#im sorry to drop this on the dash but i need so much help. im at my limit
please help, this is urgent - i need to get away from my father, but i have no money. ive become jobless recently, had an interview today, but cant officially be hired until i have my state ID, which i ordered a replacement online today thanks to the help of a tumblr mutual sending me $25 and takes 7-10 days to arrive (at a different address, not my dad's address). he's abusive, he's manipulative and every other negative trait under the sun, he has been so since i was a teenager. there's no reasoning with him, there's no arguing with him, there's no peace with him unless it goes his way. im mentally exhausted being around him, i wouldnt have been with him to begin with if i had another choice. but even if i wanted to stay with him, i couldn't, because he has kicked me out yet again and i quite literally have nowhere to stay, he's also threatening 'legal action' on me, whether or not thats a scare tactic or genuine idk at this point. anyway, i do not have a car or a drivers license currently either. my best option would be a nearby motel room which i can't currently afford on my own and this is where i need help. please please, if you can, id appreciate any don8tions towards this, as well as money for phone bill and food and uber rides as i wait for my replacement ID card in the mail to officially be hired and start the training for the new job.
my pajdpal
no set goal, anything helps, but totaling over $500 or more would be amazing. if you cant help i understand, i know everyone is going through something, but at the very least a reblog to spread this around to someone who could potentially aid me would be great !! my partner is going to help me get the rest of my stuff from his house, but after that, im on my own. (i cant stay at my partners house because of strict culture/beliefs)
screenshots of account balances, the rmv payment + texts between me & my dad under the cut (as an example of how he is the majority of the time like i cant make this up):
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(the blacked out picture is a picture of my jury duty status, pending disqualification that i requested to show my dad that i wasnt simply ignoring it)
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it didnt end there, but at this rate the whole post would be text messages between him & i. this doesnt include all of the things he said over the phone. i mean im no angel here either but ive tried to be nice. ive tried. ive tried to end the convo a billion times on a better note, he kept going, or blew up my phone with calls to fight further. i feel like i have no escape from him and i desperately need one.
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kennahjune · 11 months
I’m joining the s3 steddie train :D
Steve was late. He was so late and so dead. Robin was going to kill him— he’d never make it out of Scoops Ahoy alive.
This was his thought process after dropping Will Lucas and Max off at Mikes. This was also his thought process the entirety of the way to Scoops while he shoved his way through the mall.
The moment he entered the small shop Robins eyes locked on him in a glare. Steve barely gave her a second before he was going to the back room to get ready for his shift.
He heard the back room door open behind him.
“24 minutes late I know,” he said as calmly as he could while trying to relax his breathing.
“Yeah and—“
“And you get an extra 25 minutes for your break, yes Robin I know!”
Steve finally closed his employee cubby and turned to look at Robin. “Look. Im sorry I was so late today but Will, Lucas and Max are assholes when they’re being petty and they needed a ride to Mikes cause all the others were busy! I’ll take closing shift today to if you’re really that mad.”
Robin stared at him angrily from the doorway. “Fine.” She uncrossed her arms. “And yes, you will be taking the closing shift tonight. I have a study date with a friend that I can’t miss.”
“It’s summer vacation?”
“Shut up!”
Steve shrugged when the door closed.
He closed the door to his employee locker with a little more force than necessary. He had a migraine building and the bright, florescent lights of the mall weren’t helping in the slightest.
He walked out and began his shift.
Eddie wanted to enjoy his day off. Preferably by himself. But Gareth and Jeff decided that his personal life was their personal life. So here they were.
He had wanted to spend the day away from the mall, considering that that was where everyone seemed to be nowadays. But the guys were insistent.
So they were walking around. It wasn’t too bad, considering Eddie had gotten himself a new record and tape with his newest paycheck. They were sitting at the fountain when Gareth shouted right in Eddie’s ear:
Eddie just about punched him with how hard he jumped. Jeff spit out his Pepsi all over Eddie.
While Eddie was worrying about getting the sticky drink off of his skin, Gareth continued with; “is that HARRINGTON in Scoops?”
Well. Now he has Eddie’s attention.
Sure enough, just in Eddie’s line of sight, was Steve Harrington in a sailors uniform and a dorky hat.
A dorky hat that was soon snatched up by his current customer, Billy Hargrove.
Jeff clapped him on the shoulder and leaned over him to get a better view. “Is that Hargrove?”
“Yep.” Eddie popped the P.
“It looks like he’s messing with Harrington.”
“Yep.” Another pop on the P.
“And Harrington looks like he’s gonna fucking explode.”
Eddie agreed. Harrington was red in the face and not in the cute blushy-way he usually gets (don’t ask why Eddie knows that). He was talking back to Hargrove, probably something bitchy and sarcastic in typical Harrington-fashion based on the way Hargrove seemed to recoil for a moment before jumping back.
“Should we do something?” Gareth asked skeptically. Jeff shrugged where he was pressed against Eddie’s back.
“I’m going in.” Eddie stood and nearly knocked Jeff down in the process.
“Hang on—“
“Nope! Wish me luck, boys!” Eddie yelled over his shoulder while he dashed over. He heard them both get up and follow him.
Steve wanted to cry.
His head hurt so fucking bad and his back was killing him and he had ran into a shelf earlier and had a killer bruise on his arm and leg from it and everything was too fucking much.
Then, in all his asshole and dick glory, in came Billy Hargrove.
At this point, Steve would rather take another plate to the head then have to deal with his annoyingly aggravating voice. Hargrove came in, probably expecting Robin to be there, but got Steve instead. And honestly Steve would rather deal with him then leave Robin with him.
So he’s been enduring it, giving his own comments and comebacks but overall hating his life and just wanting to curl up and die.
Then his savior showed up. In all his black leather and chains, Eddie fucking Munson.
Hargrove seemed to back down the moment Munson showed up. Which wasn’t too strange considering that Munson supplied over half of Hawkins’ weed supply. Including Steve’s own for a while. He hasn’t bought in a while cause of the brat brigade.
But not the point.
Hargrove nodded to Munson. “Munson.”
Wow. Real cool, Billy. Steve held back a snicker.
“Heeyyy, Hargrove!” Munson cheerily greeted. But there was something about his smile that was off, to Steve. It seemed tighter than usual, his eyes not crinkling with the motion like normal. Don’t ask why Steve knows this.
Munson’s eyes seemed darker, too. Like he was angry. Maybe Hargrove didn’t pay him? Steve couldn’t bother to care with how bad his head started to pound.
He shouldn’t be at work with this migraine. He knows that. His doctor’s told him this multiple times. But he owes it to Robin for being late so much and he needs to prove to his dad that he can take care of himself.
“So what brings you here, Billy?” Munson asks casually, stepping farther into the shop. Steve seems to finally be forgotten about, and he places his head down on the counter. The cooled surface definitely helps with the spinning room.
He hears Hargrove say something back, but he isn’t paying attention anymore. His eyes are stating to go blurry and he really needs to sit down. But then Munson says something that catches his attention:
“Just leave Harrington alone, man. Last I checked he did nothing to you.”
What the hell? Steve wished he could lift his head and see what Munson was doing. What he looked like when he said that. If he looked as mean as he sounded.
Steve only lifts his head a few moments later when he feels a hand on his back. He shoots up quicker than he intends, and nearly falls back down if not for the hands still holding him up.
“Shit,” he grumbles quietly to himself, whining even quieter at the sudden rush of pain and the black dots in his vision.
“Easy there, your highness.” Munson.
Steve blinks slowly, letting Munson set him down in a booth. He doesn’t remember walking over but he’ll take it. He puts his head back down and intertwines his fingers behind his head. He groans quietly again, the pounding slowly receding.
“Hey man, is there something we could do? Do you need anything?” He heard Munson ask.
We? Steve wants to ask, but finds himself not caring. “Water, and my bag from the back please,” he rasps out. Talking makes the pounding worse.
He hears someone rush off to the back and a moment later a hands on his back again and is helping him sit up.
“Here ya go sweetheart.” Munson slides the glass of water and bag over to him.
Steve silently reaches into his bag and pulls out his small “to-go” med-kit. He carries it around mainly for the kids. Mike tends to be clumsier than he comes off as and Max is always trying out some new skateboarding tricks. From inside the kit he pulls out a pill bottle and swallows 2 with the water and goes for another 2 before a hand stops him.
“I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to take more than 2.” This voice is new but familiar. Steve squints past the blurriness and makes out someone he recognizes from school; Gareth Emerson.
“4,” Steve manages past the lump in his throat. Munson, Emerson, and someone else Steve doesn’t quite know look at him. Munson continues to hold Steve’s hand on the table, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. It weirdly intimate but the comfort is very welcome.
“4 what?” The other guy asks.
“4 pills. I usually take 4.”
Munson and Emerson both wince. The third guy looks at him like he’s insane. Steve finally recognizes him as Jeff,… something. He actually never got his last name.
“Dude— are you trying to overdose!?”
Steve winced at the sudden loudness, whining quietly. Munson shushed Jeff and Steve heard him rush out an apology.
The bell over the door dinged at that moment, and Steve found himself face to face with Max, Mike, Will, Lucas, and— for some reason— Jonathan.
“Uh— hi?” Steve attempted for a greeting.
“‘Hi!?’” Mike yelled. “Hi yourself man! We called your walkie at least 4 times!! What the hell?”
“Are you ok? Why didn’t you answer?” Will asked in a much quieter tone.
Lucas and Max wasted no time before slotting themselves in the booth with Steve. Munson remained across from Steve, and Emerson and Jeff now hovered farther away, but Lucas slid right in next to Munson and Max next to Steve.
“What the fuck, Harrington?” Max demanded. But she clung to his shirt tightly.
“Language, Mayfield,” he reprimanded quietly.
Mike paused where he stood. “Why are you talking so quietly? Shit— do you have a migraine?”
Suddenly 4 pairs of little eyes were gazing at him with unmasked concern. Holy shit was this overwhelming.
“Why didn’t you say that, Steve?” Lucas asked.
“Are you ok? How long has it been going on for? Asked Will.
“Why are even here if you’re not able to function properly?” Mike reprimanded in his own caring-ness.
Max clutched to him tighter. “Why aren’t you at home? You could’ve called in sick or something!”
“Shhh!” Mike shushed her.
“Don’t shush me—“
“Shut up!” He whisper shouted. “You have to be quiet and try to control your temperature while resting in a dark, quiet room to try and help with migraines. Pain killers help to but no more than 3.”
Everyone stared at him. He went a little pink under the sudden attention.
“Nancy gets migraines a lot from reading in the dark.”
Jonathan came over right then. Steve was suddenly overwhelmed by all the people surrounding him.
“Hey,” Munson called. Steve forgot about him for a good moment. “This is cute and all, but maybe we should not surround him? Poor boy looks like he’s gonna cry.”
Everyone turned to look at him. Tears had— in fact— sprung to his eyes.
“Sorry!” All the kids rushed out quietly at the same time. Max climbed out of the booth and Munson and Jonathan both assisted with helping Steve to the break room. Jeff and Emerson stayed with the kids, but Mike came with them since he seemed to know what he was doing better than the 3 of them.
On their way back to the room though, Steve’s legs nearly gave out from under him. Shit. It’s one of those days. Munson just barely managed to catch him under the armpits while Jonathan got him by the waist.
“Woah there, sweetheart.” Munson grunted.
“Careful, Steve,” Jonathan said quietly.
“Sorry. Spinning.” Steve exhaled shakily.
Mike came rushing back after realized they weren’t with him. “Damn. Spinning? Are you able to walk? Or are they gonna have to carry you?”
Jonathan looked up at the mention of having to carry Steve. “Yeah— I’m not able to carry him. I am so not strong enough for that.” He had the decency to look apologetic.
Munson chuckled quietly and the sound reverberated through his chest where Steve’s head was. It was soothing.
“Don’t worry Big Byers. I’ve got him no problem.”
Steve was given no warning before he was being picked up in a bridal carry. He winced sharply and laid his head on Munson’s shoulder. Jonathan whistled lowly from somewhere beside them and Steve blindly kicked his leg in his direction, scoring in kicking him in the arm. Jonathan snickered.
When Munson chased off Hargrove he didn’t expect for Harrington to all but collapse in on himself and try to fucking overdose on like 5 pain killers. He also hadn’t expected to be bombarded by 4 kids and 1 Jonathan Byers. Least of all did he expect to be carrying Harrington bridal style to the break room of Scoops Ahoy.
Somewhere behind him, Gareth turned the sign on the door to closed. Eddie silently thanked him.
The kid— who he vaguely remembers as Nancy Wheeler’s younger brother— opens the door and startles a half asleep Robin Buckley.
“Hello,” Jonathan throws her way before pulling a chair out for Eddie to sit on.
“Uh— hi? What the hell—“
Eddie takes the seat with Harrington in his lap. Robin looks dumbfounded.
“Migraine,” Jonathan helpfully supplies.
“Really, really bad migraine. Vertigo included. Full package tonight, folks.” Mike adds.
“Ok— um, is he ok? He doesn’t look ok. If it was so bad why didn’t he just call in sick?”
“That’s a good question,” Mike retorts quietly while rooting around in a freezer.
“What are you looking for”, Robin asks.
“Ice pack. The dumbass has everything in that first aid kit of his except a damn ice pack.”
“Language,” Harrington reprimanded quietly from where his cheek was against Eddie’s chest. Eddie chuckled quietly when Mike retorted with a half-assed “sorry”.
Eddie couldn’t help but admire the now sleeping Harrington in his lap. He bent in half like a shrimp, his knees just about to his chest, and his hands gripping tightly onto Eddie’s still-Pepsi-soaked t-shirt. But he looked so at peace while asleep. Like he hadn’t just had the worst migraine Eddie’s ever seen and wasn’t just about to pass out on his feet. Eddie smiled.
Mike comes over silently, managing to sneak up on Eddie and make him jump slightly and causing Harrington to whine. He’d been whining a lot today. And under “different circumstances” Eddie would’ve found it hot as fuck.
“Sorry,” Mike whispered. He seemed to be able mellow out a lot when he actually tried. He seemed like such an asshole out at the booth but now he seems quieter. These kids really cared about Harrington, huh?
“Here.” Jonathan helped him out and gently picked up Harrington’s head. Eddie caught Harrington actually kind of leaning into his touch. A strange but endearing friendship. Mike placed the ice pack— now wrapped in a cloth— on Eddie’s chest where Harrington’s head lays.
Harrington lays back down and is out like a light soon enough.
Eddie zoned out until there’s a very, very soft knock on the door. When he looks up, Jonathan is letting the other 3 kids in while Jeff and Gareth stand in the doorway.
“Is he ok?” Asks Jonathan’s little brother.
Jonathan nods and pats his head. “He’s ok, Will.”
The redhead walks over and takes a silent seat next to Eddie so she’s next to Harrington. She takes Harrington’s hand in hers and proceeds to just sit there and hold it.
“He’s ok, Max. Just a migraine,” the third kid, Lucas he thinks, reassures with a hand on Max’s shoulder.
“That’s what he said before. And then he was in the hospital.”
Woah, what?
“Hm?” Lucas looks at him.
Oh. He said that aloud.
“Wait what?” Robin asked quietly.
Jonathan’s whistled lowly. It seems to be a bit of a tic for him. “Yeah uh— funny story. Hargrove broke a plate over Steve’s head last year and nobody realized how bad it actually was until he passed out after claiming it was only a migraine.”
“He ended up in the hospital for like 2 weeks,” added Lucas.
“He needed several stitches on the side of his head.” Max unhappily supplied. Lucas squeezed her shoulder.
“It was a stage 4 concussion,” muttered Will and Mike put his head on his shoulder.
Eddie caught Gareth and Jeff’s eyes across the break room. Huh.
The Will kid came up to Eddie suddenly. “Thank you. For uh— helping with Steve. It means a lot to us. He means a lot to us.”
Mike, Max, and Lucas all nodded.
“Hang on,” Lucas piped up. “Who are you?”
So uh— set myself up for a part 2 there :’D
Part 2
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ponypuffle · 7 months
Hey! Hello! I saw that you have open requests and I would love to ask you something, Rainbow Dash x fem! reader, a pretty unicorn who is Rarity's cousin and went to Ponyville to visit her.
And Rainbow Dash is amazed when she sees her for the first time, a pretty and adorable Canterlot unicorn who likes to see pegasi fly since she has a fascination with wings, and Rainbow takes that point in her favor ;)
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Pairing: Rainbow Dash x Fem!Reader
Word Count: idk im on my phone rn so i'll check when i have access to my computer l8r Warning(s): rainbow checks the reader out (idk if that's a warning but to be sure lol) A/N: tbh i gave rainbow too much rizz to the point that she managed to rizz me up from an rd enjoyer to rd simp 😔😔
As a pony who's lived her entire life in Canterlot, you knew for certain it didn't happen as often as most tourists expected, but to each their own. You certainly weren't about to stop them if it meant Canterlot's local businesses profited from their visits.
You loved Canterlot as much as the next pony, but Celestia, was it a lot. Every pony always had something to do and somewhere to be whether it be for business purposes or to simply go to a luxurious outing. Not to mention the overabundance of tourists who clambered to see the next big thing or perhaps their favorite "attraction"; a glimpse at the princess walking out onto her balcony.
All of this to say that you needed a break from Canterlot, even if it was for a moment. Every pony loved to say that Canterlot "has it all", but they all seemed to fail to consider the city's lack of peace. Hence why you reached out to family for help who then reached out to more family until you finally ended up in communications with your cousin, Rarity.
You remembered her well from the playdates and family gatherings you went to as little fillies. Unfortunately with how life goes, you'd lost touch with her. The last time you'd seen her as more than a child was years ago! Truth be told, you were excited to reunite with her. A whole week in Ponyville with your favorite cousin sounded like the perfect remedy to your Canterlot-ailment.
When the day came, you were the first to board the train and the first to exit. The moment you laid your eyes on your cousin, you rushed over with a wide grin. "Rarity! I'm so happy to see you again! Celestia, your mane is to die for! You have to tell me how you get it looking so gorgeous."
"Why, thank you, dear. We'll have plenty of time to discuss mane products soon enough." She giggled before directing your attention towards a pegasus and a little dragon. "In the meantime, these are my friends, Fluttershy and Spike."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, dear. I'm so sorry for not introducing myself sooner!" You quickly greeted the two with all the sweetness you could muster as if it would make up for your obliviousness.
The kindness was only reciprocated, much to your relief. Before you could delve into further conversation, Rarity cut in. "I'm sure you must be starving after the train ride. Why don't we go drop off your bags and we can all go out together? My treat."
"That sounds amazing." You agreed, only just realizing that you were too distracted by the trip to think of eating a proper breakfast.
"Splendid! Spike, would you be a dear and help our guest with her bags?" Rarity nodded towards the dragon.
Before you could protest, Spike had eagerly obeyed her request as he took the two travel bags from your magic that held them up. "Thank you, Spike." You smiled softly.
As the four of you walked through town, you couldn't help but be mesmerized by Fluttershy's wings. "Have you ever thought of wearing wing accessories? I saw some amazing jeweled accessories back in Canterlot that I think would look divine on you." You commented.
Rarity overheard you, chiming in with her own praises. "The ones by Nimbus Shop?"
"Yes! The delicacy of the piece would look so darling on you, Fluttershy." You hummed.
Fluttershy blushed under your compliments. "Thank you. I'd love to try it out, but I'm afraid my line of work would only dirty the jewels before I could show them off."
Rarity nodded in agreement. "It's a shame, but I respect her passion for caring for those adorable little critters."
"Oh, perhaps I could pull a few strings and get you both invitations to this garden party out in Canterlot next month. Would that be reason enough to let me buy you those gorgeous wing accessories?" You suggested.
Rarity gasped. "A garden party? Goodness, could you really do that, dear?"
Your cousin's smile was infectious as she tried to hold in her excitement. "Of course! It's no problem at all. Besides, I don't know what kind of pony I'd be if I didn't get to see such beautiful wings enhanced by glittering jewels."
"Oh, that's so kind of you." Fluttershy was beginning to buzz with the same excitement, even it was toned down.
You turned your head to look back at the little dragon behind you. "Would you like to come to the garden party, too? I'm sure they could squeeze in cute baby dragon like you."
Spike began to stutter as if he was shocked that you'd bother to ask. "Are you sure you can get enough tickets?"
"Between just us," You hushed your voice down, "Two of the hosts owe me a huge favor."
Before anypony could respond, a gust of wind swept past you with a pound against the dirt just as you neared the front door of the Carousel Boutique. A blue coated pony with a rainbow mane stood with pride, her wings spread out to frame her form perfectly. The powerful mare found eye-contact with you, but she was quickly directed towards Rarity when she scolded her for the sudden landing.
While they spoke, you crouched down to Spike's level and whispered to him, "I'll just get you that ticket, yeah?"
"Thanks!" He whispered back. "C'mon, I'll show you your room before Rainbow tries to bother us."
Spike led the way around the ponies while you followed suit. You stared at Rainbow in amusement, letting your gaze glide over those strong wings.
Unbeknownst to you, the rainbow pegasus had checked you out, her eyes glazing over your form. You were far out of ear shot when Rarity noticed the way her friend looked at you, gasping loudly. "Rainbow Dash, don't you dare!"
"What? I'm not doing anything!" She held her hooves up, feigning innocence.
When both you and Spike came back out, the rainbow pony was still there with a disgruntled Rarity and a wide-eyed Fluttershy. The pegasus stepped into your view of your cousin with a smirk. She held her hoof out for a hoofshake to which you took. "Rainbow Dash, Ponyville's resident top flier and Wonderbolt."
"Wonderbolt?" Your jaw dropped as you held your hoof to your mouth in shock.
Rainbow chuckled in pride as she flexed her wings. "Yeah, what can I say? I'm just that awesome, y'know?"
Rarity rolled her eyes, sighing in disbelief as she cut in. "Come on, dear. Rainbow Dash is coming along for lunch with us."
Rarity herded you to her side, making sure she was between you and Rainbow, but that didn't stop Rainbow from trying to chat with you. "So, Rarity tells me your her cousin and you're visiting?" She called over through Rarity.
"Oh, yeah. I live over in Canterlot, but Rarity was so kind to let me stay with her as a vacation." You explained, but the separation made it a struggle, just as Rarity intended. She took the opportunity to keep you distracted with conversation, trying to keep Rainbow away. It wasn't that she didn't trust Rainbow, but she worried that if the relationship were to end, the relationship between you and Rarity would be severed, too.
But, Rainbow Dash was determined. When you made it to the restaurant, she dashed towards the seat right by you before Rarity could even touch the chair. "Lucky me, I get to sit by the new girl in town."
"You're lucky? I get to sit next to a Wonderbolt!" Your ears perked up with excitement. "I don't even remember the last time I got to watch a Wonderbolt show."
"You like the Wonderbolts?" Her voice was laced with happiness to know that you found interest in her work.
You nodded eagerly. "Of course! You guys are so talented. I just adore seeing your flight routines."
"Well, maybe I could get you a private showing, sweetheart." Rainbow nearly purred in a low voice, causing your cheeks to heat up at the nickname.
"Or!" Rarity chimed in. "You could take us all to the next performance, no?"
Rainbow snapped her head towards Rarity, glaring at her for disrupting her game. "Yeah... Or, that."
"Wow, that'd be amazing!" You couldn't hide your grin at the prospect of watching the Wonderbolts again.
Rainbow stretched the wing nearest to you out, letting it rest on your back. Your eyes drifted to her muscular wing, skin buzzing in delight at the feeling of her slick feathers. "Think that's amazing? You're getting a VIP ticket and a backstage pass, if you're into that."
Your eyes widened in shock, jaw dropping. You never expected in your wildest dreams you'd be offered such an opportunity. Rainbow had to reach out her hoof to get your mouth to close with a little chuckle. "I'm taking that as a 'yes', then?"
"Most definitely!" Your heart thudded against your chest.
Rainbow glanced at Rarity in triumph for a moment before she met your eyes again. "It's a plan then."
The next showing was thankfully only a few days after you returned from Ponyville. By the end of the week, you'd become good friends with the rest of Rarity's pals. You wanted to offer them to stay over, but your little Canterlot apartment was hardly enough for you and seven friends. Thankfully, Twilight had reassured you that she'd be able to get hotel rooms for everypony.
You'd made plans to meet up at a cafe you frequented to grab a cup of coffee and a few pastries before you went to the Wonderbolts show.
"Wow, I can't believe I've never been here." Twilight said as she sipped her coffee in utter bliss.
"Oh, it was opened a few years back, not long after your coronation actually." You replied, taking a bite of your chocolate croissant.
Rarity pouted. "I guess we've all been too busy to take the time to explore the finer details of Canterlot."
"I'd be happy to show you guys around!" You offered, eyes brightening. "The tourist spots are great, but I know all of Canterlot's hidden gems."
Pinkie Pie lit up. "That'd be amazing! Imagine how many tasty treats I've never even tried!"
The group laughed out loud, agreeing to join in on the insider tour for tomorrow. When breakfast was done, you all made your way to the Wonderbolts Stadium.
The VIP box was luxurious, plush seats in a shaded area that allowed for the perfect view of the performance. Your coat prickled along your legs in excitement at what was to come, and it wasn't for naught.
The moment the Wonderbolts made their entrance, you were entranced. You watched each well practiced maneuver, barely staying in your seat as you leaned in for more.
The show neared its end, much to your dismay, but it didn't stop you from yelling out with a cheer.
Applejack chuckled in amusement. "You sure do love them Wonderbolts, don't 'cha?"
You looked back with a grin. "How could I not? It's just so..." You tried to find the word until it finally clicked. "Exhilarating!"
"Then, let's go say hi to them." Twilight began to lead the way. "I'm sure they'd love to meet one of their biggest fans."
You hopped towards Twilight, nearly mirroring the same energy as Pinkie. At some point, Pinkie took charge with each bounce, so you eagerly followed close behind in anticipation. While you waited outside the locker room, waiting for the Wonderbolts to ready up, Pinkie was happy to tell you all about Rainbow Dash like her famous Sonic Rainboom.
When the doors opened, you could barely keep yourself composed. Your eyes were set on whoever was closest which just so happened to be Spitfire, the poster pony of the Wonderbolts.
"Hey, kid." Spitfire looked at you through her sunglasses. "I'm guessing your Rainbow's new friend?"
You nodded with a big smile, introducing yourself to her. "You have no idea how excited I am to meet you all."
Spitfire chuckled at your enthusiasm. "We've been waiting to meet you, too. Rainbow's been talking up a storm about you."
"She has?" You blushed, briefly glancing towards the rainbow pegasus.
"Non-stop. She tells me you're real interested in the Wonderbolts."
Part of you was glad Spitfire changed the topic, much too nervous to figure out whatever feelings came of the statement. "Yeah, but it's mostly just flying that I'm so intrigued by. All of you are so talented! I can't imagine how much work goes into your performances."
"A unicorn into flying? That's a new one for me." Spitfire commented, stretching out her wing when she noticed you staring at it in wonderment. "But, yeah, we work almost everyday. Wings like this don't come from nothing."
"I imagine so." You stared at the sleek feathers that made up her large wings. It wasn't long before the rest of the Wonderbolts team came to meet you, curious to see who Rainbow Dash was so interested in.
The next day, you went along with the tour as planned. With your friends following behind, you made it from destination to destination, making sure to have fun at each spot. You didn't have much of a plan, simply deciding where to go on a whim, but Pinkie had begged you to go to a little part of Canterlot for the end of the day. When it comes to Pinkie, how could you say no?
To your dismay, Rainbow had to leave early half way through the day. She told you she had Wonderbolts practice which you respected, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't miss her presence. Regardless, the outing went smoothly and you still enjoyed yourself.
When you made it to your final stop made by you, Pinkie Pie led the group to the special location. As you neared further and further into the outskirts of Canterlot, you began to wonder where she wanted to go so badly. Every time you'd ask, she'd say something about how it's a surprise.
By the third time you asked, you decided to just trust her. As you reached the top of a grassy hill not too far from Canterlot, the sun had begun to set, creating a warm glow in the sky.
"Here we are!" Pinkie exclaimed.
You blinked, looking around in confusion. There was nothing in sight except nature. "Pinkie, why are we—"
A gust of wind flew above you, making you look up in the sky. Were those the Wonderbolts? You stood, watching the little performance with the same interest as the day before. You were beginning to wonder if it was somepony's birthday and you were simply not told.
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Im so happy your write for Hesh!!! Could I request Hesh and reader who was training to be a ballerina before ODIN and became a nurse because she wanting to help others? I love writing so much!!!!
Dancing With Scalpels
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PAIRING: David 'Hesh' Walker x F!Reader
SYNOPSIS: It's strange, maybe you'll have to thank Hesh's dog for breaking his ankle - otherwise, you'd have never met him.
WARNINGS: Broken bone, mentions of death, but mostly fluff
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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You hum as you organize your desk, taking up papers in your hands and sliding them under the metal holder of your clipboard with a clack of material. The medical ward was slow today, and while that was a good thing, it left you with little to do besides paperwork and re-cleaning your space. 
Glancing over your own handwriting as you carefully place the clipboard back down on your desk, you sigh and stretch your arms above your head. You listen to your bones crack before dropping them, eyes sliding around until they finally land on the picture, which sits on the tabletop like a silent reminder. 
It’s been about five years since ODIN struck, since the world shifted and broke, but you still find it in yourself to look back on the past with fondness. The images of your troupe, all dressed up in flowy finery and posing in your pointe shoes, were a deep comfort to you. 
Most of them were dead you knew, yet in that image, they still lived and breathed—had the sway of their feet and the grace of their arms to display to an awaiting crowd. Their smiles had never faded. As you stare at that picture, bodies trapped in time, you hear the stomp of booted feet coming in from your open door; ears perking and attention zapped away. 
The soft smile on your lips disappears, a sheen of professionalism coming back like a curtain over a stage. You blink and latch onto the shadow of a man who limps slowly into the view of the opening. He’s about to pass by, a large grimace on his stubbled face, before you call to him.
“Sir?” Your feet take you out from the desk, quickly skirting around the chair before you’re about three feet from the tall individual. “Are you alright?”
The man is in his late twenties, burly and strong with wide shoulders and the tapered waist of an athletic build. He’s wearing recon gear atop a gray jacket, staps and guards interlocked like the fingers of lovers while he struggles to properly place his left foot on the floor. 
Wisps of brown hair stick out from under a black beanie. It looks like he’d stopped at the armory first, coming here after dropping off his weapons. 
The stranger’s green eyes blink at you, the tightness of hidden pain stuck in the lines near his pulled lips. His strong jaw works, pulling a nonchalant smile that looks more like a poorly done wince. 
“Hey,” he clears his throat and has his hands clenched at his side. “Sorry about barging in, there any nurses available right now?” 
“You’re looking at one,” you tilt your head to motion inside of your room, hand coming up to rest on the wooden frame of the door. “Do you need help walking?” 
“Nah,” a wiry chuckle, gloved hand waving in dismissal. “I got here alright, I think a few more steps won't—” 
His limp foot catches on his good one as he turns, and with a panicked widening of his gaze, the brunette stumbles as a sharp noise of alarm echoes. Your eyes widen. Before he can slam his face into the ground and create more problems, you dash forward and loop your arms around his waist, his gear digging into your scrubs. You grunt and take the full weight of him for a moment before the injured man snaps out a hand to the doorframe and quickly struggles back to his feet. 
You stare and watch his cheeks go red, his eyes darting away with an embarrassed chuckle. 
“Ah…sorry about that, Sweetheart.” You huff and cross your arms. 
“Quite the show for ‘I think I’ll be just fine.’” A flash of a smirk goes across his square jaw.
“Well, maybe your beauty just made me lightheaded.” At your unimpressed stare, he shakes his head and questions, “That bad?”
“Very,” you joke, smiling and rolling your eyes. “C’mon, let’s get you looked at before you end up breaking your nose, Soldier.” 
“Sounds like a plan, Ma’am.” You hook an arm around his waist and let him lean on you, his limb resting along the span of your shoulders and his injured leg weakly trying to help you along. Halfway to the examination table, he grunts out, “Name’s Hesh by the way—don’t think we’ve met before.”
You smile and say your name. “Transferred in from Dallas two weeks ago. Was told you needed more nurses here after a Federation attack near the Wall.”
“Then you were told correct, thanks for stepping up.” He’s set down with a huff and a grimace, his eyes swimming with annoyance at his leg. “Damn thing.” 
You turn and wash your hands in the sink, slipping on sterile gloves as Hesh undoes his laces. 
“Sorry for droppin’ in like this, I tried to play it off but I think it’s broken.” You look over your shoulder and tense—the pale skin of his ankle was a deep black and blue, and the foot was somewhat twisted to the side. 
“Well, shit,” you curse and Hesh blinks up at you sheepishly, sending a stiff smile. “It’s good you came by when you did. What happened?”
The man’s hand goes to run over the back of his neck. He seems highly embarrassed about something.
“Ah, well,” he plays off a small twitch of his lips, “Riley, my K-9, he, uh…he managed to dart after a hostile before I could see him. Shoved me right to my ass and down a ravine in the process, actually.” 
You have to put your wrist to your mouth to stifle a giggle, kneeling down to gently grab onto the affected limb. 
Hesh takes in a tiny breath as you gently move the appendage, grumbling through a strained smile. “That funny, Doll?”
“Well,” you easily detail, “all I’ll say is that I’m sure it was something to see firsthand.”
“Tell that to Logan, my brother wouldn’t shut his mouth about it all while draggin’ me back. You try listenin’ to him while you’re half passed out—that was even worse than the pain.” You hum, chuckling.
This Hesh character was quite the casual talker, conversation with him came easily. You touch the skin of his ankle and quietly apologize when he hisses, noticing the swelling of flesh and sighing. Moving it from side to side and asking him if he’d broken his ankle before.
He answered in an affirmative—playing football in high school.
“Sorry to say this, but you’re right, Hesh, definitely broken. I don’t need to see an X-ray to know that.” He groans lowly. “Let’s get this all sorted and get you out of here, hm?” 
There’s a long sigh. 
“...Yes, Ma’am.”
Over the course of hours, you take various X-rays and scans, looking for the point of most contention and finding it in the form of a break in the lower tibia; it was clean, luckily for him. No bone shards or anything of that sort.
“I’m beggin’ to know if I need surgery, Sweetheart.” Green eyes lock with yours as you push him back into your office, the wheelchair squeaking under him. You smile gently at a few other nurses who pass—they nod back with a teasing smile at the man below you. “I’m on the edge of my seat, here.”
“I’m not the doctor, Hesh,” you chuckle, tilting your head. “I legally can’t tell you that.”
“Legally?” His brow raises. “C’mon, the world fell apart—there’s no Risk Management anymore.”
“Are you sure Riley didn’t intentionally push you over the edge of that ravine?” Your eyes narrow, a joke in your eye. 
A slow smile grows on Hesh’s lips. “That hurt, Ma’am.” 
You scoff and shake your head, wheeling him into the previous room and leaving him to go to the paperwork on your desk. Grabbing it, you open your top drawer and deposit it away for another time. Gliding up beside you, Hesh sighs and glances around as you tidy up. 
His eyes find the framed picture on your desk. 
“Whoa,” the brunette utters, locking onto your form in the middle of the group. You blink and look to the side, noticing his staring. Face going hot, you raise a brow in question. “That you?” 
Hesh wheels slightly closer, leaning forward but respectfully not touching any of your things. You restrain a wide smile at his intrigue. 
“Why else would I have a framed picture of ballerinas on my desk, Hesh? Of course, it’s me.” You pick up the frame and tilt it his way, resting your hip on the side of your desk as he takes it gently, delicate with your belongings. “Two years before ODIN—we were in Europe for a competition.” 
“Shit,” he mutters, sliding you an awed glance. “You must be really good.”
“Was,” you laugh, shrugging. Hesh confusingly looks up while you explain the best you can. “It’s been so long, plus I gave it up when everything went down; went to get my qualifications to be a nurse and help out.” Hesh looks a bit sad at that, sneaking a glance back down at your bright smile in the picture. 
“Looked like you loved it,” he commented, handing the frame back after a moment of thought. “I’m sorry.” 
You’re slightly taken aback by the apology, oddly touched by his sudden seriousness about this. After a slow inhale, you hum. “It’s alright, Hesh. That’s just life—it’ll take us places even if we want to go or not. We just have to make the best of it.” 
“You’re happy, though, Sweetheart,” he asks, eyes not faltering, “right?” 
It’s not a feeling of uncertainty that makes you hesitate, it’s the way he asks you so genuinely; honest with his intentions. Rarely have you had people—soldier or civilian—come in here and speak to you like this. You stare with slightly-parted lips.
A bashful smile blooms on your lips. 
“When I’m helping patients like you, Hesh, yes. Yes, I’m happy.” The man stares a moment longer before he clears his throat and glances down, contact broken; a crimson sheen infects his face. 
“Good. That’s good.” Even if he’s not looking at you, a grin still twitches his lips; making your face go heated and warm with something else entirely. Hands stuttering over your frame, you put it down where it was and lick your lips, smiling at the tabletop. 
When the doctor comes in, you let Hesh speak and pipe in with anything you needed to include, the air suddenly tinged with something between you and the soldier that you can’t put words to. It’s so potent even the doctor sends you a raised brow on the walk out. You avert your eyes and itch at your cheek. 
“Least I’ll be able to get back out in the field quicker,” Hesh sighs, taking off his beanie for a moment before itching at the top of his head. “If I’d of had to go under, Logan would never let me hear the end of it.”
“You and your brother sound like you’re constantly nagging at each other,” you huff. 
“Shit, what else are we good for?” The both of you share a laugh, eyes crinkling. There’s a moment of intimate silence before Hesh splays his hands and speaks.
“I’m gettin’ a splint, then?” You internally curse yourself as Hesh’s lids narrow on you, head tilting with a deep smirk. The trance is broken.
“Until the swelling goes down,” your head nods, fingers motioning to his ankle. “Then a cast for twelve to sixteen weeks.” 
“Hm,” Hesh looks away and thins his lips, seriousness slipping back into his expression. 
Staring, you ask carefully, concerned, “Hesh?”
“No,” he shakes his head, the smirk coming back as if it never left, “No, it’s just that’s a long time to not be able to take you out, is all.”
Your face blanks, heart all but stopping in your chest. The man watches you closely, slowly slipping his beanie back on his head with an innocent smile.
“Too forward?”
“N-no,” you stutter, face heating to an alarming degree. “No, I think that one was just right.” 
Shaking your head quickly you brush down your top and listen to Hesh’s bright chuckles as you gather your bearings. It’s after you sigh and look back into those greens that you laugh and utter, “I think I’d be willing to wait.”
“Oh, yeah?” Your face can’t stop smiling at the teasing tilt to his words. “Now, I’d hate to make you sit around that long, Sweetheart.” “Hesh, I’m agreeing to go out on a date with you, take it or leave it,” you huff in exasperation, staring at him with a loose expression. 
His eyes lighten, the stain of happiness leaking through.
“You proud of yourself?” 
Hesh looks smug, but promptly states, “Didn’t think I’d get this far, if I’m bein’ honest.”
You press a hand to your mouth to stifle your loud laugh.
As promised, fifteen months later, there’s a knock on your office door—you stand and think nothing, opening the barrier only to find a large bouquet of flowers and the man holding them up to you. 
Your face softens and Hesh returns a warm hum of greeting. 
“Hope you’ll forgive me for bein’ late, Doll,” his eyes crinkle. “Was learnin’ how to dance. C’mon, I got some moves to show off—we’ll get you back in those pointe shoes in no time.”
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lilacgaby · 20 days
02 | ᴍᴀʀʀʏ ᴍᴇ
chapter select!
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[name] eyes him oddly after his confession. "you despise your father so much, that you'd marry a witch just to spite him?"
"what-- this is unhinged prince!"
"i'm well aware. but, i promise your life will be a luxury. anything you'd want whenever you pleased. all i wish is for the kingdom's reputation to change, and for the people in it to prosper. but, marrying a princess isn't enough you see, i need someone who'd upset him, who'd force his hands."
"force his hand how?"
"you're a powerful witch, that in itself would upset him. also, when we'd wed, there'd have to be a coronation of sorts first. that's when i plan to make my move, and banish him from the land."
"so, just getting him off the throne isn't enough."
todoroki sighed, flipping his hair out his face as he continued to explain. "no, i'm afraid. if i want to achieve my goal, i would need a complete and utter renovation of the kingdom's proceedings. my father would never allow it."
she hummed, picked up the things she dropped, and squinted her eyes in suspicion. "so, you're saying id get to live as a queen for the rest of my life, with nothing in return?"
"that is exactly what i am saying."
"and what if i refuse."
"well, id do nothing. id marry a princess from another land and would be moved to rule over there. leaving this place in ruins, with a tyrant still at the helm."
[name] sighed heavily. this was a to think about. but, after a moment of reflection, and thinking of the good life the villages would lead if this succeeded, she finally said something "okay, im in, but i have conditions!"
"obviously, please do tell." he said, leaning up against his horse.
she crossed her arms. "i want to be able to continue practicing my magic. and i want the effects of our marriage to be seen in this town immediately."
he raised an eyebrow. "that's all?"
she nodded. "yes, just treat my town nicely."
he sauntered over to her, lighting grabbing her hand that wasn't holding the basket, and kissed it lightly.
"well, then, thank you for your help, future queen." he brought her hand down and stayed holding it as he guided her over to his horse. "do you have any belongings? i can send a guard of mine to go pick them up for you."
"oh, yes i do! most of it is packed up anyways, so it'd really be a great help."
he signaled to the red-haired knight, who promptly picked up the boxes and set them in the cart behind his horse, along with the basket she'd held earlier. inside the cart, there was also a number of remedies that were addressed for the current queen.
before todoroki helped her onto the horse, she wrote a note addressed to her three friends that explained her situation. she promised to write to them frequently in the note as well, and asked them to do the same.
after, she ran quickly, stuck it on the tavern door, and dashed away back to the horse. todoroki helped her onto the back of it, climbed on it himself, and set her arms onto his waist for security.
"hold on." he said, before telling his horse, aptly named snowflake because of it's shimmering white color, to start galloping.
the sun was going down, but the time wasn't what she was focused on at the moment.
what occupied her thoughts was the huge, glamourous castle that was coming up in the distance. banners of blue surrounded the area announcing the kingdom's claim, as a large gate encapsulated it all.
the greenery complimented the fencing, moss and vines were tastefully grown around, as well as blossoming flowers and breathtaking types of trees she'd never seen before.
her breath was taken away as they grew closer and closer, every building, brick, and path was put together with more thought than her entire town.
she was so caught up in it, that she didn't even realize todoroki was speaking to her.
"[name], hey [name]?"
"oh, sorry todoroki, i was just.. looking at everything. it's really gorgeous."
"you may call me shoto from now on. and, yes it is quite beautiful. would you like to know the best part?"
"you and i will own all of this soon."
her eyes sparkled at the realization. this would all be theirs to maintain and uphold, to spread to the rest of the kingdom.
to her town.
"that is very cool."
"cool? but it's quite hot outside."
"oh! it's village slang, for uh.. amazing."
"oh, okay." he pondered thoughtfully, looking back at her for a brief moment. "you'll have to teach me more then, i'd like to get to know you better.
after all, we will be married soon."
she flushed at that. "yeah, we'll get to know eachother well soon enough."
after they passed through the gate, with the attendants bowing at todoroki and her as they passed though, she decided to ask him what exactly would happen before the coronation. "so, shoto? what will we be doing before your plan comes to fruition."
"oh, we're going to spend about a month together testing our compatibility. it's tradition."
she felt the air leave her lungs. a month? she had a month to convince some randoms she didn't even know that she deserved to marry a prince?
"you couldn't have told me that earlier?"
"you never asked."
"that was rhetorical. just, who do i have to convince anyways? is it you?"
"yes, but also my family. don't worry though, i think my siblings will enjoy your company. my father though, he won't.
and that's what i'm betting on."
"thanks shoto."
"you're welcome." he said, not catching her sarcasm."
the rest of the ride was silent as she leaned against him, admiring the lives of the nobles. they all seemed so carefree, girls walking around in their fancy gowns, carrying satchels full of gold to spend. boys, carrying satchels of gold and using them to play games. the older folk, who lazed around, not lifting a finger. it was peaceful here,
she wanted that for the people back home.
when they finally reached the castle doors, shoto got off the horse first, then gently lifted her down. an attendant came quickly to take snowflake to their barn, and the red-haired knight was quickly dismissed.
as they walked inside, she immediately felt out of place. although her outfit was considered high-class back at the tavern,
here she swore she saw similar fabric used for the one of the dogs' rug.
the pristine atmosphere was set off by the odd feeling of tenseness that washed over shoto, and as they entered the dining hall, she soon realized why.
king enji todoroki, was a tyrant in his very own home.
the much smaller throne next to him at the dinner table was empty, but other chairs that were awkwardly spaced out considering the width of the table were filled by three siblings, each looking less happy to be there than the last.
she grabbed his hand, as if in support. the king's eyes glared at her at the motion.
"what is the meaning of these? why would you dare bring a peasant into our home shoto?"
"father, i'm marrying her."
as the king choked on his own spit, his siblings all took the initiative to look at her. the only one with black hair suddenly spoke, "way to rip off the bandaid shoto."
"you cannot be serious shoto, we've spoken about your idiotic actions, but this is too far!" the king spat, his eyes crazed as he slammed his chalice full of wine on the table.
"i am serious, i will announce it on my eighteenth birthday, and we will be wed a month after."
"that's so sweet shoto. i'm happy for you." his sister cut in, smiling despite the harsh atmosphere.
"you take after touya! each of you serve to annoy me, why can't you just marry who i choose? a respectable princess, and not this-- this swine!" the king slammed the table once again.
"that's enough father," the white-haired boy spoke. "shoto made his choice, during the trial period we can find out this girls character."
the king took a drink of wine as if to calm himself. "yes, there's no way a peasant such as that will gain the full interest of shoto. he'll boot her out in a week."
"oh, and another thing. she's a witch."
the black-haired brother started laughing, as the kings veins almost popped out of his head.
"she's a what?"
"a witch?"
"she's to be executed as all witches are! i know she's not working here! are you trying to murder me shoto?!"
"well, you can't execute her now. if shes shotos fiance, technically she's servicing the royals, and can be kept alive, according to your own rules father."
"correct fuyumi. father, please calm down, maybe this is a turn for the better. witches used to be our main element before that law was put into place, and besides, maybe she can assist mother."
[name] swore the king, for a split second, put on a face of disgust at the mention of the queen, but quickly hid it.
"i.. suppose so. witch, heed my warnings. i do not respect you, i do not like you, and if any action you take is to conspire against me, i will strike you down myself." the king said, before dramatically leaving.
after they were sure he was out of earshot, they each commented on her. "way to go brother, i don't know what you're planning, but you sure pissed him off. now, introduce that fiance of yours officially already." the scarred man complimented.
"oh, of course. this is [name], she's a village witch i've been seeing for a while." he lied.
"hello [name], it's amazing to meet you! i'm fuyumi, i rule a territory out in the west."
"greetings [name], i am natsuo, its a pleasure. i rule a territory out in the east."
"hey witch, im dabi officially, but when you become a royal, ill let you call me touya. i rule up in the north."
"nice to meet you all." [name] said, bowing to them.
"there's no need for that, you'll be joining this family soon enough." natsuo commented.
"yes, please treat us casually. now, care to explain how you and shoto met?"
[name] froze, crap. she needed her story to match up with shoto's-
"can't you see they're tired from their travels fuyumi? let's just question the hell out of 'em tomorrow."
"touya! language! but i suppose you're right."
"i always am." he shrugged. "you two love birds go huddle up for the night, we'll be here for majority of this month, so we got plenty of time to question these two."
"yes, please go rest."
"okay, i'll see you all tomorrow." shoto said, before gently guiding her out the room.
"you'll have to teach me your slang quicker than i thought, i didn't understand a lick of what my brother spoke back there."
"ah, of course shoto. but, where will i be staying?"
"in our room of course."
"this month, even though it doesn't start officially til' my birthday, is about testing our compatibility. my parent's marriage is very.. complicated. i don't want to become like them, so i feel we should start act with the normal acts now, like laying together."
"oh, of course shoto. that makes sense."
"unless you'd rather not sleep with me-"
"no, no that's not it at all!" she said, waving her hands around frantically. "i was just surprised is all."
"ah, okay. well, here we are."
they entered a luxurious room as big as her house, a large bed covered in silk sheets and pure cotton cloths was the centerpiece to it all, with a chandelier and furs on the floor just to match with it all.
yeah, she was definitely out of her element here.
she was then guided to the bathroom, which was the size of an entire bathhouse. a large tub, with real gold installed on it, was matched by glamourous sinks and showers.
"i've prepared some sleepwear for you to adorn to sleep."
"thank you shoto, this is just-- crazy."
"it's in a good way."
"okay, well i'll leave you too it."
she had the best shower of her life, treating herself to the expensive soaps and rags at her disposal. the real heaven on earth was how she felt when she slipped into her silk robes, she had never felt anything so soft.
until she laid in the bed, which was the real most comfortable thing she'd ever been in. shoto joined her soon after, and took the initiative to pull her into a hug.
she relaxed into it, and wrapped her arms around him as well.
they fell asleep holding eachother, and the whole time she thought about how natsuo was right.
maybe her presence here was a turn for the better.
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yoongikapi · 5 months
meeting at a cafe || NJ/SJ/YG || oneshot
NOT PROOFREAD! found this in my drafts from like over a year ago, figured i’d post. lmk if you want the other members!
your laptop notified you for the second time, reminding you to find an outlet soon. you broke your gaze away from your screen after what seemed like days, frantically searching for an outlet around the crowded coffee shop. you lit up when you noticed an outlet at the nearby corner table; gathering your stuff you began to walk over but hesitated when you noticed someone was already sitting over there. you did notice however, they weren’t using the outlet but sat across from it. your heart quickened when your laptop flashed its final warning to be charged and you rushed over to the outlet across from the stranger. you quickly plugged it in and were instantly relieved that you weren’t gonna lose your work. you looked up to the stranger and were met with the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen. although he flashed a confused look, you felt your face heat up as you stared back at the attractive stranger.
“im sorry, i really needed to charge my laptop, do you mind if i leave it here for a while? i’ll just go sit back over there.” you frantically said, instantly realizing how rude this must have seemed. he shook his head back, his confused look from earlier had disappeared. “not at all, i dont mind if you stay either.” he flashed you a friendly smile and you suddenly realized you’d rather stay too. you smiled back and thanked him, quietly sitting across from him and opened your textbooks back up. you wanted to talk to him some more but didnt want to bother him, and so you tried to focus back on your work. it seemed so obvious yet unspoken that he was feeling the same, but it still remained quiet on both ends. after getting some work done you quietly (yet slowly) packed your bags. you thanked him again and headed off but didnt get very far when he caught up to you.
“i just wanted to let you know that i didnt mind you being around at all. this is for you” he said, handing you a small, folded up piece of paper. “i hope to see you again” he smiled one last time and rushed back into the cafe. you almost dropped the unfolded paper in shock. blushing heavily, you quickly added his contact information into your phone, smiling at the thought of seeing him again.
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you walked in your favorite cafe for the third time this week and dashed straight up in line. you had been here so much since it opened that you didnt need to look at the menu anymore, you already had your favorites picked out. as you waited for the person in front of you to order, you noticed the one barista who stood out to you was working today. you smiled and wondered what crazy thing he’d write on your mug today. as you put your order in you noticed him turn and look at you, almost as if he had your order memorized as well. he smiled when he saw you and you noticed, smiling back. he turned and began making your order as you headed over to your favorite spot in the shop. you stopped working when you heard your name being called. looking up and realizing it was him, you jumped up to grab your order, secretly liking the way he said your name.
“just the way you like it” he smiled, handing you the hot beverage. you thanked him and made your way back to your table. taking your seat, you immediately began to search for his usual writing spot on your mug but was interrupted by a call. it was your boss asking you to come in and help with some work, to which you quickly agreed and began packing up your bags. you had forgotten all about the writing on the mug until you got to your office at work.
‘been thinking about you a latte’ it read and you laughed. making a mental note to think of a cheesy pickup line back for the next time you saw him.
(i’m sorry but jin is the king of dad jokes)
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after placing your coffee order you went and sat in a chair in the corner of the store, deciding to pass the time by sitting on your phone. a couple of names were called and then yours, so you made your way to the pickup counter but was confused when you didnt see your coffee. you stood around for a second, thinking maybe they hadn’t quite finished it yet, but realized this wasn’t the case when they continued calling out other customers names. you nervously asked the barista if they were still working on yours and gave them your name again. you grew even more confused when they told you yours was finished and put out already. no way someone stole my coffee. it was the only logical thing that could’ve happened to it. upset but in a bit of a rush, you began heading out of the store when you heard someone else in the store say your name. you turned and saw a confused man looking around but his eyes met yours when you tuned. he said it again and you nodded in confusion until you saw him hold up what looked like your coffee. your face lit up as you headed over to him.
“im sorry i grabbed your coffee in a rush thinking it was mine.” he quickly apologized, but instead of handing it to you he took it back over to the baristas. he walked back over to you empty handed; “i had a couple of sips before i realized it wasn’t mine, im having them make you a new one.” he explained. you told him he didnt need to do that, but you appreciated it. you noticed he had a bunch of other coffees with him and decided to ask him about it to make conversation while you waited. he explained to you that he was starting a new internship and wanted to make a good first impression. you smiled when he told you which company he’d be working at; it was yours. you explained with a smile on your face that you also worked there and wouldn’t mind walking with him to work. and so when the rest of his coffees were done, you helped him carry some to work and laughed at the thought of him doing it himself.
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miquella-everywhere · 3 months
Miyazaki said that the SoET was supposed to complete “The Elden Ring circle” and “honour GRRM’s contributions” by “focusing entirely on Miquella” 😭
When I heard about the DLC originally I was worried they were gonna make Miquella cheaply evil, because Fromsoft is allergic to positive divinity and good endings I guess. But looking at all the Miquella lore it would make just no sense, the best-worst outcome could’ve been Miquella corrupted by Mogh. They didn’t even make it an interesting evil. I have a friend who thought Miq was brainwashing ALL his followers, which thankfully isn’t the case. This is one of those “twists” or more “complex” endings where the straight forward route is a thousand times better. Isn’t us helping Miquella fix everything so much more interesting ? Miquella is supposed to be a parallel to Marika, isn’t it natural for us, tarnished warrior, to take up Godfry’s role? And not the out of nowhere larper. “Age of Compassion” is already set up as a name! Also as everyone said, Godwyn is just wasted! Why don’t we help Miq grant him a true death? Imagine the rotten, bulbous undead Godwyn as the final boss and act of mercy. Imagine if we could help Malenia too ughh. Who cares about Fia and her taking advantage of Godwyn’s remains.
By the way, do we get any mention of Miquella’s shadow? Or Fingers?? Good on the Dragon and Marika lore we love a nuances queen
"Focusing entirely on Miquella" 😒
I've been trying to avoid as many spoilers as possible, since the leaks ruined the build up and nearly everything for me, but from the people that I have been talking to they all say that Miquellas presence in the DLC is almost like an afterthought and his only major role is to be Radahns backpack in the final battle...
So basically I've been getting the impression that Miquella's entire development feels forsaken and pushed aside and that makes the final boss even more of a "Wait, what the fuck????" moment than it already is 😭 Even my bestie @marble-writes who is primarily a dragon slayer(go queen kill them all👏😂) and not much of a lore enthusiast said that Miquella's big twist felt so out of left field and lazy...
Back when the first trailer dropped I was literally frothing at the mouth at the idea of Miquella being our companion and guide, similar to Melina's role, through the Realm of Shadow. And it makes sense! Base-game lore built up Miquella as this kind, compassionate soul, so why wouldn't he be our friend? Why wouldn't he be our guide because, just like the promo said, we were being guided by him. And even if he didn't turn out to be a companion I at least expected him to be like Ranni in that he would be a major NPC and quest giver and we could interact with him and help him with whatever he needed help with...
But nope, just toss all that wonderful potential aside and make him the big-bad backpack and a dollar-store Serosh rip off :'(
I'm just... so devastated, especially after reading that article with Miyazaki saying that he wanted everything to go "full circle" when really it all just feels like a series of dashed lines that don't connect but vaguely form a circle. There's far too much missing to even really call it a cricle :(
AND GOD MIQ AND MALS SHADOWS!!!! I have not seen or heard anything about that so I am assuming that their shadows, the one that every empyrean is supposed to have, are ignored and forgotten just like Miquella's character development 😭 (and if im wrong and they are there dont tell me, i want to find and experience them for myself)
But still its yet another thing that is completely forgotten and leaves even more plot holes within SotE's lore and further erodes Elden Rings story as a whole 😭
and I dont know anything about the fingers at this point sorry :(
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ellieswifie · 1 year
can you do one where reader has a bad day and is trying to detangle her hair but is just being super rough and carless and matt notices and brushes her hair for her?
like a matt x reader fluffy type thing! (idk if this makes sense im sorry!!)
warnings: just fluff :)
authors note: this request is everything. i think we all need someone to just comfort us in the right ways. especially on our bad days. this goes out to all my single girlies
˗ˋ.*✧·˚ ೃ࿔₊•
YOU’VE JUST BEEN OUT OF IT ALL DAY. you’re been filming since eight in the morning with your boyfriends and his brothers for their weekly wednesday video.
usually you enjoy filming with your them, but you couldn’t really pinpoint what had been bothering you. maybe it was the fact that your boyfriend hadn’t been paying so much attention to you, or that your hair looked horrible.
you hated drawing attention to yourself and being the center of the problem, but you just felt so frustrated and angry you wanted someone to notice.
matt was seated on his bed scrolling through something on his phone while you sat by his gaming set up, brushing your hair. you both have said little to nothing to each other while you sit on opposite sides of the room, doing your own thing.
it simply just frustrated you more that matt wasn’t noticing how bothered you were. i mean yes he’s had a long day filming and he needs some time to himself, but you just needed him.
you gripped the hair brush tighter, still brushing through your tangled knots. your eyes brows were drawn together while you felt your head ache. you were brushing your hair so carelessly you hadn’t realized that you were tugging at your hair.
your boyfriend matt had also noticed, glancing up at his phone. you heard him call out your name a few times, but ignored, dropping the brush frustrated and angry.
"hey…" you heard the bed creaking from behind you, then feel matt’s big arms wrap around your upper shoulders. he planted a quick kiss on your forehead, reassuring you, as you stared ahead, eyes growing watery.
"hey, what’s wrong?" he asked, lowering his head on top of yours. you simply groaned, crossing your arms. "i don’t know. everything is just making me so frustrated and angry. i can’t even brush my stupid tangled hair." you continued to rant, ignoring the rage growing in your chest.
matt unwrapped his hands from your shoulders to reach for the brush beside you. he ran his fingers through your hair softly, before going in with the brush.
"let me help you…" he whispered, gently brushing your knots away. "what’s going on in your pretty little head, hm?"
your checks quickly rush red. one thing you love about matt is that even at your absolute worst, he makes you feel like the most important person in the world. like everyone and everything revolves around you.
you let your self relax as matt runs the hair push through your hair. "work, film, it’s just the most stressful week and i just want to relax."
matt nods from behind you, placing the brush on the desk your seated on, replacing the brush with his fingers. massaging your head.
your eyes flutter shut, just wanting to feel any sign of relaxation and relief. "i’m sorry we hadn’t spent much time together." matt mutters, releasing his hands from your hair and placing them on your shoulders. he doesn’t move them, he just rest them there, leaning his chin on your head.
you lift your head slightly, making eye contact with your boyfriend. he’s smiling slightly before he places a soft kiss on your forehead. "hungry?" he asks.
you don’t really feel hungry. you just want to lay in his bed and cuddle. driving around for hours just looking for food doesn’t seem right in your head.
"i can get nick to door dash ice cream? no, how about frozen yogurt?"
you just turned the gaming chair, leaning up to give your matt a quick kiss. "frozen yogurt." you smile, standing in front of him.
"okay-" matt whispers, more to himself. "you stay here- don’t move, i’ll be right back.” he stutters, rushing out the room quickly.
your head shakes moving towards his bed, pulling the covers over yourself, and scrolling through movies on your phone. when matt comes back, he cuddles up beside you.
you two lay together enjoying each other’s presence before nick strolls in with your frozen yogurt.
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winterchimez · 1 year
describe your moots as tbz members <33
hiya anon 👋🏻 im so sorry it took me the longest time to reply to your ask cs me needed to do some ✨thinking✨ on this shdjd but here it goes!
@stealanity as sangyeon
our mother our unnie!!! matty just takes care of all of us so well (i mean the entire deoboyznet might just be her kids by now) and she’s super sweet always making sure we’re doing great & safe & healthy 🥹
@flwoie & @hanniluvi as jacob
no cs these two have literally been nothing but the sweetest ever to me ever since we became moots 🥹 you both have been with me from the very beginning of my writing journey and i def wouldn’t be where im at now without you guys 😭 im always so so grateful to you both truly 🤧💕
@wuahae as younghoon
idk abt yall but cat just screams hoonie vibes to me. despite being really sweet she’s also so so cute and pretty irl!!! and we all know hoonie is the sweetest and one of the darn good looking guys ever 😩
@daisyvisions as hyunjae
ahhh my fav sangyeon stan!!! daisy is just so outgoing and friendly like hyunjae is, and ofc ✨ahem✨ as wild as hyunjae can be 🤪 she’s always sending me some sangyeon ✨GOOD FOOD✨ (with some hyunjae at the side cs we both sangmil girlies 😩) thanks for always feeding my delusions ig 🤧🫶🏻
@juyeonszn as juyeon
fawn is literally just the sweetest and nicest ever!!! and her writing?? OMG. PURE TALENT JUST LIKE JUYO HIMSELF 😤 yall should def check out her works if you haven’t PERIODT ✨ and i look forward to having more convos with you 😉💕
@sungbeam as kevin/changmin
ah there’s my fiery elmo twin!!! 🔥 i mean there’s literally NOTHING this girl can’t do, from making such high quality banners to dropping i dare say THE BEST fics you’ll ever find here we love a talented queen ✨ and also she’s always spitting some random facts and memes and that’s exactly like kevin on weverse/bubble lmao
putting in a sprinkle of changmin just cs. changmin spits fire and she does that to me all the time 😔
@heemingyu as chanhee
sana is just as savage as chanhee is LMAO ive became a joke for her to the point she practically LIVES for my reaction whenever she sends me ✨ahem✨ daddy sangyeon content 😔 (but she can be as sweet and caring as chanhee does so some bonus points ig :p)
@invuwrld as changmin
mona has unfortunately became besties with sana in terms of sending me daddy sangyeon content bcs lemme tell you they’re literally partners-in-crime when it comes to b*llying moi 😔 (i mean the large amount of sangyeon in her album is for me so 😔😔) hence they’re literally just kyunew. i said what i said 😤 (but at the end of the day i go back to loving and protecting mona cs im a very responsible unnie 🤧)
@cupidjyu & @zzoguri as haknyeon
hakkie is the sweetest little bean & literally my comfort person ever & that’s exactly yumi & moni!! yumi is just the sweetest and cutest lil 妹妹 and there’s nothing i wanna do then to give her cuddles and protect her at all cost 💖 and ofc moni. bless your kindest soul ever cs you’re always just so so nice to me :(((( and ofc i bawled my eyes out reading moni’s changmin fic cs i was going through things at that time and i literally spammed moni’s dms telling how much it has helped me loads 🥹 so yes im eternally grateful for that & thank you for listening to my story too 🤧 (which btw yall should check out the fic if you haven’t!!!)
@justalildumpling as sunwoo
my emotional support buddy j!!! 💪 yknow how sunwoo’s the type where you’d just feel so comfortable starting a convo with even tho you’ve just met? j is literally that and im so so glad we hit off so well!! tbh ive seen you on my dash a lot & im more than thrilled when we became moots 😭 and cs we’re both delusional so we can become besties and get our phd from the delulu boy himself 😔 (i’ll forever remember our lipstick convo lmao 💄)
@i520cm as eric
ah the maknae of all maknaes. lmao ipah is just as outgoing as eric is, and she literally pops into the gc and drops some random ass topic which makes everyone laugh their asses off most of the time 🤣 and umm… ipah does overshare sometimes but its good we love that energy and poor kiddo is always being bullied LMAO its ok your kakak’s got your back always 😭😭😭🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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sttoru · 1 year
Girly idk how I wasn't following you still, tumblr isn't stupid, I'm sorry that you are feeling on the outskirts of the fandom as well. You are a wonderful person and writer, and I'm glad you’ve been growing as you have been. You deserve so much more love!! 💕
It does make me feel like there is something wrong with me or like in off putting when i see several big blogs talking to each other, boosting each other. But then I drop in, just say hi to be friendly, only to be ignored. When they are literally responding to various anons or other people.
It seems like they want to talk to everyone else but me. Which has me feeling like I'm in the wrong, I'm bothersome and unwanted in the fandom space. They don't have to talk to me, but my feelings are still gonna be hurt at being shunned by 90% of the blogs I try to interact with.
It does kill my motivation since I don't want to be seen as someone who just posts. I want to be seen as a friend and someone to talk to.
I understand that some people get along better than others. But damn so many people are having this problem it seems like. It's boiling down to popular blogs like other popular blogs, boost other popular blogs and they stay the main people in the fandom eyes whole everyone sits quietly in the side just wanting to be partly including
Feel free to rant right back if need be. Cause I get needing to get this shit off your chest, cause I sure as hell needed to
hiii feyyy !!! dwww, it’s all good :> thank u sm for ur nice words aaaaaaa u r as well, one of the writers on here that i respect 4 their hard work !
gonna vent a bit haha need to get some things off my chest too like u said;
i get ur first point!! it sucks rlly. especially when you are the first one reaching out (which takes a lot of courage, especially for someone socially awkward like me lol) and then it hurts DOUBLE because you get ignored. i get ittttt rlly. for me, i always try to reply ppl even if im a bit late because im either thinking of a proper response or am distracted or busy , but i never intentionally ignore anyone interacting with me. i know some ppl on here do bcs they don’t feel entitled to respond to comments or anons or whatev, which is like ? ok. but if it’s someone just being friendly and complimenting you / your work … it’s not hard to reply w a form of gratitude . some rlly think they’re celebrities on here and it needs to stop
and it’s understandable and totally valid to feel like you’re being shunned and unwanted by people you just want to befriend , only for them to ignore you / not interact with you but with everyone else :/ it sucks and ppl don’t seem to realise that it could hurt other’s feelings. i hope you know that you’re not unwanted tho! those people are just… idk, a bit weird (ofc im only talking abt people who INTENTIONALLY ignore others)
findjng a friend on tumblr with the same interest is like a chore. you either click instantly or you think you do, only for it to be fore 2 interactions max and then you go back to ignoring each other basically on dash
AND YOUR LAST POINTS!! so true. its that the more popular blogs just stick together and help each other out when ??? there are smaller blogs of writers / artists just sittng in the sidelines like ‘ok so what do i have to do to gain traction if the people with a bit of bigger platforms are totally ignoring me & my works’
it’s actually tiring. ofc, me having 3k followers — i am suuuuper grateful, not complaining much, but i also know how it feels. my notifications are super dry except for mainly likes, my dms are like a desert, inbox is 98% only of anons who drop requests and then leave without leaving anything else. no one to talk to, except for people who leave a comment every once in a while :/
like u may think bcs i have decent following i actually gain more interactions? not rlly. only likes & sometimes reblogs w tags. that’s all really, i don’t really have anyone on here who i consider a close online friend (as much as this sounds sad & cringy LMAOO) but its tiring to see everyone be so close to each other on dash while im on the side like ‘how nice it must be to get that much interaction’
& im sure there are people who r gonna say ‘just interact with them’ I DO and i either get left on read or they respond dryly / or i don’t get the same energy back. bcs sometimes im reluctant to reach out first because it always ends up w me taking the initiative & i end up looking desperate to get an interaction with a mutual LOL
anyways thinking abt this tumblr writing community makes my head ache bcs of all the things ive seen and experienced on here (also on my prev account which i had for 2 years)
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mariska · 5 months
hi queer friends in my phone i hope u have all been having an ok month so far 💖 im sorry i havent been online very much lately, its like 80% just me being forgetful except to hop on my phone app for like ten mins to browse my dash and reblog something and get distracted by another non phone related activity LOL. my bestie Eli is here still until the rest of the month and we finished our rewatch (their first watch, my like......who even knows the specific numbered rewatch) of Avatar The Last Airbender a couple days ago and that was very fun and exciting, it was wild getting to those last few episodes in the final season and just totally getting brought back to being a kid in my head when the show was actively airing on tv and i was sitting in my bedroom exploding from sheer special interest excitement watching the story wrap up on the super small box tv i used to have like 15+ years ago 😭🫡 we haven't started watching Legend Of Korra yet since we just finished ATLA and need to like. take a lil Avatar media break before jumping into another entire finished series fhdhdhsfsshhgd but excited for whenever we start that too!! Eli showed me a fav movie of theirs the other night called Thoroughbreds and i REALLY liked it, fellow toxic yuri enjoyers i truly cannot recommend that one enough those girls have Problems In Abundance and i love that for them and also me.
OH OH OH ALSO on my birthday after we got home from out of house activities we watched that Nic Cage movie 'Dream Scenario' that i've wanted to see so bad since the first trailer for it dropped online a while back, and i am truly not just being dramatic when i say i think that is my favorite movie i've seen this year and it will be Difficult for another movie to win over that 2024 Fav Spot in my mind, it was exactly what i wanted it to be and MUCH MORE LMAOO IT WAS SO GODDAMN FUNNY. very specifically Me And Eli's Kinda Stupid Sense Of Humor throughout the whole run time we were fuckin losing it at every other scene. that was a wonderful lil birthday treat.
also the antique mall we were gonna go to ended up being closed on the day of my birthday so we went to a big mall off-Cape that i like instead and have been to a few other times for past birthdays cus they actually have a bunch of different types of stores with stuff i actually enjoy unlike the more local mall we have here that is 100% dying a slow agonizing Mall Death lmao. went to Build-A-Bear and they had that one bear style in stock that literally just looks like a femme lesbian with the lesbian flag colors and perfect lil eyeliner so i made a Chappell Roan inspired pop star outfit wearing lesbian colored bear (saw someone else online do that a lil while back with the same style i chose so i couldn't resist doing it myself when i saw it was at the store hfsfgsvsgshshdg) and the ppl working there that day were all super chill and friendly and most likely around me and Eli's age or maybe a few yrs younger than us, the person who helped me make my bear specifically was really friendly and fun to talk with cus while we were in there it was pretty much just us and the employees for the majority of the time, he like immediately picked up on me being A Very Obvious Femme Lesbian on account of The Femme Lesbian Bear and also The Very Over The Top Femme Alt Outfit I Was Wearing and we chatted abt being gay and trans while he was stuffing the bear it was such a genuinely sweet and wonderful interaction, he was also autistic and we got to briefly bond over Build-A-Bear being mutual life long autistic special interests of ours and he seemed rly happy to hear that i was turning 27 that day and was still actively wanting to spend birthdays making custom stuffed animals there it was just really great all around 😭💕 also before the mall closed later on we did a quick stop at the FYE store that was there (i always get very excited when i see a still active FYE store anywhere cus it was a childhood fav place of mine to shop but our local mall closed ours when i was a teenager lol) and there was a small stand set up with some ATLA merch and i got a fully functional Momo backpack/crossbody style bag that i am so incredibly psyched about having fjdgedfdhsshfg it is very cute. and anyone who knows me knows i love adding a silly lil functional novelty bag to my collection of silly lil novelty bags. so it will be getting much use from me out in the world
anyways!!! thats pretty much what i've been up to, just figured i would hop on and write a mariska life update so everyone here knows i didnt just like. drop off the face of the earth lol
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quirkthieves · 6 months
Viv I need you to know that every time I see you on the dash or in my notifs or in my dms or literally ANYWHERE my day gets a million times brighter, I love reading your writing and your hcs regardless of which muse/chara you're talking about and honestly going back and forth with you about kemoji has made me love this series x10 times more than I initially did. I'm also SOOO very grateful to you for helping me find the new ch translations whenever they drop & it warms my heart to see your passion for Romanian culture and the way you've made Mioara into SUCH a compelling chara that she's practically tied to my Mihai. like you genuinely couldn't tear her out of my hands if you tried. ANYWAY ILYSM AND I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON!! xoxoxo
CHRISSSSSSSSS you have no idea how much this means to me... ;^;/ .... i dont have the words for it and i dont have my emotes on this computer but rest assured im doing some WUAHGHGH shit
it's been so fun going back and forth with you on things too!!!! ive definitely come to like mihai so much more as a character and its been fun exploring dynamics that never could happen in the series and i love hearing your headcanons and im being 100% serious when i say i absolute love how unabashed you are with writing your muses. i feel like theres a struggle myself and a lot of other writers have when it comes to writing characters like mihai or mikito where we wanna sand off some of the rougher edges but there's so much more life and voice when someone (you) can keep them true to form because thats the appeal of characters like that in the first place!!!
AND IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MIOARA..... <3 i always get a little worried that when i write characters like her that i may slip into "weird weeby territory" but genuinely i love writing her and drawing him and reading deep dives and articles and journals and everything else that ive been led to on the journey!!! the decision to make him romanian actually came about as the result of an existing passion for learning about the culture because of an exhibit my job hosted of contemporary works from the cluj-napoca school and the information document i put together for it since i have another romanian friend that i knew would be really excited for it and i wanted to make her proud 💪💪💪 almost a year later and now im working on learning the language and trying my best to do right by such a rich and interesting history & culture
LOLLL okay that got corny sorry i didnt mean to get on a soap box there but it just makes me really happy to hear that if nothing else my effort is shining through <3 ok ily chris im gonna stop typing before i make myself look goofy on here
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bellrin-go · 2 years
hello, i was wondering if you could post kristanna moments from the polar nights book. i can’t buy the book itself but i’d love to read all the cute moments. im sorry if this is too much to ask for🙏
Hi, thanks for the question. I love the Kristanna moment of Polar nights, and I like your suggestion 🤗
※ The following is a spoiler, so if you haven't read the book yet, be careful about reading it.
"Choco-versary," Kristoff finished with a girn. He slung his arm around Anna's shoulders and pulled her close. "Come on now, Give me a little credit. How could I possibly forget the sixth anniversary of our very first time eating chocolate together? I mean, it's downright historic. By all right, it should be added to the annals of Arendelle history someday! Anna beamed. Meanwhile, Elsa couldn't help emit-ting a small snort. Choco-versary. How ridiculously cute could one couple be? Even though Kristoff drove her crazy sometimes, she had to admit he was the perfect match for her sister. She couldn't wait for them to get married someday and have little Annas and Kristoffs running around Arendelle. She was definitely planning on being the cool aunt. Literally.
Anna leaned against Kristoff, looking up at him with wide, overly innocent blue eyes. "And to celebrate this momentous, historical occasion, you're going to...?" Kristoff shook his head, pushing her back upright. "Nope. Not a chance. Good try, though." Anna groaned. "No fair," she said, pretending to be grumpy. "We're engaged now, which means there should be no secrets between us." "He's not keeping a secret!" Olaf piped in helpfully. "He just hasn't come up with anything yet!" "Olaf!" Kristoff cried. "You weren't supposed to-" "Wait, what?" Anna cried in mock horror. "You don't have a plan for our Choco-versary yet? It's less than a week away!" "I know," Kristoff assured her, shoothing Olaf a deadly look. "I'm just deciding which of my epic anniversary ideas is the right one to move forward with. I want to make sure everything is absolutely perfect for the love of my life, that's all." He reached for her hand, pressing his mouth against her palm. "Oh." Anna pursed her lips, an if trying to decide if he was teasing or not. "I guess that makes sense.."
"I believe in keeping my sister safe," Anna declared. "Besides, Kristoff can stay and be in charge. He's going to be a member of the royal family soon. Might as well get his feet wet." Kristoff, who had been walking by with an armful of snow cones, stopped in his tracks. "Wait, what?" Anna beamed at him. "You can stay here and keep everyone on task, right? While Elsa and I try to figure out what's going on?" "Of course," Kristoff declared without the slightest pause. "Whatever you need. I'm your man." He tapped his chest proudly, accidentally dropping one of the snow cones on the ground in the process. Sven quickly slurped it up. "Thanks, honey! You're the best!" Anna stood on her tiptoes to give him a kiss, then dashed toward the stables. Kristoff looked at Elsa, his easy smile fading a little. "You'll keep her safe?" he asked. "We'll keep each other safe," she told him, laying a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Nothing will happen. I promise." "I'm holding you to that," he said with a wag of his finger before turning to distribute his remaining cones.
"Right now, Kristoff can't even remember our engagement. If we don't get rid of this draugr, he could end up forgetting everything... including me." Her voice caught on the last part. She couldn't imagine a world where Kristoff didn't know her. Didn't love her.
"Kristoff," she cried happily. "You've come to visit old Bulda! And..." Her gaze turned to Anna and her toothy smile widened. "You brought your bride, too! Are you two fixer-uppers finally ready to get married? Because we can do it now! I mean yes, we're a little busy preparing for the Crystal Ceremony and all, but we will always make time for true love." She beamed at Kristoff.
"But that means...Kristoff,"
Anna's voice caught on the name. She thought of the mountain man who had stolen her heart with his love of ice, with the way he spoke on his reindeer's behalf, with his enthusiastic love of unusual recipes.
Kristoff. Her Kristoff. Memories flashed though her mind. The first time they'd kissed after she'd presented him with his new sled, the first time they'd played charades. The moment he had gotten down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Kristoff-her Kristoff! Who could now barely remember who she was. Anna felt her legs buckle. The trolls and Elsa reached for her, but Anna stepped back, unwilling to be helped. No. she wasn't willing to accept that Kristoff's love for her could disappear because of some creature's doing. And she wasn't about to let her people suffer from eternal night or never-ending storms, either. She was queen of Arendelle. It was her job to fix this.
Little Rock laughed. "Oh, Kristoff!" He saw Anna and smiled. "Hey, your bride is here." He then bounded off to find the others. Kristoff did a double take at Anna. "My bride?" His cheeks reddened. So did hers. "I'm not your bride," she said quickly. Not yet, anyway, she thought. "But I am someone who cares about you very much." She touched his cheeks, which were windburned and cold. "That's why I'm going to leave you and Sven here with Bulda for a few days. Bulda will take good care of you till I get back." "Okay," Kristoff said happily. "And you're coming back because...?" Anna felt her heart squeeze so tightly that she lost her breath. But she would be brave. She would not let Kristoff see how scared she was for him and their kingdom. She would make things right. And then she'd never, ever let him tell another campfire story again. Anna leaned in and kissed him on the lips. "Because I love you." she said, holding his face close. "And you love me, and we've got a whole future to plan when I get back and you start remembering things again." She stepped away, her heart hurting more than she thought was possible. Her voice was hoarse as she continued, "So stay safe till I do, okey?" "Okay," said Kristoff. "Come along, Sven. Let's go find this Bulda lady." He paused, then turned to Anna. "Goodbye, Miss Bride!" Anna ached as she watched him wander through the crowd of trolls without a care in the world. He doesn't remember us, she thought. He doesn't remember me. She wanted to cry, but now was when she needed to be strong.
And then there was Kristoff. She'd been trying so hard to be brave for Anna's sake. But deep down she was terrified for the ice harvester who had stolen her sister's heart. As much as Kristoff could be rough around the edges, she'd grown to love him like a brother. Loved how good he was for, and to, her sister. Anna was independent, smart, and capable of taking care of herself, of course. But it was always nice to have someone to lean on every once in a while. Or simply share jokes with. What would Anna do if Kristoff's memory was gone for good?
There was just one thing missing. One thing to make this a truly happily ever after. Anna turned to Elsa.
"Can i send Gale on a little mission?" she asked hesitantly. "Would you mind?" "Already done," Elsa assured her, "And Gale's fast. I bet it's already reached the trolls. And a certain ice harvester." She winked at her sister. Anna's heart leapt in her chest an she thought of Kristoff. Her Kristoff. She couldn't wait to throw her arms around him and squeeze him so tight he'd squeak. She'd have to decide later whether she'd ever let him go.
A cheer rose up around the trolls, but Anna still felt restless. She wouldn't fell complete until... "Kristoff?" she asked hurriedly, searching behind all the trolls. It was the longest they'd been apart since... well, ever. She missed him so much. Had he gotten his memories back, too? "ANNA!" And suddenly there he was. Speeding over the bridge and into the village, on the back of Sven, who was going so fast that for a moment she mistook him for the Water Nokk. Her eyes welled with tears. He was not only here, but he had said her name. He had said her name because he remembered her name. "KRISTOFF!" she cried, taking off running. whisk! Anna felt the wind at her back and realized Gale was there, helping her reach her fiance quicker. Within seconds, they were together. Finally! "Anna, Kristoff said, practically jumping off Sven's back. Sven greeted Anna with a lick on her cheek, but that was nothing compared to Kristoff's greeting.
He pulled her straight into his arms and up into the air, spinning her around before finally placing her back on the ground and kissing her deeply. He cupped her face. "Are you all right? I fell like i haven't seen you in days! No, weeks!" He shook his head. "I fell like my head was in a fog, but now it's lifting, and the minute it did, I looked at Sven and said- 'Anna! We have to get to Anna and see what she need!' So? Are you all right?" "Am I all right?" Anna cried, laughing through her tears. "Are you? Who am I?" she demanded. "Tell me quickly!" Kristoff blinked at her before his face broke into a huge smile. "You're my feisty, fearless, ginger-sweet fiancee." She threw her arms around him again. "You're back!" "I'm back," he said, holding her tightly. "And if I'm not mistaken, I believe today is our Choco-versary." "YES" Anna practically shouted with relief. Then she blushed and added, "But it's been a rough few days. All that matters is we're together again." "Please. Do you think I'd forget our Choco-versary?" Kristoff scoffed. "What kind of fiance do you think I am?" He whistled, and Sven, who had wandered off without Anna's knowledge, returned, balancing a large box on his back. Kristoff ran over and grabbed the top of the box. "Happy Choco-versary, my love! Ta-da!" The witnessing trolls all cheered. Anna's heart felf as if it would burst out her chest as she pulled the box cover off, revealing a giant... wait, what was thet? "Um, is that a chocolate Flemmingrad the fungus troll?" she asked, her eye bulging. "Oh my," Mattias said, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Yes! I quickly made him out of mushroom-flavored chocolate and edible plants!" Kristoff said excitedly, plucking a strange-looking purple leaf out of the troll's ear and popping it into his mouth. "Yum! Delicious! Should I break off a piece for you? "Uh, thats okay," Anna said, backing up slightly. "We should probably...um..wait until my gift for you is ready!" she finished brightly. "Oh, my dear, but it is!" said Mrs. Blodget as she popped out of her shop, carrying the large reindeer-shaped chocolate Anna had commissioned week before. She couldn't believe Mrs. Blodget even had it done after all that had happened. Anna smiled sheepishly at Kristoff. "Happy Choco-versary?" she said. "Amazing!" Kristoff declared, looking right at her. And she was pretty sure he wasn't just talking about the chocolate. A warm, gooey feeling fell over her, and she reached for his hand. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you, too," he said. "And don't you forget it." She snorted. "To be fair, I'm not the one who-"
"Party pooper," Kristoff teased as he and Sven joined the others. "All you had to do was spread the word about the memorial. It's not like you had to transport heavy rocks to the site and carve a wooden canopy like me and Sven." Anna stood on tippy-toes to kiss him. "It all looks great, honey. I can't imagine a better tribute to the Vesterland sisters." "The next party I throw will be your and Kristoff's engagement party," Olaf said. "Sven and I already have a theme planned. Right, Sven?" Sven snorted. "Give me a little time off to rest first," Kristoff said, speaking on his reindeer's behalf. "I'm still recovering from the Polar Nights festival." "That's good, because I want a say on that party theme, too," Elsa teased and looked at Anna. "It's too bad you can't plan your own engagement party. You did such a great job with the Polar nights." Anna blushed as Kristoff put his arm around her and pulled her close. "I second that! It was the the best one ever, I'll have you know." He blanched. "No offense to our snow queen." Elsa laughed. "None taken!" Anna blushed. "Thanks, everyone. Considering half the village couldn't remember who they were for most of the planning stage, things came together rather nicely at the end." "Only because they have a great leader to help get things done," Elsa reminded her.
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moririki · 3 years
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you patch up your fellow hashira after the hardest fight of your lives
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CONTAINS -> MUGEN TRAIN SPOILERS like before the cut and everything, mentions of blood + gore, so kinda angsty but definitely a fluffy ass ending, reader is a hashira but it's left ambiguous as to what element you are👍, i watched the movie two months ago so my recollection of dialogue and plot may be *slightly* off, near-death experience, idk how to write combat so i just... didn’t, reader lowkey thirsts over rengoku's back muscles and shit because why tf not, idk how injuries work aaaa
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> rengoku my beloved,,, he deserves the world,, i think i should have made this less angsty im SORRY (i rlly heard "extra fluffy" and it just went 👩🏻➡️ straight through my head huh) also i bet you guys missed me and my late-ass posting <3 but here i am!! for now!! yeahhhh!! i feel like the writing in this got a little repetitive so i apologise for that
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APPARENTLY, THE DESTRUCTION OF AN ENTIRE TRAIN wasn't enough to end this mission. even with one lower six demon defeated, another much stronger one had replaced it. the arrival of akaza was a significant turning point in the battle, and one that you cursed yourself for missing.
you should have known that this mission would he more dangerous than expected when both you and rengoku had been deployed to the train, alongside three rookies. you should have known better than to let rengoku convince you to stay back and help evacuate rather than let him handle it alone.
he had been so full of confidence- squeezing your hand firmly before rushing off, leaving you feeling slightly lightheaded from the brief contact of his warm palm. you should have wished him luck, told him to be careful, anything, but he was gone before you had the chance.
you made quick work of evacuating the passengers of the derailed train, making sure that they were all confirmed to be outside of the carriages before entrusting their safety to zenitsu and nezuko. it was around when you had carried out the last passenger that you felt the ground rumble beneath your feet, coming from the other side of the embankment that you were currently placed at. 
before you gave yourself time to really think things through, you were shouting instructions to the pair of demon slayers and dashing off towards the source of the noise, hand readily placed on your sword. that was the direction that rengoku ran is all that went through your mind.
the scene that you found yourself facing did little to quell your fears. you reached two bodies first, recognising them as the hapless figures of inosuke and tanjiro. from a glance you could see the extent of their injuries, with the latter laying on the ground barely conscious. the boar-headed one could only stare at the fight happening several metres away, his shoulders slumped in defeat and swords hanging by his sides.
“there’s no opening,” he only whispered, barely audible. that much was true. even you had difficulty keeping up with the movements of rengoku and the demon that he was fighting. the fact that it had already been several minutes and that there was no clear advantage concerned you, and you unsheathed your sword.
“you two stay put, and learn what it means to be a hashira, alright?” you tried offering a brilliant smile, much like you had seen the flame hashira do so many times, but you hoped that yours didn't fall flat. from the slight relief shown on tanjiro’s worn face, though, you took that as a good sign.
without wasting another second, you rushed towards rengoku and the demon, assessing their movements. inosuke wasn’t joking when he said there wasn’t any opening, their movements equally matched. you took the chance and struck when rengoku managed to get the demon to stumble back. bringing your sword down in a vertical strike, you severed one of its arms, before taking a cursory glance back at rengoku to make sure that he was alright.
your wound did little to hinder the demon, as it simply chuckled before regrowing its limb.
“oh? another hashira? don’t tell me you think that this is a fair match,” the demon sneered as you held your sword in front of you, still nervously eyeing the blood that was beginning to drip at rengoku’s feet. it amazed you as to how he was still standing, let alone also ready to keep fighting, but you weren’t going to stop him with that amount of determination in his eyes.
“i wouldn’t say that you appearing after we had to fight an entire train was fair either, but here we are,” you glared at the demon, adjusting the grip on your sword.
“think you can hold on a little longer?” you asked rengoku, still facing the demon.
“always.” you could picture the steadfast smile on his face, lending you his strength whenever you needed it. you took a deep breath, starting your total concentration breathing and launching off of your foot, propelling yourself forwards.
you heard rengoku's footsteps right behind you, dependable as ever. when you swung your sword and sliced through, you knew that the flame hashira was there to follow through with a co-ordinated attack.
despite your best efforts, the upper six demon lived up to its status and provided to be more than a challenge for even both you and rengoku fighting him simultaneously. in fact, akaza had even managed to gain the upper hand a few times, leaving you with a cracked rib that was making it more difficult to focus and control your breathing.
but you and rengoku's big break arrived in the form of a rising sun that leeched itself into your surroundings. the glow was nothing but welcomed by you, though your demon opponent let fear flicker across its face for the first time this night as it turned foot and fled. the invisible adrenaline-fuelled strings that held you up snapped, and you felt the strength from your body sap, too spent to gove chase to akaza.
the bitter taste of defeat crushed you, numbing your senses as you barely heard the cries of tanjiro as he yelled at the retreating figure of akaza. you turned to your fellow yashira, eyes widening and senses returning as you took in the way he had slumped to the floor, head bowed as he kneeled.
"no, don't you dare," you mumbled, dropping to your knees too in front of him. panic gave your limbs a new purpose as your hands stretched out in front of you, seeking out the warmth rengoku still emitted even when mortally wounded.
the most pressing matter was the dark stain of blood that gave his uniform an unnatural sheen that was still spreading. you pressed a hand to the source of it, a large gash across his stomach that was much too deep for your liking. your other hand came to rest on his face, tilting his head up to look at you for any sort of good sign to cling onto.
"you better stay alive!" your voice was shrill, harsher than you wanted it to be, but those were factors you could hardly control more than the blood oozing from rengoku's stomach. you could see how unfocused his eyes were, and how heavy his head was when only being propped up by the waning strength in your hand. your own injuries had been forgotten, cast aside in favour for you to fear for the flame hashira's life.
and still, despite everything, the man still smiled. the blood covering half his face did little to mar its radiance. rengoku raised a shaking, bloody hand of his own, letting it fall heavy against your own as you felt your hold begin to slip.
"you're hurt too, you know." his words were more of a shaky exhale, though you heard it all the same. you felt a smile slip onto yours too as rengoku proved to still be so vigilant in the wellbeing of others.
"you don't need to remind me, shut up and save your energy," you whispered back. you didn't trust yourself to speak any louder in fear of your voice cracking.
"but.. i have to tell you something." the insistence in his eyes was back, burning into you so mich that you couldn't help but lean closer, trying to ease his burden of being audible.
"quit talking like you're dying." you were practically whispering into his ear, close enough to feel the rasp of his breath as he laughed, holding your hand tighter. his other hand came up to your own face, rough thumb brushing against the skin underneath your eye, wiping away a tear you never realised had tracked its way there.
"let me bandage you up." your voice may not have shook, but your hands definitely did as you disentangled them from rengoku's hold, urging him to put pressure on his wound while your fingers found purchase on the hem of your uniform and ripped off a strip of it. it was barely enough to cover his injury but you managed to wrap the severed cloth around his middle a few times, tying it tight and hoping that it was enough to stop the bleeding.
"just.. stay with me until backup comes, alright? you've got tell me something once we get out of here, remember?" rengoku nodded into your palm, smiling at your words as his eyelids fluttered shut. but you were close enough to still feel that he was warm, to feel the slight rise and fall of his chest as he managed to still breathe, and that gave you some comfort.
minutes felt like hours when you had to talk to fill the gap. whether it was to give rengoku something that tethered him to this mortal realm, or a way for you to distract yourself from your own pain, you onew that you would both have to tough it out a little longer, just until the others arrived.
"you know, i've always admired you." you were surprised at both his words and how clear rengoku's voice sounded. your grip on his hand tightened a little, and you leaned towards him so that your forehead pressed against his.
"this is hardly the time to say something like that, kyojuro." you tried not to laugh, the pain of your ribs starting to edge back in as the adrenaline left your body as the sun soaked your bodies.
"i just wanted you to know." you would have responded to the man if it weren't for the shouts that became all too clear. help was here, and everything was going to be okay now.
you didn't want to let rengoku out of your sight, but many insistent hands prised his body from your grip, and with barely the strength to speak there was little that you could do about it except succumb to the pain of your wounds and finally fall unconscious.
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recovery was never an aspect of fighting that you looked forward to. when you finally came to, there were a few gripping moments of panic when you asked a nurse if rengoku was here, if he was alive. you had been assured that he was before the pain and medication kicked in again for a fitful sleep as your body healed.
but no matter how you were pressed back into bed, into the constraints of sleep, you never really felt like you were at rest. your mind was still racing to places your body couldn't as it pieced together the events just before you got hospitalised.
when you could finally get up without keeling over, you were stumboing your way through the hallways as stealthily as possible, leaning on walls for support and peering into rooms as you walked past, in search of your fellow hashira. your cards of luck had lined up when you stumbled upon his sleeping figure less than three rooms down from yours.
he looked a lot cleaner, still donning a serene smile even when unconscious and you felt the panic gripping your body loosen its hold. the throb of your most likely broken ribs was enough of an edge to keep you awake, and you made your way over to rengoku's bedside.
there was a convenient chair placed next to him, and you tried not to grunt in pain as you sat down in it. rengoku didn't even stir at your approach, and you resigned yourself to sitting there, studying his figure and resisting the urge to check whether he was actually breathing or not. if you focused enough, you saw the subtlest rise and fall of his chest, just enough to qualm your fears.
your concentration was broken as you heard the sliding door open again, and the hesitant voice of a nurse breaking your intense silence.
"ah, i'm sorry to interrupt but i need to change rengoku's bandages." to prove her point, the nurse raised her arm to emphasise the strips of fabric held by them. you stood up hastily, sending a cursory glance back at the still-sleeping form of rengoku.
like all matters regarding the flame hashira, you found your mouth and body working a little faster than your brain.
"it's alright, i can change them for you. i'm sure that you have plenty of other patients to tend to." the nurse nodded, though she still looked hesitant to hand you the bandages. you gave her a reassuring smile, stretching out your hand to take them. "i've had plenty of experience with this, don't worry."
the nurse appeared relieved, giving you a quick thanks before exiting and letting the door click shut behind her.
you turned your attention back to rengoku's sleeping figure only to watch him crack a single amber eye open and give you an almost sheepish smile. you couldn't help the flooding sensation of relief that drenched your bones, and you returned his gesture.
"i'm glad to see that you're alright." rengoku's eyes never left yours, and you felt yourself grow hot underneath his gaze.
"glad to see you too." you offered a hand, helping rengoku shuffle further up the bed with minimal effort on your side. despite the bandages covering a large expanse of his upper body, his grip on your hand was still stable and you bit back the fond smile threatening to bloom on your face.
luckily for you, rengoku seemed to get the message that he needed to get shirtless without you asking him, which saved you a whole lot of embarrassment. you weren't confident in your ability to look him in the eye and ask him to strip without blushing, though you did exactly that as your eyes raked over his bare skin.
littered with scars and covering taut muscle, it was hard not to let your eyes wander down his form. from the look on rengoku's face, he looked well aware of the effect that he had on you and fixing you with a practically imperceptible smirk. you were quick to ask him to turn around, and he obliged as quickly as someone with broken and bruised bones could manage.
his back was the same story, with broad shoulders and defined shoulderblades that had muscle twitching without you touching it. you sucked in a breath, way too audible for your liking, and tried not to let your hand stretch out to run your fingers down the expanse of his back. you were here to help treat him, not indulge in some fantasy of yours.
your mindset snapped back to professionalism as you grabbed hold of the fresh bandages, opting to put them on after you removed the old ones. while there was no sign of infection, you still grimaced at the bloody sight of rengoku's major wound. you tried not to show how much it had upset you, both now and in the moment, and your attention turned to your slightly trembling fingers.
you were careful to avoid where his skin was obviously discoloured from bruising, not wanting to cause him any unnecessary pain. he was warm to the touch, enough to invite you in with some false sense of confort before burning you alive. the way his back muscles jumped at your touch did little to help your concentration, but you shouldered on.
your mingld escaped you, insisting on recounting those painful minutes where rengoku was vpeeding out on the battlefield. there was a particular focus on his insistence to tell you something, and you bit your lip. surely, he would ask you at some point from now.
"how are your ribs?" rengoku's voice cut through the silence, its rasping edge acting as evidence of hiw soundly he had been sleeping earlier. while it wasn't the question you wanted him to ask you, you were never one to turn down conversation. especially from him.
"worry about yourself, kyojuro. i'm fine." your appliance of the fresh bandage meant that you would now have to be stood in front of him, a development that had your face flaming from the close proximity. silence set in, and all that distracted you from the rise and fall of his stomach was his breath tickling the sensitive skin of your neck. your eyes flickered towards the ceiling, relying on your hands to guide yourself instead.
you dared to glance down and saw rengoku’s eyes fixed on your face already. there was something about his softened features and the look in his eyes that had you scrambling to stare at the blank ceiling again. as much as you would like to retreat at every first sign if danger or confrontation, you knew that you woukd have to talk to him soon, whether it was you or him who brought up the conversation topic from that day.
taking a deep breath, you perched yourself on the edge of rengoku's bed, still maintaining a professional amount of distance from him. still close enough to spot how his smile brightens when you choose to stay. you glanced down at your fingers, twisting knots into themselves as they were placed in your lap. you almost cursed and placed them underneath you to stop that, but instead you fixed your gaze on the flame hashira's ever-present smile.
"do you remember when you said you had to tell me something? right after akaza?" rengoku straightened up a little, nodding. you gave a cursory glance to the bandages safely wrapped around him, and winced as you remembered how much blood had left him that day. 
as if he could tell what you were thinking, rengoku reached forward and took your hand in his. you sucked in a breath at the sensation of his calloused hands, wincing as your ribs ached in protest. you couldn’t bring yourself to break his stare as your fingers intertwined, and rengoku brought you slightly closer to him. the tension was palpable, and you squeezed his hand in an attempt to alleviate some of it.
“what did you want to tell me, kyojuro?” you were still closing the distance between the two of you, voice barely above a whisper because there was no need to talk any louder for him to hear you. everything about him drew you closer, and the thought of pulling away never crossed your mind. you finally stopped, inches away, staring at him expectantly.
“well, there was a chance that i was going to die that day, so i was going to be selfish and tell you that i love you."
it amazed you how he could say that with such confidence when that statement had effectively swept you off of your feet. you were well aware that you looked more than caught off guard- your eyes had widened, and your mouth probably hung open from shock. that was nothing to stop rengoku’s words, though. if anything, it only encouraged him to keep going.
"and when i said that i admire you, i meant it. i admire your strength and how willing you are to help others. i admire you when it's sunset and you're laughing and i admire the way your hands feel, especially here." he guided your hand to his face, letting it cradle his cheek as he rested his own hand at your wrist, not willing to let go. you were sinking into the warmth of his body, letting his borrowed strength keep you upright.
“and most of all, i admire you because i find your beauty striking in everything that you do.” you were silent as rengoku’s eyes searched your own, watching as his lips split as he laughed. “you’re crying again.” you raised your other hand to your cheekbone, feeling the liquid there that began its trek down the planes of your face. you wiped them away with the back of your hand, keeping yourself anchored to rengoku as you curled your fingers around his own.
you felt so light that you could float away, and you couldn’t  help but laugh and grin as you fully processed the confession of the man lying underneath you. tears still rolled down your cheeks, and you couldn’t help the bittersweet pang as you remembered exactly why he was here recovering.
“you really scared me back there, you know?”
“it wasn’t my intention.” you laughed through your sniffle, feeling his warm hand trace patterns on the back of yours. you shuffled forwards and, as best as your shared injuries allowed it, you gave rengoku a hug. while your arms were around his neck, his rested squarely on your lower back, and it was better than anything else you could imagine.
you pulled away, relinquishing the comfort of his arms in favour of looking him in the eye as you prepared what to say next. admittedly, it was a lot easier when you knew how the other person felt about you.
“you know i admire you too, rengoku, and i love you. so much.” joy rewrote itself within his eyes, and they almost glowed with how intense his emotions were after you uttered those words.
“you do?”
your yes came out as a barely audible breath before you were being snagged forwards by him again. you practically crashed against his lips, but you welcomed the sensation, pulling yourself closer to him and settling on his lap.
you sighed into the searing kiss, only truly appreciating his warmth now as you felt it spread through you. you kissed him back intensely, ignoring the dull ache of your ribs to chase the addictive feeling that you only got around him.
around the person who loved you back.
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take a look at the menu - ,, ⛩ ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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sukirichi · 3 years
earned it [06]
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Gojo Satoru is a firm believer that if you work hard for it then you shall earn it. But on the other side, he’s not unfamiliar with his own sins. He also believes that there is punishment due for his sins as he’s earned it.
cw. attempted murder and suicide, angst ig i feel nothing at this point because NAOYA 😭
notes. i’m rolling with the earned it jokes that reader is shippable with everyone so HAH enjoy this chapter because I didn’t enjoy the last LMAO (IM SO EXCITED FOR TOJI TO APPEAR!)
series masterlist
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Your muscles throbbed, the pounding of your heart felt even through your skin. You’ve spent hours in the training room, taking punch by punch, landing blow by blow – yet no matter how hard you tried, you kept falling on your ass. At this point, your backside was beyond sore, skin drenched with sweat and clothes sticking uncomfortably to the surface. Meanwhile, your ‘savior’ barely felt the need to catch his breath, instead gazing down at you with disappointment written all over his face.
“Why do you expect so much from me?” you panted, fists clenched on the mat. “Didn’t you tell me you just needed me to get your money back and that’s it? I didn’t ask for you to do anything so stop telling me I’m indebted to you all the time.”
Naoya clicked his tongue, clearly disappointed by your lack of resolve. Above you, he swept up his cane and finally balanced himself. You previously thought he didn’t struggle because he looked so calm and composed, easily overpowering you even with his injury, but his lips were strained, jaw clenched tight that perhaps he was just good at concealing his pain. It made you shut up and watch his every move; his back faced you – probably to hide whatever fleeting moment of vulnerability he had.
“I won’t always be there to save your sorry life,” he said calmly, “You need to learn how to be strong on your own no matter how tough it gets. Now if you’ll keep complaining instead of finishing your training, I could happily lock you up and force you to do my dirty work for me.”
“Then why don’t you go ahead?!”
“I don’t want to,” Naoya responded without missing a beat. He easily closed the distance with a few staggered steps, his head tilted to the side as he surveyed you.
You wondered what went through his mind. Did he see a weak woman? A woman who must be so helpless, so useless that you stayed there, legs too tired and muscles aching too much you couldn’t move? There was no telling with Naoya, and his guarded gaze didn’t help either. Satoru had always been difficult to read at most, but with Naoya – it was practically impossible.
Even as he cupped your chin and twisted it sideways, his eyes narrowed over all your features like he saw something you didn’t, he was too guarded.
“I need you in taking down Gojo Satoru. In order to accomplish that, I have to use his weakness against him. You showing up won’t be enough. No, I want to hurt him…and what better way than to take what was once his, right? Dangle right in front of his eyes what he let go of, make him regret his actions?” his smile turned dark, and for the first time since you’ve met him, you got a glance of what his heart really looked like.
It wasn’t true that Naoya was heartless – no, he just had a dark, sinister heart that didn’t beat the same tune as others. He played his own music with the bones of his enemies, drinking their lifeline from a gold cup and drowning in them, his ominous laughter the perfect antithetical melody of what could’ve been angelic hums.
“Don’t you want that?”
His question made your heart skipped a beat. This whole time, you’ve been so hell bent on achieving something, but what you wanted to reach had never been clear. You were too driven by emotions, by the pain Satoru’s absence had caused, and now that the opportunity was presented before you, you faltered.
“I don’t know what I want.”
“Well, if you ask me what I want…” he tilts your chin up with his finger “It would be to see you strong enough that even you would be capable of taking me down. So be strong, keep fighting – I’ll be there with you every step of the way. You only have one job, and that is to live. I am not allowing you to give up at the slightest of minor inconveniences.”
“And if I get weak?” you questioned with an oscillating tremor, the bite of his cold skin against your heated ones spiking. “If I want to give up? Would I fail you then?”
“I don’t think you’re someone who cares about failing others, so don’t fret whether you’d please me or not,” Just like that, Naoya’s scornful tone had risen again. He let go of you until you dropped down to your palms, blinking back at the sudden change of atmosphere. “Like I said, just do what you need to do, keep going. Don’t look back or be afraid to take the next big step because I’ll always be there right beside you.”
“Why should I trust you?”
“I’m not asking you to, princess,” he snickered, already half way to the door that only he was allowed to go in. Even though you’ve been staying in his manor for quite some time, there were still some things Naoya didn’t trust you with, leaving you only more curious to find out the secrets within.
“Only time will tell. But once you’ve made your decision, know that my ring is always waiting beside your table,” his voice echoed through the large room, stopping in his tracks to look at you once more. This time, he had no haunting features, only the cold emptiness likened to staring back to an infinite void of nothingness.
“I expect an answer when I get home.”
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You still remembered the day you decided to wear his ring. Naoya had come then, tired and aggravated from matters he didn’t bother explaining. You stood on his doorway, lips shut tight as you nervously fiddled with your ring, unsure if whether you should tell him or allow him to piece the puzzle himself.
Thankfully, Naoya was a lot more observant than you gave him credit for.
His eyes slid over your face before he followed the motion of your fingers, smirking as the jewel glinted under the bright lights of his home. Wise choice, he’d once told you, and you believed it.
Your life hadn’t been the same ever since. Your spontaneous marriage equated to hellish training of perfecting your image as his trophy wife, spending hours in his secret laboratory and discussing business plans through a glass of wine. Naoya wasn’t around much to teach you everything and it pained him to be your own trainer too so you had to ask help from his guards, refusing to give up and fall down even as your muscles screamed at you to take a break. For Naoya, with Naoya, giving up and running away felt like a myth; a buried solution in the past that should never be brought up again. But now that he was gone, you did exactly that.
You’d given up. Satoru had made you run away.
“Miss,” a deep voice cut you from your thoughts. You tore your gaze away from the  glowing night city of Milan to turn to Satoru’s right hand man, the tall figure looming rather shyly instead of imposingly. “You haven’t eaten since we got here. Would you like anything? Mr. Gojo will cover your expenses.”
“I want to go home.”
He froze at your deadpan statement. Finally meeting your gaze under his lashes, Geto pursed his lips. “You know we can’t do that, Miss. It’s unsafe back in Japan.”
“And who’s to say Toji won’t follow us here?” you snapped, pushing your weight off the Cleopatra set and uncrossing your legs. “Why can’t your stupid boss just activate the account and give it back to us? I think we’ve made it clear we’re more than capable of handling our finances, and I’m pretty sure Satoru doesn’t need any more money when he can afford all this.”
“Mr. Gojo…has his reasons for everything he does.”
You laughed bitterly. Maybe it was the fact that Satoru had left this morning for whatever business he had that you didn’t have anyone else to let your anger out to that you’d swiped your gun under your thigh holster and dashed his way.
Geto’s back slammed against the wall, the cool barrel of your gun pressed to his jaw. He swallowed nervously, eyes darting to your weapon, and you laughed heartlessly. “Oh, please, do tell because nothing makes sense,” you crooned, flipping the safety off and letting your heated gaze meet his rather docile ones. You almost felt bad for him. Almost.
“I could easily put a bullet through your head and hijack his plane. I’ll be gone before you know it and who’s to stop me from doing that? Why should I stay here any longer with you?”
“Because your husband asked you to,” Geto responded softly. You stepped back with wide eyes, yesterday’s event crashing all over you once again. He must’ve sensed you no longer held any hostility because he used his pointer finger to move the barrel away from him, gently peeling your hands off his suit. “Because you know, if you go back to Japan, there will be nothing waiting for you there.”
You balled your fists. “I will kill Fushiguro Toji myself. Then I’ll kill Satoru.”
“Even if he used to be your lover?”
“Especially because he used to be my lover.”
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Okay…maybe your plan of escaping and returning to Japan hadn’t worked out that well. Exhaustion finally crept up to your senses that you passed out not long after attacking Geto – who reassured you to no end he wasn’t mad you tried to kill him – and days have passed ever since. You hated to admit it, but being stuck in an overseas hotel wasn’t so bad. Geto’s presence was a lot more comforting than his master’s that you didn’t mind having him watch your every move. Plus, he was really nice to immediately follow your every whim. You wanted hot chocolate? Extra pillows? A really expensive wine that you refused to pay for because you were petty and dramatic? He provided it all without question.
Except he probably should have, because you’d stripped off to your underwear, head tipped back to take one final swig of the nearly empty bottle as you slid deeper into the tub.
Your fiery nature of rolling your eyes at Satoru every time he came around (which was rare, for some reason) couldn’t fool anyone – not even yourself. The moment Geto retired to the living room, you would bite the pillows to muffle your cries, thinking back to when Naoya was still alive. It was an endless torment of what if you had stayed, what if you had pushed the rubble off him, what if you just saved him?
Would he still be alive? Would he have survived? Would you be back with him in the Zen’in Estate instead of holding your breath under the tub in a desperate attempt to conceal your tears?
It hurt so bad. It hurt everywhere.
Your lungs begged you to rise up and breathe, but you stayed still under the water, eyes shut tight and hands clenched around the tub’s edges so hard your knuckles turned white. Soon, you grew dizzy and your grip slipped away. Finally, fucking finally, you were falling, falling way too deep that your legs bent inside the tub. Bubbles erupted from your lips in one last breath. At the back of your mind, you let out a sincere laugh for you’d meet your husband soon. He’d be disappointed, probably scold you all the way to the afterlife – until strong arms pulled you out of the tub and into someone’s chest instead.
“Shit, what are you doing?! You could’ve drowned!”
You coughed out water and fisted Satoru’s button-up shirt that had now clung to his skin from the water. Looking around you, you were still very much alive, the uncomfortable twisting of your heart a painful reminder of that. Above you, Satoru sat you in his lap while he remained cross-legged on the floor, muttering curses under his breath as he wrapped a towel around you.
Scoffing, you pushed his hands away, though you kept the towel anyway to lessen your shivering. Why the fuck was the AC so damn strong here?
“Dying seems like a better option, don’t you think?” you snarled at him, teeth chattering from the chill that had begin to seep in.
Momentarily, you worried on how much of a hot mess you probably looked like. Smudged eyeliner, wine-stained lips, unbrushed hair and remnants of the wine mixing with the once clear bath water – you shook your head at the thought and glared at Satoru.
“Where the fuck have you been?”
“I was out contacting friends to ask for help. We’re going to need a hundred pairs of eyes watching anywhere that Toji could possibly come through.”
“Is this your pathetic idea of ‘keeping me safe’? Locking me up in this stupid hotel and having your man watch me all the time?” you pushed yourself off him, the sudden motion of standing up giving you wobbly legs. Satoru reached over to steady you but you slapped his hand away, your glare warning him to not take another step.
Seeing his face, seeing him worried as if he didn’t just cause your life to turn into absolute hell, you wanted to grab the wine bottle and smash it right at his pretty face. He had no right to look at you with pity.
You hated him, utterly and terribly despised this man with your entire being.
“What are you really planning, Satoru? Why can’t we just come back home and attack Toji with all we’ve got? Why don’t you just give back our fucking money so we can end all this for once and for all and I can leave?!”
“Because I don’t have the money!”
“The money…” Satoru’s back slid off the wall, his palm coming up to thread through his hair. He sounded weak, defeated. “I don’t have it.”
“Gojo,” you snatched him by the collar, teeth bared as you demanded, “What do you mean you don’t have it?”
Satoru paled. “When I stole the money from the Zen’ins, the figures were all fake. They’re not real, there’s no actual money hidden behind their accounts and it was too late before I realized that,” his lips trembled as he continued, “Whatever Toji placed in there, it’s not his actual account where he hides everything and it would make sense too because I stole it too easily – almost as if they wanted me to take it. A few hacks here and there and it was immediately wired to me but after meeting you…” Satoru shook his head, chin dropped down low. “I checked again and the account never existed. It’s a fake one. The digits are just there for show.”
“So then why would Toji want it? Why did my husband have to die for nothing?!”
“I don’t know, okay, I don’t know anything!” he argued back until your faces grew closer, his nose brushing with yours.
Somehow, you couldn’t pull away. His knees had drawn up, forcing you to rest on his thighs as you both breathed heavily, your grip on his collar almost havered.
“Whatever the Zen’ins are hiding, that’s beyond me. I may be in the business for far longer than they have, but they have always been notorious with their possessions that I’m not surprised even I can’t find where it really leads back to. Whatever Toji is hiding there, your husband must’ve known something about it. Why else would they fight tooth and bone over it?”
“If there was, Naoya would’ve told me about it.”
“He would if he trusted you,” Satoru suddenly grabbed your wrist and shook it until you stared at your ring. “How are you even so sure he could trust you with that information? Have you forgotten you’re just a pawn to his game and you’re nothing but a bed warmer?”
“Don’t you ever speak about us that way. You don’t know how much he cared for me.”
“If he really did, then why didn’t he tell you why his cousin is after you? He’s using you as bait, Y/N. I’m not the bad guy here. That man you’re so deeply in love with? I can’t guarantee he’s better than me. We’re all men in the mafia, love is the last thing we would care about.”
You pushed yourself off him.
His words stung too much, not because it was a lie, but because you know there was some sort of truth ringing behind it. You trudged out of the bathroom and sat on the bed, unstirred by the fact you dripped all over the carpeted floor. From behind you, Satoru’s rushed footsteps echoed, but you didn’t care. You simply threw on a robe with your back turned to him.
“And you’d know that better than everyone right? Considering how easy it was for you to leave me?” When Satoru didn’t respond, you chuckled humorlessly and sat on the bed. “What Naoya and I had…it was a friendship that healed my soul. I don’t…I don’t know what to do without him.”
You smiled sadly. “I wasn’t actually in love with him, idiot. Men like Naoya don’t know what love is, but he sure does know how to protect family.”
The notion of talking about him, of accepting that maybe he really was gone…somewhat reliving.
Satoru was the last person you wanted to talk to your late husband about, but Geto – which is the much better company – wasn’t around, and you hugged your knees to yourself, refusing to let Satoru see through your vulnerability.
“You know, I trusted him more than I did myself. He was always there for me, no matter what. His soul was dark, angry, corrupted – he’s not the man I would fall for, but despite all that, he was the friend I needed,” you buried your face in your knees, voice muffled as you cried, your heart shattering again and again and again.
The ring on your finger had never felt so heavy ever since you wore it.
“I loved him as much as I hated you.”
Satoru was silent, so much so that you wondered if he was even in the same room at all. You sat there crying, too hopeless to even try to conceal it anymore. Shivering, you close your eyes and forced the image of Naoya’s last moments away from your memories, desperately praying to whoever had mercy that you could just forget all about it.
“Geto told me you tried to kill him,” Satoru murmured after a beat, “You could’ve easily escaped and went back to Japan if you wanted to, so why didn’t you? Was it because of me?”
You remembered what you tried to do today.
Just like that, Naoya was alive once more. You were brought back to the day of your wedding when he’d clasped your sweaty, clammy hands in his, rubbing some warmth in them before pressing a kiss at the top of your knuckles. He’d asked you to promise him something then – an entire contrast from his constants orders over your well-being – and it was a promise you’d momentarily forgotten; a promise you’d broken out of mourning.
“Naoya once told me,” you reminisced through dry, cracked lips and even more shattered heart, the picture of his disappointment as clear as day. “Death was the only place he can go where he would never allow me to follow.”
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It took a lot, but it somehow got better. After allowing yourself a faint moment of weakness where Naoya resurfaced in your mind to remind you of our promise and your purpose, you felt stronger, somewhat steadier with each step you took. You were still wary around Satoru, although that was a given.
His friend, Geto, was really nice, on the other hand, and you couldn’t explain why you always lowered your guard around the formal dark-haired assistant.
You and Geto were playing chess when Satoru barged in out of nowhere, a plate and a syrup condenser on his hand. “So I got you breakfast,” was his greeting, nodding at Geto once as a silent order to give you two privacy. You pouted as the latter left, but soon your attention had been diverted to the heavenly aroma filling in your senses. Seeing your approval, Satoru hid a smile behind his dark sunglasses. “Still like pancakes?”
“Trying to get into my good graces now?”
“I’m just trying to cheer you up.”
You rolled your eyes but snatched the plate from him anyway. “So I talked to my lawyer,” you begun, pouring syrup all over the fluffy bread until it was almost spilling to the sides. Beside you, Satoru’s snickers were barely muffled, to which you ignored wholeheartedly. “They’ve already processed my inheritance over Naoya’s possessions and assets. Once we return to Japan, I’ll be the next leader of the Zen’in Clan, much to the disappointment of his elders, of course, but they can’t do anything about it,” you informed him with your fork hanging in mid-air, the words falling thickly. “You know what that means, don’t you?”
“That we’re back to being enemies?”
You offered him a sarcastic smile. “Naoya lied about strengthening his alliance with your family. He doesn’t actually give a fuck about you.”
“I figured that much,” he snickered to himself, shifting his weight until his elbows rested on his thighs. “Listen…a friend of mine is flying to Milan tonight to meet us. They have strong connections with banks all over the world and they brought in some information about that hidden Zen’in account. I think we’re finally getting off to somewhere and finding out what really is in there,” Satoru gauged for your reaction, but you kept eating – more like stuffing the pancakes inside your mouth for you were finally free of having to act perfect without your husband.
Satoru’s hand landed on top of yours. “I promise…I’ll give it back to right where it belongs. As soon as it’s wired back to you, I’m setting you free.”
You stared at the unwanted figure over you, and you snatched your hand back, waving a bread knife below his lashes. “You can’t set me free when I was never yours,” you sang breathily, the tip of the blade hovered right at his lips. Satoru raised a brow at you, but you quickly retrieved the knife back with widened eyes. “Now that you mention it…I think Naoya told me something about his family stashing secret weapons and even heirlooms through offshore accounts and buried under islands. He was a little sleepy during that time but I remember it,” pushing the plate away from you as you lost your appetite, you clutched your palms under your chin in thought. “He said he was looking for something he lost as a child, possibly an heirloom.”
“He’s doing all this for heirlooms?” Satoru immediately coughed his words back when you glared at him, raising his hands in surrender. “I mean, I was just saying. I didn’t think he was a sentimental type of guy.”
“The question here is what both Toji and Naoya could’ve both wanted from that account. It’s not just an heirloom, obviously there’s something there worth more than money,” You argued and slapped your knees, heading straight to your (unfortunately) shared room. “Whatever. I’ll get this over with as soon as I get the money back.”
Satoru, as always, was hot on your heels. It annoyed you how he trailed over you like some sort of puppy or shadow – Naoya had always been too classy to not give you space.
The difference between them just kept getting more and more uncannily obvious.
“Whoa there, stop. Did you really think I’d give back the money to you and that’s it? Are you forgetting the fact Toji is out there to kill you just so he can have his hands on it?”
“He can have the money for all I fucking care,” you shrugged and sat on your bed, scrolling through numerous piles of emails and records that Naoya entrusted you to keep. Surely you could find something. “I just need to find whatever Naoya’s spent his whole life killing for.”
“Why don’t you care about the money? Didn’t Naoya expect you to take over his business?”
Your thumb froze over a file. Suddenly, your throat grew dry, and you quickly flashed Satoru a stinky eye. “I-it’s not my main concern.”
“It’s not safe for you. If Toji finds out—”
Got it. You bookmarked an email Naoya had forwarded you around three years ago and resent it to an old friend, pocketing the phone back to your pyjamas before Satoru could see. “I’ll handle it. I’ve been doing well so far before you came into our lives again,” you finalized, stopping for a bit as you waited for that all-too familiar footfall matching with yours, only for the room to be coated in silence.
Satoru stood there on the other side of the room, eyes deep in thought before he sighed. “I’ll meet you at the hotel restaurant tonight. We have a lot to discuss on what our next move should be,” nodding once, Satoru left the room.
The hotel room was eerily silent.
Dinner came around faster than you expected. With Geto out to run some errands for Satoru, something about ‘establishing bases’ or whatever, you were locked in your room, using Naoya’s black card to get enough amount of clothing to last you for your stay here. Even though Satoru had promised he’d take care of everything, you didn’t want to be in his debt for any longer. You weren’t his, you were Naoya’s, and you shot down his curious looks when heaps of shopping bags had been delivered to your door.
An hour later, you left the room, struggling to zipper the back of your dress. Satoru was already in the living room buttoning up his suit jacket, just as handsome as ever (though you’d never tell him that.)
His hands froze in the last button once his eyes landed on you, and you huffed at him, too distressed to even act cute or bothered while pointing to your dress. Satoru strode to you in three long steps, his cold fingers brushing against the dip of your spine when he clutched on the zipper.
You had to bite your lip down to prevent the shivers from spilling through, his lips dangerously close to your ear as he whispered, “You look great.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
If Satoru was bothered by the lack of sincerity in your voice, he didn’t comment on it. He removed his hands from you and watched as you slipped black velvet gloves through your arms – just in case you had to end up killing someone; leaving fingerprints was a risk you couldn’t take.
“Did you really get dressed to kill?”
“I came here to negotiate,” you corrected, “I’ll do everything I can to find out whatever’s behind that offshore account. And you, sir,” Frowning at him, you pulled Satoru closer by the tie, perhaps a little too harshly since he nearly knocked his head with yours. He was quick to steady himself as you fixed his tie, flattening it down with your fingers. “You need to know where you should stick your nose in. This is more my business than yours so don’t get in my way acting all hero and shit. I assure you I can handle myself.”
“You’re really going to berate me for worrying about you?”
“You can no longer worry about me,” you disclosed, snatching your black purse from the counter before doing the come hither motion at his shock-still figure. “Now let’s go. We have a case to crack.”
“Case to crack? You sure sound like a detective.”
You snickered, but made no further comment. The elevators dinged and you arrived at the restaurant, which you really regretted not visiting soon enough because the place was grand. Red carpeted floors, golden chandeliers, soft jazz music playing in the background as the lights dimmed down low, the faint clinking of utensils against plates and light chatter of the guests so heartbreakingly nostalgic.
It seemed that even after his death, Naoya had every intention to never leave your side. The setting reminded you too much of your never-ending late night fancy dinners.
Naoya being Naoya, he didn’t blink twice in flaunting his money and renting out entire restaurants all for himself, claiming that he just ‘wanted to have an intimate moment with his wife.’ Sure, it mostly consisted of you discussing what move you should make next, but it was the most affectionate gesture you’ve received after spending years in the quiet and cold environment of the Zen’in Estate.
The outside world wasn’t any better when you and Naoya were marked as targets by the entire government, so it made sense, that only with him that you’d find comfort in.
You must be so out of it you never even noticed Satoru leading you to your seat, a warm meal that should’ve been comforting right under your nose. It was too much – too similar that you headed straight for the wine, ignoring Satoru’s questioning gaze. You noticed from the corner of his eye that he opened his mouth too many times in an attempt to make light conversation, but this dinner wasn’t for you to rekindle your old flame.
No, you were here to wait for his ‘friend’ and review important matters. You were determined to fulfill that purpose alone and only that alone that you never once made eye contact with him, even standing up to reach the salt shaker near him instead of asking him to pass it.
Just as you leaned back to your seat, the music grew louder. A foreign man walked to the stage where he was basked in the spotlight, all heads turning to him when he tapped the microphone, sending little echoes all over the hall. “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s loosen up tonight with a drink and bring our lovers out here on the dance floor,” he sang while swaying side to side, snapping his fingers to the beat that had turned into calming to sensual. “It is a fine evening, isn’t it? Come on, don’t be shy, the night is still so young!”
You dropped your fork beside the plate. “Did you know about this?”
“I swear, I had no idea.”
“Those two attractive lovers in table 42, the dance floor is still much too spacious!”
“Pretty vulgar for a five star hotel,” you commented under your breath and dabbed the pasta sauce off your lips with a napkin, slapping it down the table as you stood up – much to Satoru’s surprise who’d tried to make himself invisible from the host’s eyes. Stupid him; did he really think he could blend in with his sunglasses and snow white hair?
If you were to be honest, you’d rather choke on shrimp than dance with him, but you had an image to upkeep. If you couldn’t gather with the crowd and pretend to be one with others, both your true natures would be fished out even with innocent eyes. You were left with no choice but to be comfortable in the dance floor, sighing deeply as you placed your hands down on Satoru’s wide shoulders. He furrowed his brows at you but said nothing else; strong, cautious hands sliding down from your back before they settled at the curve of your hips.
“Keep your hands to yourself, Mister. I won’t hesitate to stab a fork through your jugular right here.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I know you’re not my little angel anymore.”
Angel. It was what he used to call you back then – when you were still but an innocent, naïve being who never believed in monsters until you fell for one.
He was right; you were no longer his angel. The woman he loved had been left abandoned in the street, the purity of her soul tainted with anger and heartbreak that soon bathed in blood and the need for revenge. His angel was no more – the woman he danced with was nothing but a replica of the face and body he adored the most. Now, you danced with him, not as his angel and neither as his rival’s wife, but simply as a woman whose kindness had long vanished into thin air.
Satoru danced with the devil.
And he should be disgusted just as you should be repulsed with how sickeningly smooth and graceful he was in everything he did, but the wine – yes, it was the fucking wine – messed with you that you actually enjoyed it. Your bodies moved in rhythm and syncopated with the beat, the romantic high notes of the violin and the tender embrace of deep trebles like a classical painting coming to life and you were its subjects to be expressed.
Perhaps…you were just sad. You grieved and mourned too much you’d momentarily forgot what love was, in turn making you forget what it felt like to be constantly unsafe and peeking over your shoulder in case someone tried to kill you.
Satoru just felt so warm, so safe and alive that you found your head dipping lower, your muscles relaxing around his soothing and undeniably tender touch, the space between your bodies diminishing until you surrendered to the power of your desire. You were so close, your ear about to press on his chest to listen to the blissful sound of someone’s reassuring heartbeat along with the music, and then you saw him.
A tuft of blonde hair, a chiseled face, a nude cream suit and a deep blue shirt beneath – what the fuck was he doing here?
The spell was broken in an instant.
Satoru must’ve been under the same trance for his hand trailed lower to pull you closer, your chests grazing with one another before you placed your palm flat on his body, lips thinned into a grim look that resonated with the sick, twisting feeling in your guts.
“I,” you croaked out, clearing your throat when it went dry. “I need to go to the ladies.”
You left Satoru without another word, bunching your dress up to run to where he had disappeared. He was still walking coolly and inspecting the paintings hung in the empty lobby with faux interest – although knowing him, the bastard probably did enjoy classical pieces and studied about them in his free time; which he didn’t have much to begin with.
As if sensing your presence, he stopped right in front of a replica of The Sleeping Venus, his hands dug deep in his pockets. “The shape of being is the visual demonstration of a state of being in which idealized existence is suspended in immutable slow-breathing harmony. All the sensuality has been distilled off from this sensuous presence, and all incitement; Venus denotes not the act of love but the recollection of it. The perfect embodiment of Giorgione’s dream, she dreams his dream herself,” he narrates in his baritone voice, “A little cordial, is it not?”
You took your gun out from your thigh holster and lowered it right at the back of his skull. “Don’t move another inch.”
“No need to be so hostile in a public setting, Y/N. I’m only here to look out for you and making sure you’re not forgetting who you are. Killing me isn’t part of the plan.”
“Neither was murdering my husband,” you growled, pushing the barrel harder against him, though the man didn’t budge before you. “I know that it wasn’t Toji who set off the bomb, Kento, you did.”
“We simply saw an opportunity that couldn’t be wasted. Two notorious mafia leaders in an unsuspecting supposed safe environment?” The fact he didn’t even deny it left you speechless. Kento spun around until your gun rested between his eyes, and he languidly pushed his glasses up his high nose as he looked down on you. “We could’ve killed two birds with one stone had you not been in the way.”
“You guys are out to kill me too now?”
“Don’t act too surprised. The Organization isn’t patient enough to wait for both leaders to die.”
“So you killed my husband?!” you argued, “He was my friend, I told you not to touch him!”
“Only in the exchange that you hand him to us,” Kento echoed, jogging your memory until you were kept up to date. “But it’s been five years and what has happened so far? You’re fraternizing with the enemy and even manufacturing drugs for your so-called husband. Now that he’s dead, you’re here in Italy, looking as stunning as ever as you wine and dine with a former lover,” Kento tilted his head to the side to study your appearance – smiling at how you seemed too bright and fashionable for a woman in supposed mourning.
“I hardly believe you’re actually affected by this at all.”
“How dare you! I’ve proven to no end my loyalty of the higher-ups!”
Kento didn’t bat an eye at your outburst. If anything, he stepped closer to your weapon. “Kill me if you wish, Y/N, but know the moment you put a bullet in my head, the Organization will place you on the same pedestal as Naoya’s and Gojo’s. I wouldn’t recommend such methods considering we’re already at unease on whose side you’re really on. If you do this, you will be our enemy.”
“I did everything for the Organization. What else would you want from me?”
“The contract was easy. We want both leaders – whether dead or alive – in our custody. If you don’t hold your side of the deal, it’s not only your life that we’ll take from you,” Kento pulled out a red coin that made your heart sink deep into your stomach for it served as a threat over the consequences of your actions.
He lowered your gun with the coin and smirked at you, his lips right beside the shell of your ear as he purred, “I suggest you be careful with what step of action you take next.”
“Oi, Nanami, you’re here!” Satoru’s voice suddenly boomed in the hallway. Nanami was as unbothered as ever from taking a step away from you, nodding to your gun which you quickly concealed right before Satoru arrived. You were frozen – rendered immobile with the flashing red metal from his palm – that you couldn’t even protest against Satoru wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “I see you’ve met Mrs. Zen’in already.”
“Hmm, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Madam,” taking your hand in his, Kento’s eyes were nothing but eerie as he kissed your knuckles. “Shall we start our discussion?”
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SUKI RANTS! Nanami quoted Sydney Joseph Friedberg (an art critic) in one of his dialogues. A little backstory on the painting was that the portrait was originally made by Giorgone, who had a student and also his lover (if I’m not mistaken) called Titian. Giorgone never finished the portrait because he died from the plague but Titiane finished it for him, symbolizing that Y/N still has a mission that connected her from Naoya even after his death and she has to finish something he started. The portrait is of a nude woman that symbolized oneness of nature and that the woman isn’t posed for the gaze of men, but rather they are dreaming, hence the quote: “Venus denotes not the act of love but the recollection of it. The perfect embodiment of Giorgione’s dream, she dreams his dream herself.” Nanami said the painting’s meaning resonated with Y/N’s situation too much since she wasn’t in love with Naoya, but she had a recollection of their moments that still represented their relationship, and that Naoya’s dream (goals) are also shared by Reader. I was gonna ask you guys what your theories are on that scene but I think this makes me sound cooler if I explain it so *lip bite emoji because I’m still broken over Naoya’s death*
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maxbegone · 2 years
if this is too personal, you definitely don’t have to answer 🤍 but i was wondering where you were in your grief journey and how you are doing? my dad passed away a month ago and im struggling and reading your fics has truly given me some joy
hi, anon! i would love to.
i’m going to drop this all under the cut so i don’t take up too much dash space ♥️
first of all, i am so sorry for your loss. losing a parent is one of the most difficult things to go through. when my dad passed, i had a neighbor who said that you’re suddenly part of this horrible club and you’re not sure what to do about it, especially if you lose a parent when you’re young. and she was right.
i don’t want to give any unsolicited advice here, but please allow yourself to ache. allow yourself to sit in your grief and don’t try too hard to understand it because there are some days where you just won’t. if you’re angry, let yourself be angry, if you’re happy, don’t feel guilty about that, no matter how hard it might be. if someone says they’re proud of you for how you’re handling your grief, and you feel comfortable doing so, thank them. because guess what — despite what anyone says, you are doing a good job. no one’s journey with grief is the same, and it shouldn’t be. there isn’t a guideline and those stages don’t have a specific order. it’s cyclical.
personally, i’m still very up and down. there are days where i feel like i’m not doing enough, or that the bare minimum is still either too much or too little. it helps to talk about it, i can’t lie about that, but there are times where i just want to sit and stay quiet for as long as possible. i think that’s why i write about it as often as i do. i find comfort in grief nowadays, especially in stories about grief and sort of analyzing how other people handle theirs. i’m not sure if it’s good or bad, but it’s my method of healing.
there are days where i don’t want to get up or go to sleep, where i wonder what i’m supposed to be doing without him to bounce ideas of, to laugh with, to blast billy joel with. i don’t want to get too far into the fears that have developed since my dad died because that just wouldn’t be fair to subject into a post, but they’re there. that’s probably normal.
i don’t live in my childhood home anymore, so the feeling isn’t as prominent, but i swear to god there are days i think he’s going to walk through the door. when i’m at work, the same thing happens. especially when someone walks in that even slightly resembles him. and it’s normal, it’ll always be a thing no matter how much time passes, i guess.
nothing about this is easy and it’s never going to be, i’ve [begrudgingly] accepted that. i’m now...almost a year and a half into living a life without my dad and it still absolutely sucks. i had a fantastic relationship with him, and there are so many things that are now left unsaid, so many things i know he didn’t tell me to keep me from worrying, but i know he’d be proud of him.
i’m not one for signs and never have been. if you aren’t, don’t let anyone push them on you. my dad loved cardinals because we had a family of them that lived in our backyard, so every time i see one i think of him. there’s a well-known belief that cardinals are actually angels. it’s a sweet thought, but it’s also one that doesn’t sit quite right with me.
it really is that whole one day at a time thing. we want to know the answers to everything but we can’t, and it sucks. the best thing we can do, outside of allowing ourselves to feel, is to remember every time we had with our loved ones — the good especially, but also the bad and the ugly. i’m trying to remind myself to keep the people who love i close, cherish them, but don’t let the unknown amount of time i might have left with them impede me from living the life i want as well. it’s a learning curve.
ok. i’m going to stop here. please, please do not hesitate to reach out if you need to talk. i’d be more than happy to chat. and i’m happy that my fics have been helpful.
take care of yourself, anon. let yourself feel ♥️
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