#imma be real this is probably just a weird frame in the animation and he's probably not actually meant to have tiddies
rinofwater · 9 months
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It's a new year
Time to post forbidden Kusu tiddie
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subskz · 5 months
Tall girl anon back. Omg I’m not sure about the picture, it probably is but in my memory I feel like it was more visible, but then again memories can be wrong. And although being into the “masculinity” of body hair in certain places is one way of interpreting it, I don’t think it’s the masculinity part. I think it’s just the whole sort of naturalness(???) of it. Humans are animals and things like pubic and pit hair are signs of hormones and sexual maturity and the presence of it just seems very sexy in a “raw” sort of way that idk how to describe. Anyway….
So I need to get this thing off my chest somewhere and my friends probs don’t wanna hear it so imma do it here since we’re all horny on here anyway.
These memories keep coming back to me… I went to a concert at one point, not gonna say when or who, all that’s important to know is that it was a kpop boy group. And I had a sex dream immediately after. This legit never happened before. I’ve had sex dreams, but not after concerts. But anyway… I’d never noticed in videos, but onstage (I had great seats) one of the members was visibly smaller than everyone else, by a lot. I looked it up and the next shortest member was three inches taller than him (he’s 5’6”) and something about seeing this skinny, short, very attractive guy (especially in comparison to the rest of his members) snapped something in me. In the videos, you don’t really notice it but in real life…. Wow…Like, I need to have him. He is so small and for whatever reason that makes me want him even more. And I feel so weird for that very specific feeling but the memories keep coming back and I can’t get rid of it. I need to hug him, I need to pin him down, I bet I could pick up his tiny little body— he’s so skinny that I refuse to believe that he weighs more than me. And this feral urge consumes me. I want to hold his face in my hands and tell him he’s so pretty but I also want to see his face twisted in pleasure and gasping with his eyes rolling back. I want to hold his little hands in my larger ones in the most wholesome way possible and I also want to see how far my long fingers could wrap around his neck. I want to kiss him and love him and hold him and ruin him. Or even just have the most vanilla sex possible just as long as I could hear him moan with his pretty, high-pitched voice. I’m not gonna try getting myself off because tbh I don’t think that’ll be enough to fix this and as much as this feeling is frustrating, I’m not entirely sure I want it to go away. Anyways……
Sorry for the big rant. But if I don’t let this out it may consume me more than it already has.
hihi it’s good to see u again! if there really is a highqual pic of lix’s happy trail out there i hope we find it someday 🔎 i completely agree w you abt finding body hair “sexy in a raw way” that describes it perfectly! there’s nothing more attractive than humans in their most natural state, no makeup, unshaved, their natural scent etc ♡_♡ slight tangent here but when lino’s skin isnt covered w that awful pale smoothing filter and u can see his real complexion with all his little bumps n acne scars…..literally makes me drool
the way this concert awakened smth in you that u already thought had been awakened LOL it seems like it was quite the lifechanging experience 😽 he sounds so adorable 5’6” men are kinda the perfect size…plus him having an itty bitty frame on top of that so you could probably pick him up like he’s weightless and manhandle him if you wanted to…that’s the goal isn’t it <3 being able to eclipse a boy’s hands w your own and scoop him up in ur arms and hold him up against the wall, making him feel small, safe and helpless all at the same time
i hope ur brain stops tormenting you w these thoughts soon but i cant even blame u for being so hooked on it he sounds like a dream for ppl w size kinks ❤️‍🔥
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divineerdrick · 8 months
One Piece Live Blog: Episode 49 and Chapter 98
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Does Luffy even need to worry about falling? Knowing him, he's probably sweating more from the fact he would have had to start over. Again, we see Luffy lacking creativity in dealing with a problem. He should know by now that he can just haul himself up to the platform with ease. It's not like he cares if people know he's got the Gum Gum power.
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Yeah, Luffy was always going to be fine with that XD
Wait. What in the world?
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Okay, so he extends his leg behind the platform . . .
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Smoker dodges it . . .
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It wraps around the fountain.
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Then here's when things get awkward. Luffy's left the frame even though we're seeing both points of his leg.
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Now we're seeing him spinning around in the air in a really weird trajectory.
I think the animators just kinda dropped the ball here. I might know more after reading today, but I think what they were trying to show is Luffy's leg having wrapped around the fountain, when it unwound it caused him to spin through the air and get flung. But they either ran out of time or money to animate that, so they just repeated the scene where the leg got wrapped, then part of the animation for the kick, then just kinda move a cell around over the backdrop to try and depict it. Ouch! Won't lie, this looks really bad!
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Sanji . . . Imma slap you. Yeah, she's not the one you're looking for, but you could have been a bit more polite there. Plus she's still really cute.
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Also seriously! How can you miss that heart motif?
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Oh! This actually fits really well! Buggy is using poker cards to do a reading. Fortune tellers were big in circuses back in the day. So this is a good thing to add to his motif.
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Yeah, he really doesn't do fall damage.
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So here we're establishing her right away as the Sergeant Major of this Division.
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I'm a little surprised here, but not too surprised. Zoro is probably really hesitant to get involved with the Navy again. But he's still an upstanding guy. He's going to pay the Sergeant Major back, even if this is how he has to do it.
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There's the connection again. Laying it on thick.
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Wow! They're really giving this guy no poker face here XD
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Cool! Here they're just letting Zoro recognize the sword for what it is.
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Laid it on a little thick there XD
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I find it interesting they did the whole thing with the glasses and the Navy office and then still did the swords, but the Sergeant Major still doesn't recognize him. I'm curious why they felt the need to add more to this arc.
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I like how they're going about all cloaked, except for our "mystery" woman, but Richie is just out in the open XD
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We have a name!
Alright! Time for some reading!
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Sheesh, Koby!
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Here, Sanji has given up on pursuing our "mystery" lady, and is instead actually getting some shopping done.
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Nami's also showing off why she's such an excellent navigator.
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And see! No problem!
Also, we're just jumping right into it! Looks like we've got some serious Shonen padding going on in the anime. We're getting right to who our "mystery" woman actually is. And wow is she laying it on thick! She's clearly enjoying the attention she was obviously craving before.
So our new Devil Fruit is the Slip-Slip Fruit. Apparently this prevents her from being struck and has also changed her physical appearance, though she of course only considers it the loss of a few freckles. We're also jumping straight to the sudden, but inevitable betrayal. She wants Luffy as her man. But she's going to let Buggy get his shot at him at least.
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Well that certainly wasn't a thing. No real art or anything for it either. Just, "Whoops, Cabaji caught a Luffy!"
"White Chase" Smoker, huh? And apparently, this isn't a Division but Navy HQ. Smoker's also not lone wolfing it here. Instead he's actually deploying his men to make sure the pirates don't make a get away. We still spare some time for "My pants ate up all your ice cream," though. Oda knows the Navy hasn't looked good throughout the bulk of his manga so far. Smoker needs his moment to establish he isn't like the goons we've seen so far.
We have a slightly more Naval title for Tashigi here, as Master Chief Petty Officer. My understanding is Master Chief is an honorary title outside of the normal chain of command. I'm still not even close to convinced this isn't Kuina. But I want to know what the story is here.
And with everyone meeting up for the confrontation, I'm going to have to pause the manga for a bit XD
In the anime we have another story going on with Usopp in the next episode. Instead of just helping with the shopping, it looks like he's going to have to fight his own bounty hunter. Usopp is an amazing shot when he needs to be, but that tends to only be in practice or when someone else's butt is on the line. I'm curious to see how that will go down.
I'll pick up the manga again when we get to the fight at the scaffold.
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goofnuggetkarlaa · 6 years
alright so i know i just gushed about how great mob psycho 100′s animation is, but can i go ahead and talk about how bad sao’s is?
now let me set one thing straight. sao is probably my second favorite series, only after fullmetal alchemist. but the anime is kinda shit. (putting under a read more cause damn once i got going i couldnt stop lol)
so, the beginning of alicization was super lit. like the fight scenes were ON POINT. PRETTY MUCH EVERY SHOT. tho im sure there were some bad shots in there, but i personally dont remember anything standing out cause everything else was just so good. there was so much action and energy in them, and i love how they work camera angles with some crazy forced perspective. it looks so cool and gets my blood pumping every time
but these past few episodes - and especially this recent one - have been utter horse shit. there’s so much standing around, so many times characters are stuck in a pose for like a good 5 seconds (where in my opinion your character shouldnt be stuck in a weird position for more than 2 or 3 at most. its just too noticeable)
and just... i know you’d wanna put more effort into fight scenes than standing around and talking scenes... but what the fuck is this
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in the second image, kirito and eugeo were standing exactly like that for 7 seconds. seven. fucking. seconds. look at their faces. i understand the girl moves and starts up the elevator, but the focus is mainly on kirito and eugeo because they’re facing the audience. like who decided that was good. granted it isnt the worst frame, but this one shot stuck in my head longer than anything else that happened in the episode
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and as a smaller wtf is this, kirito must be super interested in that casing because he sits crouched in front of it for the entire ride up. granted the images change to break it up a bit, but it keeps cutting back to this
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oh yeah and in an earlier scene (one that totally lacked the emotional depth the light novel had, but someone else has already gone into that so imma just skip that bit)
but this pose... he runs up to help her, and then freezes like this for almost a second. it was so awkward. like everything had been smooth up to that point
anyways, i really dont like to complain because i know i could never animate anything like this, but i just.... i feel like in a series this big (whether you like it or not, everyone at least KNOWS sao), you would spend more time and money to make it consistently good. i understand that animes start off with good animation, then it slowly gets worse around the middle of the season, then gets good again for the finale, but this was a crazy drop in quality.
so anyways. i had such high hopes after watching ordinal scale (cause lets be real, that movie was super beautiful) and then seeing the first part of this season, but now i feel like im watching the older stuff again :/
thank you if you actually read through my whole rant lol
reply or message me if you have some thoughts about the animation (whether good or bad!) cause i always like to hear people’s thoughts about stuff like this! im working to become an animator myself (tho mostly 3d), so i really wanna hear what else people have noticed!
here’s a weird eugeo to end it off lol
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(again not super noticeable, but his face looks almost like someone smushed it up)
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todokori-kun · 7 years
No. NO. 
DON’T FEEL DEPRESSED. YOU’RE A QUEEN, OK, YOU’RE AWESOME. tbh the real problem here is probably me, I’m such an anxious loser XD
Awww I’m gonna miss you ;-; but enjoy your trip, that sounds so fun! Is it ok if I ask where you’re going? :D
(also new icon omg it’s so pretty)
You’re welcome! AND YES I relate to the 6 pics thing so much. I can never get to 8 pictures. (Currently trying to make an Illumi aesthetic and dying inside because…um…what is Illumi’s aesthetic again? Lots of needles, mind control, yandere-ness…dead fish eyeballs…nice hair…and…uh…)
They’re beautiful eyes. Endless swirling pools of silent screams and blank despair.
“Look into your eyes and the sky’s the limit~”
(tbh if I ever met Illumi those would be my first and last words to him lol)
“wow must be dangerous out there I better stay put right here in this exact spot so I don’t get eaten. ocean? what ocean? I’m perfectly happy with my current life”
But he would eventually get dragged along to the military because Illumi would have to join the MP to do his murdery assassin work and he absolutely refuses to leave Armin behind (also y'know, the titans will never get near Armin when they’re in the MP so win-win…for Illumi)
(I’ll find some good ones and send them in a seperate submission :D along with a few more HxH characters, if that’s ok?)
(Yeah. But tbh Angelica is too fab for TJeffs)
It’s amazing. Just…I feel a strange urge to draw Jefferson’s face at that moment
She’s the purest cinnamon roll in Helpless! But for people who have a harder time getting into Hamilton, That Would Be Enough is probaby where they get to see more of her actual personality…maybe? That’s what I meant ^^;;
I KNOW. Like, I think it’s impossible to be a female member of the Schuyler family and not be a total queen.
Everyone must bow before Angelica’s rapping skills
And every day, while slaves were slaughtered and carted
Away across the waves, he struggled and kept his guard up
Inside, he was longing for something to be a part of
The brother was willing to beg, steal, borrow, or barter
Can’t wait to see it :D
Yay I guessed right! As for how I knew…a fandom troll never reveals their secrets (jk, jk, I actually used to hang around on the edges of the Fairy Tail fandom for a while and I know a few tiny things. Like, if there’s a popular fandom on tumblr, I probably know a few basic facts about it even if I have no intention to ever watch/read/listen to it ^^;;)
*insert infinite Schwings here*
Like I said though, he is DEFINITELY not dead. Character reasons and Ishida reasons (because tbh I hate to say this but TG’s writing style has gotten a bit predictable lately). Probably gonna cut his way out of there…or maybe he’ll frame out all the way
Oh no, that sounds frustrating ;-; *hugs* I’m sure it’ll still turn out amazing though! <3 Luna is the queen after all :D
Gon is the purest child. He’s right up there with Eliza and Armin.
(so it’s confusing how his dad, Ging, is such a trashcan.
Cousin: Ging, I don’t think you should do it
Ging: Imma go and become a hunter anyway
*promptly disappears for a few years and then suddenly returns with a tiny baby*
Ging: so yeah this is my son, his mom left, could you take care of him for, like, the next 12 to 13 years while I go and do mysterious hunter stuff and let him think I died in a car crash, leaving behind only a tiny locked box containing a recording of my voice, a weird ring and a game as a clue for him about who I am
Seriously, I found a pic on google that’s like
*Ging stares tenderly at his baby boy’s face*
Ging: “You’re gonna be Gon.
And I’m gonna be gone”)
Leorio is my absolute fav. I love him so much. (and yes he is very extra)
‘Sweet Sunshine Child’ might not be 100% correct but Killua is still cute. I think everyone in the fandom wants to adopt him and Gon lol (and Queen Luna would certainly be a much, MUCH better mom than Kikyo Zoldyck)
yeah, a lot of people mistake Pika for a girl, and a lot of people headcanon him as nonbinary too :) Yes, TRAGEDY. I think the main problem with Kurapika is that he isn’t able to let go of the anger inside him or express it in a healthy way, so his hatred for Chrollo and the rest of the Phantom Troupe is just destroying him.
Chrollo is also my problematic fav XD he does look really nice with his hair down. (And he is SUCH a Magnificent Bastard. I’ll send you another surprise pic of him soon)
I’ll give you updates on her reactions to major events :D
…I think you won’t be surprised to hear that my eyes stayed completely dry throughout the entire episode *troll face*
As for YoI…you’ll probably be seeing my reaction to that in the other submission :)
(but also I actually went back and read some of our older messages on there a while back and they’re hilarious.
Like, I’m really awkward in the older convos so it’s sorta cringe-y, but still. I sorta laughed when I read the convos where you weren’t quite into Hamilton yet and you were telling me that you didn’t really listen to musicals that much (LITTLE DID YOU KNOW I WOUD DRAG YOU INTO HAMILTRSH HELL))
DON’T LET ME EVER HEAR (read?) YOU CALL YOURSELF A LOSER, OK?? BECAUSE IF YOU DO, ILL BREAK SOMETHING =3= It’s my fault, really. I should’ve written the answer and then copy-pasted it when I had net. 
We’re going to Norway! It’s gonna be so much fun :3 My sister is also going, so I’m very very excited about that ^^
I love my new icon *^* There’s a whole set of them, so chances are I’ll rotate them ^^;;; 
Ahahahah good luck with that! I’d love to see it when it’s done, if you do manage to get it done XD Any ideas on which colours you want?
Welp, I’d say those would be pretty nice last words, especially considering the situation.  Ahem.
But when I fantsize at night, it’s Illumi’s eyes
Well, uh, I mean, good for Armin? But, then again, how would he get Armin into the MP?
Oh joy more character reviews XD I’ll get to those at the end of the post ^^
Not a drawing but;
Replace Jackson with Jefferson and we have his thought process. 
I bet he’d run away screaming. I know I would if I was him XDD
Ah, true... Still, Eliza is impressive no matter the song! She’s just too cinnamo roll-y not to be impressive. I love her T^T
Schuyler family in general is amazing. Even the generation after the sisters. Like PHILIP. 
I’ve only managed to do Satisfied a few times, and her rapping skills are godly. Not that mine are very good XD
Then a hurricane came, and devastation reigned Our man saw his future drip, dripping down the drain Put a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain And he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain
Oh, I should do that XD 
Aah, that makes sense... I mean, I knew tons about BnHA before watching and I still now about Joker Game despite not even being interested in it XD It’s just unavoidable on Tumblr :P
Well, I read your update and...  KUROIWA IS DEAD??? WHY?? W H Y
This is why I gave up on TG.
Hnngh no one from here like anime =3=
Wow. Just wow. HxH seriously seems like an emotional ride. I’ll have to think about it XDDD
Also you’ll be Gon and I’ll be Gone is just...
Yay for magnificent bastards!! I like the last one you sent me the most, I think it had all hair down and no headband?
Yeah, Im not surprised. Tell me, did you cry during Hughes’ death? Or during hs funeral?
I got your submission XD I’ll answer it here so I don’t bother the people there but it’s magnificent! So. Many. Puns.
Ahahah. If only I’d known... I also went and rewatched The One Thing You Can’t replace. And I’m amazed again XD
Shaiapouf reminds me of Shuu... All those butterflies... 
Tbh Ging (?) sounds like me as a parent XD Well, at least he tries?
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