#im sorry if my safety takes priority over your curiosities
mondaymelon · 6 months
how old are you
haha. i dont feel comfortable answering that question.
this is... awfully blunt. like no context straight up- dunno why people are digging into personal things and serious things in my inbox now like did i write something that made yall think id give out private info like that ( nothing against you btw ) ??
its common and known knowledge that to. yk. stay safe online that you shouldn't reveal your legal name, age, blablabla whatever. please understand that i don't feel safe revealing this information to random people online that i don't trust.
for you to read my ffs, all you need to know is that i am a minor who is still in school. if this is the same anon that sent the nsfw ask earlier ( if it's not, sorry ) please stop . my blog doesn't really have relevance to things like that as im writing perfectly non-explicit things : )
ahaha. a hi next time would have been nice /hj
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ohnopoe · 3 years
Hiya there!!!! Could i maybe please have some headcanons about the characters you write for being in love with a very domestic/ cottagecore/ disney-princess-loving sweet girl who works at a daycare (with babies) ?
Im sorry if that didnt make much sense im french but i love your writing!!! Have an amazing day!! 😊
Your patience is extraordinary. I’m so sorry this took so long, and I’m additionally sorry that I couldn’t provide more characters for this. Between it beginning to feel repetitive and just having a mental block on it, which has been practically consuming my ability to write, I’m afraid I was only able to give you five characters, but hopefully the accidental mini stories they turned into makes up for that!
Under the cut you will find headcanons or miniature fics tbh for Din Djarin, Ezra, Frankie Morales, Javier Peña and Poe Dameron
Din Djarin
Looking after Grogu is Din’s priority. So, when he sees his adoptive son clinging to your leg after he leaves him at the small daycare on Nevarro, utterly enraptured in your every movement as you finish putting away the colourful pencils the children had been playing with, well, he’s intrigued.
When Grogu is reluctant to leave the planet, putting on a fuss as he flies away, well, he’s fascinated.
Plenty of people got along with the little green baby, and it seemed people fell for his big bug eyes everywhere they went. But he hadn’t seen the child so enraptured before… It was almost the same kind of adoration he seemed to throw towards Din.
Weeks pass before he’s landing back in Nevarro, ready to take on another job, and he’s almost forgotten about you. But the way Grogu perks up at the familiar surroundings is an instant reminder.
He hadn’t even intended to leave the kid at the daycare this time, it was only meant to be a short trip after all, but who could say ‘no’ to those pleading eyes?
The day’s half over when he knocks on the door. Children of all species are spread about the room, and there’s an air of chaos to the scene, but as you meet his gaze through that vizor that keeps him shielded from the rest of the room, he finally understands the absolute sense of calm you exude.
He’s frozen.
Your smile cuts through him, it’s gentle and soft and reassuring and everything he didn’t know he’d been missing for so many years now.
He stutters, genuinely stutters when he hands Grogu over, asking if he can spend the rest of the day with the other children. And if you notice, well, you’re not about to mention it just yet.
He’s making more trips to Nevarro, even he refuses to acknowledge why. The kid needs to socialise more, jobs from Karga are smarter, it’s good to keep in contact with the Cara, to know what the rebellion is up to… Excuses seem to pile up upon one another. Of course it couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that every time he sees your smile directed at him, every time he watches the way you play with Grogu, the world seems a little lighter.
A dangerous mission is what changes things.
He knows it’ll bring good credits, and provide more safety for the kid in the long run, but bringing him along for the ride is too risky, and it’s exactly what the enemy would be expecting. So he asks if you’ll look after him, just for a few days.
Of course, you’re more than happy to take the little green menace, but it’s the way you tell him to be careful, the way he can almost see genuine worry in your gaze as you utter words of care that he’s so damn unused to that has him struck once more.
The sight of you there, looking at him with such a gentle look, with his kid in your arms, well, it distracts him more than he’d care to admit.
So when he comes back to Nevarro, to your house of all things, he’s a little worse for wear, and he’s certainly not expecting the way you usher him in, or the way you look after him. Suddenly, leaving Nevarro at all seems like the stupidest decision possible, when you’re there in your humble house that still screams home more than anything he can remember.
He stays for days, you’re insistent that he heal properly and take the time to rest before he goes rushing back into the universe. And it’s the most relaxed he’s ever felt.
After his time in The Green, Ezra is certain of one thing, he’s had enough of that damn colour.
There’s only so long you can spend surrounded by shades of green before it starts to haunt you, and even the most poetic of people lose any sense of beauty they once found in it.
But then there was you.
You, who lived a life so far removed from what he had experienced, that the flowery poetics seemed to just flow from him once more.
His insecurities after losing his arm seemed to lessen in your presence, caught up in the whirlwind that was you.
Laughter and joy seemed to fill the days, and sometimes he’d even help you with your work simply to enjoy the bubble of joy you seemed to exude, to embrace every moment of happiness that he was lucky enough to experience.
Colours seemed brighter, and filled with a range he had only hoped to see, when you were around. And those poems he had loved so dearly were not just a distant dream, they were tangible and real.
Softness and beauty coloured his days once more, and his heart was full.
Even green seemed more beautiful now.
Frankie Morales
In all honesty? He’s terrified. You’re his daughter’s daycare worker and it doesn’t matter that you make him smile, make those damn butterflies fill his chest in a way he hasn’t felt since he was an awkward teenager. It doesn’t matter that your smile is so damn captivating that it has him smiling goofily to himself the whole damn drive to work after he drops his daughter off with you.
It doesn’t matter because it can’t. He won’t interfere with your work and he certainly won’t be that creep who asks you out when you look after his daughter, no, nope, absolutely not.
But then, a year later, and his daughter is off to preschool, and yeah, ok, he’s a bit of a wreck as he shops for school supplies, but suddenly you’re there. It hasn’t been long at all, and yet he can’t help but think how much he has missed that smile.
It’s so much harder to explain to his little girl that, despite the chance encounter, you won’t be a part of her life anymore, especially when she’s so darn excited to see you, and so he stumbles, he struggles and glances to you for help and, well, the help you give has him even more lost for words.
You suggest lunch, on the first weekend after she’s started school. Just Frankie, her and you, all meeting at a park where his daughter can tell you all about ‘big school’.
He’s silent so long that you worry you’ve overstepped, and just as you’re about to ramble off some excuse in a desperate attempt to backtrack, he offers you the most beaming smile you’ve ever seen.
Well, your not so little crush was doomed, and so was your heart. But after lunch that soon turned into a weekly affair, you soon came to realise, your heart was in very safe hands.
Javier Peña
I’m not going to lie, at first Javier is skeptical to say the least. He’s seen chaos and pain and suffering for so long, that seeing someone so damn gentle? Yeah, he’s wondering what your game is. But then it becomes something else, it becomes a fascination. You seem sincere in your softness, and he finds himself smiling back at you in an instant, before he can even question it.
So, skepticism turns to curiosity. Are you just naive to the horrors of the world? Are you really that sheltered that you believe what the fairytales told you the world would be? He has to know, even if he’s cursing himself the whole damn way.
He’s spending more time with you to figure you out, that’s what he tells himself. Of course, it’s obvious to everyone else the change that you bring. His shoulders are less tense, he’s not bitting people’s heads off at work, hell, he’s smiling more.
It’s different to what he’s used to. It’s softer, and slower, and he’s reluctant as hell, but things just seem to happen.
You’re at his place as often as your own. You’re sharing movies with him that he’s never even considered seeing before, you’re sharing your lives with one another, and there hasn’t been a single date so far.
You’re everything he’s fighting to protect, before he can even acknowledge his own feelings for you. But as oblivious as Javier can be to these things, you’re not. You know the stories, the tales of love that seemed to pass him by. You’re patient as he navigates his way through his feelings.
It’s a random moment in time, really. You’re on his couch, talking about the children you work with, it’s just another day. But it’s everything to him. It’s the moment he realises you’re his all, that being right there, in that moment, listening to you talk about children you clearly adore, children that aren’t even your own, it’s all he’s ever needed, and all he ever wants.
The progression from that odd friendship to something more is surprisingly smooth.
Of course, he’s bound to stumble along the way, it’s so far from what he’s used to that he’s terrified half the time of stuffing up to a point of no return. But it’s genuine, it’s real, and you can both simply be yourselves; even if he does tease you a little about the ‘childish’ decor that starts to fill the apartment when you finally move in.
Poe Dameron
It was an accident, the first time Poe quite literally ran into you. BB-8 assured him that it would be faster to get to his ship through the path he had never ventured before as he rushed to fly out for a sudden mission, and he was right. What the little droid had failed to mention, however, was that said path ran directly through the resistance’s schooling area.
It was a small group of rooms, with few children of resistance members actually living on base, but it was something so downright shocking that it had him stumbling in shock as he glanced about at the colourful finger paintings and bright array of plants that he didn’t even notice the way the group of preschoolers stared up at him in awe, or, for that matter, the fact that you were standing before him... until you weren’t. The force of his sprint landed you on the floor with nothing but a surprised “ooft!” coming from your lips, and an echoing round of shocked and anxious gasps from your students.
After an awkward round of apologising, and continuing to call out long after he had checked you were alright and helped you up, he was off, making his way once more, the sound of “sorry!” fading away as he drifted further down the corridors.
One chance meeting suddenly turned into more. It seemed wherever he turned, there you were. Grabbing a late meal at the same time, having your med-checks one after the other… it was as if fate itself had decided the two of you simply had to interact.
You filled his mind, someone so normal amongst the chaos of war. And while he may not have realised it, he began to seek you out.
Chatting with your kids about flying, bringing back interesting plants he saw on his adventures, there was always a reason to see you, after-all, Poe Dameron was the King of Excuses.
But you brought him a sense of hope and home, something he had missed for far too long, and he wasn’t about to give that up anytime soon.
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commander-diomika · 3 years
(Click to Read From the Beginning) Part 7 Pairing: Zolf Smith/Oscar Wilde, James Barnes/Howard Carter Word Count: 1600 Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Slow Burn, 18-Month Time Gap (Rusty Quill Gaming), Opposites Attract, Trans Male Character, Barnes and Carter have a mild D/s thing going on but there's nothing explicit in here
Summary: Wilde opened the Campbell. He genuinely tried to read, but like bubbles in a glass, his eyes rose off the page and over the top of the book. He enjoyed this one, truly, but a fictional romance held slightly less fascination for him than the reality of the one relaxing in his sitting room.
It’s been almost a year and they still can’t bear to take their hands off each other, Wilde thought bemusedly.
Barnes lounged on one of the comfy chairs in Wilde’s sitting room, watching the fire, whiskey in one hand. Carter had a pile of knives and complicated-looking tools laid out on the low table, humming softly as he did inventory and repairs. He knelt on the floor practically between Barnes’ uwabaki-clad feet, and as Wilde walked in, Carter reached behind himself almost absently to pat Barnes on the thigh, finishing with an affectionate squeeze before shifting focus back to his work.
The pair of them had just finished up yet another round of quarantine and, post bath and debrief, had seemingly settled in for the evening.
Wilde nodded to Barnes and went to pour himself a drink then settled in opposite the pair with a book. Zolf was away once again, returning to his old network with the Harlequins to see if they had discovered anything on the simulacra since he’d left their employ. He was due back in the next few days, and the fact that Wilde had timed each deployment so that the other men could do the inspections for Zolf… well, it was just good luck, not good management.
Wilde liked sending out Zolf alone about as much as Zolf had liked the reverse. But that was part of the job. They no longer lived in a world with much room for sentimentality. Besides, Wilde was almost accustomed to the underlying hum of anxiety every time one of the team was away. He was adept at neatly packaging up that fear, that preemptive grief, and putting in a quiet corner of his mind to either be unboxed when the worst happened or discarded if it didn’t.
“Thought you’d already read that one,” Barnes said by way of breaking the quiet. This was often how it was after a mission, by unspoken understanding; conversation carved deliberately out of the soft, the easy, questions neatly avoiding the state of the world or the work.
“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” Wilde replied. Truth was, between the enforced waiting between missions and the inescapable breakdown of the global market, books he hadn’t read were becoming harder to find.
Barnes gave a non-committal grunt that said he didn’t know the feeling.
Wilde opened the Campbell. He genuinely tried to read, but like bubbles in a glass, his eyes rose off the page and over the top of the book. He enjoyed this one, truly, but a fictional romance held slightly less fascination for him than the reality of the one relaxing in his sitting room.
Barnes reached out with the hand that wasn’t holding the whisky, and without taking his eyes from the fire, gave the back of Carter’s neck a squeeze; strong grip working into the muscle. Carter’s tune transformed into a low hum of pleasure, hands briefly stilling on his tools.
It’s been almost a year and they still can’t bear to take their hands off each other, Wilde thought bemusedly.
This had been the last thing he’d expected when he’d paired them up together. He had honestly been worried they would both crack after the first quarantine, and either quit or demand someone new to work with. At the very least after the umpteenth round of spending a week in a small room together, Wilde thought they’d want a little space. But here they were.
Wilde felt a strange pulse of guilt. If either one of them died whilst out on a mission- he snapped his eyes back to the book. It was a harsh world. As their handler, it could only be viewed as a good thing that they had become, well, devoted to one another. A strategic benefit, he said to himself, wanting ardently to believe it.
Wilde turned a page without having read a word on it.
“Hey sailor,” Carter said softly. He’d finished repairing his thieves’ tools and was pulling out a weapon-care kit. “Grab your sword, I’ll do her first.”
Wilde fought to keep his eyebrows level as Barnes fetched and handed his sword over to Carter. “Use my whetstone; don’t think yours is quite up to the task.” Barnes settled back in his chair, looking like a man without a care in the world.
Wilde swallowed. They really did feel safe here, safe with one another. If only they all could just… stay here. Hope that the war would not come to their doorstep. If only they could be left in peace, if only there was no threat eating away at the world. If there wasn’t a job to do, Wilde felt like he could just stay here; with these two, and the locals, and be happy.
He could put it all down. And Zolf would be there too.
His dreams used to be much bigger than a life of relative safety and obscurity in a tiny Japanese backwater, but the looming decay of a previously ordered world had a way of shifting priorities.
Carter eventually finished his chores, and then successfully watched the fire for three whole quiet minutes before announcing he was going to the kitchen.
“Don’t be a pest,” Barnes said in a well-practised farewell. “When you come back, I’ve got some shirts that need mendin’ too.”
Carter blew air through his teeth. “I’m not your valet, Barnes,” he replied, and Barnes just raised an eyebrow at him. Walking out, Carter muttered something under his breath about buttons that didn’t even get used.
“If you’ve got anythin’ that needs repairing, I’d get Carter to do it to,” Barnes offered, secure that Carter’s departing comments in no way reflected his actual intentions. “He’s a fair hand with a needle.”
Wilde smiled knowingly as he shook his head, and without conscious thought, a question popped out of his mouth.
“How did you two… happen?”
Barnes looked surprised at the question. Not that he felt it inappropriate, Barnes just wasn’t used to Wilde being confused about the obvious. “Well,” he said, brow furrowed as he tried to figure out how to phrase it. “He just needs a firm hand on the rein, y’know. Didn’ take us long to figure out I could be that for ‘im.”
The noise that Carter had made as he came, muffled in said firm hand, was still remarkably fresh in Wilde’s memory. The sound flashed through his mind as if to punctuate Barnes’ comment.
Barnes must have seen the brief rise of heat in Wilde’s cheeks, because his next comment, mildly spoken, was, “You interested in joining us, Wilde?” When Wilde’s only response was a raised brow, Barnes continued. “I don’t mind sharin’.”
Wilde leant back in his chair, considering this surprise twist of in the conversation. It had been quite some time since he’d been openly propositioned, and despite the languid set of his body, he felt his heartbeat speed up and a slight blush heat his cheeks. A younger Wilde, an unshackled Wilde, would have said yes in an instant. He’s fallen into bed with someone, or someones, for less.
Wilde briefly allowed the beast that was his imagination off-leash. He saw himself, besieged with pleasure. Bodies surrounding him, hands and lips on him, stuffed at both ends, absolutely overwhelmed, worshipped, had.
It was a very nice thought.
But it was more complicated now, without his magic. It wasn’t that he felt shy, or that he thought either of his co-conspirators would react poorly to his… unconventional physiology. It was just that sex for the younger version of Wilde didn’t used to be so revealing. It used to be something he could just fold into his performance persona, slide straight from stage to bed without having to play a single open card.
Skies above, Wilde missed those days. He investigated his drink, calm face hiding the stream of images bubbling through his mind. Somewhere amongst the tantalising and lascivious, were the complex and confusing. Barnes and Carter fucking in the cell downstairs, the very same one where Wilde had been pushed to let Zolf in on a secret truth. An expression of conflicted desire on Zolf’s face.
Wilde couldn’t sort those images into a cohesive narrative, so he put them aside with a dark, self-deprecating chuckle. “I thank you, but no. I was merely seeking satisfaction for my curiosity.”
Barnes nodded, unruffled. Wilde had seen the man fight and had heard him fuck. He knew the energy, the potential Barnes contained, and yet in conversation he was such a mild creature. He was a contradiction. It was almost as though he saved up all that vitality, that power, for when it was needed the most. The rest of the time he simply… switched it off.
Wilde pulled his mind back to business with a sigh, “Besides, if we don’t hear from Zolf in about twelve hours, I’m sorry to say you two will be heading out again. It’s a short turnaround, I know. You should spend it together.”
“For sure, I wouldn’t mind a sleep in a proper bed for one.” With that, the two lapsed back into a comfortable silence.
When Carter returned from the kitchen, he had a bottle of sake and a bunch of grapes. He came up behind Barnes, dangling both his prizes into the seated man’s eyeline.
“C’mon, sailor. Let’s get out of Oscar’s hair.”
Barnes smiled slowly, making deliberate eye contact with Wilde. He wasn’t the sort to waggle his eyebrows or leer, but his gaze communicated last chance, offer still stands, as clear as a sunny day.
With a small smile, Wilde waved them off. There was something like envy bubbling in his chest, over the ease which Barnes and Carter shared with each other.
He sighed and picked up his book.
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dis-easedfairy · 5 years
Oink The Stuffed Pig
WARNINGS: Swearing | Mentions of Sex (a dirty joke or two) |
Pairings: Kim Seokjin x Single Dad!Male Reader
Genre: Parent!au, neighbor!au, some angst (just a lil), fluff, humor 
Word Count: 11,838
Summary: Due to complications, M/n moves to a new city with his son. Though struggling, the two grow to like their new lives and new neighborhood, especially Kim Seokjin, their neighbor across the hall who is more than kind. 
A/n: IM ALIVEEEE! I suck at endings so like... my bad. I tried to get this out because I know a few of you were excited for this. Turned out a little more angst than I plan but uh... surprise? Again sorry it took me so long to finish it! 💙☀
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I sighed and looked out the window as the train I was in, drove down the tracks. I looked at my watch it was around 7 pm and I knew it was going to be a long night. I looked over to my son, he was happily playing a game on an old phone of mine. I let out a sigh as my eyes trailed down to look at our backpacks on the floor.
I’m sorry we have to go this far.
I leaned forward, opening the side pouch of my backpack to take out my phone. I had muted it days ago and didn’t bother to look at it.
I unlocked it and looked through my messages.
Mom: Okay, just be safe, okay? The both of you.
Dad: remember to secure the new home. it will give everyone a piece of mind
Unknown Number: you cant just take him! I said I wanted to work this out!
I rolled my eyes at the last one, deciding just to message my parents since we were more within the city.
M/n to Mom: I found a nice little neighborhood, close to his school and there are some good jobs I can get for the time being, just until I save up a bit. We’ll be safe. Don’t worry too much.
M/n to Dad: I had a security system kit sent with some of our stuff. I’m going to go to the store tomorrow to look for tougher screws for the doors. We have a balcony so I have to figure something out! Safety is my second priority!
“Who are you talking to?” I heard my son’s small voice ask.
I looked over to him, his eyes were big, full of curiosity as he lifted himself up in order to look at the screen. I only smiled.
“Your grandparents.” He gave me a small pout.
“Why the pout?” I asked with a sad chuckle, “…Expecting someone else?” I asked dejectedly.
I swore I saw his eyes twinkle, “Aunt Hyejin!” My heart dropped to my stomach.
I tore my eyes away from his, prepping myself to lie, “Ha… Aunt Hyejin… she…” Oh god, what would be a good lie to tell him?
I glanced back at his perfect brown orbs, stabbing into me for an answer.
“A… Aunt Hyejin is not herself right now. So… I can’t talk to her right now, okay?” I wasn’t lying, but it sure in the hell felt like I was.
I could see the sadness enter his eyes, as well as those same eyes water. My eyes widened as I quickly held my hands up as if he were now holding a weapon to me.
“But why?” He asked, his voice sounding very upset.
“Junseok-ah, it’s complicated. BUT you’re going to make new friends and have your own room!” I tried to sway my son.
“I don’t want new friends I want Aunt Hyejin!” He was now crying, I grimaced.
I looked around the empty train car almost frantically, as to search for something to get my son to stop crying. I let out a heavy sigh.
“Listen, Junseok-ah, stop crying. Some people aren’t going to be in your life for the rest of your life. Some people have their own lives to live, some care dearly about you, and some will care only for themselves. It has nothing to do with your personality or who you are as a person. Aunt Hyejin… I have a feeling she only cares for herself right now. And right now, I have to care about you, and you have to care about yourself right now too.” That probably made no sense to him.
Oddly enough my son only nodded his head, using his sleeve to wipe his tears, I offered him a small smile.
“Don’t worry, I got us a place to stay and you have your own room!” Which I have no Idea how I’m going to pay for it.
“We live near a school you’ll be going too!” Some of your new teachers think I’m irresponsible for moving so late in the year and hate me already.
“I’m getting a new job, so new cool things!” You might not get anything good for your birthday if it's a low-paying job.
“Our new home is in a nice neighborhood with lots of kids so you’ll make friends.” You’re more extroverted than me and the families will more than likely hate me.
“It’s a little far from grandpa and grandma, but this is a better life!” I’m scared.
“…Okay. Can we get something to eat before we go to our new house?” He asked softly.
I nodded, not wiping the smile off my face, “We’ll get whatever you want. Just don’t be sad or scared. Just know that I love you with all my heart. Forever.”
Junseok sniffled a bit and moved closer to wrap his arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him onto my lap to keep him closer. I could feel him relax in my hold as I moved my hand to rub his back.
“We have reached Hoehyeon Station.”
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“So how have you settled in?” My friend Jeongguk asked, he was the one who convinced me to move to Seoul.
I could hear my son let out a scream as he ran around with a plushie pig toy and a Spider-Man toy, a throw blanket tied around his neck as a makeshift cape. I soon then heard a bump and something clatter to the floor. I was unpacking a box on the kitchen counter, taking out glasses and plates.
I let out a heavy sigh, “As settled as we can be I gue-,”
“NO! NO! NO! NO!” I could hear my son shout, making me snap into action as I threw everything I was holding down and ran to his voice.
He was in my bedroom, the window open and him half hanging out.
“Junseok! What are you doing!?” I demanded, running over to yank him away from the open window.
“I dropped Oink! I have to get him!” My son protested as I threw him over my shoulder to stop him from squirming out my grip.
“You won’t get anything besides a trip to the hospital hanging out the window like that!” I scolded, sitting him on my bed.
I pulled back to see his tear-filled eyes. I let out a deep sigh, “If I tell a friend of mine to look after you, will you behave while I look for Oink?” I can’t believe I was going to search in an ally for a stuffed pig.
Junseok quickly nodded his head, almost desperate to get his oldest friend back.
“Fineeee.” I groaned, walking back to the kitchen to get my phone.
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“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I grumbled, moving a trash bag out the way as I tried to look for a bright pink stuffed pig.
I let out a growl of frustration, “Where are you, you little bitch?” I grumbled, trying to think of new places to look.
I looked at my watch and sighed, I was in a hoodie and jeans but it was only getting colder as the sun was no longer in the sky. It was close to 11 pm and I didn’t want to spend all night looking for a stuffed animal. My son cherished that stuffed pig since it was his first stuffed animal but was it really worth it?
Yes, it was. My son loved it so I will find it.
I groaned at myself, kicking a trash bag and going back to looking for the lost pig.
I was ready to give up thirty minutes later until I saw pink fuzz that looked familiar. I quickly moved whatever was in the way and yanked the pig up into my view.
“Fuck yesss!” I chuckled in satisfaction as I began to dust off and examine the pig.  
I frowned when I noticed how flat and lumpy it was, it was less to it being dropped out a window, and more about the years of washing, drying and laying on it.  
“Mmm, you need a good stuffing, huh?” I asked the pig, examining it more for rips or stains.
“…Uhhh…” I heard a voice draw out behind me.
I immediately spun around to face the person. A man, he was a little taller than me, wearing a white sweater, dark sweatpants, and white shoes. He had broad shoulders and had the most handsome face I’ve ever been blessed with ever seeing. His eyes were wide as he held onto a trash bag, his eyes dropped to see the flattened stuffed pig and he let out a breath of relief with a chuckle.
“I…” He let out a very unique laugh that tumbled from his rose-colored plush lips, bending over, “I thought… Oh my god…” He tried to speak but only laughter came out.
He looked fairly young but I had no idea how I was supposed to address him, “S-Sir? Is something funny?” I asked, praying he wasn’t some guy who lost his mind and planned to murder me in an ally after I spent an hour and a half looking for a stupid stuffed pig.
He held up one finger as he continued to laugh. I assumed it was to give him a minute so I did.
“You have to understand,” He began, trying to catch his breath, “I just heard your words and saw your back and nothing more!” I saw red begin to bloom in his cheeks.
I tilted my head slightly in confusion. He took my confusion as the go-ahead to explain which he only did in few words, with a smirk.
“Fuck yes? You need a good stuffing?”
It slowly clicked together as heat began to rush to my face and embarrassment washed through me.
“I-I was just talking about a stuffed animal!” I raced to explain, which only made him cackle more.
“Wait! No! I’m not fucking the stuffed animal! That sounded wrong!” The man was now leaning against the building, trying not to fall to the ground from laughing so hard.
“M-My son dropped this out the window, he can’t sleep without it.” I explained nervously.
The man straightened up, trying to gain his composure, “You’re a dad?” He asked breathlessly.
I know I’m ‘too young’.
“Yeah. He’s four… This is an awkward way to meet… We just moved in today.” I gave the man a small smile.
He looked surprised, “Really? Nice to meet you! I’m Kim Seokjin!” He introduced himself happily, moving to shake my hand.
“L/n M/n.” I informed, shaking his hand.
“Welcome to the neighborhood, hopefully, there are no more… misunderstandings.” He joked.
I felt a wave of heat travel to my face again, “I hope not.” I agreed with a nervous giggle.
Seokjin opened his mouth as if he was going to say more but as interrupted by my screeching friend.
Well, that was a nice moment…
I let out a deep sigh, “Sorry, I have to head back up. I’ll talk to you soon, Seokjin?” I questioned.
He nodded, seeming at a lost for words. I frowned a bit. He was so open a few moments ago. I walked past him, giving him a small wave as I began to jog back into the building.
I ran to one of the two elevators and pushed my floor number. Using the time to think of what jobs I could apply to and how to make sure ‘Aunt Hyejin’ didn’t come to visit my son while he was in school.
The ding of the elevator broke me from my thoughts and I went to my apartment door. Before I could dig in my back pocket for my keys, my door flung open to reveal my friend Jeongguk.
“He keeps flushing things in the toilet. You lost a roll of toilet paper. ” My friend informed me, crossing his arms, looking upon me in judgment.
“He’s acting out because he wasn’t very excited about coming here…” I notified, rubbing the back of my neck with the hand that wasn’t gripping the stuffed animal.
Jeongguk sighed. I could hear another ‘ding’ but took it as the elevator I got off of closing it’s doors and going back down.
“I know he’ll like it here, you will too. Did…” Jeongguk looked down, biting his bottom lip as he chose his next words carefully.
“Did Hyejin know where you were going? I don’t think it’s a good idea if she knew where we live.” Jeongguk voiced apprehensively.
“Don’t worry about her. I just told her I was leaving town. She tried to tell Junseok that he could stay at her place if he didn’t want to go.” I stated bitterly.
“Are you fucking with me? She literally doesn’t quit does she!?” Jeongguk scoffed, anger beginning to radiate off of him.
I shook my head, “I was just wondering how we would get him to school without her finding him.”
Jeongguk’s eyes widened, “Do you think she’d go school hunting!?”
“I wouldn’t put it past her.” I grunted bitterly.
Jeongguk let out a frustrated sigh, leaning on the doorframe and pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers. After a few moments, Jeongguk looked up, sadness and sympathy in his eyes. He reached out, grabbing the collar of my hoodie and pulled me into a hug. He wrapped one arm around my waist and his other hand was in the middle of my back. He let out a long exhale as he began to rub my back. I wrapped my arms around him, fully accepting the comfort in my friend’s embrace, even going as far as to bury my face in his shoulder.
“We’ll figure this out together, M/n. I’ll introduce you to some friends of mine, we’ll settle you in, get you a job and support you for as long as you need, okay?” Jeongguk promised.
I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, knowing I wouldn’t do this alone. I was prepared to do it alone, but I knew Jeongguk wouldn’t let me. He was my best friend. I really counted on him and he counted on me.
The comforting resolve was disrupted by the sound of a flushing toilet.
Jeongguk let out an irritated growl. Jeongguk yanked away to turn to look into the apartment.
“WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE TOILET!?” Jeon demanded, grabbing my arm and dragging me into the apartment with him.
I made a wild grab to close the door behind us, trying to fight Jeongguk’s tight grip. I pushed the door closed and Jeongguk let me go, deeming me as the reason he couldn’t move fast enough to scold my son. I only chuckled, moving to the kitchen to throw the stuffed animal in the washing machine.
“YAH! NO SON OF MINE WILL FLUSH IRON MAN DOWN THE TOILET!” I rolled my eyes at Jeongguk’s words.
I could hear my son whine a response as I set the washer to quick wash. I heard footsteps and turned to see Jeongguk holding an armful of toys.
“Uncle Gukkie!” My son whined, trailing after him.
“No! You can’t have these back until you learn how to treat them right.” Jeongguk huffed, dropping the toys in an empty box and swiftly picking it up so Junseok couldn’t snag a toy back.
“Why all his toys?” I chortled.
They both looked over at me, my son with pleading eyes and my friend with the eyes of determination.
“Because our son needs to know what ‘stop’ and ‘don’t do that’ means.” He asserted.
“Stop calling him ‘our son’, people will get the wrong idea.” I giggled, moving to get the detergent.
“No! I’m helping you raise this brat, so he’s my son too!” I shrugged my shoulders. Fair enough.
“Any ideas for dinner?” I asked, starting the washer.
“Daddd!” Junseok whined in complaint of me not defending his toys.
I just knew Jeongguk made up his mind and I mostly agreed with him.
“We’ll order take out for now. Tomorrow we’ll have a better plan, we might be a little too busy for a sit-down meal though.” Jeongguk smiled, happy I wasn’t fighting him.
I nodded in understanding, “We’ll have to get some kind of ‘we are new to the neighborhood, don’t mind the screaming’ gift.”
“I think we’ll be fi-” Junseok cut Jeongguk off by jumping up and grabbing the edge of the box.
Junseok yanked down, causing the box to rip and toys spill out.
“JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!? I said you don’t get these back until you learn how to treat them!!” Jeongguk began and ‘our son’ began to argue back.
“I’m thinking baked goods.” I sighed.
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“Jeongguk, you…” I growled, holding one end of the entertainment center as Jeongguk held the other.
“You what!? Finish your sentence!” Jeongguk challenged, stopping in the middle of the entrance.
“You soggy piece of toast! Stop pushing me! You’re making me lose balance!” I snapped.
“You’re so fucking slow!” He clapped back.
“You’re so fucking impatient!” Thus the best friend bicker began.
Soon it wasn’t even about the stupid entertainment center, it wasn’t anything too harmful, just us venting out the stress of the day, per usual. We even set down the entertainment center to argue better.
“THAT MUST HAVE BEEN IT!” After a few minutes of this, we finally drew some breath.
“Okay, now we can get back to work.” Jeongguk exhaled.
I have a quick glance around, “Uh… where is Junseok?” I asked blankly.
Jeongguk quickly spun around to face the living room, “He WAS on the couch!??”
Jeongguk and I slowly met eyes as the realization dawned on us. My best friend and I jumped into action.
“CALL THE POLICE!” Jeongguk shouted as he ran at the door.
As soon as the door opened I could see the door across the hall slightly ajar. This led me to think that my son got curious as to what the door was because he’s never lived in an apartment before.
I tried to grab onto my best friend’s shirt to stop him but he was already out the door and down the hall to the stairs before I could say anything. I heard him shove the door open to the stairway and take off. I sighed, wishing he would’ve saved me the effort of having to call him.
I hesitantly closed my apartment door and made my way to the door across the hall. I lightly pushed open the door, caution pulsing through my veins. I could hear bad playing of a guitar flood the nice-lit, comfy apartment.
“Don’t go too hard on the strings or they will break.” I heard a familiar male voice softly instruct.
The air smelled like muffins and I could hear the sound of a tv. I entered the apartment as quiet as I could, taking off my shoes and taking a deep breath. I raised my hand up and tapped my knuckles on the wall beside me.
“Come in!” A cheerful voice chimed, making the place seem even more inviting.
I stepped forward out the entryway to round the corner. My son was sitting on the floor, holding a guitar WAY too big for his body. His tongue was sticking out, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to focus on the cords he was strumming.
The man I met in the ally, Seokjin, was sitting on the chair with the stuffed pig on his lap. The pig was plushier than before. I assumed Seokjin restuffed the animal since he had a sewing needle in hand, mid-tug of the thread. Seokjin’s eyes seemed to widen at my arrival.
“I’m sorry if he interrupted your afternoon. He was on the couch one moment then he was gone the next.” I apologized, bowing my head in remorse.
“That’s okay! He hasn’t caused me any trouble.” Seokjin assured me.
I lifted my head up, “Really!? He’s been bratty since we arrived.” I was dismayed. My son listened to a complete stranger more than me!?
Seokjin’s plush lips pulled into a smile, “Yes. Your son has been well behaved!” Seokjin grabbed the scissors and snipped off the extra thread from the pig. Seokjin stood up, a new aura around him that was ignored by my son as Seokjin seemed to strut up to me.
“If you feel that bad about interrupting my afternoon, you can treat me to a better one this week?” Seokjin implied, his eyes whirling with confidence.
I almost choked on air. Did my attractive neighbor just ask me out?
“I… Well…” I was at a loss for words.
Seokjin’s small smile turned into a bigger one, almost cocky, “How about tomorrow? Here. At six.” He tempted, one of his hands moving up to fix my shirt. I’m pretty sure he could feel my heart going faster than it’s ever gone before.
Seokjin’s eyes playfully cast up, awaiting my response.
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“So what did you tell him?” Jeongguk asked, getting himself a glass of lemonade and leaning against the kitchen island I was currently sitting at. Head in my hands as my body burned with humiliation. Junseok was on the couch, too emersed in his game to understand how badly I ruined myself.
“I shouted ‘I’m gay’ and ran out.” I grumbled.
Lemonade shot out from Jeongguk’s nose, spraying out onto the countertop. My eyes widened and I jumped up to get him some paper towels, grabbing a few myself to catch the liquid that threatened to ruin the floor. Jeongguk grabbed the paper towels and held them up to his face as he began to cough and sputter. I swore I heard slight chuckling in the distress.
“I-I don’t… I don’t think that line works in THIS scenario…” Jeongguk coughed as he moved his cup to the sink, having no desire to have lemonade again any time soon.
“I panicked!” I tried to defend myself.
“Do you want to go on a date with him?” He inquired.
I threw my hands up, “I don’t know! I hardly even know the guy!”
My best friend rolled his eyes, “Well, you won’t know him anytime soon with you shouting ‘I’m gay’ while running out his apartment like he was asking you if you knew his lord and savior Jesus Christ.” Jeongguk smirked.
“I didn’t say ‘I’m gay’ while running out! I said it then ran out. Get your shit straight, Jeon.” I dropped back down to my seat with a pout. I leaned forward, dropping my head so my face was against the cold countertop, groaning in defeat and embarrassment.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” Jeon tried to refrain from smiling, but was failing horribly, “I shouldn’t tease you about this. Maybe go over, see if the offer stands and if he was serious. He came on a little strong. You never know, he might be as freaked out as you.”
My head lifted up and my eyes filled with hope. “Will it be that easy? You think so?” I asked in ease.
“No. He definitely thinks you’re weird and probably has another date set up in your spot. When you get there tomorrow, you’ll be interrupting his date.”
There were a few moments of silence as my expression fell and his lifted.
“I hope that lemonade burned your nose.” I muttered, laying my head back on the island.
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"But Uncle Jeonnnn." My son whined from the kitchen island the next day, after a busy morning.
"No. I said we'd get ice cream AFTER you put away all your toys." Jeongguk asserted, lightly kicking the large box of toys that had been taped up from being ripped.
I only shook my head as I loaded the fridge with groceries.
"But I already cleaned my room, helped dad in the kitchen and helped you!" My son bargained.
"He has been helping a lot today, Jeon," I informed with a small smile.
Jeongguk's head snapped to face me, betrayal written in his eyes, "Who's side are you on!?"
I let out a sigh. I had two toddlers now.
"I'm not picking a side. Junseok, he said after you put your toys away. But Jeongguk, you can't discredit the work he's put in today without being a brat or complaining once. " I resolved.
My best friend pouted, deep in thought. He then turned to my son.
"How about we get junk food and play video games for an hour as your reward?" Jeon suggested, making my son's eyes light up.
"Good, because I don't want to go back on my word. You only get ice cream when you put away your toys. Go get ready." Jeon chuckled.
My son jumped up and rushed to his room quickly as if Jeon would change his mind in under thirty seconds. Jeongguk stood next to me to open the fridge for a bottle of soda.
"Are you sure you're okay with this? I know you said you wanted to help, but I don't want you to be doing all this because you feel obligated to." I frowned.
Jeongguk raised his eyebrow and swallowed, "M/n? I'm only taking him to the convenience store and back?"
"That's not it, " I rolled my eyes, "You've helped me mostly unpack, arrange the apartment and even took a week off from work to get us settled in. You've given a lot in the past few days."
It was then my best friend's turn to roll his eyes, "Seriously? Friends help friends move. And BEST friends arrange your fucking apartment for you because you don't have your shit together. If I didn't want to be here I wouldn't show up. You and your son deserve some happiness right now, so if I have to call another customer service line to help me set up a shelf, I fucking will."
I smiled at how much determination filled his eyes. "You didn't have the right tool, like a dumbass," I recalled, trying not to cackle.
"The manual said I didn't need a hammer!" He snapped.
"Your voice got a little offended there. Did I hit a nerve?" I teased.
"Know what? Fuck you, " Jeongguk stated dramatically as he put down his soda and began to stride out the kitchen, "I'm leaving you! I'm going to stay with my parents and I'm taking our son with me!" He ranted as he walked into the hall.
I chuckled, shaking my head as I moved back to stock up the kitchen. After I loaded the pantry I looked around for the box with the plates. I walked more into the living room to examine the stacked boxes by the door but didn't find any more boxes for the kitchen. I frowned.
"Hey, Jeongguk?" I called rotating boxes, hoping I read them wrong.
"Yes?" He called back from my room.
"Do you know where the last box for the kitchen is?"
"Check the hall! There are a few boxes out there that just got delivered!" In the hall!?
I shook my head in judgment and walked to the front door and out into the hall. Sure enough, to the left of my door were two stacks of boxes, four boxes high. I jogged back into the apartment to get my box cutter off the kitchen counter and ran back out to get to work on opening the last kitchen box that conveniently sat on the top of the first stack.
After I cut the tape open, I retract the blade in the box cutter and shoved it in my front hoodie pocket for easy access. I opened the box and took out a plate to examine it for any damages.
I could hear Jeongguk and my son talking as they entered the living room, then the entryway to pull on their shoes.
"Off to get junk?" I asked, checking other plates.
"Yes! He even dressed himself." My eyes widened at my best friend's words, making me spin around to face my mismatched son.
He had on red pants, a white T-shirt, green converse, a pink hat, and a yellow zip-up hoodie.
"...Junseok...Why?" I wasn't disappointed or judging, just confused.
Junseok shrugged, "It's comfortable."
"I mean, at least that's what matters." I gave him a warm smile.
Jeongguk reached in his back pocket, "He's adorable, I should take a picture." Jeon froze.
"Fuck! I forgot my phone. Wait here, Seok." Jeon gave my son two quick pats on the head and dashed inside.
My son and I gave each other and look then shifted our gazes to the apartment to give my best friend a judgemental look he couldn't see. Once Jeongguk came back, he took my son's hand and gave us both a big bunny smile.
"We're off!" He announced, puffing out his chest.
"To see the wizard?" I teased.
"Off what?" My son questioned.
Jeongguk deflated, "Let's just go." He grumbled as I held back a chuckle.
"Bye, Dad!" Junseok happily waved and began to drag my best friend down the hall.
"I'll grab you the usual!" Jeon quickly told me as my son dragged him to the elevators.
I giggled, shaking my head. I turned back to the boxes and lifted up the kitchen one. I took the box into the kitchen, setting it down on the island and made my way back out to the hall. I grabbed the top box on the second stack, turning it to get a better look at what I had written on the side of it.
As I was checking I could hear footsteps behind me. I smirked, figuring it was my friend forgetting something, "Forgot your wallet now, Jeon?" I teased, turning around.
I was met with someone who wasn't Jeongguk.
Seokjin was looking down at the floor. It looked like he had been biting at his lips and his hands were shoved in his pocket.
"Hello, M/n..." His voice was awkward and I didn't expect it from the man who was so confident and straightforward yesterday.
"Seokjin! Hi! How is your day so far?" I asked just as awkwardly.
There were a few moments of uncomfortable silence. Seokjin let out a groan of frustration as he pulled his hands out his pockets and lifted his gaze.
"I wanted to apologize!" He stated, his chest seeming to puff up.
I pressed my lips together in an effort to not smile, "Apologize for what?"
"I came on too strong yesterday." -Seokjin looked down at the floor again- "You had barely met me and I thought if I made an impression, you'd be as interested as me. I talked to my friend about it and he called me a dumbass. I understand why though. You and your boyfriend seem to be happy together and have a son an-" I raised one finger up as I let out a small giggle of disbelief.
I knew it was rude to interrupt but I just had to.
"Y-You... You think Jeongguk and I are boyfriends?" I held back laughter.
His eyes widened slightly, seeming even more embarrassed, "Are you not??"
"Jeongguk is my best friend, he has a habit of calling my son 'our son' because he's been around him since birth and helped me a lot with raising him. I feel nothing but platonic feelings for Jeongguk and he feels the same. We're like brothers." I explained, a smile on my face.
So Seokjin was a softie. I should've guessed.
"I... I could've sworn... Well, that makes sense!" Seokjin threw his hands up and groaned, turning around so his back was to me and put his face in his hands.
"Seokjin? If the offer still stands I would love to go on a date with you. I just don't know if I can do it tonight." I smirked, feeling bolder now that I knew he was as awkward as me.
"I'll admit you DID make an impression. You made me so flustered I told you I was gay and ran." I added light-heartedly.
I heard Seokjin let out a small laugh and saw his shoulders shake a bit.
I pressed my lips together, thinking of how to make this situation less awkward.
“Would you like to have a drink with me? I’m kinda tired and need a break.” I smiled.
Seokjin nodded, only moving when I began to walk into my apartment.
“Woww!” He exclaimed in awe.
“What is it?” I asked, spinning around, full of fear.
“Your apartment looks so clean!” I let out a breath of relief.
I thought he found something bad. Like my son leaving a half-eaten sandwich on the floor or even Jeongguk forgetting my underwear on the couch because he insisted that he do laundry today.
Glad it wasn’t anything bad, I strolled to the kitchen to serve us glasses of lemonade. Seokjin looked around a bit before making his way into the kitchen.
“So, who’s your friend with the blunt advice?” I giggled, lifting my glass to my lips.
Seokjin smiled, “Yoongi. He goes back and forth between staying at my apartment and our friend Hoseok’s apartment. The day I did that was the day he was at Hoseok’s. He said I was like a toddler who he couldn’t leave alone.”
“Jeongguk says the same thing. He teased me endlessly for what I did,” I chuckled.
“Well, now we’re having a conversation like adults.”
“More like teenagers, because we’re having lemonade awkwardly.”
“Adults awkwardly drink lemonade too!” I laughed, only shaking my head.
“How old are you anyway? I want to say you’re my hyung, but the way you act contradicts that.” Seokjin pressed his hand to his chest in fake offense.
“I’m 26!”  
“So you’re a goofy hyung.”
“And you’re a rude dongsaeng!” Now it was my turn to be offended.
“How so!?”
“You should’ve asked my age when we met!”
“Well, I’m sorry I was distracted!”
“I know I’m handsome but please have manners!” My face pretty much heated up the whole room.
“It’s because Jeongguk shouted out the window! Then the second time you cornered me!” I defended my honor as best as I could.
“Ahh, I knew my handsome face affected you.” He smiled playfully, shifting his hand to blow me a kiss.
“…I will kick you out of my apartment.”
Seokjin let out a laugh, “Why?”
“Because you’re backing me into a corner!”
“If it makes you feel any better, I think you’re handsome too.”
“…Where is Yoongi-hyung when you need him.”
“Yah! Why do you automatically call him hyung and not me!?”
“Because I learned my lesson!”
“Why didn’t you learn it before me!?”
“…I’m sorry, Hyung. I’ll do better next time.”
Seokjin smiled bigger, “Ah,” He clutched his chest, his face scrunching a bit like he was touched and proud, “what a respectful young man I’m raising you to be.”
“…I’m kicking you out.”
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Over the next few days, Seokjin and I would wave to each other and sometimes he would knock at my door just to hang out. Jeongguk and Junseok seemed to really like him. It wasn’t long before I gave him my number so he could just text me when he would come over so I could just leave the door unlocked and so we could talk more.
If he wasn’t complimenting himself or me over text he would be giving me horribly good dad jokes.
I settled in easily and got a job working at Jeongguk’s ‘assistant’ since he worked as a camera operator. I was supposed to be as qualified as him, but what ends up happening is him teaching me how to work the camera and then him judging me when I fuck up. I am getting better, and I’m happy to have my best friend working with me.
After work is usually when Seokjin invites himself over. Since Jungkook and I are mostly attached to the hip, we pick up Junseok and all go home to my apartment together, so we make a ton of noise.
I needed to clean my apartment and go shopping one day, so Seokjin agreed to watch Junseok. I thought he would mind at first but he said he ‘would be honored to teach this young man his ways’ if I just promised that I would feed him dinner too… I wasn’t sure if I should’ve left him with Seokjin…
I had Seokjin stay at my now clean apartment while he watched Junseok since it would be easier. It was just Seokjin and Junseok since Jungkook had to go back to his own apartment to clean up.
I looked at the two bags of chips, one was ‘original’, meaning salt and a ton of grease and other one was octopus flavored. Since I haven’t tried the octopus flavored chip, I figured ‘what the hell’ and dropped them both in my basket.
“Old habits never die huh?” I heard making me freeze.
Please don’t be her.
I spun around and felt my blood boil, “Hyejin, what the actual fuck are you doing here?”
She gave me an awkward smile, “It’s nice to see you too.”
“Drop the crap, what do you want.”
“You just leaving was cruel. He’s my son too.” I narrowed my eyes at her, fighting every urge not to explode in a semi-busy store.
“You wanted nothing to do with him because it inconvenienced your ‘perfect life’. So you can fuck off with that. You literally delivered him, then handed him to me and never even visited until a few months ago. ”
“Because I regretted my decision.”
“Because the party was over. The people who ‘knew you better than me’ decided you were expendable.”
She sighed, “Stop being so mean!”
“Stop pretending like you came to this decision yourself and like you actually give a fuck.”
“What makes you think that I don’t!?”
“What’s the name of Junseok’s pig?”
There was silence. I sighed at her look of panic. Maybe I was too harsh, but I didn’t want MY son to be hurt by an unreliable person who only cared about themselves.
“Listen,” I began, looking down at my hands, trying to think over my words, “We used to have something and I didn’t plan on having a son so soon. You basically took matters into your own hands and forced this on the both of us. You had him, then handed him to me and never even looked his direction. I moved here to start over with him. So he wouldn’t hear stories of his mother at least for now. You left us both. You can see where I’m coming from can’t you?”
I looked up at the end of my rant to see her fuming.
I guess she couldn’t see where I was coming from.
“You can’t just pick up and start over without me! I’m his mother!”
“A mother doesn’t give her child up for partying and people who don’t care about anyone or anything.”
“Stop bringing my friends into this! It’s YOUR fault!”
I let out an annoyed sigh. This was going nowhere.
“You’re obviously not mature yet. Please leave me and MY son alone. I would consider you visiting my son if you grew up a little bit because you obviously haven’t learned anything. He starts school soon, and if I see or hear of you stalking him there or waiting at the fucking gates, so help me I will get every lawyer I can get my hands on to MAKE you stay away. So I’m politely telling you to go fuck yourself.” I grabbed another bag of chips and began to push past her.
“You can’t take my son from me!” She yelled as I walked away.
“I didn’t! You handed him over!” I called back, trying to walk away in fucking style.
I couldn’t stop thinking about Hyejin on the elevator ride up to my apartment.
Maybe I WAS too harsh.
Or maybe she was too stubborn to take a fucking hint.
I kept wondering if there was a compromise we could come to or if something was wrong with my logic.
I was afraid she’d get bored like before then leave again. Play nice for a few weeks then leave.
I didn’t want someone like that in my son’s life but she was right, she was his mother and she had rights.
What if I DID have to involve the law?
What if they decided that I shouldn’t get my son?
What if it all went downhill because I was too stubborn to just let her see him??
What if I DID let her see him and she took him from me??
I was so stuck in my thoughts that I didn’t notice that I got out the elevator and shoved open my front door.
I didn’t snap out of it until I heard a male scream. My head snapped up to see Seokjin leap from the couch and frantically look around for something to defend himself. After finding nothing he, for some reason, settled on Oink who was laying on the couch, cocking his arm back like he was going to throw it at me.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa it's just me!" I held my hands up in front of me- "Put. The. Pig. Down!"
"You don't just walk into a man's home!" Seokjin scolded, shaking the pink stuffed pig at me in a demonstration of dominance.
“It’s MY apartment!”
“It was MY territory before you entered!”
“Like hell it is! I pay the bills!”
“I babysit and grace this place with my looks! Now tell me who REALLY provides for this family!”
As much as I tried to fight it, that made me smile. Despite me being too stressed and worked up to focus when I walked in, Seokjin made it all melt away in a matter of moments.
It was like 10 tons was lifted from my shoulders.
I sighed, letting my body relax, “You, Seokjin.” I smiled tiredly as I walked over to him.
He looked a little shocked at my words, still holding his guard up as I threw my arms around him to pull him into a thankful hug.
“You provide for this family more than you know.” I spoke, letting the silence hang in the air.
Then too much silence. It was only a few seconds of silence but it seemed like minutes. I was considering apologizing and pulling away, but I felt Jin wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer.
It was now peaceful, comfortable, and reassuring silence.
It wasn’t like a hug with Jeongukk. Though it was filled with love and comfort, it felt like that but so much more.
I could feel my emotions pool in my chest and threaten to spill out. All from a simple hug.
“…I’m lost.” I admitted, hiding my face into his well-built shoulder.
Seokjin let out a small sigh, his arms tightening around me, “I’ll always be here to guide you.” He seemed to promise in a soft tone.
Maybe I could be willing to let Seokjin into my life more than I already had.
It really wouldn’t be so bad to let Seokjin be the person he wanted to be to me… Would it?
“So…about that date.” I began.
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“Remember not to put the glass pitcher in the front of the fridge!” I called to Jeongguk as he was sat on the floor with my son.
I could hear their loud game continue, letting me know that they were far from listening. Their bowls of noodles sat behind them on the coffee table, untouched as they numbed themselves to the gaming world,
“Yah! Eat your food!” I snapped, making Jeongguk roll his eyes with an annoyed groan.
“Fine, MOM. We’ll eat.” He sassed, tapping my son’s side to get him to turn to the table.
I could hear a soft knock on the door that made me rush over to it. I pulled open my door, ready to tell Jin to just come in because I needed to wait for my socks to get out the drawer but my jaw dropped at the sight of him.
Black leather jacket, black shirt, dark jeans, and dark boots. A beautiful earring dangled from one of his ears, giving just the right amount of flash to draw attention.
I couldn’t help but stare in awe of the man I happened to snatch up by chance. I was taken by surprise by the outfit. He usually went for a more softer look. So my dumbass was wearing an oversized sweater and jeans to match his soft look but now that wasn’t happening.
Seokjin began to smirk at my obvious staring but just like that, it was over. The moment ruined with a noodle flying across the room, sauce splattering a bit on his face and my son cackling like the tyrant he was growing up to be.
My eyes widened and I quickly ran to get paper towels as Jeongguk began to scold my son about wasting noodles.
I made a mental note to scold my son for not only wasting noodles but ruining a perfectly good leather jacket.
“Sorry, Hyung! I should’ve warned you not to wear anything nice.” I let out a small awkward laugh.
“After all I’ve done to save Oink and THIS is how I’m treated!?” Seokjin mocked offense, a smile blessing his face, making me let out a breath of relief.
Seokjin the ran over to my son to ‘tackle’ him to the floor and wiggle his finger’s against my son’s side, causing my son to squeal with laughter. Jeongguk quickly picked a side as he jumped on Seokjin’s back to annoy him, causing Seokjin to yell at Jeongguk, but not causing him to stop tickling my son.
I smiled as warmth spread throughout my chest. Despite Seokjin’s attire, he was too soft for his own good and I loved that about him. He didn’t prod at my personal life, he didn’t push his boundaries, or judge how young I was with a son. Or even judge my relationship with Jeongguk. He just took it as it was and didn’t try to change it, he just wanted to be involved. He wanted to know me. He wanted to be a part of my life and take care of us.
“Yah! You’re ruining my date!” I complained, causing Jeongguk to blow into Seokjin’s ear as a form of rebellion.
“Stop giving foreplay!” I snapped at Jeongguk, causing his eyes to widen and for him to freeze in place.
Seokjin used Jeongguk’s pause to his advantage, grabbing Jeongguk to have him on his back so Seokjin could tickle him relentlessly too. Jeongguk let out a loud laugh as he tried to squirm out of Seokjin’s grasp.
“I don’t know, man. The way you were teasing him makes me think he’s YOUR boyfriend…”
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The date was not what I expected, but in a good way. Seokjin said he had a reservation somewhere and I thought it was a restaurant but after a few minutes of walking, he bought two bags of chips and some drinks as we casually strolled, which was gradually making my sanity decrease.
“So… Is this the date?” I asked as Seokjin’s eyes were trained on looking in his bag for the perfect chip.
“Would it be terrible if it was?” He asked, not bothering to look up.
“Not really, I just don’t really understand why we took an hour train ride to walk around.”
Seokjin only smirked. A moment of silence.
“So what do you think of koalas?” He tested.
Seokjin let out a laugh and kept walking. I glared at the back of his head, wondering if it would be too cruel to trip him.
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Words can never explain how much I felt like a child as I hastily pulled off my shoes and put them away. I practically vibrated with excitement as Seokjin led me into the empty place.
A trampoline park.
No one else but us and staff.  
I was frozen in place, taken by surprise at just how huge this place was, “How did you manage to do this!? Are you rich or something!?” I gasped, “Am I your sugar baby now?” I asked as Seokjin un-glued me from my spot by pulling me by the hand.
“As much as I want you to think I’m perfect, my friend Taehyung works here. He offered the night to us.” He explained, stepping on the boarders of the trampolines on the floor so he could walk easily.
“…Are all your friends cool?” I asked, causing Seokjin to stop in his tracks and whip his head around to face me.
“Yah! Why do you want to know? I’m the coolest out of them! I’m the only 10!” I pressed my lips together in attempts to not burst out laughing.
Seokjin shook his head, “Let’s play a game! There are a few balls around, I go on one side and you go on the other, it hits the wall behind me, you get a point, I hit it behind you, you get a point.”
I could feel my competitive spirit spur in my chest, “Oh you’re fucking on!” I smirked, playfully pushing him to the side and rushing to get to the other side of the room.
Seokjin decided to set a timer, 20 minutes, whoever got the most points in those 20 minutes was the winner. The loser had to buy dinner and the tickets back home. A few minutes into the game and I was only pulling 2 points ahead.
Seokjin was more athletic then I gave him credit for. Soon it got way too hot in the sweater I decided to wear. I was so used to playing these kinds of games with Jeongguk that I didn’t question it when I yanked off my sweater and threw it to the side to quickly get back into the game before Seokjin attempted to score.
However, that didn’t happen. Seokjin was walking with the ball, eyes too focused on me to the point where he stepped wrong between two trampolines, causing him to slip and the brightly colored borders to go directly into his groin. My hand flew up to my mouth as I heard the wind get knocked out of him painfully. I could feel second-hand pain in my stomach as he fell to the side, his hands cupping the now extremely sensitive area, his eyes watered.
“Holy shit! Hyung!? Are you okay!?” I asked, trying to run over but ended up losing my balance. Which ended in me doing a useless belly flop in his direction.
Seokjin let out a pain-filled chuckle, “Stop being cute I’m dying!”
“I’m sorry, Hyung!” I apologized quickly, getting up as fast as I could and stepping on the border so I wouldn’t lose balance again.
Before I could race to him Seokjin’s words stopped me, “YAH! Put on your shirt first!!”
I nodded rapidly and rushed over to grab my sweater, yanking it on and turning to sprint to Jin. Which made my impatient ass slip.
I let out a frustrated groan as I belly-flopped again.
“Oh just fucking forget it!” Seokjin murmured breathlessly, rolling onto his back.  
“How about I just walk?” I suggested.
“That would be best considering this place is a death trap.”
I stood again, moving to walk carefully on the borders until I got to Seokjin. I kneeled down beside him, petting his head in attempts to comfort him.
“…Thank you.” He muttered, staring at the ceiling, looking like he was questioning every choice he’s ever made.
“…This means I win right?”
“Gloat all you want but I’m never bringing you here ever again and I’m telling Taehyung that he tried to kill me.”
“…No one had you staring.” I tried to hold back the laughter that was bubbling in my chest.
“SO NOW IT’S MY FAULT THAT YOU GOT NAKED IN FRONT OF ME!?” Seokjin suddenly popped off.
“I just took off my shirt. It was too hot.” I defended.
I giggled, “Hyung, just admit that you like my body and you lost.”
“I didn’t lose! You cheated! How would you feel if I took off my shirt during a game?”
“I would like it very much.” I teased.
I could see color bloom in Seokjin’s cheeks and ears.
I could feel adoration fill my chest, “You’re so cute.”
“I’m a 26-year-old man. I’m not cute.”
“If I get you dinner can I call you cute?”
“You get me dinner and I charge you for getting to have a meal with me.”
“You called me cute, this isn’t fair.”
“Don’t talk back to your hyung.”
“…My hyung just broke his balls…”
“And it demands respect!”
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I half expected Seokjin to take me to a cafe or something, but instead, he was arguing on the phone as I‌ grabbed chips out of a vending machine.
“I set up that reservation three hours ago!”‌ My eyebrows shot up.
“How the fuck did you even do that in the first place??”‌ Seokjin pressed his hand to the phone as if to completely keep the person on the other line from hearing.
“Someone canceled and I booked it.”‌ He responded in a hushed tone.
The other person seemed to say something because Seokjin quickly removed his hand and snapped, “They DID cancel!”‌
I only shook my head as I looked around. There were a few small restaurants. One looked like it had some good looking noodles. Another one had shrimp wrapped in something that I first thought was noodles. It was more like a batter of sorts, it was all dipped in the deep fryer. I was more curious about what the hell that dough was than hungry for it.
I‌ did see one stall that stood out though. An older woman was making knife-cut noodles. She didn’t have many people since there was a constant battle of everyone one-upping each other.
I turned to Seokjin, who was still arguing with this person who wasn’t budging. I grabbed his hand and began to pull him towards the stall. He was too focused on bickering that he just let me drag him along. I pushed down on his shoulders to make him sit then turned to the surprised woman.
“Two bowls please!”‌ I‌ eagerly asked.
“Would you like chicken or pork in your bowl?”‌ She asked, mirroring my smile.
I frowned a bit looking over at Seokjin, still arguing. I wasn’t really sure what he would prefer.
“One bowl of each? He’s a little stubborn.”‌ I chuckled awkwardly.
She only nodded in understanding as she began to cook the noodles. I was excited, getting chopsticks and looking over the add-in options.
“Hyung, she has soybean paste!”‌ I exclaimed.
I didn’t hear a break in his stupid dispute.
I let out a huff. Well at least I know he’s passionate about what he believes in.
I reached up and grabbed his phone, ignoring his appalled face as I ended the call.
“Yah!‌ I was winning! That was rude!” He scolded me.
“You weren’t winning!‌ You were arguing with a wall! Pay attention to me.”‌ I grumbled, moving to shove his phone in my pocket.
“Hey! Give me my phone!”‌ He tried to lunge for it but I held my arm out to just keep it out his reach.
“We came out to have a nice time!”‌ I whined.
“We are having a nice time!”‌
“You arguing about a table is not a nice time!”‌
Seokjin was about to retaliate but was cut off by the woman setting the bowls in front of us.
“Thank you!”‌ I smiled at her, successfully pocketing the phone.
“Pork or chicken?”‌ I asked, handing him chopsticks.
Seokjin wordlessly grabbed the chopsticks from me and slid the bowl with chicken closer to himself. A pout rested on his rose lips.
I‌ groaned, “Hyung, the reservation wasn’t THAT important to argue for twenty minutes.”‌
More silence.
I let out a sigh and pulled the pork bowl closer, mixing the noodles and beginning to eat. I looked over to the add-in options and got the hot pepper paste. I put a decent sized dab in my bowl and offered it to Seokjin, who just took it in more muteness. I only rolled my eyes and went back to eating. Who knew an argument could mean so much to him.
After about half a bowl of noodles, he finally spoke.
“I‌ wanted tonight to be perfect.”‌
I raised an eyebrow at him. He was only staring at his noodles in defeat.
“And it is so far… except for you arguing for twenty minutes then ignoring me for ten.”
Seokjin turned to me, sadness in his eyes, “But you finally said yes!‌”
His words slowly sunk in as he continued, “I didn’t get a lot of time to set this up, but I still wanted to blow you away.”‌ Oh great now I felt like a dick for not planning the date at a later time.
“I said yes because I wanted to know you more, not what you could offer me. I understand you want it to be perfect but I honestly feel more comfortable eating noodles at a stall than in a fancy restaurant that I have to get glares every time I laugh too loud. This IS perfect, Hyung.”‌
Seokjin looked back down at his bowl, “…If I would’ve known you were this cheap I would’ve had a picnic at the park.”‌ He grumbled.
“CAN WE!?”‌
Seokjin shook his head at me, a disapproving look on his face.
"I make a KILLER lemonade!"‌ I added with a proud smile.
I‌ saw Seokjin try to hold back a smile, "We'll have a picnic date next time."‌ He confirmed, lifting up a bundle of noodles.
We heard a clatter to the side of us. We whipped our heads to look towards the woman. She had dropped a spoon and looked a little... surprised?
"Ma'am, are you okay?"‌ I asked softly.
Seokjin only frowned, "Yes, we're on a date. I've even seen him without a shirt and I liked it."‌
My head snapped over to look at Seokjin, "Hyung!"
"We're planning on going home together,"‌ Seokjin added to my horror.
"OKAY!THANKYOUSOMUCHFORTHEMEALWE'REGOINGTOGONOW!" I yelled in one breath, frantically trying to pull my wallet out of my pocket.
"He even has a son so we don't need to adopt. We're going to raise a CHILD. TWO MEN."
"HYUNGSTOPTALKING!" I slammed the money on the table, just knowing I gave more money than was needed.
My face was way too hot and my brain was far too scattered to deal with what Seokjin just did.
I grabbed his hand and began to try to yank him away. It was useless. The man didn't budge.
"I'm going to use the belt tonight because he made me lose an argument."‌
Just open up and take me now.
It wasn't just the woman who was staring now, it was others around the small market as well. I‌ wanted to melt into the floor.
“Hyung…”‌I‌ whispered, “If we leave now I’ll buy you cake.”
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The ride and stroll home was by far my favorite part of the date. Even though I had to buy Seokjin a pretty expensive slice of cake –I’ve never seen someone shove a whole slice of strawberry cake in their mouth– we still talked the whole way home. Embarrassing stories of our childhoods, who our friends were and everything in between. It was amazing until the dreaded topic was brought up.
“What about Junseok? Does he talk to his mother?”‌
I looked down at my feet as we walked, thinking over my works. I tried to figure out how I was going to tell this story without being biased or have Seokjin thing badly of Hyejin.
Seokjin must have thought I didn’t want to tell him, “You don’t have to tell me if it’s too sore of a subject…”‌ He added, a little disappointed.
“It’s not that!”‌ I‌ quickly said, looking up as fast as I spoke.
I let out an awkward laugh from my outburst, “It’s just that I‌ don’t know how to really tell the story in a neutral or fair way. I only know one side of the story so it’s a little complicated.”‌
Seokjin let out a sigh. He reached over to grab my hand and dragged me over to some stairs close by. He sat down and patted beside him, “This sounds like it will take a while, so start from the beginning. We have the time.”‌
I looked down at him, shaking my head, “You just want to torture my best friend.”‌
“Looking after that well-behaved, future child of mine, is not torture.”‌ I raised an eyebrow.
“Future child of yours?”‌
“Just sit down and spill.”‌
I sighed, and plopped down next to him, this was going to be hard explaining this to someone who didn’t know Hyejin.
“I used to have two best friends. Jeongguk, and Hyejin. Hyejin was a girl and she kinda stuck around us,” I‌ began, trying to keep my eyes dead ahead so I wouldn’t have to look into his eyes. I‌ was almost afraid he would judge me.
“Jeongguk was in sports and had two other friends, Jimin and Taehyung. So sometimes Jeongguk and I couldn’t hang out. I‌ wasn’t mad about it, I mean I‌ didn’t expect him to not have other friends. But Hyejin made it seem like it was like he committed treason,”‌ I‌ scoffed at the ridiculousness, “She kept saying ‘if he’s having fun so should we’.”‌ I‌ mocked her stupid voice.
I could see Seokjin press his lips together to hold back laughter. I‌ sighed and began to rub my hands on my thighs nervously.
“I‌ was an art student. I‌ was trying to keep my grades above average and I didn’t care about having fun. But Hyejin kept going on and on and I knew that she wouldn’t stop until I gave in and went with her at least once. So I did. ” I‌ could feel my heart speed up at the thought of finishing the stupid story that seemed to affect me years later.
“Jimin had told me once that Hyejin was giving me heart eyes. I‌ told him she was our childhood friend, so he was wrong. Jeongguk and I talked about how she seemed to be the most unconvinced when I‌ came out, but I was too idiotic to think she would just let it go.”‌ I could feel anger begin to build and sting the back of my eyes.
“So sure enough, I‌ got black-out drunk and wandered upstairs. I just wanted to pass out and have someone drag me home in the morning. I‌ remember diving onto the bed and texting Jeongguk. I‌ remember Hyejin coming into the room and asking if I was plastered. I‌ remember saying something stupid like ‘I’m not plaster, I’m a person.’. I‌ remember her flipping me over and complaining about taking me home. I just remember her hovering over me. I‌ thought she was just going to complain more and take me home like a decent fucking human being would.”‌I nearly growled.
Seokjin scooted closer to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He pulled me close but said nothing, allowing me to continue.
“The last thing I‌ remember was her stupid fucking face hovering over me. I‌ woke up next to her. Being the idiot I was, I‌ woke her up and told her we would keep it a secret. I‌ dumbly thought she was as wasted as me and we just happened to hook up. We didn’t talk about it and I told her that if she brought it up, we wouldn’t be friends anymore.”‌ Even the summarized version made my blood boil.
“A few weeks later, she called in sick to school. When Jeongguk and I called in to check up on her, we were yelled at by her mom. Well… I‌ was yelled at by her mom. I‌ was called a low-life player and a bunch of other stupid shit. When I asked her what the hell her problem was, she told me Hyejin was pregnant.”‌
“I had to explain to Jeongguk what happened. Of course, Jeongguk was pissed. My family wasn’t very stable financially. But Hyejin’s family was. I had to explain to my parents. They weren’t as hard on me as they could’ve been, but they were disappointed. Jeongguk was the first to say she did it on purpose.”
“I believe him.”‌ Seokjin’s voice was barely above a whisper.
“I‌ do too. I tried to get a job, I‌ mean I was going to have a kid. So I stopped taking school as seriously. I figured if I‌ passed just above the bar it would be enough for art school. Hyejin kept telling me that being a parent was a full-time thing. She wasn’t going to let me go to art school. I told her that I WAS going. There were plenty of fathers in college! I‌ tried damn hard to get above the bar while working. It’s was 8 months of hell with Hyejin. Jeongguk would invite me to hang out with him and his friends, only for Hyejin to somehow find us and tell off Jimin like he was trying to steal me away. I‌ told her to cut it out, only for her to tell me I was hers until the baby was born. Jeong–”‌
“Bitch.”‌ I choked on air.
Seokjin patted my back as I coughed and sputtered, “Are you okay!?”‌ He questioned, worry written all over his face. My choking turned into laughter as I leaned onto Seokjin’s lap.
“What!? I’m sorry, but that’s crazy stalker level bitchery!”‌ He defended, only causing me to laugh more. Literal tears.
I felt Seokjin’s fingers comb through my hair as he let out small laughs of his own, waiting for me to calm down.
It wasn’t so bad in Seokjin’s lap. It was warm and comforting. Just what I needed for the finale of the horror story. My laughter died down. He didn’t stop playing with my hair as my breath evened out.
“Jeongguk was going to move here. But he stayed until Junseok was born.” I‌ said softly.
I rubbed my face more against his thigh, “That was nice of him.”‌Seokjin’s voice was feather-light.
“She left us.”‌ I‌ stated.
Seokjin’s fingers froze.
“Her parents were insisting I should marry her. My parents would fight back. A few weeks before Junseok was born, her parents put us in an apartment to live together. My mother hated it. It was pretty high-end. A few days before Junseok was born, Hyejin and I got into a fight about us getting married. I wasn’t going to do it. I would support her and my child. I‌ would make sure he grew up right, but I wasn’t going to trap myself in a loveless marriage. So when Junseok was born. She ignored me almost the whole time. Only waking up to feed him then going back to bed. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jeongguk were more excited to see him than she was. It was no surprise that as soon as she was able to walk around, she packed her things, handed me Junseok and left everything to me.”‌
I felt wet hit my cheek.
After a moment of confusion, I looked up at Seokjin. His eyes were red, tears beginning to streak down his cheeks.
I‌ quickly sat up to cup his face, “Why are you crying?”‌ I asked, trying to wipe away as many tears as I would.
“He’s such a great son. Why wouldn’t she just give him a chance?‌!” I’ve never seen him so hurt and angry.
I let out a sigh, “She came back last year. She tried to act like nothing happened. She just kept coming over and saying I was the problem for not giving her a chance. He knows her as his aunt, which creeps me out. So I moved so she would leave us alone. She just knows I’m in Seoul.”‌ I sagged my shoulders and dropped my hands to his thighs.
“Well she can suck my ass he’s my son now.”‌
Seokjin chuckled, “I’m telling you, he’s a great boy. You did perfect.”‌ His voice was soft and comforting.
He placed his hand in my hair to ruffle it, “You and your son are perfect for me.”‌
He’s face was still blotched red. His eyes shined with the light and his nose was as red as his ears. He was beautiful. It hurt to see him cry, but I couldn’t help the fondness that built in my chest.
“You’re perfect for us too.”‌ I‌ whispered.
His eyes turned into crescents as his smile grew.
“You’re even handsome when you cry.”‌ I‌ smirked.
“Yah!”‌ The switch flipped.
Seokjin drew back to smack the back of my head, “I’m starting to think you only want me around for my looks!”‌
“That’s not true!” I rubbed the back of my head with a pout, “I keep you around because you cook and make dad jokes.”‌
“…Do you appreciate them?”‌
“Very much so.”‌
“…Then I will continue to stay.”‌
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Seokjin and I walked into the apartment building hand-in-hand. I would occasionally swing our hands, being the idiot I‌ was. Seokjin had a thing for winking at people who stared, which I had to scold him for.
Upon exiting the elevator, Seokjin turned to me, “How about I hang out at your apar-”‌
A‌ loud shriek cut Seokjin off. Making us both jump and look down the hall.
“JUNSEOK GIVE ME THE BASKET OF TOWELS!!!”‌ I could hear Jeongguk’s muffled yelling from in the apartment.
I let out a deep sigh, turning to Seokjin, “You still sure he’s a good son?”‌
Seokjin gave me a big smile, “He’s tormenting Jeongguk. He’s the best son.”‌
I‌ could hear Junseok scream.
Seokjin let out a sigh of his own, his hand tightened around mine, “Let’s go handle our son, shall we?”‌
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