#imagine how cruel the other emperors must have seemed to him…
agni-ashes · 1 year
so i watched jimmy’s finale and uh. i’m thinking. so. since the old sheriff started treating sheriff jimmy like a kid/teenager i’m like. what if sheriff jimmy was legit a child. so when the revealing potion revealed that he’s short it’s not that he’s a toy it’s that he’s a literal child. idk but now i’m thinking that if sheriff jimmy was like idk 10 years old and ooh hoo hoo hoo i’m crying now. how much has he done?? how much responsibility has he taken, that little guy built an empire and made deals and took a stand against all these powerful adults who made fun of him and beat him down sometimes and rejected him and refused to believe that he was strong, that he was capable, that he was a good sheriff. and he still did his best. and. oh my god. they gave him a kid- he had to take care of his new charge- and he himself was just a kid. i’m going to cry.
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gojoidyll · 6 months
There is No Law that Emperors Must be Fair
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Emperor ! Jing Yuan x Princess ! Reader
Chapter 2 | A Plan Fails
Summary | You are set to marry the Emperor, Jing Yuan. In order to break the engagement, you stage an accident and fake having amnesia. But now, your own cruel, cold, and distant fiancé, who seemed to not want anything to do with you, is now acting all lovey dovey!
Warnings | reader is referred to with she/her pronouns, grammatical errors, etc.
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When you opened your eyes, you noticed how your ceiling didn’t look at all like your room. Not to mention that everything hurt. Which was understandable, you did fall down a long flight of stairs after all in hopes of-
Wait, you can remember everything!?!?!?
Despite the pain, you shot up from the bed. Your hands gripping the sheets as you panicked. You were no actor in one of those fancy plays that you would sneak into every once in a while, and Jing Yuan, as you have heard from others, was a sharp individual. If you wanted to hide something from him, then you would basically have to write to him in letters in hopes that he doesn’t come see your lying face in person.
What am I going to do?!
Looking around, you finally took notice how you were laid up in the infirmary. No one else was around to see your outburst and no one outside was alerted that you were awake, well, until you heard bustling footsteps coming right to the infirmary door.
Even though I don’t have amnesia, I’ll just have to fake it! I’m in no way an actor, but Jing Yuan has barely said two words to me since I got here, so I highly doubt he knows what I look like when I am lying! I’ll just have to take the chance and fake it till I make it!
Hurriedly, you laid back down and tried to straighten out your sheets before closing your eyes. It was a dangerous game that you decided to play, but you wanted out of here. You already threw yourself down the stairs, faking amnesia should be easy compared to that. (Though, you were still a bit angry that the amnesia thing didn’t actually happen…)
And just as you calmed your racing heart and turbulent thoughts, the infirmary door was slammed open, “where is she?!”
You couldn’t stop your eyebrows from furrowing at the sound of Jing Yuan’s voice. You didn’t expect him to be the one to be waltzing in here.
“She’s over here, Your Highness.”
You had to force your eyes from popping open. That voice was unmistakenly Blade’s. But how was he that close to you? Was he in the room this whole time?! Did you just not notice him?!
Jing Yuan walked over to where Blade was, “have you been guarding her this whole time?”
“I have.”
You died a little on the inside. Your soul shriveling up as the seconds passed. This is unbelievable! Out of all the times you don’t notice Blade being in the same room as you and NOW is one of those times.
“Has she woken up at all?”
Jing Yuan turned his gaze to you, and you tried your best not to quiver in your bed. Since Blade most definitely saw you wake up and shoot out of your bed in a panic, then he will definitely tell the Emperor that-
“No, she hasn’t.”
If you weren’t trying to act like you were sleeping, you would have given him the most bewildered look imaginable. Blade. Emperor Jing Yuan’s right-hand man and general. Just lied.
You felt a light yet firm hand caress your face, calloused fingers gently moving strands of hair out of your face, “I see,” Jing Yuan muttered, “well, when she wakes up. Please have someone inform me but stay by her side.”
You thought that was the end of it, but immediately felt a pair of lips press against your forehead before the presence was gone altogether and you heard a door closed.
“You can open your eyes now, princess.”
Cracking your eyes open you were met with Blade crossing his arms over his chest, “care to explain yourself.”
It wasn’t a question, but more of a demand.
You sat up whilst grabbing your sheets again, “I…I wanted to get out of this arranged marriage. So I thought if I got amnesia then I could leave and go back home.”
“And how did that work out for you?”
You frowned, “terrible. I didn’t get amnesia. Instead, I’m hurting all over. Which reminds me, why did you lie back there? You obviously saw me wake up and panic.”
Blade shrugged, “I wanted to know what you were up to. Besides, I’m not the only one who saw you.”
“What do you mean?”
“During your little staged incident, the one who caught you before you could tumble down even more stairs was Dan Heng.”
“He told me he saw the whole thing. How you perfectly timed the maids, to how you fell, and how you tumbled down the stairs. He said it all looked intentional.”
Dan Heng, also known as Imbibitor Lunae, was even more dangerous than Jing Yuan. He was a high elder and a Vidyadhara. Not much else is known about him, but apparently he is a great strategist who can take down anyone and was praised many times by Jing Yuan himself.
“Great…,” you muttered as you let your head fall. Your eyes staring holes into your hands as you tried to come up with a solution of what to do. Your plan was falling apart before it even began it seemed.
“Great indeed.”
You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt Blade take a hold of your chin, his fingers gripping onto your cheeks as he forcefully made you look up at him. You didn’t even hear him move.
“So since it seems your great plan is falling apart, I and Dan Heng would like to make a deal with you. It’s quite simple that even someone like you would be able to do it.”
You didn’t like where this was going one bit.
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four-loose-screws · 3 months
FE2 Novelization Translation - Book 1 Epilogue
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Just south of Zofia Castle is a small hill designated as sacred ground. The current momentary peace and quiet was accompanied by the sound of the rolling waves, and the small seaside hill was bathed in a faint darkness. 
Silque stepped away from everyone else, currently in their castle celebrating their victory, and walked up to Kliff’s grave on those sacred grounds. She placed a few wild chrysanthemums on his gravestone, with his name still only newly chiseled upon it, spelled ‘Klihs.’ After saying a prayer for his soul, she was quiet for a moment, then began to speak.
“Kliff. As you took your final breath, you were trying to say something to me. Your mouth moved to form a few words. But I couldn’t hear you, so I’ve spent all this time trying to figure out what you were saying.
“Why did you and I know Alm’s secret, something kept from even the highest ranking officials in Zofia? You realized the reason, but I did not.
“…Sister. That is what you said to me then. Sister. That was your final word. I should have held you tighter. Even now, the deep regret I feel is eating away at me.” The chrysanthemums shook as Silque shed a tear, and it fell on one of the flower petals.
"You knew Alm's secret. And so did I. I said that we should tell Alm what it was, so that we could avoid it becoming a reality.  But you said that I mustn’t tell him, because keeping it from hum would save the world. You were so worried that you never left my side for even a second. Whenever Alm and I were alone, you would become all the more anxious, and I understood exactly how you felt.
“When you died, Alm cursed Emperor Rudolf. That made me finally feel scared enough to say something to him, and when we were in Zofia Castle that night, I started to go to the watchtower to tell him everything.
‘But halfway there, Sir Mycen stopped me. As he patted my head, he begged through tears for me to forgive him, but still firmly warned me that I could not tell Alm anything. He also realized who I was.
“I was born at Rigel Castle. I remember the night before my third birthday very well. Mother took me and fled the castle, trying to escape. A little boy was sleeping peacefully on her chest. She was one of Rigel Castle’s wet nurses at that time.
“She said to me, “This child will become Rudolf II. He is a very important person.” I remember being angry that she seemed to be treating him as more important than me, and that he had a cross-shaped birthmark on his right hand.
“Mother left me in the care of a priory along her path. “Goodbye. Please live here happily.” She said.
“She must have been traveling to Ram Village then, to see Lord Mycen, who had planned everything. I do not know what became of her after that, but she is probably no longer alive.
“I think she had you in Ram Village because she was so lonely after losing me. I imagine you as a baby, hearing stories of the secret of Alm’s birth as you slept.
“Alm is Emperor Rudolf’s direct descendent, and his only son. And he is also the general of the reborn Knights of Zofia’s, whose greatest enemy is Emperor Rudolf. Alm restored the Kingdom of Zofia’s sovereignty today, and further sealed the path he is fated to walk down, which will lead him to fight Rudolf one day. It is finally decided. Father and son are on a cruel path of fate. One will have to kill the other.
“Kliff, you might be fortunate for being summoned ahead of us all to Mila’s side. You wished to see everything through to the very end, but I am not confident that you would have been able to bear the unfathomable sadness awaiting us.”
Silque placed a finger on Kliff’s gravestone, and slowly traced the letters of his name. “Klihs. Shilk. My dear little brother, with the same name as I. Sleep well. Though the sadness of losing you is its own tragedy, the real tragedy has yet to begin.”
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Here, she greatly respects Chozen and feels very warm affection for him, loves her beautiful girls... but she still prays for Daniel. 😭 😭 As someone whose favourite character is Chozen (and Daniel lmao) that hurts to read. Wish my man had ended up with someone who loves him the world over arghhhh. I feel sorry for Kumiko too. Daniel is still her great love, but Terry has taken first place in his heart. On the other hand, it never fails to crack me up just how obsessed Terry is with Daniel and how he simply MUST have him no matter what. I feel like in any universe, this is a given.
Cobra Kai is suprisingly much deeper about relationships than it has any right to be. What they actually set up with Daniel and his lingering obsession with Terry; Kumiko and her inability to move on (so incredibly cruel for them to do that!); Terry's lingering unfinished business with Daniel; Chozen not being able to get over himself enough to settle down either... wow that's a lot to unpack.
I'm so interested in the way that the show chose to make Terry such a lingering presence in Daniel's life from Daniel's first appearance onward. Daniel kind of married Terry even in canon. Amanda is freakishly similar to Terry in looks and character. To me, that tells me that there is something that binds them together even if it isn't a simple relationship. But there is also something that binds Daniel, Chozen and Kumiko together. I really do feel that there was something at least on Chozen's side, when it comes to Kumiko before Daniel came to the island. But going by the show they seem to have been in contact quite regularly for Kumiko to have Chozen's number and be in on a prank to bring Daniel and Chozen together. So why are Kumiko and Chozen not dating? They are both free and they seem close! Apparently Daniel stands between them, if he would never want that for either of them! I really think that in another timeline, either post Karate Kid canon, or even this AU, the three of them are a throuple, at least in spirit!
For instance: in the movieverse, If Daniel had returned to Okinawa and married Kumiko before the beginning of CK, he would have opened a dojo with Chozen and within 5 years they'd all be happily cohabitating and having amazing sex. Daniel having coaxed Mr. Miyagi back to Yukie. But he can't, right, because where does that leave Terry? In the alternative omegaverse timeline then, where Kumiko falls pregnant with Daniel's puppy, I can actually imagine Chozen saying: why can't I mate them both? I'll raise the pup! I'll have his pups, her pups, maybe she has his puppy again, idc! He's hot! And the Don and Sato going "Who do you think you are, the Emperor?" Daniel would be like "Fine, if that means I can have both my puppy and my wife, we'll make it work!" But there is Italian marriage politics at play, the Don's attachment to his youngest, plus the lingering threat of a certain Terry Silver...
In this, the Knights and Pawns universe, Chozen did feel some kind of way seeing Kumiko and Daniel together, and he hates Terry on sight. But he and his wife go back to their lives, have puppies and have the kind of love and friendship that gets built over decades of companionship. There's simply something destined about both damiko and silverusso, in my view, that cannot be prevented. I really would have hoped for Chozen and Kumiko to sincerely move on and find love on their own terms, but that is not canon, so it creeps into my fic too, always. Last but not least - Johnny Lawrence and John Kreese also have a place in each other's and Daniel's life in every universe.
It is what it is, Nonnie, I am so sorry.
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thomacrumbs · 3 years
vincit qui se vincit.
various boys (albedo, diluc, aether, xiao, childe, gorou, kazuha, thoma) x gn! reader. fantasy! au. blurbs, mostly fluff. nouns used: sorcerer (childe) & witch (kazuha) w/ gender neutral pronouns. ♡s & ↻s appreciated!
notes: i brainrotted. i was listening to joy's album while writing this ^^
the great alchemist albedo is just a myth, or so people think. cursed to live forever as a spirit bound to a teapot by a witch, he sits, bored out of his mind, on the shelves of a dingy antique shop. until one day, against the warnings of the antique shop owner, who warns of bad luck & misfortune, you purchase the quaint teapot & rescues him from his prison. he clatters menacingly on your countertop, only to be ignored by you for days on end before you finally lift the lid off the teapot, releasing his spirit into the realm of the living (its not as bad as it sounds. he is neither threatening nor scary). he doesn't have the heart to tell the human he's grown quite fond of that he's slowly disappearing.
diluc ragvindr.
the ludi harpstum is a festival of wine & song, celebrating the long history of the city of mondstadt, filled with games & song. this year, it seems like the knights of favonius has gone all out with their preparations, even calling in the famed circus of performers that has travelled every corner of teyvat, wowing people with daring flips mid-air, disappearing limbs & tight-rope on the thinnest of threads. the music & laughter of children is so loud that you could hear it from the windows of the dawn winery. an unwilling diluc is dragged against his will to at least view the once in a lifetime circus act, only to be charmed by the cute magic performer who winks at him from the stage as poker cards fly into the air. suddenly he finds himself going to bed thinking about them and wakes up in cold sweat wanting to talk to them. but, the ludi harpstum is only 15 days, can he catch you before you slip through his fingers?
yeah. maybe you shouldn't have tried to summon a guardian angel, but to be fair your friend put you up to this. now this blonde biblically inaccurate angel is bound to you by contract, and you have another headache to worry about alongside your minimum wage job, messy apartment and the neighbour from next door who keeps taking your flour. not to mention his constant rambling about his sister who you've unceremoniously torn him away from, and suddenly you're repeating this entire ritual, because you cannot say no to those eyes (and maybe you did want to impress him, what about it?) it didn't work, but he doesn't seem that peeved, especially when he settles on your bed after you've fallen into deep sleep, pressing a kiss to your forehead and affectionally calling you cute. he is your guardian angel, at the end of the day.
you're the famed dragon rider in the skies of liyue. the winner of several races, competitions & illustrated celebrity in the devoted dragon owner scene. afterall, you ride the only remaining off-spring of morax, a gift from the emperor himself. you boast that no one else could tame your dragon except for you, and for a long while, this seems true. it blows curling flames at anyone who dares come close & curls it spiked tail protectively around you to ward off any unsavoury people. that is, until an unknown melody that carries over the wind calls your dragon down from the skies, and suddenly you are hurtling through the skies at insane speeds.
he came to liyue for one reason only (two, actually, but morax is dead now, so no boxing him), to challenge the great sorcerer branded by the archons. he's heard about their miracles from a young age, the ability to call down thunder from the skies, resurrecting the dead, moving the entire earth with a simple flick. the only obstacle in his way is that this sorcerer is near unidentifiable, with not even a name to put to a face. imagine his shock when the very sorcerer saves him from certain death, and he finds out they're not an old man hobbling around with a cane, but a young person around his age. oops can't fight if you're too distracted by how good your opponent looks. damn they look good kicking my ass i should do this more often.
his dog has had enough of his single shit, crying into an empty bowl of icecream after watching the notebook, wailing about how he "wishes that were him". the animal whisperer who likes hanging around the local dog park is very surprised when they hear a yapping dog bark that his owner needs a significant other stat, he's desperate and alone, applications open please help my mess of an owner. but hey, you aren't complaining, he's pretty cute, and you find it cute that he tries to stop his tail from wagging whenever he sees you.
kazuha kaedehara.
from a young age, he's heard of the immortal witch that hides in their cottage in the thick of the dark forest nears the borders of inazuma. and nothing stops him from pounding on the door of the run down cottage, not even the animate vines that snap at him and trees that uproot themselves to stop him from advancing further. afterall, an immortal being must know the answer to bringing back someone from the dead, right? he near sobs when they tell him that it's impossible, the dead have to stay dead. he doesn't understand at first, but the witch is kinder than he expected, helping him through the memories, painful & happy. but he doesn't miss the flit of pain behind their eyes whenever he talks about losing someone, afterall, time is cruel to all.
thoma thinks he's being seduced. afterall, isn't that what sirens do? sing of a pretty future, the numbers to win the future lottery. even though thoma has never won the lottery with their numbers, he stills himself entranced & walks down to the beach everyday to listen to them talk & sing, sitting on the edge of the rock as cold water clashes with his temperature that naturally runs high. finally, he gets the courage to confront them- he doesn't want to fall in love because of magic, that's not right. only to be met with a confused look, you're a half human half mermaid, not a siren. thoma fucking dies of embarrassment when he realises that he was simply in love all along.
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
So. Took a look into that fic @nilsh13 is going through the comments of. Dunno if I’ll actually go through the entire thing - 300k words is certainly a lot of words to read through, especially with it still updating, but I’ve read through/am reading through longer ones - but I jumped to the latest chapter to get a feel for where the fic’s at now.
I’m not halfway through the chapter and I have Words To Say lmao, under the cut
This is going to be as serious a critique about the sections I’ve selected as possible - I want to be clear why I think what is being written is not of high quality, pointing out specifically what I have wrong with it. 
Here are some snippets of the fic (boldened), and following those snippets are my thoughts on them:
“My actions have caused immense turmoil, pitting friend against friend, mother against daughter, and brother against sister*,” muttered Edelgard, desperately trying to drive any hint of self-pity (emphasis mine) from her voice. “My best friend has been disowned by her family, Hubert and Ferdinand’s fathers are dead or imprisoned, and the woman I love is now deemed a heretic by the Church that once offered her shelter. The weight of my decisions seems to pull down all who are caught in the shadow of the Imperial crown.” The Flame Emperor gave Professor Hanneman a wan smile. “Whatever imagined slights you believe you have committed against me, they pale in comparison to the carnage my own words and deeds have unleashed.” 
""I made my choice, the only choice I could make, and dragged this continent down to hell with me. It makes me a poor ruler, and an even baser person, but that was the path I knew I must take."" 
“"It is funny you use the word ‘choice’, Miss Edelgard. When I resigned my title to study at Garreg Mach, I lost marriage prospects, became penniless outside of a small stipend…I even renounced the opportunity to have a family.” Hanneman smiled, his whole body suffused with melancholy. “Really, how could I dare to dream of bringing a daughter into a world this senseless and cruel, knowing that someday, she too, could be hurt in such a way? I…I would not survive it.” The man’s body shook. “I sacrificed those things, things I desperately wanted, because the chance to allow my sister to rest in peace was more important. And I would make that choice again, despite all that it has cost me. You are much the same.”"
"“But your sacrifices were your own,” protested the Emperor of Adrestia. “Thousands bleed for the choices that I have made, and sacrifice themselves for the cause that I have placed before them. There is a profound difference-“"
"“We are both wise enough to know a painful truth,” said the scholar with a melancholy smile. “No matter how grave the sins, no matter how many innocents suffer…there will be countless individuals who will defend the law not because it is just, or righteous, but because it is the law. They will permit a hundred Abysses, and a thousand women to be raped, and a million dead children, as long as such actions do not disturb their order.” He placed a hand on Edelgard’s shoulder. “To stand against such moral rot, knowing that the world will despise and vilify you for it, is the truest sign of not only a just ruler, but a good woman.”"
"The academic’s words blazed with the passion of both a scholar and a man who had watched his world crumble to ash. A man who had been forced to live in the remnants of a life forever altered by the cruelty of both society and of humanity. And yet he had fought, the only way he could, to make the world better. It gave the Flame Emperor new resolve."
"“I…” He turned and looked away. “I believe in you, Miss Edelgard. When I see you, and your determination, your spirit, your bravery in choosing not what is easy, but what is right…it reminds me of her.” Fingers clenched around his locket. “I will fight for you, in the way I should have fought for my sister, long ago. My strength is meagre, and my courage more meagre still. However, all of it is yours.”" 
The author writes Edelgard as one trying to give pity onto herself for her actions, despite how negatively they affect her, due to the immense ramifications those actions have had on those both around her and those under her care. This is the appropriate response to someone who has done as morally dubious an action as starting and spearheading a war that has led to the deaths and suffering of countless innocent people, some of whom were undoubtedly already going through immense suffering without war compounding itself onto their already existing pain. She - rightfully - points as, as a negative towards herself, that she has forced thousands of people to sacrifice their lives, livelihoods, friends, family, homes, etc. in order to continue with her war. Edelgard's canonical self-justification - that she had no other choice to do this - is properly utilized, and further characterization is given to her when she herself recognizes that performing such horrendous actions on the people under her care makes her a poor ruler and terrible person. This is, in truth, a decent set-up for her to go onto a possible path of redemption or self-realization.
However, that progress is forcibly stopped and reverted by Hanneman justifying her actions and recontextualizing them in a morally good light. In fact, the entire story does this, as characters act wildly out of character in order for Edelgard to be seen as good in comparison to them. Focusing on the quoted lines, however, Hanneman relating him giving up nobility and going into momentary poverty - whether true to canon or not - to Edelgard's war actively paints her actions as something that she had a right to be making, which she does not, as they force others to make sacrifices for her cause. When she herself rightfully points this discrepancy out, Hanneman excuses her actions by pointing to another - supposed - source of turmoil and essentially saying "You are more right than x, therefore your y actions are not only better, but objectively good, and make you a good person." He says nothing of the inherent injustice of taking away the choice of the people to live as they want and fight for who they want as well as deliberately taking away any semblance of safety from them, and makes objective statements about Edelgard's moral righteousness despite her taking actions that would, by definition, make her moral righteousness a subjective matter at minimum.
Hanneman is projecting the image of his sister and his own personal sense of justice onto Edelgard, and thus sees her as just as much a victim of the war and society as everyone else. Edelgard is a young woman who has gone through trauma due to Crests, as was his sister, and he himself (in this story, though not within the quoted lines) wanted to beat the man who abused his sister to death, and so he sees Edelgard using violence as a means to achieve justice as not only not questionable, but morally good and brave, as he felt he was not brave enough to enact "justice" onto the man that caused his sister's death. Instead of this being settled, focused on, or even mentioned, despite its obvious nature due to deliberate connections Hanneman himself makes, it is used as a means to showcase that Hanneman is a, for lack of a better term, "expert" on what he is saying when speaking to Edelgard. He knows what it's like to want to force change, he has by-proxy experienced the apparent injustice of the Church - not human society, not his family's decision to allow his sister to be married off, not the man who caused her death's decision to discard her, but strictly the Church and only the Church - and so he can "rightfully" justify and excuse Edelgard's morally questionable actions and paint them in a solely positive light, with no nuance or gray whatsoever.
Edelgard, in the first quote, attempts to say her actions without a tone of self-pity, and yet the narrative itself pities Edelgard. She should be allowed to feel bad about her actions - not because they are causing unfathomable suffering on people who were underserving, but because they’re just hard decisions that she was good and brave to make and maybe she can feel a little bad for herself for making them. She shouldn't feel responsible for choosing to start the war - in fact, did she really have a choice, or did everyone else in society force her to? She shouldn't question whether she's a good person or not, because she simply is - no debate, no question. She is - “justly” - standing up against "moral rot"; that she does so with even more moral rot is irrelevant, because, according to the story, it is not as rotten as that she's up against, therefore it is no longer rotten in the first place. War has been completely justified, as it is now not the last resort of desperation that could only ever be morally grey at its absolute best, but an objectively morally white decision of an objectively morally white person who is facing an objectively morally black opponent.
The actions of other characters attempt to paint Edelgard as someone closer to the former, but I will - maybe - eventually go over how those characters are extremely mischaracterized in order to prop Edelgard as their moral superior. 
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catthegreat123 · 3 years
From life to death, from the last to the first
In the beginning there was only yesterday, ruled by fifteen gods.
These gods grew in strength and even more with the want to create.
So the first Ą̸̡̨̛̭͎̲̪͔̜͖̰̱̜̘͇̹͚͓͍͚̼̗̦̯̬̞͔͓̣̘͖̥̘̱̩̯̃̋̏̉̔͋͋̒̀͛̑̽͒̌̄̐̀̇͊̍̓̊́̽͌̒͗̇̒̈̅͘̚͘͝͠͠͝ͅl̷̨̛̜̺͙̤̘͆͑̆̈̇̃̊̀̽͂̔̀͑̎͆̔̀̅̂͂̌̉͒͆͗̍̆̋͊̚̕̕̕͘ͅl̵̨̛̛̦͍̥̅̈̓͒̐̎̾̅͂̌̃̊͆̅̌̊̉̔́̆͊̓͐͆̀͒̀̓̅͛̒̋͛͆͘̕̚̚͘͠͠m̴̛̲̟̳̪̱̻̰̞̪̲̯̺̉̂̔̍͑̌̈́̓̽̉̾̀̌͐̍͑́͊̾͊̈́̇̈̏͌̅͊͘̕͝͝͝o̷̧̧̡̧̢͖̤̹̩̼͉̩̭̾̌̒̉̀̾̅̐́́̏̓͌̍̑̓́̈́͛̑͒̓͊̓̂̔̕͘͜͝͠͠ẗ̷̡̢̜̬̺̮͕̬͖̹͎̪͓͉̳̳̮͕́̈́͋̇̚̚͜h̷̛̥̖̬̜̘̼͎̣̟͚̯͙͉̱̥̦̥̭̀̌͑̈́͛̐͗̈́̕͜͝͝ͅe̶̢̢̢̛͇̰̟̦̦͎̟̪̱̭̘̹͕̫͈̜̮͈̰̞̬͊̒̄̈̉̋̋̅̔̉̅̊̈́̎̀͐̌͛͋͛͗̑͌̂̈̊̎̓̆͗̃͂̽̍̕̕̚͝͝͠͝͠͝ŗ̵̧̢̨̧̡͙̥̼̯̣̭͕̙͖̗͉̣͙̫̫̜͕͍̜̟̣̻̪̱̘͕̗̰̦̜̮̝͖̞̖͇͈̤͔̻͊̌̓̂͜ͅͅͅs̸̨̧͓͈̳̩͚̑͌̋̆̑͋̈́͂̈́̀̾̒͑͘̕ were created.
They breathed life into a distorted growing world, a vast landmass emerging in their wake. The fifteen gods who created land and sea.
The Ą̸̡̨̛̭͎̲̪͔̜͖̰̱̜̘͇̹͚͓͍͚̼̗̦̯̬̞͔͓̣̘͖̥̘̱̩̯̃̋̏̉̔͋͋̒̀͛̑̽͒̌̄̐̀̇͊̍̓̊́̽͌̒͗̇̒̈̅͘̚͘͝͠͠͝ͅl̷̨̛̜̺͙̤̘͆͑̆̈̇̃̊̀̽͂̔̀͑̎͆̔̀̅̂͂̌̉͒͆͗̍̆̋͊̚̕̕̕͘ͅl̵̨̛̛̦͍̥̅̈̓͒̐̎̾̅͂̌̃̊͆̅̌̊̉̔́̆͊̓͐͆̀͒̀̓̅͛̒̋͛͆͘̕̚̚͘͠͠m̴̛̲̟̳̪̱̻̰̞̪̲̯̺̉̂̔̍͑̌̈́̓̽̉̾̀̌͐̍͑́͊̾͊̈́̇̈̏͌̅͊͘̕͝͝͝o̷̧̧̡̧̢͖̤̹̩̼͉̩̭̾̌̒̉̀̾̅̐́́̏̓͌̍̑̓́̈́͛̑͒̓͊̓̂̔̕͘͜͝͠͠ẗ̷̡̢̜̬̺̮͕̬͖̹͎̪͓͉̳̳̮͕́̈́͋̇̚̚͜h̷̛̥̖̬̜̘̼͎̣̟͚̯͙͉̱̥̦̥̭̀̌͑̈́͛̐͗̈́̕͜͝͝ͅe̶̢̢̢̛͇̰̟̦̦͎̟̪̱̭̘̹͕̫͈̜̮͈̰̞̬͊̒̄̈̉̋̋̅̔̉̅̊̈́̎̀͐̌͛͋͛͗̑͌̂̈̊̎̓̆͗̃͂̽̍̕̕̚͝͝͠͝͠͝ŗ̵̧̢̨̧̡͙̥̼̯̣̭͕̙͖̗͉̣͙̫̫̜͕͍̜̟̣̻̪̱̘͕̗̰̦̜̮̝͖̞̖͇͈̤͔̻͊̌̓̂͜ͅͅͅs̸̨̧͓͈̳̩͚̑͌̋̆̑͋̈́͂̈́̀̾̒͑͘̕ had three for every of their species, the first mothers. They are false gods, worshipped for their power but just as dangerous and killable as a minawnii.
I feel the rocks shift, I watched my sisters leave for the shallow colors above me. I want to sleep, I do not care for yesterday it bores me, though I do quite like the island in the middle.
It’s so full of life and society builds around herds of thousands….that’s the only place I want to go. Maybe I will go one day…maybe…
I reached my head out of the sea, watching the sands of tomorrow calling for something to take me from this sea to the land beyond. I have hoped for eons for that, now yesterday is gone, Today is here.
I have watched things pass over me as the land becomes lush, huge white kangaroo-like beings. They have black pupils that have watched me…I will not care when they die..
As I beg on this watery fence a nycoton comes to me, oh how I owe them my life. I know now I should not have cared for another mortal again after this NYCOTON but I did, and it hurts me still.
They stared at me like a pitiful dog who just fell in the river, I am older than the lush grass beneath that creatures claws. Though I will never be able to tell them not in my garbled words, corrupted and vile.
The white beasts came and attacked the poor creature ripping them apart, they died taking me to that lake, forever I wonder how it would be if they never lifted me from that cursed stream.
They lifted me from those waves and took me to a lake, an oasis. The same white creatures stare at me forever more like I am a plague come to kill them. In the end I was I guess…
The days grew hotter and I watched the pond shrink as centuries passed it became sand, the dense fur of those white diesura made them leave I think. They looked panicked every time I rose my head from the water, tossing meat at me in fear.
They ran and the oasis was empty for a while I watched hungrily, and soon wardens came.
Huge creatures, hellions I believe they came in wondrous elegance casting order in an empty land. They were at war I think, they didn’t like a poisonous alternates, big as them or as toxic as a mola mola.
I watched as in fear a huge green portal ripped through the sky, I watched as these wardens, overseers, protecters.
They betrayed their own duty….
They chased the creatures they warred with to the sky killing those who ran. I saw a young sar’hingaro fly away in tears, given mercy and vengeance by the wardens, allowed to live forever alone in this evil land.
I decided this land must learn, I told stories and legends from yesterday to anyone who came near my pond, speaking of trees bigger than imaginable, and mushroom grass that fed you like berries.
They all listened to these tales, some stayed to hear more, despite the stories being limited to the tales and songs told to me by the winds.
These tales attracted many beings across the lands, some came to the oasis for the stories. But overtime it became that the creatures wanted to not be alone.
Many creatures were roaming the land, alone save for their family. This barren desert served a collection, the steps and gallops of these creatures led to the oasis becoming more desert like.
Under the wardens rule the land flourished, but I listened to the wind, and heard the cries of that sar from oh so long ago.
It was called grief, it was alone forevermore, all it’s people left in a wasteland save for this poor beast.
Grief, as what was it’s name, grows to vengeance, so I watched as the sky was painted green in its monstrous size.
I watched helpless, as the wardens queen, a huge boreal, followed by verdants, ardors, and hellions alike.
It was a slaughter, the beasts I played games with and wondered at snow the young creatures I watched dance under the moon,
Fire painted the sand red as the sar named grief destroyed the land, blowing holes in the mountains.
I watched it felt as if my gills ripped themselves from my body and cried with me.
A black and white kendyll heard, it listened to my distorted garbles, incomprehensible but full of tangible emotion, I had not eaten in so long and I was sad.
The kendyll listened and left for a few days and brung me, a carcass of something too marred with bites and blood to tell. I stayed quiet, carnage wrote itself over this poor thing.
I feasted like a starving dog that night.
I learned how to speak sonarian better because of that kendyll, she talked to me so much….it was nice. A friend…I hadn’t had that in many millenia they were something I wanted to be if I could walk these lands…
But all things die, some more brutally than most.
I woke up one day swimminb to the shallows looking for that kendyll who spoke to me so much bringing me food and warming a heart as cold as the trenches below. Only to find only her dead floating body , bobbing on the surface of the sea covered in poison, already starting to rot.
Yet again I felt my heart twist and feel heavy, yet again that horrible feeling you despicable mortals call….grief. I swam around the shallows looking for any sign it was a joke…it wasn’t…
I will keep hope I WILL you mortals are just….lost…
But after a week or so, her child came to me, tail between their legs filled with the same twisting sight in their own hearts. They ranted sadly about how unfair it was an so on and so forth, I listened my heart broke a little more…. More than a god could even stand….. funny..
I have been here since the world began but I just can let go of the fact that mortals are corrupt.
The young kendyll grew older, as all mortals grew, they shown like stars on their stripes, a beauty to rival the three moons above our own heads, but at a cost of their own mother. A sad price I don’t think any being would pay…
I came to the shallows again hoping to be given food by the sad kendyll but found their drowned body instead, another friend had died. Those useless mortals can’t stay ALIVE why can’t they just STAY.
Yet again I cried and cried, but I didn’t want them to be eaten by a hungry idiotic scavenger so I buried their body in the sandy waters where kelp still grows, green by my blessing.
The last these kendylls to bring me food was the sad ones niece. I never learned their name but they were excitable. They ruled when the rulers of the oasis were divided, and rules were strict and cruel.
She ranted to me about the unfair rules and made plans of rebellion, they never came true though…. She died of sadness after she found her eggs crushed, and wife dead.
So useless….
The ani’s lasted longest out of all the rulers of the oasis, probably more than in the rule of the cruel Jeff’s.
The Jeff’s I never saw, but was told to me by the gods. The Jeff’s who built castles out of lightning and rock. Bigger than mountains and crushed creatures big and small out of rage.
The ani’s grew to a empire across the oasis. They swam in my waters playing and giving me food, as every ruler did before.
They were cruel killing every carnivore that came, it was hypocritical in a sense, they kept me alive at the cost of many I will never know…..
Their foolishness though led them to die to a volcanic eruption. I do not miss them though, they were religious and hateful to other species.
The ones who had lived under other kings, queens, emperors and empresses.
The final true caretaker was a green kendyll, scarred and mute. He never spoke but he is the only one I knew by name. The kendyll’s name was luv, a weird one but land dwellers are like that.
He showed me things in the sand I will never see and I marveled at it despite my life eons longer than his.
He brung me food more than the others, quiet, always seeming regretful.
One day I watched as he looked around with insanity in his eyes, a need to kill.
I watched as he killed anyone in his path, it was a slaughter. He killed everything, the sands blood red. Bubbling with hate and white hot vengeance.
Luv roared words that could only be described as madness, and anger that was fueled by a broken mind.
He screamed and crashed in hatred killing the divided rulers and their people. When I looked out of the pool of water I saw blood everywhere. Many sought retribution.
He came back after a few weeks scarred beyond comprehension and filled with grief. I couldn’t bear to lose another “friend”. I tried to protect him but….Luv didn’t survive his grief of killing so many. I tried hard to protect him and heal him, but it was all for not.
So that night he passed away.
As many centuries passed, empires and tyrants rose and fell like the suns above us all, the oasis changed. The sand would forevermore be red with rage and insanity and murder and disaster haunted every corner. I protected those who asked but was feared.
Kohiiki’s as old as me looked ghoulish and as ancient as I was I still hoped every little creature to every mammoth would live in peace one day.
One who shared my thoughts was a small vaumora not even three, who danced and played on the shallows of my large pond, always joyous when I spoke in my garbled mimicry of you land dwellers language.
The vaumora seemed to light up every bit of the red sands painted by blood for so long. Making even the worst of the inhabitants smile. But the little vaumora’s joy didn’t last, caught in the crossfire of a turf war, they died in flames.
I loved the oasis but I had seen it grow for what was three millennia now, crying over lost friends or watching coldy over corrupt rulers.
The last of these rulers to ever reign under my blessing and hopes was a group of jotunhel.
These seals were smart enough to protect and Ally with the worst but after so many generations the ideals changed. War painted the dunes, the plains, and redwoods. What was my last promise was gone, so I take my last goodbye.
I have watched the world change and tears of the last wardens. I hope while I leave to the dark abyss that I came from, immortal as I am. That your world changes to something better.
But I will not watch, my heart has been ripped from my gills to many times for that.
I want to come back, maybe when you have learned…
So goodbye to the oasis May we meet again at a time which is better.
I have listened to the words of the wind for a long, long time. Watching the waves sing their hymns to me
My hope, despite being broken so many times may just be true. So I tell my sights back to the place a lot oh so long ago.
When I returned it was not the same place, scattered but at peace. It did have an overseer of sorts.
I really should have listened to those words and warnings the wind carried to me, through the depths of the ocean to the place this world rose from.
I placed to much hope in you creatures filled with greed and fear, to angry at each other to notice what had watched, like me fro an eternity.
Aereis were old things, things that had been there since before the mountains were even molehills.
They always watched, some came but many hid and died in the ancient mountains of yesterday.
But for every species there was an allmother, the first of their kind, immortal and huge. There were three Aereis that were allmother’s, and one who watched a bit to closely. They were jealous of the allmother kohiiki who despite their title never had a single child.
A false god of sorts, she was jealous that they played, and spoke, and shared eternal knowledge to those from today and tomorrow. The Aereis waited, and waited for three millennia, and finally the Kohiiki allmother left, sad and hopeless.
The Aereis flew down casting order and life in to a broken kingdom teaching them of the world from before, when the volcano was a mountain in a sea. When the very oasis they stood on was nothing more than an island therochales congregated in massive herds of thousands.
The broken lands stood in confliction staring hatefully at the first predators, the ones who caused this wonderlands destruction.
From this hate the Aereis allmother molded the land into what she thought as perfect.
A land with no rules and only her false prophecies stolen from the great lmakosauridons from that long taken sleep and dreamed of better days.
I saw what had become of my waters filled with scratch marks, trying to get rid of what was the last words to this beloved place to me.
What changed?
I saw the Aereis, staring along the land like it was a junevile just out of the egg. What cruel fate was this?
I forged this land though my broken heart and it now belonged to a false god? They did not know who had forged these sands into something better, who watched it change and cry?
I looked for anything that remained, I may have been confined to the waters and held captive by the binds of the waves but the rain and wind told me songs and stories from tomorrow and today.
I listened to what happened, not of peace but of trickery and jealousy, and I raged.
I called every storm I could call hoping for change
I called for the greatest floods and the strongest hurricanes
The most evil gales that tore through mountains like paper
I called to every cloud and every drop of water to reek justice to what had been my hopes and dreams.
Dishonor to had been once was, but I am not cruel.
I called to the furies had sent to not harmed those who still remembered, those undeserving of the evils. Those who met justice would be given it in kind, I will reap just what they sought.
What was left of my land, stricken grew better, the red sands filled with blood no longer haunted the corrupt oasis. Trees grew tall and the island from yesterday grew back. But this cruelty still must meet justice.
I swam to the heart of this world and cried my regret, not thinking of the blood shed to a world that will never know. I will give something back to fix what had been lost.
I wanted to give the gift of a portal locked away. The wardens were long gone, I could not open it.
So I searched for some being who could. For decades a swam the endless waters, listened to the rains chatter and the winds excited symphonies.
I found what could’ve been, the tired ancient sar’hingaro from the days of the hellions, and it’s dying hope. I took what was needed, a soul for the freedom of a wastelands sorrows.
Finally my gift had been given, the world the wardens locked away in their unfit justice.
So few were left from that exile but they came back and I was happy.
I watched as my gift healed the blood that had built this tomorrow.
I am at peace now so I say this to my last hopes and dreams, I am ready to sleep I have rebuilt a world into something that yesterday had been, today had destroyed, and tomorrow was again.
It had been 20 long millennium and I am tired, so I sleep in the primordial rocks I came from with my two sisters. They will comfort me while I sleep, have been away from them for much to long…
From the ends of the earth and the reaches of the sky, my greatest treasure, I have told to you,
Till I awake again,
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phoenixtakaramono · 4 years
The Untold Tale - ch2 Preview
SUMMARY: Let it not be said that Shen Yuan didn’t know how to be an accomplished—arguably better—writer than Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky! A middle-aged author in his hubris, he’d unknowingly triggered his fate and had his consciousness whisked away into an unfathomable mystical world that he would later learn to be based on Proud Immortal Demon Way and his very own work-in-progress. When given the opportunity to customize his character’s stats and to design his one remaining Customizable Skill Slot, as a veteran reader of transmigration stories and its tropes, Shen Yuan demanded, “Grant me the protagonist’s halo of course!”
The SYSTEM was silent all but for a minute.【Understood. Unique Skill <<PROTAGONIST’S HALO>> activated. Esteemed Host, you share the Unique Skill <<PROTAGONIST’S HALO>> with one other.】
【This world’s Luo Binghe. From the original novel series.】
“...Hold on, I need some time to process this.”
(Little did Shen Yuan know that this world’s Luo Binghe is the same sadistic Heavenly Demon “Bing gē” who’d stumbled upon the alternate universe version of his “Shizun” enjoying marital bliss with “Bing mèi” in one of the released Extra short stories. It was also too bad that Shen Yuan, in his mortal form, resembled Shen Qingqiu by a good thirty-to-forty percent.) 
(It’s a sort-of redemption fic. I think Bing gē deserves his own Shen Yuan. Some soulmates are just meant to be....)
Luo Binghe didn’t reply immediately when the low voice graced his ears. He was content to drink his fill of the fortuneteller before him, his breath stolen. 
It was as if the Heavens had sculpted this extraordinary fairy from the white nephrite mines of the Tian Shan Mountains and had breathed life into their creation. Such a man gave the impression of a heron found resting in the wetlands, with an immaculately majestic white plumage and tall stature and long legs. The crown had lent him a dignified air, with its moonstone threads giving off a resplendent iridescent sheen in the moonlight. Aside from the face, any sign of skin was covered up beneath the many fabrics of dark blue finery and silverspun threads. The gossamer tips of the white embroidered wings on the back of his outer robe fanned out along the bend of those wide sleeves as though the wings of the egert were extended around the wearer himself, the outstretched tips of the chiffon weaving gracefully in the air from any subtle breeze or movement. 
Luo Binghe stared brazenly at the man’s high collar which was fastened securely around the throat, not allowing a sliver of skin to be exposed. In contrast, the mink fur of the man’s outer robe looked luxurious and soft to the touch, begging for him to sink his fingers into it. 
He was the very representation of how Luo Binghe had imagined a celestial being to appear sequestered away in the coveted Heavenly Realm, mature and self-restrained and untouched by matters of the secular world. Luo Binghe shifted, briefly scanning the surroundings. Like seeing through a fog, colors of this mystic world were not as vibrant as that in the Mortal Realm. Frozen clouds hung in the outskirts of the infinite pond, the picture of twilight outside, with heaven and earth enveloped in silver and white.
Because Luo Binghe was once brought up with the common people who believed in everything divine—or supposed to be divine, no matter whether it was associated with Buddhism, the Dao, or the cult of the dead—he was familiar with the folklores and fictions that populated the imaginations of his countrymen. The educated class never made it an occasion to question the validity of the myriad of deities worshipped by the illiterate masses. Except for deities, everything under the sky was the King's land; everyone on these lands were the King's subjects. For reasons of courting blessings and averting calamities, mortals in their middle empire followed the teaching of Confucius in their religious beliefs, including the lesson to treat all divinities with reverence and to regard them at a cold, respectable distance. 
And among those popular tales, Luo Binghe was familiar with the mythology of the Eight Great Fairies. Like cultivators, they represented the pinnacle of human beings who had acquired immortality and magic through the constant practice of the esoteric discipline of Dao, achieving a status of divinity and ascending from the secular world. If this celestial was a fortuneteller, then his situation reminded Luo Binghe of the story of Ho Hsien-ku. Endowed with a supernatural power, the magician could make divinations and prophecies without the slightest mistakes.
“My story?” Luo Binghe rasped, intentionally obtuse. His expression relaxing, he permitted his hand to be lowered but he kept the tight grip on the man’s wrist. 
When the immortal had spoken, contrary to his aloof and handsome appearance which resembled white frost, his voice was as refreshing as a spring brook. Every word he’d uttered was infused with a bit of warmth, reminding Luo Binghe of the afterglow that followed the setting sun—even with the slightest warning lodged in that tactful entreaty. He’d called him xiōng dì, so Luo Binghe could surmise the celestial considered himself as Luo Binghe’s senior.
It was obvious that while he was wary of a Heavenly Demon’s sudden appearance at his residence, the ethereal being didn’t seem to bear him any misgivings. He seemed more curious about how Luo Binghe ended up here.
“...This lord doesn’t recall crossing a silver bridge,” Luo Binghe continued slowly. In their tales, the Heavenly Realm was ruled by the Jade Emperor who presided over a court of deities worshipped throughout China. Only human beings who had lived exemplary lives were allowed entry after death by crossing the “the silver bridge” into this domain and being reborn as gods.
His body and mind felt strangely refreshed, the internal fire no longer consuming him. There was a faint recollection of the feeling of fire abetting as the yin energy flowed through him, and even when he’d begun to regain consciousness, he remembered registering the feeling of a pair of hands on his back guiding him to lie back down. Realizing the significance of his position on the immortal’s lap after falling into the river, his eyes were overfilling with indescribable emotions after piecing together what must have happened. It was a small revelation that made his head dizzy.
The serene gaze settled upon his face, and beneath the thick eyelashes that were devoid of color, the immortal was assessing Luo Binghe with an intensity that he himself didn’t mind returning. 
In the deep recesses of his mind, Luo Binghe compared the differences of his features against two similar faces. He committed to memory the beguiling shade of jade found in those pale eyes, with the emotion that swum in them as calm as the surface of a lake. They were quite different from the cruel bottomless storms of his Shizun and the gentle overcast skies of the other “Shen Qingqiu.” 
To Luo Binghe, the existence of this person was akin to finding a painting that had been carefully preserved and well-hidden, like a fairy who has hidden his existence from the realms for centuries. His unusual appearance could even be likened to the seven wonders of the world, a peerless beauty that could even overshadow the female white snake spirit Bai Suzhen from fable. Celestials were naturally an enigmatic sight that stole a second glance and set the heart at ease. Luo Binghe felt as if he’d discovered an elusive treasure of indescribable rarity which had never before been gazed upon by the likes of mere mortals or demons. 
And he was undoubtedly his shizun, even with the differences. 
This was the one—the special existence that belonged to him. A chance encounter between a celestial and between a human who had the blood of ancient demons fallen from heaven running through his veins could only be testament to the natural balance of order.
The sudden damp touch against the side of his face made his eyelids jolt slightly, reacting to the drag of fabric along his skin. 
A pensive air seeped into the celestial’s demeanor, and Luo Binghe could sense he was contemplating Luo Binghe’s facial features. Deep in thought, the pad of his thumb carelessly brushed against his jaw, making Luo Binghe’s pupils constrict.
They were a pair of scholarly, masculine hands. Although the fortuneteller wore gloves, Luo Binghe could presume that those long fingers held a bit of roughness to them, calluses formed from training with a sword or from other extraneous activities. Having trained in the art of cultivation himself, Luo Binghe could not disregard the white sword sheathed at the immortal’s waist as being worn for decorative purposes. He gave the deceptive impression of being quiet and harmless, but Luo Binghe had discerned his body to be capable of releasing stored-up strength at any time. From his position lying on the immortal’s lap, Luo Binghe could sense the contoured muscles hidden beneath the folds of fabric. 
A mental image suddenly appeared in Luo Binghe’s mind which made him want to slide those offending garments off and sink his teeth into that pale, untarnished flesh which resembled the moonlight. The emotion in his gaze became all the more lascivious as he imagined the colors that’d bloom, branded by him.
In the same measured tone, the immortal proclaimed, “You are Luo Binghe?” When the smile spread across Luo Binghe’s face, the fortuneteller soon matched it. He answered himself amicably, “Yes, you are the one whom the fates smile upon…. It is an honor to finally meet the reputable young lord who presides over the demons. I present to you my greetings.”
“And to be able to meet you is seven lifetime’s worth of blessings.” He saw those snowy lashes flicker as the brows flew up. Seeing surprise coloring those features, Luo Binghe swallowed and rasped, “Permit me to be so bold, but this xiōng dì would be honored to know what this simple fortuneteller’s name is.”
Those pale jade eyes flickered past. “...I am known as Shen Yuan.”
Luo Binghe mouthed the name, repeating the consonants and the syllables. A look of hunger flitted across his face, before his expression soon resumed its natural state, sweet and indulgent. 
He can be good to this Shen Yuan.
(Chapter 1 can be found on AO3. Link is in my profile)
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the-littlest-goblin · 4 years
For fic requests!! Might one request some Percy and Keyleth comforting each other after a rough night? I miss them and their friendship,,, ;;
Man, it’s been so long since I wrote for VM. Thanks for this, I missed these guys! 
Set pre-stream, after the fight where Keyleth accidentally killed that kid. Y’know the one.
It’s very nice, the inn that Vex found for them to stay at while construction for their new keep is ongoing: a lavish establishment in the Cloudtop District, rooms at half-price after Vex dropped a wink and the Sovereign’s name to the clerk.
Keyleth is having a hard time appreciating the amenities tonight, though. She doesn’t deserve the beautiful view of Emon from her window. She doesn't deserve luxurious cotton sheets and feather pillows. And she definitely doesn’t deserve the celebratory victory drink her friends are enjoying at the bar downstairs.
She can still feel the phantom pull and break of the little boy’s neck snapping under her fingers.
Which is impossible, because it was her vine that did it, not her hand, and she didn’t feel it happen in the moment. But her imagination seems pretty sure of what it would have felt like, and won’t let her forget.
She shudders, hugging herself as a chill winter draft sends goosebumps prickling up her arms. There’s a fireplace in the room which she and Pike are sharing, but she doesn’t get up to light it. They’d had it burning earlier, and all Keyleth can see in the still-glowing embers are the cruel, golden eyes of the Dread Emperor.
There’s a knock on the door, and she jumps almost a foot in the air. Shaking her head in an attempt to rid herself of this fog, she calls out a weak, “It’s open,” preparing to put on a polite smile for a housekeeper or other employee.
Instead, it’s Percy’s snow-white head that pokes into the room, looking curious and concerned.
“Thought I might find you up here,” he says, shuffling in and closing the door behind him. “You snuck away from us.”
He hides his drunkenness well, with no slur to his words and no stumbling as he approaches the bed. If Keyleth hadn’t spent almost every day and night with him for months, she wouldn’t have noticed that his glasses are slightly askew, or how his hair is sticking up at the back like someone ruffled it, which a sober Percy would never allow.
“Yeah. I was just feeling, you know, a little too tired for partying.” She puts up that fake, polite smile, hoping that he’ll accept the excuse and just leave her alone. 
She can tell instantly that Percy isn’t fooled. Instead of leaving, he sits down next to her.
“What’s wrong?” he asks matter-of-factly, and Keyleth is a little taken aback. Not to say that Percy isn’t kind or caring (he’s not, but she wouldn’t say that), just that of everyone in Vox Machina, he’s not the one she would expect to check in on people or ask how they’re doing. Maybe it’s the ale.
“Nothing’s wrong. Like I said, I’m just tired.”
Percy has a way with words. Usually, that means saying a lot of them really fast until people give him what he wants. Right now, it means packing multiple meanings into a single word. When he says her name, she hears, We both know that’s a lie, and Stop bullshitting me, and It’s ok, you can tell me, and I care about you.
It’s that last one that makes Keyleth’s eyes burn. She’s been fighting tears all night, but somehow it’s so much harder to keep them at bay with a witness. Which is such bullshit. Stupid tear ducts.
Percy knows, of course, what’s really wrong. He’s smart like that. 
“You were trying to help.”
That’s the final straw. Streams of tears pour from her eyes all at once, like the flood from a broken dam. She tries to keep it quiet, at least, but every few moments a gasping sob escapes her.
Percy doesn’t say anything, just puts an arm around her shoulder. The side of his coat is still stained heavily with blood, fresh enough that she can smell bitter metal as he pulls her closer to him. But stronger than that is the smoky scent of gunpowder that always clings to him. Keyleth found it unpleasant when they first met, choking the air when she stood near him. She’s used to it now, though. Now, it just smells like her friend.
Eventually, the blubbering slows down enough for her to lift her head up again. She must look like a complete mess, she thinks, with tear-tracks coating her cheeks and her eyes and nose redder than her hair.
“It-it doesn’t matter what I was trying to do,” she stutters out belatedly, still shaking. “I killed him. That’s what matters.”
“It always matters what you’re trying to do,” Percy says, calm and measured as ever. “It doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t fix anything. But it matters.” One corner of his mouth twitches up, just for a second. It’s a sad smile, for the moment it lasts. 
“You’re a good person, Keyleth. Yes, you made a mistake, you miscalculated. That doesn’t make you bad. Take it from someone who knows first-hand what that actually looks like.” 
“No, you’re a good person, Percy,” she murmurs.
“I’m really not. But that just means I know the real thing when I see it.” He smiles at her, and it reaches his eyes this time.
“Come on.” He pats her shoulder twice, then stands up, holding one hand out to her. “Come back downstairs with me. You need dinner, even if you don’t want to drink.”
Keyleth frowns at his outstretched hand. “They have room service here. I can just order something up.”
Percy shakes his head, reaching down to grab her by the hand and gently tugging her to her feet. “No way. You have a beautiful, post-crying glow about you now. What sort of friend would I be if I let you hide that away up here, all alone?” 
That forces a tiny laugh out of her, as she swipes the back of her free hand over her gross, runny nose. He pulls her towards the door, and she goes with only the barest show of reluctance.
“Good person,” she whispers to his back on the way downstairs, but he doesn’t seem to hear her over the din of the tavern, growing louder as they descend into the chaos of a Vox Machina celebration.
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gojoidyll · 20 days
There is No Law that Emperors Must be Fair
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Emperor ! Jing Yuan x Princess ! Reader
Chapter 3 | Deals with Devils
Summary | You are set to marry the Emperor, Jing Yuan. In order to break the engagement, you stage an accident and fake having amnesia. But now, you own cruel, cold, and distant fiancé, who seemed to not want anything to do with you, is now acting all lovey dovey!
Note | reposted because the original wasn't letting me edit it.
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“Follow me.”
That same day, Blade had left to clear out the halls because apparently you and him were going to go meet Dan Heng personally instead of him coming to you. Which was fine, Dan Heng was an important government official that worked even more closely to the Emperor than Blade. So, Dan Heng walking freely among the halls will get anyone’s attention right off the bat which is exactly why you and Blade were going to meet him instead of the other way around.
“I thought we were going to wait a few days before knocking this deal out.”
“It’s best just to get it out of the way now then later.”
You winced when you both turned a corner. The bruises and aches you sustained from the stairs were still fresh and very much hurt-, “h- hey!”
“Keep quiet."
Blade had picked you up not a moment later and proceeded to carry you down the hall, his arms wrapped tightly around you as you had no choice but to do as he said. And honestly? You weren’t complaining. As lang as you weren’t on your feet and moving around, your injuries weren’t hurting.
Before too long, he stopped at a door. Looking around to make sure no one was watching him carry you in some random room, he opened the door. Then once he closed it behind himself, he carried you to an empty chair and settled you into it.
“Oh? She’s already awake? And since you brought her here, I’m guessing the whole amnesia thing didn’t work out.”
“Anyone with half a brain would be able to tell you did that on purpose in hopes of getting home.”
“Then why did it fool the Emperor?”
“Who knows?”
He did know, you could tell, but he wasn’t spilling. But whatever. It didn’t matter. As long as you got out of here, then you didn’t care why it worked on the Emperor.
“Alright, fine. Can we talk about this deal already then? I imagine we don’t have much time.”
Dan Heng looked to Blade and they both nodded.
“We need you to steal something from the Emperor, and then once we take you home, we need you to steal something from your father.”
You deadpanned, “are you kidding me?! If I do that, then I won’t be a princess anymore! I’ll be labeled a thief and get my hands cut off!”
“Only if you get caught.”
“And remember,” Dan Heng chimed in, “we can always go tell the Emperor what you were planning. Hell, we can even tell him how you planned to get amnesia, steal this important item, and then leave as if you did nothing wrong.”
“So, it’s best to work with us, then against us.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, “fine, whatever, what am I stealing from the Emperor and my father anyway?”
“Two keys.”
You deadpanned again, “what.”
“You’ll know them once you see them.”
“Ok, and where are these keys anyway?”
“One of them is in the Emperor’s personal chambers. A place where only his fiancé is let in.”
“His…personal maids are let in there too, but they are too loyal to the Emperor, which is why you will come in handy.”
His personal maids… you knew what that meant. Your father warned you that some royalty takes maids to bed. You suppose that Jing Yuan was no different.
“And my father’s supposed key?”
“We will worry about that once you get the Emperor’s and back home.”
You sighed, “and what do I get out of this?”
Dan Heng stepped forward again, “you won’t have to marry the Emperor, and once you’re free from our deal you can go back home and never have to worry about us or the Emperor ever again.”
“Ever? So, the fact that I’m stealing these keys won’t ever trace back to me?”
“…You said that the key is in the Emperor’s room, how am I supposed to get in there anyway?”
“Get close to him and let him take you to bed.”
“You’ll be fine. Besides, if it gets too scary in there you can always play the scared virgin card and get him to back down.”
You huffed, “you two are brutes.”
“We could be worse.”
Dan Heng checked the time then, “enough idle chatter, take her back to the infirmary. We can discuss more later.”
“So what am I supposed to do now,” you asked while Blade picked you back up.
“Act like you have amnesia, play the innocent victim, and look at the Emperor as if he created the sun, the moon, and hung the very stars in the night sky.”
“You’re serious.”
“Very, and try to act genuine, and don’t overact either.”
“Ok, mom.”
Dan Heng glared at you right before Blade carried you out of the room, “you just like to push everyone’s buttons, don’t you.”
“Oh can it, Blade. Besides, why do you both need those keys anyway?”
“It’s best if you don’t know. For now, worry about yourself. Because I can’t promise your safety if the Emperor finds out about your charade.”
“If he does, then can you promise me something?”
“Kill me.”
Blade glanced down at you, his hold on you tightening ever so slightly, “why?"
“We both know how ruthless the Emperor can be. If he finds out, then I will basically be sentenced to a life of torture and misfortune even if I do manage to escape. Death would be far kinder in that regard.”
Once Blade took you back to the infirmary and set you in your bed, he took up guarding right by your side once more, “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, but as Dan Heng mentioned, the maids are loyal to the Emperor. Don’t trust them. Also,…a few of them are the Emperor’s favorites, so they tend to get away with more stuff than a princess ever could. So be wary of them. I won’t always be by your side.”
“Get some rest. You have a lot to do tomorrow.”
“Like what?”
“Dealing with the Emperor, of course. I heard he canceled all of his meetings for tomorrow to be with you.”
“Huh? Why?”
“Because I told him you woke up but needed more rest, so tomorrow he could speak with you.”
“…I hate you.”
“Thank you.”
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ibijau · 4 years
Ok, here's a prompt for you, should you choose to accept it, as a fellow angst connoisseur. I've been reading Impenetrable Walls by Gina3 which is a concubine AU, except so far Wei Ying has been too dumb to understand that his job as a concubine is to f*ck, but all the servants around him keep telling him to make sure Lan Wangji is happy or it's all their lives at stake. 1/2
2/2 Anyway, the prompt is this: imagine this scenario but with Xisang or Xiyao. Xichen is the emperor, he has spent his whole life being venerated and served and then he is gifted Huaisang/Meng Yao as a concubine and they both know they have no choice but to make the emperor happy no matter what. Xichen is convinced he's in a happy relationship and unaware that he has in fact been raping his partner this whole time, because there is no possible consent in this situation. The angst! Just imagine
Yes hi hello I, uh. Took this and ran with it, even though I have prompts left from the last ask meme and a bunch of fics that I should be updating and also actual work to do. But like. Fuck yeah. This is exactly the sort of awful, shitty, cruel settings that I love writing so bless you for sending me this.
It was a rare and pleasant day for His Highness when Nie Mingjue could take a break from the war on the frontier and visit the palace. On those too rare occasions, His Highness always allowed himself a break from protocole and tradition and, for a few hours, simply became Lan Xichen again. He had so few friends left since rising to power, but Nie Mingjue had never faltered once, never once treated him as a living divinity as others did, knowing it was not what Lan Xichen wanted from their friendship. It must have been a family trait.
As he walked toward his private quarters, Lan Xichen smiled to himself, certain that his dear little bird must be so happy to see his brother again after many months. Nie Huaisang always smiled so brightly after those rare visits, while teasing Lan Xichen with a renewed insolence that always deligthed him. It would be so nice to have his two closest, most beloved people with him at once, however briefly, and Lan Xichen couldn't wait to surprise them. He shouldn't not have been free for them until a little while longer, but on a whim he had cancelled a council. There was little point in being emperor if he could not get away with something selfish here and there.
As he entered the little house he'd ordered to be built for Nie Huaisang, Lan Xichen heard his little bird chatting with his brother and stopped for a moment, suddenly feeling guilty for taking away the siblings' precious chance for a private discussion. Although Nie Huaisang rarely complained about anything, Lan Xichen knew that his little bird missed home dearly sometimes. No amount of presents and coddling could change that, and while the two of them were so happy together, a lover simply wasn't a brother.
As he hesitated though, Lan Xichen quickly noticed that something appeared to be off with his little bird. His voice, usually so soft and full of laughter, was uncharacteristically dry as he chatted with his brother.
“With Wen Xu dead, that bastard Wen Ruohan won't manage much longer,” he heard his little bird say, the violence of the words half shocking Lan Xichen. “His first born was a good general, whereas the second one... Is Wen Zhuliu still serving them?”
“For now,” Nie Mingjue replied flatly, apparently undisturbed to hear his delicate little brother comment on war affairs. “We're working on turning him. Lord Jiang's wife knew him when he was young, so we're having her make offers to take him in if he switches sides. You were right though, he is stupidly loyal.”
“You probably won't get him,” Nie Huiasang agreed, “but Wen Ruohan will hear about those offers and he won't trust him as much... and that means he'll have to rely on his idiotic second son instead. If Wen Chao is put in charge of their southern army, the war is as good as won for us. Can you imagine? Peace again!”
“But at what cost?”
A silence fell between the brothers. Out of curiosity, Lan Xichen came closer to get a look at them without being seen himself. An emperor ought not to have hidden, least of all inside his own palace, his own home, but something about that conversation was making him increasingly uncomfortable.
When they were alone, Nie Huaisang never wanted to talk about politics, pouting and complaining that he never understood anything of it. To hear him give his opinion about the border wars with such certainty was... unsettling.
And so he looked at his little bird and his dearest friend, sitting together at a table. Nie Mingjue was in a more comfortable position than he usually allowed himself in presence of the emperor, though there was a clear tension to his shoulders. As for Nie Huaisang, although he was wearing the same delicate and colourful robes as always while his hair was done up in an elegant bun decorated with elaborate pins, he seemed like a stranger, sitting not like the poised boy Lan Xichen knew and adored, but instead with no more grace than a soldier resting after a battle.
“Peace always comes at a price,” Nie Huaisang pointed out, rolling his eyes. “This one isn't so bad.”
“Are you going to tell me you're happy with your life?” Nie Mingjue scoffed. “That you're satisfied with being the emperor's whore?”
“Of course not,” Nie Huaisang sighed with a grimace. “Still, to defeat the Wens... it's not such a big price to pay. I don't blame father. He saw his chance to finally make me be useful to the clan, how could he not have taken it?”
A twisted, piercing cold seized Lan Xichen, making it near impossible to breathe. He had wanted to come out of his hiding place and order Nie Mingjue out of their home at hearing him call his own brother a whore, only to feel slapped in the face at his little bird's response.
It made no sense. Nie Huaisang was happy. Of course he was happy. Lan Xichen made sure to give him everything he could ever want, robes of expensive silk, beautiful fans painted by the greatest masters, all his favourite dishes served daily... he had even started construction on an aviary for him, so he could gift him rare and exotic birds. Nie Huaisang was happy. He said so often, made it clear through his actions, always enjoying seducing Lan Xichen as soon as they could be alone.
They were happy and in love.
They had been happy and in love since the first time they had laid eyes on each other at a banquet and Nie Huaisang, not realising who was in front of him, had chatting with him and teased him over wearing badly coordinated robes. By some great luck, Nie Huaisang had been sent to work in the imperial palace soon after and Lan Xichen had not lost a moment in pursuing that chance of friendship. It had soon turned into something more intimate, with Nie Huaisang being officially named his concubine so there could be no accusations of impropriety.
“I'm going to take you back home someday,” Nie Mingjue grunted. “The day father dies, I'll ask to have you back, I swear.”
“Don't be stupid,” Nie Huaisang retorted. “You think His Highness will let me go? I'm stuck here for life, or until someone else finds him a prettier boy to play with. And that's impossible, we both know I am, and by far, the prettiest boy in the entire country. Possibly the world even. Ah, it's a curse to be so beautiful.”
Something shifted in Nie Huaisang's eyes. He slumped on the table, reaching out to take his brother's hand and holding it tight.
“I swear it's not so bad,” he sighed. “He's nice. He's doing his best to be nice. Please don't worry about me, and don't... don't do anything reckless on my behalf. I chose this. I agreed to this. He asked me if I wanted to be his concubine, and I said yes.”
“Could you have said no?”
Instead of answer Nie Huaisang laughed in such a broken way that Lan Xichen felt nauseous. Of course his little bird could have denied that request. Lan Xichen had even told him so when he had asked for this, reminded him that even his friendship was enough to make him happy.
Nie Huaisang could have said no.
Nie Huaisang should have said no.
“Can you imagine what father would have said?” Lan Xichen heard his little bird say in a bitter voice that no longer sounded like his. “MingMing, we needed His Highness's support. We have it. There's nothing more to be said about this, so let's drop that subject. I'm... I'm really not so bad off in here, just a little lonely. I hope when the war is won, you can come more often. You're my only link to the outside world, so do your job. Give me news. How are the Jiang kids? And Wei Wuxian?”
“Lord Jiang gave him a command at last,” Nie Mingjue announced. “And the young Lady Jiang is to be married to young Lord Jin after all. The ceremony will be held in three months.”
Immediately, Nie Huaisang sat up straighter and smiled so brightly that it rivalled the sun.
“Really? Oh, that's so great!” He exclaimed, half laughing. ���They'll be perfect for each other, I'm so glad it worked out after all! Tell me what happened?”
Seeing him so happy for the friends he often swore he did not miss was the last drop for Lan Xichen. It was obvious, now, how insincere his little bird's smiles had been when directed at him, how fake his joy, how forced his laughs. And so, while Nie Mingjue told his brother about a happy couple figuring out their path to happiness, Lan Xichen mourned the loss of his own and quietly retreated from this little house where, for the last three years, he had been fed lie after lie.
He had freed his afternoon for the purpose of his two dear friends' company, but it would be easy to find some task or other that needed his attention. An emperor's work was never done. 
And work, once more, was all he had.
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oneiriad · 4 years
If lwj were given the power to change one moment in the past, what do you think he would change?
“But why you?”
They look down at the book placed between them on the table. It doesn’t look particularly remarkable. Just another book, to look at it.
Lan Wangji hesitates before answering.
“Perhaps he just brought it as a suitable host gift?” he eventually offers. Even as he utters the words, they sound absurd. Even for one such as their guest, this book - it is far too precious for that.
“Well, he did seem to appreciate the banquet you Lans put together for him. Even if you did empty out our entire stash of Emperor’s Smile just for him.”
Wei Ying pouts and entirely ignores Lan Wangji’s pointed glance at the last jar of wine sitting on the table next to the book.
“By rights, that should have earned me a present. Perhaps he was entertained by watching you get all sweaty trying to lift that staff of his?”
Lan Wangji glares at his husband. There’s no need for Wei Ying to make it sound - like that.
“It would have been rude to turn down the invitation to try. And unwise.”
“Right, of course. Only the best for our guest. The best food, the best entertainment, the nicest bed in the Cloud Recesses...”
“Ridiculous,” he grumbles, trying to ignore the tips of his ears turning pink. Of course it is ridiculous, the things that Wei Ying are implying - their guest isn’t even human!
Of course, that’s really all it takes to have Wei Ying on the floor, laughter peeling like bells. Which, come to think of it, reminds him of earlier that evening, when his Uncle had made some comment about Wei Ying, about demons, and how this had prompted their guest to turn that burning gaze on his husband, making Lan Wangji reach for his sword even knowing that he’d not be able to make a difference if - but then their guest had been the one on the floor, laughing and declaring that he’d seen more evil in a bunny than in this so-called Yiling Patriarch.
Which had been an unspeakable relief.
“Oh, Lan Zhan, you know I don’t mean anything by it. Perhaps he just knows you have the finest calligraphy in all of Gusu? Or he feels a kinship to the Second Jade of the Lan, one rock to another? At the end of the day, why doesn’t really matter, does it?”
The why can remain a mystery, truly. Some things - best not to waste too much time pondering them. It will simply earn him a headache.
The why is not important. The what - that’s important.
“So - have you thought about what you’d like to rewrite?” Wei Ying asks, picking up a brush and playing with the soft goat hair.
He has. This offer - “One page,” their guest had said. “One page can be removed and replaced, before I have to take it back. Just make sure nobody can tell the difference.”
He has given it so very much thought.
There are the obvious moments, of course. His mother’s death. The burning of the Cloud Recesses.
Wei Ying’s death.
There are other, less obvious moments. Words that he would have spoken, if he had only known. Lives to save - or perhaps to end.
He finds himself leafing through the book, searching for that obvious point - and yet, there is always something. He wants so very, very badly to spare his husband the horrors of the Burial Mounds, of what he became there - but the horror is this: that the Sunshot Campaign would most likely have been lost without the Yiling Patriarch. Where would they have ended then?
Dead or worse, under the rule of the Wen.
He moves the pages forward, imagines if he had only said, if he had only realized - but each of those wishes would require far more than a single page.
He imagines making it so Wen Qing never found Wei Ying, and immediately hates himself for it. To even contemplate leaving his son and his son beloved uncle to death in the Jin labour camps.
It does not bear thinking of.
He imagines going there with Wei Ying, but the sad thing is - he doubts he would have made enough of a difference. He imagines exposing Jin Guangyao, but if he is honest with himself, the powers arraigned against his love back then are not so easily summed up in a single, scheming mind. All the sects had been scared of this new demonic cultivation.
It is a cruel gift their guest has given him.
“Lan Zhan,” his husband calls. “It’s nine. You should come to bed. I am lonely.”
So he does.
After all, every day is every day.
Afterwards, when his husband is snoring contentedly, he rises and returns to the book, to the maddening promises it whispers. He turns the pages, one by one, searching for the elusive right moment, and yet it escapes him. Eventually, he tries to turn a page and it refuses, sticking to what follows and dragging the rest of the book shut.
He goes back over the parts he can read twice more that night.
Eventually, he makes his decision.
There is a knock in the early morning hours, and their guest is standing outside the jingshi, staff in hand, the feathers on his headband swaying lightly in the morning breeze. He looks like a perfectly ordinary mortal wanderer like this, not even a cultivator, let alone more.
Lan Wangji places the book in his outstretched hand, and watches their guest’s raise his eyebrows.
“No regrets, then?”
“Many. More than I can count, but - yesterday is the price we must pay for today.”
“Very sage-ish of you,” he says, shaking his head sadly as he puts the book into a pouch - but his lips are parted in a grin that reminds Lan Wangji of Wei Ying.
Well, the unusually pointed canines aside.
“Ah, but this is embarrassing,” he exclaims, then scratches behind his ear. “I can’t just leave without thanking you properly for your hospitality, now can I? That’d be - very rude of me.”
“Extremely rude.” Wei Ying’s voice is sleepy. “I’m sure there’s a rule on the Wall of Discipline about being nice to your hosts.”
“Alas, I was never one for reading,” their guest says, taking a step forward and pulling the door closed behind him. “But I am sure, my new friends, that if we try, between us, we can think of something appropriate?”
It is utterly inappropriate. Uncle would be scandalized.
Lan Wangji - is not.
Afterwards, he finds himself drifting towards sleep, nestled between the pair of them. His sleepless night is catching up with him.
“Why?” Wei Ying’s voice is low, his fingers carding idly through Lan Wangji’s hair.
“Perhaps he reminds me of an old friend.”
Lan Wangji rises many hours after five.
It is utterly scandalous, really.
Wei Ying is sitting by the desk, a couple of unsatisfactory talismans crumbled around him. Of their guest there is no sign.
“He left us breakfast,” Wei Ying says, pointing at a bowl of peaches that wasn’t in the jingshi yesterday.
They share one between them. It is extraordinarily sweet.
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implexedactions · 4 years
I will protect you
You are a citizen of Dunwall, under the reign of Corvo Attano, the ruthless emperor. He lost everyone who mattered to him, and turned cold as a result. What happens when he stumbles upon you? 
(A/N): Just played through the first game recently, and now I'm in love with the game (and also Corvo). I watched someone play through the 2nd game AGES ago and read about the Emperor Corvo ending and got very excited, so I wrote this! This does feature kidnapping, although nothing sexual happens, but the non-con tag didn't feel right, so this is just a warning if you're not one for possessive behaviour, protectiveness or things like that.
If there is a Tag/Content Warning I forgot to add, PLEASE tell me!
Find me and the fic on Ao3
It was a dark, stormy night in Dunwall. The city was in ruins, which seemed to be the status quo. You were scavenging a ruined building, close to the royal district. You could hear music and party coming from inside. You envied them, a lot. As a child you always imagined being in the royal district, living the life of a noble person. Emily was a kind and wise ruler then, after Corvo had silently and mercifully changed the course of history, Dunwall grew brighter every day.
Then a usurper almost killed Emily, and something within Corvo broke. He ruthlessly killed everyone, civilian or enemy alike, on his way back to the throne. He didn’t even free Emily, saying that, at least when she was in stone, he could always protect her. Almost losing everything for a second time really changes a person, you guessed. He became the new emperor of Dunwall and a dark age settled upon the land. The city was falling down around him, with brute force and dark power replacing the subtle and wise ways of Emily.
He was renowned for retaking the throne for Emily after her mother’s death with not a drop of blood spilled on either side. In retaking the throne a second time, it appeared as if he was trying to make up for lost time, the blood of civilians, guards, and nobles, all spilt through the land. It wasn’t even that bad in Dunwall, Karnaca had been thrown into disarray and was essentially a ghost town.
You realised it was probably late, and decided to just walk home, leaving the shell of the house to wither away another day. The storm raged as you walked home, staring up at the walls to the throne room. You failed to notice the man staring down at you.
The next morning, you awoke to your slum-like apartment. With Corvo in charge, the nobles were all thrown out, so basically everyone was living in cold, dreary, apartments. The sense of karma from seeing nobles starve to death did little to help your disposition though. You moved around the apartment, eating a meagre breakfast, before closing the window that blew open during the storm while you were sleeping. Emerging onto the damp street, you walked to the market stalls, hoping to sell or barter the stolen goods you collected the previous night.
The marketplace was busy, even the now passed storm hadn’t dissuaded many people from coming. Then someone called out to you. A man wearing an almost skull like mechanical mask walked up to you. It seemed familiar but you couldn’t place a finger on it.
“You have a gold pendant? Stole it from that blue apartment near the royal district, 3rd floor, bedroom, red jewel in the centre? 10pm yesterday?” he said, bluntly
“So what if I do?” you responded, cautious of anyone who knew your exact movements. He was correct of course, but you didn’t need him knowing that.
“200 gold”
You gasped, 200 gold was more than you expected, you could eat well for weeks with that much. Safety be damned, you needed that money!
“Deal, thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me”
“Oh, I think I do, my little jewel” he said handing you the money, his hand lingering in yours before he stepped back into the madness of the street, gone from your sight.
With the rather rich creep gone, you bought a few rations from the stalls then walked home. Fingers on the money in your pocket constantly, determined to not lose it.
The window was open again. That was the first thing you noticed as you walked in. You put the money in your safe, then walked over, cautious to inspect it. The lock was forced open, that much was clear, there were signs of someone trying to get in.
You froze, the window was open, if someone was trying to get in, then they HAD gotten-
Suddenly, two hands grabbed you from behind, and as if aided by magic, you passed out almost instantly.
You awoke to chains around your ankles and wrists. A noble room, with a roaring fire across from the room. It seemed to have a double bed, with a large window behind it. It was night, and there were large shadows being cast by the fire. Crawling as far as you could to the window, you looked outside. There was a new storm raging outside, so visibility was low. You were high up however, very high up.
“Hello! Is anyone there? Help!” you shouted
No one replied. You walked as far as your chains allowed. Which wasn’t very far, there wasn’t anything within your reach. Above the fire was a very large painting of Corvo Attano. Honestly, you hated him at this rate. If he didn’t go on that bloody rampage in Karnaca, things could’ve been so much better for Dunwall. If Emily was queen again things would be so much better
“Fucking bastard…” you say to the painting.
“Now that’s not a nice way to speak to your kind host, is it?”
Your blood ran cold. That reply could only mean one thing, you weren’t an idiot. You turned to the shadowy corner where Corvo Attano stood, seemingly invisible unless you knew he was there, like you unfortunately did.
He stepped out of the corner and walked over to you.
“What do you want with me?!”
“Oh a lot of things, all of them good. Right now just one thing, your hand in marriage” he said, like it wasn’t the weirdest request imaginable
“What?! No? Of course not! Are you an idiot?” you screamed in response, trying to get as far away from him as possible.
“Oh, it wasn’t really a question, more a statement. You see, since I am the emperor, the abbey will basically do whatever I like, including allowing the forced marriage of two people…” he trailed off.
“If it makes you feel better, my sweet jewel, you’ll have the best life. The nicest things in the empire, every whim catered to, people will have to obey you”, he continued sweetly, “otherwise they’d have to answer to me, and not many people stand up to me and live” he said with a sudden change in tone, the threat in the air apparent as all hell.
“Why me?”
“Well, your fine looks are part of your charm, of course. But your kindness is the main reason. When I was on the run, helping Emily to retake the throne, I got trapped by those guards near the estate district. You helped me, remember? You looked at me hiding, about to be found by the guards, then ran up and told them you saw a weeper attacking one of their hounds. They ran off, determined to save the bloodthirsty hound. You saved me, and at the time, I was merely grateful, it was just another reason of why I should save and protect this accursed city.”
“You see, the empress was always so kind, it was the reason I fell in love with her. And one of the many reasons I tried to encourage the trait in Emily. I was so naïve then, thinking kindness and compassion could win out. Then Delilah Copperspoon happened, and I had to face reality”. He paused and looked away.
“Everyone I love would be ripped away from me. It was just a fact. My kindness only let others kill those I loved. My desire for a less chaotic world forced me away from the empress for the six months that led to her being killed. And then Emily…”
He starts choking up a bit, and you’re taken aback. The evil emperor Corvo has a heart…well a twisted one admittedly. You ARE currently being kidnapped, and he’s done horrible things to the empire. It’s not really an excuse.
“Emily was still so…. I had to leave her in the stone, it was the only way I could protect her, by becoming as ruthless as I needed to”
You prod a bit. “Couldn’t you free her from the stone, it's not like she’s gone forever. Things can still go back to normal, right?”
His fist slams into the wall as he stares at you with fire in his eyes.
“NO! Things can never go back to normal! The world is cruel and unkind, and it will only keep taking from those who find themselves caught in its sights! This is the only way I can protect her!”
You back yourself into a corner, huddling and hoping he doesn’t hurt you.
“But when I saw you the other day, I was reminded of your act of kindness. I wanted to help you, to protect you. I broke into your house that night, while you slept to figure out how to best help you. I only meant to help you, that was all it was at first. As I stared at you while you slept, well, I couldn’t help but wonder if you could eventually warm up to me…”
“But then after I gave you that money, at the markets? That was me by the way. A man saw, and he tried to follow you with a knife… I stopped him, of course, his body now litters the sidewalk. But it showed me that you wouldn’t be safe out there, I couldn’t just help you by giving you gold and gifts. I HAD to protect you, to save you from the storm the world had become. And from there I think you can guess what happened.”
You stare at him, shocked at the events unfolding in front of you. You try to reason with him
“Please, I’ll give the money back, just let me go! I don’t want this!”
“Oh my sweet jewel, I don’t care what you think, really. I know how the world is, and I know I must protect you above everything else. When it comes down to it, my desire to protect you overrides your feelings about the matter. It is safe in here, where I can protect you. It is not safe out there, where I cannot protect you. It’s not that complicated of an idea.”
“But, surely the empress wouldn’t want you to kidnap-”
He suddenly appears by your side, a knife against your throat.
“If you value your life, you will never speak of her again. She was- is important to me, she did so much for me and the empire only for the empire to double-cross her. I made the mistake of being forgiving once, and after Emily, I vowed to never make that same mistake again. I have powers far beyond your comprehension, jewel, it would be unwise to cross me. I adore you, but that will only get you so far”
You try not to move, his sudden teleporting across the room was shocking. It was like he froze time.
“Okay, I won’t mention…her again, okay? Just, get that knife away from my neck, please?”
“Of course, my jewel. Now, I can’t trust you right away, as explained by the chains. But I swear they are a temporary measure if you behave. I have to go meet with, and then kill, some nobles requesting aid, okay? But I’ll be back in an hour. Okay, my sweet jewel? I will protect you, that is my promise”
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sifeng · 4 years
Review: Joy of Life
Not going to lie, when I first started this drama, in February or something, I didn’t really like it all that much, I don’t know why, the first episode just lacked... something? But I tried again this summer and wow! Joy of Life has made its way on my favorite dramas ever! I can’t believe I have to wait 2 whole years for the second season!
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Fan Xian grew up in a small town by the sea with his grandmother, following a sudden visit of a poison master, his peaceful life quickly morph into one filled with danger and hardship. After becoming rather skilled with medicine, poison and martial arts, he goes to the capital to find out more about his mysterious mother. He ends up on an adventure of marvelling the world, getting tangled in politics, finding true love, figuring out his purpose in life and secrets of his world.
Zhang Ruoyun (张若昀) as Fan Xian (范闲)
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Li Qin (李沁) as Lin Wan’er (林婉儿)
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Chen Daoming (陈道明) as the Emperor (皇上)
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Wu Gang (吴刚) as Chen Pingping (陈萍萍)
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My Opinions:
Plot (My Rating - A):
The plot is one of the greatest highlights of this show (but then again, acting and characters are also amazing). There are so many schemes and ploys that only get revealed bit by bit until the big reveal of like “whose behind whatever whatever” and you’re just like super amazed. It’s so amazing! The pacing is also great because this show never leaves you bored for a second, every single scene is either super important to the plot, to the romances or to the comedy. It’s one of those shows that once you start, you cannot possibly drop. 
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Scheming put aside, there’s also a really interesting human aspect to this show. Seeing Fan Xian, a man from modern times, speak with the people of Qing, who care more about the big picture than the moment in front of them, who wouldn’t think twice to throw themselves in front of death in order to save their country. To see him be so upset at a death, while everyone else calmly watches and insists that he ought to be totally happy about it because at least he didn’t die was so interesting, yet heartbreaking. Interesting because it really shows the fundamental difference between times, and heartbreaking because every time someone said “he was just a guard” I want to punch them in the face. 
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Also the time-travel was explained in such a cool way. So much more complicated and interesting than the simple “it was a dream”. The scene of Ye Qingmei’s arrival in Qing was sooooo cool (fun fact, that was actually the scene that made me interested in this show). There are so many mysteries left to be solved next season and I cannot wait 2 years just to figure out who Ying Zi is! Or what is hidden in the manor! Or what their wuxia skills are if Zhen qi is not real. Or why the godly temple changes according to everyone’s imagination and how it just... disappeared. Honestly there’s too many questions left in my brain to possibly list them all. 
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Acting (My Rating - A):
I mean, with veteran actors the likes of Chen Daoming and Wu Gang the acting level of this show must be good. Zhang Ruoyun is definitely one of the most talented actors of the younger generation, he manages to be both ruthless and cruel when seeking revenge, yet playful and witty other times. Li Qin is also a great actress! She does better with more complex roles (like when she turned evil in Princess Agents, that was some great acting!) but Wan’er, despite her simplicity, is still very lovable thanks to her portrayal. There was one scene with the emperor that really made me shiver (when he “forgave” that judge). Such good acting! I also really like Li Chun’s portrayal of Si Lili, Xin Zhilei’s of Haitang Duoduo (a very lovable character), Liu Duanduan’s of the Second Prince and Song Yi’s of Fan Ruoruo.
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Also Guo Qilin as Fan Sizhe and Tian Yu as Wang Qinian! The two roles basically created for comic relief are not only lovable, but also acted so well! The comedy doesn’t seem forced nor awkward, it just feels very natural. The only problem I have with the acting is that Fan Xian and Lin Wan’er don’t have that much chemistry. Like, they are cute together and will certainly be a great couple, but I just don’t feel the love between them. It’s kind of awkward though, especially when you see Fan Xian with the other ladies that like him because for some reason they manage to have more chemistry than the main couple.  
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Characters (My Rating - A):
One of Wang Juan’s great talents in scriptwriting is the ability to make every character complex. There are no evil characters that are evil, to be evil, nor any characters that are only pure goodness, because that is how humans are. People have motives to do actions, and all actions have consequences. There is no black and white, only grey space. I found it amazing that, with one line, Cheng Jushu, a character that could have existed to be a tool in the plot, became a character worthy of sympathy and deeper analyzing. All the characters, with some exceptions of course, are so lovable! I love Fan Xian’s sarcastic and cunning personality! Actually, I love the entire Fan family! Fan Jian seems like a cold person on the outside but is actually cares a lot for his children, even Fan Xian, Liu Ruyu also treats Fan Xian like a member of the family despite his illegitimate child status (though it took some time for her to like him), Fan Sizhe is just so hilarious and cute, and Fan Ruoruo is such a great sister! 
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Cinematography (My Rating - B+): I don’t like the fact that that sometimes the faces look almost like... green? But some shots are really pretty and beautiful. The fight scenes are also quite nice, no overuse of slomo and good mix of doubles and real people. 
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Sets/Costumes (My Rating - A): The sets for the palace and several streets are really exquisite and seem really realistic. The sets for the brothel and the Qing palace were especially pretty. The costumes are also really pretty! Wan’er’s dresses look like those fit for a princess! 
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Music (My Rating - A-): There are only two OSTs, but both are so great! Li Jian’s title song instantly brings you into a guzhuang mood (if that is a thing), while Xiao Zhan’s ending song is really catchy. The songs played within the show are also really nicely chosen. They fit with the scenes really well! 
Overall Rating: A+
Recommend For: People looking for an intelligent drama that is not only full of suspense and mysteries, but also several storylines intertwined. People who want to see smart characters participate in a battle of the brains with all sorts of tricks and plots. Also if you liked dramas like Nirvana in Fire or Young Blood then Joy of Life is definitely your thing!
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mooglecharm · 4 years
Ravus and Ignis as Kids Headcanon
This was drafted in the context of my gen kidfic "Fate," where it's imagined that Ravus and Ignis befriended each other as children and GAVE EACH OTHER FALSE NAMES.
RAVUS (aged 12)
1. Ravus was a sweet kid. He did not like being seen as a sweet kid. He was the man of the house, goddammit.
2. His father died when Ravus and Luna were still little, similar to how Noctis' mother died when he was still a baby. He only had vague memories of his father, therefore. Luna had even less.
3. When Luna was born, Ravus fell in love for the first time. He was four years old and too little to understand that it was love, of course, but he knew for the first time how it felt to have someone who warmed his heart, someone he needed to devote himself to protecting.
4. As he grew older, Ravus keenly felt the pressure to be strong and dominant. He saw his mother being constrained by Empire's demands and threats, constantly undermined by Imperial forces mandated to be present in their court. Within Tenebrae, Sylva Via Fleuret was loved and respected by the people - but outside, she was seen as little more than a pawn in the Emperor's bigger games.
5. Even before the attack on Fenestala Manor, Ravus was already planning to enlist as an Imperial military officer as soon as he came of age. He did not feel he was going to get the strength he needed to protect Luna and his mother in the Tenebraean army.
6. As someone who always tried to see the bigger picture, Ravus tended to ignore other viewpoints and see other people as selfish, short-sighted and weak.
7. This, understandably, made him seem standoffish, abrasive and a little cruel. Even to his sister, sometimes. Though all her life, she loved him and understood his need to protect her.
8. Ignis (as Stupeo) was his first real friend - someone he didn't suspect of ulterior motives, whom he respected as a individual with his own unique talents, and who preferred to look at the bigger picture, too.
9. Yes, he did in fact fantasize about securing Ignis as a retainer in House Fleuret when they came of age. Frequently. It made him happy to imagine having a good friend close by as he figured out what his destiny was.
10. He despised the concept of fate, yet was drawn to it irresistibly. The idea of being destined for greatness, of protecting everything he held dear, appealed to him.
IGNIS (aged 6)
1. The nickname "Stupeo" was given to him by the elders in his family, because he was fascinated by EVERYTHING. He was a tiny, insatiable sponge for information. And it amused them.
2. He wasn't an only child. He was probably third in five: easily overlooked, and not overly policed by his parents as a baby. So he learned how to be independent and to care for himself really early on.
3. His parents were scientists in the magical kingdom of Tenebrae - a profession that set their family a bit apart from the rest of their community. They were "the weird folk", but not treated unkindly.
4. Since he was little, he thought rules of court were interesting, and imagined navigating them would be a fun mental challenge. He began practicing decorum and etiquette at an early age, because it interested him.
5. His family was spread out between Tenebrae and Lucis. His family in Lucis were famed retainers of the Lucian royal line, but in Tenebrae their ties to House Fleuret and the Empire were basically nonexistent. As academics who didn't study magic, his parents' jobs were not considered essential.
6. He was cerebral but empathetic, direct but not coarse. He liked putting information together and projecting where it would go. His uncle working at the Lucian Citadel saw this for what it was: the makings of a fine strategist.
7. He found his calling as a protector only when he met Noctis. Before then, he was always drawn to rescuing weaker and more defenseless creatures - like cats stuck in trees. But he never thought of it as a calling, and more like a "this is wrong and must be rectified" compulsion.
8. When he met Noctis, things fell into place for him. For the first time in his life, he found someone who warmed his heart, someone he needed to devote himself to protecting.
9. He genuinely enjoyed Ravus' (Nox's) company, saw him as a cool, athletic, capable older friend that he aspired to become someday. When he and Ravus parted, he missed Ravus terribly and wrote short letters to him on his notebook, in the form of diary entries (😢). But as the demands of court firmed up his priorities, this habit was phased out of his routines.
10. When he first encountered the concept of fate in his readings, he didn't know what to make of it. He accepted early on that it was a fact of life - but later decided that it was good, more than bad. After all, it got him meeting Ravus. And Noctis. And finding his place in the Lucian court.
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mcheang · 4 years
Feng Jiu counters Jiheng
I’m imagining a different reaction when Jiheng tells Feng Jiu to stay away from Dong Hua
Feng Jiu bursts into giggles. Despite her sadness, the irony finally broke her, and she kept giggling hysterically.
Jiheng was affronted. “放肆。I am looking out for your best interests.”
Feng Jiu laughed, “As if I haven’t been doing my best to avoid Dong Hua!”
Jiheng gaped at her.
Feng Jiu chortled. “I can’t believe you’d think I actually like Dong Hua. Dong Hua only stayed with me because I am a new variable, someone to make you jealous over. His actions may portray him as someone in love, but do my actions seem to reciprocate his so-called interest?”
Jiheng stuttered, “well, um...you...” come to think of it, Jiuge doesn’t seem to exhibit the usual signs of a besotted girl.
Feng Jiu seemed to regain control of herself, although her cold smile was still wide enough to reach her ears. “I ignore his lessons, I don’t cook for him unless blackmailed, I was ready to leave him alone in the wild, and I called him a 变态.”
Jiheng struggled to absorb the new information.
Feng Jiu shook her head, smiling sympathetically at her senior. “Believe me, Musician, I have no interest in pursuing Dijun. The past days have been more than enough for my immortal life. I have men lining up for me back home, so why would I want someone like Dong Hua?”
Jiheng flushed red. “Dong Hua is kind and generous.”
Feng Jiu interrupted in a bored voice, “he is cruel, vicious, mean, a bully, lazy, insensitive, no sense of style beyond his usual purple....”
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Feng Jiu took a long time listing Dong Hua’s flaws, enough that Jiheng wanted to sit down. (Inspired by the Suite Life on Deck episode ‘the kidney of the sea’)
“....Petty, presumptuous, arrogant, annoying.” Feng Jiu paused, then turned to Jiheng, confused. “Come to think of it, why do you like him? You’ve spent more time with him than I? How can you like someone so appalling?”
Jiheng blushed again, albeit for a different reason. “He never acts that way around me.”
“Well, obviously. He likes you!”
Jiheng smiles bashfully. Somehow she was diverted from her original Mission.
Feng Jiu: Look, you and Dong Hua can live happily ever after. But I need that Saha fruit for my friend. After that, I will gladly leave the valley. I’m sure I can convince Xiao Yan to help me out.
Jiheng hesitated. “How do I know you will keep your word?”
Feng Jiu: I want to go home! I’ve been stuck here as a student!
Jiheng: let me think about it.
Feng Jiu, feigning tolerance, but secretly annoyed. “Of course.”
Just in case, though, Feng Jiu needed a back up plan.
Feng Jiu then headed to find the school teacher. “Teacher, where is the surprise Dong Hua promised me?”
Teacher: what surprise? Didn’t you get the peaches?
Feng Jiu nodded. “He told me that the peaches were to share so everyone would not feel bad they had lost. But he told me he wanted to give me a surprise when the fruit would be given to me also. So where is my fruit, and where is the surprise
Teacher thought for a while. “Dong Hua has returned to the heavens to retrieve your surprise. But I had no idea he wanted the surprise to coincide with the Saha fruit presentation. I will inform her majesty to double check.”
Queen Junuo was baffled. Dong Hua was to be given the fruit. But he must have been the one to want to give it to Princess Jiuge himself. She had no idea he intended to give the fruit to Jiheng since he left soon after healing her.
Surely Jiuge could wait until Dijun returned.
Feng Jiu is assured the fruit won’t be given to Jiheng directly. In that case, she can still talk to Dijun when he comes back.
On her way back home, she meets Xiao Yan who was on his way to find and console Feng Jiu and tell her the truth.
Feng Jiu: it doesn’t matter. Dijun owes me. When he comes back, I will confront him and demand he give me my due prize.
Xiao Yan: actually, it is also my fault for asking you to forgive ice face. If I hadn’t, you would have been more wary about his treacherous ways. But don’t worry, in case Ice Face still wrongs you; Jiheng owes me a debt. I will ask her for half of the fruit for you.
Feng Jiu smiles at Xiao Yan. “You are a true Friend, Xiao Yan. It is Jiheng’s loss if she can’t see what a great man you are.” And she kisses him on the cheek.
Xiao Yan blushed. “It’s good that at least someone sees what a catch I am. Shall we go for drinks and drown our sorrows over the disappointment of friends?”
Feng Jiu gladly agreed.
They paid no mind to the few gossiping passerbys.
While the friends indulged in wine, Lian Song is telling Dong Hua the truth.
Lian Song urges Dong Hua to find Feng Jiu before things get worse for him.
As they head out, they find someone and ask where Jiuge is.
The stranger admits he last saw the owl prince and princess heading off to get a drink. It is nice to see them bonding. If they weren’t siblings, the stranger would have thought they were a couple based on how the princess kissed her brother’s cheek.
Dong Hua stills.
Lian Song coughed. “Need I remind you she already hates you. Unless you want Jiuge and Xiao Yan’s relationship to progress, I suggest you get moving.”
The two men arrive at the tavern and find the pair laughing. Apparently they were trying to outdo each other on who had been wronged by Dong Hua more.
Xiao Yan: so what if he robbed you of your prize, he tricked me into doing his chores!
Feng Jiu: he kidnapped me as a handkerchief!
Xiao Yan: um...he accused me of stealing a fox.
Feng Jiu: that weirdo doesn’t deserve such a magnificent fox. He doesn’t deserve any pet. They could all die and it would take him days to realize it was missing, let alone dead.
Xiao Yan spots Dong Hua. “There he is! The jerk of all immortals.”
Feng Jiu turned and pointed a finger at him. “Dong Hua, you really are the worst. You robbed me of my chance to save Qing Ti. You also owe him your life! He saved both of our lives and this is how you repay him? By giving his fruit to Jiheng?”
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She stood up and walked over to Dong Hua. Drunk as she was, her shove against the emperor was about as weak as a gentle breeze.
Feng Jiu’s eyes blazed. “Qing Ti fought to protect you and the soul locking jade. Jiheng actually tried to steal it from you. I don’t care about your relationship with Jiheng. But Qing Ti needs that fruit. Just give Jiheng something else.”
Dong Hua and Lian Song were shocked to their cores at the revelation.
Xiao Yan was too far gone to care.
Feng Jiu kept feebly beating her fists on Dong Hua’s chest. “Give me back my fruit so I can save Qing Ti. After that, just leave us alone!”
Dong Hua: Xiao Bai...
Feng Jiu: give me back my fruit, you horrible, worst of the worst...
Feng Jiu fainted into Dijun’s embrace.
Lian Song took a look at the unconscious princess. “Yeah...maybe you should give the fruit to her.”
Dong Hua looked down at Xiao Bai, stroking her hair. “I know.”
And they promptly left, leaving behind the demon lord. (What? Don’t think Dong Hua forgot about that cheek kiss)
When Feng Jiu woke up in the morning, she was confused as to how she got there. Maybe Xiao Yan brought her home?
Then she turned her head and got a nasty shock to see Dijun sitting beside her on the bed.
Grasping the blanket, Feng Jiu demanded, “What are you doing here?”
Dong Hua: i carried you home after you got drunk
Feng Jiu blanched, remembering the last time that happened. “Did anyone see us?”
Dong Hua, confused. “Of course they did.”
Feng Jiu closed her eyes and tried to regain her bearings. Maybe this time the rumours would not be so bad. And even if they were, she was not Jiuge.
Watching her, Dong Hua wondered how this was going to go. Perhaps he should take the initiative.
Dong Hua: I owe you an apology.
Feng Jiu gave him a look. Duh. And more than one, for that matter.
Dong Hua: I did not know you wanted the fruit to save your Friend.
Feng Jiu looked at him in alarm.
Dong Hua: I thought you were going to use the fruit to make cakes for Xiao Yan. I got jealous.
Feng Jiu: you...how do you know about Qing Ti.
Dong Hua: Xiao Bai, I know you went to the mortal world for me. I also know you were my pet fox.
Feng Jiu flushed and quickly looked away. “I have no idea what you are talking about. But have you decided to give me my fruit?”
Dong Hua nodded. “I got the queen to give it to me straightaway. By the way, am I supposed to be giving you a surprise gift with it?”
Feng Jiu improvised. “The surprise is that you are taking me out of this valley!”
Dong Hua: you are ready to leave your friends behind?
Feng Jiu amended her statement. “You are taking me out of this valley after I say my goodbyes.”
Dong Hua stared at her. “Where will you go once you are outside?”
“After I give the fruit to Xie Guchou, I will return home to Qingqiu. It’s been too long since I was last home.”
Dong Hua: Alright. Then I will go with you.
Feng Jiu was shocked and alarmed. “Why?”
Dong Hua: I wronged you. So now I owe you a debt. Several debts actually.
Feng Jiu: but I don’t want you to follow me. Consider that how you repay your debt.
Dong Hua: did you not follow me around when you were trying to repay your debt.
Feng Jiu muttered, “fat lot of good it did me!”
Then raising her voice to normal level, “Dijun, your presence in Qingqiu will only worry my elders.”
Dong Hua paused. “What do I care?”
Feng Jiu fumed, “you can repay the debt by not following me around!”
Dong Hua: you won’t even give me a chance to make amends?
Feng Jiu: it doesn’t matter. I’ve never held the previous stuff against you. And as long as I get my fruit, I just want to move forward.”
Dong Hua; prove it. Let me follow you to Qingqiu, or come back with me to Taichen Palace.
Feng Jiu: I repeat, why would I do that? People will get the wrong idea and think we are in a relationship.
Dong Hua: I’ll say I’ve asked you to teach me cooking.
Feng Jiu: what if I say I want a break from you?
Dong Hua knew he had wronged Feng Jiu greatly. He was also inexperienced in love. So he relied on being shameless.
Dong Hua: then I will take you on a vacation
Feng Jiu: that doesn’t even make sense.
Dong Hua: how about I take you to my birthplace? That way we can avoid the gossips.
Feng Jiu: wouldn’t it be better if you take Jiheng there instead. I assure you, she has fully realized her feelings for you and wants to be with you.
Dong Hua: but I don’t like Jiheng that way.
Feng Jiu: you tried to marry her
Dong Hua: no, I gave her the chance to escape from our arranged marriage. She had always planned to run with Minsu. I just gave them the chance to escape her brother’s watchful eye.
Feng Jiu paused. “I thought you were in love with Jiheng. I saw the way you 2 interacted at Taichen Palace.”
Dong Hua paused. It was true he had neglected Xiao Bai in that time. “We were just friends then. At that time, Jiheng was not interested in me. But while she may have grown feelings for me, I have never seen her that way.”
Dong Hua looked into Xiao Bai’s unreadable, dark eyes. “Xiao Bai, the one I like is you.”
Feng Jiu frowned. “Alright; what trick are you planning to pull this time?”
Dong Hua’s face grew sad. “Xiao Bai, I know I have wronged you. But I didn’t mean to. I just didn’t want you to make Xiao Yan pastries.”
Feng Jiu still wasn’t moved.
Dong Hua: what do I have to do to prove I like you.
Feng Jiu: yeah...I’m not interested. (She was tired of getting betrayed)
Dong Hua: just give me a chance.
Feng Jiu: I did give you a chance. And you betrayed me with this whole fruit switcheroo!
Dong Hua: then give me another.
Feng Jiu: I don’t have endless chances for you.
Feng Jiu attempts to leave but Dong Hua grabs onto her hand.
Dong Hua: what do I have to do to prove I like you.
Feng Jiu turns away. “It doesn’t matter anymore. We have no fate together. So please, let me go, Dong Hua.”
Dong Hua: I have never cared for fate. I don’t need it’s charity. I decide my own fate, Xiao Bai. I always have. And I want my fate to have you in it.
Feng Jiu struggles to get away but Dong Hua holds fast.
Feng Jiu: action speaks louder than words, Dijun.
Dong Hua: what do I have to do?
A pause, then “carve your heart out. That’s the only thing I can think of right now.”
Dong Hua took in this information, then summoned his sword and prepared to do the deed.
Feng Jiu hastily stopped him in alarm. “Hey, just because I can’t think of anything else now, it doesn’t mean I can’t think of anything else later. Just wait.”
Dong Hua: does that mean you will give me a chance
Feng Jiu hesitates. She so does not want to. “I will give you a chance when I can think of something for you to do.”
Dong Hua isn’t happy with her answer. He proceeds to slice his heart.
Feng Jiu: WTH!
While Feng Jiu frantically tends to him, he eyes his heart tissue and thinks aloud that he can make a ring from it. It will be a powerful ring, too.
Feng Jiu: you need to learn patience
Dong Hua: I might be too late then. But since I carved my heart out to prove my sincerity, will you marry me?
Feng Jiu: isn’t that too fast?
Dong Hua: no. I can’t think of anyone more worthy of being my queen.
Feng Jiu: this is too weird. I’m dreaming right?
Dong Hua shakes his head.
Feng Jiu was dazed as she said her goodbyes. Jiheng regretted not accepting Jiuge’s deal once she heard the news. Dong Hua took Feng Jiu away and registered their marriage. Now he doesn’t have to worry about anyone else stealing her away.
Dong Hua did not consummate their marriage yet but instead courted Feng Jiu. He did all he could to make her happy but she still felt she was in a dream....until he placed the finished ring on her finger. She could not deny the real sensation of cold glass on her skin. Like a shock of cold water when you are drowsy.
Feng Jiu embraced Dong Hua, finally accepting the truth of his words.
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