#im very hopeful and trying not to get hopes up which is a paradox i know shuthufhffutufckk
turtleneck-crowley · 6 months
Wake up babes of the GO fandom turtleneck-crowley just dropped their most recent Magnus Opus🥰🥰🥰
Hey guys I am a eccentric genius artist of the century whose works will probably only be appreciated post mortem (self-diagnosed)
Im also very certain you would all blorbos me if I were a fictional character but alas I am a boring meat package that got birthed out of an afab physiology and thus a sack of mouldy potatoes might have been a more interesting source writing this post. (Pure hubris, part irrational resentment that you are all quite familiar with *cheeky hot wink*)
I happen to own a get out of jail free card called catch 22 which is crafted out of part sarcasm, part idgasinglefgtfoofmyfacei180dmycringethroughyearsofpainandselfrelctionthatim toocoolforyounow public image
(if you actually read that you deserve, well nothing actually except perhaps my condolences and a consensual pat on the back that implies my unlicensed diagnosis that you are in fact, not dyslexic)
Anyhow cracking on back to the sentence *sighs and rolls eyes with you*
(-I mean in the streets, not with you guys, here im babygirl with half a brain cell/true form), part wholesome idiocy, years of experience in masking, part looking presentable, part knowing how society and science and art works and trying to be in tact with my own sense of humanity as much as possible -at least to the point where I’m not breaking any humanitarian law…
And yes bitch the whole eccentric genius /madly passionate or passionately mad paradox catch 22 license holder is you af - want a gold star? ⭐️ (crowley ref) (affectionate banter)
Fact is tumblrinas like to heighten and balance their EQ and IQ agreed?
I’m hyper aware that you guys are smart enough to assess me as going through a manic phase that is on the verge of psychotic-having observed hints of madness in my recent posts deducing via your own experiences that I have gone through a strict diet of coffee, whiskey, smut that Neil Gaiman himself would tear his locks and Sir Terry Pratchett would roll in his grave, finished off with a nice slice of Hozier songs as dessert
(that’s on top of of a yet to be discovered food chain which I call the Antichrist diet footnote: please credit me after I die before my Tesla gets Edisoned
‘Tis actually a great alternative way to invoke a psychedelic experience in substitute of the more expensive and questionably unlawful way that is smoking crack *disclaimer not recommended for the faint hearted or those self-diagnosed as mentally stable)
You are perfectly correct! Here’s another gold star!!! ⭐️
In fact I am currently being yelled by my parents to come downstairs because I need to be dropped off to the asylum while I’m trying to actually do something that gives me joy (Joan of Arc eat your heart out) and I assure you I have eyes and witness my very legs , naked and hairy (and did I mention Im only wearing a slutty black bra and skirt that I wore as a swimming suit AND a pajama and now my back to the looney bin outfit?) leaving a perfectly good soup with baguettes as evidenced here
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However, I would like to UNO reverse such a caring notion by giving you a purple heart 💜
and divert you with a fun little clip that displays our para social relationship that I am hoping has deepened through my superficial charm to portray our rendezvous as warm and familiar and human as our beloved Mr. Holmes and Doctor Watson:
No worries, Watson also came with the conslusion that the person he’s engaged with (more like to amiright- not us i mean, them, that’s where the analogy is cut off back into our real identities) is “not human”
Anyhow it might not be your cup of tea but at least hold the mug for a few minutes it’s worth it
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Head fic: Gods of Sex and Idiocy
(If anything please see it as a game where we can title it better cause I’m shit at naming things - I call one of my plants Joe)
Hey Good Omens fandom
With the note of:
“who needs sane when you have creative”
I have made a meta season 3 in my head and the stars have even sent me a playlist ??? (It’s the only one that seems to be downloaded on my wifi less phone)
Here’s the link:
Check out some of my latest posts
It’s really immersive and otherworldly
Down the rabbit hole and through the mirror you go 🐇🎩🪄
And what if season 1 is the ace route and season 2 is the sexual route so season 3 might be an aro route to defeating the enemy?
Ngk idk idc idgaf
I’m just like phone rn
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(side note: why do I have the infinite capacity of taking pains (Sherlock reference) for being a mad artist instead of working on the next big physics formula answer? Good question: I’m actually just an emotional idiot aka sexy trash ✨ that’s addicted to blogging and I wouldn’t trade it for any other praise worthy status in the world 💜)
Honestly guys I sound like a sociopath but I’m really just very pained and fucked royally by circumstance that is too dramatic and gay for anyone except the loonies on tumblr to understand. I’m so disappointed by all this unjust pain and agony of the world- the children, the animals, the environment, the people that I have conditioned myself to display an eloquence so pungent it seems like I’m a cold manipulator. For if I ever showed myself for who I was to them- the judgers, the perverted, the scheming, I would surely be dead either by my own or someone else’s hands. Maybe I’m God and they just like tumblr and good omens and want to eat crepes in peace with the personality they split into 2 -preferably in Paris. Maybe they have been placed all the blame by the enemy and they are powerless to the human condition as you all are by an unknown enemy and is fated to be tortured in anxiety and pain invisible to all and the only infinite power they have is love that bleeds.
But I’ll give you and I both the peace of mind that I am an in fact just a mentally ill human whose life span is between the zones of expiration and fermentation, with a god complex, whom their closest people will never truly know how to care no matter how much they try- and in fact the more they try to help me the more they leave me in my original state- alone.
I leave you (no I’m not killing myself you idiot I’m going to the mental hospital to be molested by nightmares of demons - I literally experience it everyday- as they force me to take my sleeping pills which sinks me deeper into it-oh wait that’s kind of worse lmao) with this favorite piece of classical music of mine
Stay safe yall I love you
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callmegaith · 3 months
I'm glad it seems you're still into rusty lake because idk who else to dump all my theories on.
I went through your theory tag and I have to admit I'm now a firm believer that the twist will be that David never killed Dale's parents and it was all manipulation by Mr. Owl. If you think about it, it makes sense. We know from the past within that both Dale and Laura survived Paradox and are going up the elevator (presumably to start the ceremony for the day of the lake)
The Cave is a very important game to this theory, me thinks.
Paradox was all in Dale's head while he was strapped down to the memory machine we saw him in, in The Cave. What if David was there to stop Dale from going forward with the ceremony? Isn't it likely? We see the fisherman who looks oddly like David on a boat during the Cave (again, same time as Paradox takes place) so David would be on the scene. As you also mentioned, it could be that David is the one who left the letter to Dale about not drinking the vial, since it was signed "D." And the one person referred to as D. During paradox IS David.
This wouldn't be the first time we see David being a rebel and conducting his own schemes, right?
What if David is there to sabotage the day of the lake? Ruin things for Mr. Owl as he did in Hotel by escaping?
What if David is actually the good guy?
I think Mr. Owl and Mr. Crow manipulated both Laura and Dale so they could use them to create the golden cube. They fed Dale the memories that would get them the best results for making the cube. For all we know, Birthday might have never even really happened, or if it did, we don't know the real version of it (again, as you mentioned. Both recouns of Birthday are through Dale's already screwed up and made up memories, one having Mr. Crow in it as Dale's "grandpa" and one in Paradox. Both have contradicting information such as Grandpa not being in the Paradox retelling (I believe because he was never there to begin with) and one where it says Dale was 11 and not 9 like the original game) I don't think that was a mistake. I think that was deliberate by the developers to let us know that Dale's memories can't be trusted. The fact is, we don't know what happened in Birthday. For all we know it could have been Harvey who killed Dale's parents and Mr. Owl just changed replaced Harvey with Mr. Rabbit in Dale's memories.
So I'm gonna put down my bet right now and say that David is innocent and he's being framed!
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He wears the same hat as David as well as the same suit as Mr. Rabbit he seems to be covering his face, or at least, won't show it to Crow probably cuz Mr. Crow would obviously recognize him so he keeps his back turned the whole time. Same as Mr. Rabbit who is one of the only characters we never see unmasked
We know Jakob, we know Aldous, we even see Elizabeth. But David is never revealed to us which I always found interesting and it really makes me wanna believe cuz yea, the twist is gonna be that it isn't David who killed Dale's parents. As another anon pointed out, after Mr. Rabbit '""dies""" you see Harvey on the tree could be nothing. Could be a hint. Who fuckin knows.
Totally forgot about the whole golden cube thing so thanks for bringing it up. Wish we had more information about what the golden cube actually is.
I wouldn't go as far to say as David is the good guy, I don't think Rusty Lake is a game that has "good" guys and "bad" guys. Just people with their own plans and motives trying to achieve said plans through any means.
If all this is true we still don't know why they decided to frame David? Could be cuz he always gets in the way of their plans and LISTEN---
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But yeah, generally I agree. We don't know how birthday REALLY went down and what the twist is gonna be but I just know there's gonna be some twist to it
It's so funny yesterday I was talking to my friends about how I feel like the presence of the fisherman+the warning signed D. Seems like very vague hints that David is on his own journey in the background and that he might still have some more tricks up his sleeve but since nothing is concrete and it's all just "what if" and "maybe" I really don't wanna get my hopes up but I think it would be such a cool twist 😭😭😭
Also anon, I'm always into RL. Please feel free to write to me any time 🥰 even if it seems like I'm doing other things or focusing on other stuff, RL is the one brainrot I have that never goes away and I'm always happy to talk about it
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kozykricket · 5 months
deltarune rambling time yippee
i think deltarune is in an interesting spot in terms of like... theres a lot of theories that have had a lot of time to develop, and like. i dont think these specific conditions have really happened to a game before. having a big audience of lore nuts AND giving them 2 chapters worth of solid concrete stuff and then havin em wait? its very, very interesting
(rereading this post i think i might reword or add an addendum to it later since i kinda didnt quiiite word my thoughts on Big Theories below exactly right. it feels like im saying that every theory is just gonna be wrong... when i just think that the nature of the lore has a decent chance to be able to almost... parody theorizing, if its based on the nature of fiction and creation. which would make deep theories not WRONG but not RIGHT, just unprovable)
like, ive skimmed through big theories that seem larger than i could even imagine deltarune itself being... not to say i believe theyre entirely wrong, but just that. it definitely wont be explained to THAT degree in game...
what im really tryna say though is, yknow, i distance myself from the bigger theories because im patient and also because i ... dont wanna spoil myself if the theories are perfectly right but especially, a big reason, is the typical classic "don't get your hopes or expectations up" dont get me wrong, ive got big hopes for deltarune and some healthy hype, but i aint gonna get my expectations all fixated on some gigantic theory of the entire overarching metanarrative. i think its great that people are developing so many theories though involving like, the depths and stuff. because worst comes to worst? well, toby fox has just convinced people to write their own stories. and for a game that seems to be shaping up to be about the nature of fiction and creation? seems fitting (genuinely i expect chapter 3 to be the birth of SO many deltarune AUs, out of what is proven wrong or left ambiguous) so yeah, i dont say this to be like "nah no ones gonna be right, toby doesnt have big plans" because im certain he does have some big master plan in the lore but i also believe the lore wont necessarily focus around what we're expecting, if that makes sense. if the game is about fiction, which it clearly is to some degree with the whole. ralsei pushing us down the path of a generic prophecy where we are heroes and vanquish evil... and then immediately dissecting Good Guys vs Bad Guys in ch1 and very much making it a point that we're trying to be kept ON the path of a very specific story. both us and kris.
i think i kinda worded some of this wrong but like TLDR? i do believe toby has big lore plans, but i think theres a decent chance they wont actually get super deep into like, worldbuilding all the logic of dark worlds for example. because... well, the lore could very well be that dark worlds arent logically explainable, yknow. something like the collective unconscious kinda logic. or like terapagos in pokemon being a kind of... paradoxical thing because its born based on belief in it
maybe im wrong thjough. either way, i am excited for deltarune. whatever direction it goes in, ill be happy.
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Hi! Its the DoH anon again!! And sick! thanks for the cool tag. recently (literally just tonight), i *may* have opened up to me being also a "prince of time" (i still have my qualms but honestly its a pretty cool classpect and somewhat fits, so am not complaining). so one of my other combined classpects could be the Overlord of Paradox (Prince of time + Page of Space). Can you analyse this one, please? Thank you as always! - DoH anon (who turns out to... not be so DoH, apparently) 🌌☀️⌛
LETS GO WE BOTH PARTIALLY PRINCES (im theif +prince also THEY'RE THE OPPOSITE ASPECTSLIKE ME (light+void) so cool) vmdsfsddv (also yeah so real and valid to realize you're different from what you originally thought you were)
------------Overlord of Paradox------------
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one who is serves an aspect through destroying an aspect or destroys an aspect through serving an aspect
you litterally have the aspects/classes of some of the characters that are either loved or absolutely hated on in homestuck (dirk, Tavros, jake, jade, Dave, kanaya as ell as some others TwT)
woah sooo you have both of the big important aspects. time and space. like they litterally couldn't have a session with out you if they didn't have any other time of space players.so you likely have a lot of pressure put on you. which could obviously might push you to make quick decisions without having the time to put in enough thought which tbh makes sense for a prince.
a scheming page can get as bad as a thief if they have the wrong motives. you may feel isolated at times cause of you're space aspect and your prince class may make it feel like you're the only one who really sees the bigger picture. which honestly others probably struggle to understand why you do what you do. I recommend that you take a minute to evaluate you're possibilities and options before acting, but I do understand if that can be difficult sometimes.
pages tend to be really hopeful and want the best thing without fully understanding how to get their. but like with Tavros, you can get to that point if you work extra hard for it. be careful not to get stuck only focusing on bigger pictures and stuff. being a time player you'll try to get one step ahead and prolly fumble a bit. you'll believe other's will be against you in some way. you'll try to avoid getting attached to people and things. which you are prolly really good at.
also one thing princes and pages have in common is that they think they have to be better or at least something they aren't. and while pages are Great at keeping up that act princes are not. seeing you're a page of time you'll be great at pretending and avoiding getting attached and getting people to keep up with THEM instead of slowing down for others even if the NEED to slow down for their own mental/physical health. but seeing your a prince of space you might really try and expect people to not like you or to not understand you, but chances are they at the very least partially understand.
an overlord of paradox's powers would prolly be a bit simple but they could be VERY powerful if used right. things like the ability to teleport, make portals (or like some kind black hole type thingy basically it suck in things that get too close ig?) as well as the ability to slow or speed up time for specific people. maybe even be able to create whole new timelines or jump between them.
weapons are pretty simple, but prolly requiring a lot of skill though. Blades lots of Blades. doesn't even matter what size or kind. could be a javelin, a katana, a knife. as long as it has a sharp edge to it.
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
i wanna start tged but i always want to know about if og lloyd and kim suho's soul the same where the soul transmigrate to korea but went back to the original world or is it like in the fantasy world and in korea the same time like soul exchange still two different people? or something like other villainess manhwa where they died in korea and went to possess a fantasy character while the original owner of the body is gone?
it's a bit complicated and a bit of a paradox if you think about it too long and also a Very Big Spoiler but yeah sure i'll try to make it as short as possible!
oh! also! @procuder made a post explaining this very thing a bit ago actually so i recommend you check it out!
anyway long story short:
og lloyd's soul got kicked out of his body when kim suho got isekai'd, then he went on to cross the reincarnation gate and was reborn as kim suho, who presumably then grew up and eventually got isekai'd into og lloyd's body and later on [SPOILERS] also crossed the reincarnation gate, waking up in his own body back in korea.
did that make sense.
basically og lloyd was reborn as kim suho who then got isekai'd as lloyd frontera who then crossed the gate and returned to his kim suho body
they're the same soul
but. neither of them knows this. presumably neither does anyone else. for all intents and purposes they're completely different people as everyone forgets all of the memories of their previous life and starts again as a blank slate.
so. yeah asdjlkafsd
there is. a weird paradox thing going on with the chain of events concerning lloyd and suho and it's. maddening.
how does any of this work. this is some doctor who bullshit.
og lloyd crosses the reincarnation gate and is reborn as kim suho because suho accidentally kicked him out of his body.
so is this a predestined loop?? where suho kicking og lloyd out of his body ensures he's reborn as suho so he can then grow up and get isekai'd to kick him out of his body so he can be reborn??
im not certain bk moon bothered to think about any of this beyond 'it'll be poignant' and he was right It Is but it's also completely nuts and just creates more questions than it answers which is infuriating because he didn't reveal this until the very last second so there's no way for us to get any answers.
unless the sequel will explain this in the future which. i hope??? because i have so many questions?? sir please why did you introduce a form of transdimensional time travel with fixed predestined loops into your isekai novel. what was your plan.
but uh,, yeah!
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sometimes im genuinely surprised at how many people . genuinely ship cal and merrin? ESPECIALLY in the second game?
like dont get me wrong people can ship whatever they want but the way fandom latched onto calmerrin as THE ship for cal is ... weird to me? especially since we have bode? because for me calmerrin dynamic kind of. falls apart. in the second game. long rant below
so for me calmerrin were not a. GOOD. ship in the first game. not because i didnt like their dynamic- i thought it was kind cute and they had potential to grow together- but mostly because i absolutely headcanon them as a gay/lesbian duo. i genuinely thought that they worked best as friends- platonic soulmates, who find comfort in each other not in a desperate, romantice fire way, but in a way you sought comfort from hot coals in the fireplace. they will warm you for a long time, despite never being a straight out fire. but even back then, i could see the appeal- they were both survivors, both forced to carry the weight of their cultures, trying to salvage what they can from the unforgiving empire. cal, despite the heartbreak and suffering was a hopeful, and optimistic person, while merrin needed someone to show that not everything was bitterness and anger.
but then the second game came. and the mantis team broke up (for reasons, and yeah, it does have a justification) and when merrin talked with cal (dont rememver if it was before or after the kiss) she said that they didn’t share that unique survivor bond. at some level, it makes sense- there WERE a lot of families that got torn apart by the empire. but for me, her words didnt make a sliver of sense- their bond wasnt that of orphans, their bond was that of (basically) the sole survivors of entire cultures- not just their family was killed, their very existence as a jedi and a nightsister was paradoxal. because they didn’t just have to live on- they had to rebuild, scrap by scrap, inch by a blood-earned inch their cultures. thousands of years of traditions, language, practices. and then merrin tells cal that- that it wasnt unique? that their bond was no more than that of orphans? it didnt sit right with me.
and of course, cal changed. cal isnt nearly as hopeful- he still hopes, of course, but he became hardened, more bitter and anxious (and it probably has to do with him losing his third family. like. seriously. my man has at this point a very much worsening cocktail of survivors guilt, ptsd, attachment issues and lord knows what else). merrin is older now, she is more experienced, but she didnt really... change, i think. maybe she is more optimistic, though we didnt see it properly.
also can i say something, since we’re all here anyway? why the fuck was greez the only one to hug that kid when meeting cal after all this time? genuinely. like, what is up with that? cere and merrin barely pat his shoulder. would it kill them to give cal a hug? this is why greez is my favorite, his love isnt carefully contained and hidden.
back on track. so in the first part, we had this wonderful mix- cal would be the bright-eyes, optimistic counterpart to merrins guarded, and cautious presence. but in this game the only way i see them having a similar bond is merrin helping cal to fight the darkness which is... okay, i guess. but there is no back and forth. i dont see how they could make each other better people. i dont see how they could work as anything but platonic soulmates. to me, cal doesnt want merrin- he doesnt truly want her as his romantic partner. he wants people to stop leaving him.
this is probably very messy and maybe doesnt make sense, but cut me some slack, i am barely functional on my best days.
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #11: act 6 p2
aranea first appearance!!! shes so beautifullll hi girl
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okay so i think i misremembered this specific comversation. in a previous conversation with roxy, roxy accidentally IMPLIED that jane might have feelings for him. but then jake was like yeah i already know that she has a thing for me but then since he knows roxy isnt supposed to talk about it he agrees to drop it. then here he is like hey jane do you like me? be honest. just come out and say it. do you? and she is like clearly not ready to be honest yet so shes like uh no i dont
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so then hes like oh you dont well thats crazy i thought you did. but then hes like . are you sure? and she is like... haha i guess not... GAHHH THIS IS SO PAINFUL TO READ. but the problem im finding is that i feel like jake is in the wrong here but like i dont know i might do the same thing. if i suspected someone liked me and then got soft confirmation from their best friend i might also approach the situation by asking for confirmation rather than being like I KNOW YOU LIKE ME. but maybe the real thing i would do is wait for them to tell me... i honestly dont know what the right answer is... like what was his best option here because what he did felt so wrong. and jane. poor jane. she is suffering with the weight of liking this FREAK . its just hard cause i wanted her to be honest but i also get why she wasnt
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i dont even want to show this next part but jake after this is telling jane about how he thinks dirk wants to date him (which he does) and jane is just. suffering . but she keeps telling him to like go for it? like why are you sabotaging yourself like this?? i get shes trying to be a good friend but like at what cost girl your sanity?? and how is he this socially unaware when he has proven that he can pick up on the hints that jane liked him even BEFORE roxy accidentally implied it?? but now he cant tell that jane is OBVIOUSLY not happy with the situation. i actually cant tell if hes being a cruel person and deliberately ignoring her feelings or if hes just suddenly unable to pick up on her feelings. i GUESS in his defense there has been this ongoing theme of his friends saying that he has a tendency to believe people at face value and believe IN people. get it. because hope. but that is dumb and in my opinion a weak defense
to be fair. he is glasses
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what heaven looks like (without the dead cat)
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god damn you. tumut
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this is really cool
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me every time i get mad and my friends call me delusional
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this section of dirk giving jake the Lore is cool. look at alpha dave he is so awesome
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holy balls look at rose too
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hee hee look at lil seb
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this baller ass panel. hes so cool he has a fucking SWORD
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look at him go!!!!
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me when im the dumbest boy in paradox space
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wait this makes sense to me. the seer of mind can see brain ghost dirk. that is so cool
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I AM CRESTFALLEN. (also jane and roxy just died so that is very sad too. but they have dreamselves.) shit is kind of hitting the fan when all the alpha kids are trying to enter. also calliope just got name and appearance revealed so... hey
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this is funny
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ok so i watched s dirk synhcronize. really good flash! some things i noticed. 1. there is that tumblr post that is like dirk just high fives meenah without even knowing who she is or what a troll is. that is wrong he DOES know what a troll is and had already briefly met her like right before the high five happened . 2 its crazy that he has no fear or hesitation when he puts his own head in the transportalizer. like bro really just was willing to kill himself for his friends. i know that he lives bc of his dreamself but still to have ZERO hesitation shows how much he loves them all. 3 in the beginning of homestuck john needed a sledge hammer to open his cruxtruder and throughout the comic most of the characters have needed to drop something heavy on the lid to pop it open but dirk just fucking kicks it open with little effort . actual baller
based hal
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this goofy ass scene look at roxys face its so me
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fuuuuuck i just watched caliborn enter... lord english destroyed the dream bubble with the john who died and a couple dead daves... (and a bunch of alternate trolls) man i fucking HATE that guy....
shes real or somefin
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dude. not cool
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i fuckin love his hashtags
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gender envy
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im out of image space but ........ to be continued. this is definitely... like... i feel like after cascade the comic came to an abrupt stop. and it is taking a while for things to get going again. maybe once they arrive at the new session
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hiya! im a very big fan of ur fics, ur writing is like omnomnom!! i rerereread them so often ive basically memorised half of them (especially get in loser i love it so much especially the little almost asides freelancer has like certain moments where its like not quite breaking the fourth wall theyre like. brushing it with the tips of their fingers). IDK sorry to ramble but; may i request directors commentary on either kingdom come (why those four, of all people?) or one more paradox (incoherent wailing, from me). thanks!! have a nice timezone :]
im so sorry. IM SO SORRY ITS SO LATE 🫠🫠 i have not been well for a little while and i've been rushing around trying to get shit sorted for the start of term, so it's all just been a bit of a mess
i've done kingdom come for you - i do hope that's alright! and a lovely timezone to you, too 💕💕
why those four? to be totally honest, it’s just because they’re hot lol 🤩🤩 it is a long-held hc for me that gavin and vincent deserve to be besties, and the gn gals and i were chatting on discord about fl, gavin, lovely, and vincent going on a double date and all being so handsy with each other that it was impossible to tell who was actually going out with who?? so i just kind of jumped into a new google doc and mocked up a very short sequence based on that conversation, which ended up being used basically verbatim as the opening to kingdom come - it’s up to the bit where freelancer says “I think you can manage that, can’t you?”!
can’t lie, it was both more and less difficult than i expected? it was hard because obviously i couldn’t really describe freelancer or lovely’s bodies in detail - it’s hard enough with just one listener in the scene! plus, keeping track of four different people in something as descriptive and physical as a sex scene is always a nightmare. you have to keep track of (and describe!) what everyone is doing all at the same time without getting too repetitive, make sure that it’s clear who is doing/saying what (very complicated when two of them use he/him and have the same, uh, hardware, while the other two are in they/them and can’t have their bodies described basically at all), make sure that the positions you’re describing are physically possible and actually sexy… it’s a lot!
gavin and vincent are so fun to write, though, so that more than made up for it - both of them just seem to… talk? like, if any other fic writers are reading this, please do let me know if this also happens to you - but whenever i write them, they just spout dialogue like it’s going out of fashion, and i end up just being dragged along through the scene however they want, rather than how i planned it 😭😭 so yes it was tough, but a lot of fun to write - although i will say that there was a rather embarrassing incident regarding the dialogue [head in hands]
so, in order to make sure that my dialogue sounds at least faintly realistic and isn’t too stilted, i generally tend to read it out loud to myself? like, verbatim? hearing it in my own voice helps to figure out if it sounds too unnatural, which i am aware is also why sometimes my characters will say something that’s a bit too british for the source material, but whatever. 
the important part is that i was living in halls (student accommodation) when i was writing this fic, and the soundproofing on my door was… not excellent?? i had just finished ‘dialogue testing’ and opened the door to go and get a drink of water from the kitchen, when i ran face-first into one of my flatmates from the bedroom opposite mine, who had clearly been standing there waiting for a friend and had obviously just HEARD ME saying all of this… needless to say he did not make eye contact with me for some time after that and we do not keep in touch lmao 
all four of them make reference to the events of this fic being one of many, um, dalliances - this is really just because i think it sounds like the sort of thing they would do! they all seem like they would be good friends - you already know how i feel about gavin and vincent, and i reckon lovely and freelancer would get on like a house on fire. let them have a rapport! let them go on cute double dates and take holidays together and plan surprise parties for each other! this is my agenda! the whole vibe of this fic was intended to be satisfyingly filthy yet still very very sweet, and i think it works? i certainly hope it works? it is a CRIME that we have yet to have a canon audio with gavin and vincent together :((
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auspex · 1 year
5.) 12.) 24.) for Mark!
cries im realizing some of these questions arent specific enough for my autistic ass but whatever. we will have fun anyway
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
pretty far i'd say. like there are a few things he won't cross but he is cool with murdering random kindred. not humans, but kindred who he doesn't know - it helps him feel better to assume they are awful and No He Won't Address the Cognitive Dissonance that he doesnt think all kindred have to be awful because they are in the way, after all, and they are almost certainly awful, right. dsalkjfdsklf god mark.
so yeah he won't murder or hurt normal ass people, he won't go against his sire OVERTLY, and he has a soft spot for ghouls in general. Oh and gargoyles. but yeah he is becoming much more ruthless because camarilla society is ruthless :(
i was very surprised to realize it was in character for him to get some random anarch kindred murdered last session i was like oh. right. he went through horrors ig and these mfers are disrespecting him and scaring sampson. hm. yeah hed be cool w murder. sampson asked, after all <3 (sampson did ask if he could kill them lkdsajfslkj)
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
You know he does things to hurt himself long time by simply Not Thinking About and not Addressing things which can cause issues when they force themselves to be addressed... but otherwise he really is trying his best for multiple reasons. Now i think this might change soon and he may really lean into I am a Tool For Julius and nothing else. But I am hoping if that happens it is temporary.
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
ok so i got this one more than once so im gonna answer by going far back in his past this time and then the next one more recently.
his ex in high school got beat up by police and he fled - imo validly, he couldnt have done shit, but if instead of fleeing he tried to do something it would have certainly fucked up his academics more (legal issues, maybe suspension) but also strengthened his relationship with that person. I think if he had intervened he would have become, paradoxically, perhaps, more selfish, as he developed a more general love for humanity over the course of his historical studies. doing this would have made him a bit more jaded early, and instead of caring about ppl in General would have made him care about Specific People (his ex was a lil self centered lol would have rubbed off on him). from there he could have gone down a LOT of life paths but would have never caught the attention of Julius (his sire) because he did so through his academics - so would have likely just been a human guy.
hope that makes sense. it does in my head .
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banghwa · 1 year
i wonder how you feel about namjoon? i find what he's doing in chapter 2 really interesting. he literally said 'fuck the trendsetter'. 🥲 wildflower might be the best song he's ever written (lbr if taylor swift released a song with such lyricism, we'd be hearing about it for years lol), and once again it has this theme of the rift between ideals and reality, of trying to hold onto yourself and your values when the world pushes back and breaks your heart. indigo was about choosing to be a human being, to create art beyond trends and limitations, to stand tall as an artist on his own terms. he chose to perform in like. a 200 max capacity venue bc that was his dream as a teenager before everything happened. he befriended the entire k-indie scene lol. it's amazing how he's overcoming the pressure of bts' crown. he's doing exactly what fans demand of their faves (authenticity & artistry), but then indigo is probably one of the least supported/commercially successful solo releases. 👀
he's also the only member i think that's kind of ambivalent about the future of bts. i think he's distanced himself from the Brand as much as possible for his own health, but i find his uncertainty about what bts are gonna do and what they will say in the future intriguing. he was definitely right in last year's festa when he said that bts have ran out of messages to give to the world.
anyway sorry for ranting sm about namjoon in your askbox, i just think it's amazing how much he's giving his all to be a true Artist in the most corporate era of kpop ever lol.
ohhhh I won’t let myself get too sappy about it but. i really do love namjoon so much. i dont think I can put it into words. hes such a brilliant lyricist. you’re so right if it was a white woman who wrote wildflower people would be screaming about it being the sadgirl song of the decade. he’s also just. really inspirational to me, i look up to him in a lot of ways. when i was first getting into bts, he was my first “official” bias i guess until hope world came out and changed everything lol. but he continues to have such an important space in my heart. i love the way he thinks, i love how genuine he tries to be, how he knows he’s very flawed and doesnt see it necessarily as a compromising thing. he means a lot to me :’)
ithink you’re right too like. things are probably very complicated for him around bts “the brand”, rm the artist, kim namjoon the person, which are things he explores to beautifully in indigo. i think he’s probably the member whose ties to bts as a “brand” are probably the tightest and not as easily severed bcs he’s the leader and the face and all of his mistakes now represents the group. and i think you’re so right, while indigo seemed to do well (then again, im so out of the loop that i dont rly know what doing well or not means in kpop anymore lol) or at least be very well received, it definitely is not being recognized for what it is by armys themselves…..its weird i feel like namjoon is sorta in this paradox where he can’t separate himself from bts but he is also too different from/too real and flawed for the bts brand that ppl dont rly pay attention to him…..but he’s also really respected by other people who are just really and genuinely into music. idk where im going with this all this to say i love him a lot i genuinely plan to get everythingoes tattooed and if he ever releases his own book I would be first in line to buy it
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rumor-imbris · 1 year
Your Fatina Lunare, and sis of course, is back!!!
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Since you asked, here it is!!!
4. Do you like to get 100% achievements/trophies?
5. Game(s) coming out that you’re looking forward to
7. A series you’ve lost interest in
13. Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind
17. A game you didn’t finish but would like to get back to or restart someday
18. A game location you really like
19. A game you started up for the first time and you knew from the start it was going to be great
22. A game ending that’s really stuck with you
23. A “Wow” moment of awe
27. A game you love the atmosphere of
31. Someone has never played a video game before but is open to trying any genre. What game would you recommend as their first?
Hugs for the Lady Captain of the Aquila.
La Fatina Lunare Giulietta 🌙 ✨
I knew my Moon Damsel would fly to me in my inbox, I missed you so much! *w*
Thank you for another ask, let's start!
4. Do you like to get 100% achievements/trophies? I usually do, especially in open world games (when the map is not insanely vast!). The more unique the collectables, trophies or challenges, the better! ^_-
5. Game(s) coming out that you’re looking forward to I can't absolutely wait for Hellblade II Senua's Saga, but unfortunately they still haven't announced a release date date yet, so... I'm (Im)patiently waiting. In the meanwhile, definitely SW Jedi: Survivor, which is out in two days!
7. A series you’ve lost interest in It might sound paradoxically absurd, but it's quite the Assassin's Creed series. The way they torn and raped the lore and gameplay mechanincs definitely threw away my slightest consideration. They lost me at Origins, which is a The Witcher 3 wanna be with a nonsense plot in my opinion. And let me say, maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but the series had to end with Syndicate.
13. Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind
This creepy lullaby from Outlast 2 is always on my mind when playing all horror games, don't know why! Jumpscare alert!
17. A game you didn’t finish but would like to get back to or restart someday Usually if I give up on a game is because it didn't grow on me even after days and days of gameplay, but for Remothered: Broken Porcelain this is not the case. This game was very and badly bugged at the release and still needs to be properly patched at this time, that's why I wasn't able to finish it, but I'd love to play it fluently one day and conclude the story of Jennifer.
18.A game location you really like
There are countless, I'll name a few: The Frontier in AC3 The Cemetery, Scarecrow Fields in Medievil, Kew Gardens and Wulfrum Hall in Medievil 2 Almost all the worlds of Spyro Tokyo in Ghostwire Tokyo
19. A game you started up for the first time and you knew from the start it was going to be great Oh well, so many!! It's a long long list. I just feel it when a game can give me a lot emotionally and in terms of gameplay experience.
22. A game ending that’s really stuck with you
Again, so many. Definitely the saddest ones, such as AC3, Martha is Dead, A Plague Tale: Requiem, Stray... oh, Stray destroyed me!! Some others like The Pathless, Sea of Solitude, the good ending of Sekiro.
23. A “Wow” moment of awe
That's in Control! \m/
27. A game you love the atmosphere of
Kena: Bridge of Spirits. That game has thaumaturgic places once they're purified from corruption. But also, as a horror passionate, The Suicide of Rachel Foster gave me shivers the whole time, that was perfect!
31. Someone has never played a video game before but is open to trying any genre. What game would you recommend as their first?
I would go for AC1! Linear, intuitive, also a bit repetitive (so not that hard to learn) and the story is so good to let anybody understand how deep a videogame's plot can be, just like any other form of art!
Sorry if I wasn't brief ^ ^' I hope you enjoyed
Thanks for visiting me again. A waterfall of tight hugs <3
Your Lady Connor
Rumor Imbris 🦋
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ihaveneverdonedrugs · 6 years
Right. Posts. Thing. Tumblr blog thing. So uh mhm. Updates.
#reddsblah#in case i havent mentioned it before because ive been consciously and subconsciously trying to keep it on the down low#that someone is now occupying all my time#:)#the irony being that thats exactly like any other situation in which someone gets a significant other and starts ignoring all their friends#hahah jk i has no franns#the other thing hoo boy#is that because of this person ive bitten the bullet and done something brash#OLM inc opened a branch here last december as i was generously told by an ex colleague and i applied and#theyve called me in for a second interview next wednesday#im very hopeful and trying not to get hopes up which is a paradox i know shuthufhffutufckk#oh you dont know who OLM inc is? well buddy my man amigo friendo pal bro lemme tell you#theyre the guys that produced the old berserk#most merchandise based animes like beyblade cardfight yokai watch and games such as disgaea#and every.single.one of the pokemon titles and movies#dasrite#the catch is its super far away and id have to move into the are or risk monthly transports of 800 bucks on gas and tolls alone#and ive never lived alone a day in my life#im very excited to potentially get the opportunity to work for them but im dreading moving and adulting#so heres the first tagstring trash of 2018 i guess? i forget#i tell you what id been sitting on a draft for job application to another local studio for over a whole week before i found out about this#and i immediately changed the details and sent it to them straightaway#ngl it was disappointing to see nothing in my inbox but they replied in two days#in very broken english hey thanks for your app well review it and get back to you next week WOOP did i say next week i meant tonight#self esteem +45
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calllamander · 3 years
Okay I'm ready I've made up my mind , here's a little backstory no one wants to hear: my sister just got engaged and I cried for about half an hour because I was so freakin happy for her sooo I'm in such a lovely mood , maybe you can pick that up and write a little engagement thingy ? :) idc if it's drabble hcs or else , whatever works best for you sweetie 😊 also you can pick the character ...... but we both know who works always for us lmao
Thank you so muuuch and take all the time you need ! 💖
ahhhh! this is so sweet! nonnie congrats to your sister!! when I got this ask I literally started smiling so wide in my online class that everyone was really confused 😂 I hope this is alright...and plausible haha I’ve never been proposed to (hurry up Tooru smh) - sorry for the wait, this is my piece de résistance and I wanted it to be as good as it could be ❣️
Hq boys proposing
KUROO smiled at you from the passenger seat, your hand in his as usual as you drove, Tokyo fading into the patchwork fields of country. “tetsu...” you ask, laughing as the wind tangled you’re hair, “where are we going?” it seemed almost as if he had been waiting for you to ask because he suddenly looked nervous, very nervous, the kind of nervous where he accidentally blurts out chemistry pick up lines on the first date (it’s a miracle he got a second one). he looked over, emboldened by your easy enthusiasm. “do you remember when we were still in high school, and you used to call me and just say ‘get me out of here?’ ” his voice is low and serious, and impossibly gentle with emotion. you nod, and your smile gets sadder at the memory, the memory of you. “well,” he stops the car and opens up his door, hurrying round to do the same for yours, composing his thoughts as you start the walk, down the path off the road, along the river, and he feels a flush of pride as recognition illuminates your face. it’s a perfect evening, the sky is watercolour pink and orange, and the water reflects it perfectly. “we found this place by chance” he continued speaking faster from nerves, “and when we walked down this- this exact path, i knew that this was different from anything else. my whole life I have had a good life, and I had been with good people and yet I‘d just felt...” he paused, and looked you right int he eyes, before sighing out: “restless.” your mouth opens slightly and you whisper his name. “And you know when I’m with you I just feel still” he continues, starting to blink back tears. “and I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything y/n l/n, and” he got down on one knee: in front of the setting sun, and the river refracting the light. and he did look still. he looked radiant and relaxed and so so happy. and you covered your face with your hands but stopped yourself because you didn’t want to miss any of this. “and this is my moms ring” he said, “and i wish she could’ve met you but I know she would have“ his voice cracked and he looked away for a split second, swallowing hard, “would have loved you almost as much as I do.” he grinned in spite of himself and you smiled too, even through your tears. “so,” he laughed, “after all this, I guess ill just....” he laughed again, messing his hair up agitatedly, “will you marry me?”
“yes!” you laugh and run towards him, “a thousand times yes!”
OIKAWA looked himself over once more in the mirror, he’d tried hard to look like he’s trying but also casual which makes him feel kind of stupid but that paradox of appearances and feelings is just how he’s wired. casual. not I’ve-been-planning-this-for-forever-and-if-it-goes-badly-i-don’t-have-the-faintest-idea-what-I’d-do. that’s not what he wants. it needs to be a total surprise. the rings already in his breast pocket, right above his heart. the ring feels like happiness. “princess?” he spins and offers you his arm, “ready?” And when he’s sees you he blushes down neck like when its genuine, because you look beautiful in that dress, and he might be getting a little bit choked up, and ducking down to hide it. because...because it’s you, because he’s actually doing this. with you. actually. finally. “lets go then” you laugh and he laughs back with a determination usually reserved for the court. because this is everything. the drive is a short one and the night air is cold against your cheek, the streetlights make oikawa’s hair a coppery halo round his head and the wind fluffs it up in a way he gets frustrated about but you could stare at all day. “i love you ” you sigh, looking over at your boyfriend, and he blushes and stutters and tries to focus on the road. “I love you too darling” and he gives you the gentlest smile that he‘s ever shared with anyone “te amo, mi alma.” he parks and takes your hand. the observatory is empty: long closed, and your heels clack on the tiled floor. the stairs are steep, but the two of you are young and you‘re boundless because that’s what love does to people. in no time at all you step out, into the round room that forms the top floor, and gasp. there’s candles set in the corners and there’s flowers and there’s your boyfriend looking utterly ethereal, his white shirt a buttery yellow in the candle light. and you feel your heart just ache with how much you love him. he presses a button, and, as the roof starts to open up like a flower, he takes a deep breath. “when I was younger every time I felt lonely I used to think about space” sliver by sliver the roof was opening up, and you could see a glass dome, snatches of stars, pinpricks of light. torus voice was gentle, and fragile, and proud and horrifically insecure and somehow everything because it was him. “theres more out there“ He glanceable up at the sky unfolding, “than we can ever comprehend...I liked it. I liked that it was infinite. i liked that I belonged to something that was chaotic and orderly and empty and full” he swallowed hard. “and then there was you. and you were the best person I had ever met. and I thought that maybe I would have to be something else for you, because i’ve felt like that my whole life. but you - you just...made me feel like I belonged. and I didn’t need the night sky anymore because this,” the roof finally opened all the way and for one perfect moment it was just you, tooru and the universe: the heaviness of him, and the lightness too. “this is infinite.” he dropped down on one knee. “y/n l/n I love you with everything in the solar system and I will until every last star is blown out, and a thousand years more. and this isn’t horrifically corny so I’m going to just ask: will you marry me?” You let out a sob
SAKUSA leant into your touch the way he never had for anyone else. like a warmth he never knew was missing, a tiny puzzle piece in his soul. your hand was running through his hair, occasionally creeping down to rub his back. he blushes, because irritatingly he can’t stop himself (but does he wean them to?). you‘re off guard now, relaxed, eyes closed, breathing in the night air from the roof of your apartment block. his face is in your neck and it’s all very peaceful (so peaceful it makes his heart hurt). he takes a deep breath (its now or never). “...hey y/n?” you hum, opening your eyes to show you’re listening. he struggles to think of what to say. “i love you” he settles on. you kiss his hair, “I love you too omi.” you say it like it’s obvious and he shakes his head, sitting up a little more so he can look at you. “no, I mean...I- I didn‘t know what love was. and I didn’t realise how badly I wanted it, until I met you. and I just” he exhales, momentarily turning his head up to stare into the sky. “I want to spend forever with you. that. that’s what I want. and I don’t have a ring, or a dramatic plan and maybe that’s what you would have wanted-” he’s looking down now, he knows, getting nervous, and he forces himself to get back on track. “but” He realises he should be kneeling and goes to do so in front of you. “I would be the happiest man alive if you would marry me.” and there, on a camp bed that he dragged onto the roof and covered with bedding just because you mentioned you liked the night, under the cloudy 11 o clock sky with the love of your life. you said yes.
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spamtons · 2 years
Rant about one of your favorite characters
OH YAY uhmm one of my favorite characters is uh...well i have a lot but also none at the same time because they can never really come to the top of my head whenever i try to think about my favorites. i have like. a sort of paradoxical thing going on inside my mind thats like ���oh i have favorites but i dont think about them at all!” or maybe that’s just me being forgetful and trying to cover it up with some wacky explanation for it (which i totally AM now that i realize that lol!!) sorry its my weird girl swag
aside from all the mucho texto i just spewed out at you i guess id have to go with uhmmm spamton? i guess? i mean he’s sort of this blog’s namesake of course i love him. and perhaps am him in some weird way (more than just kinning at least, my brain likes to be very funny!)?? he’s so small. i love him. i wish to shove him inside an air fryer until golden brown. he’s so terrible. he’s literal spam getting clicks everywhere on the internet (outside the game) because people just love him so much. i think that’s kind of silly. what am i even saying? i don’t know. he’s so fun. he’s so quirky. he’s unknowingly fulfilling his purpose as a walking spam advert. do you ever think about that? if spamton was real i think he’d turn into wet slop over that statement. i dont know what im saying any more but i hope you enjoyed that.
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cloudraker · 3 years
hi!!! is it ok if i request a platonic tfp matchup? :D take your time ofc!!! i like both sides so i dont mind which u pick!
i'm a minor, pudgy and a little bit on the shorter side, but also very strong!! >:-) i am very unsure of my gender rn but usually i do like to present myself in a feminine way!
i would describe myself as optimistic, cheerful, simple-minded and pretty silly! i do like to have fun and explore cool places, and despite being very shy and awkward around new people, i want to socialize and make new friends!! usually im rather quiet and prefer to listen and observe. im not very good at talking because it makes me nervous so i appreciate when people are ok with that and dont expect me to engage in conversation :^] i like people that are talkative and loud that dont mind if im just looking at them n listening. but!! i also like quiet people that i can just chill and do fun stuff with in silence, like draw or watch the clouds!! unfortunately, i am a big people pleaser and the mere thought of someone disliking me makes me very sad, so i sometimes get into uncomfy situations just because i couldnt say no. also i really dont like when people yell at me– it sounds like a pointless information but i dunno its . important to me i guess. i cry easily
i really like cute and happy things but i love scary things too >:) horror movies are my favorite and im really interested in dark and supernatural cases!! im a little desensitised to gore and irl disasters but paradoxically im very skittish and jumpy. im also kinda stupid and naive so i believe every silly little thing
i like to draw, paint, sew (i make plushies!!), play the piano, collect pretty shiny things and give them to my friends as gifts! i am a very curious person, and when i find something cool (like a leaf, rock, shell, etc) i pick it up right away and show it off!! i also like to (gently!!) pick up tiny bugs and caterpillars and show them to others, cause i love insects a lot :-) i try my best to be always kind and polite to everyone, including all the cool creatures of this planet! i rarely get angry or show dislike to anyone and most of the time i go by the "treat everyone nicely because u dont know what they went through" thing. HOWEVER i do like to joke about fighting god, world domination, etc though it's all in good fun. i find it amusing when people actually believe i could be a threat to them x)
so yea. im just a silly little dude!! ty for reading all of this and i hope u have a wonderful day/night!! i love all of ur works sm! ^_^
💐 <- flowers for u !!!!
Ahh thank you so much for the flowers!! Sorry for the wait, I hope this is okay <3
I match you with...
continued below the cut :)
The two of you have similar personalities, so you two get along easily! Even if you’re shy at the start, that won’t be a problem, he’s got you covered! He can easily do all the talking at the start, firing of questions and asking you about yourself while also talking about himself in ways that are probably bragging, but he’s so excited it’s hard to care
If you’re ever in a mood where you don’t wanna do a lot of talking, he’s easily able to fill the silence with stories or idle chatter
He's always down to explore new places with you when he's not on a mission or patrol duty,
While you have trouble saying no to others, he certainly doesn’t if it’s on your behalf and he rarely, if ever, will hesitate to step in if somebody is obviously asking something of you that’s making you uncomfortable
He thinks it’s super cool that you can do all of these artsy things, and he’d be ecstatic if you showed him anything you made! The finer points may be lost on him, but he still appreciates art when he sees it, his time as a guard in the Iacon Hall of Records taught him that the finer arts are nothing to scoff at 
He’s happy to pose if you ever need a reference, and brings back anything cool he finds while he’s out if he thinks it’s something you’d find inspiration in 
If you give him a cool rock, he’d be a little confused, but if you explain that it’s something you do with your friends, he’d be really touched! You like him enough to give him a gift, and he’s determined to reciprocate. Whatever he gives you is gonna be something meaningful, maybe not something grand or expensive, but something you can look at and smile
He’s always down for a movie night! Oh, you picked out a horror movie? Of course he isn’t scared! He’s just shifting closer to make sure YOU don’t get scared! yeah, that’s it...
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victorianraccoon · 4 years
hello, welcome to my Ted talk.
Today we will be discussing "Tales from the SMP". But before I blow your minds with my theory/realization we must first talk about the butterfly effect.
So, have you heard of the butterfly effect?
The butterfly effect, is used to say the smallest of actions can lead to catastrophic events. Like, for example, a butterfly flapping it's wings causing a hurricane.
Now the important part of the butterfly effect here, is where it was first brought up.
The term was coined by meteorologist Edward Lorenz in 1960. He studying how small changes within his computer algorithm would lead to massive changes to the final outcome.
As cool as that is, Edward Lorenz wasn't the first one to really instill the idea.
Have you ever heard of "A Sound of Thunder"?
It was a short story written by Ray Bradbury, and first published in a magazine during 1952. To pretty much summarize the plot of the story, it is about a man going back in time to kill a dinosaur and then dooming humanity.
To be more specific about it, There is a company that holds onto a time machine, going by the name of "Time Safaris Inc.". Unsurprisingly, They use it for "Time Safaris", in which they let people go back into the past and shoot a dinosaur of their choosing.
The main character of the story is "Eckels", who shows up to Time Safaris Inc. and ends up requesting to shoot a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Before Eckels is brought to the past, the tour guide takes a minute to explain how they plan out the process. The guide says that the Tyrannosaurus Rex they will be shooting is about to be killed by a falling tree. So that upon killing that T. Rex, they will only be effecting the way that the T. Rex dies and don't end up effecting anything else. They even remove the bullets from the bodies as to not leave anything behind.
Time Safaris have also ended up setting precautions. They have set up a metal floating pathway above the ground so they don't touch the ground and end up crushing the plants and/or insects.
The Time Safari guides heavily stress how important it is to Eckels about how he cannot walk off the pathway.
"Don't stray from the path."
What ends up happening for the rest of the story is, once Eckels sees the Tyrannosaurus Rex, he ends up panicking. He steps off the pathway, and crushing a butterfly by mistake. This causes a change within the timeline so major that it greatly effects the human language. There are probably more changes to the present of that world, but we never got to see them.
Now, we are going to take a step back for a moment.
"Don't stray from the path."
Sounds... awfully familiar... doesn't it?
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I will rant as to how Time Travler Karl has probably doomed the future in a minute, but I gotta be serious about my theorizing.
We have only seen five episodes of tales of the smp, which is not a ton of sources of info to go off unfortunately. Episode two probably isn't even "cannon", but eh I can't really say.
But we have seen the future once.
Episode three.
The one where Ranboo apparently had a moment where he really liked the idea of bioshock, built a city underwater, then had kids who made false assumptions from screwed up historical documents of the events of the Dream Smp.
There is a problem with this though.
Episode one, he was in the past. Some peasant village that dealt with some murders, probably one of the beginning settlements of flordia.
The issue about this is because since we haven't seen a future without Karl meddling in someway, that means we do not have a untouched future to compare this touched future against. We cannot figure out the type of time traveling rules are in place. Time traveling rules differ from story to story, but they tend to be--
1) Time is set in stone. You change minor events but you cannot change major events.
2) Time is malleable to a point but crushing a bug won't kill the world.
3) Stomping a butterfly to death can somehow mess up the human languages. Sneezing will end the world you are fucked everything is fucked the sun is collapsing because you had to sneeze you bastard you
So, the events that are happening could either be completely time traveler Karl Jacob's fault, or they could always be happening no matter what Karl Jacob's does.
Also there is complete possibility that it's a time loop, which those are confusing as hell and im not even going to try to talk about that.
But if that's the case, that means he's losing his memories for nothing.
All three are quite bad.
Also? There is a complete other possibility on the fact that what is going on in the dream smp could be the "best" timeline. I am not saying Time Traveler Karl thinks that what has happened is the best timeline, but it might be the best it can get.
( The descendent into madness starts here)
Time travel is so fucking complicated in the way that technically speaking if it is happening now in the past, it has already happened here.
Time travel is a very genuinely interesting story telling method, I'm not going to lie about that. It allows for more interesting settings and characters, but holy shit. The part of my brain that enjoys understanding storylines and timelines starts having a conniption whenever its brought up.
But there are so many loopholes that are left behind. Like- Time travel in its self is a Paradox! If the problem has already been solved, then why go back to fix it? Then there is nothing to fix the problem in the first place!
I hope as CC!Karl keeps releasing more of the series it will fill in more holes and answer more questions, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just me looking too deep into things when I should just enjoy it face value.
Also? I know I am going somewhat on a tangent here, but I have started and I cannot stop. But there legit biological consequences of time traveling! Do you know how much disease Time Traveler Karl has probably been spreading around???
Because here is the thing about time, as it marches on, so does evolution. Evolution is always happening and occurring, some instances more noticeable then others.
If you were to go back in time, not only would you be exposed to very old diseases that your body might not even be able to recognize since how different they appear, you are also bringing newer, more specialized and better adapted diseases into the past.
Where people's bodies are not trained against those diseases.
I lose my fucking mind over the possibility of there being a connection of the butterfly effect between "A Sound of Thunder" and tales of the smp.
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