#im still alive just not as much <33
stxrvel · 1 year
hate is a strong word
summary: you hated Bucky and you were convinced that he hated you back. until one time he was talking to you and it started to sound... lovely? what was happening?
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
words: 6k
warnings: some bad words, a lot of arguments, a HUGE flashback, a little bit of angst i think? bucky and reader insult each other, reader doesn't like to listen, bucky is easily angered, bucky likes to destroy things when he gets angry but regrets it easily, this is not exactly a healthy relationship(? descriptions of weapons, missiles and buildings being bombed, reader is also very stubborn and likes to put her life at risk… or so.
note: hi guys!! so i came back and i am kinda proud of this one. i think i haven't felt that way in a long time. i gave myself the time to write when i felt like it and it was wonderful, so this came out. also i put the poll for a whole week and i can't change it now >:(, but i think this onsehot fits the angst with a happy ending (im not sure if this fits the angst tho, you gotta tell me) but im gonna try to do something else that fits the vibe, and i'll probably do some other poll to write about someone else. (also i think i should warn you guys that i dont think im that good writing action scenes or tension scenes, so if that's bad i hope you forgive me): anyway, hope you guys like this one!! i love reading your comments so if you want and can, please leave some <33 love you all and see you next time!
part 2
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Bucky was really pissing you off too much at that moment. Or maybe you were feeling a little uncomfortable.
He hadn't spoken a single word to you since you had arrived at that tiny house, only shrugged silently and then exploded. You had seen Bucky explode several times before and you admitted that watching him was somewhat entertaining; seeing the faces of frightened people, trying to flee away from his angry face and destructive hands, but physically forced to stand by and listen to his scolding. You used to have fun with that. However, at the time, when you were the extreme recipient of that anger, it wasn't so much fun.
You had already heard a couple of broken glass, shattered wood and metal containers fall to the ground. Maybe five minutes or so had passed and he was barely pausing to look at his artwork. It wasn't too much that he had taken and thrown while you had stayed in the room, but it had all sounded very loud, so you had no choice but to go out and see what he was doing.
You were leaning against the threshold of the hallway to the bedrooms, right across from the living room and kitchen. Bucky looked like he had just finished getting all his anger out when he finally stood silently. He probably thought you were asleep while he was doing all that, as if that sound couldn't wake you up. Was he really that angry about what you had done? You mean, yes, it was very risky, but there you were alive, weren't you?
You felt the best thing you could do was to stay quiet and wait for him to say or do something, because you could risk that angry outburst really coming down in your face. For that moment he had only taken it out on the house, which had nothing to do with your problems, and you didn't want the arguments to start filling the silence that followed his stillness.
But, well, you didn't always do the right thing. That's why you were in that situation in the first place.
“Are you done yet?” you signed your sentence.
Bucky had a tense posture, squared shoulders moving in rhythm with his accelerated breathing. His back was to you, staring at the kitchen counter that had been left completely empty. You knew by the way he was clasping his hands that he was trying to maintain his composure.
“Are you serious?” his voice came out hoarse, a sign of his growing anger.
Maybe you should have stopped there, or when he continued to not turn to look at you, but you just couldn't keep your mouth shut.
“What's your problem, Barnes? Yes, I took a chance, but it's not that big of a deal. It's not for this,” you pointed to the mess around you, even though he wasn't looking at you.
“It's not a big deal, you say?” Bucky moved and you felt yourself watching his angry figure move in slow motion. “What's your problem?”
His beady eyes met yours. You felt a little intimidated by the ripples of annoyance coming off his body, filling the entire room with an unbearable, suffocating tension. His scowl and that strangely calm tone of voice made your hair stand on end.
None of the pieces of glass or splintered wood on the floor looked as dangerous as that expression on Bucky's face. He looked very angry, yes, but there was also something in his eyes when he looked at you. Something like concern… but that was impossible.
“Really, Y/N, what's your problem? Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“Now, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“I was the mission leader!” his voice rose, his body moving forward as he pointed his index finger at himself. “And you were supposed to follow my orders.”
“I did, Barnes, I-”
“No,” he exclaimed, again moving closer. “You didn't do anything I asked you to do! Why can't you just…? Argh.”
You moved back a little as he planted his hands on the dining room table. You felt a little pressure in your chest at the sight of him like this, as if defeated and hopeless. Disappointed. But that was a common thing. That's why you used to have individual missions, and that's why you didn't really like working in a team. You mean, it wasn't wrong to do it, but everything always ended up in arguments because nobody liked the way you worked, so it was better to do it alone, right?
Seeing Bucky like that reminded you of how many times you had seen that look on the faces of Steve, Natasha, Tony, Clint, even Thor… It was never welcome nor were you comfortable with what was coming next, but it was the way you worked, how could you change out of nowhere something you had done your whole life?
Maybe you just had to apologize, sometimes that worked. Because you also knew that, knowing how bossy and caring Bucky was, you should have at least held back a little during the mission. Bucky's patience couldn't stand that sort of thing.
“Listen, I'm sorry, okay? I was a little careless, but that's how-”
“A little careless?” he interrupted you, his voice and face incredulous. "You almost got yourself killed."
“We're in this job under that risk, Barnes, that's not news.”
The man in the middle of the mess ran his hands over his face, elated, frustrated and surely overwhelmed. He let out a sound somewhere between a snort and a growl before turning back to look at you.
“Why can't you just listen?”
His accusing gaze enlarged a hole in your chest that you constantly tried to ignore, planting bitter feelings of sadness that you were usually very good at avoiding. But at that moment, for some reason, you couldn't stop your face from twitching at the strong, hurt tone of the man who looked at you as if he couldn't believe who you are and what you do. It seemed like Bucky was always in denial and today he realized that what everyone always told him was true.
That look, that dull gleam in his eye, that expression of understanding… All of that you were used to seeing, but coming from him it felt different. As if you hadn't really meant to cause those feelings, as if you wanted to turn back time to do things differently. The surprisingly incredulous and remorseful look was digging deep into your head, searing itself with hot iron to make sure to haunt you in the future.
At that moment you didn't care if Bucky realized how much his words affected you. Maybe you deserved to feel that way. Maybe he should have known that it affected you too much, that would surely do more than an apology.
“If only you had listened to me, we would have left sooner and without any trouble,” Bucky spoke again after what felt like hours of silence.
You couldn't take him back. It was true.
“Why did you…? Argh. Whatever. I'm going to report to Fury.”
His figure passed you like a blur. You barely felt his presence very superficially before all was silent again.
Your heart ached again. For some reason, it wouldn't stop hurting that it was still beating.
The day before.
“WHAT?” you exclaimed in disbelief and the director's tired look reappeared.
“It's already scheduled, Y/N, I can't undo it. So just go, try to cooperate together and come back in one piece,” Fury leaned back against the back of the chair, putting his feet up on the desk.
You looked at his shoes as if they were to blame for everything.
“It's funnier to think Bucky reacted the same way,” Tony spoke up, sitting in the chair next to yours, a mocking expression on his face.
“Shut up,” you smacked his arm before turning back to the director. “Sir, you know Barnes and I don't get along and knowing that, what makes you think we'll hit it off on a mission?”
Fury shrugged. “A hunch.”
“A hunch…?” you repeated in a low tone, twice as incredulous that the big SHIELD director had just said that.
“That's it, agent, you're dismissed.”
You left his office on your own, not because you had been dispatched. The walk to the housing complex took you longer than ever at that point.
You'd only had one mission with Bucky Barnes once a couple of years ago and it had been a disaster. Your group missions usually ended with a close call, but that time with Bucky it was like going to hell and back.
You two had never gotten along. Regardless of Fury's hundreds of attempts to get along, you had never managed to vibrate on the same frequency. It seemed more like you repelled each other every time you were together, and it was totally justified because Bucky was too bossy and wouldn't let you breathe for a single second. Every second of the mission had to be ruled by him because otherwise he was going to explode into a sea of rage and, God, no one wanted to piss Bucky off in that Complex. However, you were always the first to tell him that his tactics weren't working or that he was too slow and well, naturally, you ended up arguing.
You met Natasha and Steve halfway to the rooms and from the way they both looked at each other before the redhead approached you knew you must surely have a scrunched up face.
“Did something happen?” Natasha asked as soon as she reached your side and started walking at the same pace as you, slightly more hurried than usual.
“Fury assigned me a mission with Barnes,” you spat out the good news, impossibly frowning harder at the mention of that name.
“Oh,” Natasha nodded. “Well, you could try to work things out-”
“What things, Natasha?” you paused, turning to look at her as everything around you turned red. “There's nothing to fix here, because Barnes is a stubborn, obstinate, childish, bossy, stupid man who is incapable of speaking like a civilized adult and only knows how to shout orders everywhere as if he's the bossy one in the Complex. I can't stand him!”
You heard his voice.
“I hope you know the feeling is reciprocated.”
You turned to see him, his body was leaning against the island at the entrance to the kitchen, in a strategic spot as if you could never realize he was there because your path was to the other side. Natasha watched between the two of you like a tennis match, fearful as if at any moment the screaming would start and she would have to run away.
You didn't know what to do. You were super angry, yes, and you felt your blood boiling inside your veins, too. And you'd said all that stuff to Bucky's face before, and God knows how many times before you'd argued just by seeing each other in the halls of the Complex. Despite that, you felt trapped. The anger was still there, yes, but his gaze pierced through you like a sword.
“Believe me, I don't want to go on this mission with a stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, ignorant, individualist like you either, who cares not for the safety of the team but for her own victory, no matter how she achieves it.”
With his eyes sharp, his heavy footsteps approached you, echoing in your head loudly like the second hand of a clock. He had stopped at a safe distance as he spoke and at one point Natasha had grabbed your arm when it seemed you had tried to approach him as well.
“You're a hypocrite,” you spat at him.
“Ha! Me?”
“You always play the saintly dove, but you know you're not much different from me.”
“I'm nothing like you,” Bucky wrinkled his face, as if the very thought caused him to shiver with disgust.
“You're an individualist, too, imposing your plans on others.”
“You never have a plan! What do you expect me to do, let you go and die?”
“I do have plans! But you don't like them because they are more effective than yours.”
“They're more effective at the cost of risking more of our lives.”
“That's what our job is all about!”
“Our job is about protecting! How are you going to accomplish a mission if you're dead?”
“Well, I've done pretty well so far, in case you haven't noticed.”
“If I had a nickel for every time you've gone airhead straight into danger and ended up nowhere near dead, I'd have as much money as Stark.”
“And if I had a nickel for every time your stupid, slow plans have caused you to lose sight of the target and made you come back empty-handed, I'd be twice as rich as Stark.”
“At least my kill rate is minus five.”
“And my hit rate is one hundred by the way.”
“Are you even listening to what you're saying?”
“That I always finish missions on the first try, unlike you?”
“That you're treating your life like it's something insignificant.”
“Ah, now you care about my life?”
Natasha tightened her hand around your forearm again preventing you from again getting too close to the man who was getting on your nerves. Before he could respond, you spoke again:
“Look, Barnes, to make it absolutely clear to you for the rest of your long life: I love my life and I love my job. I love my life because it allows me to have this job and I love my job because it allows me to have this life. If you have a problem with how I choose to do the job, that's just that, your problem. But don't think you're coming here to give me a psychology lesson to make me believe that I don't value my life just because now you've run out of arguments. It's because I value my life, Barnes, that I always come out of every mission unscathed. I don't put myself at risk because I'm oblivious. I always have everything figured out and that's why everything always works out for me.”
Bucky snorted, his body moving away from yours, but despite that expression on his face he didn't respond again. He gave you a sidelong glance before walking back into the kitchen.
Your shoulders felt a little lighter. For a moment you thought he was going to continue arguing.
Natasha next to you sighed, finally letting go of your forearm.
“Why did you hold me so tight?” you frowned at her, rubbing the part of your skin that was slightly red. “Did you really think I was going to fight a super soldier?”
Natasha shrugged under your gaze.
“We've known you to do crazy things.”
“I wouldn't have stood a chance of beating him even if he gave me the upper hand.”
Five hours earlier.
You hadn't seen Bucky for the rest of the day after that discussion, until the next day when you had to get on the Quinjet and didn't even glance at each other.
Steve was in charge of handling the airplane and, apparently, he was also in charge of briefing you on how you were going to proceed on the mission, because Bucky was too busy drilling holes with his gaze somewhere else on the Quinjet away from the two of you.
Neither spoke when you descended nor when you approached the base apparently in a state of abandonment.
Bucky's mission were flat and simple, but as usual he had no backup plan, because all his backup plans were the same: run away. Bucky had a chick's sense of survival, that's why when things went bad was the time when he would scream at you the loudest.
Just like it happened on that mission.
“This place is deadly quiet,” you spoke for the first time, barely earning a sidelong glance from the man next to you.
You had already finished thermo-sensor checking every floor of the building and it was indeed desolate. Still, you felt a strange uncomfortable chill run down your back.
“Well, that's what deserted means,” Bucky commented, his sarcasm sharp.
You rolled your eyes at him, even if he couldn't see you, and kept walking with your gun raised as you approached the checkpoint.
“I mean I can't even hear birds or crickets, doesn't that strike you as odd?”
“Well, we're on the fourth floor, wouldn't it make it stranger if you could hear them at this altitude?”
“Well, you can hear at this height. Tell me, do you hear anything down below?”
Bucky paused. They were a few steps away from reaching the room. His deadly stare caused you nothing but boredom and you would have ignored him completely except that he let out a sigh, dejected. You detailed him minutely as he seemed to focus his hearing on external sounds.
“There's nothing,” he spoke after a few seconds, his brow slightly furrowed.
“You see?”
“But that doesn't mean anything. We'd better finish this quickly.”
Ignoring the grimace on your face, Bucky moved to step into the room whose door was wide open. You stared offended at his back and felt the urge to smack his big head with the butt of your gun.
“Here it is,” you heard him exclaim from inside.
Sighing you made your way to where he stood. A large display of old computers anchored to the wall.
“You should do it yourself,” you looked at Bucky with a smirk. “I don't handle equipment this old.”
Bucky only snorted in response and moved with his gun to another side of the room, leaving you in complete silence to do your job.
You moved quietly and sat down in front of the machines. You plugged them into the power source you brought in your suitcase and in a few minutes they began to work.
The mission was simple. There was one of the old HYDRA bases that contained specific information that Fury needed to find. Up to that point, they had searched about seven abandoned bases without any success. So there you were with Bucky, at the eighth base they had identified, digging through old commands and in another language trying to find the information they needed.
Ever since they left the Complex that morning you were convinced you would find nothing. They had already raided several bases and there were still a few more to go. The probability that you would find that information at that time was…
“Got it,” you exclaimed to Bucky.
You heard his hurried footsteps and then felt the warmth of his body next to you.
“Is that it?”
“Just a folder.”
“And why does it load so slowly?”
“It's an old computer, Bucky, it works at its own pace.”
Bucky gave you a sidelong glance. “Wish you understood me like you understand that thing.”
“Aish,” you pouted by way of mockery. “Jealous, Barnes?”
The aforementioned just snorted.
The load was running at forty percent and truth be told, yes, it was too slow. But you could do nothing but wait, there was no way to speed it up.
Bucky paced back and forth behind you and you just watched the green lines move as if that helped at all. But, well, what else could you do?
At one point, as the charge was about to reach eighty percent, you heard interference on your communicators.
“Argh,” you shook your head and raised your hand to move the device a little away until the sound died down. “Steve?”
There was no response.
You turned to look at Bucky, who had the same quizzical expression.
The interference returned and then you heard Steve's voice distorted.
“… of… moment!”
“What the fuck is he saying?”
Bucky remained silent, tapping the device on his ear as if that would fix it.
But you saw it before you heard Steve's voice again.
A clump of people through the window. A freshly loaded cannon.
And at that moment, Steve's voice filled them with clarity.
“It's an ambush! Get out of there now!”
The quickness of the impact didn't let you process what was happening. Less than a second after hearing Steve the ground shook beneath your feet. The cracks in the floor started small and then swallowed you apart.
You held onto a beam, barely lucid enough. You propelled yourself upward, swinging your forearms over the patch of ground that was still intact. You heard Bucky's grunts in the distance. He was surely all right.
You heard him call out to you too, but as soon as you could sit down on the ground, the first thing you did was to reach for the pendrive.
Your heart was pounding, so hard it might as well have flown out on its own. Your breathing accelerated, with adrenaline rushing through your body was the only thing you could feel. At that moment you felt capable of anything.
You stood up quickly to look out the window again. The people were gone and the cannon had been destroyed.
It was at that moment that you realized that Steve was still talking on the communicator.
“I'm fine,” you replied, after being able to decipher his words amidst the constant buzzing from the sound of the explosion and the dizziness you felt at the sight of the hole next to you.
“Okay, you're both fine,” the Captain spoke again.
“Y/N, you can get down from there and get to the floor below. I'll catch you.”
At the sound of Bucky's voice, you moved away from the window.
Bucky had landed on the floor below, and yes, from where you were you could jump up and you'd probably have nothing but a cramp.
“How's it going up there?”
“Well, the shields are holding up okay, but I've got poor vision. I think they're regrouping somewhere else.”
You looked around.
Most of the floor had swallowed up the computers, but the main one was still loading the document. You could see the green from where you were. It was at ninety-seven percent.
But it was dangerous to get too close. The pendrive was dangling from the main computer which was about to succumb to the cracked floor.
There was some concrete left in front of the computers that you could walk across, so, without a second thought, you mapped out a mental guidance plan and moved forward.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?”
“I'm getting the pendrive.”
“What? Are you insane? That side of the floor isn't going to support your weight!”
“Yes it will. I know how to do it.”
You started walking all over the remaining edge of the floor in front of what was left of the computers. Small pieces would break off as you passed causing Bucky to hiss.
“Y/N, you'd better stop and get down right now. There's still a risk of them firing again.”
“I'm gonna get it, Barnes.”
“Y/N! Get down, now!”
Ignoring his command, you held onto the remaining wall in front of you as you continued on your way, almost reaching where the pendrive was, about to fall into the abyss.
Ninety-eight percent.
“Fucking hell, Barnes, will you shut the fuck up? Your yelling is breaking my concentration.”
“You want me to just stay quiet while you walk to your certain death?”
“I'm not going to dieee- ahh-”
Your left foot, the one in front, wobbled as a piece of the floor came loose. You clung tightly to the wall as best you could, breathing deeply to calm your racing heart. Panicking at that moment wasn't going to do any good.
“God, I can't believe this,” you heard Bucky's voice, muttering to himself. “Now are you really going to get off?”
His voice sounded reprimanding, but agitated. In the midst of that mess, you wondered for a moment if he was really worried.
“I'm almost there.”
You heard him grunt in the distance.
You kept moving your feet in the direction of the main computer, this time more cautiously and more slowly. The floor all along that edge was too cracked, on the verge of falling. You were surprised it had lasted this long.
At that point, Bucky started talking to Steve, but you kept your full concentration on not falling. Maybe Bucky was right and you really didn't have any regard for your life, but…. No, no. You were very sure of what you were doing. You couldn't give up without trying everything. Maybe for Bucky it was too risky, but that was your life. And you knew you could do it.
You had reached the critical point on the ground.
The voices of the two men were becoming too overwhelming, so you quickly took off your communicator and stuffed it in one of your tactical pants pockets.
“What the fuck did you just do?” Bucky exclaimed, a considerable distance away. He wasn't as far away as you thought.
“Your voices are distracting me!”
Good. You were close. Maybe from there you could reach it… if you stretched a little… a little more… a little- Whoop. Nope. You weren't that close. Another chunk of floor fell and with it everything around you shifted. The concrete was so unstable that it tilted further into the abyss after your not at all incredible maneuver.
You had to get even closer.
You had to use plan c.
But for that, the pendrive had to be one hundred percent charged and you weren't sure you could wait for that. Or well, you weren't sure the floor would hold. You had to be quick.
You heard Bucky behind you, but his words were carried away by the wind. You couldn't focus on him because that would be too distracting.
So, arriving at point x, you executed your plan as quickly as possible.
You ran. Even if the world was falling down, you ran. In the direction of the pendrive. The green number didn't change. You took a deep breath. You felt the sparks fly around you. The sound of the ground cracking was going to haunt you in several dreams.
You picked up the pendrive. You would have a few extra seconds as you leaned over and climbed over the computers to gain momentum.
The bing of the computer filled you with a rush of adrenaline.
One hundred percent.
You jumped. You held your breath for a second. Nerves built up in your throat. You felt like you were going to lose consciousness for a minute. Maybe you heard Bucky in the background, you weren't sure, but knowing him he was probably still scolding you.
In the midst of a deep exhalation…
Your feet hit the ground. You rolled. You moved quickly as you turned to see that the ground was still falling. You got up and ran.
You ran until you collided with a solid body. Bucky was shaking your shoulders.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?" he exclaimed, his face angry.
You could hear Steve's voice through his communicator because of how close he was.
He grabbed your arm and you ran again.
Somehow, Bucky managed to get you out of the building as they bombed it again. You had a gunfight the moment you touched the cold snow.
You moved alongside Bucky like a symphony, aiming and firing with your gun until you managed to get away.
When you noticed that you kept going and kept running…
“Where's Steve?”
“If you had your fucking communicator on…”
Bucky grabbed your hand again to keep running.
You quickly reached a shack that looked abandoned and the man next to you wasted no time in letting go of you and running in the direction of what appeared to be a garage. There was a motorcycle.
You reached into your pocket only to realize that the communicator had been destroyed.
And Bucky looked too angry to want to talk.
“Get on.”
He drove all the way into town, but he didn't stop there.
You were on the road for at least about two hours. You had no idea where you were.
Somewhere along that trip, Bucky stopped in front of another abandoned shack and from there he pulled out a car. He set the bike on fire.
You went back on the road, for at least another hour.
Until you reached a small town and Bucky finally stopped in front of a house that didn't look so neglected.
“They destroyed the Quinjet's shields at missile point. Steve had to leave. We'll stay here until I can get through to Fury and we know what to do.”
His voice gave no room for retorts.
Well, yes, you were a bit reckless during missions, but so what? You got what you needed thanks to your incredible action plans and always came out unscathed. If you didn't do that during missions, how far behind would they be now in their knowledge against the enemy? They would probably be sitting ducks. Bucky didn't see that.
You two didn't talk for much of the afternoon and evening. You had spent it in the living room, trying to avoid the mess he had made to get something to eat and rest. You had perhaps slept for about three hours when you woke up and saw him sitting in one of the dining room chairs. The room looked cleaner than before.
Bucky sighed when he realized you had woken up.
“I'm sorry I yelled at you.”
You frowned. “What?”
“Earlier when we arrived. And for all the mess,” he averted his gaze when you leaned on your forearm to get a better look at him.
“Don't you think it was the least you could do?” quizzical, you sat back on the couch.
“Weren't you the one who said I don't know how to talk like a civilized adult?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Sometimes.”
“Well, now I want to. That's why I deeply apologize for reacting that way.”
You remained silent, not really knowing how to answer him. On the previous mission you'd had with Bucky, when the whole mess was over and you were quietly in the Quinjet taking it all in, Bucky had only said “you're fucking crazy” to you before exiting the aircraft. There was no scolding, at least not from him, no complaining, no yelling. Just that. And with that you stayed for a week because you never even saw him again.
Despite the number of times you had heard that, you couldn't see it that way. That was your job, that was what you did and you didn't dislike it. You had done it forever, it was basically your way of life and you had always done it excellently. You trained and practiced for situations like that, that's why you were part of SHIELD's risk management team for so long. You used to risk your life like that to save other people and it didn't bother you. Now you were still doing it, also to save people. There was no dark reason behind it. You were contributing to a common good and that was enough.
“I guess I haven't made things bearable for you either,” you admitted with a hint of remorse.
“No, never,” Bucky shook his head in agreement.
“I'm sorry I scared you,” the words slipped from your mouth. You wanted to say something else, but, well, that had to work.
Bucky let out a short laugh. His head jerked in sync, his shoulders loose as if he didn't have a care in the world. For a moment you felt like you were somewhere else; maybe in a living room, some alcoholic beverage in one of your hands as one of your favorite songs played softly in the background, and Bucky. Bucky sitting in front of you, just like that moment.
Wow. What the fuck was that?
“You apologize for my reaction, but not for what you did?” his sly grin was getting on your nerves. You preferred it when he wasn't trying to upset you at the point of smirks. You never thought that was a weapon he could use against you.
No, I hate Bucky Barnes. This is unacceptable. Mind, get your shit together.
“Well, I tried to do that earlier and you didn't care. I don't know what you want from me, Barnes,” you turned your head away, nonchalantly playing with your hair to avoid seeing those light eyes again.
“You'd better leave it at that. I couldn't take that knack away from you if I tried for years,” the sigh that accompanied his words reminded you of something you'd thought of when you were in the building. His face still looked calm, but a little upset by the wrinkle between his eyebrows.
“Why do you care so much about that?” you asked him directly now that you had the chance.
You looked at him as he turned his head away, his eyes roaming over your face, confused.
“Are you asking me why I care about your life?”
Puzzled, you shrugged. His look almost made you think that was a weird thing to ask, but was it really? “Yes. Well…. You hate me.”
“What? I don't hate you,” Bucky shook his head, his face more contracted than before as if you'd said he had cat ears on his head. He looked almost offended.
And that was the really strange thing.
You mean, almost as long as you'd known Bucky your relationship had been based on fights and demeaning adjectives to each other. That he would say that made even less sense than you asking him why he cared so much about you. He had to be pulling your leg.
“What? But I hate you because you hate me,” you explained vaguely, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. That was one way of putting it; that is to say, Bucky never gave any indication that he didn't hate you. Or well…
“I don't hate you,” Bucky shrugged, his nonchalant expression confusing you that much more. “You're just a little… insufferable sometimes.”
You rolled your eyes. “That's just a synonym for hating.”
“I don't hate you,” he repeated, this time turning to look you in the eye. For a moment you felt like your breath caught in your throat and you were going to choke. “I know we argue and say a lot of things to each other, but… hating is too strong a feeling.”
“Are you really serious?” you shook your head to get the extraneous thoughts out; that wasn't the time to make a discovery, to realize you had lived a lie.
“Yes. And just to make you more sure, I wouldn't mind hanging out with you outside the Complex,” Bucky blurted out, matter-of-factly.
Your head went blank.
Several seconds stunned.
Bucky barely cracked a smile at your dumbfounded expression. It sure looked like you'd actually seen cat ears grow on his head. The things he was now saying… they didn't make sense. “You dislike the idea that much?”
“Do you want to not say things so drastically different every moment? You're changing my perception of reality.”
Bucky kept his small smile and you had to swallow hard to ignore the warmth that settled in your chest. It wasn't welcome, not at that moment. The sound of that music in the living room in your head was getting louder, as if your own mind wanted to mock your surprise.
“Well, back to your question,” Bucky moved his hands nonchalantly over his lap and your eyes followed his movement unashamedly, “I don't see why I shouldn't care about your life. We are partners, after all.”
Partners? After all you had been through? Were you partners? Did Bucky believe that?
“Are we?” you didn't try to hide the incredulous tone that accompanied your words, because it already sounded like you'd just stepped through the door into a parallel dimension.
“Sure,” Bucky nodded to emphasize your words and the calm expression on his face became more familiar with each passing second. Could it be that that had always been the reality and you had been deprived of it? “We've known each other for five years.”
“I always thought you hated me…” you mumbled to yourself, looking lost because your head recalling every fight of the last few years, since you met him, every tongue out and every exalted word, but his incredible hearing clearly picked up what you said as if you had murmured it in his ear.
“Surely it was a mistake in communication.”
“Mistake?” you frowned at his reassurance. “You always called me stubborn and childish every chance you got.”
“I thought we were annoying each other. Although, of course,” his face became a little more serious, “there were times when I knew you hated me intensely. You said really hurtful things, what was I supossed to do? That's why I never bothered to talk to you like this. You did hate me.”
“Because I thought you…! Argh.”
Bucky smiled again.
“You're the insufferable one, Barnes.”
You hated the way your head snapped back to that image in the living room, so peaceful and calm, so serene and warm, the moment his barely noticeable smile hit you again. You had barely managed to get those words out of your mouth before you felt yourself running out of breath again.
Were you asthmatic?
And why was your head suddenly filled with platonic thoughts you'd never had before in your life?
What the fuck was happening to you?
“This is the longest civilized conversation we've ever had,” Bucky spoke again, his gaze wandering somewhere in the room.
Yes, that was true. Whenever you talked for this long it was always to argue and say hurtful things to each other. But you were too surprised by everything he had said, because just yesterday he told you that he didn't want to come on this mission with you either and in his eyes you were sure you saw something like what you felt. Something of hatred, when you saw your eyes through his.
Did you just… imagine it all?
Did you think he hated you because you hated him too?
Or maybe you wanted to convince yourself that he hated you. Maybe it was easier to deal with that than with the idea that you…
Oh no.
No, no, no. There's no fucking way that's it.
But then Bucky stood up and with his smug, know-it-all, hateful look, with that sly, evil grin, like he'd always known everything, like he was squirming around enjoying your confused stare, he held out his hand to you and said:
“Shall we fix something to eat?”
Oh, no, you were screwed.
a/n: thank u so much for reading!! <3
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ilycosy · 7 months
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pairing : luke castellan x daughter of aphrodite!reader
summary — being a child of aphrodite deems you perfect from the moment you get claimed, the expection of complete and utter perfection can weigh down on somebody. somehow, a simple hermes boy reaches all those expectations without even trying.
warnings : hurt/comfort but it's platonic , this takes place in noted , luke is a cocky dumbass & reader is heavily implied to be autistic
aノn — first fic for noted !! the smau is being worked on l8r since im a little exhausted n not feeling well again but , i have this to hold u guys over <3 + some smut in drafts :33 every1 say thank u kai for proofreading this <33 @grsveyrrd
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you couldn't remember the last time you felt at ease, being at camp always got your blood pumping and the rush of adrenaline in your veins. even being a daughter of aphrodite, stereotypically dainty, you still felt that rush for glory.
you couldn't ever express that need for it though, as camp counselor, you were always expected to guide younger campers into their quests and their own legacy while ignoring your own. it seemed that you were the only one held to that expectation though, clearly shown by hermes cabin.
luke castellan, son of hermes. god of messaging and traveling, he always seemed to be on the move— talking idly with anyone who will listen, overall somebody who people can look up to.
not you though, you couldn't help but resent him. his overly confident smile and cute head tilt, not to mention how he's always winning every sword fight he's ever been in. he'd say something stupid like 'perks of being the best in the last three-hundred years', and then your eyeroll would just fuel his ego.
perfection was expected at camp, from everybody. being the pride of the gods was almost unachievable, almost.
you and luke had always seemed to never get along, most played it off as playful banter but you both knew it was something more. you just couldn't stand each other, no matter how hard you both tried.
he was just easily amazing at everything he does, seemingly rushing into things without thinking and winning. while you were stuck on the opposite team desperately working, never succeeding.
frustration was the worst way to describe it, it barely encompassed everything you felt. "hey," a voice spoke out, sounding raspy from thirst. "luke is wondering where you are, it's almost time for archery."
evan, while not related to you in any way, he was basically your brother. you took a shaky breath as you looked down at the lake, the prickling pain of every sense coming alive at full force now hitting you.
you didn't respond to him, unable to form the words to describe how much you didn't want to face luke and be proved to be a fool again. the metallic clink of evan's armor was heard as he sat down next to you, he was supposed to be at a practice run of capture the flag right now.
"you're skipping practice." you state, your head resting on your legs as you breathe heavy. regulating yourself the way chiron taught you, even though it barely ever worked.
you heard the click of his mouth before he went quiet, drumming his fingers on his knee before speaking. "im helping my sister," he says, scrunching up his nose at the endearment he called you himself. "practice can't wait, besides ill just fall asleep."
you laugh but it hurts, not a good hurt but more of a achey hurt. hurt for the exertion of emotion, hurt that he finds himself useless in an important sport, and hurt that you're failing to meet your obligations for the other campers at archery practice.
evan fills the silence until he can't anymore, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. sometimes you wonder if he's mr. d's son with how he can act so witty and talkative with you, even though he's a hermit around others.
eventually though, his predictions were right. two hours into his talking he begins to lean, falling asleep almost as fast as he began talking. resting his head on your shoulder, his black hair tickling your cheek.
his smell was comforting though, and even though the armor he hadn't shed dug into your side and your stomach as you laid down with him on you— you couldn't imagine trading it.
his light snores and drool seeped into your bright orange shirt, but you ignored it. using his body as a weighted blanket as you looked out into the water, finding the warm sun and soft grass rather comfortable.
you drifted off easily, hypnos taking you under his wing as he allowed you a peaceful sleep. freed from worries and the expectations, he didn't even let you wake when another counselor found you guys.
luke looked down at the two of you in the grass, taking a moment to just be a tired teen with you before gently picking you up. smiling gently at evan's sleepy face before gesturing him to follow him back to the cabins, cradling you maybe a bit too close than he would with others.
but evan wouldn't say anything, the moment was perfect even if you didn't remember it. (he definitely took a picture though).
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yandere--stuck · 1 month
AaaaaAAA I was so happy to see you already had a gore fic for Bill in the works! I have reread it like. 5 times. Your writing scratches my gore itch perfectly, and I just adore fics the intestinal stuff especially <33 and his mentions of your heart also… the romance!! I was inspired by what you wrote, I hope you enjoy it once again :D! (also im doing great, hope ur doing well too :D!!) - zagreus gore anon
Notes for anyone else: This contains gore!! So much gore!! Body horror— It’s Bill’s love language!! (intestinal trauma, mouth trauma, eye trauma…. Honestly ‘you’ here are violated in like every way possible.) No sexual content, but it’s suggestive to me. Bill Cipher is a Weirdo.
You never quite get used to the pain. You wish you did.
In your memories, the sensation is dulled. You know it was painful, you know it was one of the most horrible sensations of your life, but the full extent of it… You can’t remember. Your brain must be protecting you from it. Every act of Bill’s love would constitute life-long trauma for anyone else, yet you live through another session of it day by day. No. Scratch that. They wouldn’t be alive to recall it. They wouldn’t make it half as far as you. For you, no such easy, simple fate can ever be attainable. The weirdness of his new world has conquered Death itself.
Bill had cradled his intestines in your arms, laughing as they helplessly twitched and writhed against his body, cooing at them as you howled in pain. “Aww, are you excited to see papa?” He’d said, and only the strangeness of it had kept you from repressing it. He talked to your guts as if they were puppies, as if blood smeared across his bricks were innocent licks against his skin instead. Another time, he’d wrapped your guts around his triangular body, and called it the ‘world’s most intimate hug’ as he whispered sweet nothings about how much he looooves you, and also the health of your gut bacteria. Somehow, he always outdoes himself.
Bill had dug even deeper, crumbling your ribs to smithereens in his hands, and held your still-beating heart in his palms as an object of reverence. “All mine, all mine…” He’d muttered to himself, his pupil momentarily expanding to a large, inky abyss. The pain had been so intense that you’d slipped into shock. A bad habit of yours, as Bill called it, would be your tendency to slip into memories of the past to escape the present. When you should be focusing on him.
That time, he’d jolted you back to reality by fire-hot pain slashing through your heart. All the time, it continued pumping, spurting blood in Bill’s direction with every pump. His powers were the only thing keeping you alive. When, once, blood sprayed right into his eye and he was forced to take a break, you smiled for just a moment. A lopsided, crooked grin. He’d used a mirror to show you his handiwork. In the outer flesh of your heart, he’d burned a little triangle. He’d already healed the skin. The lighter pink scarring stood out against the rest of your heart. Marked forever. Though he’s usually so talkative, at that moment, he’d been quiet for just a few seconds.
Then, he’d laughed, breaking all tension. “Wow, it sure smells like barbecue in here!”
On another occasion, he had hummed a little tune to himself, comically large saw in hand, as he cut off your limbs one by one. You could never forget the sound as the teeth sawed through your bones, bit by bit. Tearing through muscle. The clunk of your arm hitting the floor. Your leg. Rinse and repeat. You swore you could still feel your arms and legs, once you lost enough blood and your vision went hazy. Bill had hugged you against his smaller form. (He could change his body’s size, technically. But he always preferred appearing just as he was to you.)
“Without all those gangly, long limbs of yours, we can really cuddle now!” The next day, all of your limbs had regrown.
He’d cradled your face with one hand, and kept your mouth open with his other wrist. You could see nothing except for that giant eye of his as he pried your teeth out of your mouth, one by one. The taste of blood filled your mouth. He’d tug and tug and tug, not nearly using enough strength, and being entirely aware of it, until finally yanking it out once and for all. (Until it regrew, that is.) Under your gaze, he took your teeth one by one, drilled a little hole in them and strung them together on a necklace.
“Hmmmm,” he’d hummed to himself, a long, drawn-out noise. “I feel like it’s missing something. What do you think?” Before you could answer, not that you had any desire to, he snapped his fingers. “Oh! I know! For a sign of our undying love for each other, it’s a little plain with just teeth!”
In the next moment, Bill had taken out one of your eyes. You cannot comprehend how such a, relatively, small part of your face could hurt so unimaginably much. You wanted him to drape his guts all over himself again. You’re sure a point-blank gunshot to the head would’ve hurt less. Been less discomforting. His fingers had shrunk into paper-thin appendages and slipped past your eyeball, digging and cutting away at the nerves behind it. You cried tears of blood. If there was anything in your stomach, you might have thrown up.
Then, all at once, pain had blossomed into pure, mind-numbing pleasure. Compared to the pain, this is what you would like to forget the most. You’d gurgled out a moan through the spit gathered at the back of your throat. Your limbs had twitched helplessly against your restraints. When your optic nerve finally snapped, you’d whined as Bill took your eye out, exclaiming “Pop!” as he did so. For just a moment, he’d juggled your detached eyeballs in his hands, having left you panting.
“Yes, now this’ll make a good centerpiece!”
Pain had become just pain once again as soon as his touch left you. There is nothing good about a gaping, throbbing hole left in your face. You whine, sniffle softly, to get his attention. You hardly ever speak out loud anymore. Bill can read your every thought and is aware of your every idea. When speaking takes up more energy than it saves, why should you? In that moment, you had lacked the energy to think about it, your body desperately trying to recover itself.
Right now, you wonder why he’d make it feel good. Why, this one time. You don’t immediately get a response. Bill just laughs and laughs and laughs, running his fingers across the teeth of his necklace, poking the eyeball in the very middle. In your eye-socket, an exact replica of it has re-formed itself.
“You’re so funny! Why do you think I did anything at all? That was all you, baby!” His pupil transforms into a heart. It’s a blink-or-you-miss it transformation, and as soon as it happened, you think you’ve made it up. “I told you that you’d come around to it! Maybe we can even share in a little bit of pain next time, huh?”
You haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since, both his words and how mind-numbingly good it had felt. Maybe he’d simply lied to you, maybe it’d all been his doing. That would be the best outcome, right?… With time, you know Bill will ‘show you his love’ again— He always does. But this time, you await it with fear, largely fear, but with a little anticipation, too. There’s no need to tell him. He already knows.
ANON I AM BARKING LIKE A DOG!!!!!!!! BARKBARKBARKBARK THIS IS AMAZING!!!!! God, your descriptive voice is so good, it's so vivid!!!! Bill tricking reader into thinking they like it and them believing it...... Yummy yummy corruption in my tummy <3
Thank you so much for this, I can only hope what I write holds a candle to this!!! You never disappoint raaghh.
Bill draping your guts around as the world's most intimate hug. GOD. Also it's so fashionable! Gut scarf, teeth and eyeball necklace, literally wearing pants of your body to shoe his love and claim of you. Aaaa I'm kicking my feet!!
Thank you so much again holy smokes
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qtboni · 1 year
Hello, bonnie! 👋 May I please request something for the TF141 boys and König (bcz i luv him) where reader got dem cold ass hands and hugs them?
HELLO DEAR ANONNIE !! THIS WAS SO CUTE OMG IM BLUSHING SO HARD . also i might have favored könig's part a lil bit HSJDHDJ cus i wuv him too dwdw ANYW HERE YOU GO <3
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PAIRING: Task Force 141 Members X Gn!Reader
OVERVIEW: Cold hands for Cuddles <33
C/W: Entirely fluff! + kissies and huggies, little suggestive at Soap's part .
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── ◜‹3◞  CAP.N JOHN PRICE :
"Oh, don't worry about that. These hands have withstood much worse."
It's a cold evening, and John is snuggled up on the couch with you, watching a movie and holding hands. He can feel the way you're trying to squeeze all the warmth you can from his hands, but they're already freezing.
Then, he noticed that your hands were undeniably cold and couldn't help but chuckle. "Mmm, looks like we've got a couple of ice cubes over here." he said, mimicking a shiver as you watch him.
"Hey!" you exclaimed and smacked his shoulder playfully, feeling the warm, soft texture of his shirt. He chuckled and squeezed your hands tighter together with his, and wraps his free arm around you, pulling you closer. He holds you in his strong arms, and had you sitting on his lap, and you can't help but feel a sense of comfort and safety.
"Don't worry, sugar," John replied, nuzzling into your neck. "These hands have been through a lot, but they're always there for you, just like I am."
You hug him back, feeling grateful for his love and warmth. John can feel the way you lean into him, as if he's your anchor in this ever-changing world. He knows then and there that he will always be there for you and that your love will never fade, even in the chilliest nights. You feel his beating heart, as if it keeps his love for you alive, even after all these years.
"You're the best," you said, snuggling closer to him.
"Of course I am," he replied with a smug grin. "But let's not forget that without me, you'd be lost in this cold, oh such cruel world. I'm your knight in shining armor, saving you from the perils of winter."
You can't help but laugh at his witty response. "You're a dork," you said, smiling.
"I know," he said, holding you tighter. "But I'm your dork, sugar. And I wouldn't have it any other way."
You feel his warm breath on your neck, as if he's whispering sweet nothings in your ear, words of pure love and devotion. He's there for you, no matter what.
As John leaned in for a kiss, you can feel the warmth of his lips against yours, making you smile. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer, and you felt a rush of emotions wash over you. It was as if the cold, cruel world around you disappeared, and the only thing that mattered was John and the love you share.
In that moment, you knew that you were exactly where you were supposed to be, wrapped in John's arms and sheltered from the perils of winter. And as long as you had him, everything would be alright.
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── ◜‹3◞  SIMON ‘GHOST’ RILEY :
"I think I know just the thing to warm you up."
It's undeniably cold inside your home. "Simon," you whine, burying your face in his shoulder to steal some of his warmth. "I'm still freezing."
Simon chuckles, pulling you closer. "Oh my, you're like a popsicle in the middle of a blizzard," he teases, hugging you even tighter and clasping your cold hands into his. "But I think I know just the thing to warm you up."
"What's that?" you ask, your teeth still chattering.
"I'm going to put you in a microwave," Simon responds, deadpan.
You laugh, but he's not joking— and as he picks you up and heads to the kitchen, you realize his suggestion isn't so funny after all.
"Simon..?" You can't help but shudder as you imagine being stuck in a small, enclosed space, surrounded by the deafening hum of the microwave as it fries you alive. But Simon doesn't seem to notice your fear; his eyes are fixed on the microwave as he punches in the timer and sets it to the maximum setting.
As you wait for your fate, you can't help but wonder what could possibly possess Simon to do such a thing. Is it just his quirky sense of humor, or something deeper?
The microwave beeps to signal that it's finished, and Simon nervously opens the door. You hold your breath as you peek inside. To your surprise, the heat inside came pouring out and warming you up. But it ended as the door closed up.
"You know, love," Simon said with a chuckle. "I didn't think you'd actually take me seriously."
You turned to him. "What do you mean?" you asked, your teeth chattering still from the cold.
Simon grinned, pulling off his sweater and handing it to you. "Here, wear this. I'll keep you warm," he said, his voice full of compassion.
You hesitated, knowing that the sweater would be cold, but you were grateful for the offer nonetheless. You slipped the sweater on and felt the cold fabric against your skin. You shivered but as you leaned against Simon, you felt his warmth start to penetrate through the sweater.
"There you go," Simon said with a satisfying smile. He stroked your hair and nuzzled his face against your cheek. "All warm and cozy now."
"Thank you, Si'," you said, feeling grateful for his kindness.
"Of course, anything for you, love," he replied, kissing your forehead. You couldn't help feeling grateful to have such a warm and caring person in your life, and you resolved to show him the same warmth and care in return.
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"It's like a portable chiller, aye?"
Johnny's eyes sparkled with a teasing twinkle as you approached him with your cold hands. He was quick to respond with his usual wit and charm.
"Cold hands, warm heart, eh?" he said with a grin, taking your hands in his and rubbing them together briskly. His warm touch sent a tingly sensation up your arms, and you felt your mood lifting instantly.
"I like it, babe," Johnny said with a wink, pulling your arms to his neck as he continued to hug you. "It's like a portable chiller, aye?"
You couldn't help but laugh at the joke, feeling your spirits lift with each passing moment. Johnny was always the life of the party, and his funny nature was one of the things that made him so attractive to you. But what you appreciated most about Johnny was his genuine kindness. He was always there for you, no matter what, and he was always quick with a joke to make you feel better.
"That's a good one," you whispered as you nuzzing closer to him, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment you two shared together.
As you stood there in his arms, you felt the warmth of his body and the familiarity of his embrace. It was a feeling that you never wanted to end, and you were grateful for his kind words and thoughtful actions. He was a constant source of comfort and laughter, and you knew that you could always count on him to make you smile.
Suddenly, with a mischievous glint in his eye, Johnny leaned in close and whispered in your ear. "Now that your hands are warm, maybe we can think about warming up the rest of you," he said, his breath hot on your skin.
Johnny's words sent a shiver up your spine, and you felt a tingle of excitement as his lips brushed against your ear. You could smell the warm scent of his breath and the musk of his body all around you, and you were aware of your heart beating just a little bit faster.
You then felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment at his teasing, but you couldn't help but smile at his playful antics. Johnny was always full of surprises, and his sense of humor was one of the things that you loved about him.
"You're too much, love," you muttered with a grin, shaking your head.
"I try," Johnny said with a smile. "But seriously, I'll warm you up. I don't want you to catch a cold."
You nodded in agreement, grateful for the concern in Johnny's voice. His arms tightened around you, and you felt your entire body warm up as his warmth radiated through you.
Johnny pulled you into a warm embrace, his body pressed against yours as you leaned into him. You felt him smile against your neck, and his hands slid down your back, his touch electric with anticipation.
Despite the playful banter, Johnny's arms were like a warm, comforting embrace around you, and you felt safe and secure in his presence. Whether he was making you laugh with his hilarious jokes or supporting you with his genuine kindness, Johnny was always there for you, and you were grateful for every moment you spent together.
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── ◜‹3◞  KYLE ‘GAZ’ GARRICK :
"You know, that felt kind of nice."
You've been outside for a while, and it's colder than usual. So when you and Kyle hugged each other goodbye, you can't help but notice how cold your hands are compared to how warm his body is. Without thinking, you wrap your arms around him and caressed his back with your cold hands.
Kyle felt a soft touch against his back.
"Oh!" He muttered, surprised by the feeling of your cold hands. At first, he was caught off-guard by the suddenness of the gesture, but as he felt the warmth and tenderness of your embrace, he relaxed and found himself enjoying the hug more than expected.
The surprise quickly gave way to pleasure as he felt a soothing sensation envelop his body. "You know, that felt kind of nice," Kyle mumbled, turning to you with a soft grin.
You were taken aback by the sincerity of his words, but you couldn't help but feel a flush of warmth spread across your cheeks.
"Really?" You smiled to yourself. As you pulled away from the hug, you saw the twinkle in Kyle's eyes. And for a moment, he felt like you were the only two people in the world.
"Yes, I didn't even realize how cold you were until your hands crawled into my back," Kyle says with a gentle smile. "But it felt kind of comforting, like you were giving me a little bit of your warmth."
You feel your heart flutter. It's small moments like this that make you realize just how much he means to you.
Your heart is racing as he pulls you closer to him, and you feel the warmth of his body surround yours. Kyle's hand then stroked your neck gently, and you closed your eyes feeling safe and loved.
"I love you, Kyle," you whisper, feeling the words pour out of you like a dam bursting.
His eyes widen, and he looks deep into your eyes. "I love you too," he says softly, and nuzzled his head into your neck.
He pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you gently. You feel his warmth envelop your body, and for a moment, you feel like you're truly one with him. His heart is beating at the same rhythm as yours, and you feel a sense of connection between the two of you that is difficult to explain, but that feels so real and true.
Kyle kisses your forehead, and you close your eyes, feeling truly loved and complete.
And as you continue to hold each other, you can't help but notice how Kyle's arms tighten around you, as though he's trying to hold onto every moment of warmth he can get from your embrace.
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── ◜‹3◞  KÖNIG :
"Your hands are so cold, mein liebling :(("
You and König are in his room, where he keeps his gun safe. He's been feeling a little anxious lately, and hasn't had a chance to clean his rifle in a while. So tonight, after dinner, he decided to take some time to give it a good cleaning.
It's been a while since he's held his gun, so he's surprised by how well-balanced it feels in his hands. He loves the way the metal feels against his skin, the weight of it in his grip. He takes a deep breath and begins to dismantle the gun, cleaning and checking each part carefully before putting it back together again.
He's lost in his own thoughts, focused on the task at hand, until your sudden appearance behind him.
"RAWR!" you exclaimed, a wide smile appears in your face.
König lets out a little gasp of surprise as you wrap your cold hands around him, pulling him into a tight hug. "Hase," he whines, still startled by the coldness of your hands. "Your hands are so cold."
Despite his own surprise and confusion, he can't help but feel a little bit charmed by your sudden, playful hug. He can't help but smile at the absurdity of it all.
"Hehe," you giggled and showed him your toothy grin. "That's why I'm the cuddle monster!"
You pull him closer to you, burying your cold hands beneath the warmth of the hoodie he's wearing that you've stolen from him at least three times already. He lets out a little squeak of surprise before settling back into your embrace.
But he can't help but feel a little bit of concern for you. He understands how uncomfortable cold hands can be, especially in this weather. And he can't bear the thought of having his own partner suffering like this. So, unable to resist the temptation, he decides to do something about it.
He pulls away from your embrace, feeling a little bit self-conscious about what he's about to do. But he knows that it's for your own good. He looks around for anything that might warm up your hands, and settles on the hot metal tea cup beside him. He reaches for it, careful not to spill the boiling hot water inside, and hands it to you.
The cup feels warm and comforting in your hands, the heat spreading through your body and warming up the tips of your fingers. You give him a grateful smile, and take a small sip from the tea. It's slightly bitter, probably due to the over-brewed tea. But you don't mind; the warmth it gives you makes it worthwhile. You take another sip, feeling the warmth spread through your body.
König watches you savor the tea, feeling happy that he could help you. He knows how hard you've been working lately, and he wants to make sure you're always taken care of. He can't help but feel a little bit proud of himself, knowing that he was able to make you happy with something so simple.
You finish the tea, handing the cup back to him. He takes it from you and sets it down on the table as he gives you a small smile, feeling content.
"Your hands okay now?" he asks as his thick German accent seeps through, concerned for your well-being. He grabs both of your hands and blew warm air from his lips to them, making them warmer.
You feel a wave of warmth and comfort wash over you as his warm breath hits your cold hands. In the moment, everything seems to slow down, and you feel a sense of calmness and reassurance wash over you. You can't help but feel grateful for Simon's kindness and thoughtfulness, and you can't help but smile at the genuine concern in his voice.
You nod, grateful for his kindness. "Yes, they are, thank you," you reply, still blushing from the intimacy of the moment.
He lets go of your hands, and your cheeks grow even hotter as you feel the warmth from his breath lingering on your skin. You both share an intense eye contact for a few moments, feeling a deep connection in that moment.
"I'll always take care of you, hase," he whispers, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. You can't help but melt into his embrace, feeling his warmth wash over you like a comforting blanket. He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms tighter around you, as if to protect you from the cold outside world.
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A/N: hello !! i still hve a lot of ur requests to write on so pls be patient w me :)) also upd ,, i will be quite busy tomorrow bcz i hve a big event to attend to ! might hve to resume working on the reqs a day after that .
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urfavlarry · 7 months
Hi, I love your Husk work as an overlord. Could I please request a husker x reader when he lost the game to Alastor. Short time after Reader becomes the Cashio Overlord that runs on the cashios that once owned by Husker. One day, the reader came by to see Husk at the hotel. Please and thank you
A/N: im not sure if i understood this well but i hope i wrote it well enough for you to enjoy! also sorry it took so long for me to write i was a bit busy but here it is<33 (and also reader doesn’t know about Husk at first :3 )
warnings: swearing,alcohol,bad grammar,mentions of death and bl00d
genre: angst??? and some fluff
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——————————Flashback ——————————
You walk to your local bar, you and some guy you met online through a dating app were supposed to meet up there and get to know each other more. You liked the guy, he was nice and showed genuine interest in you, something guys didn’t really do that often. You put effort in dressing up today, wearing your best pair of clothes you had and fixing up your hair and just make yourself over all look presentable. “This guy better not ditch me.” You tell yourself as you look at the time; 7:02pm. You were supposed to meet up at 7 and he was late. “Not the best first impression.” You sigh when you suddenly hear someone yelling your name.
“Y/N! Hey it’s me the guy you have been talking to for the past few months? I’m so sorry I was stuck in traffic and I would’ve called but I just didn’t really think about it in that moment.” He says rubbing his neck nervously and smiles awkwardly. You smile at him and chuckle; “Don’t worry about it! Now let’s go have some fun!” You say excitedly and pull him to the bar.
The bar was fairly crowded, something you were expecting since it’s a pretty popular one at that. You order some drinks and take a seat in the corner of a bar. It was loud but you still managed to talk and drink the night away! You drank a bit too much that night and your head started to pound and the last thing you remembered was getting pulled into an alley by the guy and a sharp pain in your chest and blood on your hands.
————————End of Flashback ————————
After you fell down to hell you quickly realized your situation and tried your best to not get in anyones way. You kept a low profile and kept your guard up just in case. You come across a casino, an abandoned one at that. You go inside and look at yourself in one of the broken mirrors on the floor. You had poker card symbols under your eyes and on your fingers. Your eyes widen at the sight, you were still wearing the same thing from last night it’s just that you have a big X on your chest. “That motherfucker killed me.” You say in disbelief, anger slowly bubbling up in you.
That day you went on a rampage. Finding an abandoned angelic spear somewhere in the bar and went fucking nuts. You swore you killed at least a good 250 demons and you kinda discovered some powers. “Cool.” You said and smirked. People had been recording you and posting about you online, calling you the “Soul gambler”, whatever that means. You slowly learned you killed 2 overlords during your little rampage and they weren’t even some random overlords, they were “heavy hitters” as people liked to call them. People started to fear you, making out the events that happened into something 10x worse. People didn’t bother looking your way anymore, wanting to light themselves on fire rather than to look at you.
You renewed the casinos around hell and gained massive amount of territory. People would visit the casinos frequently, it sort of reminded you of the casino from back when you were alive. Many people applied for the job since almost all of the jobs were taken because of hells overpopulation problem. Some old workers that worked at the casino before you renewed them and claimed them as your own started coming in, you hiring them of course since they had experience. You quickly learned there was an Overlord similar to you a few years ago. Unfortunately he lost his power and you learned from a commercial that he is now working at a hotel, Hazbin Hotel to be exact.
You decided to go and visit the hotel one day, wanting to have a chat with the old Overlord. You make yourself look presentable, wanting to look your best since you have a reputation to uphold. You walk to the hotel, people walking by screaming or just run into near by building, “Charming.” You think sarcastically and keep walking to the hotel.
You get to the hotel and look up at it, taking in its looks. It didn’t look half bad but it could use some renovation. You walk up the hill and brush yourself off one last time and knock on the big doors. There was silence for a few minutes then you heard commotion and a quiet “coming” from behind the closed doors. You wait patiently and hear the door open, seeing the one and only princess of hell. You go to speak but the door shuts right in your face; “Well that was.. something?” You think to yourself raising a brow in the process. The door opens once again, but this time by the radio demon himself, a fellow Overlord you quite liked. He didn’t try bothering you at all since you arrived in hell a few years ago and you appreciated that. “Salutations dear! It’s a pleasure finally meeting you! Quite a pleasure! Come on now, don’t just stand there. Come in!” He says stepping aside to let you in. You smile softly at him and thank him, walking into the lobby of the hotel when you suddenly stop dead in your tracks because a spear is suddenly pointed in your face. You smile, summoning your own spear and point it to the girls neck; “I wouldn’t try that if I were you. I’m not an Overlord for nothing.” The girl mumbles something in spanish and walks away, putting her spear away. You sigh and look at the princess of hell. “Well if you guys finished trying to assassinate me, let me introduce myself.” You say and look at everyone’s expressions. You smirk and continue; “My name is Y/N, maybe you know me by “Soul gambler” ,I mean uh whatever that means.” You shrug and hear a slight chuckle from Alastor and a pink spider demon, you believe his name was Angel Dust, a porn star from Valentinos studio. Poor guy was probably tricked into signing a contract with him.
“Well, I came here to ask about an Overlord that was similair to me. He owned the casinos I now own and I heard he was residing here now?” You say calmly, hoping you can to the right place. You hear slight radio static increase but choose to ignore it. Charlie shrugs, saying she doesn’t know of any Overlord being here other than Alastor, but that she hopes you will stay for a bit to see what the hotel is like. You nod in agreement and walk to the spider fellow since he was the only one that looked approachable. You talk for a bit when he suddenly says; “So um I kinda know something about the Overlord you’re looking for.” He says grabbing your full attention.
“The Overlord you’re talking about, it’s that bartender over there. You can try talking to him but I won’t guarantee that he won’t push you away.” He says lowering his tone and grabs you back the shoulder to bring you closer. You nod looking over to the bar where a grumpy cat demon sat, drinking some cheap booze. Angel pushes you towards him, giving you a thumbs up before walking away. You glare slightly but take a deep breath and walk towards the bar. His ears perk up at the sudden footsteps and looks your way, sending you slight glare; “If you’re here to make deals with me you can turn right back around and leave me the hell alone.” He says in an annoyed tone and turns around, his back facing you. You look at him and glare slightly; “What is it with you people and interrupting me all of the time? Like jeez let me fucking speak!” You say rolling your eyes and continue; “I don’t know what shit you hears about me but I can assure you that I didn’t come here to make a deal with you. I just want to talk.” You say sighing, hoping for an answer from the cat demon.
“Whatever let’s just get this over with, what is it?” He says rolling his eyes. You look around and say in a hushed tone; “Do you happen to know anything about the old Overlord that used to own the casinos I own now?” You say and hope you get the truth out of the grumpy ass cat. He looks back at you and curses Angel under his breath, an angered look on his face; “Cut the shit I know you know it was me. What do you want?” He says going closer to the counter where you were sitting opposite to him. You sigh; “I don’t want to cause any harm, really just a friendly chat. Share experiences you know? Since we’re both kind of similar..?” He looks back at you in disbelief and contemplates what to say. He sighs and pulls out two shot glasses, pouring you one and nods for you to continue. “Sooo..” “Husk. The name is Husk.” You smile, asking away and share your experience as on overlord with him. He asks some questions himself, wondering how the casino is doing or if anyone decided to come back there to work. You chat for the rest of the day, others looking at you in awe as they’ve never seen Husk open up to anyone.
After a while you get a bit drunk, talking the poor cat’s ear off. He smiles, listening to your stories, commenting on them here and there. After a bit you decide you had enough for the day and that you should get home. Charlie quickly offered you a room for the night, free of charge so you gladly accepted. “Husk go ahead and show them to their room please? I have something important to do!” Charlie yells before running off to who knows where.
Husk sighs but links your arms and walks you to your room. “Don’t forget to drink some water.. You know so you don’t throw up in the morning.” He says and walks off to his own room. You look at his figure disappearing in the dark of the hallway and enter your room. It was spacious and really nice for a hotel in hell.
You lay down in the bed, kicking your shoes off and hum in satisfaction, falling asleep just after a few seconds of resting on the comfortable bed. The next day you wake up, a slight headache but nothing pain killers couldn’t fix. You stretch and go to the bathroom, taking off your clothes and take a quick shower. You saw a new pair of clothes in the bathroom and a little note left by Charlie. You smile and take the clothes, putting them on. It wasn’t anything fancy but you liked it. You put on your shoes and fold your dirty clothes neatly on the bed and decide to head down to the lobby. It was around 9:30 ish when you went out so you hoped someone was awake. You head down and to your surprise see that everyone is awake. “Good morning sleepy head! You sure slept for quite some time!” Alastor chirped and grins at you, waving for you to come over.
You sit down next to Alastor, Charlie and Vaggie making breakfast. “So I saw you talking to Husk last night~” He smirks slightly. You roll your eyes knowing Alastor and Rosie like to gossip, usually during the meeting Carmilla holds once in a while. “Yeah? It was just a friendly chat. Sinner to sinner.” You shrug and sip on the coffe Charlie brought with the breakfast. Alastor raises a brow but shrugs and walks off.
You see the car demon from afar. Already sitting at the counter and drinking booze. You smirk and walk over with your coffee in hand and sit down at the bar; “Ain’t it a bit too soon for you to be drinking?” You tease and eye him and the booze in his hand. He chuckles lowly and smirks; “Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic darling, it’s just the way it is.” He says and shrugs his shoulders, taking another swing of his booze. “Sleep well? You seemed pretty drunk last night.” He says and eyes your figure. You smile and say; “I’m fine, I handle my alcohol pretty well just a slight headache.” You take the last sip of your coffee and place the mug down.
You look at Husk who seems to be thinking about something before he suddenly speak up; “Maybe we could repeat last night another time? Maybe you could show me what you did with my poor casino?” He teases and smirks. You fake gasp and hold your chest where your sadly dead heart is. “Oh I would bet my soul that my version of the casino is so much better than yours was.”
“We’ll see about that Doll~”
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peterparkersnose · 2 years
Give In
pairing: Joel Miller x reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings: suicidal thoughts, pining possibly one sided, ANGST (just a large angst piece, i wanted some joel angst so I made it), description of depression, emotional dependency on a person, arguing, fluff sprinkled in, implied age gap not specified, reference to pregnancy, mentions of substance and alcohol abuse, joel is lowkey toxic and uses reader
a/n hi loves I wrote this after the first episode aired, so if anything contradicts anything in the future in this story that is why. also, i didnt know how to end it so im sorry if the ending is a bit choppy. happy last of us sunday!
summary Y/N has feelings for Joel that she can’t control anymore
Part 2 here
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read time: 8 min 33 seconds
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The harsh chill of the autumn afternoon swept your hair off your shoulders. The ration line was as long as ever, but seemed to be moving quickly. A stray dog barked as others murmured on the street. Staring down at your boots, you bit at your chapped lips.
“You’ve been avoiding me,”
His voice sent chills up your spine. He was behind you, must have slipped in line without the other person noticing. Of course now was the time he decided to confront you. And he wasn’t wrong.
Straightening your back, you turn towards him.
“Have I?” you asked, raising your eyebrows slightly. The line moved forward and so did you.
“Tess said you weren’t feeling well.”
She was partially right. It was the blatant lie you were telling the very few who were close to you. You were physically fine.
“I’m fine, Joel.” you said promptly, turning a cold shoulder to the older man.
“If you need any meds or anything…” he began. You knew Joel had anything you needed. Quite literally.
“Next!” The FEDRA soldier called, motioning for you to get in the final line. You gave Joel a tight lipped smile before disappearing in the crowd.
Back at your sad excuse for an apartment, you poked your fork at your stale meal. You tried to think about todays’s job but the thought of Joel Miller consumed you.
How his hands felt on your skin, how soft his hair could be, how much he respected you in private. Flashbacks of previous nights where he had snuck over and stayed with you burned in your brain.
You never thought the hookup would turn in to feelings. Especially in this world. Feelings you were sure he wouldn’t reciprocate. Joel wasn’t a very emotionally available man. And he had Tess- rumors of them being together had been going on for years. Sure, they deny it. But you see the way he looks at her sometimes. His eyes burn with the lust you want from him, but there staring at her.
Tess was friendly and all, you got along quite well with her in fact. Jobs worked with Tess usually went better than others. But the knowledge that she goes home to him every night almost ate you alive. You felt used every time you would watch her turn the alleyway to their apartment.
Roommates my ass.
It had been over a month since the last time you saw Joel.
He was right, you were avoiding him. Taking the jobs you knew he wouldn’t dare go by such as childcare. Taking a different route home to avoid any run ins. Leaving your lights off and sitting in the dark to possibly deter him away from your place. All your little queues worked.
And the pain grew day by day.
You layed in your mattress with your face buried in your pillow. It stopped smelling like him weeks ago, but you liked to pretend it still did.
You couldn’t live like this anymore.
Pills weren’t numbing enough. Alcohol wasn’t as fun as it used to be. The constant state of depression in this damned district was enough to make you want to end it.
But seeing him across the alleyway talking to a group of people or in the line for rations was enough to keep that tiny spark lit inside of you.
There wasn’t much else to look forward to in this world besides others. Living the same day your whole life is miserable without your spark of joy in it.
Sleep was close, you could feel it. Your thin blankets were just cutting it for the night. As the dreams began to dance in your head, you were awoken by a quiet knock on your door.
“For fucks sake,” you groaned, flipping over in bed. You ignored the knocks. They became more persistent.
The old doorknob then dropped to the floor, startling you awake. You didn’t even have to guess who it was. The door slowly creaked open as you heard him curse to himself.
“I’ll fix it later,” he sighed, picking it off your floor and placing it on your countertop. He pushed one of your folding chairs next to your table up against the door to keep it sturdy.
“So your just breaking into apartments now?” you snapped, sitting up right in bed. “I needed to see you.” he protested.
“I never knew Joel Miller to need anything.”
He sighed and rested against your countertop. “I need to know,”
“Know what?” you asked, wrapping a blanket around your exposed shoulders. A tank top wasn’t ideal to sleep in, in these conditions.
“What’s wrong.” he said bluntly. “I said there’s nothing wrong. What the hell are you doing walking around freely at night?” you yelled, realizing the time was way past midnight. The sounds of soldiers a few floors down outside your apartment began to yell. How did he move past them?
“You sick?” he asked in a more hushed tone, walking towards you. “Respiratory? Head pain? Joints? You pregnant?” he somewhat joked, looking over you in bed.
“Shut up.” you said coldly. “Can you please just go?”
You knew Joel wasn’t a good listener. “What is it?” he said sternly, sitting down next to your body in bed. He grabbed your wrist ever so slightly. Your pulse was shaking in his grasp.
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
You looked at the other side of your apartment, out the window. Rain had began to slowly plague the window. Ignoring Joel’s touch, you watched as the few drops raced to the bottom of the window.
“After everything I’ve done for you?” Joel sighed, not letting go of you.
“Stop, please. J-just stop talking to me.” you said, lying through your teeth. He could sense the pain hiding behind those eyes. “I’m not leaving.” he protested.
“Look at me.”
You turned to face him. His eyes were locked on yours. A genuine worried look was on his face. He looked softer, nothing like you had ever seen before.
It was almost as if someone asked you if you were okay when you were very obviously not. Silent tears rolled down your face as you tried to catch your breathe.
The man who you couldn’t love was staring in to your soul. There was no way you ever could love him. He was too mean, too stern, too old, too angry for you. The two of you were polar opposites. But as the saying goes, ‘opposites attract’.
Joel was unsure on what to do. Tess never cried. Hell, you never cried. He racked his brain for something, just something to soothe you.
He offered out a hand. Against your better judgement you took it. Connecting his other hand to your cheek, he tried to wipe away the streak of tears silently leaving your eyes. He held you tightly in your bed, stroking your hair as your head quickly made contact with the crook of his neck.
“I wish I didn’t have these feelings,” you cried into his embrace. Joel was confused on what you were getting at, but he ignored it. He tried to shush you in a soothing way.
“No, please. I wish I didn’t have these feelings… but I do.”
Joel froze. “What?” he asked, holding you in place.
You pulled back and looked at him. It felt like the first time over again. “Look at me and tell me you don’t feel a thing.” you hiccupped.
“I…” Joel sighed, closing his eyes for a moment and letting a breathe of air go.
“Say it.” you demanded.
The silence in the room was deafening.
“I can’t.” Joel said quickly. He looked down at his knees on your mattress.
“I think you should go.” you sighed, laying back on your side and facing the opposite wall.
He listened. Finally, Joel caught a hint. The sound of him walking away made you long for him more than ever. But it was good. The feeling of him leaving, knowing you were right. Joel Miller wasn’t a man who could love. At least not anymore.
Your sudden pride stopped when you heard his boots thud against the floor. Then the all familiar zip of his jeans followed by the hit of him placing them on your wooden chair next to your bed.
He rested a hand on your thigh as he peeled up the blanket that was stuck to your legs. Slowly, he moved down next to you in the tiny space you were leaving him.
“You don’t listen.” you huffed, still not giving him enough space on the bed.
“When do I ever?” he chuckled, wrapping his arm around your waist.
Fuck it. You gave in.
You allowed his arm to move closer to the underside of your breasts. Scooting over in bed, you gave him more space for his legs to entwine with you. His boxer’s material rubbed against the back of your thigh. It smelt like him; Wet grass and expired generic soap scent had never smelt better.
Sleep kindly greeted you once you felt his breathing slow. Trying to match his, you fell into the deep sleep you had been yearning for, for what seemed like weeks.
The absence in the morning was startling.
You struggled to move, hoping that the previous night was just a horrifying dream. A sigh escaped from your lips when you saw his boots sitting against the wall where he placed them last night.
The clanking sound of tools made you turn. On the other side of your small studio apartment, there he sat at your doorframe attempting to fix your door handle.
The overcast sky stayed, but you could tell it was early morning by the chatter outside.
“Shit!” Joel hissed, grabbing his finger in pain. “Damn fucking…”
He looked up and noticed you watching him.
“You alright?” you asked, watching him in amusement as he attempted to fix your door.
“Yeah,” he mumbled, sucking the tip of his finger. “Haven’t fixed a door in a good twenty years.” he muttered, wiping off the excess blood on his already dirtied jeans.
“Go back to bed, It’s still early.” he suggested, going through the tiny tool kit he had given you as a previous gift.
“This is more entertaining than sleep,” you chuckled, placing your feet on the cold ground and getting out of bed. “You want any breakfast? I don’t know if I have anything good here but…”
“Nah. Tess’l be expecting me.”
The sheer thought of Tess waiting at their home for him was enough to ruin the whole night you had before.
Joel looked up to you after your lack of a response. He noticed the demeanor change in your face. “Everything okay?” he asked, turning back to the doorknob he was almost finished fixing.
“You seem to go sour every time I mention Tess.”
“I wonder why,” you muttered under your breathe, attempting to open a tuna can for breakfast. You tried not to dry heave as the scent of the old fish met your nose. Tuna was never a favorite meal, especially for breakfast. But, it’s all you had.
Joel pretended like he didn’t hear you, but he heard you loud and clear. “We have a run to do today. You understand that, right?”
A bitter ‘mhm’ came from your lips as you shook the prepackaged coffee in your hand before ripping off the seal.
Joel sighed and placed the screw driver down dramatically. Joel’s knees cracked as he got up from his position. “You always gotta fucking act jealous. Don’t you? Ruinin’ a nice morning.”
“Jealous?” you said, raising your voice.
“What the hell do you even want from me?” you scorned, on the brink of tears. He could see through you like glass. You hated to admit it, but he knew you like the back of his hand.
Joel wished he could shout out the answer, but his ego kept it in.
You froze with your back turned to him and set down the brittle coffee mug. “Your always leaving me to go to her…”
“Because we’re business partners, Y/N. Don’t you get it? Don’t you hate livin’ the same damn day over and over again? It’s why I come to see you.”
“Stop,” you whispered, now face to face with him. “Stop yelling. Please, it’s too fucking early to get into that shit.”
“Really? Tell me you don’t loose your mind living the same day, same drama for years!” he yelled. “Always you being jealous. Don’t you ever get sick of it?”
Anger consumed you. Proof that the two of you would never work. He’s just a bitter old man.
“You know I would give anything to leave this damn QZ! To live a normal life, not fucking be here.” you yelled, with a finger now pointed at his face. You were avoiding the original accusation. Jealousy.
“Tell me.” you said, with a quieter but angrier tone. “Am I really just your fuck toy?”
Joel stepped back for a moment, stunned at what you just said. Guilt seemed to wrack his nerves as the realization hit him.
You were in love with him.
“Is that what you think?” he asked, approaching you with a sorrowful more soft look. “What else am I supposed to think? You come here, use me, and leave and go back to her.”
The feeling of letting go of all that emotion felt healing. The sudden aftermath of realizing what you just had accused him of made you feel somewhat guilty.
“No,” he sighed, grabbing your hand. “That- no. Absolutely not Y/N.”
His other hand reached for your chin, and brought your face up to his gaze. You could feel his heat on your skin.
“Understand…” he began to say. “Understand what?” you whispered back. A sly smile came to his lips.
“Give in,” he whispered, dropping your hand and wrapping his around your waist.
You melted into his grasp as he kissed you. Joel hadn’t kissed anyone in years. The hesitation from him only brought out the dominance in you.
As the two of you mutually pulled away, you wanted nothing more as to be back where you were just seconds ago.
“Understand that it’s hard.” he said, still holding you close. “I…”
“I know.” you said, cutting off his words.
You were an anxious, sorrowful over-thinker and he was the bitter, closed off introvert.
“I’ll be back,” he said, with a slighter more chipper tone. “Tonight. We have to get this damn car battery and…”
“Stay safe,”
“I promise.” Joel said. He really did not want to leave you. The thought of the two of you spending today lazily in bed was very tempting.
“But please believe me Y/N when I say, you are and never have been just a ‘fuck toy’.”
He squeezed your hand once more and then dropped it. Silence filled the apartment after he left.
The thought of how you tasted haunted Joel Miller’s mind the whole day.
Part 2
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @samanthacookieone @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @avengersfan25
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yenqa · 2 years
how enha would react seeing you at their concert!
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pairing : enhypen x gn!reader
warnings : like two swear words, mentions of cuddling, relationship is public in jungwons 🤞🤞, mentions of jealousy and crying
wc : 0.84k
a/n : hope you enjoy anon! they might seem similar bc i ran out of ideas after jay also new format
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ok so we all know damn well this man is a huge flirt.
so yk he’s doing his flirty things while performing but once he spots you, its over for any engene.
he’s actually kinda shocked that you came because they didn’t tour in your area
he literally only winks in your direction and the engene next to you thinks they’re dying
he keeps looking over at you and when he sings polaroid love, you know he’s singing it to you.
but engenes keep getting suspicious because they’re like why does hee keep interacting with only that engene?????
and the clip of someone recording him singing polaroid love to you goes viral!!
im sorry but realistically he does not spot you.
ok but pretend he does and he’s like :000 inside but he like hides it bc he’s in the middle of a concert!!
he gets like a splurge of confidenceand energy so he performs way better than usual (not like there is much to improve on)
and he starts getting like flirty with engenes (you) and fans are like omg what’s happening to him!!?!,!???
he smiles at you so much throughout the concert
man starts crying during shout out and you lowkey tear up a bit
after the concert you go backstage and he pulls you into the biggest hug and like twirls you around :))
bf jay is keeping me alive rn
ok so we know he’s flirter number 2
idk how but he spots you immediately and his face brightens
he literally starts getting all flustered when you two make eye contact
you throw him a little hat you made/bought and he wears it THE WHOLE concert
like fever? he’s wearing it. drunk dazed? hes wearing it
he doesn’t care that it’s a cutesy hat he’s still wearing it
until his manager makes him take it off
he blows you a kiss whenever he can
and he gives himself a pat on the back whenever he sees you flustered
but he also gives himself a dating rumor because engenes notice everything
opposite of jay, when he spots you in the front row he gets shy
like “omg what if i mess up then y/n never likes me again”
but once he sees you having fun, all his worries are gone and he’s also having fun
he pays more attention to whatever section your in and he like keeps walking to wherever you are.
and when he’s like running through the stadium he completes your heart and your heart only
his smile grows whenever he looks at you smiling and dancing
at the end of the concert he gives a little message to engenes (you) and it’s like
“thank you so much for coming today, you make me happy when i see you dancing and having fun” blah blah blah
but you and him both know that the message is for you and you only
you know he smiles when he spots you
bro goes from ☺️ to 😁 (that looks a little silly)
he keeps trying to not make eye contact with you but he can’t help it :((
he picks up your phone and he films a little video of him blowing a kiss to the camera (mostly to you but engenes dont know that)
at the encore he specifically requests the songs you love that they didnt perform
after the concert you know that you’re getting cuddles
he fr rushes home with you like hes zooming bc hes tired and you cuddle <33
well after he takes a shower
he loves when you play with his hair
so when you do, he falls asleep quickly
ok so your relationship is public
he keeps waving at you and mentioning you
“y/n is here!” “y/n loves this song” “y/n knows the dance to this part of-“
enhypen just wants him to shut up about you
he performs extra hard and sends his failed winks to you
when hes running around the stadium he stops to kiss you hand before running back around
during tfw he points to you multiple times
he can’t stop smiling whenever he looks at you
he keeps eye contact while singing shout out and tears up a little but :((
he literally rushes to you after the concert like he cannot contain his excitement
i need jungwon NOW.
this man gets so cocky
when he sees you filming him and only him, he grins so hard
but secretly he’s so flustered
Y/N? at my concert? filming me?
he acts extra flirty to engenes to make you jealous
when he sees you frowning a little bit, he stops and winks at you
he winks at you a little too much…
when he sees you smiling wide at his parts, he almost forgets all his moves
like how did he get so lucky with you??
if you’re relationship is public you best know he’s talking about you
“my y/n is here at the concert today!”
just be careful of jealous engenes
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katsus-world · 1 month
I love the idea of fantasy!bakugou who takes his s/o out in a forest. 🥹
Heavy boots crush fallen leaves, twigs snap and break as he takes the lead. Making sure nothing happens or comes in touch with you. Fingers interlocking with yours so that you’re close to him.
“Katsuki we’re dirty! We can’t go back and your parents see us, me, like this!” You grumble, worried about making a wrong impression so early into the arranged marriage.
“You worry too much! They don’t care if we come back lookin’ like this! As long as we’re not bloody and bruised, you’ll be alright.” Katsuki huffs as he continues to walk. He feels your eyes bore holes into his skull, but ignores it. He likes to see you frustrated.
“I’m being serious kat! You’re used to being dirty I’m not!” You yanked your hand away as you crossed your arms. His gaze turned to look at you with sharp eyes, annoyed at the fact that your touch wasn’t on him anyone.
“Shitty women, then whaddaya’ wanna do?? You wanna go take a fuckin’ bath in a lake or something?” He growled as he walked closer to you, his large figure looming over you. You smiled as he scowled, eyebrow jumping at the question.
“Y’know that doesn’t sound bad.. can we?” You replied coolly as you looked around, obvious that the river wasn’t going to just pop out of nowhere.
“No, stop being dramatic.” He said flat as he pulled your hand back into his.
“Hey I’m being serious! Let’s go swimming!”
“You’re being ridiculous! We don’t have time for that shit!”
“We’re not doing anything today except this!” He cursed something under his breath, head throwing back as he looked at the sky.
“Fine! Fuck fine! If you find a lake, we’ll swim. Now go find one sweetheart.” He said with an irritated grin, knowing that there was no lake close by.
“Fine! Watch me.” You said as you held your head up high.
30 minutes passed and you finally heard water rushing and crashing into some rocks, your eyes widened at the beautiful sight of green patchy grass and various flowers with different color rocks. Some having little black and pink crystals lodged deep inside the hard stones.
“Katsuki I’m stripping!” You said with a laugh as your shirt fell to the ground.
“Might as well, I’ll kill anyone who comes near though.” Katsuki took off his large leather boots with a thud, his lingering eyes looking at you with heavy lids.
Your body was created by the gods, he thought as he took you in. Each curve and dip, every little mark and scar. Handcrafted by the gods themselves.
“So’ fuckin pretty.” He rasped as he watched you slip in the water, your laugh flowing like a melody as the water crashed into the rocks, small fishes danced around you as you continued to swim further down the stream.
“Ay! Don’t go too far! The current is gonna get you!” Katsuki’s heart skipped several beats as he saw how the water watched you up cleanly. Skin smooth and glowing in the hot sun.
“Katsuki hurry up!” You called out as your head went below the surface, then coming back up a second later, your mouth parted slightly as in gasping air.
“I’m right here. Quit going ahead of me.” His hand met your hips as he pulled you against him. His heart rate speeding up at the feeling of your bare skin against his.
“Sorry, I can’t help it! I need to see everything.” You smiled up as him with a gentle grin. Katsuki lowered himself as his lips met your forehead.
“Let’s go then.”
:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:33:3:33 :3:3:3:3:3:3:3:33:3:33 :3:3:3
LMAO IM STILL ALIVE!! I’ve finally made more time to write!!! Anyways not proof read, sorry for any misspelling!!
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dreamties · 3 months
Polyam! Ghostface Comforting GN! Reader About Their SA
A/N- yeah. hiii. it's billy !! im back. again. plz read with caution- there is no mention of the assault itself (it is alluded to many times; there are no intimate details), still. you know yourself best. stay safe lovelies <33
I tried keeping the assaulters identity neutral- but let me know if i messed up and used he/him pronouns at all and i'll edit the post :3
Billy is unable to understand the full scope of your traumas, however, he understands that it runs deep, that if your anything like he is that you feel it in your bones and the ache of your body.
Trauma is so personal and crushing. He wants nothing more than to take that away from you, endlessly lift your spirits, he wants to make you feel whole again. Loves you too much to see you like this.
He can't do that. As much as he and Stu can do, they can't erase what has already happened. He will be there as much as he can, for whatever you need. He has always been devoted to his loves- it increases tenfold when you open up about your assault.
Stu automatically wants to kill the perpetrator, takes Billy aside to tell him all his gruesome thoughts- until Billy stops him. Tells him, roughly, to shut up. You don’t know what you're talking about, man. Our little love needs to make that choice on their own.
Billy talks about it with Stu beforehand obvi. Billy wants to wait for you to ask them about killing your assaulter, while Stu would go to you and ask straight up if you want to be the one to kill them (if you want them dead. He won't understand if you desire to keep them alive tee bee aich, but he'll honor your choice).
Stu just like. He doesn't get it. He doesn't handle it well at first. He's far too brash and laughing- well. Not laughing, he knows enough to realize that would have been a bad move. Though he seems to not know enough as he's all jokes still.
Both boys are so emotionally stunted- Stu has only had to comfort girlfriends before (which, he was admittedly not the best at. He stole apologies and one liners from movies) and the brief vulnerable moments that Billy allows himself to show. C'mon, give him a pass, okay? He's trying :(
Stu's comforts are all hugs and cuddles and gifts- depending how you react to those things, maybe he won't have to branch out too hard. Either way you'll need more than one source or level of comfort- Stu WILL learn new things for you, though.
He has a hard time if you don't want physical touch! He gets all whiny about it and it pisses you off, you have to give him a stern talking to that it's NOT about him and he has no right to act like that. Psssh whatever . . .
(he's really sorry though. He promises)
He buys you so many things, as if that will ever make what happened okay. He hopes you appreciate it though. He'll get all sorts of comfort items, food and stuffies and stuff that he KNOWS you love. He'll buy it in bulk if he has to lol
For learning things, it's hard on all of you, but he and Billy will try their darndest to be emotionally available (just for you, babe!!). Billy is good at listening, Stu needs to get better with it.
Billy just listens to what you have to say, and I think on really emotional nights he opens up about his own trauma. He opens his wounds so you know he genuinely cares and is committed to you. Regardless of anything and everything. Billy will make himself a permanent fixture in your life, always.
(again really not that Stu wouldn't but it's so different y'all)
If you have nightmares they'll stay up with you until you're ready to fall asleep (or at least try).
They make it an all-nighter and pretend they were always planning for movie night. If you want to watch something that's not horror? Yeah, that's okay!
Most of Stu's VHS collection is horror lol
Though he does have some buddy comedies and cheesy romcoms. He owns one or two mysteries cause Billy likes them.
Anyways !!! Have your pick darlin' <333 They won't judge or complain
Admittedly they aren't great with panic attacks. Billy gets anxious- what if he makes it WORSE? He'd hate himself for it. Stu is surprisingly good at grounding you though :D
All in all- it's an adjustment for everyone. They're gonna be there for you forever though, okay? Good luck getting rid of them <3
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arabaka · 2 years
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ hayakawa aki x fem!devil-reader. CONTENT WARNINGS: 18+ !!! reader is a SEX DEVIL (aka succubus). m!receiving oral. ride 'im like a cowgirl baby!! aki bites 'n draws blood. WORD COUNT: 5.1k PSD CREDIT !!!
( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅ dedicated to the aki queen, @meownotgood
*₊˚💬୧ more than likely will be a series hehe <;33
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A devil so powerful, there’s a waiting list for contracts. A devil so desirable, contracts are cherry picked. Where other devils are flippant about who they loan their power to, you are meticulous. Not a hair out of place, some might say. You have your reasons. For as much as you give, you receive so little in return. A caveat to your power is your crutch for staying alive.
Because blood is easy to come by. Cum? That takes work.
It’s deplorable, the levels you have to sink to for a meager helping of your life source. Unbecoming of a devil your size, of your stature even. Yet the irony of being the Sex Devil is that you enjoy it.
You crave it. You wish you didn’t sometimes. But a life of debauchery on Earth is better than contending in Hell and you’ll prolong your inevitable return for as long as you’re able; you’ll just be picky about your participating party.
So when a hunter started to haunt the whispers of lower-grade devils, you took notice. Delighted even when you saw what this Hayakawa Aki looked like. Devil hunters are a dime a dozen. Handsome devil hunters with brains? He’s so delectable, you can eat him alive.
You chose to wait. Your modus operandi: you will not beg for a contract.
You keep Public Safety just under your heel; close enough to be mutually beneficial, but not enough to lose your agency. So when his name came up, you needn’t hear more because your contract with him was signed the moment you laid eyes on him. “You know where to send him.” Your voice curt, you hear the click on the phone line. And once again, you wait.
The rumble of his engine is unmistakable in the dead of night. He pulls up to your residence, car humming before subtly giving way to weighted silence. His knuckles flex pensively around the steering wheel, his skin illuminated by the moonlight cascading from above. Makima’s voice, ever beguiling, plays on repeat in his head. I’m sure you’ll find her to be very helpful.
You’re unlike any devil he’s heard of, much less made contracts with. He’s signed away much more for a lot less. Yet what you ask of him has him giving a cursory look in the vanity mirror, brushing away his fringe until it’s falling over his forehead just right. His reflection stares back, mimicking his expression as it goes from dispassionate to frustrated, brows knitting tight as he chides himself with the click of his tongue.
This whole arrangement– It’s demeaning. Sex with a devil. Fraternization with the like is off-putting enough. Necessary but revolting all the same. This, however? Is far removed from those arrangements. Offering up his flesh to satiate a devil’s voracious appetite is a superficial sacrifice. You require something much more consequential: vulnerability. And to be frank, no Devil deserves that.
From your bedroom, you watch him with a huff. What’s he waiting for? You can’t help but roll your eyes at his hesitation. Humans are all the same. They kid themselves, paying reverence to baseless morals but fold under duress. You’ve seen this before from devil hunters like him. They hold sex in a high regard, thinking it’s beneath them to cavort with a devil but their first step in your door and they’re clamoring for your affection, for you. So you find it pointless that Aki’s still lingering by his car, taking a smoke break while you stew in the delay. He’s lucky he’s hot.
Nicotine in his veins and senses dulled a smidge, Aki’s come to a resolution. He’s not leaving empty-handed and he’s wasted enough time. He snuffs his cigarette out, chucks it in the car’s ashtray and adjusts his tie. Force of habit.
When you find Aki at your door, he has that same glowering mug you’ve seen him with before. He looks at you like you’re another devil to exterminate. You’d be lying if you said disdain didn’t look good on him.
His eyes, tired and narrowed, drink in your appearance and you watch as his expression starts to soften; a symptom of your pheromones at work. You follow his gaze as it trickles downward, intrigued sensuality marbling his azure eyes because of your body, what you’re wearing. You could be completely bare and still bring a person to their knees but that’s hardly any fun.
“You like it?” Your purring should be grating on his ears but it sounds like a song, a siren’s song. His leg muscles tense up, hesitating to take a step further. That just won’t do, so you gingerly walk your fingers up his tie, tugging at the knot as if to say you’ll drag him the whole way if you have to. You peer up at him, thick lashes batting alluringly but you can see his vision is still focused on your body, on the babydoll lingerie that follows the curves of your body and hugs your breasts with sheer lace. You glow under his watch, glossy lips curling to a smile as he starts to buckle under the pressure of your power.
You look… Enticing. True to your name. It’s utterly humiliating how his defenses are lowering so easily, to a devil no less, but fighting it is futile. Maybe it’s better if he lends himself to the lush feeling flooding his brain, the tension building in the crosspoint of his slacks. He gulps, perhaps swallowing the last of his pride, as careful fingers reach out to touch the lace bodice that stretches down your abdomen. “Let’s get this over with.” He tries to say with a sullen attitude but chokes on his attempt at a stern tone. God, you’re evil. He thinks as he watches those pretty lips of yours contort to a smirk.
“Be nice or I’ll leash you.” You’re teasing… Are you? Your aura is starting to overtake him because now there’s an uncomfortable stretch between his legs, cock starting to stiffen as he imagines you, chain in hand and collar round his neck. He can physically feel the last strands of sanity leave his body the longer he loiters around you. There’s a voice in his head still decrying the very nature of what he’s about to do but the longer his eyes cling to you, the quieter that sound gets. He’s finding himself to be particularly attached to your breasts and the fanciful way the lacy shelf cups frame them, just barely tucking your nipples out of sight. At least you’re nice to look at…
You start to roll the length of his black silk tie around your palm, giving it a once over, gaze briefly flitting over to your suitor for the night. Dusting his cheekbones is the most satisfying shade of pink, so pretty in fact you wish you could swatch it. He looks even better like this, a little bothered with only a small helping of shame remaining. You can’t wait to wring him dry, see him sweat and pant in trying to keep up with you.
You’re making his skin prickle with goosebumps and a surge of heat swells in his body, steam practically fogging up his brain. “Oh,” You coo, finally giving him full recognition, “Let’s get you out of those clothes, hm?”
Aki trails behind you, a curve to his back as you keep him close, using his tie as a tether. Like a dog. Utterly demoralizing, the way you have him ogling your body like a wretched fool but the delicious sight of the swell of your ass, hugged so tightly by the hemline of your lingerie, goes right to the budding erection in his pants and he’s starting to like it.
Your room is large and far too lavish for a Devil, but oh so fitting for you. Catching his attention, more than anything, is your bed; round in shape and massive in size, it sits raised on a circular platform and comes complete with silk sheets, as well as a few haphazardly tossed cushions. You live far beyond any means Aki is used to, it’s almost too overwhelming for him to process all the furniture and embellishments. His brain can’t help but wander, if only for a moment. Were your furnishings gifts? Supplied and paid for by Public Safety, for your services? He should feel disgust at this, logic still tells him as much, but he can’t find it in him to even broach that emotion. What he can feel, however, is his entire body and mind start to sink down, down, down under the weight of your influence.
You walk him to your bed, tie still in hand, gingerly motioning him to sit against the headboard with your palm now at his chest. He caves under your persuasion, watching with bated breath as you climb on top of him, your legs split as you take a seat on his lap.
Oh, you croon to yourself as you come to graze the thick outline of his dick bobbing in his slacks, he’s perfect. Your tail, long and crimson with an arrowed tip, flicks about enthusiastically. “Where have you been hiding?” You mumble, just loud enough for Aki to hear but you’re not exactly wanting an answer. He’s pliant in your hands, letting you cup his face as if to examine him closely. “Open.” You order and much to his surprise…
He listens. Now it’s not fully unexpected, your wiles have already wrecked havoc on his system after all, but it almost feels like he’s a foreigner in his own body. He parts his lips for you and you giggle. “See, not so bad now right? You humans get so hung up on the littlest of things.” When you talk, you have a lilt to your voice that’s a little mean, a little mocking, and his cock twitches because of it. “You should consider yourself lucky.” Now your thumb is pressing into his tongue, your face glowing with delight as you watch saliva slowly start to pool in Aki’s gaping mouth. “This is as mutually beneficial as it gets.” Your face gets so close, so fast, he can’t register fast enough when you lick into him, replacing your thumb with your tongue in a nasty, wet open kiss.
The groan that comes bubbling from his throat catches him off guard but more importantly, makes Aki realize something. He never stood a chance against you. Even someone with as strong a willpower as he can find all sensibility washed away by your essence. Right now, as far as he is concerned… You’re as powerful as it gets.
Aki’s eyelashes flutter apart, his pupils blown out but under a strong haze. Warmth is shrouding his body once more but now he feels fuzzy, a little lighter even. Your lips on his are irresistibly soft but your kiss is forward, pressing on his so much they already feel sore. God, why do you feel so good? Is this really what you’re capable of? How are you not kept under lock and key? His brain is swimming in these thoughts while he squirms under you, the stiff bulge in his slacks pressing into your clothed cunt as his hips impulsively jerk into you.
Your lips leave his far sooner than he would have liked but you can’t help yourself from taking a gander at your handiwork. He’s always been so beautiful with his stoic face and striking blue gaze but seeing him like this, jaw slacked and reduced to a desperate mess? He’s the best he’s ever looked.
“Pretty, pretty, pretty.” You murmur as you start to litter kisses from his jawline to his neck, hands fanning over his chest as you start to push back his suit jacket. He seems to follow your suggestion, rolling the shoulders off and you complete the circuit, dragging the sleeves off his arms and tossing it aside with little regard. Aki can’t be bothered to care. With his coat off, he faces the reality of how fever hot his skin feels, how you’re the only one who can provide some relief so with a crackling voice, he breathes, “Please.”
He’s begging you. He’s begging a Devil.
And he loves it.
Why was he ever fighting this?
Pop, pop, pop. One after the other, the buttons on Aki’s dress shirt come undone and he hisses at the sudden contact of cool air brushing over his skin. You draw savory sounds from him, first his breath hitching and then a subdued moan, as you lick a stripe up his abdomen and pucker your lips around the plane of his pec. You revel in the taste, in the way his skin squishes in your mouth. The more you suck at the skin, the more he writhes underneath you and now is when he finally has his hands on you, gripping tight on your hips. You wriggle your ass, giving one last nibble to his chest and feeling a surge of pride when you see how his pretty pale skin is now bruised. Marked.
You sigh like a dream when you look at Aki, flushed and bothered under you, but he’s only down a shirt. You need to see him stripped down, to satisfy the curiosity that’s been swimming in your brain since you first learned of the rather handsome hunter. Struggling to inhale, Aki lets out a hoarse, “C-Come on.” But he doesn’t speak with the same reason for his urgency as before - to get it over with - now he is pleading because he so badly needs to feel the rush of pleasure you’ll no doubt give him.
Aki tracks your finger as it glides up his torso until it’s crooked around his chin, giving him no other choice but to meet your slit gaze when you tell him plain and simple, “Get up then.”
To be honest, you crave him just as badly so you’re on your knees and on the floor in an ardent rush, meeting his clothed erection and nursing it through his slacks with a palm that opens and closes almost tauntingly… Because at the end of the day, you’re a Devil and you love playing with your food.
Painstakingly slow, you start to undo his belt. His heart is pounding. Then down goes the zipper. He struggles to breathe. Your fingers, ginger and lithe, bundle the waistbands of his slacks and underwear together and with one downward tug, his cock is freed, springing out and it looks… So much better than you could have ever imagined.
He’s long, his length having the slightest upward curve to it with a fat and pinkened tip at the end, and he’s thick with veins overlaid on and around his girth. A fine meal for a hard working succubus like yourself. You squeeze an exquisite whine from Aki when your fingers finally come to circle around the base of his member and a greater moan when your tongue, hungry and flat, draws a line on its undershaft until you get to the pre-cum bubbling at the tip. You ground the head of his cock along your tastebuds, committing to memory his personal flavor as you lick him clean. Oh, you’re going to want seconds for the rest of this poor soul’s life.
“Fuck.” The word is heavy, riding off an exhale as you flood Ak with heightened pleasure, far sharper and stronger than anything he’s ever felt before, just with your tongue on his cockhead. You smile around the tip, parting your mouth with the pressure of his cock as he finally starts to sink into your wet and hot mouth. The groan he releases is guttural and carnal as you suck all around him, smoothly swallowing his length to the base and never breaking eye contact. You’re so delighted watching him fold in your hands that you get right to it, pumping his shaft with a rolling wrist, your mouth never far behind as you coat him in your drool.
“G-God.” How can you make your mouth so tight, it feels like he’s fucking into you already? And the way you look at him, with shallow adoration, has his stomach flipping and his heart bumping. He knows you’ll eat him alive and he feels like he’ll let you at this rate. His lips twist but it’s no use, a string of moans keeps his mouth at a constant gape as you pamper him with your tongue swirling, dashing, and criss-crossing all over his cock. You dip your head low, humming around him with a mewl of your own when he reflexively jerks into you, pressing his cockhead to the back of your mouth but you keep on. As if that would stop you.
Every slope down his cock, Aki is treated to the sight of your tits, caged by the satin straps of your babydoll ensemble, bouncing with your nipples slipping out a little more each time. His fingers twitch, eager to find out how they would feel cupped in his hands. “You’re unbelievable.” You have him grunting and cursing. It felt like just a minute ago, he was looking at you like you were scum of the earth. Now he’s revering you like a god.
Digits still shuddering, his hands come to the sides of your head for some relief. Your hair is so soft, he can’t help but dig in, fingernails curling into your scalp with little regard for any pain he may cause you. You don’t stop so neither does he. He can’t take his eyes off you, never wanting to forget how you look with his length completely disappeared inside you, your cheeks hollowed out and all because of him. You’re perfect just like this, he thinks.
You start to gag, but not because he’s too much. You gag to gauge his reaction. His cock bobs in your mouth and you swear you feel him get harder as you sputter and choke around his shaft and now with a hand at the crown of your head, you know you’ve hit the spot. So he’s one of those. You note as you continue to amplify those juicy sounds of yours, rubbing your thighs in anticipation as he starts to meet you halfway with jutted hips. The closer he gets, the sloppier he is you can’t help but notice as his movements start to become ragged in pursuit of his climax.
Ecstasy building, Aki’s head lulls back and his lids shudder shut as he feels your fist clutch him harder, tighter, dragging his foreskin into your mouth with your tongue poking in and lapping up any spare pearls of pre-cum. You moan, on your own, at his intoxicating flavor, eagerly awaiting for the rest to come filling your mouth until you’re filled with his taste. You lose yourself so much in lavishing his cock that you don’t see it coming when his hand digs into your fringe, pulling your head back so he can get a better look while he face-fucks you.
You’re actually glad he did because now you can see him truly at his lowest point. His raven locks are sticking to his face and temples with a layer of sweat making him glow under the dimmed lights in the room. You can no longer see the cerulean blues in his eyes; all you can see are his pupils, wide with lust, sizing you up as he starts to roll his hips into you, following the rhythm you’d already set. “Fuck,” He spits, “Feel so good. Gonna cum soon.”
Soon was an understatement. At the pace you were going, he could cum any moment. Your mouth was a cavern for him to exploit and you clearly were letting him, allowing him to start fisting your hair for some stability while he rocks into you. The force of his orgasm starts to build fast, his balls tightening as the rush comes like a flood. His cum shoots in dense strings, filling your mouth until the salty taste is all your senses can register. He shudders into you, groans dying out as he finishes emptying his load inside of you.
Seeing you swallow his climax has his adam’s apple bobbing with a gulp. Your eyes seem to brighten, the color of your irises glowing with the ingestion of Aki’s semen, and your tail swats in the air in a clear display of elation. His cum goes right to the core of your being, lighting your flame and making you feel full… But you’re not satisfied. Not yet.
Your lips run down the measure of his cock until you’ve finally parted, with Aki fixated on you the entire time. His member, drenched in your saliva and still swollen, trembles in the cooled air and the only noise in the room is Aki’s soft panting. You’ve only been off him for a few seconds but he already needs to be inside you again, that much he’s certain of.
"Is that…" His voice whines down so he tries to repeat himself, taking a breath this time beforehand, "Is that it?"
The poor thing. He thinks it's over. He thinks he's already wrapped up his end of the bargain. "Mmh-nn." You hum, lips back on the tip of his cock while your tail bats in the air with interest. You hear him sharply inhale, his eyes instantly shutting again as you lick quick lines on the surface, poking into his still leaking slit a couple of times. “That was just the appetizer. The first load is always the tastiest.”
Aki watches you rise to your feet, body moving so gracefully and sensually you have him captivated. It’s twisted, how he follows your every movement, bewitched by how you toy with the strap hanging on your shoulder. You invite him with the curl of your finger to take over and that he does, hands much larger than yours plucking the lingerie straps and slipping them down and off your arms. The fancy night dress you’d been wearing joins the rest of Aki’s clothes in a rush, neither of you wanting to be apart for any longer than you had to.
Now nude, you direct Aki to the bed, where the real show will begin.
With Aki on the bed, you crawl on top and there he’s able to fully appreciate the form you’ve taken, ogling your body like a debased pervert. You’re a tease, lowering enough to hover right above the bulge of his cockhead but never dipping any more than that. His hand, albeit shaky, comes to land on your waist, a calloused thumb pushing into your smooth skin and rubbing circles just to feel you. “Please.” The word leaves his mouth faster than his brain can process and you just adore the way you can visibly see him melt for you.
“Please what?”
“Please,” Now he has both hands on you, “Sit on my cock.”
Now that makes you smile wide. “Yes sir.” There’s a snide intonation of your voice when you address him but he doesn’t give a fuck. All he can think about is you, you, you.
Your hips sink, the tip of his dick smoothing along your folds and pressing into your entrance until the pressure is enough to break through and he’s in. And god, you’re already so tight, you have his lungs struggling to get a single breath in. Your walls crease and mold to his girth and for all the trouble you’ve caused him, you’re making up for it and he hasn’t even filled you to the hilt yet.
“S-Shit.” You were starting to think you’d never see the day when Hayakawa Aki, one of the most highly regarded members of Public Safety, would fall prey to your lascivious spell but here he is, hissing as he’s pulling you down on his cock with depraved hunger. Grunting, Aki digs his head back into your pillow but he forces his eyes open, needing to see you take him all the way and when you do, you’re such a sight to behold. Your lips, swollen from sucking him off, part in delicious rapture and you see stars having him all the way inside you. The corners of your mouth turn upward, a smile coming over your features as you feel the slightest hint of trembling in Aki’s thighs as you come to a full seat on his member.
The way he feels inside you is unlike anything you’ve had before, and you’ve definitely charmed your fair share of characters but this Aki… He’s more special than you took him for. Your walls flutter around him, hugging his cock nice and snug so that you feel every twitch, every throb he helplessly gives you. “You ready?” You ask but it’s not up for debate. You grind your clit against his pelvis on your way up, following the curve of Aki’s shaft before bouncing back down on his length.
He’s so dense, thick inside you that you could imagine him easily breaking you, if you let him. But you’re in control here and he seems game for it, what with how wanton his gaze on you is and how sternly he’s gripping your waist. He’s so deep in you, you feel him poking against your core and that has your heart drumming so vigorously, you can hear your heartbeat so clearly in your ears along with Aki’s moans and the erotic sounds of wet skin smacking together.
Your pace starts slow enough, giving you time to relish how he stuffs your gummy walls on every swing up but you’re both in agreement that it’s not enough. You both need more and as though you’re in sync, he starts to jerk his hips into you, cramming further inside you while you dig down just as harshly. The way you’re rubbing down on him has you coating him in your slick, the mass of your juices, and it’s so much that it’s spilling down his balls and lap. That only makes it easier for him to thrust into you, forcing your body to roll along his shaft and bend to the new rhythm he’s setting.
How can one human feel this good? He has you feeling so high, so overwhelmed with the weight of his cock inside your cunt, that you don’t even notice his hand reaching out to your forearm and unexpectedly forcing you down so your chest is flush against his and your lips are just mere inches from each other. That certainly isn’t the case for long, as Aki immediately forces his lips on you in a rough and needy kiss. Your tongue is still coated in his essence, his taste, and he laps it up in a frenzy. Your own sweetness tingles in his mouth, sending a hypnotizing rush to his brain that has him feeling like he’ll never recover from this. Like he’ll never recover from you.
Your pussy still swallowing his cock, Aki’s hands land squarely on your ass and start to firmly squeeze your plush flesh, nails sharply piercing your skin until he knows he’s drawing blood. You whine and moan into his mouth, all muffled because there’s no way in hell he’s letting you break the kiss. “Don’t you dare pull away.” Aki growls and for once, you’re listening to a Devil Hunter as he starts to mercilessly buck his hips, thrusting harshly into you like you’re just a toy for him to abuse. Anyone else would be screaming, crying for a reprieve but not you.
His length penetrates you so roughly while the thickness of his cock has you full to the brim and the combination of both is sure to be a new addiction of yours. Now you’re thinking crazy, wondering if you should just drop all your other contracts if this Aki will keep business with you. Any sensible thought is pounded out of you soon enough, Aki’s hips crashing against your bottom fast and hard. Your kiss with him is just as cruel, his teeth capturing your puffy bottom lip and sharply biting down until the vulgar taste of blood is dripping into his mouth. You whimper but never tell him to stop. Why would you when he feels so good?
Too good, in fact. He told you to stay put but you can’t help it, you come to rise, still with his length fully inside you and resume your earlier position of bobbing up and down on his cock but now with a more reckless flair. As you do, as you near your climax, a script starts to sear itself into your pelvis. “The–” Oh now you’re the stuttering fool, “t-the contract.” You choke out, the outline of the brand charred in your skin.
Aki’s mystified by you, by what’s happening before him. Still ramming into your tight pussy, his hands move from your wiggling ass to digging his nails harshly into the design scorching itself on your supple flesh. You yelp, face glimmering with a layer of sweat, but your cries hit a new pitch when one hand dives down towards your cunt, thumb messily running circles around your clit. “Fucking cum for me then. I’m gonna fill you up.” Where did this man find his grounding? Your head rolls back, lips quivering with a never ending string of lewd noises as your thighs begin to give out– no, give way to Aki’s domination.
Now on a firm seat on Aki’s lap, his hips thrash against you until he feels his member swelling and pulsating inside you, against your narrowing walls that dare to swallow him whole. As he does, an inscription he can’t totally make out starts to appear on your pelvis but one thing’s for sure; you look good with his name in kanji branded on you.
“Cumming– fucking take it, devil.” You crumble all around him, your sopping wet cunt fluttering all around him as you too, start to feel your release bubble up until spilling over. He pumps into you every last drop of his cum but you still feel yourself trembling long after he’s finished.
Your pants of recovery cut through the silence in the room. What the hell was that? This man… He’s not human. Not with the way he just fucked you. You’re going to keep this one, even if it takes all your power. You’ll keep him safe, you promise to yourself… So long as he keeps up his end of the deal.
You feel empty when his cock finally leaves you and even more so when Aki gets himself dressed and ready to go. If you had it your way, you’d keep him there all night and all day… Though you guess humans need more than sex to refuel. A pity.
“Guess this is it.” Aki mumbles at your front door but you stop him from taking a step further, dainty little nails curling around the sleeve of his jacket as you look up at him with ravenous glint in your eyes, “Oh, didn’t Makima tell you? This contract is ongoing. I’ll ring you up when I need more.”
Shit. What did he get himself into?
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sanospet · 2 months
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𝘲𝘶𝘰𝘵𝘦 : tomura viewed you as something of a painting, a timeless, priceless piece, highly sought after, something to be handled with the utmost fragility. the air that surrounded you, an artistic mix of expertly chosen colours, rare, scarce. the first form of portrait art, a being so captivating, alluring, serene that one had the overwhelming urge to capture it in the moment and seal it's divinity for all to indulge in forevermore. touya's rusty, battered, razored claws, his poison tipped words, piercing through the canvas with ease, scarring your skin. tomura's lips, his unyielding fervency, cementing the tares, sewing the canvas that is you, together again with his touch alone.
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warnings and notes!
18+ . angst . hurt comfort . quirkless au . the shimura’s are very much alive and well (though tomura doesn’t use the name “tenko” anymore) . mentions of firearms . reader is held at gunpoint . touya being an absolute creep . heavy suggestions of the reader having sexual trauma/fear of men . reader has a breakdown . reader has deeply rooted self worth/esteem issues . heavy suggestions of the reader having SH scars . guilt/self-blaming . tomura, the king of comfort . they have huge crushes on one another, lol . pet names (“kid”, “dear”, “love”) . gender neutral reader . proofread though there still may be some spelling mistakes, enjoy <33
authors note:
another very self indulgent story, except it’s just the beginning because this is the first instalment of my “veiled blossoms” fic, yippeeee! i feel like this chapter is a little too choppy, but im just trying to set a good foundation to spring off of for the next few chapters. im not sure how long of a fic this is going to be, but i do have most of the story figured out and planned, and it’s already looking quite lengthy, lol. anyways, i hope you enjoy this chapter and i hope to show you the next instalment soon, thank you for reading! <33
- linus
tomura shigaraki masterlist | chapter 1
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"what do you say ?" hana spoke, sight sweeping over your tense posture, "look, i know it's a lot to ask of you, but it'll just be for a little while," doe-eyed, pleading "just until he finds his footing."
shifting in your seat, the cooling chill wafting through the dining area mutating from a pleasurable breeze into more of an undesirable gust, goosebumps perking up on your skin. mouth drying at the mere thought of an unfamiliar man wandering freely around your safe space, the zone in which you derived comfort and solace, tainted by the presence of another.
clammy hands smoothing over the fabric of your dress, "he can't go back home ?" voice softly wavering, anxiety tingling in your skin, treading carefully as you questioned, earning the gentle shake of hana's head, letting out a sigh, "my father wouldn't step within ten feet of him," she spoke, a tight smile forming, fork pushing at the pasta resting on her plate "and im afraid that feeling is reciprocated," the words muttered as she trailed off.
silence blanketing over you both, your sight hazed, unfocused as you stared at the cooling food on your plate, mind tugging memories of the countless, nefarious tales hana had spoken of about the horrid man. the troublesome upbringing she had faced alongside her brother, due to her father's monstrous nature, your heart clenching at that.
offering a wordless nod of agreement, a soft smile dawning your features, hana's voice upping an octave, through a gasp, "really ?" excitement failing to take bay, lacing her words, "really," you confirmed. hana taking your hands in her's at the affirmation, "he won't be a bother, you won't even notice him" granting a small squeeze, "i'll make sure of it," lips curling to match your own.
                               ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
tomura was unlike anything you'd imagined.
you hadn't really a clue what to expect from the man, the stories you'd heard regarding him only pertaining to their youth. hana failing to update you, nor give a proper briefing on his development in all the years she'd been visiting him in captivity, granted, there had been little reason to.
slumber evading you on the eve of tomura's arrival, your mind wandering...maybe he was someone dry, stoic, harsh, the stereotypes of a convict. perhaps he had grown taller, broader, recalling the humorous comments hana had frequently made regarding his height and stature as you revisited their younger years through words.
the weeks of his presence swam by smoothly and tomura had been settling in comfortably, though despite hana's promise, his residence was striking, as was he. unable to neglect your shameful emotions, losing the tussle with your heart, finally acknowledging that long lost feeling bubbling within you during each recurring encounter. it was something child-like, innocent, a match that ignited reveries, flushed skin and the heightened awareness of your every move before him.
the giddiness, the joy, the anxiety, all knotted in a frothy, lopsided bow in your chest, accompanied haphazardly with the rush of adrenaline and stuttered speech as your eyes met the silky carmine held within his own.
niveous waves cascaded down tomura’s back, sleeping soundly against flourished muscles, hana commenting on how much it had grown since his detainment. crimson pearls centring his face creating an abstract union with the snowy locks framing them. an ocean of jagged rubies, something you could drown yourself in without a second thought, serene, yet a gloom, seemingly governed by scylla herself, swam within them.
you'd lost yourself in the sparkles he used for sight a myriad of times, his glowing locks falling into them as you rambled on, yet tomura remained attentive throughout every syllable. eyes remaining on yours as your lips moved, words often trapping in your throat under his paralysing surveillance.
hana's frequent absence from your shared home was something you'd grown accustomed to, her often leaving for hours, and sometimes even days, at a time. schedule filled with endless to-do's, ranging from school, work, outings with friends and trips.
never had it become a cumbersome arrangement, though, with the recent developments, it was presented with an added layer of anxiety. tomura's presence hailing complications in the methodical act, due to the, now native, sensation that routinely filled your stomach under his watch.
fingers flat against the ingredient, hands moving as you diced the tofu on the cutting board before you, a groggy voice, rasp ever-present, sounding, "cute pyjamas," lazily shifting the dampened towel over the back of his head, taking in the skin flaunting ensemble you'd chosen to lounge in.
muscles tensing at the sudden interruption, letting out a small yelp, the sharpened knife slipping from your grip, nipping your skin in the process, crimson pearls soon seeping out of the new wound.
"hey, are you alright ?" brows furrowing as tomura joined you, unease linking the sentence together, reflexive hands quickly moving to grab hold of your retracting ones, startled by the swiftness of his actions.
face resembling that of a deer in headlights as tomura's softened eyes met your widened ones, gaze gentle as he stilled his movements, arm remaining outstretched, beckoning, lips curling into a sweet smile "let me have a look, yeah ?" tone soothing, almost guiding, as you placed your delicate wrist in his palm, cuffed in a tender grip.
crimson orbs briefly meeting yours, his eyes analysing the injury before linking once more, gaze fixed as your examined digit slowly disappeared between his lips. a meek gasp slipping past your own at the act, face contorting in a wince, cheeks growing warm under his watchful inspection, feeling bare as tomura observed the expressions you made with intrigue.
yet you remained stagnant, the warmth of his tongue collecting your very essence, ears burning to a shade similar to that of his eyes as he pulled out the injured finger with a gentle pop. "you should really put a band-aid on that," breath fanning against your skin, heavy lidded gaze glancing toward the abandoned chopping board, "i'll take over from here."
tomura's heartbeat rattled against his ribcage, prior actions replaying on his mind like a broken record as you disappeared down the hall. cheeks rosing at his intensifying inability to control such sudden desires, the ebbs and flows of your visage under his touch singed into the forefront of his mind like a brand mark.
pressing the remedying item against the wound, feet padding against the wooden floor as you joined tomura in the kitchen once more, his frosted locks almost shimmering under the daylight. the black crewneck he adorned, seemingly a size too small, essentially compressing his muscles, exposing every defined part of the man at an easy glance. grey joggers sitting low on his hips, a sliver of abdominal skin separating the two fabrics.
"sorry about your finger, how's it doing ?" setting two small bowls of miso soup down on the coffee table, "taking it like a champ ?" a slight smile accompanying the words, pulling one from you in return, "o-oh, i-it's alright," with a dismissive wave, "and um...i can still help, you know ?" feet shifting beneath you, his raised hand halting your movements, "with an ailment so arduous ?" nodding at the platter that had been set out, "take a seat, kid."
tomura chewed at a slow pace, opting to savour the blend of tastes on his tongue, lids shut, bliss dusting his features in a rosy smile, "i still haven't gotten used to fresh home-cooked meals again," through a small sigh, "the shit they serve in there felt like a unique kind of torture," sight lifting to you, "you're a good cook, you know that ?"
the unexpected praise almost sending the food in your throat back up with a suppressed cough, you shook your head, swallowing, "w-well i can't take all of the credit," smiling softly, widened eyes trained on the table, cheeks warming at the words, "you made the rolled omelette," taking a bite, meeting his gaze, "seems like you haven't lost your touch."
tomura's heart swelling at the words, smirk growing "oh yeah ? go on," letting out a gentle giggle as you watched tomura's arms fold over one another on the dining table, leaning closer, "and the rice is good too, tomura," eyes raking over your features, cocking his head, "just good ?" inching as you spoke, "perfect," taking a spoonful into your mouth.
tomura's ears adorning a tint as he regressed, back flush against the chair, "well, now you're just stroking my ego, but," shrugging, the corners of his lips tugging upward, "i'll take credit where credit is due."
jagged rubies catching your eyes in an unbreakable link, that familiar ripple quilting your stomach once more, tomura's breathing shallowing under your observation, rouge tinting your skin. stranded in the the entanglement of ambience caging the two of you, aura's intermingling, you found yourself becoming lost in the sunset orbs before you.
harnessing all of your might to forcibly look away, your gaze falling onto the, now lukewarm, soup before you, lips pushing out the first few words that sprang in your mind, "o-oh, uh, where's hana ?" gently clearing your throat from it's wavers, "it's um, her day off, no ?"
tomura's chest rumbling with a gentle hum, "she's off doing me a favour, left quite a while ago to grab my things from back home," spooning soup into his mouth as you nodded along, fingers fiddling with the drawstring of your shorts, "i see," sight raising to him once more, "so um...she'll be back soon, then ?"
the playful swirl in tomura's orbs were overt, setting his utensils down as he spoke, "what, you don't enjoy my company ?" sputtering at the taunting words, scrambling to clarify "w-what ? y-you know that's not what i meant, tomura."
tomura almost felt guilty as he soaked in your flustered stature in amusement, cheeks rosy, eyes wide, glossy lips spilling stutters as you attempted to speak, almost. tomura's eyes squinting in turn at the tumbling words, "so you admit that you do enjoy my company ?" question left out to dry as your mouth opened and closed, failing to search for a response as he continued on,"i mean, i hope you do, at least," shrugging, tone apathetic as he leaned closer once more, "since, you know...it'll be just you and i in this place for a while," whispering secretively.
brows dipping, soft smile shifting to more of a frown at the confession, "w-wait..." confusion blanketing your face, contorting your features, "w-what do you mean ?" tomura's eyes almost sparkling as they widened at the query, "oh, she didn't tell you yet, huh ?" a soft laugh slipping past his lips, despite his attempt to suppress it, tomura's enjoyment in your naïvety of the situation all too apparent, "t-tell me what, tomura !?"
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"you can't be serious..." the rustling of tomura rummaging through storage boxes sounded throughout the room. hana's hand setting pets onto yours, speaking over the ruckus, "i know, im sorry i couldn't break it to you myself," a gentle pout resting on her lips, "but it's not set in stone," she assured, "i don't know why tomura told you so soon." head snapping toward the man in question, razor-edged glare piercing daggers into his skin, tomura offering an indifferent shrug in return, a small smile twisting his lips as he continued his search, earning a sigh from the other, "i was just voicing my thoughts at the time."
a gentle smile taking over her features as she turned to you, "our three year anniversary is coming up soon, and i wanted to surprise her with a trip," words mellow, hushed, eyes almost glazed over in a dreamy daze, something she couldn't help but fall into whenever she spoke of her lover. "we've been thinking about moving in together for a while now, so i thought it would be the perfect time to test it out, you know ?" eyes meeting yours, "a trial of sorts, to see how well we mesh in a shared space," brows upturned, heart clenching as she gushed, "and if it goes well, you'll take the next step ?" the apples of her cheeks plumping, baring a toothy smile, "exactly."
the corners of your lips tugging upward, twinning her countenance as an ache rippled through your chest, heart falling victim to the tugs of different directions. the memories of the irreplaceable years you'd spent together under the same roof rushing to the forefront of your mind, "im happy for you, truly, it just," sighing, "it just caught me off guard a little."
hana had become somewhat of a little sister to you over the span of your shared tenancy, someone you grew to cherish deeply. someone you confided in just as much as she did in you, someone irreplaceable. albeit the heartache you were currently experiencing, having had front row seats to the unwinding story of her love, cheering her on from the sidelines as she pined and fell for her partner, you couldn't help that sense of pride you felt for her growth.
pulling you in for a hug, your chin resting on hana's shoulder, "i'll miss you so much," offering a gentle squeeze, "i'll miss you too, but i'll still be around," pulling away, "you can't get rid of me that easily," sharing a giggle.
"don't worry," tomura chimed, "you'll still have me," offering a toothy grin, "how comforting, tomura," sarcasm laced between your giggled words. "do you have a destination picked out for your little sojourn ?" setting a small cardboard box down on the coffee table as he settled into the armchair, "jeju island," she spoke warmly, "felicia has always spoken about it." cooing, "how romantic," you teased, playfully pushing her arm, rouge tinting her cheeks, a small laugh leaving her lips.
"it's a quick flight too, no ?" tomura added, hands avidly sifting through the contents before him, "yeah, about five hours," she affirmed, attention diverted by tomura's fiddling fingers, "what have you been looking for ?" brows sewn as tomura pulled out an item, eyes lighting up at the sight, "im surprised mom was able to keep all of my stuff hidden so well," under his breath, a verbalised of thought.
hana rising from her perch on the sofa, taking a peek at the box's contents, a small sigh falling from her chest, "you're not actually thinking of going back into freelance, are you ?" tomura shrugging, "what choice do i truly have ?" ruby eyes locking with the misty orbs his sister held, surveying her looming figure "you think my record would appeal to a retail manager, hana ?" satire soaked words, earning an uneven smile of annoyance from the other, "where are you even planning on setting up shop ?"
tomura's eyes drifted between the both of you, wordless, gifting a look mixed with that of expectance and hope. "here !?" hana's booming voice drenched in astonishment, nose scrunching in disgust, "god, that's so unhygienic, tomura, you need a sterile environment." he couldn't help the growing itch to roll his eyes at his sister's incessant critiques, sighing, "well, my clients aren't exactly the picky type, hana, they'll take what they can get, and this," finger gesturing around the room in a circular motion, "is luxurious enough."
"fine, fine," jaded words through an exhale, exhaustion seeping through her demeanour, "well, you're not the only one that's living here, alright ? im fine with it, but," their locked gaze severing, shifting toward your quiet stance on the couch.
attention alternating between the two, brows dipping slightly, feeling somewhat small under their spectation. engrossed by the gentle aura tomura held with but a glance, his orbs almost luring you into a trance once they linked. you could feel yourself giving into it once more, your silence under his gaze amassing a smile from him, "i think they want me to stay here with them, hana."
eyes remaining secured onto yours, mischief whirling within them, opal tendrils softly shifting as he cocked his head, "somebody's gotta keep them company or they'll grow lonely," smile growing into a knowing smirk, gaze shifting to hana's, "you know, after being abandoned by their roommate and all."
rosy cheeks deepening in shade at the words, inventive mind meticulously crafting countless scenarios at a hectic pace with the prompt. flashes of the intimate morning you'd shared still fresh on your mind, overriding your brain, heart rate quickening.
hana's mouth opening to retaliate, cut off by your awaited response, "y-yeah, sure, i-i don't mind" nodding firmly. "great, because i already have my first two clients booked in," rising from his seat, small box in hand, "you already booked-" hana's irritation wafting off of her in potent waves, slicing her words short with a sigh and an inhale, attempting to regain her composure, "how did you know we would even agree to any of this ?" brow lifted in question.
tomura offered her a smile, "because you're a gracious and kind sister," words woven tightly with mockery, his hand sifting through her locks, ruffling her hair as she swatted him away, "and you're little friend over here is quite fond of me," setting a few gentle pats to your head, "they'd do anything i ask," hooking a finger beneath your chin, raising your gaze, "wouldn't you, dear ?"
unable to suppress the blood rushing to your skin, his minor touch flustering you exponentially. hana's hand moving to shove his before you could react, a tut heavy on her tongue, "teasing isn't a form of gratitude, tomura, quit it."
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knock. knock. knock.
the rhythmic set of belligerent bangs strode in bold waves, your muscles tensing at the unusual aggression set behind them. robust slams violently ripping you from your heart-eyed daze, gaze drifting toward the clock on the wall, brows knitting, the sharp sounds echoing through the hall, piercing your ears as they continued.
eyes shifting toward the flatscreen displaying the paused movie you'd been watching with tomura, his presence lacking as you waited. the indent he had made on the couch still retaining his warmth, jointly with the skin along the back of your neck, goosebumps soon budding in place of his arm. fingers fiddling with restless yearning, gaze fixed on the darkened hall, anticipating his emergence to no avail.
phone screen remaining in it's dimmed form, the virtual contact you'd had with your roommate dating back to daylight hours, anxiety blossoming, the routine messages you'd usually exchange upon arrival, void. palms flattening against one another as you writhed, feet meeting the floor, wary footsteps moving toward the entrance.
"h-hana, i-is that you?" calling out, skepticism thickly dousing the string tying the sentence together, face contorting in confusion, words greeted with only the rustling of jackets beyond the slab of wood. shuddery hand clasping the doorknob, "i-i thought you weren't supposed to be back until-" speech clogging instantaneously, mouth falling shut under the glowering gaze of the two men towering before you, their figures shrouded in shadow, backlit by the glow of the moon.
eyes meeting azure, raven tufts almost being swallowed by the night, shade wrapping around him like a scarf. his smooth ink filled skin peaking out through his sleeves, travelling up his body, crawling up and over his jaw like a muzzle. face jewels offering the sight of glimmering stars beneath his lips, trailing the curl of his ears. cyanic stare bearing the ability to incite serenity and calm, yet they seared your skin with ease, seemingly hostile, a ravenous flame burning deep within them.
his companion almost a complete juxtaposition to his being entirely, a golden aura permeating off of him in rolls, something luring, coercive. yet, the warm smile adorning his face didn't quite reach his eyes, the foiled expression setting a pang of unease to your stomach, your throat burning. artistry coating his flesh, pierced skin stretched with the curl of his lips, sharp teeth bared, the contempt swirling within his eyes curtained by sunny tendrils.
fingers lifting from their frozen stature, unclasping the handle, the door falling shut with a slam, almost tugged by the swallowing atmosphere that circled the men. breath caught in your throat, body fixed in its rigid position, the scrutiny of their gaze locking you into a trace-like state, left ogling at the entrance, mouth agape as you pushed out a shaky exhale.
a jagged shard of ice shooting down your spine like a missile, goosebumps rising on your skin, anxiety almost penetrating your blood as you took note of the unlocked door. fingers flying to remedy it instinctually, jolting as warmth spread across your shoulder, "what's going on ?" tomura spoke, hand retracting as you let in a sharp gasp, swiftly turning to meet his gaze.
brows scrunching as he took in your ashen expression, "woah, woah, are you okay ?" concern laced heavily in the words, your forefinger flying to his lips, "n-not so loud," whispering, hand clasping his own, footsteps light as you guided him to the living area once more.
turning to him, eyes frantic, breathing quickening "s-scary guys...d-door," words muddling as your mind scrambled, "i-i don't know, w-who...", shaking your head, "hey, hey," tomura's hand moving to your arm, "it's okay," he assured, offering soothing strokes, "take your time."
his fingers shifting to your chin, "look at me, kid," a soft smile, eyes linked, "breathe for me, yeah ?" tomura taking an inhale as you mimicked his actions, letting out an exhale before repeating, respiration soon slowing to a normal rate. "now, tell me what's going on," voice failing to blanket the slight waver in his tone, expecting.
"there are two really scary guys at the front door!" whisper shouting, the knot of discomfort tightening in tomura's stomach releasing at the confirmation, tongue tarting with a metallic taste as he nodded. raking a hand through his soft locks with a sigh, "already ?" murmured, more to himself, your voice spiking as the words reached you, "you know them ? who are they !?" frenzied query's unanswered as tomura's hand circled around your wrist, guiding to toward the staircase.
"stay in your room and don't come out," tomura's command cushioned with pleading, "you're not seriously thinking of letting them in, are you !?" spiked clamps piercing either side of tomura's heart as he scanned your face, panic sewing your features together. he couldn't bare to meet your gaze as he spoke, "they're here for me, kid, just..." the confession sitting heavy on his chest, letting out a sharp sigh, "just, stay in your room and don't make a sound, yeah ?"
frustration itching at you, his aversion adding piles to the answers you sought after. your hand moving to his chin, forcing your eyes to link, "tomura, tell me what's-" speech sliced by the rattling of the door on its hinges as the sharp bangs ensued once more, your breath hitching.
tomura's fingers pushing tousled tendrils from your face, "i need you to trust me on this, ___, can you do that ?" tomura's hand clasping yours, rubies scanning your face, searching for an answer, pleading. the mountainous pressure of time itself, spurring on the anxiety bouncing between the both of you. replying with a nod, "use your words for me, kid," he whispered, the gems he used for sight tying with yours, "i trust you, tomura," words firm.
tomura offering a soft nod, grip loosening as he shifted to leave, pausing as you set a gentle squeeze to his hand, "w-wait," eyes linking once more, the wet sheen blanketing your orbs striking, "just be careful...please," tomura's lips curling, a tender smile resting on them at the plead, guilt swimming in the lake of passion in his eyes, "of course, kid."
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the reflection presented obsidian locks, tufts of hair falling into azure, the lifted sleeve of touya's shirt revealing the film stretched flush against his skin, blanketing the new scar.
keigo's relaxed form nestled into the armchair, tomura’s snow tucked behind his ears, glimmering rubies focused on his working hands. "jail wasn't a total waste of time, i see," keigo’s lips curling into a smirk, sight resting on the new design touya adorned on his skin, the freshly dipped inky needles continuing to puncture his own, "bet you had cues of inmates wanting your art on them, huh ?" the words hinting more toward mockery than anything.
tomura paid the double meaning no mind, shrugging as he replied, "only tatted a few," tissue dabbing to collect the excess ink, "i soon realised that cup ramen wasn't necessarily the best form of payment," crimson meeting amber as their gazes linked, "and you know i only tattoo those i know without charge."
keigo's lips stretching into a smile, hand resting on his chest with a sunny sigh, "i feel so special all of a sudden," a light laugh on his lips as he called out, "you hear that, touya ?" azure shifting to ivory as the man rolled his eyes in the reflection, "yeah, yeah, don't let it go to your head, he'll have us compensate him in some other way sooner or later." tomura's movements slowing as he caught the others gaze in the mirror, a smirk loosely twisting tomura's lips at the words, "so, you're crashing here, then ?" keigo continued, earning a hum, "for the meantime, yeah."
touya moving to lounge on the sofa, head shifting as he surveyed the room, "and where's that pretty little thing who slammed the door in our face earlier ?" tone laced thickly with desire, "this is her place, no ?" tomura's chest tightening, lips tugging downward as his throat dried, "you had us waiting for an awfully long time."
touya's mind burned with the image you presented, cotton tank top sitting flush against your skin, cut low on your chest, thin straps reaching up and over your shoulder holding the thin fabric in place. skimpy pyjama shorts, satin, hanging low on your hips, a lick of skin separating the two fabrics. the lengthy stretch of your smooth legs, the dips and curves of your body, the scars littering it, a figure he so deeply craved to explore.
the deer eyed stare he'd been granted upon your meet-cute setting a ravenous fire within him, your seeming naïvety at first glance unleashing the scent of a potent love potion, captivating him completely. touya wanted to analyse everything that was you, run his calloused fingers through your tousled hair, his bloodied hands across your damaged skin, push his lips against yours and taste your very intrinsic nature on his tongue.
the tattoo gun continued to whir in tomura's paused hand, palm turning white, grip crushing, shadowy gaze turning to touya. darkened pearls dusted with ire as they met cyan, a smirk growing on pierced lips at the unspoken challenge, "what, she hiding or some-" words sliced by a sharp tone, "they're no-one, really," tomura's dismissive tone filled with warning, "not worth mentioning," strict words pronounced.
touya hummed, nodding slowly as tomura let out a breath through his nose "not worth mentioning, huh ?" the words spoken into the air, parroted if anything, through a laugh as touya rose to his feet. tomura's frantic tone failing to be suppressed, "where are you going ?" eyes trained on the dark haired man, his lax posture irritating tomura's skin, the need to scratch overbearing. "the restroom," touya's feet shifting toward the entrance, "it's at the end of-" hand rising, cutting tomura's words off with a dismissive wave, "i can figure it out."
mouth filled with cotton, tomura's gaze piercing touya's shrouded figure as he descended into the darkness of the hall, setting his form aflame with a blazing stare as he watched the bold man bypass the restroom entirely. the echos of heavy boots against wooden stairs drifting in through the opened door of the living room, hitting tomura like a harsh gust of wind in a hail storm, inflaming his itchy skin.
"i wouldn't bother," keigo spoke curtly, "the time you spent in that dingy cell was not meant to be squandered on improving your skills, but reflecting on your failures," face contorting into that of disgust as he eyed tomura, venomous whispers slipping straight into tomura's ears, "you handed us your title on a silver platter," free hand moving to tomura's chin, "hey, look at me," ripping tomura's gaze away from the void hall, fiery rubies meeting a clouded sunset, eyes swirling in contempt, "face it, you're nothing now, tomura." through curled lips, tone almost melodic, head nodding toward his unfinished art piece, "get back to work."
jaw locked, clenching, teeth grazing against the inside of his cheek, skin burning with the need for friction, tomura resumed without a word. distaste sewing his features, stomach searing with acid, shredding from the inside, clawing up his throat as he worked, mind fogging. the needles of the tattoo gun narrowly increasing pressure into keigo's skin slightly more than necessary, movements swifter than usual, eyes glazing over as rage festered deep from within, brows tightly knit.
                               ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
muffled words were all you could make out over the static hum of a machine, your ear pushed flush against your bedroom door, straining as you noted the nearing presence, the man's heavy gait something foreign by sound alone.
eyes frantically darting around the area, feet scurrying to the safety of the soft area you'd built, kneeling between the plushies packed into the corner. a thin blanket draping over you, eyes peaking over the edge, searching for some sort of solace amidst the raging anxiety whirring in your chest, the creaking of your door revealing a daunting figure.
weighty steps inching closer, your feet pushing against the floor instinctively, shifting backward, attempting to maintain distance, mind tugging forward the deeply buried memories that overlapped with your current reality, throat clogging. touya's teeth almost twinkling beneath the moonlight spilling in through your curtains, your fearful nature only spurring the sinful urges bubbling within him.
fingers roughly tugging the blanket from your grasp, discarding it behind him, hand shifting to grip your chin, harshly raising your downturned gaze, "anyone ever tell you how cute you look on your knees?" query met with your silent glare, eyes slowly drifting to the object tucked snugly into his waistband, its silver handle offering a gleam.
touya's attention following with a chuckle, "ah, there's no need to be afraid," words slow, as if to infantilise. pulling the weapon from its sheath, crouching down to your level, pushing the nozzle against his temple, his finger hooking around the trigger, applying pressure, "bang!" whispered with a smile, cadence lax, mocking, "see, the safety's on."
the nozzle of the weapon a pointer, touya gesturing to the plushies surrounding you, "i like your collection," the click of the safety being flicked off ringing in your ears as the tip trailed down your cheek. eyes fluttering shut, strained as tears collected in them, horror engulfing you in a deep embrace, a ghost of a smile resting on touya's lips as he observed your shuddering being, resting the tip on your lower lip, dragging downward, parting, "they're almost as sweet as you are."
swallowing thickly, ripping your face from his vile grip with a shaky exhale, eyes trained on the swirls engrained in the wooden flooring, "w-where's tomura ?" voice low, endeavouring an authoritative sound, nerves failing you. "he's still busy, sweetheart," azure washing over your features like icy water, shivers trailing your skin in it's wake, "but, it's alright," finger hooking under your chin, sight linking "we can keep each other entertained in the meantime."
nausea fizzing within your stomach, his touch almost singeing your flesh, "so, why don't you tell me your name, hm ?" your lips tucked in a firm line as he spoke, silence wafting through the thick atmosphere, a gust of wind leaving touya's own with a sigh. "alright, then, do you live here alone ?" peace broken by his words, resuming as his query drifted, irritation pricking his skin at your reserved speech, your lips almost sewn, "not a talker, are you ?" exasperation laced thickly between the words, "do you want to tell me anything about yourself ?"
a shadow stretching across your bedroom floor, forcing your eyes to lift, hope blossoming in your chest, a rigid tone sounding, "this isn't the restroom, touya." the budding flames of exhilaration held within the man's orbs offering licks as tomura spoke, eyes raking over your features, savouring the minor details, memorising, "so it isn't," he whispered, amusement evident.
setting a small pat to your head as he joined the man in the doorway, "i see why you keep them locked up," setting a few knocks to tomura's chest with the firearm, smirk curling his lips as he turned. cyan shards piercing through your skin, insides cringing under the observation of the raven haired man, head cocking as he scanned your quivering form, "i'd want to keep them all to myself, too."
                               ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
silence floated throughout the halls, rigid body and racing mind lulled by the sweet nothings tomura whispered. your head nestling into his chest in a tight embrace, body rocking with uneven breaths, "shh," he hummed, setting soothing strokes over your back, his familiar scent offering tranquility "it's okay, we're all alone now," words gentle, fingers gently threading through your locks, "just you and me, yeah ?"
hands flattening against his chest, heat slowly seeping into your palms like a campfire as you gently pushed him away with a sniffle. tomura's hand moving to cup your soaked cheek, brows knit, shame fogging his orbs in a thick rouge mist as he thumbed away the tears, "w-who were they, tomura ?" exhales jagged.
rubies smoothing over your face, clumped lashes lining your glassy doe-eyes, rosy cheeks plump, tear stained, glossy lips forming a light pout. the angled rise and fall of your chest, the fuzzy cloud embracing your mind in a iron grip, the tremors in your delicate hands, all resultant due to tomura's feigned ignorance. his jaw clenching as rue dripped into his veins like an iv, the venomous drug coursing through his body, "they're colleagues of mine," he pushed.
vague words erupting a deep frustration within you, "colleagues that carry so casually, tomura ?" your words piercing thorns into his side, "well i can't exactly work a typical nine to five, kid," brows knitting, "i thought you were a freelancing tattoo artist, since when were guns added to the job description ?"
tomura slipping out a cavernous sigh, fingers sinking into niveous tufts as he took a perch on the bed, "it's complicated," the heels of his palms finding solitude in the dips of his eyes.
tomura's discomposed state setting a wave of contrition through you, settling beside him, your hand shifting to rest on his leg, "are they the reason why you...um ?" trailing off into a murmur, unable to string the words, ruing the question entirely, tomura's gaze lifting, replying before you could mend it, "went to jail ?" a sigh hanging heavy on his lips, "partially, yeah."
a beat of silence resting between you for a moment as you nodded, queries tumbling in your mind, "was it...um, scary ?" a soft chuckle leaving his lips at the naïve question, shrugging, "not really," his hand interlocking with yours, eyes linking, "if you know the right people."
fingers moving to your hair, tucking a few loose strands behind your ear, moving to cup your cheek as he turned to you, "im so sorry, kid," tomura's eyes raking over your face, sorrow swimming within them. "for tonight, it wasn't," a dry scoff, shaking his head, sighing, "it wasn't supposed to happen like that, but even then, i know them and i should've known it would've, it's-" speech quickening with each syllable, your hand settling over his own, warmth melding with his, the sincerity that carried his words something you were unaccustomed to, his sentences almost foreign. body lined with discomfort, aware of your burdensome nature as tomura expressed his view, the apology causing the rise of a sense of shame within you. heart clenching at just the thought of him feeling the need to do such a thing for you, "i-it's okay, tomura," cutting his ramble short, a soft smile tugging your features.
"it's not," he sternly refuted, brows furrowing at your swift mercy, "it's my fault, ____, i shouldn't have let them come, knowing who they are to their very core," his lips twisting in contempt for his own failures, keigo's rotten words burning in his mind as he spoke, "and to let them in despite it all," a dry laugh, "it was naïve of me, stupid and you...you didn't deserve to experience the brunt of my errors," his hand offering a squeeze, "im truly sorry, love."
lashes failing to withhold water, your tears resumed, a soft smile resting on your features at the firm argument. the ache engulfing you before his continuation dissipating as you let the words sink in. "i just..." a gentle hiccup of a breath, "i don't know what's going on in it's entirety but, i meant what i said earlier," inching closer, words matching the insistence of his own, "i trust you, tomura."
tomura could feel the gentle glow of warmth growing in his chest at your affirmation, his lips sealing the proclamation as they met yours in a sweet kiss. intertwined hands unlacing, shifting to your waist, guiding you atop his lap, knees bent on either side of his pelvis, your own disappearing into snow, fingers raking through icy strands, the locks just as silky as you presumed.
tomura viewed you as something of a painting, a timeless, priceless piece, highly sought after, something to be handled with the utmost fragility. the air that surrounded you, an artistic mix of expertly chosen colours, rare, scarce. the first form of portrait art, a being so captivating, alluring, serene that one had the overwhelming urge to capture it in the moment and seal it's divinity for all to indulge in forevermore. touya's rusty, battered, razored claws, his poison tipped words, piercing through the canvas with ease, scarring your skin. tomura's lips, his unyielding fervency, cementing the tares, sewing the canvas that is you, together again with his touch alone.
tomura deepening the kiss, earning a soft whimper, his tongue slipping into your mouth at the reaction, bodies heating at the mere touch of one another, suffocating passion encasing your very beings in a cage of fire.
the crimson threads of your individual strings looping, binding into a ropey tether as you indulged. soft moans exchanged like the words of an insightful conversation as your lips moved, hands canvassing each others bodies, memorising, sealing your fate amongst eager caresses and gentle giggles.
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2facedweirdo · 3 months
Hey weirdo hope your trip and camp went well!!
My question is, what blogs/vns/creators do you like?
with tags so we know who ur talking to ofcourse!! have a good day!
hello!! My trips went well thank you!! hmmm….ok let’s see!
@campwillowpeak silly little vn with a pyromaniac,Gavin,Gavin’s friend and depressed dad <33 I love this game so much ngl
@mama- -sloth (I hope I wrote that right) AAAAAAA ILY SOO MUCH<33 HER HUMOR?!?! HELLO?!
@restartheartvn Ezra and Chris Ezra and Chris Ezra and Chri- I love this game, it has good storyline, good music and amazing characters!! Fun fact!! I headcanon kenneth as societyboy from blooming panic
@queenlilithprime SO SILLY PT2!! Amazing person in general tbh. They are honest, respectful, pretty just amazing friend ngl!! (Also happy restart heart anniversary!!)
@stnaf-vn. AHHHHH- again one of my very very favorites 🤭 it so fun and has amazing lore and art! Also Carter <3 (and friend of course but you know, Carter)
@itsya-boi never really talked much with yaboi ngl. But from what I’ve saw, they are also the best human alive! Would love to be friends with them, 10/10 human being right there
@you-and-him-vn Enemies to lovers with Chloe and Adam!! I love this game, THE LORE AND STORY HELLO??
@— unknown hermit as we all know hermit left so I’m not tagging her here, but I actually really liked hermit and think the didn’t deserve all the hate she got.</3
@thekrows-nest Krow!!!!!!1!1!1!1! Best boy right there!! Mwuah!! @winndycakes amazing person who has amazing art! They also helped me out when I got a hate anon along with @queenlilithprime which makes me value them even more. <3
@lavender-teardroplettes I.LOVE.SI ILY ILY ILY SOOOOOOO MUCH <33 my very first friend on this platform and I respect him for wanting to me friends with me!! I love him as a person again, genuinely 100/10 person right there 💗💗
@clownboymcchucklefuck Nothing can describe how much I love this person. THE SILLIENES??? SILLY!!
@fantasia-kitt 🤭🤭🤭 Now THIS is an amazing game who has a amazing future! Funfact2: I headcanon that my oc and hyugo are childhood friends!. As the creator however is also an amazing person you means well for their community. I hope the hiatus means well for them
@darqx AHHHHHHHHH. Every time I see a demon man that’s tall I.just.scream!! I love rire <3 as for darqx however I’m surprised that both of the other creators of btd got in scandals while draqx is still standing, impressive!
@robobarbie although I sti haven’t played seekL yet, I immediately know it’s gonna be a good game because robo made it. For blooming panic however, *deep breath* AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. IT HITS THAT ONE PART OF MY BRAIN AND SCRATCHES IN A WAY THATS ADDICVE. I also like their humor!
Btw all games and blogs mentioned are amazing people and games check them out pls <3
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kaihuntrr · 5 months
one-year anniversary!
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HI. oh my goodness can you believe its been a WHOLE YEAR (and a day, im posting this a day later OOPS-) since i started working on this au? i dont think i started working on the chapters until... the -ber months? but the general brainstorming started now and oh my GOD the amount of changes that has happened while working on this au is insane! im absolutely floored with how much people enjoy this au, and while im too busy to be posting art (im doing some personal work!) i have all the time in the world to talk about how much this means to me.
i've written things in the past, but i havent for the LIFE of me worked on such a long project such as this (we're only halfway through act one of FIVE!) and learning and growing with such wonderful betas and partner (ehehe @mewhoismyself hello there) is just so wonderful <3
SO! in order to make this anniversary special, i've decided to post a little cut/practice scene from act two! this couldnt make the cut with what the plot has in mind, but i figured itd be best to have some nice moments with scott and martyn, eh?
OH! and before i go, the next chapter will be posted a day earlier! <3 im going abroad the day after the original chapter posting date, so i need to rest. i think this back half of the fic is gonna be really something <3
anyway, i wont keep you here for longer. i hope you have a fun time reading this, just as much as my partner and i had fun writing this so many months ago <33
Martyn tried to listen as Scott rambled on about what he’d been up to, how nice it had been to see his friends again. He even tried to let the small twist of jealousy at Scott being so happy over seeing someone else wrench his attention back into the moment, but it didn’t work. The face of Pearl kept flashing in the forefront of his mind, her eyes and jagged scar glowing unnaturally under the moonlight. 
“Oh, and…,” Scott continued to ramble on, but Martyn still couldn’t focus. It seemed that Scott had noticed as his voice trailed off and he looked at the blonde with a tilted head. “Martyn…?”
Martyn gave a grumbled response. His mind blocked out the world around him as he pictured brief flashes of the island, the hollow and desolate stares of the people, the wicked laugh coming from Pearl….
Scott sighed. “Martyn….”
Martyn could still feel a slight buzz in his head from where he was hit. How much blood did he lose back there? He didn’t know. All he knew was that he was glad to be alive. Glad that he was here, still breathing, like everyone else. Glad that he was–
Martyn jerked as Scott’s face was suddenly inches from his own. Scott’s lips were twisted into a pout and his eyebrows were drawn into a scowl. “Huh- sorry, what?”
Scott sighed, letting his head fall forward, “So you weren’t listening to me….”
“No!” Martyn said quickly, throwing his hands up. Panic leapt in his chest, making his heart beat faster. He didn’t want Scott to think he was ignoring him…! “No, I- I’m… I’m sorry…,” he hung his head. “I’m trying to listen- I’m not meaning to ignore you, I just….” Martyn looked down at the sand beneath him. Guilt welled up in his throat. He’d been so eager to see Scott while he was away, and before he’d gotten back, and now that he was actually here… Martyn was ignoring him. He was making Scott feel ignored.
Martyn shook his head, forcing a huge smile onto his face. “So, you said you saw your friends, right? Did you have fun-? Oh, what am I saying, you just said you had fun- haha…,” Martyn scrubbed the back of his head, then straightened up, rolling to his feet. “Hey, do you wanna go see if we can find your bird friend? I bet it’s missed you too!” He pointed towards a path leading up to the forest, “Bet he lives in there somewhere…!”
“Um- Martyn…,” Scott trailed off looking after him.
Martyn took a few steps backwards, away from Scott, and spread his arms, hoping he’d follow. “Or we can go down to the beach! It’s a nice day, it’ll feel great to splash in the water a little.”
“Or- oh, we can go see the decorations they’re setting up for the festival down in the center of town. You said you were excited right, so we can-!”
“Martyn!” Scott snapped. 
Martyn stopped.
Scott took the few steps to close the distance between them, laying his hand on Martyn’s arm, then sliding it down to take his hand. He tilted his head, giving Martyn big sad eyes. “Martyn, talk to me…. What’s wrong?”
It was hard for Martyn to not crack under Scott’s gaze. “It’s just…,” he trailed off, trying to put his thoughts into words. He was just engrossed in them a second ago, but now, trying to tell Scott, he couldn’t think of what to say. “I… uh….”
“You’re alright, Martyn,” Scott rubbed his thumb over Martyn’s hand in a small, circular motion. “Take your time.”
A small pause fell over him. Martyn could hear the slow ebbs of the waves before he managed to speak. “I can’t get her out of my mind,” his voice spat with venom. Pearl’s sadistic glee, her manic grin, her ever-looming presence burned in his head. Martyn’s grip unknowingly tightened around Scott until he looked the other in the eye. His grip on Scott lessened as he looked away. “What good can I be to protect you, when I can’t defend myself from one person?”
“Who said I needed protecting?” Scott raised an eyebrow, his tone still soft but with a hint of skepticism as he leaned to the side to catch Martyn’s gaze again. He let out a weak chuckle and moved his other hand to rest on Martyn’s cheek. “Besides, you can’t protect me from everything.”
Martyn leaned into the touch, not caring how warm his cheeks felt as Scott’s delicate hand pressed into his skin, lightly grazing over the scar Pearl caused. He closed his eyes as he let out a sigh and drooped his shoulders. “But I want to…,” he muttered. He looked at Scott, his face scrunched with worry. “I don’t want you getting hurt at all, Scott.”
“There’s going to be times where I get hurt, Martyn,” Scott narrowed his eyes and withdrew his hand from Martyn’s cheek. Martyn was wide-eyed, only for Scott to hold the hunter’s other hand. “When that happens, all I’d ask is for you to help me get back on my feet.”
Martyn could feel his nerves freeze up at Scott’s warm hold. His gentle stare and concern on his face nearly caused Martyn’s heart to explode. A million things swirled in his mind as the breeze wafted over. “I can’t help it,” he lowered his head, biting his lip. “You should be protected, with all the chaos going around–”
“What chaos?” Scott cracked a smile and shook his head. He shrugged, letting go of one of Martyn’s hands as he gestured around. “All there is to see is you, me, and the beach. Nothing to worry about, right?”
Nothing to worry about for now, but so many things could happen in the blink of an eye. Martyn could practically hear the sound of the sea princes’ ringing in his ears, the one from his dreams laughing as its mouth opened wide to swallow Scott as he screamed-.... 
No. Martyn needed to be prepared for anything, so nothing bad could ever happen to the people he cared for. Nothing. Never again. 
“I still want to fight for you,” his voice was barely a whisper in the wind, cracking a bit from the emotions that crawled up the back of his throat. But seeing Scott’s attentive look, with the slight tilt of his head, Martyn knew he could hear him. “Can I at least do that?” he pleaded. He needed to-. He needed to. 
“You may,” Scott nodded, giving him a small smile. Then his eyes narrowed as a smirk crept onto his lips. “So- I’d like to see how you fight.”
Martyn opened his mouth to respond- just in time for a woosh of breath to leave him as his back hit the ground. Martyn gasped, blinking for several seconds as he tried to figure out he’d gotten laid flat out on his back… with a certain ginger pinning his shoulders to the sand.
“Yikes…,” Scott teased, his eyebrows rising, complimenting the wide grin on his face.
Martyn sputtered, his face immediately flushing beat red. “I wasn’t ready! Sneak- sneak attack…!”
Scott laid one arm across his chest, propping his other elbow on top of it and laying his cheek in his hand. “Most things will take an opportunity for a sneak attack, when presented with one.” He kicked his feet in the air, as if he was lounging on a couch reading a book. 
Martyn flushed all the way to his ears. “Redo!”
Scott leaned his head down, smiling at Martyn in a way that was almost sickeningly sweet. “Are you waiting for a written invitation?” 
Martyn grabbed Scott by the shoulders and surged upwards, knocking the ginger off of him. Scott laughed as he slipped his grip, ducking under one of Martyn’s arms to wrap his arms around Martyn’s torso. 
Before Martyn’s brain could fully process that, Scott had rolled Martyn over top of him and planted him flat on his back again. 
Working on instinct more than pre-thought, Martyn wrapped his arms around Scott’s shoulders and kicked off the sand. He knocked his thigh against Scott’s hip, bumping him off balance just enough to send them rolling over again.
But Scott didn’t end up on his back underneath Martyn. 
Somehow, mid flip, he’d slithered around Martyn’s torso, ducking his arm again and getting outside of his hold. Martyn ended up with his face in the sand and a knee pressed between his shoulders, shoving him down further.
Martyn was about to push himself up with his arms, using his strength advantage to throw Scott off of him, but Martyn froze when he felt something sharp curl around his throat. 
He couldn’t move. He couldn’t even swallow. He could barely even breathe. 
Suddenly the sharp points of crescent bladed scythes were touched against his neck so delicately. Suddenly the sharp claws of a hungry beast wrapped around his throat, pricking the skin above his jugular. One wrong move and she’d slid his throat. One wrong breath and the beast would tear him to ribbons.
A figure above him bent down to whisper in his ear. 
“I win!” Scott chirped brightly. He laughed as he withdrew his fingernails from where he’d curled them around Martyn’s throat. “You really do need more practice. Though I’d be happy to oblige…,” his voice turned sing-songy as he plopped back on the sand, his arms holding him up.
Martyn slowly pushed himself upwards, staring down at the sand where his face had been in utter bafflement. Why had that felt-? Why was he-? Why was his heart beating so fast? Why… did he feel like he’d just been hunted…?
“That- that uh…,” Martyn stammered, not really sure what he wanted to say. “You’re a lot better fighter than I thought you’d be.” He turned his head to look at Scott, pushing himself up so he was sitting on his knees.
“I know,” Scott smiled widely, tipping his head back and forth, “Do I impress you, Martyn?” He smiled and hummed teasingly, his eyes narrowed in a joyful satisfaction. 
“Always,” he breathed, a lot more genuine and heartfelt than he’d meant to. Scott’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. Martyn felt his face flush and he looked down at the sand. Well, he was in this far. “I think you’re amazing.” 
“Thank you…,” Scott said with a shy little smile. A light hint of red dusted his cheeks. He looked… really nice like that.
Martyn shook his head, roughly clearing his throat. “Well um, as- as fun as this was… I was actually referring to- to my gun combat more than my hand-to-hand.”
“Uh huh,” Scott answered with a small smirk, not sounding like he believed him. “Well, maybe I could help you with that as well.” 
“You know how to use a gun?” Martyn asked, more than a little shocked. How… how much did he really know about Scott?
Scott opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked to the side, then looked back at Martyn. “Noooo…?” he admitted, grinning sheepishly. He sighed, rolling his eyes a bit, “To be honest I thought you were still flirting, not that that was a serious question. And now, well… I’m just embarrassed.”
“Oh.” Martyn tried to hide his sigh of relief. It was one thing to just not know that Scott was a capable fighter -he was a tavern keeper who dealt with rowdy drunks all the time, Martyn honestly should have expected it- but it was another thing to not know that Scott was a trained gunman. For some reason they felt different. Martyn felt a grin split his face. “Would-... would you like me to teach you…?”
“Teach me what?” Scott’s eyebrows pinched together for a brief moment, then shot up towards his hairline, “How to use a gun?”
“Yeah,” Martyn grinned, “It’ll be like the time I was taught!”
“When were you taught?” Scott tilted his head.
“I think I was… seven? My parents knew I wanted to be a hunter, so they taught me,” Martyn hummed, looking out at the beach. He could remember the eagerness in his voice when he asked his parents to teach him. He only knew of the dangers through them and the people he lived around, but he knew his heart was calling out to the sea more than anything else.  “I needed practice, like everyone else, but I’m a natural. A crack shot, they’d told me!” He laughed. Shooting a target from far away was much easier than fighting with swords or his bare hands. 
Scott blinked, processing Martyn’s words. He slowly turned his head to Martyn, eyes widening in shock as all sense of his playfulness dropped. “You were a child when you learned how to use those?”
“Yeah…? I wanted to be a hunter, Scott, so I learned early.” Martyn looked at Scott and shrugged, feeling the ginger’s gaze on his skin felt… different. Martyn learned how to use guns to be a hunter, not to– oh. Was Scott thinking Martyn would…? Martyn shook his head and raised his hands up. “But I can’t shoot a person. A sea monster is easy because they’re big and stupid, but a person…?”
Scott had a judgemental look on his face as it scrunched up. He pulled his legs up and wrapped his arms around them, resting his head on it as he sighed. “Ending a person’s life is hard, and I’m happy you haven’t shot anyone, but…,” he trailed off. Martyn leaned closer to Scott as he raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you think it’s a little concerning?”
“What’s concerning?”
“You learned how to shoot things, how to kill things, as a kid,” Scott looked away, gripping his arms tighter as he watched the waves flow in and out. “Every life has a purpose; from you, to me, and even the beasts in the ocean.”
Martyn narrowed his eyes. Exactly what purpose could those monsters serve? Being ocean terrors? An effective way to kill humans and destroy ships? To bring fear in the hearts of children? To kill Ren- Jimmy? Why were there monsters in the ocean? Why should there be? 
“They’re monsters, Scott.” Martyn hissed, anger rising in his voice.
“They’re animals,” Scott hissed back, his face pinching into an expression that was almost pained. “They’re just animals….” 
“They’re heartless, cruel, and always starving.” Martyn huffed, pulling out his gun to examine it under the sunlight. Horrible beasts. Disgusting monsters. Murderers. “They’re such horrible, unnatural beasts that every mechanic in the world works to develop better guns and weapons to kill them all.” 
He didn’t fully notice the way Scott shied away from the gun in his hand. “You’re lucky you don’t need to leave the kingdom to see those ugly things,” Martyn spat.
“Ugly…,” Scott grumbled, turning his head away, like he was offended by the notion. “Well, I’m sure most of them would think the same about you.”
Martyn blinked, giving Scott a double take. Ugly…? 
Scott let out a sigh as he stretched and uncurled his legs and arms to stretch out in front of him. He picked up a small handful of sand and watched it fall through his fingers. “Every life is precious, every life is running on limited time. I’m not an idiot. I know things die. But there’s no reason to cut it shorter than it needs to be. ” He smiled wistfully, tossing the rest of the sand forward. “The sea is… scary, but maybe if you had an open mind, you’d see there’s more to it than monsters.”
Martyn followed Scott’s gaze and stared. Was there anything more to them? Surely not. The fondness in Scott’s voice was hard to believe- but the man has never even seen any beast to Martyn’s knowledge. The fond tone that Scott spoke about those- those monsters with… it honestly made Martyn angry. Those monsters took away the people he cared about. The people he loved. People he cherished. Jimmy, Ren… and so many other innocent people lost their lives to the sea, Lizzie’s parents…. The ocean took all of them, and there was nothing to blame but the monsters that infested it.
“They’re monsters, nothing more than that,” he spat, emotions in his chest wrenching into a tight knot that made it hard to breathe. He swung his arm out to the side, bringing his gun up in front of his chest as he rose to his knees, almost looming over Scott. “I know what they are, Scott, and I know I’m doing all that I can to protect you and the rest of the kingdom from the beasts that would just as quickly swallow you whole as they would crush you into pieces!”
“There’s no need for you to be so hostile about it,” Scott snapped at Martyn, his eyes narrowing into a cold glare that felt like icy daggers stabbing into Martyn’s face. Scott stood up and brushed all the sand from his clothes with a sigh. “I understand.” He walked closer to the water, just enough for the waves to lap against his shoes and tightened his fist, as if preventing to lash out.
Martyn blinked. “Was I-?” he muttered to himself. 
He looked out at Scott standing in the surf. He looked… sad. The guilty feeling in his chest built up once more. 
All of a sudden, Martyn remembered just how happy Scott looked with his birds fluttering around him, with the canary nuzzling his palm. Oh-. Scott was an animal lover…. No wonder he-.
Martyn was messing everything up. First he’d ignored him, and he was pushing Scott away by getting angry. Martyn quickly stood up and ran across the beach towards Scott, “Oh, Scott, I’m sorry–”
Scott turned to look at him, a flat expression on his face.
Martyn felt his heart twist, “I- I’m sorry. I- I didn’t mean to make you feel….”
“Upset?” Scott supplied.
“Yeah…,” Martyn bowed his head. His hand twitched out, reaching for Scott’s but giving up and retreating before he could take it. Martyn turned his head away and bit his lip. “I-... I made you-....”
Scott stepped closer and held out his hand. “No need for that, silly hunter,” he smiled sweetly. Martyn took it almost immediately, surprising them both. Scott let out a chuckle and bumped his shoulder next to Martyn’s. “I’m not mad,” Scott said softly. Martyn believed him. He looked… sad instead. 
“I don’t want you to–”
“You’re just fine.” Scott assured him with a smirk. “It takes a lot more than a simple disagreement to make me actually upset. We’re okay, right?” 
Martyn bashfully nodded, resulting in a wide smile from Scott. Was he… really okay? Or was he just hiding how he felt? For Martyn’s sake? Martyn hoped it was the former. 
Scott put a hand on his chest, giving Martyn’s hand a small squeeze. “Just… try to keep an open mind, alright? The world can be… stranger than you might think.” He smiled a little bashfully, “I might have- a surprise or two… to share, eventually.”
“Like how you can kick my butt in hand to hand?”
Scott’s face split into a wide grin, his eyes lighting up with laughter. “Just like that.”
Martyn felt himself smiling, a laugh escaping him as he squeezed Scott’s hand. Yeah, they were okay.
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waterfallofspace · 5 months
Who are your favorite artists/writers in the community?
I see this one has been going around!! I actually got two, so forgive me for answering only just the one, but thank you both for sending this in!! Absolutely gonna emphasis *favourite*, not best, so I'm CERTAIN I'm gonna miss people that I just haven't seen
Okay so this is gon be a long list, and tagging people is scary so I really apologize if any of you didn't wanna be tagged <3 and I'm certain to miss a few, so if I don't mention you, please know that you're still amazing and it doesn't mean I don't melt to bits at your content!!!~ <3
(also gonna include a few wav makers bc that's honestly an art too!!! and i feel they deserve to be praised for that!!~)
(and gonna copy snzdreams here <3) People I know/Friends:
--- @onetrickponi is an absolute TREASURE, not only so kind and fun, but also genuine triple threat, despite what her name suggests~ --- @zensations35 one of the BIG names on here, at least to me~ someone I've adored for years, such a kind person too!! Not super close, but adore her!~ --- @snzdreams Absolute dear, and SUCH a fun person, and honestly honestly honestly the best g/ojo writer ive ever had the pleasure of reading, girl i stg that closet fic will live with me forever --- @bestwhumpist SOOOOO good!!! and so sweet, i have the honour of calling you a friend and also the honour of enjoying your WORK bc mmm girl yes --- @ithadtobesneezing also one of the sweetest people, so many people on here are so sweet and it makes me insane, and SUCH a good writer, like hello??? hi???? made me fall in love with y/uta i swear --- @6pmsoup AMAZING art like AMAAZZZINNGGG art, looks so good i'd swear it was straight from a manga --- @hachiibun some of my favourite art on this entire site, hachii is not only INSANELY impressive, also so nice!!! genuinely amazing~ --- @goodlucksnez makes some REALLY good wavs, and Vic is also such a kind and fun person!~ --- @ezynse REALLY good fics, personally seen a few a/ce a/ttorney ones making the rounds, but also just a funny and sweet person~ --- @lycheeehehe made this one w/olfwood drawing that made me feel things AND AND AND then also made a list of hcs for t/oji and ik hcs arent what you asked but literally made me insane over this man --- @devilscastle69 THE h/otwings writer on A/03, absolutely go check them out if you like h/otwings, some AMAZING stuff on there!! (also just such a cool person hi <3) --- @themiseryandcompany older fics but SOOO worth it, tasty lil morsels, and also one of my first friends on here!!! so adore her forever <3 --- @snzluv3r hi so honestly this one is so hguahguh for me to admit but some of the hottest wavs on here, and more than that!! literally a sweetheart, SUCH a sweet person!~ <33
People I don't know, but really appreciate:
--- @whiskey-tango-matcha such good stories about their lil guy ocs, they're SO alive and I honestly feel like they're characters from a published media with how much I know them and feel certain of them!! --- @autumnsneezes some of the best wavs (and snzs) that i've heard, absolutely amazing!!~ --- @gemsden some REALLY good content over here, mostly just posts with vague ideas, but some writing too!~ and just sooo good!~ --- @kotyonoksnz literally SUCH amazing art, released a few comics of it, and SPOILED snzblr with a beautiful h/azbin partial one, absolutely incredible art!!
omg this has been SO long im so sorry!! and im so sorry if i missed someone/you, i PROMISE it doesn't mean I don't love your stuff, just means i forgot T-T but I hope the length (and tags) are alright, and thank you for asking non!!~
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ghostiiess · 9 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - christmas with them!
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synopsis: it's christmas and you spend the holidays with them!
warning: some swear here and there, darren being dirty-minded and pervert, mention of the word ass… i think that’s all? let me know if there’s more!
type: fluff
members: all of them
merry (late) christmas everyone! i hope you all day wonderful holidays 🤍 thank you very much for this wonderful year that we had together! i can’t believe it’s actually been one year that i started writing about the boys! 😊 thank you for all the support, the likes and the love!! it is so much appreciated <33 happy new year in advance and may 2024 be the best year for you :)
reblogs and likes are very appreciated!
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we know oli, we know how he is, we know how boyfriend material he is…
so is it really a surprise if i’m telling you that you would pass an amazing time with him during christmas? not really.
he would spoil you so much!
« what? can’t i treat my girl right? »
he would make sure that you know that you look extraordinary beautiful
he would hype you up so much
« oh my god… you’re so beautiful, omg » he said while covering his mouth with his left hand
he would giggle.
he would also have bought matching pyjamas
« so i got the santa one and you got the reindeer! isn’t it so cute? »
cutest boy alive, no cap (yes im a simp)
he would write the cutest things in your christmas card
“thank you for making the world a kinder place”
“thank you for existing and making me a part of your routine”
“thank you for always being you and always making the world a greater place”
“you’re making fall in love with you more and more everyday”
crying bc he’s so damn sweet 🤧 i love him sm omg
random thoughts: oliver would sing you christmas song
and maybe… he would even ask you to sing with him? lol
oliver would literally heal your inner children, with his family 🥹 in one nsb video (or was it in seb’s? i forgot, sorry) all the nsb boys came to see oli’ and seb’s mom and dad, and omg that was so cute
he’s a gentleman, he’s a golden retriever, he’s a boyfriend material, so of course he would make sure you’re always feeling okay and comfortable around him
« this is our christmas baby. we spend it together, so as much as i really love my family and spending my holidays with them, i want you to be comfortable and happy during this time. so if something isn’t right or you want to take a break, please let me know, alright? »
i just see oliver caressing your back and whispering sweets nothing to you :((
anyways, let this boy give you the best because you truly deserve it <33
(others members’ part under the cut!)
this man’s so funny
sebastian could do anything and it would be funny, i truly don’t know why
so obvs, he would try to pull little pranks on you (not as much as kane, but still)
« babe, look! there’s a mistletoe! looks likes you have to kiss me! »
« babe, you’re supposed to kiss me on the lips not on my cheek! »
“wdym it wasn’t specific enough!! i thought you’d knew what i wanted!”
he would def convince his younger brother (mateo!!!) to pull a prank on you and oli
sebastian would be the type to give you a big, big Christmas gift that is in a box, that box is in another box, and that box is in another box… just to make you wait for the gift
and the gift be like « free pass for a kiss! »
“isn’t this the best gift ever?”
what can i say? he loves your kisses (and your hugs)
did you see his stories?? if not, expect him to put (almost) EVERYTHING on his ig/sc stories
he would def watch them all over the holidays too 🫣 don’t tell him i told you that
seb would give you sweet treats, like chocolates, massage, bubble bath if you’re into that kind of thing… things he know that will make you smile and make you feel good
“i could give you another thing to make you feel good…” then he would smirk
“I WASN’T TALKING ABOUT THAT, OMG?!! You are so dirty minded, omg”
anyways like oli, he would be very considerate of your feelings
« you okay, babe? »
« is everything’s alright, baby? »
he cares sm about you
i feel like he would randomly hug/kiss you out of nowhere and smile
« nothing’s wrong, you’re just really pretty »
would def heal your inner child, 100%
the holiday with him would be so funny (and prob iconic too)
ryan’s family sounds so lovely and so cozy… (you wouldn’t be boring at their house)
last year, ryan did a q&a with his sisters and it was super cozy and super relaxing to watch
so i think it would be the same if you spent the holidays with him
lots and lots of animes nights
you’d also be a pro at videogames too
ryan would have matching pyjamas sets for you
« i thought we could wear it during the holidays.. »
he would def hold your hand all along the festivities, like this man’s whipped for you
« what? can’t i hold my pretty girlfriend’s hands? »
his fam would love you sm
ryan would def be a bit jealous that you’re passing more time with grace & ava (his sisters) than him
“can’t you talk with them later? -_-”
“i’m not jealous, what are you talking about?”
would ask his mom to cook your favourites meal :D
« yeah, i asked my mom to cook your favourite! »
ryan who def make videos with you and spend a lot of time with you, including cuddling because even though it doesn’t look like that, ryan’s a simp for your cuddles and your hugs and your kisses
would def put a lot of mistletoe around the house and use the excuse « it’s just for decorating the house »
indeed, he only want to kiss you 24/7
yes, he likes it that much 😌
spending holidays with him seem so fun
trust me, you guys would have matching outfits too lololol
he would literally go to target to shop some matching things with you
and also buy you random things that you probably don’t needed, but that he bought because he thought of you when he saw them
also, i’m just seeing him going to target with you to shop for last minute christmas present
ofc, he would pay for your things
because he’s that gentleman with you
and also bc he never want to see you pay when you’re with him
“it’s the holidays, can’t i spoil my girl?”
“shut up, let me pay for you”
“you’ll pay next time!”
“wdym i said the same thing the last time? i didn’t!”
he would make sure you’re always comfortable, always happy and always smiling
he would hold your hands during dinner if you’re stressed/anxious/nervous
justin seems the type to be super romantic
he would literally give you a christmas card and thank you for every things you did for him
a bit like oli!
“thank you for always making me happy. the world needs more people like you”
he would literally give you cute stuff
like hello kitty stuff bc we all know how jp like hello kitty 🫶🏻
believe it or not, justin’s the biggest simp for his person
so expect a lot of compliments coming towards him
the type to say: “my mom likes you more than me, i’m sure of it”
i can’t tell how much i like this man
yes im a simp, and what abt it? 🤭
would def help your inner child too
he would always try his best to always make you smile/make you happy when you’re with him
he would always support you in anything you do
he would also give you a shoulder to cry on if that’s something you need
“babe… don’t cry…”
“it’s okay, i’m here..”
“idm if my tshirt get wet… i have others tshirts, don’t worry about that baby”
“I’m so so sorry about what happened when you were younger… do you want to talk about it?”
to me, kane’s the definition of the word “fluff” and “comfort”
he would literally make your days brighter with his smile 🤭
no bc his smile is so cute
he would give you ALOT of gifts
his family is kinda a bit rich lol (check their hide n seek video and the price of the mansion… 🤩) so… yeah.
would be the type to buy you plane tickets for a special destination
“wdym?? baby, it’s plane ticket! we’re going to travel together!”
“i know you always wanted to go there, so… i thought it could be the perfect moment to go there together!”
sweetest holidays with him :(
“what do you mean i bought you too much gifts? baby, you deserve it”
he would def make activities with you and his siblings and let you win on purpose
“me? made you win? there’s no way i did that!”
kane would make you do pranks with him on his brothers / sisters
but junior (his younger brother) wouldn’t let that slide so you’d literally do pranks on kane hahaha
“baby, what?? i thought you were on my team!”
“god, and i thought you’d side with me for this prank”
spending holidays with kane seems so great and fun 🫶🏻
the sussiest holiday ever, ngl
i never saw in one nsb videos darren not being dirty minded, sorry not sorry 😭
so i rlly hope you’re not innocent, bc if you are… well, let’s say he won’t let that title up
bc this man says the most random ever things ever and turn them into dirty things, so if you’re still innocent after spending like 2-3 weeks with him… this is impressive
darren could turn everything not suspicious to something very suspicious (but we like him like that 🫶🏻)
would definitely not hide his true ‘personality’ to his family…
atp, i think his fam is aware that their son is dirty-minded
mostly during the Christmas presents part…
“didn’t give you much gift, bc i thought i could be your gift for this year”
“what? didn’t meant in that way… unless..”
“oh yeah!! this present is so cool!! i heard it could hide hickeys pretty well! isn’t that so cool?”
ofc, darren isn’t only naughty and pervert 😂
He’s also very caring and sweet :((
So ofc, if he see you being uncomfortable due to this comment or his moves or anything he’s doing, he would stop
No need to ask him twice
We all know how good dar’ is with cooking, so ofc he would cook something for you and his fam for Christmas
might even do it with you
He would have bought you matching aprons! and you know him…. the images or texts on it would be anything but wholesome
Being with Darren during the holidays also mean he would take good care of you
He would buy you a ton of skincare if that’s something you like
He would also help you with your routine (would never let you sleep with makeup/unclean face)
“Baby, let me take your makeup off”
“let me wash your face”
“Just sit on the counter and let me do the rest, okay?”
“Stop moving!!!”
“Wdym it tickles, baby it’s my fingers…”
“Are you saying my fingers are tickling you? 😏”
Funniest (and sussiest) holidays, I’m telling you
Darren part 2? Jk
This man’s a keeper 🫶🏻
He would make everything so funny, so fun, so cool, like it’s the regie macalino we’re talking about
I think regie would be the same guy he is in the videos, with you
he’s very nonchalant
He would def sleep on your shoulder while his family is opening xmas gifts
“Wdym wake up?? I wasn’t sleeping bruh”
“I was resting my eyes, that’s not the same thing”
He would also try his hardest to make you blush ☺️
And if you can’t blush, he would try his hardest to make you smile
i’m just imagining him, on the other side of the couch, giving winks here and there
“I ain’t doing anything, whatcha talking about?”
He would def (10000%) says dirty things in front of you and act like he didn’t mean it in that way
“Damn that’s a cool sweater… wonder how it could look on the floor…”
“Why you’re looking at me like that, stop being dirty minded y/n”
Regie would def laugh his ass off because of what he’s doing to you
i just know he would be so proud of himself
btw, during the holidays, expect to go in the snow
Regie’s so cute when he first saw the snow 😔 like give him the chance to see snow again, pls?
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go see the nsb’s video where they go play in the snow lol
He would do snow angels with you 🥹 and call you his angel
“You just did yourself in the snow…”
“eww that so cringey of me, I’m sorry”
“wdym you liked it? damn, you’re a simp for me, bruh”
taglist (open): @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
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cherryo · 2 years
Honestly I’m surprised no one has requested anything with Future Leo, smut or otherwise
But uh..if you’re ok with writing that then maybe some flirty future Leo, with smut if you’re comfortable with that
hi hi love!!! thank you so so much for requesting!! i honestly wasn't that big of a Leo fan before this,,,, but!! the more I wrote and had to look up a love for him like opened up,,,, like big tall man,,, but I digress. im so glad I could write this for you!! i really hope you like it sweetheart <33 pairing: Future!Flirty!Leonardo x fem! reader genre: angst(sorta not really lol) to smut w/ a fluff ending pronouns: fem reader (gn pronouns but mentions of female genitalia and pet names such as "pretty girl") word count: 1.7k warnings: Explicit themes, cursing, movie spoilers, a little bit of angst at the beginning? reader and Casey jr are just worried about Leo, mentions of crying, creampie (wear protection kiddos), mentions of bruises (Leos too strong for his own good <33), raw dogging this shit (wear protection, again, kiddos), leo's mean and goes for it in one thrust with no prep!! teasing, overall Leo is Leo, regardless of how old he is and he will always be a flirty bastard <333 sort of proofread, anyways I hope you like it darling!!
The kraang invasion had messed everything up, but the one thing that didn't really change was Leonardo. He was still that positive leader type (and impossibly funny), even after losing his family. He stayed that beacon of hope, for you and Casey, he might've lost everyone he loved but he gained two people he would die for. Literally, he's tried multiple times to save both of you in life-or-death situations, also meaning he got a lot of lectures. 
There you stood with Casey behind you giving Leon the biggest glare he could muster up. You were pacing back an' forth just trying to calm down while giving Leo a lecture and rambling. "I don't why you thought that was smart, Leon. Just because you're the "greatest ninja alive" "making quotation marks, rolling your eyes when Leo gasped at you making fun of his title " god, I hate that Casey calls you that, or that anyone calls you it for that matter. It always goes to your head" flicking his head at the same time "it inflates your ego and makes you think you're invincible and invulnerable and you're not. Plain and simple youre not, do you know how much you make us worry?" At this point, you became more serious in your lecture. 
Leo sat up straighter, you only got serious when you were hurting. It was clear his acts of "kindness" were doing more harm than good, he didn't want that, he just didn't know how else to show that he cared for you both. To be honest, he was scared of having to take care of Casey by himself, so when you came along it was almost like a perfect little family. 
Casey, realizing how serious this conversation had turned, slowly made his way of the train car and into a different one. He wanted to give his parental figures their space, hoping that that was okay with them. 
"And I understand you don't want to lose us or you're simply trying to save us, but why put yourself in that situation when we have it handled? Why jump in front of a train when no ones there? " you were crying now, not loudly just tears streaming down your face. Leo stood up, covering you in a shadow, he grabbed you up into a hug. 
"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be risking my life, especially in the time we live in now. I just, I can't lose more of my family" he was petting your hair, the other arm wrapped around your shoulder. Your silent tears started getting louder, letting everything you've been holding in, out. 
his petting slowly helped you to calm down, realizing all you needed was him to acknowledge his stupid hero complex. "I swear I'll try to let you guys fight your own battles but, if you need help, okay?" 
Letting out a feeble 'mhm' letting yourself melt Into his arms. His deep chuckle startled you, forgetting where you were during your little meltdown, realizing that you had snuggled deeper in his arms. "Wow, if I knew getting lectured gets me into this predicament, I would misbehave more often" he squeezed his arm that was around you tighter and lifted your face so you both were looking at each other. 
Your face grew red, not just from the crying but now from Leos flirts. even in serious and emotional situations, he was a flirt, most times it made the air lighter. This time though, it made the air tighter, just not with seriousness. 
You held his gaze, it had a glint of mischievousness and something you couldn't quite pinpoint. Breaking away from the strong gaze, not able to move your head out of his gasp. You decided the wall beside his head was more interesting than the growing smirk on the handsome turtle's face. Your hands grabbed his wrists, your hand doesn't even for around his right one. 
Releasing his grip from your face only for his hands to make their way down to your hips, squeezing to let you know they're staying there. Your face got even redder, if that was possible, just from him grabbing your hips. "Aww, are you feeling okay baby?" He cooed at you, a teasing tone highly noticeable in his 'concern.' You just looked away and pouted, simply ignoring his teasing. 
He pulled you closer to him by the hips, making you gasp and place your hands on his plastron. one of his hands started rubbing up and down your side, obviously deciding to stay quiet just spurred him on to get a noise out of you. Good thing you're stubborn, still staying quiet you held his gaze, eyes locked once again. "You're so hot when you're stubborn, you know that? There's nothing I wouldn't do to get you to unravel a bit" he leaned down to whisper that last part in your ear, he lingered in that spot for a minute. 
"Why don't you do it?" You rubbed your hands over his plastron, hearing him let out little whimpers here and there. "Excuse me?" At this point he had returned to his full height, hands still roaming your body, "I said, why don't you make me unravel?" You didn't have to say it a third time before you're brought in for a kiss. 
He kissed you hard and passionately, trying to put everything he can't say into it. He looped his hands around your lower back to drag you closer, wanting you as close as he could get you at this moment. He brought one hand up to your cheek to direct your face and deepen the kiss. Being tall meant he towered over you, so he leaned down quite a bit to kiss you, but he didn't care he'd do anything to know what you tasted like. 
His grip tightens on your back, basically scratching and clawing at you showing his desperation to get you. You tilted your head to deepen the kiss, moaning into it just from how hot it was, the noise made him whimper. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer for a change. 
He spun you around and laid you on his bed, crawling over you so he could be face-to-face with you again. "Is this okay?" He rested his left hand on your hip, the other holding him up. "Of course it is," you pulled him down into another kiss to give him more reassurance. 
He started gripping your hips harder, hard enough to leave a bruise of his fingertips. Making a groaning noise into your mouth, he pulled back and flipped you over onto your stomach. Pulling you hips so your ass was up in the air, the sight of you in this position makes him moan. Him pulling your pants and undies down in one swift movement had you gasping at the rush of cold air and the stare that Leo was looking at you with. 
He went back to crawling over you, covering your whole body. He had his plastron right up against your back, making sure you could feel him right there. He reached back to make sure he was aligned before thrusting all the way in, making you cry out in the pain and the sudden stretch. He moaned at the tight feeling of your slick cunt, his hips shaking at the pleasure trying to stay still. He cooed at you, petting your head and going back to rub your hips for comfort. 
Giving you enough time to adjust to his size, you slowly moved your hips back towards his. Taking the hint, he pulled just so the tip was in and thrust back in again, slowly thrusting to get a nice rhythmic pace. Keeping the slow pace was almost torturous for you, wanting for him to just let go and go as hard as he wanted. 
"Mm harder" you moaned out, he slowed his pace making a 'hm' noise to make you repeat yourself. "Harder please! Please Leon,,,, I wan-nt nhhg,,,you to fuck me as hard as you can!" moaning out the words, you could practically feel his smirk growing as you struggled. 
"How could I resist such a request, pretty girl? Especially since you said please" he whispered into your ear, thrusting harder as soon as he was finished talking. His brutal pace was making you moan like a whore, having a hard time even speaking. 
He pulled you up so you two were chest to back, he reached down and started making circles on your nub. You were crying at this point, the pleasure was too much for you. "Awww, is this too much for you, baby? You can't even handle what you asked for huh?" Even through his teasing you could hear him straining to keep his moans and whimpers at bay. 
" 'm close,," you whimpered out, you could feel his breath on your neck, hearing that you were close made him go even harder. Before you could even warn him, you came, your legs started trembling. Your cunt tightening around his cock was what pushed him over the edge, moaning and grunting right into your ear. Feeling him fill you up made your orgasm over-stimulated, making you even more sensitive. 
He fucked you through his orgasm, making you cry out and moan, the feeling sending you into a hazy state. He held you up, you basically went limp in his arms, your orgasm making you have numb legs. Gently pulling out and laying you down, Leo went off to grab a towel and some water. 
He came back to find you in the same position he left you, letting out a low whistle, he came over to look over you. "That good huh?" You could practically feel his ego rising, the smirk on his face ever so present. 
"The best I've ever had, that's for sure" you made eye contact with him as he laid beside you, the smirk replaced by a soft and loving smile. His fingers tracing your thighs up to your stomach and down back again, he pulled you to where you were resting in the crease of his body. 
"I love you"
"I love you too"
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