#imayoshi shouichi headcanons
Hiii love <3 can I request hcs of Aomine, Kiyoshi and Imayoshi with a s/o that's terrible at sports? Like how would they feel about how unathletic their s/o are 😭 thank you for this :))
❤️Aomine Daiki, Kiyoshi Teppei, and Imayoshi Shoichi Having S/O Who Are Terrible At Sports❤️
A/N: YO MY FRIEND! Thank you so much for requesting me this headcanon. I feel like I am also Unathletic so this would be quite relatable for me and some of the readers. There might be some fluff scenes or some jokes. I hope you like the final result!
Warning: None
Gender: Neutral
Aomine Daiki -Touou Academy
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Darling, I'm not saying that Aomine is heartless but you know he can be an insensitive prick and the reason I am saying this is because Aomine would make fun of you.
But he's not a monster so he is only going to bully you lovingly when you fail to shoot your basketball. Yes; I said it. He is going to bully you when you fail to shoot your ball.
"Lol, is that how do you shoot the ball? Let me show you how babe. I'll show you how I do it," while messing up your hair and turning your hair into a bird's nest because he just loves messing with your hair.
I don't think he minds that he has a S/O that is horrible at sports but he does acquire to have a S/O that likes to have fun while playing sports. You don't have to be a good player, you just need to have fun.
If you are bad at sports as his S/O, he would make fun of you, especially your height if you are a short gremlin. However, he would be kind enough to teach you how to play basketball.
I'm sorry babe I know I said that he wants a S/O that does enjoy sports because he's the type that likes to invite people to have fun so if you hate basketball. There's a chance he's going to break up with you or he would keep forcing you to play with him.
If you are not good at blocking. HE IS DEFINITELY GOING TO STEAL YOUR BALL OFTEN! TOO OFTEN THAT YOU WOULD GET ANNOYED BY HIM! I'm sorry babe. I'm just saying how he is.
But don't worry, he would still love you even though you are not athletic enough. But that just means he will be more jerk because he's not going to stop to tease you.
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It was in the afternoon and the gym was surprisingly empty because it's usually filled with basketball team members training. There's a chance that they are going to train a little bit late because even the coach is not in the place or maybe the training would be tomorrow so it's very peaceful. There are no sounds of basketball balls hitting the board or the sound of the basketball team screaming.
(Y/N) which are you, find this kind of odd but you didn't really mind about it because it's better to be like this. You hate the idea of your face getting hit by those things. Those things are hard, harder than volleyballs to no joke. There are many cases of your classmates getting hit on the face until they were unconscious.
However, it spikes your curiosity and you want to know what it feels like to play basketball. You saw your boyfriend playing basketball before and he was an amazing player. No one ever has beaten him on the court each time you watch him playing basketball and defeating the enemy.
As a result of your own curiosity, the (H/C) haired and (S/C) skinned woman/man/nonbinary starts to get up from the sit before walking into one of the carts that were filled by the balls. Taking one of them and trodding closer to one of the basketball hoops. You do notice it would be very difficult for short people to play because this kind of thing is tall.
But this did not stop you at all. Instead, this makes you determined to get at least one of the balls inside of the ring as you start to dribble the ball. As your hand catch the dribbling ball, you took a deep breath and closed your (E/C) eyes before opening them to see the rings across from you, standing like a giant.
Well, it sure disappoint (Y/N) a lot because it did not get inside of the hoop and (Y/N) can hear the horrible familiar loud laughter from far away. Your eyes immediately wide in shock, turning around to see your boyfriend, Aomine Daiki. Laughing at you for failing at your shoot as he wipes the fake tears from the corner of his eyes.
"Is that what you call a shoot?" he steps up inside the gym with a smirk on his face. "Let me show you how it's done, shortie-" he puts his arms in the pocket of his basketball shorts as he stands in front of you.
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Kiyoshi Teppei - Seirin High School
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A gentleman and one of the hottest angels in Seirin. Also, the one who would most likely not judge you if you are horrible in sports and not athletic. So he is less much of a jerk than Aomine.
Kiyoshi definitely still loves you even if you never make a shoot in your life or if you are horrible in any sport because I believe his kind of type of person he crushes on is someone who is strong-hearted (we can conclude he likes the types who are resilient, brave or courageous people).
Kiyoshi definitely going to teach you how to play basketball, even the basics and you know he has amazing patience so he could even teach you the most basic things.
He might find it funny when you failed many shoots but he also feels slightly bad because he knows that you tried really hard so he would give you many chances.
Also, he would point out your mistakes and the reason why you fail the sport but in a polite way instead of blatantly saying it. he would just sugarcoat his words a little bit because he does not want to hurt you.
He would still be supportive if you are still interested in sport despite your lacking many skills or if you aren't interested in it. He's not a horrible teacher.
If you get sad because you feel not athletic like your boyfriend, Kiyoshi Tepeo. Don't be, expect some encouraging words from him as he said that you are perfect the way you are.
Also expect some hugs and pats in the back, he hates to see you get insecure or sad just because you feel you are not athletic and you're not a good match for him.
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As the manager from Seirin, (Y/N) (L/N) would always help Riko, the coach from Seirin by preparing some drinks, and meals and helping with the team training regiment to increase their skills by talking with her and taking important notes of each member and watching them play basketball.
However, it piques your curiosity whenever you saw them playing because they were working very hard to beat the other team's rivals. You heard the group had beaten Shutoku as well as Kaijou before but looses after playing against Touou. You saw your boyfriend's amazing skill in basketball and it made you interested in basketball despite not knowing how to play basketball.
As the rest of the team members surrounded your classmate, Riko who also happened to be your closest friend. You were sitting there and writing down other team members' important points by writing down their weaknesses and their strengths so Riko could make a better training regimen.
Nevertheless, it did not stop you as (Y/N) put down the paper on top of the bench. Taking one of the balls inside of the cart in the corner of the gym room before starting to dribble the ball in (Y/N)'s hand. Going forward into one of the basketball rings, see how tall the post is and if you are able to put the ball inside of the ring.
No one paid attention except the familiar pairs of warm brown eyes that watch your every movement. He could not help but feel happy that his S/O are trying to play his favourite basketball despite she/he/they aren't athletic as the rest of the other basketball team members.
Despite Kiyoshi hides his laughter when he sees you failing to shoot the basketball. Kiyoshi also feels bad, knowing that you are trying your best to even get just one goal and this gives him a quick idea before standing up from the bench and walking up to (Y/N). Getting closer and closer until he was standing behind you.
The (H/C) haired women/men/nonbinary felt a presence behind you until your turned around to see your boyfriend standing behind you with a smile on your face. "Ah, (Y/N)-san. It seems you had a little bit of troubleshooting the balls into the rings. If you don't mind, I would be glad to teach you how to play," Kiyoshi offers, placing his hand on top of your shoulder.
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Imayoshi Shoichi - Touou Academy
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I am contemplating writing Imayoshi because I could see he has his annoying and insensitive moments but I could see him also as a supportive boyfriend even if you are not athletic.
The reason I am saying this is because there would be a time he does makes fun of you. You shoot the balls into the net or into the basketball ring and miss? He would tease the hell out of you.
However, it depends because if you are unathletic because of your injury. he won't make fun of you but if you are just basically lazy and hates sports? He makes fun of you but is not as insensitive as Aomine.
"Oh? Is that how do you shoot your ball? That is interesting, I never see a player plays like that" and proceed to get hit by you after you hear his little comment and he chuckles at your reaction.
However, I do not believe that his type of partner must have the same athletic skill as him as we can see in Kuroko's character bible. He likes a kikubari (a considerate person).
If you are interested in sport but you are not athletic enough. He's not a horrible teacher either, he would teach you even from the basic things.
Also if you had an injury and you are not athletic but you are interested in it. He would be very understanding and I can see him as someone who has enormous patience when teaching you.
So in conclusion, he is in a between. He would be mean to you slightly, making fun of you but in a joking way, like Aomine does. But he would be understanding too, a little bit like Kiyoshi but in his own way.
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It has been such a long time since you haven't played any sports after the incident that happens to you for a long time. The injury was severe that the doctor told (Y/N) to stop participating in heavy sports such as basketball, soccer, Volleyball, and other sports that could potentially be worsening the injuries on your knees.
This used to make you upset a lot, especially when you notice the way people stare at you with pity, it does frustrate poor (Y/N) as your skill in sports decreases and the only thing you could do is becoming Touou's manager just like your classmate, Momoi. She was your classmate that sometimes helps you out by taking notes on the rival's weaknesses before giving them to you.
Watching the other play basketball freely like a bird spread its wings, but those things made (Y/N) jealous and an idea popped into your mind. 'There's nothing wrong, right? If I'm playing as the others are resting? Maybe I should try' (Y/N) silently think to themselves/herself/himself as you take one of the balls that were rolling next to your feet.
A pair of slanted eyes sees you taking one of the basketballs, a little bit confused about why are you holding one of the balls until his confusion was replaced by a smirk. Watching your every movement from the start by starting to dribble on your hand, walking slowly before it turns into jogging and full-on sprinting until you were underneath the basketball ring and shooting the ball.
It did not go inside at all, (Y/N) cheeks reddened, embarrassed that the ball doesn't go inside at all. Instead, it was thrown away and almost hit other players. "Oh? Is that how do you shoot your ball? That is interesting, I never see a player plays like that" A familiar yet annoying voice spoke up. Turning around, you could see your boyfriend with his usual annoying smirk, making fun of you after failing to get a point after throwing the basketball into the ring.
"Yeah, keep making fun of me until I smack that face of yours with the ball," you roll your eyes at him. "Ah, it's alright. (Y/N)-san. It's okay if you cannot play basketball. Here, let me help you. Follow my instruction on how to shoot," his smirk replaced with his genuine smile.
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lamnwar · 1 year
Gom + Hanamiya + Imayoshi with an s/o who has a big bust and is insecure about it? (Nsfw please~~)
Heeeyyyy 💕 omg LOVE that request because it's so relatable to me 😭 so this one is kinda self-indulgent and long bc I got really inspired lmaooo also as I said before, I don't write for Hanamiya so he's not in these hcs but I still hope you like it! <3
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MDNI 18+
LOVE 'EM LIKE THAT // KNB Headcanons
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Context: feeling insecure about your big bust? no worries!! your fav boy loves them <3 All characters are aged-up for plot purposes (18+).
Pairing: GOM + Imayoshi x busty gn! Reader
Warnings: nsfw so fondling, nipple play, nipple sucking, biting, mentions of sex, reader has breasts but gender is not specified! (yeeeaaah I went all out I'm a big titties enthusiast 😭)
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Ok first how dare you feel insecure about any part of your body???
Akashi is so convinced that you are absolutely perfect and that every part of you is exactly how it's meant to be
Nothing, to his eyes, is too big or too small or anything of that sort! So naturally, Akashi believes that your breasts are exactly how they're meant to be
He understands, however, why you'd feel insecure about them
He's witnessed people oversexualizing you because of your chest and my boy doesn't fail to put them back to their place
He's a smart guy and despite the way that he personally feels, he knows that straight out telling you that you have no reason to be insecure won't help
So he figures that he should help you appreciate it!
Akashi buys you pretty necklaces because he says it makes your chest look absolutely elegant <3
He's got you one with an "S" for "Seijurō" and he's just in heavens seeing the little pendant fall on your chest!
He particularly like how it moves with each jiggle of your breasts when your having sex 🤭
If you like lingerie, Akashi spares no expense and buys you the prettiest bras!
Doesn't matter if it's tedious to find actually beautiful bras for bigger sizes, he finds them and he buys them for you
And when you wear them for his eyes only, oh my...
He's a well-conceited dude, but he can't help but ravish at the sight
He loves to hold your big tits in his hands, massaging them ever so delicately
And he litters them with kisses, telling you how much he loves them
"They're so gorgeous, you know? Just like you, my love"
It's guaranteed the moment you two are having sex that your insecurities disappear
No one is as good as Akashi when it comes to loving your body <3
Like if he could make a painting of them, he would!
Midorima deals with his loved ones' insecurities in a rather indirect way
He's heard you talk about how bad you feel sometimes for being so busty and how you wish you had smaller boobs
He's seen your face when those cute tops that everyone wears can't fit on you
But he's never said anything about it, so you'd think he doesn't understand or worse, he doesn't care
Oh but you're wrong though!
My boy Shintarō is observant, so he doesn't say much anyways
But then you'll come home and he'll sit you on his lap and just look at you
Scanning your body with his cunning green eyes as you blush, and he'll let his slander fingers pull your top up
And you'll sit here, flustered as he hums, tracing the shape of your tits
"It's foolish to be insecure, sweetheart, these are just as they should be"
He'll say these words as he cups them in his big hands, thumbs grazing your erected nipples
And he'll go ahead, sucking on them and looking up at your face as you let out soft moans
"See? Sensitive just as they should be"
And he'll caress them, ever so often squeezing them harshly just to get a loud gasp out of you
"Soft, just as they should be"
And he'll see himself get hard not from the playing with your tits, but from seeing that pleasure on your face
"I told you, nothing to be insecure about, sweetheart"
Kise refuses to accept an universe in which his s/o is insecure about any part of their body!
So he's very vocal about it, he tells you everyday that he loves your body
He sometimes gets very passionate, even going to the length of ranting about it for long minutes
"Trust me baby, you're gorgeous! You're busty, so what? I love your big tits, baby, they're crafted by the gods, you hear me?!"
Don't you dare pull your neckline because you're showing too much cleavage! Kise thinks you're beautiful as you are and he won't let you hide your beautiful body in any way
It lowkey gets annoying lol
His favourite way of showing you how much love you and your big bust deserve is by taking pictures of you!
You heard me, Kise occasionally snaps pictures of his gorgeous s/o and their beautiful, big breasts
And if you dare cover them, he'll slap your hand away
He even takes a selfie of him resting his head on them
"See baby, they're perfect!" He grins as he shows you the lewd pictures he's taken
And it's not just dramatic words and action! In the simpliest ways, too, Kise shows the appropriate love to your bust
Ever so often glides his hands under your shirt to fondle them, his hot breath in your ear
"So great, baby... love these big titties of yours. No need to hide them, alright? Everything about you is just perfect."
He loves to suck on them, leaving open mouth kisses all over <3
He just loves to caress them, holding them as he thrusts into you and watches your body with stars in his eyes
"You're my pretty one, don't forget it"
Ok ok so Aomine is a special case because being with him at first might have made you more insecure
You knew the guy loved big boobs, he's never been subtle about it
And if technically you had what he liked, you feared at first that he'd be disappointed by your chest
It's not perfectly round and tight like the ones on the girls he's seen in magazines and other pornographic media
Yours sags and jiggles, it's natural but you've known way too many men who can't accept the real look of naturally big breasts
So you got particularly insecure when you started dating Daiki
However, you were quick to realize that you had no reason to be
Everything that you hated about your tits – the size, the shape, the way they sit on your chest – is EXACTLY what he loves about them
The first time you pulled your shirt up and let him see your tits, Aomine was mesmerized by the way they dropped out
He's absolutely in love with them (and you <3)
Oh god, does he love how squishy they are!!
And the way they jiggle
Literally moans when he sees them move with his thrusts
Even fucks you harder just to see them bounce
Squeeze them hard from time to time, absolutely feral for them
"Fuck pretty, those are insane!"
Always finds his way to be under your shirt, fondling them, squeezing them, sucking on your pretty nipples
He's so obsessed with them omg he even gets them sore from all the attention he gives them 😭
At this point you have no choice but to accept that, in your boyfriend's eyes, your tits are the best thing ever
Works you towards loving them as much as he does
To the point where you even take the initiative sometimes to give him a boob job
It drives him CRAZY omggg
He loves to see his cock drag in and out between your big titties
Always makes him cum instantly hihi
Talking of which, he's got a peculiar way of showing his love for your titties by occasionally cumming on them
"Shit, pretty... god bless you're so perfect"
Yeah, basically makes you less insecure about them by loving them enough for the two of you <3
Weirdly enough, I believe Murusakibara to be be the most understanding of your insecurity
He's lived his whole life being above average in size, so he kinda gets you for the way you feel about your bust
He knows how annoying it is to attract unwanted attention and have everyone oggle at you because you're not built like most
So when you voiced out your insecurities, he's got you!
And since he knows how it is, he helps you out of it
For him, the key is acceptance: you don't need to love what you're insecure about, you just need to be ok with its existence
So he'll tsk when you try to cover them up or when you feel like changing your top because you think it's too tight
He'll show you that one very intricate bra with an insane cleavage and ask you, "why don't you wear this one more often, hm?"
The funny thing with him is that he's kinda indifferent to the size of your chest
Honestly, nothing is too big for a guy like him, so he acts with no particular regard for your bust size
Except maybe putting his snacks on them when you're sitting together watching tv
Dude got himself a nice table, so he's gonna use it 😭
He touches them in such a nonchalant way too
Oh! Gotta mention though, how good it feels that his hands are big enough so your boobs fit almost entirely (if not entirely) in them!
It's the kind of thing that makes you feel a bit normal about your big tits, so you insist sometimes to have him holding them for you
And he doesn't complain, he quite likes it!
Squeezing them to destress
"These are fun, sweets"
Definitely leaves a shit ton of love bites on them! As much as he seems indifferent about your tits, he loves to take them in his mouth
Loves to suck and bite them the most! Leaves your chest covered with his saliva and doesn't give a fuck about it
Atsushi is a 100% the kind to randomly get his head in your shirt and nibble on your skin for his own entertainment
And when you start breathing heavily and whimpering at his ministrations, he'll look at you with the most indifferent look, head peeking between your tits
"Something's wrong, y/n-chi?"
Doesn't even let you reply before he keeps gnarling on them, leaving small purple bruises everywhere on your tits!
LISTEN. He may be a bit of a fucker, but he's got empathy
Seeing his s/o insecure about a part of their body, he makes it his life mission to resolve that issue
Personally speaking, he doesn't care about chest size, so the fact that you're busty is the least of his worries
But it's an issue to you, though, and he can't let you live like that!
Imayoshi's solution is exposure therapy
He's gotta make you face your chest, he needs you to see them as he does
And he'll do it in... questionable ways, indeed, but it does work (somehow?)
He might suddenly lift your shirt up while you're cuddling, leaving you confused while he chuckles in your neck
"Now now, darling... I just wanna see these pretty things"
And can you say no, when he's so good at teasing them?
He LOVES tugging on your nipples, twisting them a bit just to get to hiss and swear at him
And as much as you hate him for playing with you like that, you do love what he's doing
And he takes it to another extreme, sitting you in front of the mirror, chest bare
Hand on your jaw, forcing you to watch your reflection as he mutters in your ear
"Look at them, pretty, don't you dare looking away"
So here you sit, getting to look at that part of you that makes you so nervous for such a long time that it slowly starts to change your gaze on them
And Imayoshi's not done there
He takes your hands, putting them on your chest and giving you just one, simple instruction
"Go ahead, play with them"
You're stunted at first but you slowly start doing what he's asked you to, and the more you go, the more you feel different
From embarrassement to arousal, seeing yourself in a whole new light while he sits beside you, a cunning smile on his lips
That's exactly what he wants, for you to change your perspective on yourself
That body of yours, though he's not one to admit it, is irrestible
Every part of it, meant to be loved, touched, played with
And when he gets you to do it to yourself, you have no choice but to love it too
After a while, he'll swat your hands away and replace them with his, looking at you in the mirror
You can't help but keep your eyes on your chest, on the way it looks in his hold, at his mercy
And you blush, tempted to look away but unable to do so, because you enjoy it
You enjoy the way Imayoshi toys with your tits, making them feel less like a burden to you
"Still insecure, darling?" he laughs softly "of course not, these marvelous tits of yours are nothing to be insecure about"
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sirhyst · 10 months
Thoughts about Ranpo (BSD) and Imayoshi Shoichi (KNB) that nobody asked for
I’m not saying that Imayoshi would be scared of Ranpo, but I have a feeling he’d be on his best fucking behaviour around him. Like I’m sure Imayoshi would want to rag on him a little but he wouldn’t get too comfortable.
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Yeah I’ve been gone for 5 months, and i might vanish for a few more but I had to put this out here. 😭
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suvidrache · 1 year
Aomine, Imayoshi, Mibuchi S/O Cooks
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 184 / Read it on AO3 | Offline Version
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- He would be very grateful for it.
- Unfortunately, his cooking isn't the best, so maybe he can take you out to dinner?
- Buy you some more nice lingerie, yes you have lots already, but that's ok, you can always have more!
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- Would be grateful, unless this is something you spontaneously started doing, which he wouldn't complain about it because free food. However, he would appear slightly upset or off.
- If you did cook for him, if things are taking longer than usual, he will get upset, considering he does have a habit of getting things done quickly.
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- Loves that you cooked for him! Will help you out, cooking with you, setting the table.
- Will pull your chair out for you and fill your drink.
- If you are being too loud, he may ask you to keep it down, as he doesn't like noisiness.
- Will get upset and lecture you politely if you decide to start a food fight.
- Will 100% make dessert for you, would only be slightly hurt if you had already made some without him. He loves making desserts.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
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Pls I'm CRYING for some imayoshi hc!!! Something like latin y/n who speaks in her mother language and imayoshi dont understand anything!!
I think Imayoshi would be the type to try his best if he wants to do something and would take all the opportunity to learn new things, so I guess he'd learn the language. He might also teach her some Japanese and show her the beauty of his own mother language.
I'm not invested in nor familiar with writing headcanons that contain OCs or self-insert characters so I'm not a good place to go to in this case. A blog dedicated to said type of headcanon would surely provide a better answer than I do ^^b @ scenariosnoknb writes super great stuff.
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spatio-rift · 2 years
HI MAR!! :Dim going to bed soon but i wanted to ask more about ur imayoshi little sister headcanons since i am avoiding twitter like the plague rn!!!
HI LAB!! imayoshis little sister HMM shes like a real knb character to me.<3 i also looked up on twt what hcs the japanese imayoshi cluster (lol) had for her and ive adopted a few cuz they were cute... not the ones about her liking hanamiya or susa though idc about that.
thats how i got her name actually :) tsubasa. i thought the idea of their names matching was really cute and maybe a little funny lol with the 翔 in shouichi meaning like to soar or fly and tsubasa meaning wing... so i stole it LMAO
i think unlike imayoshi shes very open and like expresses her emotions a lot more freely... shes just as sociable and confident but shes loud and energetic and just like kind of a fun hyper girl so shes a lot more liked by her peers than her brother lol. she IS however just as weird and annoying (important) but people are just more willing to let that slide. not the basketball club though cuz she keeps comparing them to her brother even though shes not even a member of the club (she just likes to brag). what is she even doing here get that girl out of the gym NOW
also unlike imayoshi i think shes got style. she likes accessories and especially making them herself so shes got a lot of that and like friendship bracelets (matching with all her besties) or those little bracelets where u make a wish and wear it until it breaks etc... she taught imayoshi how to make friendship bracelets and in turn imayoshi got strky to make team bracelets so they all have little strky bracelets now. thank you miss tsubasa.
also i think imayoshis really sweet on her :) theyre close and get along very well. i like the contrast in general i think imayoshi is a lot more open and genuine with his family (like obviously but i mean it would surprise people who know him if they saw him with his family) but especially with his sister. actually i saw a tweet about him sometimes calling her like our little princess (ohiisan...) and be it genuine or teasing i think thats really cute...
idk where to add this in that would feel natural so im just gonna say it like that i think shes like 4 years younger. but a march baby or something so only 3 school years behind imayoshi. like she enters highschool when he enters uni
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
his mean s/o.
request ; @erina-writes-headcanons​: hey, author! i just read the hcs for kind of forget and forgive s/o. i’m curious if imayoshi, aomine and akashi have an s/o who is lowkey like jade west/karma akabane (prickly, mischievous, sassy, tough, sarcastic, grounchy, a bit sadistic, and violent). although, they actually really kind but only to those she is close with, like their family, best friend and her pet but to strangers (especially to those who mean to her or asshole) s/o is very mean.
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; college!au/work!au; pet mention; mean!reader; swearing; rather sfw
includes: female reader ft. shouichi imayoshi, daiki aomine & seijuurou akashi {knb}
author’s note: love u!
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↘ He likes that side of your character very much.
↘ As your boyfriend, he knows perfectly well that you are kind to older people, you have a huge heart for animals, and a lot of love for your closest family members... But he can’t hide the fact that he just enjoys watching your upset version when you argue with other girls or you say your opinion out loud as class president.
↘ It’s pretty amazing how much emotion and authority can be in one, precious woman.
↘ Of course, he also gets ‘hit’ sometimes because you just don’t want to let Shouichi destroy your plans, but most of the time you’re just lovely and cute to him. You respect him damn well and trust him like no one else.
↘ However, if someone upsets your partner, you will definitely take matters into your own hands and you don’t hesitate to offend the other person; it doesn’t matter if it’s his best friend, a member of the basketball team, a far-away maternal uncle, or a stranger to both of you. No one has the right to insult your boyfriend and make this boy sad. You also get nervous then.
↘ “Hey, bitch. Are you blind? Can’t you see there’s an evenly deducted amount here? Do you need glasses or eye drops?”
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↘ “... Hey, Mika, do you think that Aomine-san is single now?”
↘ “I hope so. I dream about a date with him since first grade, ahh. He’s so cool and handsome.”
↘ While walking towards the school gym, you suddenly heard voices of two young girls. You immediately stopped and looked at them with dark eyes and in addition, your both fists clenched, breathing slowed. As soon as the teens noticed you, they quickly bowed their heads and then wanted to apologize to you, but you spoke first.
↘ “I must have misheard.” You stepped closer, then put your hand on the wall beside them. “Will you repeat?”
↘ “W-Well...” She started with a worried tone of voice, and you giggled.
↘ “You know, I don’t think Daiki would even look at your ugly face, but go on, dream about it.” You winked at her, and then you continued your walk to the huge gym where your boyfriend was just doing one of his training sessions.
↘ “... Such a badass.” You heard on the right side, and when you turned your head slightly, you saw an amused basketball player in grey shorts and a T-shirt that was too big. “I like this.”
↘ “It was quite pathetic, Daiki. I really can’t believe that someone thinks they could be better than me.” Your partner only smiled in satisfaction at the sound of these words.
↘ “Right. Nobody is and will be better than my sassy girl.” He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead and then walked with you into the gym.
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↘ Akashi was your sedative and the person who always reminded you to use the correct language.
↘ You differed slightly in terms of your characters; yes, you were both very imperious, but Seijuurou always kept common sense and good language. You were definitely more explosive, mean and sarcastic. You weren’t worried about your reputation or your opinion at school/work. You were just too honest and self-confident. It was okay, but your boyfriend had to rebuke you a lot.
↘ Even now, when you were on a date, when you should be resting and having a good time, you felt nervous and wanted to hit something (or preferably the person in front of you).
↘ “I am surprised that such a young lady knows art and the person of Paul Gauguin.” You heard another cheeky comment from a middle-aged guy. You wanted to open your mouth again, but your partner looked at you meaningfully. Unfortunately, this time he didn’t manage to stop a few curses that the people around you heard after a while.
↘ “You old man. Any age is good for discovering art, and it’s not unusual for someone my age to come to a museum or art gallery. I might as well ask from where an old man like you knows art? You should have been sitting in a soft chair a long time ago and asking your children for a glass of water because of amnesia.” You spoke loud and clear and the man’s eyes widened. The rest of the people around began whispering to each other. “Why are you looking at me like that? You thought I wouldn’t answer you? I have no respect for people like you and I am not going to continue to ignore it.”
↘ Well... This time even Seijuurou was impressed.
↘ “Let’s go home. I don’t want to spend time in a place with such company.” You whispered to your boyfriend and he just lifted the corner of his mouth up, grabbing your hand.
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shoichee · 3 years
Hello! First of all I wanna say that I really love your writing! It has me excited every time!!
I had this idea for a while and it always makes me go SOFT!
Haizaki, Imayoshi and Hanamiya (Separately) X f!reader. Like Reader would have a massive crush but it's basic friendship between them so they're really close friends/best friends. And since reader is friends with those baddies Reader usually keeps a tough front so one day Reader can't really hold it no more and Goes "Shut up and Just Hug me" while bawling her eyes out? Like I bet those baddies wouldn't know how to react but I think it would be really cute!!
Anyways Have a Good Day/Night Hun!! All the Love!!
ANON THE WAY THIS PROMPT HAS BEEN ON MY MIND THE ENTIRE 6 MONTH HIATUS, IM SO EXCITED TO FINALLY BE ABLE TO WRITE THIS BLESS UR GENIUS MIND, but wow this prompt is so damn challenging because these 3 are assholes in their own ways—
Also Note: these headcanons are hella long (this entire thing is collectively 19 pages long), like each feels like a whole anime arc LMAO because these three characters having a “favorable” reaction to the reader crying would need a ton of context, which includes: how they met, their relationship dynamics, and such… and these three also have their own definitions of what a “tough” reader is to them… so without further ado, I guess I’m beginning my active status with a big bang…
I would like to tag: @takatul @mihangry @nadav-ii @roppongiperfume @carinacassiopeiae @seijurosempress @kkeke99 @4kominato @bunny-girl-lia (@dust-of-fandoms | edit: it finally me tag you, and I cackled at your reblog hashtag LMAOO) and I would love to tag more people who stuck by me when I was active before, but I can’t find them/tag them! This longest headcanon yet is dedicated to you all and everyone else reading this... mess~
[Tough front f!reader]
Imayoshi Shoichi
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you guys probably first met as classmates
sure, there could be a possible scenario where you guys met through basketball, but even so, Imayoshi isn’t the type to take note of people unless they’re in teams Touou has faced before/has a huge reputation… so the chance of him actually wanting to get to know you beyond your face and name is near zero
but on the other hand, as classmates… 1.) he’s pretty much forced to see you around every day and familiarize himself with your presence and habits regardless of what he does 2.) sharing the same class means that you both are smart smart (and someone who shares the same intellectual capacity as him is a MUST to get close to him)
good rule of thumb: the more classes you share with him (throughout the years, because the Japanese school system is quite the opposite of the American system), the faster you become closer together, because that naturally translates to more opportunities for Imayoshi to annoy you more
but half of the friendship development also requires your personality/reactions/things of that nature that might hold his intrigue for a long time
he’s met his fair share of people who have similar wit and irritability as himself, so if he met another Imayoshi-like individual… sure, it’s fun and entertaining as hell, but somewhat predictable in its own right since they’re, well… himself—and he’d like to think he knows himself very well (like Aomine being able to predict Kise even when he copied his basketball style of playing, for example)
imagine if there was a person out there who’s so stone-faced, so blank and unflinching at nearly everything, yet cold and spartan
spoiler alert: it’s you
and wow, holy shit—whenever you’re in the room, the temperature just drops several degrees celsius
everyone’s at least wary of you, and you didn’t even do anything wrong—your presence just elicits that impression out of everyone
Imayoshi couldn’t help but blow a slow whistle the first time he witnessed this with his own eyes
who would’ve thought he found a Kuroko and an Akashi (...before he lost at the Winter Cup) in one individual… let alone a girl (not that he cares about gender, but he’s amused that you’re an oddity in the average Japanese societal norm of a woman)
he had to do some probing, he can’t help it: the opportunity was too good to pass up
“Yo!” he calls out, approaching your desk on the first day of class. “Looks like we’re seated next to each other for the year. It’s nice to meet you, (l/n)-san.” (his polite Kansai accent never fails to stick out in the room)
you merely look at him before you went back to reading whatever book you had in your hand; he looks closer to note that you’re already getting started on the assigned book for the upcoming lessons
so what if he didn’t get a welcoming reply back? that’s fine with him; not everyone’s friendly on the first encounter
either way, he makes himself too comfortable on his seat, stretching out his limbs before he pulled out his usual pen to twirl around out of boredom
and that’s what happened every time he entered class, always making an over-friendly remark or two before you looked at him in silence momentarily
pretty soon, you’ve stopped giving him attention completely, blatantly ignoring him when he calls out for you early in the morning
a slow grin snaked its way onto his face the first time this happened
“How cruel, (l/n)-san! You hurt my feelings every time you don’t reply to me, you know? Really now, to think my efforts for friendship get constantly snuffed mercilessly. You’re really gonna make me cry.”
“Then cry.”
(cue everyone near you two slightly scooching their desks away in fear for their safety)
Imayoshi dropped his grin in hearing you reply for the first time
“No one’s stopping you,” you continued, yet your eyes were still on your own table, minding your own business, as if Imayoshi wasn’t worth your attention to begin with
“Yikes, you’re actually really evil,” he dryly remarked
“Cry about it.”
the worst thing was, Imayoshi couldn’t get a read from you one bit; normally he can “read minds” based on analyzing any body reaction or facial expression changes… but you exhibit nothing to base anything off of
Imayoshi has truly met an equal opponent for his wit, because you confirmed his assumption that you had much to say about things even if you never chose to indulge in social interactions, and it’s not like you’re bad at conversations—you just choose not to participate
pretty soon, he goes from giving daily “morning greetings” to pestering you at EVERY given moment throughout the day in the classroom
the teacher’s busy setting up a new lesson? you’re gonna hear some comment. it’s break time? you’re enduring comments for at least 10 minutes. you’re assigned to work with your “desk partner” for a class activity? you do your share of the work before giving the paper to him wordlessly… all while hearing his comments
“Honestly, with how much you run your mouth, I’m very much surprised your lips haven’t grown wings and flapped off of your face yet.”
you’re… a little impressed with his tenacity, thinking that he’d give up talking to you after realizing how fruitless his efforts would be… and mind you, Imayoshi was talking to a wall for nearly a damn month now, almost a month and a half
he’s a bit too patient for the wrong things, you think
“I’m flattered,” he easily shoots back with that infuriating grin. “But they say my charm lies in my linguistic abilities. I’m afraid I can’t afford to lose them just yet.”
“That is creepy,” you blankly deadpan at his smirk, before you return your gaze to the board… but you can easily feel his intense scrutiny in your peripheral vision
a day never goes by without multiple interactions like the ones described above happen
it slowly went from you ignoring him to you giving one-word responses like: “Great.” // “How nice.” // “Right.” // “That’s cool.”
you’re somewhat similar to him, he notices; you’re always polite with everyone, yet there’s always a clipped, frosty edge to your words that unsettles them
like how his politeness drips with a bit of jabs and arrogance that never truly puts anyone at ease
when Touou lost the first round at the Winter Cup, he was surprised to see you approach him the day after, and the first thing that comes out of your mouth was:
“Congratulations, Imayoshi-kun,” you said. “That loss was a spectacular show to witness.”
“You wound me,” he languidly sighs with his hands up in the air. “Must you rub salt in the fresh wound? Dear me, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were checking on my well-being.”
you finally give a slow blink to indicate some type of… reaction, though that’s not much at all
“Yes,” was all you said. “You are correct. Take this.”
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… wow
the nerve
he’s… speechless
how the hell did you know of his drawing habits, and how the hell did you imitate it exactly?
and since when did you ever pay attention to basketball??
he’s processing a lot of things right now, but he first notices the “Congratulations on losing” and “101-100,” which was the final score of yesterday’s game
… you were watching them play?
“... My, my…” he coos. “I have many questions. Let’s start with the one about how much you’ve been actually staring at me in order to figure out that I drew in class, let alone how I draw.”
he looks up to anticipate an answer, but all you simply do is stare at him more intensely before you tilt your head slightly… as if you had no idea what he was talking about
his grin only grows wider, taking your silence as a challenge, and he puts your sketch on the table and gets up to step closer towards you and lean his body forward, hands in his pockets
of course, your expression never changes, simply moving your head back from the tilted position
“... It helps to open your eyes more, Imayoshi-kun. Maybe you’ll notice things you haven’t been privy to before. Your pen scribbles are irritating to hear on the regular, so my poor eyes witnessing such grotesque imagery was an unfortunate inevitability.”
“Ah-ha!~” he chimes, cracking his eyes open for the first time to you. “Is that so?”
you widen your own eyes slightly in response to making eye contact with his gaze for the first time, and damn Imayoshi for noticing it, because he immediately pulled away in extreme satisfaction and sat at his desk
and yet another day of school started soon after, but this time, Imayoshi was giving off the smuggest aura
. . .
after Touou gets eliminated from the Winter Cup, Imayoshi takes this free time as an opportunity to study for college entrance exams… while also bothering you on the pretense of “study buddies” since you two were in the same grade
though you were still as cold and collected as ever, you were WAYY more talkative with him at this point, though most of the dialogues exchanged were nothing more than him trying to ruffle your feathers up and you deflecting his attempts
and the entire 3rd year was just you two “bantering” (if you can even call it that), but no one would ever see either of you without the other
still, neither of you could deny that both of you guys are really efficient in terms of working together to get things done, where both of you turn serious and start analyzing the objective at hand
these times are when you guys have the more genuine conversations on more personal topics and such:
“I didn’t take you as someone who has a sister.”
“How mean! She’s raised very well as a respectable lady, y’know?”
“We seem to have two different definitions of ‘respectable,’ because have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Another female you sounds like an incoming migraine.”
“I can reassure you that she’s the considerate type of girl.”
“If you insist.”
or maybe another convo like:
“(l/n)-san, do you always have your face stuck in cement?”
“... Pardon?”
“You remind me of a few people who always have their faces as blank as a sheet—it’s kind of terrifying.”
“Always been like this. It’s more convenient this way to scare away nuisances, don’t you think Evil Glasses-san?”
“Clearly it’s not working.” (dryly replied, as always)
everyone’s terrified of you two and would clear the way every time they saw you guys walking by, let’s make that clear
both of you are clearly very polite and proper, always taking rules and responsibilities into consideration… but what the fuck, y’all are way too menacing—seriously, Sakurai wants to RUN to the opposite direction whenever you’re in his field of vision
you’ve been down lately though—and increasingly more somber as spring was coming closer that year—though, it’s more of the air you give off that would indicate this, rather than your facial expressions
in truth, you knew that your time with Imayoshi would most likely end once you two graduated, because he only interacted with you out of curiosity and convenience
but even though you guys were done with taking the exam, Imayoshi still comes to annoy you and hang out with you, so you were secretly relieved that you guys were still “close” in that sense
you become acquainted with Susa, the one who was unfortunate enough to be Imayoshi’s good friend and study partner before you came along; both of you share a mutual understanding and common ground of dealing with Imayoshi’s shit 24/7
. . .
alas, it’s a couple days before the 3rd years graduated, but you aren’t overjoyed at the fact that you are going to move onto a new chapter of your life
quite the contrary, you didn’t like what you were going to leave behind after your last day of being at Touou (yeah, it’s Imayoshi, but you didn’t want to admit it to avoid making this inevitability all the more tangible)
you were alone for once in one of the courtyards, having those moments of quiet contemplation, but for the first time in a long time, you felt tears streaming down your face, you heart feeling a painful squeeze at coming to terms about your inner emotions
your head raises up at the sound of leaves crunching, and lo and behold, it’s almost as if your thoughts summoned him to you
unlike his usual infuriating grin, his face was one of seriousness as he gauges your face… you’re crying
and you’re just staring at him silently even with the tears streaming
he’s a bit unnerved, but he’s a practical one, his mind racing thousands of miles an hour to crack down what you currently need and what the cause of your tears was
he’s an asshole, but he’s not heartless, and lately, he’d been feeling a soft spot for you
“... Do you want solace, silence, or solutions?”
you wordlessly walk to him before tightly hugging him
his eyes are cracked open, trying to figure out what the hell is going on
“... shut up and just hug me.”
he chuckles a bit before gingerly reciprocating, musing, “To think you would want all of the above—didn’t take you as a greedy person, (l/n)-san.”
you both share a comforting silence before you separate yourself from him… you didn’t dare raise your gaze to look at his face, knowing fully well that he was gonna hold this over your head for a long time
“... You never stop running your mouth, do you?”
“But you like me all the same, yes?”
you say nothing, but you stared up at him, your eyes slightly wide and mouth parted from what he was presuming as your way of being shocked… but what’s this?
he can’t tell if there’s a smidge of a flush on your skin or if his eyes are finally playing a trick on him
with the last of your tears still on your lashes, he might dare to call you beautiful
“I told you that my linguistic abilities are crucial to my charm.”
and you immediately went back to your default expression of indifference at his antics
“… You’re annoying.”
“You really can’t afford to be nice for a moment…!” he exclaims in mock-hurt. “But we both know that’s not what you’re really thinking.”
you finally give a sign of defeat—a long resigned sigh—before you opted to walk past him
that is, until Imayoshi stops you by putting his two hands on your shoulders and pulling you back a bit towards him
“Whoa there! You’re really going to leave me up in the air like that? Aren’t you curious enough to stay and let me finish?” you didn’t even have to turn around to know that he had a scheme in his mind
“Letting you finish has never been a good idea,” you dryly reply, and Imayoshi can’t help but genuinely laugh at you inheriting some of his own mannerisms at this point
he brings you even closer, his hands going from on your shoulders to slowly snaking them around your clavicles as he settles his head atop your left shoulder
“Even if I told you that I, too, find you too amusing to let go?”
“Who said I found you amusing as well?” you finally turn your head to his face
“Ah, but you didn’t deny that you didn’t want to let me go either,” he smirks, but it turns slightly more affectionate as he leans closer. “Say, I have a proposal that would be a solution to your current ‘predicament.’ Say that we both graduate, yes? There will be new challenges to tackle as an adult, no doubt. I can graciously offer you my indisposable intelligence for years to come in exchange…” his thumb brushes over your lips, his own lips curling up more when he feels how you got warmer from his touch “... for this?... How about it, (y/n)?”
Haizaki Shōgo
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were you guys childhood friends? were you friends during middle school when he used to hang out with some of the Teiko kids? did you somehow worm your way to have connections with people he knew in some shape or form? friends with one of the starters in the Fukuda Sōgō team before you met Haizaki? classmates or ex-classmates/partners through coincidental circumstances led you to hang around even outside of school? did he once hit on you but you vehemently rejected his offer for a one-night stand?
the mystery of the beginnings of this strange friendship was always a subject of gossip and speculation (rightfully so)
but most likely, he probably tried to hit on you like any other girl, but you were the first to not only openly defy him and cuss him out, but also fend off his physical violence successfully through self-defense techniques by yourself
that HELLA surprised him… and also pissed him off
but he left you alone… until he came back to annoy you again a few days later after his pride recovered enough to face you again
“feisty” was what he often likes to call you nowadays
yes, this combative nature of yours always got you into less-than-ideal situations, even if you always meant well, and that aspect of yours always drew him back to you, even if you both hated each other’s guts
it was after the Winter Cup, when Fukuda Sōgō was eliminated, that you two interacted considerably more
“I hope that game taught you a valuable lesson or two, Haizaki.”
“Shut the fuck up, yeah?”
“Or what? Not like you can do anything to me anyways, you fucking clown—”
he immediately goes to throw a fast punch right for your neck, but you immediately dodged it, grabbed his forearm to twist it behind him
“Jesus Christ, you really do never fucking learn.”
he easily shakes off your grip and pulls away with a crazed look that never revealed what he was truly thinking
“I’m a pretty simple guy, yeah?” he sneers. “Just can’t help myself. Whatever, I got places to be at.”
and he never fails to finish his sentence with a lick to his thumb before strolling away
a simple guy, huh, you thought. yeah right
you picked up the fact that he licks his thumb when something is going his way, but recently he’s been licking his thumb before ending his interactions with you… which makes you suspicious as hell
nah, you’re overthinking it
it really does suck that you go to the same school as him, and as such, you are bound to meet each other outside of school too
these encounters always happen when you want to kill time in the local arcades or eat at the nearest fast food restaurants
“Ohhhhh, if it isn’t (y/n)...”
“Goddamn it, why does this always happen to me?” you openly facepalmed yourself before you sourly turn to the source of the voice. “Whatever you want with me, make it quick. I’m tired of seeing your ass around.”
“A quick fuck sounds up my alley righ’ now,” he says quitely loudly to attract surrounding passerbys’ attention in an attempt to humiliate you
he didn’t want to fuck you, not at all, you knew, but those were simply fighting words to piss you off
your face scrunches up in disgust at his words, before a slow smirk spread across your face… which Haizaki doesn’t fail to notice
“A qUiCk FuCk SoUnDs Up My aLLeY rIgHt NoW,” you mimic equally loudly, and you make it a point to pull your arms into chicken wings and walk in a circle around him to mock him
at this point this was when you ran while laughing your ass off… whether he tried chasing you down in contempt or not, you didn’t know, but you knew he was going to get his revenge
another day, you’re sitting at a table outside to eat your lunch when Haizaki casually strolls from behind to snatch a kebab stick out of your bento, which you weren’t quick enough to stop the basketball player
“Haizaki, what the fuck?”
“Oh? Was this yours? Oops… my hand must have slipped,” he drawls… again while licking his thumb
“Damn, I should’ve put snot on them or something before you stopped by. Maybe it’ll teach you to not take people’s food.”
“Hehh?” he gives a mirthless chuckle before he spits loudly on the half-eaten kebab on his hand. “Like this, eh?”
“I—” you gape at him incredulously. “That is the most unattractive thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on in my entire damn life—” you slam your own head on the table. “... Take the rest of my food. You damn ruined my appetite for the rest of this week.”
“Hell no, wench.”
“I insist,” you look up to hiss at him, throwing the closed bento box to him. “Keep the box too, sicko. You can spit your shit in there alllll you want.”
“Ya make me sound like I’m some bug,” he says. “Don’tcha know that the girl I had last night kept screaming to keep my tongue in her—”
you immediately dash away with your hands to your ears, singing loudly “lalalalala~” to yourself to drown out any profanities and filth that came straight from Haizaki himself… without any regard to the students giving you annoyed or concerned looks
for some reason though, Haizaki can’t bring himself to throw away the bento box you unceremoniously threw at him…
… you weren’t that half-bad of a cook (he’d rather burn at a stake than admit that ever)
. . .
another evening, you decided to unwind at an arcade hall, making yourself comfortable at a shooting game machine booth
you got yourself a decent score for the first run, and you make a noise of happy triumph before a rude scoff interrupted your fun time
“You fucking suck.”
you immediately knew who it was
“I do not, you manwhore,” you whip your head to Haizaki, disliking his narrowed gaze of annoyance and disapproval of your playstyle. “There are 3 other booths next to me. Go put a token and play by yourself.”
to make your point, you slot in one of your own tokens to start a 2nd round and readjusted your grip on the gun to point at the screen
“Gimme that,” he jeers, pushing you to the side while snatching the booth-attached rifle off your hands
you harshly slapped his arm in a feeble attempt to make him listen to you, but to your surprise, he completely lets your violence slide and looks at you what that piercing gaze
“Since you’re so shit at this game, lemme give you a few pointers so ya don’t look like a royal dumbass next time.”
“Maybe you should give it back to me because maybe I want to look like a royal dumbass. That’d be a win in your books anyways—”
you’re interrupted by the booth’s loud intro music to indicate that the game was starting, so you have no choice but to observe Haizaki and his gameplay
and the entire time, he’d make a condescending comment every time he progressed further into the game map
… and you hate to admit it, but he was way better in technique of the gun and precision in aiming (your scowl only grows harsher the more points he racked up in the round)
his final score tripled of your own
“So whaddya think, hmm?” he muses lowly while grabbing your chin to look at him, to which you bat away his hand immediately
“I think you oughta give me back the damn gun, that’s what.”
“Hah? Now why don’t ya use one of the three machines next to me instead, like a good girl.”
“Eurgh, ew, ew, ew—ugh! You’re so—that was my spot—!”
you growl under your breath before you roughly snatch your small bucket of tokens and stalk your way to the machine booth next to his, angrily shoving a token down the slot before you hoisted the gun
(cue you out-scoring him in your fury)
(cue him beating your score again)
(cue you beating his score again)
and for the rest of the evening and night, you both kept at the shooting game, both of your prides refusing to concede defeat, all the while Haizaki taunting and goading you
that night you stormed out of the arcade hall when it was time for the establishment to close, with Haizaki’s gleeful cackling echoing down the streets to further mock you of the multiple L’s you took earlier
. . .
you’re sitting in a cheap eatery, lucky enough to grab a table by the window, and you grab your first burger, ready to chow down
that is, until Haizaki slid in the seat in front of you, and you literally snarled at him to go away
“Ya make me sound like I’m such bad company,” he slyly smirks, immediately snatching your other burger on the tray as if it was his to begin with
you don’t even give him the satisfaction of replying because all you do is aggressively bite into the burger while glaring at him, not even bothering to try to get the burger back anymore
so here you two were, eating your burgers in tense silence, before Haizaki finishes his first and leaves without a word… until he comes back with his own order to sit at the same spot in front of you
you merely raise a brow before you take the opportunity to steal his burger from his tray and feast on it
he merely clicks his tongue and glares at you but opts to not say anything
. . .
the more you “hang” around Haizaki, the more likely you’d accidentally encounter him while he’s having a tryst with another girl… and even more unfortunately for you, you accidentally encountered him while they were both heavily petting each other… when you just wanted to take a shortcut to your home from school
“Oh my fucking god?? Can y’all at least NOT DO THIS IN THE ALLEYWAY? There’s hotels for a reason!” and then you ran out so fast
. . .
these types of encounters and shenanigans would go on for almost 2 years; I would think that Haizaki would need some time to somewhat “mellow” out or at least tolerate your presence to be considered a constant in his life, so much so that he wouldn’t utilize physical violence as much as he did before
having you in his life, whether he liked to admit it or not, taught him to not have as fragile of an ego and pride, and he slowly learned to have some level of patience with you
otherwise you two would be going for each other’s necks beyond just aggressive words and gestures
and wow, you don’t even realize you had this stupid guy in your life for two whole years
you even have each other’s phone numbers
you’ve done a lot of reflecting, especially if being around Haizaki for so long somehow made you a worse person, but when you asked every person who knew you, they simply told you that you were always the same to them (in a pretty confused way, because what a strange question)
speak of the devil, Haizaki’s contact pops up on your screen as an incoming call; you sigh before answering it, knowing fully well that he would spam even more calls just to spite you if you didn’t answer
you cringe when you hear a woman’s voice on his end of the line, but that feeling disappears once Haizaki starts talking
“Whaddya know? I’m starving after that session. Usual place, yeah?”
“Huh? What if I was busy, dumbass—”
“I know you ain’t.” and he ends the call as quickly as he started it
irk marks only multiply on your head when you stare at his contact screen before you started heading to your “usual spot”
“Tch, that bitch was hella annoying. Chick yapped her mouth as much as ya do when she shoulda been kissin’ and doin’ what we planned to do.”
“Gee, thanks,” you mumble, rolling your eyes and holding your temples with your fingers.
it became this weird thing for him to talk to you about his escapades and complaints about the women he’s recently been with; it started a year ago when he first did it to mortify you, but now it’s become something of habit… as terrible as it sounds
at… least he trusts you with this type of info? though you mentally chided yourself for having such low standards like this
on rare occasions, when you do share your own complaints/rants of your life to him, he somewhat listens, though he’s yawning half the time or eating something while you’re talking
on even rarer occasions, he talks about basketball
still, it’s somewhat cathartic in a way to have this routine between the two of you
hearing about him talk about women after women doesn’t feel good though; you wonder when you began to feel this way
you certainly didn’t feel like this a year ago
“Fucking damnit,” you mumble to yourself into your pillow
were you… possibly… no… in love with—
“Arfgghyrgfhurfhhhh!!!!” you screech into your pillow at the horrible thought that crept into your mind
. . .
you’ve been reevaluating your life and having an existential crisis at the horrifying realization of your poor choices that led up to this unwanted predicament in your love life
you didn’t come up with any solutions, let alone accepted the fact that you fell for this problematic man… who you may have thought about a lot more frequently than you would like to
no, you do not like Haizaki Shōgo.
… was what you kept telling yourself for the next 3 months of enduring him talking about his usual topics of video games and women without snapping and strangling him right there and then
you finally had enough when Haizaki called you once again, demanding that you two meet up at a fast food driveway for a bite, but soon after, you heard a different woman with an urgent voice: “Hurry up, can’t we go for another round before you go?”
you were just trying to have a peaceful moment in the park alone in the evening, too… looks like that’s ruined
you bit your bottom lip before you abruptly ended the call without giving an answer and threw your phone away on the grass, before you curled yourself up into a ball and let your tears fall unrestrained
why did you do this to yourself? this was what you deserved for liking someone like him.
who knows how long you’ve bawled your eyes out in the dark against a basketball hoop pole, but after being in the frigid air for so long that your fingers feel numb, it must’ve been hours
“You look so damn pitiful there, I almost mistaken’d ya for a lost dog.”
you still had your legs pulled up to your chest, your head tucked in to hide your tears
you pulled your arms tighter against yourself when you heard his unmistakable voice, and he was the last person you wanted to see right now
you immediately pulled your head up when you heard him strutting towards you though
it’s cold—you could see the wisps of air coming from his lips, and he was breathing really hard… which is weird considering he’s extremely athletic, and physical activity was a breeze for him
and he has the harshest look on his face for a while, his eyes narrowing further at the sight of your face
you immediately stand up from your sitting position
“Urgh, go the fuck away! Take a hint already, would ya?!”
he stands there in shock, the same type of shock he felt when he lost to Kise years ago… only worse
you’re in hysterics, crying and yelling at him, and he feels really troubled for some reason—like he feels a slight stir in his heart that he can’t put his finger on, and that makes him more pissed
“What the fuck is wrong with you? I swear, you women are too complicated—!”
“Everything is fucking wrong with me!” you scream at him, and fresh tears escape down your face. “Why do you even stick around me—just, stop—stop giving me hope that…urgh—shut the fuck up and just… (whispers) hug me—never mind…”
you didn’t even finish the sentence, your voice trailing off, and you look at him to see that he’s just… standing there
he doesn’t even say anything, he doesn’t even move
because he knew… anything he would say or do would upset you more, and for the first time, he realizes that his entire time with you all these years was spent pissing you off to no end instead of building any real bond with you
here he was, running around for hours to find you after that abrupt call (in all the restaurants, the arcades, hell—even all of the buildings and areas on campus, and even damn worse—all of the local neighborhood), ditching the woman instantly to look for you and yell at you for leaving him hanging, but the deepest part of him was worried—terrified—that something might have happened to you
women like gentle touches… right? maybe if he tried to hold you, restrain himself from any rough handling, you’d be pacified right? and go back to the same dumb, infuriating person you always were, right?
and what the hell were you muttering about a hug? where was the “you” he knew?
at this point, you’re just watching him, too scared to actually leave and turn your back on him… you still didn’t want to ruin whatever… “friendship” you guys had after building it for so long
the frigid air dried up your tears long before Haizaki decided to take a few sauntering steps towards you… and then a few careful steps before he’s in front of you—the you who’s still staring at him with furrowed brows
he tentatively reaches out an arm to touch your side, and when you don’t flinch (only raise a brow at his action), he fully grabs one side of your waist
“... I don’t know what the hell’s going on with you, but you made me fucking starve and miss dinner.”
your curious gaze turns into one of anger, and you swatted his arm off of you
“Oh piss off then, yeah? Get your damn burger yourself and get your filthy hand off of me when you literally just fucked someone hours earlier.”
“Ohhhh,” Haizaki is immediately relieved, the tension leaving his body when he knows he’s re-entered familiar territory. He leans towards you, head cocked to one side with a bit of a crazed, gleeful look. “Jealous, aren’t ya?”
you give a gasp of indignation and mortification before you reel your arm back to punch him; he deftly dodges you before he hugs your waist from behind, his lips to your ear
“Well if that’s the case… I can also give ya a good time.” and he licks your ear for good measure—
“Y-You… you!!” you’ve now gone on an endless barrage of kicks and punches, and Haizaki, knowing you for quite a while now, knows nearly every practical move you’ve thrown at him
and it goes on for nearly an hour, but Haizaki doesn’t care when you’re back to your normal self again
from then on, instead of going to different women for casual flings, he’s found new entertainment in flustering you and trying to push your buttons in terms of sexual innuendos and gestures
“Haizaki, that’s fucking harrassment—What the hell are you doing?!”
“Hehh? You’re more than free to punch me right now, go on… I can be a patient guy sometimes… unless you actually… like this?”
“Urgh, stop putting words in my mouth—!”
karma will actually kick him in the ass when he takes the next few weeks to figure out his real feelings about you
Hanamiya Makoto
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who even knows how you two came together and saw eye-to-eye, but it’s quite a contrasting image to see Hanamiya sauntering down the hallway with you by his side looking quite unbothered and natural… as if you were always meant to be by his side
but the first time you two met… oh boy
the principal finally had enough: all these written complaints from these basketball teams from other schools, asking to shut down the Kirisaki Daiichi basketball team due to foul play allegations… it was time to get to the bottom of this issue, a thorn on the school’s side in terms of reputation
no matter how many times Hanamiya was given a warning, nothing changed
and no one wanted to be coach of the infamous team, all knowing the unsaid horrors if anyone tries to to tame and reel in the starters
the solution? a student disciplinary committee. usually the student council holds the responsibility of reporting and administering proper discipline within school code, but the new proposal suggests that there be a separate student body with leadership separate from the student council to focus on cracking down anything harmful to the “learning environment” (a.k.a. the basketball team)
enter you; you were nominated by many faculty members and students alike, agreeing that you should be the one to spearhead this discipline campaign… always kind, gentle, and sweet—you always seemed to know how to resolve conflicts efficiently and safely
and you accepted the role with a smile and modest thanks
your “priority job” (as strongly urged by the principal) was to deal with the basketball team, especially since rumors of what happened in the Seirin match began circulating around campus
it was one day after practice—when the team was done practicing rough play drills and enacting various scenarios to carry them out—and the starters were strolling out the gym
Hanamiya was the last to exit the doorway but once he slammed the doors unceremoniously and turned around, you magically appeared in front of him with a welcoming smile… and it looked like the other starter players walked ahead enough to not notice you
“Hey there! Super sorry to bother you! I know you guys just finished practice right now, but I would like to introduce myself as the president of the new student disciplinary committee^^” you write something on a clipboard you brought with you before looking at him again
“Ohhhh,” he widens his eyes in mock sincerity, putting a hand to his chin. “So that’s what the fuss in the office was about. My apologies for only realizing now.” There was a coo to his voice that if anyone else heard it, they would’ve known to book it right there and then… so why were you not affected at all?
are you fucking stupid?
“Great! Just wanted to let you know I’ll have to do mandatory check-ins with you every couple days or whenever conflicts arise. Sorry for taking your time, and have a good evening!”
you couldn’t be this oblivious. there was no way. everyone knew who he was and the reputation he brought wherever he went
he gritted his teeth at the fact that you weren’t cowering in his presence, and when you spun around to leave, he deftly grabbed your forearm to pull you back to the closed gym doors behind you
and he made sure that your back felt the doors as he cornered you closer like an agitated predator
“Listen here,” he lowly sneers, all traces of his nice facade gone, replaced by a dangerous glint in his usual gleeful expression. “I’ll let you in on something, president. I run how my team works. You can crawl back to your precious principal and kindly tell him to fuck off and mind his own business. You can also tell him that we don’t need a nosy bitch snooping around like she owns the place. The goody-president can see that this is all in the interest of the student… which is what you student council parasites always preach about…” he leans in closer, caging your body with two arms by the side of your head, and he’s a breath away from your own face. “... Right, (y/n)?”
“O-Oh…” you started, and Hanamiya’s wicked grin grows wider at your predictable reaction
now that’s more like it.
now that he REALLY gets a good, close look at you, you’re not half-bad; there’s just something about that innocence–the naivete–that really turns his gears and has him entertained (this man really has a “stupid girl” as his canon type of girl, I CAN’T—)
“... to think that I have to repeat myself.”
you abruptly move your face even closer to his, your noses touching… your own closed-eye smile taking on a more sinister quality for the first time
“For someone with the supposed 160 IQ, you’re as daft as the dirt I step on, captain. I can easily shut this entire gym if it’s in the interest of the student body. Should I ban you guys from entering? Should I report your behavior to dispel the team completely? Your team’s fate is in my hands. You don’t run this show, dear. I’ll say it one more time: I’ll be checking in 2 days. Keep up the ‘good boy’ act until then, hm?” ( ◠‿◠ )
you take your clipboard to smack one of his arms out of the way to clear a way out for yourself before you hum to yourself and walk onwards
cue Hanamiya cussing and kicking the gym doors
now for the next few weeks Hanamiya has been noticing how TWO-FACED YOU WERE WITH EVERYONE ELSE… he’s so irritated, he’s SO ANNOYED that he’s been biting the inside of his cheek and gritting his teeth constantly while thinking about you
look at you smiling at everyone so kindly when you’re the most awful, sadistic person inside… yeah, he embodies all of that, but only he alone can have this pleasure of terrorizing everyone
they don’t even know your real side, look at you socializing with everyone like you own the hallways—
every comment he makes to you has been reciprocated with a “good-natured” response that makes it obvious that you weren’t scared of him one bit
you’re like… the female version of the rotten, evil Imayoshi
god he fucking hates it here
definitely has made plenty comments about the fact that you’re not his type—that you’re one of those types of girls that irritate him to no end… even still, he doesn’t know why he tolerated you
recently, when he makes those customary remarks though, you widen your eyes a bit or avert your gaze before you shoot back your retorts, though he knows those are things you do to feign reactions to mock him (little did he know that those were not feigned)
you’ve been successfully putting a leash on the team starters, but to be fair, the other starters don’t care because there’s finally someone who can put Hanamiya in his place and it’s the FUNNIEST thing in the world
in other words, you’re good in their books; dare I say, they consider you as a friend // Hara’s been known to give you spare chewing gum every so often recently
you’ve went from checking in on their practices every couple days to tailing behind Hanamiya every chance you get (because you realized the team can just fool you and pretend they’re playing honestly when you do check-ins)... and then it eventually developed into you two always walking side by side (but not because you two enjoy each other’s company, though! don’t get the wrong idea now)
he expected you to tell him to completely change how the team played like any other person has done, but surprisingly, you haven’t really said it out loud… sure, he noticed that you frown a bit when they practice foul play on the courts, but you never made a serious attempt to stop it
“I get what your strategy is…” you give him that knowing look and genial smile one day, and INSTANTLY Hanamiya’s day is ruined once again; he only scowls and walks on, knowing that responding would fuel your sadism further… that was how he dealt with Imayoshi in middle school, after all
you lay out the strategies, describing the rough play as a prerequisite to the “spider’s web” setup, and you finally note that these starters aren’t playing their true positions, but just arranging themselves to create that formation to begin with
“Congratulations,” he praises with that mocking saccharine voice. “Want a cookie for your hard work, Ms. President?”
“Oho–I actually do~ You know, we should try out that pastry shop near the block—”
“Fucking dream on, dumbass.”
he reallllyyyyy hates the fact that no one’s as scared of him walking by them anymore, mostly because you’re there with him… and for some reason, their minds have the audacity to think that you’re taming him in some way or that you’d protect them if he tried anything
give him a year to really get used to your presence, trust me
but recently, your attitude with him has gotten more reactive with him… snappier; you haven’t lost your edge, but you’re not completely mentally there with him 100% sometimes and you sometimes drop the Imayoshi-smile with him completely + show an actual reaction to his words and actions
so now he has a new reason to be pissed—because someone’s making a fool of him enough to somewhat ignore his existence and go daydreaming on him as if he was completely harmless to you… but he’s also smug that he’s visibly riling you up
but one day, you weren’t tailing behind him—in fact, he hadn’t seen you around at ALL
he’s not gonna go look for you, what kinda idiot would damn do that
but it feels… so wrong without you near… not like he’d ever admit that
he didn’t see you for a week straight
he’s sauntering down the hallways so casually but his eyes scan for your figure without him even realizing
he looks out of the window from a high floor, and (finally) there you are, sitting on a bench outside alone, and he feels that familiar twitch curving up his lips at the anticipation of getting under your nerves again
so he walks downstairs, goes outside to look for you, but before he can open his mouth to announce himself to you, he sees you wiping your face with your sleeve with a sniffle
you were crying
he’s shocked out of his damn wits, if we’re gonna be honest, but he quickly recovers before he starts processing this entire situation
he’s now pissed, because:
1.) who’s capable of making you cry to begin with?
2.) how dare someone make his (y/n) cry
3.) NO ONE is allowed to make you cry except him and him only
4.) he doesn’t like how shaken he feels when he sees you so different from how you normally are, and he can’t have that shit—he needs to be in control of everything… but now, he has no idea what to do… this type of scenario never crossed his mind and now he feels like a lost little boy
“Oy.” it’s a rough line, hardly comforting at all—scary even, but if anyone knew Hanamiya well, those deep furrowed brows with a harsh scowl meant that he was bothered by what he was seeing
“Urgh,” you sniffed. “... I’m… (sniff) not in the mood for your shit right now…just, go away—can it, (sniff) will you?”
“And miss seeing this ugly ass mug of yours? Hah, I’ll make myself comfortable rigggghht here. They say the misfortunes of others taste like honey, and yours is a bit too delectable to pass up.”
he’s standing right in front of your seated figure, but before he moves to take a seat next to you and plop down, you wail out:
“... Shut the hell up and just hug me already, damn it…”
he stiffens momentarily, but his body is going on autopilot, as if it was following your command, and before he knows it, your face is pressed against his midriff, your arms wrapped around his torso… and he’s aghast to see HIS one arm against the back of your neck and the other (that’s also attached to him!) on your back
and to save face, he puts the fakest “loving” tone into his voice, as if mocking you that you’re touching him like this and he’s just playing along:
“Look at our president, hugging the Bad Boy like I’m the most precious thing in your life. Hah! Is this in the best interest of the student body, too?”
you tighten the hug around him before mumbling, “... No… it’s in my best interest.”
“... get off of me—your snot is disgusting.” (to which you gripped his torso even harder to spite him in response)
he’s using this hug as blackmail (he FINALLY has dirt on you to use against you)
. . .
imagine the school uproar of everyone when they found out you two are an official thing later on
the principal is gonna faint and die from a heart attack at the news
“You know,” you muse, “you should actually stop beating basketball players up and just keep the ‘spider’s web’ part of the strategy. The latter actually has some intellectual merit behind it.”
“And why should I, my dear (y/n)?” Hanamiya goads, looking up from a magazine to glance at you but holds his scrutiny of you when you lean your lips to his ear
“I’m sure a genius like you can find a way to piss players off while still playing by the rules. Don’t you think that’s the most infuriating thing of all? The way you’ve glared at me in the hallways for the past year tells me that you agree with my sentiment. I’ve always noticed.”
he merely scoffs at your face, “Roughing ‘em up gives me the most satisfying reactions. Playing by these damn rules makes me no different than those starry-eyed try-hards.”
“So that 160-plus IQ thing was all just you blowing smoke on some admission papers to make you feel better about yourself? You poor, poor thing… Maybe that intellect could do better with a team that can actually utilize it…? Perhaps Seirin—”
Hanamiya snarls at you and moves to grab your arm closer to him, but you swiftly dodged his grasp like it was the easiest thing in the world
“Nu~uh,” you chided, walking away from him. “Grabbing another student is Code 0129 violation of an attempt of physical assault on campus! We can’t have your team disbanded now, right?” ( ◠‿◠ )
he’s gonna make you eat your own words later though, trust me… after all, he’s still holding the blackmail (that you cried over liking him a while back while begging him for a hug) over you
you’re the one winning though, you completed your objective in convincing the Kirisaki Daiichi team in playing more fairly… and it all took a bit of conniving maneuvers on your end
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Hello, this is me eri. I want your opinion to Imayoshi, hayazaki, nash and Aomine with S/O who is a good cook
Imayoshi Shouichi
you know those people that can effortlessly bs about food? like “ah that hint of cinnamon,, it reminds me of my youth,, my shoulders are free of the burden of adulthood,, for the first time i can close my eyes since i was 18”
anyway that’s ima
it’s a bit of a running joke between the two of you; you make food, and he pretends to me a food critic whose life has been turned around with a single bite
Haizaki Shougo
not someone who cares much about what they’re eating, as long as they’re stuffing something in their mouth
but he will claim everything you cook is really good, not that he can tell
anytime you cook, you have to make at least 10% more food that you were planning too, cause he will steal as much of it as he can
alternatively, lock him out of the kitchen if you’re cooking
Nash Gold Jr
“damn, this is good, babe” type beat, wrapping his arm around you, and then swiping another few pieces of the food when you’re not looking
so yeah, another thief, but he will give you a decent compliment on the food rather than haizaki’s standard approving grunts
likes watching you cook; it’s just very soothing to him - and he enjoys it more when you’re getting stressed about making sure something doesn’t burn
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starsistertarot · 3 years
Rating KnB characters as romantic partners part 2, because I'm bored; My husbands edition. (Imayoshi, Kiyoshi, Kasamatsu and Takao)
* These are my personal opinions, you're allowed to disagree
** I have made one for GOM + Kagami and Kuroko if you're more interested in these dorks
Imayoshi: 8/10 (Shitty old man) (He's an 11/10 based on my personal bias but I tried being... somewhat fair and realistic)
No one else gets to tease/mock/bully you from this day forward because that's a privilege only he's allowed to have. And let's not get into what happens if someone tried flirting with you-
Possessive AF- But one hell of a kisser though.
He's a simp. (Maybe I'll make a post about this at some point)
PDA monster because his favourite past time is to make you regret your life decisions- (he's borderline psychic so he knows what he can and cannot do so you won't break up with his ass lmao-)
Kiyoshi: 11/10 (My big ass Teddy bear)
I WANT HIM TO HUG ME AND I WANT IT NOW- best bear hugs on the planet, and he would not let you go
A lot of *closed eyes heavy sighs* moments with this one, but it's worth it because its Kiyoshi ♡ (ohno my inner simp is showing)
He'd always hold your hand wherever you're going, because he just likes being connected (what a dork, my dork)
He has no shame whatsoever when it comes to you. If someone tried teasing him about being in a relationship he'd probably gush about you for an hour straight and make *them* regret their life decisions-
He daydreams about you a lot and end up smiling like an idiot because of it (Hyuga is so done with his shit at this point-)
Kasamatsu: 10/10 (He's perfect OK)
He's a fuckings mess but he's MY mess- He might not be capable of forming proper sentences around you, but if ANYONE touched his s/o.. Bye bye
Imagine him trying to teach you basketball for like fun. He would be way more confident and way calmer than usual. And even if you suck, the fact that you're playing something he loves makes him so happy and honestly it's precious- (If you're already good at playing the game, he would be extremely impressed and wants to play one-on-one for fun. I genuinely belive he would let his guard down in terms of being a blushing stuttering mess?)
My heart melts from the thought of holding his hand. He'd be a blushing wreck- But he'd squeeze your hand so tight because he just really wants to connect with you (IDK why it always comes back to hand holding. But its too cute tho)
Honestly the best motivational speaker. If you're feeling down one day, he'd reassure you that everything is going to be fine and he's always there for you
Shopping dates because you can never own too many clothes
Takao: 10/10 (Confident King)
The amount of times he would throw his arm around you is insane and I love it. PDA king who respects boundaries, because he can read your comfort level really well. Even if you're not into PDA yourself he would be so respectful
Hit that karaoke bar and he'd sing for you for 3 hours straight because he owns 0 shame and I'm living for it
Outdoorsy dates like sleeping under the stars, road trips with him singing his lungs out, feeding the ducks at the park. Whatever you can think of that involves the outdoors
Would lowkey gush about you to his friends, but not as extreme as Kiyoshi. But his intentions are to make them slightly jealous though---
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hey, erina! it's me again hope you can't get enough of me, lol. if you like my requests,i have another one for you! <3
can i ask for your favorite knb captains who have s/o and the rest of the team don't know about it and one day their s/o visits the captain with a bento/cute banner/bottle of water and gives it to them in front of the rest of the team who are like ":O!"?
then maybe some little kiss or hug? I WILL BE FULFILLED. love you as always!
Hyūga Junpei, Imayoshi Shoichi, Okamura Kenichi, Ōtsubo Taisuke and Kasamatsu Yukio with S/O Visiting Them and The Team Didn't Know About It.
A/N: Yo! @pillow-anime-infos thank you for requesting KNB headcanons! To be honest there are lots of captains that are my favorite in Kuroko no Basuke and it's hard to choose everyone so expect all of them and next part would be added in here!
Gender: Neutral
Warning: None
Hyūga Junpei - Seirin
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As someone who always demands respect from his juniors and gets strict, many Kouhais are low-key scared of him because they don't want to get shouted at by him.
Because of this, many people do not expect that he would have a S/O or someone who would be dating him because many people believe girls scared of him expect Riko who also can be as scary as him.
You can imagine their reaction after they that their Captain has a girlfriend/boyfriend, which is you. All of them are thinking 'How did captain score a perfect angel like you?'
Everyone was surprised when you come up to the gym with a smile on your face and waltzed into the room before greeting Riko and giving him a lunch box with a drink while everyone was on break.
Everyone was going to ask the captain until he gives a menacing glare at everyone, shutting them up quickly and pretending that they don't see anything at all.
The team does want to know more about their captain angelic s/o because they SAW you gave him a delicious bento box and a drink when he was on break.
When Hyuga is not around. I can see that many would surround you and ask you many questions and some of the questions made you couldn't help but laugh.
"Is Hyuga also scary around you and demanding you to respect him like a Senpai?" One of the team members ask and that's one of the examples of the question that made you laugh.
You can imagine their reaction once Hyuga comes back and gives them a scary glare and they immediately leave you alone after harassing you with many questions.
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It was in the late afternoon around four and a half with students going home or going to their club activity. Sounds of shoes squeaking against the floor could be heard with sounds of basketball bouncing against the floor and getting inside the hoop of the basketball board inside of the gym room.
Inside the plastic bag on your left hand, there are many lunch boxes along with one drinking bottle. Every food inside of the lunch box was your hand made, including the sausages that were shaped into tiny octopus, avocado rolls, and salmon rolls along with diced eggs on the side.
A sound of whistle could be heard from inside of the gym room there was a familiar voice from inside the room. One of them is your friend Riko who were telling everyone to have a break after practicing and another familiar voice could be heard, it was your boyfriend Hyuga. Seirin's basketball Captain.
The corner of your lips tugged upwards before your hand reached out forward and pushed the door away, revealing all of the Basketball Team members who were enjoying their break time. The sounds of the door immediately made everyone looks up to see someone they have never seen before. Someone with (H/C) hair colour, (E/C) Eye colour and a beautiful smile on their/her/his face.
"Excuse me, I would like to talk with Hyūga-san," You said.
"Sure but may I ask who are you?" The boy with cat face asks you.
"Everyone! Excuse me but this is (Y/N)-san. Hyūga-san's girlfriend/boyfriend," Riko appear out of nowhere suddenly and introduced you to the whole team.
It was silence for a few seconds until it was the count of three and the whole gym was filled with sounds of 'EEHHHH?!' except Kuroko who only blinked in surprise. All of Seirin players except the first years surrounded poor (Y/N), not giving you any kind of space to breath or explain.
"Do you think Hyūga-san is scary?!"
"Does Hyūga-san treats you like a gentleman around you?!"
This makes your boyfriend get more and more annoyed with his team antics, all of them did not realize that they made you uncomfortable. His scary glare was stabbing their backs and all of them could feel his death glare, they swore they almost died because of the scary aura from their captain and the threatening glare.
One by one, all of the second years give you some space and leave you alone with your boyfriend. The Seirin's captain takes a deep breath before he is sauntering up to you," Gomen, (Y/N)-san. I didn't expect the team would react like that," he scratches the back of his head.
"Oh, it's alright. It's kind of funny when they were like that," you chuckle.
"Anyway, I brought a bento for you and also a drink for you. I hope you like it, I made it by myself," you gave him the lunch box.
Hyūga saw the box and he couldn't help but let out a little smile at (Y/N), grateful that you just came with a bento instead of eating Rik's food. Unknownbeast to you and him, the team were staring at him with jealousy because they don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend who would make lunches for them.
Ⰶ║ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ║Ⰶ
Imayoshi Shoichi - Touou
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In this headcanon, I believe that the team of Touou already expect this tricky whipped snake actually would have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
However, they did not believe it is you. A living perfection dating with this demon since he's very tricky and sly (and I believe lots of girls are also low-key intimidated by him).
Especially Aomine, he would definitely say "Huh? Imayoshi dating with (Y/N)? Is she/he blind or something? I mean, he's evil and (Y/N) is....180 per cent different than that evil glasses." Whereas Imayoshi heard it and got irked by him but he's hiding it with his evil smile.
And Aomine got kicked out temporarily from the team after that comment. Imayoshi definitely would say "Aomine, today you are free from training until tomorrow and if anyone decides to comment anything about my (Y/N)-chan. Your training would be tripled," still with an evil smile
Some members of the team are low-key jealous of Imayoshi because they have a sweet S/O like you. Especially the way you spoil Imayoshi by giving him a drink, a bento or a cute banner to cheer him up.
Unlike Seirin team members. They would not just go up to you swarming you like a bee and harassing you with many questions. They respect you and give you some space except Momoi.
Momoi would definitely be asking about your relationship with Imayoshi, how he treats you and how long have you been dating the captain of Touou.
Imayoshi is glad that no one in Touou is going to make you uncomfortable and I believe he would let you befriend everyone, even Aomine too although he's a bit more guarded around him when you made friends with Aomine (he saw Aomine kicked Wakamatsu if you are a man and he knows Aomine is a pervert because of his gravure magazine if you are woman).
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A satisfying click sound was heard, reaching out to your ears and the edge of your lips curved upwards before putting the lunch box inside of the plastic bag along with a pair of shirts, pants, a banner and a bottle of water. You're not a good cook but you're not a bad one either and you remember that Imayoshi enjoyed the last meal that you made for him which was grilled eel over a rice.
The sound of the phone ringing on the table filled the whole kitchen, almost making you drop the box from your hand but your reflect was quicker and taking the box safely in your hand before it falls to the ground. Putting the box away, your eyes decides to see the screen of your phone.
It was Momoi who called, pressing the green button on the phone and putting the phone on the table. It might seem rude to not put the phone close to your ear but you already learn the hard way that Momoi could be one of the loudspeaker on the phone, "Hey Momoi-chan. What's up, why do you need to call me?" (Y/N) asks.
"(Y/N)-CHAN!!! Please help me!! I'm trying to look for Dai-chan! He's nowhere to be seen. Could you handle the basketball team for a moment?! I already told Imayoshi-kun that you would be coming!"
"...Sure" You were glad that you didn't put it close to your ear, even if you did not press the speaker. Her voice was loud and clear.
"THANK YOU (Y/N)-SAN!! YOU'RE SUCH A SAVIOR!! GO TO GO! I NEED TO LOOK OUT FOR AHOMINE!" The phone was immediately closed off after she called her childhood friend 'Ahomine'. You didn't really want to handle a bunch of basketball players but you don't have the heart to break Momoi's trust, it seems that she really needs your help.
Letting out a sigh, it might be better to prepare some lunch for other players just in case they are hungry as silently you pray that 'Ahomine' won't be in the room. You heard from Momoi that he EATS a lot and sometimes the other players did not get some food or refreshment because of him.
Timeskip ︵‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿︵
The sound of the door opening immediately catches all of the Touou basketball players and everyone takes a glance at the newcomer. She/he/they have a mesmerizing (H/C) hair colour, beautiful (E/C) eye colour and a stunning (S/C) skin colour. All eyes were on you, looking up at you up and down as they were wondering who are is this stranger.
"Excuse me, sorry for interupting. May I speak with Imayoshi-kun?" You ask everyone.
"Ahh (Y/N)-chan/kun. Momoi just told me that you are going to come,"he pulls the door and stepping away, letting you get inside.
"Imayoshi-san. Is that your girlfriend/boyfriend?" An unfamiliar voice spoke.
He has spiky light blonde hair that is short in the front but longer in the back, dark brown eyes, and a fair skin complexion almost to medium skin tone. You heard about him before from your boyfriend's mouth, he often picks a fight with Aomine. "Ah, Wakamatsu-san, yes. This is my girlfriend/boyfriend, (Y/N) (L/N)."
"N-nice to meet you," You did not expect Wakamatsu would be awkward.
"Nice to meet you too, Wakamatsu-san. Anyway, I brought lunch for everyone and I made your favourite grilled eel in your bento, Imayoshi-Kun.." You gave the box to him.
Hearing that, everyone inside the room's ears immediately perked up, they did not expect the perfect angel of Imayoshi's romantic partner would made him a lunch, including everyone, even Wakamatsu too who's eyes widened.
Even though no one sees it, Imayoshi was internally bragging as his eyes were opened a little bit. He knew everyone in the room are jealous of him for having a such caring partner. With the last movement, he kisses the top of your head just to make every even more jealous, "Thank you (Y/N)-Chan/Kun for the lunch. I'll make sure share this bento for everyone."
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Kasamatsu Yukio - Kaijou
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Kasamatsu is not someone who would flaunt his relationship with his teammate. In fact, he is someone who prefers where his teammates don't know that he is dating you.
No one knows that the two of you are dating, even Kise too. You can imagine all of Kaijou players' reaction once everyone know that their captain has a boyfriend/girlfriend (which is you).
Just like Seirin, everyone is going to surround you and asks you tons of questions which can be very uncomfortable for you if you don't like crowds.
If you are a girl, be prepared because Moriyama going to strut up to you and throw pickup lines, calling you cute and being all flirty which he would receive a kick from Kasamatsu.
Everyone, especially Kise and Moriyama is going to be really jealous of Kasamatsu because how did he score an angelic S/O like you?
Not only you brought a bento box at his break and gave Kasamatsu his favourite food but you also brought a bottle of water and a banner to cheer him up for his game.
I feel Kasarmatsu is also protective with you when you are around Kise with jealousy as reason. He's a little bit insecure because many girls have crush on him, (and you have to reassure him that you loves him for the way he is).
The only team members that Kasamatsu won't be protective around are Shinya and Koji. The two of them doesn't act like Moriyama when there's girls and they are not too loud like Hayakawa.
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It was a big game for every player in Kaijou and every player prepares themselves with training and practice. All players were sweating, drenched from the top of their heads until their the bottom of their feet with their jerseys drenched in sweat. Everyone was training hard for the next game which they are going to face with Seirin after winning against Fukuda Sōgō.
Even though they win against Fukuda High School. You were still worried because after watching the match, you knew the guy with black hair and braided hair aren't only an aggressive player but he was also nasty.
It made you worried about your boyfriend's condition. Because of that, before seeing the matches between Kaijou and Seirin. You brought a banner inside of your bag, along with a water bottle and a lunch box as you would give him later after the match to cheer him up.
Zipping the bag, you pulled the key from the pocket of your tracksuit before slipping the key inside of the hole, twisting it and leaving the house to watch the match between your boyfriend's school and Seirin. You couldn't wait to meet your boyfriend and cheer him up.
Timeskip ︵‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿︵
The gym smells like sweat and Salons pass as you were standing on the viewer sit. There are many people in the tournament but there was some empty sits in the front, it's a perfect chance to see your boyfriend up close as you put your bag on top of the bench and pull out the banner from your bag.
All eyes were on you as you laid the banner out and you can see your boyfriend from far away. His eyes look at the banner as his whole face turns red slowly before he turns completely red. He does feel happy that you were there to cheer him up but his team mates see it too and there would be a chance everyone going to bother you.
"EHHH SENPAI?!? IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND?!?!" Kise looks at you and then Kasamatsu.
"Oh Senpai, you have such cutie~" Moriyama winks at you.
"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" Kasamatsu growls at them except those who didn't do anything.
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Ōtsubo Taisuke - Shuutoku
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Just like Kasamatsu, I cannot see him as the person who would show everyone his relationship if he has a boyfriend or girlfriend. Not because he doesn't trust his teammate but because he doesn't enjoy getting a bombarding question.
Because of that, I believe everyone in Shutoku might be shocked that their captain has girlfriend/boyfriend which is you, especially Takao.
Midorima and Miyaji might respect you and him without invading you and their captain's space. They might be curious about who are you and how you know their captain but they just gonna see you from far.
On the other hand, Takao would have no problem invading your space and ask you many questions about your relationship together with their captain.
He didn't mean anything harmful by the way or trying to make you uncomfortable. It's just because he sees his captain always serious, hardly laughing and often putting a stoic expression.
Seeing this, Otsubo just takes a deep breath and separates the two of you because I believe he knows what it feels like when you get bombarding questions whereas he wants just some peace.
Unlike Imayoshi and Kise, he won't be bragging around his teammates that he has a perfect S/O like you although he is proud that he has a caring and perfect s/o.
He is also internally embarrassed when you take care of him as his teammates see it. He knows that Takao would most likely tease him later.
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The loud whistle alarms all players inside of the gym, stopping the practice of all members and their eyes are laid on the old man who happened to be their coach. He has straight charcoal black hair along the sides and reaches to his ear lobes as he has a dark shade of grey eyes with wrinkles underneath his eyes.
"Everyone, I would like you to stop your practice for a moment. I have some news for all of you but before you hear it. You all may have some fifteen-minute breaks and then all of you have to stretch after the news," Coach Nakatani told everyone.
All players sigh in relief after a long time of endless shooting and defence practice by blocking or screening some players by seniors versus juniors. The captain of Shutoku decides to go on the bench and taking his bag out before he's fishing for a water bottle but he realizes something that the bag isn't heavy at all, it was rather light.
Fear sank in before his hands reached out the zipper of his bag and pulled it on the other way to see it was just several notes that he took after the class. There was no lunch box or bottle of water, he had forgotten it and it was probably still laying on the dinner table in his house.
He silently curse himself for forgetting to bring his own lunch and drink as he doesn't want to spend his money just for a bottle of water until he heard a knock from outside of the gym and the sound of Coach Nakatani opening the door and spoke with the person behind the door. However, he notices the sound are very similar.
"Everyone! Please listen to my announcement and focus on me," all eyes are on the coach as they also see an unfamiliar person standing next to him.
Standing next to coach Nakatani, someone was standing next to him. They/she/he has an (E/C) eye colour, (H/C) Hair colour, and (S/C) skin colour. Ōtsubo then realizes that it is his boyfriend/girlfriend.
"I would like to introduce you to our new manager. Her/his/their name is (L/N)(Y/N). She will help you with the training regimen, foods and drinks preparatory, and observe each of your playstyles before training your weak aspects," Coach Nakatani explained.
"Hello everyone, my name is (Y/N) but you can call me (N/N). I would be your manager until Winter-Cup. Please take care of me," you bow down 45 degree at them.
"Okay, you all may continue have some break. I will take some papers in the office before coming back," Coach Nakatani told everyone before leaving the gym.
"Hey babe, I hope you don't mind. I brought some bentos for you and the team. Your mom also told me that you forgot your drink so I brought your bottle," you glance at the Captain of Shutoku.
All eyes were widened, especially Takao who looks at you with disbelieve, "W-WHAT?! WAIT- ARE YOU SENPAI'S GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND?"
"Ah yes, that would be me. I'm Otsubo-san girlfriend/boyfriend,"
A crack could be heard before you look up to see the guys with green hair and pairs of glasses were cracked, it was definitely an amusing sight to see everyone's jaw drop when they looked at you and Midorima's glass a little bit cracked because he was just too surprised.
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Kenichi Okamura - Yosen
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If you have watched the show, you know that he always complains that no girl wants to date him because he believes he's not good-looking like other guys.
Poor baby is insecure because he believes that he believes no guys or girls going to like him until you came along and change his world and make sure that he feels loved.
Kenichi would also most likely brag about you to his team that finally a guy, a girl or someone is dating him and loving him for the way he is.
Sadly that no one believes that he is dating someone. If you watch the movie, his teammates literally make fun of him behind his back because of his haircut.
I can see because no one believes him that he's dating you, he finally shows you around Yosen players to prove that you are dating him with a big grin on his face.
Once everyone sees you, everyone's eyes widened and their mouth were gaping big like a fish. They couldn't believe that their captain finally have a girl/guy.
Everyone in Yosen including the coach does respect you and wouldn't swarm you around like bees, unlike Seirin and Kaijou teammates.
But yes they are curious so some players would try to befriend you but still gives you some space. However, some would still tease you since you are Kenichi's girlfriend or boyfriend.
Ⰶ║ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ║Ⰶ
Sounds of cheers could be heard but none of the players of Yosen are on the field yet. Instead, all of them are still inside the dressing room and preparing themselves for the upcoming match with Seirin school. Some players were stretching and some are just lingering around on the sit , nervous about the upcoming match.
Kenichi, the captain of Yosen with a bog appearance and rough features glances at the screen on his phone, waiting for something or to be more exact he is waiting for you to call him and give him good luck since his team bill competing against the upcoming 'dark horse' or Seirin.
Fukui, his teammates saw him keep looking at his phone and it's really not like Kenichi at all. The ash-blonde hair player takes a peek from Kenichi's back, wondering why Kenichi just acting out of it "...What are you looking at?" the center player asks the captain of Yosen.
"I;m waiting for my girlfriend/boyfriend," Kenichi mumbles but still loud enough for him to hear it.
"...Are you lying?" Fukui asks.
"No! I-I have the proof! She/he/they said that they are going to see our match!" Kenichi tries to defend himself.
"Sorry captain but you're not popular despite you play basketball or not," Fukui said nonchalantly, not caring that he made the captain burst out in tears
"J-just wait you see! Y-you would see them in the spectator seats later!" Kenichi whines as he silently prays that you are on the viewer's sits.
Timeskip ︵‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿︵
One by one, all of the players of Yosen walk inside of the dim hallway of the tournament including Kenichi. His eyes look around until he sees you in the front sit holding out a banner with a smile on your face. "OKAMURA-SAN!! DO YOUR BEST!!" You shouted, waving the banner to show your excitement.
Your voice catches the attention of Yosen players, their eyes widened in surprise especially Fukui. They couldn't believe that their captain do have a girlfriend/boyfriend and plus his girlfriend/boyfriend are holding out a handmade banner to cheer him up but they were doubting it's his girlfriend, it might be his cousin or sister.
"I WILL!! EVERY SHOT IS FOR YOU BABE!!!" Kenichi made a kissy face at you while you giggled at his dorky nature. The scene of you and him being dorky together were sgockinf even though the two of you are far away. Every Yosen player immediately stun in silence after seeing the sight.
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lamnwar · 1 year
Could you do headcanons for Hanamiya and Imayoshi with a tall s/o as well! I'm not sure if you write for them though. They're my knb favs and not enough people write about them 😭
Heeeeyyyy <333 as usual I'm kinda late on this so sorry!! ☹️ but yeah, I hope you still want these hcs! as I said before, I don't write for Hanamiya so this is gonna be just Imayoshi which I'm so excited for because he's my favourite sneaky boy 💕
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TALL AND GORGEOUS // Imayoshi Shouichi edition
Context: what I imagine Imayoshi to be like with his tall significant other!
Warnings: none, just made Imayoshi pretty nice sometimes, hope it's not too ooc lmao
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Noticed you the minute you walked into the room, like everyone around did, but his eyes did open slightly when he saw you
Always makes the most confusing comments about your height
Something like, "My, my... cloud-watching must be easy for you" or "don't you get tired carrying these long legs around at all times?"
Tf does he mean like 😭
Does he like it or is he making fun of you? God knows and he looooves seeing that cute confused look on your face when you try to decypher his words
When people comment about your height, he's likely to say, "yeah, they're tall, good observation!" in such a subtly sacarstic way that people don't pick on it
Pretty much in a yeah? so? spirit
Like he's not gonna deny your height, he's not blind so he can see that you are taller than most
But at the same time, it annoys him so much when people state the obvious
Probably the first person who, all while acknowledging your height, takes a proper interest in you as a person before anything else
He doesn't see it as an obstruction to your relationship whatsoever
He acts with you like he'd act with a s/o of any height
Meaning that he is quite mocking by nature, but he never makes you feel like less
And oh my, that dude??? Perfect boyfriend if you want a guy that knows how to maintain the tension
He is such a tease, it's literally his favourite hobby
Fluster you then shoot you with his infamous shit-eating grin
Doesn't matter if you're as tall as him or a full head taller, he's not gonna be nice
But you know what he'll be? Very charming
Will find a way to lead your kisses, no matter what position you're in and what the height difference is
Systematically wraps his hands around your waist when walking with you because, once again, he couldn't care less about the height difference
Just Imayoshi being Imayoshi, that's where I'm getting at!
At the end of the day, he loves all of you, including your height and to him that's all that really matters <3
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sirhyst · 2 years
Imayoshi headcannon:
It’s a common occurrence for the club members to accidentally break his glasses. This clip with sakurai definitely was not the first time.
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suvidrache · 2 years
Writer S/O
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 178 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
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- Loves the fact that you write. He wishes he could write something as well, but probably wouldn't.
- Would read everything you write as soon as he can.
- Would help correct any spelling errors or typos.
- Would give a few tips here and there to make your writing better.
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- Would laugh at you for writing. There's no way you actually write.
- If you're serious about it, he'll apologize. It's just a habit for him to laugh about people's interests.
- You gave him your work to read? He's reading everything out loud. He can't be quiet.
- He'd give his opinion on it, nicely, cause he doesn't want you upset again.
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- He would skim over everything you wrote, "yeah it's good."
- Didn't bother reading it, even if there's a lot of typos.
- Don't give him your rough draft with spelling errors or typos. He's not helping to fix them.
- Would take weeks to fully read everything you wrote.
- Hates having to read stuff. If you think it's good, then it's good. You don't need his help or advice.
© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
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strawberryshintarou · 3 years
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my (almost) baseless knb headcanons 
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mitobe isn’t mute. he’s deaf, and he doesn’t like to speak because his hearing loss was rapid and pretty much complete, therefore he struggles with volume control. the reason it seems like koganei can communicate with him is because they speak to each other in sign language. 
murasakibara is nonbinary. they aren’t out completely yet, but himuro knows and will bite anyone who says a bad word against them. 
kuroko is allergic to cats. 
aida and kiyoshi have a joint fake discord account which they use to leech money off of men to fund team outings and training camps. 
izuki goes on to become a successful stand-up comedian after graduation, thanks to his (terrible) puns and lifetime of insane stories he has leftover from playing basketball at seirin. 
momoi can do the ‘uwu gamer girl’ voice and uses it to get free things on the internet. she hasn’t paid for aomine’s birthday/christmas presents since she was fourteen. 
kagami is an avid machine gun kelly fan.
takao can play the guitar. he only owns one - a mint green strat he saved all of his money for when he was a kid. his grandad taught him. they still play together. 
midorima can’t do maths. like, at all. 
kise is aro/ace. 
akashi collects something really stupid and small, but he has so much of it now he can’t just stop. like bottlecaps, or stamps, or stupid little rocks. 
imayoshi has a glasses prescription above +5. he just seems like his lenses need shaving when he gets new glasses because the lenses are so thick they’re a hazard to society. 
kasamatsu is a regular concert-goer and the sort of mosher you should keep a ten-foot distance from. 
aomine has a stick-and-poke of his teiko jersey number on his ribcage. nobody knows that it was in fact midorima who gave it to him. (this is because both of them passed out at least once during the whole ordeal and they vowed never to speak of it again).
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nkakeru · 4 years
☆。*。☆。  dating Imayoshi Shoichi would involve:
sfw | 588 words anime: kuroko no basuke
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Don’t expect his sarcastic comments to stop just because you’re dating. He will, indeed, say less hurtful things and avoid sensitive subjects. 
Most of the time you might have to apologize in his place (depending on your personality) because of the stuff he says to others..
Eventually, you’ll be friends with the team, mostly Wakamatsu and Susa (since they are the closests to Imayoshi) - btw, if you are the kind and gentle type, they have no idea how you put up with Shoichi.
he won’t ask you to help with basket related stuff, but if you offer a hand or even just listen to him talking/ complaining about it, he will be glad.
he’s really good at planning dates even it looks like he doesn’t put much effort in it;
actually, it will be normal if at some point you question how serious he takes you or if your relationship is just a game for him to entertain himself;
if you open up about your insecurities, he’ll ask what he has to do to show you he does care. if you don’t, soon or later, he will read it on your face and come up with something to prove to you he loves you.
he doesn’t say he loves you all the time, but he’s not ashamed of doing so. He doesn’t say it more because sometimes he forgets how verbal affirmation may be important. 
Imayoshi loves to spoil you so he can see you blush and smile and be all flustered.
He feels a lot more motivated when you watch his games. The whole time can tell, since he doesn’t really see the point in hiding it.
The thing about Imayoshi is that he loves to get a reaction/ expression out of you. So, even if you are not really into PDA, he sometimes kisses you in front of the team just to see you get embarrassed. 
He also dares you a lot. For example, he is often asking you to play something (like sudoku or chess)  and daring to do something if he wins. He might be up for some risk and crazy stuff, so be careful - because if he’s daring you, is because he knows he will likely win.
Shoichi thinks you look pretty when you cry. But it’s not like he’s going to make you sad and upset all the time just get this reaction - he just appreciates when something is upsetting you and you talk to him about it. 
He can be really possessive. Even if he’s confident in himself, he will treat any man that comes close to you with second intentions. Imayoshi can easily read people, so 99% of the time he says someone is interested in you, he’s right.  
Imayoshi likes going on weekly dates with you, but he also appreciates his space, so a clingy s/o might not be his best mate. 
Shoichi will make a living hell out of the life of anyone who messes up with you. But he might go easy if you ask him to leave them alone.
Loves when you ask him to help you with anything, be it studying, be it basket, be it getting something for you from the up shelf. Shoichi just loves it.
He can’t draw to save his life, but he enjoys doing silly stick draws of you two in your notebooks or in post-its.
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