foundfamilyhq · 1 year
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shaddy-bee · 6 months
9 ! for the ask game ! wa ha ha
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friedricebunny · 2 years
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mr-mizfit · 25 days
🙏😞Please help me I want to provide for my
family's needs in Gaza🇵🇸🍉
Maybe 10€ makes a difference to us.🙏
⭕️Donation link:
⭕️Pinned post:
‏I hope they see this so they can see and learn about my campaign. 🙏💔
‏@el-shab-hussein @appsa @nabulsi @irhabiya @90-ghost @sar-soor @mohameddd
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haruichi-mamiya · 2 years
Very funny that a little bit before it turned midnight and I turned 18, I discovered a haruichi cg that is so sexy that I literally cannot stop looking at it.
LIKE,,,, YOU LOOK SO COCKY SIR,,,, yet also the image feels extremely intimate like even more than like aristocratic vampire or bathtime massage what are you and mc getting into
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msexcelfractal · 9 months
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Mandelbrot Set: Iterations 1–9.
Displayed in Microsoft Excel by a four way circular reference:
C3=COMPLEX(C$2,-$B3) JN3=IF(JN274>=3,C274,IMSUM(C3,IMPRODUCT(C274,C274))) C274=IF($A$1,JN3,C3) JN274=IMABS(C274)
Each of the four formulas is filled into 72900 cells to make 270px images. The first grid picks a complex number c = x+yi. The second grid iterates Mandelbrot's rule: c is in the Mandelbrot set if and only if the sequence zₙ₊₁ = zₙ² + c does not diverge. The third grid makes the previous iteration's zₙ₊₁ into the current iteration's zₙ (unless the pause button is set in cell A1 - then this grid reverts to z₀ = c.) The fourth grid takes the absolute value of zₙ so I can show you its magnitude with conditional formatting!
At the top of the post is the fourth grid in iterations z₁ through z₉ with -2<x<1 and -1.5<y<1.5. The ranges for x and y are set dynamically so I can zoom into the fractal arbitrarily :)
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Here are the red, green and blue locations from my earlier survey of the Mandelbrot set via its Julia sets.
Or, you can peruse the rest of my Excel fractal art.
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soldiertransgender · 8 months
I don't have any reaction imabes on my phone help
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I only have this pizza from a month or two ago
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thetalltappers · 1 month
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heres this imabe i
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argumate · 8 months
nice iambic heptameter! really adds to it
seven imabic feet...
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dialo · 2 months
going to post imabes
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avonsdrabbles · 4 months
Hi! I seem to have rambled on to your blog
Weird question! How did you get into (if you ever did) examining and taking apart literature?
For us it's Merlin BBC cuz nothing new has come out for it in over a decade. It's 5 seasons long but at some point you just run out of content but yk, still wanting to talk about it we started drawing on narrative themes picking apart and inspecting the dialogue to figure out each character's intention. I'm glad to say it held up really well
& we're asking people whom have interacted with the degree that forces literature upon you how they started cuz it's interesting
On ask? On my main? It's more likely than you'd think--
Anyways, hi, love the snakes, love the planet, love the ask! It's unsurprisingly a little complicated for me, so bear with me.
I knew I liked English in middle school, but that wasn't dissecting text, that was writing. But that's where a love for language formed, and I started writing more and more. Back then, tho, I HATED dissecting literature, because it felt so pointless. "What did the author mean by this?" I don't know, I can't ask them, Margie! Ugh.
But then, I had the worst English teacher in my entire life in high school. She was, simply put, batshit. She rambled on and on about how fairies were going to take her soul and stole kids things, how cameras were the work of the devil and could also take your soul, how English would heal people's souls...
Really obsessed with souls ngl. Bit weird.
Anyways -- she was god awful. And she changed the curriculum multiple times so we could read what she wanted. The year I was supposed to read Romeo and Juliet, we read Midsummer Nights Dream instead. And by god, everything this woman said pissed me the fuck off. SHE FOCUSED ON THE IMABS? IMABIC PENTAMETERS???? I'm sorry, woman, can we discuss the puns here?! Can we discuss the authorial context of Shakespeare making this play within a play something commoners could enjoy while mocking nobility and the scandals at play, while (sorry, foaming at the mouth in rage and lust over literature).
Needless to say, I dove straight in. I'm one of the lucky ones who could understand Shakespeare without trying. It didn't take any energy on my part to parse the iambs, and I found a lot of beauty in the poetic nature of it all.
The next year, I was ready to fight, but I promptly had the best English teacher of my entire life, the one who taught me more about teaching than anyone else, and who I cite as the reason I became an English teacher. And she really fucking opened my eyes to the intricacies of subjectiveness in English. See, I'm a very stubborn person, and I'm very my-way-or-the-highway. I used to be very mathmatically inclined because there's only one right answer. Sure, you can get that answer a lot of different ways, but only one thing is right. English frustrated me because it seemed like I could say any fucking bullshit and have someone nod and say "Profound."
This is the teacher that taught me that's a feature, not a bug.
Through a little something called Waiting For Godot.
It is, by far, the worst play I've read. It's also my favorite. What sort of 10th grader gets to read an analysis of God that features pet play BDSM? THIS one. (This was also outside of the standard curriculum, but it was the end of the year, so all bets were off I guess).
This was the play where we dove in, read it, and without any discussion of the play, had to write an essay about the theme the author was presenting. All of us felt so lost. The symbolism didn't make any sense. There seemed to be no theme, beyond maybe "Waiting for someone who will never come is painful."
And then, the day before we had to write the essay... We had a substitute, following her lesson plans, and he was one of my favorite SEIAs (special ed instructional assistants). He was the exact same level of batshit as I am.
He SLAMMED his hand on the whiteboard, stared at us as we looked back in shock, and screamed, "ABORTION." He then went into a 40 minute diatribe about how the author of the text was very clearly explaining pro-life VS pro-choice mentality, leaning pro-life, but conversely making a pro-choice argument through the use of the discussion of Christian free will. He used sources. He used text evidence. By the end of the talk, all of us were nodding, clapping, acknowledging that he HAD to be correct!
And he stopped, stared at us, and laughed. "That was all bullshit."
He'd pulled it all out of his ass. And it made perfect sense to us all.
That's when I figured out that literature is what YOU make of it. Literature is all about interpretation; sure, there's tropes to follow that help guide our interpretations, but at the end of the day, words mean whatever you think they mean.
THAT'S what got me into lit analysis.
(And, oddly, homestuck)
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cloudcountry · 1 year
How do you write a sonnet? In as much detail you can give? You seem like you'd know about this kind of thing lol
there are three types of sonnets: the italian sonnet, the shakespearean sonnet, and the spenserian sonnet. i am most familiar with the shakespearean sonnet, i'll tell you about that one!!
shakespearean sonnets have three groups of 4 lines (also known as a quatrain) with a rhyming couplet at the end, with a total of 14 lines.
the lines have a rhyme scene of abab cdcd efef gg and are written in imabic pentameter.
imabic pentameter is hard to explain but uhhh think of a heartbeat!! think of ten beats. that should be one line. the line starts with a short (or unstressed) syllable and alternates between short and long (or stressed) syllables
i'll give you an example since i don't think i explained that well ^^; i'll use shakespeare's 22nd sonnet!!
"My glass shall not persuade me I am old."
try doing the ten heartbeat thing and see if you can pick out the syllables!!
"My glass / shall not / pre-suade / me I / am old."
the my in the first line is the unstressed syllable, and it's followed by the stressed syllable of glass.
i hope that makes sense!! let me know if you have any questions ^^ !!!
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m-e-w-666 · 1 year
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wheelie-butch · 2 years
I've written my girlfriend a whole shakespearian style love sonnet but im not convinced i understand iambic pentameter very well so im not sure i actually got the stress stuff right and im such a stupid perfectionist part of me is like 'well i cant possibly give it them. Everyone will point and laugh and say haha she cant do perfect imabic pentameter cringefail love poem' but now i say that outloud i realise how fucking wild that would be lol.
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forgot i had my grandmas bg imabe for calls that one image of karkat going 0-0 and my mon ised my phone to call her and asked what the fuck it was
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grimescum · 6 months
ok my mama told me taht i must've been so tired as of recent bc at some point or another i accidentally took my sleeping medicine 😭 i feel like ghis imabe
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