#imagining tanaka made this as a joke but then suga loved it
chameliyun · 2 years
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was suddenly possessed to make this image
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Iwaizumi is the kind of guy to let little kids win arm wrestling matches so they feel strong. For example Takeru Oikawa has 'beat' Iwaizumi and brags about it to Oikawa saying it was easy and that he should've tried harder. Iwaizumi always plays along saying he will beat him next time
Tendou walks around the house singing songs from your shared playlist and stops waiting for you to finish the lyrics to the song. LOVES when you play along.
Kuroo has a cat headband. Like the kind that pushes your hair back. No one else knows but he thinks he looks cute.
Kyotani is an amazing singer. Once after practice he was humming to himself which turned into singing. When he got out the team was standing there shocked. Mattsun still has the video.
Kageyama does anything Suga tells him too. Like once he was hungry and Suga told him he could leave if he got everyone food as a joke but Kags came back arms full of food.
Nishinoya sounds like beast boy imo, had to put that out there
Akaashi is super outgoing with bokuto when they are alone. When they are studying he gets bored and stands up doing a dramatic performance for Bokuto and gets him to join. Bokuto doesn't understand how he goes from 0 to 100 real quick and finds it funny. no one believes him if he tries to tell anyone.
iwaizumi promised Oikawa when they were little to hit everyone who hurt him, which is why he hits him so much because Oikawa is the meanest to himself
Bokuto is banned from having regular coffee. To keep him entertained Kuroo will give him decaf coffee but mostly drown it in milk. Bokuto really loves it because it's basically milk.
Tanaka lost a bet to Noya and had to wear a hot pink basically glowing to a practice match with Seijoh. Oikawa made fun of him so hard and Iwaizumi punched him but smiled.
Hinata believes in ghost and Tanaka and Noya give him hell for it.
Tsukishima has stretch marks from growing super fast
Yamaguchi's freckles are actually acne scars
Bokuto gives great hugs
Kita is a close second
The captains have meetings and they are absolutely FERAL. Like heres how I imagine it would go down
Kuroo: *moans as loud as possible while clapping his hands*
Oikawa: *crying in the corner because Ushijima made a comment of him being built like a doorframe*
Ushijima: Hi Mrs. Sawamura
Seijoh has a group chat dedicated to ugly pictures of Oikawa
Nishinoya used to bite people
Kuroo sings opera in the shower
Tsukishima dresses as a dinosaur every year but its a full body costume so no one knows but yamaguchi
suga learned french so he could shit talk people behind their backs
Kageyama knows he looks like a blueberry so he eats them when he is sad
Kyotani is ambidextrous. Don't ask why. He just is.
When you ask Bokuto his favorite color he says the color of your eyes
Tanaka wears your perfume
Bokuto loves hide and seek
Tanaka is a shoe guy 💀
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the-randooz · 2 years
Iwaizumi is the kind of guy to let little kids win arm wrestling matches so they feel strong. For example Takeru Oikawa has 'beat' Iwaizumi and brags about it to Oikawa saying it was easy and that he should've tried harder. Iwaizumi always plays along saying he will beat him next time
Tendou walks around the house singing songs from your shared playlist and stops waiting for you to finish the lyrics to the song. LOVES when you play along.
Kuroo has a cat headband. Like the kind that pushes your hair back. No one else knows but he thinks he looks cute.
Kyotani is an amazing singer. Once after practice he was humming to himself which turned into singing. When he got out the team was standing there shocked. Mattsun still has the video.
Kageyama does anything Suga tells him too. Like once he was hungry and Suga told him he could leave if he got everyone food as a joke but Kags came back arms full of food.
Nishinoya sounds like beast boy imo, had to put that out there
Akaashi is super outgoing with bokuto when they are alone. When they are studying he gets bored and stands up doing a dramatic performance for Bokuto and gets him to join. Bokuto doesn't understand how he goes from 0 to 100 real quick and finds it funny. no one believes him if he tries to tell anyone.
iwaizumi promised Oikawa when they were little to hit everyone who hurt him, which is why he hits him so much because Oikawa is the meanest to himself
Bokuto is banned from having regular coffee. To keep him entertained Kuroo will give him decaf coffee but mostly drown it in milk. Bokuto really loves it because it's basically milk.
Tanaka lost a bet to Noya and had to wear a hot pink basically glowing to a practice match with Seijoh. Oikawa made fun of him so hard and Iwaizumi punched him but smiled.
Hinata believes in ghost and Tanaka and Noya give him hell for it.
Tsukishima has stretch marks from growing super fast
Yamaguchi's freckles are actually acne scars
Bokuto gives great hugs Kita is a close second
The captains have meetings and they are absolutely FERAL. Like heres how I imagine it would go down
Daichi: SHUT UP MY MOM IS CALLING. Kuroo: *moans as loud as possible while clapping his hands* Bokuto: DAICHI!! PASS THE WEED Oikawa: *crying in the corner because Ushijima made a comment of him being like a straight line* Ushijima: Hi Mrs. Sawamura
Seijoh has a group chat dedicated to ugly pictures of Oikawa
Nishinoya used to bite people
Kuroo sings opera in the shower
Tsukishima dresses as a dinosaur every year but its a full body costume so no one knows but yamaguchi
suga learned french so he could cuss people out behind their backs
Kageyama knows he looks like a blueberry so he eats them when he is sad
Kyotani is ambidextrous. Don't ask why. He just is.
When you ask Bokuto his favorite color he says the color of your eyes
Tanaka wears your perfume
Bokuto loves hide and seek
Tanaka is a shoe guy lmao
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tobitofunction · 2 years
Oh Baby Part 2
Part 1 was more successful than I thought but I'm happy it was. Haikyuu stage play Daichi is a 100/10
Part1 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 part11 part12 part13 Part14 part15 part16 part17 part18
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Daichi something on top of him,” Daichi, wake up” a small voice said. The person pushed his eyes open making them giggle,” Wake up, mom said you're late for practice”. This made Daichi shoot up, nearly making his brother tumble off him,” Why didn’t my alarm clock go off?” he said in a panic, he pushed his brother off him making the young boy pout.” Crap, it’s nearly 10. Ukai will have my head”. Daichi quickly changed and stormed out of the house.
Meanwhile, you stood beside Kiyoko waiting for the boys to arrive, Hinata and Kageyama were the first to arrive.”How is practice going?” Kiyoko asked,” Cheerleading practice, you're still in uniform” she smiled,” Oh, it’s going well, it’s just going to be a pain juggling cheerleading, with this club and other stuff,” you said sorting the water bottles. “ Don’t quit on me now, I don’t think I will be able to handle them myself” she joked making you giggle. “Y/N has blessed me this morning by wearing her uniform” Tanaka yelled running and then sliding on his knees before you,” Bless the person who invented the uniform” Nishinoya added (imagine the uniform to be similar to the cheerios uniform from glee, just with it being black and orange), you playfully rolled your eyes,” Daichi won’t appreciate you hitting on me,” you said,” Sharing is caring,” Nishinoya said cheekily making you flick his forehead. “Speak of the devil,” Kiyoko said as Daichi entered the door panting,” Dai, why are you out of breath?” you asked jogging over to him,” Woke up late” his cheeks were red and became redder seeing you in the cheerleading uniform.” Did you make a decision yet?” he asked quietly,” No, still thinking. Coach is working us to the bone and wants to shoot (Your friend) out of a canon. Which reminds me to speak to Takeda,” you said walking away,” Y/N, I know you still haven't made a decision but knowing the cheer coach she is reckless and it’s not safe for the baby” he whispered,” Daichi, let’s talk about after practice” you kissed his lips just as Ukai entered.” Everybody is here, good, let’s get started with a nice sprint up the hills. Move it, ladies,” he said, looking between you and Daichi.
“Daichi is everything okay between you and Y/N?” Suga asked,” Yeah, why shouldn't we be?”,” You were whispering to each other quite a lot during practice and Y/N wasn’t with us for the first few weeks,” Tanaka said,” If you break up, can I date her,” Nishinoya asked,” We are fine, she’s just has a lot on her plate lately and Noya the time when you can have Y/N is when she is helping you study,” Daichi said before leaving, not noticing that something fell out his pocket. Suga did tho and picked up, his eyes widening seeing the Ultrasound, he quickly looked around to see if his other teammates noticed but no one did. He quickly put it in his bag and ran after Daichi. 
Meanwhile, you were in the bathroom, admiring yourself in the cheerleading uniform, which fits like a glow for now. The second your coach finds out you will be kicked out of the team, yes you can always rejoin next year but that’s the option if you either A abort the pregnancy or give away the baby for adoption but Daichi wants to keep it. He said he will stay with you doesn't matter your decision but keeping the baby ties the two of you together, what if Daichi stops loving you one day? You guys are so young, but Daichi is the perfect boyfriend, rarely gets jealous, protective but not in an over the top way, loving and so on.” What do I do?” you mumbled placing your hand on your stomach,” Oh hi” a voice said ripping you away from your thoughts. You looked towards the door, Yui Mishimiya stood there, sports bag slung over her shoulder,” Hey, how is practise going?” you asked fixing your ponytail,” Alright, a couple of the girls didn’t show. Nothing new though” she said walking towards the sink,” Make them run extra laps the next day they come in. If you want to make it to nationals you need to be tougher than that” you said,” Like Daichi?” she said,” Yes... do you have a crush on him?”, you asked crossing your arms, her cheeks flushed red,” What?! No....no why do you think that?” she said nervously, you knew she was lying, you bit your tongue to stop yourself from saying anything you might regret, those damm pregnancy hormones, you never felt jealous of her, Daichi only had eyes for you, but it might change once you get fatter,” Nothing” you mumbled said splashing water in your face snapping you out the feeling,” Talk to Daichi, he always has good advice” you said smiling.
Daichi was waiting outside the school gates, scrolling through his phone waiting for you to be finished when he heard Suga call out for him.”Hey!” Daichi said putting his phone back into his pocket,” Lose something?” Suga said crossing his arms,” Emmm no?! I don't think so” Daichi said,” You sure?” Suga said pulling out the ultrasound making Daichi’s eye’s widened,” Is your pull out game that weak Dai?”, Daichi was about to answer when you showed up,” What’s up -” you stopped mid-sentence seeing the ultrasound,” Where did you get that from?”,” Daichi dropped it in the changing room, no one else noticed by the way” Suga said,” Are you-”,” Of course I am, your holding proof of it in your hands” you said grabbing the ultrasound out of his hand and storming off. “Y/N, COME BACK” Daichi yelled ruining after you, while Suga stayed behind.
“Babe, please talk to me” Daichi grabbed your arm,” Did you know that Michimya has a crush on you?” this question took him back,” No?!” he said confused,” I don’t know if I want to keep the baby” you sniffed,” Why?” he asked softly,” Everything is perfect, I’m head cheerleader, part of the Volleyball Club, have good enough grades, a good reputation and an amazing boyfriend,” you said playing with Daichi’s shirt,” I’m scared that everything will go away if I go through with this” I’m mostly scared that you will leave me, that you noticed that having a baby with me so young was a mistake and get together with some else, like Michimya”. You buried your face into his toned chest, wetting the materiel with your tears, Daichi softly rubbed your back,” I didn’t lie to you Y/N, I will be by your side whatever decision you make. Baby or no baby. I love you and you're stuck with me” he said as you pulled away from his chest looking up at him,” I love you too...can you give me another day? I just need to get my head clear” Daichi nodded,” Of course, let me walk you home”,” Daichi can you talk to Suga, I don’t want him to tell anybody else”,” Of course”.
Daichi kissed you goodbye and pulled out his phone calling his best friend.” Suga-“,” I won’t say anything, I’m actually quite hurt that you think I will expose the two of you like that” he joked softly making Daichi chuckle as he was home,” Is she okay?”,” Yeah, she still making up her mind” Daichi said,” Is there much to think about? You are 18 and 17 respectively. You don’t have jobs-“,” Suga, let us worry about it if Y/N chooses to keep the baby” Daichi said making Suga sigh,” Fine, I’m here when you need me. Bye”.
You lay on your bed looking at the ultrasound. The baby was tiny only a couple of weeks old. You closed your eyes and imagined how your life will turn out if you keep it, Daichi wants to be a cop while you still have time to find out. You said a sign on Ukai’s store, he’s looking for staff. You or Daichi can do it after practice and school. You will have enough time after leaving the cheerleaders, something you will be threading. What if the baby looks like you or Daichi or even a mix between the two of you. What will your parents do when they find out, those it matter though? Daichi said he will stick with you whatever you choose. You sat up, reaching for your phone.” Daichi I made a decision, call me once you hear this” you said ending the call when you heard the front door open.
It was quiet for a while when you heard your Dad scream your name,” GET HERE NOW”. You jumped at his voice,” NOW GET DOWN HERE NOW” he screamed again making you gulp.
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osakunt · 3 years
Could you do a fluff with a hint of angst Iwaizumi oneshot where he’s dating a 3rd year from Karasuno who’s the girl’s soccer captain and she’s close with the volleyball team so when Karasuno beats Seijoh, she comforts Iwaizumi and tells him she loves him despite Daichi having a crush on her?
➟ 𝗜𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗺𝗶 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
➟ 𝗢𝗳𝗰 𝗶 𝗰𝗮𝗻. 𝗻𝗴𝗹 𝗶 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝗽 𝗮 𝗯𝗶𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗮𝘀𝗸 𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗼 𝗜 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗼𝗱. 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆, 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝗲𝘀 ♡
➟ 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝘁𝘆𝗽𝗼𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲
“(Y/N)!!!!!” Tanaka’s voice alerts the team that you had arrived to the gym. Suga runs your way jumping in you excited to see you after a week of you not showing up to the gym due to soccer practice and games taking up time after school.
Laughing along with him you wrestle him off you and Daichi approaches you and gives you a hand to help you up from the floor. “How’s your practice ? Heard that the you girls won three games last week. Talk about starting the season with a kick” his dad jokes make you cringe but laugh at his effort to going the extra mile with being nice.
“You doing anything on Tuesday ? We play Seijoh and-” As soon as you hear the school name you interrupt Daichi telling him all about your plan for that day. “ I heard !n I was actually going to go. I let the girls have the day off of practice so I’ll be able to go. I can cheer for you guys and all.” You say not me ruining your boyfriend and giving Daichi hope that you reciprocated his feelings for you.
“You’re just going because your boyfriend plays for Seijoh !! Don’t even try to be slick, ya hear !” Tanaka points at you and shouts like a bad mad making you blush. “Shut it baldy !!! I’ll always support you guys ni matter what”
“Did I hear that right ? Your….boyfriend plays for Seijoh ?” Daichi’s voice cracks a little at the word boyfriend but he finishes up with words trying to play off the hurt. “Oh yea, you guys know ‘im” you smile really hard waiting for one of the boys to say Hajime’s name.
“Is it that bastard Oikawa ?” Kageyama scowls
“The tall one with eyes who looks like he’s smoked for days” Nishinoya shouts out talking about Matsukawa.
“Hanamaki ?” Asashi whispers not too sure of his answer
“NOOOO IT’S IWAIZUMU” Hinata jumps up and down trying to get the rest of the guys attention
“He’s right. It’s the ace.” Suga backs up the younger boys answer. Daichi getting affirmation of who it was he deflated a little but smiles continuing to pretend like everything was alright. Looking at your watch you see the time and remember you had to meet up with Hajime. “Fuck- guys I’ll see y’all later, I have to go. I’ll be at the game Tuesday though. I have a good feeling you guys will win.” You wave at the team with a smile speed walking to the exit.
Getting to where you were to meet up with Hajime he receives you with a hug and kiss to your forehead. “Hey,doll. How was practice ?” “Good thanks, yours ?” “Shitty-kawa had the nerve to start bitching about something’s but it was good too”
You both walk towards your home. Practice let out late for you and Hajime didn’t want you walking home alone so he made for to walk you even if you said you’d walk with Hinata who lived close to where you lived. “What did I tell you ? That the boys volleyball team would be let out even more late than you. I can’t take the chances ,love” He reaches for your hand squeezing it lightly.
Once getting yo your house, Iwa hugs and kisses you plus greets your mom who opened the door for you. “Thanks for walking her home,hon” your mother hugs your boyfriend happy to know that you were in good hands with him. “ ah don’t worry about it. Coupon have her walking all alone at the hour.” He hugs back content with his actions. ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
Tuesday Afternoon
The crowd for Seijoh was loud. There was no doubt that they wanted them to win. In the other side was the crowd supporting Karauno, which was much smaller and where you were seated with one of your defenses on the team. “You think they can take this W ?” “Yea they’ve worked hard and have practiced twice as much. Not only that but they have Daichi leading them. They’ll be fine” you respond glancing at her with full seriousness.
“If you say so capt’n” the short haired girl sighs hoping your instincts were right.
The game starts and things start to get interesting. When the game you saw Karasuno ready to take the set your voice is was the other heard. “Oh shit - Oh shit…OH SHIITTTT” you get up from your seat and cheer watching the ball kiss the courts floor. You were happy to see that the boys you were good friends with won but also felt a sting with seeing Iwa and the others cry silently while they thank the people who came out to support.
Your heart squeezes seeing this and you just had to reach out and get to your boyfriend before anything. You could only imagine the hurt he felt after a loss of a game and how devastated he is at the moment.
“I’ll be back” you grab your belongings and let the smaller girl beside you know. “Wait where ya goin’ !!! I thought we were going to get buns after this ?!” “We are !! Give me a few minutes and I’ll meet you at the gym exit!” You yell half way gone. “Capt’n my ass. (Y/n) you just wanna see your Iwaizumi.” She grumbles really wanting that meat bun.
Making your own way to the outside of the locker room where the Karasuno boys were - you smile at them congratulating them with hugs and high- fives happy to know that their hard work paid off. “You guys did amazing here out there. And Daichi *chefs kiss* beautiful” you butter yo the captain making him blush. “Thank you for coming out (y/n) it means a lot to all of us” Asahi bends over in front of you making Yh shake your head “please no no no. It’s not a problem at all. I’m happy to come out and support you all when I can” you finish up congratulating them and say your byes then make your way to where Iwaizumi would probably be.
Getting told by Mattsun that Iwaizumi was still in the locker room you tell him if he could give you boyfriend a message. “Tell him I’ll be at the front. I’ll be waiting for him there wih another teammate of mine, thanks” “of course I will. How can I say no to such a cute face” Mattsun bends to your height and begins to pinch your cheeks teasingly without realizing that Iwa was making his way out the locker room.
“Ahem - mind telling me why you’re touching her cheeks ?”
“Cause Iwa, they’re soft~ oh wait yours are too” Matsukawa reaches for Iwaizumi’s cheeks but he dodges them quickly.
“Ah you’re no fun. I’ll see you tomorrow, till next time my dear (y/n) ~” the male continues to tease and sing song as he takes his leave.
Walking to where you teammate was you could feel the sad aura radiating off Iwa. Stopping to turn to him you express your arms which he gladly accepts and pulls you close to him, burying his face into your black club jacket. “You probably think I’m a loser now” he grumbles letting out a sigh.
“No, you big baby. I think you did everything you had and deserves kisses” you jut your lips up waiting for him to pull back and meet your lips with his. “You’re just sayin’ that cause you’re my girlfriend” his grin around your waist tightens. “Hajime,baby - My cute ace and cry baby. I’m saying this because you really did do everything in your power to win. You and the team. Things just didn’t go as planned wnd that’s okay”
Pulling back from the embrace he smiles and leans in to kiss your lips content with knowing that even if he lost, you’d be there to help him stay standing or even help him stand up. “I love you, Messi” with a short laugh at his joke you pull him in to you once again “I love you too”
As you two had your moment the Karasuno boys came out walking to get in the bus. The corner of his eye is what got Daichi’s attention. Seeing you hugged up with someone other than him made him sigh deeply hurt that you had been taken. “Cheer up captain. I know you like her but please don’t let this kill your spirit” Tanaka smacks Daichi’s back pushing him forward. “I should’ve ask her out sooner” Daichi whispers for only Tanaka to hear but the the other chaotic players heard - Suga and Nishinoya come in hugging Daichi trying to cheer him up with Tanaka.
Though you weren’t with him, he’d always cheer for your happiness, no matter what. Daichi was just that person to wish the best to anyone who was grand to him.
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salvatoreren · 2 years
My thoughts on the Haikyuu Oneshot
I screamed
Lmao i thought the fandom was joking about a oneshot so imagine my surprise when i actually saw it lol
USHIWAKA AND KUROO RUNNING I LOVE THAT, Ushi is like hey man you dont have to do this, isdjhkjadh he's so cute, i cant believe i found him scary before, ALSO LMAO KUROO TELLING USHI HOW POPULAR HE IS TOWARDS KIDS AND HOW THEY THINK HE'S THE TERMINATOR JSDHJF
In conclusion, this chapter made me realize how much i miss and love haikyuu, like im not normally the one to scream and gush about new content being released on a fandom i've been but haikyuu's just rlly different
haikyuu literally is a masterpiece, im so glad i watched it, the characters are just so loveable hence me repetitively saying how i love this, i miss this and shit lol
If you havent watched or read haikyuu you should, it will break your heart on some certain parts but the series has a lot of good parts it'll overpower that lol I SWEAR GUYS
i literally cant wait to see the rest of the manga be adapted, i love this series jfc
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realcube · 4 years
their team reacts to seeing them with hickeys/back scratches 💫
characters: kageyama, akaashi & kita
tw// fem! reader, sexual references, swearing, blood 
kita tw// mentions of daddy kink, punishment, overstimulation - MINORS DNI 
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thank you anon for the request 💗
Tobio Kageyama
he was on tanaka’s team for game amongst karasuno and he watched his senpai take off his shirt and wave it around after they scored another point
but instead of putting the shirt back on, he kept it off bc he was too lazy to go get it since he threw it to the other side of the gym
then noya took his shirt off too bc he was sweating buckets 
but kageyama wasn’t really sure why they had their shirts off so he felt the need to ask
‘why aren’t you putting your shirt back on?’
noya was just kinda like ‘who are you, my mom?’ but tanaka gave him a straight answer which was ‘it helps with ✨ aerodynamics✨’
kageyama isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed so he doesn’t even know what aerodynamics are
but then he watched tanaka make a killer spike and he was sold 
shirt = off
aerodynamics = thriving (?)
sets = awesome
back scratches = exposed 😳
hotel = trivago 
tsukishima was the first one to notice ofc as he was positioned right behind kageyama 
he didn’t say anything tho bc yamaguchi was on the opposite team so he just had to snicker to himself
hinata was like ‘what’s so funny, stinkyshima?!’ bc he automatically assumed that tsukishima was laughing at him lol
but then he followed tsukki’s gaze and leaned back to look at kageyama’s back too
‘yeesh, man. you should probably put some aloe vera on that or something, it could get infected.’
AIUWRAFHBE ok ok hinata isn’t completely oblivious to the connotations of back scratches but he’d never think in a million years that kageyama would get laid so he kinda subconsciously ruled that possibilty out-
kageyama quirked a brow, ‘what?’
‘your back! it’s all mangled.’ 
then noya and tanaka ran over and fkn BURST OUT LAUGHING 
at this point, all of kageyama’s team was surrounding him while the other team waited patiently for them to serve
but after a while, it was clear that they weren’t gonna do that so suga - who was on the opposing team - strolled over to see what they were all laughing about
and when he saw it- bitch- he went red 
a cool mom so he probably made a suggestive remark as he walks away
it eventually got to the point where everyone in the gym was crowded around kageyama and for ease, i’ll categorize their reactions:
laughing their ass off  ➵ tsukishima, tanaka, nishinoya, coach ukai & yamaguchi
concerned and confused  ➵ yachi, takeda, hinata & narita 
a blushing mess  ➵ asahi, kinoshita & sugawara
unfazed 😐  ➵ kiyoko & daichi 
LIVID  ➵ kageyama
kageyama could literally break his neck and walk into practise with a neck brace and no one would bat an eye but now that he has scratches on his back, suddenly everyone is so concerned about his wellbeing? where with this energy that time he said that hinata gave him a concussion?
to be fair, he didn’t have a concussion- also, he forgot the word so he told suga that hinata gave him a ‘conclusion’
daichi agreed, trying to usher everyone back to their spot on the court, ‘yeah, it’s no big deal, guys. let’s get back to practise.’
everyone slowly made their way back to where they were previously but since tanaka and noya were still on kageyama’s team, they continued to pry 
tanaka flung his arm around kageyama’s shoulders, ‘so how’d you get those scratches, big boy?’ 
an ungodly laugh left noya’s mouth
kageyama shrugged, ‘(y/n), i think.’
the whole gym room went silent before erupting in choruses of laughter once again
kageyama was truly the idiot that didn’t understand the implications of the back scratches - so you can imagine that he was frustrated when everyone started laughing again
‘what’s so funny?’ but then, he recalled the events which he was pretty certain were the reason for the marks on his back......it was pretty funny
you insisted on giving kageyama a back massage after a long day of practise so he took his shirt off and let you go for it 
for the record, he really loved it :)) he was just so happy sitting there between your thighs as you sat on the couch and rubbed his back, loosening all the knots he didn’t even know he had
but then he got a lil’ inch on his back and was like ‘can you get that for me?’ since your hands were already on his shoulders/back
ofc you said yes and started lightly scratching the spot he desired, but being extra careful bc you just got you nails done in the stiletto shape and the last thing you wanted to do was puncture his back lol
‘harder..’ kageyama muttered so low that you almost didn’t hear him
you obliged, pressing a bit harder 
‘harder.’ he insisted once more
again, you served by digging your nails in a bit deeper
‘no, kags. i’ll literally pierce your skin if i press any harde--’ 
‘harder!’ he barked (for a joke) and you jumped from fright, instinctively pushing in more and increasing the pace of your hand
at this point, you were rigorously clawing at his back, on the verge of drawing blood which you could tell by his skin’s newfound crimson pigment 
kageyama took it upon himself to lean backwards onto your nails to force you to go rougher as you had yet to ease his itch 
then you let out a high-pitched scream so naturally, kageyama jerked away then peered over his shoulder to make sure you hadn’t like..died
‘what?!’ he asked, eyes filled with worry
‘blood!’ you yelled, pointing at his back before sprinting to the kitchen to get a tissue 
kageyama’s gaze followed you until you were out of sight, then he lightly touched his back around the parts you were scratching and once he pulled his hand away, he noticed the blood which was now on his fingers
the concerning part was that he didn’t even feel it tbh 🤔
anyway tanaka and noya probably coo ‘oooh~ lovebirds~’ when you come pick him up from practise
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Keiji Akaashi
bokuto heard some ppl whispering about akaashi & (y/n) in the changing room so he turned around to take a look at his friend then he noticed the scratch marks on his poor friends’ back
‘AKAASHI!! DID YOU GET MAULED BY A BEAR?!?!’ he screamed, grabbing the attention of everyone in the changing room and those who weren’t whispering about akaashi before, were definitely doing so now
akaashi smiled softly and shook his head, hastily throwing on his shirt and buttoning it up as he spoke, ‘no, bokuto-san.’
bokuto quirked a brow, wondering what could’ve possibly happened before his jaw dropped to the ground
‘is it ‘cause i patted your back a bit hard earlier?!?!?’
akaashi didn’t even bother to question how bokuto could think that a slap on the spine could lead to scratch marks and instead just replied normally, ‘no.’
bokuto was stumped once again- why else would his buddy have marks on his back? and why was (y/n) such a prominent name floating around in this changing room? doesn’t everyone know that she is taken by bokuto’s best-bro akaashi?
bokuto’s jaw hung open once again as his soul left his body through an overdramatic gasp, before leaning in and whispering in akaashi’s ear, ‘wait- don’t tell me- you and (y/n)-’
akaashi’s cheeks tinted red slightly so he turned his head away while he pulled on his blazer, ‘no.’
bokuto let out a light sigh of relief, gently patting his pal’s back, ‘ah, good. but then, where did those marks come from?’
before akaashi even got the opportunity to open his mouth to respond, komi and konoha passed the pair, konoha patting akaashi’s shoulder and komi shot him a toothy grin accompanied by a thumbs-up, ‘get some, akaashi.’
then they walked off, konoha mubbling something about his chances with (y/n) being ruined 
this left both bokuto and akaashi extremely confused
once all traces of komi and konoha were gone, akaashi proceeded to explain himself
‘backne is a horrible thing.’ he murmured, grabbing his satchel, slinging it over his shoulder before strolling out the changing room. ‘i’ll wait for you outside.’
and bokuto just stood there like (。_。) ‘what’s backne?’
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Shinsuke Kita
atsumu had invited the whole squad back to inarizaki for one last game before coach kurosu’s retirement 
after ages of arrangement, the whole team were able to make an appearance at the game - whether that be for 10 minutes or the whole thing
kita was able to stay for the whole thing
he was currently warming-up while chatting with aran before he was approached by atsumu, who was as lively as ever
‘mister rice farmer! it’s good to see you again!’ he sung, tossing his arm around kita’s shoulder and patting it in a friendly manner, ‘how’s life been treating ya?’
kita and atsumu somehow managed to make small-talk as if they hadn’t been apart for the last 6 years
‘me and my girlfriend have only been together for 6 months but i think i’m ready to settle down.’ atsumu mused, tapping his elbow before realising that he had been talking about himself for a while, ‘but anyway, i see that you and (y/n) are still going strong. haven’t y’all been together since the first year of highschool? that’s impressive! when are you gonna wife her up?’ 
kita perked up upon hearing that, ‘uh, yes. but how do you know that?’
atsumu couldn’t help but smirk, casually running a hand through his hair before motioning to the hickey on kita’s neck which was on semi-display, ‘right there, bud.’
kita looked down but unfortunately, his neck didn’t bend enough to see what atsumu was referring to 
‘also,’ atsumu chuckled, slightly embarrassed about what he was going to admit ‘i saw the pic of her you put on your facebook.’
‘ah, okay.’ that one kita could understand
atsumu was about to open this mouth to say something but then the shrieking noise of the coach kurosu’s whistle rang through the gym room, indicating the start of the match
the game went surprisingly smooth tbh 
minimal fights :o
but kita did get teased quite a lot smh 
anyway, after everything was all said and done and everyone started to filter out the gym, kita rushed to the bathroom to check himself in the mirror and see what atsumu was referring to on his neck
once he took a look at himself, he frowned
just as he thought, a hickey - that’s embarrassing
it was clear you made an effort to place hickeys in areas that would be hidden though as the bruise was barely peeking out from under the collar of his jersey, atsumu just has a rather keen eye 
however, that wasn’t going to stop kita from pounding you dry when he gets home - as a punishment ofc 
kita was about to leave but he couldn’t help but stay and stare at himself in the mirror for a bit longer, recalling last night as he wondered at what point you bit those onto his neck
was it during the 2nd round? or the foreplay? or perhaps the 4th round? wait- no- definitely during aftercare cuddles!..or actually, maybe the 1st round?
in all honesty, he couldn’t remember 
to him the whole night was a blur of pounding into you relentlessly, overstimulation, pleads for mercy, tears, passionate kisses and praise
with a sprinkle of daddy kink but let’s not talk about that
oh, and not to forget the way you’d call out his name just as you were about to reach your orgasm 
or your sweet, lewd whines that echoed through the room when he thrashes against your sensitive spot 
and don’t get him started on the cute little nicknames you have for him that squeal out through moans, like ‘daddy’, ‘master’, ‘sir’ etc 
kita snapped out of his fantasies, letting out a sigh and about to exit the bathroom- until he noticed himself in the mirror out of the corner of his eye
he was hard
smh smh smh 
now he was stuck between a rock and a hard place
(literally 🤠)
he could either potentially embarrass himself or cause an accident by walking to his car and driving home with a throbbing boner
or he could call you to help him jerk off in a bathroom stall
so he took a seat in one of the stalls - for the sake of the ppl he might run over if he did otherwise  
he rung you up and thankfully, you picked up and you weren’t feeling bratty enough to deny him the help he needed so badly
although it wasn’t a very pleasurable experience since he was constantly on hyper-alert just in case the janitor walked in, at least he got a lot of nostalgia from it :))
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w3bkyo · 4 years
Haikyuu boys reactions after their first kiss ; Karasuno edition
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pairing: Kei Tsukishima x Reader, Tobio Kageyama x Reader, Yuu Nishinoya x Reader, Koshi Sugawara x Reader
Warnings: None :)
gender: Fluff (sfw) ♡
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— Kei Tsukishima 
∴ let's be honest, you had to kiss him
∴ he would NEVER kiss you first
∴ "you're so scared to ask him out, such a crybaby."
∴ he new you liked someone, but didn't knew it was him
∴ you like him since the first year, but now, you finally aren't scared to do a move
∴ your body was just.. so filled with adrenaline that you wasn't thinking straight
∴ you just acted with the heat of the moment
∴ the boy looked at you for some seconds after the kiss and it made you flustered
∴ was your kiss bad? does he likes other person?
∴ he was just... surprised
∴ after months saying that you were only a scared little person that would never do anything to the person you like, you do that?
you separated your lips from his after at least five seconds of kiss.
his half-closed eyebrows showed how confused he was. after months you finally kissed him, wow.
"cat got your tongue, Tsuki?" you said trying to act as toughth as you could.
he brings his head closer to your ear and whispered "finally mustered up courage, pipsqueak."
"i had to, if i didn't, i would still single next valentine's day." you joked
"fuck you."
"i like you too, suki."
"do not call me that." he said and you giggled.
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— Tobio Kageyama 
∴ Kageyama.exe stopped working
∴ the blush in his cheeks was showing that he did like that
∴ he had a crush in you, but to him it really doesn't mattered
∴ but when your lips touched his, he new he truly liked you
∴ maybe as much as volleyball
"Kageyama?" you said trying to get his attention
"why.. did you do that, idiot—" he said as you laughed.
"i like you." you said.
"idiot.." the blush in his face was so cute.
he had no idea what he was feeling right now, but he was feeling something.
he's feeling like he had just won a volleyball game, such a good sensation.
"was that an i like you too?" you said before listen to someone's steps behind the two of you.
"look what we have here," started Tsukishima "our loved king 's in love? how cute." he laughed.
"at least someone likes me.. what about you?" Tobio answered.
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— Yuu Nishinoya 
∴ he was just so happy
∴ he finally had his first kiss, he don't need to lie anymore :D
∴ don't judge him, it's hard to be in high school if you haven't your first kiss yet
∴ you had never saw him like this
∴ his cheeks were red and his eyes were so filled with enthusiasm
∴ he's already planning your marriage
"did you liked?" you said.
"WHAT?" he screamed scaring you "you kissed me?"
"oh God... i need to tell Tanaka—" he still trying to process what did just happened "i kissed.. damn!!" he started to laugh "did i kiss well? did you liked? want to be my valentine?"
"you kiss was good, i guess, i had never made this before—" he was even happier "and yes, i want to be your valentine."
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— Koshi Sugawara 
∴ the first 3rd year to kiss
∴ chaotic cute
∴ was a blush mess with a indescribable face
∴ "imagine how the firsts year will react, I'm such a cool senpai."
your lips separated from each other and you took a deep breath.
you looked at him and he was paralyzed.
"Suga, are you okay..?"
"oh. my. God—" he started "you kissed me, okay."
"play it cool, play it cool" he mumbled "so, you like me? I'd never find out."
"it's been a couple months."
"want to eat something after practice? watch something?"
you nodded to him, his heart was beating so fast.
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hope you had enjoyed :)
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kalinawtokilig · 4 years
S/O who gets into fights
Pair(s) : Sugawara Koushi x Reader, Yaku Morisuke x Reader, Akaashi Keiji x Reader, Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader, Semi Eita x Reader 
Ohoh, boi good luck. 
It’s not uncommon for you to get into a fight, as you don’t look nor act the type. You don’t ask to get into a fight nor provoke, you simply attract trouble, (Oh, a problem child,,) But if this person (or people) are talking smack about you, you bet your bum that you’re gonna sit down and let them. Nah, you put’em up. Warning? You ARE the WARNING. 
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Sugawara Koushi x Reader
((I love and pimp him. Pimp pimp pimp)) 
He hears it from Yachi. More like, the team does and Nishinoya and Tanaka are ready to throw some hands.
During practice, Yachi, the sweet girl, poor her; she sees you having an intense argument with two other third years when she comes to refill on water bottles. 
She knows you, talking to you a couple of times. You were always a sweet upperclassman, kind and soft to her and the team, even Kageyama and Tsukishima showed you respect in your presence. 
But when one of them swung the first punch to your face, you bet she dropped everything and hauled ass to the gym to call over your boyfriend. 
Sugawara. Ah, yes, the duality of this man. I would say unpredictable, cause some say he’s the responsible type to stop the fight by finding a teacher and others say he’ll unleash Tanaka and Nishinoya. 
I say, he’s the type to KNOW who you are and WHAT you are capable of. Yes, he can join in the fight, but last time he saw you fight someone he was unaware and baffled that you are able to land solid one punch (( WANNA BE SAIKYU HEROOO)) and knock’em out. Nah, he’s the type to collect the aftermath and try to bury the evidence ((What a sweet boyfie <3 )) 
“Suga-san! (Y/N)-san i-is in a fight a-and I think they need help!” She screeches, catching the attention of the team members. 
“Ah, I’ll be back. Gotta collect the corpses.” 
Asahi, Hinata, and Yachi nearly pass out when he says that. “Corpses? (Y/N)-san killed them that quick? And Sugawara is the accessory???” 
When he finally reaches you, though he knows you’re capable of standing your ground, he can’t help but worry the bruises and cuts on you. You may be able to keep standing, but that doesn’t mean you can avoid ALL their hits. 
When he sees your figure, his fingers dig deep into his palms. “(Y/N)?” He calls out to you. You’re huffing and you straighten your back, turning to face him you smile lovingly to him. “Yes, Darling?” 
He may simp for you but that doesn’t mean he can’t lecture you. 
Sighing, he crouches to the two fools who decided to provoke you and talks to them in that tone where you can’t speak because you’re scared of what they’re capable of. He says that he’ll be watching them closely and that if they mention their S/O beating them up, not only will they all get suspended but Sugawara will make sure they’ll never face pride or regain their HONOR back. (ayye zuko wassup ?) 
Standing up, he looks to you and holds your hands as gingerly as possibly, observing the irritated redness on your knuckles and the splotches of small red bloody dots. His nose scrunches cutely as one hand lets go of yours to cup your face carefully because of the now forming bruise on your pretty face. 
Sighing, he smiles, brows furrowed, “Sugar, next time, go easy on them. I don’t want your pretty hands to be so messed up. I love you and I don’t mind bandaging them up and kissing them to make you feel better, but I feel the more you punch the more your hands’ll fall off. Then who am I supposed to hold hands with?”
You can’t help but crack a joke, “Ah yes, losing Daichi and me in the same year, my poor Darling~!” You coo to him. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” 
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Yaku Morisuke x Reader
((Babie,, cat babie ,,, dangerous babiee,,)) 
While the fiery, third-year, libero of Nekoma dislikes Lev, you absolutely cherish the tall boy and found him cute.
Kuroo makes fun of Yaku saying you should date Lev instead
then you retorted to the rooster head saying that it’ll be weird cause Lev is basically a little brother you’ve always wanted.
One day, after school, while your boyfie was at practice, you were on cleaning duty and overheard some students talking about your two favorite people.
They made fun Lev and then Yaku. They absolutely insulted him for his height and his plays while they made fun of Lev’s intelligence and lack of plays. 
And they chose D E A T H 
“Hah? Whatcha say?!” 
Commence a brawl 
You could’ve used the broomstick by breaking it in half and shanking them but you wanted them to know not to die JUST yet.
You were able to leave satisfied yet still pissed. The other students didn’t speak a peep, as to know not to mess with your temper and if they were a snitch, well, snitches get popped. 
for the ones who talked smack, you both came to the conclusion to say that you guys were playing too rough with the cleaning supplies 
When practice was over, you waited by the gate for your boyfie 
Seeing him, you smiled at him and he came up to you, flicking your jaw
“Ow! Love, what was that for? You’re not give your soldier a loving and tender hug for defending you and our child’s honor?” You pouted cutely to him. 
His eyes widened a bit,  a pink blush on his face until he squinted his eyes at you. “You got into a fight, again.”
“All in good nature, babe!” You stuck out your tongue to him, surprisingly he stuck out his tongue, to lick you with his own. 
“As much as I love you, you’re lucky that I wasn’t there or I would’ve killed you too to get rid of the evidence.”
“...Aw! You love me so much that you’ll clean my messes, I love you too, Morisuke!” 
“...I love you too, you frickin idiot.” 
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Akaashi Keiji x Reader
(Ayyeee back at it again, Akaashi-kun, how ya doin?) 
Akaashi may be a patient man, but this man can hold his patience with a sharp knife and cut it instantly 
It was your movie date and while you waited for Akaashi to get popcorn and snacks, your saw one of your best friends. 
You went up to say hi until you heard them talk bad about you, saying how Akaashi is only dating you to keep an eye on you or how you’re too naive that they obviously don’t want you cause you’re too clingy
with the cold, freezing, slushie, you ‘accidentally’ trip and spill it all over your now ex-bestie
like your bestie, that two-faced bih doesn’t go down without a fight
so basically this was your break-up fight
As he bandages your hands, you were too nervous to speak to him
You weren’t afraid of anything, not failing, not teachers or authority, nor suspencion
Though, you were very afraid of Akaashi’s silent temper
“Ah, Love-”
Pretty boy looks at you so quick you flinch for the upcoming lecture yet he says nothing which makes it even more scary for what he’ll say
“Are you mad at me?” You ask cutely, pouting and looking through your lashes while your head is down in shame
After a couple of minutes waiting for his answer, he sighs
“Blossom, you know how concerned I get when you get into fights. It...” He looks away, “hurts me to see you hurt...I love you a lot that I’m mad at myself that I wasn’t there to help you.” He confesses with a red tint spreading to the tips of his ears. 
Oh dear LORD this man continues to speak heavenly got ME swooning- 
“I should’ve known that friend of yours wasn’t true to you...I’m sorry I couldn’t see that. If you want, we can have Kenma pirate the movie and send us the link. Better than going out, right?” 
Your eyes sparkle and you launch to hug him, he lets out s strangled yelp as he falls back onto the bed 
Though easy to get into fights, you were easy to cry, as you were emotional to these kinds of things
Chuckling, he buries his head into the crook of your neck, one hand on your side and the other petting your hair
“I love you too, blossom” 
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Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
What a cactus. Don’t we stan? 
I stan. I totally stan. 
When you get into a fight this man KNOWS he’s most likely gonna watch to see if there is any bih to try to hit you while you’re busy fUCKING UP WITH OTHERS WHO MESSED WITH YA
Iwaizumi is literally the chillest ngl 
Will probably join if some CUNT ASS BIH  decides to pull ya hair or pick up some petty stick to beat you with it
((the more i write at 4:30 AM, the more my mind expands to more fight scenarios ohohhhh get ready my friends)) 
Literally the toughest couple
no cap, no one will mess with you unless they’re tryna get f’d in the a in the most unpleasurable way (omg that rhymes) 
Oikawa makes funny and teasing jokes about how you both look so intimidating that you’ll get wrinkles on your faces
“Keep barking, Oikawa, cause I can make sure my kicks can knock off that bitchy attitude <3″
“Why are you and Iwa-chan like this.” 
“Lmao get wrecked Trashykawa.”
Sometimes you act like Oikawa’s guard too, the fans know of your rep around school, so they don’t bother Oikawa as much which means Iwaizumi doesn’t have to spike volleyballs at his head so they can head to practice without any distractions ((Though Iwa still does it when Oikawa gets too flirty when thanking you)) 
Omg I can go forever with Iwa holleeeeemolleee 
I feel,, that when he’s bandaging up your face, your cleaning the cuts on his....chest.... n’ biceps,,,oof to be you... 
I feel like getting into fights can also count as a date
how fun would that be
talking about your fight date with him in front of other ppl who don’t really know you
I imagine you and iwa-babes talking and you’re like, staring so lovingly at his face and reach to touch the cut above his lip and you’re reminiscing 
“Babes, remember when we fought those two losers at the parking lot of a Target?”
“Oh yeah, I remember that. That dickbag got his ass handed to you, nice right hook by the way.”
Then the strangers RUDELY overhearing are like ‘Wth??? is this?? real?? did they actually fight two people?’
You did.
Oikawa posted it.
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Semi Eita x Reader
((Grey haired babes hit different, y’know?)) 
he’ll just be >:|
I can’t say he’ll be mad at you, but more like, concerned that his face looks mad
The same with Akaashi, you’re waiting for him to lecture you, but he’s quiet when he’s...worried,,concerned
You got into a fight because some BIHS from another sports team talked shit about the volleyball team, SPECIFICALLY your boyfie (how convenient for the plot) 
You may be smol but you have HELLFIRE
Long story short,,, you may have won the battle, but you are unsure if the war will reign supreme, by war I mean you’re preparing for Semi’s scolding
Waiting in his dorm room, you played the soundtrack he made for you and patiently waited until he came back from practice
When HE DOES come from practice, he opened the door to see you sleeping on the floor, back against his bed and when he was going to quietly coo at how cute you look, he gets a closer look at the split lip and bruised knuckles
...You have...a tampon shoved up your nose? 
“Muse. Bubs.” He cups your cheek, then patting it gently. 
When you wake up, you jump back
“BUBs, beh, listen, I, may have done something to someone out of provocation and insults whereas I also defended not only myself-” You wince at he narrows his lovely eyes at you, peering for you to go on (omg you frickin simp)
“I have protected you and your team from their,, falsehoods”
(Why are you talking like that lmao)
He blinks once. twice. going to his bathroom, he gets the first aid kid he ALWAYS had to restock because his babes CANT STOP GETTING INTO FIGHTS so he can patch you up 
“I love you, but we can take their idiocy, it’s just your idiocy I’m worried about...” He continues on, then he starts to listen to the music you’re playing
you’re playing one of his playlists he made for you
specifically, “When I’m with You <3″
He becomes flustered and you wonder if HE’S okay 
“Sh-Shut up, stupid! Stop getting into fights!” 
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attemptinghaikyuu · 4 years
Fake Dating: Sugawara
A/n: I’m not sure if I made him chaotic enough, but we can hope~
G/n reader
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Sugawara Koushi
Being best friends with Asahi, you end up being at volleyball practice an unnecessary amount
You’re not part of the club, but at this point you might as well be
You and Asahi just kinda drag each other everywhere??
During your time at the club you become friends with the rest of the third years
It’s a tight knit group
You always eat lunch together, and during this time you notice that most other students avoid your general area
Which makes sense, y’all get pretty loud
Daichi’s yelling about the first years needing to work together, Asahi’s trying to not get in the way, Kiyoko’s just chillin, and you and Suga are laughing at it while simultaneously poking fun at Daichi
You make him even madder then he was to start with, and now you’re both regretting it
Suga and you are definitely the most childish in your group
At least that’s what Daichi says, but pffft, what does he know??
It’s not like you both snuck out at night to grab ingredients for a cake for the volleyball team once... and then made it spicy as a prank....
Definitely didn’t do that😬
Your similar interests in causing messes help cement your friendship
But you both have your own ways of cheering people up and that’s how you first genuinely connected and became friends
Being besties with Asahi means needing to comfort him on the daily, not that you mind <3
Being there for Asahi makes you happy, you give him hugs when he needs them and joke about the aces on the other teams not being able to match Asahi’s strength
Suga’s way of cheering others up are hits of love
A bonk to the head and a few words of reassurance to get his friends and teammates feeling better is his go to
Sometimes you team up to encourage someone who’s really down or nervous
By the time you’re both done the person has so much confidence, they probably think they could receive a ball (cough, Hinata, cough)
There’s also the rare occasion where you both turn to encouraging each other
It almost always turns into a competition of who can make the other feel better
These encouragement battles have the whole team gathering around to see who wins
The volleyball team also have to pull you both apart after you start aggressively caring for one another a little too much
It’s a friendship you can’t imagine being without, one where you can go to one another when somethings wrong
You usually go to Asahi when you have a problem though
However, the thing currently plaguing you is something you need Sugawara’s help in
It’s surprisingly easy to explain what’s going on and how you plan on handling it
He straight up agrees because he’s thinking this’ll be free entertainment and he’s pretty sure this will work out for you
Your idea is to gouge your best friends reaction to you dating someone because maybe you have a small crush 👉👈
So you’re gonna find out if he feels the same through the only idea without you confessing best idea ever conceived
You’re actually really nervous and sweaty when you see Suga before practice at the time you agreed on to tell Asahi
Suga’s smiling and seems relatively relaxed (he’s panicking on the inside, he doesn’t know what he’s doing), and you try to copy him as you spot Asahi
Waving him over, you consider bolting and going home to scream in your pillow, as he gives you a smile asking if everything’s alright
You stand there for a solid minute just thinking how to start this
Then Suga grabs your hand, making you jump as he says, “Y/n and I just wanted to tell you that we’re dating!”
Asahi makes a squeak and stares at you two in shock before chuckling
“I wondered whether you two liked each other,” He pats your head and continues, “I’m happy for you guys.”
You’re smile is strained as you nod and reply with a happy yep!
Aware of the concerned look and small squeeze from Suga’s hand as Asahi goes in the gym, you turn to quietly thank him for helping out, so you can leave as quickly as you can, when you hear deafening WOOOO’s
Looking to the gyms entrance, just in time to see Noya and Tanaka come running out, yelling about how lucky you and Suga are
Uh oh
Before you know it the whole team is around you asking questions like when you got together and who asked who out
Asahi comes over with a smile and tells everyone to leave the new couple alone
So that’s fun :,)
The whole team thinks you’re dating now and if you say you aren’t, then you’ll have to explain to Asahi why you did this
Making an in the minute decision, you answer some questions, “I asked Suga out! And I did it in the middle of one of our compliment battles.”
Suga knows what you’re doing, figuring he agreed to this, he goes along with it hoping you’re alright
Daichi pats you both on the back after the team’s interrogation
Frustration from the situation you’ve put yourself in, has you in near tears, when you finally get to apologize to Suga
Pulling you in for a hug he apologizes too
“You’re not the only one who got themselves into this mess, I did agree to it after all.” He frowns, “I really thought Asahi liked you, that’s why I said yes, so don’t worry. We’re in this together.”
A very radical conversation later, and you’ve decided to keep the dating act up for three months before telling everyone you broke up and we’re better as just friends
Nothing has changed besides you trying to be as close to Suga as possible when Asahi’s around
Daichi ends up asking if you guys actually like the other when you’ve been acting so off as of late
Asahi gives you a concerned look and asks if everything’s going okay as well
If I’m being honest, no Asahi it’s not, and yA WANNA KNOW WHY, I CAN TELL YOUAJTGBGVWZ
You refuse to tell Asahi about your feelings so you and Suga step up your fake dating game😤
You end up holding hands constantly, it’s really comforting??
He squeezes it when he see’s you stressing and it helps calm you down, like it’s super grounding
You make him lunches as thanks sometimes
He knows how to make you feel better and you can’t help but start to search for him when ever you want a hug
A cold day after practice when you’re walking home with Suga you both decided that was a couple thing to do and now you walk each other home he gives you his jacket since you forgot
He’s blushing, Suga really didn’t know you’d look so cute in it
He’s giving it to you constantly after
He gets incredibly hyped about you wearing his jacket, so much so, that you’re a little embarrassed
But... it makes you happy to have someone who cares so much and gets excited at the little things you do🥺🥺
You grab his spare jersey (with the help of Kiyoko) and start wearing it to all his games
He cries the first time he sees you do it
Sugawara isn’t a star player, he isn’t even a starting player, you choosing to wear his jersey has him feeling bubbly and warm inside
He can’t stop hugging you when the games over, he literally refuses to let you go
Not that you care, you love Suga’s hugs
They’re encompassing and safe
You don’t remember when you started talking to Asahi again, but sometime in this fake dating you found you were fine talking with him
You’re actually gushing about Suga and the small study date you have this weekend with him, when he brings up “You have actual hearts in your eyes when you’re with Suga, ya know?”
That makes you stop because what?? You still like Asahi right?
Or wait...
You gasp, startling Asahi as you realize who you like
Panic wraps around you and your friend, noticing tries to reassure you, “Sugawara does the same thing too, he really likes you okay?”
Gulping you ask “He does?”
Once he reassures that Suga does in fact have heart eyes for you, you have a slight confidence boost
Just enough to run to find Suga
He was on his way to the gym when he heard you calling him
He turns, brightening when he sees you running up to him panting
His smile gives you an extra push to finish your impulsive choice
“You’re incredible Suga, whenever I’m with you, I feel like I can take on the would! It’s like you know exactly what I need! When I see your smile after one of my bad jokes, my bad days become good ones!”
Pausing when you see Suga getting ready to join in on your compliment train, you push out the last bit. “You make me incredibly happy! And I have to ask if you’d be my boyfriend beCAUSE ID LOVE TO DATE YOU.”
Suga’s shocked
And then he’s trying to stop himself from crying
Your feeling both relieved and sick to your stomach as this happens
Maybe Suga doesn’t actually like you?? This was probably a mistake wasn’t it????
Before your overthinking can continue, Suga gives you a small kiss
He smiles as he leans his forehead on yours, murmuring “I’d love to date you.”
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lovemeian · 3 years
ship your moots
hehehehe <3
@saetyrn9, amy! we don't really talk but their works are great; long and fun, their 'just this once' daichi fic astral projects me to another realm. i ship them with yaku, 'cos i think that'd be fun for them? caring but not about to take bullshit.
@tetsvhoe funnily enough, i see hinata. he would send gwen’s sarcastic, fun sunshine to the nth power and kill us all.
@undersero bee! OOH kinda wanna ship ya with a foxy ace, aran ojiro hehe.
@sunarent can kinda see kuroo ngl, something about like. a crisp guy whose got a strong undertone of gremlin works well for you, my love. kuroo sings the mnemonic he made to memorise the periodic table
@roanniee only a dilf can tame ya wild ass istg, so u can have romero
@kuroomiya im shipping itadori with you just bc i kinda wanna see that dynamic lmao
@ninjamomo idli, beloved, hehe i ship you with tobio, i think you two would be cute
@saudade-mayari for our dearest ate, im shipping you with endeavour in the hopes he can tame u. emphasis on the word hope bc i think its hopeless
@admiringlove SAM, my darling, i can see you and osamu working so well tho? it’d be cute but you can be annoying together
@ushisrever konoha just bc i think he can trigger something in you, and at the same, equal amount of patience
@aizameow ate riel needs someone who can be there and be stable, all might ka inday hehe
@strawbearisamu SOL BELOVED oooh but i kinda see tanaka making such a fuss dating u shjdhsd, watch him prefer a six course picnic date
@slutbench wala. joke. BESPREN. aone for you! sweetest big boy, give best hugs <3
@tsukkiangel yk for some reason, i think you and makki would be the cutest, imagine going on arcade dates with this guy, surprisingly amazing at range shooting games
@rintarhoes violet! darling, you deserve kita. someone wholesome and will you give you kisses before he works the fields ;-;
@laineeey00 lainey, darling, ooOOH akaashi would be so cute! he’d be so supportive of your art, work with you in the same room kinda cute
@bokutoism ryu! hehe i ship you with suga just bc ?? the energy you both release unto the world would be epic?
@betheydocrimewrites sam who makes me cry, i ship you with atsumu. i think he’d balance you out and maybe make your life a little brighter so theres less angst for me ;-;
@writewithmarites MARITES ! I WISH ONTO YOU kenma !! chill, gaming, and would talk to you about anything~
@moonlit-island RAYA DARLING, oooh, i think you and yamaguchi would be so cute ;-;
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peach-pops · 4 years
Hi I just saw the Ukai request thing and I was wondering if I could get some head cannons of anyone on the team, falling hard for ukais daughter or niece
This was so fun to write! I never actually imply this in the request but the reader is adopted cause it’s more inclusive that way! I chose Daichi and Tanaka cause they seem like they would have Ukai react way differently!
Daichi & Tanaka Going Out With Ukai’s Daughter HC
Okay so Daichi, being the captain and all, if there’s one thing he is really good at, it is respecting authority and understanding the chain of command
He’s worked from being a mere first-year peasant to being the daddy captain we all know and love
That’s why when he starts to catch feelings for Ukai’s daughter, he does his best to never step over the line because he doesn’t want to disrespect his family in any way 
It all started when you would show up to practice since Ukai didn’t want you alone at home but he gave everyone the speech to keep their eyes off of his kid
He made it a point to point out that you were his only child, his only daughter and that he would crack skulls without hesitation if any of the boys made you uncomfortable 
And yes, He looked at Tanaka and Noya the whole time because I swear they’ll simp for anything with two legs and a heartbeat 
Daichi doesn’t catch feelings for you right away though. He acknowledges that you’re pretty but it isn’t until you two slowly started to get to know each other more and more when Daichi realizes how hard he is falling for you
He’s sometimes a bit scared to make a move during volleyball practice since your dad is always like two feet away but you two share a class so you can bet your ass that he’s always sitting next to you and making up any excuse to talk to you
The two of you aren’t even dating but he is already so whipped for you 
Exhibit A
One day before practice, you complained that you had broken your headphones so without even asking you, he rushed to his house to get his pair and came back all sweaty and red, handing them over to you 
Exhibit B
Your favorite drink was stuck in the vending machine and you couldn’t shake it hard enough to make it drop but Daichi went over and bought four drinks so that way it could knock yours over 
Like you’re telling me that isn’t the cutest shit ever? Are my standards just low? ANYWAYS 
You eventually catch feelings for him cause duh look at him he’s perfect but you know that if it were to get more serious, Daichi would have to talk to your dad 
You knew you couldn’t go behind your dad’s back so telling him was the best and only option 
The whole time during practice, Daichi was nervous as hell. He really liked you but he also really respected his coach so he wasn’t even sure exactly how to go about it 
But when you gave his hand a light squeeze, it gave him a big boost of confidence cause screw it, you were worth it
So Daichi sucks it up and the two of you go up to Coach Ukai and he is such a confident and respectful dude he doesn’t even stutter
“ Coach Ukai, I want you to be the first to know that I have feelings for your daughter and she feels the same way about me. I know you’re protective of her but I would never do anything to hurt her, I can promise you that. If it’s okay with you, I’m planning to take her on a date this weekend if you would let me.”
“ Nope.” Ukai said simply as you whined and gave your dad the biggest puppy dog eyes
“  DAD!” You scolded as Ukai rolled his eyes,” Come on, wouldn’t you rather me date  the captain of a team that you can always keep an eye on than I don’t know, some asshole from a different team?”
“ Why does he have to be in volleyball in the first place? Better yet, why do you even need to date a boy? Are you trying to kill me?” Your dad asked as he looked between the two of you 
Ukai did realize deep down that Daichi was arguably the best option you had-He rather you be with Daichi than anyone else around your age group.
A part of Ukai knew that while he loved to see Daichi squirm, he really was a good guy and he just liked giving him a hard time 
“ Fine, have her home by ten.”
“ What about ten-thirty?” You asked as Daichi squeezed your hand and shook his head
“ No it’s okay, ten works just fine,” Daichi smiled back as Ukai couldn’t help but smirk because yep, you picked a good one 
Fast forward to your date and Daichi is outside your house dressed SO NICELY boy has a hot ass button up and everything 
And duh he has flowers for you he’s so cute I’m simping yall 
Obviously, Ukai opens the door and just shakes his head when he sees Daichi all nervous
“ No touching, I mean it kid. There has to be at least three feet between the two of you at all times and remember, if you ever hurt her I will personally bring a bat over to your house and-” 
“ Oh my god please stop, we’ll see you later!” You slip past your dad and grab Daichi’s arm to pull him down the driveway
Okay so you know how I said that Coach Ukai wouldn’t be too opposed with you going out with Daichi? Yeahhhh Tanaka is definitely one of the guys he much rather you not go out with at all
I honestly think Ukai sees so much of his younger self in Tanaka and that freaks him out
ANYWAY Lets go to the beginning tho
Tanaka first knows that he is crushing hard on you when he said the stupidest joke in class and of course, you were the only one to laugh cause lets be real, your sense of humor is pretty shit thanks to the internet 
And tanaka is like “ mhm yes I’ll marry you now” cause bruh no one laughs at my mans jokes he is SLEPT ON 
You two start hanging out and pretty quickly, you both are crushing extra hard on each other. It’s only been maybe like a week or two and you two are so uwu with each other it’s insane
One day before practice, you give him a quick kiss outside of the gym but Tanaka is a certified Clingy Boy™ so he pulls you back in for another one that’s much longer 
You both whip your heads around to find Coach Ukai with literal smoke coming out of his ears as he is glaring so hard at Tanaka 
Tanaka’s headass is like “oh im probably getting yelled at for PDA or maybe I lost track of time and I’m late to practice” but oh boy is he wrong
Idk if you guys collectively share one braincell or whatever but it just clicks now for you that “ oh shit, we are so fucked” 
“ Dad, I can explain-”
Tanaka doesn’t even hear the rest of the conversation like his brain shuts down when he hears you say the word Dad 
And he’s thinking in his head that maybe you just call coaches dad for some weird reason but no, Ukai is actually your dad
There’s so much yelling that the rest of the Karasuno members are outside of the gym doors listening in on the conversation because they’re nosey as hell 
Noya is definitely conflicted because heck yes, his boy is dating a female but he also wants to laugh because of course, Tanaka is having bad luck 
Suga thinks it is HILARIOUS 
But anyway
After a whole bunch of yelling, Ukai just says screw it and starts practice and you promise that you’ll talk to him at home but he makes you stay in the gym so he can take you straight home after
BRUH during the whole practice Tanaka does soooooo bad like hes nervous and he feels so guilty
Obviously, if he knew about your dad he would’ve planned it out much better and even ask for his blessing but it was too late to be worrying about what he could’ve done 
“  Don’t be hard on him please. I swear, it didn’t even click that you were his coach and I didn’t want to go behind your back like that,” You said as your dad sat down next to you on the bench as the boys did drills,” but you overreacted. You know he’s sensitive and he’s going to keep beating himself up about it.” 
“ How do you think I feel seeing my daughter kiss a boy? Why can’t you wait until you’re thirty to have a boyfriend? ” Ukai knew you were at the age where he couldn’t keep you away from boys but he was just so protective 
You were his only kid but because you were his daughter, it only complicated things
I already know Ukai raised such a big daddy’s girl (not in a weird way yall) and while he knows he raised you to be super strong, he just wants to protect you from heartache
“ I really like him and he makes me happy and I promise, we won’t even interact with each other if we are around you if it makes you uncomfortable.”
That wasn’t the most comforting thought to Ukai but he knew he was wrapped around your finger and that he would eventually cave in
It took some time for him to get used to the two of you being together. You two never went on any dates at first because Tanaka wanted to ease your dad into the idea of you two being together
But it wasn’t until Ukai saw how protective Tanaka was whenever you would come along to tournaments that Ukai started to feel better at the idea 
Like Tanaka would go FERAL if a guy even looked at you the wrong way and Ukai was secretly like “ yeah you tell em!” 
It was actually comforting to Ukai that you were dating someone who would literally lay their life on the line for you at any given moment because as your dad, he would do the same
So after a few weeks, it was actually Ukai who went up to Tanaka to talk about the two of you going on dates
“ You have my blessing but just know, if you even look at my daughter the wrong way, I will kill you, no questions asked.” 
Tanaka was actually relieved because to him, that was such an easy request. He couldn’t even imagine hurting you or ever making you upset so he was already thinking of date ideas once Ukai finished his sentence
“ Should I start calling you dad now?”
“ Don’t push it.”  
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semisgroupie · 4 years
Haikyuu & the song they use to turn you on HCs
Warnings: has NSFW themes, there are some timeskip! spoilers
Characters this part contains: Karasuno Team (including: Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita. I plan on including Kiyoko, Yachi, Coach Ukai and Takeda in another part)
A/N: all pairings are X GN!Reader! This idea just popped randomly into my head when I was listening to music one night to help me go to sleep and I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you all enjoy it too! This is going to be a little series thing of headcannons!
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Sawamura Daichi: Pony — Ginuwine
Have y’all seen magic Mike? Bc magic Mike is nothing compared to magic Daichi
I just imagine that one night y’all were sitting watching Magic Mike and you were drooling over the strippers in the movie and he catches your reaction and goes “well I’m gonna show them” in his head
So one night after work you open the door and find a note telling you to go to the bedroom so you go and sit on the bed and just hear Pony start playing
You’re really confused and then the door to your bedroom opens up again revealing a Daichi in a sexy cop uniform, wearing his police cap and twirling his work handcuffs around in his hand
He does a little strip show for you and let’s just say you’re glad you don’t have to go to work the next day because you spent all night riding his pony
Koushi Sugawara: LIKE I WANT YOU — Givēon
You two would be having a little makeout session and once it starts getting more heated Suga will grab his phone
Of course you’ll be confused bc you’re straddling him and this guy is on his phone
Before you question his actions Like I Want You starts playing
He chose this song bc one night when you two were out clubbing this song played and it just led to a really fun night (if you know what I mean)
Safe to say the song had the same effect on you as it did that night
Azumane Asahi: Love On the Brain — Rihanna
He remembers one day you were playing this song while you were cooking and the way you were swaying your hips just drove him wild
He added the song to his playlist IMMEDIATELY after seeing you dance to it
One day you’re helping him organize his designs and he has his playlist on shuffle
He grabs his phone and looks for the song, once he finds it he grabs you close and plays the song
He puts his hands on your waist and sways with you to the song whispering in your ear how much he enjoyed seeing you dance to it the other day
Yuu Nishinoya: Earned It — The Weeknd
He is beyond prepared for this moment
I mean he actually has a playlist named “Songs to Have Sex to w/ Y/N”
I wish I was joking
He always plays this song when he’s in the mood bc it just reminds him of you
And it reminds him of 50 Shades and he likes that movie
So whenever this song plays he’ll drag you to the bedroom and seduce you there
Ryūnosuke Tanaka: Can’t Get Enough of Your Love — Barry White
This man wanted to spice things up and change things up to turn you on
So he did what any guy in his position would do
He asked his sister
To fuck with him she told him to put on some Barry White or Lou Rawls or any singer with a deep voice
So what does he do? He finds “the perfect song” by Barry White and plans to play it when you come over
You come over and once you open the door to his room and he starts playing the song
You look at him while Barry White is speaking before actually singing in the song and Tanaka’s on the bed in his boxers laying like “paint me like one of your French girls”
You try so hard not to laugh because he really did try but a few giggles slip out
He quickly stops that by throwing you onto the bed and shows you not to laugh at his antics ever again
Afterwards he’s like “you don’t like deep voices like his?”
Chikara Ennoshita: Drunk In Love — Beyoncé
Hisashi Kinoshita: I’ll Make Love To You — Boys II Men
Kinoshita is a passionate lover
He’s used to being put on the back burner so every chance he gets with you he wants to make you feel like you’re the only person in the world
Especially intimately
He refuses to refer to sex as just sex with you it’s “making love”
Since he has this song in his playlist he plays this every time to get you in the mood
Kazuhito Narita: Slow Motion — Trey Songz
One day when you two were driving home you had the AUX and this song started playing
He saw your reaction and how you kept looking at him when this song was playing so he kept it in mind and added it to a special playlist
So every time you get stressed out over assignments or anything he plays this song and helps you destress
Or whenever you two come back from a little dinner date he plays this song and shows his appreciation for you
Tobio Kageyama: You’re The First, The Last, My Everything — Barry White
He has played volleyball highlights thinking it’ll get you in the mood
He texts his sister for help... yes he also tells his sister about your sex life
She sends him this song to mess with him and poor baby believes this will do the trick
When you are getting ready to lay down in your shared bed he plays the song on your speakers and just looks at you
You don’t know how to react so you two are just looking at each other
“Does this turn you on?” “Not really, I don’t want to hear another mans voice when I’m trying to have sex with you”
You two get past this moment and enjoy each other
You make a playlist for him with better music
Shoyo Hinata: Feeling Myself — Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj
Like Kageyama he has also played volleyball highlights thinking it’ll turn you on
He still keeps contact with everyone from Karasuno so he texts Noya for some help
Noya tells him this is the song to help out
When you get the chance you better thank Noya because it helped a lot
But during the middle of sex all you hear is “tired of the ads?”
Like you are a professional volleyball player and you can’t afford Spotify Premium?
Kei Tsukishima: Redbone — Childish Gambino
At first he was gonna let Jurassic Park play in the background
And you’re just like “no, you’re with dinosaurs all the time”
He goes through his playlist and after a while he finds this song
He remembers one day you blatantly said you’d have sex to this song
Once this song starts playing he throws his phone to the side and starts kissing your neck to get down to business
Tadashi Yamaguchi: Ride — SoMo
You two send playlists to each other every once in a while
One day you accidentally sent him your sex playlist
He kept it saved and couldn’t keep the first song on the playlist out of his mind
He texted you one day to meet him in the bedroom
Once you walked in you heard this song and he was laying on the bed in his boxers
Once you two made eye contact he winks at you and says “come on, let’s do what the song says”
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A/N pt2: sorry this took forever to make, I had writers block (I blame my haircut for that). I hope you all enjoy the first installment of this series! Thank you for checking this out
— Dee <3
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daichisbabygirl · 4 years
Yours and Yours Only
Hello! This is my first ever fic and honestly my first ever Haikyuu fic so please take it easy on me! 
Um, I don’t think there are any warnings for this. Just Jealous!Daichi and one part that’s a little suggestive but it’s not A LOT. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Please be nice to me 🥺. ALSO please interact with me and my writing! I promise I’m really friendly and I’m open to suggestions!
Pairings: Daichi x fem!reader with a splash of Kuroo x fem!reader on the side 
Word count: 3.1K
Genre: angst, fluff
Summary: When you announced that you knew the captain of the Nekoma team on the ride to the training camp, Daichi couldn’t help but be a little jealous. You’d been friends for a while, but he knew there was something else between the two of you. Afraid to lose you, he held back his feelings and refused to tell you that he saw you more than just a friend. However, after witnessing Kuroo flirt with you the whole day, the captain of Karasuno volleyball club finally succumbs to his feelings. 
Daichi and you were just friends—you’ve been friends since you moved to Miyagi from Tokyo—but as he watched Nekoma’s captain flirt with you, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy in his chest. He wasn’t yours and you weren’t his, and even though all of the Karasuno volleyball team basically knew you were the captain’s girl, your relationship was never stated to be exclusive. He was a fool to think that his jacket wrapped around your body was enough to explicitly state that you were off limits. 
This training camp was supposed to be somewhat fun for him, but when you admitted that Kuroo was an old friend and neighbor of yours, all he could do was worry. It didn’t help that you basically threw yourself at the raven-hared boy once you laid your eyes on him, or that he picked you up and spun you around as he hugged you. God, he’d never wanted to kiss you in front of everyone and mark you as his this badly. 
He hadn’t noticed Sugawara appear beside him until the setter put his hand on his shoulder. “Daichi, you’re staring holes into the poor guy’s head,” Suga whispered. “Just go get your girl already.” 
Daichi looked at Sugawara with wide eyes. Was it really that noticeable that he was jealous? Then again, he had been staring at you and Kuroo for a while. Someone was bound to notice. He shook his head and turned his attention to his team.
“W-What are you talking about?” Daichi frowned, his brows furrowing. “She’s not my girl. She can do whatever she wants.” He scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. He knew Suga was right, but he was annoyed that his friend thought it was that easy. He had your whole friendship to worry about. What if you didn’t actually like him back? He would be risking a friendship and a person he never wanted to lose. 
“Dude,” Sugawara rolled his eyes. “The whole team knows you like her. You walk together every morning and after practices, you eat lunch together, AND she sleeps over at your house. Not to mention that you guys are literally touching each other all the time. Just admit to one other that you like each other already.” 
Suga couldn’t help but be annoyed at Daichi’s obliviousness, or was it purposeful ignorance? He didn’t know, but he did know that the two of you were dancing around each other like idiots. It was obvious to everyone that you held feelings for one other. Hell, the setter would even go as far as to say that you loved each other. If Daichi didn’t know that by now, then he was either thick or just being ignorant.
Daichi rolled his eyes and turned to face his friend. “Okay, well, we’ve obviously read the situation wrong since she’s over there letting cat-boy flirt her head off.” 
Sugawara blinked at his teammate, surprised by his sudden outburst of jealousy. He could’ve sworn Daichi almost growled. Karasuno’s captain had never been the type to show his feelings so outwardly, but you were his weak spot, and he was losing his mind watching Kuroo flirt with you. 
“I can’t believe you’re letting yourself lose to bedhead over there.” Suga nodded towards Kuroo’s direction. “I really expected more from you, Captain.” The gray-haired boy smirked and walked away, knowing that his words ignited a fire in his friend, and once again, Daichi was left to simmer in his jealousy. 
Was he really going to let Kuroo steal you away from him? He wasn’t a fool. He knew the two of you liked each other, yet he still found himself doubting if you reciprocated his feelings. “All the hugs and pecks on the cheek had to mean something right?”, he thought to himself, trying to convince his mind that he wasn’t imagining things. Daichi found himself scowling at the thought of you being with somebody else. He wanted you so badly, and he thought you wanted him, too. He knew you wanted him too, but he was questioning it more and more as each second passed.
He was staring at you again, wishing that you would walk over and talk to him. Suddenly, your eyes met his. Daichi’s eyes widened with surprise, unaware of the fact that he was staring so hard that you could actually feel his eyes on you. Your smile dropped almost immediately, and he watched as you excused yourself and walked over to him.
 “Hey, Daich, are you alright?” Instinctively, you reached out to him. His features softened at your touch and he smiled. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Can you just sit with me?” You smiled and nodded, surprising him by grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the bleachers. His breath hitched in his throat and he couldn’t help but admire once again how beautiful you looked in his jacket. 
He felt like he was gonna combust as you sat next to him with your head on his shoulders. It felt like eternity had passed before you decided to speak up. 
“A-are you angry at me or something?” You angled your head to get a better look at his face. He looked at you with confusion. 
“Why do you ask that?” 
You sat up and looked at your feet. “I-it’s just that…you looked angry when I looked at you earlier”, you mumbled. Daichi blushed and reached up to rub the back of his neck. 
“Oh..uh sorry. I didn’t mean to look angry.” He chuckled nervously. “I was just-“  
Suddenly, Coach Ukai blew his whistle, yelling at the team to gather before the game started. 
“Uh..I-..we should probably-“ Daichi stuttered. 
“Yeah.” You gave him a small smile and stood up. 
The small walk over to the team was the most awkward thing he had ever felt. He knew you were distancing yourself. You didn’t link your arms with his, and even though he really wanted you to, he knew it was because you were confused and unsure if he was actually angry or not. He should’ve told you he was. He was angry that Mr. Bedhead kept flirting with you, and he was angry that you let him. He should’ve told you he wanted you to be his and that you shouldn’t waste your time on Kuroo. 
The awkward distance between you and the captain didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the team. They had their suspicions when you chose to stand next to Kiyoko instead of taking your usual spot next to Daichi, but when you didn’t give Daichi your usual hug before a game, they knew something was up. Sugawara and Tanaka were cracking more jokes, hoping to make the mood lighter. Kageyama and Hinata refrained from arguing, hoping that it wouldn’t send their already grumpy captain over the edge, and even Tsukishima avoided making his snarky remarks.
Daichi, on the other hand, had never been more focused during a game. He noticed that Kuroo would smile at you whenever he made a point, which made his blood boil. He silently promised himself that Karasuno would take the first game. He gave his all with every receive, and the boys noticed it, making sure to praise their captain with each one. 
You silently watched on the sidelines, now aware that something was definitely afoot. Sure, Daichi was incredibly focused during all of his games, but never like this. He almost seemed like an animal on the court, but you had to admit that it was incredibly hot. Pressing your thighs together, you continued to watch the game. 
With Daichi’s incredible receives and the rest of the team matching his energy, it was no surprise that Karasuno took the first game. Smirking to himself, he walked off the court with the rest of the team and headed towards the bench. When he noticed Kuroo jog up to you, he saw red. He won, so why weren’t you running over to congratulate him like you always did?
Thankfully, you noticed how annoyed Daichi looked and decided to walk over to him. 
“Hey,” you said sheepishly. “You..uh, you looked great out there.” You looked up at him through your lashes and he almost lost it. 
“Yeah?” He instinctively reached up to rub the back of his neck, blushing at your compliment. “Thanks.” Taking advantage of his sudden shyness, you stepped closer and reached out to toy with his jersey. 
“Are you going to tell me why you were so angry earlier or am I gonna have to force it out of you?” You bit your lip and stared up at Daichi’s red face. 
“Uh..I-..I- um…” He was struggling to form words. You were standing so close. If he wanted to, he could just wrap his arms around your waist and pull you in for a kiss, and god, he wanted to. Sensing his hesitation, you took his hand and led him outside, pausing to tell Ukai that the two of you were going to take a break before pulling him outside of the gym. 
You sat him down on the bench and took the spot next to him. “What’s going on with you Dai?” You sounded so worried it physically hurt him to listen to you. “You’ve been glaring at me since we got here.” You looked over at him, hoping he would meet your eyes, but he just couldn’t. How was he going to tell you that he’s been in love with you for so long? How was he going to tell you that he hated seeing you with Kuroo even though you assured him before the game that you were just friends? He didn’t even know if he had any right to be jealous and he didn’t want to seem selfish for holding you back if you did have feelings for Nekoma’s captain. 
“I-is this…about Kuroo?”
You said it. You said what he was hoping you wouldn’t say and he cringed. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, throwing his head back in frustration. 
“And if I told you it was?” He finally built up the courage to look you in the eyes. Your expression softened as you stared into his eyes. You could see how hurt and irritated he was. “Would you do something about it Y/N?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. “W-What do you mean?” 
“I mean..”, he sighed. “If I told you it was about Kuroo…would you do anything about it?”  
“Daichi..I don’t understand-” 
Daichi scoffed and stood up, taking a few steps away from the bench before turning to face you. You looked up at him with wide eyes, surprised by his reaction. 
“Can’t you see that I like you?” Your breath hitched in your throat. “Can’t you tell that I’m jealous of Kuroo? He’s been flirting with you all day Y/N/N. I-I know you said you were just friends, but I don’t know.” You were frozen in your seat, watching as Daichi paced around in front of you. “I-I thought you liked me too, you know? B-but now I don’t know. Hell, I don’t even know if I have a right to be jealous.” He was speaking faster now, all of the words he had wanted to say pouring out of him. 
“Daichi..” You spoke up quietly. 
“And what’s worse is that you were just letting him Y/N! I know you like me too, so why? Why do you let him flirt with you like that?” He yelled, clenching his fists out of anger.
He suddenly realized that his voice had gotten louder. The whole gym could probably hear what the two of you were talking about. Daichi’s face turned red with the realization that he had also stated that you liked him. 
“I-I’m sorry,” He stuttered. “I-I shouldn’t have yelled. I’m sorry-” 
“Daichi.” you stood up and walked over to him. 
He couldn’t read your face. He was scared of what you would say when you finally opened your mouth. He was so scared to lose you. “Please,” he thought, “I don’t want to lose you. Please tell me you like me, too.” 
“N-No, I’m sorry Y/N. I-I shouldn’t have said that-“ 
You grabbed his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. You wore the most determined look on your face. Your brows were furrowed and you were staring into his eyes like you were trying to reach into his soul. 
“Daichi..” Your features softened and you pulled him into you, wrapping your arms around his torso and tucking your head into his jersey. Normally, you would care that he was sweating, but you just needed to touch him. You needed him, and god, he needed you too. “I-I’m sorry” You mumbled into his shirt. “I-I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.” You shook as you spoke, a telltale sign that you were crying. 
Daichi snapped out of his thoughts and wrapped his arms around you tightly. He tucked his head on the side of yours and inhaled your scent. 
“I was too caught up in trying to catch up with Kuroo to see that you were angry,” you continued. “I-I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I-I’m sorry.” You sobbed into his chest, gripping the back of his jersey like you never wanted to let go. 
He rubbed your back and pulled away, cupping your face and tilting it up so that you would be forced to look into his eyes. He wiped the tears with his thumbs and kissed your forehead. “I’m sorry, too.” He whispered. “I should’ve told you what I was feeling instead of hiding it. I was just-“ He sighed and looked into your eyes. “I was just scared to lose you. I didn’t know if you felt the same way I did.” 
You chuckled, tears still in your eyes, which caught Daichi by surprise. “How could you not know I liked you Sawamura?” 
He smiled nervously. “I-I guess I was being stupid. Suga did tell me you liked me, too.” He sighed and looked down. “I knew it too, I was just…” He looked up to meet your eyes. “I doubted myself. I doubted us.” You laughed, closing your eyes and placing your head back on Daichi’s chest. 
“I guess we were both pretty stupid, huh?” This time, it was Daichi who laughed, the vibration in his chest sending shivers down your spine. You knew that if anyone could see you smiling like an idiot right now, they’d laugh. “Suga told me the same thing and I told him there was no way that you liked me.” You continued. 
Daichi pulled away to place his hand on your cheek, no longer being able to hold back his need to kiss you. He looked into your eyes, searching for a sign that told him to stop, but there wasn’t any. You were looking up at him with the same yearning, smiling softly with tears in your eyes. “Your eyes are so beautiful,” he thought. “I could get lost in them forever.” Growing impatient under his gaze, you moved to close the distance between the two of you, tiptoeing to lightly touch his lips with your own. 
Daichi felt like there were fireworks being set off in his body. His heartbeat had been racing ever since the moment you pulled him outside of the gym, but as your soft lips grazed agains his, he felt his brain explode. This was it. This was his chance and he was going to take it. Before you could pull away, he placed his hands on either side of your head and deepened the kiss. Your arms tightened around his neck, pulling him closer and joining your bodies into one. 
The kiss was needy, years of pent up affection spurring both of you to hold on to one another as if your lives depended on it. Neither of you wanted to pull away—locked in a silent battle with one another to see who would stop first. You moaned into his mouth and Daichi thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. Finally, you both pulled away, eyes closed and chests heaving trying to force oxygen back into your bodies. 
You broke the silence first, hands finding Daichi’s body once again. “I Iove you.” You said softly, afraid that what he felt wasn’t as intense as what you did. 
He tucked a stray hair behind your ear and placed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes in the process. He knew he would break down if he looked into yours. His emotions had finally caught up to him and hearing you say that you loved him sent him flying over the edge. 
“I love you too, Y/N.” 
You placed your arms around his neck again, pulling him in for another kiss. This one was softer, expressing all of the emotion and love you felt for one another. His arms snaked around your waist, pleasure coursing through his body as one of your hands gripped the back of his head. Your fingers ran through the hair on the back of his head as your lips continuously found each other’s.
When he finally broke away, Daichi pulled you in for another embrace. He tucked his head into the side of your head, pressing small kisses to your neck, which made you laugh. 
“We should probably get back inside huh?” You laughed and pulled away, placing your hands on his chest. 
He grabbed one of your hands and smiled. “Yeah, we should,” he replied. “But promise me one thing.” You placed the hand he wasn’t holding against his cheek, smiling as he leaned into your touch. 
“Promise me you’ll keep wearing my jacket and show that bedhead friend of yours that you’re mine and mine only.” 
You laughed at his request. It was funny to see the normally calm and collected captain of Karasuno’s volleyball team be jealous. He pouted and let go of your hand. You giggled at his reaction before wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“I promise, baby.” 
He crossed his arms and looked away, struggling to force himself not to smile at the pet name you’d just given him. “I am not a baby.” 
“You are for me.” You beamed up at him and he finally let himself smile. “Fine, I am.” He rolled his eyes playfully. You gave him a peck on the lips, catching him by surprise. 
“I promise,” you stated, taking his hand in yours and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “I promise that I am yours and yours only.” 
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joust-writes · 3 years
Some Haikyuu!! Creative characterizations I did while sad and bored to make myself feel better, approved by a good friend of mine! These will basically just be the main boys I have a crush on, but I will include some other characters I think can fit as well. (if you were to really tweak it)
Will be totally honest, some of these are probably kind of bad but they make me happy. So, really, how bad can they be?
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The Husband: Bokuto Koutarō
~Daichi, Iwazumi, Osamu, Ushijima~
A Big man who would do anything for you whether you asked or not, whether it was truly necessary or not. He will do it. No fucks given. The kind of handsome you may not notice immediately, but when he does really catch your eye, you will fall on your face in the middle of the gymnasium. It’s the little things that take your breath away. The furrow of his brow, the curve of his mouth, the clench of his jaw. Caring, warm hugs and whispers in your ear. Cozy blankets, romantic movies, and the cup of tea he makes you in the morning when he wakes up before you. A porch swing and sunsets in various shades of yellow, orange, and purple. There are pictures of you two everywhere around the house. Long term plans and cooking together. He listens, he cares, how could he not? You listen, you care, how could you not? Loves hard, loves you harder. Nobody in the world like him. Nobody in the world for him except you. And neither of you would have it any other way. Not in a thousand years.
The Home Wrecker: Nishinoya Yū
~Mattsun, Tendō, Atsumu, Terushima~
A spicy man who can get it anytime he wants. Doesn’t even have to be anything physical, it could just be your attention, your time, anything he can get his hands on, he’ll take it happily. If he were a conversation, he would be the kind that lasts for hours and feels like minutes. You’d be breathless but laughing, enraptured in words that you don’t even think about before responding to. The kind of talk that leaves you empty when it’s over. Hot in a way that fogs up a room and features you can’t quite forget no matter how hard you try (or don’t). A sugar crash as a person. When he leaves, it feel like coming down from a high, but damn it all if it wasn’t worth every sugary second. And, shit, do you have a sweet tooth. You’d risk heaven and hell for him and with every night together, you get closer to throwing it all away just to rebuild it with him later.
The Boyfriend: Kuroo Tetsurō
~Suga, Semi~
One of the best men you might ever get your hands on and he damn well knows it. Knows the effect he has on you and uses it to his advantage every time and anytime he can. He's the kind of attractive that draws your attention immediately and holds it long enough for you to get caught staring at his hair, eyes, jaw, grin, everything. He stares at you too and you know it, he doesn’t try to hide it. His blunt statements and a quirked eyebrow, probably makes puns under his breath and later out-loud just for you. Sweet comments about the little things you do is his love language. He holds your hand as you introduce him to your parents and vice-versa. The picnics, and study dates that turn into making out and movie nights. You never quite leave the honeymoon phase and that’s quite okay with you two. He’s in Polaroid pictures that you will always grin at.
The What-Could-Have-Been Bestfriend: Tanaka Ryū
~Yamaguchi, Kenma, Lev, Hinata~
He’s the man you’ve known forever, the friend, no, best friend, who you might’ve fallen for at one point or another, and who might’ve felt the same. But was either too scared, or couldn’t find the perfect time. His smile lights up a room, and your day, not to mention when he laughs. No matter what, you find yourself mirroring them when they happen. It’s reflex for you. He always did his best to make you laugh, to see your smile. He doesn’t know know who he’d be without it. You notice your breath catching on these things. And, maybe, his did too. He’s Mario cart competitions late at night and sleepovers that last for weeks until one of you has to kick the other out. He’s snack food runs, pinky promises, and bad jokes you run out breath over anyway. You’ve been to every game, he probably wouldn’t go if you didn’t, just ‘cause it wouldn’t be the same. You probably made that promise that if you’re thirty and not married, you’ll marry each other. You both danced around each other for weeks, months, maybe even years. But nothing became of it. He’s endearing smiles when no one's looking and imagined scenarios that will never happen. He’s your biggest “what if?” And you’re his.
That Fucking Ex: Tsukkishima Kei
~Atsumu, Suna, Kageyama (?), Oikawa~
The man you’re not totally sure if you hate or not, and you’re not sure if he hates you or not. There’s no avoiding the other, even after the breakup, so you stopped trying. And you realized he never tried at all. You’re not sure if he pisses you off or not quite yet, but you get a churning feeling in the pit of your stomach every time you see him. His sarcastic comments when you pass him in the hallway or at that party you just knew he’d be at. No one knows if he’s flirting or insulting, especially not you. Drunk kisses and one night stands you only really half-regret. I-Need-A-Pick-Me-Up texts and “fuck you 😀” are the only thing in his messenger from you and the other way around. You say you hate him but that line is so blurry you’re not totally sure there even was one in the first place. Arguing over stupid shit when his mother invites you over for Sunday dinner. Hookups after a party the two of you never mention but never say it’s the ‘last time.’ He’s cornering you when he finds you with someone else and you’re stalking his social media. You both probably get off on yelling at each other. You’re two sinking ships who can’t do anything but watch as the other disappears under the water.
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Thank you so much for reading! If you have any suggestions about what characters fit where I’d love to here them! And thank you to my good friend who proofread and edited this for me because I’m blind as shit.
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moon-nymphet · 4 years
NSFW HC for the Haikyuu guys? :)
hell y e s (I’ve selected a few of the boys as you didn’t ask for any in particular)
(btw i’d really like to do more nsfw headcanons for the boys so be a kind soul and request it hheheh)
☆ Oikawa
our flat ass (sorry i love him but) has a high af sex drive. Press any button and he’s activated in less than a second 
definitely a switch, he told me himself. Toruu likes to be in control most of the times because he’s a cocky ass but some other times he also loves to see what are you capable of doing to him
the perfect time for a good fuck is after he wins a match, the boy feels as an invincible god and his self esteem is high enough to make you feel an universe of different things 
we all know he’s an expert on being a tease, but the truth being said, Oikawa is a simp for you and if you try to tease him in the least he’ll be at his knees for you (you can take that as you want) 
probably has a pain kink, idk why but I imagine him being a sucker for when you scratch his back or bite him 
a complete moaning mess and not ashamed of it, Toruu won’t supress his emotions at all and he knows how and when to do it for you to combust 
even though he’s mostly a dom, things can get romantic sometimes 
just sometimes, don’t get too excited about it
not much of a dirty talker but being the arrogant ass he is, he likes to hear how much you like to take his cock, and he’ll do anything to get those words out of your mouth 
don’t wear his Aoba Johsai hoodie next to him if you don’t wanna be stripped off in a matter of seconds and fucked wherever you are
I warn you, what you are about to read may hurt, but Oikawa has not a colossal dick as you may have thought, he’s more on the thick side of the story 
prefers to receive than to give, but he’ll always do it for you, just to see the thousand of expressions on your face
his reactions when he’s in your mouth are priceless, I swear to god there’s nothing hotter than Toruu when you are blowing him
☆ Daichi 
ik this is a lame joke but: dadchi. Do I have to explain myself?
yes i do 
has kind of a daddy kink??? he wasn’t aware of it until you made him realize 
super ashamed of admiting it at first but when you randomly called him daddy during sex he went 😈 mode 
you’ve literally never seen him as excited as he was in that moment, his thrust pace sped up to 150% and suddenly you found his hand pulling your hair 
“say that again babygirl” you heard his husky voice next to your ear
and of course you said it again
when you keep the word “daddy” out of the game he’s super sweet, he’ll probably give you the most romantic sex ever, full of affectionate gestures and caresses 
likes to keep your sexual life as a private thing despite of Noya and Tanaka asking him every single day how it feels to fuck a Goddess 
wouldn’t mind having a threesome (????) but just with a really close friend such as Suga or Asahi, seeing your face while being pleasured twice times the regular makes him so curious
his fav position is doggystyle if he’s in dom mood, even though he doesn’t get full view of your face he can do so much to you in that pose (such as spanking or choking 🥵)
Daichi completely loses it when you start acting all innocent around him, i swear to god that man would do all kind of impure acts to your body if you look at him innocently and blink two times 
king of aftercare, super caring about your well being if he has been rough with you 
sometimes you take a shower together after it and I can’t assure you things aren’t going to get steamy again under the water 
☆ Kuroo 
first things first, this boy has the filthiest mouth you’ve ever seen in your entire life
I mean he vocalizes everything that comes to his mind during sex, and he won’t be afraid to tell you how bad he wants to see you swallowing it or how pretty you look when you suck him off 
loves receiving oral sex but it’s a master at it too, Kuroo’s tongue does miracles down there and will probably take his time to eat you out before he starts with the serious business
you don’t know how he does it but he’s always able to make you squirt several times only with his fingers, the first time it happened you were abit ashamed but when you saw the delighted smirk on his lips it all vanished
always, and when I say always, I mean ALWAYS, teasing you in public and around other people, either by touching you discreetly in places he shouldn’t or by whispering things in your ear unexpectedly 
Kuroo can’t hold his dick in his pants when you appear in front of him wearing nothing but a black and lacey lingerie set
he’ll literally pounce on you and rip it off you in the act, leaving you naked and vulnerable just for him to do what you let him with your body
ride him if you wanna see Kuroo going sicko mode
he’ll throw his head back almost ecstatic and grip your butt tighter than ever
“shit babe... just like that, keep going” 
lets out the deepest groans you’ll ever hear, encouraging you and giving you confidence to fuck him as if you actually knew what you were doing and you weren’t just a moaning mess 
Kuroo’s big dick energy isn’t just a facade, it’s just the truth
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