#im very excited to potentially get the opportunity to work for them but im dreading moving and adulting
ihaveneverdonedrugs · 6 years
Right. Posts. Thing. Tumblr blog thing. So uh mhm. Updates.
#reddsblah#in case i havent mentioned it before because ive been consciously and subconsciously trying to keep it on the down low#that someone is now occupying all my time#:)#the irony being that thats exactly like any other situation in which someone gets a significant other and starts ignoring all their friends#hahah jk i has no franns#the other thing hoo boy#is that because of this person ive bitten the bullet and done something brash#OLM inc opened a branch here last december as i was generously told by an ex colleague and i applied and#theyve called me in for a second interview next wednesday#im very hopeful and trying not to get hopes up which is a paradox i know shuthufhffutufckk#oh you dont know who OLM inc is? well buddy my man amigo friendo pal bro lemme tell you#theyre the guys that produced the old berserk#most merchandise based animes like beyblade cardfight yokai watch and games such as disgaea#and every.single.one of the pokemon titles and movies#dasrite#the catch is its super far away and id have to move into the are or risk monthly transports of 800 bucks on gas and tolls alone#and ive never lived alone a day in my life#im very excited to potentially get the opportunity to work for them but im dreading moving and adulting#so heres the first tagstring trash of 2018 i guess? i forget#i tell you what id been sitting on a draft for job application to another local studio for over a whole week before i found out about this#and i immediately changed the details and sent it to them straightaway#ngl it was disappointing to see nothing in my inbox but they replied in two days#in very broken english hey thanks for your app well review it and get back to you next week WOOP did i say next week i meant tonight#self esteem +45
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chaosciara · 3 years
how to comment on fics
okay hi everyone! so i asked if anyone wanted a guide on fic commenting and a few people gave the idea a big thumbs up (thank you to them!) so here i am about to deep delve into fic commenting.
if you would like a more detailed fic commenting guide with a ton of helpful tips and access points please check out this post by @thebiballerina
some disclaimers before we start (because this is the internet):
1. this is not a scientific articles, extensive research based post. this is me, an avid fic reader and consistent commenter explaining my how, what, and why of commenting.
2. i will try to make this as detailed and simple as possible however i am always open to questions, additions, and revisions.
3. the basis is just enjoy fic, it's there for you to love!
A. why/when i leave comments
B. how/what i comment
C. general things
A. why/when i leave comments
okay so commenting is not a necessity. it should never be a task that you dread or something you feel you must do if, and when, you reach the end of a fic. that being said, commenting does become easier the more you do it.
now i leave comments on almost every single fic i read. for two reasons:
1. i have gotten very very good at using filters and tags. ao3 is amazing with this; they really give you the full range of options to cater to your wants. so when i use their filters i'm only getting things i'm in the mood to read, which already makes the experience that much more enjoyable and that much less stressful.
2. if im not vibing with a fic i generally stop reading before i get to the end. i have learnt how to stop. not to sound like marie kondo, but if it didn't bring me joy i don't keep it. as you read fic you will pick up on what is a no-go, what is a maybe, and what is a hell yes, for you. which makes it easier to tap out or keep going.
keeping these two things in mind, when i do read a fic it is genuinely and generally because i enjoyed it. which means when i do decide to comment it's with complete excitement for the fic.
and the reason i comment: i want to let the author know that i enjoyed their fic, and what elements i loved specifically. simple as that: i want to let the author know they made me happy.
commenting is a more intimate and highly appreciated way to let an author know their work was read and loved. additionally, and i think this is even more important, it gives the writer an opportunity to interact with you as a reader. which in my opinion, is the true and wanted end result for most fic writers. because fic is often written for the author (self-indulgently) or to explore topics/ headcanons/ scenarios/ etc. but it is shared for the sole purpose of the reader. writers want your interaction. they love your thoughts and opinions and i know some, myself included, have literally gotten ideas for fic directions and other potential plots, from comments.
so if you feel you're bothering the author by commenting, please know (and i say this on behalf of every single fic writer) we love your comments and you will never bother us with your thoughts.
mini TL:DR-- i leave comments because i only read things i enjoy and am therefore excited to leave comments.// comments are much loved by authors because it lets them know just how much their work is appreciated and gives them an opportunity to interact with you.
B. how/what i comment
okay now to get into the nitty gritty of actually commenting. the first question was important because it's the basis for any comment.
so, please ask yourself when you set out to write a comment: did i enjoy this fic?
that question is gonna start a flow chart that looks something like this (the examples i use are from comments i have left on various fics. they will all be linked below under the "keep reading")
did i enjoy the fic?
no >> leave fic
yes (comment suggestion: i really enjoyed/liked/loved this) [eg. Fuck this was perfect]
if yes: why did i enjoy this fic?
no particular reason (comment suggestion, in addition to the one above, or as a stand alone: thank you for writing this)
if there is a particular reason: what did i enjoy about this fic?
i liked these lines (quote lines) [e.g. *cabled, slate blue skullcap softer than a summer breeze,* Okay this feels like one of those things where it SHOULDN'T make sense but it DOES because that is the true beauty and power of amazing writers!!! basically you're the coolest ever and I can understand this so well]
i liked that plot point/scene (briefly explain it/ quote the lines) [e.g. Oh Gods okay they were so so cute and then I read "husband" and I just PASSED away like what the fuck that's the fucking cutest thing ughhhhhhh thank you for this]
i liked your writing style [e.g. holy fuck this was haunting and poetic thank you!!!!!]
i liked your use of (insert writing device; i.e. poetry, descriptions, humour) [e.g. I'm obsessed with this with your writing style with the way they interact with the poetry sprinkled in you dear are killing the game]
i liked the way you wrote the characters [e.g. Also Sukunas pet names🥺🥺🥺🥺and yuuji being so so gentle with megumi🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺stopppp im gonna scream// love the dynamic of these four. But I love the way YOU write them specifically]
i liked your regard/disregard of canon [e.g. Your characterizations are immaculate. And I appreciate that although you bring in elements of canon (for the characters) you still keep them far enough away that they feel completely yours.]
i like the way you write angst/fluff/smut [e.g. Oh my gods I adored this thank you it was so gentle and soft and sweet and ughhhhhhhhhhh my babies// Holy hell this is so sad?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! But Ughh I love it]
i like the pairings you came up with [e.g. It's them >>>>>>>>>> everything else for me]
other things to consider in a comment:
what you were doing/where you were at the time you read the fic (t's amusing and a gateway conversation opener for you, the author, and anyone else who might read the comment) [e.g. okay before I start let me set the scene (because you're used to my over excessive sharing nonsense by now): it's like 9:20 pm, I'm in bed and I've just put on my "Greek deities? no baby we're Greek tragedies" playlist.]
if you are listening to music: what song/playlist you're listening to [e.g. right now "anti-romantic" by TOGETHERXTOGETHER is playing (adore this song)// (also in the time I read that the song moved to "Genghis Khan" by Miike Snow which, side note: I think is defs something Percy would listen to and possibly also Jason, maybe even he introduces Pers to it)// Now to the next scene (song is "Slow Down" by Chase Atlantic)]
what time you're reading (it's hilarious to realise how many readers are doing a late night fic read) [e.g. Okay friend I just— it's 10:05 pm I'm in bed (I have to be up early tomorrow) and I usually read some fanfiction before I sleep]
emojis are always a good way to express your love without using words. hearts (<3 or emoji hearts); pleading/soft face; shocked faces; angry faces [e.g. This was so sad🥺]
exclamation points and question marks are easy and convey a lot [e.g. 😭Why???????]
key smashes are also well received. (the idea that the fic made you incoherent is diamond-appealing and very satisfying) [e.g. cdaaqrgbkoiutrewtikmbcsaqg YOU CAN'T JUST WRITE POETRY AND THEN EXPECT ME TO BE OKAY??????gods this was amazing// Shkoyeaxbnlotewaaasfcbmlograshh yess]
stating your emotion(s)/actions as you read the fic [e.g. "or how he never pushes him away, never far enough." never *sobs* far *sobs* enough *sobs* why are they sooo perfect????// And this fic, this specific chapter, actually made me cry. Tears pouring down my cheeks, sniffling into my pillow kind of crying.]
explaining what you think may happen or what you hope doesn't (work's best with multi-chapters but if you're like me and like to write comments as you're reading it also works then) [e.g. Oh gods I hope this fic doesn't rip my heart out because I adore these two so much!??!!!]
C. general things
1. You don't need to have extremely long comments, but also don't be afraid to blabber on into mini essays. some of my comments are legit two words and some of them are like five hundred words. there is no such thing as a too short comment or a too long comment.
2. don't be discouraged if the author didn't reply to your comment. some writers do and some don't. that doesn't mean they don't appreciate it. trust me they probably did a little dance in their room with happiness when they read what you had to say
3. your comments could never get boring. if you comment "im in love with this" every single chapter of a 30 chap fic it is still appreciated. you took the time to say something and the writer is probably extremely happy and excited that they consistently gave you the happy chemicals with something they wrote
4. if you're really stuck for commenting a simple "thank you for this" always goes a long way
5. don't comment if it feels forced. comment on what you enjoy. if you see commenting as a chore you're going to make yourself miserable and make reading fic a task rather than an escape or a dose of serotonin (or whatever reason you may enjoy fic for)
6. if you're a re-reader it's always a wonderful thing for an author to hear "I've read this before but I love it so much I'm back". it's like: wow you like this enough to always read it?? I heart you. It's like getting an extra squeeze in a hug.
7. the main rule is: be kind, have fun, say good thoughts out loud, and if you can make someone smile do it.
thank you for reading and i wish you all the happiest bubbles during your fic reads <3
fics i used in examples:
(all links go to ao3)
Here in Our Bed Until the Morning Comes. by pythia (melancholic_piegon) @stillneedsmorekissing
our year by halpsur
warm leatherette by LowerEastSide
focus by ceinno
make a mess of me by auravere
our good boy by ohmytheon
tree by jeanjacketlesbian
hokkaido by rooted
my hot blood's been burning for so many summers by brightlyburning
this thing between us by chiuwurita
the space between by ohmytheon
night encounters by akamurasaki (cxlmberry)
why did you leave? by firerose17
knb kinktober 2020 by rhapsie
you promised by firerose17
we should have each other with cream by pythia (melancholic_pigeon)
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years
late liveblog b/c i took the time to listen to the first ep over again :P
hey travis? hey- hey travis??? three in the morning travis?????
for real tho i am extremely excited for the new ep, and finally found some time to listen to it!!! this time i won’t have to avoid tumblr for like a week lmao
i can hear the excitement in travis's voice to do the "previously on the adventure zone" message and it fills my heart with happiness
god this music is just so good
how the fuck is that right??? i've played a rouge before and she in no way had a +8 to stealth
let him have this justin
the spectral cat from last ep!
i love argo so much holy shit
that is indeed very upsetting
awww, poor bud :(
oh baby, oh fitzroy my dipshit baby
"it isssss... cat" i love him so much
... argo has never seen a cat before??? poor baby
is he legit afraid of the cat
the voice is already slipping lmao
oh that's adorable! campus kitties :D
that's not a real thing fitzroy
so like a campus card, fun! i had the same thing at tcc lol
i think so? if i remember correctly from the past ep it's shared
"gary doesn't have time for love" :'(
he saw that one post i'm dying
it sounds like trav asked them beforehand, that's a neat way to plan for interactions before they happen and i like it
the dread pirate mary berry
"crush the beef" what does that mean fitzroy
what is this voice clint, you did not have this voice last ep, you've gone from vaguely ned to vaguely merle's fake scottish accent
"this turns to ash in my mouth" i love this
thank you griffin for this in character backstory opportunity
"to be by his side... kickin'" sounds to me like everyone's argo revenge plot theories might be correct
yummy! :D
mind chefs
fitzroy my sweet dipshit
he's a sweet sweets boy c:
"he's a failure" yes and i adore him
... god this class is just me all over
riveau, cool, thank you for the spelling notes
oh dang, that's a cool mechanic, i can see this wielding some potential narrative heaviness later on
i'd say about... a minute is good
i am so nervous for argo holy shit
argo's laying it on thick enough that i genuinely cannot tell whether or not clint got a good or bad roll
that was indeed a seventeen! go clint
... argo :(((
i legit cannot tell if this is argo bluffing the prof or if this is just clint being clint b/c merle and ned both pulled the "so am i getting paid now?" bit multiple times
i trust justin to not make this audio poision
owl professor :D
the dramatic music travis holy shit
so basically the middle ages lmao
"the golden age of accounting" t r a v i s
i can hear justin nearly combusting in the bg trying not to laugh and i am right there with him, this is such good world building but holy shit travis
basically reaffirming from last ep that the entire premise of this arc is the entertainment industry in a post scarcity economy, cool cool
oh my god this is such a mood
i adore bud so much
"sweet bird in heaven" pfff
so this prof is basically capitalism personified... thanks, i hate him
bud is 18 y/o me in my required "intro to college skills" class r/n
i am dying inside, this is so close to my own high school and college experiences, i feel like screaming on bud's behalf
"and you know what? i believe in you" i don't believe in me right now trav, i'm a 22 y/o adult and i have no idea what most of these words mean
oh god i just got the mental picture of all the other people in this class watching this exchange and it brought new levels of hilarity and abject horror to the situation, jfc i am d y i n g
this owl really is a personification of capitalism, huh? grasping at straws and concocting elaborate fantasy scenarios, desperate to prove that his system works even though it necessitates loss and goes against humanity’s inherently cooperative nature
travis this has gone on for like 15 minutes real time, f r e e  m e
"why did the mind make acorn?" i have never related to a taz pc more than i have in this moment, holy shit justin
sign! me! the! fuck! up!
yes i did trav!!! i loved it and i'm loving this! i am so proud of you!!!!!
aww, poor dude :(
fun! this sounds like a really interesting idea
fitzroy continuing to be salty about his name lol
i want to see the skeletons do the charleston so bad, but more then anything i want rainier to be my girlfriend
poor argo lmao
awww, fun!
f u r b y
nice! :D
nice rolls all around!
go bud!!! ^u^
i don't see how that would help argo???
i'm liking a lot of the skills travis is adding
yes! block for my gf mapleboy!!!
"im feeling dastardly" fitzroy baby, you're allowed to use magic, what you’re doing isn't cheating you absolute dummy
this is badass holy shit, i love these teachers
jesus fitzroy my dude
funky twenty! nice
natural twenty! even nicer
aww, sweet sacrifice boy
fitzroy nearly killed him holy shit
oh fun! that sounds adorable!
oh god, nm, this character is so weird
jesus christ i am so creeped out
oh my god fitzroy what the fuck, you turned a woman into a fish
aww baby :(((
i am fucking depressed now holy shit
okay, i like festo now
that was a cute lil noise
awww!!! magic pet, i am so excited to see what fitz is going to pick
lil crab buddy :D
poor fitzroy holy shit
oh it's the rouge professor! 
i do not like the creepy whisper voice travis, this is legit creeping me out
i am so fucking worried for argo
who is mariah??? oooh i am so intrigued
rain and stone... this is so interesting holy shit
"this is nothing" pfff
my sweet boys :')
i! am! so! freaking! pumped!!!
this was another really great episode! i know we’re still in set-up territory as far as how the plot is progressing but i’m already so intrigued in the world trav has made. there’s already so much mystery and foreshadowing going on, both in regard to the world and the character’s motivations and i am here for it! 
i’m actually typing this around 5:30 am and queuing it for later so it doesn’t get buried in the tag, but i cannot wait to see all the art of this ep, especially of snippy lol. see you guys next right thursday~! ^u^
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ontarioyoga · 3 years
How Long Should Morning Meditation
New Post has been published on https://www.ontarioyoga.net/how-long-should-morning-meditation/
How Long Should Morning Meditation
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What Should I Do About Important Thoughts And Ideas That Arise While Im Meditating First Thing In The Morning
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Mindfulness teacher Elisha Goldstein says the essential attitude of a meditator is curiosity. Meditation gives us an opportunity to look at what our minds do when we’re paying attention to them. And what the mind often does is wander off. Try to integrate an attitude of playfulness into your practice. Your practice doesn’t need to be rigid and strict—there can be spontaneity and flexibility. So, your mind wanders. See the thought, touch it—say here’s the thought, spend a moment with it. If it’s important, note that you want to come back to it—feel free to say, in your mind, that’s an important thought, I want to remember it. If it’s irrelevant, note that it’s irrelevant. Either way, very gently bring your attention back to your breath. Gentleness is important here, because what we practice and repeat over time becomes a habit. Consider this: What would the days, weeks, and months ahead be like if you were gentle with yourself? What would be different? When your mind wanders off and you quickly yank it back, it’s worthwhile to go back and say what was that thought again? Take note of it, and practice more gently bringing your attention back.
Alternatively If Staying In Bed Makes Morning Meditation Easier Focus On Mindful Breathing Before You Rise
On the other hand, getting out of bed before meditating is not a requirement.
Again, remind yourself that the best morning meditation is the one that you actually do.
If sitting in formal meditation position first thing in the morning seems too challenging for you at this point, stay right where you are.
You can meditate in bed in either a lying down or upright position. An upright position is ideal in most cases as it symbolizes the transition into outward action.
Whether you decide to rest flat on your back or prop yourself up to rest with your back against the wall or headboard, simply take a few minutes while in bed to begin your meditation practice.
Many people wonder how to meditate in the morning, and the answer is that it’s no different than any other time – except that you are allowed to stay in bed if this helps!
One of the simplest ways of meditating in the morning is to practice breath awareness.
A form of mindfulness meditation, breath awareness involves simply following each inhalation and each exhalation.
This is a wonderful grounding practice to help root you into the physical world before moving forward with your daily activities.
If you require extra support with this, you can explore a guided morning meditation to keep you focused.
If you wish to move into a more formal meditation practice once out of bed, you are more than welcome to! 
Another Reason To Try Morning Meditation Is That It Can Reduce Your Stress Levels Throughout The Day
Your body follows a natural cycle which lasts roughly 24-hour. Known as a circadian rhythm, this cycle tells you when to wake up and fall asleep.
In simplified terms, part of the sleep-wake system in your body is controlled by melatonin, which is released in your body as it gets darker.
Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, increases in your body as morning approaches. And this hormone is meant to help stimulate your brain and prepare you to get up and face the day.
With all the devices we use these days, your sleep-wake system can be a bit out of balance, causing your body to overproduce cortisol and through off your response to it.
An off-kilter sleep-cycle can make waking up in the morning quite a chore!
And although you might dread the idea of adding another item to your morning to-do list, meditating after waking up can actually help your mind feel more alert and help your body stop releasing too much cortisol. This can potentially help you make a better decision for breakfast and lunch than if you decided to meditate later in the day.
You can always add additional meditation sessions as a break during work or once you’re clocking out for the day as needed. But meditating in the morning will help you have a consistent streak of making time for practice without being interrupted by a particularly hectic day.
I See Lights And Other Trippy Images Behind My Closed Eyelids When I Meditate What Is That
Just like pretty much everything that our mind offers up randomly and without being invited, these experiences are simply rising phenomena without substance or meaning. What might be happening is your optic nerve is used to being constantly stimulated and when it’s deprived it serves up its own entertainment .
These sensory phenomena can actually be a support to our practice. We can simply take a stance of observation, watching to see what happens next without knowing. A nonverbal observation task that allows us to stay present and not wander off into thinking. Pretty cool, and you didn’t need to buy an app to find a way to support your practice.
Morning Meditation For Energy: 5 Lifelong Benefits Of A Morning Meditation Routine
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I have been following my routine of morning yoga, breathwork, and meditation for more than a decade now. I can say that that has changed my life drastically on a positive side. You’ve likely heard of the of how meditation changes your brain and even your genes and relaxes your body and mind bringing calmness, mental clarity and focus, awareness, and connection to the present moment. There are many reasons and benefits of having a daily morning meditation routine, but here are my top 5.
1. Meditation, the art of diving deep inside the , is a source of undying energy and happiness. Adding meditation to your morning can recharge you with a boost of joy, positive energy,? and peace to keep you smiling throughout each day. Just like how we train and build our muscles at the gym with regular sit-ups, running on the treadmill, or lifting weights, meditation is like the training the mind to stay happy throughout the day.
3. Morning meditation supports you to flow with the day with ease and poise. When you meditate, you are more adaptable to the sudden and unexpected changes in the day, whether it is a traffic jam or your boss asking you to submit a report far before the given deadline, facing a picky client or having to deal with a sick child during a time-sensitive task. You can handle whatever the day brings without getting overwhelmed and losing your balance. 
The Bottom Line: How Long Should I Meditate To Get All The Benefits Of Meditation
While monks may meditate up to an hour, you do not need to do this. Taking ten minutes out of your day to sit in silence and mediate is enough for you to see results in the long term. A point to note is that you should never compare your time to someone else’s.
If they can comfortably sit or lie in silence for ten minutes while you find it hard to manage the same for 5 minutes, that’s okay. Not only is this not a competition, but also mediation requires us to practice patience and be kind to ourselves and others.
If you cannot do ten minutes a day, take a step back and try meditating for about a minute a day, or every morning and night. Once you have mastered this, push for 2 minutes, then five and so on. Pacing yourself keeps you consistent and on track while pushing yourself looking for perfection will only lead to your detriment.
Please note that if you are unable to mediate by yourself, there are numerous apps that offer guided meditation in varying time limits. You could also join a group, where meditation sessions last longer and you can foster a sense of community and a support system.
Press play to sink into deep meditation and bring yourself one step closer to being fully aware, fully awake, and fully alive.
Set An Intention For Your Day At The Beginning Or End Of Your Morning Meditation
Setting an intention at the beginning of the day, either before or after your morning meditation, will get the ball rolling in the direction of whatever it is you wish to accomplish.
If you set an intention at the very beginning of your meditation, this will help you to stay focused during the practice.
Whatever qualities you intend to carry through the day will be harnessed during your meditation.
Alternatively, you might practice a more mindful meditation in the morning, becoming intuitively aware of whatever energies are present within you on that day.
After sitting for some time with your thoughts, emotions, and whatever else is present, you might then set an intention based on whatever you discovered during your practice.
Once You Get Into A Routine Meditation Is A Really Lovely Way To Start Your Day
Some mornings, I feel like a meditation goddess: I’m waking up earlier and doing something for myself and my mental health at the start of the day. Other mornings I feel like I’m just sitting on my bed with my eyes closed for 20 minutes, half-listening to a person with a soothing accent struggling to keep myself from falling back to sleep. Overall though, my two-week meditation goal showed me that, first of all, I stick with meditation if I put my mind to it, and second, I can definitely see meditation becoming a more regular part of my life. I haven’t reached any deeper state of consciousness or anything, but morning meditations have become a way for me to prioritize my wellbeing and attempt to get more in touch with how I’m thinking and feeling. I’ve kept up my daily meditation in the two weeks since my initial experiment ended, and I’m excited to continue to prove myself wrong that I’m just not cut out for meditating. 
Reap The Benefits Of Morning Meditation By Tuning Into The Energies Of The Sun
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What makes morning meditation different to evening meditation? Or to meditation at any other time of the day for that matter?
While there is nothing particularly different about the technique you use while meditating in the morning, you can call upon the energies of the sun when meditating first thing in the morning.
Many years ago, before artificial lights and electronic clocks had been invented, cultures all around the world lived in reverence of the sun.
Daily activities were guided by this divine energy that rose and set each day.
While we no longer rely only on the sun for light , tuning into the energies of the sun helps us to line up with the natural rhythms of the world around and within us.
The sun symbolizes energy, vitality, clarity, fertility, and prosperity. When we meditate in the morning, we can invoke these energies within us, allowing them to inspire our outward actions to follow.
We can keep this notion of ‘energies’ in mind when it comes to evening meditation as well. At night, we can tap into what the darkness, or the moon, symbolizes – reflection, wisdom, restoration, stillness, and tranquility.
Tuning into the world’s natural cycles helps us to sync up to our innate circadian rhythm.
As we do this, we start to feel more energized during the day and more prepared for rest when night falls. 
What Is All The Talk About Some Meditation Positions Being Better Than Others
There is some truth to these claims, but it is not significant enough to matter for most people. The general idea is that you want to remain as alert and attentive, as wakeful, as you can, and allow life energy to flow through you unencumbered. Slouching can restrict energy flow. And sitting with back support can induce sleep.
But again, whatever works for you is how you should sit. Don’t worry about it. Life energy is intelligent. When it wants to flow upwards it will naturally shift your position.
Then why do we recommend sitting straight and with no back support if you are able? This is because by sitting with a straight back, you are supporting the upward flow of life energy from the beginning of the meditation.
Set Your Phone To Airplane Mode Each Night To Avoid Distractions Upon Waking
Avoiding morning distractions can be difficult.
With countless apps that send notifications at all hours and friends or family that may message during the night, setting your phone to airplane mode before bed can be an incredibly helpful habit to keep your mind set on morning meditation.
For the best morning meditation, you’ll want your mind to be as uncluttered as possible.
This is challenging for a lot of us. We’re heavily reliant upon our phones and other personal devices, so having to sit in mindful awareness before engaging with these devices can be uncomfortable.
Explore this discomfort with a meditative perspective, becoming curious about and compassionate towards your experience.
Use Whichever Meditation Technique Helps You To Feel Focused And Energized
If you’re wondering how to meditate in the morning, the answer is unspecific: there is no single ‘right way’ to practice morning meditation.
Mindfulness meditation, mantra meditation, guided morning meditation, or any other style you love is perfectly suitable for your practice. The right choice is the one that works for you.
With that said, meditations that help you to feel focused and energized are the ones to consider.
If any meditation practice makes you feel sleepy, it’s not the ideal choice – especially in the morning.
There are many guided morning meditations that can help to invoke gratitude, positive energy, abundance, and creativity.
If guided meditations help you to stay focused, consider this a great option until you become more comfortable with self-led sessions. 
Is There A Particular Meditation Practice Proven To Be The Most Beneficial
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There are many different styles of meditation throughout the world, stemming from different cultures, traditions, and schools of thought. Likewise, meditation can be taught and practiced in different ways.
Overall, there is no single ‘best’ type of meditation. The style of meditation that is best will depend predominantly on an individual’s goals.
Further, people will differ in how they best learn and practice meditation. For instance, some people may prefer to meditate alone, while others may find meditating in a group setting more beneficial.
To help you decide, here are four of the most common forms that meditation may take and a summary of their benefits:
Benefits Of Meditation Are Proportional To The Amount Of Quality Practice
“Meditation is not how many minutes you do, it’s how many you are aware”
Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu
It is fair to say that the benefits meditation can provide are for many people proportional to the amount of practice, with the important caveat that the meditation is being done correctly. More is usually better, as long as we are staying truly present and not just going through the motions.
This has been my personal experience – moving up to do more meditation each day and from two blocks to three delivered more noticeable results – and many people find the same thing.
That said, we should try to avoid setting a fixed time on our daily meditation and stop whenever we reach this every day. Straight away this turns the meditation into a chore, a routine task that we feel we have to do, and once we’ve hit our “recommended” quota, we stop. The daily chore is “done”.
This straight away sets us off looking at the meditation the wrong way. We stop being free and spontaneous with the meditation and instead see it as just something else we do for a certain amount of time a day.
As we do more meditation and start to see the benefits it can bring, many of us also naturally want to do more. We should not resist this desire, since benefits do tend to be proportional to the amount practiced, as long as we are meditating correctly.
Start With Stillness: 5 Reasons To Start A Morning Meditation Practice
“The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” -Albert Einstein”
Developing a morning meditation practice can be a life-altering experience in the most positive way. In order to meditate effectively, you must commit to the process and be patient along the way, as it is very challenging to slow down and control your thoughts. Not convinced meditation is for you? Here are five reasons that might change your mind–along with  a handful of tips on how to start a meditation practice.
Meditation For Beginners: 20 Practical Tips For Understanding The Mind
The most important habit I’ve formed in the last 10 years of forming habits is meditation. Hands down, bar none.
Meditation has helped me to form all my other habits, it’s helped me to become more peaceful, more focused, less worried about discomfort, more appreciative and attentive to everything in my life. I’m far from perfect, but it has helped me come a long way.
Probably most importantly, it has helped me understand my own mind. Before I started meditating, I never thought about what was going on inside my head — it would just happen, and I would follow its commands like an automaton. These days, all of that still happens, but more and more, I am aware of what’s going on. I can make a choice about whether to follow the commands. I understand myself better , and that has given me increased flexibility and freedom.
So … I highly recommend this habit. And while I’m not saying it’s easy, you can start small and get better and better as you practice. Don’t expect to be good at first — that’s why it’s called “practice”!
These tips aren’t aimed at helping you to become an expert … they should help you get started and keep going. You don’t have to implement them all at once — try a few, come back to this article, try one or two more.
Do it first thing each morning. It’s easy to say, “I’ll meditate every day,” but then forget to do it. Instead, set a reminder for every morning when you get up, and put a note that says “meditate” somewhere where you’ll see it.
Previous post:
Morning Meditation: How To Breathe And Meditate As You Start Each Day
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The American Psychological Association that chronic stress—stress that interferes with your ability to function normally over an extended period—is becoming a public health crisis. Most of us often feel overwhelmed, and struggle to cope with these emotions. So what can we do about it? The answer is surprisingly simple: we can . More and more people are turning towards meditation for stress relief, and when we look at the benefits, it’s easy to see why.
Starting your day with a morning meditation can help you begin your day with less grogginess, more gratitude, and with the right mindset for a more productive and satisfactory day. Whether you are a morning person or night owl, incorporating a daily wake-up meditation can become your strong anchor for your days that are full of many uncertainties and many times unpredictable. In your busy and stressful lifestyle, taking a few moments when you first wake up to set a direction for your day with a morning meditation routine can prove a life-changing practice.
You don’t have to be a Himalayan yogi or a Buddhist monk or even a deeply spiritual person to experience the instant benefits of meditation. It’s equally effective for entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, tech gurus, celebrities, and yes, ordinary people, too. It is good for powerhouse career women and stay-at-home supermoms. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re into: everyone can benefit from meditation, and so can you. 
How Long And How Often Should You Meditate: Summary Recommendations
If you have 10 minutes a day to devote to meditation, it’s reasonable to expect it to be helpful. 20 minutes would probably be more helpful, it’s true. But remember if you resolve to meditate for 10 minutes, on any given day once you hit 10 minutes, you can always continue to 20 if you’re so inclined.
For most of us, it’s about how often we sit down to meditate, not how long. To help create a regular meditation habit, remember the following tips:
Keep track of how often you meditate. Mark calendar dates with a checkmark, or use a tracking app. This will help you hold yourself accountable without too much extra work.
Remember, if you miss a day, it’s ok! Part of becoming a meditator is having some self-compassion. Focus on how many times you’re able to meditate this week — or this month, rather than on the one day when you couldn’t.
If you’re falling short of your goals for consistency, reduce your daily target number of minutes of meditation. This will take off some of the pressure.
In deciding how long to meditate or how often, keep these principles in mind. If you do, you’ll maximize your chances of establishing and maintaining a regular and valuable meditation practice.
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My Mind Keeps Thinking When I Try To Meditate What Am I Doing Wrong
Most importantly, thinking is not doing anything wrong. Yet, this is an important question because it sometimes causes people to stop meditating. You can read more about it in the “Meditation for Beginners Guide”.
Meditation is about wakefulness…being in the present moment…being a witness of what is happening … whatever it is. So, when your mind is thinking, simply notice that your mind is thinking. But let’s contemplate this. When you say to yourself, “My mind is thinking”, who is actually saying this? It is originating from another level of you, the level of you that is always watching. In the beginning, this is subtle and may be difficult to notice. As you progress, however, this witnessing level of your multi-dimensional being becomes stronger and more pronounced.
The mind will never go away. It will always be the mind. However, with practice you can increase the dominance of the witnessing consciousness in the center of your being.
When I Meditate Im Not Finding Relaxation Or Peace What Should I Do
The challenge is to see if we can be curious about restlessness and difficult emotions, to stay with them and see how they manifest—how discomfort for example rises and falls, ebbs and flows in us as we stay aware of it. Admittedly, there may be pain involved, and that might call for some degree of kindness or self-compassion. Maybe placing a hand on your heart or in some other soothing place, feeling the warmth and kindness in the touch, and treating yourself the way you would treat a good friend. Maybe comforting or soothing yourself, saying a kind word to yourself like “Ouch! This is tough!” or just naming what you’re feeling “Ah! Anger is here. I’m feeling anger.” Oftentimes just assigning a label to feelings mellows the impact on the mind and the body.
We meditate to cultivate a different relationship with our inevitable human suffering, but it isn’t always easy or pleasant. The present moment can take so many forms, including difficult ones, but you can’t be any other place than where you actually are.
Do I Need To Live As A Monk In Order To Experience Bliss And Peace
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No, you do not need to be a monk or renunciant.
You can have a very profound meditative journey within your life experience as it is. Just be regular in your practice. Master spiritual teacher, Master Charles Cannon, developed High-Tech Meditation® to make it easy for people in the modern world to experience the benefits of meditation while living active lives, in the comfort of their own homes.
Sometimes When I Meditate I Notice That I Don’t Sleep As Long Why
If this is happening to you now, or has happened to you in the past, just flow with it.
This experience happens because your wakefulness has expanded to the point that you are actually aware you are sleeping. However, the mind confuses this state with being awake. This is very similar to the deep states of meditation and absorption discussed above and is actually the same process, but in a different context. Notice that you feel completely refreshed in the morning.
How Long Should I Meditate: Starting Off Small And Building It Up medical review by I. Grebeniuk
‘How long should I meditate?’ This is a question that many people who are are researching how to get into the practice of meditation find themselves asking. How much is too much and could you meditate for too short a time to see results?
In this article we are going to take a look into this and other popular beginner meditation questions such as ‘what are the benefits of meditation?’, ‘What are the effects of meditation on the mind?’, and ‘how long should I meditate to relieve stress’, among others.
How Often Should You Meditate Benefits Of Consistent Meditation
Are you unsure of how often should you meditate? Do you benefit more from meditating two times a day as opposed to just one? Does meditating for longer periods get better results?
These are just some of the questions that are regularly asked regarding meditation. People are busy and time matters so it’s important to find a balance between your passions and obligations.
“Meditation is like a gym in which you develop the powerful mental muscles of calm and insight” – Ajahn Brahm
So, what is the truth?
As a general guideline – meditation is best practiced on a daily basis. Daily practice will offer you the fastest progress, however, this may not always be possible.
Not to worry! You can still reap the fantastic mental and health benefits from meditation.
This article will cover everything from the benefits, to how often should you for and how long a meditation session should last.
Do I Need To Meditate For Years Before Experiencing The Benefits
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Some of the benefits of meditation will begin to unfold immediately — such as a reduction in stress, which you will notice simply by closing your eyes and focusing within. If you simultaneously flow positive feelings, such as gratitude and love, you will also experience these benefits. When you conclude your meditation and resume your daily life activities, you will notice a softer, peaceful and more positive experience. With regular practice, the innate happiness and joy of life will be more naturally experienced.
Consider Walking Meditation If This Feels Better Suited For You
Walking meditation is another great practice that can help to get the body and mind prepared for mindful action.
You can practice walking meditation indoors or outdoors, whichever suits your personal circumstances.
If the natural world around the place you live is inspiring, an outdoor walk can help you to reconnect with the abundance and blessing of each new day.
As humans in a modern, technological world, we too often lose sight of the natural world around us.
Mindfully walking through your neighbourhood, becoming aware of all the incredible life forms that contribute to the functioning of the whole, can give you a mental boost and spark positivity, gratitude, and joy.
Some of the benefits of morning meditation is that it helps us to tune into what is actually present versus whatever lives as imagery in the mind.
Starting the day this way inspires peace and contentment.
You Will Be Able To Take On Mundane Tasks With A New Enthusiasm
Haven’t some of us had experiences of waking up with the first thought of a long to-do list? For that is most likely our last thought before sleep, and so it is quite likely to click first thing in the morning.
It is normal to complete all tasks before we find some leisure time at night. That might leave us too exhausted to meditate. So then isn’t it a better idea then, to meditate early morning? Wouldn’t you want enough energy during the day to do mundane routine work with vigor and without getting bored?
Molli Sullivan Soulcycle Instructor Former Professional Dancer
Meditation, in it’s essence, for me, is practising giving our full attention. In the morning, it’s about connecting with my body, clearing my mind, and focusing on the very act that keeps us alive: our breathing. In practising giving our full attention to our breath, we’re able to get out of our heads and be more present for our day and our loved ones.
Here Are Some Easy Tips To Set Up A Morning Meditation Ritual:
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1. Set your alarm to give yourself enough time to get freshened up and changed into comfortable clothing, so that you can be ready for meditation. This may mean waking up 15-30 minutes earlier than before. What will help to cultivate this habit is getting to sleep earlier and always at a fixed time. We recommend going to sleep no later than 10pm. 
2. Choose a place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted. It is important to meditate in a quiet space where no one else will come in and interrupt you. It’s ideal to have a space that’s solely dedicated to meditation, but if that’s not possible, simply find a quiet, clean, decluttered place in your home where you can meditate in peace for a few minutes every morning. If needed, use a comfortable cushion or meditation pillow, and add a light blanket to place around your shoulders.
3. Get a little physical. Doing a little physical movement helps you shrug off your nightly inertia and stiffness. Depending upon how much time you have, take a walk in nature before meditation. This lets us breathe in the fresh air and reconnects us to the source of life.
Alternatively, you can do your morning workout before meditating, rather than after. Your meditation will act as both a cool-down relaxation for the body and a chance to soothe your mind at the same time. You can also warm up with a round of relaxing yoga postures or a few rounds of Sun Salutations before meditating. 
Here are some more!
How Can Schools And Colleges Benefit From A Meditation Program
Research shows that classroom meditation helps students remain more attentive, calm, and focused.
A study at the University of Rome, Italy, found that young meditators felt happier and less anxious than non-meditators of the same age . In the investigation, 16 students aged between 6-8 years practiced brief daily meditations every day, and post examinations revealed that besides academic improvement, meditation also gave a boost to their creativity and problem-solving abilities.
Student anxiety is a primary concern for teachers, counselors, and school administrators today; and the way educational institutions can make a positive impact on their mental health is phenomenal.
In schools, kids undergo an extensive socio-emotional learning process. Using techniques like mindful breathing, thought counting, naming emotions, and the body scan, educational organizations can help students overcome stress and refrain from participating in unhealthy competition.
The core idea of school or college-based meditation practice is to promote an environment where kids do not just learn to read books; they also learn to read their minds, understand their bodies, and regulate their feelings in the best possible ways.
Do I Need To Be Celibate To Experience Unified Consciousness
No, you do not need to be celibate to move forward on the spiritual path. At a certain point in the evolutionary process, containment of the sexual energy naturally unfolds. It is important to understand that sexual energy for both men and women is part of Kundalini energy. So, when it is released in sexual experience, some of it is lost. Containment preserves this important energy for spiritual evolution. For people on the spiritual journey who want to maintain maximum Kundalini actualization, it is helpful to practice containment in some way, even if in a relationship. For the individual interested in learning more about this subject, it is most important to have a master spiritual teacher who is adept in the process.
Stretch Lightly Before You Sit For Daily Morning Meditation
Sitting up straight after you’ve been in bed for seven or eight hours can be uncomfortable, and if your body is tense during meditation, it will be harder to focus on the present moment or whatever other anchor you’ve chosen for your practice.
After you wake up, take a few moments to stretch, either in bed or on the floor in your room.
Light movements will get the blood flowing and help to stretch out any tight muscles.
There are a variety of yoga poses that you can explore, or you can simply follow the call of your body.
Depending on your mobility and your present moment needs for movement, your morning stretches will be unique to who you are.
Savor The Moment By Tapping Into Your Senseselaine Smookler
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Use the breath to anchor yourself in the present moment. Our minds are always so easily pulled to busyness. Bring particular attention to feeling the breath, or something in the body, as you bring your shoulders down and orient your attention toward gratitude.
Next, bring to mind a sight you are grateful for. Move through your senses, and find one thing to start with that you appreciate that comes to you from the world of sight, if you have this available. It could be a color…a shadow…a shape…a movement. Remember, it will never be like this again. What do you see right now, and can you feel grateful that you get to see this, whatever it is?
Now, shift to a scent you appreciate. As you continue to work with your senses, now take time to tune in with appreciation to an aroma. What do you notice? What about that glorious or interesting or subtle smell is making you smile? It could be gratitude for something familiar: a scent that brings comfort, upliftment; or maybe it’s something you’ve never smelled before, and it just piques your curiosity, ignites you, enlivens you.
As you end this practice, carry this attitude of gratitude with you. One last little grateful tip: Why not offer your thanks to each person who does anything at all for you today? Even if it is their job to help you? When you’re grateful, when you let your heart open up and be filled with appreciation, notice how being grateful makes you feel.
A 10-Minute Full Body Scan Meditation
Your Mind Feels Balanced And Can Handle All The Situations
At work, your day cannot be in the same flow. Sometimes you do things effortlessly and sometimes the tasks are frustrating. If you have done your morning meditation for energy then things will change positively for you. Even a quick meditation at work can allow you to calm down the negativity in your brain and balance all the thoughts.
Meditation Increases Attention By Inducing A State Of Flow
Have you noticed how meditation absorbs you into the moment? Mindful awareness comes naturally to us when we meditate, and we reach ‘flow’ state where our mind is in complete harmony with itself. A study on the effects of an eight-week mindful meditation course found that people who are regular meditation practitioners had heightened attention and concentration span.
Even people who meditated for short durations showed more focus than individuals who did not meditate at all .
For The Best Morning Meditation Start As Soon As You Rise
When your alarm goes off , take a few moments to become conscious of that subtle transition between sleep and wakefulness.
Beginning your day by being mindful of this transition is a great way to set your stage for a consciously-directed day of activity.
Now, while we’re all unique and thrive on different schedules, if you’re interested in creating a lifestyle that includes morning meditation, it’s best to get into the habit of starting right away.
Rather than becoming immediately consumed by social media or the needs of other people in your household, make it a priority to meditate before tending to the world.
Making meditation a first-thing priority sends a message to the universe – and to ourselves – that shows our commitment to self-care, the spiritual journey, and our overall well being.
If your morning is tight and doesn’t include much space for meditation first thing in the morning, or if you have young children that require your immediate assistance, see if you can squeeze in a 5-minute meditation – even if you don’t get out of bed to do it.
If a first-thing meditation doesn’t feel right to you, know that this isn’t a rule set in stone. You might need to engage with the day first before sitting down for meditation. 
The Best Morning Meditation Routine For Clearing Yourhead
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Allen’s morning routine is asfollows: Wake up, drink coffee, run three to four miles, shower, dress, andmeditate. Contrary to what you might believe about coffee, Allen says it helpshim meditate. “People think you shouldn’t be wide awake when you meditate, butdon’t confuse sleeping with meditation,” he says. “You can have a present andenergized mind while being relaxed and dialed in—and that’s the state you’llfind you get to with practice. Your mind is very active and present, sharp andclear.”
Allen says that usingcaffeine to aid meditation is a practice that long predates Starbucks. Hepoints to a legend of a bodhisattva whose monk disciples kept falling asleepwhile meditating. “So he ripped hiseyelids off and threw them on the ground, and from them grew green tea leaves,”says Allen. The bodhisattva then brewed tea from the leaves and served it tothe monks before they meditated so that they stayed awake and focused.
Of course, it goes withoutsaying that Allen doesn’t advise drinking tea made from eyelids, and cautionsthat caffeine may not work for you as well as it does forhim, so pre-meditation coffee is optional.
At any rate, when you’reready to meditate, follow these steps.
Sometimes I Fall Asleep When I Meditate Is This A Problem
As your meditative journey progresses, you will experience new levels of consciousness. These levels are associated with increasing holistic power and you may experience what is termed “absence.” But the experience is not sleep. Consciousness is simply managing your process until you have integrated the new level of power and find yourself more wakeful again. It’s all a matter of managing the peak experience of meditation in a way that is tolerable.
You Can Eliminate Stress And Anxiety From Your Daily Life
Numerous studies have suggested that meditation has various health benefits–most notably, easing stress. Meditation is a unique opportunity to create time for yourself, apart from appointments, work deadlines, and other obligations. Although the mechanism isn’t fully understood, researchers think that meditation may stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, slowing your heart rate and breathing rate, and improving blood flow. These physiological effects that take place during meditation may be part of the reason why meditating makes you feel so relaxed. Beginning your day in a calm, relaxed state can also help you be less bothered by the little frustrations in life and reduce overall stress and anxiety.
Emily White Founding Partner At Collective Entertainment
I have a daily and constant meditation practice that is based in the mindful practices of vipassana.
I generally meditate for five minutes after waking up, for five minutes after working out, and in five-minute increments throughout the day – especially before focusing on certain projects or speaking engagements. I also meditate on the subway, and it generally adds up to at least 30-60 minutes of meditation a day. I I had a more lengthy regular meditation practice, but this is what currently works for my life and schedule.
You Get To Enjoy The Morning Energy And Peace Effectively
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The meditation has its best effect when done in the morning and it also allows to enjoy the peaceful morning more than usual. The early morning is the time when you can expect your phone to not ring, or anyone to knock at your door and thus you can meditate with ease. Meditating in the cool breeze at the early morning hours will let you appreciate the peace around you which will give you a positive morning energy for the rest of the day.
How Else Can You Improve Your Morning Meditation Routine
Once you’ve established a consistent morning meditation routine, you may be looking for new ways to enhance your practice and continue to learn more about meditation techniques and theory.
Fortunately, there are a plethora of meditation resources available online that can help guide your practice and expand your knowledge on the subject.
One of the best ways that you can progress on your meditation journey is to connect and practice with other people. Group meditation and meditation retreats are an incredible way to invest in your meditation skills and build relationships with like-minded people.
These options provide you with opportunities to exchange ideas and suggestions. You will learn how others are incorporating mindfulness into their daily lives.
If you want to continue practicing independently but want additional structure, you can use meditation apps to follow guided meditation wherever you want.
How Long Should I Meditate Isnt It The Longer The Better
For a lot of meditation beginners or even for some experienced meditation practitioner, they have the question of how long they should mediate. First, you have to know that meditation is not an exact science where you will get a textbook answer. Yet, a close-to-textbook answer is often useful and we have to know what can probably benefit us and what would hurt us. And you have to remember that the it is more important to protect yourself from getting harmed than to gain benefit. One of the wisest men on earth Charlie Munger, one of the best investors in the history, has said that it is more important to be not stupid than to be brilliant. So, let’s talk about how to apply that concept to meditation and explore the ideal lengths for meditation.
Health Benefits Of Daily Meditation According To Science
If there is one thing common in all of us, it is the flaming urge to be happy and satisfied in life.
Whether a crying baby, an insecure teenager, or a responsible family person, we all seek something that would comfort us.
But the question is: Are we looking for happiness in the right place?
Trinlay Rinpoche, an accomplished meditator and scholar, said that the real source of happiness lies in the clarity of thoughts. External factors can only be pleasurable as long as we are happy from the inside. According to Buddha, meditation trains the mind to “not dwell in the past or contemplate about the future.” It lets the mind settle in the ‘now’ and allows us to see the beauty of the present.
This article is an effort to understand why meditation works so well and how we can resort to its benefits for becoming a better version of ourselves.
Before you read on, we thought you might like to . These science-based, comprehensive exercises will not only help you cultivate a sense of inner peace throughout your daily life but will also give you the tools to enhance the mindfulness of your clients, students or employees.
You can download the free PDF .
Sarah Athanas Marketing Creative Documentary Filmmaker
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For a zen student, this is the most essential part of the routine, no question. I have a corner in my apartment with an alter and cushion, and I light a candle and incense every morning. I also maintain a vase with cut flowers. It is very important to create and care for a sacred space if you want to have a regular meditation practice.
I read a short poem or gatha before sitting and chant the bodhisattva vows afterwards, followed by three full bows. In addition to having an incredible grounding effect, this practice is a constant reminder that this life is about much more than me.
Are There Proven Benefits To Doing Meditation In Groups
Everything feels better when shared. Connecting to people have unique benefits. We feel more loved, connected, and accepted when we could listen to others and share with them.
Just like any other group activity, meditation, when done with others, comes with an array of desirable effects.
Brain imaging studies have shown that alpha and gamma brain waves synchronize better when people meditate together .
Let’s have a quick look at some of the proven benefits of doing group meditation.
Meditate Whenever You Feel Overwhelmed Or Stressed Out
Inevitably, there are moments when we feel overwhelmed, whether at work or at home. When that happens, instead of using the usual remedies to tune out what you’re experiencing, why not try tuning in? Try using Mindworks’ meditation timer, stop and breathe into awareness for a minute or two, and refresh your mind at any time.
Mindfulness teaches us that we can observe what’s going on in our minds and bodies without having to react. With time, our practice becomes second nature and we come to recognize when we need to just stop, observe, and take a mindful moment. This pause can help us cope with stressful situations in a more productive and beneficial way.
The Ultimate Morning Meditation Routine For Relaxation
Whether you’re talking aboutcelebrities, pro athletes, or millionaire entrepreneurs, successful people tendto have a few things in common. Maybe they get up early in the morning, or theywrite down short- and long-term goals for themselves, but one commonality thatcomes up again and again among the most driven and positive people in the worldis the practice of meditation.
You may choose to meditate tosharpen your mind for the day ahead, or merely to calm it down, but sneaking ineven a short session in the middle of a busy morning can pay more dividendsthan you imagine.
Ancient Wisdom Suggests Meditation As A Morning Ritual
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Many spiritual traditions suggest waking up before the sun to do yoga and meditate. The specific reasons vary, but ultimately it all comes down to creating a sacred connection to your higher self when the world and your mind are at their quietest.
Have you ever tried sitting at 5 a.m.? The peaceful calm and stillness at that time is unlike any other. And although to many people 5 a.m. seems like the middle of the night, being awake as the sun rises actually aligns you with nature and builds your energy reserves.
See if you can sit and be present for the first birds to chirp in the morning. There is a magic in the air when wild animals sense the sun about to rise. And as the sun rises, so too does your consciousness, if you choose to make of it a sacred ritual.
Can Meditation Sharpen Your Attention When You Wake Up
It’s not surprising that meditation would affect attention, since many practices focus on this very skill. And, in fact, researchers have found that meditation helps to counter habituation—the tendency to stop paying attention to new information in our environment. Other studies have found that mindfulness meditation can reduce mind wandering and improve our ability to solve problems.
There’s more good news: Studies have shown that improved attention seems to last up to five years after mindfulness training, again suggesting trait-like changes are possible.
Do these benefits apply to people with attention-deficit disorders, and could meditation possibly supplant drugs like Adderall? We can’t yet say for sure. While there have been some promising small-scale studies, especially with adults, we need larger randomized controlled trials to understand how meditation might mix with other treatments to help both kids and adults manage attention-deficits.
You Will Have A Sorted Day Rather Than A Scattered One
Imagine a gross case of a person who comes to greet you on a morning he didn’t brush his teeth? From the repelling smell you could make what he had last night. On a similar note, we might also end up sharing what we dumped in the mind last day – a fight with mom, a dish that didn’t turn out well, or your senior disapproving a project you worked on day and night. But we can get over it if we meditate before we start our day.
Physical Changes In The Body Related To Mental Health
Biomedical research into meditation taught us that consistent meditators also exhibit changes in brain composition, particularly in the hippocampus and frontal lobes. These brain regions are responsible for memory formation and decision-making, respectively.
In one study, researchers found that the change in brain matter composition, specifically increases in grey matter, that it causes enhances areas of the brain that deal with memory, learning, emotional regulation, identity, perspective. These changes are likely why people who meditate can better regulate their behavior in stressful situations and environments.
Although meditators still experience the initial stress response to triggering stimuli, meditation helped them develop the skills to effectively handle and manage their body’s ingrained response. Brain scans from the study show how this helped meditators recover from stress quicker.
Additionally, according to other studies, those who meditate have ratios of grey to white brain matter that are very different from people known to experience high levels of anxiety and stress.
Tips For Starting An Early Morning Meditation Routine
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When you’re starting out with a brand new morning meditation, it’s important to experiment with the different types and techniques. But don’t forget, whichever type of practice you eventually decide to stick with, you can always explore other traditions later on. If you’re not yet ready to call a full meditation practice your own, start looking for meditative moments during otherwise mundane events. For example, you can take a 1-minute walking meditation to your car or practice mindfulness while preparing your morning coffee. Here are other tips to consider when you are starting out:
Richard Wotton Newly Qualified Media Studies Teacher
I have ten to fifteen minutes of private reflection when I wake up. It’s more soothing than when I go to bed, where my mind it still analysing the day’s events.
There is also a moment when I walk from the bus stop through the park that my school is located in that I start to feel good about the day ahead. It’s sound naive, but I do like the optimism that an early morning brings.
The Neurological Benefits Meditation Has On The Brain
Meditation has been around since ancient history. With science and technological advancements, we are only rolling towards the knowledge that was always there. Scientists today approach meditation as an all-around solution to lifestyle malfunctions and have put forth some mind-boggling evidence on how meditation rewires the neural channels to promote inner peace and equilibrium.
Are There Scientifically Proven Benefits For The Skin
Our skin is a great communicator of our feelings and mental state. It mirrors extreme emotions such as stress, anxiety, depression, excitement, and happiness, and has a unique way of responding to pressure. For example, our cheeks turn pink as we blush, and our ears feel hot and red when we feel embarrassed and humiliated.
Fear makes the skin look pale, and sadness can often bring dullness and unwanted crinkles in the skin. Together with blood circulation and hormonal ups and downs, the skin is an excellent indicator of our emotions and science has gone an extra mile proving it.
Recent research by Dr. Anthony Bewley , a popular dermatologist, proved that self-healing practices like meditation, breath control, and mindfulness, have profound benefits on skin conditions like eczema, acne, dry skin, and psoriasis.
This branch of study, popularly called psychodermatology, explores how the skin reacts to internal stress and how stress-reduction through meditation impacts it. Some studies revealed that when individuals with psoriasis attended guided meditation sessions or listened to soothing pieces of music, they healed a lot faster than others with the same condition .
Besides the direct impact, meditation also adds glow and youthfulness to the skin by curing allied health conditions. For example, gastric ulcers, insomnia, regular headache or migraine, hypertension or low blood pressure, and chronic pain are common issues that negatively reflect on our skin tone.
Morning Meditation: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners
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Do you wake up and find yourself scrolling on your phone even before getting out of bed? Do you wake up only to find you have 10 minutes to get ready and run off to start your day? Starting your day out feeling rushed, scattered, and overwhelmed not only stresses you out but the feelings tend to stay with you throughout the day.
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How you start your morning matters. In a2019 survey, 77% rate their mornings as busy and 1 in 5 individuals are always in the rush to even get out the door. It is important to start your day off right and what better way to do that is with morning meditations.
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A Guided Meditation Is Much Easier To Do Than A Self
I’ll admit that I used to think meditating with an app like , or Insight Timer was kind of cheating. If you can’t do it by yourself, I figured, you’re not really doing it. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Headspace has been my saving grace throughout this experiment. The easy-to-use app has free and paid options, including meditation timers, courses, group meditations and more. Though I mostly stuck with the timed guided meditations—20 minutes a day—I can see myself trying the app’s other offerings as I get more comfortable with the basics.
When And How Often Should You Meditatereport This Ad
If you are one of the lucky people who has the time for it, two meditation sessions per day is ideal. This would be one session in the morning, soon after waking up and another before you head to bed.
Right after you wake up is a great time to practice meditation because your body and mind are already relaxed. Additionally, it helps to set up your day and create an organized train of thought.
Meditating before you sleep helps to purge your body and mind of any stress that you collected during the day. It will also help you wake up feeling rested the next morning.
According to :
“The most important part of developing a meditation practice is consistency. Research shows that you don’t have to meditate every single day in a row, but that the benefits are tied to regular, consistent practice”
Some people may feel they need three sessions a day. However, based on the research, just three meditation sessions a week is associated with benefits for most people.
Everyone is different. Experiment with how many times a day you practice and at what time. Find out what works for you individually.
How To Meditate In The Morning: 5 Easy Ways To Do It
I’m pretty sure I don’t need to build a case for meditation. You’ve likely seen and read news stories how it can reduce stress and anxiety, can , and can help you focus. Meditation has gone mainstream — which is amazing. This ancient tool is completely free, easy to do, and always available to you. So why aren’t we taking advantage of it more?
I get it. You feel like you don’t do it right, that you don’t have enough time, and that only two minutes won’t give you the benefits you need anyway. Let’s talk these out. First of all, you’re not doing it “wrong” even if you sit there thinking about what you’re going to have for breakfast the entire time — if you commit to putting your phone down for those first two minutes.
Listen, I’m not perfect at any of this either, I’m making all of those arguments above to myself half of the time. But the most important reminder that I have to give myself is that meditating most mornings has made a huge difference in my life. Some personal benefits I’ve experienced from meditation are:
It makes me more aware of how I’m feeling and able to identify my emotions
It slows down my naturally fiery reactions
It makes my digestion a million times better
It makes me feel more appreciative for all the good stuff
It helps manage my anxiety and stress in a huge way
So, in an effort to help you get started or deepen your meditation practice, here are five easy ways to do it.
Meditation Programs That You Might Want To Try Out:
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1. Profound Meditation Program 3.0 provides the smoothest, deepest, richest, most profound meditation experience available anywhere.
To learn more about Profound Meditation Program 3.0 click or .
2. Zen12 – there are 12 levels in the entire year-long Zen12 program.
To learn more about Zen12 click .
3. Deep Delta – a beautiful brainwave entrainment meditation to nurture your spirit & your brain.
To learn more about Deep Delta click .
4. Shortcuts to Awakening – guided meditations with brainwave entrainment.
To learn more about Shortcuts to Awakening click .
Applying Mindfulness Meditation To Your Daily Life
You should also try as much as possible to work and weave mindfulness into your daily life, and not just see it as something you set aside 20 minutes a day for in set time blocks. Ideally, and in it’s purest form, meditation needs to be something we do constantly, every waking moment, being present and attentive to thoughts, feelings, sensations etc.
For those of us in the West that live hectic and busy lives, this is easier said than done. However, there are some ways you can integrate mindfulness into even small little daily chores.
Bedros Keuilian Founder Ceo Of Fit Body Boot Camp
I’ve tried meditation and I just can’t get into it. It’s not for me. I can’t sit still that long. The closest things I have are my workout and my gratitude exercise, which takes five minutes. It goes like this: I think about three things I’m grateful for this morning, as well as three people I’m grateful for, then I send a text message to those three people to let them know that I’m grateful for them and to thank them for being in my life.
Elizabeth Royal Street Style Fashion Photographer
I don’t meditate in the morning, though I do a quiet time or devotional each morning. It involves some reading and learning and a whole lot of praying. Praying, I guess, is kind of the closest thing I do to meditating. Praying humbles me and reminds me every day that there are things beyond myself out there.
A Study On Future Directions In Meditation Science
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This study was a cross-cultural investigation of the less familiar aspects of meditation. Authors of this journal mention that while discussing meditation, we are mostly concerned about the physical and physiological benefits of it .
However, as the researchers suggest, there are other significant areas, for example, transpersonal domains, spiritual practices, and cultural orientations that are equally forceful in determining the usefulness of meditation. With substantial research and evidence, this publication draws attention to such contributing factors and urge practitioners to promote them effectively.
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shalnarkonice · 8 years
A gift for @geeky-afakasi with help from @beamthechao who inspired this fantastic chinera ant au💖💖
The sound of designer heels, an expensive pair that was most likely studded in rivers of diamonds and hugged by velvet and gold, clicks against the marble floors. It was amazing how a sound so mundane, so everyday, could be the cause of such chaos in a professional, well known, multi million dollar company.
Now it wasn’t rare to hear a pair of heels bang against smooth tile (seeing how most of the women and few men preferred the footwear), but it was sharp tack tack tack, followed by the smell of roses that alerted most of the employees that the queen had made her appearance.
The Queen, better known as the CEO of chimera communications and technology, rarely visited head office. The queen was a figure head. An older woman with warm brown skin and large oval eyes, her locks lay hidden by a dark red hijab that covered silver hair which would give away her age. She was someone who made her way across the world with her hand picked team, cutting deals, and sometimes cutting throats when it came to hard business (all for a good cause, however).
There was no one in the world who could rival the empire she has built after the death of her late spouse, a cruel man who had given her nothing more than the one son who shared his facial characteristics, and had instantly become the woman’s pride and joy.
Being a single mother running a huge corporation had not been easy, but her employees were treated like family and as the company grew so did the bond between them
To the Queen’s right was Colt, walking in pace but always a step behind. He was one of the first men to be hired to work for the chimeras, his fierce ambition and sense of loyalty making him one of three executives in the entire company. With dark hair and sharp eyes, he always dressed professionally, his suit bearing tiny wings on the cufflinks as his one name brand element. He had coined the line himself, but always kept the chimera business dear to his heart, even as he travelled overseas with the queen to meet with other potential companies that they could overtake.
“There are exactly fifty four hours and twenty seven minutes before our plane to yorknew is due to leave.” Colt says with a firmness that would be appalling to most, but to the queen, it was a tone bearing utmost respect. “Once we land from our detour in NGL we will be greeted by the head of the Zodiac corporation. Netero will be providing our rooms and dinner reservations, as per agreement.”
“Make a note of it to have my things sent over from NGL to yorknew via private blimp.” She says swiftly, eyes running over the doors of offices where employees had pressed their faces against the glass in hopes of getting a view of the woman who had started it all.
“I will make a note of it and send the message directly later today.” Colt hums, his leather briefcase brushing against his thigh before someone darted into the hallway from seemingly nowhere, their blond hair flowing around them before being followed by a long silky black scarf and a whirlwind of glitter.
Glancing back at Pouf, the head of the financial division and the backbone of this locations funds (as well as a full time stick in the mud), Colt wasn’t surprised to see the man flustered. Colt had spent many months training with the blond, sometimes their ideas conflicting, until the rare moment where they made a earth shaking breakthrough together. When the queen had asked who would join her overseas, and who would manage head office (because it was only Pouf and Colt who she felt confident in placing this responsibility on), Pouf had been the one to lose the opportunity to be at her side, and was left behind.
Later Colt had learned Pouf had given up the chance so Colt could take it.
Although Colt didn’t exactly get along with the man, they had learned to accept and trust the other, but it amused Colt greatly at how flustered Pouf always seemed to be.
Pouf, with a clipboard and pen in hand, could not fathom the possibility of having overlooked this moment. Having Colt walk in suddenly would have been nothing to fret over. All Pouf needed to do was show some case files of their work stats and offer the man some black tea. But seeing the queen was often a blessing and a curse, as any employer would be.
Hearing chatter break out in the hallways they passed, Pouf could only hope to smother this tension over and lead the guests to his own office as he informed the buildings head of the affairs taking place.
“Madam president, your arrival is earlier than noted. I didn’t have time to prepare the paperwork or speak to the other department heads or even-” Pouf is cut off as the woman smiles at him.
“What did I say about you calling me madam president? I may be in my fifties but I’m not that old. Please, feel free to call me something less formal. Mother perhaps?” She chuckles as Pouf latches to her side, following her through the main lobby, “now, what are the numbers for this quadrant?” she asks, her tone shifting to one more appropriate for business.
“Twelve percent with an estimated point three gross over the next four months.” Pouf says proudly, his sharp eyes darting around the room in a panic, knowing what kind of insolent staff the building had and how lenient this divisions boss was. He wasn’t sure (or more like, he was very sure how afraid he was) of how the queen was going to react.
“And how is the department running, Pouf?” he jumps the the question he automatically dreaded, “has everything been going smoothly?” the woman prompts.
“Of course!” Pouf blurts out, lying being his first thought, “business is booming and the clients are all happy!”
“Fantastic, and what of the staff?”
Pouf winces a moment and shivers when Colts eyes focus on him, before glancing down at the butterfly wing charm on poufs collar, a product from Colts “wing” line.
“Absolutely amazing. The security is talented and have stopped all issues before they have time to unfold, especially from outside sources. Our scientists are busily working away on new creative, and very, very safe products for our consumers to buy into for the purpose of better communications. Our HR lead is one of the most positive and uplifting, provide amazing customer service and helping our staff with their personal qualms. Our head receptionist holds this family together, always working hard to keep everything in order. Ah, and the sales staff we have are not only respectful, but positively professional. We have three experts for our Public relations team who focus directly on branding our image with the goal of not only creating public events but also placing an emphasis on community. Our building manager is very active in taking care of any safety issues, as well as tending to the many plants we have in place to make a more positive environment. Our financial lead is like a caring father, who also manages to keep all the books updated weekly with our numbers. And of course, the department head and future CEO of the company has been the best, most supportive of leaders. We have no complaints about his ability.”
The Queen pauses and turns places a hand on Poufs arm, smiling in that ever so sweet way she did, reassuring him that his words were taken for face value and that she did not, even for a second, doubt him. It was that look that gave pouf severe guilt, because he knew. oh hell did he know that every word was just as far from the truth as it could be.
“With a staff like this im sure all has been going well,” she says firmly, turning around and continuing deeper into the building towards the cubicles in the open work space.
D A N G E R. The word flashes through Poufs mind, and Colt picks up on the sudden tension.
In seconds a large man with a suit as dark as his hair approaches, a finger to his ear as he starts speaking, his name tag reading Youpi, along with chief of security.
“Take the suspect to the west wing for investigation under clause 330 B, subsection c for trespassing.” Youpi says into his ear piece, before looking to Pouf who was trying yo subtly tell him to shut up. “It appears that NGL representatives have been protesting our use of technology again and this is the third break in this week at ground level. Bloster has apprehended the men and is now-”
“This is a situation we can easily deal with!” Pouf grimaces as he speaks as the queen continues to walk, listening to Youpi give his report as they enter what could only be a mess hall.
Passing the front desk for HR, sitting with his feet up talking away was Welfin, a tall, slender man with sharp eyes who had on a headset. Pouf could only hope the man was being civil.
“You think that’s a problem? Hell, you dont even know what a real trauma is. Seeing someone fight isn’t worthy of a sick leave, the hell.” Welfin barks up, leaning back in his chair, “you should see what I have to deal with here. One word, Zazan! I should be getting a four day weekend for putting up with her shit! Oh hell, Pouf!” Welfin hangs up and tosses the headset aside as he stands, following the group, not sure who the woman or the stiff were, but not caring in the slightest. “So that vacation I asked for, ya know the time off for next week, seeing how I’ve dealt with-”
Pouf feels his eyes roll back into his head as he resists grabbing Welfin and choking the man, all while youpi is still rambling about broken codes.
“I assure you we have the best staff,” Pouf raises his voice, gawking as Leol, Flutter, and Hina appear with huge posters and rave lights. Leol, tall and bulky in a band t-shirt, raises a hand at Pouf. Flutter, with his head of wiry hair, glances over Hina’s head, the petite woman jumping up excitably as the three rush over. Leol, as head of marketing, would often place up ads on buildings while Flutter would focus on anything skyward like blimps and billboards, while Hina dealt with television and radio ads.
“Pouf, bud!” Leol grins, the three joining the group, “we got everything we need for the sponsor party. Even sick music by Morel the euro god-”
“Great snacks and lots of booze!” Hina chimes in while raising a bottle of champagne as well as a few glow sticks.
“The entertainment will be showing up in a few hours,” Flutter buzzes, “we brought in quality chefs as well. The zodiacs have received their invites.
Trying to catch his breath, Pouf begs for it to stop. “We do not hold parties. We are professionals!”
“We decided to hire the dancers too,” Leol continues.
“I’m thinking two weeks is a little short, and I’ve been feeling under the weather so maybe three would suffice,” Welfin strokes his chin
“There has also been twelve incidents regarding broken office supplies that we are still in the process of replacing after last years incident,” Youpi rambles.
The group come across the secretary’s desk near the back of the large room, where the curly haired Zazan sits painting her nails, looking annoyed as a smirking, energetic man talks at her.
Spotting Pouf, Zazan grabs her nail filer and points it at him, “I do not get paid enough to deal with cheetu so you better get him the hell out of my face or so help me I’ll file for harassment!” she snarls, joining the group and listing everything Cheetu had done to annoy her.
“Our secretary is a loving, and respectable human being.” Pouf grits out, feeling Colts eyes bore into his back.
Cheetu, with zeal, heads to the front of the group, walking backwards with a grin as he waves for Poufs attention. The blond pales and his nails dig into his clipboard, his head shaking as in no, Cheetu, shut your damn mouth.
“Okay great! Listen up to my new pitch!” Cheetu clears his throat, his salesperson representative self coming out, “Tired? Tired of technology running slow? Don’t you wish you could talk faster? Don’t you wish you could talk so fast that you would be abletotalktoeveryoneallthe-” Cheetus rambling becomes too quick and excited to understand and pouf is dying.
The queen makes it into the science sector and slowly Pouf whispers oh no as the sound of an explosion occurs, before a slight smoke makes its way out of the door. No one is phased as a woman with white curly hair throws herself out of the room her white medical lab coat a little singed.
“That was a rush hell yea!” she coughs and notices the group, and leaps at pouf, “the new coolant adhesive is almost done! We’re making it less flammable but hell does it have a kick! It’s amazing! I’ve never seen subject 2I9H 3000 react so fiverantly, there have only been four explosions this week!”
Youpi taps his earpiece, “Pitou again. Send men to clean up. Extinguishers needed.”
“The vacation will help me relax and be a better HR lead! Come on, Pouf!”
“These explosions are horrible for my headaches, especially when dealing with idiots!” Zazan whines
“Ya know if the budget was increased we could totally bring in a sick bartender, like the phantom troupe are an A-class party must have, right Flutter?”
“Talk all the time with chimera communications! never stop! Never stop talking just keep taking always-”
“Ya know, with this experiment almost done, if i reversed the polarity I could probably make the adhesive into a bomb-”
“Dont!” Pouf yells over the chatter, “absolutely do not! Remove the thought from your mind!”
Pitou sulks as a new voice enters the fray, a short, bulky man with wise eyes and a beak nose. In his hands were slips of gray paper, and on his chest was a name tag reading Peggy, finance. Around his neck was a lanyard that held every nerdy button the man could get his hands on. Some like “checkmate for the king,” or “like a good friend chimera com is there,” and “edgar allen poe before hoes.”
“I’m glad you’re all here, because it’s pay day!” Peggy grunts out, and cheers amble around as the man hands out slips, watching them get tucked into pockets and shirts, or ripped open fiercely. “Now for this next trimester we need to cut back on some staff funds, and unfortunately that’s the amount of coffee we are buying each week.”
Zazan gawks as she stares at the man, “you monster!”
“Peggy are you insane? We all practically live off coffee,” Welfin shoves past Leol and Flutter, grabbing onto Peggy in disgust. “If I’m not able to make a coffee every two hours, I’ll die. Straight up. I might as well go on sick leave because I won’t be able to function.”
Cheetu nods his head vigorously, “how do you think i get to be the way I am? You think I’m always energetic! Nah! we need our espressos!”
Youpi side eyes the man and mutters under his breath, “he shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near caffeine”
“You’re not the boss of me!” Cheetu yelps, puffing out his chest.
Pouf steps between them and lifts the clipboard in front of cheetus face, “under a general consensus you will be provided only with decaf and you will accept it without complaint! We don’t need anymore incidents like last year-” Pouf gawks as the words slip out
Colt narrows his eyes as he places a hand on Poufs shoulder, “please elaborate.”
A collective breath moves through the group, almost as if there was the presence of a monster amongst them. Pouf could only cower, hoping someone else would step in so he wouldn’t have to.
“Rammot,” Zazan swirls the name in her mouth and grimaces, “that was the worst month, thank god he gone.”
“He was a menace,” Youpi murmurs, “theft, blackmail, slander, assault…”
“And a rude, ugly man to boot.” Hina murmurs, shaking a glow stick vigorously. “And the things he would wear around the office should have been enough of a crime to get him arrested!”
Leol rubs his chin, “I heard he went to jail for killing a man.”
Cheetu nods, “That doesn’t surprise me! What a creep! He punched me once!”
“He spit in my coffee,” Welfin bares his teeth.
Pitou cracks a knuckle, “I was tempted to kill him one time. Try experiment 541 on him.”
The Queen blinks back her surprise as a yell breaks the chatter of the group from the other side of the hall. A balky man with pierced eyebrows and long hair runs towards the group, almost at a gallop. Some could say that the man was horse like in his demeanor; although he lacked any grace and came off as a beast (who was into some questionable kinks, the other employees had unfortunately come to learn). Zazan and Cheetu grimace and step against the walls, knowing that the man with the snake tongue, Yunju, was bound to make a messy entrance.
In his hands he carried a large box, his two assistants (both thin and lean, sticking to Yunju as if they were mosquitoes) carried their own boxes.
Now Pouf wasn’t sure what Yunju did. He was…usually just there, with his vulgar mouth and that damn split tongue, which was pierced seeing how it made a clink as it touched his teeth as he spoke.
Part of Pouf wanted to say that Yunju had been hired to be a health rep, although it seemed like hell of a mistake on their hiring department if they did that. Perhaps Yunju was the hiring department. What a nightmare.
“Nyaa, the chief of privacy,” Pitou whines, looking at Youpi, who technically was the chief of security but never used the title, meaning he and Yunji should have been partners at least. It never happened.
Pouf pales, shocked that he had forgotten that this monster of a man was responsible for all their personal issues and privacy, especially from having their identities safe from being revealed online. Anti technology protesters had been getting more violent with each year
“Got the stuff!” Yunju smirks, spotting Colt, a new face in the crowd, “and a catch.”
Colt gives him a piercing glare, not interested in the man’s advances. Leol and Hina hoot and holler as they leap towards the box, only to have Youpi intervene.
Only now did it come to everyone’s realization that they had been chatting and yelling in front of a large oak door, the only in a long hallway. No one could remember when the tile floors had become carpet, or when the lights had become tinted red, or that it was silent in this sector. Candles and roses sit on their perches, and a glass wall sits opposite to the door, delicate but deadly looking fish filling the space.
Standing on a stool, with their back turned to the crowd, is Kite. Short, lanky, silent at most times, quietly feed the fish. Feeling eyes on their back; they which was covered in long white hair which he occasionally dyed red, he peers over to the crowd.
Despite taking up the role of gardener, and in charge of health and safety, kite was also the third executive of the company.
“Mother,” Kite says lowly, stepping down from the stool. Pouf had almost forgotten Kite was the Queens adopted child.
Behind the large oak doors would be the future CEO of the company, the lead of the entire building. A man who was young, yet notable in his early 20s. He had been a child genius, and eager to learn all from his many tutors. The future ceo was a terrifying and gifted man.
As the doors were thrown open, everyone in the hallway held their breath as Meruem appeared, silent, somber, his dark hair covering his forehead, his eyes looking sharp with pointed eyeliner and his purple contacts.
“What is the meaning of this noise?” Meruem asks, voice soft and yet almost sultry
Pouf hesitates and tries to work up the courage to offer an explanation, a reason, something to ease the heavy, smoggy tension.
“We….They…The Queen-” Pouf almost curses himself as tears spring to his eyes. How could he explain the motive behind the horrible staff. Everyone had left their posts! All they did was argue! Or fight! Or try to blow things up! Godawful, good for nothing trouble makers! Everyone here, and the queen had watched it all.
Meruem shifts his glance to the queen instead, slightly shocked.”Mother, Pouf did not inform me of your attendance.”
Pouf pales at the mention of his name, positive he was going to lose his damn job.
“I am sure you know why I came,” the woman says lowly, stepping forward to tower over the short man. “To see how you have run my company. To see your employees and their capabilities. To see if you are willing to inherit the CEO title when you turn 25…and to wish you a happy twenty third birthday.” she smiles, breaking from her facade.
Party poppers explode and balloons escape from the box Yunju was carrying. Ikalgo and Melodeon, two delivery boys, ran in with champagne, and cheering radiated through the hallway. Pouf, very quickly realized, this whole thing has been a set up.
“Lighten up pouf! It was fun wasn’t it!” Pitou hoots as glasses are passed around as a cake is brought into meruems office.
“Happy birthday!” is yelled out, and meruem feels his face flush as he beams at the gesture.
To be so loved by his family and company was a true blessing, Meruem realized, lost in a sea of voices. Despite being thankful, meruem knew that one day he would have that special someone here with him, to meet his mother and coworkers. But for now, Meruem would enjoy the impromptu party.
And pouf? Pouf would be fine
Well, after he stopped crying tears of relief that is
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