#im um. well sappy about them maybe
cherubchoirs · 1 year
Just ignoring that I've been investedly reading and liking most of ya stuff recently, BUT (idk if you've answered this or not yet I might just be blind) but how do you think V1s and Gabe's first 'non hostile' encounter went? How did v1 go about resisting its programming, and gabe his, so to speak?
Thanks for further fueling my brainrot btw, your long text posts are like a guilty pleasure to read, pls make more ^^
aaaa thank you so much ;o; it genuinely makes me so happy to know that ppl read my ridiculously long answers to so many things and all the lore building!! i wish i could pass out pieces of cake to all of you.....
i actually haven't talked about this scenario in particular, but it's really one i enjoy even if it's a small, quieter scene. gabriel at this point needs something like closure, and i think just about all he can get is knowing whether or not the connection and passion he felt with v1 was reciprocated in some capacity. did v1 recognize him? can it feel anything from him? he had never been so personally affected by another, and so he goes against what he is to seek out that answer. to see if v1 is willing to interface with him through communicating rather than attempting to bleed him dry....because he thinks it just might. gabriel knows that v1 has the capacity to be non-hostile, as it has relented at the end of both of their encounters to allow him to speak, meaning its engagement of another actually isn't automatic or forced. that aside, he's also highly aware he instigated both fights - their encounter in gluttony was an obviously hostile display that v1 immediately responded to, while in heresy it....approached him from behind, yet didn't fire until he, again, armed himself against it. he knows he's set a precedent now, with v1 perhaps marking him as belligerent, but he decides to risk approaching it anyway with his swords sheathed to see what might happen.
i think he observes it at a distance for just a bit, seeing what it does when it has nothing around it to fight...and he's left half-surprised. it doesn't immediately take off to the next room in a mindless search for blood, but instead explores its surroundings uninhibited by enemy combatants. it's safe. it roots around curiously, using its guns and fists to break through obstacles and offering soft little chirps at unexpected sights or sounds. it's almost surreal for him, understanding in that moment that they had both only seen one side of the other - v1 is undoubtedly capable of tearing hell apart, yet it clearly has a mind that occupies itself beyond that goal. it has an internal world, and that's all he needed to know. so gabriel silently touches down when he's satisfied, doing his best to gauge just when to approach it so he doesn't catch it too off-guard (he even folds up his wings in an attempt to reduce his bulk)
as expected, v1 is still surprised and immediately wary - he sees its head snap to and its entire body stiffen to its viper-like readiness. a coin held fast, not yet launched into the air. gabriel raises his hands to show their emptiness, telling it in soft but certain terms that he wishes for them to meet in peace. v1 doesn't seem to respond, still standing in rapt attention and ready to strike. so gabriel stops moving forward and considers his options. again risky, but he's a dead man walking anyway. he kneels to the ground, bowing his head and still holding up his hands far from his swords in an effort to fully impress that he means it no harm. not this time. a beat passes between them, gabriel almost surprised by his own sense of calm, until he hears the quick little steps of v1's feet coming to greet him. the coin flicks and he almost winces, but then it flicks again. and again. and he looks up to see v1's face a couple inches from his own. he can hear the little zoom of its optical, see how the rings in its lens dilate and contract as it investigates him up close. he huffs a quiet laugh in response, sending v1 jumping back and flaring out its wings before he apologizes and continues to hold still. it seems to accept this as it moves back in, soon reaching out a hand to touch him and figure out just what he's made of, how he's put together.
gabriel begins to speak as it explores, at first a disjointed stream of consciousness until he can find how to articulate his troubled mind with its dying thoughts. he stays there bowed to it, coming to pour his heart out like a last confession to an entirely silent companion. until he asks if it hears him. if it knows him. if it recognizes anything in him or if he's truly alone in all he's felt, calling out to a partner that can't answer in the same way. and v1 stands there still quiet, still just staring. gabriel tries to immediately fill that silence like he can't bear it, saying that it's truly ok. even if v1 is empty, he thanks it for what it did, thanks it for letting him remember who he was and feel as if he was fully himself one last time. and he's never been just himself for himself, so it gave him something new right at the end of everything and even if all of this just the one-sided, foolish feelings of a dying angel it really is the only thing that can mean anything at all when the world is dying the same way he is - until v1 flicks its coin at his helmet. and it nods. it hears him. for once gabriel is rendered speechless as v1 huddles down next to him. it has time. gabriel struggles with the mortifying, terrifying, incredible, phenomenal thought that the little machine beside him might harbor an ounce of the same feelings he does for it. it's not an automatic love, it's not a complete surrender of what they had been before - v1 still hasn't processed its feelings while a part of gabriel still can't accept that he truly loves v1 (they're decently hot and cold for a minute, having quiet intimate moments that one or the other ruins - intentionally or not - to end in a bloody fight), but this is where it starts. because really, neither of them can come back from knowing that they would choose to spend time with each other without the promise of a fight.
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
Reunion segz with Bill maybe? Getting back together with him after a bad fight or maybe you’re his ex from his early tokio hotel days/you’re an ex member of the band 🤭🤭
I got another request very similar to this that i haven’t done yet so here you go lol!!
Bill Kaulitz x Reader
Summery: you see Bill at a party after not seeing him since you broke up
Warnings: unprotected sex, maybe a little bit of scratching, sappy reunion ngl, Bill being protective of you🤭 idfk you guy just have cute fluffy sex??
You walk into your friends house and are immediately hit with the scent of alcohol and weed. The house was dimly lit so you couldn’t really recognize anyone in the room. Sighing, you walk towards the kitchen. You weren’t necessarily in the partying mood, you really only came because your friend begged you to. Which you thought was kinda strange because usually they arent so insistent on making you come to things like this. And of course the person who invited you was no where to be found.
You took a step outside by the pool and thats when you saw him. Bill fucking Kaulitz, your ex boyfriend, standing by your friend and a couple random people. Now it makes sense why your friend wanted you to come so bad. You had just recently told them how you missed him. Bill looked away from whoever he was talking to and locked eyes with you. His eyes widened as he watched you from across the patio. God, you could just die right now. The way he’s looking st you like your the most beautiful being on the planet makes your heart beat faster.
“Hey y/n! Come over here!” Your friend called out. You felt your heart drop when you realized there was no hiding from him. He stared at you the whole time you were walking over. “Y/nnn im so glad you’re here, look did you see Bil-“ you cut them off by pulling them away from the scene.
“What the hell? Why didn’t you tell me he would be here?!” You whisper-yelled at your clearly drunk friend. They just laughed and handed you their drink.
“Y/n its fineee just have a drink and calm down!”
“Fine? F/n. I look like shit, and I am not anywhere near ready to see him without rethinking our whole break up-“
Someone slammed there body into yours, causing you to stumble into a nearby table. The person was clearly pissed off and drunk. They took a step towards you and you backed up.
“Watch it dumbass! Get the fuck out of the way next time!” Before you could say anything you saw someone come up behind the angry man and yank him away from you. No fucking way. It was Bill. You’re stomach erupted with butterflies when you saw how protective he still was over you.
“Don’t talk to her like that! You’re the one who can’t handle your fucking alcohol.” Your jaw dropped at his tone towards the other man. You hadn’t even talked to him since you guys broke up, and he still cares about you? You grabbed Bills arm and tugged on it a bit, trying to get his attention.
“Its ok, he’s just drunk he’s probably not even gonna remember this. Just calm down.” He let go of the guys shirt and gave him a shove in thr opposite direction. “Thank you. I would have been alright though Bill.” He clicks his tongue and looks down at you.
“Yeah well, I’m not gonna let anyone treat you like that. You don’t deserve it.” His voice comes out softer than you expected. You couldn’t help but smile at the sweet man in front of you. “Do you wanna go somewhere else and talk..?” He asked, shifting nervously.
“Um, yeah..yeah sure.” You tried to hide the shake in your voice as you followed him out of the backyard and up the stairs of your friends house. Once you reach your friends guest room, both of you step closer to each other. You can’t stop the words from coming out of your mouth
“Bill, I miss you..”
“Shit.. I miss you too.”
Neither of you moved. You just stood there, inches away from each other. Your eyes move from his to look at his lips until he grabbed your face and kissed you. You close your eyes and hum at the familiar feeling of his lips on yours. He pushes your body against the door, successfully keeping you in place.
“Missed you so bad Bill. Feels so lonely without you.” You mumbled against his lips. Bill softly moans at your words.
“I never stopped loving you honey. ‘Could never love someone else the way I love you. Your my soulmate.” You could hear the genuineness of his words. You whimper quietly, trying to hold back tears. “Hey, hey no. Don’t cry sweetheart, I’m here now. I can’t let you go again.” You pull him back down to kiss you again, running your hands through his soft hair. He spread your legs with his knee and lifts it up to rest against your clothed heat. (I actually hate that im sorry) You let out a shocked gasp and put your arms around his neck to support yourself.
“Bill please, ‘want you so bad. I need you.” You use the most sweet tone, hoping to convince him to not tease you. He smiles widely and laughs a little.
“Ok, ok hun, are you sure? I don’t want this to be something you regret.” His giggly tone faded into a concerned one. You lean up to kiss the corner of his lips,
“Of course I’m sure Bill. Fuck, I mean I’ve thought about this every day since we broke up.” His smile returned and he kisses your forehead.
“Lets get these and pants off of you you, yeah?” You giggled and nodded watching him pull down your pants and underwear. He slipped his hand between your legs and groaned. “Shit, you really did miss me.” He teases, knowing damn well he’s just as needy for you. He pulls his hand away from you and pulled his own pants off. He goes to take off your shirt but you stop him,
“No, no just fuck me please. I need to feel you now.” You whine to him, practically begging.
“Alright sweetie calm down, I got you.” He picks you up, making you wrap your legs around his hips. He lined his tip up with your entrance and leaves little kisses on your face as he pushes into you. You groan and dig your nails into his shoulder. He doesn’t even let you catch your breath before thrusting his hips into yours.
“God you feel so good! Needed your dick inside me so bad!” You moan, not even caring about how desperate you sound.
“I know, I missed this fucking pussy. So perfect for me, so so perfect.” Both of you were basically high off of each other’s presence, having been so close for so long then not seeing each other for months. He speeds up his thrusts and grips your hips tightly. You feel euphoric, running your hands all over his body, trying to feel every part of him.
“B-bill I’m gonna~ shit I’m so close please don’t stop!” You yelped, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Shhh. Its ok honey, cum for me, please. Please cum.” Both of you were begging for each other, but neither of you felt any shame. You both knew you were meant for each other. You arch your back and let your orgasm rush through you. Bill whimpers at the feeling and his hips stutter. He finishes inside you and you are both left panting and groaning.
“Would you please take me back y/n?”
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lovverletters · 11 months
Ok so I did send a request idea but im also still thinking about the serial killer guy and im just.
Im so love him so so much and just
Sobbing crying and holding his face gently.
Im so gay. Im such a gay lil man for big scary dude
And I just wanna.... dote on him.
Like ok I mean yes he HAS killed people and all and is kinda super scary
But god my dumb ass with a big heart just seeing him covered in blood and maybe hurt somehow and going like "hey... hey uh... let's get you cleaned up and patched up ok?"
And just being so gentle with him, wiping the blood off and maybe even learning to stitch wounds closed just for him.
Ok so what if maybe he has kidnapped me. He means well I think! Hasn't done anything to hurt me so I mean come on maybe he is lonely and needs some kindness ya know? (Totally not delusional ♡♡♡)
I mean sure it was scary at first and all but like he's a person too right? He's got a heart. He needs some gentle care and love.
Making him a flower crown, putting stickers on his mask and arms, holding his hand gently and just feeling his big palms with my smaller lil hands and treating him with such gentle care.
I am so sappy and gay im sorry
I just love him-
♡Bunny (whos a gay lil idiot♡♡♡)
Yandere! Serial Killer part 2
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A/N : this was supposed to come out on Halloween but um things happens💟 hope you like it! Sorry for the ending heh🐰
T/W : blood, mentioned of murder, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome(?), the reader lowkey kinda insane too, yandere themes.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
[Name] stared at the screen of the television showcasing a random horror movie absentmindedly, not paying much attention to it as their thoughts were occupied.
It was well past midnight and they were still wide awake.
They were unable to sleep due to the loud thundering sounds of the storm outside and decided to watch a movie instead and hopefully fall asleep to it.
It didn't work obviously as they were currently staring blankly at the scene of a man being brutally murdered by an axe-wielding killer in the movie. It was concerning how they barely reacted to the grotesque scene.
They've seen real horrors before.
[Name] has essentially been desensitised of seeing blood and gore. The sight being far too common nowadays after they met him.
Their ears perked up at the sound of a jingling keys and the doorknob twisting open. He's home. [Name] turned their gaze from the movie to the man who's currently standing at their front door.
"You're back and.. bloodied as usual" They greeted him, eyes trailing over his current state.
Lorn was covered in blood from head to toe, both his and his victim's they presumed. Cuts and scratches littered his muscled arms, some look fairly deep ones as it bled. The killer stood still as a statue all the while [Name] inspected him, he knew [Name] will be angry at him for walking around bathed in blood so he remained glued to his spot.
"Found a tough one. Scratched and sliced me once with a knife. That's why m'so bloodied, had to cut their limbs off f'touching me" He explained, staring at [Name] who were grabbing the items they had kept in the supply closet.
If they had not known better, they would've thought he was innocent, incapable of harm as he stared at them through his red horned mask with those adoring eyes. Who would've thought that the infamous Lovelorn killer was a small puppy towards his object of affection.
"Come here, let's get you cleaned and patched up. Wouldn't want you to bleed everywhere, blood is hard to get out of carpet okay?" They motioned him to strip his clothes off and dump it in the basin of clothes to be washed separately.
As they wiped the blood off of Lorn, stitched and wrapped him up in bandages they were overcome by a realisation. Something feels off about themselves. A normal person would've screamed bloody murder and ran to the police but here they are pampering a serial killer who they are living with.
'I might be insane myself' they thought to themselves, chuckling humourlessly.
It had been months since they were locked inside this house with only Lorn as a company. They were protesting at first, demanding to be freed but even then deep down they didn't really care. [Name] only did it because it's what they thought a sane person would do.
Maybe they and Lorn aren't that different.
[Name] snapped out of their thoughts when a rough hand were placed on their jaw, the touch so gentle they barely feel it.
"What's wrong?" Lorn was looking at them with those eyes again.
They shook their head and smiled, continuing their work of stitching up closed a cut on his arm. After they were done, Lorn stood up and englufed them in a hug, their sizes difference were apparent as he towers over them with his muscular built.
"Thank you. I love you so much, [Name]" He said, burying his face on their hair.
They pat his back and suddenly a thought crept up in their mind. They bit their lip as they contemplate on wether to ask him or not.
Fuck it.
"Hey, Lorn?" He hummed in reply, too busy mooching off their warmth.
"Why don't I join you the next time you went out for a kill?"
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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lumibye · 9 months
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˗ˋ ୨ - 𝒏𝒆𝒘𝒔 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒂𝒑 𝒖𝒑 : 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 - ୧ ˊ˗
holidays are my only opportunity to be unapologetically sappy on this blog , i think . . . . ( /j ) and since it’s going to be 2024 in like 20 minutes here in australia i wanted to get this out before it gets too late into the night hehe also ! i have a lot i want to say 
( also comm showcase because i thought that'd be cute )
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so it’s almost been a year since i properly ( there's no way to properly do it but you understand . . ) started self-shipping , i think ? and it's ( in all honesty ? ) helped me through much of the year i started this blog back in march i believe , but i consider our anniversary to be in may ( i thought it was august but a very silly girlie got dates mixed up with lore if you could believe ehe ; ) which . . is five months off but it still feels pretty close ! he’s become such an intrinsic and important part of my life now that it feels as if it’s always been this way i guess . i’ve said it before but his character is just so kind and gentle and caring but also he’s reminded be how lovely it is to actually romanticise life a little bit and how good it feels to embrace your passion/s i um . . i love him very much ? 🩵🥺
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he’s such a genuine source of comfort and so very dear to my heart , and I truly think he’s going to be my love favourite forever and i can't wait to do more ship stuff in the coming year hehe ! i’ve been with this series for sixteen years now . because i'm old . ( /j ) it was such a huge staple of my childhood and maybe i’ll talk about it someday - i'd like to ! - because many of my dearest memories are centred around this franchise. perhaps this blog was always inevitable in that way , i like to joke about self shipping with him is like a long term membership bonus . . but either way , in a sense i feel so lucky i get to express my love for it in this way if that makes sense ?
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marianne ( having been made this year ) is also important to me in a way that’s . . come to surprise me , honestly ? i haven’t had an ‘ oc ‘ in a very long while so perhaps i just forgot about how emotionally attached you can really become . it’s probably also no shock that despite being a self insert, she’s very personal to me . . as someone that admittedly struggles with quite a bit of negative self talk, being able to say i like these parts of myself that i implement into her character has been quite healing for me as well ! and being able to rediscover my love for collecting flowers and coffee was also something really fun to do ! to the person that designed her ( you know who you are hehe ) I’m so incredibly grateful you bought her to life. It truly does mean sm . . as well as to everyone that's drawn her of course hehe , im always so giddy to see my little beloveds drawn so prettyful !
i really can’t emphasise enough just how grateful i am for both the community and all of my really lovely moots. i’m rather quiet so i don’t talk a lot but the interactions i’ve had on here are soso special to me and i really do cherish them so much no matter how small . . i have so many fond memories this year of that alone and it makes me tearyy happy happy 2024 to you and your beloveds hehe - if you actually managed to sit through all this I’m actually spinning you around so so much you very lovely and sweet . I hope the new year is everything you want it to be ! sending you each and every one of my best wishes your waaay mwah mwah !
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digiships · 10 months
What headcanons do you have for Vessel that you would be comfortable sharing? :)
OUGRGRHRH GRIPPIGN HIM IN MY TEETH. OH IM DELIGHTED TO SHARE this is going under a cut because i did start ranting a bit . long post
i already posted abt my body hcs for him and the band but I WILL DO IT AGAIN !!! vessels "mask" isnt a removable mask at all and is more akin to a shell or an exoskeleton i think. like its chitinous. hence the bloody imagery around the gnawed away mouth .and alongside that hes got shaaarp teeth. and 6 eyes that are a solid golden yellow arranged the same way they are on the mask and if you flash a light at him at just the right angle theyll reflect back at you like a cats eyes. also i like to imagine his skin being almost entirely black with a few patches of his original skin in places cus he retains parts of himself Its symbolic okay
i think hes very touchy which Yknow is not at all out of the question . have you seen the way he is on stage. hes all about casual touch if hes next to someone (vee) hes got his hand on their (his) shoulder or if hes walking w someone (vee) his arm is around their (his) back or theyre holding hands. hes the type to me that will even just link pinkies to be touching someone . also casual kisses he loves giving anyone and everyone kisses on the forehead or the cheek and even a peck on the lips now and again if theyre very close. like 90% of affection to him is not Barred behind a specific relationship label
also this one is really specific um. i think he has one of those kind of breathy gaspy laughs? like. god i hate using this as an example but you know corpsehusband. i think he laughs a little bit like that. and i think he tends to lean on people when he laughs or he claps/smacks his thigh cus he laughs Generally pretty quietly so he expresses it physically too
on the note of him communicating also i dont think hes as like.. formal? as people tend to write him. i think hes a bit more softspoken too and more casual in his word choice. that doesnt mean he doesnt love showering someone he loves (vee) with flowery sappy language its just not how he talks All the time
he has a skin picking habit also i think. maybe thats projection but i think the sides of his thumbs are all tore up from him picking and chewing on them absentmindedly. if his lips are chapped he picks at them too or chews on them. its hard to notice w how dark his skin is but he does still do it. he needs to have smth in his hands to Not do it
i think hes very tired a lot. hes surprisingly a pretty happy guy but the missile is tired he is eepy etc. he wears himself out a lot at shows and sleeps for like 14 hrs straight afterwards and then still needs a nap a few hours after he wakes up. he is a lot like a cat this way actually i just realized im just makign him a catboy on accident. ok well besides that
also i think under the hood he shaves his head . not like SMOOTH but he goes over it every couple weeks with an electric razor and generally keeps it anywhere between 1/2 and 1 inch. but i think his hair is light grey or white now also . on the rare occasion he grows it out it never gets past his ears and he keeps it slicked or brushed back all the time.
uhhh i cant think of more off the top of my head I Hope you like those . :)
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
"D'aw, careful! I have no idea if tsum-tsum's have insurances and I don't have to money for it...!"
"Insurances? that's smancy Azul stuff! I don't know squat!"
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Grim speaking is italicized while Valie speaks in bold.
Grim speaking is italicized while Valie speaks in bold. yay, tsum tsums! granted, they're not, you know, incredibly made but its cute and I like it LOL I was looking at my google docs and found that valie was supposed to have short hair because grim burnt it during their first meeting, so... I'm bringing that back! does it look more... boyish? cute? your honest opinion, please! now, the voice lines! I'm thinking of structuring them like how paimon and traveler (genshin impact) have their voice lines
Voice lines:
When Summoned:
A little me, how cute~! I wonder how they eat... hey, Grim, do you think they just consume whatever their eating? Howzzat gonna work? Fggna, what if they have a secret mouth or something?! That's so scary... ugh... you're just like Riddle. Yeah, I get ya partner. Small but SUPER scary- not like he scares me, though. Sure, Grimmy. Keep telling yourself that.
Summon Line:
The more you know, huh... First talking portraits, and now a little me and you, Grimmy. Hehe, more for me to boss around, cuz I'm their master!
You miss Vivi, don't ya? Me too, but we'll see her soon, so cheer up. Okay, sweetheart? 'Sides, I'm here! I'm the best wizard and partner in the ENTIRE world, so don't worry, I'll definitely beat that old crow for ya!
Welcome to Ramshackle! I wonder what your Ramshackle looks like... probs pretty small, huh? D'aw, that's pretty cute. Not! Cute! Cool! The word is COOL, henchman, get that in your head! Right, right. Ramshackle, best and coolest dorm ever in all the realms it has every existed in. No, seriously, we do have a pretty cool dorm. 10 ghosts, a human, and a monster- I'd say that's a pretty unique roommate arrangement. Ya forgot the other NRC weirdos that come and live with us. Lotsa' Pomefiore folks are comin' to stay with us. Epel's tsum's been affecting them loads, I guess. How about a check up to the guy? Let's go and see 'im! Hehe, I bet he'd look all tired and droopy.
Home Idle 1: 
My tsum keeps on layin' in the sun when I wanna practice magic with it! It's bein' a real pain! Doesn't that remind me of someone from a day ago... I wonder which magical monster said he'd do animal language BUT GUESS FUCKING WHAAT, NOOO he DIDN'T show uppp!! ...I- I forgot, and I- -Was instead sleeping in the courtyard, with Leona and Lucius. You and your tsum are exactly alike, I swear.
Home Idle 2:
Henchman, your tsum's been terrorizin' Sebek's tsum. He was yellin' at me to make you stop it. Huh, for real? Damn, okay, um. I'll head there. Wonder what it's actually doin'... [They were snuggling and pressing their noses affectionately against each other. It was very cute.]
Home Idle 3: 
I saw my tsum shedding tears while it started at Silver. I have never felt so heard in my entire life.
Home Idle - Login:
My tsum and Jack's were havin' a contest to see who's fastest, and I lost! Grr, I swear, even in tsum-form that guy's as jacked as a brick wall! Well I mean, he IS Jack, so I guess you could say he's Jack-Jacked. ...Henchman, you're humors gotten worse. PUNS, henchman? PUNS??? Blame Vivica, Trey and Jade. I swear, I thought puns were LAME but then Jade came up rollin' to me with Floyd's tsum and started telling it and I puns and it just... kept on... I ain't ever seen a sadder tsum. [sigh of dissapointment]
Home Idle - Groovy: 
Partner, how'd ya think the little tyrant's been dealin' with his tsum? Seeing the way he ran after it? I'd say they're going along swell. No clue for Leona, though. D'ya think they're both just sleeping all the time? Maybe. I heard from Ruggie that everyone in Savanaclaw thought Leona turned into a tsum, so they were cryin' their eyeballs out. That's sweet. I'm glad they're good with each other, even if they don't show it. Eww, you're being sappy right now. Gross. No, no, seriously! I'm glad they can still care for each other even after the overblot. That's like, a HUGE thing, you know? Ehh, I guess so. But the picture has me laughin'! Pfft... yeah, it is pretty funny! A bunch of buff dudes cryin' at this little thing.
Home Tap 1: 
G...Grimmy, have I ever told you how much I love you? Of course ya do! I'm the great Grim! Who doesn't love me?! No, I mean... have you seen our little tsums? I wanna see! Hehe, I bet I'm prankin' you REAL good! Try me, daelin. [Picture of them rolling around with the other first year tsums in front of Ramshackle.]
Home Tap 2: 
The ghosts are being MEAN, Valie! What'd they do, Grimmy? They're calling me tsum-tsum AND ME CUTE! We're NOT cute! We're COOL! I'll tell them off for ya, relax. Yes! Thanks, henchman! [proceeds to egg the ghosts on]
Home Tap 3:
I passed by Jack's tsum, and guess what? It ran for Epel's tsum, so I followed it. Then, my tsum joined 'em, and they were all runnin' around in the courtyard! I think Sebek's tsum joined us for a spell. Man, the look on Sebek AND Jack's face is just... immaculate. It wouldn't kill to see them chill out, you know? I mean, the tsums seem to be pretty fast friends. I'm gonna end up punting on of 'em, you just watch! Sure, Grimmy... sure. Wait, actually, how does a tsum-tsum hangout sound? We can hang with them AND take care of our tsums! 2 in 1! Not... not bad! For once, your brains actually useful, henchman! Rude~
Duo: [Grim]: Get your bat ready partner, 'cuz my flames are coming in HOT!
[Valencia]: I'm ALWAYS at the ready!
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choptop-sawyer · 3 years
Hi again 😎💫 im here to dig at ur brain again bcs i. M. Aaa sorry i just love ur stuff but. I have this kinda rly specific storyline type hc area and I'd love to hear any hcs you might get from it if its at all jr thing. But um I keep sometimes thinking back to the idea of kinda, vaguely growing up in the same area as the Sawyers, being childhood friends (and being stupid 2gether, running arount the countryside, ditching school & playing in corn fields) -
But then having to leave in your late teens to school / whatever (I mean 😎 my sappy ass also thinks abt mutual pining w Bobby but you know...... nearly unrelated.......)
Then, later on (Bobbys now Chop Top, Nubbins is..... dead I guess but also >:( maybe not, the family is up to being a mess etc) returning to town to take a break from work or whatever. N meeting up w the family again, i mean, oblivious to the bullshit they get up to but.... yk
This is a bit rambly i should probs have waited to sleep but I can't get the thought of returning to the Sawyer door wearing Bobbys tie dye sweatshirt that hr borrowed u years ago and all the impact of being a former family member bc u were also kind of an outsider or whatever but also the drama of leaving so uwu sksjd
This got so long. All i wanted to ask is: sawyer family headcanons for a childhood friend returning to town after being away for years. Rip.
THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS god I love the image too of just standing in the doorway,, you're not home, you've changed a little bit, but you still fit into some of the old aspects you know so well they fit you and cover you.
Actually this is great because that fic that I swear exists has pretty much the same premise but!!! I can make this one less tragic than that one. 😎
(This is mostly Chop Top n you centric please don't mind)
Also this timeline is all fucky. I think that as soon as Chop came home from Vietnam the Sawyers had basically uprooted themselves and were living in North Texas because of the... Hardesty incident. But like can we pretend that that never happened they r still there in Newt? Just for this. (Hope you like it!)
Chop Top's Childhood Friend Returns
You don't think you would have turned out the way you did without the Sawyers.
They were the main element of your childhood, a mystery that you had to be a part of. A mystery, because they were closed off. Mistrustful. The sickness of small towns carried to the extreme, because they were mostly alone. The loneliness made them more miserable, the misery made them more isolated. A cycle, a legacy.
So it was a a miracle that you were even allowed to be apart of some of it, but you attribute that miracle to Bobby.
He seemed to think you were as much of mystery as what you thought the Sawyers were. Two kids looking through a small window into another world. But he liked that. He liked that you were something different, something new. From beyond that small world of loneliness that lived in the house.
You learned quickly that he had a desire for anything beyond that world. So he'd invite you out with him, when you were kids, to run free in the tall grass, when you got older, to drive with him to places unknown. He had a knack for finding these odd places, and he always brought you along with the music cranked up loud on the radio.
Bobby told you many times that he wanted to see the world. He had this lust for life that went beyond the restlessness of the young. He also said that he wanted to bring you along with him when he saw the world. You didn't ever mention how that always made your heart skip a beat when he said that.
Maybe you should have. But the past is the past and you can't change that.
You knew the other Sawyers too, but Bobby tended to avoid them sometimes. But occasionally, you got to hang out with them.
Nubbins was an enigma. You didn't think Nubbins was his real name. But that's the only one you heard from him, but the name situation was the least confusing thing. He was the most open person you knew. And yet you couldn't understand him, and decided at some point that you wouldn't ever. But he was fun. His energy was infectious, if he was filled with joy, you couldn't help but laugh with him too. That was Nubbins, so absent of any purposeful deceit that he was almost a mirror, you saw yourself around him, sometimes it was uncomfortable, but other times it was fun.
Bubba was the opposite. He seemed to be legitimately wary of you. Bobby once told you that Bubba didn't like to leave the house, ever. He stayed and did the chores. You wondered if he minded, being stuck with all the chores but Bobby said he didn't. It was comforting for him. Always having something set to do. You only saw him once. Nubbins had made him tag along when he needed him to hang some things from a tree. Bones from indeterminate animals, a clock with a nail through it. You don't think Nubbins actually needed Bubba to reach the branches (he climbed pretty well) but he just wanted his little brother to see his work. Bubba didn't make eye contact with you the entire time. He was wholly focused on his task of helping Nubbins. But he was gentle when he helped his brother, careful, and for that you liked him.
Drayton was... well. He was the one Bobby argued with the most. He was his brother, but with how much age between the two, it was almost hard to believe sometimes. Drayton was the one that everybody in Newt knew the most. People liked him well enough, but they said he was odd behind his back. He knew that. You don't think he trusted anything outside the insular world he and his family had existed in for years, and was at odds with Bobby because he didn't get why Bobby wanted anything to do with the world outside.
Oftentimes you would see Bobby after he and Drayton got into it. He'd be fuming, but he'd smile when he saw you. You'd leave with him whenever he came to you. These adventures were the most fun you had when you were there.
The other times you'd go off were when he'd convince you to skip school. Bobby never went himself. He didn't get the idea of all those kids sitting in classrooms for hours, doing nothing but writing and listening. Why do that when you can find things out for yourself? Get into some trouble? In his mind, he was saving you from a very boring thing.
You two knew the area around Newt well. The fields and the flat expanses were the best kind of playground. Your dreams were still set in them. A kind of sunshine filled melancholy.
Bobby told you things in the grass. His dreams yes, but his own thoughts. On music, on late night radio, on movies, on you. He perhaps thought of you as wonderful as voices on the radio, stars on the screen. He never told you that though. But your name was never far from his mouth when Bobby talked about the things he loved.
You and him loved each other as much as two kids who didn't know how to could. He was always on your mind now, with not much tangible objects to remember him with. A photograph taken by Nubbins, your faces blurred because you were laughing. A button, the pin on the back bent. A sweatshirt, which he tie dyed himself, and gave to you one night. The colors were faded. You never did get to return it.
The years away did nothing to lessen thoughts of him. No, they just blurred all together now, and the stream of the sunshine filled melancholy was almost endless. You needed a break. There was only one place you could think of that could help you with that.
So you came back. All things led back to this place eventually. Newt was dying, or dead. Didn't you see somewhere that when a ship went down, it took everything with it? You didn't want to stay for long. But you had to see all of them, you had to know that they were all not these strange figures you had dreamt up.
You went right to the house. You'd never actually been allowed inside, Bobby just always said something along the lines of 'Grandma and Grandpa are napping upstairs' or 'there's a mess' (never mind that he could care less usually about messes.) But you figured he had had a good reason. Maybe he was embarrassed.
When you knocked on the door, your heart was pounding. And that was all. Nothing happened, no indication that anyone was there. You waited, the sweatshirt was too hot but you didn't want to take it off.
Maybe you should come back another time. You were just about to turn around and leave when the door burst open, almost whacking you in the face. And there (you couldn't believe your eyes you couldn't this was a dream) he was.
Bobby had a hammer raised over his head, grinning, he was poised to swing it down, but then he saw you and he felt as if he was in a dream too.
It's been so long. He thought he made you up, a dream to carry him through misery, and you looked the part, even as you stood before him on the doorway. The light of the setting sun shone behind you, heat waves shimmered in the dusk, and you... you.
Facing each other, you stood, just staring. Over head the sky grew colorful, in the fields the grass whispered in the wind. Nothing had changed. Everything had changed. Bobby dropped the hammer and grabbed for your face, and he held it, fingers digging in so tight it hurt.
"H-hey you." He said, and fell to his knees, releasing your face. You numbly touched the marks his fingers left. Bobby still looked like a man who had seen a ghost.
You called his name, and his eyes looked lost, like he hadn't heard it in a long time. He looked up at you, and you could really get a good look at him. His face was leaner, he looked sickly and wiry, but his eyes were just as you remembered. You sank down to the porch to sit with him.
"Fuck... FUCK I didn't... I- I thought ya'd forgotten all about me... uh.. uhm. Fuck! I mean, r-really! Turnin' up out of the blue like you're some kinda... ghost or whatever... WHOA man... like, ya here to return m-my, my sweatshirt? You're wearin' it, you can keep it! You look better in it anyway... heh, fuck." He rambled on and on, hands tensing and twitching as if they were moving to touch you again, just to reaffirm your existence. Did he know how glad you were to see him? Did he know that you hadn't felt right for the longest time being away?
You forgot all about the sweatshirt, the hammer he had raised with a sadistic grin. You reached out and held one of his twitching hands, and he stilled and stopped talking. There was a peace now.
It didn't seem possible for your heart to feel this full. But it was. And by god, if this wasn't the best decision you made in your life to visit your old hometown, if only just for this moment.
Bobby stood, with your hand still in his, pulling you up. He smiled at you, and you knew you still loved him, and in your deepest heart, you knew he loved you too.
But this time around, maybe you and him could love each other right.
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
request; Shuichi and his fem!s/o take each other virginity?
pairing(s); shuichi x AFAB! reader
warnings; post-game saihara, saihara has some PTSD from the killing game but it is not heavily mentioned, cussing AFAB! reader, soft dom! Shuichi, vanilla-ish, intense kissing, mention of marriage, hurt/comfort-ish?, angst-ish?, petty arguments, sexual frustration, they both losing their v-card, shuichi picks you up, shuichi reads porn mags but not elaborated here, established relationship, they've been dating 6 months btw, they're living together, cyring, begging, accidental overstimulation, self-indulgent, irresponsible and unprotected sex(always wrap it before you tap it you fucking idiots), unedited but used spellcheck. OKAY I KNOW 6 MONTHS IS REALLY SHORT AND I HAD A DIFFERENT IDEA IN MIND BUT I JUST DBHSBJHSBD IM SORRY THIS IS JUST SUPER MESSY
note; i rushed the end and this is kind of garbage(god please don't read this), but here's a few songs that i listened to while writing this;
505 - Arctic Monkeys & Cute Panties Soaked In Arizona Iced Tea - Sewer//Slvt & a bunch others idk
wc; 5.8k+
You both dabbled in the idea of having sex, having shared mutual trust and desire for each other within the early stages of your love-filled relationship.
Even so, the obvious statements were left unsaid, and the obvious desire you both have for each other’s bodies had been left alone, never to be picked up again.
Now don’t underestimate yourself, there would be some not-so-rare make-out sessions when you both got into the mood and made sure to give each other ‘the look’, but they’d always end in Shuichi stiffening up and asking if you’d like to stop.
And like an idiot, you had always said the same goddamn thing, the opposite of what you wanted to say. “Sure, y- yeah.” Always praying he wouldn’t hear the disappointment in your voice. You didn’t want him to be upset that you wanted to continue, because wouldn’t that just be selfish of you?
Your prayers always seemed to be answered anyway, though mostly carried by Shuichi’s helplessly obvious nature; he ate it all up.
But maybe you should’ve been praying for the opposite because otherwise, you wouldn’t be here right now.
Maybe it was the stress from the fact that Shuichi’s boss yelled at him today, maybe it was from the fact that he had one of his colleagues accidentally file one of the most important cases, improperly, maybe it was because you both hadn’t fucked in 6 months.
Well, whatever it was, it had Shuichi fuming.
“This? Again?” Shuichi sighed in an attempt to calm himself, his face lacking the patience it usually held.
“What do you mean ‘again’!? I’ve told you this, tons of times before!” To be fair, you had no idea why you had been so angry either, but before you could even think or hold yourself back, random arguments you truly never cared about had been brought up.
What the hell were you two even fighting about?
Despite your mind screaming at you to stop, your mouth continued to act first. “God, why don’t you ever listen to me? You know, sometimes it seriously just feels like I’m talking to a brick wall when I talk to you.” That wasn’t true.
“Is that right?” He didn’t know what came over him. “Well, if we’re talking about our talking habits, I think you sometimes talk too much; it’s hard to keep track of what you’re saying sometimes, and it just- it brings me a headache…!” That wasn’t true either; he was a detective, he listened to every single detail you spoke out from those beautiful lips. Shuichi would listen as intently as he would during an investigation as he gathered information from perps.
But you didn’t know that. You had been too busy reeling from his previous statement to remember all the nice moments you had before this. His words felt like acid on your palpitating heart. Did you talk that much?
You gulped, lip trembling without your consent. “Y- yeah?”
No, I didn’t mean any of it. Please don’t look at me like that. “... Yeah.” Shuichi averted his eyes as he lied for no good reason.
You nodded in feigned indifference, chewing the inside of your cheek as you attempted to walk past him and outside the kitchen — to which he immediately stopped you, an urgency laced within his actions. Sudden anxiety wracked his body, and images of the previous executions flashed in his mind.
You couldn’t go.
With his eyes wide in a slight panic, they narrowed back to their normal width as he took a deep breath, pulling you towards him and suddenly pushing his lips on yours. “Shu-” he blanketed any open space for noise to escape through with his lips, kissing you with desperation you’ve never witnessed firsthand.
Despite your internal concern for him, your hands slipped up his shoulders to the back of his neck, pushing him closer to you than he already was on instinct.
Okay… This was okay. It was better than fighting, that was for sure.
You were confused by the sudden display of physician affection, but you could only get a little of you to care; you missed him. It had only been 5 minutes into the fight, yet you had been pulling him close like you hadn’t seen him in a year. Luckily for both you and him, he missed you too. He didn’t like fights. Especially not meaningless ones like these.
You both didn’t know how, nor when, but before you knew it, you had been sitting atop the kitchen counter, legs wrapped tightly around Shuichi’s waist as his hands gripped yours. A familiar, heavy feeling of arousal pooled up at your stomach, remaining there like an itch you knew only Shuichi could scratch. Shuichi was comfortably close for you to somewhat feel his phone poke at your thigh, but even so, not close enough. Clothes started to feel restricting, and you both shared the same need to just tear them off, but
“S/o,” he muffled on your lips, trying his best to try and pull away from your captivating lips on his, though it was incredibly hard with those velvety lips of yours.
“S/o!” The bad feeling in his stomach grew, and he suddenly realized it had been because he didn’t want such a special moment for the two of you, to be spoiled by a petty fight neither of you would remember in a few days. He didn’t want your shared story to be an argument that leads to sex. Call him a hopeless romantic but, that simply didn’t sit right with him.
Shuichi pulled away abruptly, apologizing under his breath as he avoided eye contact with a slightly puzzled you. “I…” He started nervously, gently nestling his forehead atop your beating heart in an attempt to self-soothe himself.
"I don’t want us to finally, um, do... This out of- of anger and- S/o, you have to know that I love you so much and that I-” That wasn’t what he meant to say, it didn’t come out right, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t think of what he had originally planned to say. His mind was jumbled, words weren’t good enough for him anymore. Shuichi began to prick small unwanted tears at the corner of his eyes as he rambled with sincere intention.
“I don’t want to look back at this day and- Or what if you regr-”
You shook your head frantically before he could finish his sentence, gentle fingertips tapping the underside of his head as you urged him to look into your eyes. You sighed fondly as you swam in those pools of liquid gold, a small, assuring smile contorting onto your face.
“It’s okay, I know, I know you didn’t mean it.” You took another breath as you continued, a deeper inhale. “And I know what you mean but, Shuichi I… No matter what, I could never regret a single thing with you,” His hands tightened around you.
“And frankly, it doesn’t matter how we ended up… Doing this with each other.” It was kind of funny how you both couldn't say the word 'sex'. A three-letter word that may have seemed terrifying to the two of you back then, started to gradually lose its intimidation factor.
“Because as long as you love me, and I love you, that’s all that will matter.” You lightly laughed at how sappy you sounded; wondering if you’d be this romantic when reciting your vows.
You two weren't even married.
But Shuichi would be lying through his teeth if he said he hadn't visualized you in a veil; and wow, did you look amazing.
Shuichi paused, gazing up at you with intense affection, and love for you. You could feel your cheeks heat up from how intently he gazed at you, you couldn't help but slightly shrink underneath his gaze.
Without missing another beat, Shuichi suddenly broke the gaze, and wrapped his arms underneath your bottom, picking you up with a concealed struggle. He'd have thought spending most of his time typing in that office, would give him some sort of arm strength.
Well, you'd find out later, wouldn't you?
Making his way to the bedroom carefully, Shuichi gently set you down on your back, trapping you in between his arms and locking his lips back onto yours soft and slowly, unlike his last pecks.
You could feel your heart rate speed up as he started to run his hand underneath the thin material of your top, and despite the rising anxiousness itching at you, the feeling of love and anticipation easily overpowered the feeling — though not completely.
For a split second, Shuichi pulled away to pull your shirt up and over your head, and the moment his loving, eager golden eyes found their way back to you, he swore he almost suffered a cardiac arrest on the spot.
With your hands resting beside your head, lips swollen and exposed chest heaving; he thought you looked like the most stunning human being that had ever graced this earth.
And he wasted no time showing you how he felt.
Quickly stripping himself of his shirt, you watched in slight amusement as he struggled to throw the material across his room, his eagerness becoming his enemy. He felt the mattress slightly dip and inflate, though he couldn't see anything as his vision was obstructed. Shuichi — despite having a feeling you had sat up and was probably going to help — didn't want to submit into his embarrassment just yet. He could take off his shirts, and he was going to prove it-
His eyes clenched shut in frustration, suddenly shot open as he felt a cool breeze hit his warm face, as well as the sound of quiet laughter.
"C- come on, don't laugh...!" Shuichi complained half-heartedly.
You grinned. "Sorry, sorry," You raised your hands in defence, taken by surprise as
Shuichi pinned the same hands back onto the bed, playfully pecking your face all over before moving down the valley of your neck and collarbone.
You did your absolute best to not laugh as Shuichi had told you to, but you couldn't prevent the huge, goofy smile that broke out on your face. The euphoria of having someone you truly love and trust, showering you with affection, combined with the ticklish feeling of his slightly chapped lips on your neck, had caused you to giggle.
"Is it- Is it really that funny?" Shuichi grumbled, kisses turning into gentle bites as he wanted to get you to make noises that weren't giggles; not that he didn't adore the sound.
Just not in this situation, nor position.
"It's not, I-" You snorted, "I promise! I just, I feel really, really happy right now." You admitted in between laughter.
You felt Shuichi pause against your neck, and your laughter died down as you wondered if you did something wrong.
"Shuichi-?" You squeaked as you felt his warm breath and kisses travel quickly towards your stomach, right above where you wanted it most. You could feel your face heat up, as well as your core, from the mere puff of air.
Your excitement slowly turned to dread as you felt his hands slowly slide down to the waistband of your pants, and without realizing it, you stiffened up. You felt slightly guilty of your reaction; you wanted this, right? You were so excited a moment ago, where did it go? The logical part of you didn't seem to want to chime in and say, 'It's a natural reaction!'
So you settled for chewing your lip in an attempt to distract yourself from the heart-wrenching guilt.
The action hadn't gone unnoticed by Shuichi; he knew that habit all too well. It was a nervous habit, quite often in many people, but it always seemed to drive Shuichi crazy when you did it. He never noticed when others did, as he was constantly too busy staring straight at you like a boy with a hopeless crush.
But look at him now.
Shuichi from 6 months ago probably wouldn't believe the Post-Shuichi, that he had got the chance to be your boyfriend, let alone share such an intimate moment with someone as special as you.
"Hey, look at me," He grinned gently as he caught your attention.
"It's... It's just me here. You don't have to worry, or be nervous because I'm right here, and I... I'll love you no matter what." It was hypocritical to say, as his hands had practically been quivering beyond his control, but he spoke the sincere truth for you.
He watched in slight anxiousness as you stayed in silent, stunned shock. Shuichi started wondering if he should've said something else-
"O- Okay, yeah, you can- You can, um." You didn't mean to sound so awkward, but you hoped the slight eagerness laced in your voice made the message clear enough for him.
Shuichi slipped his thumbs underneath the waistband of your pants, golden eyes focused entirely on your face as to detect any discomfort.
Seeing none, he slipped the rest of it off, growing excited yet also nervous as he saw you for the first time. "You're soaked..." He uttered underneath his breath in stunned awe, unwillingly causing you to jerk your legs shut.
And who's fault is that!? You wanted to say that, but in the condition and position you were in right now, it didn't seem very possible nor ideal.
You let out a small whimper as you felt Shuichi gently encourage your legs back open, a small pout on his face as you hadn't given him enough time to savour the visual.
No words were said, and no words were needed as Shuichi communicated his wanton need for your pussy with nothing but his eyes. Captivated and persuaded by his puppy-dog eyes, you hesitantly opened your legs back up, silently gasping as you felt the cold air hit your glossy folds yet again.
Your momentary shock faltered into embarrassed confusion as you caught Shuichi staring at it with a thoughtful gaze. It was strange; you felt like an animal at the zoo up for display to just... Stare at.
But perhaps the most embarrassing thing about the whole thing was the stars in his eyes as he watched you twitch and shudder. “Sh- Shuichi.” You tried to snap him out of his gaze, face growing hotter and hotter as time passed by with him continuing to stare at your impatient pussy.
“I’m just going to… Put one in.”
If there was anything Shuichi had learned from the numerous articles on how to please your partner during sex, is to always prep them.
“Wait, huh-?"
His finger sunk in easily, prodding finger slipping into a pillowy bundle of nerves; it was like heaven on earth for Shuichi, and he wanted to make sure it felt the same for you.
"Hah- Nnnn!”
Your loud moan snapped him out of his trance, and unfortunately, he had reacted a moment too late as his finger had already been knuckle deep.
Experiencing a mini panic attack, guilt overwhelmed his body, and he moved to pull out, only to be caught by surprise as you caught his wrist right before he could.
"N- No...! It's- It's okay, mmngh- Just- just feels good, is all." You were glad you hadn't lost the complete ability to speak yet; because that'd surely be humiliating, wouldn't it?
Shuichi tensed his hand unintentionally, causing you to jolt slightly as you could feel every single movement. Shuichi's eyes widened in realization and guilt at your sudden reaction.
"A-Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to-" He cut himself off, head tilting as you moaned a little too loud for your taste — but not loud enough for his.
Shuichi shifted himself, so his face was hovering over your blissed-out one, slight confusion taking over your features as he seemed to be watching you carefully, almost as if he was expecting something —
With a sharp inhale, you felt your hole swallow in another finger, the pleasure now doubled up. If this is what fingering felt like... Then you'd have to assume the main course felt 5x as good as this, right?
Your hands shot up to his shoulders to dig your nails into, the pleasure finally becoming too much as he started experimentally moving in and out slowly.
Shuichi would've asked, 'Is this okay?' but judging by your moans and pleas for more, he concludes he has his answer.
Running his thumb down your folds, Shuichi decided he would explore your pussy as he continued his slow thrusts in your clenching hole — and what better way to do that than to accidentally brush his fingers against your clit?
You nearly sobbed, climax rising alarmingly close, before dropping as Shuichi continued with his exploration.
"Shuichi! T- There! Right there! Please!" You repeated like a mad man, nearly jolting up if it wasn't for Shuichi's body that loomed over you.
With a confused, but obedient nod of his head, Shuichi tested the waters yet again, eyebrows furrowing as he pressed around in random spots. "Ah!" His eyes widened in slight achievement as he watched you start to violently spazz out the moment he pressed onto a button-like nerve.
"C- Coming, I'm- I'm comin- Ahnn!" Shuichi began roughly circling his thumb over the bundle of nerves, unknown of how sensitive the nerve was, and unknowingly forcing you into overstimulation.
"Sh- Ah- W- Wait!" You stammered, squirming away from his unrelenting hand, unsure as to why it had felt as strong as it felt. "Wait, please!" Shuichi suddenly pulled away from your clit, panic taking over his body yet again as he carefully picked you up and slipped you onto his lap.
"I- I'm sorry...! I didn't... Are you- Are you okay?" He stuttered, eyes wide with concern.
Had he gone too far? Was he missing something? Maybe there was a spot you didn't like?
You shook your head, doing little to assure the rising storm of worry you knew Shuichi would accumulate.
"I- I'm okay, it felt good. I think you just overstimulated me a bit but," You brought your arms around his neck, scooching your partially numb ass over his erection.
"... Not like I didn't like it." You grinned lopsidedly, leaning up to capture his lips into a passionate kiss, one filled to the brim with ever-lasting passion. He wasted no time to reciprocate, face slightly reddening as he groaned from the slightest pressure of your thigh pressing down against his erection.
"Sorry...-" Shuichi slipped in an apology, before quickly being sent back into the depths of your touch.
"Don't be-" You countered, letting one of your hands run down the crevices and nooks of his scrawny chest and stomach, down to trace his faint V-line.
"Mm-" An unplanned moan slipped out, and the blush on his cheeks worsened. He was sensitive, and that was to be expected for a first-timer. Though Shuichi refused to believe it was his sensitivity, but your soft touch.
Jolts of pleasure shot up his spine, and his pants only grew tighter, to the point where his brain was screaming at him to take them off.
Lucky for him, you complied without another thought.
You broke the kiss, resting your forehead against his chest as you hunched over to unbuckle his pants. The breathy and beautiful sounds of Shuichi panting like a dog-in-heat above you only made your fingers work faster. The sound of his zipper being pulled down hit his ears, and his eyes clenched tight shut as he felt a curious hand fiddle with his boxers.
"Can I...?"
He nodded frantically, an adorable eagerness overtaking control of his actions.
As you slipped your hand into the binds of his grey-scale boxers, you weren't sure what you were going to see, or how he would feel once you got your hands on his stiff length.
Shuichi wasn't sure what he was expecting either, but expectations didn't matter when you were with each other, right?
"H- Hnnnn...!"
Well, even so, he sure as hell wasn't expecting his strained whine he let out the moment your hand coiled around the base of his cock. With his whine unintentionally egging you on, you decided to pull it out all the way, curious to see him.
God, if you were to laugh now, he'd probably die.
The truth was, you weren’t sure if you could physically laugh, nor breathe…. Or even speak for that matter. He rendered you speechless, and as he tried to read your expression, he found himself praying the silence was a good thing. Though before the thick, lust-filled air could suffocate you both, you decided to voice your thoughts.
“W- Will that fit…?” Your face was probably as hot as a pizza pocket fresh out of the oven.
Now, you weren’t sure what a real dick looked like; you hadn’t seen one in real life before, so maybe it was average in dick sizes, but you couldn’t help but shudder from uncontrollable excitement combined with the fear of that thing tearing into you.
Shuichi noticed the look of fear on your face, and his instinct kicked in; nervosity and anxiety went as he focused on your needs instead, something he’d always done, to an almost unhealthy point.
You let yourself fall back onto the mattress yet again, your head that had been lost in its own thoughts, hitting the plush pillows as Shuichi softly guided you comfortably down. It seemed only now did you realize you were completely bare to Shuichi, head to toe, naked. What a convenient time.
Shuichi’s T-Shirt struggles couldn’t distract you now, and so there you sat, avoiding eye contact with the worried boy as you shrunk further into yourself. You were ready, you repeated to yourself. But perhaps your true fear had been, was he ready for you?
His voice broke the upsetting silence, and out came the words you didn’t want to hear. “If you’re having doubts, we don’t have to do this today, or ever, for that matter.” Shuichi was so close to you, you could practically hear the sound of his little heart beating unevenly. Your hand subconsciously lifted and set itself on his chest to try and feel the small hum and vibration of his heart, and for a second you almost forgot what he had asked.
“I… Shuichi, I want this but,” You weren’t sure how to explain, and a part of you wished he could just read your mind and tell you exactly what you wanted to hear. But relationships weren’t that easy.
“I… What if I dissatisfy you? Like, what if I’m too small, or too loose, or- or what if how I look impacts the experience; are you sure you want to have your very first time with someone like me? Like-” Shuichi cut you off with his lips, the desire for you to stop talking about things that would never happen, as well as the desire to kiss you, combining into this moment.
The man wore an expression of pure earnestness; the confidence he had almost scared you. “I love you so much, and none of that matters to me. I promise you, none of that will ever happen.” His voice was heartbreakingly sincere, to the point where you felt guilty for doubting him.
He, honest to god, understood how you felt completely. Shuichi was afraid he would cum too early, or if he wasn’t long enough, or girthy enough- He was terrified of ruining your first experience with him, he just didn’t want to look the emotion because he was afraid diffidence wasn’t sexy.
Maybe it was ridiculous, but to be fair, your assumption of yourself dissatisfying him was even more so.
Not trusting your own voice to speak, you simply averted your eyes and nodded, exhaling slowly as you tried to push your doubts away. Shuichi followed your gaze, using a gentle hand to tilt your head back to face him, wanting you to look at him as he finally puts it in.
“I’ll go… really slow, okay? Tell me if you want me to stop, okay baby?” You went beet red at the new pet name, but before you could counter his sneaky remark, your voice and breath were stolen from you as you felt something warm throb at your entrance. Was that his —
“Sh- Shit...!” You hissed, eyes clenching tightly shut to conceal the small tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. You were right, it was going to hurt.
Shuichi had only slipped in the tip of his cock, marvelling at how easily it sunk in at fault to your slick. He bit back several low moans that threatened to spill out of his mouth, God, you felt so warm inside. Perhaps it was a gross thought, but Shuichi hadn’t exactly been thinking anymore, eyes clouded and nearly crossed from the intense, foreign but pleasing feeling.
“H- How does It feel this good…?” He slipped quietly to himself, eyes lidded as he lost himself in your embrace.
Gulping harshly, he stilled his hips and tore his eyes away from your walls that hugged him so snugly, shifting his attention instead to your pained expression. With a hushed and strained voice, Shuichi voiced several shy but sincere praises and assurances.
His bony hands travelled up from your hips, to lace your hands, fingers shakily lacing your fingers together. Shuichi found himself sighing in relief as he could feel your stiffness slipping away, squeezing your hand as a reminder that he was proud of you for it.
“Do you want me to move?” Shuichi asked, worried eyes darting to your concealed ones.
You pursed your lips, hesitating to shake your head no. You knew they couldn’t stay like that forever — Well, Shuichi probably would’ve if you told him to, but you couldn’t do that to him. Then again, you were still trying to get used to the painful yet filling intrusion in between your legs.
You were on a mental crossroad, unsure of what to say in response to such a simple question. And great, now you left him too long without a reply; the poor guy was just laying there. You could hear your brain screaming at you to just say something! Just fucking say something-!
Shuichi noticed your slight discomforted expression, as well as feeling you tense underneath him. A light bulb went off in his head as he thought of a way to make it all better, and he opened his mouth to speak once again.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, just um… Just trust me, okay?” You felt him squeeze your hands again, to which you squeezed back, voice caught in your throat.
You trusted him, of course, you did. What if he didn't know how much you trusted him? You would put your entire life in his hands, you would jump off a cliff if he told you it was safe.
Your lifeline spoke up again, "Take a deep breath and then exhale at three. R- Ready?"
You nodded, taking the deepest breath you could.
"One," Shuichi whispered.
"Two," You felt your shoulders relaxing.
"Three." As soon as your entire body sunk into the sheets, relaxing completely, he sunk the rest of his length inside you, pushing harshly against your hands pinned on the bed for leverage. Shuichi had been holding his breath as to not moan too loud, despite the foreign feeling, it almost felt like it was meant to be like this. Would it be cheesy if he thought fucking you was his destiny?
You gasped sharply, eyes shooting open as your jaw dropped, silent screams escaping your mouth as your back arched into him.
"Ah- Ah!" Your strained moans grew louder as the stretch finally registered within you. A bead of sweat formed on your forehead as you squeezed his hands tightly, wanting to pull him closer.
Shuichi didn't say anything, biting down on his lip and nearly drawing blood as he bottomed out, his balls clapping gently on the tender skin of your ass.
You couldn't help but whine uncontrollably the feeling being too much. You could feel everything. The small curve of his perfect cock, the feeling of his tip pulsating into your walls and every goddamn accidental shift of his Shuichi’s hips.
With his hips pressed as close as they could be against yours, you had no choice but to wrap your legs around his waist, heels bumping against his tail bone as you did such.
Everything seemed to slow after a couple of seconds filled with breathy silence, your heart rate slowing down as well. The stretch remained, but the pain slowly melted away with every exhale you took, pleasure and need overtaking it instead. “Sh- Shuichi.” After hearing your voice so brittle, Shuichi lifted his head from your shoulder in urgency and concern. “Y- Yeah? D- Don’t worry, I won’t move until y-”
“N- No, you can- You can move, it- I want it.” You stammered over your words, suddenly shy as you pleaded for him. It was embarrassing to be begging for something so lewd, but you’d soon learn that embarrassment wasn’t valid when you were screaming your lungs out.
You’d wonder why you were both suddenly so timid with each other, treating each other like fragile glass that could break if you arose your voice too high.
Nodding uncertainly at your words, Shuichi gave your hands one last reassuring squeeze unsure if he had done that to assure you or him.
With a shaky inhale, Shuichi tested the waters by rolling his hips against yours gently. Worrying whether he was doing it right, as well as worrying if he hurt you. Though he’d be lying if the worry didn’t somewhat slip his mind the moment he felt that nearly irresistible wave of bliss wash over his body. Not wanting the feeling to stop, Shuichi decided he’d do it again, causing you to moan louder than the first time.
He couldn’t help but feel something strike his heart, and before he knew it, he was thrusting harder, more, aiming in different directions to get you to moan louder.
“Hah!” It was a foreign feeling, but that didn’t necessarily mean it was a bad thing. You could feel your heart pulsating, a thin layer of sweat cultivating on your skin and his, and most of all you could feel Shuichi moving inside you. Every inch of him rubbed against your walls, and all of it just felt so fucking addicting.
“S/o!” His call for your name had lost itself in the sea of your moans as well as his own.
You could only reply in rickety moans, body bouncing as each thrust he granted upon you pushed your head closer to the headboard; the only thing keeping you as close as you were to Shuichi, being your connected hands.
“Sh- Shuichi, fuck!” You couldn’t even remember your name anymore, the name of your lover rolling off your tongue a couple of hundred times as your eyes rolled into the back of your skull, his hard pace driving you to insanity. You couldn’t even recognize yourself anymore, moans that escaped your lips sounded so pornographic you couldn’t possibly assume those were yours.
Shuichi on the other hand had been moaning and grunting like he was in pain; the way your walls clenched around him had brought him closer and closer to his high, but he didn’t want to cum just yet. He wanted to get that sweet spot.
It was so incredibly gratifying every time you called out his name; maybe not-so for the neighbours, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly smug as his neighbours would’ve known that it was — “Shuichi!” — who had been making you wail and moan like that.
Your uncertainty and discomfort from earlier disappeared into thin air, forgotten forever as you lost yourself in this new feeling of being plowed like a cornfield.
Finally finding the energy and courage to pry open your tear-filled eyes, your jaw remained slack, mouth blubbering out nonsense and ‘I love you’s as you made eye contact with Shuichi.
You felt your heart stutter and stop a moment as you saw how pretty he looked at that moment. With his facial expression contorting into one of pure pleasure, and a thin layer of sweat making his skin almost seem like it was glowing, combined with the loving look in his eyes; it was all too much, and before you knew it, you made your own lewd expression as you felt a foreign knot suddenly build up and untie in your stomach just as quick.
With stuttered, pathetic attempts at pleading his name, you attempted to get his attention as you had been slightly afraid of what was building up inside you. “Sh- Shu- Some- Something’s- Mmnhah!” You sobbed out, jaw going slack as screams poured out from your throat.
Shuichi’s eyes widened just a fraction as he realized what was happening, slowing his hips before suddenly going faster than before, grunting as he brought himself back to his high. “It’s- It’s okay baby, just let go- Urk—!” Shuichi wheezed as he felt your trembling vaginal walls clamp onto his throbbing length, feeling as if he had just gotten the air punched out of him. Well, you were only following his order.
Hunching over you, he squeezed your hands as he rolled his hips one last time, slow and deep, causing you to elicit a louder scream from the spot he hit. He had to suppress a thankful smile; there it was. He began to dig his glans especially hard into that spot, causing you to sob and squirm from the intense pleasure he had been putting onto you. “S- So good- I- I can’t-” You stammered, mind fuzzy and misfunctioning as your orgasm had been concentrated by Shuichi’s bold action.
You wondered if this was his first time; he seemed so experience like he knew all the right spots to press and prod at.
When really, he just read way too many porn mags.
Shuichi’s breath hitched as he felt his cock twitch, not long after the mini action, he had finally released inside you, going slack over your body as he nearly cried into your shoulder from how good it felt. Desperate and shaky moans and groans spilled from the binds of his thin lips, and no matter how hard he tried to dig himself into your neck, the moans remained loud.
Time seemed to slow down, Shuichi had gone flaccid inside you and quiet as he tried to catch his breath. Despite the lower half of your body still incredibly sensitive and numb, you managed to switch your positions, shifting him, so he was laying on his side instead of you.
He let himself be cradled by you, sweaty skin sticking together in an uncomfortably comfortable way. It was warm.
“... God, we should’ve done that months ago.” You half-joked, voice gravelly.
Shuichi groaned in response, wincing as he pulled out slowly.
“I don’t think I.. regret waiting.” Shuichi truthfully spoke, smiling a lopsided grin.
“Because it made this moment more special… right?” He hoped he wasn’t the only one to think so.
You nodded, eyes eventually drifting shut. “Yeah… You’re right, you’re.. always right.”
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Perceptive Blindness
Prompt: hi can i have some hurt/comfort lamp where virgil gets the others together and pines maybe? im feeling down and need to see virgil pining. ps i love all your fics (especially Is It Enough?)
Thanks to the nonny for this prompt! I hope it's what you wanted, I had fin with it. I love writing in Virgil's voice so much because I don't have to try and rein in my natural snark as much. 
Read on Ao3
Pairings: LAMP babeyy
Warnings: our buddy V has a panic attack but it’s not super explicit
Word Count: 4814
It should’ve been easy, right? To see it coming?
 Listen, Virgil’s job is to be observant, to pay attention to shit. Just because he’s notoriously, um, overreactive doesn’t mean he’s bad at paying attention. He sees a whole lot of shit and hey if you saw as much shit as Virgil did you’d be freaking out too, yeah? Okay, great, got that sorted.
 So. Here’s the thing.
When Roman starts sitting a little closer to Patton that he used to on the couch or offering to help him cook and clean when they all know Roman would rather do anything else, Virgil notices. When Roman starts getting up earlier and earlier so he can beat Patton down to the kitchen so they can do it together, Virgil notices. (It’s not like he sleeps, he notices this shit when there’s not supposed to be people up and at ‘em for another half-hour.)
 So yeah, maybe he sinks into Princey’s room one day and smirks when Roman startles terribly coming out of the bathroom.
 “Hey there, Princey.”
 “Don’t—goodness, Stormcloud,” Roman huffs, getting his balance back, “don’t do that. Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”
 “You were in the bathroom, you wouldn’t have answered.”
 “How did you know I was—you know what, it doesn’t matter.” Roman shakes his head. “What do you want?”
“What, I can’t just pop my head in and say hi?”
 “I’ve never in my life heard you say ‘pop my head in’ and I never want to hear it again.”
 “That’s where you draw the line?”
 “Everyone has a line, Dark and Stormy.”
 Virgil shrugs, smiling when Roman glares at him for curling up on his bed. Which, alright fair.
 “You’ve yet to explain why you’re in my room,” Roman reminds, sounding less upset than confused.
 “Just thought I’d say hi.”
 “Yes, sure, that’s it.”
 “What, you don’t believe me?” Roman just stares at him. “Okay, okay, I...may have an ulterior motive.”
 “Aha!” Roman points at him victoriously. “I knew it! Now tell me, you fiend.”
 It’s only the slight uptick of Roman’s mouth that lets him know that’s probably supposed to be a term of endearment.
 “Oh, nothing much,” Virgil sighs, “just wondering about your sleeping habits.”
 “Considering you’re the only one in the Mindscape who gets less sleep than me, you’re in no position to—“
 “I’m not here to yell at you, Roman,” Virgil says quickly, relaxing a bit when Roman’s shoulders slump, “I just…you know, I hear you when you get up.”
 “That’s…kind of creepy.”
 “It’s my thing, Roman,” he sighs, “I pay attention to shit and it’s not like I’m asleep.”
 “I know, I know, I didn’t mean it like that.” Roman sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Are you asking why I’ve been getting up earlier?”
 “It’s nothing bad, Virgil.”
 “Never said it was.”
 Roman sighs again, more dramatically this time, flouncing over to his desk, definitely not pouting. “Virgil…”
 “What? If it’s not bad, why don’t you wanna tell me?” Virgil’s eyes widen. “Ooh, is it a secret? Are you keeping secrets, Roman?”
 “Shut up!”
 “No!” Virgil lobs a pillow at him. “Tell me!”
 He ducks quickly when another one flies back at him.
 “You threw it first!”
 “Yeah, and!”
 “Gah!” Roman throws himself up out of his chair, trying to hide how red his face is. It’s not working. “What do you want?”
 “I told you, Princey,” Virgil grins, “I want to know why you’re getting up earlier and why you don’t want to tell me.”
 “Because I want to!”
 “And why do you want to?”
 “No,” Roman insists, pointing his finger at Virgil, “I told you, that’s what you wanted.”
 “Giving me the vaguest answer that doesn’t actually answer the question is not an answer.”
 Roman stares at him for a second. “We’ve said the word ‘answer’ too many times. It’s not a word anymore.”
 “Pity.” Virgil shrugs. “Guess you’re gonna have to just tell me.”
 “That’s not—how does—“ Roman pinches the bridge of his nose. “That is not how this words. Works.”
 Virgil snickers.
 “Shut up.”
 “You’re so flustered, Princey. I haven’t seen you like this in ages.”
 “Leave me alone, Virgil.”
 The note of genuine irritation in Roman’s voice is enough to give Virgil pause. He slides off the bed and walks over to Roman, shoving his hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth on his heels.
 “You mean that, Roman?”
 Roman looks at him from between his fingers, then looks away. “…no.”
 “Okay.” He bumps Roman with his elbow. “Sit down, Princey.”
 He winces when Roman lets his knees buckle and just collapses onto the floor.
 “I didn’t—okay fine.” Listen, Virgil has no respect for ‘normal’ sitting places at the best of times. He sits next to Roman and watches the prince worry at the cuffs of his sleeves. “Roman, you gotta—you’re gonna fuck them up.”
 “It’s fine,” Roman mutters absentmindedly, “I’ve done this before.”
 “…not exactly reassuring me here, dude.”
 “No, not—not this, I just meant the—my sleeves, they’re…they’re not…it’s fine.”
 Virgil nods, frowning as Roman starts to fidget a little more.
 “It’s Patton,” Roman blurts, his face flushing even brighter, “I—that’s why I’m waking up earlier.”
 Something in Virgil’s chest twists.
 “I figured,” he says instead, bumping Roman’s shoulder again, “you, uh, you had that look about you.”
 “What look?”
 Virgil tilts his head a bit. “You…you do know what you look like when you’re in love, don’t you Princey?”
 If Roman’s eyes could go wider than when Virgil said he knew what was going on, well, they do.
“I—I’m—wait, what?”
 “You’re romance, aren’t you?” The corner of Virgil’s mouth tugs upward. “Passion, desire, romance, all of that, right?”
 “I am, but—“
 “You—alright, I gotta figure out a way to say this without being sappy as shit,” Virgil grumbles, looking away for a moment. “Okay, uh—you’re—there’s no way to say this and not sound absolutely ridiculous, but um…your color’s red, right?”
 Roman nods, still staring at him.
 “You…your eyes turn red, Roman,” Virgil mumbles, “like…you know how cartoon people get like…hearts in their eyes?”
 “I get literal heart-eyes?”
 “Kind of?” Virgil waves his hand. “You just—you’re—your irises go red and like…sparkly.”
 “They do?”
 “Have you seriously never noticed?”
 “No!” Roman looks like someone just told him Thomas got another Disney job or something. “I—oh my goodness, this is incredible! How can I see this!”
 “Here’s a tip,” Virgil snickers as Roman’s cheeks start to color again, “next time you’re in the kitchen with Patton or something, look at yourself in the mirror or something reflective right after you look at him.”
 “O-okay,” Roman mumbles, “okay, okay, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this—“
 “Hey—“ Virgil prods him— “you’re supposed to be downstairs in ten minutes anyway, just go now.”
 “And…he’s gone,” Virgil sighs, getting up and sinking back to his own room. He pulls on his headphones and turns up the music.
 Had Roman…really never noticed his eyes did that? The dude’s had eyes for—well, as long as you have eyes for. Has he never looked at himself when he’s working before? Jeez, and here Virgil thought Roman was looking in a mirror every two seconds.
 Well, it wouldn’t be the first time he’s noticed something that none of the others did. But still, what with how…obvious Roman can be sometimes, had the others really never noticed this either?
 As it turns out, the answer is yes, but also no.
 They’re in the living room a few days later and Roman’s bouncing off the walls, as per usual, as Logan looks up every so often from his book, and Patton giggles. Virgil is decidedly not paying attention because of course he isn’t, curled up on the floor out of the way of Roman’s bouncing.
 “Watch where you’re going,” Logan scolds when Roman almost brains himself on the banister, “you’ll hurt yourself.”
 “Pfft,” Roman blusters, “I haven’t paid attention to a single thing in my entire life and I’ll be damned if I start now.”
 Virgil snorts. Patton makes a vague noise of concern. Logan just sighs.
 “Roman, you are clearly intelligent enough to demonstrate that you do pay attention to things.”
 “I dunno,” Virgil says, “he didn’t notice his heart-eyes when he’s in love until I told him about them.”
 Roman sticks his tongue out. Virgil sticks his out back. Then they notice that Logan and Patton are quiet.
 “Roman has what?” Logan closes his book. “I…I was also not aware of this.”
 “Hah!” Roman points at Virgil. “See, it’s not just me!”
 “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
 “Patton? Did you also know this?”
 “Y-yeah,” Patton manages, his voice strangely quiet, “I mean, I knew about Roman’s eyes, but…doesn’t he have that all the time? Not just when he’s in love?”
 Oh, shit.
 Roman freezes, his mouth opening and closing without making sounds. Logan looks quizzically back and forth between the two of them until Virgil clambers to his feet and knocks his elbow.
 “C’mon, L, let’s go somewhere else.”
 “You’ll see.”
 Sure enough, after a few minutes of them walking away to give Roman and Patton some privacy, Logan makes a small ‘ah’ sound.
 “Yeah,” Virgil sighs, “took them long enough.”
 “I am pleased to say that this I did notice.”
 “I mean it’s not like it isn’t obvious.”
 “That’s what I said.”
 “Honestly, did they believe we couldn’t see?”
 “I don’t think they knew until like, ten seconds ago.”
 “They truly are a bit oblivious, aren’t they?”
 “Oh, hell yeah.”
 Hey, you know how sickeningly adorable Patton and Roman are normally? You know how much more sickeningly adorable they got after this happened?
 Now double that.
 Now you have like, some idea of what Virgil’s going through.
 Dates. Kisses. Flowers. Baking together. Sitting on top of each other. Whispers in the corner. Curled around a phone so tight they can’t tell whose legs are whose.
 Is Virgil happy for them? Yes. Absolutely. Great for them. Is he also about to down a bottle of soy sauce to even out the amount of pure sugar he’s being forced to consume? Pass that salt factory over here, please, pronto. That’s probably why the feeling that twisted in his chest hasn’t gone away any.
 “Seriously,” Virgil huffs to Logan after the two of them vanish from the kitchen, “Thomas is gonna have so many cavities.”
 “That’s not how it works, Virgil.”
 “But it fucking could be.”
 “I must say I think this has had a…positive impact on Thomas,” Logan says instead, “that his heart and his ego are so…compatible.”
 Virgil snorts. “That’s one way to put it.”
 “I suppose it makes sense.”
 “Yeah, yeah, it makes sense. Right brain boys, we get it. Doesn’t mean I don’t feel like I’m drowning in a gallon of vanilla syrup every time I walk into a fucking room.”
 “Alright, enough,” Logan says, giving Virgil a reprimanding look that’s just this side of too smiley to be effective, “I need more coffee.”
 “Ooh, get me some too?”
 “I have a better idea: why don’t you come with me?”
 Virgil groans. “But that requires moving. And effort.”
 “You have legs.”
 “But—“ Virgil wriggles down into the nice little divot in the couch cushions— “comfy.”
 Logan sighs, shaking his head in what might be fond exasperation. “Very well. Hold this.”
 “Okay,” Virgil mutters, taking Logan’s empty coffee mug, “what are you—hey!”
 Logan, because apparently none of them have noticed that he can apparently do this, simply tucks Virgil under his arm like a sack of potatoes, conveniently ignoring the fact that Virgil is, you know, a fucking heavy-ass person, and walks off toward the kitchen like this is absolutely fucking normal.
 “Do I even weigh anything to you?”
 “Your weight is not insubstantial.”
 Well, judging by the way Logan’s just walking, like a normal person, uh, it doesn’t seem like it.
 “How—since when—what?”
 “Articulate as always, Virgil,” Logan remarks, stride never faltering, “I do seek to maintain some level of physical fitness.”
 “Some level of—Logan, you’re carrying me like it’s nothing!”
 Logan glances down and raises an eyebrow. “Is there a problem?”
 Nope. Absolutely not. Not from this angle. Holy shit.
 “No,” Virgil squeaks, “no, nope. I’m good. No problems.”
 Logan hums and looks away, easily setting Virgil back on his feet once they get to the kitchen.
 Yeah, yeah. Everything’s fine right now. Everything’s so fine. Everything’s so fine and good right now in the way that it’s happening. It’s never not been fine. Virgil’s never been more fine in his fucking life.
 Holy fuck.
 Okay, so Virgil was not observant enough to pick that up the first time around—get it? No? Fuck you, that was funny—but he does start noticing it more often. How Logan can just sigh and pick up the couch to grab his pencil, or how he never balks at having to put away the really heavy dishes that Patton struggles with. It’s—okay. Yep, he can deal with this. Totally.
 Virgil just sees a lot, okay?
 Which means that he can see how Roman and Patton react when they first realize how strong Logan is.
 Patton’s looking for something in the top of the cupboard, straining on his tiptoes. He sighs and starts to try and climb the counter.
 “Patton!” Logan rushes into the kitchen past Virgil who sits back to watch the show. “Don’t do that, you know how dangerous it is.”
 “I know, I know, but I can’t find the brown sugar, I think I pushed it back too far!”
 “Just get the step stool, you know where it is.”
 “But it takes so long to reorganize the closet to get it out,” Patton protests, “and I know where it is, it won’t take long.”
 “We do need to fix that, don’t we?” Logan sighs. “Alright. You say you know where it is?”
 “Yes! I can see it, I just can’t reach it.”
 “Alright. Ready?”
 “Ready for—oof!”
 Patton squeals when Logan just…picks him up and holds him by the cupboard, clutching Logan’s arms like he’s going to fall.
 “Can you reach it?”
 “Y-yeah, I can probably—oh my goodness, Lo, you’re strong!”
 “I’m not going to drop you, Patton, just grab the sugar.”
 “Okay, okay, I, um…” Patton fidgets, still clutching Logan’s hands. “Gosh!”
 “Patton? The sugar?”
 “R-right!” Patton pulls the bag of sugar out of the cupboard as Logan lowers him gently to the ground. “Wow, thanks, Logan!”
 “Of course. Though we really must get the closet reorganized, the step stool does not good if we can’t easily access it…”
 Virgil snickers as Logan goes off about the closet. He knows damn well Patton is not paying any attention to what he’s saying. He catches Virgil’s eyes and just mouths ‘wow!’
 Virgil responds with a shrug of ‘what can you do?’
 “What’s up, L?” He cranes his neck back to peer up at Logan.
 “Patton has requested that we all come to stay in the kitchen,” Logan says, offering a hand to pull Virgil to his feet. Virgil briefly entertains the idea of making Logan pick him up again when he decides against it.
 “Do you happen to know where Roman is,” Logan asks as he pulls Virgil up, “or no?”
 “I think he’s in the Imagination?”
 Logan rolls his eyes. “Then you may as well come with me. We’ll have a better chance of finding him.”
 Virgil tips Patton a lazy two-fingered salute as they make their way up the stairs. Sure enough, the bright red door to the Imagination is ajar, and as Logan steps through, Virgil spots a castle, a briar garden, and many many cloud fortresses above.
 “Well,” Logan huffs as Virgil closes the door, “he’s not running out of energy any time soon.”
 “Quite.” Logan glances around. “Well, we’d better start looking.”
 Virgil’s about to agree when he hears something whistling above him. He looks up and squints.
 He takes two steps to the left.
 “Virgil?” Logan turns around. “What’re you doing?”
 In response, Virgil just points up.
 Logan follows his finger, his expression changing from one of confusion to that familiar fond exasperation again. Virgil expects him to glance around for something soft, or squishy, or at the very least move out of the way.
 Instead, Logan simply sighs, takes two steps closer, and holds out his arms…
 …and catches Roman effortlessly in a princess carry.
 “Hello, Roman,” Logan says like he didn’t just fucking do that, “Patton wants everyone downstairs.”
 “I don’t think Roman’s got speech right now, L,” Virgil snickers.
 Indeed, Roman—which, hang on, let’s preface this by saying this is a reasonable reaction, okay? Logan just fucking caught him after falling from god knows how high like he weighs less than a fucking pillow, this is not something that just happens—is staring open-mouthed at Logan, panting heavily, frozen in Logan’s arms. Logan tilts his head.
 “Roman? Are you okay?”
 Virgil snorts when Roman suddenly flails and tries to struggle out of Logan’s arms.
 “Roman,” Logan says sternly and holy fuck, “if you want me to put you down I will, but if you do that you’re going to hurt yourself.”
 “Yep,” Roman squeaks, “you can—you can put me down, I can walk, you can put me down.”
 “There we go.” Logan puts him down only for Roman to quickly brush himself off and dart toward the door. “Where are you going?”
 “Patton! Downstairs! Forgot! Bye!”
 “Well, he seems to be in a hurry,” Logan sighs, adjusting his glasses, only to frown at Virgil when Virgil just bursts out laughing. “What?”
 “No, no, you gotta—holy shit!” Virgil doubles over, still cackling. “Oh my god, his face.”
 “I don’t understand what’s so funny,” Logan says a moment later when Virgil’s wiping tears from his eyes, “did I do something wrong?”
 The concerned question sobers Virgil, at least enough to stop dying. “No, no, L, you’re fine. Roman’s just…having a moment.”
 “Because he forgot about Patton’s request,” Logan nods, “and does not wish to offend him.”
 “…yeah, that’s it.”
 “Well,” Logan says, dusting himself off, “let’s not be late too, hmm?”
 “Sure, L.”
 Logan might not know why Roman and Patton are muttering furiously to each other and spring apart the second they appear around the end of the stairs, but Virgil does. He just chuckles and winks and settles in to watch a dinner of the three of them being absolutely idiots.
 It’s fine.
 It’s so fine.
 It’s probably because he was laughing so hard that his chest still hurts.
 This lasts for like a week, and Virgil’s fucking face hurts from laughing at their fucking faces and trying to hide how hard he’s fucking laughing. And yeah okay Virgil’s in no position to judge, he’s got no idea how ridiculous he looked when he got jump scared by Logan’s freaky strength.
 And it’s just not fucking fair because if it was Roman, they’d all expect it. He’d be sweeping them off their feet every two seconds and they’d be used to it by now. If it were Patton, he’d just pick them up and hug them and be the best dad ever and that would be great. But no, it’s Logan.
 Logan who’s…Logan. Who can calm them all down better than anyone else but also has that sharp-as-hell tongue and quick wit that runs circles around them. Fuck. He’s just—gah.
 Okay, at least Virgil’s not alone here. He’s seen Patton fumble through his words around a surprisingly patient Logan for ages now, and watched Roman stand way too close to Logan too. And yeah, okay, he’s seen the way Logan looks at them too.
 So much so that he bites the bullet one day and sighs, tugging Logan out of the living room and to his room.
 “Virgil? What’s going on?”
 “What’s going on,” Virgil sighs, “is that if I have to look at you pining over them for one more second I am going to scream.”
 Logan, to his credit, doesn’t try and deny it. Instead, he simply adjusts his tie and glasses, studiously avoiding Virgil’s gaze. “I suppose it really is that obvious.”
 “To me, yeah, to those two, not so much.”
 “I will get over this, I’m working on it.”
 “God, no, L, that’s not what I—“ Virgil pinches the bridge of his nose. “Just talk to them, okay?”
 “Are you certain? But you’d be…okay with this?”
 Virgil levels a stare at him. “Dude, have you not seen how they look at you?”
 “What is it like for you guys? It must be so boring.”
 “I can assure you,” Logan says wryly, “I can see perfectly well.”
 “Sure, Specs.”
 “Alright, that’s enough.”
 “Yeah, uh-huh. Sure.”
 “No, no, I’m just saying it’s interesting that—“
 “That’s enough.”
 Virgil gulps. “Mhmm. Okay. Yep. Got it.”
 He wisely does not go into the living room for the rest of the day.
 There’s a lot Virgil sees. He sees the way Logan makes two extra mugs of coffee, sits just so on the couch, touches the small of Roman’s back or the crook of Patton’s shoulder. He sees the way Roman smiles when he looks at Patton the way he doesn’t smile any other time, wraps his arms tightly around Logan’s waist and hooks his chin over his shoulder, keeps his door cracked a little more than usual. He sees the way Patton fusses over the cookies, making sure they’ve always got Roman’s chips and Logan’s pretzels stocked, walks in the middle of the two of them with their hands swinging.
 He sees a lot.
 And, uh…he realizes something.
 Remember that, uh, funny feeling in his chest that he totally thought was from somewhere else?
 Listen, just because he sees a lot of stuff doesn’t mean he’s the best at recognizing it.
 So yeah. He’s, uh…
 You know.
 Don’t make him say it.
 As it turns out, that can make you blind to certain things. When he’s hyper-focusing on the things he knows he’s going to see, he doesn’t really have the space to realize there’s a whole host of things he doesn’t see.
 He doesn’t see the way Patton’s smile drops when Virgil declines his invitation to movie night, saying he doesn’t wanna crash or invade. He doesn’t notice the way Roman makes a point to ask permission to hug Virgil too, cradling him with a tenderness he doesn’t notice that he’s only seen for the others. He doesn’t realize how much Logan’s behavior toward him is how Logan treats Roman and Patton now.
 He doesn’t notice much past the ache in his chest.
 Then he has a panic attack on their date night and the pain sharpens to an unbearable whine.
 They’re not coming. They’re not coming. There’s no one here to help him, he’s alone, he’s always going to be alone, in the dark, in the shadows, away from the light. They’re not worrying about him, why would they? They’ve got each other, they don’t need him, they’ve never needed him, not like he needs them, he’s—he’s all alone, he doesn’t have anyone, no one wants him, he’s going to die like this. He’s alone. It’s cold. The cold is painful. His chest burns from how cold it is. He can’t breathe, it’s so cold.
 No one is here, no one is coming.
 “Roman, can you—?”
 Something bangs in the distance.
 Strong arms wrap around him and pull him into something warm. More strong arms cover his hands and gently pry them away from his face. Something soft rubs his face and strokes over his back.
 “I need you to breathe with me, kiddo, come on…”
 “We’re right here, Stormcloud, you just calm down now.”
 “It’s okay, Virgil, everything is okay.”
 No, no, no, they’re not supposed to be here, it’s their date night, they—oh, god they’re missing their date night for him and he’s ruining it and they’re going to hate him now and—and—
 “Shh, shh,” comes Logan’s voice from somewhere above him, “hush now, Virgil, it’s alright. We’ve got you.”
 “You’re safe, sweetheart,” Patton coos, “I promise. You just sit with Logan for a minute, okay?”
 “I’m—I’m so—sor—sorr—“
 “None of that, shadowling,” Roman murmurs, brushing—wait, what?—brushing his lips over the back of Virgil’s shaking hand, “it’s not your fault.”
 The ache in Virgil’s chest expands and collapses in on itself again.
 Logan makes a comforting noise, tugging Virgil gently this way and that until he’s square in Logan’s arms, his head pillowed in the crook of Logan’s neck. Roman’s hand cards through his hair. Patton taps the 4-7-8 rhythm gently on his arm.
 “Virgil, honey?” Patton reaches up to dab at his damp cheek when he mumbles a full apology. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
 “Yeah,” Virgil manages, “y-you can go now, ‘m sorry.”
 Roman chuckles. “If you think we’re leaving you, little demon, you’ve got another thing coming.”
 “B-but you—“
 “Shh, shh,” Roman says quickly when Virgil’s breathing starts to pick up again, “take it easy, V, it’s okay, we’re not in a hurry.”
 “It’s your date night,” Virgil blurts, the words clumsy and too loud in his mouth, “you—you shouldn’t have to be here. W-with—“
 “…with,” Patton prompts gently, “with what, kiddo?”
 “…with me.”
 “Oh, kiddo…”
 “If you think,” Roman says quietly, “that we’d rather be anywhere else than right here, with you, at any time, you’re sorely mistaken, V.”
 “B-but we’re—you’re—I’m not—“
 “Not what, kiddo?”
 Saying it out loud punctures his chest again. Tears well up in his eyes as he buries his face shamefully in Logan’s neck.
 “…oh my god,” he hears Roman say faintly, “it happened!”
 “But I thought we—we were being more obvious!”
 “I know! I thought we were too! But this happened! It’s just like the stories, oh my goodness—“
 “Oh, kiddo…”
 Virgil can’t process any of that right now, thank you very much, because he’s currently hiding in Logan’s embrace and would rather never emerge again.
 If he had, well, he may have been a little more prepared for Logan to cup his face with one hand and pull back enough to look him in the eyes.
 “Virgil,” Logan whispers, “we thought you already were.”
 Go back.
 “Surely you’ve noticed, kiddo, haven’t you?” Patton squeezes his arm. “We love you, Virgil.”
 “Stormcloud,” Roman whispers, brushing his lips over Virgil’s cheek, “we do, and you’re ours as much as you’d like to be.”
 “Patton’s right,” Logan says, still cupping Virgil’s face as he wipes away stray tears, “to be honest, I….well, I thought you and I were in a relationship long before Patton and Roman.”
 “You what?”
 In response, Logan leans forward and kisses Virgil’s forehead.
 “You don’t think I’d do that for just anyone,” he whispers, too quiet for the others to hear, “do you?”
 Hello, yes, hi, Virgil has precisely zero idea what’s going on right now, so uh, if everyone could just hold the fuck on for two seconds it would be greatly appreciated.
 “Aww, Left Brain boys!”
 Virgil isn’t interrupting date night.
 The others care about him.
 The others love him.
 The others want him to be a part of their family.
 Logan thought they were in a relationship already.
 “Shh, shh,” Logan shushes, his thumb stroking Virgil’s shaking cheek, “you don’t have to say anything right now, darling. This is a lot, I’m sure.”
 “Logan’s right.” Roman ruffles Virgil’s hair. “We’ll be here for you, Stormcloud.”
 “And that’s a promise.”
 Yeah, Virgil’s brain is way too fried by all of this to process any of it. But he does know that Roman’s hand in his hair is warm and soft and perfect. He knows that Patton’s murmuring something quietly that’s lulling him right to sleep. He knows that Logan is still holding him tightly, his lips pressed to his forehead, whispering how much they love him.
 “Go to sleep, darling,” Logan whispers, “we’ll be here when you wake up.”
 “You’re not being rude, kiddo, promise.”
 “Close your eyes,” Roman calls softly, his fingers scratching around Virgil’s head, “and you’ll see, Stormcloud.”
 As Virgil’s eyes drift closed, maybe…maybe they’re right.
 Maybe it’ll be a little easier to see that way.
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miraculousrainbow · 4 years
Sleeping In The Bathroom Is Better Than Home
Chat noir cannot stand being at home anymore and by chance stumbles upon Marinette wich turns into an unexpected sleepover
Marichat (can be viewd as romantic or platonic)
Trigger warnings : mention of verbal abuse, mentions of neglect, discussions of bad mental health, bad mental health, insomnia, anxiety, trapping a child mention (ask to tag)
"Im done and sick of it"
He couldnt think straight, he just knew that he needed to get out as fast as he can
Plag popped out in a look of concern but before he could say anything Adrien already climbed out the window and yelled "Plagg claws out" and jumped out
His movement wasent his usual cat like swiftness
It was heavy and frantic
He was stumbling around in the dark and crashing into a wall or a random pole every once in a while but ignoring it as nothing happened and just, keeps going
He was going around blindly
With the only purpose of just, getting away
After a while of hanging about at the dark he calmed down a bit, but he was still fearful
His dad yelling still ringing in his ears and with each sound feeling like another hit
"Ignore it he insisted"
"You are here, you are safe, you are not at home anymore."
"You are safe." he whispered to himself loudly with a bit of a panic in his voice and a desperation to make these words feel true
But it was getting late he knew that soon he will need to go back home but he couldnt bring himself
He would rather sleep outside
"The only problem is that he would be an easy target for hawkmoth or criminals depending on the form"
"Or he could just stay a-"
His thought had been cut mid sentence while he was walking he realised he sees a familiar light and in the light had been basking a familiar figure
"Marinette!" He exclaimed with relief in his voice
"It was nice seeing a friend out here and a light source when everything else seems so dark and bleak and eerily quiet..."
"Chat Noir?" Marinette blinked trying to figure out where the dark ends and where the cat starts
"Its nice to see you" he said with a sheepishly smile
"Is there an akuma" Marinette eyes darted from place to place while her expression seemed so focused she wouldnt miss a fly
"Not tonight princess" he replied feeling a bit guilty he made her worry
A sigh of relief escaped the teen's mouth and her expression softened
And when she looked up to his surprise she looked like she is actually happy to see him
"So what brings you here ~Chat Noir~." she said his superhero name like you would call someone a royalty title jokingly
"Wich... was fair, but! he just hoped she knew every time he called her princess it was full of fondness"
"Oh um, just going for a walk, getting some fresh air"
"At two at night"
"I can ask you the same princess" he stumbled on his words he didnt expect that
"He havent being keeping an eye on the hour"
"He hoped he wasent missing for too long"
"But with his father absence he sometimes thinks he could of being kidnaped by hawkmoth for days and he wouldnt even notice"
"and sometimes he could of just barged into the room out of the blue"
"For ones he hoped for the first one"
Marinette unexpectedly decided to be the first one to break the silence
"Thoughts, just too many thoughts" she replied honestly and wiped her eyes in tiredness and maybe tears
Even though her answer seemed quite generic he recognised the real weight these words hold
"You?" She asked softly in sleepiness
"I just couldnt handle staying there anymore"
He blurted out choking on a bit of tears
"Her honestly just made him feel like he couldnt keep it inside anymore and that he could just share it safely and it will be okay"
"Like he didnt have to keep it down anymore and he really couldnt not like this not when he finally feels safe and the adrenaline from earlier is starting to die out and the tiredness is kicking in"
"Not next to Marinette"
"When she just comes with honestly openness and without anything to hide behind"
"She could of waited a little longer he would have come up with a joke to sweep her off her feet or at least made her laugh thats a win too"
"And just have a normal conversation"
"But she chose openness and he couldnt help, but choose it too"
He was a bit shaking he didnt notice till Marinette put a hand on him "hey, do you wanna go talk inside?"
The cat was frozen in surprise at the sudden touch
but as soon as it went is as soon as it goes
"And I know your identity needs to remain a secret for yours and the safety of your loved ones"
"So tell me just as you can and want of course" she made a serious face in the end but he couldnt ignore how cute it was
He noded thankful and followed her in
"Not surprisingly her room was much warmer than the cold outside"
They set down and Marinette asked while fiddling with her fingers "So, what happened?"
"My dad just yelled at me"
"Again" he rolled his eyes with a snort of someone who learned to turn their anger into despair and nihilistic jokes
"Its or he leaves me alone and neglects me or he yells at me and traps me"
"And in the past it used to be or he neglects me and traps me or he yells at me and traps me"
"But good luck trapping Chat Noir ha ha" he said with exhaustion and finger guns
"Unless you are hawkmoth if he would of being I bet he would have trapped me then too" another bitter laugh escaped his mouth
"What about you?"
"So you know those nights when you try to go to bed and you just lay there but you cant stop thinking and your thought are running and running and you just start shaking and you cant stop and no matter what you cant sleep and you wish so badly you can but you just cant so you stand up cause you cant take it anymore"
She blurted out as well just more in a mini frantic tangent
Instead of a frantic blurt out
"So maybe" she says with a twirl of her hand like she tries to drag the word longer and just not let the sentence end
"Im having one of these nights"
She covered her face with her hand and looked away like she is even ashamed of having a problem
"Wich is super unfair everyone has problems" he scoffed in his head
"And also one thing was made sure by this conversation she was crying earlier"
"Actually yeah" he replied looking up from his knees and surprising them both
"I do get these nights from time to time"
"Now it was his turn to look away"
"Now he is the one feeling shame in having problems"
"Honestly, he thinks it made both of them feel better knowing they are not the only ones even though he and of course Marinette! would never wish this upon each other it was still nice being in the same boat"
"Its exhausting" she exclaimed and looked like she was trying to rest her had on air and getting grumpy each time it doesnt work
Chat tapped to time on his knees to signal that she can use him as a pillow
Marinette without taking a second thought took the invite and settled down
At the moment of contact Chat Noir felt like lightening were running up his spine he just hoped he didnt move
He wasent used to other ppl contact much
And he always withdrew away quite quickly
"Its not that he didnt like others touch"
"Its just that it would always overwhelm him so much"
"And it made him feel like he needed a break but every time he was ready to come back"
"There was nobody left"
"And lets not talk about how it was before school when there was nobody to begin with"
"She looked so comfortable like it was all natural being so close to someone and just putting your head down"
"He wishes he could feel like that too"
"He hopes one day he will"
After a moment of rest and a sigh of relief Marinette asked "So, whats the plan?"
"Kinda how he would of asked his lady on battle he wondered if thats how he looks like"
"Uh, I kinda planned on staying awake outside until I will collapse of exhaustion..."
"Well, thats a horrible plan."
"In retrospect, he agreed but its not like he had any other options" he thought to himself
"The only room with a decent lock is the bathroom but I cant let you sleep in the bathroom!"
"I considered sleeping outside so this sounds much better"
"Chat!" She protested
"Its not like I have any better options" he sighed into his hand
"Okie but Im putting a clock to 5 in the morning so you will be back before anyone notices"
"But then what about you? dont you need any sleep?"
"I dont think I will fall asleep befor 5 am to be honest" she made an awkward laugh in an attempt to make it seem not as bad
"And, having company for a change even if will be a sleeping one soon is nice."
She looked up to him still resting on his lap with a soft smile that looks like it means Im really thankful you are here but you need to go to sleep now
"Marinette I-" he couldnt help but let a sigh of relief escape his mouth "I cant thank you enough"
"Hey what there are partne- pretty good friends for!"
"She started stammering. Now he was sure she was too tired for communication and needed some rest"
"So lets get ready for the sleep part in our kind of spontaneous sleepover!" she said like it was all part of just a regular late night party
He chuckled and replied with a simple sappy "yeah" and he got ready to bed
And in a long time he actually had a good sleep even though it was in the bathroom
The end <3
Update: thank you everyone for the feedback!!!
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myarmsaretoolong · 3 years
so apparently i had a brainwave for a scene from my ironhusbands/bio-dad/riri fic and felt the need to write it down so uh... here i guess
very much unfinished and just a first draft but idk i think it’s a decent go
When Tony was a young boy, he still believed in family. That fate could throw together a handful of people who loved each other to the point of idiocy, and who would always have each other’s backs.
He believed in family right up until he realised Howard cared more about some long dead Super-Soldier fantasy than his own wife and son. Howard would always talk about Steve, about what he achieved and how he gave his life to save the world. Usually in the same breath in which he berated Tony for accidentally short-circuiting the lab. Nothing Tony ever did was good enough for Howard. How could it be when Steve’s legacy hung over his head?
Then there was his mum. She tried, god knows she was a saint compared to Howard. She’d watch movies with Tony, tuck in him at night, cuddle him as he held back tears after Howard’s last screaming match. But so much of her energy was spent dealing with Howard that she had little to give to Tony. It wasn’t her fault, he didn’t blame her for it, but that didn’t make up for much.
No, it was Auntie Peggy and Jarvis who really raised Tony. He’d spend his holidays from boarding school at Jarvis and Ana’s when he could get away with it. Auntie Peggy would visit when between SHIELD missions as often as she could.
But they weren’t family, they were just people. A small part of him realised that he wouldn’t let them be his family, but that was something he’d unpack later. Save it for when he inevitably got himself a therapist. Or, more likely, when Pepper and Rhodey dragged him kicking and screaming to a therapist.
Pepper and Rhodey, they were some more people. And the Parker’s, too. Just a handful more people. His people, but just people.
Fact: the closest he’d ever felt to having a family was when he’d brought Rhodey to his house for Thanksgiving. Howard was away on business, and Rhodey’s parents were on a cruise - they were going to celebrate together when they got back. So the three of them cooked together, laughing and singing along to the radio, then ate as much as they could without throwing up.
Of course, Howard showed up early the next morning. It was meant to be a surprise, but he’s seen Rhodey sleeping on Tony’s floor and flipped out. Within an hour, the pair were on a plane heading back to MIT. That was the last time Tony let Rhodey near his parents.
Another fact: this moment is probably the second closest he’s felt to having a family.
Ben and Richard’s deep laughter mixed into one sound. Rhodey tried his best to hide a smirk behind his hand, and Mary didn’t try at all to hide her eye roll.
Tony leaned forward, elbows on his knees. He didn’t like being on the outside of the joke. “Am I a chef?”
“Absolutely not,” May grinned.
Ben and Richard howled louder, leaning on each other and wiping tears from their eyes.
Tony drummed his fingers on the post-it note stuck to his forehead. “Not an actor, not a sportsman, not a chef…Are you sure I’m even famous?”
“Definitely famous.”
“Can’t be if I haven’t heard of them,” Tony muttered. He plastered a scowl across his face and folded his arms.
Ben and Richard reached the point where their laughter turned into silent gasps for air, faces turning bright red. Maybe they’d had one too many to drink, but everyone else was just as tickled by the game. Happy even cracked an all too rare smile, though quickly wiped it away.
“I think I know this person far too well,” Mary grinned, one hand resting on her belly.
That’s what brought this group of people together, one night back in February that led to an unexpected pregnancy. At first, Tony has been terrified by the prospect of being a dad, but now… well he still was terrified, but also excited. A few weeks later, Mary met Richard, then Tony met Richard, then Tony met Richard’s brother and his wife May, then finally the Parker’s met all of Tony’s friends. And the rest, as they say, was history.
Pepper quirked an eyebrow, trying hard to keep a straight face. “I think we all know this person too well.”
Tony slumped back with a sigh. “I quit, it’s a stupid game anyway.”
“We all know you just hate losing, Tones,” Rhodey smirked. He gestured for everyone to quiet down, waiting patiently until Ben and Richard got themselves under control. “Guess some people and we’ll tell you if you’re hot or cold.”
“Okay,” Tony rubbed his hands together. “Um… Gandhi?”
In a split second everyone in the room, bar Tony, cackled with uncontrollable laughter. Rhodey clutched at his stomach and doubled over, Pepper hid her face in Mary’s shoulder, Happy and May giggled away in their own corner.
“Cold, cold,” Rhodey managed eventually. “Like Arctic cold.” His comment only sent another wave of laughter around the room.
“That’s it.” Tony ripped the post-it from his head and turned it over, reading the two words that adorned it. TONY STARK. “Oh for the love of- Really?”
Rhodey threw his head back. Come to think of it, that handwriting was definitely his.
“That’s right, Platypus, laugh it up. I can take it.” He screwed the paper into a little ball and threw it across the room, then sagged back into the sofa, defeated. Soon, though, the sound of his own voice joined in with the laughter. “I suppose it is a little funny, in a sadistic kind of way.”
The laughter stopped as abruptly as it started when Mary let out a little gasp of pain. All eyes in the room went to her.
“Just a kick,” she waved away their worry. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
Richard quickly sobered up. “I think we’ve got a footballer on our hands,” he said with a goofy grin. Tony would have said it was sappy if he didn’t have a matching one of his own.
Though his baby was biologically Tony’s, Richard was just as much it’s father. The three of them had sat down and discussed how their co-parenting arrangement would work. Ironing out the details as the months wore on. Neither wanted the other to be cut off of the baby’s life, and they all got along plenty well enough for the unconventional parenting setup to be a problem.
Tony was glad for Richard’s input. He didn’t know how to be a father, had hardly had one himself. He had a whole list of what not to do, but the rest was a mystery to him. Which is exactly where Richard stepped in, helped fill the blanks and make difficult decisions - like what colour was best to paint the nursery and which buggy is the safest.
um yeah, that’s what ive got. this is partly just proof im still working on this, and partly me trying to get over my recent writers block on the aladdin au
let me know what you think?
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trivialoveclub · 4 years
2020 Year in Review!
hey! i was tagged by the absolute angel that is ⚘ @unefleurofferte ⚘(tysm my love! 💞) for this 2020 tag! first off (even tho it's the middle of january already 🤡) i wanted to wish everyone a happy new year! not to get sappy 💀 but even tho i don't rlly talk/interact that much, it brings me a lot of happiness seeing u guys on my dash 🥺💗 i genuinely am supporting and rooting for you all and i wish u guys all the love and kindness in this new year bc you deserve it babes 💖
Rules: answer the questions about 2020 and tag some people to pass it on!
5 Fav Films You Watched in 2020
🎬 Soul (2020) "Your spark isn't your purpose. That last box fills in when you're ready to come live."
🎬 Onward (2020) "I never had a dad, but I always had you."
🎬 Klaus (2019) "A true selfless act always sparks another."
🎬 Diecisiete (2019) "You think I'd be doing all of this if I had no heart?
Maybe you're trying to get it back."
🎬 East Side Sushi (2014) "You know behind every great restaurant here, there are great latinos, in the back, in the kitchen, hidden. Prepping the food and making you all look good. Well, I don't want to be in the back anymore."
5 Fav TV Shows You Watched In 2020
📺 Like in The Movies (2020) "Do you ever feel like you're not the protagonist of your own story?"
📺 Given (2019) "Do you have anyone you like, Haruki-san? If that person suddenly disappeared from this world, what would you say?"
📺 Banana Fish (2018) "My soul is always with you."
📺 Masterchef Junior (2013-) Not a quote but Gordon Ramsay always says the dishes has "finesse" and now i can't stop saying it in everything 😭
📺 Next in Fashion (2020)
5 Fav Songs You Listened To In 2020
🎶 UGH! : BTS 🎶 "You're allowed to be angry, but bothering someone else's life, I don't like"
🎶 Fuyu No Hanashi : Given 🎶 "Just like the snow that hasn't completely melted in the shade I continue on with these feelings inside of me."
🎶 So Beautiful : DPR Ian 🎶 "My love is turning kinda gray / My heart is looking the other way."
🎶 PSYCHE : Joohoney 🎶 "All of the world pay attention"
🎶 Stay Tonight : Chungha 🎶 "Tell me what you wanna do, run away or stay tonight"
Top 5 Albums of 2020
💿 Map of The Soul 7 : BTS
UGH! ⏯ Black Swan ⏯ Inner Child
💿 Fatal Love : Monsta X
Sorry I'm Not Sorry ⏯ Nobody Else ⏯ Guess Who
💿 Ungodly Hour : Chloe x Halle
ROYL ⏯ Forgive Me ⏯ Lonely
💿 Mixtape [ PSYCHE ] : Joohoney
PSYCHE ⏯ Intro (Ambition) ⏯ DIA
💿 Chromatica : Lady Gaga
Replay ⏯ Sour Candy ⏯ Alice
Top 5 Books You Read in 2020
🤡 🤡 🤡
...i haven't read for fun in years 😔 i used to read a book every single day :(( but! i already have a list of ones i want to read so this year for sure im gonna be that girl again 🤧💅🏼
💌 How did you spend your birthday this year? 💌
uh hahaha 🤡 suddenly i can't read 🤡
well...i had to take my drivers test but i had no idea how to park so i mean obvs i was gonna fail 💀 so i got super anxious and then had a breakdown in the back seat when it was getting closer to my turn 😭 my parents had to reschedule it and take me home. i felt like such a disappointment. so it started off absolutely horrible, fortunately the rest of the day was a lot better but oof 🤪
💌 What was your most memorable day? 💌
i honestly cannot remember anything 😭 it's like one big blur but ummm...probably finishing high school! i felt like i could finally breathe 🥲
💌 What was your most memorable meal you had this year? 💌
hmm...ooo probably when my abuelita made us a bunch of paches de papa 🥺 i ate them for a whole week and i loved it entirely...my heart is pache shaped 🤧💘
💌 Did you find any new hobbies or interests in quarantine? 💌
hmm i don't think i got any new ones but i did get to be reminded again on how much i genuinely enjoy making food and like decorating/personalizing things! ☺💖
💌 What was the last big event/thing you remember doing before covid? 💌
uhhh i honestly can't think of anything? i literally don't go out 🤡 like im in chilling in this quarantine lifestyle bc nothing has changed for me 🤪
💌 5 good/positive things that happened to you in 2020? 💌
🌱 i finally escaped high school! 🎓🎉
🌱 i decided to take a gap year and the burnt out student inside me feels like she can finally exhale
🌱 i can't remember if it was in early 2020 or late 2019 but anyways I GOT MY DRIVERS LICENSE 😝😝 i honestly...do not know how i got it...i took 15+ minutes to park (as u can see your girl didn't learn her lesson) but bless that man for passing me i hope u have a beautiful life sir 😭💖 however i have not stepped in the driver's seat since then 💋 i refuse 💋
🌱 i honestly would say watching Soul 🥲💗 i've always been obsessed w my meaning and purpose in life and that movie rlly just hit home for me...i think about it everyday and im literally starting to tear up right now so let me just stop 🤪
🌱 hmm honestly just being home 💗 i now have an excuse to stay in all time and that brings me so much peace in my heart 🤧
💌 Biggest messages or lessons learnt from this year? 💌
that there's a lot to live for. and i rlly want to enjoy it? and like w the gap year i still feel guilty and still feel like im wasting time and not being productive (love being a capricorn 🤪) but im trying to not think like that...and the fact that Soul came out and it's whole message is literally like life is beautiful and it's meant to be lived 🥺 it rlly like...set that for me u know...there's so many little things that truly make me excited about life and i want to enjoy it and after those 4 years in high school of constant work and stress and losing my entire mind maybe i actually deserve it 🥲 so um yeah..sjdkajd
💌 And what are you most looking forward to in 2021? 💌
a lot ☺ everything honestly...wow omg that's so weird asjakjd ahhh 😭😭💘 [insert that paul rudd who would have thought not me meme] but i wanna do sm much!! bake and cook and learn to knit! and personalize my clothes and READ! and watch movies and shows! and i'll also be going back to school so i rlllllllllyyyyyyyy want to learn how to manage my time bc my procrastination truly fucked me in the ass in hs 🤡 but yeah im excited ahh! ☺
And We're Done!
oof my memory is so awful i feel like i can't remember anything that happened in 2020 🤡 this ended up being a bit long 💀 so if u made it to the end...thank u for reading...ily 😚💌 besitos for you! 💞
tagging these cuties 💘: @moonlattae @fluorescente @glossierjoon @ardores @star99 @jooniephoria @ahearthrob @catboyjm @yoongidisease @violetmoonlits @koyan @stardustyoongi @7blueside @m1amor @sobsyub @m8nstruck @souheii @1okyos @virgomoon @alevchaan @jihyoist
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Carravile Fic
Title: Hey Stupid
Inspired by this post.
Note: Set in present time, but they’re in their 20s.
"Neville, you really need to broaden your music taste," Jamie says as another Oasis song comes on Gary's music shuffle.
For this international break, Jamie has the pleasure of rooming with the Manc. He'd rather have roomed with Stevie, but the gaffer decided to mix things up and assigned them with people outside their own clubs. Hence, how he ended up rooming with one Gary Neville.
Which he doesn't really mind if he's honest. Especially after a change of heart on his part. He began to feel something else for the Manc after their last match with England.
Gary had come to his defense after Austria's striker took him down with a late tackle. He came rushing over and pushed the striker away when he tried pulling Jamie up on his feet. Few choice words were said before Gary checked up on his fallen teammate.
Ever since then, Jamie saw Gary in a new light. That, and he does enjoy talking to the guy. When they're playing club football, they'd keep in touch, usually texting the other about a bad result or an on-field gaffe (Jamie usually being at the end of those ones).
Sometimes, they would even socialize in person. They would either hang out in Manchester or somewhere in between, but never in Liverpool. Gary is always adamant that he'll never step into Liverpool unless if it was for a match. That just shows how bad Jamie has it for Gary if he's willing to spend his free time in enemy territory.
When they're not arguing about whose team is better, they do have great discussions about anything and everything football. To Jamie, the Manc doesn't seem half bad.
Well, except his music taste.
Gary had won the coin toss on whose music playlist gets to be played through the portable speaker. So for the past half an hour, they had been listening to what seems like the whole Oasis discography.
"Oh, and like your music taste is any better."
"Well, it's different from yours. I have an eclectic taste in music," Jamie says haughtily.
"Wow, 'eclectic.' Didn't know that was in your vocabulary. I hope you didn't strain your brain there," Gary smirks.
"It's actually me word of the day on this app I have." Jamie waves his phone. This earns a laugh from Gary, much to Jamie's delight. It's worth getting teased if it meant seeing Gary's smile especially since he knows he's the one that put it there.
"I knew you wouldn't have known that word yourself," Gary says in between chuckles.
"Anyway, can I play my music? Just to change it up some, man. I'm tired of Oasis."
"Haha, nice try, Carragher, but no. I won the toss so we're listening to this."
Jamie groaned and placed his pillow over his head. He really needs to open Gary up to different music.
After the international break, Jamie texted Gary music recommendations.
Carragher: hey listen to this, neville
(Congratulations by Post Malone)
Gary: Aww, you congratulating United for our win today.
Carragher: oh fuck off. im just showing that there's other artists out there other than oasis so we don't have to keep listening to them next time we room together
Gary: Ha! Like I'd want to room with you again!
Carragher: shut up, you love rooming with me
Gary: 🖕
Carragher: hey, thought you'd need this after that screamer of an own goal you had today
(YNWA by Brittanny Howard)
As soon as Jamie sent the link, he got a text back from Gary.
Gary: Not in the mood for your bullshit right now, Carragher.
Carragher: go on. listen to it. i promise you'll feel better. im not taking the mick
A few minutes pass and he receives another text from Gary.
Gary: Thanks Carragher. That did make me feel better. It's a great version of that song.
Carragher: 😱 what?! YNWA cheered up gary neville?! what would united fans say
Carragher: 😘
As he sent more song recommendations, Jamie thought he could use it to shoot his shot and try to let Gary know how he feels.
Carragher: here's another one. LISTEN to it, gary
(Seaside by SEB)
Jamie watched his screen, anxiously waiting for a reply. Would Gary get it or-
His phone lit up. A reply from Gary.
Gary: nice 👍
Yep, he didn't get it. Maybe I need to be more clear?
Carragher: how about this one
(I Love You, I Love You. It’s Disgusting by Broadside)
Gary: I like the ukelele use. Makes me want to learn it as well.
Jamie grabbed one of his throw pillows and screamed into it in frustration. Once he calmed down a bit, he sends another song.
(I Like Me Better by Lauv)
Gary: It's alright. You've sent better songs.
Okay, heartfelt may be the key.
Jamie then shares another song with Gary.
(Turning Page by Sleeping At Last)
Gary: Didn't take you for a sappy guy.
Jamie runs a hand over his face. He scrolls through his playlist and stops when he finds the song he was looking for.
If he still does not get it, then officially I'm the smart between us, Jamie thought as sent the link to the song. He doesn't even have to listen to it. Just read the damn title.
(Hey Stupid, I Love You by JP Saxe)
Gary: 👍
Jamie couldn't take it anymore. He grabs his phone and Facetimes Gary.
A bewildered Gary answers after a few seconds.
"You're a bit thick sometimes, aren't you?" Jamie says, foregoing any greeting.
"Well, hello to you too, Carragher," Gary answers sarcastically. "To what do I owe the displeasure of talking to you?"
"The songs. Are you really not getting what I'm trying to tell you?"
"You're trying to tell me that...you need me to help you refine your music taste?" Gary guesses.
"For fuck's sake." Jamie could not roll his eyes any harder. "No...I'm trying to tell you that I like you. Hell, I may even love you...you fucking twat."
Gary's image freezes or that's what Jamie thinks anyway until he finally blinks.
"So what?"
"I just confessed I love you. What do you have to say?"
Gary shifts in his seat. "Um..."
That was the last Jamie hears before Gary hung up. Jamie tries calling him back, but the other man refused to answer. His texts yielded the same result.
"Idiot! I'm such an idiot!" Jamie jumped to his feet and paced around his living room. When he tired himself out, Jamie collapsed back onto his sofa with his phone within reach, just in case that stupid Manc does call back.
He must have fallen asleep while he waited for a reply because the next thing he remembers is the doorbell ringing. Jamie thought of letting whoever was at the door wait until they just leave. However, this idea was quickly abandoned when the guest decided to press the doorbell in quick succession.
"I'm coming. Stop it will ya!" Jamie yelled as he begrudgingly got off the sofa.
Without checking who it was, Jamie yanked open his door. It was his turn to be frozen in surprise.
Standing in front of him was Gary Neville himself.
"Jamie, this is it." Gary gestures to himself. "This is my answer to you."
"What?" Jamie frowns.
"Me...being here in Liverpool. You know I would never come here if I don't have to...That's my answer to you."
It clicks in Jamie's head. "Are you telling me you love me too?" Jamie asks, frown now replaced by a smile.
"Me driving here wasn't enough. You really want me to say it, don't you?" Gary groans.
Jamie nods enthusiastically.
"You're a bloody idiot," Gary rolls his eyes, but he was betrayed by the corners of his mouth twitching up into a smile. "I love you."
Jamie closes the distance between them and engulfs Gary into his arms. "I love you, too," Jamie whispers before capturing Gary's lips for a kiss.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
Through That Mist I See the Shape of You and I Know That I'm in Love With You
after WEEKS of writers block and rewriting this bitch I HAVE FINISHED. TITLE (it slaps)
Maeve x Lucas. Sometimes I wonder what it’d be like to tell you I love you. 6k
CW (im changing it lol): mentions of past trauma (Lucas), some bat hisses n hatred, flirting, these are dorks in love
A headache was starting to build behind her eyes. 
Were all dates with Lucas going to be this...eventful? 
Incredibly unlucky?
She stared at the bat on the table, who was currently locked in a hissing battle with her partner. Tehi had fluffed herself to look bigger than she was, wings spread on the table. The high pitched hiss was directed at the one and only Lucas. 
Who was shooting her a wounded plea for help. 
Oh this was going swimmingly. At least she didn’t get bit by an eel this time. 
...unless he could summon them to land, which she almost doubted. But knowing him and the magic of this town? It was likely. 
She sighed, massaging her temples. 
“You royally pissed her off,” she said after a moment, cracking an eye open to look at him. She giggled, watching him rest his head on the table. He banged his forehead, making her snort. 
“Why! I didn’t do anything,” he moaned, looking over at her. She patted his head, Tehi letting out another hiss. 
Currently, Tehi was in front of their dinner, biting his hand every time he reached for something. His hands had suffered quite a bit in the past ten minutes. 
He stared longingly at the apple rings and the butternut squash he brought. “She’s even guarding dinner,” he grumbled. 
The situation was...delicate. 
Tehi, bless her heart, was on thin fucking ice. Lucas, bless his heart, was treading on eggshells. 
And her? She had no heart to bless but she was ready to give up and go on without any more squash (sadly enough). 
Having a territorial protective bat had its downsides. She grew up with Tehi, finding her in a tree injured and eating the fruit for harvest. Broke her ankle trying to get her down, her father lecturing her for hours after. 
But Tehi knew her. And she could read how she felt about Lucas just by body language alone. 
And Tehi was not happy. 
Of course, the sentiment was sweet, Tehi was being protective because of things in the past (that she was currently trying to viciously ignore), but...now she was just making sure Lucas starved. 
And Lucas…
Was sulking. She saw no end in sight unless Tehi stopped hissing. 
Second date was going worse than the first. 
“Most animals like me,” he said, reaching for Tehi, jerking his hand back as she lept for him. “Why not her? Is it a scent thing?”
“It’s uh...me thing.”
He looked up at her as she scooted closer to him, resting her hand on his knee. “Tehi doesn’t...like people getting close to me...romantically. Friends are fine, but you are um…”
“No longer a friend?”
She patted his knee with a smile. “No, I still treasure our friendship, we’re just different now.”
“So she just doesn’t…”
“Like you. Being with me. Like this.”
“How does she know?”
She felt herself flush. “She um...just knows! She’s been around me most of my life so she can read me pretty well.”
“Oh...like Jolie and me!” His brows furrowed. “So she doesn’t like...me being with you?”
“It’s a very horrific crime, I’m afraid. Mo mhuirnín dílis,” she said, kissing his forehead. He settled into her touch, Tehi letting out an indignant squawk. “I don’t think she’ll ever forgive you for this.”
He made a face. “Well she’ll have to get over it.”
“Mmhmm, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me for a while longer.”
He opened his eyes, smiling a little. “I like being stuck with you.”
She flushed. “Don’t be sappy in front of my bat. She hates you enough already.” 
He puffed his cheeks out in a pout, the face strikingly similar…
...to one she made. 
“I don’t want her to hate me though,” he whined, looking over at Tehi. She clutched her strawberry close, letting out a very angry hiss at his gaze. He turned away. 
“I’m afraid you have no choice. You’ll grow on her eventually.”
“Eventually,” he repeated with a grumble. “Eventually, is not a now.”
“Be patient, mo grá. She’ll come around. You have a way of getting to people.”
“I do?”
“You did with me. It was very shocking how fast you managed to wedge yourself in my life.”
“Yeah. Then you tried to get rid of me.”
“Strong words! It was more like...give you a nudge elsewhere.”
He raised an eyebrow, making her giggle. “Fine. Maybe I was getting rid of you. But I had very good reasoning for it.”
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked softly, making her blink in surprise. 
“No...it was just...you scared me a little,” she murmured with a small smile. “You still do.”
“You’re...different. From what I’m used to. You’re just...so...open.”
“Is...that a bad thing?” 
Curse those eyes, big blue and pleading. It was like he didn’t even notice how he affected her when he looked at her like this. 
She brushed his hair back. “You built a window instead of a wall. You wear your heart on your sleeve.”
Tehi watched them, perched on a plate. Lucas reached over and she bit his finger. He let out a curse, shaking his hand as he pulled away, sticking his tongue out at Tehi. 
She bit back her laughter. “I can help with those.”
“It’s fine,” he muttered, popping the finger into his mouth. 
“Is it bleeding?”
“A little.”
“Mm fine. I’ve gotten worse.” Her eyes were drawn to the scar around his neck, and the ones disappearing into the collar of his shirt. They felt familiar, like something she’d seen before. She reached out, brushing one of the scars. The ones that looked like the marking of an animal. 
Or the symbols on her walls. 
He jolted under her touch, staring at her with wide eyes. She pulled away quickly, not thinking. 
“I’m so s-sorry! It’s just…” her brows furrowed. “Those markings feel familiar. I’ve seen them before...not just when my clinic was broken into.” She met his gaze. “What are they from?” 
His eyes darted away as she asked, wringing his hands. “Made some...bad choices,” he said gruffly. “It’s nothing.”
She blinked, shifting away. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
He reached over for her hand and hesitated. She bridged the gap and laced their fingers. “You’re fine,” he murmured, sitting up and leaning against her. “Just stuff I don’t want to talk about.”
She hummed, resting her head on his shoulder. “I understand. I won’t ask if you don’t wanna talk.”
He squeezed her hand. “Thank you.”
“It’s the least I could do,” she said with a smile. “Besides, we have bigger fish to fry.” She looked back at her bat. “...and that’s getting dinner.”
He winced. “Does she have to bite me?”
Tehi chirped, preening. 
He glowered. “She has sharp teeth.”
“I offered to help.”
He slouched against her, knocking her off balance. She let out a small squeak, wrapping her arms around his neck before she fell out of her chair.
He laughed, resting his head against her shoulder. 
“Lucas I’m gonna fall!”
“And take you with me.”
“That’s nice.”
“Get offa me!” She was giggling, bumping her head against his. “You’re too heavy!”
“Mm but if I can’t eat tonight then I guess I’ll just sleep.”
“I can move her, you know.”
“Yes but that’s not gonna stop her from biting me.”
“…or trying to eat your hair.”
He cracked an eye open, wincing. “That too.”
She giggled, kissing the top of his head. “Good news is, she tries to eat everyone’s hair.”
“Is that just...a Tehi thing?”
“Yeah. I think she thinks it’s going to taste any better the more she tries it. Though, watching her chase Malory around was pretty funny.”
“What did he do specifically? You mentioned lying, calling the guards and erm…”
“Murder? Trust me, I have thought about it.”
“I’m aware.”
She flicked the tip of his nose, making him wrinkle it back. “He accused me of stealing. Tehi, well, she’s a bat. No sense of money and trade, only get food to live. I paid for what she took, but he...wasn’t happy about her taking it in the first place. He has the best fruit in the market so her taking things...became a habit.”
He winced. “So he calls the guards on you?”
“Every time he sees me near his booth. Sucks the best fruit in the market has to be sold by an asshole.”
“I could always go grocery shopping for you. If you’d like me to.”
“You...would? For me?”
He nodded, resting his chin on her shoulder. “If he’s the one making you walk all the way to Center City to get fruit, then I’d be happy to go for you.”
She turned and hugged him, burying her face in his neck. “Oh thank the stars. I was close to trying to grow my own fruit. It would have been a disaster. I can barely take care of my medical herbs.”
He let out a small squeak, arms slowly wrapping around her. She made eye contact with Tehi, and if looks could kill. 
“You’re a disaster,” he murmured, making her giggle. “Amani grows plants if you ever want to ask her about them. I dunno if she grows any...fruit, but I know she has aloe. I get some of my spices from her.”
“She has plants? That’s amazing!” She brightened at the thought, letting him go. He smelled deliciously sweet, like nutmeg and cinnamon. “...you think she’d teach me how to keep a plant alive?”
He grimaced. “She could barely teach me. I killed a succulent and she quit.”
“I don’t have the time to take care of plants. Or I just don’t balance my time wisely.”
“I um...don’t manage my time well either.”
“...yeah, you workaholic.”
He blushed. “I-I’m not that bad.”
She quirked an eyebrow. “Mmhmm. Working yourself to the point of passing out is not that bad.”
“That was one time.”
“I had to carry you home!”
“You had help!”
“Same thing!”
He snorted, making her giggle. Tehi blinked at them, seeming unimpressed. 
And now they were being judged by a bat. 
He moved over to grab a strawberry, Tehi chirping at the sight.
“I think we found our way to get her to like you,” she said, leaning against him. 
“Always a good choice.”
He prodded her side, making her swat at his hands with a squawk. “Is that how I won you over?” he teased. 
She wrestled his hand away from her side, struggling against him trying to poke at her again. “What if it was?” she said, sticking her tongue out at him. “I might just marry your pumpkin squash if I could get to it.”
Tehi chirped as if she liked that idea better.
“Hey! Don’t take her side!” Lucas said, turning to the bat on a plate. “She’s mean, I’m the nice one.”
“Aww, are you mad that she likes me better?” she teased, kissing his cheek. “What? Can’t win the affection of one little bat?”
“She’s not little and you know it.”
She giggled, tapping the tip of his nose. “If it makes you feel any better, my family would love you.”
“Mmhmm. Especially my father and grandma. Cooking fanatics. I grew up trying new dishes. But…sadly I got my cooking ability from my mom.”
He laughed, a blush warming his cheeks. “I could teach you if you’d like.”
“You’d quit.”
“I would not!”
“Oh please! Most of my dishes either explode or are inedible. You’d quit within two minutes.”
“If we don’t have another great Jolie flour incident I’m sure it’ll be okay.”
“…Lucas, I am the great Jolie flour incident.”
“You can’t be that bad.”
“Try me. I’ve burnt eggs that weren’t cracked.”
“…how did you even do that?”
“Long story.”
“Trouble,” he said, ruffling her hair.
She grinned. “You like it.”
Tehi chirped again, staring at the strawberry he had. He tentatively reached over to give it to her, Tehi snatching it from his fingers and holding it close in her claws. He jumped back, the chair toppling over at the force.
He fell backwards with the chair, making her crack up. 
“Did I not warn you she’s protective of her meals?” she asked, looking down at him. 
“Apparently.” He winced, rubbing the back of his head. “Not.”
She giggled. “Whoops.”
“Does she do that to people she hates?”
She grabbed a strawberry, handing it to Tehi, watching as the same thing happened. A wicked little smile played across her face as she mimicked what he had done, down to the facial expressions and knocking her chair back.
Her head hit the floor hard, but she was giggling.
He shot her an unimpressed look, fighting his smile. “Gee. Thanks. I feel way better now.”
She looked over at him with a smile, her hair spilling out across the floor. “That was the funniest reaction I’ve seen to her.”
She snorted, squishing his face. “Don’t pout.”
“You’re so mean though,” he said, voice muffled due to her squishing his cheeks. “I don’t think I’ll ever get over this slight to my pride.”
She kissed him lightly. “Mmm I’m sure you will.”
He shifted closer to her, wrinkling his nose. “Don’t patronize me.”
She giggled, running her hands through his hair and rubbing her nose against his. “I would never.”
He snorted, kissing her softly. “She really likes strawberries, huh?” he whispered after a moment. 
She bit her lip, smiling. “She’s gotten me to like them just as much. Back home we had strawberry plants growing everywhere! Blueberries and blackberries as well. My Mhamó would bake so many pies during the first pick of the harvest. Our fingers would be stained red,” she said with a giggle. “Once Aislin ate so much her mouth was stained for a week. Someone thought she ate a person! Devoured them right off the bone!”
He snorted. “Are they your favourites?”
“Well…” she pursed her lips, thinking. “Have you ever had the first strawberry of the year? Ripe and sweet? I could eat them for hours and not tire...so...I guess they are. Tehi loved them from the get-go and I always carry some around.”
“Is that why you always taste like strawberries?”
She blushed, blinking. The question was innocent, she bit her lip and giggled again. He brushed her hair back, thumb running against her skin. “I um...guess so! But I don’t hear you complaining,” she said, nuzzling his cheek. 
He shifted his face to capture her lips, burying his hands in her hair. “I think I like them better this way,” he said with a soft smile, nose brushing against hers as he kissed her again. 
“We should get back up,” she murmured, being cut off by him kissing her again. “Lucas.”
“But if we don’t get up Tehi won’t keep hissing at me.”
“But squash.” She pouted, thinking about it. “I’m serious about marrying it.”
“How about you marry me instead, then you’d get all the squash you’d want.”
She snorted, kissing the tip of his nose. “Want me to have an affair with your cooking? It’s very tempting, I must say.”
He laughed, resting his forehead against hers. “Well? What do you say?”
She giggled, tugging at his hair. “Let me think about it.”
“Don’t take too long.”
“Oh yes because I’m the one asking you. What? Many people flocking to your door? Struggle tying you down?” she joked, kissing his cheek. “I’ll have to have more before making my decision.”
“If you can get around Tehi, that is.”
“I can get around her. She loves me. You on the other hand...”
He sulked. “Don’t remind me.”
She giggled, rising to her feet and picking up her chair. “Need help?”
“View is nice from here.”
She raised an eyebrow, squatting down next to him. “I’ll sic Tehi on you.”
“...you wouldn’t.”
“It’ll get her away from the squash.”
Damn, the puppy dog eyes. “You wouldn’t.”
“Don’t give me that look.”
He kept at it, she groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Fine! I wouldn’t. But you should get up at least.”
He sighed. “If I keep feeding her will she like me?”
“It’s how you got me to marry you.”
He snorted, getting off the chair and putting it back up. “Well I guess it’s not all bad then, huh?”
“Make a fruit pie and she might love you forever.”
“...she can eat those?”
“She sure damn tries. My dad tried making one and she had eaten most of it by the time we finished dinner. He was so mad he tried to ban her from the house.”
He laughed as she sat down, reaching over Tehi (and giving her a pat) to pile more squash onto her plate. She let out a happy hum, biting into it. “Mmm alright maybe I will marry you,” she said, cracking an eye open to look at him.
He plucked a cinnamon apple ring, dramatically holding it out for her. He raised his voice an octave. “Maeve O’Connor, will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
She snorted, laughing. Her cheeks warmed, she knew it was fake. He was joking. But it was nice. He was looking at her with a soft affection, like he actually meant it.
But he couldn’t have. He didn’t even love her.
“And then have an affair with your cooking?” she joked, pushing down her feelings. He was just flirting. 
He slipped the dessert on her finger, kissing her knuckles with a wink. “If it gets you to say yes.”
She giggled, staring at the treat on her hand. She bit into it, smiling at the familiar taste. 
He gasped in offense. “Maeve, that's your engagement ring!”
“It’s delicious.”
“I worked hard to earn the money to get that! I spent weeks working up the courage to ask and you eat it?!”
“But it’s good!”
He kissed her once, then twice. “You are going to make me work every damn day of my life, eating my hard earned money like that.” 
She smiled, tilting her head up to kiss his chin. “Mmmhmm. But you asked me.”
He only shook his head, stealing food from her plate. 
“Hey!” she yelped, reaching for the fork. He held it just out of her reach, teasing her. 
“Aww can’t reach?” he said, kissing the tip of her nose. 
“Curse these short limbs,” she replied, crawling into his lap. He blinked as she wrestled his hand, tugging the fork back down to her. She bit the squash off the end, grinning smugly. 
He flicked the tip of her nose. “That was mine.”
“No you stole it from me. I’m not gonna marry a thief.”
“But Tehi won’t let me get any more!”
“I can get it for you!” 
“No! You’re just gonna eat it all!”
She pursed her lips. “That’s true.”
“And you think I’m a thief.”
“You stole it from my plate!”
“You don’t have any evidence.”
“I watched you! And don’t repeat my shitty logic back to me!”
He laughed, ruffling her hair. “Can I at least have a bite of your engagement ring?”
She gasped, clutching her hand close to her chest. “Never. It is my engagement ring. I can eat it if I wish!”
“But I gave it to you!”
She made a face at him. “But it’s mine now!”
He made a move for her hand, she pressed her hand against his cheek, holding her other hand above her head. “No!”
“But Maeve!”
“No!” She was giggling so hard her ribs hurt. 
There was a flutter, and the makeshift ring was snatched off her finger. 
Tehi chirped, perched on a nearby bookshelf with the apple ring. 
She and Lucas stared for a moment before cracking up. “Looks like neither of us got it,” he said.
“And it looks like someone objects to this marriage.”
He tilted her chin, smiling softly. “She’ll have to try harder than that to stop it.”
She blushed at the sincerity of his words as he kissed her. For a moment she thought he was serious about it. He’s really gotta stop that, messing with her heart and head like that. 
“So...a bat huh?” he started, looking back at Tehi. “Like animals?”
She smiled, trying to fight her blush away. “Yeah. Tehi was an unexpected twist during a hide and seek game, but I grew up loving animals. My older sister has two dogs now.”
“Oh?” “Yeah! They’re very sweet girls, energetic as well. I dunno how she deals with him all the time. She’s written to me many times about how much they get into the baby food back home. She and her fiancée have four kids, one is a wee baby. Cutest little thing.”
“Do you like dogs?”
“Depending on the dog, but yes.”
“Depending on the dog?”
“I’m uh…” she flushed. “Scaredofbigdogs.”
His brows furrowed as he mouthed her word jumble back. “Scared? Why? They’re babies! Big sweethearts!”
She scratched the back of her head. “Well um...I got attacked by wolves when I was a teen. Kinda puts a damper on the whole...big dog thing.”
“...well. That’s a good reason.”
“Oh wow thank you for your approval, oh mighty big dog master.”
“Hey, they get a bad rep. Big dogs are amazing. They just get labeled as dangerous because they’re big.”
“Oh, so like you?”
He let out a choked noise, blushing furiously. “Well I-I mean...y-yeah?”
She smiled, brushing his hair back. “Hmm...I guess you’re okay.”
“Thanks. My fiancée is so loving.”
“Only for you.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile, chasing her for a kiss. She giggled, cupping his face in her hands. 
“I’d like you even if you were a big dog,” she murmured, kissing the tip of his nose. 
His cheeks reddened as he chuckled. “I’d like you even if you were a small dog.”
“Thumbelina, you couldn’t be big in any form.”
She sulked. “You don’t have to say it though.”
He smiled, kissing her fingertips. “It’s true.”
He squished her face, rubbing his nose against hers. “Don’t pout.”
“I’ll pout if I wanna,” she sniffed, making him smile. “I’m small but I pack a punch.”
He winced. “I’m aware. I think you broke my nose.”
She giggled, biting his fingertip. He yelped softly, pulling away. She grinned at his glare, him holding his hand close. “Don’t be a baby. It was a love tap.”
He muttered to himself, looking at his hand. She left a small indent. “I felt no love in that tap.”
“You didn’t look hard enough.”
He snorted, resting his hands on her thighs. “Yeah let me rethink about you kicking me in the nose lovingly. That’s for sure what I felt.”
“In my defense, you insulted my honour twice. If you won’t defend me, who will?”
He tapped his fingers, making her squirm. “I learned my lesson. Next time I’ll win.”
“Mmm next time huh?” She giggled, throwing her hair off her shoulder. “Want a rematch?”
“Absolutely. This time I know your secrets.”
“Someone’s a sore loser,” she teased, flicking the tip of his nose. “And you only know some of my secrets. I am a mysterious woman, you may not know all of my secrets! I’ll kick your ass every time.”
He kissed her softly, holding her hands and lacing their fingers. “We’ll see.”
“Oh I know it.” He rolled his eyes, making her smile. She looked at their clasped hands, hints of cinnamon sugar still dotting her ring finger. He raised her hand, kissing the sugar away. 
“Hey, that's hints of my long lost engagement ring!” 
He smiled, kissing her inner wrist. “You were right about it being delicious.”
She rolled her eyes, fighting back her smile as she slowly climbed to her feet. “I know.” She looked at the food on the table, long forgotten. “I’ll...put things away. Take some home?”
He kissed her palm, letting her hand go. “You can keep the squash. I think it’ll get eaten.”
He nodded. “I have enough food at home, and you need it more than I do.”
“I don’t need it.”
“When was the last time you ate?”
He raised an eyebrow, she blushed. 
“Exactly. And I get lectured.”
“Well, you had time to eat, I didn’t.”
He rolled his eyes. “Potato patato. Take it, and please eat. Who will kick my ass if you’re too tired?”
She giggled, picking up the plates. “If you want to keep trying to win Tehi’s affection, I’ll leave the fruit bowl out. I’ll pack some of the apple rings for you.”
She hummed, wrapping the squash and apple rings up in a cloth, looking over her shoulder to see Lucas making kissy noises at Tehi, holding a strawberry out for her. She hissed when he moved close, stopping when she saw the gift. 
Maeve giggled, placing the plates in the sink. 
“...is this yours?” he asked after a moment. 
She looked up, moving closer to where he was pointing. It was a sketch, one of many she had scattered about. Her brows softened as she looked at it. “Yeah. It’s of my home.”
“It’s beautiful, I didn’t know you drew.”
“I usually paint, but sketching is nice. My aunt taught me how, since drawing is a good skill to have with magic.”
His eyebrows shot up to his hairline, watching her with soft eyes. “Magic?”
“Yes! Like sigils! Those can be used in different ways, drawing helps guide it. I have a sigil on my neck at the base of my skull…” she lifted her hair up, showing the three swirls. Mind-body-soul, as her sister said. It was her first, a stick and poke they did on a whim. “It helps amplify the magic I want to use, it can’t amplify raw magic, that comes from you but…” she blushed. “Sorry, I’m rambling.”
He blinked, smiling. “No no! It’s interesting, tattoos are a way to transfer magic?”
“They’re a way...to channel it. To draw from you and your surroundings. Tattoos are more permanent versions of sigils, but they are some of the most powerful.”
“I think I have one of those.”
She lit up, bouncing on her toes. “Really?” He nodded, cheeks reddening. “Where is it? Can I see? What does it do? What are the side effects?” 
The look he gave her was startled, she blushed, rocking back onto her heels. “I um...sorry. I just...love this type of magic.” She laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. “Most people don’t do tattoos with it, since they are permanent. I could...ask slowly?”
“Where...is it?”
“On my back. Between my shoulder blades.”
She furrowed her brows, wrapping her arms around him, prodding at his spine between his shoulders. “Here?”
He nodded, staring at her wide eyed and blushing. “Y-Yep!” he squeaked out, making her giggle. 
“What does it do? Magic wise, I mean.”
His brows creased, overshadowing his eyes. “I...don’t know exactly. I think it makes me...stronger? When I want to be. It helps with...healing and I have a higher pain tolerance.”
“So a strength sigil? It would...feed on your strength you have and help aid you when you tap into it. The pain tolerance and healing could be a meaning behind some of the symbols, but I’d have to study those.”
He smiled, laughing. “If you wanted me to take my shirt off you could’ve asked.”
She blinked, going over the implications before blushing. “I um! I didn’t mean it that way! S-Sorry it just-”
He kissed the tip of her nose. “You're fine, I’m teasing.”
She grumbled, wrapping her arms around him as she stood on her tiptoes. “I wouldn’t mind it either.”
He blushed, making her bite her lip as she smiled. 
“I have been studying sigils for a while now. I just made another breakthrough with some! Currently looking into light sigils due to how easy they are…”
“May I see?”
Her lips parted in surprise, eyes widening. “Y-You’d want to see it?”
“Of course I do! It’s something you get excited about, even if I might not understand it...why wouldn’t I?”
“Not um...everyone likes to listen to me ramble.” She giggled, nervous. “It’s fine! I tend to be long winded.”
He kissed her softly. “I think it’s cute, I like seeing you talk about it. I’d be happy to listen.”
She kissed him back, harder. She knocked him off balance as she pushed herself off the ground. His hands hovered over her waist for a moment before he bundled her close. 
“I’ll show you,” she murmured, letting go of him. He set her down, letting her take his hand and guide him to her room. “My room is a mess because of it, I must warn you.”
He laughed. “I’ve seen a messy room before.”
“Yeah. Yours,” she teased, winking as she nudged her door open. Tehi followed them, chirping as she fluttered up to a small bookshelf cluttered with small trinkets. Tehi snuggled close to the dog Lucas had given her, so many weeks ago. He stared at the bat and the wooden dog, his smile growing giddy. 
“You still have it!”
She looked over, smiling. “Of course I do, why wouldn’t I?”
He wouldn’t meet her eyes with a bashful smile. “I didn’t think you’d keep it.”
She squeezed his hand. “It was a gift.”
He looked at her with a soft smile, letting her guide him to sit on the floor. She gathered the pages on the floor, lips twisting as she looked at the symbols. “Do you want to draw your own?” she asked, half bent over, looking over her shoulder.
“Draw my own?”
“I can show you, if you’d like.”
She smiled, face warming. Her freckles on her arms started to glow brighter as she scooped up blank paper. He held out a hand for her, helping her sit, nestled in the crook of his side. 
“I’d like to see your tattoo eventually,” she said, laying out the papers. “If you’d let me.”
He kissed her cheek. “Sure, I’d be happy to have a magic expert analyze it.”
“I’m no expert. You’d be better off seeing the magician in Center City.”
“I’d rather have you.”
“I’m touched.” She reached over his lap for her pens, chewing on her lower lip as she looked at the blank sheets of paper. 
“What’s first, oh mighty powerful witch?”
She giggled, handing him a pen and scooting a paper over. “Drawing the sigil. Here’s the light one I’ve been using.” She showed him the page, a line curving down and another tucked in it. Three lines connected the swirling ones. “These symbolize balance. Balance with light, no light can exist without shadow and shadow cannot exist without light.”
He traced the three lines connected the swirled. “And these symbolize the bond between the balance?”
She grinned, clapping her hands. “Yes! Exactly!” She leaned into him, holding her pen. “Sigils are all about the idea and magic you’re trying to put out there. What you want to happen, putting that want into the drawing and the magic in the air, activating it with the same.”
He watched her draw the sigil, copying her movements. “And how do you activate it?”
“Some are powerful enough to use a look, or a connection. I usually use my hands. Your hands are powerful.” He finished drawing the sigil, letting her take his hand and hold his palm open. She traced the lines, like she had some time ago. “Remember your palm reading?”
“Lines hold meaning. Heart, sun, fate, head, life. Magic flows through your hands. Hands are the start and the finish of magic, the connection between you and the earth. Am I making sense?”
“Kind of.”
“Think of it...like a connection. Magic from your hands seeps into the thing you’re trying to activate, a sigil in this example. Your hands are...an anchor.”
“Oh…” he whispered, looking at his hands. Peering at them with critical eyes. “That makes sense.”
“And now that you’ve drawn the sigil with the intent for light, you anchor and channel that magic into your want for light.”
“I can show you.” She got to her feet, blowing out the candles. Tehi chirped, bouncing on the shelf as she watched them. 
She reached out blindly, letting him take hold of her hand again and lead her back. Sitting back down, she placed her hands on her sigil. 
“Palm against the drawing,” she murmured, trying not to break the fragile air of intimacy hanging around them. “Think of light and the sigil will answer. Think…a fire. A candle. The sun on your face.”
She stiffened, blushing. “I-I guess s-so,” she squeaked, making him chuckle. She watched him place his hand on the sloppily drawn sigil. 
She chewed on her lip, trying to hide her giddy smile. His eyes fluttered shut, leaning against her. She leaned back, breathing in and letting it out with the idea of light. 
Her sigil folded, and started to glow. She smiled, satisfied, before turning to look at him. His face was set in concentration, the room was quiet, their breathing soft. 
Slowly, the sigil folded, glowing brightly. She cheered, the sound startling him into opening his eyes. He paused when he saw the ball of light at his palms. 
“I did that?” he asked, eyes growing wide.
She grinned, tackling him in a hug and kissing him fiercely. He laughed against her mouth, cradling her head in his hands. “You did!” she said, glowing brightly. 
“What else can you do?” he asked, staring at the two lights. When he looked back at her his excitement was infectious, making her bounce. 
“Ice, earth and I once made a gust of spring air appear in the middle of winter! Plants didn’t work out well, but we can work on it! Imagine what we could do!”
She blushed at her mistake. “I-If you want to. T-That is.”
“You’d let me help?”
She nodded, biting her lip. She wasn’t meeting his eyes, in her excitement she thought he’d...like to. 
But he wouldn’t. Why would he? 
He grinned, tilting her head back to look at him. Her thoughts evaporated. “I’d be honoured to help. If you’d have me. That is.”
“Hey I offered don’t get insecure on me now.”
He laughed, kissing her softly, sitting back up with her in his lap. She giggled against his mouth, burying her hands in his hair. 
“Okay,” he murmured. 
They stared at one another for a moment before giggling again. 
“I did magic,” he murmured, staring at the light floating by her shoulder. “I made that, right?”
“Your magic. I didn’t do anything.”
His grin was quick to creep across his face, as he reached out to hold the light. She cupped hers in her hand, blowing it into his face softly. He sneezed as it exploded in a bunch of tiny lights, floating around his hair like a halo. 
Tehi chirped again, chasing a few of the lights. 
Smiling, she brushed his hair back and scattered the glitter that sat there. 
He blew his into her face, making her giggle as it exploded across her cheeks. “Oh look. More glowing lights to add to your already glowing face,” he teased, brushing her cheeks. 
She tilted her head to kiss the pad of his thumb, smiling. 
“So what’d ya say? Wanna explore magic with me?”
He tilted her face up, kissing her with such affection it made her heart skip a beat. 
There was a softness to his gaze when he pulled away, his brows set in content and his lips upturned in a gentle smile. A tender look settled into his eyes as he kissed the top of her head. 
“I’d love to.”
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aaudace · 4 years
art of loving on
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pairing: sam wilson x ava rhodes
word count: 2.5k
notes: the fact that im super late on posting this says a lot about me, so lets just pretend that its still thanksgiving. okay so i know that the title is cliche and this might flop big time, but i wanted to do something a little different besides simply posting gifs. im a sucker for reading sappy one shots so I decided to make my own. this is part one of my holiday one shot series. enjoy!
If you were to ask Ava Rhodes how she felt about the holidays, more than likely she would give you a whole monologue on her hatred for it. 
    Call her a Scrooge, but her love for the holidays had faltered a year ago after she lost the one thing that was considered a gift to her. Losing the one thing that brought her peace was the last straw that broke her to pieces. Her patience for the holidays had changed dramatically. No longer had she been longing for the joyous laughter and loving smiles that the goodwill season brought along. 
    Instead with every waking moment, she dreaded it. 
    However, for at least the next few hours, she had to throw away her personal thoughts about jolly holiday and put on a facade. Her face no longer carried a cold hearted look, but instead her cheeks were burning red with joy and laughter. Although she hated herself for it, the Rhodes girl would volunteer herself to help at the Veterans Affairs Office that was a couple blocks from her apartment.
   Even though it pained her dearly to sit through hours of hearing individuals explain their gratitude and compassion for the season, a part of her felt like the peace that she lost was there with her when she volunteered. Before he died, her boyfriend Marcus would spend hours in the exact building that basically became a formulated routine of the two of them each holiday season. The one thing that Ava missed the most about him was his passion for helping others. Her heart sung with joy as she watched him go above and beyond for each individual that walked through the doors. He had a way with words that made people feel good about themselves. Whether you were the poorest individual or the richest, Marcus was willing to do whatever it took to bring the best out of you. At least that’s what he did for Ava.
   God, she missed him. 
    But she managed to put on a brave face as she stood in the same position that he did before. Her mind and hands had been tied up in many things. For the first hour of her time, she served food to individuals that came by the office. Usually within the first few minutes, the small building was packed from the outskirts. So this kept her mind busy. The few next hours, she spent entertaining the elderly veterans with card and board games. The first hour was pretty easy for her, but soon afterwards, she came to the realization that card games and grown men didn’t really mix as well as she thought. Bernard Chapman and Arthur Wilfred, two regulars at the VA did not really understand the concept of a friendly competition. One minute, she was showing one group how to play Connect Four, the next she found herself in the middle of a brawl that involved childish name calling and sailor swearing. This also kept her mind busy. 
   And now, with time being the thief that it was, she found herself in the banquet hall that once housed thousands of individuals that came from different walks, cleaning up the remainder of the trash that was left behind. Although the help that she once had offered to stay behind and help, she ushered them out of the door. She didn’t mind doing the clean up part. Out of everything, that was the easiest to her. In other words, it kept her mind busy. 
   As she cleaned off the tables, a sigh escaped from her lips. The silence that had once inhabited the quiet space had come to halt at the creaking sound of the doors being pushed open.
    She figured it has been one of the volunteers, Marge coming back to help her out with the clean up. Marge had been one of Marcus’ favorite volunteers to work with. Her sass was nothing compared to what he put up with at home with Ava, however, it was her golden heart that made her stand out. She was different from other volunteers. Marge had been working for the VA office for years after her husband passed away. For her, this place had been a sanctuary of peace. Just like for Ava. Marge had become family for Ava. She was the only person that knew her the way that Marcus had come to know her. Maybe that was the reason why Ava was able to remain stable throughout her time of volunteering. 
   “Marge, how many times do I have to tell you,” Ava yelled, placing her rag onto her shoulder. She didn’t bother looking up at the entrance way because she knew looking into the eyes of the shameless woman would only make it hard for her to say no to her. “You know, one of these days you are just gonna accept the fact that no means no.”
    The sound of footsteps echoed across the room as they began to move closer and closer towards Ava directions. “I swear, sometimes I wonder how Marcus dealt with you. You are worse than me. And sometimes I can’t even stand me....” 
    At this point, Ava turned from her duty to look up at the shadowy figure. Her green eyes widened as she realized that the body figure didn’t quite match up to the petite figure that Marge had. Instead, it was made up of bicep muscles that hid under a dark leather jacket. Her mouth opened to protest, but she couldn’t find the words. In fact, the only thing she could say was, “Uh, um—”
  “Just so you know, Marge was on her way back, I just managed to convince her to go home,” the man said. He moved a little closer, covering the large gap that stood in between them. “I swear, she reminds of someone that I know. Someone that’s kind of feisty, blunt, and can be a little sarcastic at times. Sometimes a little too much, but we are working on that.” 
   Ava rolled her eyes, “I think the key of life is getting your point across. And there’s nothing wrong with my sarcasm. Some people just don’t have a sense of humor.”
   “Or sometimes you can be a little too harsh and you aren’t willing to admit that.”
“If it makes you happy,” she scoffed. “I managed to put away my sarcasm and trade it in for joy and cheer for the day.” 
   “Atcha girl,” he laughed. “Look at you turning over a new leaf.” 
Ava smirked at him. She loved the idea that he was proud of her. It had been a while since she had felt like that before. “But, now that the day is over. I’m putting it back on and I am now returning to my normal sarcastic, feisty, blunt self. Ah, it’s good to be me again.”
   All the man could do is sigh and return a small chuckle as a response. Ava smiled back a little. “But besides my issues, what are you doing here, Sam? It’s the holidays, you are supposed to be spending time with family.”
   As she said this, she moved past him, focusing on the last of the table that she had to clean. The smell of fresh lemons brushed against her nostrils as she squirted the bottle of cleaning supply that had been resting in her waist apron. One thing that she loved the most about cleaning the VA office was the vast amount of cleaning products they stored. She really couldn’t her finger on why exactly she enjoyed them so much. She just did. 
    Maybe it was the idea that each of them held a fragrance that held a sentimental memory in her mind. Like the one that smelt like an island breeze reminded her of the time Marcus cleaned up after a man who accidentally spilled his carton of milk on the floor. It had been a slow holiday at the VA office that day. Although the man was generous enough to help Marcus clean up the mess, it was Marcus that had been too caught up with everything that he forgot to place the warning sign for the place that he mopped and managed to slip. That holiday, Ava spent the majority of the night cracking jokes as they occupied the waiting room of the hospital for Marcus’ broken back. The one that smelt like flowers reminded her of her first time volunteering at the VA office. She and Marcus had only been dating for a couple of months. As part of getting to know him better, he invited her to see what he considered his safe haven. When he wasn’t dealing with police business, he would spend his Saturdays, encouraging other veterans who had been down on their luck. Ava would later find out that his dad was the reason why the place even existed. New York only had a few VA offices, but there was nothing like the one that stood on the corner of Baldwin Avenue and 2nd Street. 
   The one that she loved the most was the one that smelt like lemons. That one was his favorite. 
   “I could ask you the same question, Ava.” Sam said. She didn’t bother to stop cleaning. “Mariah called and said you didn’t want to come over for Thanksgiving dinner. She said something about you being sick. But knowing you like the back of hand, I knew that wasn’t true.”
  Ava laughed a little. She had totally forgotten about the little white lie she had mentioned to her friend earlier. Mariah Riggs, her best friend, was known for doing the most of the holidays. In fact, she’s so much into it that she basically starts all of her planning in the summer. The summer for Christ’s sake. “Well, I was sick, but after a little while I started feeling a bit better. It’s no big deal, I’ll call Mariah tonight and tell her the truth.”
   “Which one?” asked Sam. “The truth about you not being sick or the truth of the real reason why you continue to hate the holidays.” At this, Ava stopped her motion and turned to look at him. “Ava, I understand your reasoning, but you can’t keep—”
  “Sam, can we please not get into this? I really don’t have the energy.” 
He sighed. “Ava, avoiding the topic will only make it worse. You can’t keep burying yourself in this hole of hurt.”
   “I am fine, okay,” she spoke, her tone turning a bit harsh. “I just don’t understand why everyone is so concerned. Why is it a crime that I hate this time of year?”
  “Because when Marcus was alive you enjoyed it.” Her heart sank. Even though it was unspoken for the two of them, Ava didn’t like it when other people brought up the issue of her dead boyfriend. Usually, her reaction was cold and she was ready to fight the first person in sight. However, Sam never really brought it up before so she really did not how to react. She opened her mouth to speak, but he continued. “Marge told me that once upon a time, you were in love with the holidays. Now all you do is make any excuse to get out of anything festive just so you could stay locked up in your apartment. I can’t even get you say one good thing about the holidays.”
   Her green eyes begin to water. She cursed at herself for even allowing herself to feel any type of vulnerability. He continued, “You don’t think when I signed up to be your boyfriend that I wouldn’t be prepared for these moments. Babe, you and I are a team. You have to let me in. You can’t keep shutting me out.”
   He had a point, but Ava really didn’t want to admit that. However, the tears that streamed down her face said something else. The pair had been together for a little over a few months. And even though they seemed compatible, the thought of them getting closer scared Ava. If she was being honest, she was terrified when her heart started developing feelings for him. She was terrified when he asked out on a date. And she had been feeling this way for a hot second, but ironically, she was terrified of even bringing it up. 
   The silence stood in between for a moment. Sam stood in front her, his heart beating out of his chest. The longer she stood in silent, the more nerve wracking it became from him. The few months of dating Ava had its moments of challenges. But it also had its rewards. Even though she was tough, she had her moments to where she brought out the good in him believe it or not. And that was something that wasn’t easy. But she did it. And as someone who cared and loved her, he was willing to do whatever it took to do the same for her.
   “I-I am scared that one day, I’ll wake up and you won’t be there for me.” Ava spoke, finally popping the bubble of silence. “I am scared that if I let my guard down, life will take away from me. Just like it did for Marcus. Sam, I want to let you in — I really do, but I am just tired of—” 
      Her words were cut off by the touch of his soft lips on herself. He placed his hands onto her waist, pulling her a little closer to him. Ava didn’t remember exactly when it happened, but sudden her hands were wrapped around his neck. Even though he was a couple inches taller she didn't have to stand on her toes, the heels of her boots did that job for her. 
   When he pulled away from her, he looked into her eyes and spoke, “Ava, it's gonna take a hell of a lot more than just life to keep me away from you. I am not going anywhere.” 
“You say that, but what if—”
 “I am not going anywhere, Ava.”
“Okay, but —”
“I could do this all day, Ava. I am not going anywhere.”
    She rolled her eyes. As she pulled away from him, she wiped her face from her tears. Maybe life did have a way of giving back. And even though, life had gave her shit for her whole entire existence, maybe in some universal designed fate, life was giving her the gift of love again. And his name was Sam Wilson. 
  “Well, if that's the case then just know that since you are linking me to you forever, that doesn't mean I’ll go easy on you, Wilson.” she said. He shook his head and laughed. Maybe he was right? Letting him in couldn’t be such a bad idea. “I am known to be pretty grouchy in the mornings when I don’t have my coffee.”
  “Noted. That's why I stack up extra coffee beans back at my place.” he laughed. “I love you.” 
    She kissed his cheek. “I love you more.” He smiled at her. Before she could say anything, he walked over a table just across from them. She didn’t realize it earlier, but he had a big brown bag that he propped on the table.
    He placed the bag on the table that she finished cleaning. “So since you really didn’t get a chance to properly celebrate Thanksgivings, I figured I would bring a piece of it to you.” he said. He pulled out two plastic containers along with utensils. “Marge told me you like pumpkin pie, so I managed to get the last two pieces from that diner up the street.”
    She laughed. From that moment, she made a mental note to take the time out to thank Marge for the many facts that she managed to learn about her. “Marge knows me well.”
   “Happy Thanksgiving, Ava. Here’s to many more holidays together.”
    “Cheers to that.”
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wileyfern · 3 years
Check In Tag Game ✔️
i was tagged by @neverheresims ty api 😚
why did you choose your URL?
dode idk. i wanted something that started with a ‘k’ to match my name and i found the word kalopsia but that was already taken so i added an extra i and boom! but ya im thinking of changing it cause im not in love with it and that bothers me
any side blogs?
ye my cc finds @kalopsiia-finds. its a messy kid tho not organized at all
how long have you been on tumblr?
oh boy. um 2015? but i started this simblr in 2017
why did you start your blog in the first place?
uh 2015 was for fandoms i was in and random shit. 2017 was for me to keep all the cc i saw in one place and the pretty sims posts i saw. but over the years i changed it and decided i wanted to post my own story and challenges i was doing and here we are today
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
AH! so i usually have one of my ocs as my pfp and that last few months i’ve had tara but i went into cas and decided to dress up steven and i was happy with the pic and how it came out :)
do you have a queue tag
idk what these means exactly but no. i usually have just gameplay posts in my queue but i also have some renders queued up as well. but theres no really specific tag for all that
what’s your post with the most notes?
this one right here my boys
how many mutuals do you have?
idk! i have no idea how to check this but i’d say about 150? i dont talk to that many tho i want to but this little thing called anxiety. but i love them all dearly :)
why did you choose your header?
its just one of my scenery pics, something pleasing on the seeing holes
how many people do you follow?
four hundie (400)
have you ever made a shit post?
probably not
how many followers do you have?
almost 600
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
nope if i dont like another blog i just block them and forget them
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
i usually dont see them, im usually zoned out when im online so i dont see a lot of things
how often do you use tumblr each day?
usually once in the morning and at night and maybe lunch time if i have time. it mostly depends on how busy i am. if im free then a lot more than usual
do you like tag games?
YES they’re so fun! i sometimes forget to do them but thats just because im forgetful
do you like ask games?
i do! i just get anxious that no one will ask questions or i wont know how to answer it. basically i like them but i get anxious about them too
do you have a crush on a mutual?
lol ye idk basically if ive talked to you on discord or dms i love you thats all. im a sappy bitch and just love everyone
i seriously dont know who to tag so if you want to do it lmk or just consider yourself tagged :)
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