#im talkin about nightmare btw
sans-guy · 11 months
you CAN make a character who is both a murderous eldritch horror beyond comprehension and also a tired dad, despite what the haters say
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furbab · 6 years
Here's a run down of me finally asking my work crush out.
I get 1 hour roughly of sleep before my 5 am shift and basically sweat my ass off all day while absent-mindedly working. She shows up for her shift and I act normal if what a bit more excited. End of my shift rolls around...I can't find the right time and I am DEFINITELY not asking her for an aside. Too high pressure. So i make some excuse to come back later.
Go home, freshen up a bit, play with the cats, Smoke some to get the anxiety under control. Doesn't help btw, just made me nervous I reeked of weed around her and my manager.
Oh, did I mention it was just her and our manager closing today? Yeah that comes to bite me in the butt. I can't ask obviously or she will overhear and catch wind. I can't ask via text bc everyone says it's weak sauce. I sit in the back desk and chill for an hour, they close the store.
I'm about to give up. Like, okay maybe tomorrow I can get her alone. Whatever, I start driving. Traffic is a nightmare. I catch two red lights and on the second one I'm psyching myself up to be a cheesy romantic and swing the car around to go back inside and ask her out quickly...Song comes on about how the singer can't get a girl out of his head.
I do it. I come back in, with a water bottle to fill up. Make some half assed excuse about needing to grab a water bottle. Nervously fiddle around with it while waiting for our manager to walk far enough away I could have a 1 on 1 with my crush. She does. I twist the cap. "T-that movie you were talkin about earlier. I looked it up. It looked cool, when does it come out? Thursday?"
She smiles "Friday, I think" *pulls out phone looks it up*"Oh, thursday. I work early friday, haha. Do you work saturday?"
"I do too! Saturday, then?"
"Yeah let's go saturday"
Then I high tail it outta there, mumbling a goodbye to a suspicious looking manager and rock out to Roar on the radio.
What do you guys think? I work again with her tomorrow and you betcha I'm hopin like hell she doesn't invite anyone else.
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vicemail-vicemail · 8 years
reasons to like heath: a summary
just a few actual canon facts i wanna point out to all the haters cuz im gettin pretty tired of my fav either being forgotten about or called. extremely rude things (not talkin about anyone specific here, except maybe that no one really. includes him in anything. but i mean have you s e en the ancient fandom on dA/ffnet its awful)
- heath is? actually very intelligent. an argument ive seen used is that he cant speak english/whatever language is spoken in almia and therefore must be stupid, and laughably so. but ?? fluency in a language =/= intelligence. his plan to LET kate/kellyn take the yellow gem and force them to trade it for keith, unlike his coworkers’ plots, actually worked. it was well thought out and well executed. if he really was stupid he would have done the same thing ice and lavana did, and perhaps an even soddier job. so y'all can quit the “ice is way smarter than heath” thing just cause blueboy did extra homework and heath is foreign
- despite being a villain he? isnt a total jerk? he isnt as shallow and conceited as lavana acts toward the player, he doesnt make fun of them like ice- hes. a decent guy just trying to do his job. he doesnt want to humiliate anyone (and i personally dont think he would have harmed keith while keeping hostage either. while people are. certainly welcome to interpret that plot point however they want i dislike the idea of heath purposefully hurting anyone; it just adds to the negative stigma around him in the fandom).
- he is INCREDIBLY loyal. while his loyalty is certainly in the wrong place (its possible he wasnt fully aware of blakes plan anyway, what with not understanding his language well, and he may not have been told the end goal if it would cost his loyalty), you have to admire that he didnt turn and run like a coward upon defeat, unlike ice and lavana who were only concerned about themselves and not whether their absence would cost their team the goal. heath, meanwhile, went to check on his boss to make sure he was okay, to help in any way he could even though he failed. (blake proceeded to get angry at him for failing of course, not seeing how brave he was being by showing his face and just how much he wanted to make up for that loss.) he ONLY bailed after it became clear blake and darkrai were getting out of control- blake had shoved wheeler into the dark void WILLINGLY, the player that had proven so powerful and bested heath and his coworkers so many times was LOSING, unable to fix the nightmare his boss was unleashing…thats scary stuff
- and speaking of darkrai heath was . you know, There when everything happened, i know lots of people like to forget that. all the player’s trauma from being in that void? you can bet heath would have nightmares about it too. just think about what he saw. what he heard. thats just as terrifying as being subject to it himself and if you think he wouldnt have been scarred for life after all of that go ahead and think again. hes really a very deep character if you actually give him some thought
- also probably has a crush on the player what a dork??? remember his level in the incredible machine? when he was talking to his rhyperior (which he called cute btw. a giant rock rhino is cute to this man. he loves his pokemon hes so good i love??him) he comments “i am hearing someone coming in…” and mentions that they dont smell like a member of dim sun. like. what even. youre saying i smell good? ok, valid compliment but Where would he get the idea to compliment your Smell???? he must be very flustered by seeing the player and also has an exceptionally keen sense of smell dyou think he would wear ridiculously expensive kalosian cologne to impress people i bet he does your fav would never
- tumblr in general, not necessarily the ranger fandom, loves to complain about the lack of fat/poc/immigrant characters positively portrayed in media. lemme just introduce you to my lord and savior heath, a nonwhite fat man who is very obviously Not from almia, like. im honestly ? surprised this guy doesnt have more fans? actually, im not, because ice is a conventionally attractive white male “bad boy” and listen im so salty about this
TLDR; heath is Good and deserves more love than what he gets. this has been a psa, please love your local heath today
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