to the local seafood restaurant for dinner and take a slice of cake each back to the hotel for dessert-Jaehee and MC enjoy some quiet time in the hotel together, snuggled up on the bed reading separate books-and then they start getting handsy-it’s kind of become a competition-how high up the thigh before u react type of chicken-except they both win bc…… it leads to sexy fun times??-anyway it is a good time!!! at the beach!!!!-HAPPY BIRTHDAY MC
-he promises that they’ll do whatever MC wants to do for their birthday (within reason)-they choose an amusement park date-Jumin does some research and ends up flying the two of them to Disneyland-in France-JUMIN HAN WTF-I mean……. they def discussed this trip before it happened but like..-jumin is kind of extra i love him-he wears a suit the first day in Didneylan-MC is not surprised, but also…… “Jumin we’re getting u comfy clothes for this”-he gets-jeans!!-and a couple Disney shirts bc they’re everywhere-he and MC get matching shirts-it’s too cute-Jumin tries to take selfies but they are all blurry af-he keeps them and posts them to the chatroom anyway-MC thinks it’s rly precious and takes much better selfies (but only posts the shitty ones, partly for solidarity but also bc Jumin thinks it’s funny too)-also Jumin calls Yoosung every day bc he is pet- and penthouse-sitting for them-FaceTime with Elizabeth the 3rd-she cries over the phone-she recognizes her humans omg-oh my god Jumin takes MC to a fancy restaurant while they’re both still wearing their Disneyland clothes-they almost get turned away from their own reservation because the place has a dress code-but MC’s partner is Jumin Han-they get in-surrounded by other people all in their fanciest dinner clothes, Jumin Han is wearing a Mickey Mouse ears hat(“a classic! a tradition, even!!” MC had insisted), a shirt with the Aristocats on it, jeans, and sneakers, and MC is dressed p similarly as they eat-it’s beautiful-MC takes photos and videos for the chatroom this is the best goddamn thing Happy Birthday to Me-Jumin is glad that MC is enjoying their birthday trip so much
-it starts at midnight-tHIS-MOTHERFUCKER-POUNCES ON MC AT MIDNIGHT-“MC!! MC!!! It’s ur birthday!!!!!! Happy birthday!!!”-“I WAS ASLEEP U ASS”-Seven is shoved onto the floor-no mercy-he’s laughing tho-and pouting and whining playfully-“but it’s your birfday and i luv u”-MC leans over the side of the bed to squint at him-“love me in the morning when im a human again”-MC bundles back up in the blankets, they become a blankety burrito-dramatic GASP from Seven-“my SO is an alien” v soft tone, full of wonder-he crawls back into the bed and flops onto and embraces the burrito MC (“ugh, be gentle, Saeyoung omg” “aaaaa sorry sorry I’ll be gentle I promise! im the gentlest boy!!”)-“the love of my life lived among the stars….. in a SPACESHIP!!”-“pls sleep Saeyoung…….”-but he just keeps going and it’s less MC Is An Alien, and more….-“MC did u know? that statistically you r a miracle?”-MC turns their head “…..yeah?”-Seven’s eyes are wide and earnest and his tone has gone from jokingly in awe to genuinely so-“yeah!!” he snuggles up nice n close “like,, even just genetically ,, , you exist because certain events led your parents to each other and if any one little thing had gone differently….. you wouldn’t be here.. and it’s the same for them! Their parents and their parents’ parents!!-"the chances of you being here in this moment are so astronomically low!! but ur here!!! u exist here and now and I–”-he stops for a moment, just.. overwhelmed with his feelings-“and im so glad that you exist, MC”-he sounds out of breath like the thought knocked it out of him-“im so so glad you’re here.. i love you”-he presses his forehead to the space between MC’s neck and shoulder, nose pressed against their skin -his nose might be a lil cold-but his breath is warm-“happy birthday, MC”
-he does not want to go out-he’d rather stay in to celebrate-but-okay. three words-ice cream cake-the goal here for Saeran is to get one-to just… experience it-but also for MC’s birthday-there’s a conversation that goes something like:-“MC, can we just stay in? nothin fancy?”-and MC shrugs “sure. that actually sounds p nice……. although…….”-Saeran is suspicious “although what?”-“I kind of want…… ice cream cake?”-and just. he stops-he stops???-“that’s a thing?????”-MC goes for a dramatic look and answer-“that is a thing”-“y didn’t I know about this what the hell yOURE GETTING ICE CREAM CAKE FOR UR BIRTHDAY MC”-and he is on his way OUT THE DOOR-MC shouting after him “U CANT FOOL ME SAERAN!!!! I KNOW U WANT THE CAKE FOR YOU!!!!”-and i mean-he’s not gonna deny it-he is gone for three hours-comes back home with two ice cream cakes bc he couldn’t decide between the funfetti one or the chocolate one-MC is a lil exasperated, but indulgent bc hey ice cream cake for days!!-as long as they moderate themselves-they otherwise stay in and Saeran surprises MC with a lil necklace with a skull charm and a heart charm-Saeran with a shrug about the charms: “the skull is me and heart is you”-“r u sure tho”-“shut up MC”-a blushing Saeran……… what nice gift
-they start with a lazy morning in bed-cuddling-sloppy kisses-soft touches and messy hair-intermittently falling back to sleep-eventually they get out of bed and get ready for the rest of the day-breakfast at noon-pancakes and eggs and bacon and sausage and warm flaky biscuits and coffee-after breakfast V presents MC with what appears to be a scrapbook-he kisses the side of their head with a happy little “happy birthday, sweetheart” while handing the gift over-it IS a scrapbook-it’s full of photos starting from MC’s first time working with the RFA on the party, and over the next few years up until this point-it’s……. a journey through their life together-their friendship, their love, their relationships with their friends-there are notes scrawled all over every page in every free space between photos-notes from their friends-little stories giving context to the photos-a few little doodles and well-wishes-it honestly makes MC tear up-it just….. feels so warm
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