#im trying to catch on with what the kids tag these nowadays
shrack · 7 years
the coffee kingdom
note: this is my first fic for taz, and its about a small character that needs more love. thats the funheist brand, friends. ill be adding a second part soon, i just wanted to spread it on tumblr as well! coffee shop au that nobody asked for.
Lucas needs money for his experiments. Taako doesn't mean to be the worst customer. [ AO3 mirror ]
If Lucas had a choice, he would spend every day working on his experiments. He's close, the robots he's been tinkering with for so long are coming together, No. 3113 may look scrappy but he's proud of her, his first steps toward making a difference in this garbage world, but...robots cost money.
He debates selling his work, but that goes against everything he's worked for. Goes against the Miller family name. Lucas wants to be able to help, to teach kids things that his mother taught him. Hodge Podge could do that, he knows it, but his supplies have run low (and that might be because he's trying to build so many other things, too).
He begrudgingly gets the job at the uppity coffee shop in the middle of Neverwinter, the 'Help Wanted' sign taunting him every time he would walk past and get himself groceries. It's been a few months, and he's made a few...acquaintances at the shop, but he's not there to make friends. They're nice, his manager is a woman that he would be scared of in any other circumstance--a tall, orc woman named Killian who he goes out of the way to smile at because if he doesn't, he's positive he'll get suplexed through the counter. 
"Hey, Luc!" Killian says cheerfully as he walks in the back door, and he flashes his best not-annoyed smile at her as he grabs his apron off its hook. Motherfucking robot couldn't just work, had to blow up in his stupid face; he's just glad that he got his arms over his face before pieces of metal went flying everywhere.
"Rough night?" Lucas grunts in agreement, fixing one of the band-aids on his forearm with a sigh.
"Just your average robo-explosion."
Killian chuckles and pats him on the shoulder, muttering something about that not being normal, but Lucas doesn't pay it any mind. He didn't sleep at all, his eyes hurt from being open for so long, and his head throbs in time with his heart. If he can just get to a coffee machine before--
There's a line before he can even say hi to his coworker. He has to stop the groan that threatens to come out as he's told to start making orders, puts on his best I-don't-want-to-stab-myself face, and starts shouting orders.
By the time he can breathe again, his hands are shaking. Should he sit down or something? He glances at the line, just one person now, and makes himself a black iced coffee to down in record time. When he looks up again, Carey and another guy he hasn't bothered to learn the name of are staring at him like he has four heads, and he just raises an eyebrow back.
"I don't know if I should be impressed or worried," Carey says on a laugh, looking at the other guy, who nods.
Lucas glances between the dragonborn and the now-empty cup, and back up at Carey as he fills it up a second time and starts to drink it. Carey makes a face and gags, shaking her head.
"Jesus, dude, have you ever slept in your life?"
He's forced into small talk as he starts to clean up the counter, a taller man named Avi coming over and clapping Lucas on the shoulder, telling him that "you drink coffee the way my dad drinks beer!" which he...is not sure how to respond to. But the guy seems nice, smiling too much and sipping out of a hot coffee cup that Lucas can tell is not full of coffee.
Lucas is left alone up front when Avi and Carey head to their breaks (Lucas insisted that he could handle it on his own, rarely did people come in at this time), and he's adjusting one of the bandages around one of his knuckles when someone enters, the bell making him jolt up and put on his best face. Which immediately drops, when the person walking in is clearly not paying attention. He speaks loudly on his phone despite it being right next to his mouth, and Lucas isn't going to let himself get angry. He's had a long morning, he hasn't slept, his hands are shaking, but he's not going to get angry.
He's not going to get angry when the elf says, "Hold on, bubbeleh," to the phone and puts it down, flashing a toothy smile at Lucas. He's not going to get angry when the elf peruses the menu for a solid five minutes and creates the most convoluted, disgusting order known to man. The elf finishes his order with a drawl, and Lucas is about to repeat the order, when he gets cut off.
"I'm confident that you're gonna get it right, my guy. Slap the name T-double-a-k-o on the side and you got yourself a masterpiece."
He's not going to get angry.
Lucas grits his teeth against the sugary stench of the creation he's making, debates why this guy would even get coffee if there's barely any coffee in it, and then. And then.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm back, sorry. Gotta get my dose of sugar and caffeine before I brave you and Barry being gross all day, you know how it is."
Lucas wants to drop the whole fucking drink into the garbage.
"Taako," he says, loudly, staring the elf in the face. He's not paying attention. Awesome!
"Taako!" he tries again, louder, and Taako jumps before turning and taking the drink off the counter.
"Thanks..." he follows Taako's eyes as they look for his nametag, and part of him wants to hide it, "Lucas. Lucas! Thank you."
He slides a gold piece onto the counter and leaves with the concoction in one hand and his phone in the other. His anger has subdued a little, enough to notice how well-dressed this elf is on his way out, and he doesn't know why it makes him feel so bad about his stained jeans and fucked up t-shirt, but it does.
God, he needs to sit.
 The next few times Lucas sees Taako, he seems...apologetic. He comes in around the same time, orders a drink that's still disgusting, but Lucas learns that he doesn't really taste it so he likes to switch it up. He always tips well, and after the sixth time (who's counting?) he doesn't move when Lucas slides him his drink.
"Tell me about yourself, Luco."
It catches him off-guard--the nickname, the question--and he realizes he doesn't know how to answer. Has he ever even told anyone...about himself? Killian asked because she interviewed him and he had to, but that was all the standard stuff. He works in his lab alone, he needs money for more parts, and that's about it.
"I...make robots, I guess."
"Wow, your life is real fuckin' interesting, huh," Taako muses, taking a sip of the drink that makes Lucas cringe, and he flashes that toothy smile again.
"I don't know what you're expecting. I work here to make money for my experiments. I have a lab on the outskirts of town. That's pretty much it."
"Woah, slow down, I got lost in the story." Lucas laughs and he realized that...he hasn't done that in a while.
Sure, he chuckles when No.3113 accidentally bumps into the doorframe when she's adjusting to her new modifications, or triumphantly when something doesn't blow up in his face. He busies himself with a machine to hide the fact that he's so surprised by something so mundane.
"What about you then? You have a story that'll blow my mind?" Lucas tries, stumbling over his words only a little bit, and he's interrupted by the door opening and people walking in.
When he gets to look over after the family of four leaves, there's an empty cup on the counter. He's about to get mad, but when he picks it up, there's a phone number and a name scrawled neatly across it. Obviously magically done, but Lucas still looks around for any sign of Taako or Killian before pulling out his phone and punching in the number. Does he wait? Does it seem to eager if he sends a text right then and there? No, he's at work, he should be responsible. But...he wants to talk to Taako. That's a first for him.
Lucas knows a lot, but he doesn't know the first thing about feelings.
Their conversations aren't too in-depth over text, but Lucas looks forward to it. Sure, it slows down his progress on Hodge Podge a lot, but he likes having someone to talk to. No.3113 notices and tries to bug him about it, will make comments when Lucas drops a screwdriver and grabs his phone when it buzzes, and Lucas comes to two more realizations.
He has feelings for Taako. And he feels incredibly lonely.
It's weird to look forward to going into work. He walks in and Killian notices that he's actually eager to go out front, he doesn't take much pushing, and it takes all of two seconds to figure out why.
The door opens, Taako enters, and Lucas visibly perks up. Killian shares a look with Carey, who doesn't hesitate to step in.
"Hey, Taako!" she says cheerily, and Lucas jumps when Killian comes next to him and leans down to whisper in his ear.
"You should go for it."
Lucas yelps and blushes deeply, turning around to look at Killian, who's laughing. "Wh-I don't-what?"
He turns back around only to be met by Taako staring at him incredulously, that stupid toothy grin on his face, and Lucas is pretty sure his face is on fire.
"You good, my man?"
"Great!" he says too quickly, picking up a large cup and a pen, "What can I get for you?"
He misses when Carey and Killian high-five behind him, but he nearly drops the cup a couple times in trying to get Taako's order written out on it.
Lucas can feel Taako watching him as he makes the drink, and he has to make sure his hands are steady as he goes through the steps that he has memorized by now. All the drinks have the same components, just in a different order, and he doesn't mind that this order is particularly long because he doesn't know if he can face Taako after that.
"Um, Tay-ko?" Lucas jokes, pushes his glasses up and pretends to squint to read the name that he doesn't have written, and Taako laughs loudly.
"That was a joke! You made a joke! I'm so proud!" Lucas bites his bottom lip and smiles, sliding the drink over and watching Taako wipe at his eyes dramatically and take it.
"Thanks. First one ever." Taako grins and Lucas heart flips, and suddenly he's blushing as hard as he was a few minutes ago.
"I'd like to take you out sometime," Taako says after a moment, and Lucas gapes at him. This gorgeous, confident elf, taking him on a date? Somebody pinch him.
"Close your mouth, you'll get bugs," he teases and Lucas does, and Taako winks at him, "I'll text you the details, sugar."
"I-uh-y-yeah! That's...awesome!" Nice. Nailed it.
Lucas watches him as he leaves, and he doesn't even notice Carey come up and grab his shoulders. "Holy shit, Luc!"
"Did that just happen?"
Lucas' heart leaps that night, when he's writing notes down in the dim light of his bedroom and his phone buzzes next to him.
call out tomorrow. i have a plan.
Lucas is terrified.
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barsformars · 4 years
reaction: dating an older female s/o; ateez
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req: Hello baby, can I ask you for an ateez reaction (99 liner to 2000 line) when someone tells their girlfriend(s) that they’re too old for them (she is 98 liner)
a/n: the way i squealed internally just because anon called me baby is just downright embarassing jdjdjdjdj anyways dear anon i changed it a little and didn't specify the age difference since everyone has a different idea of what's 'too old' and I wanted to include hwa & joong as well,, hope you don't mind! 🥰
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Due to his image, fans were so certain that he would never go for a girl that was older than he was so the news of you dating him came as a shock to everyone. As you had expected, the comments and tweets you were being tagged in were less than pleasant, most of them targeting your age.
'ew why is seonghwa dating an old hag'
'seonghwa honey, you can do better......'
When you showed those comments to Seonghwa, he would just pull you down to sit on his lap and take your phone away from you, reporting each and every post that made you feel like you were less worthy of his love.
"I don't care what they say, babe. besides, they don't know how cute you are. I feel like the true old hag in this relationship."
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Hongjoong had brought you back home for a family gathering when one of his younger long distance relative had started talking to you informally assuming that you were definitely going to be younger than Hongjoong. When Hongjoong had told his relative that you were actually older than the both of them, his relative had commented, "oh damn bro, why did you go for an older girl?" before swiftly leaving your side to catch up with other relatives. he had said it like it meant nothing but you couldn't stop thinking about it the whole night.
"What Minjoon said is still bothering you?" Hongjoong asked, sitting on the edge of your shared bed watching you undress for a shower.
"Unfortunately, yes. Does my age not bother you?"
"Not at all. And I think I feel more comfortable being myself because you're older, I know you can embrace all sides of me"
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When you had confessed to your sister that you were dating Yunho, she had frowned and remarked, "You're too old for him!He's going to cheat on you with a younger girl one day if he isn't already...." You didn't think that your own sister would be so unsupportive of your relationship with Yunho and ended up crying to him about it.
"Do you think I'm too old for you? Or I'm not 'fresh' and 'exciting' like younger girls are?"
"Do you think I'm too young for you? Or I'm not 'reliable' and 'mature' like older guys are?" Yunho had asked back, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
"No.....you're a lot more reliable and mature than most guys my age."
"There you go! Age is just a number, sweetheart. It doesn't mean anything to me."
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You and your friends were out for lunch when the topic of significant others came up so you revealed that you were dating Yeosang. Maybe it was out of jealousy (knowing that they found him very attractive) but they started saying things like "oh come on, we girls should always go for older men unless we have the money for botox"
when you had returned to your shared apartment to yeosang doing a face mask, you couldn't help but start ranting about what your friends had said and asking if he didn't like that you were older.
yeosang would laugh and tease you in an attempt to make it less serious, "honestly a fair point brought up by them.....but that fact wouldn't change even if you were 10 years younger. But that's also only because I'm Kang Yeosang so.....what's the actual problem here, love?"
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Just like Seonghwa, many fans thought that he would go for a younger girl because of how much he likes to take care of others. So similarly, when the dating news came out, many immature fans had left hateful comments towards your age.
What they didn't know was that San had been dressing to look older than he actually is more often nowadays because he was dating you. He knew people would have a lot to say about you being older so he thought that if he looked older, people wouldn't notice as much. "Many fans have been saying I look a lot hotter though, who's complaining?"
"you really don't mind me being older?"
"It's a little too late to be asking this question, isn't it?"
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Mingi had brought you to his high school reunion only for you to find out that you were the oldest there, even among all his classmates' significant others. Being a little shy and reserved, you sat beside Mingi in silence as everyone else joked around. This led to one of his friends, who was a little tipsy, to say to Mingi, "She's too old for you, Mingi. She's no fun at all...."
When Mingi had turned to look at you and realised you were a little hurt but that comment, he stood up for you.
"Really, you think so? I enjoy spending time with her more than I do with you though."
He grabbed your hand and stood up from his seat, announcing that he was going to leave then. You felt a little bad since it wasn't often that Mingi could meet his friends but he made sure to reassure you that nothing mattered more than your comfort.
"Are you lying when you say I'm fun to be around with? I know sometimes I don't get your jokes an-"
"I don't care whether you're older or younger, babe. So what if you don't get some of my jokes? We can always laugh about other things."
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After you introduced Wooyoung to your parents, your parents had been telling you every single day that you should break up with him because you were 'too old' for him and that it's not 'normal' for girls to date younger men. After sharing your concerns with him, Wooyoung was so confused.
"Ok first of all, that's such an old way of thinking. Secondly, why should you break up with me? Is there a problem? I don't know, the only problem is that you have a higher chance of dying first and leaving me behind and that's saddening if I must be honest.....no but really y/n, please don't break up with me just because of your age, that's such a pity."
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'jongho's not even 20 yet and some old ass is already trying to date him WHAT that's gross'
'idk about you but im so disturbed by the fact that's jongho's girlfriend is older than him, he's literally still a kid....'
'she couldn't even wait till he turns 21 at least?"
Those were some of the comments that you had seen under the article about you and Jongho confirming your dating news and they had affected you more than you had expected. You knew that Jongho didn't mind you being older but you were worried about what people would think of you. Was it really that bad?
When Jongho noticed how you kept scrolling through the comments and frowning, he would tell you that there was nothing wrong and that you shouldn't care so much about what others thought about you.
"I was the one who flirted first, remember? And I was already considered an adult in Korea then so you literally did nothing wrong, y/n."
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Friendly Question
Ander x Reader
Request by anon: hey if you’re still doing requests. Can you do a imagine where the reader has been best friends with Guzman , Polo and Ander since they were kids. They’re all really close but especially Guzman and the reader and they’re all like touchy and flirty but as just friends. But Ander likes the reader and finically confesses and the reader likes him back. 
Gif is not my own 
Requests are open
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“Alright, do hypothetically, if I weren’t to do any revision for this test tomorrow - how bad could it be?” Ander asks cautiously as the waiter leaves the food at your table.
“You’re kidding? Ander I practically gave you the answers!” Guzmán exclaims, “All you need to do is remember them.”
“You have to agree though, it’s ridiculously dull!” He scoffs, taking the other empty seat beside you.
You, him, Guzmán and Polo had all come out for dinner and drinks at the local restaurant- a regular occurrence nowadays.
“Tell him (Y/n),” Guzmán sighs, taking a few chips from your plate whilst you’re distracted.
“Hey!” You exclaim, hitting his hand away, “I asked you if you wanted chips and you said no.”
“Well it’s more fun to take them from your plate,” He jeers, leaning in close to you as he speaks with a grin.
You push his head away, “I’ll give you my leftovers, like a dog.”
He laughs and turns back to the other boys, “What were we talking about? Oh, right, Ander.”
“Yeah, whatever,” He rolls his eyes, “I’ll read your notes tonight.”
You’d been friends with these three boys for as long as you could remember. Spending near enough every single day in their company. Everybody you knew grew used to the fact that you were always together, and all of your family understood that inviting you to an event meant inviting the three tag-alongs also. It was just the way it had always been.
- - - - - -
The next day, you’re at school for swim practice - all three boys sat at poolside whilst you finish your lengths for the day.
“What are you laughing at?” You roll your eyes as you push yourself out of the water, reaching for your towel.
Guzmán turns to the other boys and they snicker about something all together, “Nothing, nothing.”
“Come on, what is it?” You question once again, hitting him with the towel.
“We’re making bets on how likely it is that Mrs Anderson has a crush on you,” Polo laughs, nodding in the direction of one of the coaches.
“On me?” You scoff, “I think she’s looking at you more than me, Guzmán.”
“Can you blame her?” Guzmán jeers, standing up and reaching out for your sides as he starts to tickle you.
“Don’t start with that!” You fight back, trying to push his hands away, “Don’t you dare!”
Guzmán laughs as he continues to tickle you until you manage to wrestle him to the poolside and both of you lose your balance - landing in the water with an immense splash.
“Fucking hell guys!” Ander exclaims, grabbing a towel to dry off from where he’d been caught in the backfire.
“(Y/n)! Guzmán!” One coach yells, “Both of you, out now!”
You look to Guzmán who flicks his hair out of his face and laughs, pushing himself to the side of the pool and hopping out.
“All your fault (Y/l/n).”
As you’re walking towards the side of the pool where coach was waiting, you’re oblivious to Ander following your path. You don’t pay much attention to it at all. The way his eyes focus solely on you, flitting only once to Guzmán as he questions for the umpteenth time - what does he have that I don’t?
“You okay man?” Polo asks his friend, nudging him to catch his attention.
“Yeah, yeah,” Ander nods, shaking away from his focus on you as he turns back to Polo.
Silence falls between them momentarily as Polo watches the next round of swimmers run through their drills.
“Do you think there’s something between (Y/n) and Guzmán?” Ander asks cautiously, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible as he speaks.
“(Y/n) and Guzmán?!” Polo laughs, “Come on, you know that would never happen! And Guzman’s head over heels for Nadia, even if there was a possibility that him and (Y/n) could happen.”
“No I don’t mean from Guzman’s perspective, I mean like... do you think (Y/n) could like him?” Ander persists, watching as you and Guzmán turn back around from where you’d just been yelled at by the coach.
Guzmán slings an arm over your shoulder and traps you in a headlock, ruffling your hair. He did it with such ease.
“What are you talking about? Why does it matter anyway?” Polo frowns, “It’s not like-“
“Hey guys!” You speak up as you walk back over to the pair of them, “You look awfully deep in thought.”
“Just... talking about tonight,” Ander explains quickly, scratching at the back of his neck, “Right Polo?”
Polo looks at his friend suspiciously before turning back to you, “Right, yeah, tonight.”
You laugh and drop down to sit on the floor in front of them, “What a poorly convincing lie.”
“Maybe they were gossiping about us,” Guzmán jokes as he takes the third seat on the bench, letting your head rest against his knee as he does.
Anders eyes stay focused on the point of contact like it held all the meaning in the world. He knew it seemed practically impossible for anything to happen with you and Guzmán. But there was always the possibility. And that was what he focused on. Because realising you might have feelings for one of his best friends was one thing, but it had nothing compared to the realisation that he might have feelings for you.
- - - - - -
“Do you guys think we’ll all still be friends in like ten years time?” Polo asks as he flops back down onto the hammock in your garden.
“What?” Guzmán laughs, “Why are you thinking about that?”
You and him were occupying the other hammock as you sat beside each other, his legs long enough to push it back and forth like a swing. Ander and Polo sat in the same position on the other hammock.
“I don’t know, I guess I was just thinking about how much could change,” Polo shrugs, having not been completely himself recently anyway, “Will I still be with Carla? Will I still know you guys?”
“Fucking hell, what did you put in your beer?” You scoff, “Of course we’ll still be friends.”
“You think so?” Ander speaks up, having not said much at all all night.
“Only because I know you guys couldn’t live without me,” You jab Guzman’s ribs and he laughs.
“I’d practically crash and burn (Y/l/n).”
Ander swallows the lump in his throat and tries to return the smile you send his way when you catch his eye. Really, he doesn’t want to be smiling back, he wants nothing more than to completely focus on that smile on your face and remember it being solely focused on him. But it’s fleeting, and Guzmán is saying something to make you laugh before he can do anything more.
You four stay like that for a while, beers on supply as you’re chatting - about anything and nothing. You were relieved to have these boys around you, especially after how much had happened recently. And you were pretty certain you’d still know them all by the time ten years went by. You were friends beyond school, and they meant a lot to you. Nothing bad enough could happen that would change that. Right?
“Right, Im heading in - should we set up a game?” Polo suggests, pushing himself up from the hammock as he speaks.
“Only if you don’t die in the first five minutes,” Guzmán scoffs, “I’ll end up carrying the team yet again.”
“I’ll be right in, just need to clear up out here,” You nod, “The controllers are in the-“
“Cupboard underneath the speakers,” Guzmán finishes for you, ruffling your hair as he stands up, “I know (Y/l/n).”
You roll your eyes and watch as the two of them walk inside, leaving only you and Ander, “You can go in if you want, I’ll clear up out here.”
“No, that’s okay. I’ll help,” He encourages, going to grab a few of the bottles before he stops and stands up properly, “Can I ask you something?”
You pause and set down the bottles in your hand, “Of course.”
“Do you think you’d ever have... I don’t know, like ever have feelings for...” He stops and shakes a hand through his hair, “Do you think you’d ever have feelings for Guzmán?”
You’re taken aback instantly, “Guzmán? Are you kidding?”
“I don’t know, you guys always seem so... close? And you-“
“Ander, its nothing more than friends between me and him. Come on man, I treat him like a brother,” You laugh, “You do make me laugh Ander.”
“Do you think you treat us all like brothers?”
You look up at him once again, “What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know, do you think you’d see us all as brothers? Or do you think you see all of us differently?”
“Well, with Guzmán, that’s the way it’s always been. We’ve always been close but we’ve always both known that we treat each other like family. With Polo, I lose my patience with him a lot, and he pisses me off, but he’s always there for us - that never changes. And with you... what do you think?”
He looks down, “I don’t know.”
“I told you that you were a terrible liar.”
He chuckles a little, “I don’t know... I guess I’ve just always thought...”
“I think I’ve always thought too,” You smile, “It’s different, right?”
“Different, yeah.”
You go to respond again but you’re stopped by the sound of the back door opening.
“Come on guys, how long does it take to bring in some bottles?” Guzmán yells, “And I’m ordering pizza, so If you don’t hurry up, you’re not having any food.”
“We’ll be there now,” You return, not tearing your gaze away from Ander.
You bend down once again and grab the bottles, watching as he does the same without another word. He goes to walk inside ahead of you but you rush to catch up before he can. It’s a simple gesture as you place a kiss to his cheek quickly.
“It’s different.”
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The White Wolf’s Dance; Chapter 3
Request; I needed some heat between the two and a bit of a dramatic cliff hanger. 
Words; 3,022
Warnings; Nudity, cursing I think, LOTS OF FEELS, and geralt is very hard to read. Nothing else really?
Pairing; Geralt X Elf/Reader and oh boy spiceee
Notes; I don’t know when I will have chapter 4 up. I haven’t even started writing it but hopefully it will be within a day or two. Im trying to be good and write a lot more. But in the future it might take even longer idk. Tuesday-Thursday are gonna be the days I probably can update the most cause I don’t work so bare with me guys. Im try and keep up with at least 2 chapters a week though if not more. I love yall so much!
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(I do not own anything witcher or any gifs, all rights to the creators.)
TagList; @yuminyg @andyl394 @grumgoblin
(If you wanna be on the tag list comment below or drop an ask un-anon. And I got you.)
                       *Chapter 3; Gates Of Temptation*
When you came to, you were in the last place you expected, laying in an unfamiliar bed, half-naked and all stitched up. Your head was pounding and your body felt like you hadn’t eaten in days. How long had you been out? Your hand shot to your head but there was a bandage wrapped around your head hiding your ears.
At that moment an unfamiliar face walked in before shouting down the hall. “she’s awake.” The unfamiliar female was a gorgeous blonde and soon left the door. Geralt appeared in the doorway shortly after, arms crossed.
“S-so I guess you know my secret now..” you chuckled dryly before trying to reach for the water on the side of your bed. Geralt was across the room in a second holding the cup to your lips. You take a deep drink.
“I told you not to die on me kid.” He sighs and sits beside you on the bed.
“Well last time I checked I’ve still very much alive. Bleeding but alive.” You smirk and look over him. “Thanks though.. for uh. Carrying me down a mountain and..” your fingers lingered in the headdress on you. He gave a short nod before staring at the floor.
“I’ll be in this town until you heal. Jaskier.. uh. Wants to stay close to make sure you’re okay. Seems you’ve had quite the impact on him.” Geralt stands up and starts heading for the door.
“That why you’re in here and not him?” You smirk before lifting your hand to make a gush of breeze whip through his hair. “I see you’ve taken a bath. Any chance I can?”
“Can you do it alone?” His voice was challenging but you just smirked and let your eyes roam over him.
“I’m sure I could manage. If not I know a certain Witcher who could carry me out.” You throw him a wink before closing your eyes and relaxing back against the pillow. Geralt grunted before shutting your door.
“So.. how is she?” Jaskier asked as he rounded the corner. “doing okay?”
Geralt nodded before looking over him. “she wants a bath. Why don’t you go get it ready? I need an ale.” And with that, Geralt headed out the door and towards the local inn.
Jaskier went to open his mouth but Geralt was already gone, he walked upstairs to the bathing room and began to fill the wooden tub with water. Once it was all set up Jaskier knocked on your door with a smile. “Y/N your bath is all set up.” He hummed out.
“You can come in.” You hum as you finish putting on your robe sitting on the edge of the bed. Your hands tie the band around it as the door opens and Jaskier struts in.
You glance up at him with a smile before holding out your hand to him “Be a gentleman and help a lady up. No magick this time I promise.” You hum softly. He wastes no time and walks over taking your hand and helping you up. Your hand wraps around his shoulder and his around your waist. “As long as you don’t try and seduce me again all will be well.” He teases before slowly helping you to the bathing room. “Geralt left in a rush what did you say to him?” He questioned glancing at you.
“He questioned my ability to take a bath on my own, I told him if he was so worried he could join me. Upon that he left. I can quite well handle myself, but yet he seems to doubt my ability to bath alone.” You chuckled softly before squeezing Jaskier’s shoulder. “Guess he can’t take a joke huh?”
Jaskier chuckled as well before shaking his head “He probably isn’t used to the teasing. Most find him rather,” He thought for a moment on what word to use. “Strange..” Though what people actually said about him was very different.
“Strange indeed, but surely, the woman can’t keep their hands off of him. He maybe a little scary but he is attractive under all the blood and dirt.” You smirked at the idea of Geralt truly all cleaned up and dressed in something other than black. He would look rather gorgeous.
“Oh no,” Jaskier helped you into the room and sat you on the edge of the wooden tub. “Don’t tell me you have feelings for our dear Witcher.” He teased before laying out a few towels for her.
“Oh Gods no,” You rolled your eyes at the thought, though you might feel a little something towards Geralt. Jaskier unquestionably did not need to know that about you. “Just saying if he actually took a bath more than once a month and honestly spoke. Women would be falling at his feet. Not many men like him in this countryside.” You twisted on the edge of the tub so your feet were now in the water. Slowly pulling your robe off as you slid into the tub.
Jaskier didn’t turn around under you gave him the okay. The water hid your body under the water. Not like you would mind Jaskier seeing you naked, he just wasn’t your first choice.
“That may be true, but Geralt. He’s well,” Jaskier paused to think a moment before sitting on a stool. “He’s difficult. Doesn’t need anyone, or so he says. If he didn’t need anyone I wouldn’t have had to apply a cream to his rear end before.” He chuckled at the memory.
“Oh, I would have paid to see that.” You laughed at the thought of the mighty Witcher asking for help with something like that. You ran your hands up through your hair. “Can I get a little help?” You asked pointing at the water pitcher on the other side of the room.
“Anything for the lovely lady.” He chimed before grabbing the pitcher and filling it with her bathwater before slowly pouring it over her hair. “I wouldn’t mention this to Geralt though. He might think you were trying to seduce me again.” He teased as your hands raked through your hair, washing out the grime and dirt.
“Oh, I didn’t plan on it.” You hummed before relaxing into the warm bath. Jaskier chuckled before setting the pitcher by the tub. “I’ll be back, the kitchen has no good booze and I think we could all use a drink this evening. Think you can manage for a little while without me?” He teased before leaning on the doorway to make sure you would be okay without him.
“I think I’ll get along just fine. Hurry back though. Once the water goes cold I might need help getting out.” You throw a playful wink his way before he puts his hand to his heart pretending to swoon.
“Anything for the darling Y/N” He sighed out dramatically before chuckling softly. “What’s your favorite poison?”
“Anything strong,” You smile at him before closing your eyes to rest int he tub. “Oh and Jaskier?” You open one eye to glance up at him. “Thanks.” He grins and offers you a playful bow before shutting the door and leaving you in the room and home all alone. Though you don’t mind. You softly sing out as you wash the layers of dirt and blood from your skin. “Toss a coin to your witcher, oh valley of plenty. oh, valley of plenty. Ohhh Ohh oh oh.”
After a while, you can see the water turned a deep brown from the dirt and blood coming off of you and decide it’s fitting time to get out. “Jaskier you back yet?” You call out loudly but after no answer, you shrug it off. Surely you could get out by yourself, after all, you had gotten in alone.
Putting your hands on either side of the tub you try your best to lift yourself out, but just as you almost had it a loud tear rips out in the room and you cry out in pain. Falling back down into the tub. Your hand flies to your shoulder were you could feel blood running from the wound there. “Of course I ripped my stitches. What’s a girl gotta do to get a good doctor nowadays.” You mumbled through the tears and sighed. Surely Jaskier would be back soon, he had to be.
Just as you were about to try and get out again you heard the door open and someone walks in. “Oh! Jaskier! Up here!” You yelled, your voice rather full of pain.
You here running up the stairs before looking to the door as it opened to reveal Geralt himself. Your eyes meet his as you mentally curse the gods for doing this. Sure you talked a big game, but he had made it pretty obvious he wasn’t interested.
“Fuck.” He murmured before walking over to you, kneeling beside the tub looking over your wound. But he didn’t say another word. You did your best not to look at him, but when he was this close and you could feel his breath on your bare skin it made you shiver.
He gave you a strange look before you sunk a little in the water, “It’s cold. Been in here a while.” You mumbled before glancing at his hands on your shoulder. They were big and strong and you could only imagine the things they could do to you. You clenched your jaw trying not to think like that. You weren’t sure if it was the excitement from him being able to catch you naked or nervousness since your heart was about to pulsate out your chest.
“Your heart rate is high, you’ve already lost a lot of blood. I got to get you out and stitch you up again.” He didn’t even give you a chance to process his words before his shirt was coming off and arms dipping into your bathwater.
“Hey! Oh hey! Watch your hands!” You nearly scream out, your hands on his bare chest to stop him from getting any closer. Your heart was racing now, your eyes glued to his. Knowing if you looked at his chest you would most likely lose your mind. “In case you didn’t notice I’m naked.”
“I did.” He stated flatly before moving his face closer to yours. “So you’d show yourself to the bard but not to me to save your life?” His eyes seemed to almost twinkle with his smirk.
You looked away from him a moment thinking it over before sighing loudly. “Only Jaskier never saw me naked.” You scowled at him trying to seem like you would end his life if he dared but you knew he could feel your heart racing. “Close your eyes.” You whispered.
“Are you kidding me?” He started, shifting back a little his eyes wondering to your shoulders curious to see what the bloody water hid.
“Either you close your eyes or I shall wait for Jaskier to return. He at least is a gentleman!” You half screamed at the white-haired man. Your arms moving to cover your chest and sink a little lower into the water. His eyes on you excited you but you were not about to give in to what he wanted.
“Fine.” Was the only word he said before closing his eyes and sliding his arms under your legs and around your waist. His arms were warm despite the chilly temperature of the water. You found yourself leaning onto his chest as he grunted and lifted you out of the water. Your arms clinging around his neck your eyes tracing out his facial features. The strong curve of his jawline, the subtleness of his facial hair, the plumpness of his lips. And that only made your heart pound faster and your head gets light. He stood there just holding you for a minute, his warm embrace felt like nothing you could describe. It was almost like coming home after a lengthy journey, you inhaled his scent as a smile smeared across your lips. Even covered in sweat he never smelled bad.
“I have to open my eyes to get you to your room, you know that right?” He questioned, keeping his eyes closed for the moment being. “Unless you wish for me just to hold you naked until Jaskier comes back?” His voice had a playful tone and you almost had a heart attack. The witcher had a sense of humor?
“I.. um- oh.” You muttered to yourself before looking around. Spotting the towel Jaskier had so kindly laid out for you. “Take one step to the right and three forward then slowly set me down. Jaskier left a towel on the stool for me.” Geralt’s brow furrowed but he did as she said gently. It was different not being able to see as he tried to move around the wet floor. His footing was almost lost a time or two but he managed.
Once at the stool he slowly leaned over and set your legs down on the floor tracing up your thigh to your hip to steady you. Another shiver ran up your spine as you bit your lip to hold in a gasp. But he didn’t seem to notice. You bent over to grab the towel, accidentally pushing your backside right into him. You let out a pitiful yelp before standing up and wrapping the towel around you in a quick sloppy manner. A hot blush covering your cheeks.
His eyes opened at the yelp but thankfully you had thrown the towel on fast enough for him to catch nothing but a glimpse at your bare back. “I can see how you got Jaskier to fall in love with you, with your accidental brush-ups. Watch yourself.” his eyes narrowed at you before wrapping an arm under yours and helping you back to your room. You didn’t say a word, utterly mortified.
He sat you on the bed and grabbed a pitcher of water to pour on your wound to clean some blood away. Then grabbed a needle and thread. “This is going to hurt.” His voice was monotoned, and without waiting for a response he started to stitch up your wound again.
It took everything in you not to move, not to scream. Your hands grasping the towel around you until your knuckles turned pale, your teeth sinking into your lip and your jaw clenching so hard you were unsure if you could open it again. A blast of wind flew around the room making the sheets flail a little around you, your hair blowing almost straight up and Geralt’s all in his face.
He stopped his hands pushing you back to lay on the bed. “You need to get it together. If you can’t I will have to put you under.” He snarled his tone sounding threatening. You nod and grit your teeth together forcing your magick to control its self. Trying to take your mind off the searing pain you open your eyes and watch Geralt. His face is in pure concentration as he fixes you up. You study his face, a rush of tranquility overtaking you.
Before you know it his amber eyes are staring straight back into yours. A blush crawls back over your cheeks as you open your mouth to say something, anything. His face is dangerously close to yours and he hasn’t moved away. Maybe just maybe you had a chance. Your eyes darted to his lips before back to his with an almost neediness. His eyes soften as his other hand rested on your forearm as if he was debating to pull you closer to him.
And you would have found out if he would of but at that moment Jaskier walked in the room with three bottles of ale. “Y/N I’m back- oooh oh oh what do we have here?” His self-satisfied smirk kills whatever might have been happening. Geralt stands and walks towards Jaskier then around him to the doorway.
“See to it she’s not left alone again. She tore her stitches.” He mumbled before leaving.
You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until then, a long sigh left your lips as you let your head fall against your pillow. “So, what did I walk into miss I don’t have feelings for him?” He chimed as he walked over to look at your new stitches.
“Jaskier- I” You groaned out in annoyance before covering your face with your hands. “I don’t like him. He was fixing me up after I was stupid. That is all.” You murmured into your hands but you could feel Jaskier’s smirk.
“Oh, I’m sure that was all. And perhaps care to tell me why he was shirtless?” He teased before popping open a bottle and nudging it against your arm. “Here you need this.”
You pulled your hands away from your face to take the bottle and take a long sip. “It’s nothing leave it be. Though he did say you were very in love with me?” You smirked a little wiping your mouth on the back of your hand.
“Not with you, but with that rather visionary lady you had me spend the night within my dream.” He rolled his eyes before patting your head. “She was wonderful, you’re a little dangerous though.” That made you giggle softly before taking another swig.
“Good to know.” You hum before handing him back the bottle and sighing. “I think I need a nap now. It’s been a long morning.” You whisper, Jaskier happily takes the bottle and nods. Making his way to the door before turning around to you.
“I’ll wake you in a few hours. Geralt wanted to discuss something with all of us. Probably the coins you owe us but now I’m not so sure.” He taunted before closing your door and leaving you to wonder what. Especially after everything that happened in the bathing room.
You sighed softly and closed your eyes, you would deal with what it was when you awoke right now you needed to regain your strength so you could heal yourself faster. 
Chapter 4
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ask-the-party-god · 4 years
Ask The Party God - Timeline
the pre-terezi-gang timeline post is here
height references over here
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hi, im jade! everyones favorite party goddess and trans doggy girl~ but you already know that! if youre reading this, it means youre interested in learning more about my reality, because paradox space is fucking weird like that and you cant really be sure all the time
as far as im aware, everything up to the point where we beat the game happened without deviations from the alpha timeline? so this is what rose has talked about as a ‘terminal timeline’, or ‘post-canon’, or whatever the hell that is supposed to mean
we got to earth-c, and i settled in the troll kingdom because trolls are cool, dave and karkat were in the neighborhood, and the caverns are close by so i can visit rose and kanaya speedily as well! i still do have my old tower out on an island, with my workshop and garden, but i almost never sleep in it, too far away and isolated from everyone...
then one day i found this old active server in the furthest ring keeping tumblr active and i thought, hey, why not have some fun? ;D
as for the others...
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my darling sis june egbert! she lives in the consort kingdom, but has been thinking about relocating elsewhere lately! she went through a rough patch right after the game, unsure of what to do and full of all sorts of doubts and questions, but shes doing a lot better nowadays! specially now that terezi is back, shes been a lot more peppy and hanging around with the lalondes particularly!
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rose rose rose rose~ happily married to her wife kanaya, duh, but that doesnt make her any less of a flirty cutie! a while back she got really sick for a bit, and weve been keeping an eye on her just in case it happened again, but its been all good ever since! she helps kanaya at the caverns a bunch, which makes her schedule busy busy... and you didnt hear this from me, buuuut words out on the street that she and kanaya may be warming to the idea of having a kid! <3 well see how that goes!
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one cool dude~ daves a little bit of a shut-in honestly! and honestly i dont blame him? he must be tired after all the timeline and time travel shenanigans, so he spends a good chunk of his time hanging out in his and karkats house! hes kind of awkward about opening up with feelings and stuff, and ive been trying to nudge him to be more open for a while! but with all the craziness thats been going down lately, and more people coming and going and getting together, hes starting to consider things he hadnt before~ hopefully, some specific someones? ;)
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janey! my uh... ecto-mom, technically, although we see each other more like cousins than anything else! she still owns crockercorp, but ever since jasprose has been around, she has been spending a lot more time at home and just hanging out with her friends, which really, sounds a lot healthier than the big business thing she had going on a while back! she enjoys teaching me baking stuff, but doesnt have much patience for my decorating skills ;p
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grandpa! and grandson technically, hehe, jakes kind of a weird case, hes a mixture of a shut-in, a celebrity and an adventurer! he can spend up to weeks at a time without leaving his manor, but then hell have full weeks of interviews and hiking, and thats not to say anything of when he and dirk put out another episode or two of their dumb comedy talkshow... hes often busy with stuff, but hes still a good pal and can clear his schedule in seconds if we need him for something!
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one sweet nb dude! rox really is... something else, really! fun to tag along at a party, fun to chill at home playing games, fun to talk about more serious stuff and open up with him, he really is just solid as they come! hes been hanging out a lot more with june since she got out of her depressive slump, but sometimes i wonder if junebug finds weird to get flirty with roxy, considering im pretty sure we made out in front of her at some point or two... hehehe
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dirk! if daves a bit of a shut-in, hes a shut-in times two, which is weird because youd think someone stuck in post-apocalyptic earth for so long would want to hang out more? not to say he DOESNT, though! hes around jake often enough, and keeps close to jane, roxy and dave specially! we dont see each other too often, but we HAVE been messing around with robots and planning out to upgrade our respective self-bots for funsies!
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aradia! we only met briefly in dreams for the longest time, but i knew already that she was a riot! she came with terezis group after she finally found vriska, and seems pretty happy just... kind of... being around and watching shenanigans ensue! i actually dont know where she lives, but she drops by occasionally, because im apparently pretty ‘fun’... cant say i disagree ;)
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sollux is blind, and not dead, and WILL kick you in the shins if you keep prying about how exactly he ended up like that, which is fair enough! he spends a good chunk of his time with aradia, and im not sure if theyre dating or not...? but hes been around the other trolls a bunch! specially kanaya, apparently theyre good friends that go way back! i guess they both DO style their hair similarly, with the side spike thingies...
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the other half of the dave-kat duo! swooooon~ really though, i cant remember the last time i said “dave” or “karkat” without talking about the other shortly after... buuut theyre just roomies, and hell get awkward and grumpy if you even so slightly IMPLY otherwise, despite the fact everyone knows they fall asleep leaning against each other during friday movie night! roooolling my eyes~ with the rest of the living trolls having arrived, hes been a lot more willing to go outside, which im glad for! its healthy to get some fresh air from time to time, and specially hang out with friends!
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oh-la-la, miss maryam-lalonde herself! kanayas the matriarch of the caverns, and quite the busy gal, having taken it upon herself to supervise her entire species reproduction and well-being... in my opinion, she needs a good vacation from time to time, and to be less of a workaholic! >:o ive been helping her occasionally in the caverns, and as of late weve begun trying to mess around with ectobiology for some troll-human crossing experiments with... not good results so far... but hey, rome wasnt built in a day!
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terezis back, yes! after spending YEARS out there looking for vriska, she managed to find her and come back, the madwoman! personally im not sure why anyone would go to such lengths for... her... but also, its not my bond, not my place to speak, she obviously really loves her a bunch! with vriska no longer lost in the middle of the furthest ring, shes started to catch up with everything going on with earth-c, and i think shes really going to like being around! specially with how much june and the rest have missed her ;)
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troublemaker extraordinaire herself! shes... well, shes vriska, im pretty sure she stole that eyepatch from sollux? so you just know she up to no good already >:/ speaking of her eyepatch, im not sure WHY shes wearing it? whatever kinda wound she got, she doesnt like mentioning it, despite bragging about defeating english at every chance she gets! terezi says they found her popping in and out of consciousness in the furthest ring with some messy wounds, and that shed probably been hovering out there after the fight for years... doesnt seem to have humbled her in the slightest <.<
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callieeeee! theyre super sweet and wonderful but also really shy and awkward! they live with roxy but manage to outdo dirk in terms of shut-in-ness... they also totally like roxy but is unsure about approaching those feelings considering the whole species thing and whatever, ive been trying to get them to open up for a while now! weve written fanfic together and drawn grids, so i can definitely tell theres some attraction there, even if theyre afraid of acting upon it just yet <3
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jaspie is roses bane, and the one cat that made me get used to their smell enough that i dont bark at them instantly anymore! im pretty sure she crashes at janes often, and is just as outgoing and flirty as i am around earth-c parties and bars, which is saying something honestly! i wont let her dethrone me as the party god, though >:)
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and finally davepeta! theyre staying with june for the time being until they can get settled around and see what they want to do here! theyve also dropped by dave and karkats a bunch, which i most certainly dont mind! i definitely appreciate some help in bringing a romantic vibe into those twos lives~ ;o
and thats about it! theres also the nannasprites and tavrosprite and arquius, but they pop by so sporadically and rarely that i dont know what theyre doing a majority of the time... we lost track of gamzee after the session so hopefully hes totally gone, and we havent heard any message from caliborn in years... and with the furthest ring broken and the black hole sealed, leaving a weird white empty space right in the middle of reality, im not sure what our chances of bringing back the other trolls are :( but still, we keep living on happily over here and having our fun slice of life ending together!
id say after everything weve gone through, we deserve a big break, dont we? hehehe <3
also, particularly important events that happen and are recorded in this blog will be tagged as timeline shenanigans!
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xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence, Chapter Six
Authors note: Ok so I really struggled with this chapter, hence my major delay, but thank you for bearing with me! 🙏🏼 So this is a super long one (for me) & I’ve just finished writing this at 5am after staying up all night, so I’m sorry for any mistakes etc. Also this is my first time writing a sex scene & I’m so super nervous & awkward about it, so please go easy on me 😂 Feedback is always welcome 🖤
Warnings: A bit angsty & some major smutttt but not the smut you want, that’s coming later (pun intended)
Tags: @triplehaitches @freddiessmallnipples @queen-crue @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0 @littlesunnymoon @80sheart-strings @cranberribread @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @deaconsroger @zoenicoles @crazysaladchopshop @ggorehorror @lunamadhatter99 @justtryingtoovercome @chaoticvybe @you-know-im-a-dreamer @eightiesrockbaby @valentines-in-london @xrosegoldwolfx @sukimousepaw @lilypetite88 @this-blog-must-be-the-place
(Couldn’t find a suitable gif, so here’s one of the two stars of this chapter)
((I wanted a gif of that scene in the dirt when Vince is fucking that chick in the dressing room right before his gf takes back his leather pants but I couldn’t find one 😭😂))
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Spring ‘83
I checked my make up in the mirror for the 10th time in as any minutes, pouting my lips & fluffing up my platinum blonde hair.
“Fuck Beth, you’d think Gene Simmons himself was coming back from this tour the way you’re dolling yourself up.”
I scowled at Sophias reflection in the mirror, her irritation evident as she stood in the doorway with one hand on her leather-clad hip, drumming her fingers impatiently. “Ew, no. Gene Simmons, what is wrong with you?!” I laughed.
“Really, you don’t see it?” She puzzled, furrowing her brow with an amused look on her face. “The make up always kinda did it for me..” She trailed off, giggling to herself before snapping out of her momentary daydream. “Anyway, can you just hurry your ass up, we’re gonna be late for work & Paul is already on our case!” She finished, referring to our boss.
“He caught us drinking with the guys once on shift, he’s hardly on our case.” I shrugged nonchalantly.
“Yeah, but he’s heard they’re coming back & he’s already on edge about the whole thing, he knows how they get & he’s planning on amping up security to keep them in check. I mean, they have just been kicked off of a tour with Kiss for bad behaviour, for Christs sake!” I rolled my eyes at her, always the sensible one nowadays. Sophia was right, of course. Mötley Crüe had become infamous on the Sunset Strip. They’d drink, fight & fuck, usually in that order, anything in sight & they showed no signs of stopping. The band was on their way up & people knew it, so everywhere they went, trouble, & girls, followed. And tonight, they were on their way back to the Whisky.
“How do I look, honestly?!” I asked nervously, turning to Sophia & gesturing at my outfit, smoothing out my high waisted acid wash mini skirt & fiddling with the collar of my leather jacket awkwardly.
“Well, if Vince doesn’t fuck ya, I will.” She winked, laughing. I smiled weakly before blowing her a kiss & turning back to check myself over once more, messing with my hair & trying to pretend I couldn’t feel the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.
“Babe,” Sophia started gently, frowning “why are you stressing so much? It’s not like this is anything new.”
“I don’t know, it’s been like a month since I last saw him & he’s probably slept with god knows how many girls on the tour & I-”
“Beth, they played like 5 shows, how much damage could they do, really?!” I looked at her with raised eyebrows, laughing with amused disbelief at her naivety. Did she know them at all?
She caught sight of my face. “Ok, ok, you’re right, carry on.”
“Look, I know there’s nothing serious between us & I’m fine with that, honestly, I am. But I just don’t want to look like another groupie to him.. I - I just wanna look good, ok?” I rambled, realising I was sounding way more defensive than I was intending.
Sophia sensed my nerves. “Well, you make one fine ass groupie, Vince won’t be able to resist you.” She said playfully, before pausing, a slow smile appearing across her plump, pink lips. “& neither will Nikki.” She added smugly, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
I let out a high pitched, fake laugh at yet another one of her goddamn Nikki jokes. “You’re so fucking funny.” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. “When are you going to let that go?!”
She shrugged. “When you guys do us all a favour & fuck so we don’t have to be around your obvious sexual tension.”
“Soph, I hate the guy, he’s an rude, arrogant narcissist & I’ve got more sexual tension going on with Mick than I do with that asshole!”
“Hey now, don’t drag poor Mick into your fucked up Nikki fantasy!” Sophia chortled. “You can deny it all you like babe, but I’m your best friend & I know you, you love to hate that guy because secretly, except not really secretly, you wanna screw his narcissistic brains out.” She finished, grinning widely at her fabricated conclusion.
I scowled at her once again, tired of hearing these assumptions constantly over the last few months. “God, can we just stop with this now please?!” I begged, turning back to the mirror, stressing more than before. “Maybe I should go change..”
“No!” Sophia said quickly, grabbing my hand & pulling me towards the front door. “You look great, Nikki is gonna love it- I mean Vince.. Whichever one it is you’re trying to impress. Now can we please just go?” She begged, exasperated eyes looking pleadingly at me.
I sighed & followed her out, the anticipation of the night ahead lingering in the air as I shut the door behind me.
*Later, at Whisky A-Go-Go*
I took a long drag on my cigerette & exhaled the smoke into the brisk, refreshing breeze that swept through the night sky. I savoured the moment, knowing that, in a few minutes, whatever band was playing tonight would finish their set & the crowd would surge back to the bar, impatiently demanding their drinks & trying by any means to gain my attention, whether it be just to order or try to, usually unsuccessfully, hit on me.
The back door swung open as Sophia stepped out, armed with trash bags, distracting me from my moment of peace.
“What are you doing out here?” She asked, spotting me hiding on the other side of the dumpster. I waved the lit cigetette clutched between my fingers wordlessly in response. She frowned. “You don’t smoke.”
“Well I always end up smoking with the boys & I just figured I’d use it as an excuse to get some peace before the rush kicks off.” I shrugged, ignoring her obvious disapproval. Sophia had perfected her judgmental stare over the past 6 months, every time she saw me sniff a line of coke or come home tipsy. It’s not like she didn’t partake, in fact, she was almost as wild as Mötley were, keeping Tommy on his toes. But Soph couldn’t help but look at me the way I knew most people that knew me did; like I was some fragile, innocent being that needed protecting. I’m the good one, the well behaved child, the straight A student, the protective big sister, the motherless daughter with the overbearing father. I’ve spent my life being exactly what everyone expected of me. The boys were the only people that didn’t make me feel that way &, for a night every week or so, when I got to party with them, it was fun not being who everyone thought I should be & just being whoever I wanted to be for the night.
“It’s a shit habit to have,” Soph mumbled, pulling out a cigerette from her almost empty packet, placing it between her lips & lighting it. “You’re better off without it babe. Quit whilst you’re ahead & all that.”
“Thanks for advice, mom,” I responded, rolling my eyes as I took another drag.
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask, have you finished that paper for Dr Andersons psych class yet?” Asked Sophia, suddenly changing the subject.
“Erm.. You want the truth or..?” I grimaced, knowing I hadn’t even started my essay on the theory of human motivation.
“Beth, girl, come on!” Sophia whined, sounding irritated. “You know if you ask Anderson for another extension, she’s gonna loose her shit with you! You gotta stop slacking..”
I shot her a warning look. “I am not slacking”, I said cuttingly, offended by her words. I’d never been accused of not trying hard enough in my life & I didn’t like it.
Soph looked a little sheepish. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, I know how hard you work. It’s just this is the second paper in a row you haven’t prepared for & you’re usual so on it, I’d just hate to see you fall behind because of..” She trailed off.
“Because I’m fucking a Vince?” I spat, suddenly angry.
“No, Beth. Come on, you’re twisting my words now. You know I’m all for you having fun, especially after how everything was for you at home, I don’t blame you for rebelling a bit. But I’m also just looking out for you, you just need to find a balance is all.” Sophia looked embarrassed, obviously regretting her change of subject. I glared at her, watching her chew her lip awkwardly, avoiding my stare. The rational part of me knew she was only trying to be a good friend, but the defensive side to me felt she was trying to shield me from having any fun, treating me like that fragile girl once again & it immediately brought out my inner hostility.
I flicked my cigerette across the alley & stormed past Sophia, catching her shoulder as I did. She whipped round to me, eyes ablaze with shock & anger.
“Excuse me, you did not just shoulder barge me!” She yelled, stunned.
“Why cant you just mind your own goddamn business?!” I screamed back, throwing my hands up in the air with exaggerated exasperation. “You’re supposed to be my best friend, you know everything I’ve been through better than anyone. I’m just trying to enjoy myself, do all the dumb shit I never got to do when I was 18. Why are you treating me like a damn kid?!” I could hear myself arguing like a teenager who’s parents wouldn’t let them out, but I couldn’t help it, I was belligerent.
“Maybe stop acting like a damn kid & people wont treat you like one!” She fired back.
“Fuck this.” I snapped, barging through the door & back into the hot, sticky air of the Whisky. I marched back behind the bar just as the band were playing their last few chords & grabbed a bottle of jack. I quickly poured a shot & necked it, seconds before Paul rounded the corner.
“Where’s the other one?” He asked, rudely.
“I’m here.” Sophia mumbled, rushing back, just as the crowd began shifting its way from the stage to the bar.
“Right, back to work, no more fucking breaks.” Paul spat, pointing at us both before disappearing off to his office, as per usual whenever the bar got busy. I stuck my middle finger up at him as he walked away, directing my anger at him. I heard a chuckle & turned around to see a familiar, dark figure in the sea of gig-goers, his eyes lost behind a mass of black hair, yet somehow I could still feel them trailing along the contours of my body. His lips were curled into his usual, heart-stopping smirk & I found myself catching my breath when I caught sight of him.
“Someone’s in a good mood, I see.”
“Not now Sixx, for fuck sake.” I muttered, taking an order & pouring the drink.
“Have you missed me, Angel?” He asked, flashing me a wicked smile, draping himself over the bar to get a better look at me. I ignored him, tending to customers & refusing to make eye contact. “I’ll take that as a no.” He chuckled, darkly.
“Nikki, I really haven’t got time & I’m not in the mood for your games.” I said sharply, finally looking into his dark, green eyes. My stomach knotted as his gaze burnt through me, reigniting that flame that only he could seem to light. And he knew it.
“What’s wrong, Princess?” He drawled, lazily.
“Can’t you see how fucking busy we are?! I haven’t got time for you!” I snapped at him, dropping a tumbler in my frustration, sending glass scattering in all directions. “Fucking great.” I growled, crouching down to clean it up, my impatience & anger growing more & more by the second, only made worse by Nikki, who was now smiling smugly at me from over the bar. “Unless you’re going to be any help to me, I suggest you leave.” I yelled at him, standing up & charging over to the bin with a dustpan full of broken glass. I took a deep breath as I emptied it, attempting to regain my composure. I turned back & immediately cussed under my breath. Nikki had hopped over the bar & was now talking to customers.
“What are you doing?!” I hissed as I marched back over to him.
“I’m helping you, like you wanted,” he shrugged, an aura of smugness about him, as he took orders.
“What I wanted was for you to go away!”
“See, I don’t think you want that at all.” He responded, sliding past me, his hand brushing against my lower back as we moved around the limited space behind the bar. “I think you’ll take any excuse to be near me.” He whispered in my ear as we crossed paths once again, his hands gripping my hips this time as he navigated past me. Me body reacted to his touch, my heart thrumming as I felt unwanted excitement flood my veins. I snapped to attention, determined not to let him get to me again.
“Well, if you’ve got it all covered here, you wont mind if I take a quick bathroom break, right?” It was my turn to smirk as I walked from behind the bar, seeing his face fall as I turned & sauntered away from him, letting my hips sway a little more than usual as I felt his eyes drop to my ass, as they always did.
I strode into the bathroom stall, locking it behind me, & rested my head on the cool, metal door, breathing sharply. Nikki had a talent for pissing me off & frustrating me in ways I couldn’t explain & tonight was not a good night for it. Between him, Sophia & Paul, I was wound up past the point of no return & the next person that crossed me was going to feel the full force of my pent up rage.
I was working on slowing my breathing when I heard the door to the bathroom open & shut. Within seconds, my head started vibrating as someone rattled the door to the bathroom stall violently, trying to get in.
“Occupied!” I yelled, my voice oozing irritation.
It shook once again, whoever it was clearly not giving up. I took a step back from the door, anger flooding to every inch of my body as my hand flew towards the lock & I wrenched it open. I was ready to hurl cathartic insult after insult at the poor, unsuspecting person that was to be the subject of my blind fury, when a skinny blonde fucker stopped me in my tracks.
Vince stood in the door way of the stall, leaning casually, his tousled blonde hair framing his chilsed face perfectly. He had on brilliant white jeans with rips at the knees & a distressed denim jacket with nothing on underneath & plastered on his face was the biggest, goddamn sexiest grin that immediately calmed my rage & sent my heart racing.
“You having a bad night doll?” He asked, doing his best to feign concern, the corners of his mouth twitching as he tried to hide his smirk. I took a second to drink him in, savouring the sight of him before I grabbed the collar of his denim jacket & pulled him roughly into the cubical with me, knowing exactly how I was going to satiate my temper. I slammed the door shut behind me & turned around to face Vince, pushing him down into a seated position on the closed lid of the toilet. His smirk was from ear to ear by now & there was a hunger in his eyes I wanted to satisfy so damn much. I straddled my legs either side of his, hiking up my denim skirt that was restricting my movement, exposing my strategically chosen lace black underwear. I sat down on his lap & pressed my mouth lightly against his, running my tongue across his plump, lower lip, tasting the remanence of whisky left there, a flavour I’d grown to love. I trailed my lips across his jawline, placing kisses as I went, until my teeth found their way to Vince earlobe, grazing their way along it as subtly began grinding my hips into his lap. He let out a soft, intoxicating groan that made me weak. I craved him.
Vinces fingers had wound their way into my hair & he grabbed a fistful, firmly pulling my head back, exposing my neck to him. I felt his smirk caress my skin as his nipped & sucked his way down my throat, leaving his mark as he went, before running his tongue back up, sending lustful shivers running down my spine. He brushed his lips across my chest as his hands left my hair, gliding their way down the contours of my body & under my shirt, roughly pulling it up & over my head. I felt him grow harder underneath me as he cupped my breasts in his hands, his tongue lightly flicking & caressing my nipples before he gently grazed his teeth along one, causing an involuntary moan to slip out of my parted mouth. I bit down on my lip, desperate to keep quiet, but Vince has other plans. He widened his legs, forcing mine open at the same time & slipped his hand between my thighs. He groaned as he felt my wetness through my lace panties & ran his finger teasingly back & fourth along the damp patch, causing me to squirm.
“Keep quiet for me now, Princess.” Vince teased, raising his eyebrows & smirking as he pushed my underwear to one side & slowly he eased one finger inside me, causing my to stifle a gasp of pleasure. His thumb brushed lazily over my clit, teasing me, driving me crazy with desire. My eyes closed & my head tilted back as he pushed another finger inside, moving them rhythmically at just the right speed to leave me wanting more. I bit down harder on my lip, trying my best to keep a moan from escaping as Vinces speed picked up. I rocked my hips back & forth against his fingers, pushing my lips roughly onto his to keep quiet, moaning into his mouth instead as he tasted my urgency.
Vince pulled my hair back once again, denying me of his lips. There was a look of arrogance dancing in his eyes as that he kept them fixed on mine, watching me intently as he brought me closer to the edge. I held my lower lip firmly between my teeth as his fingers moved faster & his thumb circled my clit in perfect harmony the way he knew drove me crazy, bringing me ever closer to the release I so badly needed.
“Let me see you cum baby.” He demanded, his eyes not leaving mine once, a sly smirk on his irresistible face. His words were all I needed as I reached the edge & came around his fingers.
“Fuck, Vinny, yes!” I yelled breathlessly, not caring who heard me. I felt the waves of pleasure crash around me as Vinces fingers carried on, pushing me to my absolute limits until I couldn’t give anymore & I grabbed his hand to stop him. He gave me a sly, proud smirk as he looked at my exhausted, content expression.
Christ, I needed that.
But Vince wasn’t done with me yet.
He slowly slid his fingers out from my wetness & brought them up to his lips, sucking on them sensually, making my still throbbing pussy tense in excitement.
“You taste so fucking good.” Vince smirked, watching me squirm with lust once again. I felt his rock hard cock constrained in his tight jeans & I rocked my hips into him once again. His smile widened & suddenly his hands were under my ass, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist & buried my hands into his blonde hair, grabbing it & pulling his mouth on to mine. Within seconds, we were out of the cubical & Vince sat me on the basin countertop without a thought as to who might walk in. We didn’t care.
“I want you inside me.” I moaned, hastily undoing his jeans with intense urgency & pulling him towards me. I found my way to Vinces cock & he let out a low groan as I wrapped my hand around it, slowly stroking him up & down.
“I’ve fucking missed you.” He growled. It was my turn to smirk.
Vince pulled away, expertly rolling on a condom with ease, before pulling me panties to one side once again. He rubbed my wetness, as I grabbed his rock hard dick & guided it towards me, using it to tease my entrance, a cocky smile playing on my lips as I watched Vinces eyes grow dark with desire & impatience. His lip parted to complain, but I silenced him by swiftly easing him inside me. We both moaned simultaneously as he pushed all the way in, stretching me out.
Vince groaned as he began thrusting slowly, finding his rhythm. “I forgot how tight your perfect little pussy is.”
I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him deeper in to me as he picked up speed, his hips bouncing against mine. “Oh Vinny,” I moaned, raking my nails across his back, leaving my mark on his skin to repay him for the bruises on my neck. The pain caused his pace to quicken, as his hunger for me intensified. He grabbed my one leg & lifted it over his shoulder, giving himself a better angle to fuck me deeper, harder.
I felt the pleasure building once again with each stroke, bringing me closer to orgasm. “Don’t stop.” I panted, digging my nails into his hips. Vince groaned loudly as I started playing with my clit, the hedonism getting too much for us both to withstand. I threw my head back & bit my lips to suppress my moans as best I could as the waves of pleasure started reaching their crescendo.
Vinces strokes became delectably slow & purposeful, each one deeper than the last as we both began our decent into sweet release. Vince gave one last thrust that sent us both over the edge & I came around his cock as he came inside me, his forehead pressed against mine as our duel moans of pleasure filled the bathroom. The perfect harmony.
*Nikkis POV*
How fucking long does it take to have a piss?! I thought angrily, as I pushed open the door to the bathroom, Sophias not-so-polite request that I get “the fuck from behind the bar & go & find Beth” still ringing in my ears.
I heard them before I saw them, but my brain didn’t comprehend what I was hearing until my eyes fell on her.
Beth was sat on the countertop, one leg draped over my frontmans shoulder, the other wrapped around his waist as Vince stood with his back to me. Her fingers were gripping his hair like she was holding on for dear life, her head was titled back in the throws of passion & her face.. Her face was that of an angel, as it always was, but twisted & distorted with sin as I watched her cum before me. Her glossy pink lips were parted as sounds that I wished I was causing left her pretty little mouth. Her forehead was glistening with a light film of sweat, her eyebrows were furrowed & her eyes were clenched shut as she indulged in her release that I so badly wanted to feel.
It was heaven to watch her.
And hell to know that she wasn’t coming for me.
I felt intense, unwarranted jealousy descend over me as I watched the girl that I disliked with such ferocity, but still so badly wanted to demoralise get fucked by one of my best friends. I wanted to feel her nails in my skin as I wrapped my hand around her pretty neck. I wanted to see those big, innocent, doe-like eyes look up at me pleadingly as I brought her close to orgasm, only to stop, making her beg for me to touch her. I wanted to taste her delectable pussy & feel her cum against my tongue, her sweet voice calling out my name as I sucked her clit. God, how I fucking wanted her.
Beths eyes fluttered open & immediately fell on mine, causing me to snap out of my fantasy. I adjusted myself quickly, hoping she wouldn’t see the semi I had rubbing against my tight leather pants.
She seemed shocked & embarrassed to see me standing there in the doorway, yet still somehow she managed to look smug. Guilty, yet satisfied. She shot me a shit eating grin before she kissed Vince, her eyes fixated on mine as she did so.
I let out a loud, purposeful cough that caused Vinny to jump & instinctively pull away from Beth. He looked in my direction & visibly relaxed, shooting me a typically sly Vince Neil smile.
“Oh it’s just you Sixx,” he laughed, buttoning up his jeans as Beth climbed down from the worksurface with as much modesty as possible, adjusting her skirt as she did.
I ignored Vince, my face like stone as I kept my eyes on Beth. “Sophia is looking for you.” I said bluntly.
“Shit yeah, I need to get back.” She said quickly, turning to wink at Vince & give him a peck on the lips. “You have no fucking idea how much I needed that,” I heard her mumble seductively. Vince grinned.
“Anytime Princess.” He drawled. I could’ve punched his arrogant fucking face.
Beth stalked towards me, holding her head high & proud as she pushed past. Vince looked like he was about to say something, but I didn’t stick around to hear what it was. Against my better judgement, I followed Beth, my anger brewing.
“Have fun?!” I snapped at her, letting my frustration show without meaning to.
“Loads.” Beth smiled simply, looking me dead in the eye without hesitation. I felt my anger bubble closer to the surface.
“You know, I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten bored of you yet.” I shot nastily, wanting to rile her up. “Groupies never last long with Vince. You should’ve seen all the sluts her got with on the tour.” I let out a sharp, short laugh, convinced I’d strike a nerve.
“Huh, weird, isn’t it?” She shrugged. “That he always comes back to me. I must do something for him that the other girls don’t.” Her voice dripped with confidence as she walked behind the bar & back to work. “I wonder what it is I have that they don’t..” she finished.
Beth knew exactly what she was doing, she’d known me long enough now to figure out how to push my buttons & her new found arrogance was doing just that. But she wore it well.
I grabbed her arm as she walked past & pulled her in close, my anger & my desire at war inside of me. My lips found Beths & I brushed them against hers in the way that I knew drove her crazy, even if she’d never admit it.
“He’ll never satisfy you like I would, Angel.” I whispered.
Beth swallowed, her confidence visibly shaken & I smiled as I watched her eyes glisten with involuntary desire. I knew she couldn’t resist. “& h-how do you know that?” She stuttered, trying to regain her self-assured composure.
“Because he doesn’t know you like I do.” I mumbled, letting my lips graze hers as I spoke. “I see past your good girl, innocent act. I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again, there’s a little bit of devil in your angel eyes. You don’t want just sex, you want to be fucked, you want to know what it’s like to loose all self control, to be with someone that’ll fulfil your darkest desires, who will indulge your every fantasy. I can please you in ways you couldn’t even begin to imagine, Lizzy. I want to bring out the bad in you.” I finished, my eyes burning into hers with intense, desperate craving that I knew she felt too. She looked at me, her eyes almost fearful, but I could see the seductive intrigue lying just beyond that fear & I knew I was right about her. “So, what do you say?”
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armsdealing · 5 years
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▌real name: marcelo giancarlo reyes marconi. ▌single or taken: single or taken depending on the timeline.  ▌abilities or powers: mixology, cards (don’t play poker with him because you will lose; for that matter, don’t play baccarat or faro or even uno -- again, because you will lose), public speaking, gun handling (has been taught how to use them since he was 14), dancing (breaking/hip hop; salsa; merengue, among others), kickboxing (trained since he was 7), playing sports (primarily soccer; he’s a forward winger) + the powers that come with being a werepuma (being nigh indestructible; healing factor; heightened senses and superhuman condition; shapeshifting, and immunity to psychic attacks, just to name some relevant ones) ▌eye color: dark brown. the puma eyes, when shifts into them, are pretty striking: besides the fact that they gleam, the iris is a ring of green/blue inside a ring of yellow. they seem almost hypnotic, and in the dark, they retroreflect light. (reference / 2) ▌hair color: brown ▌family members: gianna marconi-reyes (mother, deceased), ysmael reyes (father, deceased); a lot of aunts and uncles but primarily -- on his father’s side -- berenice and emmanuel reyes, and daniela and adán, all alive; then there’s his many cousins, all of which he’s very close to (acting sometimes more like siblings than cousins). on the maternal side there’s the marconi family which is big and complex on its own right but he’s not particularly close to any of them. it’s worthy to mention that he’s the grandson of giancarlo marconi, a very prominent don in the east coast mob, though.  ▌pets: he doesn’t have any, but he feeds any and all stray cats he comes across, and they end up following him around.  ▌something they don’t like: he doesn’t like stuck-up attitudes and people out of touch with reality. doesn’t like people noseying into his business, either. alas, he chose to work in social media and he deals with both of those things on a daily basis.  ▌hobbies/activities: the abilities above mentioned count as hobbies, frankly. marcelo is so good at them because he enjoys doing them and practices as often as he can. he also likes cooking (it’s a good sign when he cooks for you) and talking walks, running, swimming, watching movies, listening to podcasts, riding his motorcycle, camping, bouldering, hiking, taking pictures (with a camera and his phone), playing instruments (piano + guitar) and singing. he also likes traveling.  ▌ever hurt anyone before: yes. though big on pacifism nowadays, marcelo is not a stranger to fighting, and not just the kind of fighting where you throw a few punches and then quit. i’m talking full blown brawls where bones have been broken and eyes blackened and he’s had to get yanked away from the other party. he used to be much worse when he was younger, when he was more temperamental and less mindful of his own strength, and when his tolerance towards bullies and insults was zero point zero. nowadays you can still catch that side of him under specific circumstances. however, it’s rare -- he much prefers to remain unresponsive to insults and provocations. and as for hurting people emotionally... tbh yes. sometimes, he doesn’t think before he speaks. and sometimes, he does thinks he speaks, but you deserve to hear what he’s about to say (at least according to him).  ▌ever killed anyone before: in his main verse, not just yet.  ▌animal that represents them: puma, cougar, catamount, mountain lion! but if you want other examples, all felines in general.  ▌worst habits: he pours all his emotional labour into other people and none on himself, usually without noticing that people just use him. he’s gotten a bit better at this (he’s lost some “friends” because of it, no doubt), but still... he worries a lot and whats to Help, and he stresses out when he can’t solve the problems of people he cares about.  ▌role models: his parents but that’s kind of falling apart the older he gets. his aunts, berenice and daniela, and his older cousin natalia (played by @neotropical​). his godmother, also named gianna played by @tribeof​​. emiliano @riverbodies. and his best friend ivana played by @neotropical​​. nearly all his role models are women because men kinda suck, frankly.  ▌sexual orientation: bisexual.  ▌thoughts on marriage/kids: he wants both those things very much. he would definitely love to get married someday and have a small, intimate, but fun wedding and he would love to have kids (he’s thinking three) to raise and love. he would be a natural as a father, far from perfect, but definitely the type of parent that just intuitively knows what his kid wants and needs -- and works to help them even if he doesn’t.  ▌fears: as a result of past traumas, marcelo is terribly afraid of losing people he loves, cue him being very protective over them. he can’t stand the thought of them getting hurt, nevermind actually dying.  ▌style preferences: marcelo values his family above all other things, and it shows pretty much in the fact that he carries them everywhere with him and they really have an impact on his sense of style. he always carries his father’s silver cross necklace not out of a sense of faith (that hasn’t been there for a long time) but because it belonged to his father. he has the birthdate of his twin cousins (inigo and ignacio) tattooed on his shoulders in roman numerals, and the names of his parents on the back of his neck. he’ll often wear necklaces with pictures of family members, and pieces that belonged to his aunts, from chains to rings and bracelets. he made paintings and drawings by his little cousins into shirts he often wears. he lets alba sew patches into his jeans. he gets his nails painted by camila and his hair cut by elián. much of his wardrobe is actually hand me downs when not thrift finds and tend to be combined with high fashion clothes that are, more than often, gifts (from either industry friends or, let’s just say, benefactors) -- but yeah, when not wearing sportswear, he’s mixing and matching repurposed clothes with luxury fashion items. point is: there’s a lot of history to a lot of the things marcelo wears and much of it goes back to his family, which he’s gone as far as to immortalize on his skin in some form. ▌someone they love: ivana, his best friend, is basically his soulmate as well tbh and the person he loves the most. on that same tier go charmaine and rafael (@neotropical). in a platonic and familial manner, he loves gianna (@tribeof), zephyr (@isolctions), emiliano and alondra @riverbodies, and honestly.... this list ain’t long enough. he’s so full of love and you’re all missing out on that shit, smfh. of course, he also loves his entire family to bits.  ▌approach to friendships: marcelo would do, and does, anything for his friends and he loves always making new ones. he’s the helpful, generous type that is happy simply spending time with you, but will also try and get you involved with new things he’s doing, and will always be down for whatever you’d like to do. as a matter of fact, involved is the best way to describe the way marcelo always tries to make his friends feel. he’s not nosey or pushy, but if y’all haven’t talked in a while he will often send you a text to check up on you. he treasures his friendships and devotes time to them. as mentioned before, he’s also very protective and very much a mom friend. ▌thoughts on pie: he’s not crazy about it but he enjoys a good strawberry pie now and then! ▌favorite drink: (non-alcoholic) water, and coffee. colombian coffee to be precise: don pablo colombian supremo, but any colombian brand will do. (alcoholic) his go to alcoholic brands are bacardi, havana club, josé cuervo and antioqueño. he loves his mojitos, daiquiris and cubalibres and those are his usual orders, when not ordered plain.  ▌favorite place to spend time at: his apartment. he isn’t gonna pay rent not to spend time in that shit. that being said he equally enjoys both the city and nature. he thrives in the night life and in clubs, parties of all kinds, the neon HQ and high end bars, and he loves beaches, and parks, and forests, and mountains).  ▌swim in the lake or in the ocean: he won’t refuse either, boy just loves swimming.  ▌their type: honestly it’s really flexible. he can date from the sweetest angel to the biggest asshole if you’re ultimately a good person. he likes people that are comfortable in their own bodies, that are confident and got spine without being conceited. mutual interests definitely help, but a similar desire to grow together and put effort into things and each other is even more attractive to him. just be mature and know how to communicate. 
tagged by: i forgot but i love them. tagging: @neotropical​ (ivy), @tribeof​ (gianna or abel) @isolctions​​​ (zephyr or rue), @belissimae​, @withlwolves​​ (maria) @dirtypaw​​ @zkljns @curdledmiilk​ (your pick, someone you haven’t done) @undones​ (griff) @wheelmans​ @strikier​ (yes im tagging all ur fuckin blogs) 
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tisfan · 6 years
Into the Sunset
Title: Into the Sunset Collaborator: @27dragons & @tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: G1 - Roleplay: Cowboy Ship: Bucky/Tony Rating: teen Major Tags: role play, talking about fantasies, ridiculous stereotypes, discussion of cross-dressing, some dated references Summary: Cowboys and Indians is declasse; if Bucky wants Tony to ride off into the sunset with him, they need to rethink their roles. Or: the one where Bucky and Tony are really bored watching a movie. Word Count: 1107 Created for @mcukinkbingo
“So,” Bucky intoned, using his movie narrator voice, which was surprisingly good, “in tonight’s Epic Western Adventure, we have our main character, the Jaded Former Hero, the Saloon Girl with the Heart of Gold, and the Inexplicably Wearing Black Villain.” Tony could swear he was actually hearing the capital letters being pronounced.
The movie watching had become a thing; when they’d had a busy day of superheroing and didn’t really want to be social, they’d hide up in Tony’s penthouse, throw a few movies in, and just chill out. Three months ago, Bucky’d gone through every badly dubbed wire-work ninja assassin movie that he could get his hands on; now, they were going systematically through western flicks.
“If he didn’t wear black, how would we know he was the bad guy?” Tony pointed out. “You think the Saloon Girl will get to hit someone over the head with a chair this time? That’s always awesome.”
“Depends,” Bucky said, taking a handful of popcorn and eating it one piece at a time. “If they just start a bar fight, then yes. If the bad guy shoots the piano player first, I think she’s a fainter. She’s got curly hair.”
Tony hummed in agreement and leaned against Bucky’s side, grabbing his own handful of popcorn. “I think she should run away with the villain and take up a life of crime. He’s clearly better-looking.”
“She’ll trade her white frilly little pants for black ones?” Bucky tilted his head to one side. “I like it. Red corset, though. That pink thing would look silly with black drawers. And you’re right; he’s got awesome facial hair. Also, like, what is it with the hero being blonde and blue-eyed. Not everyone can look like Captain America.”
“You want a turn at being the Sheriff?” Tony teased.
“No,” Bucky said. “When we played cowboys and Indians when I was a kid, I was always the injun. Knocked out the hero, slung the girl over my saddlebow and tied her to the train tracks.”
“It’s the First Nations now,” Tony said. “Or indigenous people. Cowboys and injuns is full of harmful stereotypes and cultural appropriation.” He grabbed another handful of popcorn. “Hafta make the bad guy white nowadays.”
“S’long as I can still steal the saloon girl,” Bucky said. “Throw her over my shoulder, smack her ass a few times, go off and have my wicked way with her.” He eyed Tony speculatively. “You’re the saloon girl, by the way, in this scenario.”
“I would make a stellar saloon girl,” Tony said. “I look amazing in a corset.”
Bucky inhaled sharply, accidentally choked on a piece of popcorn and spent a few seconds coughing. “Yeah,” he said, hoarsely, “I bet you do. Little frilly pants, too, with a convenient slit. I could see it. You dancing on top of the piano, drinking too much, you followed your heart out West, but he ran off on you, and now you’re just looking to fill the void.”
“Yeah? You reckon I’m going to fill it with a bad boy like you, hm? Rustlin’ cattle, robbing stagecoaches, slinging your pistols at any man dares to look at you wrong?”
“You,” Bucky said, putting the popcorn aside and dragging Tony into his lap, “like bad boys. And I’ll absolutely sling my pistol at any man who dares look at you. You’re my saloon girl.” He slid one hand down Tony’s back until he reached Tony’s back pocket, using it to yank him closer.
Tony squirmed around until he was facing Bucky directly, straddling Bucky’s thighs, and draped his arms over Bucky’s shoulders. “Is that so?” he wondered. “You going to keep me in cheap liquor and frilly drawers?”
“Well, sometimes I’d take ‘em off you,” Bucky said, bouncing Tony suggestively. “An’ I could absolutely tie you to the railroad track until you were overcome by my charm, an’ I just had to keep you for my own.” He nuzzled at Tony’s neck. “Bet you’d look pretty all stretched out an’ helpless.”
Tony tipped his head back to give Bucky more room to work. “I don’t know,” he mused. “What’m I getting out of this deal? A girl’s got to have standards, you know.”
“I’ll buy you all the purdy dresses you want, an’ I’ll find that no’count that broke your heart and shoot ‘im dead,” Bucky said, drawling. It was a very bad drawl, not the slightest bit western. More Jersey than Texas.
“Tempting,” Tony said, trailing his hand down Bucky’s chest. “You going to teach me how to shoot your gun?”
“Oh, absolutely,” Bucky said. “Can’t be too careful with a gal that don’t know how to handle a man’s gun.”
Tony smirked and rolled his hips against Bucky’s growing erection. “Good thing I already know how to ride.”
“Rode hard an’ put away wet’s a good look on you, too,” Bucky said. He had reason to know; Tony often felt a bit wrung out after his sexy boyfriend drilled him through the mattress. “Whatcha say, cowgirl, you wanna go for a ride?”
Tony leaned in to catch Bucky’s mouth in a kiss. “If you think you can keep up.”
“You get too far ahead, I c’n lasso you in,” Bucky threatened, smiling hard enough that it made continuing to kiss a little sloppy. He nudged Tony out of his lap -- they’d tried having sex on the sofa a few times and either the cushions slipped out, or Bucky knocked the whole thing over, neither of which was exactly conducive to preserving the mood.
Tony slid off Bucky’s lap and stood up, catching his hand and pulling him along toward the bedroom. “Maybe you’ll try it and find out I’m the villain after all,” he suggested. “Luring you off alone to take you for everything you’ve got.” He looked Bucky up and down with an obvious leer.
“Well, you definitely got the mustache for that, doll,” Bucky told him. “You gonna talk pretty to me an’ relieve me of my virtue?”
Tony feigned surprise. “You’ve got virtue?”
“A few,” Bucky said, and without even a grunt of effort -- supersoldier boyfriend, so unfair, and yet, so, so hot -- slung Tony over his shoulder like a bag of grain. “So, we’re establishin’ here that I am the bad guy.” For emphasis, he swatted Tony’s backside, just hard enough to sting.
Tony yelped and wriggled, secure in his faith that Bucky wouldn’t drop him. “Oh please, Mistah Bad Guy,” he said, in a drawl that wasn’t any better than Bucky’s, “don’t hurt me. I’d do anything.”
“Anything sounds good,” Bucky said. “We’ll start there an’ work our way through everything.” 
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bastardnev · 6 years
That Guy Next Door
im finally fuckin posting this dad au fic im losing it, i meant to post this earlier but tumblr kept glitching so!!! here it is!!
anyways as i’ve said a few times already, this fic will be updating on a weekly basis, which means that there’s gonna be one new chapter every friday until all of them have been uploaded. i hope you all enjoy this fic as much as i enjoyed writing it!!
link to ao3
tagging: @tylerblacks @joonhobi @rivela @aliciasfox @sailor-slam-dunk @kidvoodoo @smolsammich  @simulated-heat @douglas-leon-michael (lemme kno if you wanna be added to my tag list!!)
Chapters: 1/16 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mustafa Ali/Pac | Adrian Neville, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Characters: Mustafa Ali, Pac | Adrian Neville, Wade Barrett, Original Child Character(s), Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Rating will go up, wink wonk, Parenthood, Single Parents, Post-Divorce, Alternate Universe - Parents, god for a sec i didn't think there was a parent au tag on here and i was gonna be so confused, First Meetings, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
"yo" "do me a favor when you get home" "i can see there’s someone new moving in next door" "introduce all of us to him plz n thx"
Single parent Neville was convinced that he would never find love again following his divorce. Little did he realize just how much these four texts from Wade would change his life.
The more that time passed, the more it seemed like Neville was never going to be able to escape this stupid little office.
He was never going to get away from his desk. From his computer. From his phone that never seemed to want to stop ringing for thirty goddamn seconds. From the sounds of his co-workers typing away on their own keyboards. From his boss who almost always seemed to have some new, pointless assignment for him to complete whenever he passed by his cubicle. Such were the woes of working for such a big company…
He told himself that this job was only temporary. Every day he would remind himself that he was only going to be there until he was back on his feet following his divorce. As difficult as this was, it wasn’t going to last forever.
But then a time where he was financially secure enough to start looking for a different job arose, and Neville didn’t jump on the opportunity to leave. He had wanted to stick around for awhile longer to make sure he had completed everything, so that the poor bastard who took this secretary -- no, administrative assistant -- position after him wouldn’t be swamped with missed deadlines and unfinished projects. He didn’t mind staying for a few more days.
Those days turned to weeks. Those weeks turned to months. Those months turned to years.
It had been almost three fucking years since he had the chance to quit, and yet there Neville was, still typing out emails and arranging appointments for higher-ups who couldn’t give any less of a shit about him if they tried.
Sometimes he would stop while in the middle of working, staring intently at his mouse cursor, debating just walking out and leaving this hell behind and never looking back. No one appreciated him. It would make more sense to go elsewhere, wouldn’t it? Where he wouldn’t have to work unnecessarily long hours just to earn a decent pay? Where a boss would actually seem grateful for the work that he puts in?
It was as he would have these thoughts, however, that he would catch sight of the pictures resting next to his computer monitor -- those of two little girls, smiling at the camera and looking so full of life.
His little girls.
The older one was Jennifer, though she was only ever called that when she was in serious trouble (which wasn’t often, now that Neville thought about it) -- otherwise, she was simply known as Jen. She was definitely more like her mother, from having the same light brown hair to the same headstrong personality. Though she was only nine, she was incredibly independent -- almost too independent, however, as she was often too stubborn to ask for help when she was in tough situations.
Then there was Daisy -- ‘Daddy’s favorite,’ as she claimed whenever Neville would do something nice for her (even if he had also done the same thing for Jen). She was six, and even at such a young age she was already showing signs of being just like her father. That is to say, she was becoming a bit of a smartass. True to the little sibling stereotype, she essentially lived to spite Jen, always making sure to say whatever it was she least wanted to hear just so that she could appreciate her over-the-top reactions.
These two lovely children were depending on him. Neville couldn’t quit and risk losing out on money when he knows that they’re counting on him to take care of them.
With that thought in mind, he continued typing.
 If he was lucky, then Neville’s drive from the office back to his home was relatively short, the traffic scarce despite it technically being rush hour.
Unfortunately, that day was not his lucky day.
Despite never actually having met the driver of the minivan that he was stuck behind, Neville felt like he was deeply familiar with their personal life, considering the amount of bullshit on the back of it. There was a stick figure family decal on the back window -- a father, a mother, two little boys, and one little girl. Down on the bumper there were multiple stickers proudly announcing to the world that there were two honors students in the family. What about the third kid? Neville found himself thinking, fingers tapping impatiently on the steering wheel. Are they not good enough for a sticker?
His phone vibrated in the cup holder next to him, and he glanced down at it for a moment before focusing back on the road, pulling up a little once the traffic started to move. He heard the phone vibrate a second time. A third time. By the time the fourth vibration occurred, Neville looked back down at the device and took it in his hands, wondering just what in the hell was so urgent that it required sending that many messages.
Then again, considering that the only person who ever texted him nowadays was Wade, there was no way it was actually anything of substance.
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: yo
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: do me a favor when you get home
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: i can see there’s someone new moving in next door
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: introduce all of us to him plz n thx
Typical. Wade was once again trying to get Neville to do something for him. It seemed like all that Wade had done since moving into the downstairs apartment in Neville’s house was try to butter him up for something. That man truly has not changed since college…
Though Neville ribbed Wade for his tactics, even going as far as to jokingly refer to him as a freeloader in his phone, the truth was that he didn't have any negative feelings towards him at all. In fact, he was actually incredibly grateful for him. Wade had been employed when he moved into Neville’s home after his divorce, but he’d been laid off not too long after, and he’d had no success finding a job ever since. It seemed like every time things were looking up for him and he might have found something other than the occasional odd job, the position was always given to someone else, and as such he was never able to pay his share of that month’s rent.
He was always willing to babysit whenever Neville needed him to, however -- which was fairly often, seeing as his job sometimes required that he stay late at the office. Had it not been for him, Neville would have had to worry about paying a sitter on top of all of the bills and everything else. Difficult as things may be, he was glad to have a close friend like Wade.
Someone actually bought that house, though? Neville thought. It’s been on the market for ages. He could only vaguely remember the small family that used to live there before they abruptly moved because of the father’s job. Though the last thing that Neville wanted to do was give Wade what he wanted, he had to admit that he was just as curious as he was about this new neighbor…
 Me: And why should I do that? Can’t you go over there yourself?
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: your texting while you’re supposed to be driving??
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: dangerous
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: tsk tsk
Me: *you’re
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: SHUT UP
Me: Also I’m in traffic, asshole. Now tell me why you can’t do it yourself?
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: because i just woke up from a nap and have a killer headache and am in no mood to actually socialize
Me: What makes you think I’M in the mood to socialize? I just had a long day at work.
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: because you’re the cuter one between the two of us and it would be better if he saw your pretty face instead of mine
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: you could win over anyone with those eyes of yours
 It was at that moment that Neville placed his phone back down in the cup holder -- partially because the traffic was beginning to move and he needed to start driving again, though mainly because he’d read enough. Wade always tried to compliment him whenever he was too lazy to do something for himself, and Neville was ashamed to admit that this strategy worked more often than not.
This time was going to be different, however. After a long day of typing away at his desk and going straight into bumper-to-bumper traffic, it was going to take a lot more than some sweet talking to get him to introduce himself to a total stranger.
Neville finally pulled into his driveway about fifteen minutes later, turning the car off and leaning back against the seat with a sigh. Somewhere along the way it had started raining, the droplets of rain tapping rhythmically against the windshield. He loved the rain -- that is, when he didn’t actually have to go walking through it. It was a short walk from the car to the front door. Even so, he was not looking forward to getting wet…
As he gathered his bearings, he took a quick look out of the passenger side window, and he noticed that there was a light on inside of the house next door, and there was an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. So Wade was telling the truth when he said that there was a new neighbor. Wonder what their story is.
The neighborhood that Neville lived in wasn’t bad by any means, but he didn’t think that it was an area that anybody would want to willingly move into. Most of the residents tended to keep to themselves, the extent of their interactions with one another being a quick ‘hello’ and nothing more. Wouldn’t someone looking for a place to start their new life look for someplace more interesting? Whoever this new person was must have had no other options.
...Then again, it wasn’t like Neville really cared about what this new person thought. He had more important things to worry about then whatever was going on in their mind.
Neville resigned himself to his damp fate and exited the car, making sure to lock it before trekking through the rain and up the front stops until he reached the door. Despite it being closed, he could hear what sounded like a commotion inside -- just what he needed after the day he’d had. What are they fighting over now ? He clicked his tongue and opened the door, bracing himself for whatever the latest controversy was.
“Jen, you said yourself that you didn’t care if she ate your leftovers or not.” The first voice that Neville heard was that of Wade, who was clearly trying to mediate an argument between the two girls, standing in front of Jen while Daisy hid behind his back.
“I said I didn’t want them! I never said she could have them!” Jen had her arms crossed.
“I never ate them, though!” Daisy peeked out from behind Wade, clutching his shirt, dark brown curls falling over her face. “I swear! Why would I want something that you touched?”
“Uh… Hello?” Neville decided to speak up, prompting the three of them to look over in his direction.
“Daddy!!” Daisy let go of Wade and went charging towards him, now opting to hide behind him instead (and prompting a “What, am I not a good enough shield for you?” from Wade). “Jen’s bullying me again!”
“I am not!” Jen insisted. “She’s the one that did something wrong! She ate my food!”
Of all the ridiculous arguments that these two could have had, they had to have one over chicken tenders? Were fights over toys going out of style? “Okay, listen,” Neville started. “Jen, you did say that you didn’t mind if someone else ate them. And Daisy, you shouldn’t insinuate that anything your sister touches is dirty.”
Daisy blinked at him. Neville couldn’t imagine why she looked so confused, seeing as he made a perfectly good point.
“Nev,” Wade said. “She’s six. I don’t think she knows what ‘insinuate’ means.”
“Right… Okay, how about this -- don’t say that anything she touches is dirty. There, is that better?”
Daisy nodded this time. Neville knew her too well, though. It may appear as if she understood, but in reality she was plotting her next move. Chances are she had plenty more insults ready to unleash the moment that Neville’s back was turned.
Jen made a disgusted sound and stormed into the hallway, bounding up the stairs towards her room. Now that her enemy had disappeared, Daisy deemed it safe enough to emerge from hiding, heading towards the kitchen. Neville pushed his glasses up his nose as he watched her go. “How did that argument even start, anyway?” He asked.
“Hell if I know.” Wade shrugged. “I was minding my own business when Daisy came running in here claiming that Jen was going to kill her. Again.”
“Did she even eat the leftovers?”
“No, she didn’t.”
“Then who…” He squinted at Wade. “ You ate them, didn’t you?”
“Of course you did.” Neville sat down on the couch, rubbing at his temples.
“What, did you expect me to speak up? Angry Jen isn’t fun to deal with. The last thing I wanted was to be on the receiving end of her wrath. She clearly got that gene from you.”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
Wade took a seat next to him. “Enough about that, though. What happened with the new guy next door?”
“I didn’t talk to him.”
“What?” He looked disappointed. “Not even after I asked you so nicely?”
“Trying to get me to do something for you by buttering me up isn’t always going to work, Wade. I told you that I had a long day today and I wasn’t up for introductions. I’ll get around to it when I’m not exhausted.”
Wade huffed, propping his feet up on the coffee table (and having them shoved off by Neville a few seconds later). “All I’m trying to do is help you get back out there…”
Neville looked at him, eyes narrow. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, did I say that out loud? Oops.” Wade was acting as if that were an accident, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he’d clearly meant for Neville to hear him.
“What do you mean that you’re trying to help me ‘get back out there’?”
��Well, y’know…” Wade began to play with his nails, avoiding Neville’s gaze. “I thought you and the cute new guy next door might want to chat for awhile, maybe hang out sometime, that’s all.”
“You-- Wait, you actually want me to date this guy? This guy who I’ve never even met? Are you kidding me?” Neville had learned so much about Wade in the years that they’d known each other, but never once had he shown any interest in trying to play matchmaker. “Why do you want this so badly?”
“I just thought it would be nice! I know you’ve been lonely lately--”
“And just how would you know that?”
“Nev, I’ve been your friend since college. I’ve been living with you ever since you and Marina split. The last few years have been rough for you romance-wise, and it’s obvious that it’s taken a toll on you.”
Neville swallowed at the mention of his wife’s name. “How do you know ?” He repeated, growing a little impatient.
“I feel like I hardly ever see you smile anymore,” Wade continued. “It’s not that you never smile, it’s just… genuinely happy smiles are pretty rare for you these days. I thought that maybe finding you a nice guy to hang out with would help lift your spirits a bit -- and who knows, something great could come out of this. You should give him a chance.”
Neville knew that he was probably being rude, but he still rolled his eyes, shaking his head and once again pushing his glasses up his nose. He knew that Wade didn’t mean any harm. He was one of the few truly good people that Neville knew, and he would never do anything to hurt him.
This, on the other hand, while it didn’t hurt him by any means, was on a whole different level. “Wade, listen… I understand that you’re just trying to help,” Neville started. “I appreciate that you’re looking out for me. But I know I’ve told you before that I’m not interested in finding a partner at the moment. I have a family to support, and I don’t have time to be fooling around with romance right now.”
“Okay…” Wade’s shoulders drooped. “Sorry if it seemed like I was forcing you into something that you didn’t want.”
“No need to apologize.” Neville stood up from the couch, stretching. “I gotta go get changed. These clothes are so damn uncomfortable.”
“It’s times like these where I’m almost glad I don’t work,” Wade commented, watching Neville as he made to leave the room. “Otherwise I’d have to wear stuff like that .”
“I envy you, I won’t lie.”
Neville arrived at the top of the steps and started to make his way down the hallway. He briefly stopped in front of the door to the girls’ room, knowing that Jen was most likely still stewing inside. He knew that she would get over it eventually, but it still bothered him knowing that she was angry with the wrong person. Maybe once she calms down we can tell her… Though Wade will probably be scared shitless while we do it.
He continued down the hall and made it to his own room, taking off his jacket and tossing it onto the bed. He was about to start undoing the buttons on his shirt when he noticed that the window was open, and he let out a little annoyed noise. Great, now the floor is wet…
It was when he went over to close it that he once again caught sight of the house next door -- in particular, his eye was drawn to the window. He could see that there was someone moving around inside, but he was only able to see his back. There he is, the man of my dreams… or so I’ve been told.
Neville wasn’t in the mood to be accused of being a creeper, so he quickly shut the window and closed the blinds, resuming his undressing. Whoever the hell this new guy was, he wasn’t interested in watching what he assumed were his dinner preparations (nor was he willing to strip right where he could see it).
For all the complaints that Neville had about his job, there was one thing about it that he did like -- the fact that he was able to work from home on Fridays.
He was set up at the kitchen table, lazily scrolling through the emails that were gradually piling up in his inbox. Most of them didn’t even concern him -- in the beginning they were about figuring out what time would work best for everyone for the next meeting, now most of them were people debating which day of the week would be better between Monday and Tuesday. I’m stuck in that office anyway regardless of the day, so what does it even matter? Neville thought to himself, taking a sip from his coffee mug as he went to work deleting some of the messages.
“What a sight to behold.” Neville looked up from the screen and found that Wade had entered the room. “You’re still sitting here working and drinking from that ‘World’s Okayest Dad’ mug. Don’t you think you should give yourself a break?”
“I already took my break earlier,” Neville replied just as he heard another chime ring out from his laptop -- the meeting would officially be on Monday, despite numerous complaints. Incoming shitstorm.
“Take another one. What’s stopping you? It’s not like anyone can tell that you’re not working.”
“They’ll tell when I’m not responding to any of their emails.”
“So if you don’t respond immediately after they send it to you then they’ll know that you’re slacking off? Sounds rough. Glad I’m not working there.”
“You’re not working, period .”
“Exactly, and who would want to with those regulations?” Wade went to the fridge and dug around inside until he came back with a bottle of water, unscrewing the cap and taking a sip. “Hey, where are the girls? I haven’t seen them all afternoon.”
“Outside in the yard.” Neville nodded his head in the direction of the back door. “I’m surprised they’ve been playing for so long without getting into a fight.” Right as Neville finished saying that, he heard a thud and the unmistakable sound of Daisy yelling “Ow!” “Ah, I see I spoke too soon.”
A few moments later, both girls stumbled into the kitchen through the back door. “Daddy, Daisy threw the ball over the fence again,” Jen complained, elbowing her sister in the side.
“Ow-- It wasn’t my fault! She was the one who threw it.”
“You said you were ready for me to throw it!”
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did! Daddy, didn’t you hear her say she was ready? She’s lying again--”
“Alright, alright, that’s enough,” Neville interrupted her before she could say anything more, and he pushed back his chair. “You two head back outside and wait in the yard. I’ll go get the ball for you.”
Jen and Daisy looked at each other before they both walked back outside, the two of them getting into a brief scuffle in the doorway since they couldn’t decide which of the two of them got to go through first (Jen ultimately won by reminding Daisy of who the older sibling was). Neville pinched the bridge of his nose once they were gone, letting out a sigh. “What am I going to do with them…”
“Well, you can start by getting their ball,” Wade said.
Neville made a little frustrated noise and stood up, though it was as he was about to leave that he noticed the cocky smirk on Wade’s face. “What’s up with you?”
“Nev, how did you get the ball the last time they threw it over the fence?” he asked, leaning back against the counter.
“Uh… I went into the yard and got it?”
“You realize you can’t do that anymore, right? Since there’s now someone living there. That’s trespassing.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is that you’re going to have to get the new neighbor’s permission to go back there and get it. You two are finally going to meet.”
“Oh God, are you still on this?” Neville huffed. “I told you that I’m not interested in being in a relationship right now. Let it go .”
“I never said you had to date him. Just that you’re gonna be meeting for the first time.”
“Maybe so, but I know you’re thinking it.” He waggled his finger at him. “And let me tell you this: I’m going to go next door, ask for the ball back, and then come right back here. No bullshit, no stopping inside for coffee or whatever, no nothing . You got that?”
“Whatever you say, mate.” Wade still didn’t look entirely convinced, but he didn’t press the issue any further and left the kitchen, leaving Neville all by himself.
What a pain in the ass… Neville shook his head as he watched Wade retreat downstairs. He waited until he was gone before exiting into the hallway and walking towards the front door.
The moment that the early-August heat hit his face, Neville immediately regretting going outside. God, how have those kids been playing out here for all this time? He despised the thought of meeting his new neighbor while drenched in sweat, so he decided to stop wasting time and briskly started the trek over to the house next door.
“It won’t take him much longer, calm down!” Neville could hear the faint sound of Jen reprimanding her sister from his own yard.
“We’ve been waiting foreverrrrr…” Naturally, the next voice he heard was that of Daisy.
Five minutes. It’s been five minutes since they asked. At most.
Neville looked up at the house that was now in front of him, and he marched up to the door with authority, determined not to let Wade’s nonsense get in the way of what he came here to do. He didn’t come here to flirt or do anything of that nature -- he was not going to let the wannabe matchmaker that lived in his basement cloud his judgement.
He rang the doorbell and took a step back, crossing his arms and waiting for some sort of response. He could still hear the sounds of Daisy and Jen bickering from the yard. He debated taking out his phone and asking Wade to keep an eye on them, but it was right as he reached for his pocket that the door opened.
“Hi, I’m—” Neville stopped himself once he got a good look at the man now standing in the doorway, his mouth hanging open slightly.
“Um… How can I help you?” The man asked, brown eyes narrowed in confusion, like he couldn’t figure out why this stranger was gaping at him on his doorstep. It was those same eyes that Neville found himself suddenly lost in, momentarily forgetting just why the hell he was there in the first place. That’s a good question -- how can you help me?
Neville cleared his throat, shaking his head and snapping himself out of his trance. “Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you, but my kids accidentally threw their ball over your fence. I was wondering if we could get it back.”
“Oh, that’s what that was?” He smiled. “I heard yelling coming from next door and was wondering what had happened.”
“Ah, well, you know how little girls can be sometimes…”
“Trust me, I do. I work with them. I can toss the ball back over for ‘em.”
“Thank you.” Neville returned his smile. “Again, sorry to trouble you. I know you’re still busy unpacking.” Neville could see the moving boxes that were sitting in the hallway. “Don’t mean to interrupt.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not a problem at all. Hey, what’s your name, by the way? I’m Mustafa.”
“Mustafa…” Neville repeated. It was a nice name. “I’m Adrian.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Adrian.” There was that infectious smile again. Neville found himself quite liking how his name sounded coming from his mouth -- and he normally hated his first name. “You’re the first person around here that I’ve actually spoken to, you know that?”
“That doesn’t shock me.” He frowned. “The people around here aren’t exactly the nicest. They don’t really do things like greeting new neighbors.”
“That’s a shame… But at least I have one nice neighbor in you . That makes up for it.” Mustafa shot him a wink. “I should probably go get the ball now -- I’ll catch you later, okay?”
“Okay! I’ll, uh… see you around.”
With that, Mustafa shut the door, and Neville let out a breath that he didn’t even realize that he was holding. Finally, it was over . He had done what needed to be done, and now he could go back home and rub it in Wade’s face.
I didn’t linger at all. Neville thought with a sense of triumph as he went down to the sidewalk. Wade was so sure that I was going to fall head over heels for him within thirty seconds of knowing him. Not even close.
…Still, Neville thought it was a bit strange how he had acted when Mustafa first opened the door. Everything about their conversation was normal with the exception of the beginning. Neville had been completely entranced by him, especially those eyes … What was that all about?
Neville’s moment of contemplation didn’t last very long, as he was interrupted by the gleeful sounds of his daughters, whose ball had just been returned to them. He was overthinking things, as usual. He only felt this way because Wade planted the seeds in his mind.
This was nothing to dwell on.
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foreverhakyeon-blog · 7 years
Wake Up
pairing : Hakyeon x Taekwoon | Neo
word : 2460
Oneshot of bestfriends Hakyeon and Taekwoon, whereby Hakyeon got into accident and in coma.
"Hakyeon, wake up" Taekwoon whisper as he shakes Hakyeon faintly. "Please"
"How am I going to live without you" his eyes starts to water, "I can't"
Hakyeon was still lying helplessly on the hospital bed.
Taekwoon's POV
Im not mute. I can talk if I want to. I talk if I need to.
It's just that, I refused to do so. I chose to observed instead of talking. It's comfortable being like this, observing the others.
But that's not what the other thinks.
'Taekwoon is a freak'
'Look at how he look at us, is he planning something'
'I've never heard his voice'
'Taekwoon is weird.'
I'm used to hear things like that. There are times when they act like they were whispering but it was loud enough for me to hear what they said about me. I hear it all. Sometimes they just say it in my face. I don't really care though. Let they say what they want. People are free to say what they want to say anyways.
After a while, people start to take advantage on me.
'Taekwoon will lift that heavy thing'
'Taekwoon will clean the classroom'
'Taekwoon will never say no, he don't talk anyway'
'let Taekwoon do it'
I just nodded and do what they ask me to do. It's not hard anyways. It felt helping them. I don't mind.
But after that,
They started to do more.
Sometimes they beat me without a reason.
'he won't say anything'
'Taekwoon can be punchbag for the day. He'll never report it to anyone'
'because he don't talk'
"Stop it. Why are you doing this to him?!" I heard someone yelled from a far. I saw he ran to us ; me and the three boys. Jay, minki and Junho. They used to be my friends. Well, I thought they are. Until one day they suddenly starts to beat me without a reason.
"are you okay?" the boy asked me in concern. I have never saw him face before.
"oh. new kid. seems like you wanted to get beat to. you need some teaching" Jay said, his fist are ready to punch the boy.
"Try if you have the gut." The boy said bravely. He is a lot smaller than the three boys, can he fight them?
Jay started to launch a punch to the boy but he was fast enough to dodge it. Seconds after that the guard came. The three boys run away. The boy then report to the guard "They bullied my friend!" Since when I became his friend? The guard nodded his head as he look at me with pity. "Bring him to the nurse's office" The guard said before continue chasing the three boys.
"Hey, are you okay?" The boy ask me again. He help me stand up. I nodded.
"What is your name?" He looks at me. I showed him my name tag. "Ohh~ Jung Taekwoon" he smiled.
Hakyeon extended his hand, "I'm Cha Hakyeon"
"Taekie you're back!!" Hakyeon cheered happily as I walk in the house. After that day, Hakyeon and I had become really close. We even went to the same university. Hakyeon had always been there for me. He protects me with all he have. He is cheerful and fun to be with, but sometimes I wish he can control his anger.
It's not that he ever beat me when he is mad or something. Hakyeon will never hurt me. He rarely gets mad at me. But he tend to hurt those who hurt me.
If only I didn't bumped into Kangin on the way home today, it will not turn out this way. "Taek?" Hakyeon called me as he noticed that I was avoiding him.
I covered my face with mask and wear my favorite black hoodie. "I'm tired." I said, hoping that he will understand and leave me alone.
"Something is wrong with you" I heard Hakyeon muttered. We have been for so long that he can notice even a slight changes of me.
"Wait!" He hold my wrist, preventing me from running away. He forced me to face him. He reach my mask and in a second the mask are off my face. Hakyeon observed my face.
His face slowly turned red, boiling with anger. "Who did this?" He touch my purple cheek. Obviously someone has hurt his bestfriend and Hakyeon wouldn't let that person go.
I flinched. This is not what I want. Last time someone had accidentally punch me at the stomach, Hakyeon punched him back and the boy had to stay in hospital for three days.
"Tell me who. I'll kill him with my own hands" Hakyeon said again. He punch the wall angrily.
"I promised to take care of you didn't I? I'll protect you. Tell me who! I'll search for him. I'll kill him for you. who the fuck-"
He punch the wall again
and again
"I'll kill-"
Hakyeon hand starts to bleeds
I reach him, locking his hand in my grip and hug him to cool him down. "It's okay. It's okay. Calm down." I whispered and patted his back. "I'm okay. I'm okay"
"Taek, what are you going to do if I'm not around anymore? Who's going to protect you?" Hakyeon asked one day when we were watching his favorite drama.
I stop crunching the food in my mouth and look at him. Hakyeon is strange like this. Sometimes he would ask weird questions all of sudden. "Are you going anywhere? or you have incurable illness? are you dying?" I asked him back. I had never dream a life without him.
"No. What? are you happy if I have that kind of illness? What kind of friend are you?!!" He punch me playfully "answer me"
"I think I'll live peacefully. I can protect myself. plus, I don' have to cook for you too hahahha" I laugh as I said it. Hakyeon pouted. "I hate you. seriously" He stand up and walk to his room.
"yah! are you sulking? I'm kidding" I laugh. He is so sensitive nowadays.
Hakyeon started to play his ukulele
When I'm gone, when I'm gone You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me by my hair You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
When I'm gone, when I'm gone You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me by my walk You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
"No I'm not" I said playfully. He sang louder and almost shout at me
When I'm gone, when I'm gone You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me by my hair You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
When I'm gone, when I'm gone You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me by my walk You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
'When are you coming back?' I messaged Hakyeon. It's been six days since he goes back to his hometown, Changwon. I admit that I felt a little bored alone at the house. Usually I would go back to my hometown too but my parents are on vacation so there's no one at home.
After five minutes I heard my phone rang, I pick it up
"You miss me don't you? I knew it you can't live without me" I heard Hakyeon loud voice on the other side of the phone. He is cheerful like always.
"no, I'm not. I'm just bored"
"You are so egoistic Jung Taekwoon. But whatever I took that as you miss me" He stated.
Seriously. Why did I pick up his call?
He is soooo full of himself.
"I'm hanging up" I warned him
"Jeez. I'm going back tomorrow. Happy?"
I ran into the hospital as soon as I reach there. "Taek hyung, wait for me" I heard Hongbin shouted from the back, but I can't. I have to hurry. I head to the counter "Yes, can I help you?" the nurse asked me.
"I..I..I" I keep stuttering as I can't form any word to say. My face was bloodless. This can't be happening. Tell me this isn't happening.
"We're looking for a patient name Cha Hakyeon" Hongbin panting, he said and catching his breath. "Okay, give me a sec"
We headed to the room the nurse had told us. Hakyeon lying unconscious on the bed. His face was pale. There's scratches all over on his face and his body. His leg broke and being supported. His head were bandaged.
"Ha-Hakyeon" I rush to his bed. "Ha-Hakyeon, wake up" I shake his left hand softly. My tears fall down like razor blades. "Wake up" I said again, crying.
Hongbin touch my shoulder from the back, he was crying too.
I told him to go back the next day, because it was raining so bad that day. But he said he promised his friend to come back early. I still remembered he smiled, saying he can't break his promises. He is so stubborn. If only he listens to me....
I recall what Hakyeon's sister told me.
You still broke your promise.
You said you're going back.
It's been a week.
You said you're going back.
You're a liar Hakyeon.
It's been two weeks since Hakyeon's accident. The doctor said that he was healing but he still haven't open his eyes. The doctor said everything is okay. but he isn't waking up.
I visited Hakyeon every single day. I even take turn with his family staying overnight at the hospital, taking care of Hakyeon. Sometimes I would bring flowers. Sometimes I bring book to read it to him. Sometimes I even talk to him, I tell him stories even though I know he'll not react to what I say. But somehow, deep in my heart I know he can hear it.
or maybe I hope so.
"You're a good friend Taekwoon" Hakyeon's sister patted me on the shoulder one day, she hand me an apple."At least eat something. When was the last time you eat?"
I take the apple and smile at her. I couldn't even remember when was it. I look at Hakyeon again. I look at the wire that being painfully connected to his body.
I suddenly remembered Hakyeon cheerful voice when I come back after having a rough bad day. 'Taekwoon are you okay? Let's do something you like! Remember that movie you liked so much? Let's watch it again! Taekwoon I bought your favorite meat. Let's eat it!!
"Hakyeon is a good friend" I replied after a while.
Hakyeon always love watching drama. I remembered that one day he forced me to watch his favorite drama with him. I end up accompany him watching the dramas almost all the time.
"Hakyeon, guess what?" I said as I took a sit beside his bed.
He didn't reply, but back then he would always asked me back, "what?" excitedly. I miss his excited face that would glitter as he want to know what I'm going to say.
I open my laptop, "I downloaded your favorite drama. Remember that drama called cheer up? You love it so much right? We haven't finish the drama yet you know?"
I open a folder named 'Cheer up' and click 'play' on episode 8. "Let's watch it"
After two hours of watching the drama I get tired. I look at Hakyeon that was still lying peacefully. "Hakyeon, why are you still sleeping? Wake up."
"You said you'll protect me. How are you going to protect me if you're lying like this" my eyes starts to water again. I did not bother to wipe my tears. I hold Hakyeon's weak hand and squeezed it lightly, "I miss you"
Suddenly I remembered all Hakyeon's words. My memories with him being played again like a flashback. I remember the first time we met. Our graduation day. The day when we both got into the same university. The day when we first time drank liquor and get drunk together. The day when we begged our parents to let us rent an apartment near the university. The day when we went to Jeju Island for vacation. Everything being played back.
'Hi, I'm Cha Hakyeon'
'I promised to take care of you didn't I? I'll protect you'
'you're my bestfriend Taekwoonie'
'You miss me don't you? I knew it you can't live without me'
'You are so egoistic Jung Taekwoon'
'I'm going back tomorrow'
Hakyeon's POV
It hurts. My body hurts.
I look around. It was dark. I was left alone in the dark.
Where am I?
Am I dead?
'Hakyeon, why are you still sleeping? Wake up.'
'You said you'll protect me. How are you going to protect me if you're lying like this'
'I miss you'
Is that you?
Where are you?
I look around, searching for Taekwoon.
Suddenly I saw a light beam in front of me. I ran and ran, chasing the light
"Taek!! Is that you?" I scream wholeheartedly.
"Taekwoon!!" I yelled. The light slowly fading. I felt my body slowly started to weaken.
I close my eyes.
I'm scared.
Taek help me.
I open my eyes when I felt my hand being squeezed.
It's so bright that it hurts my eyes.
I look around to the unfamiliar place.
Where am I?
I try to move my hands and legs.
I thought I was, I thought I could move them.
I couldn't.
I desperately try to move my toes, but it felt like there was nothing there.
What happened? I started to panic. I tried again, slowly and steadily, I gained some control over my fingers. I could move my thumb. I sighs in relief.
I then notice someone crying while holding my hand. I squeeze his hand, and suddenly he look up.
He look at me in disbelief.
I wanted to ask what happened but I'm too weak, my voice won't go out.
Taekwoon. Taekwoon.
He look at me and cried. He cried and cried. "Hakyeon" He said
I nodded. I look at him warmly. I observe Taekwoon that look like a mess. His hair was all over and his face are swollen.
"You're back. I thought I lost you. I thought you left me!" He cried again.
"You promised to protect me but you didn't wake up. I'm afraid. I thought I lost you" He cried so bad.
"It was so hard for me. I miss you so much I felt like dying"
Seconds after, the doctor rush in, checking me all over.
After a while the doctor smiled, looking at me, "Welcome back"
I turn my head, looking Taekwoon. He was still crying.
I smiled at Taekwoon. “Taekwoon-ah”
"W-Welcome back Cha Hakyeon"
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