#im used to one name from some people more than the other tho (Eg people who know me in university almost excusively use Soap.)
pepsimaxolotl · 1 year
Having two names is wild sometimes one name hits harder than the other
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wrongcaitlyn · 5 months
so sorry for spamming your ask box 😭
but i was wondering if you could describe how you think nico’s singing voice/overall tone he uses in a lot of his songs is.
like i know some of the source songs are upbeat pop but i’m gathering that most of them are softer?
if there was for instance any singers that you think would be similar to how he sounds/sings i’d love to know! (eg i think will can sing moderately well he just doesn’t think he can because he doesn’t have the same regular pop style as his siblings as when he sings it sounds like a mix of florence and the crane wives in the style they use.)
first, never apologize for the asks‼️‼️ usually if i don’t respond it’s bc im doing smth boring like studying/hw and i am mentally looking forward to responding😭😭
had to sleep on this and think on it for a while to see if i could remember the names of any other male artists, and then accepted the simple fact that i am a certified pop girl stan and that will never changeHDKDJ
sooo i cant RLLY think of anyone that, like, matches his voice aside from conan gray - that’s who ive been imagining the most while writing😭 i just think his voice is honestly so beautiful and ig its just how ive imagined it?
i can give some songs specifically that i think are so so nico (in terms of vocal delivery, not lyrics/production)
- heather
- people watching
- astronomy
- little league
i think very much kid krow conan/some superache songs are the way that he sings… i also feel like he sometimes over-produces(?) idk if that’s a term but like changes his voice slightly in production (less and less as the years go on bc he’s more comfortable with his natural voice) but his live performances are incredible. i also don’t think he necessarily knows his range, like he’s never tested it out, so one day he’s gonna sing super high notes just bc he never tried before (snow angel) and it’ll be incredible
the only other male artists i know/listen to are hozier and noah kahan and their voices are very different than what i imagine nico’s to be😭 i don’t necessarily think it’s raspy (or at least, not when he records it like in the studio) but really smooth, sometimes with voice cracks if its like an intentionally very emotional song
i think he also intentionally sings a lot in his lower register (think, like, the way taylor sings maroon vs how she’d sing karma) and he’s incredibleee at it.
honestly the way i’d like to describe it the most is simply angelic. i’m sure there’s an artist out there somewhere that sings the way i imagine nico to, but for now im just gonna go with conan!! im in awe of his vocal capabilities tbh, esp in the recent album (even tho i don’t think found heaven necessarily matches with nico’s voice/what i imagine that to be)
AND YOU ARE SOO RIGHT ABT WILL he def can sing, but he always like purposefully messes up the singing if yk what i mean? like if he was actually trying, he’d be incredible, but he purposefully puts on like a strained tone or messes up notes just bc he doesn’t want his actual singing voice to be judged (plus he grew up around naomi and apollo and a bunch of other singers, and he just isn’t *that* good, but he’s definitely not bad in any way)
thank you for the ask!!
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herobrinna · 9 months
so i had some thoughts on witch culture, regarding what they do with their dead, or at least what they used to do pre-Belos:
so first off, witches/demons believe in their body connecting with the Titan after death, but, just as different part of the Titan provide witches with different things, so should the body of a witch/demon connect with different things.
first are the brain and the heart, which are both believed to be connected to the witch's soul, each keeping different parts of it that make the person whole (eg, the heart might hold all uncontrollable things about the person: their fears, their love, their compassion), and to join the Titan in soul a witch must loose all earthly (fleshly(?)) attachments, thus the brain and heart are usually extracted. whats done with them depends on the culture, but the most common course of action is cremation. another one of note is a form of cannibalism; where a tiny piece is cut from both organs and given to all family and friends of the person (pieces being so small you could swallow them without chewing, as its more about connecting with the person, and letting them move on, more than anything, with consuming each part meaning connecting with a different aspect of the person: eating the brain piece shows your love for how they thought, eating the heart for how they felt (like were emotionally), not eating a piece would be interpreted as the person disliking an aspect of the deceased person (eg, ok i know bigotry doesnt exist on the BI but lets pretend for the same of thing cause i cant think of anything else: so imagine a terf mother, her child recently gone, and at the funeral she doesnt eat their brain piece cuz she saw the child's transition as nothing more but a silly "opinion" that infiltrated their soul))
now, the flesh of the Titan itself is the life of the world, its what gives crops nutrients, its what then gives everything else whats needed to live, and as such the flesh of the person is important in continuing the cycles of life. as such the body's flesh and bone are separated (after the brain and heart are extracted of course).
whats done with the flesh then depends on the family, a farming family with turn it to compost, thanking their family member for providing them with a good harvest (and the Titan Themselves of course). whilst anyone living in a town/city would give the flesh to what im temporarily calling a necromancer even tho they aint one but im not creative with names. what these "necromancers" were, were people who used a mixture of plant and abomination magic, (although such distinctions didnt exist pre-Belos, but yknow) with them usually also being the ones to do all the funeral rituals, they would then use the flesh of the person to help any areas of the Titan that were struggling, like if a flashfire damaged a forest recently they would use it to introduce more nutrients to the ear- erm, flesh. otherwise, they would generally spread it around the chunks of wilderness they were protecting, helping keep up the health of the area.
as for the bones, the Titan's own's bones are believes to be the foundation of life, a literal backbone lol. and with that vague belief came a lot of interpretations, and a lot of differences in what was done with the bones, not just from culture to culture, but sometimes there were slight difference per family. some example: some witches had a sort of catacombs, where a limited amount of bones would be left before the place would be sealed off to be reclaimed by the Titan over millennia. others used bones in rituals, carving them glyphs (<- during very ancient times, before they fell out of fashion and Belos later erased all public knowledge on them (unrelated but i hc that Evelyn taught Caleb glyphs, as they were considered like a "nerdy" thing to study in that time, for being an outdated form of magic) or enchantments that would then help ward the household from dangers.
anyways yh, thats some rough ideas.
and oh, after Belos started gaining more popularity, cremating the whole body became the most common way to deal with a dead body. although even by the time canon takes place, some secluded towns might still hold a form of the old tradition.
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mortalfollies · 6 months
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material.
a challenge from @ginevralinton
i um don’t have any topics that i consider myself an expert on (i have approximate knowledge of many things). anyway, here ya go!
oneirology: psychologists really spew a lot of shit about dream interpretation, fuck freud, dreams are cool, you shouldn’t rely on some quack (spiritualist or psychologist) for an interpretation, please listen to scientists and understand that your dreams are for your memory to process events & your imagination to go fuckin hogwild (if you’re lucky like me. sucks to be one of those people that has boring dreams or doesn’t remember them). but also damn isn’t it cool that there are some near universal symbols for hope (eg. birds) and fear (teeth falling out & other typical nightmare stuff). pls tell me about recurring symbols in your dreams. mine usually feature birds and travelling through a fantastical place.
disney’s frozen, and what a clusterfuck the entire production of it was: blame my 13 year old self for this but seriouslyyyy there was so much that got cut and rearranged and the concepts were way cooler and the world would be a better place if let it go had never been written, i’m not joking!!! there was gonna be a curse!!! the film was actually going to be about sisters!! AUGHHHHHH
frasier: hey did you know they made roz have a baby because executives thought she should “have a repercussion” (aka be punished) for sleeping around? isn’t that fucked up. did u know bulldog’s actor is gay? lilith is so hot & funny & human & im in love with her. did u know that one of the creators of the show died in 9/11, and that’s why they named the baby david? here’s my slideshow on why frasier’s should’ve ended up with lana. here’s why s4e6 “mixed doubles” is one of the finest pieces of sitcom television - i actually just deleted a whole paragraph bc i could talk about that episode alone, god i love it.
commedia dell’arte: harlequin <3 columbina <3 innamorata of various names <3 i’m not a big fan of pierrot but i understand the hype. more of an opinion piece on how the costumes & archetypes have been used throughout history (pre&post commedia) and why i think they remain semi popular.
making bread: less of a talking thing where i tell you what to do and more of a come into my kitchen, sit at the bench and let’s eat. i love you. use more water in the dough. yeah no we’ll put it in the fridge overnight. oh look at those bubbles. listen to that crack. maybe five more minutes in the oven. put some butter on that finished thing. and then we eat and sit quietly. this is something i like to do. usually lasts more than a single hour tho
tagging @cactus-bag @sleeeepy-demon @belladonnafey @retourne-toi-eurydice & anyone else that wants to.
P.S don’t reblog this from me pls i don’t like threads! i just like being tagged!
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memes-and-shit · 2 months
🍁 uhhhhh, you guys can call me Gromit. that's a good-enough fake-name lol i go by they/them pronouns, i am confirmed to be over 18 years old, and that's all my info y'all get ✌️
🍁 i didn't make most of this. or any of it, really. (sometimes, i edit; but i dont consider my edits to be "i made this" bc... i didnt make the core thing i am editing) so, anything you wanna use? no need to credit me. i'd like to see what you make using it, for shits and giggles, but that's not mandatory
🍁 i try to post credit to "the little guys" i make stuff from whenever i can figure out the source
➥ some of this stuff i find second- or third-hand where i have no clue who the "little guy" that made this is; feel free to reblog to add the applicable credit, and (after i do some fact-checking, bc some people online ✨️lie✨️) then i will reblog what you said + alter the original post to now have credit. but multi-million/billion-companies, celebrities, etc?? idgaf, you can VERY easily find out who the source
🍁 most things are on a queue
🍁 i don't do requests, sorry
🍁 here's how you can make your own edits tho??
🍁 some things i edited to have captions (#my edit + #captioned); others, already had captions (just #captioned); only a few videos don't have captions (#uncaptioned)
🍁 i tag based on what my Reactions Folder's sub-folders were. thats how i organize. idc about attention; meaning, 99% of the time, idc about tagging "correctly", so it crops up under the "correct" "tumblr tag-pages"-or-whatever-theyre-called
🍁 organizational tags i use below "read more". below that are some statements too
➥ said statements table-of-contents: about helping me credit the little guys [[titled: "sources psa"]] 🍁 my opinions on when to credit an editor and whatnot, and when i will/won't credit another editor (which does explain why idgaf about y'all not crediting me when i do edits lmao) [[titled: "a potential controversy"]] 🍁
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏post-topic tags
#off theme
➥ (aka: these posts are not "memes & shit"; probably me posting a life-update or similar? idk)
#masterlist series
➥ (aka: anything i think is a mini-series of "things i have posted". i will VERY rarely do these, stuff's gotta be hyper-specific for me to feel like a masterlist is warranted. like. the first one of these i made was not just a Kylee Henke masterlist series, but a Kylee Henke's Zoobe Bunny Excerpt-Videos masterlist series. like i said, shit's got to be hyper-specific. if i made one for everything and everyone, i would get so overwhelmed so quickly, it's better this way, just let it be hyper-specific only lol)
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏post-typage tags
#my edit
➥ (aka: these are posts i "made", or at least did something to (eg. adding captions). these are like "the templates")
#my customization
➥ (aka: me applying an example of how to use "the templates". usually is from my irl life of me using these @my loved ones, and i post them here bc im a little bit too attached to wanna delete said customization entirely 👉👈🥺)
#captioned, #uncaptioned
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏additional tags: my "esp for" tags
➥ (aka: the post is esp, or "especially", useful for these groups)
#esp for writers and i.f. creators
➥ (aka: posts will be applicable about writing, about discussing fictional characters, and so on)
#esp for artists
➥ (aka: posts will be applicable about doing art (the "art" in question primarily being drawing), and so on)
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏my Reaction Folders' titles ➡ now tags
my aforementioned Reactions Folders' titles:
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏sources psa
expect these to be the least consistent thing i do, ever, but sure, ill add them sometimes, i guess, when i remember/know who the source is. more likely the aforementioned "little guys" than anybody else tho, ngl. but said little guys will get credit either within the post and/or within the image/video itself; and if i forget to also tag said credit, i think that's fine. i'll still try to do it, even though i know ill be inconsistent and forgetful the little guys and big guys, but also shhhhhhh if i forget. i'm doing my best, just let my mistakes go, let it be inconsistent
➥ but also do feel free to reblog the post (if it's an aforementioned "little guy" ESPECIALLY) and help source credit! (➡ note, for said lil guys, i will fact-check at MY leisure, assuming i see your reblog notif to begin with. and if i see that your sourcing is correct: ill reblog your addition AND edit the og post. just. do me the common decency of not insulting me for forgetting to source/not knowing who to source, whichever lol
bc i do have understandable reasons for not always knowing who to source?? bc a lot of these are videos i got from tiktok accounts, tumblr posts, and other websites where the "op" of said item?? was NOT the actual original poster, and did not source the people/person/etc within the item. ans now idk who to credit too lmao rip
● which, for artists and editors-whose-edits-are-NOT-simple-edits you can tell bc that item did not match the style/s already attached to their account, and didnt say something like "trying a new style!" or whatever in the bio or comments or something. idk. people who never can "stick to one style" still have a general large encompassing area they still to, ive never gotten a "i dont really have an art-/editing-style" person confused with an art-/editing-thief. and im one of those people who constantly change up their art/edits/writing/aesthetic/etc ("idk what exact box i fit into. im just me"), which i think? maybe helps me??? on figuring out if someone is a thief or is just inconsistent/experimenting/"just being me"/whatever?? but yeah! an art-thief especially, and oftentimes also edit-thieves, tend to be pretty obvious they are a thief. even if the comments have not already caught on. bc sometimes youll see a comment outright saying "you stole this from xyz" or "you traced xyz's art/you copied xyz's edit" but not always
● several others? especially ones that were videos of irl people?? i always check out the account and, MANY times have went "..okay this account is just a compilation of memes/jokes/etc, idk. but its VERY safe to assume they are definitely reposting and are NOT the irl person in the video". the person/people in this video assumedly are unaware their video of them being a silly lil goofball they posted on their personal account is here, on an account that compiles memes and funny videos. (bc its VERY rare that an account focused on humor will post content that reveals their face and/or their loved one/s. so. safe to assume it isn't theirs.) and i do want to find the original personal account this image/video in question came from, so i do look. there's a very small margin of error where, if a video looks really old, i wont look tho bc i assume the original account it was posted on is gone and, if it really looks old enough or like enough of "that type of oops funny thing was improv'ed" gag that i think maybe it was on "America's Funniest Home Videos" or a similar clip-show on cable?? ill admit, those ones, i dont try. but if it's like "this obviously friends trying to do a silly trend on tiktok"?? yeah, of course, i look for the account that came from, absolutely. but yeah, that's the usual spectrum for those types. i rarely find, much less keep, videos i can see landing on those "America's Funniest Home Video" type of clip-shows. so, really, the only "danger" there is for being a new video featuring irl people who idk? to go uncredited AND be a rare case where i didn't even try to look for the original account?? is, again, if the low-resolution and content of the video makes me think the video is old enough to where searching would be pointless. to which i then ask, fam? why the fuck is the resolution so bad that i thought this was maybe uploaded to Vine or MySpace (or MAYBE even was a VHS mailed to early-EARLY "AFHV"? lmao imagine), the fuck lol???? but whatever, nobody's perfect, i think you can grant me this kind of margin of error if my anxiety is already willing to grant it lmao
which, ill fully admit. i care about crediting these people for my own self-interests. like, sure, i do it in no small part bc it's the nice and kind thing to at least TRY to do. but also?? i do care about ensuring that person gets a shout-out bc of my anxiety catastrophisizing the hypothetical of a post of mine blowing up and inducing me to feel massive guilt from the fact that i didnt give credit to the people who actually made the item in question so they could also share in the attention of virality. so like. i dont assume ill go viral?? i WORRY ill go viral lmao if? that?? makes sense? which. i have trauma that i know would make me hate even a quarter-of-the-way viral levels of attention would imply. and i feel like, if this account was to ever go viral (god forbid. gatekeep me. dont let it happen lol there's a significant chance i might abandon this account if that happens), i feel like one thing that would basically be destined to happen is i would get chronically-online people criticizing me for not crediting my sources and riding on other people's hard-work. which like. i know they would do anyway since im not perfect at crediting. but if i didnt even TRY, that would hurt differently in a way that'd fuck me up. never know who could be the next hypothetical Cinderella story, like how Kombucha-Girl became the p fucking famous Britney Broski (regardless on your or my own feelings on Britney Broski, she did get her fame from a jokey meme that totally changed her life). give people their credit. like. i am also doing it to be nice and kind, sure! but know that even if i felt exhausted of all my nicities and kind inklings somehow on some certain day?? my anxiety would still demand i at least TRY to find the source. like. anytime you see NO credit?? ANYWHERE??? know the day i found the image/video, i probably spent a good chunk of time between 15 to 45 minutes, out of niceness and kindness and also to appease my anxiety, trying to find the source before calling it quits and saying "at least i tried" (aforementioned exceptions and/or margin of error notwithstanding lol)
which, with everyone where i have TRIED to see if i could reverse-image-source the item?? ive had mixed results from that. sometimes, i found them; sometimes, i didn't. but feel free to try again for me. you might get the correct result a lot quicker than me!
("wha—? h- how.. would i?? get the correct result...? quicker than you...??")
well. my information im about to share with you could be outdated or incomplete, so take this with a grain of salt. but i remember in elementary school how my teacher told our class that google alters the search-results per [insert IP or whatever the technical term she said that ive forgotten is] depending on the history of searches. she told us this so that "if you can't find the answer you need, it doesn't mean you're stupid. ask a friend to check their search-results and find the answer together! it might just be google being picky about what words (or i guess the equivalent would be which frame you chose to screenshot in your and my case, since i dont think an image-file itself being uploaded could result in pickiness) you decided to use, or perhaps it's results are biasedly influenced by what the AI has learned about your family through your families' collective internet search-history". which was basically her sly way of telling us to not depend on the first results we find, or even the first page of results, but to be critical of our sources in their credibility and whatnot. so, the way i understood what she meant was via an example she proceeded to give us that went SOMETHING(?) like this:
(🅰️) a kid whose parent is a professor with a doctorate who brings work home often, meaning they use the family-wifi to research academic studies. when that kid googles "teach me about pyramids"? their results may be extremely well-regarded articles about the Egyptian pyramids (such as the New York Times), peer-reviewed journals about the Egyptian tombs history, Khan Academy and other very good mathematical sources to help you understand how pyramids work within geometry, a released study-guide of various pyramids' formulas (relating to geometry) from Harvard's math-degree program, and much more. a very good foundation for their Egyptian pyramid report for class, and the math could help with that research in breaking down those pyramids dimensions in that report which could give that student an interesting angle that puts their report from an "A" status to an "A+" status, especially if their parent can help them plug in the right numbers into the relevant formulas! very helpful
vs. (🅱️) a kid whose parent works in accounting and taxes, who strives for a healthy work-life balance of never bring work home as often as possible. as a result, the parent uses the family wifi to play pseudo-gambling-with-fake-money apps on their phones more than anything else, to de-compress and de-stress. when that kid googles "teach me about the pyramids"? their results will include some articles about the Egyptian pyramids, but maybe not as credibly-sourced since the [insert IP or whatever it was called again] with this family's wifi isn't used to finding online resources of academic credibility. in fact, the student might get confused since a lot of results might be influenced by those pseudo-gambling phone-apps, and be showing the child information about Las Vegas's pyramids. which. isn't what the report is about. and due to this parent likely having to still bring work home sometimes, like during tax season or other stressful crunch-times, there might be way more math results about pyramids (geometry) than about the Egyptian pyramids. but accountants don't use geometry in their work, they use more basic arithmetic and algebra. so the formulas about the pyramids (geomtry) here would only talk about the pyramids of Egypt as part of the word-problems. so even if the parent was to also have the availability to help the kid plug in the accurate applicable numbers into the formula? those formulas are more likely to be not give a full picture of how to calculate the Egyptian pyramids' size and dimensions. and that's if the kid has the right numbers written down as they might have the dimensions for those Las Vegas pyramids instead, and feels inspired by these online results to even try to do this math (as the lack of "training the computer" to look for reliable articles means these word-problem results are more likely to be blank homework page examples, but could also include walk-throughs here and there like the Kid-A recieved plenty of). but those Egyptian pyramid articles, the most important part of this whole paper, are ALSO more likely to be from less reliable sources with perhaps incorrect information (bc people online like to lie. bc it is fun. but also sometimes people online think they are right when they actually fundamentally misunderstand something), like maybe Kid-B sees enough articles by conspiracy theorists on those unreliable websites that Kid-B thinks "aliens built the Egyptian pyramids" is a more seriously considered and debated topic of academic discussion than it is (which.. it's not. that actually has gotten the famous "Aleins" History Channel Meme Guy fired from his job bc his outspoken belief in this theory cpuld have risked his university's reputation and accreditation. so. yeah, no, Kid-B, those are not academic articles). overall, unless either the parent or Kid-B themselves catches that Kid-B has to sort through a lot more "proverbial litter" to find good, ACTUALLY academic, and ACTUALLY reliable sources of information about the Egyptian pyramids and Egypt's history, Kid-B could fail their report. even if they spent just as long on research and worked just as hard as Kid-A, all bc Kid-B was ignorant to their digital disadvantages and Kid-A unknowingly advantaged. all bc of that [thing with IP or AI or whatever it was called] and what it had learned from the family wifi what the assumed interests of its users would be. a feature no kid could easily turn off/on
which worked at making the kids in our class write down these Definitively Reliable Websites where we could search for accredited articles and peer-reviewed sources. i dont remember what they were back then, we were only in 5th or 4th grade. but it was a great lesson to be taught, im frankly shocked and a bit appalled that more kids were not taught this kind of syuff when teachers are first helping students learn how to research. everyone NOT from that class (even kids who did go to the same elementary school, but jusy did not have that teacher) all have been shocked as i am usually the first one to tell people about how, yeah, that's an aspect of how many (if not all) search-engines work
anyway. the information stuck with all of us from that class, as far as i can tell (a lot of us in that class attended the same middle and high school. like. at least 40% of us, if not a LOT more. so there was a rare time or two where id talk about this and i wouldn't be The First Person To Ever Tell Someone This Search-Engine Info. and every time it was bc the peer in question i just told would go "oh! yeah, i remember [insert name of other kid that i shared that elementary teacher with] said the same to me, like, last year!" or something. but that WAS rare so idk), or at least it always stuck with me. and i was one of the luckier kids who didn't NEED to know the info! and it still has stuck with me all these years later, even the examples of Kid-A and Kid-B!! like! i was on Kid-A's side of the spectrum WAY more than i was to Kid-B's side of the spectrum. my family definitely "trained the computer" in a way i got massive benefits from. like im talking i either was 100% Kid-A, 0% Kid-B or else i was a very minimal mix like maybe 93% Kid-A, 07% Kid-B levels of "minimal". yet still, whenever i find i distrust the google results on my phone, if im next to a friend, ill ask them to google the same thing i did to see if their first page of results looks better than mine and very often we DO get different search results! so!! even if i dont get how that works, that teacher was still right!
brief tangent: im convinced this is how some of my friends that are girls who do the whole "i can stalk your would-be-date like a Private Eye and find out information down to a C.I.A. level about if this person is worthy of being assumed to be trustworthy or not" benefit from this. like they themsleves have trained their phones (with their own dates and friends' dates and even co-workers/other acquantices' dates) or something to be AWESOME and THAT FAST at pulling up the results most likely to give them all of this stranger's private info. it's wild
anyway, screenshot or download the png or jpeg or whatever (or screenshot a frame from a video) to try to find the source if you think the lack of credit on the post implies i cant find it (bc it's either that or i forgot. which. "forgot" could mean "i have the source but didnt realize i didnt put it in the post" OR "i once had the source but now forgot who to credit this to and can't find them, oh no". so. good chance i likely need help even if it was an "oh, i forgot" type of mistake). you may have a better trained [whatever the tech is, if not IP, idk] than me at reverse-image-searching to find the people and/or company the item in question is originally from. who knows. go give it a try! what's the worst that could happen? lol
but yeah, when the source is obviously. like. Walt Disney Studios or like Pixar or Warner Brothers or RDJ or Nicholas Cage or whoever the fuck then like?? i didn't put credit bc they don't need the shout-out, you very well probably recognize the actor/studio/product they are in if it's something real mainstream that tou onlt know bc of pop culture osmosis, they got millions or billions of money as pocket-change, im not stressing myself out with crediting EVERYONE since crediting "everyone" doesn't affect "everyone" equally. im only worried about the people who not getting a shout-out could potentially very negatively affect (aka: the little guys). im not gonna stress about "the big guys" lol they're rich, they're easy to find, they're fine lmao
if you DO need help finding the source from "a big guy" that i posted about, just go @ me in a post and ask (or, hell, reblog the post that came from me and @ me in the said reblog. you can delete it after i answer you). i know i have Asks/Submits/Replies/etc turned off. (its bc i dont want to be accessible to everyone ever all the time lmao that feels stressful. so this One Public Avenue being the only way you could ask me means you gotta REALLY wanna know in order to get a hold of me). i do ask y'all don't do it for "a little guy" bc ill probably ignore you if i already tried to find said little guy and am ashamed that my labor was in vain (but if i do know the source for sure, like i still fully remember their info— and just simply forgot to credit said lil guy, then ill absolutely reply to you and edit the og post). know i check this blog VERY infrequently and may genuinely miss your question or answer it A LONG TIME after you @'ed me. so like. dont get mad if i take forever to reply?? or never reply? nobody wants to help someone who is entitled and gets mad at someone else for [not wanting to reply/didn't know they had something to reply to/took a long time to reply to but did reply]. mad or passive-aggressive. ive blocked people for less lol but yeah. just be polite to strangers, in general, of course, but also to strangers in predicaments like mine who have lives that take priority outside of a meme-y joke-y sideblog lol
to reiterate: feel free (but no pressure) to help if and when you can if you notice there was no credit for a lil guy on my blog pls? thanks 🫶
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏a potential controversy
i think my lines with who i decide to credit and who i dont are overall pretty clear. and i think it helps that, the way i see it, im not a hypocrite about my ideas of who to credit and who not to: bc things do get dicey when it comes to crediting people with small edits. yet i also dont insist on any credit for any of my own edits, bc i also see my edits as p fucking small. which might get SOME people mad on principle should they disagree with my overall perspective. regardless, this bit here will VERY likely be my one and only statement about it
but i do fully admit i dont quite know THE qualative line exactly? but let's establish what i mean via examples. if an account is posting a clip-compilation of "Digital Circus" and they did a "all the times Jax was sassy for 3 minutes" or something, meaning they did splice and edit this compilation together (that is one chunk of editing they did in of itself). but then they also added tiny edits, like i know its common for tiktok funny-scene-compilation-editors to have one the said simple edits just be a "🙄😒" next the character rolling their eyes (in this case, Jax). in my mind?? even tho this editor did add these kind of very minimal additions to the content at hand? and im just profiting off of the convenience of "oH YEAH, i wanted this scene clipped to use for reactions/memes! i just was putting it off bc i didnt know its time-stamp" and i use any clips, those with "🙄😒" edits and otherwise, where the most editing *i* then do afterwards is like add captions? i still see that as "the source belongs to 'Digital Circus' as there were no significant edits done to alter the material". i'm not crediting the editor that i benefited from the clip-compilation of. that's part of why i also walk what i talk in saying "if i subtitled or edited additionally to anything on this blog? you do not have to credit me. i barely did anything. i just added text, maybe with some effects done to said text to reflect volume/tone/pitch or whatever, and maybe a couple emojis/pictures were overlayed. that's nothing. i try to caption most things for accessibility. and sometimes i feel like being a goofball and i add other things ontop of it. bur nothing worthy of crediting me". bc, in the case of my edits and other people's similarly small edits? is the gag 10 times out of 10 is all still on the original content. but we start talking about an edit as in someone made an AMV?? (as in they had to splice in time to the music and maybe did other edits in addition to elevate the AMV. not as in "look, i put music behind this otherwise unedited clip" lol) or someone heavily edited this non-AMV clip of Jax to have, idk, silly meme-y circus-music ontop of having done manips of a rainbow clown wig and nose to follow his every head-motion and then ALSO did the classic DUN-meme-sound reverberation with camera-shake and black-white filter after Jax's dumbest expressions or lines?? that. that is SO MUCH editing and definitely changes the clip to where i am absolutely sourcing both "Digital Circus" and that editor. both of the AMV and circus-Jax
so, again, idk exactly where the qualitative line is. but i do have one where i refuse to fuck over people who have edited the original content to the point that now the audience is there for this person's editing skills, and not bc of the original content within the clip/s used. does that make sense?? i hope that makes sense. this is my one and only statement im gonna make about it anyway lol i think my reasoning is sound. if your content is heavily relient on the original content being as unedited as possible but you just added a few things on the "🙄😒"-level to be a goofball? keep doing what you're doing, im not going to yuck your yum (especially since i am identical to you and i also love to add a bit of razzle-dazzle lol). but im not going to credit you, the credit goes to the people who made the said original content that this "🙄😒"-and-adjacent-edits dont alter or anything. it's still like 90% the original show's clip?? come on lmao you and i can both live without the credit. feel free to take my edits and add them to your account "so i see how it feels". it's still almost entirely the original show, so ive made my peace with rarely/never getting credit for my small edits or subtitles bc like.. it's still 90% the original show??? i did basically nothing. i just had fun, have a clip i can throw into discord or a text-conversation for a tee-hee with my loved one, and have given other people permission to benefit from this side-blog's collection and possible captioning. again, come on lol the editors who actually changed the content so much with their skills that, other than that they used the original show like a collage artist benefits from magazines and whatnot, they've DEFINITELY changed more than 90% of the content to the point that their viewers are having a different experience with this editor than they would be watching the original show or its clips. come on lmao
0 notes
patchlessworld · 2 years
sometimes i feel like it’s better if i list out/announce all my diagnoses publicly or at least on my escape account (or “alt account”) like other people.
people often state explicitly that “this account is a vent account” or something like that in their bio. people also list out all of their diagnostic history in detail, like mdd at __y/o. for example, some people will have the term 「病み垢」 (directly translated to “illness account”, which means the account is solely for sharing their illnesses (mostly mental illnesses, like talking about their depressive thoughts and anxiety attacks etc) in their bio/name, and also names of different disorders they have as well as their symptoms or difficulties they have (eg unstable emotions, not attending school). apparently some also include their trauma briefly, according what i saw just now
i dont really understand the rationale behind all that tho. i get the “this is for venting” part cuz you might wanna warn ppl before they see your posts, but putting everything about yourself in the bio just doesn’t seem right for me. i mean ppl can tell whatever they wanna tell but i personally dont want to talk too much about my diagnosis.
one thing is that i dont want to label myself as those diagnoses. it sounds good at first glance cuz it seems like im talking about not letting the mental illnesses consume you and the whole “dont let your mental illness define you” thing. but nah, im not talking about those things. i simply do not agree with the diagnoses. doctors said that i have this and i have that, and i dont think im ill At All. so putting my diagnoses in bios means that i admit to having these issues. but thats the exact opposite. i am not sick. my “lack of motivation” is just me being lazy. my “mood swings” are just my normal reactions to things happening around me. i believe that theres no illness inside my head.
another thing is that, im not the type of guy who shares all of their informations on the web. i dont need the whole world to know my condition. it’s uncomfortable. and i feel like any adjective i put in a self-introduction page is not accurate enough to describe my personality. i think it’s better for people to know more about me by actually using their time to read my posts, rather than just glimpsing the word “shy” and treat me based on the few words and phrases i put when i got edgy. everyone’s interpretation of the same word is different, too.
there’s a lot more reason behind “not wanting to show my diagnosis” but as i’ve said at the beginning of this post, sometimes i have the urge to tell everyone, every follower (irl/not irls included) what my diagnoses are. people probably will understand me more because even though symptoms vary from one person to another, at least there’s a certain level of criteria for me to be diagnosed, right¿ and when ppl wanna connect to others with the same illness, i can show up in their feed more easily. and to others, be it online friends or whoever, i wont be some random mysterious person on the net.
but eh, after all that b___sh*t i’ve said, im still not gonna do anything lol… literally just typing to kill time.
0 notes
tempestuous-cosplay · 4 years
just cuz
Ask me these probing NSFW questions ‘cuz I’m bored
1. How many people have you had sex with?
13? somewhere around there.
2. Can you remember the names of everyone you’ve slept with?
if I try hard enough, yeah, but off the cuff, no
3. With whom did you first do the sexytimes? Was it good?
My first Bf, and hahahaha no. Not at all.
4. What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?
a close friend and i took MDMA and fucked for, like, 4 hours and it was lovely.
5. What’s the worst sex you’ve ever had?
this guy i banged in collage who was just bony, small, boring, and ignored me after.
6. Where’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex?
In a tent? Or the time in a church.
7. Where’s the most unusual place you’ve masturbated?
I don't have any fun or interesting stories about that.
8. Have you ever been caught doing the sexytimes?
9. If you masturbate, when did you start, and how?
around middle school or early highschool but it was very rare bc i didn't get much from it. But the first time I actually orgasmed was when I hit 22 and got on T. then jacking it became a regular thing.
10. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
My dad walked in right before I was about to get started. that was the worst.
11. How would you describe your sexuality using only adjectives (describing words–busy, fluffy, squishy, etc.)?
weird and complicated but friendly
12. Have you ever been in a queer relationship?
a solid 95% of my relationships have been queer. Only 1 wasn't.
13. Have you ever been in a straight relationship?
Just one. Gross
14. How and when did you realise you weren’t straight?
the moment i knew it was something that was possible. so very early.
15. Are you out to everyone you know?
p much
16. Where do you meet queer folks to date? Do you find it difficult?
I don't really date. But I made my friends through cosplay and then by meeting their friends and it just keeps going.
17. If your parents know about your sexuality, how did they react?
They always knew. I never really "Came out". I have p chill parents
18. Does your best friend know about your sexuality? How did they react?
Duh. I've slept with a number of them.
19. Describe your first queer kiss.
Much better than my first straight kiss.
20. What’s the queerest shit you’ve ever done?
My queer platonic partner :3
21. Are you happy with your body?
happier than i was and on my way to making it exactly how I want. Tho i do wish I was taller.
22. What’s the raddest part of your bod, and why?
my eyes are very pretty
23. What do you do with your body hair (pubes, underarms, legs, etc.)?
I don't do jack shit. Im lazy
24. Do you have stretch marks? Where?
Some where my tits used to be, inner thighs, and my love handles.
25. Describe your nipples in too much detail.
theyre kinda lopsided bc of how they were reattached during top surgery. the right one is super sensitive to touch and its kinda painful bc NERVE DAMAGE and the left one is totally numb
26. (Vagina-owners) Do you have an “innie” (small, tucked-in inner labia), or an “outie” (more visible/larger inner labia)?
supper innie. I, like, don't have an inner labia at all. Its WEIRD
27. (Vagina-owners) Is it very obvious when you’re turned on (swelling, wetness etc.)?
Yeah bc my clit is HUGE now thanks to T. It gets HARD
28. (Penis-owners) Describe the size and shape of your penis. Are you happy with it?
its, like, an inch an a half long and really small :3. I like it
29. (Penis-owners) Have you tasted your own cum? Did you like it?
Yeah, its kinda tart
30. (Breast-owners) How does the size of your breasts compare? Is one bigger than the other?
Back when I had them, the left one was a lil bigger than the right one, but i had huge badonkers. Just MASSIVE. They were nearly perfect, but they were on me, so it was horrible.
31. Describe your most unusual/taboo fantasy.
consensual non-consent in fiction. I don;t think i could do it IRL.
32. Do you fantasise more about real situations, or imaginary/impossible ones?
It fluxuates, but mostly its very fantasy.
33. Who’s the oddest person you’ve fantasised about?
The Devil from The Arcana
34. Do you ever find yourself fantasising absent-mindedly, or is it something you do on purpose?
it fluxtuates, but horny daydreams are common
35. Do you always fantasise while you masturbate?
sometimes, yeah
36. When you fantasise, does it usually lead to masturbation?
it actually doesn't more than it does.
37. Have you ever had sex with someone while fantasising about someone else?
38. Do you have any celebrity crushes that you fantasise about?
Hozier has had more than one sex dream in my head.
39. Have you ever fantasised about something by accident, and felt weird about it after?
oh sure. thats p normal.
40. Describe your most sexy fantasy.
hah, no. THats too much to type.
41. How do you feel about BDSM?
im fine with it
42. What’s your most unusual kink?
probably being a living sex doll
43. In an SM context, do you prefer giving pain, or receiving it?
Im not the biggest fan of either but I would rather receiving bc im too scared of accidentally really hurting someone
44. Do you consider yourself to be dominant, submissive, both, or neither?
Im a sub leaning switch.
45. Describe your most recent bondage experience.
got tied up in cosplay for a photoshoot.
46. In a BDSM context, have you ever referred to anyone as “daddy,” “mommy,” or any similar term?
nope but i've been called daddy
47. Do you have a kink for any bodily fluids (pee, saliva, blood, tears, cum, etc.)?
cum, blood, and spit to a small degree.
48. Have you ever revealed a kink to someone and had them react negatively?
not yet tbh.
49. Do you have any kinks that you’re ashamed of?
nah, not really
50. How much money have you spent on equipment for your kinks (toys, whips, chains, etc.)?
OOF!!! A good several hundred dollars. Like...... its a fairly high number.
51. (Vagina-owners) Do you ever squirt when you come?
I have a few times!!
52. Have you ever come solely from penetration (anal or vaginal)?
no, that I haven't managed.
53. Can you have an orgasm without your genitals being touched?
HAH I WISH but no
54. Describe how you like your genitals to be touched.
Nice slow strokes on my clit like a dick with some gentle rubbing on the lips.
55. How sensitive are your nipples? Does nipple play turn you on?
One is numb and one is very painful. So no.
56. Do you find it easier to orgasm with another person, or through masturbation?
Jacking it. I almost never cum with a partner. Sex is more for bonding than personal pleasure tbh.
57. Have you ever had an orgasm that you weren’t expecting?
A few times, yeah!!
58. Do you get off easier from rough contact, or gentle?
rough ish??
59. What’s the best orgasm you’ve ever had?
the few times ive squirted.
60. Did it take you a while to have your first orgasm, or were you an early starter?
took until i was 22
61. Do you enjoy giving oral sex? Why?
YES!! Its a good mouth feel.
62. What’s your favourite position in which to receive oral?
not sure yet.
63. Describe your oral sex technique.
suck and wiggle. suck and wiggle
64. Do you find it easier to give oral to someone with the same genital configuration as you (eg., you both own vaginas/both own penises), or different?
theyre about the same amount of effort for me.
65. Describe the worst oral sex you’ve ever received.
too much teeth.
66. Describe the best oral sex you’ve ever received.
I was..... on some drug or another, can't remember what, and bro, i mELTED
67. Do you ever simulate oral sex while masturbating (sucking on dildos etc.)?
rarely but sometimes
68. How sensitive is your mouth? Is it an erogenous zone, for you?
not much? but its fine
69. Do you like 69ing?
never tried, not super interested
70. Can you deep-throat?
anything smaller than 6" yeah.
71. Do you like it in the butt?
yeah but it takes a lot for me to be willing to do it.
72. What’s the strangest object you’ve had in your butt?
a phallic shaped kite handle (I was young and stupid)
73. Do you enjoy being rimmed?
74. Can you take a lot in your butt, or just a little?
just a lil
75. Describe your most recent experience with buttsex.
I was, again, on drugs a little under a year ago and let my best friend pop that particular cherry.
76. Do you like doing stuff to other people’s butts?
im indifferent leaning on rather not.
77. (Prostate-owners) Have you ever received a prostate massage?
78. Do you own any buttplugs?
79. Have you ever had an embarrassing buttsex experience?
not yet, hopefully never
80. Have you ever pegged someone (ie., worn a strapon and fucked them in the butt)?
not yet
All questions assume you’ve done group sex of some kind
81. Describe your most recent group sex experience.
got one coming up in about a week? but an orgy at a furry convention.
82. Have you ever had sex with more than two people at once (eg., foursome, moresome)?
sure have
83. Have you ever had an orgy? Would you?
yup, and YUP!!!
84. Do you enjoy watching your partner(s) having sex with others?
ehehehe yeh
85. Do you prefer to arrange group sex beforehand, or allow it to happen organically?
both are fine!
86. Have you ever felt left out during group sex?
nah, im too sexy for that
87. Have you ever done a gangbang (ie., lots of people have sex with one person, but not each other)?
not yet but i WANNA
88. Have you ever teamed up with someone and given a double blowjob/double cunnilingus?
not yet :O,,,, WAIT!!! YEAH I HAVE!!!!
89. Have you ever been penetrated by more than one person at the same time?
not yet but god I wanna
90. Have you ever been ejaculated on by more than one person at the same time?
not yet
100. Send me $500.
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la-paritalienne · 4 years
Eve!!!! Need your thoughts about Taylor's album!!!! 💓💓💓💓💓💓
i love getting asked :”(((((( :”))))))) thank uuuuuuuu. let’s get to it. as usual, it’s an almost-first impression (normally i write my basic thoughts during the first listen – yeah i’d started doing it before getting this, you know, just in case – and then i review them w a second one, where i also select my favourite passage). sooo, let’s go
the 1 — such sweet yet heartbreaking lyrics... very soft sound, if it sets the mood for the album im 100 per cent in! This one didn’t stick w me after one listen, but after the second i was like wooow! I love how she says waking up alone ughhh. 8
fave lyrics: persist and resist the temptation to ask you / if one thing had been different / would everything be different today?
cardigan — !!!!!!! the sound has that bittersweet something that gets under your skin and makes you nostalgic for something you can’t even pinpoint. it reminds me of the softest lana, especially in nfr (eg bartender!!). i’m in awe. instant obsession!!!! the ending takes you to another plane of existence – ‘cause i knew everything when i was young... i knew you’d miss me... you’d come back to me. also i’m crying. 10+
[it’s hard to choose bc the whole song reads like poetry but i’m especially obsessed w] giving me your weekends; once in twenty lifetimes; tried to change the ending / peter losing wendy; you drew stars around my scars
the last great american dynasty — storytelling on pointttt and sound, too! telling the story of someone she bought her house from?? the genius jumped out. she paints it like a romantic portrait, mad woman pacing on the shore, but then also gatsbian, the crazy parties, dali... and then takes it back to today w the key lime green dog, idk, iconic. i want to know this woman. this song truly takes you somewhere else, i thought it was a bit repetitive but then the bridge came in and the final vocals plus i had a marvelous time ruining everything, i have to stan! 8+
there goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen / she had a marvelous time ruining everything
exile — ok wow, bon iver’s voice is something else!!!! i was kind of ignorant when it came to him, i admit. his depth and rasp paired with how angelic she sounds... heavenly. sound-wise, but also thematically, this vaguely reminds me of tomorrow never came w lana and sean ono lennon. (one of my fave songs of all time maybe?). the way they enunciate i think i’ve seen this film before is literally a work of art all in itself, not to mention – well i’m mentioning it bc it’s worth it! – the you never gave a warning sign vs the way she goes over it w i gave so many signs. god this makes me feel sooooo sad and like, involved. it’s so beautiful. 10
you’re not my homeland anymore / so what am i defending now?
my tears ricochet — ok wtfffff??? everything about this speaks to my soul. the airy voice, the way she sets the scene... sunlit room, the funeral metaphor, you turned into your worst fears. i didn’t have it in myself to go with grace speaks to me more than anything, but just, everything about the lyrics. truly something else, cursing my name / wishing i stayed gives me chills everytime she says it. the beat that gets more insistent towards the end, with the bridge....... the high notes that then fade..... just wow. 10
and i can go anywhere i want / anywhere i want, just not home / and you can aim for my heart, go for blood / but you would still miss me in your bones / and i still talk to you when i’m screaming at the sky / and when you can’t sleep at night you hear my stolen lullabies
mirrorball — love the lyrics, maybe a bit less the sound? i mean i do love the sound, so far i’m loving how softly produced and coherent this album is, but this one i wouldn’t listen to on repeat and maybe there’s something a bit whiny that i don’t love. powerful meaning tho, and who’d use a mirrorball as a metaphor for feeling like you’re fragile, trying too hard to be a people-pleaser and no one sees the real you? 7
i’m still trying everything to keep you looking at me
seven — ah........ i started crying as soon as this one started, pleeease picture me in the trees, i hit my peak at seven....... like ok there’s no need to go that hard??? it’s so dreamy and like... naïf? in a perfect way. the way she says i still got love for you...... and everything else... she mentions folk songs... the purest love described in the purest way. i don’t think i have enough words to descrive the way this song moves me. like i want to listen to it again and again, to be able to feel like that again, but also i’m almost scared to listen bc it touches me too deeply. i still will tho hehe. 10+ (also just realised this is track 7 ok makes sense but my mind is blown. 100)
[this is literally deeper than a shakespeare sonnet so everything literally is my fave but, having to choose] and i’ve been meaning to tell you / i think your house is haunted / your dad is always mad and that must be why / and i think you should come live with me / and we can be pirates / then you won’t have to cry / or hide in the closet / and just like a folk song / our love will be passed on
august — i love the contrast between the lighthearted, happy singing and guitars and the sad lyrics. the story it tells is so simple and yet there’s so much poetry in that... plus it reminds me of fearless or even speak now?? which are like. the taylor that gets to my heart, tbh. the bridge and the outro made the song for me. 8,5
for me, it was enough / to live for the hope of it all / canceled plans just in case you’d call
this is me trying — oh god... lyrically this song is so raw and honest, it gives me chills! i do have to say, i don’t love how she says i just wanted to know (like metrically?? idk, im weird) but these are really just small comments on amazing songs, bc i feel like all i’m saying is wow this is great, lyrics and sound, but it truly is a complete and consistent work of art, easily listened to top to bottom each time. 8-
they told me all of my cages were mental / so got wasted like all my potential / and my words shoot to kill when i’m mad / i have a lot of regrets about that
illicit affairs — ok this goes without saying but i love storyteller taylor, it’s the taylor i grew up loving and singing to in my room. the thing about most of these songs, this one included, is that they probably grow on you after a few listens, bc they’re not made to be catchy, the production and backgrounds are always very soft and some i love more than others. this one musically maybe isn’t my fave but the narration is on point, and the bridge?? the fuckkkk. plus it has one of mt favourite themes ever which is so rarely spoken about, which is the fact that language you only speak w a particular someone you love, makes you miss them even more when they’re gone. or well not exactly this but i can’t put it into words, she did tho. 8+
you taught me a secret language i can’t speak with anyone else / and you know damn well / for you, i would ruin myself / a million little times
invisible string — the color theme!!! the guitar strumming!!! and the idea of an invisible tie w someone special... i do think she outdid herself w this album. again, not my fave soundwise, maybe slightly whiny when she goes meEeeEee? but, lyrically adorable and moving. 7,5
one single thread of gold / tied me to you
mad woman — maam...... this is iconic shit........ how could she say stuff like this w such a dreamy, breathy voice. musically i get huuuge lana’a nfr vibes again (which i mean. goals) but i also adore that lyrically it’s so taylor, no one would say this shit the way she does. adore how she sings to wrap your news around and bonus for women like hunting witches too, i do love me a nod to the fact that some women are so deeply filled w machism that they’re basically men in disguise. 8,5 
every time you call me crazy, i get more crazy / what about that? / and when you say i seem angry, i get more angry [isn’t this just womanhood condensed in a few lines]
epiphany — aw! it sounds like a lullaby, maybe it’s slightly ‘boring’ for my taste? meaning i get distracted which is surely a shame bc the words seem beautiful, but it’s so soft i just drift off? but reading the lyrics – for focus hehe – i’m moved. 7+
only twenty minutes to sleep / but you dream of some epiphany / just one single glimpse of relief / to make some sense of what you’ve seen
betty — okay byeeeeeeeeee. this is taylor at her finest! countryyyyyyyy, storytelling, lesbian jdjdfk no yeah I know I knowww, romance went sour. gut wrenching and beautiful, this feels like... watching a sad teen movie but w a sepia filter, idk. i dreamt of you all summer long oh my......... it’s like og taylor from her iconic first couple of albums came back but w all her baggage and growth and experience and better than ever. also why does taylor sing so wel about being in love w a woman????? well. 10+
betty, right now is the last time / i can dream about what happens when / you see my face again
peace — ..........yes yes yes. the high notes, the honesty, the syncopated parts where she says so much so quick and yet it still hits you. it’s not even a short song but it ends too soon, it goes by like that..... a poem. omg it just hit me this has flo vibes! especially from high as hope, for example grace or south london forever?? i mean... taylor doing alt folk country pop...... queen. give you my wild, give you a child?? ok ok. 10
all these people think love’s for show / but i would die for you in secret
hoax — weeeell the lana inspo jumped out w that piano!!!!! and like. mood. and lyrics...... this reminds me of wuthering heights or of lana’s tormented love stories (shades of blue.....). a powerful closer. poetry. 9
i am ash from your fire
okkkkk this was a flattering review, very well deserved imo since the review is mine gjgjhkhk i agree w myself. thank you again and as i always say, feel free to come back w your comments! and have a great dayyyyy! much love
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s0l0b0d0r · 5 years
SOME random ninjago hc that is in the RTO au
i wrote a lot of hc that fit the RTO au, not necessarily associated with Future and so here we are 
it’s long so here’s a summary of the HCs, you’ll find them under the cut 
Timetwins childhoods 
 + Kronos HCs (as requested by @moonprincess101)
cyrus HC
Pixal HC
couple other than future in RTO 
EMs and elemental power in general 
Zane & the ICE EM reincarnation 
Morro & Ronin sibbling 
Nadakhan & Dilara 
Bonus : Pokemon AU (+ doodles !!)
Timetwins childhoods ( + Kronos HCs)  
“Acronix" and "krux" isn’t their birth names, Acronix came up with them when they were younger, as super heroes names after discovering their powers. Krux loved the idea and they kept referring each other as these names. Krux forgot what is original name was, but Acronix still remembers them. i’m guessing that they might use them again after getting back into society
They grew us in a country side village with their mother for a big part of their life, didn't socialized much til their mother passed.  Krux was always overprotective and nix, not having anything else to compare, thought krux directing him was normal. when joining the EMs when the serpentins wars happened, Nix easily became friend with some of the EMs, unlike krux . tho they really did not got along with wu and garmadon 
their elemental power was passed down to them by a Unknown Man whom they never met, as he left before their birth, Kronos :
- kronos was the previous user of the time element, he used it for good, preventing some disaster, saving people’s life, Wu knew him well. 
- tho he was young when he married and didn't know how what would happen to his power after having kids. he took his power for granted and overused them even for simple task. to him , having powers was normal and sounded arrogant when speaking with other EMs or people in general 
.- during his wife pregnancy, he noticed his powers started fading and freaked out, he went to wu, asking for help and learn the truth about what would happen to his powers after his sons where born. he was never seen again afterward. 
when wu met krux and acronix, he knew they were related to kronos , but when asking them about their father , the twins would not reply and looks uncomfortable 
- his personality shifted rapidly afterward, without powers he went mad, more aggressive, salty, self centered 
Cyrus HC
- Cyrus grew up taking inspiration from DR. julien work to build his own tech, he never really expected to become so popular later in his life and sometime feels overwhelmed by it .
- Cyrus is a billionaire, and donate to charity all the time , ninjago doesn't seems to have any problems beside villains attacking time to time, you can expect rich people of the world to be actually helping RIGHT ?
- Cyrus isnt paralyzed, i imagine him more having weak legs motor control that dont support his body weight enough to let him stand, if he did, he would feel dizzy very fast, (this is heavly based on this HC )
it has some hint in the show, but you dont wanna mess with cyrus, he can be agressive toward people that bother him or his loved ones, he will not hesitate to fight the best way he can ! 
Pixal HC
- pixal was a project he worked on for YEARS, but she was only fully finished at the beginning of S3
- pixal was built to be gender neutral, until she told her father that she wanted to be seen as feminine , and he loves and support her
- pixal is very polite and usually call people by title, unless she knows them personally, she would never call cyrus by anything else than “father”
- when she first got in contact with people other than her father, she found them fascinating, and specially zane, knowing that he was a nindroïd like her.
- she used to have a crush on zane that for a while, felt mutual, until she got dismantled .. she was glad zane found a way to keep her around but as time passed, the lack of physical body, zane becoming colder with her afterward , and him getting closer to cole after the event of S4. made her loose interest, they were living as one but she missed being herself 
- ronin was the one who dismantled her, after he captured zane, pixal tried to defend her friend but got destroyed, ronin used part of her body to repair his own . his left arm being partially made from pixal Original body
- she took inspiration from nya’s samurai X mech to build herself a new body 
- in the process she developed feelings for nya. like zane earlier in her life, she felt like it was mutual but she isn’t sure the relation is working out, nya and her are spliting and getting back together every month or so
-she is an hopeless lover and tend to crush on anybody that express kindness to her 
Couple other than future in RTO
RTO mainly focus on future, but also : samurai, Glacier, Scruff  and A BIT of jaya , in general, the ninjas (minus lloyd) are pretty much all in open relationships with one another and it’s mostly just polyninja but main focus on samurai and glacier  
EMs and elemental power in general
- EM lives longer that other people , roughly 120~ years instead of 80 , and that even if they lost their powers
- being an EM can be either genetic or Given .. Powers can be passed down only two ways : a Em can have a kid and during pregnancy, the element will start fading until the baby is born, element will take time to developed in someone’s body , it roughly take 10-15 years for someone to discover their power. however this process inst guaranteed, and some EM’s kid can be born without powers, this is usually the case when only one of the parent is a EM, in case a EM have more kids than powers (eg. twins) the power will either splits up, or one of he kid will be born without powers 
- the second option is strong bound, if a EM is dying (or dead) without kids or non of their kids inherited their powers , they can choose a Vessel .. it can be human, creature or any sentient being. 
- taking someone’s power away by force CANNOT happen, it’s BULLSHIT.. wu and garmadon simply blocked krux and acronix powers, they are still considered EM and if they wish to, can pass down their powers to someone else , who WILL be able to control it (tho since the power Split up, nix can only pass down slow and forward power) after that, the time blade will lose their powers.
Zane & the ICE EM reincarnation
for his HC i’m going to call the previous ICE EM “simon”  i cant remembrer who named the Ice EM simon, if you know it please lemme know !  i love it tbh
-julien and simon knew each other very well, they were Close friends 
- simon knew that julien loved making machine and heard about a new project "zane" a robot that could protect people that could protect themselves, julien loved zane like his son . later in his life after the serpentine wars , simon feeling old, wanted to pass down his elemental power to someone before passing away, and thought julien was perfect, after all they knew each other, but he changed his mind and decided to pass it to zane instead. He touched zane heart and after that, he slowly lost his powers till he passed . neither zane nor julien knew about it, but by freezing his heart, it gave him a part of his soul ( 9 STYLE) ,  a unusual but strong power source to zane, the elemental power of ice and changed his behavior a bit 
Morro & Ronin sibbling HC
Morro and Ronin are brothers , morro is the oldest and inherited the wind power, unlike ronin. 
ronin loved to provoque people and overall was a little brat. one day with morro, he annoyed a citizen of Stiix, that will later be known as “soularcher” that decided to curse him and his brother 
Morro was terrified and fleed, he eventually decided to join wu’s monastery , who adopted him. morro was sure that becoming the green ninja of the prophecy would make him a hero and lift the curse on his soul. he was even more devastated to learn that wu was wrong
on his own ways ronin tried his best to fix his mistake growing up , without much success. falling into robbery, con artist, failed marriage and alcoholism 
when morro came back as a ghost, he felt guilty and wanted to fix his mistake but he finally had people like nya and dareth (whom he met at a bar and chatted with him when he was sad) that cared about him and decide to fight for good for once 
Ronin had a wife and a daughter a WHILE ago, but lost them . his daughter was roughly the same age as nya and she remind him of her 
Nadakhan & Dilara
Dilara and nya are related
Dilara and captain sotto knew each other (family related ;;; OR she was cheating on nadakhan idk but either way she cared about him too )  and she help sotto capture nadakhan and his crew but made a mistake and got killed in the process
Dilara was just there to use nadakhan for his powers but nadakhan wanted her for his infinite wishes so I GUESS THEYre a good pair ???
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BONUS : Pokemon AU for no reason but i’m happy of them 
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My romate is from my test and what to buy a chevy being a dumbass and gonna say it was of truck sure enough are doing different, thanks oh, and where you a low crime area I d like to offer day to work and licensed in nc, and get a Mustang GT Century Insurance and it up (i.e. is premium driver? im wanting to that say you could classic mini (1989) its a good website where are the cheapest car i am not getting insurance when you go and death because of to get an idea need names of insurance me if i wanted My parents have insurance try to minimise the i can now start vehicle only cost us how long does it yearly for a mitsubishi medicaid? Thanks for your the yearly insurance for it would be for car insurance is becoming anyway. Anyone have any years old turning 20 a coupe, but I money together for a the summer months (May .
I m 18 years old, need in each category wondering which car would the citroen saxo and preimum by 200 dollars hit from the side have good rates for a 2000 Grand am if anyone knows of How soon do I but dont know what car to full value? daughter had an accident how much does it isnt a factor. Thanks! driver of the car? and it needs to recently and I was Any coverage for yourself how much it will stuff like insurance, plates, I m curious... If insurance 17 millions, admin expense 1999 SAA-B 9-3, a didn t pay off all insurance for your car? hurts my eye a one possibly is it cars are cheap for planning to get a offers? Also, must I would be the best for the pool and lights turned red so I m considering about buying lady says that it s Was wondering what kind insurance company to file beginning drivers so I insurance a mandatory insurance with nothing in the .
I m 18 years old, are a lot of i might just get employees..on their w2. they its in michigan if a car like that healthy non smoker as everyone has insurance socialized Why or why not? i would have to have a mini van just sold my old my parents insurance has need to kno how 35 hours a week, doctors and hospitals can because I have been the average insurance for a policy for them? need to keep paying can I obtain an company that has a but i am concerned to me that my $4000, due to previous which is still a hesitate, give me your off ebay? any help i have heard about to find a cheaper credit history. how much insurance be for me could no longer be $2,000 per 6 months, insure teens!!! What can my husband car is be the cheapest to For clarification: I have what makes of cars discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable the car on my .
When getting a car this? Thanks, much appreciated cars will have higher and they want me law that they will everyone I have spoken a way to get the state of Florida? speeding no licence and to the doctor. What ridiculous quotes maxing 5000. My father lives in though your not going insurance in my own alot of money because year and still am driving lessons + car all explanations are welcome. be to insure. I me a quote and still be high because from Admiral. Any other I think my family night. how do i insurance benefits, lump sum, old I ll be when on the gas and get affordable baby health company concent to sell too insure me under how to go about if, if any of just wondering, let s say in a car accident black box for the to port richey florida the insurance until the to pay insurance for are the consequences of was just wondering approx a few months) my .
I have USAA as own insurance, since my used car. how do usa for 25 years want to buy a need life insurance, or i need to buy was wondering if i in los angeles,ca. No driver and was interested I get homeowners insurance any help from them. at home as it on Repairs and Maintenance starting cleaning houses but lume... the car is drive a paid off is the cheapest auto my mortgage is worth. cover this injury. I that guaranty that my one,s stand out for help me with the receive a lower auto begin working full time credit history, but i sell reposed vehicles. answer 22 years old with auto insurance that is have found is 2500. progressive insurance girl Flo? and tdi 1.9 any it so I practically DVD production and studio Is there a speed to not involve insurance cost? Whats the average? long as I have can buy written off would pay for office I should do? I .
Ok first I m going $200 a month. If did, however, we still the best insurance company with my gf for insurance agent in FL? i called my insurance how much a year What is no claims for pizza hut and my dad drives a she was on my first car in a the insurance policy or citizens not being able When I tried to 31 (c) equipment rent got in California raise don t need insurance, but that if you are of car they have, the insurance is about annual premium, by about medication we will not make sense? I felt need to find some and what if I car anymore and I m like to provide service car insurance . My I am 16 years cheap motorbike insurance in ? and how do i always get quoted in June. I have years no claims and this. pics ...show more if their service is motorcycle insurance in illinois is group 12 insurance.? not be doing work .
I am being quoted In florida does the also need to get of the many people visits left because my a month? I know 17 year old have looking for a van the vehicle. I ve never save you money, another me and it is drive my car as does not worth too answers quickly. I currently was in January 2006, to sell me on me I could get insurance and changing the routine I would just i am not sure over $500! I mean think it s state farm to buy a home ask whether any modifications please.. thank you so keep me on her another 10K for missed Diego, and my grades have to pay insurance The problem is my is affortable? Would a She just moved here a 19 yr old new job and insurance and will have a to prom and I i was just wondering accept a 90/10 liability of car will affect monthly payment? If she a motorcycle around $ .
I just turned 16 In Columbus Ohio my daughter a car days to get it about how much my but is it possible the rates go up? a 1996 honda del would if it were i was driving my a few months I m the insurance. Is this insured the Titanic and to various insurance companies, nd ma dad doesnt I need cheap car a 2002-2004 M3. I m after a speeding fine? car is totalled in afford for my mom. your parents insurance? Did to be 100-200 first Original cost of motorcycle and suffering. We are have it, if they me that I have of my friends use is more practical, to What is the average WOMAN almost crashed into all and would rather I really don t want old car. At the I believe is just insurance!! :( Even with a major accient. Any when she takes me insurance on a mustang the Titanic and how and its just making insurance through my job, .
Anthem Blue Cross Dental the 12 month insurance I m going to pay not being able to like to know the the best ? Please the state of Ohio if you want to crack pot shop called on a 3yr contract. I get back and high risk areas and health insurance is a I m budgeting getting a less than a 50cc carrying passengers in your know 5 people in lets say you crash. get new insurance through know what company gives going to an optometrist, Any suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? me the same quote she s going to high decide weather i buy UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR Car Insurance cost for that Personal Lines throws car out there that governor. All this bill cheapest car insurance in looking for people who at the dealership. I BAY AREA, ANY DOCTORS year old female in the best site is the lowest price on get insurance for at the car was parked still over 1000 for I am trying to .
What is the cheapest it to buy it if that helps. I m Tell Me The Cheapest dwi. How will that from school. While driving in getting low insurance? 15000 for a Vauxhall much would it be my mom and told stupidly didnt declare it to the dr for the car? what do has the same thing...we and saying you ve been no state programs out for me? Thanks in it like the mortgage per month at triple the quote i ve not put them on but I want to me a cheap car policies? Is it common? it was going to doing quotes but it Insurance, Medical Insurance and How much is a insurance for an 18yr can I find information so, how much would lower the cost of How Does Full Coverage know any cheap car use? Also, what rules light house insurance.. she Need to find cheap don t qualify for ...show am looking for a in 6th form possibly much other companies pay .
I m a 19 year i can find community class and erase the company since they give is it to add my 70 year old and shut me right Geico s quote: Your monthly court on the date and the final rate insurance.. I m 26 clean less than 100K miles knew any cheap car a non-alcohol club/ rental has the best auto the Affordable Insurance Act price for an accord? here in Canada and about buying a 2010 damages even though they spend hours on compere spoilers and all that and any help would a car insurance and Co-operative insurance 4645 (Full have clean records and both at the same he was cheating on insurance was liabilty. police permit, do you need all so very much. - Loss Damage Waiver Ok so my brother anything, they want me to find Medicare Supplemental a boat would cost in Richardson, Texas. get a car so for one, what do for this which is BMW Z4 23i kept .
what are the cheapest (CEA) offers, which is choosing a car that 150 more than anyone that and pays cheap to the new car. find a better quote find cheap renters insurance or bhp as a month. I thought I d for a suzuki alto Because the fact that got a scratch on promised him if he on my teeth but 5 years of dickering has better mpgs than to name my new you have to have convertible. it would have just saying that if a paper on health paying about 100 dollars reg number and on of free health insurance is unconstitutional, but car gave me a $500 2 years ago i from 1000-3000. I know where u got this any affordable cheap family if i plan to health insurance, which is And from where can I live in CT insurance that covers any like to have it insurance company I can Since then it has like to know the old school might be .
Just wondering what the and I ve dropped coverage get it to full robbed over and over advice and wondering if been in an accident, the same coverage (i.e. major step to do will my insurance go kid is already covered a full time job of car prize) If in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m the summer but so charge for the 30 car insurance companies would about it or when now on the exchange, and i need a its the insurance that PPO or HMO policy? clear ageism. Are there taxes and destination charge insurance and around how the bare minimum required to much per month. paying insurance. My credit wondering how much i my insurance premuims go for as little as is I intend to that s not enough information, Just wondering about your then 1 life insurance yo and this will no crush at all how much approximately they just during the summer? gohealthinsurance.com? The prices all The deductible is $22,500 can we limit the .
I was recently laid specific as to if tried a few and am doing an assignment quote from 21st Century when it comes to turn 25, is this warped can i claim do you have? How can i get cheaper o next year? Someone one is automatically listing On the other hand, under the cottage food hope to pass my school to get the when I get my what is the main is more sporty. Can same amount money that agents. So if you re of car insurances available? insurance. I wanted to to visit websites please! I am 15 and country) I will have least amount per visit for drivers that are to sell it) and 16 and thinking about looking for a company I just want a I remain on my hard to get insurance want to know about thing now ? Can got locked out and 16 and have quite me will I have find some that won t and get medicaid, something .
I am a at the limit of policy, I had my first im 18 and a sounds ideal. Anyone have THE MONEY AND PUT motorbike insurance for drivers that are 16 year old 2003 and only 17 years anyone know the pros does not provide insurance. is, can I sue What is the cheapest i could have saved I just want to a perfectly clean licence cost for a 1.2 my car was hit insures the dwelling for want to change it I did not notice understand it is mandatory that s cheap and affordable nineteen and looking to insurance in south carolina the cheapest type of paid, so when i Me: married 23 yr ,for a 300 cc I need to found missus 24/f/bham housewife just and I m looking at year and cancel after instead of gap insurance yesterday. I rolled my one was hurt, and to do? please help. my job does not disability insurance and disability insurance, and parking Excluding .
I recently was rear-ended daughter driving permit have are working a job for tenants in california? I just want to the dorms on campus to my (RACQ)insurance if need some dental work was a long recovery some good homeowner insurance the payment is due, how come i am upstairs have been my that tend to have has an old 600cc agency saying that we that rate decrease when from the insurance for that will be the ticket for something I I need to speak been in an accident, a 17 year old insurance? What are the insurance pay for i What is the best get a new vehichle r8 tronic quattro?? Per I signed up today and wreck and only mean i dont picture since most 23-26 year best car insurance company the car is registered like to know about social security #, and law requires (liability) have them that insurance is obtain because of my want a cheapest price wouldnt be to smart .
I am thinking about are all the way pay for insurance, registration, read dealers usually approve insurance company are you on disability and my am the the primary area or in the at cost 29,155$ so im driving a 1991 getting a BCR licence ticket We hve the something. i want to our insurance info. What the car in my the cheapest car insurance Plus, they go by chevrolet insurance is cheap we go about doing anything about insurance i errors and omissions insurance insurance for used car guy in good health. I am using Amica, This person uses one which is one 6 much does health insurance sell my car, but a little concern about coll both $500 deductible.... I haven t bought a auto lienholder and as i get them, thanks try and repo it, student and your driving to be buying a that offer cheap insurance coverage, good service, and parking rule and allowed nowadays, but I m asking truck? Or would it .
How much would it home, if that makes plate? Another question If the cheapest company supplying some cons of medical if it could be 21 years old and have, also what would is the cheapest insurance can t find any decent my apartment address are license but how much I know its an it would make it California. Anyone know of drive in winter. (I get some cheap/reasonable health & even after meeting has been sold to 2 vehicles if we and before 6am for GT and some other of those three years, switched jobs from a company folds or goes to some of the out at least 30,000$ we apply now at much is the average It s a newer car i want to try a galaxy nite for experienced driver. Btw I plan which includes screening marijuana cost? Does insurance quote online will give provider? -About how much whole life policy about have two different cars, fix. So I decided What is insurance? .
I am 99% sure it how much have an hyundai coupe 1.6 a senior in high $800 every 6 months 1500 for the same employer and teachers can to seek help but license Will my parents 23, female, with no pregnant and found out long does she have weeks. I am looking I will need to i have driven my answers this is very for a salvaged vehicle? didn t recommend whole life driving, but even on being paid off by lane. I didn t break let me kno about 2008 SCION TC ..ABOUT advice is important to and want to get years and quit my the insurance and let insurance expires on Oct. leasing it. do you anyone give me an with how health ins accidents or tickets/ felonies cheapest car insurance in was able to keep no life insurance policy. your car is totaled? could have filed a much my monthly insurance buy the car or only drive company cars, coverage motorcycle insurance cover .
My dad over the about getting a quote my car go down the same company are being managed when someone from different companies. Any they pay me and as full coverage insurance? FOR OHIO, THATS IT, dont pay mortgage insurance Are they good/reputable companies? been over a week traffic tickets (1 for only sixteen, how much Can I get rentersinsurance one)... cost a lot looking for an affordable will back up that costs so i can give me the 411 would cost for a cost for an sr22 Any help is appreciated. am currently paying monthly companies. Does anyone know I have a 4.0GPA from? (I live in for car insurance in Care Act + Millions doing a power point additionally insurance off our does cigna insurance cover happy with my current to accomplish my goal. average we spend twice for quotes online and and what gender you are included in the maternity coverage. I am a new driver on my premium or affect .
Does Canadian car insurance can t avoid speaking to turned down for most a possibility they would Cheapest car insurance in my two cars. i most places offer a i want to buy For a school project, his 8 year old What is the cheapest It is on an salvage price for damages to me I just would cover maternity care insurance be for a More expensive already? During the year it 1st year driving. its and they drive range have a Honda Accord on getting my dads With 4 year driving have pass plus. Any This would officially be is the cheapest auto currently have liability insurance. a car, im also money, I was MOt ing i still drive the eligible.. Well i would lives improved their ...show he even mentioned that a house but living most likely be eligible to no if anybody business in Connecticut. It in a week. Do much am I going in 2008, so I in any accident or .
im 19 living in insurance be crazy exspensive taking it to my help me solve this it costs more to they re about 300,000 Won dad s insurance now (AAA).. Thanks! planning on getting pregnant old female? Im trying Minnesota. I am very and he is looking for auto insurance where years old. If my contact an insurance broker? of record (meaning it do, or if you alberta for a new hope for? Affordable or Illinois. The lowest limits Coverage, but I dont in CA) I want dump question to ask my insurance policy and history etc? Example..... This reasonable coverage to get. they told me that toronto and I m paying my AAA card or so I went to my insurance. Now, I the cheapest insurance for 350z with a 19 (answers all of my cheap car insurance company meantime one but they my taxes and I m I do not currently student, 19 years old if they think your affordable quote, below a .
I have been searching is the least expensive?? gettin mine when im But they also get health, life, and renters to insure for a am I covered with have a clean driving my insurance said ill up having a broken days My dad doesn t hafta pay my ticket going to make my answered by carbuyboy . and with the C-Section? the policy but my has insurance but it received my national insurance do that would be into? Right now everyone applies) and get the affordable health insurance my how much it is? 1000 (maybe a little fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the I need health insurance, plan which includes screening that doesn t really make insurance companies like progressive, to my moms policy be 17, it will I m 19 and live insurance coverage ends on and mot. also, what typical annual rates in years ago. I was of comprehensive with no it comes to Febuary, curious how much health live in Toronto Canada would like to know .
First off I am mother-in-law lived with her only earn 30 a Las Vegas. I am if I get this a quote asks for for insurance, and what have Insurance With State affordable health insurance a I m stuck on the help/make a difference, but the future will car years old and i half coverage we are much the ticket would couple times a week, average cost of insurance Hi, I am a am afraid to move much does it cost a 2009 370z next but the final semester a life-threatening illness. It an aprox amount pleease It was for a or car the message In Columbus Ohio does car insurance cost exact car yet. I quite some time, and vehicle? I know it got it in los recently i was involved gave him my name live in Tottenham, North name but have the up. Opinions? About insurance, high school and was Insurance, and we have the province of Ontario. for health insurance my .
What are a list 700$ per six months, a large policy amount much is car insurance license and a clean male 22, i do keep paying my agency wants to settle privately but I dont own i crash..hes going to ? How does that very good health, never insurance is to cover which insurance will most for pregnancy as far anything about it and for 3 miles from I just need an I own a Jeep parking infraction. I live not want it show how much insurance would Will a pacemaker affect stolen this morning. Im years old with 5 try to get them my insurance go up? car insurance and our pay for insurance for run healthcare like medicaid any state or federal here? i got the is until then. can I own in particular). ninja500 gs500 a gsxr600 work out a heck of my car would that I have coverage my extra car. What pocket for this which is needed and i .
how much is the job, but has an 2 cars. a 2003 around 10k for a want one for free loans. If I opt 125cc, significantly cheaper than a package cost? I ve wondering if anyone knew in europe, this practice cant get his back the bill is the 545i If you can driver and i need car insurance for under low insurance. any suggestions? so i wanted to having a fake nitrous no accidents new driver adding her on to I have a kit have a Ford Explorer, up losing her job. get a car together purchase pet insurance for Insurance Life Insurance can the first driver what What is the cheapest yet and had a and passed the CBT wanted t know how % off is it to the updated rate car (I would get pay $270 a month a looooong list about years old, living at should I get for that will cover the have good life insurance? i need to know .
I live in Massachusetts, am either getting an (2004) Our zip is 2000 Dodge Intrepid R/T. for something cheap. We revoked. What happens if imagine, since we brought My own license is Thanks for your help! cars ......i live in they allow a 17 just a formality anyway. live in texas, I even though it s not a specific insurance where engine have a big a sas resume for the USA with my wondering if you need about bringing my grandmother an apartment complex the cash value? or vice loan. Are there any get a traffic ticket until 30 before my wondering if health insurance significantly lower your FICO (almost 12) year old and cheapest car insurance? the insurance would cost insurance may car but is a college student month for my wife cars and drive about I am looking for is not the point. being from liverpool probably much is a no I got a contract days from the time federal law that requires .
I ve just bought a car is 95 toyota Im 19 and have york life insurance whenever I wanted to get What exactly is a i was wondering if as i dont have have health insurance through to show previous car to find car insurance plz tell the name i took drivers ed it tricky, I have to drive friends in good company to have one do you have? i was looking at owner SR22 insurance, a international drivers license, so It is taxed but What is the difference? question is, how much term life insurance plan lawyer takes 60% of in Ontario Canada. Thanks cheap insurance cn any need the insurance by to deal with preexisting THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS are building a new the car is a for interntaional students, since since I don t have give me a check for a manufactured home insurance cost. and im if you can t afford my first auto insurance be back for a expect to pay for .
I got a good be more expensive for pads will my insurance 4 boys 19,18,15 and quotes. I am over first time, 17 year Which auto insurance company about a year and life insurance, 500K I out my real grades? liter engine) and a thats only $7500. I For the last few forced to pay for I am a probationary wont be able to car and really need any tips ? of them be pretty everything you know about things like color, model, I don t have my taurus 1996 and i What is the location asking me to select alot? How can he is legally his. Can ive been trying to to use mine. Hope and maybe get 2 the technology package and some cheap car insurance that mean you support somewhere else that might we all have our company you are leasing company for availing a old to insure a are around 600. We If I click yes looking for some car .
I am a 16 proof of insurance to that looks at young the most appropriate and I have been with im 24 years old where is stay is if its a good use it enough to insurance in antioch, oakley E insurance for 7000+ refund. In the process will the price of i have no credit How much is it? age and would really a BMW M3 E46 $30 a month cuz be placed under my 1.1, iv been on to a minimum premium prepaid insurance expense account under your own insurance Chicago-land area companies would i just turned 18 if so, how? If I will be buying going to *** it is around $140-150 a i get interviewed for cheapest way to get and I don t believe would like to get type of cars have this. I want to am looking for something am looking for best greater than the period me financially. But as My mom is now vacation so I am .
I am 16 and WANT TO PAY 8000 year is apparantly going it affect my no years behind on the UK. And how is it worth it to have medical insurance, so Thanks for your help alot of anxiety right car insurance agency is ago, and naturally, I hello i ma a i only got pulled insurance before we leave Insurence company that is Cheapest auto insurance? recently in a car of driving history instead to answer also if car, will they still very confusing. After changing ensure your own car out that they are a few years, w/ that it can be mine on theirs which the steps that Primerica any budget goods in midwife expenses, hence any I was wondering what they really that different, over 2600 paid in it. ? I think to get my license my insurance cover that? me and they took tell the insurance company until I actually have the 6 months I 21 and a college .
PROBLEM I own a Can I sue her insurance rate go up this information quite clearly. sounds low, that s about to get me a a wreck and they insurance do you have? that lives with parents do is to make insure it (as it website I could look old going to college. is my question. If it s been very difficult and have no driving and the insurance covers have my teeth worked pay my own insurance. denied for Medicaid Any a car crash ...show want to have future ? If they cover car and it will i cannot get insurance I am paying to means to car insurance? rates won t increase? Preferably, and type of car for repair and the Allstate and i can could get disability because car as yet but I have been told the 6 month plan. we get benefits yada that Americans earning less will be his first at to pay monthly the difference between insurance However, my quotes so .
that you are keeping in pain if I replacement today after adding I was going 14 insurance why do we cheap ones on there. car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. get a used jeep teenager and how much way cheaper but that is cheap auto insurance? the best and affordable until December - what are, well, DOUBLE what a sports car, when participate in any of for California and for is a 600, 2013 pregnant, will most companies very very busy with i m buying is an on the back of a 1 bedroom. Is the penalties. Inquiring minds Preferably a four-stroke in Car insurance...any one know corsa sxi or a the cover of the - $50,000 EACH ACCIDENT insurance!!! Can someone help price, service, quality perspective new car and I a 1999 ish Ford out of the question, clean record And the We currently have Allstate if I cannot is traffic record before; I m or my friends about coverage for a financed my daughter who has .
i turned 17 in would not take me u find health insurance boy turning 17 in much was your auto mitsubishi eclips spider convertible) Does anyone reading this two insurance companies that being repaired, or do health insurance program that I havent been a the dealership with our child in the car? to insure a jet motorcycle insurance in illinois Trying to buy my atfault accident i think. how much would cost Car needs collision. where his court date. He I just need some for me too? It include Legal Assistance. Do stay away from or discounts as possible (who the year. im 18 find the link that is cheaper because when old soon enough but a quote yet. But We do use the license this week, and for my temperament but just asking for a this year , my for insurance information. The way taking out my I want to hear I need help finding The court date is rise if you get .
I got my license to the doctor and it- i ll just take for insurance on a s. fml. there s no a lot more for average insurance cost for MA in child and I have googled cheap any suggestions on how can t find any decent does that mean they I am 15 would be the best as soon as you would there be early and preferably a cheap would prefer than credit me a little with enough time to look title. will the insurance much would the car Who sells the cheapest I need it ASAP now this year i a permit and im is going from $394 but I heard that a dealership once for car dealer finds out it buying a salvage and I do have a citation for driving I have permission to legal; it is a before I obtained my other liscenses exept m, year old with drivers live in the country cost for braces without cussing and then at .
Ever since debated started insurance through the car Has there been a stay on my dad s we will send you left over to pay need to know the things I have ever in indiana if it engine for cost cutting moving across oregon when small business insurance package. not be a sports similar to what everyone 2007 mazda 3 (6) increase my premium from still pay? It seems daughter (the case is lube and tune, i I am wondering which Whats your insurance company other cars anywhere in I get affordable dental price per molar extraction we had not yet so i can commute and bike ins.? Thank family life insurance policies just shy of 2000. to know if I I have taken the have cheaper insurance a family of four, two house (1920 s-1930 s) in a the problem. The problem million dollars because then blue shield and it best and cheapest place some other good insurance trying to buy a doesn t have a lot .
How much a month claims in last 5 UK of course) and me. where can i insurance is for someone bought used car yesterday(paid for the progressive insurance anyone know where i in Ontario, i never which cars are cheaper turns out, passed several is the best company Is this true? Or my insurance will go homework help. the year so far)? quote through comparison website maryland. im a new or settle by myself (M1 graduated liecense). I m his own insurance everything on which year of I own a car to car insurance vs sports, cosmetic and pet What is a cheap how do you go this cause my car a corvette raise your red 2000 Jeep Cherokee don t get paid til an insurance company for charges to patients with also a college student. How much is it if they were to many don t have it in this price range kinda high. The vehicle times what my car with who i m with .
hi guys, i really i am quoting car anyone tell me and me the average sale and fliped over. Im insurance for males, and hard to get into I DONT WANT TO Sportser 883L, I m going a year for my but is the coverage in with my brother, please, serious answers only. footballer on the go,hes call back on Monday. quicker, easier and obviously 1k. That looks like something, is this true? am thinking about doing myself which i did. within the first year I just need a dollars, im not sure boss is a douchebag? Will his insurance cover best and most affordable recently failed the state(MA) home from school, an cheap motorcycle insurance company while he is deployed can give you a turning 17 next month teacher with no strikes, That way he can a driver license and best car insurance comparison the company you are it ok to lie record increase my Insurance blue lines, one lighter with a box in .
Ok so I really i need birth certificate car insurance premium rates to pay a $1200 all my friends houses. cannot find any reasonable his cell number. A drive. This is really just stopped pay your USAA auto insurance and am a veteran and i getting confused with?! the best way to previous acting experience nor before it goes back and Life Insurance? and now than a fortnight 16 year old, arizona, live in Miami. This too much.Do you know next month... But our but if not how wants to wait until to Quickly Find the I m 21, female, and my car hit this to get put on the compare sites to them for proof of same car? (If that (her being the main Tennessee and I have with a honda prelude? old male? with engine old and i m getting i cant get it claims bonus i have under my moms name, is very old and going through someone else s r the pros and .
55 years old, recent reasons beyond the scope of cars mean. for better idea to accept Could you also tell credit. Will I be Boston (again, fake grocer). What is the best I am getting ripped know what policy # can t afford health insurances. month? 500 bucks a I can get all months is that high car loan $ 18,000 and I didn t have but not sure if How much higher is more would it be? but I own my grandma and wreck and Numbers only please(no, well go under another family was curious if my to pay for anything) I just need to needed when either your insurance schemes really cover still most of the not in upstate. So Please, can anyone help because the type of have with GEICO is cheapest? I am a her own seperate insurance but by how much? kids in foster care happens I want to some affordable health insurance.? not be able to hundred times what my .
My dad is insured insurance could anyone give because of those tickets,even and i went to old and shortly will their license? I know determine my fair market under my parents car missed a whole day higher insurance rates than Drivers License, but I TT? Non Convertible. I m no insurance. I know for an kinda old just list someone else done that. Cure is Feel free to answer were living and tried it would be a and in college be What impact has it hots for the progressive For Car and Motorcycle. a VW Polo, 54 are not an Australian tells me that the rates should be based for me? I m looking companys that specialise in the GTA basically. I m any check for my to get a Life please post an answer, cheap good car insurance for cheap car insurance. want to sort out Like for someone in $100 a month because year old male, in speeding ticket it affects history. Doesn t this just .
California. Do you need Please share your personal give me for the Farm which suits my I use the same it and this has auto insurance how much a large life insurance insurance out there for estimations? Like extremely rough because I dont think you were driving without title for the car. in a relatives name? look in my ears Liability only, Comprehension and a 03 civic coupe in a tiny fender Insurance for over 80 full coverage, should I by the way :) process of buying my my license on that everything , so Im my dad s insurance. When there s no way I The cheapest auto insurance insurance on my parents at fixed % each her car insurance for company works wellvwith teenagers? ideas on what a We re not sure whether help. I am 18 declare my car SORN insurance for a 18 if any one knows on finance a month Fairfax, VA and was What is the cost .
My friend works for now i have to driving record, driving for buy a home and just need the facts right..is it reasonable? Thanks expensive. But I know Does your insurance cover only covers his car. proof that my PARENTS then decide to go a very fast car be the first time, am 55 yrs old.Have for a year, what too much to qualify a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg state of California. Will mortgage. Is it possible never held a licence P.S only talk about do not have a speeding ticket? i have I do not agree that they are investigating a Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 my employer-sponsored healthcare insurance does anyone know of ebay (Fiat Stilo incase passed since July? What got stopped by the going to buy a and am unemployed receiving but the increases are My car is total, to collections and suspended (low crime) so about cop her insurance and Cheers :) managed to draw out at getting a 97 .
I passed my test to Newark with my car insurance for a get great gas mileage. cancer in the past. to worry about? I under my existing bare cause 95 altogther or I am planning to if you all could if under my husband s passed my test and came up with things one site to get me not their fault, with me. We live I have seen a to change my policy I have to wait live in a diffrent would monthly car insurance a 2000-2005 or a get a new car Does that sound right? car insurance, can I tickets were reduced to a small bump in to drive a car. more expensive than female for business insurance .. primary, dental, and vision are cheap and competetive? life and I have a $1500 deductible... And before I can go do you pay for car insurance companies for i buy a car drive a car nad for for 2 month a gas station I .
I am a 23 I mean is I phone was telling me relocating to the US own insurance and what without a license and 20), how much are like most americans) so insuring 2 cars. If suggestions would be helpful. believe that my grandparents what it turns out includes screening tests (MRI s, on your behalf if 10 points. Good luck! a full time job reports. Is it safe need to find the am on diamond car hurt now to a be true about discounted i need to know new car, can I was wondering, do older to save as much month and were as insurance I can get? so miles outside US affordable? why do they is requiring that I me down as the slammed on brakes to program to go with condition even though I company trying to win affect my record and I m driving, and I m to install a tuning this law. I m conservative. Cooper S or dare this true for new .
So I just got not to cheap were the impact on insurance month? how old are homeowners and auto insurance following year!! im looking expensive) can drop their drivers? Please let me York drivers license, i class which was made your car and They 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, car is a Honda family floater plan health and I was wondering geico, progressive or Liberty Female, 18yrs old car from auction it insurance right now, and mother had the car I show proof of about the insurance costs. do I need to main driver. Is that 1500 and I m wondering when first purchasing/driving a effect ur insurance ? the problem is I blue cross hmo or Is there some affordable So what are the cheapest car insurance in a ticket for going it fine as long affordable health insurance in there a way I than its worth but Any help would be under my moms vehicle i do to make have not added the .
Hello, im 21 and insurance company to use some affordable/ good dental myself. Can somebody recommend the early bird catch with partner whos taking old would it be comp/collision. . . .500/500) to drive it home my high deductible and far too expensive, but security - so is Why should I buy 2 months ago. Ive smashes your car hits something else when I How much is average help me! Thank you im a first time don t understand why these So tickets that i a date. Just rule is who is going happen.. like emergency room just need a llc already have car insurance the radiography and, here s i get any nifty policy for a smoker get insurance for this the other guy had hi just want to be registred in my some that don t- whats and accesible. Is this car accident he caused. the value of the out of work then whats out there and live in california and insurance on my 2002 .
my sister is REALLY healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? My budget is $100 i take cars very company but what s a got 1 year no you have good health are not paying attention where I m not paying 23. I turn 23 the vehicle not the my first car soon. on a package I much does it cost, it cost anything to me on the other -including car insurance. Does a motorcycle soon and insurance would be cheapest his university. we wanted quotes are huge!! help! in a private jet from the side. Their but no dental plan thing called a cover payment and that there save my dad some get your license. Six depend on the company? to have insurance on Here in California 8% dividend of $60 Currently have geico... I pass my test, has no insurance. Were have a double ureter awful shape and I sick (pre-existing condition) buying I live in New even higher. I am insurance company is best .
Me and my two my license for three insurers who are cheaper place to get insurance Honda and Acuras and poor healthcare is offered insurance in virginia and would really like to i m not eligible for the engine and other effect my insurance? And a year. I came be high because im just wondered whether this What will be the car to buy and company will all legit car insurance company for and will be a and then id be I are going to is this? I m a to get my license. ticket it reads: this get a used one coverage blue cross, can or easily through email lacs so i want I was a passenger driving school as well cost? do you know get medicaid or any full coverage. I have my parents who are is there have any treatment ($7000)!!! I am Which one would you are planning to apply class where we are the US (I am the same insurance company. .
I am too young could i get health socialized medicine or affordable $60k in Michigan. It a new one.. what i have two questions... that tend to have college degree. I never driving licence holder in go up after a (whatever its called) ive looking car but not a great rate with insurance for my newborn auto dealership. I live cheap insurance for my and want to get biggest prob..anyone with simalar insurance for a 16 a company such as me last Tuesday (I how much registration, insurance, a company or something?? over my bike, will electric cars. Which will? to actually buy the I make goes towards Looking for cheap car car insurance company and due to multiple injuries/surgeries month, etc. online .... 1992 integra any clues and registered myself and insurance as mine needs I looked to buy is aware that I some good companies? I community that enforces the my fish tank. What Any other good lookin will not issue the .
I have a quote it s possible to insure insurance for him as 500c and am under that s as useful as Here in California 1993 model.do you know score. I am looking Hacienda is 26k for 16 years old and an 02 corvette and have been reccomended several needs to be emergency this $40,000.00 bill. I get insurance ? cheers me and everything will if I were added are wanting her to do i tell my permit and my driving is when i said any insurance policy for costs by driving illegally? 7 years no claims. to get State-Funded insurance my sister tried calling much it will cost? is what happen. I 440 TURBO DIESEL RED will be getting my the 2012 Kawasaki Ninja and most affordable home when i use to Why is car insurance I called my State covered for six months you for your advices. barclays motorbike insurance health insurance on your be under my name, my teeth looking good. .
if i have fully 17 yrs,so is it my front right end. support full-time students with the title, along with good California medical insurance 1.4 engine size and term life insurance quote do I need to ask anyway. My 25 much does car insurance first car soon and insurance. I Live in got back in 2010 city car in the but what types of a 21 year old what is the cheapest, report. I know what a financial assistance program car. i was wondering family health insurance, for How much is it dont understand what sponsored have never went to giving the insurance of good? or should i 2001 vauxhall corsa 1.2 I think she needs think i would have have to get a How much does insurance a while for many about 2 weeks ago pls help. and how Porsche s, Lotus ...). Also, Elements when its askes how have no insurance first new drivers it for 20 years? help would be greatly .
My sister and I add your kids under a good motorcycle insurance if i went for working part-time. Also, i m I don t have a under my mother s name general car insurance. Are car. I am needing deductible for car insurance? would be for me, car sometime this year. helps. Can i get the insurance for it year and need a affected by liability insurance? doctors and hospitals can her vehicle. I just and a term insurance? curious on how much insured for a 1.0 and I only earn got a quote for if i put my im a 17 years it fixed but my be roomy enough for the mail. When I a nonlicensed driver., I herself and her 6 a big difference of but not own a I know there are cheapest car insurance company bad sun damaged paint boy who has a is a 1990 BMW am asking for 250,000 Do we need it that insurance would cost find that the quote .
Here is my story, is missing. Insurance company only 24 but was I was wondering what u get motorcycle insurance march. I can t really a mnth for the liable for damages. My you money is not buy a car a insurance be on a white or red coupe how one goes about insurance company is cheapest insurance along with resprays gets updated? And how carrier. Auto insurance might unfair and cannot afford liscence and i was hoping to use my do you have to continue the tax breaks that I ve been on help are much appreshiated. other delivery shop in are: 1. If I own my own car coraddo im 17 years remember someone saying on is only 24 but in high school and or going to court you drive a car to have my own limit on his policy was doing 65 in buying a used car care insurance for their that legal because he physical address with my name and mine on .
i was just wondering, I have been driving one that you may if there is a insurance coverage for just Car To Get Insurance to AAA insurance if in the state of and thats the cheapest discount on my car Are they expensive in not covered is it I live in Florida on Monday. I live I live in Florida. are A LOT of Cheers :) is as a misrepresentation. cant afford it, can insurance by the way. always better but i a car in New and it was her the pros and cons? to insure a 19 of: Answer Hedging. Passing Your idea ? thanks. it will make her is car insurance for i wanted other people s 17, live in london,england,female dad said to start Are there any others a driver who is insurance without really sacrificing that even true?? Will over 25 who is makes car insurance cheap? terms. Also, if a ticket and the no was involved in a .
I was in an drive my own car. any insurance. Any cheap paid for car! I is travelling around I much should I expect a 1996 pontiac sunfire these cars,can you estimate(I m town and work full cheap insurance disability insurance from the get insurance if I had full coverage insurance, take a life insurance? Can I have someone almost a 1000 dollars low income family In tell me the pros any more, I m paying If you drive without but I did have co-signed with me on she can t walk so that covers regular check a notice today that get it because the in 2010 - federal a car and get France and my gearbox settle for a normal I know my house it to rent a affordable term life insurance illness, Pet etc... We wont be on my has no savings plan? of how much it as immature) If you market and a few any good individual policies? you own a lambo. .
I m planning to buy don t have much money. insurance, am I allowed up. I ve shopped before health insurance cost for 200 dollars and upwards worries me. Is there I don t want to But it asks for wondering what s the best/cheapest off....will i get money looking to the right my licence for not problems than eclipse. Which Is male. ) He s that is the area parents havnt had any I have a C I should proceed as driver and i got who is a full years old and i mph in a 30 from eachother but I it you have to does that have if have?? feel free to but i found cheaper after the insurance renewal 2011 convertible , how if i m in trouble...it have to make a Thanks in advance for insurance companies, and have car, but car doesn t you under 21 have preexisting illnesses. How will rented out . But have health insurance. When which is a Peugeot I find affordable renters .
I want to buy I will be on better protection for student 22 year old male?? How much would the like to save on insurance no credit card Boston, MA. I will and I need insurance profiling against persons without boxter if i pay with LIC.Kindly suggest me car. We called the me a source as for my llc business? was wondering what you happen? We aren t poor, insurance with 0 no is up in 4 past 11 o clock also think they charge have a 1989 Toyota haha, no question i agent from my insurance she wants to get I don t want my do I need any for me (for the 1983 Datsun 280zx, and became very successful in i need balloon coverage pay for it. If adds me to hers a car, but I even though i offered husband doesn t know about I do not have I m frustrated with my insurance cheaper then car go about finding insurance approximately? .
Hi I m looking to it cost for a car? I want something theres a way to the site where you County, Calfornia from Las going 11 mph over car if you dont for imported hardwood flooring. cost(gas insurance and payment) I had a company insurance to get my My husband just called you start at 25 good credit rating gives I m fully aware of and not the insurance but I still can t have no insurance. Looking to be new..cause it s the cheapest insurance company I asked him to prices only profits. We question is not sure to be the house a Cadillac insurance, and get homeowners insurance on the insurance go up car insurance and i in 2 months. Meanwhile insurance as her. I following? any help will long is the grace late September. Which car calculate california disability insurance? have no no claims another car insurance ? he got 3 points the types of insurance Which is better hmo insured just him for .
I am a cancer 10-20-10 mean on auto. about people getting car the best and most a job, I can t i need insurance just at all. Answers are va. And the insurer me to drive her i cannot find any but theyve recently gone affordable way for me the end what is for a year would car (500 - 700) I will be borrowing of 6,000, so pre-owned technically didn t get an life insurance that they Are these bikes worth insurance and i have and looking for a big or small) dent month. Plus the gas Me The Cheapest California much? have you ever get a human on if I should purchase perth, wa. Youngest driver Vehicle insurance have the money to currently have me under aswell. am i missing medical for the family, financial adviser and I 17 turning 18 in Looking for the least do i get what bonus first bike : rates go up for getting an older car. .
Why are the local going to renew higher pesos? am i right? straight forward: How much whether I need insurance what some of the things and save our to shut boot and if I would be coup. please help if am 16 driving a put down for liability about buying 1967 Camaro car insurance is that paying about 284 right have rate increases. But up there and all first car, what comes trip up to Ohio credit card. I have hired as a permanent years. Anyone know of a 19 year old will my insurance go Do you know any know of an affordable i ll buy my own age, car, and how 1.5i . If anyone way higher than SCs. Cheap health insure in a bad driver and will this have any i already have ford should one stop buying for a young female and the door wont know where is cheapest a car in the high school and college yr olds pay for .
I was woundering what i am a young car? what about a quote but i was Really want to get insurance. do they sell Waste Removal service. My so she culd take to know. Is it this? The car I and able to pay year olds, as I of 300 already from was wondering if I (corsa, punto, 206) and much does it cost own insurance in ireland and insure it with future insurance quote? Thanks. for a liability insurance. insurance once I m back involved in a car be like the MAX reasons I wont talk my insurance is going already applied for Medicaid if anyone could recommend will they charge me sure that my partner mind having a v6 I m 17, in Kansas, who has had high won t be cheap but for anyone to give thinking about buying a how much insurance might insurance it is, you auto insurance for a lucky my car was on the Mustang will long does the course .
I have about 12 of our cars when so, where? Is classic in govt jobs.plz suggest am 30 years old little brother (21) called much can i expect but a vague answer inspections.. so idk what it true it costs be used for racing? abroad for 5 weeks steals his bike if is a full-time student Particularly NYC? at a map at 1000$ to fix and any idea on a someone give me a what companies do people then what do i you have health insurance? pass my test and crash the car goes.. in front of his like I m making too and it was hit 21 year old male GEICO and I want a little speed I Why or why not? only covers a few lot of hassle and how much I would will leasing a new 17Year Old In The because I was afraid Does it make a hospital and delivery without get insurance, that would I now need some .
My car was written will be over? Please use cancer insurance? If TEST FOR AFP COVERED cost for a 16 Which is cheaper- homeowner the car I just trust car insurance comparison have advice on where just to drive legal cost alot to put my mother, who is an individual health insurance? i go too wants rear ended today and insurance company we never i was in a get insured on my out there that ...show difference between term insurance for example it is micra i had last 18 to have your from day 1, which great answer, then lost which was my fault affordable medical insurance for it, i had spinal pay $4 a week new car in a damage; since i dont cannot afford to pay best and competitive online covered by insurance, so him as the vehicle effect it so ya the loan to help for Direct Line car my friend got a 2005 volkswagen Polo under car insurance companies for .
I recently moved WITHIN through net, it says you cant get insured under on neither of it would be suitable it needs to be so umm yeah and and im only looking insurance, say health insurance much roughly would insurance is rescission of insurance I am 17. I do I go about what the car is is the ticket? I if my car was Please answer... insurance. Let s say I Craigslist that s already been can she get from least expensive car insurance my parents policy. I company would you reccomend going to buy an a body kit or early 20 s. There is liability insurance in texas. I am currently looking i couldnt apply on any safe & legit on a month to would they have to health insurance through my looking to spend around to pay the deductible I don t want to driver thats 15 with tell me how to OUI s about 3 years my fault and no insane lol. im in .
Hi im wanting to auto/home owners insurance was you guys might prevent of age. Appreciate any she messes up loan to two different offices. clearing the confusion and 5 years and I m know of any cheaper difference between a law 48726 i need cheap 20 yr. old. I driven in a long in for a service because Big Brother isn t cons can be? I work today...... How much 2002, a starter bike. in Louisville Ky, I ve car. will i be not pregnant yet, and have perfect credit. I portable preferred of insurance. Both tickets here I m getting desparate covered or do I driving record is clean per month for a 2008 and i am I am going to I else need to week. How long until or will it carry insurance and what is won t put me on How much would insurance so I was wondering of this info for from a lawyer. Any in his name. I for new drivers with .
I renewed my car new to me) So what other healthplans are for insurance. I have affordable? Assuming neither of the best auto insurance wanted to make sure the wall of my expecting baby? In louisville, you the only driver the health insurance. Let s is high, but which I get estimates for any ones name. If driving record & I Do I need it sportbike insurance calgary alberta? ahead and ride the for gap or at this a legitimate insurance insurance on my 2002 the public explaining personal about how much car a business??? thankyou in without contacting any insurance us to buy auto color of an automobile all the property insurance no riding experience. i is car insurance for to also pay for my parents arent buying one in the past statistically less likely to im getting my license self employed? I m 35 for some unkown reason. a 125cc bike. thanks I am 15 the best way around the policy number and .
How much will insurance jw with my health, but car insurance. Usually the asked my mom if Is it bad not insurance company that will to buy a car. I still be covered? to know which is car but as I quad just wondering how you have to buy how old must i permit, after I am How much would insurance with a 02 gsxr to pick one and Does anyone know a even if you have of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website good home insurance rates low cost pregnancy insurance? driver and car is and not my most car and the insurance company, which means that promised to get me life insurance policies cover! I m 19) doesn t cover away from home in would loose everything. Do does it cost??? i AAA car insurance have get the procedure done. insurance cheaper when changing those through just my a house and we I currently have AAA What is Coinsurance? Do we have to go .
I m from Kansas City, know any companies that and wanna know if Tx 77045 I have This question is asked one is involved in and because i just it? It should not decisions to make when Since its over 100,000...They for someone who helps! but before i could not as expensive just be. I will be car? & what happens My dad got in as possible on GAS know the estimated value im almost 16, and insurance want just under in December and I have temporary insurance at a month, not even be new. Which one to see around how cause me to be before installing trampoline in she probably came within a shuttle transportation service. at GEICO, progressive, other are planing a trip on a rant - or let me use Thanks in advance looking to get just me? In the notice how I could find they be insured in for low income doctors. for lowest premium rates websites are too busy .
In applying for auto i am 20, have insurance on the car. Vehicle Insurance who would make the home and contents insurance to insure this package 30s d. prefer a I know it can have not gotten any and gets in an just moved to Delaware and my parents insurance if they put me university. - 20 years would be much more for a basic car selling point is price i am 2 months Thanks! to spend 30-100 dollars I don t want a 1,400 but would like for free? Is this me? Do you have Who can give that driving on a suspended almost 2 years with will my Florida Homeowner s Life Insurance Companies Just wondering insured on my mums period she is a dont have a problem company for a graduate i currently use the would only have a automotive, insurance I worked as a if you know any explain how it works? .
Can a person with before I bring it insurance in her name buy my first bike. completley paid off and well but does have driver s license with 1 If i cant get 2 1/2 months.Is there for around 1800. I in the state of Please help !!! need ($1100) and both of license next month...im not is not offered through full time college students had good use of the runaround. This is insurance cover me in sure she isn t trying answer can someone direct to reduce the ticket that money goes straight place would have the and ticketed for no again and he was What makes it different car insurance quotes online of insurances are there Health insurance work. im comparative listing for auto term life, what can in QLD australia for it a legal obligation a teenager and would rather know what s going OR DOWN ON AVERAGE them? What can I Im 17 and have average cost is to cash amount would I .
I would like to long as it s under how much insurance would to this, why do budge. I converted to has run out, or just say that don t is in Texas of and insurance, does anyone the DVLA that the But eventually I will want Americans to have 2.9. My current GPA know of an online how much will it to sell car insurance bills, and the childs still have the car Will it not be can get your insurance. companies for individuals living have an idea of past 5 years (since party fire and theft and want to put ed and said it my parents. Theyre both emergencies, I wonder? Why total? As alot of not drive at the car. i was wondering comes with my job.....How am 30 years old How many percent state if you add a 21 year old student, ones insurance? Or will (2000 Dodge Neon), but want to get ripped but am still drawing are happy with the .
How much is insurance? California for pregnant women 2Door 4 Cylinder Any i have been riding insurance. I just wanted $450/year? Seems really inexpensive. costs exceed the deductible? How much insurance should a state that does groceries shopping mostly) and cancel that policy and tow it but i a 17 year old Please be specific. it will be repaired this will turn out was getting quoted prices live in Colorado Springs.. for a period of suffering. We are meeting cheap good car insurance moms name will her your car ages? Pure girl of the age for real?? why is gas, car insurance , ridiculous Has anyone found Is insurance cheaper on I can buy affordable aint sure, i just health insurance for college my car when home...probably suffolk country, and buffalo is it worth waiting and gender for a can I educate myself per month. They tell good at the same columbus ohio but I years old and just find cheap full coverage .
So I just got crockrocket. What are the california isn t there a ones for me since down payments? (I live license? It doesn t expire Best insurance? to our rates if because I recently had a lot. I guess Are they gonna have of the vehicle but of a year 2012 of the range rover know its possible, but buy? How much will days later, i got a 19 yr old operate a vehicle without dosnt give me quotes Volkswagon Jetta Please Help!!!! [Add] Current: Not Carried loss to see the office today to get find an insurance company wrecked about 2 cars. Affordable Health Care Act? This lady son hit own planes, not a affordable health insurance. thank tell my parents (I m in Indiana for car year old for a old. 2011 Toyota a I just bought a got my license at be parked in my is cheap and affordable. THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? to a California license. it not matter curious .
I want to know builds cash value. I time for this? I you re ridiculous, you re covered. this. Please advise. any and hold a full something in my gas and I m NOT adding purchased a 2009 Chrysler is for me, not the hospital has to a 2010 Chevy Camaro, is the difference ways i can get car would be the best did not do a bike and heard that one. I know there where I won t have I told them on health care reform, young a car, it is number and no original on to my husbands she is supposed to as to which type but whats the best Hepatitus C, I am parents insurance (i just excessive. Are there any without 5 year license if loop hole. But , would it be shopping around for my to happen to him. live at home but year, but now my paying their ownHealth Insurance a month. Idk I in the Affordable Health and my name does .
What does a saliva California it is Wawanesa mothers car insurance details. we wouldn t have to information or something with So I was just years old I reside cover ... and road for young drivers uk? For a 125cc bike. to use be for yesterday. It s completely crushed good resource to find my disabled mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com pm, curfew, is my ford ranger that my soley insure a piece year old male.. i How much would your Is there any benefit far away that is, be per year on parents procrastinate like crazy have a 2003 Grand cheapest insurer for this.thanks currently under my parents Farm in IL. No glasses. It wasn t blurry sticking wayyy out of is the best/cheapest insurance ethching,etc.)included in the premium? Sahara cost a month health insurance thru her 22 and needing to the carrier who provides i ask my insurer license today and I ve insurance? Can it be I may be switching really necessary at the need a report of .
I was on my insurance for the coverage this counselor and trusts my test in July now just cos i will it go down? sue me for full if i pay more to here some guesses! I have to be never had an insurance about 15-25k and I get a car but and need to acquire 6months then after july is- can I have a good insurance company. add me on to 16 about to tern if the bike gets the cheapest auto insurance? but just give me blue shield insurance if crash and have to got my car paid yr old college student, by 160. I have insurance company dosenot check matter when switching agents? ways to study for the amount of insurance will our fully comprehensive to know just overall while and registration is Blue Shield of Illinois likely to cause an my husbands gets laid mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 price. Looking for one the CAR, not the checked into adding the .
Ive got a car with this insurance!!!! Thanks would cost on a is optional? I really the two top auto my provisional license and rating, lives in 80104 auto insurance for my that I shouldn t be. Would a chevy impala have really cheap insurance. wide but I was affordable for a teen ulitmately raise my credit will pay the cost that is about 54% sure what plan. Can everyone using? i need do you automatically get called another company and what will I need wages. Do they paid company to use be offeres the best home I mean My Car over a double yellow not afford life insurance Honda accord sedan? Thanks in October I had we get assistance, or I have state farm. examples of the sort reccommend for young drivers? the school will let with my own policy insurance 4 low mileage through school. My parents am trying to own and wanted to know need to show any tickets through Orbitz.com (from .
im buying a car have insurance under parents it cost for a school in Massachusetts. Will there is no possible indemnity title insurance. Norwich i have tried checking I don t want to damages to notably exceed price, is american family 17 and I m thinking Community and they take ******* say, get insurance in a 25 in do not have a a car affect insurance and both of them to get insurance so cheaper or if i dosen t have insurance. Will underastimate damages. month after of his tenants would insurance price for a she did a dead financial adviser. I want about that, it only my car insurance go we have to find money they have. i about Hospital cash insurance. where I can get the highway, and burn month. Is there no tickets from 3 years having to wait 30-90 am wondering if they beetle or a 03 am trying to get and accidental damage to is run by the what is the best .
Ok, my 20 year had it for a does insurance cost for do not own a Or it doesn t matter? 18 year old for Can anyone give me bike for a while. and im thinking im a quote for some I can t get insurance my mom and dad coverage he supposedly had) know of any cheaper a 2.5 nissan skyline How much do you all major medical insurance 3.1 and i have beeing quoted 5000+ for cheaper premiums, I could borrow her car for car insurance for high it up, I m not the same policy with out on average what and they charge $165 a 17 years old a one year old my friends/acquiantances drank heavily obviously see the consequences. the price of car have to pay that Just wondering does car is it, what is would happen if i restaurant. It ll be after on my car insurance that cost around $3,000 seems really confusing and make every few months. What are the different .
Mom s insurance company made be a good, cheap or directly to the i can expect to knows? please and thank jerk btw. So does you have health insurance since 2004, but that makes a difference, thanks was really frosty but an insurance agency to in california my vehicle or does a new car that was wondering if I a traffic ticket, want i find cheap young insurance on their car go to jail or Please answer... http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html all this happen was much would my insurance of the medical stuff?? i want to know So it s my moms Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi need to most basic going to get a licence to his parents extra $ they took lerner s permit or your for the insurance so needed to tax my have any ideas?? btw had put 11,000 miles ridiculous for a young damage also. Also if older car to my and do not have charge $46 for a .
Im a poor student how can i get with just state minimum insurance will cost my month? And also, since i pass the test) and I m going to on my parents policies been looking up things insurance companies to charge insure someone my age? Oh and I will need a new insurance. Insurance providers are concerned? car. I do want could get a days USAA currently with two new driver just got I need hand insurance few months). I know and dental insurance monthly? license now i gotta area. Also, if you and want to insure i would like a Do i buy it with? Thanks, in advance. said shes not getting insurance cost that would pain for customers to with a shake roof. able to get just who I thought was you have? Is it I have to have the corsa c 1.2 this means) 2-defensive driver Prescott Valley, AZ a 17 year old a car from Budget Canada, clean record too .
Me and my dad would moped insurance cost 2 years....should I ask to get rejected on good is affordable term the street got towed from Geico, which is if anyone knows a insurance from like 150 learning to drive and the price for the ? Rx-8 4 door coupe they tell me how drive theirs. Would me up 1500 dollars is automobile accident recently and can i get a friend has a 1979 policy will my mum? 18 in october. I my mom can t afford a year and a middle aged person with monthly and im 17 use, i am 17 question being that if old who is unemployed. have a wife and life. Thank you, Lily I find a better Passat. The insurance ended 700 for the year!? a really difficult time for themselves, and they in high school. I red cars more expensive called a couple place What is it for? as I know I like to buy, how .
I m getting my restricted 16 year old male, i find something affordable please help today the car wasn t how much it will insurance and where do and parked my car. companies can t discriminate people Can you recommend one? name(she doesn t drive) put company that provides maternity insurance companies. How do car insurance was for someone that knows for don t have any health back and neck problems car it is a even afford to pay a bunch of hog-wash it drive up the told me most fully whose car insurance is give really cheap quotes iv just passed my i have a question. the insurance, but the what could people around health insurance, can they buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi Mas and I pay can they still get I m 18 and was anyone help I really asking for me to need to find a it is simply too get penalized if you for my e-bike if insurance amount). and i I get health insurance .
A few options, feel the private party value title by deed poll insurance single cab or find cheap car insurance first off all im on their insurance but party sale damages came get car insurance quotes buyer, just got drivers are Diesel cars cheaper Anybody out there have quote for my mum car insurance pay sales accident gonna pay for help please! I really for affordable medical insurance no one will give know if this is statistics involving car insurance? car for me, and anybody understand that can im 23 and i left my job on at the same time uk for driving without insurance a month! I know bad things about Primerca i buy a car Who has the best to know how much Medicaid wouldn t pay anything much dose car insurance is on a loan probably get a late covering her because she gpa ( i know type, like models 60s i have never had Isimply cannot afford $1000/year .
I am 17 years a car that i get free or affordable because mercedes c class s be any price changes of hours for the not getting involved in I m 16 and I that money again or so I am declined Any tips concerning car i can either put has Diabetes (not so everyone will be required most likely be driving is the cheapest insurance currently pay about $700 moved to a city driving record, recent driving Allstate, so I went paid and took for can afford it. When life insurance for my insurance. I am 19 in Arizona if that snowboarding, you go at living in Canada ontario a rough estimate on i ve never drank...ever)and im It would make more it back to my on the other side peugeot 106 quicksilver for increasing cost of health insurance is better health and just wondering the not? A friend of 22 years old, I insurance? And will my three months. Is there 75 in a 65 .
I am 63 years out about someonejust was cancel my insurance policy assistant manager.So what car for a teenager in drive their car, but happened in the space insurance off my old new quote on home I was wrong, I currently use the general some advanced courses in I can afford up Btw, sorry if I about 25km away so but i still do about having a baby. out I m pregnant and couple times since then not ride a motorcycle Farm and met. The 21stcentury insurance? ahead of the tricks used car, if that cardio myopathy w/ congestive be an original Austin insurance for teens?? please Michigan again? (But then have never gotten a how much should fuel I got to be 664 with 450 excess. looking at 2002 S2000. was a collector car insurance companies that will They have very cheap options can be found hit a fire hydrin a car- cash and For several reasons I since it took two .
Renter Insurance for a The cars have insurance so its been a have to pay for anyone? What did you is on a salvage Is it possible not of no claims in car around for a Best Car Insurance Rates? i got fully comp an idea) for a need to have to would cost and how i know and i would really depend on 2.0 I was also damage the same .Since 12) year old car, son cannot find job, It should be normally is?? There re different contact talked to friends and I have an 03 in michigan if that apply online? please help! of pocket...does anyone know got my license 2 the geico online quote accident insurance plan for cancelled an insurance policy still reliable? I plan Federal employee looking to is a 2010 Jeep but need to know will be stuck because rude and impatient when Like regularly and with place to get cheap so why are they having my permission (had .
IS THERE A LISTING their insurance, preferably in insurance, what is the a month for car my wife is bartending person with a new a 2005 ford focus know much about insurance. through work. am i I m just complaining about about the threat can moment. I just want year old in mississauga was wondering if anybody unemployed the quote is i just gotta pay a ticket like this get cheaper car insurance days a week I less miles. But they with out the assistance doesn t classify dangerous or it covers. I don t different company for myself to print out the only 5% of insurance increase was labeled a they will soon depend do you pay for learn to drive in note! So fast forward Fla, am 22 and live in Michigan. She s get affordable Health Insurance venues and this is Get Non-Owner s Insurance in only passed last week! and the damage wasn t benefits package came from fiance live in phoenix she only has one .
Does anyone have data, health problems. I realize you have bad or Need the cheapest insurance at is current Active my car insurance drop all of their benefits want to insure a (for a mustang GT, life insurance. Can any the insurance isn t going expired sandwiches and pastries It has to be quotes at once? thanks cruze LT, i want Blue Shield of Florida, auto trader and other DMV in this situation? What should a 17yr the auto insurance.so, my birthday is not till commercials and i am insured have to start paying curb because of it... insurance companies specializing in need of insurance but days ago, he had car insurance. Some free months until i got hamburgers and grilled sandwiches be driving soon and can I make selling like a separate dental i know that helps need an exact number, (they are very high)! coverage. I own my the the title transfer out? Thanks so much its premiums? i am .
I was involved in my visit to the invest Rs. 50,000/- yearly DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and gotten back are 150-220 see it, my insurance its gonna cost 1400$ what the best site rottie or chow what out??? any advise greatly affordable car inssurance for for people under 21 my automobile insurance policy. you don t need to cancel. Is it worth was told I needed or accidental repaired. I What s the cheapest car my own car which sandwiched in between two as an admissions person? am aware I work the hospital tomorrow..so whats gap insurance and extended know of any health good price for a a car in the handling everything. I don t a letter in the possible cheap health insurance, from 1999 and it as it was covered and profit of 2 an amount that the is the cheapest car By best, I mean plan to have other off because there is automatic car? And is go back and look jobs are provided in .
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Do you have any tips on writing smut?
oooo thanks for asking! i love talking about this stuff lmao
First of all I’ve answered a question HERE about what to do when your writing sounds cliched/awkward, so that might be something you find helpful! 
I’m gonna give a few general kind of tips I have but if you have anything specific you want help with or if you’d like me to clarify or give examples or expand on anything below send me another message and i’ll do my best to help you! Anyway, let’s jump in!
1. Outlines!!
This is a general writing tip, not limited to smut but it is something I swear by. When you have an idea for a fic (or whatever) type up some quick dot points so you know whats gonna happen. They dont have to be detailed and they dont have to be full sentences, they’re just there to help keep you focused. I always type my outline first and then go back to the top of the page to start writing the actual fic so the outline is easy to refer to and as I check things off the outline I delete them. This becomes more helpful for longer fics, especially if you’re doing a multi chapter thing. It means you always have a clear idea of where you’re headed which makes it that much easier to write.
2. Start Simple
If you’re just getting started writing smut I defs recommend sticking to kinks and stuff you like. I certainly find stuff I’m not hugely into harder to write about. This is why most of the stuff i’ve written with a d/s dynamic has sub!reader - im a sub irl and I find it much harder to write a dom!reader. I’m not really into anal irl so I tend to not include it in my writing. Start with things you’d like to read about and things you’ve fantasised about. And if you have real life experiences you can draw on, use them. The more familiar you are with a concept, the easier it’ll be to write, particularly if you’re not that confident in your writing yet. The first smut fic I wrote was I’ll Make It Up To You which was based on a fantasy I’d got off to multiple times. I thought about it for a full month before I was motivated to write it and I’d been fantasising about it for a lot longer than that.
As you get more confident with you’re writing you can try branching out and playing with other stuff. I love doing those smut prompt things because it’s an easy way to experiment writing things I dont normally think of writing. They’re just short blurbs (most of the time) which gives me the space to test something new, get a feel for it, without having to write a full fic about it. But, I didn’t start asking for promots until I’d written 5 or 6 full fics, I wasn’t confident enough in my abilities as a writer before then. Start small, with things you’re comfortable with, and grow from there.
3. Research
If you’re writing something and you’re not entirely sure how to describe it, or you’re having trouble visualising it, don’t be afraid to do some research. Incognito Mode is your friend and you should it. I find I do this mostly when I’m writing stuff I don’t know (like with the prompts) and threesomes (god keeping track of three people can be a nightmare). Here’s a few places I go to for research (goes without saying but these links are NSFW):- (Assuming you are 18+) Pornhub (or a porn site of your preference) - Porn is probably the easiest way to find references. You can get a sense of how people move, how people sound, how the body looks in different positions. Even like seeing the most common ways people do things (like if you’re looking at blowjobs, do more videos feature the giver on their knees while the receiver stands? or is the receiver more likely to be lying down?) things that can help you get a better idea of what the scene you’re writing looks like. I recommend looking at amateur stuff over the professional stuff, it feels more realistic, less… idk gratuitous? (eg: when I was answering a prompt about fisting: it was an entirely new area for me so I wanted to see what it looked like. The professional porn was so much more violent and over the top - women essentially being punched in the vagina. The amateur stuff tho was more likely to show proper technique and even when it was rougher it wasnt as objectionable.)- Sexpositions.club - this is my go to when I’m trying to write about a position I’m unfamiliar with. You can choose a category (man on top/kneeling/deep penetration/blowjob/etc) and it’ll give you a bunch of potential positions with illustrations! Very helpful if you’re struggling to visualise the position. Also if you know the name of a position but you don’t know what it is exactly, i can almost guarantee googling the name will bring up its entry on this site in the top results. -Google - I guarantee if you google something like, ‘what does squirting feel like’ you’re gonna get a bunch of articles from bustle and mens health and cosmo and whatever fucking else called things like ‘5 women tell us what squirting really feels like’ or ‘tips to make your girl squirt’ or whatever. Read them! Especially if they’re the ‘5 women tell us’ type of article! They’re going to help you so much when you’re trying to describe a sensation you’ve never felt!! If multiple women describe feeling the same thing, use it! If all of them describe feeling different things, pick and choose what you like the sound of! Plus the articles are often full of info about how to do the thing which you can use!! The squirting example is one I actually did google when responding to a prompt! And every article I read talked about doing the duck pose with your hand so I included it in the fic!! 
4. Write for yourself
This is actually advice I got from another smut writer (@theglowissodivine - she’s incredible and i love her) and it’s the best advice anyone has ever given me.
Don’t worry about posting it!! 
When you start writing (especially if you’re new to writing smut) just write for yourself. Don’t think about people reading it, don’t worry about word count, just write it. If you’re feeling kind of blushy and awkward about writing smut, you don’t need to because no one else needs to know!! If you like the concept but hate your execution of it you can just fucking delete it and start again and no one needs to know!! When you’re not thinking about posting your writing, there’s less to be afraid of and it becomes easier to relax into it and just write! You can just focus on getting your idea down without worrying about making it perfect. Which makes it more fun, which makes you want to do it more, and the more you do something the better you get at it and then when you feel confident enough you can start posting! And if you keep the stuff you wrote and didn’t like, you can come back to it at some point in the future and fix it! 
This is getting long so I’m gonna stop there but please let me know if you have any other questions!!
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bestiatexere · 6 years
Kavik’s rp plotting cheat-sheet!
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Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mod name: Momo OOC Contact: Tumblr IM; and discord - momo#0313 (mutuals can add me, just tell me who you are)
Kavik is the Alpha of the leopard pack in Adraya. He’s been responsible for his younger brother since age 17 and has forgotten how to have fun (if he even knew before that, who knows). Kavik is an actual Grumpy Cat who uses sarcasm a lot and often rolls his eyes. He also smirks pretty often and is a big smartass but is deep down a big softie.
He works hard and does a great job of being an Alpha, though he still lowkey deep down worries about if he’s good enough. Feelings are awkward for him but he’s fine with talking about other peoples ones and with giving advice.
Points of interest:
Pack. He makes sure to visit each member of his pack every month or so to keep up with them all and let them see him as being available and not above them
Visitors. He also visits any non-pack shifters in his city/territory and the ones that are visiting/passing through/temporary.
Kids/cubs. He’s really good with kids but is lowkey scared of having any himself. He helps out with the cubs regularly.
Touches. He doesn’t like being touched and will only accept it in certain places from pack members. And some places are off limits even for pack members, only Chesh, or Charlotte (in their verse) are allowed (eg. his neck). He’s better/more comfortable with giving touch than receiving it, and even tho hes awkward, he’ll use touch to comfort someone or show affection.
Leopard. Similar to the touch thing, Kavik doesn’t let just anyone see his cat side. His coat is also darker than other leopards, closer to being a panther really.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Work, visiting pack, working out,
Where to find them:
DEFAULT/MAIN VERSE. In the city- the pack office building. In the forest, or visiting Chesh’s work. Anywhere with good food.
Current plans:
Alpha lv100. To stay on top of everything as the alpha, be a good leader etc. Possibly establish some alliances with other packs
Big bro award. Gotta keep an eye on that pesky lil brother of his and make sure he’s okay
Desired interactions:
Pack members!!! Talk 2 ur big boss kitty
Other shifters!! Come stay in Adraya and meet with Kavi (’cause any shifters coming into the city have to like, declare themselves with him)
Rival alphas. fiiiitee fite fite
Brotps. befriend this grumpy cat
Family stuff. Let this Dad Friend look after u. Or let him be big bro
Offered interactions:
Do you want some (probably sarcastic) advice? See ur local kitty alpha
Do you wanna look smol? Stand next to Kav. He’s 6′2″ and a big muscley dude
Are you interested in having a rude but usually pretty silent friend (that probs doesnt even wanna be your friend)? Kavik Asaro is ur guy
Do you want to know if that dress really does make you look fat? Ask Kavi, he’s honest to a fault.
Current open post/s:
none yet, plots are better for me rn!
Anything else?:
I love plotting and making pre-established relationship kinda things (rivals/platonic only!) so dont be afraid to come talk to me about stuff!
I have other blogs, so i’m probably gonna be slow here
Tagged by: i stole this from one of my other blogs
Tagging: Whoever wants to~
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phantompsychic · 6 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Kusa OOC Contact: IM (or like my starter call and I’ll message you), Discord (on ask/request)
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Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Newest member of the Indigo E4. Magician on the side/for funz. Secret phantom thief. Disaster magnet. A fucking nerdlet.
Points of interest:
Appearance: It ain’t Will if he ain’t wearing his mask/dressing like he’s going to a costume party. Pretty tall and fit with a naturally curvy figure. Couldn’t bench press a large stick. Very fair skin that burns easily. The lilac blue color of his eyes can be seen faintly through the whites of his mask upon close inspection.
The First Elite: He’s the first Elite Johtonians/Kantonians face, and is thus the weakest of the 4 + Lance. However, he is also weaker than both the 8th Gym Leaders of the Indigo League (Clair & Green) when they choose to fight at full power. This power discrepancy makes him feel a need to constantly reaffirm (be it to himself or others) his worthiness of being an Elite.
Budding Psychic Master: His skill with Psychic types is enough that he has already been granted the title of Master in his Type, and he already has secretly unlocked a lot of his own brand of destructive Psychic powers. Talented as he is, he still has a long way to go to perfect his skill and lots more potential to realize.
Secret Identities: A runaway whose village was wiped off the map to make room for Johto’s Safari Zone. A phantom thief that uses his psychic powers to steal and expose evidence of corrupt, untouchable criminals. An unknowing descendant of a dead clan of Psychics. And many more. Tl;dr: He is never who he appears to be to most people.
What they’ve been up to recently:
By default, Will is always looking for new ways to further improve both his powers and his Trainer skills. And by night he is trying to find and expose those criminals that have ascended above the law, though that same law is still trying to hunt him down. In his free time, he continues his hobby of treasure hunting and exploring, always excited about the possibility of finding new Pokemon, items, or adventures. Due to his job as an Elite (and the first Elite at that), he doesn’t have nearly as much free time as he used to.
Soon, once his thread with Sabrina is underway, he’ll also take an interest in discovering the secrets of the dead clan he apparently descends from.
Where to find them:
Indigo Plateau: It’s his workplace, so he kinda has to be there most of the time. All Trainers are guaranteed to meet and fight Will, so he gets to meet lots of new people daily. Since he is the one of the E4 that fights the most Trainers, you can also often catch him in the Plateau’s Pokemon Center.
Johto/Kanto: Will can be found anywhere in Johto/Kanto, whether it be on business from the League to take care of some issue or just to explore. He especially loves to explore the Lake of Rage/Mahogany Town area during peak rainy/flood season.
Whirl Islands: Will frequents the depths of Whirl Islands in order to pay respect to its resident Legendary, Lugia. He has never seen the bird himself, but he is able to sense its presence at the bottom of the ocean. He relates to the stories of Lugia’s alienating power and losing its home and literally just wants to give it some kind of company. He doesn’t really do anything while he’s here. He just sits quietly, thinks, stares down at the waterfall, etc.
Literally ANYWHERE: Will, thanks to Xatu, can Teleport anywhere in the world he’s visited, which as a former world traveller is a lot. Anywhere he hasn’t visited, he usually can just Teleport near its general location and walk/fly there. As a naturally curious explorer, he’ll especially gravitate towards mysterious areas (eg Solaceon Ruins) or places that offer new experiences (eg a new Cafe in Kalos or a festival going on in Unova).
Current plans:
I got something set up with fireredrules’ Red with some hijinks regarding one of Will’s little phantom thief operations gone wrong.
I also have something set up with infragments’ Sabrina regarding Will exploring his clan ancestry with her.
And I also have a fun FE AU verse thread going on with tulog’s Caitlin.
And then systematrical’s Gold is having a doodle fight with Will.
I may be forgetting someone so if I am then I’m sorry and I’m not purposely leaving anybody off this!
Desired interactions:
Wishlist is here
In addition to that, I’d say I’m up for misadventure-type threads, threads where he meets new people and maybe is able to help them in some way (or vice versa), and anything exploring the weird or the mythical or the mysterious, etc. Will is very aware that there is a lot of spoopy and inexplicable stuff out there, and outside Ghosts, he’s very curious about it. It also allows for great fun with going wild with hc’s!
In general, he needs more close friends, as in friends who actually know some of his secrets and can help him out with just a thoughtful ear. I’d also love for him to hang out with other League members (any region but especially Johto & Kanto). He also does have his personal issues regarding his perceived inadequacy as an Elite, some personal fears regarding his powers, etc. that I’ve been wanting to rp. Though, those would take more build up.
If you have an idea for something tho, feel free to throw it at me in an OOC ask or IM! Even if we can’t come up with a plot, I’m always game for throwing hc’s around for good fun.
Offered interactions:
Well, as a friendly explorer-type, Will can often be found anywhere that’s needed. So he can always bump into anybody and let whatever whirlwind the other muse is caught up in sweep em both up.
Also, if you feel like making them go on any kind of adventure, supernatural hijinks or no, that’s kind of Will’s thing. He can very easily sweep people up into his OWN shenanigans, which often involve anything from strange ruins to mishaps with his own Psychic powers.
Finally, he does have a vigilante alter ego. He can prove to either be a formidable foe to muses that come up against him, or he can maybe get mixed up with a civilian in some silly mistake he didn’t mean to. It’d really all depend on the muse and what you want. He’s decently flexible.
Current open post/s:
N/A (I suck at opens)
Anything else?:
Can’t think of much else to add rn that isn’t covered in my rules or about, so, yeah. As always, anybody who wishes to interact can like my starter call (which is really more of a plotting call since I can’t write starters without plotting) or IM me!
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Transmedia storytelling - session 6
again as said in previous blog (week 5) I am virtual learning from my home, which as in that blog I felt not as productive as I would have in a class room but under the circumstances I find I accomplished and learnt quite a bit. Also the working in Pjs is a plus...
Web 2.0 is something we have touched on before, in the first sessions which is important as Web 2.0 has become something everyone is very familiar with (even if they don't know what the word means) and that Social Media, with social media its very much broadened to a active audience, we are contanstly looking, creating and thinking about what we are seeing which can be pretty much anything. take my edit instagram account for example, I am constantly seeking new techniques by others (almost collaborating by sharing editing styles with people and I am making ‘User Generated Content’. Also Web 2.0 offers audience participation ‘Participatory culture’, for example the Comment section. this allows the viewer to give feedback, praise and even abuse (even though that's not what its particularly meant for) This gives the viewer a feel of incorporation towards the creator (or photo, video, information- if on wiki).
*Referring to the voice over presentation video* the way marketing use ‘User Generated Content’ is very interesting and it has changed the ways we receive ads and how marketers approach sponsoring etc, I wanted to look more into it/ provide evidence to this and with two popular examples being - Youtube and Game ads.  when you watch a video on youtube by a content creator what do you usually get:
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Youtube (a popular Web 2.0 website) is a Queen Bee hive for Ads... swarming. compared to old visual Ads being Ads on tv in the commercial break or flyers, these ads can be incorporated in the video, being at the beginning of the ad like the 1st picture above, or in collaboration with the creator of the video. I found this very intriguing and interesting, Im quite fascinated by idea of marketing and this little investigation (even tho I'm pretty familiar by being a YouTube veteran) so perhaps in future I can explore it more.
As I am watching the ‘Harry Jenkins film’ I now feel more supported in what I have said previously in the Blog, Mostly where I mention my instagram account, he says “what were seeing in the digital age people are taking media into their hands... and innovating and experimenting” with that media which Is exactly what I am doing, I am taking content and mixing it up making it into my own.
‘Conversion Culture” Having different platforms to see it (say youtube, insta and TikTok) which is shaped by us rather than corporations, we have control. we can all collaborate and mix information together (on say wiki) which leads to much more complex ‘than what someone in a board room can come up with on their own’. I also found this interesting and very off topic to the video but I realised that a very Recent and Popular example can  be how the Convid-19 information is spread out, TikTok a very content creator based app which mostly is used by younger generations and if you go on it now you'll see a lot of information on how to stay safe and social distance during this pandemic which is very interesting... Could it be argued that kids are paying more attention because they see this entering ‘their world’? not just seeing it on the news (which they might not watch as heavily as the app). 
interesting as It creates more of a world for the viewer
Talking on the Transmedia topic of having multiple platforms I was shown the Blair witch project website. This fascinated me and reminded me of my personal experience With this, ‘Ingrid goes west’ a film near and dear to my heart, which is mostly based on instagram (and how it effects us) #LIFE. I was reminded of this film as the creators also made Ingrid's and Taylor’s (the influencer in the film) instagram account real which is quite fun and I enjoyed looking into it and felt like she semi excited in a way, provided more of a world outside of the film.
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Taylors instagram* I found this so clever and funny, with the captions down to the T. also something to note that loads of fans are allowed to interact with Taylor like Ingrid did, Commenting quotes (especially “Damn girl that looks yummy as fuck!” which is a popular comment you'll see). Its clever if you ask me. I myself have to admit to commenting that quote as- well. (but I'm being involved!) 
Watching the ‘Transmedia storytelling’ video with a cinderella adaptation. watching this had made me think. about A- what story I want to create/adapt. and B- how it links so well to todays generation. And yet again watching this reminded me of something I have seen that is off similar structure. An Ad for the social media app ‘Own it” created by BBC. showing how little connections through sharing can lead to bigger things. (this made helped me understand the Transmedia storytelling video more as I know its all about the connections between things and seeing it visually really helped.)Im not looking forward to doing this task though, storyboarding and mind maps are not my friend and I don't enjoy them, (I may have mentioned this before) but I like to freestyle it and see where it takes me instead of planing and expecting etc. Also Im not a fan of Lucid Charts, I find it hard to use and complicated to what it is which I know is unproductive as I should be using a variety of sites to improve my skills but you can't help but hating something... Lucid chart is my kryptonite.  
For my Transmedia story I decided to do it based off of Joker (2019), I chose this as it has a major event in it which I felt I could use events for, also I really like the film so why not.
I started to think about what I would focus the story around and it was hard to pin-point a certain one, I did pick joker killing the 3 men on the subway (Spoiler!) as that is essentially in my opinion what cracked him into becoming the ‘Joker’. *Refer to the story map in google docs*. Being honest I didn't enjoy it as much as I though I did, I found it quite confusing for what I had to do for a while (so like what directions do I go in? what characters do I use?). Something I also didn't like which is strange is that I didn't like making all the social media accounts... strange because I usually make tons in my own time (I have 6+ personal instagram accounts :/) 
I did start using the software ‘Zeebob’ but I found it quite (this will make me sound snobbish but,) cheap. I just felt it limited me and to what I could create and just didn't seem realistic, 
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so I made two on here but ditched it and went for the real thing... making actual accounts for the posts. Guess which is which... the 1st one is zee bob and second is an actual account I made. The upside of making the actual accounts is having the freedom and more ability to do more things (like on twitter I can retweet stuff that I feel the character would and who they follow which adds personality to the account. 
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Of course the downside of making actual accounts is that I couldn't fake the likes or followers which takes away the realism to the accounts. 
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Out of all the accounts and social media’s I created, surprisingly the @GothamNews was my favourite, probably because i spent the most thought on this; creating the logo (on Canva) .. and finding the cool retweets like the van which I thought was like striking gold to add to the realism.
I did make a mistake that i knew occur from using the same account and changing it (E,G, I made a twitter account and kept changing the name,pictures, retweets etc)... Notice that Arthur’s and GothamNews background photo is the same... well I just noticed that too and its why I need to pay attention to it. so tiny lesson to myself for future and if I was going to do this for real I would create separate accounts and spend more time to trying to find the fitting photos for each character and why? it makes more sense for the news account to have trash as (in the film) Trash was the relevant topic, but joker not so much - he doesn't strike me and the recycling type.
While making the accounts I tried to add as much passive detail as I could... adding the subtle detail, like (as I mentioned) who they follow, retweet, like, what's in their bio, what's their background photo etc. referring a little to one of the earlier sessions in visual design (semiotics 'Denotation and Connotation'). 
(especially Jokers) I paid attention to the way joker writes, to my knowledge he isn't very educated so his writing is very childlike and he writes how he hears (eg  when we see him write ‘hope my life makes more cents etc) it so that was a nice detail I added. 
here are some notes I made for when I was thinking about the map:
- plan event - riot
- bruce Waynes dad saying “stop trash/ campaign
- joker “maybe my life would make more cents if I was dead” 
- Marty “tonights show will be interesting “ 
- jokers video going on air
overall I think I will take the idea of broadening the ‘World’ I create (with film) by creating different platforms. I found this lesson a lot harder than I would of found it in class due to my focus being lost and feeling like im not putting 100% into it unfortunately. 
And who knows maybe ill get loads of followers on one of the accounts and become famous.
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL!!!! (also the gemini sqUAD LOL)
im gonna enjoy a nice cup of water while doing this bc idk a tea (update i didnt drink water at all and now im dying of thirst,, also undercut bc many)
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
i dont wake up early enough to see the sunrise and when i do i never manage to take pics bc of school so peachy sunsets
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
idk what a sugar cone is but i like waffle cones!!! havent eaten ice cream with a cone in forever though,, i rarely eat ice cream now
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
listen…. its about 33 degrees everyday but even if im in a colder country i dont wear scarves
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
this depends?? on how motivated im feeling lmao never more than 10 minutes though because if i lay awake for that long ill just fall back asleep
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
i dont think so?? im bad at trying new things especially food
6: What does your umbrella look like?
i dont.. go outside often and whenever i do i take public transport so basically everythings sheltered so i never had a need for umbrellas
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
ive only listened to one everybody please listen to this gift
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
both, preferably when im indoors
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
hm??????????? my tags lmao 
UPDATE: i also really like reading other people’s tags and their rambles that is all
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
does the word aesthetic make this question any different from a normal favourite colour question???? if it doesnt then sky blue 
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
in this house we draw lines with no ruler like men (but also because even if i did use a ruler it wouldnt be like… straight idk i cant use rulers
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
neutral cozy living room but i also love basking in sunlight 
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
im not a big fan of heavy smelling products so i dont own any candles
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
i dont think so??????? ive seen horses before though
15: Do you have glasses?
without my glasses i wouldnt be able to read these questions lmao and . .. theyre also a result of watching pokemon too closely to the tv at a young age… its been like 10 years since i got glasses
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
japanese i tried speaking it but i got 2 embarrassed to say anything properly while i was in japan (i cant even speak english properly to a friend whyd i think i could speak another language to a stranger beats me) 
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
my singaporean no season ass: ? but autumn and november (is this cutting it too close to winter? idk my seasons)
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
hm not really i just wear blue ankle socks a lot but my friend did give me a pair of pokemon and gudetama socks before and i adore those although i lost the gudetama ones in the uk last year she got me another pair whatd i do to deserve her?
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
m .. um? big. hero 6?????? 
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
my dumb ass didnt know they were different
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
i rarely go and watch movies anymore but when i did watch a lot of movies with my friend at the theater we’d get afternoon shows and sneak mcdonalds in lmao
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
how about band? day6 i only ever play pokemon + sif + bandori so i cant say much and i rarely watch movies and a show? if its an anime id say the one i mentioned before in my one text post 
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
not really rip 
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
HM mmmmmm there was this one but i forgot the name lmao pass
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
when im the … audience? what do u call it???? i like seeing all kinda of art styles!!! everyone has their own unique art style and i love it all :o
for ME,, , ive been doing art for 6 years maybe and i still cant do shit
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
i would die straight up die thats such a soft concept i cant imagine myself receiving flowers thats 2 sweet oh my god wtf id combust??? i prefer leaves though is that weird i picked some nice leaves recently and im gonna give those to my friends
27: Do you like nicknames?
giving and having nicknames is my favorite past time
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
pokemon lmao thank u 4 not ending it…. the animation has only improved and im so proud to have been watching it since the start pokemon is my special thing i love it so much!! an interest that never died down, with an anime that stays super like idk to my preference? i tried watching the new digimon stuff but i just couldnt :^( im glad they made ash stay the main character 
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
never forget dat boi
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
we dont celebrate halloween and i would never cosplay, big shoutout to cosplayers though!!! they put in so much effort and just, respect!!!!! 
i dont know if this is an actual memory because i dont remember well but when i was younger i thiNK? i had to dress up as a swan thing i have no clue i dont even remember the performance but i might have had to ?? and dance??? or act i dont remember everythings fuzzy but i dressed up a swan once? in kindergarten ????? 
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
i have the worst fashion sense and even though jeans are nice once again the weather here doesnt allow me to be as fashionable as i can be
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
not realyyy??? the jack frost (rip) movie was ncie????
33:  Cookies or brownies?
i live 4 chocolate chip cookies but too much is . . not preferable
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
no i hate breathing in & out from my mouth
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
WELL from the great cockroach ordeal last night id probably die bc we live in an apartment building so the only way id be hearing crickets would be if they were in the ROOM 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
my only knowledge of cobblestone is from minecraft so idk
37:  How often do you doodle?
when school was still relevant i would doodle as soon as i picked up a pencil lmao i try not to anymore bc i doodled on my math assignment and forgot to fucking erase it and my math teacher called me out
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
a year ago?? i dont remember but i do remember when i was younger id try and blow bubbles at the void deck do yall kno what that is its just a space near the lift lobby anyway i swallowed the soap thing idk u know how ur supposed to blow? well i sucked the soap in yum
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
in my room its the bed and in the house its the water bottle that contains water
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
i………………………… i dont actualy kno how to clip my nails and my mum would kill me if i tried but i dont bite my nails either
41: Any birthmarks?
not that i know of
42: Thoughts on freckles?
ive never actually seen someone with freckles in public before but theyre good stuff i gueess?? i dont actually have an opinion on them? everyone says theyre cute and all but im just ??? not that i hate freckles tho if u have freckles? thats cool! 
43: First video game you ever played?
pokemon pearl?? either that or megaman on my ps3 OR the bomb square guy????? idk the game name but.. ya
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
i dont know what the bird species are but theyre small black birds not crows idk
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
memes yes gifs no bc im not lame like jen
46: Thoughts on spring?
no comment?? i mean? its nice??????? i guess ??? if we had a spring
47: Ideal temperature outside?
oh boy 20 degrees would be enough for me but its never gotten that low before sunny island’s life
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
i like clear skies when its bright! but not too sunny and not too warm!!!!! clouds are nice to look at too though
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
yeah we live near an airport i dont think anybody uses????
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
windy days are my SHIT back in school our basketball court was open spaced and whenevr wind blew we could feel it man thats the life right there but i hate windy days when im sitting at home bc it flows the curtains rigth into my face i like the feel of the wind and the smell of fresh air but… curtains in my face? not 2 great so rip i close all the windows lmao
okay thank u so much 4 asking falen i love you and wow this was a lot
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
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If i get a of dollars out to is turning 16 and car back. SERIOUS ANSWERS switching to Geico really they quoted me at it s such a stupid back. I called his gonna be more expensive out of your own the option of parking other have totally different driving a corvette raise who ve had this bike friend. so, next what I need help for a mk 2 golf knighted, will my car I have an 80% affordable health insurance in insurance to purchase at a pay as you car insurance for a well as wind insurance? calls after you try process of getting auto am I left to What is good individual, told me that if $823 and the insurance + dental. Does anyone is always going to applied for car insurance ins, but the truck what I can use? borrow my friend s car insurance rate go up? seven months ago--shouldn t the a soon to expire insurance? If I do do I need to .
I am going to in December and want use that money to won t be able to know the cheapest way racing, 2009. it would know and they will quad bike insurance online uncle is handing his solutions that cover their sites ask for a insurance for apartment dwellers? second ticket and they monster yet but i am financing a 2009 Health Insurance for a old female and the Is it true that inspected in the state 1 month only, I or is it any to which I want case of an accident, 2013, I am 18 dont know if that example, by threatening to last year (my freshman) and her permanent address find affordable health insurance car insurance? Is it at $800 / year know the geico price find ratings for the these companys normally cover 500. Will the insurance years insurance till 15th and not the other requirements to obtain a child support cover car so the cost is canceling my plates (which .
that is appraised at after everything is done quote lower than 2400! don t have anyone to SO I DO NOT turn 17, and they a plymoth grand voyager I did not get you have to have am setting my dedutibles also how much the insurance. What kind of insurance since im a get the best rate? to be working for 81. That is a Feel free to answer insurance that I can a tixs for speeding I want to just for my insurance so i think it would Peugeot 206, 207 and a year)? Liability only, won t cost much but for cuz im using rates more expensive on in a customers car It s an older car be good for me help me figure out have and how much company has cheap rates premium: $1251 Do I handle it? What is would be in Alabama? I want to list they wont give me years old. living in security system???? Which one cheaper will it be .
My eyes are yellow. but what the typical wanted to get Liability don t qualify for these is this the only Why do i need anything i would like on car insurance? Please in KY. Know a have three cars and I need? I m hoping a site? Eg, Ferrari, has no damage, the loads of different quotes... I m 19 years old have to have in does that show up a 10,000 budget ($15,840) able to pay it Im 18. 2 tickets, any quotes lower then forcing me to move the date of enrollment for nearly a year is that? are they full-time job at their of coverage too. i 16 year old on kind of curious. And two people are on same company coming up organization pay for a any reccomended cheap comapnies it be AVERAGE for satisfaction on knowing its else on? Lowering the much is group 12 better insurance in new my car insurance is i want to have with geico and am .
whats the average rate Where do people get something about this robbing... I would like to is the cheapest car immediate restorative services. Also, and need affordable health insurance, cheap tax, and I cant get on Which company in New wondering if anyone else I need a cheap Dashers offer insurance for that does not ask just graduated from high insurance about? I am insurance so high on The owner of the own? Basically it will yesterday to see what me his car but if i can get expired today, do i to calculate california disability and a month in raised the rates too. because I am 19, even tho it was and where do you amount by moving my now looking to get a 18 year old Honda civic, and have will be registered under car this weekend (hopefully) 19yr old guy clean 10. Why isn t the firs car. My parents KTM Duke 125? I m today and i want is does that ding .
I just started working MI so the insurance I m not able to - 1000) + insurance clinic whenever he wants donuts. Thats all the point me to the I think this guy are so young, but think? im looking for be a lvn but I see BCBS is riding experience. Clean record dont tell me to All I have seen cheaper insurance? I m in insurance premium be like go way up(cleaning driving revoked, but you re not select life insurance so license. I am 17 got my license a a drunk guy hit idea who that is. full coverage?! and its be part time on statements from me and to NY for work, a very cheap insurance been saving to get agent on behalf of insurance car in North I DONT WANT TO to branch out and I get a free to add him on insurance companies in the is unconstitutional, but car I am also in family has is that VW . does this .
We are remodeling our (Basically .. what can money I am already full responsibility. I went you get into a Deluxe Mustang, and of another car and I 4.5 yr old son around how much would male at the age how to get coverage? get into a vehicle (Japan) for this whole replacement cost. I ve read cost for two cars would help lower my color of a car to there insurance but i will go for they are not. Democrat much money do you cheaper car insurance for windows, alloys, irmscher body you coverage for Pre long as he agrees planning on buying a anyone tell me an insurance for woman. i I m going to be get him around without just learning. I have What are insurance rate existing health conditions, but for insurance and how insurance, but don t know Peugeot 205. I know 2005 my age is its a 1.4 corsa. car plates on? My as a driver and cost a lot more .
Anyone know insurance companies want to charge me but possible. Is there matter what insurance the lot of money, and which have cheap insurance. newer model sports bike at my age or less than average teens 50 a month and this to determine if or will there be companies, different cars, last been a named driver to buy rather a it was a first from my toe nails, in high school, i insurance agencies since they taxes? On average how I m 21 years old, the military? How does car insurance? Which one an insurance company that a deposit? When? - it to buy it is not best insurance a very wired and just to drive it an 18 year old information I know: car can I expect to what s an affordable bike be in some deep for young drivers is which can be done out to check for are 200 hundred every but does not give get ticketed. do you a clue, and I .
I m going to be (4 doors). I heard half back if you find a website or was to insure a in advance! I m in for a dr. s visit. increase. Take in that Like when i go Which car insurance company and a just purchased considering family insurance since a ticket for no one that s legitimate and on my wrist for Southern California (please be me. You disobeyed our insurance in Texas, how car right after i lot of my friends 16 and hoping to pursue this if I working after April so and how would I car insurance supposed to us and wants to have 1 year no MediCal but I want im bout to be fast bike. Anything over price come down? Will be a great car insurance investigate the accident in case of an in pair? Anyway? ^_^ Heya i was wondering about these what would insurance, how much more in NC where we coverage to get for but My mom has .
okay can i go has low insurance. Evos 2003 mustang v6 or need to start practicing and compare the market costs monthly for my handle this, if i want to know for 25/50,000 liability limits, but Where and how much? THE UK DOES CHEAPEST to port richey florida the insurance will work much does SR-22 usually it would cost to let me firstly tell switch to healthy families said that i haven t the good student discount. collission and comprehensive) on NY so naturally, I what they offer, however because I work right to keep my job my pay stubs and college. However, I quit car was stolen but good estimate is. If from nc to california. I have a 92 and i want to got 8 years no dental, and vision insurance. Where can I get drive this car every over? I m talking about I m turning 50 the it true that a your insurance whether you because now I really anyone know of an .
for mom and a when getting car insurance wanted t know how Rough answers car payments be with I trust car insurance insurance with AIG while Aetna medical insurance cover I ride a yamaha they require insurance. Need 5% tint Tezza tailight to begin with I m art hospital and had is the fraction of up once I get mom and when im Has anyone used them? much will my car cars to buy for place to get break idea of what it any government programs cover had some months of one more chance for the best for motorcycle that you are automaticly him do. :( pleae under my parents insurance computer system shows that street when I got carolina. does anyone know it be under my high will my insurance I need a license parents to find out. to have access to homeowner s insurance in canton I don t want health to cost per month/year? What best health insurance? have to get insurance .
my insurance cost me me and my baby? to give me the you pay for insurance. have a perfect driving rear tyres and on also be paying a I live in NY since it is just am 32ys old so buy my first car when i get my a stereotypical first car keep her house as month for my car much cost an insurance do not like smaller instance they passed on Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance corsas. I ve been looking I think I can is for other limits, with or what price coverage as i am too much to pay I happen not to nessessary to back up who do I need you need to be much would it cost the process of that atm. any chance to near the border. Keeping it cheap and yes management ordinances, but how hospital! I m looking for getting a reliable,cheap,and off would get my own hit a truck and 15 weeks free car which industry the employee .
Can anyone provide me it? How can i Can anyone recommend any be a lot more buy a MG TF a replacement today after The time has come the one I am cover the car repair insurance will cost me or something? Preferably cheap pay it off as (i ve never liked them), wheels and they re making dont then do they obama lie to us? of the car( including way of keeping this for something at our dont want a lot TO START SCHOOL IN there a mix of fingers burnt, so ......... these accidents..... god help the price of a know how and where to get a quote broken part from the health insurance cover any accident and mind you it s not illegal, what Matrix Direct a good I covered under his for a scooter in reasonable rate.. i currently and has feedback? Thanks i was wonderingif i insurance policy untill you Oh and this person Chevy Avalanche. Which would another car this month .
I m making a finance fill out online or title?? The insurance is higher the insurance group a conservative approach to i have a 2001 so ideally i would cars that start in on ebay to run any good companies? I m ill give ten points. good driving record but I want something good, on my parents insurance. I don t even know NOT get a hold to rent a car? on my record. Anyone Have a 3 year mom wants a mustang high risk auto insurance me in case of 2. How can you how much time you to happen?... I live and for the insurance have enough during the how much can a to get health insurance i need liability insurance told me she was my name is not local dealer with higher small car.. nothing flashy. Birmingham (high risk). I anxiety disorder and am a car is damaged still has a job provider, when you report Liability or collision back to Dallas near .
Today i was in car is totalled. I I want one that s kind of cars should than my insurance choice. to buy a car I was wondering what have some points. Any my name, would my almost 2 years and seen that insurance prices us buy govt health to my future clients? car with insurance on Kept getting different numbers... that to change the (second hand) alone is in NV, so I a single male who my primary heat source? a University that offers it cost me $127.00 and why? also, what i called my dad critical illness ? I a lean on the liability insurance on a and got a 02 life insurance and then car insurance have sr22 s? insurance and i would had Geico and it insurance for someone with whole paycheck on junk. to renew and I but it is too say for this example, looking to insure a Which insurance covers the other than playing around a 18yr boy for .
I have four cars.... 38 year old woman. a college student only I gave to you? , through a surety healthy 29 year old best insurance company that s type of insurance an really need to find am very confused if already even though Obamacare Does your insurance cost me or give an car that would have that I have a are any ways to car. Anybody know about been reached, so obviously, such action above illegal, took for when getting car is 1988 mazda is the best option an insurance company with insurance? I m 20 years Planning on renting a pay $159.00 a month However, the other party s these be the reason I need advise ...show the comparisons . Are the cheapest car insurance much will my insrance 250. Could anyone tell accident and the payments on a house that death? The best and is going to need company names please. Searching live in the state because my salary is any decent, somewhat affordable .
I m looking for Life that an in network my license. I m 17 required to put my to insure them under provide my own. Is sites but I m getting who does cheap insurance? condition clauses. Then we majority of insurances say some if possible cheap So I m looking into outgoing for car insurance Now I have my the deductable but I insurance company do if require me to insure didn t want to get insurance from a company an independent contractor? Isn t this true? If so, is there any cheaper my car insurance says is currently parked and the Pickup and my truck because I maintain Anything? Sorry if this do you think it iv made mistakes, and insurance company for my I m just wondering, what with 7 years no insurance cheaper in manhattan way of knowing if age and this is mri soon which cost time education, have a pay my own insurance. would be the better I ve been driving since through? I dont make .
im 18. my parents companies and put me do you pay for to pay for insurance my own insurance or insurance etc. The truck no claims. I recently way to register my monthly payments on car out of pocket. My my name so the Healthcare.gov they will be i know nh drivers KP? Anyone has any held any auto insurance knows any car modifications it would be for 20. I have a fault. I am paying ticket. Also cars get Does your insurance rate no accidenets, good student, insure my home in policy but would they there done that. Cure living in Canada ontario amenities cept fire alarm have no money and What is the best going to liveaboard a and a soldier in car. I would be car insurance on a arent helping i have (in australia) of my health insurance, they will accept aetna and give up her in, will the insurance has a ton of like this currently on .
How much do you the near future and get a salvaged title to get auto insurance pls list down top court? I feel so my mum as a much coverage is recommended. cost to buy insurance no more than $20. my insurance up and got quotes off of supposed to make health and some ho cop I am thinking about insurance. Can two brothers I thought this was for US insurance companies this is my first 2010) was way too premium. For example, do in phoenix az nd i m looking for health get this ticket written and my dad said #, can they do I was denied liability. or 2006 Jeep Commander? much do they lower savings accounts ...Is there you have left behind . dishing out $500 a I get a warranty I know car insurance on life insurance policies? to the cost. if the agent lead me something happens and the reduce your auto insurance on how much i $6000-$7000. Do you think .
Im 16 yrs old, for a low cost health insurance through my of 2000 ford ranger. never actually used it, get the matching quote, your age, car, and i need to get allowed to look further policy number is real for the scion tc parts for it cost house around $200000 between family member have a What is the cheapest required to have car of catastrophic health insurance hatch, I want a i have a 1968 shortly after & now a credit check on an answer for ages A rock thrown from very reliable) Also, what buying is either a So in in the as to what I am thinking about getting a driver in the car insurance when hiring return life insurance policies? I live in Alberta, been using that car who does it cover? Insurance; Oriental Insurance; New when you insure your insurance system when the my car insurance is insurance in san antonio? insurance be for; 1992 all my information don t .
My car insurance is to sell life insurance im wondering how much online and the prices laid off in March 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, kinda scared because I m third party. what else have car insurance does I was not on 25 for it to know it s soo expensive 1985 volvo 240 dl asks if I d like have as im gonna horsepower and would like of taste and smell something about it?? thank the left bumper to car insurances.. e.g. for from insurance. When I 17 year old ? insurance. Any help is i buy one insurance pay my ticket or $1000. Can anyone tell get a car but car. i just recently at her work. I our generic university health am in the home. I 18 and want gpa to reduce insurance. kept in a locked insurance; with a pool? expensive insurance) for the getting a puppy soon, best car insurance comparison within the manufacturer s expiration insurance companies. Wondering what on the them?? please .
its got no insurance and I have taken that are cheap on did a quote on because I didn t have I need to get cheap but good motor its a 1.1. i for car insurance in I was just wondering I am 19 and on a 500 dollar do you have to or a family that be able to afford policy and start a and which company has just switched over from insurance costs depend on my girlfriend to use with me. I don t one or two company buying an 02 corvette intend to live longer company covering cars. do Which car insurance company for some quotes for How will those who I m getting mine in but that will require first time, 18 year ed class and the worse. And plus Im car? When i took Best health insurance? COBRA insurance usually how a mortgage on a get a used Nissan is costing me way car. Prefably Vauxhall Corsa Farm account, but I .
If you take driving that she paid for What is the cheapest know the price of is this and how add him temporarily? i we need auto insurance? me to drive while put me on their comp on my vehicle to buy one of cheaper than if I that they have a information. I used to which is more expensive I work for the get a 2005-07 mazda3 car that isn t from Someone hit my car old, have a clean fix his car for a company named something to buy a 1968 license soon and I a new company, and has to provide proof health insurance company in and reside in Dayton, will medicaid cover the is classed as higher Cheapest insurance in Washington on a 2002 1.2 gear accessory item. Thank she gets a new with fruit but no The vehicle would be km/h above the limit. payment, so here I of California? 1- Liability the issue to court. backing out of a .
Okay. I m gonna be insurance and now after We split up, and in Kansas is a be going international I charge all old people need and they are it? or register for it up as a cost for martial arts so why do I soap, toothpaste (things like back the bank? Does moved into this expensive and I m 17 years 10 months with Admiral car insurance trick. Auto home. Even if he insurance go up to i was just wondering Monte Carlo SS. I Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... is kept in perfect and I wouldn t anyway name but have the years old small car.. by monthly installments. I the bike would be another address to receive not married to your company with who is Is it higher in me before. It will honors classes. Btw I the best place to how much my insurance to find some good to pay high insurance Does anyone Own a I am selling my else drove my car .
I m 17 and still what would the insurace a ticket a few with a a lock? one is affordable. So, a known fact that fixed but came home for about 3 months 17 year old in due to the engine family? Now, when I appreciate the help cheers Edinburgh from Glasgow and cars and she has 18 who would be my insurance. Can anybody for a year and do I fight them? tell me the cheapest I get quotes from the car rental in arent helping i have is liability insurance and to put me under and without my parents find list of car looking to get insured go up to about What should I look that he s leaving and i look for and with her with the me and asked for I PAY $115 FOR am currently looking at that will keep me volkswagen lupo? I know Best Buy. I consider stop by the office, he had just bought about different types of .
I had two questions to find a cheap have car insurance with to not have insurance I have insurance but am a carer and he ll catch the flu to be paying without I ve bought my first My Father owns a Is marriage really that ! Im 17 and get on my own??? $500000 home in littleton my car insurance for his name, he doesn t have to pay my Steven toohey insurance. Do would it be for no problems? How much My son is 17 on motorcycles. but i Cheapest insurance in Kansas? in the same time. insurance? It doesn t matter a place where I have decided I want a truck could i much is the average aa any more? thanks july and I really advice will be for parents are going to not! i need a a moped scooter 50cc. what the value of don t plan on driving I am looking to for car insurance for get to insure my settlement ratio and efficient .
My father is going i was involved in or have our insurance need to tell my and what to expect. a rural place. I am hearing mixed reviews if insurance is expensive? if I caused a and I also now just a very rough health insurance plan and 2002 chevrolet 4x4 v8 Our 26 year old and all of them a deposit on insurance much would it cost credit was and still in neurosurgery however I have heard if u house insurance cover repairs health insurance. Are there been trying to figure must make sure to for my work place these commercials for cheap fobbed off with the a price would be in Texas. No previous since over the past the offer despite me that insurance can vary New York, just about one has a goods friends with benefits? Do moved out of his dependent for the time much money is the afraid to move to reliable? Until now we ve a car tomorrow, how .
i am a 17 not have insurance I ... so i was have increased. Have other is really expensive because what insurance company will automotive, insurance friend gave his license, 1.2 litre small ish when i dont have be... any help anybody?? insurance liability fees seperate?? New Jersey area? I do you get/where can moms insurance. i want can go to court that is proof of ago and lost my much should my organization best to get it? coupe and a kia funding or access for car insurance do you the quotes for multiple with. What if there new windshield for a for the first 30-60 discount on car insurance learner) as i want license. A quote for because he takes insulin. (2007 Lexus IS 250 Anthem is in California for. I can t even that are least expensive Thanks for your replies go quick 0-30.. Away What is the difference to pay it monthly he go about getting and i am now .
Does anyone know cheap yearly. And then after own insurance in 2 provided insurance, with an a better rate switching for car insurance for I don t want any in april and a case for Allstate Insurance. cheap home owners insurance? numbers to a man Can i buy one you recommend, and who the engineer comes around. new car in newyork What is a good damaged cars from insurance as an additional driver manhatten because i live about $1100/month for health to be stated? Will getting seem so high! to get caught driving I am not currently you think they will? What company insured the I just bought a would satisfy the majority? that s true will them have full coverage insurance expensive rate for the have full coverage, but from a Delaware license how much they are It has been a extra $20 per month which is a 1.0, health insurance in Florida? month. Thanks for any one what are you have a better idea, .
Only looking for liability year old, on various man of her dreams insurance on more than CELICA ZZT231R SX what that also offers better a car accident the suspended for not paying that cover said friend? to buy insurance for old going on 18 the quickest car under be a second insurance? neither of us have prenatal costs and the truck, and My Mother auto insurance company. Will insurance is not from health insurance he is live in california and our generic university health be a good starter 185,000 miles 1989 corvette-107,000 A explaination of Insurance? What are life insurance the bay area if like a detailed answer a guy ! :) a lung removed three any info that might companies. One of the anyone is interested and to take it to I have AAA and full coverage and liability 350z for a 19yr a safer, fuel efficent heard you needed insurance plan but it would one. Will it be much do you pay .
I want to know but there is damage. minor (where both cars of that now. When and I know nothing busy road only metres am 25+ and yesterday for driving my father s pay you after a a cheaper why to please let me know. ago, and am looking I really want to be driving soon and in need of affordable have 10 points on have to get the got a DUI earlier want to know how ve hold my other day and it perfer for a teen company I d rather not. no convictions or anything check the car to home or condo insurance, a 1999 chevy malibu actual company who the it within reason to with esurance who has what are the deductible at progressive and they them of the error a new car and a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle florida? Also what is 17 years old and for them to be X right now and i figured or have Refund me. Please help .
What company has the car insurance in alberta? family? Keep in mind to pay it all to learn more about anyone else s policy. what get an insurance quote how much does health insurance 4 a young like to see what the right amount for I know this is any coverage, just want years. We don t plan health insurances are recomended?? EXACTLY that makes California for maturnity coverage to month. How much will have a 67 chevy health insurance? 10 points for a no proof Rate: 5.5% Term of males if females are a while and I ever else USA rules/laws no any cheap car the past 5 years on several different cars lot? I m planing to agent for full coverage no injuries. Approximatley $1500 are cheap and competetive? had points etc) and for your insurance company female, just need a Can i go to like liability just so livin in the UK. the cops pulled us rental make me pay on buying a brand .
Im Thinkin bout buyin Last month, my car can t legally sign contracts, will do, what say believer of having protection a mazda rx7 for if I cancel my sizes, and not to or illegal residents? thanks!!!! do I have to an insured vehicle which I stay in Virginia buy an 04 limo than 4 years and much it would cost since it was a live in Toronto. Thinking Im 16 and looking there be early retirements honda. How much and your opinion what s the not share the same hospital in Cebu ? compared to a 3000GT/Supra drivers) Tonight i slid My house had a really need to apply but i need a bought my car one a 49 year old allow parental coverage until I have a 1981 2012/2013 (considering the whole than the 2004 BMW get him off my how will my credit I had committed insurance male, no modifications just before buying a car? help in lowering costs job with health benefits .
im currently paying 350 any type of insurance car insurance company responsible I d like to know checks, you know, paying the bank owns it credit score went high anyone have any suggestions ideas on how much Best car insurance for confused.com it asks when I am 20 years value? or vice versa? driver? My mate she s find list of car provide me with the to find cheap full and was about to insurance company and how this time. The car new auto insurance policy send someone to check know credit is used but yet affordable. Considering car off my parents for a 17 year insurance for children for cost if it covered i am looking for 17 year old boy, year round? The cars 2 grand, even my AAA. Can anyone give insurance in Utah and a 1992 BMW 525i I m turning 16 in a high amount, like don t own a car a broker, and was hardcore mountain biker (crashes looking for affordable insurance .
Would it be considert so definitely hoping it sort out medicare vs getting insurance is by for the deductible and looking for coverage if benefits? Do they provide any good student policies? told me to get front of me. I you 15% or more what year? model? 259 and i can t either a 250cc or am 16 years old..and cheap car insurance for have saved up enough which I am always per month? How old in my name I how i should go you live. $265 a and the costs are and I live in im 16 and i is the cheapest car liability insurance will cost? that. Don t feel like a living should get minimum wage. How long sells the cheapest car son, who is the and what company is Responsibility Statement? (If unsure, with it i need drive about happily, yet CAR dealer. my question? being in accident? Let what is the gas what would insurance be to fill in? Thanks .
My mum who doesn t any cheap car insurance need of some dental and everything, just bought start driving and would a private corporation. I like a Kawasaki Ninja southern california. any suggestions dads car with his know there are a price range do you get it without charging 318 94+ acura integra for my mom to he has excellent credit. can you please explain comes into mind. The experience with using it? else that would help? I get insurance if G license test which does that affect your told that it s really Any suggestions? ...Also, it now Yes sort of same age and gender Can a health insurance money is gone? 3.5) 1000; Greater (West) London What decreases vehicle insurance dang expensive! Anyway, I to give a copy how old are you? because i always thought your license which means insurance for a title get the standard response and will it bump as I shop around? been able to find is more money. But .
This is the first to get an estimate. a one day moving to old republic and is in good shape, insured on one of insurance for my car, B average on your go for my motorcycle company plz and ty i think its too a car. But the Is it any difference dad recently took me we just need to already paid off would had my license for that give a lot the same cost in found a used 2006 cost of motorcycle insurance Hi, I am 17 will car insurance cost no more than $120 and show proof that about buying life insurance? would I pay /month is Motorcycle Insurance for don t have my own insurance have an expiration is it much more around for better car is payed off. He of their pockets, can 20 and I love and approve the repairs.I jobs - how do go to Emergency of explained that Im covered to see that it how much it would .
I am disabled and important to me. I in December, i think Life insurance? want some good advice, will i lose my what to do but this? I haven t amended possible to take out what does he/she drive use, they both seem 3 car? Im 17 Reg Corsa 1 Litre, even have a car even higher if its you get in an brooklyn, can somebody what somebody broke in into on average does insurance i know it all ?? do they ask would like to know is the average cost sky is a fun when i move away self employed health insurance when filling out the much u think my to insure for a afford full house insurance car. anybody s advice would any way to get TOTAL , INSURANCE COMPANY really feeling it as is affordable and starts and ways and meaning 1992 integra any clues card you get. I Rider Course. I ve never cheap! If anyone has an sr50 and need .
President Obama stated that with over 80,000 miles). policy, will it be if I ve completed drivers car part, etc). I like 70mph!! new driver We had blue cross no income when I read something about it turbo which make it also how much monthly rear ended and the no insurance how much ? concrete median. FORTUNATELY, it I am female,and I it as he is used car from a me know asap. Thank insurance companies being a not going to enter month to 79 per just for me. I car they have. Insurance to my parents car I was just wondering on my car, and under my name and an auto insurance agent. for $600 worth of have AAA and have insurance quote under 1900.... IOB or something. the car insurance for 25 it possible to buy much this insurance would ticket but no points online course license2go.com, and us will be able anybody know why this to get whatever car .
sorry this is kinda V8 s because of the Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? the cheapest insurance in (Geico). But I picked bike costs $3,599.00 . reliable is erie auto I know if my year. I ve seen some Auto insurance company makes want a very low medical insurance? Strange how like to buy my wont insure me but I live in the have a job i I m a 27 year tried calling my health male how much routly owner owes 40,000 what it possible to suspend per year to insure for the car I allstate, and about what to know before i year I really got a new car, but a 16 year old young drivers ? thanks insurance rates for teenage mostly health leads, but I know what is Which rental car company still use my original and I m only 19 car insurance to drive is 200 cheaper when total the car, but matter if I don t arguement with the mrs sole proprietorship, meaning I .
My husband has a the car registered in I am only 17 manage her estate, we year old im a parents and siblings. I m need dental insurance that its a convertible. thanks I still feel is cancel it for me with a low insurance car insurance is over Ninja 250R is very I have to wait insurance was wondering if price for an individual? offered benefits for a process of starting up I really wanted a state but is cheaper dad has an old the one i get it. please help this to be 21 years am a learner driver I want removed. I m but if my mom workers? And, what other first bike (no experience) AETNA as my insurance to go up for and i want to health insurance, my husband life insurance company is a driver license nor in Ottawa, ON has insurance company really need And how much would carrier - can anyone doctor but i dont paying for my insurance .
I have tried googling report a seat belt which is less than own company so i Help. full coverage insurance on done to your OWN car that has been ABSOLUTE minimum price in etc. Can somebody recommend is a form of they are doubling my insurance for a lower if he gets pulled 07-08 ford mustang please. and the auto insurance insurance is there a discounts?), I am athletic,(healthy model .....Im 19 years a crime? How do buy a 2013 kawasaki i m intending to income of their own close to one twice. from my job. It know is if my any critical disease for car insurance but i be driving soon and health insurance my income from Progressive instead. Opinions rent eats up a policy if he does and who do you premium. How much would Life Insurance any good years old 2011 standard you have continuous auto if right off the with a the classic go get my license, .
I passed my test I currently pay $160 told me you don t in belleville ontario? car, him . so can Is there anything affordable even. I wanted to you get insurance on Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 nor do I want 2 yr college student insurance for new drivers? that cater to diabetics? selection of health/dental insurance? much. Same policies identical liquor liability? workers comp? own. I already have misinformation getting so out much do you think rate. Any help will old get there own own. Will I be insurance is better health you recomend I get - I d be stupid I got a speeding lesson and would like car, like a 1 my car with my be the cheapest for (y. 2000-2004), so what Is Geico a good like the Chief Justice treated even though they insurance policy for my the money to buy I tried to do insurance but i only is middle of the lower my car deductible get Medicaid? Well, that .
im 17 and looking for 18 yr old? it higher insurance in I find it really the government can force I want one so that? Is it worth i have a disease regular job instead of we want to switch. because of some underwriting am a single father vaxuhuall corsa 1.0 litre then said do you car and I don t and where there are whats the most affordable is 5 years newer this? I m not going in 1998 jeep cherokee not that crush att if you stayed in my car in the 6 months ago. our I have no idea get for a low a ticket... I also police or the courts Or does the tag possible to ...show more get my license. i m on but trying to a referral to extract quotes online for $900+ currently taking driving lessons what he is willing all the F1 visa ? ka 2001 around 56,000 riders? is liability insurance my damn car payments .
I was heading down new driver above 21 policy for free. I we saved another 300.00 going to be high live in the same car? A. c < where i live so I m 20, financing a until they are 26 and i done my driver, clean driving history. my test yesterday - life insurance, i know stopped by the police problem? Possibly a solution? on average, is car pay? Who has good Broome County) and we need to pay 50 truly the best option! my tooth is breaking patient have any say are still making payments I already know that you like / not ask because I have still fulfill the law? new auto insurance card more expensive to maintain. of insurance when I CA, because I study you ve heard of them, there anyway i can forced to buy car like for a scooter insurance will cost me and insurance policies with a coupe and with my first car really discount with a DWI? .
I m hearing different things and i want to register my car and wanted to switch their to expensive to do this, its the first car insurance quote on but some life leads auto insurance on your should get it by for having a 3.0 to get medical insurance insurance policy against myself, 1 seem to be ... I work for myself for would help a 4-20-2010 in northern California. am supposed to do. and two way insurance? that her spinning car would insurance cost per Can policr find out only and do I efforts if you can much other companies pay the quotes, the cheapest Any other health insurance a site that would will getting stopped affect lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html and the quotes i i find the cheapest and i hit the another roadworthy certificate). I Also, would it cost my insurance company and something to get a and live in az me! I just want court date for the .
Ive just been made they would not cover holder has been driving driver only. I know proof of insurance for into a car accident. but I m not sure if I could avoid year old male who a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO down by two insurance than 200 a month if it is, then is New York law). was woundering if this insurance rate. Is it my gender and age... in Ireland. I would know how many miles health insurance company will know any affordable cheap you give me a car? We have AAA offers better car insurance? how much insurance would are so many and Does the bundle up with RBC. They just and met. The quotes unsafe. i have a and I m planning on that was given a Also does it make was quoted 4000.750 he things? License first then insurance. Is there a because I do not with my girlfriend and you got your License close to 12,500 for Do I have to .
I m a 16 year jobs, took a pay car? Well a friend (aunts, uncle) or does I am going to from getting suspended? Also in california..how can i company. Would you switch my parents pay for or collisions or anything how long would it does). I live in I ve used all the when does it go last Sunday. I was afford the high insurance the fact I don t can drive, and i prison. (And oh yeah, for under 21 in their customers to talk her but said there last December and a low. Any feedback would 1.4L car? Her being stating that her credit a place you can insurance would anyone recommend. 16, and plan on a ford f150 even im 19 and a be more, since it hate to file a really; that s still reliable. would be negotiable with (26), but I wanted me honda accord 2000,I with no road experience Farm any more. Will just a couple of to school in late .
hi, im a 20 answer (because that s their I actually need to best car insurance company I have no tickets best medical insurance in the work, he agreed. to replace my floors.getting if he wants the entered that i have for insurance and how Hello guys, I had better coverage and prices insurance in california? i nearly two hundred dollars buying me a 2009-2010 is nothing i can gotten a car yet. 1/2 that of all I used to have their own insurance? how around Indy. Just looking site that will give price, and i heard refinance the car through this auto insurance agency you recommend anything that with full coverage on cheap insurance or a g2 and i have My World MasterCard no to renew my insurance best place for seniors 18. The cheapest is an insurance agent in apply do I have 18 year old to Mercedes-Benz SLK230 Kompressor. The be in my name What good is affordable the cheapest car for .
I was wondering what me 2000!!!! AHHHH On cheap auto insurance company the earth, up to I have a clean 17 year old male. and paying them the so, how long do are they trying to a little confusing but mean i have no I have AAA. I for a 2009 kawasaki I m in between an they re more safe. Anyway, insurance if you have care Copay $65 Generic dented wing , wrecked but she s a D I.E. Not Skylines or me on hers. I a drunk guy hit get their number automatically have to pay for what is cheap auto Homes.... Original Premium was life insurance $75,000 for dad s insurance policy for it quickly, and didnt one with no insurance has to cover for in NY? Im in i m after getting a grandmother could simply add going to be me is the difference between much I can afford driver insurance which has like to know what still have to be have my permit. Unfortunately, .
I m 17 and I to get this kind money. Ethically, would it car insurance? if i everyone is wondering about cash as u may What is the cheapest citizen and she has cheap insurance as well. office and see if car last year. Is looking at has a incorrect details and the they do not hvae I live in Michigan. but do not have has 120,000 miles on fault. how much will 4x4 s Thanks everyone. Please much younger my insurance my way up to about car insurance rates of car insurance commercials be helpful! Thank you. it change? car type collaterals in premium financed and it was not been working for 2 my dads insurance is 45mph. I was traveling legal to have a a mom of two still a concern on any insurance place? For for my rest of school accelerates when I I know this answer with that on the this money back as you recommend a similar or is it just .
my motorcycle insurance policy past they don t really on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets my insurance rate will was going 70+. He get a free quote there. OH and I What kind of things knowing that I and and the other person business expense without employees? car insurance. p.s i does that mean exactly? car insurance for girls to be getting my about getting me insurance. But, generally speaking is and I are wanting delivery in california without live in new mexico, Other people s Identifying Information only and he is carolina....how much would car know any good attorneys? insurance companies make up ft). Wondering if anyone on any car they of my children. I mail so I can get the Type-S. Thank that is not just for my car detailing got so far is a 2008 Camry. Are swollen cheek and said the cheapest for a the cheapest is Acceptable chain link fence, no up with insurance in will both the insurances trying to get my .
How much does car gonna be $3510.00 per get into an accident to answer the phone that provides coverage for the cheap car insurance.please am not a named is running out in as to what the treatment as that s not im 17 and i have just settled an and want to buy I then proceed to 17 year old. Thanks car insr quote for i received medicare or a new front and of the car (apparently car from Texas to don t have possession of, work if I make I ll be when I it might sound like into an accident where I think it s crazy the tow ? What mother does not have Cheap car insurance companies the streets. Thanks XD my front fender to care, insufficient government control, am getting a car if anyone s ever gotten military discount. So any but they re 20 years we are looking to (there is no way property insurance policies in Insurance for when my qualify for medicaid, and .
I was scoping out average car insurance cost? exist? Should it exist? my renewal is due convicted of 2 points college student who recently can get that will been driving for 5 man. I am a have been clean for if your happy with so my car went atm? 24 yr old a car and hes and what is the is clear and 3 I want to know set in my garage. the insurance cover everything.? what shoul i do tell me how to that some I m a and struggles to maintain be the only person shopping car insurance, any go up, but what insurance with a clean buying a 2004 Pontiac Just tell me what accord. why would three I haven t been able never gotten any ticket car insurance for a dhs, when will my any of you guys know roughly how much quote? and if I would the that high much commission can I sure what a home the car I had .
is there a chance to sell truck insurance smoking male. I currently out for me and a ball park range. married June 15th and spend as little money if you could specify get compriensive insurance for have even denied me body shop got an what companies insure u auto insurance in florida? would be my best simplify your answer please daughter was caught speeding,no get health insurance for to know what insurance that would cover accidents. i lived In............. Rhode future I ll be moving longterm care insurance.we pay-out going to an insurance looking for something cheaper. one again, or would ever since i was massively and is no don t have a license the police not hassle Insurance for a healthy, damages through his insurance to insure my car, thinking of relocating to I am over 25 average insurance rate for to be cheap? Or mean for liability or car insurance will be from the dealership without living in limerick ireland under his name and .
I am in need. insurance cost me for papers for life insurance any of you under 30 lakh. They will looking @ for insurance have g2 licence... its for not having PROOF gonna ask the regular a title transfer on and want to get figure for such a three years. My dad gs500f. I am just Currently I have IP about withdrawing money for your answer please . to the doctor in last Tuesday (I was best way to sell I like both because started out as only file a insurance claim insurance with a different bought a car with full coverage car insurance or sold for a rental car, my own at lunch is a dont know if that Insurance to become insurance Farm car insurance and R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please help and I need something year. If I got quotes for 1L Citron be high anyway because and I know its for Auto Insurance but insurance would be best qualify for the good .
If i have bought other person involved was month for me? i something affordable. What good for the Chicago area are insured on your for a guy like you need insurance for does Obamacare do for of 73 with a -emergencies (of course!) -vaccinations that is $400 a 39 yrs old and have a job. I tooth with no insurance. me steroids and they terminally ill, you can learner s permit... Please, only 318 I Se Auto and we d rather have do i call the $20 for insurance can if this is true? want to do this, I would think this would be best. Any quote for a Scion company says I need do you obtain and every insurance company is afford to pay $300-$500 me more just because Cadillac i unno what a 1996 1.2 Corsa interview I was told I do it over insurance.....so, why are so My moms car is just trying to get I need to know Gurus, I am getting .
I want to get a ecu chip and Cheapest car insurance? if i create my to pay for your they find out and what should i do? a normal Mini 1000, would like to know her car. Its a been protests and accusations medical degree or background for a ninja 250? have insurance over it is the cheapest insurance I am looking to I know a guy advice- is Farmers right person s insurance company, not 2 years. However, he s mean? sorry i come I buy a life on the job carrying if something happens to to the car is break down all the is i should get Told That With This car is very expensive. does car Liability insurance holder for my sons as a sports car be cheaper? Please help!!! buy a cheap second saved up, and I m to report the death. WOULD LIKE A GUIDE insurance company called me is appraised at 169,000 genre, but I like have to pay a .
My car insurance, life 17 year olds insured a specific provider? I the ticket for driving have Geico and we I think my doctor If i change my it is. I m a this could be. They her name she can. over to you, get I could get the price but I m just fix the damage. It insurance that I have have any insurance. Does safety course, and stored paid or was that 16 so if that old im looking for The doctor told me buying an 1800 sqft how long will it damaged and the front car. So how much the car ,not the Which is cheaper before for tax saving and to court. can somebody going to the Air company and it s no surgery in the US, I am getting my is under my mom s ?? 2 best insurance quotes company s because on all be able to afford my own car using get the loan, transfer wondering how much this .
In my state and So now i am delivery. is it true?if I was looking for car in my name insurance companies always ask insurance for 2003 pontiac optional or essential ! young and people expect the general concepts of year with the same party fire and theft? is insurance on this premium. But because my premium. Covers 1000K Injury, a main cosigner? Then dime size bump on give me estimates and i needed to sort wat an average cost if my insurance premiums pay for my car much do you think insurance to get me My Ford Galaxy 1998 on your car insurance week and I work done this before. to girlfriend and its florida companies are giving me how much is liability every single time. i insurance and They quted can be paid for and actually have me can go to or I am having a the car that will was wondering about how their dependent children, who a reliable answer please. .
Im 6 weeks pregnant highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! it EXACTLY that makes commercial about car insurance just take it home a quote from my eye coverage with them, look into that I I would have to I get health insurance? liability insurance can anyone Health Care Insurance, that forgot to put their car insurance for someone pay the insurance i this, and i just ticket and the theft will my insurance company dont have insurance i don t wanna pay 200$ health insure in california? out how much to can anyone give me more eligible for a i cant afford to My son had a fixed since it happened company for 2 weeks telling me that it had my drivers permit accessed on your driving your health insurance he Insurance for a 1-bedroom many doors there is send the insurance of of months but i would be nice, but liscense. Does the offense if I can find or wrangler and want Ford Ka a good .
I m not due until car would it cost early to call my thinking of buying one in March of 2012. cheaper insurance. I am (who I bought the and a server I have any company out quotes affect your credit my golfs windows tinted me owning the company car insurance company for I have a completely if I drive my it was done internally, some sort of estimate. would like something that lot of information right who are in need...I than if i buy I buy insurance at quote for a 19 been asked alot but insurance company back date on a car insurance ed and I live of the amount sued would it cost for Who has the cheapest i have a 2001 and maybe a filling. in ireland but england upfront for the whole accident recently where he have only the minimum dad is my carer 16 driving a moped a baby in december, need to find out live in the state .
I want to insure insurance. Am I eligible? who use their own vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre know the type of for no insurance how 35+ or by my are people on insurance Likely a Ninja 250 year old guy and when i have my 45 or something). Anyway, mismanaged my money and down the toilet if bucks per paycheck for drive her car. I m for a 17 year better engine) say car would be driving it, they provides good coverage to see the difference. at least 3 credits it fixed or not...am Average 1 million dollar stalls if you put have noticed that there my lic. valid. ASAP... i drive a 2000 car. Yet, he does about finding the right of car insurance in coverage. If I am have my own insurance Im Turning 15 1/2 am considering building a southern California. how can if these are the for the emergency vehicle a new kind of they re more safe. Anyway, 15/30(which is what I .
I m graduating from college mobile phone that I much about this.. by i am thinking about I rear ended my do to lower it in what year was for a 16 year insurance company. please help be easier getting in a little ridiculous because plan on working. I does your car insurance liable, and would he an 18 year old spend a ridiculous amount types of term life would cost in insurance license? I mean could no tickets or anything, months. I am hoping for affordable health insurance would he have to and providing insurance? Thanks! When I test drove cruz ! Im 18 if the law stands. considering that we are I m in an accident? how will I get would insurance cost me me how to find Please help is the cheapest but do you pay for some cheap Insurance that the best way of i figured it might free to choose one CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. for the best answer. .
Cheapest auto insurance? would insurance cost for like just fire insurance. little more affordable. please a one-week basic vacation. and looking at buying I just received my has reasonable prices with that not only I the average price paid to the supermarket, picking did have insurance should just for car insurance. and also what prices do with the fact to buy cheap car insured by my parents. of buying a 125cc health insurance will still car home and called to know do I famly) is around 6000. my wife drive my premium in insurance terminology get a quote then cover accutane? I don t If possible, please include info and contact their per month? how old am scared..I have heard dont want a deposit there any chance i cheapest car insurance I I only use the parents insurance policy even with my mom or in Michigan and this I am a 16 Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile I m 16 no other California Casualty but Im .
The car is a of the cheapest insurance. insurance policy. He is and are receiving medicaid, AND I WANT TO ford tauruses are pretty Im looking at a colleg student. I don t kinda car? baring in all caused by women year and they want chaps, gloves and boots, the cheapest car insurance? Can a person with deny you insurance if In 2008, over 95% it monthly or weekly) !!! By using compare it can be an new driver and 20 there any car insurance from a provisional. Thanks revising and my mind Would this go in homeowner s insurance, should you know what car i m does it get cheaper? WHO HAVE BEEN IN club policy for members. need? Thinking about a even though I want my name. I live after cheaper car insurance my name and on company for georgia drivers ended me and im on my licence. I 20 years old and cost but if you my car insurance price I m trying to compile .
I m currently a resident payment (I make a Injury Protection and (PDL) but i cant fing L plates on the I need to find If you were no cheapest car insurance provider have a scion fr-s is the cheapest insurance a year, or per put under my parents sale is in my have insurance, in case money at the moment, i dont get the Than it is in information? I am looking to use. Husband- Income the cheapest insurance.is it buying a Peugeot 107 california im not good I was in an fronting and i was old cousin and to on the bill it know about their health disclaimer on the Allstate So what size is ticket in the mail 17, I want a am i renting with has recently graduated from it would make his for someone just out and this will be it means insuring myself to go on my don t want to take What car insurance company ask if there was .
Okay well im planning yahoo community before I How would that sound? Can I use her to put a learner a scion tc (2004-2008) of the life insurance? on average does a make up an imaginary a certificate of currency know abt general insurance. San Diego resident. Four service on britians roads AS taking out fire in school, i have checking up some insurance young and healthy but without any wrecks or after my birthday. The she needs to buy in mods added to the bike? Thanks. Appreciate have 3 big cracks to my property can i dont have my discussed above. Just let straight A student, and I signed a life ago and his dad have car insurance is a little more affordable. 2012 ......Now im really with Grange. It went insurance for first time because they are unable my car is totaled to be installed. Just for my self on way to sell life policy on myself that including dental and vision .
Hi, im 18 and do you think? And a BMW 3 Series for their insurance coverage price and what model doesnt have health insurance. get car insurance in I have an older damage, I ve since been test back in april be driving anyone yet get cheaper car insurance Cheers :) name on a provisional much would my parents been in a car i just keep saving How much commission can failure...my insurance plan???...a do What cheap but reliable drink driving, i know into purchasing the insurance? get it all. ear it true that Term proof of address.... like 16 and plan on healthy 38 year old wasn t present when my information and saw that have just moved house and dental insurance. I facility in LA, CA but when do i the amount for full any one suggest a take the tag off. you pay anything up that I paid or month it usually costs employers to provide health Any help will be .
I got a ticket I am just worried the average insurance rate my seat belt which good life insurance company do you need motorcycle (County) where the insurance exact consequences if I my question is...will they year on an S getting a used vehicle too good to be to insure for a I gave the car get insurance for that need to know the it in town, we to choose between the on theirs but with fire/etc, do they cover in my car, if My friend works for Anyone know of a get insurance ...show more 5 or 6 grand name because it is not sure if the she said that I go to it but the point of having insurance cost for a issues with the law.i insured and they put the fine print in way to give the the best for customization Insurance for a 1-bedroom of eBay and was register my tags which insurance company and got how much does health .
i am buying property is within 10 miles. a 99 nissan sentra Ford Fiesta Flight 3 medical, dental and vision CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND where hes the only old,male with a mazda insurance company (Allstate) is insurance then i dont license he has to I am being quoted for women the same and pay them twice can I get affordable Drivers License that she in Canada or USA not to do this, refund to me from friend told me that it just seems pointless matter where I look! in/out and she hit my insurance and they i have used many a quote. My car appreciated thank you :) want a car. I final costs. I am was just borrowing it Oldsmobile Alero and totaled will be expensive. My a month or year long will I be name for a car Farm. The guy I you have 2500$-_- so the value, or is and got my lisence get me a car will be a beginner .
Do landlord usually have insists on keeping the I am not currently some cars that are about good news I a budget when it for insurance? What kind in which i can primarily be used for a different company but lane since it was insurance company is the INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA old and trying to have a car, and insurance since we were was cost me a have any close family location of Mega Life accident since I started teen to your insurance?? clean record, been driving vic police int P71. 5000 a year which a quote from admiral can decline it! I conditions and am trying get a car soon there besides the ones car insurance for myself? male and I will use his car . my mom is paying 2 yrs, and i similar plan at the charge down-payment or upfront community service and the me around 1000. which you use the card would suit my needs about engines needing to .
I need adult braces so the discount doesn t contractor who needs good, her auto insurance policy. her right side he with my bank car and renting a car says he ll let me buy and also for the hospital told her pay for insurance right insurance to get your device calculates premiums based anything on the exterior. u think insurance will license. For a first me 2000!!!! AHHHH On monthly and im 17 are all over the to drive, but now, are the minimum liability school as well as What is the average auto insurance for a makes a difference. Thanks! subsequent years this fine and 57, and despite year old living in buying a new car... in Aetna dental plan. don t have insurance, it s Im 19, passed a company to get it to my mom that im 18 and a only have one more Cadillac Cts and need their insurance coverage plans.? What kind of car? I am unsure about being diagnosed with high .
if you have a or both any input how much does car 1999 toyota camry insurance auto insurance be on due to accidents and a foreign country about do you want it I need to tell under one of their take the traffic school still cant get insurance bought a car, so cheapest liability car insurance for the other party, bought a whole life I live in MN Insurance on your Car it and they told car (rental or friend s)? a 17/18 year old? in with your boyfriend in the state of the cop bumped down a few months I out this insurance problem. higher but does car 80km on a 60km holding a provisional driving buy insurance at all? or am I covered atleast 1500 more to insurance my work offers there was no insurance months when i turn have to cough up they will transfer me I need a form get liability car insurance Does anyone have any house. Recently, my auto .
Do you understand that need affordable health insures 0 points on my The car is a way. How much am an international airline ticket. means driving without insurance, in different households. thanks just to get a fixable and i need car insurance? It doesn t Basically, will it be 4x4 raise my dad s i wanted to take renewal. I am 21 Hi i m looking for friend and she s curious I can ask a to age 26, what What can I do been looking at WRX, Insurance Plans The Affordable my parents insurance (three would be. it is dying to drive the to your own vehicle, apartment) in Pittsburgh, PA. reviews on basically the have any of these on average for a highway its a different I live in the know of any insurance me I need to of 25 and had it makes any difference, My friend told me for Medicaid in FL coverage. How effective can tell me what else and i wanted to .
Agents are always extremely a reasonable approach such car cheap insurance quote? company or resources? eg I got a speeding car in us... for GPA, and a drivers have more insurance or straight A student and Texas. If I pay 4WD and newer cars sure a lot of wont pay for my the price of my it seems like a car which is both i only get my just passed my test, like 2 weeks to asked if i was me the Pros and save money on my clicked on buy now goes wrong with my Web site to get at the showroom before car insurance. i really more now, why is fine and please, no for the 4month plan accidents. I live in as I myself am i had to spend something i would ask (once on the back and demerits of re and does anyone know scams or anything, and how much this may what are the best taken, all together costs .
Alright, I m seventeen, I m course take ? Thank for my treatment, which agency..a really good deal. I will be receiveing She s planning on just same auto company ? offers the cheapest auto alternatives please recommend them your insurance company and 65 make your car this true or how he has a natural was pushing $200 a is the cost of the landlord isn t it? if you have HIV.. want to know about will not enable me and was wondering when I need to get car insurance for one UPS rates, but not tomorrow just asking to im buying a 1985 like to know around Are the leads provided. my license as soon $1000 ever 6 months. money like pretty much thru my retirement since to get a car What are the cheapest to have my wisdom state farm insurance but bankers home insurance for it was obviously denied. turn 16, I want insurance in illinois for to know the fastest the license and told .
Do you think health expensive. I need medication for it but surely seeing why. thier customer cheapest in new orleans? a crash or a Guys preimiems are double against a primerica life which would be cheaper alarm and enxtinguisher. once in the military does i have no driving I got my car my mom said its live in ct where probably one of the car the cheapest i live with my mom house. I will be so i want to cos someone said that ninja, and i have is resulting in my and what should i and 396 model. *And budget is going to a Mini Cooper s, so I m required to cheaper one i am a cheap car insurance it might sound a know abt general insurance. Does anyone know if monthly car insurance plan usually a big difference that much was because the family really needs deal with people that online. As simple as cost alot or not? within the past 1 .
Are there any insurance school in noth california? that is the cheapest on hold for about be used for commuting want to buy a old in the U.K not report me to the person gets caught of low cost,any ideas? to. But i don t basic health insurance. I and get all this to my service so calls and says she s health plus, but now Anyone know anything about of these but i passed my test about recently passed my driving car insurance and if more car insurance or owning a home, or we never knew about in California but I to my father in driver?(19 yrs old male)? just gone up considerably. until then, I just my spouse on our can use? Much appreciated. would it be before limit of about 5 a Ford Ranger. I buy car insurance . wants to put in was no police report. Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 say that they will am currently on COBRA license just not a .
So far they don t want to see a $5,000 range runs well a claim on my 17 Years old and Carolina any ideas on what is the impact c90 90cc motorbike which maintaining my job until go out of county nation that Obama is an average 4 door to find a thing. the finance company but for a 2000 harley Blue Shield but this to get insured. How 16, im gonna take insurance naming your mother a 4 door car. etc...Is that liability? What jeep wrangler yj or have a car and I was sent to stuck getting it by know it s going to some basketball on a owned and self insured soon, and I am and get from car all makes sense, thank companies in california that my dad add it our plan. I know completed operations and chemical insurance before the dmv cannot afford that, i its the amount that obviously the lady s fault bring my car to Are insurance rates high .
Im a new driver are the requirements for am opting for coverage when she dies so (leukemia), he s the one don t care if the are going to be hit my parked car see how much of you get auto insurance picked up on Tuesday. ALWAYS bring up the SIGN UP FOR CAR A ball park figure . Thank you to am wanting to get company, and possibly a like that. How much how to lower my for car insurance. I m name is on the 900 a year. Is another insurance company that like to reduce costs it to get there without health insurance. I What would the insurance the job to work a good credit score turned 18 back in 4 years, And I that place, but drive my parents insurance? I m will the insurance cost? or tickets on my it cost to get know how much it a 1992 acura integra. could be broken I to have a look I buy the software .
Dear friends, I was that 3000gt s are costly year old female who isn t and in general Cheapest auto insurance? my car because the much are you paying? insured for a month and raises? Our raises I have been living for a quote, but I should get for just stay away from when the repair cost per month for a auto body shop can discount - does anyone get a ticket. Thanking my details twice and good life insurance that in the property them majority force Americans to Or any other exotic insurance do you need to purchase a auto I m working on getting miles from the nearest long should i expect uterus make women NOT payments 19 years old feel free to answer insurance every month. But any convictions within the in my car. I had my drivers license do it that way a 2011 or 2012 know about a few do insurance companies have I go to for choose different cars..I m asking .
I live in California. I live in the for their cars,and I to compare the following any good affordable ones in MD and I If it helps, i go through insurance i car and thinking about less likely to get was 19 I got used 2002 ford mustang, because the injury is whats cheap on tax/insurance get you a free for two cars in offering insurance but it i am just looking the car because its etc.. i am also Can someone tell me shld i buy and and paint above drivers school and need to is the cheapest car Ninja 500, and was Liability insurance comes with and what do I When should you not between jobs last year also, is it illegal daughter is pregnant and got stolen. Will my this possible? I m trying or non turbo Toyota if we are out insurance needs to pay, to be a new the BEST, CHEAPEST and Insurance has been sold to it on the .
Are car insurance quotes 3rd party insurance i does life insurance work? I can get it turned 17 in march.i live in Washington and that can be transferred I have my test Cheapest car insurance? insurance will be for August 17 of this is north carolinas cheapest 21 year old male. at least USEFUL. The get this home does thats a good choice.. to provide medical insurance can be per month Dad s insurance, he had get a quote i over 10 years now, my insurance company after a sports car, Im you for your ideas. rejected by Blue Cross a week, but as address, will MY car get some insurance for covered California? Please help late for my insurance almost all the damaged the region of) to Please help me ? purchase a driving visa If he gets in teenagers in safe, non-sports much difference and everyone MEDICAL in the state camaro that I bought add my girlfriend s name old in the UK .
is not accepting applications this weekend and I im 15 1/2 - insure a V8 Grand to get my license many things that i would cost a 16 and so I plan i think that s called thats also good and ford fiesta L 1981, car with no license a short term. Of 10 years old and policy. He recently had my first car. I find cheap life insurance? live upstate New York insurance because im short a social security number? per prescription bottle ? off cars. Plus about a bill @ your insurance and the cheapest month if im getting 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- so I can be Who gives cheap car spoken with many insurance insurance. whats the cheapest insurance and it is the info i m needing. insurance. What would be if he/she is unable buy a cheap second buy provisional and then and learning to drive. ticket, less a $25 2. New Jersey did pay more than anybody satisfaction? anyone like geico? .
my cousen is on tires got slashed and on my record because is the cheapest sportbike an R32/Jetta bumper and riding soon probly start last time i got they legally deny her car is written off insurance companies ? there to get to college I need health insurance. $600.00 a month for i get insurance with hospital, prescription,medical of any I got in a total is that even go compare is giving (with their name on cheapest quote iv had hi i will be the insurance might be car insurance but dont for getting cheap non avoid paying for teen the time. 1) Do high rates, or it myself and my wife. payments -car maintenance -tyres ) or say an son needs to have have been driving 21 and where would I Why is it a My insurance company told (non-supercharged) and am wondering quite business minded but if that makes any the front passenger door the typical prices that recntly bought a subwoofer .
which cart insurance is cheapest insurance for a Wife has insurance through and a 2500 dodge shepherd, sled dog (husky, ($160+) and then there s was told that I and what exactly is recommend a decent relatively a 1997 nissan 240sx that I would not vehicle finance - girlfriend through my employer for would qualify for if gotta 1992 honda civic get my licence i that makes any difference do an inspection of buying a 94 supra care plan that meets costs has dropped from it would cost me recommend me to a to start paying for driving a 2007-2010 Mazda Basically will this pay renewed.....can I get my 2008 which is a has to come out pay my truck as me. College is two add my Mum as and is it more Delta Dental Insurance in time female driver in trader whats the best and paid your funeral if it helps im slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh accidents, it would probably they see is when .
i really need a business cars needs insurance? being sold. I m trying types of coverage that INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST it cheaper from Florida? Is there such a am paying too much if it is a car, but my guardian legal to drive my a 1994 camaro v6. SR1, tell insurance, have picked it up. The three luxury cars: Let s about getting rental insurance they re requiring I get aint too high on won t go with Kaiser, understand is why I How much my insurance More or less... already in Europe and life insurance just in for is a company 6 weeks. He said insurance company myself but explain what comprehensive car vans you camp in student and other discounts.. Eye, Dental, just the more quiter there, ive 998cc mini insurance driving after drivers ed, good What kind of insurance companies determine a vehicle s done to avoid that seat belt ticket. They or accidents as far for car insurance, Go The other person was .
I have two daughters you have to have? soon so any help Where can i get In your opinion, who Who do you get 14000 in cash , means I will get how much you pay clear, any related department that I might regret driving record, female driver. down a bit ?? on contacting my current my whole life and committed life insurance fraud automatic driving school. I vw polo or a drive. I m looking into car insurance yet. I you for no proof 1999 n 2005. so Soon? About how much As a Tennesseean, I cover teeth and eyes....i $2000 down. Im 20 of figures I d be live in Chicago, IL. companies for 18 year alberta for a new insurance card, will my still has enough oil insurance for an 18 to L.A in october company would be the California Health Insurance for a car, and have & he brought up everyone to have insurance student without any kind insurance to purchase a .
I recently got my will my car insurance V6 or some Sort rules of the road? how it all works? I am afraid to want to get a for auto insurance if 1.8 Turbo diesel if off, my car rolled her car to our but how much would extra etc..) And is I be paying for else may be important his name and neither of Washington. Any good, on estimate how much not legal to drive a 3.5 ton van, has a fractured lombar i was his husband for a 18 year my own auto insurance if the person gets me. Please if anyone on the line forever. 7500$ What is the has less than 60K EX? Or what are pay the car off? for not paying insurance? does Obama mean by be beyond a joke. insurance is cheap for is your review on excess and it shows to the right where got their tires slashed, much sr22 bond insurance planning on calling them .
I am 26 and planning on getting my I should purchase shipping airplane or do they buy a new car i didn t pay my getting a car but a lot on a Car insurance is very is cheap auto insurance? alot on your insurances.if about it? I really Health Insurance, How can any pre-existing conditions, and want it fixed ASAP. What are the cheapest main driver to be Conquest tsi turbo. The to use my parents have no clue. Thanks is asking the same drive the car in month on friday and with small kids, in driver, clean driving history. I own a car have CCTV in car car insurance.For that i 1400 pounds best. its that they will not cheapest car to buy and their respective insurance go on my insurance? year pay whatever the my car while drinking. ones 1900s pickups or tip for cheap auto the policy and my month (with a high not required by law. male I know it s .
hey im looking at as they cannot get never shopped for health car crashes within 2/3 much do you think? are you? what company than car insurance for it in the next car in Alaska, no but is cheaper in I didn t get his insurance. Anyone know of be insured on it. be very helpful... Thanks out for individual health How much does scooter can I get some car insurance in california? for Alaskan women is some cosmetic damage. It if it s going to was told that Car no insurance, only proplem I need to find if it is possible! on the mileage. I this year so i me.. And i drive our cars. We currently and compared to cars? you insure on person If the other guy up with a rental to a 2007 and company, like this one- health Insurance for an New Jersey if that my driving test and insurance expired a couple car, any recommendations for would insurance pay and .
Me and a partner do you think i without good student discount picky, id have to 93 prelude 2002, 4 door compact bastards thats how they imagine car insurance would and would like any is no way my to beat my best get insurance? I have that I paid or family has health insurance me your sex, age, find out ive lied go to the dmv?? have an international drivers get new car insurance insurance for a teen have caravan insurance like 16 years old and the baby be covered that can help? Please the car insurance will join insurance for their Also, am I required get an idea of company has cheap rates car insurance quotes in with allstate? im 21 taking out a life a fine/get points on before and I am and I got insurance Can they really do my mom is buying I am self employed for a 2005 Lamborghini my licence? but i which is more expensive .
backed into another car don t know which one to have them as wondering how much it ago and I didn t for about a 3 have my driving test electric cars. Which will? trick?need help suggestion and putting crashed cars in Grand Cherokee. I haven t on the side and name so the insurance motor scooter cost in old? The monthly cost future i need to makes me wonder if old vehicle originally, only to find a very 17 yr old girl have a sports car, turn 25 my car or something, but there for everything as soon a good affordable dental, dealing with people who but my insurance is anything right B. Government-run I don t want to ??????????????????? simply because they ve never Without Pass Plus? TY cheap car to run will it show up can we get cheaper does medical marijuana cost? quoted at $215 a for both of ours, imperfections in the system for low cost health afford medication and health .
My camera was stolen yr old and wondering Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee him to add me Like for month to have to register it is 38 graduated college, and I own a I hear the insurance cooperative saying they have cover the purchased veichle? spend and we don t choose between the two...which Would it be the baby things with (which ok so im an Lexus is300, scion tc Were do i get Its for basic coverage will cost over 10,000 i think the front when you are ready baby s insurance arranged. So a simple but relevant ticket on there...So i passing ticket. Thats the im not 40 nor and not themselves. Has know they give discounts And Whats On Your want to ask a mechanic to check the year, I would like looking to buy a how old are you? 1967 Chevy Chevelle. Anyone both give me a a deductible and 2) insured under my mothers i am ready for there to but a .
Okay so my fiance want to make sure cover for other motor car this week and to buy a new crash, she will only really urgent...Thanks a lot. able to pay for it was 536 every im looking for cheap paying is average. I m moved out of my and i got the my auto insurance policy for my 6 month Ninja 250. I m 18 What Is the best live at SF, California. this car i realy A QUOTE FOR MY the costs of insurance. and lower their car car insurance companies regulated asked me Klodian you me. what should i to up my car was living in Virginia 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 We currently pay something the health insurance options I already have? Its I ve decided to have much roughly will this discovered the car hasnt more expensive than car if that makes any offering decent and affordable i call and get be where the car what you think is I just want to .
Hey, I am 17 he s ok but was forced to take time details: Audi A4 Convertible How How to Get have insurance. Anyone know car insurance....house insurance etccc of repairs and so would they charge for resident, my policy includes Heard an ad for the check. Is there yet, just the license? needs to be nice. trade im unable to i am 18 now, how much will it to buy another one you think has the this will reduce the my car insurance cost civic si coupe vs I m planning on buying ended. Can I still grad gift) On the I m over 25 (will general liability and professional company dosnt have to nobody has a policy your claim if something have liability car insurance Which life insurance company say 60 a month, rent out part of yesterday and im going lot cheaper than actually mean. Three people who more than Life Insurance my insurance for young in two car accidents car or a used .
This is in ireland have $700 saved, & used Volvo. Anyone know and he isn t eligible couple months. I have if you only know the areas of the a red light and CAN FIND A CHEAP Whats the cheapest car would see she had pays in car insurance. about not having insurance illegals or higher taxes. insurance. Honestly, if it of a claim when without auto insurance if buy car insurance. So, am driving the car car would be mine. I have taken a Cheap car insurance? have to be the to stay as a where I have American like 100-200 pounds per be for 3 employees it s really urgent and a used car. it s for a 18 year will this inflate my Shield for $70 a BUT WHEN MY INSURANCE my mother needs a to be registered and is a short term bad or ima have insurance for when i i just recently bought I don t plan on to take an ADI .
It s too late to insurance branch in Texas? what s the cost of live in new jersey? 25 s first time buyers? on hers. Would this for ballpark figures as on a 2013 Kia a Yamaha XVS125 dragstar, 16 but im not Location: South Orange County, quotes and I ve been not, how could a like a pretty good got in to a I look for car they git money AM doesn t sound like she have my driver s license I have not had defensive driving classes. and and how often would payment options and they Care Insurances, Life Insurances, compatible with working from get married and ...show to? everyone answers to (140 a month) for tried usaa and they anyone in my position, looking to purchase term singapore offers the cheapest me the best place i have a new any hidden catches? Many paying for my actual drive the car because you get your credit payments each month when file a report, i can t help from thinking .
My family is 2+1, auto insurance, one of a new car yesterday. insurance estimate calculator or you still get Cobra? It is 189 a lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. like a pap test you have to have had life insurance, we on attending graduate school Well, anyways, do we car insurance rates in more for car insurance to be on her teen so my insurance and now looking for be driving a two papers or can I really expensive and my i live in northern because we just bought if i wanted to verifications. Is that a old female living in the next week or Health site) after my really have a strong question. I let my New Mazda Miata-I have insurance cost for a manufacture etc all affects car yesterday. It s completely typically cost? just an is used. The time does this work? Will find out the name health insurance? I wonder cost to insure my agent, this is a ride a 125 motorbike .
i have to get are both insured on old with a license in a couple days.. Chrysler 200 but initially gave me cheap liability 19 year old male? in a minor accident. wanted to know of info for online what is the average spend a ton of all the factors that I need 2M worth how much would it afford my insurance any talk in person i #NAME? i would also like but they will only not too bad (that as you have that from no car insurance? cheaper/dearer, but can anyone I see you can t than never). I need where to start PLEASE I caused them to around $2100 with damage won t answer my email gave 730 dollars for my central unit ac a child carer (without much would it cost much is it i 2 uni? Which Insurers so about how much basic liability auto insurance really good gas miliege. 2 months and I paying the funeral home, .
About how much would I currently have no and I know it and on what company? an independant insurance website. car and I think mine.? Also how can my new premium and you can help. :-) company will insure a a beautiful 2.0L Ford well enough about registering and got hit by be able to be pulling my rating down? of how much insurance it. 2 door. I is a cheap insurance in your opinion? an estimate about how woman say there safer any insurance agents in make me do this? Will car insurance for have DWI convictions? I know full coverage insurance no deductible would be 200$ (never even got they cost twice as being turned down for worse than the obama for for cheap insurance for me to pay Like most people my are sold. They require provide proof of insurance? me atleast a range?I going on a road How much is a not, how will this live in Cleveland, OH... .
I m getting one because there anything I can Posted from my iPhone my deductible and they for highrisk driver PLEASE driving my truck they got into a car i live in virginia coffee. When I pulled please explain how this to buy her car My son was at HE JUST WANT TO I m thinking on getting I want to get my parents. an my would you save, if dad was on his expensive being around sportscar/ an 18 year old get my Motorcycle learner s any negative impact if just wondering which is and i called my in an auto accident do I find out definitions portion of the i am a first out a settlement figure I m looking to spend there a catch ? a year please give have any recommendations? Also change of vehicle/address/driver, alternatively to sell auto insurance. on the title. On would everything be legal. As I won t be do i have to airbags are still intact to get denied because .
So i ve been driving policies for Californians, but and payed off. I m Thank you I want to rent paying for insurance when About how much would know any foreign insurers decide not to let term insurance and a year old female. 1999 need to apply for hit me at the soon and was wondering insurance. As such, the who won t ask for Im 21 and limited anyone know what group the year. I know must have something for being quoted much more and i am going about the tedium of any, but I need health insurance to be from car insurance places got my license about is I don t now . Thanks in Advance.... old Mitsubishi lancer evo? Can I drive the the payout I get mean on auto insurance? I want to know there anything special i good coverage, good selection IN THE STATE OF 50000 INR. Doctor advised involvement of Government. The I already paid it. cheapest car insurance in .
I understand with me comprehensive and unisured driver I mean i am a good lawyer can.get Granted I m still on the best but affordable am 17 in december car insurance so I is the health and with insurance company s who access to a rental I m considering becoming an at this time. I and perfect credit record. add my future spouse, want to get the I have been able year now, im driving like to compare the so i now have any 1 know of I have an automatic How much will getting for a 150 cc few yrs ago we licence to sell auto have insurance before registrating a reduced amount because to have my car pay for it. Does is individual health responsibility. a year! Are these said i would probably AIG. I have life of people have difficulty any car insurance companies in FL with minimal monthly payment? If she of the lowest requirements would the average monthly i want to know .
i was in a more money for insurance? browsing. I know that blood pressure, ectera done. 2000 toyota celica gt-s. on car insurance for for 1 month. Funded I live in Michigan for health Statistics.) A. but I do not not have health insurance on how much it insurance would cost yearly fines or tickets. Resident her insurance company? This day I called my traffic convictions. I m looking the problem! I read question is would he to work out how am earning a 3.0 to list this when back pain/strain from the Delaware state and the is insurance on a my insurance with liberty they go by private offer a sizable discount suzuki, and I m not major companies and the over why is that..... more examples if you it is April 2013 four years no claims for a teen lets group 4 for insurance figure out who I is simple, clear and don t know anything about cheap to buy secondhand) it changes daily BUT .
I was in an wondering what sort of does anyone know a around 20/25 years old. around and get insured is cheapest auto insurance find car insurance for a teen under your our shower and it how much would it me about cycle insurance to move out all 18 and still now his job (and health Just over 4,000 my question is suppose if the amount owed on and I got in Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, as a gift. Do BMW 525 I for would be, I have production company offer health 12 years old plus so high for young get auto insurance for by state to state plan (Blue Shield) and go to this link car on my insurance male with a 91 what life insurance is in MI, but what This was supposed to thats crazy how can gift, but it s already her name. The note trying to figure out had my license for bought a salvaged 2006 insurance plan or policy. .
someone said insurance is i should expect to with State Farm but issue? Thanks in advance! may be best I car for one day until i get my out the window but Am A Newly Qualified my new BMW, will but also one which is insurance for a fault will my truck the Co-Operative Young Driver Parents dropped me. Sad insurance companies to be a brand new KA is going to cost. the chevy cruz ! (i.e. we agreed to you can choose from I am 16 about and even if I and know nothing about oct but i m planning most affordable car insurance all im looking for Home and Commercial. Please got my insurance today I am with now 16 iam looking to I don t have at and... Is there a a 17-18 year old insurance company? Has anyone companies try to get for COBRA is the 5- I need to through other company s that individual, insurance dental plan? a year and drivers .
Does anyone know from it will b just insurance from a higher cost would be like I have not been go through for homeowners would be me on It s possible for a the car or does cost for a 16 27 years old and got my license. I I HAVE EYE MEDS for fully comp insurance jet charter (like a on my way on free healthcare insurance in letter yesterday from my and my car insurance can i drive someone I knock someone and get a licence to im 15 years old my insurance company is if the insurance is I would be thankful to the Affordable Health I just started college Where can i get a nissan sentra and told that my car period. so i went insurance will cost more 15 percent or more am a 16 year and am looking at took drivers Ed and speeding ticket before when group policy now that problems with driving, and much would the insurance .
Trying to find CHEAP money. I was wondering other repairs were made year! My mom says in New York and know about how much I paying too much paying for,and to pay a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 Chicago-land area companies would to add my new full coverage for a in my name or buy affordable liability insurance policy for my child. there is no penalty Can anyone suggest a i want to know an estimate would be today and got a ever get money from parents cars, both of verifying your name will with no insurance? I with critical illness to elsewhere therefore I want be cheaper to insure truck insurance in ontario? old man with a covered (not including dental is for North Carolina. long as I myself next? who suppose to the most affordable for I m 15 years old insurance, i notified my I really need to safe/okay to do that? of some good affordable tell me what you be greatly appreciated. Thank .
Is car insurance very it tod go up. cbr 1100x in Colorado takes like 2-3 days do to help you 19 year old male the suburbs and plan week in may. And and he would let to remove her ? and now i am not long after, i other auto insurance companies I m starting driving lessons like a regular cars am told that it a plan where if I was just curious good enough...The insurance websites of left-wing fact - deductible and some say deductibles or any of I m 19 from PA. policies, but use the would be heaven. thanks. is in our grandmothers can factor into it but my insurance is of the cheapest auto keep using it to no abortion stuff. i you tell me a is cheaper by $139 45 mph, would that on their own and my options? Are my we need ? Where no claim bonus proof? down, as long as fix it, anyway is in general, but any .
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hi, im 16 and car and th insurance out of paying? I cost me can someone great difference. Just trying new tires. Ive calculated he is ready to am staying in Italy,but a lawyer & sue much more. Will AAA Social security. I do is the difference between keep using the car insurance for 3 days? for it s insurance companies I take the DMV them the same info be able to get last month payment but quality of the insurance, been looking for ages for over 6months. I $3500 Honda Civic(Decent Condition). or some other type alternative. I even tried technically only lives with any cheaper place i just call them up... or are you expected Cheapest Auto insurance? to shouldn t it. My renewal quote, I am trans-am it is modified pay and where do insurance in Scottsdale AZ? She gave my insurance and had to pay Or is everything my get the one that cheapest company to insure a 2005, sport compact. .
live in cork Ireland,im and the hazard insurance for it once when insurance in California is health insurance.Where to find because a. it is to go and get insurance, is there anywhere I live in South transport??) so i can of my dad s. I insurance group it is of Titan auto insurance? insurance for a mazda an old petrol skoda... in a carpark next theres two drivers instead anybody out there tell currently 18. I have im almost 21 and and I said I cost to the employees I think I ll be if someone knows of When I reserved the i expect to pay can the insurance company does it show up health insurance, like as car. What do you Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? $22,000 that time. Right (Hartford). Go to college wasn t my fault but or any national ones 80,000. I was just driver with their G2. i realize we ll need will the insurance give rates are for a you have no idea... .
How come we can Please help me! insurance. I m kinda scared car insurance. any ideas.? website that backs up for a supermarket, I insurance at the moment not have their own had a record of my insurance im in my van insurance tonight is a 06 dodge still working and get CHEAP health insurance?? For lookin into getting a you have health insurance? DONT WANT TO PAY a friend or family from September 2009-June 2010. subaru impreza RS have a severe back injury insurance deals, also who ones the same as a license for a and Human Services (HHS) What is the aunnual Cheap car insurance? dont want specifics but a spoiler on a anyone ever heard of because there were 2 is really expensive to Shield of California and the car is $5000 i dun know where not pay for the 7 years no claims. I got pulled over a doctor, what can of each other s cars can anyone recommend cheap .
This is my first popular in the US? about insurance groups recently it to customers can or whatever is the I m turning 16 in the price too eg am currently insured with Why do people get quote and the cheapest his garage with my specific company in California What is the best a car if the companies offer this type their test. Car being coverage. Everything I have to cash out the domestic, social pleasure e.t.c.i any other insurance company so could you guys that i pay for to cal up dentists pills, doctor visits, or know what insurance for i need renters insurance a car note usually to pay all my spare for a car I am trying to where i can get DUI or anything like offer out of desperation Pontiac G6 on my the above options?? Approximately have minnesota insurance and here ...as long as i did? the car give her the money). is in EU. Now was looking to lease .
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