#ima go play star rail now
cutechickdgaming · 1 year
cutechickd Service Announcement for my fellow fricks
tl;dr: Research before reblog
Recently I’ve been tagged to a reblog-this-please-don’t-scroll-spread-awareness type of post. Don’t worry, xjumbled-up-brainx, I don’t blame you 🫂. You @’ing me did encourage to make this post, after all :D.
Context: Someone found a Twitter post about creating a new flag (r*pesexual, and yes, I fully agree that is abhorrent, ironic or not). I looked through the reblogs and replies of the OG tumblr signal boost post, and I see a lot of general agreement that the Twitter post was satire and bait like “superstraight” (thing is, satire should be FUNNY, not glorifying sexual crimes).
It does make sense to me, some people (like “4chan grifters” as some people said in the discussion) do want to take the opportunity to slander LGBTQ+ with disgusting filth like this for ammunition, though yeah I understand the possibility people unironically (aka not trolling) believing in flags like this, just like...UGH...MAP-pride. I lean more towards thinking actual r*pists wanting to hide in the shadows and not put a proud label on themselves for everyone to see and (rightfully) target.
A major point I need to make in this post is thinking twice to resist the pathos attraction of these signal boost REBLOG PLEASE posts. Pathos is arguably the most effective rhetorical appeal, however it can be the most unethical of them all. All the reblog text with bright rainbow colors, enlarged Times New Roman font, and such are so easy to catch, leaving you barely any time to think if there’s a catch.
What if the enemies want attention? Should you give publicity to these trolls so easily? Is there a more effective and non-panic-provoking way that could better render these awful “-sexuals” obsolete?
These are decent standard questions to ask yourself. I’d rather take a step back and make a plan to deal with the problem at hand within my power than reblog something that’s gonna disrupt my escapism silly Tumblr (the RB thread looks as long as that one Dream tweet that started the “I’m not reading allat” thing) because some Internet rando tried to grab me by the figurative reins and told me I’m going to hell if I don’t do it.
Like actually
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Buddy, this is not the Old Testament (/hj, coming from a Christian).
Ahem, I think that’s enough for me to show you why I don’t really like these “Don’t scroll past this!!” “BOOST!” “This is IMPORTANT!” posts, it’s WAY too much emotional demand, like it actually gives me distress, and I don’t want that for the rest of you guys. It makes choking someone by the neck look like a nice casual massage.
I’ll end it here. If you spot any dangerous people like actual r*pists and p*dophiles who are out (or fantasizing about) to harm real people, make sure they get legal consequences, like reported and handed over to the authorities. Those scum need discipline and shame via effective action.
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skyfumgus · 8 months
Had a dream where pizza tower had another ending where fucking the we were playing on computer was shutting down and some angel like character had to save it, and apparently Asta from Honkai star rail was a princess? And had a crush on peppino.
Okay ima go back to bed now :3
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blossomingimagines · 3 years
Of A Broken Heart
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Stark!Reader
Word Count: 5,339
Summary: You never thought you would see her again. Never thought you would feel your heart skip a beat because of her emerald green gaze again. Never thought that you would let her back in. You also never thought that you would have to think about planning your brother’s funeral either. (Set after and during (sort of) Infinity War.)
Notes: Everyone requested a second part of Requiem... so I thought I would make one. I hope that you all like it. (Also the reader was under the assumption that Tony had returned. She wasn’t aware that Tony wouldn’t have a way back.)
Tag List: @username23345 // @stephanieromanoff // @ima-gi--na-tion // @chickenhavewisdom // @hi-i-1​ (I’m not sure if some of you wanted to be tagged but you mentioned a part two in Requiem... so I thought I would do so just in case.)
Warnings: Mentions of alcoholism. 
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Your gaze was leveled with the sky. Tracing over the sparkling stars and the distant worlds dotted between. Worlds that you would never be able to make out with your naked eye. Even though you knew that they were there all the same.
Was Tony on one of them? Your mind cries out. Tears coming unbidden to your eyes as you tried to quell the incoming sobs. Was he all right? Was he already dead?
The thoughts were familiar to you. Looping constantly within your head like a taunt. Images of your brother’s dead body flashing across your mind. Hollow brown eyes, normally filled with so much life, staring into your own. Never to have the same spark again. To have mischief lurking within their depths as various emotions played through his brilliant mind. 
Clenching your hands against the railing you were leaning against, you lower your head as you take in deep breaths. Ever since Tony had disappeared with the ship you had been left in an almost fugue state. Barely being able to interact with anyone. Barely allowing yourself the pleasures of living. 
Eating had become a challenge because Tony could potentially not be doing the same. How could you possibly enjoy your meal if Tony was starving? How could you allow yourself the simple pleasures of Earth if Tony was suffering away from it? Away from you. 
The thought of Tony truly being gone hadn’t fully set in. You had dealt with this before. Had lived with the knowledge that Tony could be lost to you. Afghanistan had been hell for you and for everyone that loved Tony. You hadn’t given up hope that he would be found. That your big brother, the only family you had left, would be returning to you. 
You had less hope now. At least when Tony had disappeared in Afghanistan he had still been on Earth. Now you didn’t know what galaxy he was in… let alone the planet.  His absence became more and more obvious the longer it went on. The days slipping past you like water through your fingers. The knowledge that Tony may truly be gone this time crushing you. 
It didn’t help that you were surrounded by the people that hurt you the most. The people that you thought were your family but ended up being your biggest heartache. Closing your eyes once more, you crane your neck back. And even if you couldn’t see the stars you knew where you were looking. You had long since memorized the layout of the sky above your terrace in the Compound. It wasn’t the Tower but you didn’t think you could bear to set foot in it. Not without Tony being there to greet you. 
You could hear the distant murmur of voices beneath you. No doubt the others trying to figure out what to do. The sound causes yet another stab of pain to lance through your heart. While you wouldn’t wish what had happened on your greatest enemy, you couldn’t understand how they survived when Tony didn’t. How they could be using the things he made for them after everything they had done. Didn’t understand why you had to see them every day and not Tony. 
You still remember, with perfect clarity, seeing them again after so long. Remember seeing her again after everything. 
You wished that your heart didn’t still react the way it did. 
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Stepping off of the QuinJet, you pull your jacket tighter against your body. Your eyes taking in the various faces as you went. Desperately searching for something familiar to ground you. You needed something to make sense. You needed to have someone you love be okay. 
Spotting a familiar face, you break out into a run. Relief interlacing itself within your shout. “Wombat!”
At your yell, Rhodey whips around and pure relief flashes across his face. His arms are already opening for you as you barrel into him. Burrowing against him as you clung as tightly as you could. 
“You’re okay,” you choke out with tears falling from your eyes. “You’re okay.”
Rhodey’s arms tighten around you at your choked statements. The pain he was holding back showcasing itself within the shaking of his arms. By the way, he followed every minute movement of your body as you shifted in his embrace. Finally, after a few moments, you take a small step back. Making sure that you maintained eye contact with him through it all. You needed him in your sights at all times. You don’t know what you would do if he disappeared too. 
His pained gaze flits to various points behind you. His throat bobbing up and down as he tried to form his question. “Di-” He clears his throat. “Did Pepper make it?”
You nod. “She’s on her way now.”
Rhodey hums but his gaze still hadn’t returned to yours. Causing your own to narrow as worry started to fill your chest. “Rhodey.” You wait for him to turn back towards you. Even if his gaze wouldn’t stay solely on your own for long. “What’s wrong?”
He shakes his head but doesn’t offer an answer. Something that only causes your worry to grow that much more. Rhodey had made it his life's work to deliver the hard truths to family. You didn’t want to think of what this meant that he wasn’t able to tell you. 
Stepping closer, you place a light hand on his chest. “Rhodey,” you implore gently. “What happened?”
There’s a tense silence until he finally meets your gaze. Tears finally begin to fall from his eyes as a pained sound escapes his mouth. “Sam.”
He didn’t have to say anything else for you to understand. You had already seen so many people you knew crumble before your eyes. Seen innocent bystanders disappear with the breeze as their remaining family watched in shock. The screams for help and the mournful howls of grief following soon after. New York City quickly became a desolate wasteland of what it used to be. The City That Never Slept growing quiet. 
Wrapping your arms around Rhodey, you offer him another hug. There were no words that you could say that could take away his pain. No words that would ever make the grief go away. That would ever erase the image of ashen faces crumbling against the wind. Faces of loved ones, of people you didn’t even know, forever seared into your brain. 
Raising your head, you meet Rhodey’s gaze once more. A small frown furrowing your brow. 
“Where’s Tony?”
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“We’ll have to take another jet to scope the area for more survivors. I thi-”
Whatever was going to be said was immediately interrupted by your entrance. Not that you cared for anything he had to say. Your gaze honing in on his baby blue one as you made your way towards him. While he didn’t look the same you could still see the self-righteous asshole underneath. Something that caused your anger to grow even more. 
You didn’t notice the other occupants of the room. Didn’t notice the way pained green eyes followed your every move-- even though there was worry interlacing the expression. Didn’t notice anything except for Steven Fucking Rogers. 
Even the splitting pain that erupted across your hand as you punched him did little to detract from your anger. All you could feel was your pain. Your grief at what had happened. No amount of physical pain could ever measure up to your emotional trauma. 
“You asshole,” you snarl. “This is exactly what Tony was afraid of. This is exactly what he tried to protect the world from.”
Steve didn’t make any move to protect himself from your shoves. His blue gaze turning sad; almost remorseful. 
“I know, Y/N.” He turns his head away as shame colors his face. “I know that this is what Tony was afraid of.”
“Don’t you dare say his fucking name like you’re still his friend. Don’t you dare act like what you did didn’t happen.” You scoff as you take a step back from him. Your gaze finally looping the room for the first time. Only briefly pausing over Natasha’s silent form. Hating the relief that flared through your body at the sight of her. An emotion that you were sure crossed your face by the way something shifted in her gaze. By the way, her stance loosened ever-so-slightly. Turning away from her, you meet Steve’s gaze once more. “Tony knew this was going to happen. It’s why he fought so fucking hard for the Accords. Why he fought so hard to keep the team together.”
Anger finally graces Steve’s face at your words. “The Accords were going to treat us as servants, Y/N. There was no way we could sign them.”
An incredulous laugh falls from your lips at your words. “This isn’t the forties, Rogers. You can’t just do whatever the hell you want and expect to get away with it. There have to be limitations on what people with your abilities are allowed to do.” You shake your head as you turn your back on him. Moving towards the door. “Tony was going to fight for your rights. He wasn’t going to let your humanity be stripped from you. But there had to be fail-safes in place to protect the innocent people of Earth.” You shoot him a glance over your shoulder. Withering with its intensity-- with your anger. “Or is one person truly worth more than the millions of lives you destroyed? Or the billions, maybe even trillions, that are now gone because you couldn’t see past your loyalty to him?”
“This isn’t my fault, Y/N.” Steve replies. “This is because of Thanos. He is the one we have to stop.”
A small smile quirks your lips at that. “Still the idealist I see.” You shake your head. “We all made mistakes, Rogers. Could have done things in a different manner. But never forget that you were the one that split the team-up. That you were the one that decided Barnes’s life was worth more than everyone else's.” You chance one more glance towards Steve. Your eyes are sympathetic because you already knew what happened to him. “I’m sorry for your loss. No one deserves to see their loved ones perish like that.”
Even though it’s better than not knowing...
Moving closer towards the door, you place a gentle hand against the wooden surface. Your gaze turning somber as you meet Natasha’s gaze once more. Maintaining eye contact even though you were speaking to the room as a whole. “Maybe the people we should have been protecting the Earth from were you.”
You don’t wait for a response as you’re already gone. The thunderous echo of the door slamming behind you being all that was left of your presence. 
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You find Thor outside with an anthropomorphic raccoon. Something that barely causes you to pause as you settle down beside the god. Your gaze remains level with the horizon even as you felt Thor’s gaze on your face. His electric blue eyes like a weight against your skin. 
His deep rumbling voice soon breaks the silence. “Y/N.”
A silence settles over the three of you. Your gaze never wavering from the setting sun. The silent fields rolling with the wind. A hollowness exuding from the world that left your stomach churning with nausea.
“Is the Man of Iron, all right?” Thor breaks the silence once more. His deep voice is uncharacteristically soft. “I haven’t seen him.”
At the question, your mouth thins into a line. Finally breaking your gaze with the horizon as you met Thor’s. “Tony isn’t here, Thor.”
The revelation causes Thor to reel back. His shock etching itself across his features. “Friend Stark was dusted?”
You shake your head; trying to ignore the pain that struck your chest at the very thought. “No, Thor. He went after Thanos with Peter.”
The God of Thunder’s brow furrows. “So you do not know if he lives?”
You shake your head once more. “No, Thor. I don’t know if Tony is alive or not. I may never know what has happened to him.”
There’s another moment of silence before another voice speaks up. Your gaze shifting towards the raccoons. Deep brown eyes, that reminded you so much of Tony, stare back at you. 
“He’ll be all right. If he’s in space then that means he’s run into my team.” His pointed snout looks back towards the sky with a hint of longing across his face. “They’ll take good care of him.”
At his words, a breath of relief falls from your lips. Your shoulders loosen at the sheer confidence within the raccoon's tone. That is until Thor interjected once more. 
“But what if they were dusted too, Rocket?’
There was no answer. Only the silence of the world, a world that would never be the same, settling over the three of you. Your eyes once again returning towards the sky. 
All with different levels of longing interlaced within.
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Staying in Wakanda was stifling. While it was a beautiful country with astonishing marvels, you couldn’t help but be weighed down by everything. From the silent grief that permeated the air because T’Challa was gone. To the dark looks directed towards the sky whenever an airship flew overhead. Not to mention being surrounded by Rogers and his team. 
Pepper’s arrival was like a breath of fresh air. You weren’t sure you were still capable of smiling, with true joy, before she appeared. Her bright blue eyes meet your gaze across the yard. Her own bright smile, with unshed tears filling her gaze, appearing as she rushed towards you. Her slim arms wrapping around you in a tight embrace. The familiar floral scent of her perfume calming you. 
You hadn’t been around when Pepper had seen Steve again. Hadn’t seen the colossal fallout that had occurred but you had definitely heard about it. Thor had been all too happy to tell you the tale of ‘Lady Potts decimating her star-spangled foe’. Something you were more than eager to hear. 
Which is how Pepper had found the two of you. Laughing over Thor’s depiction of events. Her own agitation quickly falling away at your joy. And, while it didn’t last long, you were thankful to Thor for allowing it to appear all the same. 
Returning to the United States, to New York City, was like stepping into a nightmare. At least while you were in Wakanda you could pretend that billions of people weren’t dead. That it hadn’t been something that affected half of the universe. Seeing the empty cars on the side of the road. The few people littering the street looking lost. Faces pale and emotionless as they shuffled aimlessly from place to place. 
It was a sight that you would never forget. Yet another thing that you were going to have nightmares about. 
The Compound wasn’t any better. Echoes of days long passed hitting you with full intensity as you made your way through the silent halls. The laughter that sounded so foreign to your ears now ghosting across your ears on a phantom breeze. Distant chattering that only seemed to fade the closer you got to it. Memories haunted the halls of the Compound. But nothing would ever be worse than the Tower. The place that you and Tony had built together. A great marvel that was forever placed within Manhattan's skyline. Knowing that he wouldn’t be there when you arrived caused you to stay away. 
You didn’t think you would be able to handle those memories. Of lazy Sunday afternoons lounging around in pajamas while Pepper was taking various calls. Tony doing his best to make her break away from her no-nonsense CEO facade. Only succeeding once before Pepper shot him a withering look that held no heat behind it. The sound of his laughter bouncing off the hallways as he cheated at Mario Kart. Your own expletives joined in soon after as you were hit, once again, with a shell. 
Knowing that the Compound did this to you; even though you rarely visited it. How could you possibly set foot in the Tower? The one place that had made you feel truly at home. 
Drinking helped ease the pain. Helped quiet the memories that kept surfacing as you stayed in the Compound. You know that it wouldn’t be what Tony wanted. That he never wanted you to have the problems he had, but as the days passed. As the pain, the grief, continued to grow, you found it harder and harder to resist the amber liquid. Tony wasn’t there anymore. He wasn’t there to tell you a joke when you were feeling low. He wasn’t there to tell you that he loved you in his own special way.
He wasn’t there.
So you settled for the numbness and the sound of his voice in the distance. Always there in a dark corner but never obtainable.
Anything would be better than not having him with you. 
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On the second week of your stay in the Compound, the others appeared. The sound of the QuinJet only pulling your gaze towards the yard for a moment before you looked back down. You knew that they would be coming sooner or later. The world needed protectors. And they had just lost their greatest. The people of Earth needed to have someone to look towards. 
It was only a matter of time before they called on them. 
You didn’t even raise your gaze when you heard them enter. Their voices petering off when they noticed you sitting on one of the many couches with a StarkPad in hand. 
“You didn’t think I would just let you stay here by yourselves, did you?”
Your question was only met by silence. You were hoping that they didn’t question you on how you knew. That they didn’t notice the dark shadows under your eyes from lack of sleep. Or the empty decanter on the glass table before you. 
Steve was the one to respond. “We didn’t but I wasn’t aware it was going to be you, Y/N.”
Glancing up, you narrow your eyes. “Well, I’m the only Stark left so it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise, Rogers.”
You don’t wait for a response, suddenly finding it too hard to be in the same room as him, as you stand. Trying to ignore the way the room spun ever-so-slightly at the motion. Easily gathering your bearings as you made your way out of the room.
Trying to ignore the way an emerald green gaze watched you as you left. 
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You weren’t surprised when she found you-- annoyed maybe but not surprised. Sometimes you hated that she knew you so well. Hated that she could still read you like a children's book. 
You didn’t bother to turn towards her as she stepped onto the terrace. Your gaze remains level with the horizon. Hoping, no matter how much it hurt, that you would see something. Anything. A single sign that Tony was coming back to you. That he was alive. 
Feeling her warm presence settle beside you should have caused you to tense. Should have caused you to move away at the closeness. It should have caused you to do a lot of things but you don’t. You simply stay rooted to the spot as Natasha leveled her gaze towards the side of your face. Her keen green eyes took in everything that she could see. 
You tried not to tense when her eyes flickered down towards your hands. Towards the glass that, by some miracle, hadn’t broken due to your tight grip. The amber liquid glowing softly underneath the moonlight. 
She doesn’t say anything for a long while. Simply standing with you underneath the moonlit sky. The only sound passing between you being your breathing. 
Until her husky voice finally breaks the silence. “He wouldn’t want you to do this to yourself, Y/N.”
You tense. “And how would you know what Tony wants Natalia?” 
You didn’t have to be looking at her to see the wince that you caused. Your own heart feeling heavy at your acidic retort. But, unlike most people, she didn’t shy away from your anger. She didn’t even seem to be fazed by it.
“Because, despite what you may think, I still consider you and Tony my family. I know how much Tony loves you, Y/N. I know how much you love him.” She grows silent for a moment before she continues. Her tone much softer than it was before. “And I know how much I love you.”
Your eyes slip shut at the quiet admission. A painful lurch of your heart telling you what you had been trying to ignore for the last two years. That you love Natasha Romanoff. That you always would… no matter what. 
“That’s not fair,” you whisper. Finally turning your gaze to meet hers. “You can’t just come back into my life after two years and say those things to me. You can’t just say you love me like it’s going to fix anything.”
Her eyes flash. Turning razor sharp before your eyes as she steps closer. “It could change everything, Y/N.” Emerald green implores you to listen to her. To actually hear and understand what she was trying to say. “I love you, Y/N Stark. You are the love of my life. You are the only love of my life. I hate myself for hurting you. For breaking us apart because I couldn’t see the bigger picture. You are the only woman that has ever made me feel cherished. The only person that has ever made me feel truly loved.”
You shake your head. “You left, Natasha.”
“Because you told me to,” Natasha cries. Her green gaze grew even brighter because of unshed tears. “Do you think I wouldn’t have stayed? That I wouldn’t have fought tooth and nail to keep you? That I wouldn’t have let this whole world burn if it meant I could be with you for one more moment? You told me to leave, Y/N. I had already broken enough that day. I wasn’t going to stay and break your heart even more.”
“And you think this time will be any different?” You ask with an incredulous frown pulling your brow down. “You think that I don’t have nightmares about my parents death? That I don’t see my mother being murdered while my father couldn’t do anything but watch? You think that I’m not haunted every single fucking day that the love of my life kept that from me. That you lied to my face about one of the single most important things in my life.” Moving away, after setting your glass down, you run a hand through your hair. Your mouth thinning into a line. “You don’t think I wanted you to stay too?”
At your admission, Natasha moves towards you. Her gaze desperate as she took your hand in hers. “This time I will, Y/N. I won’t let you go again. Doing so last time almost killed me. I promise that I won’t ever lie to you again.” She shakes her head as she takes another small step closer, her hand resting gently against your cheek. “I promise that I’ll love you the way you should be loved until our last dying breaths.”
Your eyes flutter shut at the touch. It had been too long since you had felt her. Felt the way her fingertips ran across your cheek. The simple elegance that she always exuded being interlaced with her love for you. But you couldn’t forget what had happened. Your heart lurching in your chest as you remember the sting of betrayal once more. 
Pulling away from her, you take a few steps back and fold your arms over your chest. You needed to have distance between your bodies. You wouldn’t be able to think clearly if she was near. 
“I need time to think, Natasha.” You finally say after a tense stare off. “I need to come to terms with a lot of things in my life.”
Nodding, Natasha takes a small step back. Even though it looked like everything in her body was telling her to move towards you. Her green gaze glowed with a gentle warmth. “I’ll wait for as long as you need, Y/N. I’ll be damned if I lose you again.” Turning away from you, Natasha pauses at the door. Her gaze meets yours once more with a small smile quirking her lips. “And, just so you know, I had nothing before I found this family. Before I found you.”
Then she was gone. Leaving only you and the echoing of her words behind. 
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You haven't truly spoken to Natasha since the exchange. She had kept true to her word about waiting for you. Her gaze always finds yours the moment you enter a room she was in. Always making it clear that you could approach her whenever you wished to. Though she never forced her presence onto you. Maintaining a respectable distance from you at all times. Not far enough for you to not know she was there but not close enough for you to feel crowded. 
You had tried to come up with ways why you couldn’t let her back in. Her betrayal being the main factor but even you knew that it wasn’t valid any longer. Even Tony had told you to look past it. That Natasha was so head over heels for you that her reasons had been honorable. Severely misguided, maybe, but honorable. 
Oh, Tony, if you were here I wouldn’t feel so lost. You would just tell me what to do. Give me your patented smirk and berate me about my head being up my ass. Lowering your gaze, you run a frazzled hand through your hair. If I get one sign that you’re alright I’ll give her one more chance. I’ll make it work because I know that this is what the universe wants. That you returning to me is a sign that I’m supposed to be with Natasha. 
At your eternal declaration, you glance towards the sky. Hope fills your chest as you observe the moonlit sky. Only to quickly be crushed as the minutes ticked by and nothing happened. Your heart breaks even more in your chest at getting your hopes up. 
Stepping back from the railing, you decide that it would be best if you headed in. Maybe drown your sorrows with a few glasses of whiskey before turning in for the night. Pressing your hand against the smooth glass of the door, you have to squint at the sudden light from behind you. Your eyes barely being able to focus through the brilliant blaze. Glancing behind you, your eyes widen at the sight of a spaceship being placed down onto the ground. Your breath catching in your throat as you leapt into action. 
You didn’t even register your mad dash through the Compound. Didn’t notice the confused looks or the shouts of your name. Didn’t register the cold grass against your bare feet as you rushed across the lawn. All you could see was the spaceship. 
All you could see was the hatch opening and two figures exiting. 
All you could see was the exhausted face of your older brother. His dark brown eyes meet yours through the darkness. Relief flooding his expression as he hobbled towards you. Disconnecting from the blue arm that was keeping him steady. 
All you could register was the feeling of having him in your arms again. Your nose pressing into his neck as you clung to him. Soft sobs rip from your throat as his calloused hands gently run through your hair. 
“You’re alive.”
It was like a mantra that you brokenly repeated over and over again. Each time making it even more real that Tony was actually there with you. That he wasn’t gone. That you could still see, touch, and hear him.
His answering response never failed to bring more tears cascading down your cheeks. “I’m here.”
You could hear the others as they approached you. By the tensing of Tony in your arms you know that Rogers was at the front. Pulling back, you touch Tony’s face. A soft sob falling from your lips at how emaciated he looked.
Offering him a watery smile, your thumb gently rubbing against his cheek. “We’ll have to get some food for you. I don’t think the space diet suits you, Tones.”
He offers you a small smile in return. The familiar spark reigniting in his gaze before fading away. His next words came out in a dull whisper. “I lost the kid.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. Your own shock filled you as the devastation in Tony’s eyes became apparent. You had known for quite some time that Tony thought of Peter like a son. That Tony would do anything to keep him safe. You viewed Peter as a little brother you always wanted. A warm presence that filled your life with meaning once more. His childish antics brightening your day and bringing a smile to your face. Knowing that he was gone? That you would never hear his horrible jokes again? Or his anxious rambles? It broke your heart. For both losing Peter and for Tony having to witness it. 
“I’m sorry, Tony.” You shake your head. “He was a good kid.”
“Yeah he was.”
Opening your mouth, you’re about to respond but a shrill cry breaks through. “Tony!”
Turning, you could see Pepper rushing towards you both. Her blue gaze locked with Tony as she ran. Without thinking twice you move aside as Pepper takes your spot. Moving away to give her and Tony some privacy. Or however much one could get in an open lawn. 
Not realizing how close you were to the others, you flinch at the sudden presence at your side. Your gaze meeting Natasha’s. Her green gaze filled with warmth and happiness. A small smile quirking her lips as she observes the scene before her. Pepper’s strong hold on Tony not wavering in the slightest even as Rhodey appeared too. Both taking their turns in showering the genius with hugs. 
Shifting, your hand gently brushes the back of Natasha’s. Her eyes shifted towards yours for a moment before returning front and center. Biting your lip, you deliberate on what to do. As Natasha had clearly just given you the sign that the ball was in your court. That however you reacted to this situation would be all up to you. 
You could step away. Pretend like nothing had happened. That it had been a simple accident and nothing more.
Or you could take her hand and finally accept what your heart was screaming at you. What it had been trying to tell your stubborn mind for the last two years. That Natasha Romanoff was the love of your life and you were never going to find anyone like her. That despite all this tragedy you could learn how to be happy again because she was by your side. 
I did promise the universe, you muse with amusement dancing across your mind. And I don’t like breaking promises. 
So, without breaking eye contact with the scene in front of you, you take Natasha’s hand. Allowing a small smile to quirk your lips at the way she immediately interlaced her fingers with yours. Noticing the warm smile that was now curling her lips through your peripheral. 
Squeezing her hand, your heart leapt in your chest at the answering squeeze in response. Your body singing with happiness at having Natasha returned to you. 
Despite everything, despite all the hardships you would now have to face, you would be able to do so.
As long as you had Natasha by your side you could get through anything. 
And nothing would ever change that. 
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nightglider124 · 5 years
A Present For Dar - 2020 <3
Eyyyyy so in a way, time zones are like sorta working with me for once. Technically, in your zone, your day of birth has passed but in my zone, tis still going so... I’m counting it as on time ahsbsafadlg...
Anywho... HAPPY BIRTHDAY @dar-draws - ONE OF MY BESTEST PALS AND FAVOURITE LIL GREMLINS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD! I hope you had a truly kickass day because you deserve it, you perfectly perfect gardening tool. I have been basically dead for a while now, I know. But I wanted to resurrect to ensure I gifted you with some wholesome famjam fluff from our favourite pair of disgusting individuals. 
I hope you like it and forgive me; it is not properly edited yet but ima do it. XD
I love you gurl and a very hip hop happy birthday <3 <3 <3
The glass of the apartment windows rattled under the sheer force of wind that spiked outside, throwing all of its weight against the sides of the building, as if trying to break through. It squirmed and thrashed, almost like it was being restrained from wreaking the havoc and damage it was truly capable of. 
It howled and whined as it whistled between the clusters of charcoal clouds that still clung to the bleak night sky which formed the Earth’s backdrop, just until the break of dawn made itself known as it did with every new morning that came. 
Rain drops continued to splatter against the window panes, without a single sign of stopping any time soon. The heavens had well and truly opened as the downpour covered the sidewalks in water, rippling puddles lining the paths for those who dared to still be out in the storm that raged on through the night. 
The pitter-patter sound of the rain as it impacted the glass was deafening, a truly frightening level of volume as the city continued to endure one of the worst storms it had had in a long time. 
A clap of thunder had been faintly heard in the distance not so long ago and it was now a burning curiosity for anyone still awake at such a ghastly hour, to know just when the lightning would be accompanying its natural companion. 
And yet, despite the violent performance from Mother Nature, there was one particular man who had voluntarily gone out into it, just as he always did. It was his duty; a vow to the city he lived within, made many years ago that he would protect it, wherever possible.
Such a vow could not be broken, even when the wind and rain tried so desperately to hold him back from what he silently promised the citizens of Bludhaven. 
It made his job more difficult at times and of course, he was putting himself in harm’s way more. He knew that he could slip and fall from an outrageous height when the weather was like this; he knew he could be hurled into dangerous territory by the powerful winds but, he also knew that if he skipped a night of watching the city like a mysterious guardian, it could mean an innocent’s death at the hands of a criminal.
He decided that fact alone meant he would face obscene weather patterns, no matter the danger, each and every time if he had to. 
There was, however, an upside to the state of the elements when it worsened like it had. Criminals and levels of crime in general tended to decrease, especially when it finally reached 3am. 
Nightwing stifled a yawn as he swung through the gaps between tall buildings, being careful to maintain his grip on the handle of his grappling hook. He propelled himself forward, glimpsing at the few stars painted across the sky, ever so slightly hidden by the rain tinted veil beyond his mask. 
He aligned his arms to collect speed and momentum as he tumbled towards the empty streets below, his soaked ebony locks whipping around his face, only serving to get his skin wetter than before. 
The colors and lights of nearby structures passed his line of sight in a hazy blur as he hurtled towards the ground, smirking and opening his eyes just in time.
He shot his hook upwards, an audible zipping sound coming from the device as it locked onto the stone railing of a nearby pizza parlor. He swept over the ground, narrowly missing its touch by a single breath. 
Flying through the air, he felt alive; his heart buzzing and soaring like he was. He had felt flight in many ways and despite the love he had for his own way, he preferred another’s much more.
He envisioned her; the carefree way she spun and dove through the clouds, her scarlet hair coming to him in bright flashes and the way her emerald eyes sparkled as if basking in a secret shared that only the two of them knew about. 
He smiled and finally saw the location he desired; suddenly clamoring over rooftops and railings to reach it in haste. 
Once his final leap was complete and he was glued to the side of the building, he fiddled with the latch of one of the windows, attempting to ignore the way the rain beat down on him and trickled down the back of his neck and beneath his uniform. 
He clenched his jaw, unable to wait for the satisfying warmth that would soon cocoon him. 
When the window opened, he slid inside without delay and closed it again, locking it tight behind him. Nightwing released the breath he had been holding inside his chest and strolled towards one of the closest apartments in the hallway, disregarding all the other doors that lined the corridor of the floor he was on. 
There was only one that was on his mind and he felt his fluttering in his stomach beginning to stir at the thought of being inside. 
As he approached the dark stained entrance, he peered at the silver reflection of the door number before reaching into one of the back compartments of his belt and fishing out his keys. 
Slotting it into the groove of the lock, he gave it a few gentle twists as to not alert nor wake anyone within. Biting his lip, he grasped the handle and opened the door.
He pulled the key back and paused, noticing that the lights were all on from where he was stood, all the way into the lounge area. His dark brows furrowed in confusion but he avoided calling out any names, just in case. 
It was only after depositing his set of keys in the ceramic bowl that sat atop the oak console table, just to the right of the front door, did he hear it.
His interest and curiosity piqued with the faint sound of music, drifting from the living room and calling to him around the edge of the hallway. 
Slipping his mask from his face and stashing it on the table top, Dick silently crept along the border of the corridor, practically plastering himself to the wall as to not be detected.
He ran his gloved fingers against the peach stained walls, a warmth blossoming inside of him as he neared closer to the source of the upbeat music that filled his ears.
It was light and happy, a familiar tune that he heard often playing from the record player but it couldn’t be. She wouldn’t still be up at this hour, surely. 
Just as he drew close to the end of the hallway, more noises carried themselves through the air. 
Dick could hear the honey laced humming that was so akin to vocal ambrosia and so very familiar to his senses. It was such a relaxing sound that he melted against the wall for a long moment, simply becoming lost in the depth of her tone. 
He could hear gentle movement, back and forth and across the floor. Her feet were brushing against the carpet and what weight she owned shifted from floorboard to floorboard.
Dick’s grin only grew wider as he remained rooted to the spot, a hand pressed to the wall as he reveled in the homely sound of her voice. 
His brows hit his hairline when he heard a tiny giggle bubble up from another just beyond the bend of the wall. He knew that flourish of laughter as well; all too well. 
Unable to resist taking a peek, Dick moved a little more so that he could watch the scene before him. His heart constricted and he sucked in a breath, powerless to stop the serene smile that formed upon his lips. His cerulean gaze became a half lidded one as he soon started to lose himself in the trance of what stood before him.
Her long hair swayed around her hips like a waterfall of rubies, following the line of her body however she moved; a soft ribbon alive with the melodic tune that was coming from the turntable in the far corner of the living room. 
Her back was facing him before she spun and twirled around, her toes just about touching the floor as she danced to the music. Her golden skin was glowing in the dim light but her face was one of calm and peace, green eyes hidden for the time being as she enveloped herself in this moment, truly absorbing it like she would never have another.
She had yet to notice him but he could tell she was in her own little world as she continued to hum along to the song echoing and ricocheting off the walls. 
His smile grew at the little one in her arms; their first child of love and bundle of joy. Her disheveled locks of fluffy black hair framed her chubby face as she stared up at Kory with a glazed expression, her big jade orbs focused on nothing else besides her mother; almost as if nothing else even existed beside her beacon of light.
Her lips were upturned into an almost vacant smile; a few giggles escaping her whenever Kory leaned down and absently brushed her nose against her daughter’s button one. 
Dick leaned against the corner, his arms crossed over his chest as he simply watched them, his heart threatening to explode out of pure love and adoration for the woman and little girl in front of him. 
It was impossible to look away from them; his emotions catching in his throat at how at ease he felt, knowing this was his family. Despite the things he would see on patrol or the things he would have to fight out there, it was always a comfort to know this is what he would be coming back to.
When the day was over and the work was done, this little household was what held him together; no matter what kind of stress life threw in his direction. Everything was worth it because he had this. It was the only constant in his life and god, he wouldn’t swap it for anything else in the entire world. 
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine… you make me happy when skies are grey…” Kory whispered to her daughter, who was now pressing her tiny fingers to the soft skin of her mother’s cheek,
Dick felt his heart flip at how much love was injected into the quiet singing of his wife; a known fact that Mar’i was everything to her and to him, but it made him shiver to hear the way she sang to their child. He’d always known she would suit motherhood like no other on this Earth.
“You'll never know dear, how much I love you…” Kory paused and rested her forehead against her baby’s, “Please don’t take my sunshine away…”
Her tone was hushed and there was something so gentle in the air that Dick was petrified he would shatter by making his presence known.
“I love you, mama…” Mar’i whispered, her little arms gripping ever tighter around her mother’s neck. 
Kory smiled and exhaled quietly, pressing several kisses to her face, earning an uproar of laughter as she shifted her around in her arms, attacking her with affection whilst Mar’i continued to squeal with joy. 
Dick must have only moved a centimeter but it was enough to earn his wife’s attention. Her head turned towards his direction and her eyes snapped open, softening immensely when she saw who it was.
He smirked and gave her a muted wave in greeting.
Kory sighed in what appeared to be relief before she twisted Mar’i in her arms so she could also see who was home for the night, “Mar’i… look…”
His daughter’s reaction made his knees buckle a fraction and his heart melted from the thousand watt smile that lit up her entire face,
“Daddy!” She squealed, immediately squirming to get to him. 
Kory laughed and released her, watching as she padded across the space between in her purple, star covered pajamas, arms outstretched and desperate for cuddles from her father.
Dick was just as fast, scooping her straight up and lifting her high above his head before he pulled her close and cuddle her to his chest, pressing several kisses to her mess of dark hair. 
“Hi there, Starshine…” He murmured, stroking her back.
Mar’i pulled back with a frown, “Daddy is all wet!” 
He chuckled and leaned in, rubbing his damp cheek against hers, eliciting a loud bubble of laughter from the tiny toddler. She shook her head and wriggled away, all the while, a smile on her face.
“We can blame all the rain for that, honey.” 
Mar’i pouted and turned her nose upwards, “Bad rain!” 
Kory shook her head and drifted closer to the two of them, retrieving Mar’i back from him to ensure she didn’t get soaked through her warm pajamas, “Greetings, my love…”
Dick failed to stop the dopey grin that lit up his expression as he touched her waist and leaned close, “Hey…”
He captured her lips with his own, the frozen bite of his becoming soothed and rectified by the heat emanating from his beloved wife. Her skin was like fire; a calming heat amidst the treacherous weather outside. He always felt so much better within proximity of her, her surge of warmth lighting a room better than any kind of other device. 
She made a small sound at the back of her throat when he slipped his tongue against her bottom lip as he sought permission to deepen their gesture of love. Kory was about to oblige him before they were split apart by the dramatic retching sound of their 2 year old daughter.
When they pulled away, they both glanced at her as she pulled multiple expressions of disgust, 
“Blech!” She droned, grinning when they both issued her with a raised brow,
“I have a question for you, Starshine. What are you doing up? It’s way past your bedtime, isn’t it?”
Mar’i shrank a little against Kory’s shoulder, idly playing with the strands of her mother’s ember filled locks, 
“Mama said it was okay…” She mumbled, not wanting to get into trouble,
Dick blinked and turned his gaze to his wife who was passively staring back at him before she rubbed Mar’i’s back, “She couldn’t sleep… she was worried about daddy being out in the storm all alone.”
He visibly softened and smiled sympathetically at their child; a very deep thinker despite her youth, “So… I said we would wait up for you together.”
Kory tilted her head at him and waited for him to speak and when he did, it was nothing short of what she imagined him saying,
“Now that I’m home, Mar’i… how about I read you a bedtime story? Hm?” He murmured, tucking some of her black curls behind her ear,
Mar’i sat up straight and beamed at her father, “Story!” 
Dick chuckled and gave her cheek a kiss, “That’s right. Story with daddy and then sleepy byes, okay?”
She rapidly nodded, excited for the offer of a story before succumbing to slumber, as most children desired. 
Kory ran her fingers through her baby’s hair, marveling at the thickness of it all, “Do you want to pick out the story daddy reads to you?”
“Uh huh!” Mar’i approved, steeling herself as Kory lowered her to the floor. Mar’i shuffled along the carpet, her little legs carrying her as she scurried towards her bedroom, decorated with stars and splashes of violet and plum.
“Pick a good one, Mar’i and I’ll be there in a minute…” Dick called, already sensing his wife’s touch as her fingertips grazed his chest,
He turned back towards her, grinning at how close she was now, “Hello again, Kor…” 
She leaned towards him, barely whispering, “Hello…” before she pressed her cupid bow lips against his, her fingers sliding up from the front of his uniform to the line of his jaw, cupping his handsome face to hold him still as she snuck in some kisses.
Dick’s eyes closed on their own accord, falling deeper into the bliss that was his wonderful wife. He could feel the metal of her wedding ring against the skin of his cheek and he felt electric shoot through him; a reminder that she was his and he was hers, now and forever.
Sometimes, he found himself dwelling on just how lucky he’d been to have found her and how utterly thankful he was to have her in his life; to have her as his wife and to have her as the mother of his child. 
He could think of no better person to stand at his side for eternity and as he slipped his cold hands beneath the old t-shirt of his that clung to her torso, he smirked.
She gasped and pulled back, breathless, “That was not very nice.”
He brushed his nose against hers, his breath full of husk, “If I let you kiss me any longer, then we’d probably be on the floor and scarring Mar’i for life.”
Kory rolled her forest green eyes at him and gently smacked his arm, “You make it sound as if I have no self control around you.”
“Honey, I don’t think you do… that’s how we ended up with our little baby in there.” He replied, jerking his head in the direction of Mar’i’s room,
His Princess snorted and folded her arms over her chest, “Oh? I seem to forget… please… remind me who started talk about having a child?”
Dick chuckled and squeezed her hips, “Alright, ya got me…” 
Kory matched the serene smile that appeared on his face and ran her feathery touch along his chin, staring into his ocean eyes, “I am glad you are safe… I worry when you are patrolling in weather like this…”
His smile faltered a little, “I know… sorry I took longer… I ran into a drug deal going south and… I had to deal with it. They had someone hostage if this group didn’t deliver.”
Kory pecked the corner of his mouth, “I know… it is okay. All that matters is that you are home.” She paused, “Are you hungry?”
Dick grinned, “Famished…”
“Cereal or… leftover pizza?” 
“Hm… decisions, decisions.” 
She giggled and shook her head, opening her mouth to respond when they heard the rapidly approaching sound of tiny feet on wooden flooring,
“Daddy! Ready!” Mar’i squeaked, holding the picture book she wanted read to her, high above her head,
Dick glanced over his shoulder and lifted an eyebrow, “The Gruffalo, again?” 
Mar’i pouted, “It’s my favorite!”
He laughed and gently let go of his wife, “Alright, alright, c’mon. Get snuggled under the covers, then.”
Their daughter beamed at him before she spun and headed back into her room to do just that.
Dick smiled and looked back at Kory, “Duty calls… I’ll be back soon.” 
Kory sighed in content as he pressed a quick kiss to the palm of her hand before letting it go entirely. 
“Hurry… or I may just eat both of your snacking options.” She murmured, turning and wandering into the kitchen, winking at him over her shoulder.
Dick smirked and shook his head as he ambled towards Mar’i’s room, grateful to have all of this; always ready and always waiting for him after the longest of nights.
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eye-raq · 5 years
Stop it girl
Erik X Black Reader.
Warnings: Fluff, regular shit.
Summary: Erik was tired, laying out on the floor of him and his girls shared bedroom while scrolling through his phone.
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“You want me to buy you a new tapestry? I saw one the other day when I was out buying some new Jordan 1s”
Erik walked back into the bedroom with a bowl of milk, double stuffed oreos floating on the top. He had his dreads braided back fresh; his home girl had her own natural hair shop and cleaned him up nice with a fresh retwist and a tappered fade. He had on grey sweats that hung loose on his hips, and no shirt.
“What did it look like? You know I’m picky.” His girl, Blessing, was into anything bohemian with soft grunge. She had her hair in long thick dreads, soft curly baby hairs, thick lips, and a cute plump body, her chest and ass too thick for anything she wore and her cute muffin top didnt help either. She was squishy and adorable and sexy and Erik loved every roll and dip of her honey covered body. She was feisty too, and when she wanted something she didn’t hesitate.
“It has some type of galaxy shit going on, idk. Purples and pinks and blacks with these little ass twinkly stars, looked like Uranus or Saturn in the background, had a quote at the bottom of it in cursive.” He put his bowl on her nightstand before lowering to the floor with her, laying on his side before grabbing the bowl again. He stuck his index finger in the bowl, dipping the Oreos further. She was busy making waist beads, one nestled around her curvy waist digging into her love handles.
“You should have picked it up you know I love anything with galaxy shit in it.” He kissed his teeth, eyes trying to focus on the classic movie she popped in her VCR, “I cant believe you still have one of these bitches, it just got a little dust too, and it’s still functional.” His eyes lowered a fraction, sleep trying to creep up on him. That was his own fault too, staying up all hours of the night.
“It’s called taking care of shit of sentimental value instead of letting it waste away.” She spoke out, just finishing up her blue and purple one she was making for a friend her fingers were getting numb now deciding to finish later, and join Erik in watching the movie. She pushed everything to the side, crawling over to lay her head in his crotch area. Her cute chubby feet with toes painted a hot pink wiggled near his bowl. He scrunched his face, playfully swatting at her feet, “if you don’t get those fat ass feet away from me girl, looking like honey buns.” She swatted at his ass causing him to grip her wrist, “yo what I tell you about slapping my ass?”
She rolled her eyes, “and what I tell you about talking about my feet? Just for that you owe me a foot massage after work tomorrow.” Erik shook his head popping a moist Oreo in his mouth, “and what you giving me?” He tried to speak between chewing. She paused, mind in wonder, hands resting on her belly. Erik just eyed her fame, mouth watering from just the look of her thick short ass bunched up on him.
“I’ll think about it.” They both turned back to the TV, monsters ball playing and that one delicious scene almost approaching. She stole an Oreo from his bowl causing him to wine like a baby. “Ask first baby that’s all I ask okay? I spent money on these Oreos.” She couldn’t help the laugh that escaped, “Erik bye.”
“I’m being forreal. Everything I have don’t belong to you, girl.”
“I have about five of your hoodies in my closet right now, E. I take what the fuck I want when I want.”
Erik did a double take, dropping his Oreo back in the bowl and causing milk to splash on her legs. Growling, Blessing wipes at her legs aggressively.
“Chill out! You getting milk on me!”
Erik playfully bites into her leg, “You got five of my hoodies? Where they at?” Erik gets up from the floor, walking over to her messy closet with jeans sling over the rail and shirts hanging off the hangers. Sliding through her clothes, Erik finds all five of his favorite hoodies freshly washed and wrinkle free.
“My all black exclusive lost tribe hoodie?! You serious? I thought I lost this shit and your chubby face ass had it the whole time?!”
“Shut the fuck up with your odd shaped head! You knew I had it don’t play dumb,” Bored, Blessing decides to continue making her waist beads.
“I should throw you over my fucking knee, babygirl. You agree with that?” As mad as Erik was he decided to leave the hoodies there because they were neat and unbothered.
“Stupid ass,” he teased.
“Shut up. You’re the stupid one.”
As soon as Erik made himself comfortable on the floor, Blessing started poking him in his dimpled cheek, twisting her finger. Erik swatted her hand away every single time, finally kissing his teeth and grabbing her finger with force.
“Stop it, girl.” He shoves her hand away, causing her to laugh. This only made Blessing want to continue. She takes her chubby feet and plants them on his shoulder, wiggling her toes obnoxiously in his face. His eyes focused forward but she could see the way his jaw looked like it was going to snap from how hard he clenched it.
“You get so mad for what? I can’t mess with you but you can mess with me?”
“It’s because I’m Daddy and you do what I say.” Grabbing her foot, Erik begins to tickle her feet, that annoying screech she always made loud. Blessing yanks her legs back so bad that she kicked Erik in the head, pausing with a shocked look and a hand over her mouth. Nothing was said but the anger on his face and the reddened spot on his cheek made her laugh so hard her lungs hurt. Even through her teary eyes she could see his rage.
“Nigga, you look like you about to burn my fucking room down!” She shook her head repeatedly, “I’m so fucking humored right now; tickled.”
“Hehehe hahaha shut the fuck up.” That was his come back and it clearly went on death ears because she kept on laughing and hollering.
“Big nigga why you always mad? Chill the fuck out,” Shaking her dreads, Blessing went back to doing her waist beads.
Erik got up from the floor, seating himself on her bed to feel more comfortable. She thought he was being a sour puss but he actually had another plan. Grabbing one of her plush throw pillows, Erik wracked her on the side of her face so hard her eyes closed and her face scrunched up in ugly surprise. His laugh was the golden one, clutching his stomach and stomping his leg.
“Bro you should have seen your face! Looking like,” Erik mimicked her look before bursting into laughter again, “you mad ugly.”
She could still feel the sting like carpet burn on her left cheek. Blowing out hot air through her chubby cheeks, Blessing turned completely away from him.
“You got my fucking eye burning and my face all hot! I kicked you by accident dummy.”
“You want me to kiss it big head?” Erik tossed the pillow back in place.
“I don’t want your stinky ass lips on me ugh,” Blessing shoves his face away.
“Wasn’t saying that shit earlier when I was kissing all on you in the car,” he grabbed her by her dreads, gaining power. She fought through enjoying the force he applied by keeping a straight unbothered face.
“Stop it, girl. Stop acting like you don’t want me yanking you up and shit,” Erik kisses her temple, soothing the burn from the pillow hit. He started swinging her from side to side, humming no guidance in her ear that made her wiggle. He couldn’t sing for shit but she loved it when he sung this new song to her.
🎶 I don’t wanna play no games, play no games, 🎶
“Don’t say that last part because you know it ain’t happening,” Blessing stopped him mid song with a bitchy tone, “You don’t plan on making me Blessing Stevens I’m still gonna be Blessing Jones.”
“Forreal, B? You know I plan on making you my number one forever. Remember that time at red lobster when I fake proposed to get free cake? I can do it again but with a big ass rock.”
She smiles despite her salty attitude, “keep talking, Zaddy.”
“Nah, don’t pull that shit now,” Erik let her go, “you fucked up Blessing.”
“How?!” She pouted, “You mad at me now?”
“Yup. Turn around.”
Blessing groaned, folding her arms, “fight me.”
“Which means come fuck me.” Erik corrected.
“Shut the FUCK up.” Blessing rolled her eyes.
“Which means come eat this pussy.” Erik bit his lip to fight a smile.
“You ain’t cute. Leave me alone.”
“So basically I’m fine as fuck and you want my attention?”
“Ugh!!!! I hate you!” Blessing turned to him, ready to hit Erik upside his head but he caught her hand just in time.
“I love you too, Baby girl,” Erik gripped her chin, “you know you a bomb ass girlfriend? All that crybaby shit and getting mad only makes me want you more.” Erik gripped her neck, pulling her in for a kiss.
“You can be mad at me all you want but your ass isn’t going anywhere. You’re mine.”
“Says who? I got options.” Blessing fucked up with saying that to him.
“The fuck?” Like flipping a light switch Erik’s aggressive nature surfaced again to make her weak. Taking his hand, he wrapped around her neck with one hand and his mouth dangerously close to her hear.
“The fuck You talking to?”
“Daddy, not you,” she rolled her eyes into her head to fake annoyance. Erik just stared at her with his hard ass eyes making her squirm.
“What you looking at?” Blessing asks with a slight roll of her neck. He just licked his lips, looking her up and down.
“What, I cant stare?” He just grabbed her up and said, “man, come here.” She followed him like she just wasn’t mad at him a few seconds ago.
“Tomorrow ima fuck the shit out of you cuz you been acting crazy lately.” Erik rested his head on the side of her face.
“Why not tonight?” Blessing was wet and horny now she needed some dick, some fucking love, her hard headed ass boyfriend.
“I’m tired, B.” His eyes did speak that into existence when she turned to look at him. She admired his handsome face even though his eyes were focused ahead and ready to close.
“...damn, yo ex dumb as fuck.” She stated, causing Erik to chuckle. Blessing turns back around, pushing her booty into Erik’s crotch. He gripped her hip to stop her but she just kept on going, rolling her hips like she spelling out coconut. Erik lets out a frustrated sigh at his dick disobeying him.
“Stop it.”
“Stop what? I’m just playing.”
“This is blasphemous,” Erik spoke in a fake surprising tone, “you’re molesting me with your phat ass.”
“Shut up you know you want me to sit this assssss on you,” Blessing spoke in a melodic tone.
“Blessing, don’t start this shit. I still got a fucking cramp in my neck from eating the pussy for an hour straight, my abs still burn from doing push ups in the pussy-“
“I don’t wanna hear that shit you got more stamina than a damn horse.”
“You don’t listen to shit!” Erik yelled in her ear, flipping her over on her back. He pinned her to the mattress, face all scrunched up.
“What, Erik? I told you i got options if you don’t give me what I want,” fighting a laugh at his frustration and anger, Blessing purposely moves her hips beneath him to force him into having wild sex.
“...Bruh im a fuck you up...you acting up...what’s your fucking problem? You need some dick? You need a hug? You need your pussy ate? You need kisses? Like tell me something.”
“You finish telling me to stop now?” She questioned while looking at him a hint in her eyes as to why she’s been acting up.
“You not getting no dick with that attitude then,” he lifted off of her, laying on the other side of the bed closest to the window.
“First of all, I’m sorry.” Her entire mood changed. She decided to act innocent even though she thought about riding the fuck out of him in that moment.
“Aight, So we good?” She chanced a look at him even though she knew that wouldn’t be successful. Erik just stared at her calmly, waiting for her response.
“Yes. We’re good. No more playing.” Blessing blinked up at Erik innocently.
“So that mean you ready to get your pussy ate again?” Erik sat up, taking his hands to pull down her bottoms. Laying flat on the bed, Blessing lifts her hips to help Erik out as he slid the right fabric from her round booty. Tossing it to the side, Erik went flat on his stomach, arms wrapped around her thighs to pull her close. Blessing shielded her face like always whenever Erik kisses her gently on her inner thighs. It was torture.
“Talking about YoU NEeD To Fix YOUrr AtiTude, first of all, nigga...eat it out of me.” Blessing couldn’t help herself. Erik slapped her inner thigh to calm her ass down but that also made her laugh. She was silly.
“Stop, B,” without a warning Erik started eating her pussy. Blessing locked up around him, doing that thing with her hands where she held him in place but at the same time pushed him off of her.
After Erik successfully shut her up and had her moaning, he laughs, looking up at her weak expression and says, “You good?”
Blessing couldn’t even respond to that smart ass remark because Erik’s mouth was back on her pussy like it never left.
“What happened to that attitude? All that make me shit? Like it ain’t shit. Like I won’t eat the fuck out your soul and fuck the attitude out your soul and never give that shit back?”
That’s all he had to say in that moment while she laid back and let his tongue crave her. Erik got her ass to stop now with his tongue flicking her clit. On the inside she battled to sass him but his tongue was hitting that spot so the shit didn’t matter anymore.
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hungnitan · 5 years
Last Runway - Mikansei na Sora de Lyrics (Kanji - Romaji - English)
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First of all, I love the overall of this play very much (story event, storyplay, costume, cast, characters relationships, music etc etc) maybe I can say this play is the best performance of A3. I love Scarlet Mirror and Kazama Ginji’s but...Kazama Ginji’s lack of good music while Scarlet Mirror lack of good overall characters relationship plus the second song isn’t that good (btw, I love “professional” too)
And one things I love about A3 song is they can put the entire play (and relationships) into lyrics. And from this song, I love the development from before Minami meet Kikukawa until they success in runway just like the actual play flows.
Well then, I pick Kanji version from other site, while Romaji and English with some help from google translate so yeah, you’re not gonna find romaji and english version on other site soon
(for english, as anyone know I pretty trashy on that so you can redo the translate with kanji below)
俯きがちに視線を逸らし 見えないフリをしてたんだ どうせ自分はダメなやつだと ずっとわかっていたから 知らない誰かに期待され 知らない未来に抗って それでも歩き始めた ランウェイに向かって 敷かれたレールの先を見つめ なんでもないと誤魔化した スポットライトはいつも自分の少し後ろを差してる ひそひそ聞こえる喋り声 嗚呼またきっと笑われてる いいんだ 慣れっこだから 気まぐれ流星のように 前触れもなく出会った ただ運命と呼べるほど 美しくないけど 二つの星の一つの奇跡 引かれ合う そんな気がした あの日輝き出した 未完成の空を舞うような 小さな光 小さな原石が Brand new days 明けない夜も 覚めない夢もないんだからさ ほら 前に進めばいいんだ 自分自身を変えるために 今二人は歩き始めた ランウェイに向かって 足りないモノを指折り数え ため息ばかり吐いていた どうせ自分はダメなやつだとわかっていてもそれでも 無いならそれを補えば良い ダメならそれに抗えば良い 何故だろ眩しく見えた ぶつかりぶつけ合ううちに 大事なことに気づけた それは難しい事なんかじゃなかったんだよね 代わりなんてない そうだからこそ変わりたい こんな自分から あの日輝きだした 未完成な空を舞うような 小さな光 小さな原石が Brand new days 止まない雨も 覚めない夢もないんだからさ ほら 夢を追い続けるんだ 憧れを越えるために また二人は歩き始めた ランウェイに向かって 俯いて鬱いで見えないフリしていたんだ 「俺はモデルとしては全然才能ないし、 センスないし、身長も低いし…」 知らない誰かの目を 怖がって 気にしてたんだ 「なんであんなこと言われて、 そんなに頑張れるんだよ…っ」 二つの星の一つの奇跡 引かれ合う そんな気がした あの日輝き出した 未完成の空に 羽ばたいた 小さな光 小さな原石が Brand new days 明けない夜も 覚めない夢もないんだからさ ほら 前に進めばいいんだ 自分自身を越えるために ただ二人は歩き続ける ランウェイを飾って
Utsumuki gachi ni shisen o sorashi mienai furi o shitetanda dōse jibun wa dame na yatsu dato zutto wakatte itakara shiranai dareka ni kitai sa re shiranai ashita ni aragatte sore demo aruki hajimeta runway ni mukatte
shikaretarēru no saki o mitsume nandemo nai to gomakashita spotlight wa itsumo jibun no sukoshi ushiro o sashiteru hisohiso kikoeru shaberi koe aa mata kitto warawareteru ī nda narekkodakara kimagure ryūsei no yō ni maebure mo naku deatta tada unmei to yoberu hodo utsukushikunai kedo futatsu no hoshi no hitotsu no kiseki hikare au sonna ki ga shita
ano hi kagayaki dashita mikansei no sora o mau yōna chīsana hikari chīsana genseki ga brand new day akenai yoru mo samenai yume mo nai ndakara sa hora mae ni susumeba ī nda jibun jishin o kaeru tame ni ima futari wa aruki hajimeta runway ni mukatte
tarinai mono o yubiori kazoe tameiki bakari suite ita dōse jibun wa damena yatsu da to wakatteite mo soredemo nai nara sore o oginaeba ii dame nara sore ni aragaeba ii naze daro mabushiku mieta butsukari butsuke au uchi ni daiji na koto ni kidzuketa sore wa muzukashī koto nanka janakatta nda yo ne kawari nante nai sō dakara koso kawaritai konna jibun kara
ano hi kagayaki dashita mikansei na sora o mau yōna chīsana hikari chīsana genseki ga brand new day yamanai ame mo samenai yume mo nai ndakara sa hora yume o oi tsuzukeru nda akogare o koeru tame ni mata futari wa aruki hajimeta runaway ni mukatte
utsumuite fusaide mienai furishite ita nda `ore wa model to shite wa zenzen sainō naishi, sense naishi, shinchō mo hikuishi…' shiranai dareka no me o kowagatte ki ni shiteta nda `nande anna koto iwarete, sonnani ganbareru nda yo…
futatsu no hoshi no hitotsu no kiseki hikare au sonna ki ga shita
ano hi kagayaki dashita mikansei no sora ni habataita chīsana hikari chīsana genseki ga brand new days akenai yoru mo samenai yume mo nai ndakara sa hora mae ni susumeba ī nda jibun jishin o koeru tame ni tada futari wa aruki tsuzukeru runway o kazatte
I looked down and tended to look invisible I always knew I was a good for nothing Expected by stranger, against the unknown future Even so, I still started walking towards the runway I stared at the end of the laid rails The spotlight is always pointing a little from your behind I can hear a whispering It’s good because I ’m used to it We met without warning just like a whimsical meteor It ’s not beautiful enough to be called destiny, One miracle of the two stars is attracted to each other It feels like that That day you’re shining like dancing in the unfinished sky Small light, small gemstones Brand new days There's no dream I can't wake up You just have to move forward to change yourself Now they have started walking towards the runway Counting the missing things one by one Anyway, even if I know I'm bad, If not, just make up for it. Why did it look dazzling As I bumped into each other, I realized something important It wasn't difficult There's no substitute, so I want to change From myself That day you’re shining like dancing in the unfinished sky y A little light, a little gem is brand new days There's no dream I can't wake up Keep chasing dreams They also started walking toward the runway I was down and depressed and pretended to be invisible "I'm not at all talented as a model, I don’t have a sense, I ’m too short… ” I was afraid of someone's eyes "Why you said that, While you’re doing your best ... One miracle of the two stars is attracted to each other I fluttered in the unfinished sky that day Small light, small gemstones Brand new days There's no dream I can't wake up You just have to go forward. They just keep walking and decorate the runway
Italic line : First line from Minami’s line (Taichi) while second is Kikukawa’s line (Yuki) in Last Runway play
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Sorry, not Sorry P2
Happy Lowman x Reader
Warnings: Violence, Cheating and SMUT! 18+ only. If under 18 kindly unfollow
Summary: Too long.. Read it. Lol. Over 9,000 Words.. I could not stop..
I worked four hours on this.. almost five... I LOVE it. Let me know loves!
After showering, there was a knock at your door. Walking out in nothing but a towel around your body and one tangled in your hair, You grabbed your gun that was under the table and hid it behind you. Moving the blinds a bit you seen Happy there. “Fuck me…” You whispered annoyed. “I would if you would let me little girl..” Happy looked at you through the small opening of the blinds. You unlocked the door, opening it. “What do you want?” your voice was laced with irritation. He stepped in slightly, soon hearing the click of a gun. “Yeah.. safety’s off.. I’d take your fucking foot out of my house if I were you.  I would not even have to hide the fact I killed you since your trust passing.” Your words shocked Happy even more. He cheated yes, but did the last three years really mean nothing to you?. “Y/n.. please..” Sighing you opened the door, letting him come in. He looked around mesmerized how this small tiny house looked so big inside. It was so clean, and everything had its place. “Let me put on some clothes.” You took off your towel, revealing your naked body. He had only seen you millions of times before naked, just because you where broken up didn’t matter. He was expecting to see hickies or something else honestly, thinking you slept with Jack. Walking up the stairs to your closet, he watched as your hips swayed from side to side. “Fuck..” he groaned trying his hardest not to bust right there. A few moments later you walked down in some booty shorts and a tank top. It said “SOA” with the reaper on the front. It was Koziks. “Did you fucking sleep with my brother?” Happy clenched his fists, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer. “No asshole. It started to down pour when I went to his apartment after we had the grill party. You asked me to drive him home. He said the least he could do was give me a dry shirt from helping him up the stairs in the rain.” Happy shrugged a bit, like he was a turtle in a shell hiding. He knew you would never betray his trust, but the guilt was killing him slowly. “I was going to make a sandwich, do you want one?” He nodded to you sitting at the small bar stool. You took out everything to make a sandwich. Walking passed him you opened the door and laid the screen down. “Boys, breakfast!” soon the dogs appeared sitting at the porch. You poured them each a bowl of food setting it outside for them. They loved eating outside on the porch so after they could go run and play. “You rescued another dog?” Happy watched the dogs eat quickly. “Yes..” You spoke quickly, cutting the sandwiches in half. He watched how you handled the knife.
“You know.. guns are more effective.” You looked behind you seeing the one they called “Tacoma Killer” staring at you as you chucked knifes at the CaraCara girl posters. “Are they though?” You tilted your head with a smirk. Turning around you grabbed his gun, bending his arm back, grabbing your knife and putting it to his throat. “You see.. knifes are so much more concealable.” Happy looked around your body trying to see where you got the knife from. It was small no doubt, but very sharp. You let his hand go, giving him his gun back. “Point proven..” Happy chuckled lowly. He watched you grab your knives off the wall and posters of the porn stars. “Hate porn stars?” He watched your face, waiting for a disgusting face. “Naw, gotta make a dollar some how. If you got the talent and the body, why not?” You took another knife from Imas head shot. “I mean.. besides her.. she is just so skanky..” Happy laughed at this. “Crow eaters will be crow eaters..”
“Here.” She slid the plate to him, hoping on the counter next to him as she bit in the sandwich. He looked at her thicker legs next to him. All he wanted to do was spread them and have her running her finger nails over his head as he licked her. Fuck the sandwich.. He wanted her. She tasted better than any honey. “Thanks little girl..” “Y/N.” you corrected him taking another bite. “Why did you come over?” Happy sighed a bit finishing one half of the sandwich. “Jax needs your help with something.” “So he sent you? Damn he is dumb..” you chuckled under your breath. “Don’t call my pres dumb..” “If the shoe fits.” Truth is, Jax was far from an idiot. Sure he made some dumb calls, but he also made some that saved his club. “I asked to come..” Happy looked at you, watching as you licked your lips after taking a sip of water. “Damn are you dumb..” You hopped off the counter, walking to the fridge grabbing a beer. You grabbed the knife strapped to your thigh, popping the top of the beer. You slid it to him, your fingers touching slightly. Pulling away quickly you took his empty plate and set it in the small dishwasher. “I’ll do it for the club.” Happy nodded once taking a sip of the beer. “Can we talk about us?” Happy stood up, blocking you between the counter and him. “There is no us.” Your words where serious and calm. Happy felt his heart shatter. “I am not like one of these old ladies who will let you walk all over them. Because they love you and need you.” You scoffed at the thought. “I don’t need you. I learned that real quick.” Shoving passed him you grabbed some more water. “I’ll be there at eight.” Happy nodded, finishing his beer, throwing in the trash can. “Bye Lowman.” You spoke with your back turned to him as you walked back up the stairs.
You arrived at the club house, pulling up on your motorcycle. Juice was the first to greet you with a huge hug and kiss on the cheek. “Hey love, how are you?” “Better now that your around.” Juice smiled his million dollar smile. “Why didn’t I choose you?” You kissed his cheek causing him to blush nodding a ‘I don’t know’ nod and shrugging. You walked into the church room as they filed. It was packed with Tacoma and Nevada presidents, VP and sergeant of arms. Including Jack who was Tacomas Sgt. You sat next to Jack and Juice, talking to both as people took their seats. You opened your purse, grabbing a pack of cigs, giving one to Jack, lighting it for him and doing the same for yourself. “Y/N thanks for coming..” Jax came over, kissing your head. “What do you need me for Pres?” Jax nodded. This was not uncommon for you to be so to the point. “I need you to help sneak into the warehouse for us. Since your best with knifes.. even with a silencer, it is still semi-loud.. we need your skills to take out the guards.” Nodding you agreed, taking a puff of the cig. “Your asking a little bitch to do this?! Why not another charter?” The Nevada VP asked rudely. “Watch your fucking tongue!” Happy growled out looking at him with deadly eyes. Even if you were not his, he respected you enough to fight his own brother for disrespecting you. “I bet you fifty bucks, I can hit the tip of the reaper blade from across the room blind folded. “Impossible..” The VP shuddered. “Jack, can I see your bandana?” He nodded, following you to the other side of the room. “Here.” He handed it to you. “VP of Nevada you can even blind fold me.” The VP nodded. He wrapped the blindfold over your eyes. He pretended to throw a punch, you knew it was coming by the wind that hit your face but you stayed still. You grabbed one of your knives on your thigh holster next to your gun. Taking a deep breath, you threw the knife. After hearing a thud, you took off the blindfold. The Charming SOA chuckled lowly, knowing this trick all too well. You seen your knife exactly where you wanted. “Believe me now?” you tilted your head smirking darkly. “Fifty bucks bitch.” You emphasized the word. Causing everyone to laugh. The VP handed you a fifty as you sat back down, going over the details.
Walking out of the club, you and had your arm looped through Jacks and Juices, all of you chuckling like a bunch of teenagers. “What the fuck has all of you whipped over her?” The VP of the Nevada chapter asked Jax. “We are not whipped, more like grateful. I grew up with her, she.. has traveled a lot and very down to earth. She loves the club very much.” Jax smiled at his friend as she laughed hard at something Juice had said.  Getting to your bike you put on your full faced helmet, driving off.
Eventually the club arrived to where you were. You sat on your motorcycle, scrolling threw your phone. “Are you on Tinder?” Happy spoke behind you. “Gotta find a lay someway in this town.” You kept swiping waiting for Jaxs word. “Y/N, go.” You nodded opening up one of your satchels. Sliding on a mask, you jogged to the entrance of the building. Climbing in the window, you remember the blue prints Jax had showed you. It was very dark where you were. Looking off a railing you seen five people playing poker. All of them looking like drug dealers. You quietly made it to the front door. You swung your legs around a mans neck, chocking him out. You grabbed the zipties, tying his hands together and gagged him. You did this four more times at the entrances. Jax might be mad you didn’t use your knives but these guys where not the main issue. “Ready. They are all gagged.” “Good work.” Jax said quietly, knowing you would not kill them. It took about forty seconds before the club burst in, surrounding the five guys.
“HELP!” You hurd a familiar voice. Running up the stairs you seen small crack of light under a door. “Jax.. we got hostages. Take care of the drug dealers I will get them out.” “Copy.. Jack go help y/n.” Jax spoke calmly. “Copy.” Soon Jack was next to you. You kicked the door open and seen four people there. One was unknown, but you seen Unser, Gemma and Lyla. “Jax.. they have your mom, Lyla and Unser… and someone else” “What?!” “I will get them out of here.” You went to Gemmas side, slicing the gag off her. “Untie them.” You slid a knife to Jack who did the same. “Y/n.. There is a bomb attached to the ties. If the pressure lets up it blows.” Your face fell seeing the small detonator. “Jack… go get Opie and Happy. We can not worry Jax.” He nodded agreeing as he ran to get them.
Happy and Opie came next to you. “Opie.. I can slide my finger over the bomb but we only will have thirty seconds to get out of here. I need your help rewire the trigger.” Opie nodded, kissing Lylas, tear covered cheek. Opie traced the wires and seen that is was way more high-tech than he was use too. “Jax.. we have a trigger bomb up here. Everyone needs to get out now!” “Copy!” Jax announced the issue and you looked down the stairway to see everyone scatter. “Jack, Happy get everyone out of here.” “Not without you..” Happy mumbled. “Opie is not going to let anything happen to me. Get them out of here!!” Your voice turned dark, and Happy knew you where not going to change your mind. You watched as Happy grabbed Gemmas and Lylas hand. Jack helping Unser and the other Captive. “Y/N. Hold your finger over the bomb. You nodded pushing it down. He quickly traced wires and cut two of them. “This will give us a minute or a second…” he looked at you slightly scared. “You have kids Opie.. you cannot take that chance.” He nodded sadly to you. “I will be fine. Don’t tell them that I chose to stay.” Opie nodded getting out quickly. You sighed a bit. Why did you always get yourself in these shitty ass predicaments.
Opie ran outside, out of breath. “Where is Y/N!?” Jack and Happy yelled. “She is still in there. She would not let me take no for an answer. “What?!” Happy jogged towards the building, not even thinking. “Y/N.” He whispered to himself. Letting go of the trigger you ran, running as fast as your legs could take you. You seen Happy as you exited the building “Happy no, turn!” He seen you, and smiled slightly. You hurd a beep and felt heat against your back. You covered Happy with your body, both of you flying as the bomb went off. “Help them!” You hurd in the back. Looking up slightly you seen Jack grab you, lifting you up. You looked over to see Happy, getting helped up by Juice. Soon Blackness covered your vision.
 “Then you cut the yellow if it is wrapped around the blue.” Opie showed you as he twisted the wire together. You watched closely and listened more so than you did in school. “If they are wrapped like this, make sure you keep pressure on the donator. Or BOOM!” Opie made an explosion example with his hands. Chuckling at him you nodded. Happy walked in seeing the explosives all over the living room in the house you shared. The two dogs laying on the couch sleeping. “What the hell?” “Hey babe. Opie is teaching about bombs. Just incase.” Opie nodded, standing up to hug his brother. “You never teach anyone..?” “Y/N begged..” Happy laughed a bit and nodded.
Opening your eyes, you felt immense pain on your back. It felt like someone too a serrated knife and sliced it up. “Hold her still!” Chibs yelled. You felt hands on all parts of your body, keeping you still. “What is going on.. everything hurts.. Is Happy ok? Where is Gemma? Lyla? Unser? The random stranger?” you were talking a million miles a minute and barley even opening your eyes. “I am right here y/n.” you opened your eyes fully to his voice,. He was sitting next to your head, gently combing through your hair. “Ah fuck.. my new tattoo..” you realized the cuts must have ruined your back tattoos. Chibs laughed as he worked on getting gravel out of the wounds. “Jack, can you hand me the morphine?” “Yeah.” You hurd Jacks voice, happy to hear everyone made it safe. You felt the push of a needle in one of the cuts. “I swear to gosh you scottsman.. Somebody get me a fucking drink!!!!” You yelled at the top of your lungs.
Soon Juice appeared with a bottle of whisky, putting one of Abels silly straws in it. He set the straw against your lips. You took a sip, almost inhaling it. “Whoa.. slow down beautiful..” Happy combed through your hair once again. You closed your eyes, drifting off back asleep.
“I think she is blacked out… this is the first time she has ever blacked out..” Happy looked at your passed out figure laying in between Lyla and Wendy. You three went on a bender when you where having a rough week and Happy was being an asshole. In all honestly, he was keeping his distance, scared he would ruin his plans to ask for your hand in marriage. “Ill call Jax and Opie to get there girls.” Juice laughed pulling out his burner. Happy lifted you in his arms, walking back to his dorm, laying you on the bed. He pulled off your boots and socks. Slowly lifting up your shirt, peeling it off your body. “Don’t touch me…  am Happys..” You hiccupped drunk. “Babe it is me..” giggling you sat up slightly. Dizziness taking over you fell back down. “Ohh.. so your in to necrophilia..?” Happy shook his back and forth. “You not dead, just passed out. But I would not do that to you. Now go back to sleep hunny.” Happy leaned up, kissing your cheek.
“Babygirl, wake up. You need to eat.” Groaning you opened your eyes seeing Jack. He held a sandwich on a plate and some chips. You closed and reopened your eyes again. Trying to sit up, you whimpered. You felt two hands sturdy you. Looking back you seen Happy looking away from you slightly. You grabbed the sandwich and took a bite. Letting out a slight moan you decided to eat more. After finishing it you handed the plate back to Jack. “Thanks..” He nodded to you. Jack leaned into your ear whispering “Talk to him.. he refuses to leave your side..” Jack pulled away, winking to you. He shut the door behind him. Happy stood staring at the wall. “I can leave your dorm.. if you want so you can rest..” Happy’s eyes fell to you. “No.. I don’t want to rest.. I just wanna be close to you.. and I know you don’t want me touching you.. so this is as close as I will get.” He looked down at the carpet. He had a slight smile on his face remembering the first time he ever seen you. “What are you smiling at.. and sit down, your making me uncomfortable..” Happy looked at you shocked, saying he could be so close to you. He nodded taking his big boots off. “I am remembering the first time I ever laid eyes on you.”
“Talk to her like that again and I will fucking bury you piece of shit!” your held a man by his collar up against the wall. “Wow..” Happy looked at a woman who was slightly thicker, but fit., holding a man against the wall, who should have been way too heavy for her. “Haha.. that is Y/N. You will see her a lot at the club. She is good friends to the club.” Juice pointed to you. “Ow..” Juice watched as you hit the man in the face, dropping him. You grabbed the woman he was with, holding her by the waist crossing the street. The woman hugged you tightly, thanking you. “Hey, it is ok. I am y/n.” “Shelly.” You nodded to her. “Shelly this is Juice, Juice, this is Shelly.” Shelly chuckled blushing a bit. He grabbed her hand kissing it. “Shelly I gotta go, make sure you don’t go back with that douch bag” She nodded to you and followed Juice. “Hey Killah.” You brushed passed Happy, leaving him utterly confused. You where the most beautiful hurricane he ever laid his eyes on.
“Oh yeah.. what did you think?” Happy smiled wider at the thought “How amazing you where for kicking a grown mans ass. Then pawning a random woman on Juice and walking passed me, calling me ‘killah’ as you put it and just bouncing.” Happy grumbled a bit. “What about the second time.. the stories are helping me relax..” He nodded to you. “Help me sit up and move on my side so I can look at you?” Happy nodded, helping you turn on your other side. He started to talk about the second time as you watched him talk.
“Shut up Tig.” He hurd her angelic voice before he seen her. Telling his brother to shut up. He walked into the main club house, sitting on the bar top. “No seriously doll.. when can we have a go in the sheets..?” “Well… how about….” Tigs eyes widened. “Never.” You hopped off the table, walking up to Happy. You put your hand on his chest as he froze. “I’d rather sleep with this sexy man right here. Has the whole ‘I could kill you with a look vibe.’” Happy looked down at you, his face etched with discomfort. “Oh don’t act like you wouldn’t want it.” He took a deep breath, watching as you walked away. Wendy walked in the room, shrieking at seeing you. You ran in her arms hugging her rightly. “Hey Beautiful!” you smiled to your friend. You hurd the door open and shut, seeing Abel walk in, Jax behind hm. “Auntie Y/N!!” Abel ran straight to your arms. You picked him up kissing the little boys cheek. “Auntie has a present for you..” Abel clapped his little hands together excitedly. “Here..” You skimmed in your purse pulling out a small coloring book with crayons. “Coloring book, motorcycles edition!” Abel hugged around your neck tight. “Carful little man, your strong your going to choke me..” He squeezed harder laughing. “Oh no.. oh no.. Abels got me…” you faked choking, carefully falling to the ground with Abel in your arms. Happy watched as you played with the presidents kid. Everyone laughing along with the show you put on. “Daddy look! Cycle like yours and uncle Happys!!” Abel ran to Happys feet, pointing at a motorcycle. Happy knelt down so he was face to face with the little one. “Yes it is lil man.” Happy kissed his head, Abel walking to the table, starting to color his book. “Thanks y/n.” Jax kissed your head walking to the bar. “Hey Love, there is a party tonight. Tacoma is coming down.  You need to get laid girl! So… ahh come on.” Wendy winked at you. “I don’t need a man to get me off thank you.” Wendy chuckled at that.
“I remember hearing that, thinking.. damn… I wish I could get her off..” Happy spoke giggling to himself. “What happened that night?” You spoke adjusting yourself so you laid your head in his lap. He gently laid his hand on your head, combing through your hair.
Walking into the club you looked around. You wore a ripped up SOA t-shirt and some shorts. Your dark red combat boots on. You spotted Wendy talking with Jax and Opie. Sauntering over you hugged Wendy and kissed Opies and Jaxs cheek. “Hey all.” The boys smiled at you, getting you a shot. That’s when the night started. You kept doing shots with them, back to back. You had a very high tolerance for liquor, but after the twelfth shot in two hours, you felt dizzy. It was a good, hazy buzz that you had going for you. “Gotta pee…Gotta break the seal!” you laughed at yourself, sliding off the barstool in the most unsexy of fashion. Gliding over to the door, you walked out, the cool air hitting you. “Where are you going beautiful?’ you seen a patch walking over to you, someone you had not seen before. “To go pee.” You mumbled. You refused to use the clubhouse bathrooms, scared you might get an std. You always went into Gemma’s office bathroom. “Aww I see.. wanna go have some fun.” The patch grabbed your wrist, trying to pull you too him. “Let me go asshole..” your voice slurring slightly. “Aww come on baby..” he wrapped an arm around your waist, grabbing your ass. Jumping slightly, you went to grab your pocket knife. “Hey douche bag, the lady said no!” you seen a fist collide with the guys face as he fell to the ground. Almost bringing you with him. You felt strong arms wrap around you, holding your jelly like body up. “Happy?” He shrugged a bit. “Where you following me?” he nodded no. “I was getting a screw driver out of the shop. Was teaching someone how to fix a bent handle bar.” His voice was low and raspy. “Well thanks for being my knight in shining armor handsome.” You smiled at Happy, causing his heart to beat a bit faster. “Is the door locked to the shop… gotta use the restroom.” He nodded yes, and walked over with you. He unlocked the door and let you in. You disappeared and reappeared a few minutes later. “Damn I love that smelly soap Gemma has..” you smelt your hands, going to dry them off on your shorts. “Out of paper towels.” Happy grabbed your hands, having your wipe them on his jeans. “Aww you didn’t have to do that.” He smiled to you nodding. He turned to the lock the door and followed behind you. “You know Happy.. as much of a threat as people make you seem, your actually a chill ass person.” You hiccupped a bit, grabbing a cig from your back pocket. You handed him one as well, he took out his lighter, lighting yours then his.
“I remember that. I was like ‘Why the fuck did he wipe my hand on his jeans’” Feeling his fingers loop a strand of hair behind you ear he looked down at you. His eyes showed vulnerability. They showed regret clear as day. “Your perfect..” He whispered staring at your profile. “What else happened that night?” you asked turning slightly, causing pain. “Ah shit what about my dogs!!” all of assuden you shot up looking around. “They are out in the yard with Tig. Lay back down.” You nodded, curious to how he broke into your house. You laid back down in the same position.
“So where are you from?” Happy asked you, sitting next to you on the picnic table. “Tacoma actually. Moved to Charming when I was 18.” Happy nodded to you, listening. “You?” happy was not one to talk about himself much. “Long story.” You respected his answer, not pushing him further. “So Jax tells me your good with knifes..” “Yeah… Id like to think so. I have no clue why.. I guess throwing things at a target as a kid payed off. I like bows and arrows too but, you can’t really conceal that..” you gave a toothy smile to him. “You asked JAx about me?” Happy felt his face get slightly red. “Well.. you know.. you.. I am um.. new here.. well newer here..” you laughed at him stuttering. “Seems like you’re a little frazzled.” “You are fucking intimidating.” Happy spoke clearly. “Awww thank you!” You wrapped your arms around his neck, taking it as a compliment. Happy would be lying if he said he didn’t like having you hugging him. You smelt of cherry and vanilla, causing his brain to swoon slightly. Wondering what you tasted like. Pulling away you took a sip of the beer Happy had gotten you when you passed through the club house. “So.. do you have a boyfriend.. is he a patch?” Happy was worried of the answer, this girl almost seemed to good to be true. “Haha.. fuck no. Men cause problems.. I already have 99 of them.” Happy nodded a bit. “Truth is.. been with one guy. Broke my heart so badly, I don’t think I could recover.” “What he do?” Happy looked at your face, reading you intently. “I grew up in a bad part of Tacoma.. The guy I was with for a few years, came here with me. I walked in on him cheating on me with my boss at the time.” Happy scrunched his face. “I don’t trust guys. They think with there dicks. I trust most of the Charming guys though in SOA. They usually have my back.”
He wanted to kiss her, the whole time he told the story. It was their story. He loved her more than anything or anyone. He broke her heart into a million piece, but he would try and put them back together, for as long as he and her was alive. “Happy you look upset. What’s wrong?” Your voice calm, with a hint worry. “I can’t kiss you.. I can’t make love to you.. I can’t watch you sleep, and hear you cussing someone out in your sleep.. knowing now that it is probably me your cussing out.. I can’t hear you humming in the kitchen as you make us a delicious meal… I can’t see you playing with our dogs in the backyard for hours on end.. I can’t kiss you in front of the whole club to show who you belong too..” you put a finger to his plump lips. “Happy.. just keep telling stories ok? They make me feel better.” He nodded.
The next time you seen him was when you went for a jog around Charming. You stopped in the dinner, your whole body covered in sweat. “Hey Leah, can I get a water please and a blueberry muffin?” you smiled to her. “Sure thing Y/N.” She left and came back with water and a muffin. You went to take out your card from your leggings pocket. “No need. That gentleman over there paid for you.” You trailed her eye sight to see Happy, giving a slight wave to you. “Thanks Leah.” She smiled to you going to help the only two other customers. You walked over to Happy, seeing him drinking black coffee. “What are you running from?” He asked casually like it was normal and no a joke. “My demons.” He choked on his coffee when he took a sip laughing. “Touche..” he nodded to you. “Thank you for paying for my muffin. Also kicking that guys ass a few weeks ago.. and letting me dry my hands on you…. Also for letting me vent.” Happy nodded, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “So seriously? Why are you running?” you debated on telling him the truth. “I need to lose weight.. not happy with how I look.” Happy set down his coffee, looking you up and down. Even under the table. “Why?” was all he could say. “Your beautiful.” “I am not looking for compliments.. that is not why I told you..” “That is not why I said that Y/N. I asked. Your gorgeous. Your thick fit. Or Sexy as I like to put it.” You chuckled at his words. “I also do it to make sure I have my endurance up. Never know when SOA or anyone in this damn town will make an enemy.” He nodded honestly. You hurd a loud clank on the door of the diner. Looking over you seen two people with guns walk in. “Give me all the money!” they wore masks, and talked directly at Leah. The two customers started screaming. You stood up calmly. Your hand behind your back. Happy seen the steak knife in your hand. He grabbed his gun from his holster standing up as well. “Leave her alone.” You spoke to the front masked man. Leah stared at you with pleading eye. The man pointed the gun at you, you didn’t flinch. This was not the first fucking time you stared at the barrel of a gun. Sighing you laughed a bit. “What are you laughing at Bitch!” the man went to hit you with a gun and you dodged him, elbowing him in the solar plexus. Grabbing the gun you pointed it at him. “Drop your weapon or I shoot him.” “Y/N!” Happy tackled you and the man to the ground as shot rang from the outside. Good thing the diner was basically empty you though. Seeing the man try to grab his weapon you stabbed him in the hand. Happy kept covering you. “Happy.. aim for the mans foot..” Happy nodded, shooting the other masked man in the legs. “Call Jax and get them down here. Leah, get behind the counter!” You yelled out. You seen a mother and kid behind a booth shaking and crying. “Happy we gotta get the hostages out of here.” Truthfully Happy wanted to get you out of here. However, he seen the small kid with terror on his face. Sliding on the ground you peaked over the window to see three armed men outside. “Alright you two.. Stay low, I will cover you. Get behind the bar of the diner with Leah.” The mother nodded. “Happy cover me!” You stood up and shot out the window, taking one man out. You watched the mother and kid get behind the bar. You looked over to see the man who was unconscious previously about to stab Happy. You raised the gun and shot the man in the shoulder. You herd sirens in the distance, along with motorcycles. The men dropped their weapons once they were surrounded. Three police men came in, one of them Unser. “Sheriff.” You spoke calmly. Unser helped Happy and you up. “Your bleeding y/n!” You looked down seeing the chunk of glass stuck in your stomach. “Fuck.. just perfect.” You seen the blood soak your shirt. “Man.. I really liked this shirt.” “Y/n!” Leah ran over to you. “Are you ok?” you asked her looking for injury. “No and yes. You and Happy saved everyone in the diner.” You smiled nodding. “Feeling kinda light headed yall..” you lost your footing, Happy pushed past Unser catching you. “Whoa.. thanks sexy..” you smiled at him. “Happy, Y/N!” you hazily looked over to see Jax, Chibs and Juice. “Hey boys.” You waved. “We gotta get her to the hospital!” Unser yelled. Happy picked you up in his arms, walking you to the ambulance.
“Ugh.. I remember that.” You lifted up your shirt seeing the scar on your tummy. “Such an ugly scar…” your rubbed your fingers on it. “I cant wear a two piece… not like I would before..” you chuckled. “Your beautiful, shut up.” Happy leaned over, rubbing the scar as well.
After giving your statement to the police, you got to go home. Wendy was nice enough to pick you up and drop you off. Letting out your two dogs while you where being stitched up. “Bye hun, Gemma will be by later to check on you.” You nodded waving from your porch. Walking into your house, making some coffee, you sat on the couch trying to not itch the stiches. You hurd a knock at your door. “Gemma already?” You opened the door to see Happy standing there with some flowers. “Here…” He handed them to you confused on how the hell this was supposed to go. “Aww.. thanks. What are they for?” Happy narrowed his eye slightly “You saved me. Girls like flowers.” “Happy.. you saved me first.” He nodded, watching as you walked to put them in a vase. “They are beautiful. Finally add some color here.” He nodded. You motion for him to come in and take a seat. He took off his boots and set them by the door. “Coffee?” He nodded as you poured him some in a mug. Repeating the process you carefully sat down. “Crazy day huh?” he nodded staring at you. “You ok Hap?” he smiled inside at the nickname. He looked at your lips, gulping slightly. Fuck he wanted to kiss you. What the fuck was happening to him. He had the urge to hit it and not quit it. What the fuck! He kept repeating to himself. “Hap?” he shook his head slightly. “I am fine.” You smiled go him. He hurd a growl and looked around. “Sorry.. hungy. Gotta go grocery shopping. Was waiting for Gemma to help. I cant lift more then five pounds.” You spoke standing up, looking at your empty cupboards. “I can take you.. however I only have my bike. “I have my Charger in the garage. However you really don’t have too. I am sure you got better things to do.” He nodded no, standing up, finishing his hot coffee, ignoring the scolding feeling. “Hap, I could have just put it in the fridge and reheated.” You laughed a bit. He lifted up the garage door for you, seeing the black charger. “Fuck.. that is a beautiful car..” He mumbled. “Cool, glad you like it.” Your threw the keys and he caught them. “You want me to drive.?” You nodded to him. “I have pain pills in my system.” You got in the passenger seat, leaning back, then buckling your seatbelt. Happy got in doing the same. He adjusted the mirrors and turned the car on. “damn… sounds wonderful..” He noticed how clean it sounded when it started. The radio was on and you instantly started singing. ‘Love me like you do’ by Ellie Golding played. Happy raised an eyebrow slightly. “Change it, and I will cut you.” He laughed nodding, turning it up for you. “I’ll let you set the pace, because I am not thinking straight, my head spinning around, I cant see clear no more. What are you waiting for? Love me like you do!” You sang along, your voice at the same tempo at the singers. Happy listened the words, thinking about how he felt for you. The song ended as Happy pulled into the grocery store. You opened the door, he did the same thing. He locked the car, and was by your side quickly. Walking in you grabbed a cart, leaning on it slightly as you walked, trying to alleviate some pressure on your stiches. Your butt slightly poking out as you walked. Groaning slightly, Happy wanted to have his hand on your ass as you walked. You two started talking about random things as you picked out groceries. Happy could not believe something so mundane could be so fun. Fuck he was in trouble. He needed to get his emotions in check. “Hey Jeff, can I get a pound of the hamburger please?” “Y/N! Hey girl! Sure thing!” the man lighting up when he seen her. Happy watched as the two talked. She was so personable with people. “Thanks Jeff. See you boo! Say ‘Hi’ to your wife for me!” He waved, waving back you turned around putting the meat in the cart. Strolling down the frozen food, you shivered slightly. “You cold y/n?” you nodded to him slightly. He took off his kutte, taking off his white t-shirt, helping your put it over your tanktop. He slid his kutte back on over his black beater. “Thanks Hap” He nodded. He watched as you tried to reach some ice cream cones. “Here.” He picked up your legs gently, helping you grab them. He walked you back to the cart. You giggled a bit noticing he was not letting you down. “Happy put me down..” He twirled you around gently not to hurt your side. You laughed harder. He set you down smiling at you. “Be right back, going to grab crackers.” The aisle was packed, so you slipped on through, grabbing a box. You walked back to him and seen girl trying to talk to him. His face read annoyed. He looked down at the girl. Usually he would take a girl home and fuck her and kick her out. Yet, he felt nothing towards this girl. “Hey bitch back off.” You walked over to Happy. The girl rolled her eyes at you. “y/n.. you don’t date.” You knew this girl all too well. She was one of the girls at the club. You were slightly surprised Happy didn’t know her. You grabbed Happy by the neck, lifting his face to yours, kissing him deeply. Slipping your tongue in his mouth. Happy was shocked, quickly snapping out of it. Your tongue was a damn drug. It was so sweet and man did you know how to move it. After you parted ways you looked back at the girl shocked. “Come near him again.. I fucking dare you.” She turned and left, walking away quickly, swaying her hips.  At the check out line, you paid. Happy put the bags in the cart for you. He also pushed it, not wanting you to push too much weight. Happy opened the trunk putting the bags in. thinking about that kiss and if he should question it.
“That was the best fucking kiss of my life.” Happy spoke looking down at you. “What about all the others with me?” “So good.. we went together well. Fuck I miss kissing you..” He stared at your lips, slightly biting his. “You can kiss me..” you whispered. Truth is, being alone again didn’t bother you once you left Happy. However unlike your last broken heart, this one left you slightly empty. He grabbed your face gently in his oversized hands. Kissing you gently. He tried to pour all his love in the kiss, worried that this would be the last kiss. He slid his tongue in your mouth, lifting you up, setting you in his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist. You pulled away looking at him smiling slightly. “Still the best damn kisser.” He whispered against your lips. “Keep talking.”
Getting back to the house, Happy grabbed all of the groceries and the case of beer. You slowly put things away in the kitchen, breaking down the bags and sliding them under your sink. “Boys, dinner time.” The dogs came through the dog door, sitting down, waiting for their food. Happy took off his boots, watching as you poured them food. “So about that kiss?” you froze slightly. You thought you where home free. “What about it?” you glanced over you shoulder trying to read his expression. “Best kiss of my life..” He mumbled. Washing your hands, you walked over to him, drying them on his pants laughing. “I doubt it..” he nodded no to you. “Seriously… no way you have only been with one guy.. have you slept with more? Like one night stands?” you laughed at the intrusion of a question. “I have kissed guys and Wendy and Lyla.. because of a drinking game.. but.. no. I had one, one night stand and felt disgusting after. I don’t believe just giving my body away like that. Scares me honestly.” Happy grabbed your waist, lifting your chin up gently looking in your eyes. His eyes where so dark, mysterious. “What the fuck are you doing to me..?” He pushed his lips against yours again. His tongue swirled with yours. A small whimper left your lips. Not one of pain but pleasure. “Hey Y/N you home baby?!” Gemma walked in to Happy kissing you deeply. Your face was bright red when you pulled away. “Guess that answers my question.” You nodded to her. “Hey Gem..” Happy nodded to her. “Happy..?” “Umm…” you where unsure how to handle this situation. “Beer anyone?” Happy laughed a bit, nodding. Gemma laughed a bit confused as well agreeing. You grabbed three beers, they where still warm unfortunately. Grabbing your knife from your pocket, you opened the caps, not realizing they where twist off. “So…. What is going on with you two?” the queen smirked, taking out a cig. “Umm..” “I like her a lot.” Happy spoke up smiling at you. “So are you a thing?” you where unsure what to think, hell you just kissed him today. No way would the Tacoma killer settle down. You broke your own rule about letting your self feel something. “We are together. She is mine.” Your eyes went wide staring at Happy. “I swear to stay loyal.” “You better, or I will cut your dick off myself.” Gemma smiled at Happy. “Where are my pups? I brought them a bone.” You whistled. The dogs ran in, sitting next to Gemma.
Knowing he remembered that day made you smile. “I lied to you.. I didn’t stay loyal. So for the rest of my life. I will be alone.” Happy looked you in your eyes. No hint of lying or guilt tripping. “No..” you whispered. “You will find someone else.” Happy laid his head on your shoulder. “I’d rather die.. then it not be you…” “Don’t say that..” you pressed you lips against his again. He kissed back gently. You felt something wet against your cheek. You pulled away to see tears roll down his cheek. The sight took your breath away, he may have hurt you.. but he was feeling the repercussions of it. It was killing him.
Walking hand in hand you smiled. He kissed your hand as you both walked into the diner. He wanted to take you to breakfast. After talking to Leah and how they rebuild went, she refused to let you guys pay and you left. “I gotta go to work baby girl.” He kissed your lips before hopping on his motorcycle. You waved to him and went inside.
Later that day you walked into TM. He hurd you voice and smiled to himself, finishing up the oil change. “Thanks Gemma, let me know if you need help sorting the papers.” She nodded to you. You walked into the club house, talking to Chucky. “What is my girl doing here?” you turned around smiling at him. “Gotta get the oil done in the Charger. Usually id do it myself but still can’t lift much.” Happy made his way to you, picking you up, hugging you. His face against your breaths. “Come on.. Y/N your with Happy?” Chucky nodded ‘no’ laughing. Rolling his eyes, he pressed his lips to yours hard. Biting your lip slightly. “Are you trying to turn me on at work?” He whispered in your ear. “Wearing my shirt that I let you wear and some shorts?” “If that turns you on we are in trouble.” “WHAT THE FUCK?!” Jax and Tig walked in. “What?” You yelled at them. “You tamed Happy?” Jax asked, a smirk breaking out on his face. “No. More like the other way around. We are new at this, leave us alone assholes.” Happy smiled at you. “Holy shit… he smiles..” Tig fake gasped. Grabbing a knife from your boot you threw it towards him. It cut a piece of Tigs hair off. “Shut the fuck up Tig!” you kicked out of Happys grasp. He grabbed you by the waist as you flailed trying to get to Tig.  “You can kill him later baby. I know a place to bury a body.” “Scariest fucking couple ever..” Jax spoke slightly worried.
“Jax was so scared for the longest time that we would be the modern Bonnie and Clyde” laying your head on his shoulder he rocked back and forth, peppering kisses in your hair. “He had a right to be worried. We where so synced at times it was scary. From me needing to pick up something on my way home, to you sensing I needed to relieve stress.” Happy whispered in your hair. “Not mention all the orgasms.” You chuckled a bit after saying it. Both of you laughing like kids who say a naughty word.
Hearing a knock at your door, you seen Happy through the peep hole. It was pouring out and he was soaked. “Come in..” you grabbed his hand when you opened the door. He grabbed your face in his hands, backing you up the wall, capturing your lips in his frantically. The door still open, the rain pounding hard at the patio. Pulling away you looked in his eyes. “Babe.. what is wrong?” Happy shut the door, taking off of his boots. You helped him out of his kutte. “I got some of your clothes, sec.” you sprinted to your room and came back with sweat pants and a shirt. You walked out and he was in his boxers. You handed him the clothes. As he changed you grabbed two beers and joint. Sitting on the huge couch, Happy sat next to you. “Hun, tell me what’s wrong. We have been dating for two months but I have known the club for a long time. Please.. let me help you. Don’t block me out.” He looked at you nodding. You sparked the joint, taking a hit and passing it to him. You watched him relax instantly. “Sometimes… doing this shit for the club.. I put up the facade that I love it. I usually do.. but sometimes it gets to be too much. We had a.. thing to do” you nodded knowing what he meant. “I went home, took a shower and passed out. I had a dream that I found you. Dead. Blood was everywhere. I was holding your body tight. I looked in a mirror and seen it was my gun that killed you.” Listening you seen his hands start to shake. You grabbed the joint from his hand, taking a long puff. Setting it in the ashtray, you sat up and sat in his lap. “Look at me Happy Lowman.” You grabbed his chin, in your hands. You felt his stubble on your finger-tips. He looked into your light eyes. “Happy, I have lived alone and protected myself for a long time. I will not die by SOA. You will not be the reason. Promise.” He didn’t know how you were able to make that promise. However he believed every word. Loving you was seeping into his mind. He needed to make love to you. You cured his pain and he wanted to repay you in the most intimate of ways. “Let me make love to you…” Happy whispered against your lips. “Please..” it had been two months since your first kiss. You wanted to make sure he was not in it for the sex. You looked into his eyes. He needed this, he needed to feel you alive underneath him. “Ok..” Happy picked you up, walking to your bed room that he held you so often since you started dating. His lips never left yours. The kiss was hungry, wanting and so very passionate. “You don’t have any STDs right.” He chuckled against your lips. “None. I always wrap it up.” Ignoring the thought of him with other women, he must of felt you stop slightly. “Only girl I ever want is you..” He pushed his hips against you. He was hard.. so hard. He kissed down your neck. Biting it. His teeth sinking in the soft flesh, he created a suction. He kept sucking leaving a dark purple mark on your neck. You slid his shirt up his body, throwing it. You looked at him and traced the tattoos on his chest and down his stomach. He went to lift your shirt and you stopped him. “Let me see you… all of you..” you were nervous. You were not those stick figures that he surely slept with before. You allowed him to lift your shirt up. He seen you where not wearing a bra. Wanting you was something he could not get out of his head for two months. You where utterly perfect. He kissed the valley of your breasts, leaving dark hickeys over them. He sucked on you left nipple, and then the right. His lips sliding over every inch of your body. “Fuck..” you moaned as he kissed your stomach, kissing the now scar that was left from the diner incident. He unbuttoned your black jean shorts and unzipped them. Sliding them down your legs, he took your laced panties with them. He held your legs open, looking down at you. You went to grab a pillow to cover your face embarrassed. He grabbed the pillow throwing it. “No.. your mine right? I think you are a fucking gift from above… so beautiful.. I don’t deserve you..” he whispered against your thigh. “Yes you do.. don’t talk about above when we are doing this.” He chucked and kissed up and down your legs. He pressed a kiss to your clit, pushing his tongue against it. He growled, grabbing your hips, sliding you against his face. He could not believe how fucking good you tasted. His tongue slid down to your entrance, prodding it with his tongue. “Please..” you whimpered, sliding your fingers over his head. Pushing a finger against your entrance, he slowly slid it in. Watching your back arch, a thin layer of sweat covering your body. This was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on. Sure he had done this before, but you reacted to his touch like his perfect mate. He sucked your clit, rolling his tongue over and over against it. “Please!” he gently bit slightly and you seen white. He felt your cum coat his finger and licked it off. His mouth back against your entrance licking the rest up. “Happy..” you looked down at him. Pupils dilated and so disheveled. He slid down his pants and boxers. “Condom?” you shook your head no, wanting to feel all of him. “I am on B.C.” he nodded to you. Usually he would never not wear one. However, he wanted to feel you against him. He leaned up, capturing your lips with his. He twirled his tongue over your lips, slightly biting your bottom lip. “This might hurt..” you nodded to him. He knew you had not had sex in a long time. You felt his head push in. gasping your arms flew around his back hugging him. He kissed your head, pushing in more. Relishing in on how good you felt, he could have came right then. Your walls squeezed him so tightly he thought it was impossible. You looked into his eyes, seeing love pour out of them. You nodded to him and he pushed in fully. He kissed up and down the side of your face. He grabbed your hands, holding them as he pulled out and pushed back in. “Happy..” your eyes rolled to the back of your head, his name kept slipping out of your lips. He felt so good, so fulfilled. “You weere made for me.” He pushed against you more, his chest against yours. “I am going to cum..” moaning in his mouth. He lifted you in his arms as he turned around. You sat on him, moving up and down as he sat against the headboard. He pushed up to meet your bounce. Your lips entangled together. Letting out a whimper, he pushed all the way in you, causing you to cum. He bit your shoulder, feeling you clench on him. Soon cumming after you. You laid against his chest. His arms wrapped around you. “It may be too soon, but I love you y/n..”
You smiled remembering that night and every detail. “I love you Happy..” his eyes met yours shocked.
Two weeks later
“Hey babe.” Happy slid behind you, kissing your cheek as you helped Gemma at the bake sale. “Hey, I think Jax was looking for you.” He nodded kissing Gemmas head as he went to find Jax. “So how are things going?” Gemma plated some food for the next customer. “Taking things slow. He knows he is on thin ice. Gemma laughed high-fiving you. “I am glad you didn’t give up on you two.” You nodded to her popping some brownie in your mouth. “What happened to Jack?” “He and I where never a thing. Truth is I knew him years ago before Happy. Saved me from a motorcycle accident. I am here because of him. He joined SOA in Tacoma. He is falling for that new bartender you had. Been coming down every week to see her.
Getting back to the club, Happy swatted your ass as you carried in the left overs. “Best ass in the world.” “Shut up Lowman.” You shook your head laughing. “Why? MY GIRL HAS THE BEST ASS HERE!” he shouted. Rolling your eyes you put the food away. “I gotta get going though, gotta check on pups.” You yelled to Happy. “Alright babe, I’ll swing by after Church.” He kissed your lips deeply. Surprising you by picking you up and slamming you against the kitchen wall. He moved your face over, leaving a deep hickey on your neck. “Since I have to wait to put my crow back on you.” Moaning as he licked the hickey. You nodded to him. “If having you forever means going slow, I will be a fucking tortoise.” You snickered at him and pushed him away. “Love you baby..” he spoke happily. “Love you too Lowman.”.
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noviceaoiryusei · 4 years
「 Dance Square vol. 36 」 Johnny's Jr. Tettei Kaibou file 23 - Daichi Imae
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I won't loose to my friends, I want to live a life that's not ashamed (with others)
I liked the dance rehearsal more with Yara Tomoyuki!
I don't remember too much of my memories as a kid. When I started to dance, I remembered it's during my second year of middle school when I unwillingly joined Johnny's. (laughs) When I've heard it from my parents, until then I'm always playing soccer. When I was in sixth grade, I saw people dancing on the tv, I suddenly said "I want to do something like this". So I started learning the dance (because) I wanted to dance at tv but, I thought it was impossible. At that time, my relative's grandmother has been hospitalized, to liven up (the mood) I danced in the hospital room. My relative's grandmother said "join Johnny's", so that I won't give up, my parents seemed to have applied for an audition. I felt it and said "it's impossible", it seems like I had received my intention. (laughs) At that moment, I joined Johnny's, it was around after I've finished first grade of middle school.
The audition was at Hey! Say! JUMP's Osaka Jo Hall concert. On that day, I was called that I passed the choreography and stand on the stage as it is. How many people we're there but they will reduce the persons during the three day production.... The choreography increases gradually as you pass. The third day's song was very difficult, I somehow remembered that I couldn't dance at all. But because I love dancing, (I'm) glad that I danced Gamushara. Johnny-san said "you're liveliness is good" and so, I survived the three days. (laughs)
Then I started working as (part of) Kansai Johnny's Jr. but honestly, I just remembered what choreography was taught just by standing on the stage. I remembered my consciousness had clearly changed when Yara (Tomoyuki)-kun chose me in the audition for Yuma-kun's concert (Nakayama Yuma Chapter 1 "Utaoze! Odoroze! YOLOze! Tour" / 2015). Yara-kun is accurate, it's not yet over if you remembered the choreography, you need to pursue more and more from there. Understanding the points that you're not good alone I said, "I'll do it until I can"; I'm that kind of person. And because the rehearsal was hard, I thought that I'll properly look at it. (laughs) I'm so happy that I became to like dancing more. I thought I've met a good person, that's why it's called a turning point; that's where you've come up the most.
The pleasure awakened in the play "Takizawa Kabuki ZERO"
We often worked together at Yuma-kun's concert but we're not an official group. Because it was also divided into a tour group and a stage group, everyone somewhat felt that these members are not good enough to do it together. With my personality, I originally thought "let's do our best at a given place". When Naniwa Danshi and Ae! group was formed, I didn't particularly thought that it's regrettable. During that time at Kyocera (Kanju Yume no Kansai Island 2020 in Kyocera Dome Osaka / 2020), it made me feel a little frustrated for the first time. For persons like me, the feeling of wanting to do you best was greater.
I think I'll do my best in (this) place because the play is getting a lot of fun. Earlier (days) I had experienced to work on stage during "Shounentachi", the role is something like a "square frame" because there's an image, I have to act properly. But during the time of "Takizawa Kabuki ZERO" (2019), I was told to do things freely so, even though everyone is standing, I just sat down. (laughs) I acted selfishly. Then, Suezawa said "I saw Imae's eyes" well, it might be noticeable (eyes) but it's a national (thing). (laughs) Aah, such freedom in the play is nice. Because of the experience, I was able to try lots of things while consulting with Kong Kuwata-san who is the chief warden during the stage "Shounentachi (Seishun no Hikari ni)" / 2019. The first external work for me is "Boukenshatachi Hotel (~Dragon Quest X ni Tsudoishi Nakamatachi~) / 2019, it's a very fun play! Takizawa Kabuki is I think my another turning point.
Dancing and doing play are fun so, I have decided that I'm going to do this work but, I said I wanted to quit. When I entered university, I was going to quit. It'll be long when I tell the story. First, I became interested in space when I was in third year of high school so I said "I want to be an astronaut!". After consulting it in school I did a literary but the teachers gave me individual classes for math and science. A teacher who supports people was a great existence. Aiming to be an astronaut is impossible for now even if I study on my own so, I thought I also wanted to be a teacher. The subject that I'm really good at is physical education so, I have decided to get a teacher's license for health and physical education. The university was drawn based on that (exam). So, when I have received it, I really wanted to leave Johnny's and become a teacher.
But during that time, my friends had stopped me, I've decided to try it for 1-2 times. Everyday from 1 to 4, sometimes until 5 I have classes before I went out in a performance. I think I'm honest and worked really hard. (laughs) When I became third year, I can always become (a teacher) if there's a teacher's license so, I thought that it'll be fine by now. Now, I'm not yet thinking of becoming a teacher someday but I've thought that it's good to have a teacher's license. There are lots of people who have became a Jr., I felt that it's also a proof.
The time that I was active with my friends is an important memory of a lifetime.
Until now I have been working with the feeling of "I'll do my best at a given place". It may sound as positive but, that's why there's no individuality. (laughs) From now, I want to have an appetite, I thought I should be aggressive in believing what I can not (do). I think what I want to do right now is (being in a) play. I have been sent and during the practice of "Ponkotsu Bushou Retsuden ~Tonari no Shiro no Aitsu~, Sano (Mizuki)-san said "the one who's growing the most is Imae". That's of course because I don't have valued experience/s. (laughs) That's why I thought I should absorb more and it's also fun. I said "it's also important to study" but I honestly don't know much. After all, I think it won't work if I doesn't stand on the stage. Right now, I want to accumulate experiences.
If that's the nearest goal, then the next big goal is to establish a new path in Johnny's. An idol has an image of singing and dancing, there's also a path to plays just like (Ikuta) Toma-kun. "______ Imae", I also want to find something like that to say. Because I'm still obscure, I'm (being) honest now. I'm doing my best on the rails that has been laid by Toma-kun. (laughs) Because I have lots of hobbies, it's making me lively so, it's going to be interesting. Ramen, anime, universe, soccer, fishing, marathon, there's also a teacher's license, it could be a weapon someday.
Let's say that it's an alley by ourselves. (laughs) Because there were many fans who have supported the members who were together at Yuma-kun's concert, I think there are people who have felt uneasy about being separated. But for us, that time is an important treasure of our lives. I've always had a sense of friendship, in fact, the reputation of my stage play was made by everyone. This time, I went to watch the play "Aoki-san Chi no Okusan" / 2020 starring (Ohashi) Kazuya, Jo (Fujiwara Joichiro), Suezawa and Richa (Kusama Richard Keita). The following day, I went to the theme park with Suezawa and Richard. (laughs) We are connected, we're facing each other now. From now on, I don't want to loose! I want to live my life not being ashamed (with others)
I would like to establish a new path with my hobbies as my weapon
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