#imma do it lol
p3rry-pi3 · 2 years
OKAY OKAY quick trigger warning for mentioning of addiction and drugs,,, I know lil’ strange but hear me out.
Oh and spoiler warning
y’all know how filbo was left mayor??? Yeah? Yeah?
I have an assumption.
What if filbo had ACTUAL potential and grumps CHOSE to drive him out.
Yeah. What if THE lizbert megafig thought about it and gave filbo the title.
if lizbert didn’t think filbo could handle the situation don’t you think she would’ve left EGGABELL in charge??????
As proven before by us and our arrival two major titles don’t change the roles of the game and only dives deeper into the characters themselves so the excuse that “eggabell was ONLY supposed to be the towns doctor.” Isn’t a justifiable reasoning.
Neither is, “oh it was a late notice.” Or “oh she wouldn’t have known she’d be queen.” She ADMITTED on more than one occasion that she knew their capabilities and knew beforehand what would happen. And even then she would’ve let eggabell handle true town as part time mayor WHILE SHE HUNTED FOR SNAX. But knowing ~presumably knowing~ eggabell wouldn’t have been able to take it,, she left FILBO, (a well trusted long term friend who she had been around SINCE HIS TEEN YEARS might I add and might’ve been there for longer than his parents have, and not ONLY THAT but he had been AND I QUOTE, “Been following Liz around for years.” Said by eggabell so Liz WOULD and COULD’VE fully known and have been aware filbo would be a good leader, let alone mayor.) in charge. So that’s not a good reasoning either.
It may be just my biased opinion or observation, but don’t you think if he had AT LEAST broken up fights the only other issues the townspeople had would be on themselves. They legitimately bully filbo because they all couldn’t be codependent on a person who could actually catch bugsnax anymore and was left with filbo. Someone who probably can’t even hold a tooth brush properly.
I feel like it was because they were so addicted to them the fade between them “needing” bugsnax and dissing filbo became normalized the more they were left under his watch.
“The plot wouldn’t have been the same since bugsnax go off of weaknesses that they exploit both unintentionally and unwillingly.”
That’s because they act like drugs. I firmly believe the bugsnax had the same effects as any other addicting consumables, have it what you will,, but I think the whole snapping on filbo was the same result as an addict getting angry cause they hadn’t have been as codependent on something that can exploit them no matter how many secrets kept hidden. Which is something I’m NOT clarifying cause I feel like it’s a really random topic and I haven’t really gathered much canonical info to back it up but so far I have this info between changes on mannerisms towards filbo and others. But since so much happened before we came and the timeline isn’t quite cleared up from since we came on snaktooth it’s all a blur and my thesis remains as just another hypothesis.
I think if others were lucid enough to reason with Liz, they would’ve been just as fine with filbo.
“Liz could’ve left anyone in charge.”
Then why wasn’t anyone else mayor? Why couldn’t filbo follow Liz on her snax huntings? Must be strange considering how they all complain about how busy they all are and the only other one who seems to mess up everything BESIDES also following Liz around.
Not only that but filbo has been proven to not by any means manage to keep a job for any longer than I think a week. So he would be the only other one who is:
1. Reliable
2. Honest
3. Thoughtful
4. Capable of communication
5. Charismatic
And 6. Able to hold conversation and seems to have experience with working with others considering how he handles the situations in game.
Not only that but if it weren’t for the role mayor he’d be the only one doing nothing all expedition long.
This is just my theory, I could be completely wrong and overthinking this so furthermore notice and questions in regarding my thoughts can and will be accepted criticism as long as it isn’t hate and actually thoughtful which can be an opinion formed over anything but considering this is a bug game with a moderately more understanding fandom I don’t think the dictation of whether or not the question/concern is thoughtful matters much!^^
You can have any opinion formed on the others or filbo I general,,, I can’t control that and I can’t control how you feel about this thought. Read it all the way through,,, or completely ignore it, whatever fits for you! 😎✨
I personally like filbo and couldn’t help but take upon notice how strange it is to me that they’d leave someone incapable of taking care of a town but was also a well trusted friend of an explorer who has been proven and seen to know more than the others in her industry or the expedition as a whole???
It didn’t piece well for me,, so a play through video later I did some overthinking and researching on him.
And yes I did just change the color of the texts so people who aren’t interested or disagree can read this text if they wish to do so and didn’t stick around long enough to patiently read through my ramblings to see the disclaimer. Hey, leave me alone. I just came back from watching a harsh commentary from a loud fandom I’m from :’)
But that’s my personal issues,,, ignore it do whatever,,, just pretend the disclaimer isn’t there if you find it odd it’s easier and less awkward for the both,,,, well for all of us actually.
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fire-hashira · 1 year
so I played the arcana, and I might do a fic lol
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swordy-da-goat · 5 months
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radiantrice7 · 1 year
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the favs
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chrisbangz · 6 months
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BANG CHAN ✦ GET LIT 4TH FANMEETING (240331) © babystaypretty
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deliasmilkshake · 1 year
I read sleuth jesters while I was away from home and i ended up adoring it and then going "im gonna make a simple fanart" and ended up learning how to tween LMAOOO
Anyways this is a gift for @sunnys-aesthetic, creator of the Detective Au and @naffeclipse, the amazing writer behind Sleuth Jester on AO3!
Still image
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ashes-in-a-jar · 2 months
I haven't thought much about Jonathan Sims for long enough that I kinda feel like I've started thinking about him a little more divorced of the emotional attachment I might have had once. Because I just saw a post lamenting his slow descent into inhumanity and losing his identity, becoming the archivist rather than Jonathan Sims, losing his friends, his house, everything he loves.
But is that true? That put upon head archivist persona he had in the beginning, was that really him? The way I see it, real life has already leached him of any identity he might have had, he didn't really have friends, Tim and Sasha clearly weren't, as we saw in their season 5 recording. He chose to make them his subordinates over beib friends, pushed away Georgie, he became so desperate for approval that he agreed to take a job he clearly has no idea how to do, let his stress over it isolate him from everyone around him, had a desperate need to assert himself in the beginning of every recording as 'head archivist of the Magnus institute london'. Forget about even having a home, he often slept in his office for heaven's sake.
The way I see it, this story is about him finding himself, finding the perfect place for himself in this already doomed world that was already strangling him and everyone around him. He became the Archivist, no longer needing to connect himself to some godforsaken capitalistic institute to identify himself. found his role, he enjoyed its power, even admitted to it. He found love. He found purpose in trying to save the world. In the end he was surrounded with the friends he made along the way (as friendly as they could be under the circumstances). He was finally allowed to make real choices, have true responsibility over himself and not be some tired corporate worker, part of a tired pointless system. Sure his choices weren't that great, and getting there was through outside manipulation and his own ignorance and he had to suffer immensely and pay an awful price of what we like to call his "humanity" but he Became and found what we all look for - his calling.
"It's still me" he says in the last episode. Because he is. He lost nothing and gained everything. Even dying in his lover's arms.
Forget about being human. In the end Jon achieves apotheosis and truly becomes Jonathan Sims
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lil-beanz000 · 10 months
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"This Is The Skin Of A Killer!!"
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literallyjusttoa · 4 months
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"Sunny!" you cry, "Why did you draw the entire Trojan royal family from oldest to youngest in two days? That seems wildly unhealthy!"
"hurghhhhhhhh" I reply.
Anyways here's the full family portrait
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(Only four of these people survive the Trojan war btw :D)
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keferon · 2 months
*clasps your shoulders gently and looks you straight in the eye*
Keferon. Please read Ninth by Kyn on AO3. I think you would love it very much. It has a large chapter count, but don't be intimidated, it's very easy to get into. It is currently unfinished, but is being updated regularly.
You are the seventh person that recommended this fic to me so ahahahaha yeah
I’m doing great Help I hate some parts of it but I love the other parts I’m spinning in the blender
…..I made the moodboard….
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#chapter 37#of 120 or something#I must be like 90k words in haha#large word count is not an intimidation. It’s an invitation haha#I love the fics that I can’t read in just one hour:)#I gotta say I don’t enjoy the concept of making robots into organic life#it’s just my preference#seeing them as humans or animals or whatever feels so fucking wrong#the concept itself drives me off#like. Strongly#But at the same time. This fic isn’t about them being ‘haha cute organics’#it’s ‘oh god. I was turned into something I’m not’#instead of teeheee they’re fluffy#it’s please free me from this fucking nightmare. please let me be myself again.#idk how to explain. I resonate I guess#it often feels very disturbing but the characters are also disturbed#So now I’m kind of stuck reading this fic because I just can’t stop lol#just politely skipping the parts that make me too uncomfortable#also#the body horror is….damn. Impressive. I didn’t expect to read about grotesque fleshy creature turning itself inside out#it’s not even aesthetic or symbolic#it literally looks like a fucking nightmare. Which is impressive also.#the flesh is g r o s s#the beginning got me struggling and skipping#but the intermission is currently ruining my sleep schedule#oh fuck….I usually send my posts to the authors of the fics I read…..but I feel like I might offend the author of Ninth if do this……..#there’s a tiny chance they’re following me….if it’s true then I wanna tell I’m sorry pls don’t take this seriously#your fic got me waay out of my comfort zone#huge points for writing Ratchet. Drift in this fic is…the grossest fucking thing I could probably imagine but Ratchet doesn’t even hesitate#he helps him and he cares for him. Which is…..imma be real my first instinct would be to set Drift on fire to end his misery
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arcanegifs · 9 hours
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Here's more comparisons of Arcane Gifs before and after I color and sharpen em!
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guskinnie · 1 year
I'm gonna try to start a random chain (it probably won't work because I don't have a lot of followers but idc)
Just tag a few blogs u like and hope they awnser until it takes like 3 minutes to get to the bottom of the post lol
@lalaverdecia @meekspoetssociety @dazeddoodles @eighties-toons @leovaldiva3uwu @mythingsandstuff @spiritual-activity @that-thing-on-your-shoe
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fiepige · 8 months
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Noir and Hobie doing swirly hand gestures
(Part two of me desperately trying to make Noirpunk GIFs 😭 Part one is HERE)
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romatito · 17 days
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did the heta dtiys meme bc unfortunately i dont think id draw some of these guys otherwise. my faves are all side characters 🫥🫥🫥
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leier-coyol · 8 months
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Ruby basarios sneak peek
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courfeyrec · 5 months
i keep coming back to 'i was a functioning alcoholic til nobody noticed my new aesthetic' because i do distinctly remember conversations about how taylor seemed to be drinking a lot more and getting drunk at like every awards show she went to. and those conversations were coming from a place of concern and of hoping that she was alright and that this wasn't a problem.
so to then say 'ugh i can't believe no one noticed this problem i had' when i know that people definitely did, and on the same album say that fans who are genuinely concerned about a new relationship that you are in are just 'bitching and moaning'? what do you want from them? you're talking about so many people who do at least believe that they are coming from a place of care and concern, and you are totally dismissing them on both ends of a scale!
not to mention that her implying that since nobody (???) was noticing her ~aesthetic~ drinking problem she just stopped having it is a bit of a kick in the teeth to people who do have drinking problems and can't just stop having them, since that's not how it fucking works.
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