#imagine going back in time to cause chaos to specifically you
crossant cookie's character arc over the tbd events literally is:
fear of the cosmic horrors -> chill with the cosmic horrors -> becoming the cosmic horrors(director crossant)-> the cosmic horrors(timekeeper) -> the greater cosmic horrors(ruler of the ephemeral flow)
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naomihatake · 10 months
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you can find other zoro fics here: Naomi's archive
pairing: zoro x fem reader
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, consumption of alcohol
summary: One would expect the swordsman to unwind after a battle, but there are times when he can't help but think. Alcohol doesn't always come in handy when a specific crewmate he grew fond of cuddled a tad bit too close to his heart.
word count: 3.3k
theme song: 'Daylight' by David Kushner
A/N: It can be imagined with both anime and opla Zoro. I don't know if he's slightly ooc or not, but I genuinely wanted to dig into this side of a relationship with the swordsman. The awkward times when he's getting used to it and simply accepting everything as a new part of his life.
I didn't forget about my multi chapter fiction, I just didn't find the inspiration for the 8th chapter. I couldn't help but write this for my own comfort and I want to mention that this original art of @tea917339 inspired me (check it out, it's absolutely amazing!!!)
I'm always open for your opinions and comments, so don't be shy about sharing your thoughts with me! <3
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Usually, nights with the Straw Hats were lively, even after battles that left the crew members injured and bleeding. They would pick each other up and cheer up by simply bickering — that's what Zoro thought. 
The same way Luffy's hand extended to help him back on his feet after he plopped down on the ground to rest. The same way Zoro reassured Chopper after the kid tried his best not to get emotional afterwards. The same way Sanji threw some remarks and the swordsman spat back in annoyance. And, for fuck’s sake, Nami reminded him for the tenth time that day he owes her berry for something he completely forgot about. Usopp was sighing in relief every time he remembered they escaped with life again while Robin agreed with a soft smile on her face. Truly, it was almost insane — Zoro wouldn't exactly call that a miracle because he's doubtful of its existence. 
However, he couldn't bring himself to cheer up once the celebration of their victory was over and everyone went into their rooms. He was on the night watch and all he found himself capable of doing was burying in memories of all kinds, be it happy or not. With not enough alcohol in his system yet, it was rather hard to push those thoughts into the back of his head. 
The swordsman sat on the deck, his back resting against the wooden cabin. Hidden from prying eyes, he found peace in the temporary silence. Rare were the times when the crew was so peaceful and it was usually during the night, when they were asleep, because otherwise they would've caused a mayhem. 
The side of his mouth curled upwards at that thought. It was equally annoying and endearing, since in the months spent with them he found a lot of things about himself. Like the fact that he found his crew to be a family, like the way he sometimes found peace even in the chaos caused by them. 
Or like the presence he grew way too fond of along the way. That witch — she truly was one, judging by the effect she had on him. Only a spell could've made his mind get so clouded, only some unknown force could've managed to soften his edges so well. She joined the crew from the first day and he believed that a spell had been casted upon him since the first time they gazed at each other. 
Right. Zoro gulped down. The effect she had on him was equally annoying and pleasant. 
Annoying because he should've focused on his promise to Kuina, not get lost in between fairytales. He wasn't by any means the charming prince riding a white horse and he didn't intend on becoming one anytime soon. It filled him up with feelings unknown to him. Zoro might be a fan of adventures and he had rather insane ideas — as one might say —, but such sentiments were an entirely new path to walk on. 
First and foremost, it bothered him the fact that he wasn't sure he could fulfill both his promises and whatever the fuck was going on between him and the witch. He couldn't pinpoint what was happening, it was all in a blur, even if everything was clearing up whenever he saw her. 
That's when he's reminded why he likes their relationship — what kind of, he didn't know. When he saw her, there were always sparkles in her eyes and the smile on her face would grow wider, lines of happiness appearing on her cheeks. The curl of her lips would make his heart skip a few beats and he would relax his shoulders unconsciously. Eyes filled with joy looked at him as if he was the very reason behind her purest sensations. 
Also, not to mention how warm the depths of his chest felt when she was near. The heat would rise to his cheeks, which he sometimes found uncomfortable, but Zoro never ran away. A side of him wished so badly to go the other way and never look back, ignore her and those stupid damned feelings, but he never gathered enough courage to do so. Every single time, he would remain stuck, with his eyes stuck on her frame and fingers aching to touch and lips tingling to kiss. 
God fucking dammit. 
With a curse rolling off his tongue casually as he closed his eyes, the back of his head collided with the wooden wall he rested his back against. Zoro sat with his knees bent and feet planted onto the floor, only his Wado Ichimoji in his proximity. With its hilt glued to his shoulder, the sheathed sword was in between his fingers. By that time, he held it for comfort.
If that's what he could call it. The swordsman wasn't sure what else to associate it with. Or was it familiarity? The white sword was the only memory he had of a long lost friend and his first home at the dojo, by the side of his sensei. It was the only object tying him to his past, to his beginning, to times when he was much weaker, but determined nonetheless. 
To care about his promise was familiar. Zoro wouldn't give it up — proof was the simple fact that he still achieved to become the strongest swordsman in the world. One day, he will meet Mihawk again and when he does, he will be stronger than the first time he encountered him at Baratie. 
Looking back, it's been so long since. So long since a new life appeared before his eyes and he accepted it with no hesitation. He was a pirate, a Straw Hat, Luffy's first mate. The swordsman swore to help his captain achieve his own dream. 
Those promises were familiar. The erratic heartbeats caused by the witch weren't. The sensation settling in the pits of his stomach when her gentle fingers would brush over his arm weren't. It was foreign and it didn't sit well with him. 
He still saw her face in his dreams sometimes and it was usually her ghost haunting him. Other times, in her place would be one of his friends and each time it was harder to fall asleep. 
When awake, memories of her replayed so vividly in his mind. Swords clashing together and whistling as they cut the air in half. A grin brightening up Kuina's face when he would fall on his butt and cuss her out again. They promised that one of them would become the greatest, but he was the only one capable of that, because her bones lay in a grave somewhere far away. 
Zoro opened his eyes and stared at the night sky with scars scattered all over it. A calming view, even if there was tumult inside of him, hidden in between ribs that broke with each new pump of his heart. His brown eyes fell to the floor and he crossed his arms on top of his knees, gripping the sword tighter. His chest puffed up with air when he inhaled and he let out a heavy sigh. 
“Zoro?” a soft whisper made him jump out of his thoughts. 
The swordsman snapped his head and he was greeted by the sight of someone he didn't even know he was searching for. A side of him wished to say something along the lines of “fuck off” while the other side desperately wanted to soak into her presence. 
A witch, indeed. 
His eyes ran up and down her figure. She didn't seem surprised to find him there, in a rather hidden spot, which meant she didn't search for too long. Did she even search for him or did she also wish to be alone for a while? The first place to search for someone during night shifts was the crows nest. 
She held two bottles of what he guessed to be alcohol and she swung them carefully before stepping closer. His chest tightened and he found it harder to breathe, even if it was inevitably easier than before at the same time. For some reason, she had that effect on him. 
Maybe he knew that reason all too well, but he just avoided thinking of it. 
“You told me we'd drink something together,” she reminded him in that warm voice of hers. 
The sweet melody that calmed his nerves. 
He didn't know what kind of energy radiated off him, but her behavior was far more gentle than usual. She wasn't hesitant, the witch never hesitated around him, she was just mindful of her actions and words. 
He didn't know why for a second he saw understanding in the curl of her lips when she crouched down. Unconsciously, Zoro knitted his eyebrows together in confusion at her gestures. 
The bottles hit the floor and she let go of them. Her eyes sparkled like they always did, but there was something different that time — a warmth they held only when she comforted Chopper or encouraged Usopp. Warmth similar to the shy rays of the sun of the morning, when the cold is still lingering and there's a specific scent in the air. Gentleness he only ever saw in her, because Luffy's kindness was different. 
A warmth so humane that was visible for the crew alone or those in need of it. 
The witch recognized something in his demeanor and Zoro had no clue what that was about. He could only see it in her gaze. 
“I suppose it isn't really the perfect time for me to butt in, hm?” she whispered. 
Like a promise only for him to hear. A secret. 
“How'd you find me here?” he found himself speaking before he thought it through. 
The question made her shrug. 
“I pick up easily on your energy. It's quite unmistakable, y'know?” 
There it was — one of the main reasons why she had the nickname of Witch both on the ship and outside of it. She's spoken about that for a few times and he had to admit he understood what she meant. However, the swordsman only felt those “energies” (as she liked to call them) in specific moments. He remembers that time in Lougetown when everything felt like energy instead of palpable objects, the reason why he won that fight. 
Sometimes he seriously wondered if she hadn't met his sensei at some point in her life. 
“What is it like?” once again, he asked before thinking. 
The witch pulled her lips in a tight line and hummed, gathering the right words to describe it. Her gaze bounced around and she grimaced once, when she probably found her choice of words to be unpleasant or inappropriate — she always scrunched her nose when it was difficult to find the proper terms. 
“It's sharp, but warm. Kind of steady, constantly flickering. For example, Luffy's energy is always all around the place and Chopper's gets out of control easily. Robin has the steadiest energy of all of us, even if it was kind of… strange lately.” 
Zoro arched his eyebrow at the last piece of information and only received a hand waving through the air. 
“Ignore the last part, I'm still figuring it out myself. No need to worry.” 
The swordsman knew the energy she was talking about was different than what he felt when she was in presence, but he wondered if whatever laid in her heart interfered with her ability to distinguish his being from the others. 
He watched as the witch looked at the bottles next to him and then clicked her tongue, deep in thought. 
“I don't know if they'd help you tonight, but I'll let you be.” 
None of those words were accusatory. They were all coming from a place of kindness and patience. 
Suddenly, her fingers curled around his bicep, below the bandana wrapped around his arm. Skin on skin, her touch was hot and pleasant, even if very confusing. 
What was she thinking? 
His puzzled feelings were written on his face. Uncertainty laid in his dark brown eyes and his fingers held onto the sword tighter. He didn't even notice when the grip on his Wado Ichimoji loosened up. 
Her gaze was reassuring as ever and she gently rubbed her thumb into his tensed muscles. 
Zoro had to at least admit to himself that vulnerability was uncomfortable. Without spoken words, she picked up on it. 
“I don't know for sure if I'll get to sleep tonight, so you could cut your night shift in half.” She's having issues with nightmares again? he silently wondered. “I'll be in my room, reading. Do what you see fit.” 
Instantly, she was back on her feet with her back straight and walked away. The swordsman didn't know what happened or what he should understand. 
He was utterly and completely confused. What just happened? 
Oh. The witch gave him space and time to think. She also told him where she was in case he decided to grip at the promise of comfort and hold tightly onto it. The opportunity laid right in front of him and he was the only one to decide whether he used it to his advantage or not. 
Zoro didn't notice when his shoulders relaxed. His body wasn't as tense as a few minutes ago, his back didn't feel as stiff. The exhale he left wasn't heavy anymore. 
The swordsman knew what this was about. Maybe it was the time to just accept his feelings and get on with it. He had to suck it up and deal with it, even if dealing with her wasn't the right way to word it out. It always felt more like she was dealing with him. 
With closed eyes, he remembered the last time her lips brushed by his. Gosh, it was so hot and his blood was bubbling like lava in his veins. It wasn't an accident, he intended on kissing her back with fever, but he had a hard time accepting everything. It was… weird. Facing that reality was troublesome. 
She has yet to lose her patience. The witch remained firm and each one of her questions were answered by gestures instead of words — something familiar for him. She was far more skilled with expressing herself even when sensitive topics came up. 
That was a miracle. Her presence alone could be compared to a miracle because it was completely unexpected and somehow always caressing him the right way. It was scary how accurately she could read him and the same applied to him. 
The sky before his eyes continued to sparkle with stars and he remained still in his place. His fingers caressed the scabbard of his sword as he blinked in the darkness, the chill air of the night invading his lungs. 
It was complicated and so simple at the same time. Zoro knew the answer — he just had to come to terms with it. 
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Just as age promised, the witch sat on the bed in her room with a blanket warming her up. The lamp on the nightstand by her side casted a golden light over the pages of a book sitting in her lap. It was hard to focus on the story — a captivating part of pirate's history, sometime before the appearance of Gold D. Roger.
Her thoughts were followed by the swordsman. Zoro's mood was… sad at best. She didn't expect to find him in that state, but she quickly came to the conclusion that leaving him alone might do him good. 
She tapped her finger over the pages of the old book and clicked her tongue. Was it right to leave him? The witch never saw him in a similar mood and she also realized she didn't know how to help him. There could be a lot of ways to bring him back to earth or at least keep him afloat. Those ways were only known by him. All she could do was guess and hope for the best outcome. 
Heavy footsteps echoed on the other side of the door. When it opened wide, there was Zoro's tall silhouette, his white sword in his hand and one bottle of alcohol in his other. He came closer, his face hard as a stone. The pink hue painting his cheeks was the only detail giving away the fact that he drank one of the bottles she brought hours ago. 
“Why aren't you sleeping yet?” he said with a gruff voice as he plopped down on the mattress. 
There were only a few hours left before the sun would rise up from the sea. 
“You've probably guessed already,” she averted her eyes from his figure. 
“Nightmares again?” 
The witch only nodded, eyes focused on the book. Zoro let the sword against the couch. 
“I won't fall asleep, so you could as well take a night off,” only then she looked at him again. 
His darkened eyes have been locked on her since he entered the valley. The witch wanted to move, to eventually get away from his knowing gaze, but she knew there was no possible way to do it. 
“Are you alright?” she blurted out. 
She had to fill that silence with some kind of conversation. Maybe that wasn't exactly the wisest decision, considering his shoulders visibly tensed and he straightened his back. A frown appeared on her face. She regretted talking. 
The witch figured out he needed more time to sort his thoughts. 
“Why don't you go to sleep?” she tilted her head to the side. “The fight has worn us all out. You could rest for a while.” 
“And you?” 
“We'll be sailing for a few days. I can sleep ‘till afternoon.” 
“Nothing will happen for as long as you're on this ship with us,” the reassurance slipped so easily. “Do you trust us?” 
“More than anything,” the witch responded with a faint smile. 
Several weeks ago, her answer and reaction would've been so different. She made so much progress since she first met them, her trust now fully laying in their palms. Long ago, she would've backed away at such a question and, if they were lucky enough, the witch would admit she “needs time to adjust”. 
At first, all he did was lean close enough for his shoulder to touch hers. The swordsman only intended to enjoy some peace while he shared his booze with the witch. From time to time, she'd gulp from the bottle and then give it back to him before continuing her lecture. After each two minutes, the room would be filled by the rustling of pages. 
It didn't last long until he fell into her trap and tiredness dragged him glued to her. With his head in her lap, Zoro bumped his nose in her thigh. The witch's fingers ran through his hair and he let out an audible exhale, eyes closing instantly. Greeted by darkness, he felt warm not only on the inside. The blanket she curled around herself earlier was now covering his upper body as he sunk into the soft mattress and her. 
One of his hands curled around her knee and he dug his fingers into her flesh. Her leg jerked slightly at the unexpected touch, but when he tried to move away, she muttered a sweet “It's okay”, stopping his movements. 
The oxygen in his lungs was exchanged with her perfume and he bit back a groan. Her voice was like a lullaby, even if there weren't many words rolling off her tongue. Zoro wasn't bothered by the light of the lamp, completely forgetting about the world around him once her fingers continued running through his hair. 
His hand traveled up, until it fully rested on her thigh, the warmth of her body seeping through the thin material of her pants. Truth be told, he's never felt better. 
She was a remedy. His remedy. 
“Good night.”
Zoro heard her whisper solely because he was near her; otherwise he would've confounded it with the night breeze. 
Maybe giving in to her affection isn't that bad. 
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annisassintchaska · 1 year
Mrs. Wolff To The Rescue
Toto Wolff x Black! Reader
TW: Violence, Cursing
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It had been a stressful day as the race wasn’t going well for the Mercedes team as tires were a bit mixed up and strategies seem to be failing rapidly. The two drivers were up in battle with the Ferrari and Redbull drivers as the other teams seem to be very far behind.
During this whole chaos, George’s rear wing had managed to get hit by Lewis after Max’s impatience took over and he slammed into the silver arrow. This sent George spinning off into the gravel on turn sixteen. This caused tension to rise in garage as Toto became angry the Dutch man’s antics.
Thought the next half an hour of the race, everything seems to be fine with Lewis until Max unfairly tried to overtake which ended in both the Redbull cars and the last Mercedes car to spin off the track as Perez unluckily was trying to move past them, yet he wasn’t fast enough as he got hit by Max’s spinning car.
All the reckless driving from Max along with him taking out both drivers of the Mercedes team lead to a furious Toto Wolff as he started yelling, only for him to get out the chair shattering the headphones across the desk upon impact from the slam of his hand. This scared everyone around him in the garage as he started pacing about, yelling out his frustration of the race to anyone in sight.
Bono decided that he had enough and called for backup. “Hello Y/n, your husband is here yelling at everyone after shattering another pair of headphone” he whispered into the phone. “Are you serious? What is wrong with this man?” Y/n groaned in frustration as she would have to leave work to save the team from her yelling giant of a husband for the third time this month. “Alright, I’m on my way. Don’t say anything to him” She grumbled as she got up from her desk. “Ok Mrs. Wolff but please hurry” Bono replied justly before the line went dead.
The whole fifteen minute drive, Y/n could only imagine how scared the workers must have been if it got to the extent of even one of Toto’s friends who works for him called. When she arrived, she parked the car right next to Angela’s who was waiting for her. “Y/n thank God you’re here, it’s like they’re being held hostage in there. He won’t stop ranting and yelling. No one has moved a muscle since Lewis’ crash.” Angela explained in panic. “Thanks for having Bono notify me and for putting up with his grumpy ass” Y/n mumbled in response as she was over her husband’s overreaction at this point.
They entered the paddock and the other teams immediately knew that a scolding was heading the Austrian Team Principal’s way. Y/n nodded fondly at a few people until she finally came to a stop at the Mercedes garage where she could hear her husband’s loud rants about some Dutch fucker who is out to kill everyone on the grid. She walked inside and signaled for them to keep quiet as she grabbed a stool. She carefully climbed the stool and looked at the back of his head before delivering a head pounding slap to it causing everyone to gasp.
Toto was so mad as he turned around to retaliate only to find his upset wife glaring at him. “Hii schatzi. What are you doing here?” He asked sweetly as he put himself together. “You tell me Torger Christian Wolff?! Why is it that while at work I’m getting calls saying that you’re holding your workers captive after scaring them?! Haven’t I specifically warned you about breaking headphones?! HUH TORGER?!” She angrily yelled at him as he guiltily stood quiet. While all this was going on, Bono had packed up his briefcase which was now in his hand as he waited for his wife to speak again.
Y/n got down from the stool and looked at her husband’s team as they waited for further instructions which went in their favour. “Okay, I know y’all have work to do so you get back to work and I’ll take this monster away. Tomorrow you’ll have a brand new boss okay?” She promised as they responded in union. “Thank you Mrs. Wolff” and went off to their respective jobs.
Y/n then turned to her husband still infuriated as she said “Give me your head” she demanded to which Toto bowed his head only for Y/n to start yanking him through the paddock and towards the garage by his ears like a naughty child as she grumbled on like a disappointed mother about his behaviour. “I have told you so many times before, stop smashing headphones, stop yelling at others, don’t scare people but NO, you wanna do what you feel like. Now look where it landed your ass huh?!”
The whole paddock and basically the world witnessing this found it hilariously cute that a giant of a man like Toto could be tamed by such a small person but at the end of the day she isn’t just a person, she’s his WIFE.
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bloop-bl00p · 2 months
Re-imagining the Extermination
TW: There’s like one image I could consider disturbing and such
Remember when back in the day before the series aired how the Exorcists were so hyped? They were this unavoidable threat looming over the heads of the characters, a reminder that if Charlie doesn't succeed in redemption, all of these characters will have to go years and years preparing themselves for a massacre and inevitably die a second time.
Then when we get to see them in the show a bit earlier than expected here how they act…
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Maybe I hyped them too much.. I expected them to be fierce soldiers led by Michael or something.
The thing is, we don’t know what are the Exorcists yet, Adam said he named Vaggie (and probably the rest of the girls) but she’s still Salvadoran, which is really confusing. Hopefully, we’ll get more answers, my personal guess is that Viv is going to go with fan theories that they are humans. That can be interesting but if they are that doesn't explain why they thought themselves invincible.
I created something completely different, basing myself on multiple religious texts as always, I intend to make more posts about my rewrite of characters I drastically changed, and possibly one about Heaven. It’s gonna be long because I crammed a lot of information.
I. Why kill sinners?
Souls are powers, the more it sins, the stronger the 7 Deadly Sins get.
Hell started traditionally as a pit of fire and desolation, when The Seven Sins discovered they could get stronger through the humans, they completely reshaped Hell’s society and influenced Earth with the help of Hellborns.
Mammon is pretty much the reason why we live in a capitalistic society, as Greed is at the center of almost everything (The love for money is described as be Root of All Evil in the Bible.) So his influence on Earth was mirrored to create the Hellaverse we all know.
In Hell, Hellborns, rather than physically torture the Sinners, tempt and trap them in toxic lifestyles. Back in the day, Sinners could have access to the other Rings and indulge in a wide range of vices. Heaven noticed it and reacted immediately to prevent Lucifer’s rise in power and avoid a potential war. They came up with the Extermination and wisely decided to set this up at a very specific time.
You see, around the 16th century Lilith was expecting and she reached her 5 months of pregnancy for the first time in 6000 years. She was cursed by God after fleeing Eden, and all of her pregnancies usually end in miscarriage. Furthermore, she suffered ten times harder than any other woman.
So that's when they forced Lucifer to comply with their deals. He didn't want his wife to be in the middle of a war so he accepted. The deal essentially was that Angels could come to his kingdom once a year to kill as many people as possible, but if they dared to attack a Blue Blood he would bite back.
To diminish the amount of destruction that would be caused by the Exorcists all Sinners are confined to the Pride Ring as they are the main targets. But between us, if you’re a Hellborn and find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time you’re dead.
Royalties are the only ones spared from the massacre, they picked a relatively weak type of angel to do the dirty work so the Exorcists aren’t even remotely strong enough to kill one of the 72 Lesser Keys, only lower ranks demons and sinners.
II. The Exorcists
The Watchers:
Over the few angels sent to observe humans' expansion, a considerably large amount of them have been exposed to Lucifer’s deviant ideologies and were inspired to follow The Traitor’s ideal and defy God’s plan. 200 of them put these doctrines into motion and their Heavenly Light got tainted by one sin, Lust.
They fell in love with the women on Earth and shapeshifted to marry those they lusted after, causing the birth of wicked creatures between Celestial beings and humankind, the Nephilim. Their second sin was to reveal forbidden knowledge to be viewed as deities unleashing Chaos and wars between humans (you know when we fight to know which God is stronger/real).
God put an end to this and sent Archangels who banished these 200 Watchers to Hell. To ensure that the rest of humanity wouldn’t be corrupted by their children, God flooded the Earth-saving few humans deemed as virtuous (Noah and his family weren't the only ones.)
The Watchers that remained were ripped off a considerable amount of their powers. They got disfigured to ensure the failure of any tentative seduction, and each of them is kept on a tight leash in Heaven unable to access most parts of Heaven without authorization and supervision.
The Birth of Exorcists:
Misael grew disdain for those of their kind who rebelled against the Lord as their trust and love for the Almighty was endless.
This loyalty permitted them to become the next leader of the Watcher after the betrayal of the former chief. The Watchers, alongside them, grew all bitter toward demons and their sinful siblings, a bitterness that turned into hatred for their peers.
When Misael heard the words of a possible uprising, they proposed an annual extermination as a last resort and a way for the Watchers to pay for the sins of their siblings. Which got accepted.
Few details about Misael:
→ Miseal means normally ‘As God is’ but my thought process was that Misia in Greek means ‘hate’ and they hate demons. I just added the ‘El’ syllabus of God.
→ Their voices are surprisingly soft, a bit like Blue Diamond, it almost make you forget that they are about to slice your throat open. They have this habit of reassuring sinners saying that their suffering is coming to an end.
III. Appearance:
Exorcists are lepers and constantly in pain, they were removed from their ability to shapeshift.
Today Leprosy is curable but before modern medicine, it was considered a divine punishment since they had no treatment. There are instances in the Bible where God punishes people by turning them into a leper.
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They usually wear bandages to cover their face and this isn't even near how horrible their condition can get. The entirety of their body is sick and they wear large loose clothes to cover them, below the fabric they are still covered with bandages. The halo is in reference to the Crown of Thorns of Jesus, the Romans put it on his head as a form of humiliation. The Watchers used to have normal haloes but they aren't worthy of it anymore.
They are very much recognizable in Heaven as they are the only ones wearing black, to signify their loss of purity and kinda to represent their mourning for their Fallen siblings and the souls they are taking in Hell.
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During the Exterminations, they wear silver masks, and Misael wears a golden one since they are the leader. They withhold close-range weapons as a reminder that they are taking lives.
The sun in the center of their armor is a reference to God (a symbol I created for my story) it’s in reference to the Morningstar trying to overcome the Sun.
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I got lazy, I haven’t drawn anything in months, so I’m probably gonna re-draw this. I forgot a few details.
IV. Details
→ Each beginning of Extermination is announced by the sounds of Seven Trumpets playing at the same time.
→ They have to make the death as quick and painless as possible.
→ A list of names and ways of identification such as pictures is given to each of the Exorcists so they know who they should approach with caution. They can die, it may not be common but it’s still a possibility. Usually, they target Overlords as their activities in Hell make people sin more and more.
→ They have no right to kill anyone belonging to the Royalty, they don't have enough powers to. Any demons they encounter on the street however must be killed regardless of their status as hellborn or sinners.
→ They can affect technology, Hell has no natural light source as it’s the only place Gods do not pay attention. During the Exterminations, the electricity is completely shut down, the only source of light is the Heaven portals which disorient the sinners because it’s blinding.
→ Exorcists are killable, but usually when faced with 12-foot soldiers you back away. While they do wear armor that completely covers them if they get hurt somehow, they’ll regenerate unless it’s an angelic steel.
The only part that isn't protected is the base of their wings so with the right weapons you could cut it. Guns are also a possibility but their wings are big enough to be used as a shield (76 feet, I did the math.)
→ It’s rare but some Exorcists lose their weapons when facing sinners who fight back.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
follower! bishops with an s/o that was apart of their cult but now runs a tea shop in the lambs cult?
"Huh, so this is how my consort wastes the immortal life I've given them...by running a cutesy little tea shop in the cult of my traitorous vessel.."
"Good to see you, darling. Care for some chamomile tea?"
"....yes, I suppose I could indulge in some."
Narinder never thought this is what you've been up to after all this time: sitting in a cozy tent and selling specialty teas to followers who spent their hard-earned coin on refreshing drinks.
He thought you'd use your immortality necklace as a means of travelling the world and spreading his word after he was banished.
But nope. You settled down here with goals to live a comfortable life.
Although you didn't let him forget his cruelty to the other followers and Lamb..
"You wouldn't make me pay, would you?"
"I should charge you double...considering you threatened to kill all of us and Lamb once they've done your bidding." You reminded him, causing him to tense up.
"..I would have spared you-"
"Of course you say that now."
"S/o, please..I'm...."
"...I'm sorry." He finally relents.
".....you'll get this one for free, and maybe next time too if you show these followers more kindness." You kiss him on the cheek, passing a cup of tea into his paws.
He acts all huffy about being humbled by you, but from there on he's a little bit nicer to the other followers.
You ran a small tea shop back in Darkwood. There was no ingredient that didn't make the perfect tea: peppermint, camelia, citrus..you name it.
After Leshy went blind, he got accustomed to every kind of smell from your shop. So when he stopped by, he always knew what you were brewing and would request some.
Of course, how could you deny him? Your beloved deserved a nice and calming drink in the chaos of his realm.
Unfortunately some of his fanatics obsessed with destruction began trashing your shop while you were out on a supply run.
You tried chasing them away, but got seriously wounded and had to flee for your life. Soon afterwards, Lamb found you and took you to their cult.
Leshy believed you to be dead.
So imagine his shock when he's indoctrinated and smells those familiar teas, immediately rushing to the source and discovering you're here and alive.
"S/o!! Where have you gone?! I thought I had lost you forever!!"
"It's okay, Leshy. I had to run away, but Lamb found me and saved my life. What ever happened to those raiders, by the way?"
"...I had them hung for your murder."
"....oh. Well, they're better off as bird food anyways. Come and sit, dear. I had to start back at square one, but I have every kind of tea flavor you love."
"Yes, of course....it's so good to hear your voice again, s/o."
"Likewise, Lesh."
Back in Anura, your tea shop helped her keep followers in line..specifically dissenters.
You used to slip mushrooms into teas and offer it as a "gift" to those who opposed her ruling.
And they'd do anything you wanted. Usually you left that to Heket, but as her consort you're allowed some liberties with brainwashed followers.
While she would make them eat dung or fast for the day, you'd tell them to go out into the world and advertise your tea shop to bring more people into the Anurian cult.
Or you'd make them do stupid things just for laughs.
When you were taken to Lamb's cult, Heket fully believed you were "stolen" and demanded your return, lest she starved their entire cult.
Of course, they don't. And she's killed, revived, defeated, and indoctrinated before she finally gets to see you again, promising they won't separate you anymore.
Obviously she's starving, but she beelines for you instead of the kitchen, wanting to see your face and make sure you were alright.
"Oh, my dearest Heket! How are you?"
"....hungry.....come with..."
You pout at her inability to talk for too long, though you join her for dinner, which she has with tea.
While it doesn't soothe any part of her severed vocal cords, it does help her calm down a lot.
Her only disappointment is that Lamb banned you from selling shroom-laced tea to their followers.
They weren't any fun.
Back in Anchordeep, you ran a small tea shop with drinks that could cure minor ailments, such as the common cold.
However, it often felt like Kallamar owned the shop instead.
You were only allowed to use specific ingredients and he told you to refuse any followers cursed with a sickness that he inflicted as punishment (indicated by a glowing green mark on their forehead).
You felt guilty every time you turned one away, but you had to listen to him..lest he shutdown your business.
It was a pain, and you couldn't take it anymore as you were losing more and more coin.
So when Lamb stopped by, you begged them to take you away from here.
Kallamar wasn't happy about that, putting all his focus into hindering Lamb's progress as he thinks they took you away.
Only when he becomes indoctrinated does he realize how wrong he was...
You had some rather venomous words for him. Words that you've been afraid to speak out loud when he was a godlike bishop.
Now you didn't have to hold back.
"I wanted Lamb to take me away, Kall. You were so controlling...trying to run my shop for me and make me refuse followers whose only crime was catching you on a bad day. You preached about how terrifying the Red Crown was, but honestly I was more afraid of you. I should refuse to serve you any of my healing teas so you know exactly how they felt."
He's 0.01 seconds away from having a breakdown, knowing you're absolutely right. You probably didn't love him anymore-
"...but I don't like watching others suffer when I know I can help them, even if they are scum. And part of me..still loves you. So if you wanna start over, we can. But only if you help me run this shop and listen to me."
"O-Of course! I'd love to assist you!" Kallamar managed to hold back the tears on this one, willing make up for how terrible he's been to you.
He lets you run the show, his only suggestion being that you adorned the shop's entrance with crystals to make it prettier (an idea that you accepted right away, showing you forgave him).
They (quite literally) drop by your tea shop a lot, often surprising you.
But you enjoyed their company.
While having a drink, they'd chat with you about the latest knowledge they've discovered, some facts about war and ancient methods of combat, and/or how their day with their siblings went.
They could go on for hours, and you loved hearing it all.
They ensured your shop was well-protected, giving you some scorpions who acted like guard dogs.
When their brain got damaged by Narinder, they often forgot about your shop and stopped visiting as much.
You knew it wasn't their fault. But seeing them slowly start to neglect your feelings to yearn for their traitorous brother 24/7 hurt a lot. He's all they ever talked about anymore whenever they did remember to see you.
Eventually you angrily muttered how much you hated him...which was a huge mistake, as Shamura looked at you with the coldest eyes.
And commanded the scorpions to kill you.
You had to run away and were eventually saved by the Lamb.
With nothing but a small satchel of spare ingredients and tea bags with you, you started a new life in their cult, trying to accept that Shamura was too far gone to be helped.
Yet after they were indoctrinated, they immediately asked where you were and cried as you approached the pillory imprisoning them, believing you had been killed.
You realized they finally remembered you, and you wiped away their tears, offering them their favorite tea to jog their memories.
And at last...everything was alright again.
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cherryfennec · 9 months
what are some of your favorite Super Paper Mario headcanons?
I wasn't sure how specific you'd want those to be but I tried to think of a few that I personally enjoy/tend to apply myself!Includes spoilers.
Some general headcanons:
SPM takes longer than than a day/few days (maybe about a month or two)
Flipping into 3D is a nauseating experience and it takes time to fully adjust to it (especially for Mario, he never really managed to get over it).
Pure Hearts emit a comforting aura, a sense of warmth and calm, while the Chaos Heart feels like a thousand voices are whispering in your ear.
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Some character specific headcanons:
Mario finds himself confused and lost more than he ever did in his life during this adventure. His usual confidence and grounded attitude are shaky because almost everything in these other worlds makes no sense to him, which is rather frustrating, especially at the beginning of his journey where he's completely surrounded by strangers and forced into the hero role. (Seriously, Mario couldn't even go home if he wanted to because he's stuck not on an island but between dimentions where he was TELEPORTED IN. There isn't really a door that leads to the Mushroom Kingdom.)
Peach's parasol is hardened by steel and enhanced by magic with a sharp tip at the end. She changed her heels to something more comfortable on the Flipside and put her hair up so it doesn't get in the way during travel and unavoidable combat.
Bowser takes his 'marriage' very seriously. He cares more about Peach than Mario in the team so when she's trouble he'll dash to assist her (he can run when he really wants to huh), but if the red plumber's in trouble he'll pretend to not see it or brush it off. (unless his lovely wife nags him about it).
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Luigi, after landing is the Underwhere, finds lots of stuff in his pockets that he doesn't remember squirreling away like firecrackers, bolts and a small screwdriver. He is in fact very confused.
Count Bleck isn't very emotional. Most of the time he only has one, sad and dull expression. Any type of larger emotion showing through means that you've REALLY pushed it to the extreme.
The minions know the kind person that the Count is deep at heart so they're not put off by his frown, except for Mr.L. A default reaction that the brainwashed soldiers get as a 'bonus' from Nastasia is the highest respect for the Count, yes, but also fear of him. The fear ensures that they are most obedient but it's more of a failsafe than anything. You can imagine how it looks when Mr.L, an exploding and tempered personality, runs around the castle causing havoc like a brat and then suddenly just FREEZES on the spot at the sight of Bleck.
On the topic of the quirks of Nastasias ability, usually a person only needs to be brainwashed once. HOWEVER due to a certain someone who likes to provoke the man in green and his subconscious she is required to sometimes strengthen the control on Mr.L as she doesn't trust the magician with keeping his mouth shut. At one point she directly orders L to actively stay away from the jester, even forcing him to follow her around when she works.
Dimentios poncho and hat are covered in glitter and his mask is porcelain-esque, also the idea of him being the "son of the magician". I just think this theory is quite fitting and I like the thought of him being actually 3000 years old. He's not very popular at the castle but everyone has a silent agreement to not bother him. He however bothers everyone and likes to stare. When he's intrigued he tends to tilt his head slightly.
Mimi enjoys designing clothes and tries to give fashion advice to her teammates (to absolutely no avail because who cares we're literally ending the world, we're evil and depressed blehhhh). She and Dimentio have an 'annoying sibling' dynamic and she wouldn't hold back against him in battle at all for all the times he's messed with her. She also enjoys filing her nails to be super sharp.
Nastasia is a very strict person who takes her duties seriously but she does have a side for fun. You just need to search for it a little.
O'Chunks likes to spar with Mr.L in his free time. Mr.L is in general one of the few people he can do this with since Mimi says that 'she doesn't want to ruin her dress over such a stupid thing' and Dimentio always finds an excuse or simply dissapears.
Post SPM headcanons:
There is little conflict with the neighbouring kingdoms after the void incident. Peach, Mario and Luigi use that free time to have fun and just relax after everything that happened. They need eachothers support for the time being.
'Team Bleck' still meets up often after everything and hangs out. They don't necessarily talk about the Count but it's nice knowing that there are other people who understand what you're feeling right now. *They've been trying to have a full group reunion with Luigi included for some time now. Things are a bit awkward among them but it's still nice when he agrees to come along.
Luigi inherits some of Dimentios mannerisms which shine through from time to time such as laughing patterns, hand gestures and a rather malicious looking grin... A bit more unrelated and physical change is that his hair tends to turn white when he's around strong sources of power. (Dream Stone and Dark Star levels kind of powerful ykyk maybe Super Star as well or stardust in general cause star child origins) and the eyes somewhat darken.
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He's also never really informed about the specifics of his Mr.L and Super Dimentio arc. Mario doesn't really want to burden his brother with something that was in the past and not a necessary in his eyes knowledge since it wasn't truly him.
The Chaos Heart isn't completely gone. It rests, slowly regaining power within it's host, accumulating all the scattered fragments like puzzle pieces. Try all you want but you can never fully get rid of chaos, it's an inescapable force.
I might gather up some more another time but I'd say that's it for now! You might've already heard some of these before but I hope it was at least a good read.
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willowedwisteria · 2 years
⁂~The Ends of Time~⁂
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Summary -> Convincing the archons to take a break is so hard, they definitely like working.
Note -> I've definitely written about this... YEAH, I DEFINITELY HAVE. Just consider this an updated/different version. Variety is good
IF YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED IN MY TAGLIST: I mixed up the taglist for my "the system" series and my other works, please send me an ask to specify if you're okay with being tagged in my other works or if you want to be tagged specifically for my series
Featuring -> Zhongli, Baal, Venti
Genre -> fluff
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Around a year has passed since you first arrived in Teyvat. From simply that, you've noticed how people have guarded you with such vigilance. Security is always a must when you go out, returning with a single scratch causes chaos, and these people really care for you.
They know so much. About baking your favorite cake - which you happened to have a debate with your friend about before you got suddenly transported. There's also the time they noticed how much wood you collected when you were still in-game using characters as if they've been watching how much time you used up to decorate the teapot.
However, you're sure they have to be tired or bored after being so loyal, for so long.
"Say," You stir around your tea lightly, "What's the point of staying by my side for so long? Morax and Barbatos - well, Zhongli and Venti now - you have already retired, have you not?"
You watch Zhongli frowns and Venti holds back his laughter.
"I can slightly understand why Ei insists on staying by my side. Even so, what's the purpose of all of this? Really, you all are just troubling yourself."
Ei purses her lips in response to your questions. Your words sink deeper into her mind, taking their time to fully soak in.
"How about this," The three of them turn their gaze back to face you, all waiting expectantly for you to retract your last statements, "You all go on a break.
Unlike the two panicking archons next to him, when Venti hears of a break, he feels not the slightest bit of panic. While yes, he'll definitely be disappointed - he won't be by your side after all! Who will he share all of his favorite apples with? Plus, you've always loved coming to the tavern with him! A moment without you feels like boredom.
He nods in respect to you, allowing you to catch it from the corner of your eye whilst both Ei and Zhongli are in denial. You give him a thumbs-up, smiling assuringly in his direction.
Venti turns away quickly, cheeks flushing up. it's a shame he won't be able to see that euphoric smile of yours for a while. The more he looks at it, the more he'll miss it dearly.
With that, he follows the trail of the wind, disappearing from your sight. You shout goodbye to him, and it might have been your imagination, but you're pretty sure the wind became much more gentle.
"That bard..." Zhongli and Baal are practically seething. How could he just escape like that and accept it so easily? Zhongli shakes his head, sighing to regain his composure in front of you. Baal, however, seems to be clutching her polearm... a little too tight.
"I suppose since he's already left, that means he agrees to your suggestion." Zhongli stares off in the direction of Mondstadt, "I... do not doubt your grace's ability to defend yourself, but it's impossible not to worry."
Zhongli's eyes furrow, visibly concerned.
You take a small sip of the recently brewed tea, "I can see that from how both of you are so insistent on staying by my side, but you both don't need to worry. I'm just saying to take a break from being by me, you can visit me once in a while."
Before relief can be dropped onto Zhongli and Baal, you continue.
"No taking up jobs to guard me."
It feels like an invisible blade strikes them.
"No more than 24-hour visits."
A huge rock is suddenly thrown onto their backs.
"And you have to wait for another 2 days before visiting me again."
Woah, when did they become so lifeless? They've practically grown wrinkles already! Jeez.
Zhongli bears it, gritting his teeth, "...Yes, your grace. I will see you... as soon as possible. However, I will be forced to disobey your orders if you are in any sort of danger."
You nod, "That's fine with me. As long as you have a valid reason."
With that, the geo archon turns his back to you and leaves silently. You hear a few boulders being smashed after he leaves, and you wonder if he had run into any trouble. Well, he's the geo archon, he's more capable than anyone you know. You're sure he's fine.
And now, to convince the last one.
Ei quietly bites her lip, not willing to look you in the eye. Just from her shaking fist, you could tell she was against this. "Ei, are you upset with me?"
Her head jerks up, opening her mouth to disagree. Her polearm fades from her grasp, both of Ei's hands interlocking in front of her as she tries to piece together her sentence.
"Your grace, not being here with you, not being able to protect you when you're in danger is... risky." Ei can't even begin to imagine how much despair will eat her from the inside out if you ever get hurt, "I will be there for you, forever."
You lean on the table next to you, already finished with your cup of tea, the bittersweet taste left on your tongue. "You've already been there for me, for so long already. As grateful as I can, taking a break is necessary."
Sighing, already missing the presence of both the geo and anemo archon, "You wouldn't want me to worry about you being overworked, would you? I'll allow Raiden Shogun, that puppet of yours to accompany me if you really are so anxious."
You laugh to yourself, already imagining the complaints from both of them when they see that you let "Ei" stay by you.
"You can start by going to see Venti and telling him about my rules for visiting. If you want to know where I'll be staying, I'm going off to Sneznhaya for a week. The next week, I'll be in Mondstadt."
You wave lightly to her, watching her pout. Switching from denial to acceptance, she bows to you and heads off to Mondstadt.
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The electro archon throws herself into her work, trying to distract herself from thinking about you. Unluckily for her, she's surrounded by everything, and everything reminds her of you.
"Oh, those flowers, their grace would look good in that shade."
"My, the scenery, it's just as breathtaking as their grace."
"The hairclip... I wonder if their grace still has the other piece."
She can't help but miss you. She dreams of you, being by you, basking in your presence, ensuring you're always safe. Your words of gratefulness shove her onto her knees and she can't help but adore how you could be so... so... enchanting.
Ei misses you so much.
She had sent over her puppet and wondered if her son Scaramouche would be there for you. Though, it doesn't stop the back of her head from generating scenarios of you being in trouble without her.
Once she can visit you, she's practically been revived, upbeat as ever. Her usual unexpressive self around others switches, you could see that sincere grin from ear to ear on her face when she's with you.
You could practically read her thoughts and emotions, delivering her a box of desserts from outside of Inazuma and a note to comfort her.
Ei will insist that Yae travels over to ensure that you're okay and guard you. However, Yae spends that time gossiping with you, exaggerating jokingly about how much of a miserable state Ei is in currently.
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He's been quite leisurely enjoying his holiday. Venti had nothing else to do now since he's put his trust in the people of Mondstadt to handle their own issues.
He spends his day exploring the woods, enjoying life, and spending his time at the tavern.
Venti knows that you know what you're doing, he won't be wasting his time off working overtime. He'll visit you the least out of the three, but you coincidentally see him more since you visit the tavern quite a bit as well - admittedly, he's drunk 99.9% of the time you happen to stop by.
Diluc mentioned to you when you drop by about Venti being more relaxed. "His tab is piling up and at a remarkable speed too."
You laugh, "I would pay it for him, but you wouldn't let me."
"I'm not letting you pay so much for someone who isn't even awake right now."
Dvalin also had a small chat with you! Saying about how Venti went through all 5 stages of grief in a day. No matter how laidback he seemed to be, when Venti's drunk, his emotions get amplified.
Denial was a rollercoaster, anger and bargaining were just a bunch of complaining, depression was just pouting angrily in the corner, and acceptance was Venti falling asleep.
"...How did he become an archon again?"
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Zhongli does worry about you, but he uses his break as an opportunity to prepare something special for you. A gift perhaps? Celebrations? Who knows? He just wants it to be for you.
He found a bit of a loophole since you didn't mention anything about letters too. You didn't really notice or mind since it was thrown into the mountain of letters that other acolytes had sent to you when they wanted to check up on you. It would take a while before you finally reached his letter.
He'll leave Childe in your care, aware of his abilities when it comes to fighting. Perhaps the traveler will happen to be around as well. He's sure that the shield he left on you will protect you as well.
He spends most of his time with Hu Tao when he's in Liyue. He can't just make Mora appear again like he used to after all.
While Zhongli absolutely loathes with his whole soul how he can't be there for you and serve you, he feels a bit more fulfilled once he visits you. Oh boy, life without Zhongli handling things was chaotic though and he noticed that during his visits.
Things are a mess without our dear Geo archon around. Usually, orders are given by him from you. He covers up mistakes and his presence alone is reassuring enough for the maids and butlers to carry out their job without worries.
Without him, maids and butlers have to speak with you directly and receive orders from you. Some have been so astounded and entranced by you, so much so that they miss your orders or hear them wrongly.
Others have been so scared about making a mistake in your food or your orders that they can't even stand up. The maids and butlers have described Zhongli as an efficient leader, whilst they've described your company as powerful and captivating - so much so that they can't focus.
In other words, things are VERY messy. You'll allow him to return by your side soon.
(Riku is probably fine, he's slowly taking control of the situation at his own desired pace [Riku is my OC])
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Tag list -> Taglist -> @under-a-starry-night, @yourfaveisblack, @bardisipatos, @callmemeelah, @kithewanderingme, @pale-value, @bamboowritess/@bamboowritess, @uchihaeirin, @karmawonders, @lunavixia, @anfre109, @ly-archives, @zuyoo, @pimacolada-lulu, @bimboing, @gallantys, @swaggyb0ke, @borbsbirbs, @shizunxie, @tiffthescales, @genshin-impacts-me, @keithsaccount, @mkaella, @mentallyunpresent, @alicehasdrowned, @franc-1-s, @no-regrets-just-confusion, @christmaspickl, @lunalily19
Special tags -> @is-very-sad, @chocoenvy, @raidengaile/@ly-archives/@simplygaile, @saigomo, @gunterdon, @emilemovhi, @lovelyy-moraxx, @demon-bane, @i-put-the-yan-in-polyandry, @xiaophilia/@ayayaxia, @thewindstale, @creation-magician, @my-white-canvas/@pale-value, @yuzuricebun, @ventivity, @sweetstrawberrybabe, @euthym1as, @lotterymology, @mx-kamisato, @matsutake-san
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supernovasilence · 5 months
"I have heard of such things"
“Please, your Majesty, I came in through a wardrobe.” “A wardrobe? What do you mean?” “I—I opened a door and just found myself here, your Majesty,” said Edmund. “Ha!” said the Queen, speaking more to herself than to him. “A door. A door from the world of men! I have heard of such things."
Thinking about this line from LWW (chapter 4). Jadis reacts to hearing Edmund came from another world by musing about rumors, even though she's from another world herself, and has in fact been to London (albeit briefly). Obviously the reason is because C. S. Lewis wrote LWW before MN and didn't care about super tight continuity, but that's no fun, so here are some in-universe possibilities:
it's been centuries since Jadis came to Narnia, and she's the type who ignores anything that isn't useful to her (e.g. ignoring Polly because Digory was the one that woke her, and then acting like neither child exists once they've brought her to Uncle Andrew). Charn is dead and she can't get back to Earth so she just…didn't bother to think about them ever again. By the time of LWW she can barely remember other worlds exist
Jadis barely knows other worlds exist, not because she didn't bother to remember, but because of some magical/physical reaction. Jadis has no memory of the Wood Between the Worlds once she's out of it, even though Polly and Digory do. Maybe Charnians just react that way to interdimensional travel, or maybe it's something specific to Jadis herself due to magic she's done. But whyever, Jadis forgets any world but the one she's in. The Wood fades almost instantly because she was there so briefly and has no personal connection to it. Earth would last a little longer, and Charn longer still, long enough that she can remember them during the end of MN. But by the time of LWW, she doesn't remember how she came to Narnia.
or she doesn't remember due to eating the silver apple? immortality comes with a price, and for better or worse Jadis is now bound to Narnia; she cannot go back
Telmar was founded by humans who stumbled through from Earth, and perhaps other places were as well (we don't know the histories of Galma etc). Or maybe solitary travelers find their way in sometimes, not enough to found nations or influence history but enough to leave rumors, rumors that Jadis is listening for very carefully because she knows four humans are prophesized to destroy her
Jadis doesn't mean a door as in "portal to another world" but door as in "hole in the magical barrier I've put up around Narnia", and thinks Edmund slipped in from another country. This would mean she doesn't understand the word "wardrobe" though. Then again Mr. Tumnus didn't know it either, so maybe they just don't have wardrobes in Narnia. (There's no absolutely no evidence in the books that Jadis made a barrier around Narnia, but there must be some sort of outer limit to her powers, or Archenland, Calormen, etc would also have been under her control, and they don't seem to have been. She was "Queen of Narnia", not "Queen of the World", and the countries mentioned in HHB all seem to be running normally without the sort of chaos caused by setting up governments again after a dictator's death. I can imagine Jadis making a magical line around Narnia's borders (with plans to expand, ofc) so her magic has a set space to focus on; maybe she can even sense when someone crosses it, which is why Edmund's arrival surprised her—he didn't trip any alarms.)
my favorite: Narnia herself is doing her best to fight Jadis. While the Pevensies are ruling Narnia, their lives on Earth become like a dream, and there are hints the reverse happens when they go back. But when they return to Narnia, "the air of Narnia [works] on" them to make them who Narnia needs them to be: the Kings and Queens of Old. Maybe it's working on Jadis, as best it can. It smoothes away her memories of other worlds, making her content to stay here, like it did the Pevensies. But for the Pevensies, it was a way to ease the pain of suddenly losing their old lives, whereas for Jadis, it's trying to keep her complacent. Because if she remembers there are other worlds, she'll try to find doors to them, and conquer kingdoms, and find more magic, and raise armies, and be that much harder to free Narnia from. Narnia is in pain and fighting Jadis the only way it can till Aslan and the Pevensies come to save it
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Hey Grunkle Nunya, I was wondering if you could explain to me how people are seeing Israel as the good guys in the Gaza situation, because I can only ever find Palestinian civilian body counts and blown up hospitals and stuff, and it honestly does look like a genocide from the standpoint of someone who generally doesn't research politics and conflict. I know the way I worded this looks like I'm being inflammatory but I mean it genuinely. What am I missing?
Asking anonymously because currently, asking questions about the Gaza conflict makes me either pro-genocide or anti-jew to the people with no critical thinking skills. I can't physically handle the toll of being accused of supporting genocide (Israeli or Palestinians) because of a mental disability I possess.
I apologize if this still sounds like bait, I am just poor with words and you are rich with knowledge.
It's war so everything gets muddy, especially with the body counts the gaza health ministry puts out.
I do not believe those at all, they put them out faster than should be possible even at the best of times, they also make no distinction between hamass militants and civilians so that's another issue with them.
We're going to make up a scenario here.
If you're looking for why Israel went in, imagine if New Jersey were another country, one that regularly sends people into the surrounding US states in order to kill Americans and generally sow chaos, and they've been doing it for 15-20 years with no sign of stopping at all ever or even dialing it back.
No real rhyme or reason to most of their attacks, occasionally they'll get pissed off about something or other and fire off a few thousand unguided rockets, just point the at the surrounding states light the fuse and hope they land somewhere where they kill people, no specific targets just anything they can hit and cause damage with and blaming the US when their own rockets fall back down on them.
Again doing this continually with no indication that it's ever going to stop or anything will convince them to tone it down.
Instead they do a coordinated invasion and just start killing everyone they see, which they went to Sesame Place right near the border with them and Pennsylvania instead of anywhere with any military value because the plan was to kill the most people they could while encountering the least possible resistance.
The US finally says, ok we're done with you and all of this and the organization behind most of the previous attacks and this current one which happens to also be the elected government of NJ is now in the crosshairs and we're going to keep shooting till they're gone one way or the other.
That would also be where Israel said we're done with you, hamass is going to cease to exist after we're done one way or the other.
So then it's full scale invasion time.
24 hour notice was given, saying this is where we are hitting, get out, 24 hours turned into several days, couple weeks I think, there were some air raids and strategic bombing and what not, a hamass rocket hit a hospital and Israel got blamed, the usual.
Obviously mistakes were made at times on both sides at the start and continue to be made, incredibly fluid thing wars are, things change on a dime.
And then we run into issues with the fact that hamass uses civilian buildings as weapons caches, staging grounds, command centers, pretty much anything you can thing a building would be useful for if you're fighting a war, which is a massive violation of international law as well as a war crime because they're hiding behind civilians.
From 2014
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Great line toward the end
There is no indication that Israel deliberately targets civilians, as Hamas does. But
The argument is brought out that this kills civilians too, which yes it does, it shouldn't unless there's a misfire from one of the guided munitions in use by Israel, for one simple reason
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Which they don't need to do, not if hamass has made the place into a valid military target by keeping rockets in the school.
They try at least.
In the first couple weeks before the ground invasion started there were reports coming out of gaza where the residents were saying that hamass had either taken the keys to their vehicles or disabled them making civilian evacuation that much more difficult, on foot and such kinda screws things up.
Allegedly threats were made to civilians as well.
As for the numbers, the side that's getting invaded is going to have more of those, as for the accuracy of those numbers, there's a reason why every news agency that cares even slightly about credibility includes 'according to the gaza health ministry' to the number.
As to the genocide question, there is no genocide, mass casualty attacks =/= as genocide and someone saying they'd like to wipe gaza off the map does not indicate a official government stance regardless of if the work for the government or not.
It's a war, innocent people die in war, it's a unfortunate reality of a even more unfortunate situation, especially if your on the side that's on the defensive folks in Israel have less to be worried about it's a lot harder for hamass to get to them, true at the best of times for hamass anyhow since it's not like they have a air force of any sort.
This whole thing did not need to happen, if it weren't for the fact that there's a group that has refused any reasonable offer and some that were incredibly slanted in their direction as well people at a music festival would have gone home when it was over and had great stories to tell.
Neither side is innocent, but at least for the one Israel complete and utter annihilation of everyone in Gaza isn't the goal, they just want hamass gone.
Not to say there aren't shitheads that want everyone in gaza gone in Israel and in the IDF, but that's not the stated goal of their mission.
If it was gaza city would look more like stalingrad after the nazis were done with it.
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Choice of location is made purely because 99% of the area was razed, that is all so.
As for all the ceasefire stuff, the one they had going ended because hamass couldn't manage to keep their end of the deal up even though they were given several do overs, they just had to keep launching rockets and shooting civilians at bus stops.
No reason to think they would do anything different if another one were declared, they tend to be the ones that start off the shooting when it happens.
I don't know if I've made anything clearer for you or not, jumble of information and I've tried to leave politics and religion out of the whole thing setting it up as just 2 groups of people, and it's late so my brain is going a bit slow so I likely missed stuff.
When it's all over there's probably going to be enough war crimes to nitpick over on both sides.
I just hope there's also a lasting peace
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beefy-arms000 · 3 months
Remember the episode when hiccup specifically told snotlout not to bring Thor Bonecrusher back cause it would be just to much trouble and chaos that he would have to go through again.
The fact that the second time fishlegs turned into TB is even worse because snotlout didn’t know the actual meaning of anti-heroic is freaking hilarious.
Now, imagine what hiccup’s thoughts were like after hearing snotlout tell him about what he just did to fishlegs.
Not trying to be an instigator but, if I was hiccup, we’d be throwing hands.
“Oh, so you’re gonna be in your feelings cause someone disobeyed you once.” You also have to remember that snotlout has done this repeatedly to hiccup no matter the situation.
Don’t take this the wrong way, I absolutely LOVE hiccup’s and snotlout’s relationship dynamic. They both give off older brother (Hiccup) and younger brother (Snotlout) vibes.
But snotlout knows he’s deadass wrong for literally doing the exact opposite of what he says.
You know, he probably does it on purpose just to make hiccup mad.
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saibugslegacy · 1 month
Everything Has Changed
Word Count: 1.4k
Percival Valley (M!MC) x Garreth Weasley
Summary: The Yule Ball is approaching, and two boys are having very platonic moments in the Room of Requirement as Percival teaches Garreht how to dance.
Read it on ao3
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"So, Percy," Garreth spoke up casually. Unfortunately, Percival knew that fake tone of voice, and knew that it heralded a question he'd been trying very hard to avoid.
"I'm not going to the Yule Ball with you," Percival replied. Garreth gasped and pressed a hand to his heart.
"Oh my darling, you wound me so," Garreth said and Percival just rolled his eyes. "Come on, please? I don't have anyone to go with. All my other friends have dates."
"Go with Idris," Percival suggested. He paused long enough to find the specific star he was looking for and mark it on his chart. He was regretting letting Garreth join him in the Room of Requirment to study. "They'd be happy to go with you and cause whatever chaos you want."
"Idris is going with Amit," Garreth said. "They asked him earlier on the way to Potions."
"Well then, that's unfortunate for you," Percival said. Garreth huffed and crossed his arms like a pouting child, even kicking his heels lightly on the floor. Percival sighed and begrudgingly put his quill down. "Have you considered that by going alone, anyone else there alone may just ask you to dance?"
"If I could dance, maybe," Garreth grumbled.
"You were begging me to go with you to the Ball and you don't even know how to dance?"
"I assumed you wouldn't know how to dance either, and then I wouldn't have to."
"Merlin's beard," Percival sighed.
He tucked away his Astronomy Chart and stood from his seat. He took off his robe and Garreth just looked at him with wide eyes like he was insane. Percival kicked his chair.
"Stand up," Percival ordered.
After another moment of bewildered staring, Garreth got to his feet. Percival waved his wand and the potions stations, herbology table, and desk in the middle of the floor shot to the walls instead. Then he closed his eyes and focused on the Room around him, specifically what he needed it to be. Sure enough, a soft symphony of piano and violin began playing from somewhere around the ceiling.
"I'm so confused," Garreth said.
"Gryffindors," Percival rolled his eyes and held out his hand. Garreth continued to just stare at it. Percy couldn't imagine why, Garreth had a habit of just snatching his hand whenever he pleased. "I'm teaching you to dance, Weasley. Give me your hand."
Garreth hesitantly took Percival's hand and Percival lifted both of their hands. He stepped closer so only a few inches separated them and placed Garreth's other hand on his waist. Garreth looked like he was about to explode or melt down into the floor as his eyes kept darting down.
"Relax, I'm sure it won't be too embarassing," Percival snickered. "I'll lead to teach you but in these positions you should be the one leading. That's what the hand on my waist is for, so you can guide me."
"Right, yeah, guide you," Garreth nodded. "Because you always listen to me."
"There's a first time for everything," Percival shrugged and put his free hand on Garreth's shoulder. "Just follow me. One foot at a time."
Percy stepped forward with his left foot and waited till Garreth stepped back with the right foot. Then to the left, then back, then to the right.
"Oh its just a box," Garreth nodded to himself. "Then that's not hard."
"You lead then, just mirror what I showed you," Percival said. Garreth nodded again and did his best to repeat what Percival had shown him, but as they tried to go to the side their feet got tangled together. Percival cursed and grabbed onto Garreth's robes as the other boy looped his arm fully around Percival's waist to hold him up.
"Maybe you should show me a few more times," Garreth chuckled sheepishly. Percival laughed and shook his head fondly. He shouldn't be surprised, honestly. He let Garreth pull him back to his feet.
"Even if you're leading you still have to follow your partner," Percival explained. "You have to know what they're doing. In reality you're following each other, rather than one or the other."
Percival lead Garreth through the steps, explaining as he went what each movement meant, where to start, and where to end. Garreth for once didn't speak, just listened with rapt attention.
"Okay, I've got it this time," Garreth decided. "My turn."
Garreth stared down at their feet as he slowly lead Percival through the steps. It was a bit awkward and janky but they had yet to trip over each other and Percival couldn't help a small proud smile as he watched Garreth carefully take each step. Garreth glanced up at him and caught the smile before Percival could fight it off and immediately a grin bloomed across his lips.
Garreth pulled Percival in closer by his waist, so close their chests would be pressed together if Percival breathed too deeply. Percival just rolled his eyes and adjusted his position so his arm was around Garreth's shoulders. The actual box step had been completely forgotten but with how Garreth was holding him Percival found he didn't care. He was perfectly happy to just let Garreth lead him wherever they danced, easily following the slightest nudges against his waist or tugs of his hand.
"This isn't proper form at all," Percival informed him.
"Yeah but this is more fun," Garreth replied. How could one person's smile be so bright? "See?"
Garreth stepped back just far enough he could lift their hands and twirl Percival around. Percival was laughing before he even realized what was happening and was still giggling when Garreth caught him and put his hand on Percy's waist again.
"Percival Valley actually having fun?" Garreth teased. "I feel like I just saw a baby unicorn."
"Who said anything about having fun?" Percival replied. "I was just caught off guard. Don't get too full yourself."
"Uh huh, definitely," Garreth smirked.
Before Percival could brace himself for whatever was going to follow that smirk, Garreth stepped one way and threw Percival the other. Garreth used their still joined hands to twirl Percival back to him, so Garreth was stood against his back with both arms around Percival's waist.
"Okay, that was smooth," Percival admitted.
"I've seen people dance before," Garreth said. He hooked his chin over Percy's shoulder to flash that grin at him again. "Just didn't know how. But I got plenty of ideas."
Him being so close made Percival's neck warm which also made his heart race. How did one person have such high body heat? Shivers traced his spine and Percival tried to push aside the feeling to focus on Garreth's words. Once he did he groaned.
"Garreth Weasley do not dip me."
"I'm gonna dip you."
Garreth spun Percival back around and dipped him, one hand holding his and the other arm securely around his waist. Percival knew he should probably be nervous but he just gave Garreth an unimpressed look.
"I'm not pulling you up until you admit you're having fun," Garreth decided.
"So it's my stubbornness versus your strength?" Percival snickered. "I know which I'd place my bets on."
Garreth groaned in such an exaggerated way it could only be described as theatrical. But he obliged and pulled Percival back up to his feet. Once he regained his balance he tried to tell himself to step back but his feet didn't move. Instead all he could think about was how Garreth had pulled him so close their noses nearly brushed. It occurred to him that the slightest tilt of his head would bring their lips together and for the slightest moment that thought played out in his head. Neither of them moved and neither of them met each other's eyes.
Then Percival remembered himself and he stepped back, busying himself with putting all the furniture pushed aside back into its proper place. Idris had put way too much care into decorating the Room for Percival to just leave things laying around willy nilly.
"Well at least you pick things up fast," Percival managed. "You're not a horrible dancer, Weasley."
"And you're not a horrible teacher," Garreth replied. "I uh, I guess I should get back to my common room. It's getting late and...stuff. I'll see you in Magic Theory in the morning?"
"Yeah," Percival nodded, still determinedly avoiding Garreth's gaze so the Gryffindor wouldn't see that Percival's face was the color of his tie. "Tell Idris I said hi."
Garreth left and Percival had to resist the urge to slam his head into a nearby wall. What the hell was that? Garreth was touchy, Percival should be used to this. It was just the dancing. It reminded him of his sister. Nostalgia. That's what it was.
But why did he feel so cold now?
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leeyanyanyaaan · 2 years
imposter!sagau but the imposter is your sibling au
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imagine | sagau | imposter au | siblings au
alright now that i've fallen into the sagau rabbit hole behold the results...
imagine sagau but the "imposter" that got isekai'ed was your younger sibling (especially as siblings who often get comments about visual similarities)
if i had the plot and motivation to write a series about this, i would definitely write in both the pov of younger and older sibling so that readers can choose which sibling to read as :)
in my pov so that uh we don't have to experience truck-kun's wrath </3 let's say that another way to get isekai'ed is by saying a particular set of words
it's not an absolute phrase set in stone, but rather if someone says a wish or desire in a definite tone.
for example: younger sibling said to their older sibling in an argument that "i wish you were never my sibling"
and thus causes their isekai :)
now this is where things can really start to play around, but let's say that younger sibling is only a casual player of genshin, or rather, they don't really know or play much of the game in comparison to their older sibling, who plays genshin as if it's their lifeline knowing absolutely everything from lore to builds to rituals. older sibling may also be a fanfic reader writer and is aware of the self aware au.
ahaha... good luck younger sibling
younger sibling wakes up in a completely different land they're used to, dressed in rpg looking clothes, and next to a glowing stone statue next to them.
younger sibling thinks this is one detailed dream and appreciates the scenery... until they hear hostile voices approaching
"there they are, that's the imposter that's appeared! seize them!"
start running
meanwhile back in the real world, older sibling wakes up and wants to check up on younger sibling after their fight the night before, but things seem to be off...
their belongings and/or room are now nonexistent. when asking your parents of their whereabouts they only give you incredulous looks not knowing who you're asking of as if they never existed.
"maybe we should book an appointment with your therapist. i fear you're starting to see and hear things..."
adamant to prove your younger sibling's existence, now concerned about all the anomalies happening, you start digging for whatever evidence you can find. specifically, photographic.
but any photographic evidence you had including them has been altered, your sibling now out of the picture... except for in a very specific video game screenshots, where you played genshin impact with them in co-op.
your heart sinks.
immediately you turn on whatever platform you used to play and log into the game. but even in the starting screen you could already sense and see and hear how unusual everything was, how everything was all glitchy and darker.
you're silently hoping it isn't what you think it is...
and then you log in.
teyvat is no longer what you remembered seeing the night before. you hear chaos and discord and ongoing battle music. the skies are stormier and red, the winds howled violently, the earth now uneven with cracks. what is going on? who in teyvat concurred the archons' wrath?
descending upon liyue, regardless of whatever nation you last left from, you are met with not your usual party of four, but rather the traveller you play as, standing in front of none other than the four currently revealed archons who are all on one knee kneeling before you.
as you approach them, the electro and geo archons brighten up, almost eerily, at the sight of traveller, while the anemo and dendro archons stayed more reserved, keeping their heads bowed down.
there's never been an event scripted like this...
"Your Holiness!" ...they've never addressed traveller like this "What an honour it is to be blessed by your presence at last!" oh no... "We must also thank Traveller for bringing their grace to us safely as the Chosen Vessel."
"You're just in time, Dearest Creator, for we have just caught an imposter. Now you may witness their beheading!"
you gasped and put a hand to your mouth, fighting back sobs as you witness your fears come to life.
and of course, they noticed.
"Oh Your Grace... there's no need to cry. Don't worry, this will all be over soon."
no it won't. this nightmare is far from over.
like in the electro archon's quest, your screen became glitchy and red as you are no longer able to control traveller's actions. no matter what keys you pressed and clicked, you could only keep walking towards the yuehai pavilion. though you could see glimpses of sadness on the traveller's face.
and then your troubled heart finally tips over the edge
at the sight of your younger sibling about to be behead.
what will you do now, C̵̗͈̻̺̹̬͔̼̏͗̾̅̃̀̃͗̀͑͊̕͠͝͝ͅŗ̸̭̱̜̮̫̤̳̂̆̈́̆̈͆͒͊̾͜͝ͅę̷͆̽̈́̑̎̀̑a̷̫̟͍̫̫͓͎͍͆́̀̍̈̚͝ṫ̵̡̛̤̯̯͕̾̾̊̈̎̍̄̏̓͌̊͜͠ͅô̸̮̝̌r̴̺̩͚̹̼̜͐͌̽́̅̓͘Y̸̛͉͒͐̐͛̈́́̓̈̕͝͝ö̴̤̺͇́͊͐́̑̅̅́̿͝͝͠ư̷̦̪̗̖̗͈̰̝͂͐̆̐̀̒̍̄̾̑͊̀̄͝r̴̤̰̒͌͌͐͛̅̈͝͝ͅḢ̸̩̰̫͕͍̎̋͑͐̑́͐̀͂͌̕͝ỏ̴͕͉̽̌l̵̛̠̲̣͚̩͑̐̈́̔̈́̍͜i̵̡̛͓̓͒͐͆̈́̌͆̔͛n̶̛̜̗͇͉͙̦͊͛̿̑̇͂͗̏͜͝ę̷̬̯͙̘̼̱̲͆͝ş̴̝͓̹̰̜͕̮̜̩̯̻̯͎͔̇s̶̢̞̥͈̭̔̽̍̈́̎̇̌̐͊͛̓̿̕Ŗ̵͈̼̬͈̘̀͒̅̄͑̇̄̿͑ę̸̛̠̮̬̝̰͙͖̝͖͉͔̺̼͑͌̓͊̄̏̌͊̄̃͝͝ͅả̶̧͔̳̺͎̬̋̍́͐d̷͖̣̤̻̭̱̫̻̦̘̘̎́͌͋͊͒̈́͜͜e̸̳̤̩͓̫̱͇̣̓́͐̔́̕r̸̢̡͚̪̪̞͍̝̱͕̗̫̜͚̀̏ͅO̶͎̗͙̞̳̻͈͉̔̐͂͛̔̏l̵̼̤͓̉̋̀̇͆̍̂͗̍̔̀͝͝d̴͇̗̭͇̾͑̈́͘e̶̛̛̥͇̳͈͍̱̦̗̜̰̅̐͗̋̔̌̓̀̅̈̚͝ṟ̶̱͍̭̕ͅS̸̢̥̱̣͓͊̒͆i̴̡̧͈̟̻̼̯̩̘̣̓b̸̡̘͙̠̯̙̖͇̙̲͖̪̍͒͝l̸̛̠̣͐̊̆̍̀̿̑̓̾̂͠i̸̡̨̤̭̫͕̣̯̦̼͙̊̅̏̇̈̊̊̇̚͝͝n̷̢̛͔̞͈̳̤̱̱̉̔̎̄̇͌̅̈́̌̈́̑͌̚̚ͅg̵͈̟̻̦͚̼̳͖͑̎?
i did NOT mean for this post to be this long, it was only supposed to be a snippet of an imagine omg XD and i even had extra ideas that i couldn't fit in like older sibling making a sagau side acc ask the community and find ways to isekai into genshin, ei empathizing with the siblings, and older sibling showing their wrath to genshin (because i would absolutely wreck havoc in hell should anything happen to my younger siblings) D": oh well oh well maybe another time~ regardless, i hope you enjoyed!
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childes-w1fe · 6 months
♫𝑮𝑶𝑹𝑮𝑬𝑶𝑼𝑺♫ | Childe x Fem! Reader
❝𝙊𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙗𝙡𝙪𝙚 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚, 𝙄 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙞𝙚.❞ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
Attending a prestigious university near your hometown, you live alone in your mansion by the vacant, serene seaside. You spend your extra free time playing video games to distract the raging waves of your loneliness.
Your life hadn't been smooth sailing for the majority of your childhood, and now, you could finally thrive, peacefully.
However, when you arrived back home after another morning of classes, the normal comfort of your home was replaced with a cold-tense feeling that flagged every warning sign in your body.
So when a muscular arm held a cold-translucent spear up to your neck when you moved to exit, you slowly turned your head to look at your captor, ignoring the sting from where the water blade was beginning to draw blood.
A shiver ran down your spine when you caught a glimpse of bright ginger locks and ocean-blue eyes.
Now, you had a reason to be scared
❝Whisky on ice, Sunset and Vine— You've ruined my life, by not being mine.❞
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✧.*Thank you for reading my Childe x Female reader! Update times aren't confirmed, as I run on a schedule of when I can update. Please keep in mind that I'm currently in high-school and have many classes a day. One could even say I spend more time at school than I do at home. I am very busy and that's not even including what I have to to outside of school. Not to mention if I get sick, or my mental health. (I do have depression.) Also—please don't ask for updates, in a rude way, of course. I don't mind if you only ask once, as I will give you an answer anyway. 
✧.*I do not own Childe, or any other Genshin Impact characters included in this story. They belong to Mihoyo. Any of the art used in this story isn't mine unless I specifically state otherwise.
✧.*Trigger warnings will be provided at the beginning of each chapter. Including lime. I'm not so sure if I'll be writing lemon yet, but we'll see.
✧.*The reader in this story is female, or what you would call afab, and uses the pronouns She/Her and They/Them. If this doesn't apply to you, I apologize. As a Demi-girl, I feel more comfortable writing a female protagonist.
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ੈ✩‧₊˚𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 
"Gorgeous," by Taylor Swift 
❝Whisky on ice, Sunset and Vine, You've ruined my life, by not being mine.❞
"Paper Rings," by Taylor Swift
❝I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings.❞
"Ocean Eyes," by Billie Eilish
❝Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes. Burning cities and napalm skies—Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes.❞
"Bust Your Knee Caps," by Pomplamoose
❝Jonny don't leave me, You said you'd love me forever. Honey, believe me—I'll have your heart on a platter-❞
"Somethin' Stupid," by Frank Sinatra 
❝The time is right, your perfume fills my head—The stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue, And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"-❞
"High School Sweethearts," by Melanie Martinez
❝Can we just be honest? These are the requirements—If you think you can be my one and only true love..❞
"Do I Wanna Know?" by Arctic Monkeys
❝'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow and I play it on repeat-❞
"I Wanna Be Yours," by Arctic Monkeys
❝At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean—Now I wanna be yours-❞
"Supermassive Black Hole," by Muse
❝I thought I was a fool for no one—Ooh baby, I'm a fool for you-❞
"Panic Station," by Muse
❝Oooh 1, 2, 3, 4 fire's in your eyes—And this chaos, it defies imagination. Ooo 5, 6, 7, minus 9 lives—You've arrived at panic station.❞
"Teeth," by 5 Seconds of Summer
❝Call me in the morning to apologize—Every little lie gives me butterflies-❞
"Sucker For Pain," Imagine Dragons
❝Walk slow through the fire like, who gon' try us?—Take my hand through the flames—I'm a slave to your games—I'm just a sucker for pain-❞
"Him and I," by G-Easy
❝Cross my heart, hope to die—To my lover, I'd never lie-❞
"Animals," by Maroon 5
❝Baby, I'm preying on you tonight—Hunt you down eat you alive-❞
"Paralyzer," by Finger Eleven
❝Well, I'm not paralyzed, but I seem to be struck by you. I wanna make you move because you're standin' still. If your body matches what your eyes can do.❞
"Dance Macabre," by Ghost
❝How could it end like this? There's a sting in the way you kiss me-❞
"Kiss The Go-Goat," by Ghost
❝It ain't always what it seems—When you cling onto a dream—it ain't always there to please you. But he's the guy you wanna do—And you know that it takes two, luckily he wants to do you too.❞
"The Death of A Bachelor," Panic! At The Disco 
❝The lace in your dress tingles my neck, how do I live? The death of a bachelor—Oh oh-❞
"Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time," Panic! At The Disco
❝Five thousand people with designer drugs—Don't think I'll ever get enough—Champagne, cocaine, gasoline, and most things in between-❞
"Miss Jackson," by Panic! At The Disco
❝A pretty picture but the scenery is so loud—A face like heaven catching lighting in your nightgown-But back away from the water babe, you might drown-❞
"Wolf in Sheep's Clothing," by Set It Off
❝Beware, beware, be skeptical—Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold—Deceit, so natural, but a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning.❞
"Rasputin," by Boney M.
❝There lived a certain man in Russia long ago—He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow-❞
"Killshot," by Magdalena Bay
❝Something chronic—Bit demonic—Sin and tonic—Stupid promise—Can you make my heart stop? Hit me with your kill shot baby-❞
"Smooth Criminal," Micheal Jackson
❝You've been hit by—You've been hit by a smooth criminal.❞
"I Was Made For Lovin' You," by KISS
❝I was made for lovin' you, baby—You were made for lovin' me. And I can't get enough of you, baby—Can you get enough of me?❞
"Island In The Sun," by Weezer
❝When you're on a golden sea, you don't need no memory—Just a place to call your own—We'll run away together—We'll spend some time forever—We'll never feel bad anymore.❞
"You Give Love a Bad Name," Bon Jovi
❝Shot through the heart—And you're to blame. Darlin', you give love a bad name-❞
"Maneater," Nelly Furtado
❝Everybody look at me, me—I walk in the door, you start screaming-❞
"Partners In Crime," by Set It Off
❝You'll never takes us alive—We swore that death will do us part—They'll call our crimes a work of art.❞
"Rock Your Body," by Justin Timberlake
❝Don't be so quick to walk away—Dance with me—I wanna rock your body—Just wanna rock you girl.❞
"Criminal," by Brittney Spears
❝But mama I'm in love with a criminal—And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical-❞
"Dangerous," by Left Boy
❝Dangerous, ooh!, that sounds good yeah—Talk to me baby, like I'm your dude-❞
"Once More To See You," by Mitski
❝In the rearview mirror, I saw the setting sun on your neck—And felt the taste of you bubble up inside me, but with everybody watching us, our every move—We do have reputations—We keep it secret—If you would let me give you pinky promise kisses then I wouldn't have to scream your name atop of every roof in the city of my heart.❞
"There's Nothing Left For You," by Mitski
❝There's nothin' left for you—Nothin' in this room. Try and go outside—Nothin' waits for you. You had it once before—Not anymore—So go on to that sweetheart's door and find a new you.❞
"Recently," by Liana Flores
❝Hand in hand—The flowers understand that we're fine, you and I—Hands are tied. I don't mind—I'll make you be okay—And frequently I picture myself walking straight into the sea, laughing as the waves come rolling to my knees—What a place to be.❞
"Here With Me," by d4vd
❝I don't care how long it takes, as long as I'm with you I've got a smile on my face.❞
"Golden Hour," by JVKE
❝I was all alone with the love of my life. She's got glitter for skin—My radiant beam in the night.❞
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
→𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : "Gorgeous," by Taylor Swift
❝You should think about the consequence Of your magnetic field being a little too strong❞
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦
Dust arose from the old book you opened, the pages were fragile from many years of wear and tear. 
You borrowed it from your family's overly large library, which looked like it belonged in a rustic castle, not a mansion located on a cliff near the sea.
Running your fingers over the decrepit pages, your eyes followed the faded words one by one.
"Το μέλλον," The title read. 
Despite only being 10, you were far more intelligent than most children your age.
You knew a few different languages and took multiple advanced classes in school. 
Though your family still didn't think you were good enough.
A frown spread across your face at the thought, the rainbow shimmer inside of your (e/c) irises, which your family also thought was odd, grew slightly cloudy.
Shaking your head to dismiss the looming sadness crowding your head, you looked at the title on the dusty book closer.
From what you could tell, the words read, "The Future," but in Greek.
Flipping through the pages, you skimmed over the sentences, seeing nothing interesting, until a certain tragedy plastered onto the top of a page caught your attention.
"The flood?"
Pressing the book harder onto the table, you leaned in closer, analyzing every word inked onto the paper.
Around 9 years ago, a disastrous flood wiped out a majority of the town you lived around 40 minutes away from.
Buildings were damaged, some almost beyond repair, and many families moved to get away from the aftermath. Others, however, weren't so lucky.
Nowadays, a town like yours, next to a large beach with white sands and crystal blue water, would be bursting at the seams with people and greedy contractors trying to sell out the locals. 
But the flood prevented that from happening.
And now, only locals remained in the now-rebuilt beach town, which looks almost brand new.
A major part of you was thankful for nature protecting your little slice of paradise from those who didn't belong.
The words on the pages described what happened during the flood in great detail, and the more you read, the more disturbed you became.
This book had to be multiple decades old, so why did it describe the tragedy so perfectly?
Lost in the rapid currents of your thoughts, the familiar sound of stilettos clicking against wooden floors startled you out of your daze.
You jumped and almost fell from the latter you were leaning against.
Jumping down from the latter, and almost twisting your ankle, you opened a random drawer at the bottom of the bookcase and shoved the book in it.
The large door to the library opened with a creak, as the sound of heels against the floor ceased.
"What are you up to?"
You turned around quickly, a guilty smile plastered on your face.
"Nothing Mother— I was just looking for a new book to read..." A worn-out sigh left your mouth, as your hands moved to brush the dust off of the expensive material of your dress.
She raised an eyebrow, a sour look overtaking her face. "Mhm. If only all that reading you've done would help with your studies." Your mother placed her hand on her hip, tapping her sleek-black stiletto against the wooden flooring.
You frown, feeling yourself lose patience. "Is there something you need?"
"It's Ma'am to you. And yes, there is. Your father is hosting a party with his colleagues and I don't need you looking trashy in front of business." She walks up to you as you back up into the bookshelf, cowering as you feel a manicured nail press against your shoulder.
"I've commissioned a designer dress for you, it's hanging in your room. All you have to do is to sit still and look pretty. Don't mess up."
Your frown deepens. "Yes Ma'am..."
She looks you up and down, the sour look remaining. "Good. Don't disappoint our family name."
Flipping her hair, your mother removed her nail from your shoulder, a crescent mark evidence of her anger, and walked away, not bothering to shut the door as her quieting footsteps furthered away. 
Sliding down onto the floor, you sighed, your silk dress draping around you and flowering onto the floor. 
"What I'd give for peace."
After some time on the floor to regain your bearings, you dragged yourself up, exiting the library and walking up a flight of stairs to your room.
Despite your parents' coldness toward you, your room was beautiful and made you feel at peace every time you were in it.
Your bed sat at the bottom of your room, and a spiral staircase led to a second floor where your vanity among other things was.
A dull murmur left your mouth, as you opened the door to your large walk-in closet and flipped the light on, your eyes landing on the dress that lay on your closet's island.
Stepping closer, light and almost unsure, you admired the dress, eyes twinkling at the pretty fabric.
Even if you felt bitter towards your parents, you couldn't deny their obvious talent in fashion. 
Against the light from your closet, the shimmery silver fabric or the gown sparkled, along with the light tint of (f/c) covering the material. The top of the dress fit a modest sweetheart neckline where the sparkly fabric was crossed over the other, with off-the-shoulder sleeves that draped off the shoulders from the excess material. A dark silver belt wrapped around the waist.
Smiling brightly, you picked up the dress and twirled around, an energetic giggle leaving your mouth.
"Maybe today won't be so bad after all."
Setting down the sparkling gown, you pulled the zipper down on the dress you were currently wearing and pulled it over your head, tossing it onto the floor to focus your attention on your new dress.
You patted down your petticoat and turned toward your attention to the gown lying on your island, carefully undoing the zipper.
With barely concealed excitement, you slipped the gown over your head, putting your arms through the sleeves and fixing the dress over your petticoat. 
Your breath halted as you slowly walked over to the large mirror at the end of your closet.
The dress fit you perfectly and shimmered every time the light hit it, resembling a diamond in the sunlight. 
A wide grin spread across your face as you clumsily stumbled out of your closet, leaving the door open and the lights on, and dangerously rushing up the spiral staircase in your room. 
You approached your vanity and plopped down in the chair in front of it, opening one of the drawers and grabbing a few makeup products out of it. 
A lopsided attempt at doing your makeup, you noticed, groaning and rubbing more eyeshadow onto your eyelid in an attempt to fix your mistakes. 
Though you were better at most of your age makeup, you still had a lot to learn.
A knock on your door startled you out of what you were doing, and you almost dropped the brush in your hand. 
Your eyes widened and you placed the brush back onto your vanity, almost falling out of your chair. "--Coming!"
Shifting came from behind the door as the knock increased in volume. "Ms. (Name)? Are you alright?" 
The voice coming from the hallway caused you to sigh in relief. 
Untangling your leg from the chair, (a result of not paying attention to your surroundings,) you walked over to your staircase and carefully, this time, walked down to your door. 
You grabbed the door handle and opened the door, coming face to face with your maid, Arabella.
"I'm fine Ari–what's with that face?" 
She stared at you with wide eyes, before her face twisted in a way that made her look like she was in pain. 
Covering her mouth with her palm, she averted her eyes, attempting to not laugh at your predicament. 
Arabella shook her head and calmed herself down, sighing and stepping toward you, placing a hand on your shoulder in sympathy. "Ms. (Name)...while I don't doubt your talents for a moment, I do believe you need some help with your makeup."
Now it was your turn to stand there fish-eyed. 
Bashfully, the floorboards seemed most interesting as you looked at the floor, nodding in embarrassment.
She smiled at you and grabbed your hand, leading you up the stairs and guiding you to sit in front of your vanity. 
"I'm guessing you favor a certain color, hm?"
Recovering from your embarrassment, you nodded, grabbing one of your many eyeshadow pallets and opening it to point at your favorite color. 
"What a wonderful choice. This color suits your complexion."
Arabella grabbed a makeup wipe and held your chin as she wiped your makeup off in a gentle manner. 
"Now–let's start fresh."
Grabbing a brush, Arabella began to lightly apply makeup to your face.
You hummed in pleasure at the soft motion, feeling yourself becoming sleepy. Who knew getting your makeup done could be so relaxing?
With a swift hand movement, Arabella applied a small amount of eyeliner over the shimmery eyeshadow you were wearing and then spun your chair around to face the mirror of your vanity.
"You can open your eyes now Ms. (Name)."
Peeking your eyes open, you grinned widely, beaming at the beautiful art on your face. 
Arabella noticed your silence and began to worry. "Do you like it? I can redo it if you don't–"
"I love it!"
You rushed and engulfed her in an energetic hug. 
She stumbled in shock before laughing and hugging your back, patting your head. "Now Ms. (Name). Let's not mess up your makeup just yet."
A huff left your mouth as you snickered, "Alright," you paused and let go of Arabella before smirking, "By the way, you can just call (Name)."
Arabella gaped before shaking her head. "Ma'am–"
"I see you as a friend. There's no need for formalities." 
She gave you a warm smile. "Alright then, (Name)." 
You giggled and she flicked you on the nose, rolling her eyes playfully. "It's almost time for you to greet your family's guests."
The calm expression on your face dampened and you frowned. 
Arabella noticed your discomfort and gave you a reassuring smile. "You'll do great, I know you will," Reaching into the pocket of her apron, she pulled out a necklace and placed it against your neck," If it helps, I found this on the floor of the library when I was looking for you. When I saw it I immediately thought of you."
You looked down at the necklace and gasped when you saw a beautiful white-gold ring, set with large ruby crystals in the center and adorned with a few navy crystals along the rim. Flipping the ring over, you looked at the band, which had a narwhal carved into the thick part of the back and the letter A carved into the thin part of the band. 
It sat perfectly on your collarbone, and the weight of the metal felt like it was meant to be there. Not to mention how the ring felt warm against your upper chest, and when you tried to remove it, frigidness would wash over you.
You smiled genuinely at your friend. "Thank you, Ari. For everything."
She pinched your cheek and lightly shoved you towards the door. 
"Don't mention it." Arabella brushes off your dress and tucks a wild strand of your hair behind your ear. "Break a leg."
The nervous smile on your face shifted into one of confusion. "What?"
"It's an expression. You'll do great anyway, I know it."
Before you could press her even further, she pushed you out of your room and shut the door behind you. 
A shaky sigh left your mouth and you made your way down the hallway, walking down two flights of stairs and reaching the entrance to the living room. 
You spotted your mother's authoritarian figure standing in front of the doorway, arm linked with your fathers, who was laughing proudly, raising a glass of whiskey to toast. 
Slinking quietly toward the entrance, you tried to slip inside to a corner where you wouldn't be noticed, but when your heels made a noise on the floor, your mother's sharp icy blue eyes turned towards you.
She gave you a look and you begrudgingly walked up to stand beside her.
A fierce whisper left her mouth. "You're late."
You gulped, cold sweat began to form as you could feel her free hand wrap around your wrist, her sharp nails threatening to break the skin. 
"But you didn't say when to—"
"That's enough. I don't want to hear your excuses. The only thing you can do to atone for your mistakes is sit still and look pretty. Got it?"
"Yes, mother.." You nod, tears threatening to ruin your makeup.
She released your wrist, but the mark remained, already red and irritated.
Your father had finally finished his speech and looked toward where you were standing. He seemed surprised to see you there but frowned when he saw your watery eyes. 
He unlinked his arm with your mother and placed a hand on your shoulder, patting it softly. 
You smiled through your tear-blurry eyes.
Everything would be okay.
The party had ended after a few more hours after the tipsy stragglers left. 
With a renewed pep in your step, you gratefully left the living room, rushing up the stairs to the second floor to run back into the library.
Pushing the door open faster than you usually did, (and with the weight of the door, you'd be sore tomorrow,) you rushed toward the drawer you remember stashing the mysterious book in. 
Flinging open the drawer, you found the book just where you had left it,
A relieved sigh left your mouth. "Thank goodness."
You pick up the book and stuff it under your petticoat, making sure it won't fall out.
Shutting the drawer, you ran out of the open library, not bothering to look and see if someone was inside the hallway to witness your odd behavior.
Another flight of stairs later and a few confused maids, you had made it back to your room and locked the door.
You sat the book on your nightstand, deciding you'd read more of it after you got some rest.
Quickly taking of your dress along with your other items, you took your makeup off and lunged into your bed, snuggling into the silk covers as you drifted off to sleep.
But, what you didn't realize is that the book had fallen off your nightstand, hitting the floor and opening up to reveal a read and gold mask.
❝𝙊𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙗𝙡𝙪𝙚 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚, 𝙄 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙞𝙚.❞
🐚 ྀ࿓(Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax x Female Reader)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @strawberrysunr1se 4/10/24
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illusioninfnty · 6 months
Outlast: Chapter Eight (Sam Giddings x Reader)
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Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2.5K
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You bust into the room, Sam and Mike right on your heels. Just as you do, a scene of chaos folds out in front of you. Ashley and Chris are strapped into two chairs, opposite each other. A man in a skull-like mask stands across from them, who you could only assume is this Psycho that had hurt Sam and killed Josh.
Chris holds up a gun at the Psycho, firing rapidly. Nothing happens. Before you even have time to react, the Psycho speaks up.
“Oh Chris...Oh, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris.”
“What the fuck…” you and Chris mutter in unison.
The Psycho reaches up to remove his mask. “Oh you've heard of blanks before. I mean really?”
When he reveals his face, you're sure that your heart stops in your chest for a second. You can hear Sam gasp behind you.
And in front of you stands Josh, smiling proudly.
“Josh?” Chris asks.
“Josh!” Sam gasps.
“Josh,” Mike mutters.
“What the actual fuck.” You rub your temples, barely able to comprehend the situation in front of you. You really wish you had some alcohol on you right now.
As Josh starts his whole spiel, you run over to untie your friends. As you get Ashley, Mike moves to free Chris.
“How does it feel? Do you enjoy feeling terrorized? Humiliated? I mean, panicked? All those emotions that my sisters got to feel once one year ago! Only guess what? They didn't get to laugh it off! No! Nope! No no no! They're gone!”
Josh’s voice is shaky and his eyes are unfocused as he rambles on. You can’t help but pity your friend, who had been more tormented than you could’ve ever imagined by the overwhelming guilt over Hannah and Beth’s disappearances.
As Josh examples his pranks, going more and more into the specific details he concocted, you can’t help but be wary at Mike’s increasing anger.
“I don't know if you noticed this, Josh, but none of us are laughing.” He bites out his words, tone rigid.
Dread washes over you as you realize exactly what’s making Mike angrier than he should be. He thinks Josh had something to do with Jessica’s death.
Fuck. Double fuck. You mentally punch yourself, allowing the miscommunication about the truth of the Blackwood Mountain to get this far. You need to explain to your friends the truth, and quickly, before more get hurt.
“Why are you doing this, Josh?” Sam asks, voice barely above a whisper. But her question still rings out in the barren room.
“He’s out of his fucking mind over here. Don’t even bother fucking asking the looney,” Mike quips.
“He’s sick,” Chris says, pity dripping off his words. His attempt to diffuse the situation is a miss. Mike is still fuming, and you can practically see steam leaving his body.
“Mike, calm down.” The words leave your lips before you can even stop them.
He whirls around to face you, and you immediately know you’re going to be bearing the brunt of the anger. You’ll gladly take it if it means Josh won’t be falsely blamed for acts he didn’t commit.
He storms over to you, chest to chest as he glares up at you. “He fucking killed her.” His words are laced with grief as he fists the front of your shirt.
“No he didn’t,” you throw back, exasperated. “It wouldn’t make any fucking sense. Think logically about this, Mike.”
He scoffs and rolls his eyes. “You of all people shouldn’t say shit like that. Keeping all these fucking secrets. Were you in on this? Is that why you’re not saying shit?” 
You don’t even try to entertain his words as his voice gradually becomes louder, more intense, and you can hear Sam trying to break the two of you up. Her arm wraps around your bicep and she tugs you back, away from Mike.
Josh barks out a laugh behind you, causing you all focus your attention back on him.
“This is all just perfect. Come on, you guys are all going to thank me when you guys become internet sensations!”
You raise an eyebrow as Chris is the one to speak up. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh you better believe this little puppy is going viral ladies and germs. I mean we got unrequited love. We got fights. We got...we got blood! I don't think there's enough hard drives in China to count all the views we're gonna get, you guys.”
“Jesus Christ,” your hand runs over your face as you take in everything Josh says.
But of course, Mike isn’t too pleased with his response.
“What the fuck are you talking about, you fucking ass hat? Jessica is fucking dead!”
Josh blinks, looking stunned at the news. “What?”
“Jessica is fucking dead, and you are going to pay, you dick!”
“Damn it Mike, stop it!” Your words are no use, and you can’t stop Mike in enough time as he strides up to Josh and with the gun he took from Chris, hits him across the face and knocks him out cold.
Sam and Ashley gasp as Josh falls to the floor. You immediately approach Mike, snatching the gun from his hand and throwing it across the floor.
“What the hell was that, man? I told you to think before you fucking do something you’ll regret!” You poke a finger in his chest, hoping to at least intimidate him a little bit. But you’ve had heated arguments before with him, and he doesn’t ever back down.
“I don’t fucking regret it.” His tone is affirmative. It worries you that you may not be able to change his mind about it. That you’re too late, and none of your friends will trust you
You kiss your teeth. “Whatever. It’s already done.” You glance down at Josh, who looks weak and sickly all crumpled on the floor. “Someone help me move him upright.”
“No!” Ashley protests. “He’s crazy. He had us fucking chained up, and, and, chased us all around. He’s a psycho!” She hides behind Chris, who wraps an arm around her shaking body.
You can’t help how conflicted you feel about the current predicament happening. You sympathize with all of your friends and their fears. Josh went too far; you weren’t going to deny that. But he was sick. He needed help. And antagonizing him only made it worse. Besides, none of them understand the severity of your situation—only you do. But there’s no use in arguing with them all now, when they’re scared and confused.
You throw your hands up in defeat. “Okay, does anyone have any other ideas?”
Mike steps forward with a look of contempt. “I say we tie him up in the shed.”
“What? That’s insane!” Sam beats you to it, echoing the same words you were just thinking. “We just do that here! There’s no reason to leave him outside.”
Chris and Ashley share a look that has you dropping your head in your hands. “Mike’s right,” Chris says.
Ashley nods. “It’s safer that way.”
Mike glances at you, triumph shining in his eyes. “Three to two. You’re outnumbered.”
Your jaw clenches. “You’re making a mistake, Mike.”
He doesn’t respond.
You sigh. You know you’re not getting anything else out of him. Mike was stubborn as hell, even more so than you at times. “Fine. If you’re going to do this, then I’m going with you.”
They all look surprised at your offer, turning to you with a variety of quizzical looks plastered across their faces.
“Tex,” Sam’s tone is warning, as if to tell you that it’s a bad idea.
Mike scoffs. “No fucking way. You’re gonna pull some shit on us out there.”
“Look, I’m compromising, okay?” You throw your hands up in mock surrender. “You can tie him up or do whatever the fuck you want. I don’t give a shit. I just wanna be there when you guys do it.”
Chris pipes up before Mike can get another word in. “That’ll work. It’ll be better to have an extra set of hands in case Josh tries something.”
Mike eyes you down, as if trying to catch you in a lie. You keep your face still. “Fine,” he finally bites out, “let’s get to it. Before he starts waking up.”
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“Guys! Guys come on... seriously, this is crazy, you know?”
“Shut up.”
You trail behind Mike and Chris as they guide Josh to the shed, not bothering to help him up when he stumbles into the snowy ground.
“Give it a rest you two,” you mumble as they continue to let out all their frustration on him. “Can’t you see how out of it he is?”
Chris sighs in response. Mike completely ignores you. Again.
“Where are we going?” Josh looks all around him, once again tripping on the unstable ground. “Where are you guys taking me?”
Mike shoves him along. “Locking you up, bro.”
Josh’s eyes shift around frantically until they land on you. “You’re gonna let them do this?”
Mike scoffs. “She’s not letting—”
You interrupt Mike before he goes on another tirade. “I can’t outnumber them, bud.” You shake your head apologetically, wishing you could do more. “The best I can do is make sure they don’t try anything stupid.”
Josh’s body falls slack, as if he’s given up. You bite your lower lip as you stare at him in pity, taking in his gaunt and sickly features. You mentally kick yourself for not noticing them earlier.
Your head throbs from alcohol withdrawal and you pat your coat pocket, before holding back a sigh as your hands come up empty. Your flask was probably left somewhere back at the lodge, amongst all the chaos when you reunited with your friends.
You ignore the aching feeling that persists as you trudge along with the guys.
When you finally arrive at the cabin, Mike practically throws Josh inside. It’s barren, old and broken pieces strewn about. Mike ends up tying Josh to one of the pillars that looks like it's one more snowstorm away from breaking, pushing him roughly and taunting him as he does so.
“Stop it,” you bite out through gritted teeth, your frustration reaching its peak. You grasp his bicep, pulling him back. “Chris.” You jerk your head towards Josh, indicating he should take over instead. He quickly gets the hint and takes the ropes from Mike.
Mike tries to pull away from you, but your grip remains firm as you drag him to the corner of the cabin. “Look,” you use your free hand to rub your temples, practically feeling the stress lines on your face from how much this night has been taking a toll on you already. “He’s off his meds. Has been for a while. Cut him some slack, alright?”
He’s practically unresponsive to your plea. “He killed—!”
He pauses, chest heaving.
You continue. “I told you I would explain everything. I will. Josh didn’t do that. I need you to trust me. Please.”
You can tell by the way Mike’s brow creases that he still feels uneasy about all of this. You’re hoping that Mike still has some kind of faith in you, even just a crumb. You don’t blame him too much; you know that the way you’ve been acting has seemed suspicious lately. But your circumstances are really strange ones, and it’d be hard for anyone to believe it without seeing it.
Before you can gauge Mike’s response, your conversation is interrupted by Josh’s teasing words.
“Oh and Chris? Man, you can forget about ever gettin' into Ashley's little panties after that little cock up with the whole ‘I'm gonna shoot you in the head, thing.’ She's better off with Mike over here anyways... At least he knows how to treat a lady…”
“Fuck you, man!”
“Hey, hey!” You rush over just as Chris grabs a stray wooden board, lifting it up over his head as if he was about to hit him. “Knock it off. We can’t be causing any more problems.”
Josh’s eyes narrow as they land on you. “Drunk as a skunk, drunk as a skunk! Couldn’t solve your problems, couldn’t save my sisters!”
Guilt floods through your chest as memories of that night flash in your mind again. Your tongue feels too big for your mouth, and the faint tastes of alcohol that remain make you want to clean your mouth out with soap.
“Back off.”
Mike steps up to Josh, pushing you back slightly. “Leave her alone, dude. You should be fucking thank her for trying to help your sorry ass.”
A breath of relief leaves you as you mentally thank Mike for stepping in. Josh eventually quiets down with a huff and a glare, and once you can tell he won’t be antagonizing anyone further, your friends turn to leave.
You follow them outside the cabin, but stop before you can make it more than a couple of feet away from the doors.
“You two should go on without me.”
Chris and Mike turn back to stare at you. “Listen,” you continue, “you two need to leave and cool off some steam. I’ll stay here, watch over him. Maybe I can talk some sense into him.”
Chris furrows his eyebrows as Mike crosses his arms.
“No fucking way am I leaving you with this lunatic,” Mike grunts.
“Well that’s not your fucking choice, is it?” You raise an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms to mirror his stance. “I can handle myself. And him, if necessary.”
He huffs in annoyance, but you can tell that he can’t argue with you on that.
Chris nods in reluctance, nudging Mike’s shoulder. “I’ll make sure to tell Sam you’re safe.”
“Thank you,” you say breathily in appreciation. “I’ll be back before you know it. Don’t miss me too much.”
A hint of a laugh leaves Chris’ lips as the two reluctantly head back towards the lodge.
As soon as they leave your sight, mere specks in the crisp white snow, you begin to move in untying Josh from his constraints.
“Whoa, whoa—”
“Listen to me.” Your voice is cold, and Josh is able to hold your gaze, recognizing the seriousness. “You need to run. Get as far away as you can. Got it?”
He nods, throwing his head back against the pillar. “I’m sorry, I’m real sorry…” Josh trails off, a distant look taking over his face as you deftly loosen the ropes around his limbs.
The dull gleam in Josh’s eyes has your heart clenching in your chest. He looks so lost, so broken. You wish you were able to see just how hurt he had been this past year. You feel guilty that you, or any of your friends for that matter, weren’t able to catch just how much he’d been suffering with the loss of Hannah and Beth.
If you weren’t untying his restraints, ear right by his lips, you don’t think you would have heard his next words.
“You weren’t supposed to be there…”
You think back to his adamance on getting you out of the cabin, and somehow, your heart breaks just a little more.
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Character Traits: 
Honest: 4/10 
Charitable: 9/10 
Funny: 4/10  
Brave: 9/10 ↓
Romantic: 7/10 
Curious: 5/10 
Relationship Status:
Ashley: 6/10
Chris: 7/10 ↓
Emily: 5/10  
Jess: 3/10 
Josh: 7/10 ↓
Matt: 7/10 
Mike: 6/10 ↑
Sam: 10/10
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Chapter Seven || Chapter Nine
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I'm watching this movie called "Timeless Love" while procrastinating on writing, and it's about this woman who spends two months in a coma dreaming up an entire marriage and kids with this very specific guy, but when she wakes up she finds out she's single with zero kids.
She's devastated obviously, but starts trying to adjust back into life. She no longer wants to pick up her old job as an executive assistant, so she takes a temp job as a receptionist for a small photography studio, OWNED BY THE GUY FROM HER COMA.
So like, currently there's no sense to what she's experienced or why she imagined such a specific guy (who even has the same name from her coma dream).
Now, if I were to write a Supercorp version of this film, I think Kara would be coma girl, and Lena would be an ER doctor she glimpsed on her way into the hospital before going into her coma. But for whatever reason no one at the hospital puts the two pieces together, or maybe they do but don't tell either of them because it would only cause more harm than good.
But then one day Kara takes one of her friends into the ER and in the chaos she literally bumps into Dr. Luthor. Kara reacts by immediately hugging her, tears instantly starting to gather and spill over. Lena is shocked but doesn't pull away. She gently returns the embrace because she's empathetic and senses that this strange woman is in distress and if a hug will help her there's no harm in it.
Kara's heartbroken all over again when she realizes Lena has absolutely no idea who she is. She immediately retreats into herself, and removes herself from the room. Someone else is the one who tells Lena about the situation, and after having some time to process, Lena approaches Kara and invites her to coffee in the cafeteria. Maybe they could... talk?
Lena's innate kindness shines through in the way she listens as Kara pours her heart out about what she's going through, and gives Kara space to feel what she's feeling without making it about herself, or even making Kara feel self-conscious/awkward about it. In fact, Kara almost has to beg her to say something. After a few moments of consideration, Lena responds.
"I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, and I won't pretend otherwise," she delivers slowly. "But-- I do think there's an important takeaway you're overlooking."
Kara stares at her, shocked. Lena reaches across the table to place her hand on Kara's.
"It doesn't matter what faces your family wore during that time-- whatever life your mind conjured for you, you filled it with love."
Lena smiles.
"I think that makes you someone pretty special."
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
He doesn't really need a tag partner (I'm sure there are people he trusts enough to team with) but if Chuck is out forever can we have Kip step in and be a person for OC to lean on? I mean we could get him on TV possibly weekly (win win in my book) plus maybe we can get OC corrupted and boom it helps push the storyline with Trent? IF Chuck is able to come back, maybe he uncorrupts him? Thoughts?
SO. im sorry ahead of time that this will get longwinded and probably not gonna make a lot of sense but i have A LOT of thoughts regarding this whole situation
so this has been a very common thing to discuss in my dms ever since the shades of the best friends betrayal started when trent and oc entered into the tag team tournament (also shoutout to bugs for dealing with my shit constantly cause i know i can be unhinged ough), and what we dubbed as savior!kip has become a very intense hope in this storyline so... yeah ive been thinking about this possibility a lot ngl
im gonna put the rest of this under the cut cause lmao yeah. im gonna go off the rails
i wanna start this by saying that while i do want chuck to come back, im specifically hoping that he'll come back to team with trent again and to torment oc, that all of this has been one big ruse to see if oc really is their best friend or not (spoilers: hes not. trent is right about everything he said dont @ me). and oc is slowly starting to lack friends; seeing how things are going, things with kris arent that great. shibata and hook have their hands full with so many other things. rocky is obviously siding with trent, even if he doesnt say it directly out loud but roppongi vice forever basically, and the rest of chaos is mostly in japan (and okada is evil now so...). danhausen basically doesnt exist anymore. everyone oc has had around him has slowly disappeared, for one reason or another
so where does that leave us, exactly? you turn to the other side (or more in this case, the other side turns towards you to help out)
kip has been critical on twitter about the don callis family, and basically saying he would never join them due to disrespect from don. and we all know how much kip loves and cares about oc (i dont have to proof this to you you have seen all the sweet tweets and other stuff. this man used to use the kissy face emoji frequently while tweeting at or about oc come on now), so seeing these two words colliding would probably not sit very well with him, i'd imagine. while someone could argue that kip has lost interest in oc since he has dropped the title and thats all that was ever about...
first of all, the "sweet little clementine" nickname has been used multiple times throughout the timeline. this wasnt just a mind game trick to get into ocs head during the title feud, it was in there way way before that ever happened (i believe we are talking about full gear 2020 if i recall my timelines right [its around 3 hours and 9 minutes]); he has always been affectionate about oc in a really weird way (hes british tho so thats probably why). second, how many times has kip been after anyone else between ocs title reigns and after? exactly zero. when mox and fenix were champs, he didnt say a peep (he did, whoever, put out my favorite tweet of all time when oc lost the title to mox). after oc gained the title, he started tweeting again about it. and again when oc lost it, not a word. kip hasnt said anything about the international title or rodney since then; the only time he did post, he told rodney to fuck off cause clementine was his. and since then? kip has been keeping an eye on the best friends feud so... do whatever you wish with that information (1, 2, 3)
the point is, the obsession was NOT with the title; hes just always been affectionate about and towards oc, but in a really weird and obsessive, kind of a destructive way
why is this necessary to bring up? well...
do you really think he would stand idly to the side to watch oc align himself with someone like don callis when all his other friends have abandoned him, all these things considered?
do i need to remind you of something? cause i will remind you of my favorite post
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throughout this entire time, kip never gave up (im aware this is technically non-canon as this is a quote from stream but. if you know their history over on twitch, it counts. the feud bled over there during its prime too). yes this technically had everything to do with him tearing ocs friends away from him when this was posted, but.. dont you think its fitting tho? considering the situation oc is in now? and while yes it might seem that kip is taking the side of trent in this whole thing, this was specifically before don callis inserted himself into the situation by whispering whatever the hell into ocs ear
and what better time and way for kip to insert himself back into ocs life as the one person he can still rely on than right here and right now, when oc is so desperate for a connection and friendship that he'll take don callis of all people?
if we want to dig more into my personal observations, kip has never felt as respected or perceived as he did/does when hes across the ring from oc. this feud was the highlight of his career since the comeback (and arguably, his [and miros] feud with the best friends ending with arcade anarchy was the other, so these two have always been connected more or less), its the one thing people keep talking about in reference to him apart from the box; how he should have been the one taking the title from him, how kip should have been elevated from that point forward too. how people talk about him almost only when he has faced oc in the ring afterwards (which has been at least three times if i recall right from the top of my head) or had a chance to challenge again for that title before oc lost it entirely
so what is the conclusion i wanna draw from this? kip keeps bringing him up. he keeps on leeching on him. he wants that attention off of oc, but also from oc. and what better way to do that than to now befriend him, show him support, be there for him when everyone else has abandoned him?
except its not entirely malicious. it might start as such, but its definitely mutually beneficial, more so than intended; sure maybe kip takes the chance to get to oc when hes down and vulnerable, but theres also that high chance that he'll see he can actually help. kip can help pull oc back up and help rebuild him. kip can be useful and important in this equation too, not just oc (which.. its gonna show kips true colors tbh. considering how kip treats oc as a whole, but he was taking trents side earlier about everything when best friends broke apart so...)
i think this is enough of me rambling, so im gonna get to the point of the ask lmao; but yeah, while i'd love for chuck to come back, i dont think he needs to be the one to uncorrupt oc from under kips spell. cause there wont be a spell to begin with. while yes it might start more or less as a corrupting relationship if they got to tag together with oc, i dont think ultimately it would be harmful to him. just like kip would be there to be supportive of oc, eventually he would return the favor by helping kip flourish, like he has done more indirectly in the past. they are mutually beneficial to one another, for better or worse maybe, but its not going to lead oc down a dark path in my opinion. if anything, oc is uncorruptable at this point (especially without the belt but i feel like that story has completely died by now with roddy holding the title so im not going to touch that rn), and him getting love and support from someone genuine, although surprising in this case, it would just make him more likely to return that favor than to turn against it. what i mean is, oc would be the one to uncorrupt kip, if anything
thank you for coming to my tedtalk and im soooooo sorry for all of this
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