#imagine witnessing your own death!!!! this is impossible to downplay
reverseflashes · 1 year
i'll be real i really don't like it when half the fandom still thinks eobard hates barry for no reason and he spends his 24/7 just sitting in pure rage and thinking about how much he hates barry
11 notes · View notes
scrambledgegs · 4 years
Moving with Purpose, Making a Difference
Segment 2 of: “Moving with Purpose” amidst COVID-19 Series
To keep our sanity, it is important to see the beauty in the mundane, as now on our 6th month of lockdown in the Philippines, one can say that COVID-19 has permeated every aspect of our waking and subconscious lives. This pandemic is as gnarly as it gets, and it is tremendously easy to fall prey to despair and anger. One quick tune-in on the news or any social media platform is enough to do the trick. We yearn for normalcy or any semblance of it, especially when we Metro-Manila dwellers take a peek and compare what’s happening in other countries who have flattened the curve and have returned to normal living.
    Yes, truly, there are countless things to feel glum and anxious about, but if this pandemic has taught us anything – it is to keep fighting, and to make the most of what we can with the cards we are dealt with. We must not forget that extraordinary times require extraordinary mindsets – which must spillover into action.
    This too shall pass. However, at the same time, we all really have to do our part. The truth is, we cannot just hide away and passively wait things out. We have to keep hustling, keep adapting and keep evolving.
Everyday People of Diverse Industries
     Something that I’ve said since the beginning of ECQ in March 2020, is that we need not look far to witness heroism. They come in many forms, “the Hero with a thousand faces” (Joseph Campbell). Perhaps we can’t all be at the frontlines during this crisis, but it does not mean that we can’t create an impact within our own spheres of influence. Whatever we do, we must do purposefully, so that our seemingly small acts can create ripple effects, and so on, and so forth.
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    Thus, in light of National Heroes’ Day, four days ago, it made me think about some admirable and genuine people of various backgrounds who have been making a difference in ways they know how and beyond – whether in their respective industries, chosen career or vocational paths, and/or at home with the family. Here are some highlights of their stories and excerpts of their lives which I believe, deserves introspection and celebration.
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At the forefront of the fight: Dr. Jose Maria (“JM”) Villamor, M.D., Pediatric Anesthesiologist, Philippine General Hospital
    We always talk about the heroism in the face of surmountable struggles that our doctors and healthcare workers endure collectively as a whole, but it is also important to capture and document their individual stories, for there is much to say that is left unsaid.
      Among these medical frontliners is Dr. JM Villamor, an anesthesiologist at Philippine General Hospital (PGH). His main task is to provide anesthesia to all patients who must undergo surgeries or any medical procedure that involve pain or discomfort. For those who know JM personally, he is often described as kind and funny, but he is also a very intelligent, brave and collected person who unconsciously downplays his skills through humor. Nonetheless, this works well for him in his particular field in medicine because it enables him to focus on critical tasks at hand in the hospital, and when needed, able to diffuse tense situations.
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    JM indeed faces a series of battles everyday. From his own experiences as an anesthesiologist in PGH, he saw how the hospital has gotten extremely busy and packed, as the number of people getting infected with COVID-19 piled up day after day. In fact, in the words of PGH’s Director, Dr. Gerardo Legaspi, M.D. in an open letter, he writes, “communities and hospitals around us are being inundated with patients. The resulting panic and confusion was palpable and paralyzing.” Such that, PGH made the informed decision to step forward and offer their facilities and resources, making PGH one of the three COVID-19 Referral Centers in the country.
    Let us also not forget that PGH is a state-run hospital, and it primarily caters to indigent patients – those who cannot afford private hospitals. Thus, one can only imagine the multitudes of people who have flocked to PGH in desperation. We can deduce that JM, like the other doctors at PGH, have been exposed to the whole gamut of patients, of all kinds of diseases and infections, coming in and out of the hospital. Clearly, it is a job not for the faint of heart.
    At one point, JM himself contracted COVID-19, but fortunately, he was not severely hit. A man of strong resolve, he recovered quickly within a few weeks of self-imposed quarantine and isolation. After testing negative for the virus three consecutive times, he was back at the hospital doing his usual rounds, donned in his usual full PPE gear.
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Where he draws his inspiration
    For JM, it is all in a day’s work. When he looks back at his early stages pursuing the medical field, he can’t recall anything or anyone specific that inspired him to choose this vocational path. All he knows is that since he was young, he simply wanted to be of help to other people, and thus, chose to be a doctor.
    In JM’s words, “Seeing everyone at work is very inspiring for me. These people go to work even with the constant fear of getting infected by COVID-19, but still go forward, in order to provide hospital care to all patients that come to the hospital. Most of them do not get to go home to see their families for weeks at a time.”
    JM himself had to make many sacrifices too. He was not able to see his wife and 1-year-old daughter for two and a half months during the start of the pandemic, as he too feared bringing the virus home and possibly infecting the family. To cap off his ongoing story, JM’s cautionary words are the same things that everyone has been harping: “Always wear your mask. Wash your hands. Stay home as much as possible.”
We heard it right here. This is definitely not a drill.
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Role Model in Local Government: Jhana Corona-Villamor, Batangas Board Member
    Leadership through example, concrete action and sacrifice does not fall far in JM’s family, as his own wife, Board Member of the 3rd District of Batangas, (former Mayor of Tanauan, Batangas), Jhana Corona-Villamor espouses these very virtues as well. We all know what continues to be said about our government’s response to this pandemic, or lack thereof. However, we must remember not to jumble everyone together in one lot, as there remains, and there will always be, people who will prove us wrong otherwise. One of which is Jhana, a role model in local government.
    Like her medical frontliner husband, Jhana too is a frontliner herself. Lest we forget, LGUs and Provincial Governments play a very significant role in the fight against COVID-19. They must ensure that their constituents are abiding by, at the very least, the minimum health standards prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the national government. Such that, most cities and municipalities have utilized their calamity funds and realigned their development funds to counter the impact of the pandemic in their localities. Of course, implementation is easier said than done, but throwing in the towel has never been an option for Jhana.
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    Jhana’s daily work regimen is likewise a hectic one. As a Provincial Board Member, she forms part of the province’s legislative body, tasked with enacting ordinances, approving resolutions and appropriating funds for the general welfare of the province. She is the chairperson of the Committee on Budget and Appropriation where its main task is to review the annual and supplemental budgets proposed by the Governor. Much of her time has been devoted to conducting public and committee hearings to make sure that each and every centavo is well-spent to address the needs of her constituents. Jhana’s committee is also responsible for the review of the appropriation ordinances of all 34 municipalities and cities in the province. Her work as a Board Member also involves coordination with city, municipal and barangay officials and visiting constituents for consultation.
Whom She Looks Up to     When asked whom inspired her to follow this career path, Jhana speaks of how her father was her main source of inspiration to enter public service. Growing up, she saw how he was able to help others, and she in turn, decided to choose this path because she also wanted to make a difference and be given the same opportunity to effect change in their community.
Resilience in 2020, beginning with Taal Volcano’s Eruption     To say the least, 2020 has been a terrible year for most of us. For the Philippines, the year began quite literally with bang, when Taal Volcano began erupting in January 2020. For those who had businesses and social plans that involved Batangas, Tagaytay and nearby areas, the eruption caused much disruptions and stress. However, for those who lived within the volcano’s immediate radius, it meant far worse – death, sickness, relocations, evacuations and a prolonged loss of livelihood. The economic impact was and continues to be great. In the spirit of resilience, affected business owners tried to shrug off these worries in hopes of making up for losses in the preceding months to come, and then COVID-19 happened. These back-to-back unforeseen and debilitating events has made recovery seem close to impossible.
     Indeed, for Jhana, 2020 has been a baptism of fire. Beginning in January, right off the bat after her happy Christmas holidays with the family, she was forced to immediately snap back to reality, as her world revolved around the survival, livelihood and welfare of her constituents in Batangas.
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In Jhana’s words, “the past few months have been very challenging for most Batangueños. It started when Taal volcano erupted in January 2020, destroying livelihood and properties, leading to the forced evacuation of thousands and the declaration of a lockdown in 12 municipalities and cities in Batangas. These cities and municipalities still haven’t fully recovered from the eruption, and then to make matters worse, COVID-19 hit. Hundreds of families are still staying at evacuation facilities. These events highlighted the resilience of the Batangueños. Despite the repercussions of the Taal eruption and COVID-19, there are a lot of inspiring stories that make me feel hopeful and optimistic.”
    If there is anything that Jhana clings onto during these trying times, it is her faith, her empowered attitude and the support of her family that uplifts her, day in and day out. She remains strong, so that the many Batangueños who look up to her can also remain strong. She continues to hold out for everyone counting on her, including her beautiful baby daughter, Bella who takes after her mother.
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Where Technology and Education Converge: Michelle Pastelero, Education Manager, IT Software/Cloud Services
    Something close to my heart as well, is the pandemic’s effect on the education sector, especially for young children. For instance, I have seen how my now, three-year-old daughter has grown in leaps in bounds when we enrolled her in a progressive ‘big preschool” called Bankstreet Summit School when she had just turned two last year. One year later, I can genuinely say that she learned so much in various aspects through schooling alongside other children, and I am all the more a believer of early childhood education. I have nothing but admiration and gratitude towards the very patient, caring and hardworking educators and staff. I can say without a doubt, that members of the education sector everywhere are truly heroes.
    It was painful to accept that physical and face-to-face- classes would not be possible when COVID-19 set in, but like other parents, I settled for the next most feasible and safest option for now, which is online classes or what is called distance learning via platforms like Zoom and Google Meet. Of course, I am not alone when I say that this is not the most optimal way to learn, especially for young children. The social benefits of traditional classroom-learning are immeasurable; however, this is what needs to be done, in order not to compromise health and safety.
    Just like adult Work From Home (WFH) situations however, children also experience the usual technical glitches and obstacles with these learning platforms. That said, it also makes me thankful for he people behind the scenes who do their best to assure smooth implementation of the current distance learning platforms.
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    This is where people like Michelle come in; she represents innovation that bridges such gaps between distance learning and the reality of our country’s sub-par infrastructures. At a first glance, one would think that she stepped out of a high fashion magazine, with her modelesque beauty and physique. Yet, there is more that meet the eye when it comes to Michelle. A veteran in the IT industry and an advocate of education, she is currently an Education Manager for IT Software/Cloud Services for a leading global tech company. Her scope of tasks includes having to ensure that distance learning platforms here in the Philippines are running smoothly. This means making sure that their cloud services are running well, and that all students and teacher-users have access.
    Information Technology (IT) is among the industries which has certainly taken off, its growth catalyzed by the pandemic. As previously mentioned, Michelle talks about how schools far and wide, private and public alike, across all levels, have been forced to temporarily suspend physical classes; others, sadly, have permanently shut down. The words synchronous and asynchronous are terminologies often used to describe school curriculum these days.
    On the flip side, a bright spot that has come out of this is that, in Michelle’s words, “it has really pushed projects to happen sooner. For example, because education must continue online, internet connectivity in remote areas has become the main priority for continued education this year. In the last two to three months, digital transformation has finally begun, where it originally was pegged to happen in over a 10-year time frame.  Philippine education seems to have changed overnight, virtually. It has been a busy time, migrating printed curriculum e-books, training teachers how to be able to teach virtually, all of this to create a hybrid online learning platform where students nationwide can access education. Education ultimately, must be accessible, physically and financially for everyone.“
 The Road Towards Industry 4.0
    When asked what drew Michelle to the IT business, she talks about how she was working in IT since 2009 and witnessed firsthand how the industry drastically improved various businesses in a short period of time. She realized that IT was a good industry to be in, if one wanted to truly see change happen.  
 Education, Economy and Global Competitiveness
    Michelle also talks about a former mentor who saw how she possessed a genuine passion for change, so he introduced her to many government agencies whom they could help through IT solutions that would concretely capacitate transparency and efficiency for its citizens services.
    However, it was only when Michelle was working in education when she was able to see which service area of IT she was most drawn to, to truly make an impact. The urgent need to improve the country’s education spoke out to her. For example, she saw how the Philippines fared against the whole world based on results of a global, standardized achievement test called Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). To give a short background, PISA is an international study launched by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCED) in 1997, but the Philippines had only joined PISA for the first time in 2018, as part of their reform plans on improving quality basic education. PISA’s methodology and objective, respectively, is to survey its 79 member and partner countries every 3 years for comparative data on 15-year-olds’ performance in reading, math and science. It measures and benchmarks their ability to apply such skills and knowledge of subject areas, to meet real-world challenges.
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    The results were extremely alarming. The Philippines ranked one of the lowest in the world across all three subjects. Michelle explains that what these results mean for us, is that the average Filipino is not well-equipped for the ever-evolving job market; they may not have the best odds of securing quality jobs, other than perhaps, sadly, low-income or minimum wage jobs that will not be sufficient to get them by. This poses as a vicious cycle, detrimental to the economy.
    The lack of access and means to quality education, and how it translates to job security has always been a lingering problem in the country, but it has become all the more vividly real today because unemployment has hit at an all-time low, due to COVID-19. Furthermore, most jobs that have been let go are those from within the service industry which make up more than half of the country’s GDP.
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Equip Yourself
    Michelle firmly espouses that “if we can improve education for children, we can equip them with future, with ready skills that they would need for future,” and this is exactly what she has set out to do.
    I cannot agree more with her closing words that: “It is true when they say education is the best investment you can make for yourself, so never stop learning. Especially in a time like this, seek out more ways to learn, like taking free online courses. For instance, K-12 education in the Philippines is free, so I highly encourage continuing schooling. That’s really the only weapon we have when faced with the problems of the future.”
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Staying Able to Enable Oneself: Nick Daez, Co-founder & Director of Seabiscuit Films and Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Sound Healer
    For some, when they hear the term Wellness, they have the impression that one has to be “unwell” in order to explore this industry. However, this is not necessarily the case; the wellness industry caters to everyone in all spectrums of health and wellness. Although I do understand how practices under this umbrella can especially have a huge and profound impact on those going through dark times.
Rude Awakening
    Nick Daez for instance, is no stranger to dark times, to grief and loss. Among his many life experiences to choose from, one that drastically molded him into the person he is today, was when his marriage came to an abrupt end in 2014. He was only 28 years old. Numb, lost as he was dazed, his search for answers  brought him all over the world. This is what pushed him back then, to explore the wellness industry, and which had subsequently made him a credible and compelling voice on its healing capabilities. In contrast, during that rough time, his other world, in Film making and Production was flourishing. Seabiscuit Films, Inc., the company he organically created with the collaboration of high school friends back in 2012, had grown into a successful video production company.
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    To take a quick stroll down memory lane, according to Nicky, he fell in love with Film making back in Ateneo when he was taking up a Production Design elective under the late national artist, Salvador Bernal. His class had just finished watching foreign and art films the whole semester, and for their final project, they had to make a short film. For Nicky, he just absolutely loved the process and obsessed over every part of it. From then on, he started helping out in shoots and apprenticing under directors which eventually led him to create Sea Biscuit Films, Inc. However today in 2020, Nicky is not active in its day-to-day operations anymore, but remains involved in making the big decisions, in checking on the company’s finances and having a bird’s eye view of the on-going projects.
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    Fast forward to present day; His new passion is now Yoga and Meditation since getting into it six years ago when his marriage had just ended. In Nicky’s words, that time, “he was desperate for anything to help him find inner peace.” Through referrals from a trusted cousin, Nicky joined a Hindu meditation gathering which eventually led him to Kundalini Yoga. Nicky can still recall his very first Kundalini Yoga class, as it was, “such an intense and visceral experience.”
    Nicky was hooked instantly. He became obsessed with it the next four years and decided that he wanted to deepen his practice by joining a teacher training course in New Mexico, USA two years ago. At first, he had no intention of becoming a teacher, as his pursuits began for purely self-healing. However, when he got back to Manila, much to his surprise, he suddenly became awash with a strong urge and calling to teach. He has been teaching full-time ever since.
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The Synergy of Two Industries
     As it turns out, there is a burgeoning market for Yoga and Meditation in the Phillpines, even more so now due to the pandemic, as people search for ways to cope and find inner peace. Thus, as his classes began gaining traction, Nicky’s scope of work expanded into also being responsible for the scheduling, PR, marketing, and accounting of his yoga and meditation classes. For him, it is reminiscent of his younger days when he was still starting up Seabiscuit Films. It seems that Nicky will always have a hand at business and production, but this time, it has evolved to include his yoga practice as the main point of engagement.
    In fact, Nicky highlights how video production and teaching yoga have a lot of similarities in terms of trusting the process and being patient with oneself and other people.
For example, he talks about how, “as a director and as a teacher, you have to lead by example and learn the intricacies of holding space for other people. There are a lot of highs and lows during this pandemic and I just try to view every moment as lesson and an opportunity to grow and help other people. I think selfless service is one of the big themes of this pandemic for me.”
     Indeed, Nicky is one of those creatives who found a way to seamlessly mesh production and wellness through his online classes. Additionally, he, together with longtime friend, Snap Lopa, also created a Podcast aptly entitled, Paliwanag where the duo strikes casual conversations with various people of different industries. The aim of the podcast is to create an inspirational medium for the exchange of ideas and the discussion on spirituality and alternative living in relation to the current times.
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Acceptance and Adapting: What’s Next for Production and Wellness?  
     Many questions remain as to the future of these two industries, but right now especially, during a time when mental health should not be taken for granted, more emphasis is now being placed on nurturing our well-being. It is not taboo anymore. In his closing statements, Nicky relays his thoughts:
“The video production industry was hit pretty badly, especially during the first three months of the lockdown. A lot of people were out of work. Fortunately, the recent last two months have been busier, but the safety protocols have forced everyone to adjust and shorten work hours. I think is a big improvement, since most shoots would go passed sixteen hours on a regular basis. I think the people in the industry all worked together to come up with fair and safe protocols for the new normal. I’d like to believe that by humanizing the industry even more, it’ll make the environment a lot healthier and beneficial for the people working as well.” 
 “On the other hand, the wellness industry has been thriving since the pandemic started. I think it just goes to show how important it is to focus on your health and well-being. Although we all had to adjust to teaching online, in my experience, everyone just helped one another more by creating more workshops and gatherings to work together. I think it’s always been like that since I entered the wellness industry, but it just got highlighted even more during this challenging time. For me, I think we just need to continue to collaborate and create that sense of community strong for things to keep going and thriving.” 
Lastly, as the Sound Healer that he is, Nicky says:
“Life is short so we need to just embrace every moment as if it were last. We should always be kind to people and move through life slowly and with intention. “
A Test of Faith: Father Edwin L. Soliva sdb, Catholic Priest belonging to the Salesians of Don Bosco
   Part and parcel to nourishing our well-being, I’d like to think, is being in touch with our spirituality and faith, regardless of whichever religious sect we belong to. This pandemic has truly been a test for everyone, and for sure, we have all by now come across times when we question the meaning and sense of everything, including God’s hand in all of this. I don’t consider myself a religious person, but I’ve experienced and seen what good can come out of real introspection and reflection, especially when guided by someone you can trust.
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    I think I speak for most schoolmates of my generation when I say that Father Edwin Soliva is the best person for this kind of spiritual guidance. He has been a Catholic priest for the close to 30 years, belonging to the Salesians of Don Bosco, and presently, he has been assigned in Don Bosco Batulao, as the Rector and youth in-charge. His apostolate is to facilitate retreats and provide good accommodations for retreat groups, and I am certain that he conducts them with much heart and enthusiasm, for among all the many apostolates for Salesian priests, he finds himself most comfortable in giving homilies, recollections and retreats. There are times of course that he feels physically exhausted after giving retreats to young people, but it nonetheless, does not outweigh the spiritual and emotional fulfillment that also accompanies it.
    As the Rector of Don Bosco Batulao, his role is to keep the life of the Salesians in his community healthy. He is looked upon like the Father-figure of his flock, and thus, also makes that everyone regularly prays together and does their apostolate well. He oversees that the retreat house functions well, and that they are overall providing a good experience for the retreatants.
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    As my close friend and confidante for more than 15 years, I can personally attest to the effectivity of his homilies, retreats and personal advice. For me, his words can move mountains. They can truly move one to dig down deep and trigger that need and want for change. I can truly say that Fr. Edwin is a great example of what Catholic priests ought to be. He is not preachy or self-righteous; he is down-to-earth, kalog and in touch with reality and the changing world. He’s like that cool kabarkada who never gives up on you. Above all, he is real Man of God with a heart of gold.
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Getting By During Hard Times
    However, even those with a direct line to God see hard times. Having had zero mass gatherings, any sort of group, face-to-face gatherings and retreats since March 2020, the retreat house has really been struggling financially due to the pandemic. Moreover, their main source of income is handling retreat groups from schools whom all have cancelled or indefinitely postponed accommodations as well. Let us also not forget that the retreat house also experienced disruptions caused by Taal’s eruption.
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    To mitigate losses and adapt to these times, the retreat house, spearheaded by Fr. Edwin, invested in faster internet connectivity, webcams and a sound system for their online masses, recollections and retreats. Fr. Edwin describes how this shift has not been easy, since they of course, have been accustomed to handling retreats with the physical presence of the retreatants. Yet, they continue to simply do their best to persevere and survive during this struggle. Like other industries who are barely making it, Fr. Edwin remains steadfast in making the best of the situation, as this is also the field of work that they have prepared for.
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Disseminating God’s Message online
    As we are all human, Fr. Edwin too has some apprehensions about the future. He ponders about how effective online recollections and retreats will continue to be. Prior to the pandemic, his usual retreats were typically 3-days long, filled with lots of activities, talks, film showings and the like. Now, it has been reduced to a few hours online. He too, really started to question himself.
    His continued inspiration comes from this thought and conviction, that “Edwin, if ever the young find your retreat effective or meaningful, it is due to a small part on your efforts and preparations, but remember that the real inspiration and power behind is God. You just scattered the seeds, but the seeds come from God and it will bear fruits beyond your efforts. Now, it is the same God who will work His power and wisdom when you give the young the online retreat. It is the same God who will give you the wisdom and the words to speak and inspire. Don’t worry. Let God give his ‘retreat.’”
The Serenity Prayer; let go; let God
When asked for a few words that he can impart, Fr. Edwin says genuinely:
“What is happening now with this pandemic is something that caught the world really by surprise. We were not prepared at all for this, and it changed everything in our life. There is a lot of fears and anxiety about how life will be. But life will go on and with resiliency, creativity, and flexibility. We will find a way to cope with all these.”
“For years we have been living a normal life and everything has always been in our control; that’s why God has been pushed aside because we feel we don’t need Him. Now we don’t know what to do. Now we are not sure anymore, and things seem to be out of control. This is the best time now to put God back into our life. Now is the time to get down on our knees and recognize again our creator. The God who created the world, can create life and make us live a meaningful life in spite of this pandemic. Let us find comfort in what Jesus said “remember, I will always be with you until the end”.”
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The Home and the Online Marketplace
    Definitely, another trend these days is the renewed understanding in the importance of home life. As the home has now become the center point of life as we now know it, what has emerged is the online buying and selling of artifacts that are made to make the home a better and more conducive place for living and working. In addition to medical and sanitation supplies, the common things we see sprouting online are the likes of plants and gardening materials, wifi boosters, laptops, homecooked or homebaked food, homemade crafts, big-item children’s play things and even sports and exercise equipment. This is not entirely surprising. As all sorts of livelihoods and jobs have been disrupted or lost, many have turned to alternative or added sources of income, or have revamped their old ways of doing business. The key platform of engagement and marketing across all these shifts is of course the digital world, whether through social media or community messenger apps and what not. The good side about this shift is that it has allowed people to hone their more creative side, coupled with business acumen.
    I would go as far to say that the overall theme of today’s online marketplace points towards going back to the simpler life, or taking a pause to be more attuned with the beauty of everyday. As much as this can pose a threat to industries who offer an experiential type of product, this does not mean they cannot thrive as well.
Going back and Giving Back: Rosa Farms, Zambales
    Take Rosa Farms for instance who is in the business and advocacy of Agri-Tourism. Rosa Farms, named after the clan’s matriarch, Lola Rosa, is a family-run, 12.5-hectare mango-orchard in the breath-taking coastal province of Zambales. The farm is home to the “Philippine Carabao Mango” and is “open to walk-in guests who want to experience the ambiance of a real functional farm.” At the same time, the sprawling farm provides countless jobs to workers in the area.
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     Rosa Farms is also open to exclusive events, usually booked in advance by both local and foreign farm-goer tourists which include, sightseeing, family gatherings, reunions or corporate events which are complete with buffet-style meals and unlimited mangoes. According to their website as well, “Rosa Farms is certified by the Department of Agriculture as a GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) compliant farm, belonging to an exclusive roster in the country. They advocate the principles of GAP in their trainings and workshops to fellow stakeholders in agriculture, highlighting the value of these principles in operating an agritourism (farm tourism) site.”
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      Farm activities also include the annual Farm Fiesta and Mango Pick & Pay. In fact, since the farm’s opening in 2011, “the Pick-&-Pay program has been one of the most sought-after activities of the patrons of Rosa Farms.” 
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Modern-day Agri-Tourism: Chamz Cayabyab-Zulueta, Sales and Marketing Head for Rosa Farms/Clearvision (Quezon City) and General Manager of Make IT Work, Makati City
    Rosa Farms, including its café called Rosa Café, located inside the farm, have become household names in the Zambales vicinity However, like most industries, Rosa Farms was not spared from the repercussions of the pandemic and its subsequent lockdowns. They too were forced to get more creative, push the envelope and come up with alternative strategies.
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    Meet Chamz Cayabyab-Zulueta who is a pivotal figure in Rosa Farm’s marketing strategies. She wears many hats – she is the Sales and Marketing Head for Rosa Farms/Clearvision (Quezon City), General Manager of Make IT Work, Makati City, a wife and a hands-on mother to a very active toddler. Yet, no matter how busy she can get, she makes sure to attend to all her responsibilities. In fact, her expertise and knowledge in various industries is what helps her do her job well for all positions. Her professional career began with spending more than 10 years in Broadcast Television and Advertising, but she has always dreamed of managing her own business. Thus, she took her MBA back in her mid-20′s to shed light on what she would like to pursue into fruition.
      Fruition indeed, as this has led her to Rosa Farms. Chamz tells us how Rosa Cafe operates usually from January until June every year, and the concept of the Cafe is "dine under the Mango Trees." This resonates especially well with the Café’s senior citizen customers because they love the ambiance and tell stories of childhood past, on living the simple life in the province. Yet of course, it has been a challenging time for Rosa Farms this year. Chamz tells us how peak season is usually around April and May, but due to the lockdown, they were forced to suspend operations. Furthermore, their annual Farm Fiesta with the Mango Picking event was scheduled around April, but it likewise also did not push through.
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Bringing back the joys of childhood    
     To keep things going and to make up for months of forced closure, Chamz and Rosa Farm’s Management thought of launching Rosa Café’s menu online, but they also had to revised the menu in order to cater to a now broader market – to include the Metro Manila market as well. They found that this proved a little daunting at first, having to compete with an already saturated market, compared to formerly serving only the Zambales market. Moreover, it was also a struggle to bring in Rosa Café’s Head Chef into Manila; lots of permits had to be processed. Finally, she was eventually able to go back to Manila in mid-May, and through perseverance and determination, Rosa Café continues to operate from Chamz’s home. To remain top of mind, they are constantly innovating with new dishes to add to the menu.
     Chamz also spearheads Rosa Cafe's product development, as well as coming up with marketing campaigns for its online platforms. To augment Rosa Café’s persona as a brand that “brings back the joys of childhood”, Chamz launched new products beyond food, that would promote this theme, such as customized potted plants. It was a hit; many customers, also known as Plantitas, rushed to buy these beauties.
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     From here, the idea to launch a by-product came to mind, inspired by her adventurous three-year-old son. As her son loves to look for new things to do, she thought, “why not teach these urban kids early on about going back to basics, such as planting?” Thus, the creation of the Kiddie Plant Grow Kit, or simply, “KP” which is intentionally named after her son's nickname. The concept of the KP Grow Kit is that customers can purchase a beginner’s planting kit, complete with soil, seeds and a canvass-like blank pot that can be designed through simple art materials. Not surprisingly, it was another hit.
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A Meaningful Advocacy
      For Chamz, inspiration can literally be found in every little thing. She simply has to take a look around for her to draw inspiration for new product launches. She says that, “We bank on the things that keep people sane these days – food and new hobbies like planting. After all, Rosa Farms' advocacy is to bring people back to their simple lives and happy childhood memories. She adds, “It is a good thing too that my husband supports all these crazy ideas that I have in my head to keep the business going.”
When it comes to innovation and taking risks, Chamz says,
“There will be a lot of times when things don't go your way, don't be afraid to innovate and try new things because you can only manage the things you can control”
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On Grit, Passion and Family: Carmela S. Juban, former banker, Mother of 3, Entrepreneur    
     Last but not the least, let us also not forget the importance of nurturing relationships with the people in our homes, as we continue to spend most of our time within its confines. Harmony and peace are key. Often times, this becomes the responsibility left to the mothers of the household, sometimes the unsung heroes of our generation.
     Carmela for instance, is a selfless mother personified. A successful, former banker for 7 years at the Treasury Department of one of the country’s upper tier commercial banks, Carmela eventually left the financial market in 2017 to focus on raising her three sons, Matias, Amancio and Augustus; 4 years, 2 years and 7 months old respectively. Her husband’s work required him to be away in regional areas often times, so Carmela knew that one of them had stay home and man the house. Carmela recalls how she was on bed rest during the pregnancy of their first baby. She remembers how the first trigger in her early contractions was caused by walking back to the office after visiting a client. For her, it was a tell-tale sign.
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     It was a sacrifice on Carmela’s part, as she truly loved her job, but at the same time, she knew she was giving so much of herself at work, that she decided it best to recalibrate her energies to being a wife and a mother. She has no regrets, as she knows that the time will come when her kids are older, that she herself will have a “rebirth,” so to speak, and have the opportunity to reinvent herself, as she muses that, “life, growth, motherhood, business is not a straight line.” 
It Takes Two to Tango; It takes a Village to Raise a Family
    Something that Carmela says a lot is that she appreciates her husband’s support, whether in business or when it comes to the responsibilities at home. For instance, upon resigning, she set up a side business to manage with her husband. It would help marry two situations - Carmela would have the convenience of working from home where she could watch over her kids, at the same time, augment their finances and put her knowledge of banking & finance into good use. In the beginning, it was something new for her, after being a corporate employee for so long, but she has since trained herself to think like an entrepreneur. She likes that she and her husband get to work together. They brainstorm for new ideas, and this also hones her ability to trust her gut and make things happen.
     As her confidence in this side hustle grew, Carmela also began an entrepreneurial stint running a food kiosk in a nearby mall. Her business was thriving until COVID-19 hit. Like all mothers, she had many worries about possibly bringing the virus home; thus, she decided to cut her losses and close it down. For now, she and her husband are focused on venturing into other opportunities, not just in food, but possibly in clothing as well, and likewise, utilizing social media to effect change.
     In Carmela’s words, “at this time when a lot of entrepreneurs are on survival mode, we just really need to keep trying; keep pushing. We can never think that a market is too saturated because there is always opportunity somewhere. Although, sometimes there is doubt, just taking the plunge without over-analyzing is the first step...I also think about having three young boys to take care of. The fact that we are all safe and healthy, is already a win for us.”
     Indeed, her family is always her shining source of inspiration and motivation, “to act based on the scope we can control, and hopefully, in our next emerging steps, we can do our part in shaping a better generation.” The next question she throws out, which I agree posits reflection and action is, “is this the country we want to leave our children?” 
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Personal Learnings When asked if she has some insights to share. Carmela says, “This time has shown more the importance of family, how we are connected to each other, and the success to get through this pandemic highly depends on our relationship with one another. Be kind. Be extra patient. Everyone has a cross to carry even if they do not talk about it.”
“You can sulk, but pray and have faith.  Who knows? It might lead you to what you are really meant to be doing.”
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