#im still on tje kitchen floor
Mishaps and Bear Hugs
Hi! Sorry for the wait. I’m still getting used to writing Carmy’s character, so bear with me while I get the hang of it. Thank you for the request, this is a cute idea. I hope you enjoy it!
(Warnings: a shitty pun in the title, swearing, slight injury, a bad day, let me know if i missed anything)
“I’m gonna fucking kill Richie,” you said as you walked back into the kitchen, taking a deep breathe.
“You can’t kill him if he isn’t here,” Marcus called over as he loaded his trays of bread onto the racks.
“I’ll kill him tomorrow, then,” you said, walking over to Tina’s station. “Tina, I am begging you to work the register for a little bit. Richie called out, and I’m going to lose my mind if one more asshole walks in here and tries some shit. I’ll do your work for you, please—”
Tina laughed, putting her knife down. “Alright, alright, we can switch. You’re taking the heat if I slap someone, though.”
“Thank you, thank you,” you sighed in relief, pulling an apron over your head.
Tina nodded, walking through the kitchen doors and into the front of house.
You went back to Tina’s duties, chopping up the vegetables she hadn’t finished. You put a pot on the stove, turning on the burner. You added all the vegetables to the pot, looking around for any stock to boil them down in.
“Sydney, do you know where the stock is? I thought I brought it out this morning.”
“Walk-in, top shelf,” Marcus said, pointing. “Sorry, I thought you were done with it and I put it up.”
“That’s fine, thanks,” you sighed, going to the walk-in.
Of course it had to be on the top shelf. The one thing you needed, just out of reach. You stood on your toes, pulling it down. You managed to get it down off the shelf, but as you adjusted your grip on it when you turned to leave, the lid slipped and the container fell to the floor.
Luckily, the container didn’t turn over and spill. But it did send the stock spurting up at the impact, splashing you. Your apron took the brunt of the impact, but it still splashed up into your hair, coating your shoes.
You groaned, opened the door with your back and pushed through, the container now in your hands. “Marcus! When you put shit back, could you at least make sure the lid is on tight?”
Marcus took one look at you and stifled a laugh, biting his tongue. “Shit, I'm sorry. Need me to grab a towel?”
“Yes,” you muttered, returning to your vegetables.
As you looked in the bottom of the pan, you realized they had begun to blacken on the bottom from not having any liquid in the pot with them. You had taken too long with the stock, and now the vegetables were likely ruined and would need to be re-chopped and boiled.
You groaned, reaching for the handles of the pot to take it off the stove. When your hand touched the pot, it immediately singed your fingers, making you quickly retract them.
“Fuck!” You said, blowing on them to try and stop the heat of the burn. “God, that hurts.”
At all the commotion and the sound of your distressed voice, the door to Carmy’s office opened. He peeked his head out, only to see you standing by the stove, clutching your hand to your chest, fresh tears brewing in your eyes and threatening to fall.
“Hey,” he said softly, coming up to you and holding you by your shoulders. “What happened?”
You scoffed, nearly laughing with anger. What hadn’t happened? What hadn’t gone wrong?
“What happened? What happened is Richie didn’t show up to work, so I had to take his shift on the register. And then a man and his buddies came in and told me I was shit at my job because I couldn’t ring up their five hundred fucking sandwiches they ordered fast enough. So, Tina switched with me and I chopped up her vegetables she had left and put them in a pot. I was gonna boil them down in a stock, but the stock was on the top shelf in the walk-in. I got it down, but the lid wasn’t on tight enough, so it slipped when I got it down and splashed all over me and my hair and my shoes. I went to check the vegetables, and they had already burned to the bottom of the pot because I didn’t get the stock quick enough, so I went to pull the pot off the stove and burned the fuck out of my hand. I’m just having such a shit day, I can’t do anything right, I’m fucking it up for all of you—”
Carmy gently shushed you, taking the towel Marcus had brought over and wiping any stock he could see off of you.
“It’s fine, Y/N, it’s alright. It’s nothing we can’t fix. I don’t care about the stock, I care about that burn. Come with me, alright?”
You shook your head, groaning. “No, I made a mess and I need to clean it—“
Sydney interrupted you, already moving to fix the stock. “Go get your hand checked out, we’ve got this. It’s alright, really.”
“Sorry about the lid,” Marcus said, clapping you on the shoulder.
You shook your head, letting out a breath. “It’s fine. Thanks, guys.”
You let Carmy lead you into his office, staying quiet as he pulled out a first aid kit. He held your hand in his, turning it over to get a good look at the burn.
“It’s not bad. I’m gonna wrap it, though. Does it hurt?”
You shook your head. “It’s not that bad. It hurts less than my pride, that’s for sure.”
Carmy let out a chuckle as he wrapped your hand, finishing and moving his hand up to smooth over your hair. “You’ve got stock in your hair.”
You knew he was just teasing, and that he didn’t mean anything bad by it, but you could still feel tears well up again. Carmy sighed, pulling you into a hug. He let a hand rest on the back of your head, the other running up and down your back.
“Today fucking sucks,” you muttered into his shoulder. “I’m gonna kill Richie tomorrow.”
“Then who would work the register?” He joked, making you huff.
You pulled back, and Carmy brought a hand up to cup your cheek, wiping away some dried stock. He left his palm there, and you leaned into it, taking a deep breath.
“You’re alright, baby. Shitty day, I know. Tomorrow will be better.”
“That’s eerily optimistic coming from you,” you grinned, making Carmy smile.
“I didn’t say it would be better for me,” he said, bending down to put away the first aid kit. “But it’ll be better for you. Richie will be back, and you can yell at him tomorrow. I’ll put you with Marcus, he’s doing cakes tomorrow. You can help him, alright?”
You nodded, moving to wrap your arms around his waist. Your voice was quiet, defeated. “Thank you.”
Carmy pressed a kiss to the top of your head, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. He gently rocked you back and forth, and you could instantly feel yourself ease in his hold.
“You’re welcome, baby.”
A/N - Hi! Sorry this is a little short, I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for the request!
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chaos-grimlin · 2 years
Intro: No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked( Poly! Billy Loomis and Stu macher x reader)
Word count: 1630
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Chapter 7- Blood and Organs
^^^3rd still with Casey^^^
"Jason didnt show up till the squeal!" The man hissed out. "Now...im afraid that was a wrong answer" he said, going back to talking calmly.
"You...you tricked me" Casey muttered under her breath as she hung her head low.
"Lucky for you theres a bonus question"
Casey's head popped up as he said that.. Maybe Steve wouldn't die.. Maybe shed get to run out there pull the tape off of him and kiss and hug him..
But she knew that her wish was unlikely..
"But... Poor Steve.. Im afraid hes out" the man said, crushing Casey's already broken heart with those words.
Casey rushed to the patio door just in time to hear Steves muffled screams and a sickly sound of something spilling onto the floor.
Casey reached out her shaky hand and turned on tje patio lights just in time to see Steves head fall back and to see his organs slip out of his body and dangle from his gut.
Casey felt her body grow weak. All she felt was sadness and hatred for both herself and the man over the phone.
She wanted to do nothing but kick his ass, beat the man to a pulp and make his life a living hell.
Casey slid down the wall and moved back, she felt weak and angry, both emotions overwhelming her poor mind.
"Hey! Were not done yet!" The man over the phone growled out.
"Final question....are you ready?" He asked as Casey pressed the phone slowly against her ear.
Casey felt like giving up..she had already lost Steve...
"Please...please... Leave me alone...please" Casey begged through pointless sobs.
"Answer the question and i will" he said, a flirty yet evil tone returning to his harsh voice.
"What door am I at?" The man asked.
Casey cried more, her bottom lip quivering as her fingers grasped the phone tightly.
"There are two main doors in your house...the front door and the patio door..if you answer correctly you live"
Casey knew he was near..
He was close..
She could feel him watching her..
His eyes graced over her body and her saddened fearful face..
That face made the mans heart lurch with excitement as he licked his lips behind his mask, he couldn't wait to see what her insides look like spilled all over the grass..
"Dont do this.." Casey whispered.. The begging just made him want to kill her even more..
"I cant...i won't" she cried
"Your call" he purred.
Casey had a feeling... A feeling in her gut...
She peared around the corner just in time to see jer patio window smash open and a chair come crashing through.
Casey jumped up, her flight or fight sences kicked in, adrenalin pumped through her veins and she rushed passed the window and started to run..
Casey ran through the kitchen, smoke from the burning popcorn filled the air and burned her eyes, clouding her vision.
Casey grabbed a kitchen knife as she slowed down, she waiting as she gripped the knife in one hand and the phone in the other.
She walked closer to her window. At this point she knew someone was in her house and she needed to get out as quick as possible..
Casey opened her back door slowly, careful not to make a sound.
She slowly shut the door yet it made a loud click.
Casey's breath hitched in her throat as she stumbled and pressed her back firmly against the wall.
Casey was close to hyperventilating as she took in deep breaths, trying to settle herself down so maybe the mam wouldn't hear the thump of her heart..
Casey looked back into her house, her eyes fluttering back and fourth, trying to locate the murder in her house.
Then..she saw him..his tall lanky body covered in a black hooded outfit and a white mask covering his face, as soon as she saw him he rushed across the room, knife in hand.
Casey quickly pushed herself back flush against the wall, her shaky hand gripping the knife ever so tightly.
Casey looked out in the distance and she saw headlight....Y/n...
Casey didn't want her bestfriend to die like her boyfriend..but...just maybe
.. Y/n could save her...
Casey weighed her odds, looking back into the house and seeing the man creep around, looking for her...then she looked at the rapidly approaching car lights.
Casey dropped to her knees and quickly crawled passed the big window.
She saw y/ns car pull up into the path leading to her house.
Casey felt a ping of hope ignite in her heart.
Casey stopped crawling and looked back into the window only to see the masked man staring right at her.
"Aha!" The man said behind the glass
Casey screamed as the man punched through the glass and grabbed Casey's wrist tightly.
Casey punched the man in the face with the phone, causing him to unhand her and once he did.. Casey ran.
Casey ran along the sides of her house.. Stopping once she saw Steves lifeless body.
Casey hated seeing her boyfriend lifeless with his organs spilling and hitting the floor with a gut wrenching wet sound.
Casey kept running before her body wouldn't let her.
She was so close...
So close..
But the man jumped from the window and tackled Casey down to the ground.
Casey cried and groaned before pushing the man off of her.
Casey started running again, her legs moving as fast as they would let her.. But he caught up to her and clasped his clothed hand around her mouth and stabbing Casey in the shoulder.
Casey's breath hitched as pain flew through her body. Blood oozed from the wound as pain worse then she could have imagined pulsed through her.
The man pushed Casey down with a laugh.
Casey's whined as her fingers touched the blood that poured from her shoulder she looked at the wound as her breathing came out in sharp gasps and ecstatic cries.
The man crouched down onto Casey's torso and pressed the knife teasingly agaisnt her neck as giggles erupted from him..but... Casey knocked the knife away and the man replaced his knife with his hand.
His lanky fingers clasped around her neck and squeezed her neck tightly, cutting off her air flow.
The man choked Casey till she lifted her leg and kneed him harshly off of her.
Casey gasped for air as she laid there and heard Y/n hop out of her car. Casey heard Y/n hum to herself as she walked.
Casey fought to get up and once she did she stumbled and gasped for air, she tried to call for Y/n but her vocal cords were damaged from all the screaming and crying.
Casey saw Y/n skip up to the door, dancing to herself and humming with a sway in her hips.
Casey called out to her but her voice was barely over a whisper.
Y/n walked up to the door and knocked and to her surprise..the door pushed open.
Y/n knitted her brows togeather and stepped inside.. Only to see smoke filling the air and windows smashed. "What the hell?!" Y/n said with a cough as her eyes started to water.
Casey fell to the ground the the man was instantly on top of her
Casey reached her hand up and pulled the mask off the man and looked into his eyes as he pushed the knife into her chest.
"Casey?!" Y/n screeched out as she walked into the kitchen and saw the popcorn was on fire.
Y/ns eyes went wide as she quickly yanked the popcorn off of the stove and quickly put it out.
"Casey?! CASEY?!" Y/n screamed as she kept rushing through the house, her fear and worry getting worse as she didn't see Casey nor Steve anywhere..
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Y/n screamed out, goosebumps rising on her skin.
Y/n felt dread as she saw the patio door wide open.
Y/n quickly rushed out the patio door only to be met with the sight of Casey's boyfriend..
Y/ns hand flew up to her mouth as her throat tightened.. A feeling or dreed and guilt flooded her body..
She saw Steve sitting there.. Lifeless...
Y/n forced herself to look away and when she did...she saw Casey's body.. Handing from a tree with her stomach cut open and her organs showing.
Y/n felt her whole world crumble around her.. Her breath hitched in her throat and tears flooded her eyes.
Y/n felt so much guilt flush over her... Its her fault..
Y/n rushed over to the tree were Casey's body was hanging.
"CASEY NO! NO! NO CASEY!!" Y/n screamed out as she pulled Casey's down.
Y/n felt to the grass, cradling Casey's body in her arms. "No..no..no!" She repeated.
Y/ns hands became soaked with Casey's blood as her organs got on Y/ns bare legs.
Y/n cried hard... As she held Casey's body..
She couldn't let her go..
She didn't want to believe ber best friend was laying in her lap.. Gutted like a fish..
Y/ns looked at Casey's face and closed Casey's lifeless eyes with her bloody fingers.
"Im so sorry..im sorry its my fault.." Y/n screamed out, she screamed loud enough all of Woodsboro could have heard her....
Y/n was hyperventilating as tears poured down her cheeks and down her neck. Y/n let out cried and more crys even as she grabbes her phone from her pocket and dialed 911.......
If only she had gotten there sooner.....
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bytedykes · 2 years
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takethisroad · 6 years
Tmr bakery au notes
Newt self consciously dusting his hands on his apron as he enters Thomas's kitchen, not wanting to get flour residue anywhere, mouth turning down in a small moue as flour puffs up from his apron anyway
"Try wha-"
Newt can't get the words out bc thomas's fingeris in his mouth
Newt bakes scones for the shop and ppl who bring a business card from minho get 10% off bread
Thomas' shop could be called
the homespread
...I'll see myself out
It's dead here so imma still just yell abt this prompt bc i LOCE IT SO MCUH.
- newt waking up absurdly early to get the first rise going so his morning regulars get fresh sourdough
- their stores are on opposite sides of minho's coffee shop
- meetcute as they're both rushing to deliver orders to minho's shop
- just. The homebrew jam asthetic. Csnning labels. Packets of pectin littering the countertop (thomas doesn't necessarily like using it and would rather make a runny compote but the jam market is a mainstay of his business so.) Amazing aromas floating by as thomas experiments with flavours. Rosemary apple thyme. Spiced marmalade. Blueberry jam with fresh blueberries from thr fsrmers market that happens every sunday may to october.
- the abilitybto tell where newts been by the pattern of flour markings on the floor
- thomas blastinf little mix as he works
- newt preferring silence or soft music
- SUNLIGHT AND BAKED GOODS sob sob sob sob sob sob sob
Newt donates any baked goods he doesnt sell to charity at the end of each day
K but also ben and gally would be those people who whip up batches of blue cheese or wasabi ice cream in their spare time
- vince lost his wife mary in '82; they'd always talked about setting up a local farmer's market (her family are all farmers but she moved to the city for med school and wanted to reconnect w her roots)
- after mary died, vince was ready to live a life of solitude; but life had other olans and a few years later he met a friend, jorge, through work and his infant daughter brenda. Jorge learned about msry and convinced vince to convene a farmers market in memory of Mary
- jorge owns a local butchery and his stall was one of the first at the market in the early days, and he and Vince are basically brendas dads now
- brenda has taken over more of the butchery business so vince and jorge can ostensibly dedicate more time to tje market administration but actually she caught them kissing in vinces kitchen and theyre the worlds worst kept secret amd she wants to give them some alone time on sundays
- brendas specialty is sausages with her secret spice blend, which is why frypan, who works in a local restaurant as a cook, swears by her meats and will only buy from her. (The way to fry's heart is indeed through food and he and brenda flirt every time they meet amd they're just dancing around each other waiting to make the first move)
- newt and minho open their shops within the same year amd brenda is quick to invite them to set up stalls at the weekly market
- thomas arrives a few years later, with his jams. Brenda leaves a flyer for the market in his mailbox and they eventuslly become fast friends and she takes to selling his compotes at the butcher shop bc they really do pair excellently with some of the cuts
- thomas may be good at jam but he cant cook worth a damn and frypan gives him hell for it the first time thomas talks about messing up boxed mac n cheese
@faia loves foxlet "kombucha, more like kombewcha," thomas mutters darkly at gally's retreating back
Brenda wears baggy overalls and a trucker hat in this AU and no one can convince me otherwise
STAHP IM BLUSHINGNSKSKMDMDNDNF like dnw to flood but also it seems p quiet so like. I may continue shouting inti the void about sticky toffee pastries and how harriet would nesrly lose her entire cool watching sonya sculpt marvels out of wispy spun caramel
Ugh thomqs watching newt knead dough, pressibg into it firmly with the heel of his hand, shaping it with deft touches, twistung and pulling ti create fsncy braids im.Just.
Thomas using minho and newt as taste testers. He comes into minho's shop one day while minho's on his break and newt's lingering after dropping off fresh scones.
"Try this," he says, pulling a small glass jar out of his bag.
Minho frowns. "That looks like snot."
"Shut up," thomas says, unscrewing the lid and shoving the concoction in his friend's face. "Taste."
Minho sticks a dubious finger in - so hygenic - and pops a dollop of the mint green substance in his mouth. Thomas watches, unable to suppress a triumphant smirk as minho's eyes widen. "So?" He prompts.
"Holy fuck," minho says, staring at the jar like it's worth its weight in gold. "That's good. Like, really good."
"You don't need to sound so surprised," thomas says, but laughter is already colouring his words as he turns and offers tje jar to newt.
Thomas enters newt's shop one day and heads strsight ti the kitchen as per usual. The noise of thr mixer drowns out the jingle of the door chime and newt doesn't look up from where he's kneading dough, apron a mess of dusty handprints and a smudge of flour on his jaw. Thomas leans agains the doorjamb and watches for a moment. Newt's back is mostly to him and he admires the long lines of him, the neat bow of the apron around a trim waist. He's humming under his breath as he works, a little off-key and all the more charming for it.
Newt turns the dough over one final time and sets it aside in a greased bowl which he covers with a handtowel. He turns and when he sees Thomas, the whole room lights up with the force of his grin.
"Hey Tommy."
Thomas works to unstick his throat. "Hey," he manages weakly, flashing what he hopes is a smile. His chest is suddenly alight with butterflies.
Dough is clearly not the only thing rising.
A one-woman channel flood? It's more likely than you think.
- minho as a coffee fanatic. Talking about pour-overs and the five elements of proper espresso. OMG there could be like a county fair and Thomas wants to enter his jams and win a prize so he can look good in front of Newt and win his flavour favour. But he gets so stressed about it ("shouldn't you cool it a bit?" Minho asks as thomas slams his fifth double espresso of the day.
Thomas doesnt seem to hear him. "Gotta go fast," he says.) that his jams turn out shit. Everything is despair.
But then, the next morning, a knock on his door. (Thomas isnt used to knocking. He and newt never knock; they just barge right into each others kitchens at this point. But this is his apartment.) He opens it and newt is there, a little uncertain but holding somethinf wrapprd in a teatowel. It's the best damn bread thomas has ever smelled. So he invites newt in and pushes the bitterness of the county fair down in his chest and they cut the bread (still warm). And its fucking delicious, the best thing thomas has ever tasted and he just looks at newt awestruck. "What's your secret?"
Newt actuslly blushes, mumbles something thomas doesnt catch. He leans forward. "What?"
"I said, things taste best when they're made with love." Newt is fully blushing now, the tips of his ears matching the gingham teatowel.
Thomas blinks. Surely he hadn't heard correctly. "Wait, you- oh. Oh."
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cauldroncreations · 6 years
ok so refer to the tags of my last rb to see why im telling this story
also its below the cut bc its ridiculously long
basically my friend and i were bored so we decided to just walk down to his old house (it was literally like 40 feet away from his current house bc he lives in this weird like. 5 house neighborhood idk how to explain it) bc it was vacant and he had the key, except he forgot the key and we didn't wanna walk all the way back to his house just to get it (even tho it wasn't that far) so we started looking for a different way in. i tried the front door and it was locked so i walked over to the garage door and as i was about to lift it, something like. Hit the fucking garage door from the inside. really hard. really loud. and me and my friend just kind of like. backed up and looked at each other for a sec like "that was real right?" and without even saying anything we just started walking away. and as we were walking away, i remembered something he had told me about his mother living in that house and i was like yea fuck it why not mention it. so i turned to my friend and i was like "isnt that the house where your mother felt something sitting on her bed every night?" and he didnt even say anything i think he was just too scared because he just broke into a run and i followed so we both just ran back to his house.
but we didn't just stay out of it. bc we're two kids in a midwestern town on a weekend with nothing to do suddenly being presented with two interesting options: investigating that weird noise or boredom. so i was like "dude i think we should check it out, maybe there's an animal trapped in there or maybe a squatter is living there." so he agrees that we should go back and check it out. so we head back to the old house but we forgot tje key again so we try the back door which is unlocked. we enter, both of us filming on our phones, and we kind of stall for a bit before going to the garage, just wandering around. i mean the house wasn't exactly creepy, though it had been stripped of furniture and flooring. there was still plenty of light coming in through the windows. anyways, that filming part is important. we had both been filming, i stopped shortly before we approached the garage but my friend kept filming. so after exploring the house, we go to the kitchen where there's a door leading to the garage. he's the one who went up to open it since he was filming. and as he was reaching for the knob, something hit the door from the other side again. except this time, there were three. just three loud, hard bangs right against the other side of the door. we ran outside as fast as we could and caught our breath. and as we were sitting there in the yard i was like "well okay you were filming so let's watch that." so he pulls up the video and skips to the part where he's about to twist the knob and i shit u not the video cuts off. he had been recording but all of a sudden the video just ends.
so at this point we’re like ok it’s a ghost for sure, but even then we still wanted to investigate further. we wanted so badly to just look into the garage. so we went back a third and final time. we went in the back door and i gave some speech like “hey if you’re a squatter you can just keep living here it’s cool dude we’re not gonna hurt you or anything” just to be sure and then i said “alright we’re gonna open the door on a count of 5″ and we counted down and nothing happened so my friend reached for the doorknob and twisted it and.....nothing. nothing happened at all. no knocking this time. so the door is open and my friend turns on his flashlight so we can see into the garage and there’s nothing. we didn’t step all the way inside (to this day i still feel like something bad would have happened if we had gone into the garage) we just looked from the doorway.
thats not the end though lol u thought, we were still bored out of our minds and wanted to ride the excitement of this as long as we could so i say to my friend “fuck it let’s make a ouija board” and yknow i’m gonna save you the trouble of reading all that boring shit bc it didn’t work so we’re just sitting in this old house and one thing leads to another and we’re bored again and we have candles and paper so we just start ripping it up and burning it bc fire pretty and the floor is concrete so it’s not like the house will burn down. anyways we get bored of that and we head out.
stil not the end lol. we’re sitting in his bedroom that evening and i plug my phone in to charge and then turn to my friend as we’re talking but all of a sudden his eyes go wide and he points at my phone and i look and the charger is burning. not flaming, just smoldering and smoking and it ruined my charger. and yea electrical fires happen but i just think it’s strange that it happened right after we played with fire in a haunted house lol
alright that’s the end
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tumblunni · 6 years
26/10 Big failure day! I shouldnt have had that caffinated drink yesterday at the big shopping thing cos WOW i was exhausted after so much Accomplishment and then tje caffeine made my sleeping pattern all bad. I woke up late today and it was only 2:30 so i could have theoretically made it to the doctor appointment at 3 but i just got so anxious cos it was such a rush. So i just flaked out on going and i didnt even call them to cancel and im so damn dissappointed in myself aa... This is the first anxiety failure ive had since i left park road...
And then i wasted so much time by waking up late so i felt like it was already too late and i wasmt gonna be able to clean up the kitchen before monday even tho its three days away and i know im being stupid. Just trying to fall into a spiral of failure again!
So umm yeah i only managed to clean 50% of the floor before the sun went down and cos the lightbulb's broken i cant really see enough to clean at night and AAA also i didnt go out today to pay the heating bill cos i felt like id be ashamed walking past the doctors office and knowing i failed.
I just feel like a big pile o fails...
So umm yeah at least i tried to stop procrastinating finishing that google doc about one of my videogame ideas. That's finished now and i shared it with my friends but now i just feel even more on edge waiting for anyone to reply...
Man what a shitty day! Im gonna go wear one of the cute shirts i bought yesterday to try and cheer up. And also cos its freezing cold and i have no heating lol...
Maybe i should try and go on a late night walk just to make this whole day not be a total failure? Aaaa...
holy fuckin shit i walked 5 kilometres at midnight to find the fuckIN ONLY SHOP STILL OPEN 24 HOURS TO PAY HEATING BILLS
I got a taxi back tho cos i was not only Absolutely Died but also my phone was almost out of battery and i knew i cpuldnt retrace my steps without google maps
I feel weirdly energized and accomplished?? Even though it wasnt anything on my to-do list and it was just a pointless challenge i set myself for literally no reason?? I guess making up a new accomplishment after failing the one i was acrually supposed to do is sort of a way to fight off the self hate. Either that or just its harder to be anxious when you're Exhausted
Anyway i had a nice hot chocolate at The Only 24 Hour Heating Bills Store That Is 5 Kilometres Away, and the taxi driver who helped me get back home was real nice and sympathetic. TOTALLY frustrating to see how quick it is to get back home by car tho! Like under ten minutes and a super cheap taxi ride! He could just go straight there, not spend two hours navigating insane alleyways through people's gardens and mysterious bridges over the river styx. Seriously why is st mellons such a fuckin maze if you wanna get anywhere by foot? Oh well, at least it was mildly more interesting that way. And i can feel accomplished for getting past that Death Bridge despite my fear of even ordinary bridges. I think i just reached the point wher ei was like "fuck im already halfway there, i cant turn back even if it means runnibg over a bridge completely blind and not knowing whats a shadow and what's a hole in the boards". Fuckin hell mate, do some maintenance on that thibg! Or at least install a streetlamp! It wasnt even on the map so wtf did i actually enter a pocket dimension? I also saw the exact same make and model of TV i just threw out, 4 kilimetres away from my house. Like its a friggin 2003 era old crt monitor so what's the friggin odds? Was it the styx of electronics..? Was it ROTOM'S BRIDGE..??
anyway holy fuck im gonna go have THE HOTTEST BATH
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packetofsuga · 7 years
Was it Worth it?- Chapter Five
Description: You knew Jin loved challenges but you never thought you’d become one of them.
Main Pairing: Jin x Reader
Word Count:  2459
Still In Progress: 6/?
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Namjoon laughed uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck, “What do you mean?” he questioned, avoiding eye contact.
“You know exactly what I mean. What does he want?” you repeated.
“Why would I know?” he breathed.
“Namjoon.” you snapped. He let out an awkward chuckle.
“C’mon Y/N, I don’t know much. Nobody tells me anything.” he mumbled, “Why do you think he’s talking to you? Maybe he likes you.”
“That’s what it looks like but does he actually? Yoongi seems to think he has bad intentions.”
Namjoon shrugged, “Ah… You know Yoongi, maybe he’s just jealous.”
“Yoongi doesn’t get jealous.” you pointed out.
“Aish. Damn it, Y/N, I really don’t know, okay?”
You cocked your head to the side, “Fine. One last question. Should I trust him?”
He quickly looked at his phone and pointed towards the door, “Well would you look at the time. I gotta go, I’ll see you later.” He nodded at your cello, “Play a little something, would you? It’ll relax you. Call me if you need any other type of help, baby girl.” He left the room and you sat glaring at the door for a minute before you gave in and picked up your cello.
Namjoon walked down the music hallway, over to his group of friends and pushed Seokjin against the wall.
“Call the bet off,” he demanded.
Jimin whined, “Aww no c’mon. None of you guys know how to have fun.” he pouted. Seokjin raised an eyebrow at Namjoon, both of them ignoring Jimin.
“Why should I?” Seokjin asked.
Hobi scoffed, “Other than the fact that it’s cruel?”
“I just had to lie to my best friend, a girl that I once had feelings for. Just so I wouldn’t fuck up your deranged little plan of making her fall in love with you just so you can win this stupid fucking bet. So I’m over it. I don’t want to have to lie, or avoid telling her the truth ever again, okay?” Namjoon growled before letting go of Seokjin. Seokjin brushed himself off and cocked his head to the side, peering at Namjoon before smirking and turning to the other boys.
“Let’s have a party.” he said, as one of the practice room doors opened. Yoongi stepped out, Tae close on his heels.
“A party?” Yoongi asked, raising an eyebrow as he adjusted his shirt. Tae smiled, his lips slightly swollen.
“Your house?” Seokjin asked, grinning.
“Isn’t it always at my house?” Yoongi rolled his eyes as he nodded his head toward the opening of the hallway, we’re gonna go to the benches to sit wanna come?” Everyone but Seokjin nodded and moved to follow him.
“I’ll meet up with you in a second,” he promised. After they left he wandered down the hall and poked his head into a practice room.
You jumped at the sound of the door opening, your bow stopping. Seokjin smiled at you.
“Hey, cupcake.” He closed the door behind him, “What are your plans for tonight?”
“Um… Probably nothing,” you admitted.
“Nothing? A pretty girl like you has nothing to do on a Friday night?” he asked, surprised. You shrugged, “Well, Yoongi’s having a party tonight. You should come. I’m sure he would want you there.”
You scowled, “Yeah, well, I don’t really care what Yoongi wants.” Seokjin raised an eyebrow.
“I want you there,” he said, offering another reason to go. You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Oh really? Why?” you asked, “Why do you want me there, Seokjin?”
“‘Cause I like you. You’re cute. And you have Namjoon and Yoongi wrapped around your little finger so you must be pretty great. You can call me Jin, by the way, cupcake.” He flashed you a dazzling smile.
“You can call me Y/N, not cupcake.” You smiled at him before rolling your eyes. Jin chuckled.
“Well, you should still come to the party. If not for me and Yoongi, Namjoon will be there. And Tae. Think about it, okay?” he pleaded. You huffed and nodded, looking down at your cello and beginning to play again. He stood there for a minute, “You play beautifully.” You paused and glared up at him.
“I started playing again cause I was done talking to you. As in you should leave. As in get out.” you snapped. He laughed and walked back to the door.
“I’ll see you later then?” he asked, grinning over his shoulder.
You shrugged again and waved your hand at him in an attempt to shoo him out. He chuckled and slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him.
You walked up your driveway, digging out your keys when you heard someone yell your name. You turned and saw Tae running to you from Yoongi’s house.
“Hey! You coming tonight?” he asked, beaming at you.
You laughed awkwardly, “Uh, no. I’m probably gonna go stay in my room all night and chill honestly.”
He pouted, “Aw, it’ll be really fun.”
“If it’s already fun then you don’t need me there.” you giggled.
“You’ll make it even more fun!”
You shook your head, “Sorry Tae Tae, not tonight. Maybe another time.” He pouted some more then waved and jogged back to Yoongi’s house. You went into your house and into your room, flopping down onto your bed. You heard your brother walk upstairs after a while.
“You coming tonight?” he asked, pausing in your doorway. You glanced up from your laptop and gave him a look that made him laugh, “Right. You don’t parties. See you later then.” You waved and closed your laptop, deciding to take a nap.
You were woken out of your nap by your phone buzzing nonstop.
From: Your Brother 11:46 PM
From: Your Brother 11:46 PM
Come to tje partu
From: Your Brother 11:47 PM
From: Your Brother 11:47 PM
Have some fin
From: Your Brother 11:48 PM
From: Your Brother 11:48 PM
Lol sorrt im drink poease come itd reallt fun
You stared at your phone for a minute before cursing and running downstairs. You stormed over to Yoongi’s house and banged on the door. Yoongi’s brother opened the door and grinned at you.
“Heyy, Y/N!” he greeted loudly, pulling you inside.
“Ah, hey Jun Ki. Where’s my brother?” you asked. He pursed his lips and scanned the room.
“He is…. Over there,” he grabbed your shoulders and turned you towards the kitchen, “Went in the kitchen.” You thanked him and pushed your way through people to get to the kitchen. He spotted you and smiled.
“Little sister!” he smirked. You scowled. From the way he was texting you would have expected him to be drunk off his ass but he was talking completely normal and seemed totally fine.
“Now now,” Jin’s voice came from your right, “Don’t get mad. I made him give me his phone and let me do whatever for three minutes because he lost a game. He hasn’t had anything to drink. Scouts honor.” You glared at him.
“So you thought it was a great idea for you to text me and get me all worried about my brother?” you snapped.
Jin shrugged, “Would you have come otherwise?”
You huffed, “I’m leaving.” Someone shouted in the other room and you jumped.
“Aw. Are you afraid?” Jin cocked his head to the side.
You ground your teeth together, “I’m not afraid. I’m just… Cautious.”
“Well stay and be cautious here with us.”
“No thanks,” you said quickly.
“Aish. Y/N I love you I really do but you think too much.” your brother pointed out, “Maybe you should drink.”
“You think I’ll only be fun if I drink?” you asked, slightly hurt.
“No no. I just… It’ll make you think less and will make you allow yourself to be more open to things you normally wouldn’t.” he explained quickly.
“You’re not drinking.”
He smiled, “I never think in the first place.” You groaned and glanced around the house. You locked eyes with Yoongi who was on a couch, a giggling girl kissing his neck. You glared at him and he froze. An arm slung over your shoulders.
“You came!” Tae exclaimed. He was very obviously drunk. You turned to him and saw him glance at the couch. His eyes darkened as he took another sip of the drink in his hand. He tore his eyes from Yoongi and beamed at you, “I’m so glad you’re here.” He dragged you out of the kitchen.
“Yah! Where are you going?” Jin protested. Tae stuck his tongue out and pulled you to a back room in Yoongi’s house.
He threw the door opened, “Look who I found!”
Namjoon smirked at you, “Baby girl! You gave in and came. Cute.”
You groaned again and pinched the bridge of your nose for a second, “I’m going to regret this.”
You spent the night in the back room of Yoongi’s house with Namjoon, Tae, Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok. You were passed between Hoseok and Namjoon, Namjoon wanting you on his lap and Hoseok wanting to dance with you. Tae stayed drinking and bubbly, though you could see in his eyes there was something wrong. Jimin was hanging onto Jungkook who kept shoving him off and whispering something sharply that made Jimin pout, but five minutes later would be all over him again.
You slipped out of Namjoon’s arms and stood up quietly, trying not to wake anyone up. Namjoon had fallen asleep holding you tight in his arms, Tae was curled up in a ball on the couch, Hobi was laying on the floor sprawled out, and Jimin was curled up in Jungkook’s lap. You collected all of the empty bottles in the room and carried them out into the kitchen to throw them away. When you walked back out of the kitchen you heard someone sigh and you jumped. Blinking and peering through the darkness you noticed Yoongi was sitting on the couch in the dark.
“What the hell are you doing?” you asked breathlessly, “You can’t just lurk in the dark like that.” You pressed a hand to your chest as if trying to prevent your heart from jumping out.
“It’s my house, I can lurk wherever the fuck I want,” he grumbled.
You rolled your eyes, “Okay,” you drew the word out, “Grumpy.” You started to walk away but stopped and whirled around, “Hey, what did you do to Tae?” you questioned.
Yoongi groaned, “Why the hell is everyone so worried about my damn love life? I didn’t do anything to him.”
“What did you say? I know what you did earlier, I saw you with that girl. He saw you with that girl. Now, I don’t know what’s going on between you two but he seemed hurt by that. I don’t know if you saw him at all but he was trashed and if I’m right that’s because of something you did or said to him.”
“I need a cigarette.” he huffed, pushing off the couch.
“Min Yoongi.” you snapped.
“Fine! I told him that he needs to stop getting attached to me, okay? He said something cute and coupley and I panicked. Do you get it now? Jesus.” he dug into his pocket for a pack of cigarettes and made for the door.
You grabbed his arm, “Yoongi, I thought you quit you can’t just-”
He ripped his arm away from you, “Why do you even care about me?” he roared. You tensed and he breathed deeply, “Why do any of you care?” his voice sounded weak. Vulnerable.  
“Because anyone who knows you well knows that the person that you portray isn’t you. You’re just afraid of getting hurt again,” you said softly. He hung his head, sighing.
“She really fucked me up, didn’t she?” he glanced up at you, “I mean I knew she did, I just didn’t realize how badly.” You reached over and cupped the back of his neck, pulling him into a hug.
“It’s okay. You’ll heal.”
He squeezed you tightly, “What if I don’t?”
You let go of him and took his hand, “You will. And you’ll find love again. This time with someone who’s capable of loving you back.” You pulled him up the stairs towards his room. You brought him into his room and pushed him on his bed so he was sitting on the edge.
“Thanks,” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. You kissed his forehead and backed away.
“Go to bed,” you instructed before turning towards the door.
“Y/N?” Yoongi called quietly. You turned, “I’m sorry for calling you stupid. I didn’t mean it.”
You nodded, “I know.”
“What if… What if I don’t?” he whispered, “You know, find love again, what if I don’t?”
“I think you already have. And I know you’re scared. But it’s okay. You’ll be okay.” you smiled, “Honestly, you’re lucky. I don’t think he would ever hurt you.” Yoongi nodded, laying down. You walked to the door then hesitated and turned around, “Do you think… Jin has changed? And that’s why he’s interested in me?” You waited a long minute before you realized Yoongi had fallen asleep. You cursed under your breath and left his room, closing the door behind you. You padded down the stairs, planning on finishing cleaning.
“Oh,” you heard a voice from behind you. Turning, you found Jin near the front door, “I didn’t know you were still here.”
“I didn’t know you were still here.” you shot back, making him chuckle. You smiled slightly, “I was just in the back with the guys all night. They fell asleep so I figured I would clean up a bit.”
“Ah, I just walked your brother home and then planned on just crashing here.”
“Walked him home?” you asked. Jin rubbed his neck awkwardly.
“Ah... He may have drank a little bit.” He saw your lips twist into a scowl and quickly added, “Not much, I promise! I made sure he didn’t drink a lot. I told him ‘your sister will murder me if you get wasted’ and he laughed and was like I can drink a little bit I’ll be fine. Long story short he was not fine. Did you know your brother is a lightweight?”
“Yeah. I did,” you giggled, “He’s safe though?”
“Yeah, I brought him home and put him in his room. He passed out before I left.” You thanked him quietly before beginning to collect all the trash and cups around, “You want some help?”
You glanced up at him and hesitated before smiling, “Sure. Yeah, that’d be great actually.” He smiled back at you and went to go get large trash bags out of the kitchen.
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