#im super jazzed about this
transmascissues · 1 year
i’m going to be starting a job soon where it looks like almost all of my coworkers/bosses are going to be cis women and i am…terrified. especially since this is the job i’m going to have to get time off from for top surgery.
if there’s one thing i’ve learned over the almost ten years of my transition, it’s that a situation where i’m the only guy there is one where my gender is guaranteed to not be respected. it really feels like far too many cis women realize they’re alone with a trans man and just see it as an opportunity to act out some sort of power fantasy where they get to stick it to the big bad evil men by taking out their anger on the first man they see without the power to fight back. that or they decide you’re “just one of the girls” and will not hear otherwise, but honestly, given where i’m at in my physical transition, i have a feeling the former is more likely.
there was a time when i felt safer around cis women than around cis men, but now it’s just a different kind of threat.
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puppyeared · 1 year
Get sillay
Xīn Yá (left) belongs to me, Little Sailor (right) belongs to @crow-cap
Song: piranha creeper creek from super mario 3D world
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callmegaith · 10 months
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Every now and then I would put my art side to side with the Rusty Lake art to see how my stylization progress is going and though I struggled with Dale I think I got something that I'm really liking now c: David just looks good cuz at this point if I can't draw him the way I want to then what's the point of my 5 year long hyperfixation? Lmao.
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unopenablebox · 1 year
i was looking back at my old knitting posts to check on a thing and like yeah i really did just rocket right up the knitting skill tree over the course of a few months. no wonder i'm convinced i can knit literally anything i've spent ten minutes reading and watching videos about.
my personal knitting trajectory is that i learned to knit at age 8, stopped knitting at age 16 or so, and did not knit anything more complex than circular knit legwarmers with mild shaping at that time (so i could make rectangles and tubes and slightly widen the tubes). (ok i also did one lace scarf for about four inches but it was very bad.) then i got back into it at the end of college, and my projects were lace cowl > multiple stranded colorwork hats > socks on dpns > elaborately cabled sweater (which i finished only the back and half a sleeve of, admittedly, and am now picking up again) > most of a beaded lace crescent shawl in the span of, like, five months. and then a bunch of other shit after that! i literally can just learn to knit whatever the fuck i want, that's just uncontroversially true. what a fantastic hobby
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therewillbe-blood · 13 days
Folks, I fear my sawtism has gone too close to the sun....
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illuminatedferret · 9 months
okay im starting to feel bad about how long it's taking hualian to meet in dearly departed so im gonna make it a hard line that they meet by the end of ch 4
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anachrennism · 6 months
hm. now that i realize it I'm not really excited by anything at the moment
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honexjams · 6 months
my boss just send me a $100 evil jeff bezos website giftcard for solving the first half of out a very moderate tech issue which im. very excited about. but. could u just give me a raise brother. if im being honest.
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moraygrotto · 1 year
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1,500 followers event!!
Thanks to everyone for being here with me!! To celebrate, I'd like to write a short fanfiction based on your preferences!! So, I will be holding polls on my blog to decide the main character & main kinks of this piece!
You can use this Google form to submit whom & what you'd like to see, and depending on engagement, it should close by about the end of the week. The form is anonymous, and you can submit whomever and whatever you like!! I'll only write characters & kinks I am both familiar with & personally comfortable with, but if you're not sure if your suggestions fit those requirements, please submit them anyway! You never know :)
I look forward to hearing from you guys!
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jackwolfes · 1 year
Omg pleeeaaase talk about the solangelo fic because you actually got me into them and I would like love to hear about it
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
it's definitely not meant to be a beauty and the beast au but it also kind of ended up becoming a beauty and the beast au??? or like, very inspired by b&tb with a lot of similar themes. it's an arranged marriage au with lots of magic and royalty in it, and it does some really fun things with like - storybooks and fairytales. & i dont want to say too much about it but i am very pleased and think it'll be fun 👀
it's also a will POV which is slightly out of the ordinary for me! and also a very good excuse to write nico being Fucking Stupid bc he justifies so much in his head without anyone else around him understanding what the hell he's doing, which is so fun to write from an outsider POV.
i am also really leaning into "hey will solace definitely has horrible adhd" because i started plotting this after reading TSATS and boy howdy the neurodivergence really jumped out in that book
also i posted this snippet ages ago but it still brings me so much delight that i have to link it again
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
I want to talk abt nightblurrbee poly but I think it's so fucking out there and so specifically constructed in my brain which makes it so so nonsensical I don't know if people can appreciate my vision as much as I do. Or even begin to comprehend it
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svankmajerbaby · 2 years
no, im sorry, im still thinking about it. you really cannot compare the fabelmans to all that jazz or to 8 1/2.... solely from a filmmaking perspective the structure and editing of both are better than the fabelmans, and whats more important, from a narrative sense..... by setting it forward in time, at a later stage in an artists career, theres a beautifully done level of self reflection and even self criticism from the artist. theres the knowledge of toxic behaviours and where these came from, a combination of the fantasy and the grittiness of reality, the acknowledgement of traumas and of people as flawed beings who make mistakes more often than not...... the fabelmans has none of that. it lacks the self reflection, lacks the self awareness of artists late in their careers who love the art form but are aware of their own shortcomings........ the fabelmans feels more like hugo, the scorsese movie so many ppl applauded and then forgot about (bc it made the awards circuit, bc its an "ode to the magic of cinema" but not by being a great movie, but by talking about movies.....), with the focus on a childs simplified perspective of the world...... the fabelmans is a fairytale with some reality injected, but its not an autobiographical movie, not when the focus shifts from the protagonist, sam, to the character with the actual conflict, mitzi.... idk i feel like theres shame and simplification and whitewashing of real family dynamics in the fabelmans, like how can the father be so pure and perfect in his actions, why is the mother only a person in the degree that she suffers, why is sam the only real human when the movie is so clearly meant to be about relationships........
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
i love robotics but it's so hard to find classes that actually, like,,, focus on actually building robots
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svnnywon · 3 days
it feels so weird having friends that openly speak their mind. what do you mean I can tell people "no" or make up an excuse so I don't have to go out with them because they're "weird" buddy I'm weird too maybe that's why I'm going to homecoming with them.
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elvenking42 · 9 months
I tried Indian food for the first time tonight. It was delightful, really enjoyed it. There's not a lot of Indian restaurants near me, so I had to get a restaurant recommendation from my sister's boyfriend's roommate. Like a game of telephone
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coming here w this one bc like i and by extension all jackals would in fact, just kinda lounge in this kinda shit i mean i hang out naked when no ones home so
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but the WAY the coffee date wouldn't even HAPPEN the poor man would either a) have a heart attack or b) they're jumping straight to fucking,
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