#im trying to be sociable
kinzoddi · 6 months
I'm thinking about hosting a public a stardew Valley game, but im not entirely sure how to do that.
I've tried asking my steam friends, but most, if not all of the time, they ignore me. I'm trying to be more social and leave the shell I created around me, but im finding it quite hard when the friends I do have hardly talk to me.
I joined Tumblr mostly because I wanted to escape the drama and isolation I had on Twitter. I feel more comfortable on Tumblr anyway.
I'm trying not to be so much of a hermit. I hide in my room, fearing the worse about how or what people think of me because they can't understand me until they actually get to know me.
I have a hard time making friends because of how different and weird I am. I like things most people don't like or know of.
Example: I love playing Spore and Creatures Exodus. Games that are nearly dead today.
I'm sorry this rant was everywhere :P
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friendlyfangs · 2 months
What should I do tomorrow after I get home from first t shot. Other than watching nanalan ytps
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thegreatyin · 7 months
Hey what are your feelings on
1. lae'zel
2. Emperor
lae'zel is actually one of the best companions in the game and everyone who hates her or says she's just mean fundamentally doesn't understand her character. she's literally the nicest girl in the world given her usual environment and upbringing. she essentially has the exact same backstory as shadowheart in that she was raised in a controlling violent cult and has spent most of her life (including the start of the game) brainwashed by that cult into the person she is today. and yet despite it all she is trying her best to help people. she DID NOT have to save you on the nautiloid and she DID NOT have to promise to take you to what she had every reason to believe was a cure-all for the tadpoles and she goes so far as to defend you and the rest of the party to other gith despite her extremely xenophobic society pressuring her around every corner to do otherwise. over the course of the game she literally had her entire way of life and belief system uprooted from top to bottom and she ultimately decides to deal with it by becoming a hero and dedicating her life to saving others from the same situation she was in. her entire character, at its core, is so extremely dedicated to helping other people even at the cost of herself. she has the same trauma and should get the same treatment and sympathy as shadowheart and you guys just don't like her because she's not conventionally attractive and standoffish at the start of the game but when you actually follow her companion quest and/or romance her she is so sweet and trying her best and she is a TOP TIER companion and i am not going to pretend like she isn't.
the emperor is one of my favorite characters in all of bg3. i know i just went off about lae'zel but god the emperor is so good. he is a LIAR. he is a Bastard Capital B In Bold. he is the deceiver trope played straight from the very beginning and you can't trust a word he says and half of act 3 is practically dedicated to proving just how full of shit he is. he is an awful person who presents himself as a savior and a hero but at the first sign of resistance or hesitation he snaps and doubles down his manipulation in an attempt to control and corral the player into doing what he wants. his first reaction to the player turning down/questioning his sex scene in any way is to gaslight and accuse them so he can shift the blame and keep up his veil of heroism. he encourages them to let go of their humanity and turn themself into a cannibalistic monster while constantly swearing it's for the greater good. he literally runs off to join the netherbrain if you free orpheus. ansur was right all along. balduran died the minute that tadpole took over and transformed him into a mindflayer and the emperor is a shell of his former self masquerading around with the same gravitas and veil of kindness he used to have, but it's gone, if it ever existed to begin with. the emperor is a fascinating example of a manipulative piece of shit done right because even the fanbase can't agree wholeheartedly on if he's good or not but if you couldn't tell my money is wholly in the "he fucking sucks guys" camp. as a character i adore him though.
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bitchfitch · 1 year
Like, a lot of autistic people had the experience of their peers in school intentionally trying to exclude them from the group. and that's one of the things that's treated as a universal experience.
Growing up I had the exact opposite problem. I have extreme issues with being noise adverse, especially to things like the sound of breathing, chewing, and talking. like, being in the room with someone chewing gum is physically painful. And that made school hell. But I also have the disposition of an elderly, concussed, golden retriever. so all that sorta suffering was just internalized under a veneer of droopy amicability.
the one time I could escape Auditory Hell was during the lunch period when I could leave the group to find a quiet place to sit alone. Without fail. no matter the grade, no matter what else was happening, Someone would come over and invite their friends over to sit with me so I wasn't sitting alone. Didn't matter the town Didn't matter grade or school. I Could Not Escape. and I was too autistic to connect that the extreme discomfort I was in was because of the people around me, and that I could in fact ask to be left alone.
And like. I appreciate it. I get that they were trying to be friendly. but by god, in hindsight it's amazing I didn't bite more people as a teen
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Iifeel sto stupdi being in an tuve I’m sorry I cjust cant geo thisng stodya
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
when my coworkers try to convince me that mermaids are real because NASA suddenly stopped researching the deep sea in the 1950s (they did not) and have recently started "bombing the ocean" (this is also not true) and when I try to look up their claims the only things i can find that even sound like that are a bunch of text to speech stock footage tiktoks making those exact claims.
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leadersguilt · 1 year
respect for the fact that jean had to be one of the most outgoing in the 104h cadet corps.
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windupaidoneus · 5 months
technically i leave myself out of things but if i feel unwelcome like. who am i to force myself in. but also pms rsd combo makes me feel like syndrome of incredibles fame & its embarrassing. anyway im gonna be hiding in a cave until further notice
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necrogfie · 5 months
guys btw be proud of me i send a message in a discord server im in
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placesyoucallhome · 2 years
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Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions Oh, let's go back to the start Running in circles, coming up tails Heads on a science apart
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witchblade · 2 years
i feel like i have to be mutuals for years before i start talking to you with any regularity
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freakoutgirl · 1 year
One of those days that I cannot talk to people. Like more than normal
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lecliss · 1 year
Made another new friend in Genshin but man it made me realize I'm no longer cut out for this human interaction stuff. Like it's cool to talk to people, especially ones I get along with and have stuff in common with, but I don't wanna add people on discord immediately and join servers they're in and look at videos they send me and play other games with them. Like basically "You're not getting me to a secondary location" ya know??? Like on here it's slow progression of interaction that becomes messaging that leads to all sorts of other friendship stuff and that's awesome, but stuff that takes up all my time to do other things I don't wanna do is like. Man, I'm old.
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lovphobic · 1 year
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look at this facking cute halloween hello kitty scrubs top.... sobbing on the fuckign floor that i dont technically need that rifht now
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roses-and-elixir · 1 year
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ardorsung · 2 years
shinobu has a stutter when she has to talk to people & blade isn't present, out of anxiety more than anything; she's a very quiet speaker ! it dissipates the more she knows someone / speaks to them. she really does try though, knowing she can't always rely on blade is one of her failings bc she is very dependent on them & so if your muse has a comfortable atmosphere to them, she's more likely to attempt holding a conversation, it's just very overwhelming to begin with. give her time and she will love u.
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